
+m1   [m] Morph: +m. Variant: +aʕm. the middle voice suffix. These forms conjugate with the kn set of person markers.

dafx. cm̓ay t̓i kʷ ɬ x̌íləm itíʔ. If you do that. [su7q̓im 292] t̓i laʔ cʕác̓əm. She looked. [chip 019] cənɬx̌ʷp̓ám snínaʔ. Owl rushed in. [chip 032] k̓əɬəx̌ʷp̓ám. She slipped under (her pillow). [chip 029] lut kən t̓a wíkəm. I haven't seen it. [chip 034] k̓əɬc̓ík̓əm. She lit under it. [chip 47] p̓úƛ̓əm. She got to the end. [chip 049] kʷ cq̓y̓am. You wrote. [let2 007] nməx̌qínəm. He bent over. [misc 076] nc̓aʔq̓íkstm. She throw objects. [jan93nb 006] kən nxʷutm iʔ k̓əl xƛ̓ut. I was sideways to a rock. [su7q̓im 251] cq̓ʷq̓ʷúʔƛ̓aʔxnəm. They race. [mychildr 066] wiʔsp̓nísəlp̓m. He'd done piling his wood. [mychildr 070] kʷ ntx̌ʷx̌ʷqínəm. You have lunch. [mychildr 090] ɬk̓laxʷm. you'll spend the evening. [mychildr 094] kən cwíkəm yaʔx̌ís iʔ k̓əl naʔɬáʔ. I can see on the other side. [mychildr 170] tx̌w̓iltnm. They dry meat. [mychildr 215] kʷ k̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ l tawn. You work in town. [mychildr 257] kʷu k̓ʷaʔmútyaʔm. We eat in a hurry. [nb23 217] cʔám. Punch. [nb23 227] t̓əxʷ xkínməlx. What can they do? [su7q̓im 095] kən man̓xʷm. I'll smoke. [su7q̓im 208a] ɬəpkám iʔ knaqs. One takes a drag. [su7q̓im 211] lut kən t̓a cnsámaʔcnəm. I didn't speak English. [su7q̓im 229] kən qʷət̓sám. I nodded my head yes. [su7q̓im 232] kən cpix̌əm. I can hunt. [su7q̓im 236] uɬ kən ck̓ʷúl̕m iʔ t slip̓. And I made firewood. [su7q̓im 239] kən ckʷnim t kst̓ík̓əltət itlíʔ. From that I got grub. [su7q̓im 240] uɬ ik̓líʔ kən ʕác̓əm. I looked at him. [su7q̓im 255] ilíʔ kʷ ɬ x̌ílm itíʔ ixíʔ l aspaʔpaʔsílx. If you do that you'll be sorry. [su7q̓im 258] náx̌əmɬ, kʷ k̓ʕam. Nut, if you pray... [su7q̓im 262] p̓c̓ʕam. The act of pooping. [Oct92 012] mnikm. (S)he shit. [Oct92 015] laʔkʷtípuʔstxnəm. One strides. [jan93nb 020] m̓ay̓xíkstm. Tell how to do s.t. [jan93nb 028] kn sp̓síp̓iʔxnm. I put my moccasins on. [jan93nb 040] way̓ kʷu cwíkəm. We can see. [misc 027] kʷ cənməx̌qíˑnəm. Your head is hanging low. [misc 074] ixʷílxqnəm. Horn shedding. [nb26-06 003] incá kən kɬslam. I set the table. [nb26-08 006] q̓ʷíysəm. To blacken one's face. [nb26-12 003] kən qʷácqnəm iʔ t inqʷácqən. I put my hat on. [nb26-24 002] c̓ʔak̓ʷm. A flower opened up. [nb26-25 017] kʷ tiwm t akscpkʷúlaʔxʷ. You bought some seed grain. [nb26-41 016] kʷu yram. We're making it go / be in a circle. [nb26-51 012] ʔəxʷ m̓iʔm̓yáʔm iʔ sənk̓líp. The coyotes are telling stories again. [RAmisc92 001] atláʔ mi kən nk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷínəm. I'll pick one of them. [nb26-72 010] npáʕc̓aʔm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. The valley is turning gray. [nb26-73 004] k̓ʷúsk̓aʔm. To spook, break a taboo. [nb26-73 007] scc̓uʔmístəm. To sing a bear song (upon killing one). [nb26-73 014] kən ʔúm̓səm c̓x̌iɬ ta nc̓ícən. I howl like a wolf. [nb27-09 003] nʔayxʷscínəm. Exchange food. [nb27-19 005] t slaʔ kʷu táwnəm. A short time ago we went to town. [nb27-22 007] ct̓əpwítkʷəm. Water bubbles over as from undercurrent. [nb27-29 002] ʕax̌ʷám. Make a line with string, rope. [nb27-31 001] ʕax̌íc̓aʔm. Tie the skin to the tanning frame. [nb27-31 002] ʕax̌ám. Tie a hide. [nb27-31 003] x̌lap mi kən míc̓aʔm. Tomorrow I am going after my dead game. [nb25-27 003] kʷu qəlwítəm. We are on our way. [nb25-30 005] kən qəyˑám. I got excited. [nb25-37 003] ɬqʷam. To put something away. [nb25-58 003] ɬw̓am. Poke. [nb25-61 001] kən kwəkwíkəm. I saw shadows, was ghosted. [nb25-67 001] x̌yáɬnəxʷəm. Menstruate (expression a woman would prefer to ɬəɬx̌ʷúm). [nb25-70 001] haʔcínəm. Taboo food. [nb25-70 002] sl̕am. Roll, twist (e.g. the hemp over one's leg). [nb25-89 002] kchíkstəm. He went to the right hand side. [nb24-02 005] kən kɬcham. I waylay/stalk them (animals). [nb24-02 006] incá kən k̓əɬcəhahám. I'm the one pointed, it's my turn. [nb24-02 007] kən ckʷam. I pull. [nb24-03 003] kən tix̌íləm. I did it. [nb24-13 003] uc kʷ x̌minkm t lkapí naʔɬ lkalát. Would you like coffee and bannock? [newles 027] tlaʔkín mi kən kaʔkícm t lkapí. Where can I find some coffee? [newles 115] k̓aʔkín kiʔ kʷ ck̓ʷul̕m. Where do you work? [newles 293] iʔ l office kiʔ kən cməlx̌aʔsk̓ʷúl̕m. I pretend to work at the office. [newles 296] niʕ̓íp iʔ l sʔasíl skʕacíw̓s ka cx̌aq̓mlx. They pay every second week. [newles 310] iʔ l cilkst x̌əx̌yáɬnəxʷ kən wiʔsk̓ʷúl̕əm uɬ kən ɬxʷuy k̓l incítxʷ. At five o'clock I finish work and go back home. [newles 318] mi kʷu nʔísəm t sqʔim naʔɬ ʔaʔúsaʔ. We will buy milk and eggs. [newles 322] t̓i c̓x̌iɬ ɬaʔ cnk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷínməlx t ksípnslx km̓ t ksník̓ɬxʷslx. That's how they picked their daughter-in-laws or son-in-laws. [newles 329] atláʔ kʷ uckl̕ípəm. You can run down (to the river). [fatboy 038] qíltəm ɬqəcqícəlx. He gets on top, runs around. [lnxbdga 347] sckʷam. Pulling. [nb24-03 001] kʷúlstsəlx k̓a nʔax̌ʷt t sman̓xʷ ƛ̓ʔam. They sent him downstream, to get tobacco. [su7q̓im 196] ʔuckl̕ípəm. He ran down the hill. [nb08 085] See: +m2.

+m2   [m] Morph: +m. the middle voice suffix in nominalized middle constructions (conjugated with the i- paradigm: i-, ks-...-m, formally intransitive, semantically transitive).

dafx. Lit: Don't sleep away the world! ixíʔ ikscaptíkʷləm. That's what I'm going to talk about. [BJSeym 001] naqs kʷ ikscúnəm. I'm going to tell you once. [misc 060] lut aksc̓aʔxmínəm anƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. Don't be ashamed of your elders. [mychildr 261] kəm̓ mat kʷ isc̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷám. Maybe I'm instructing you. [su7q̓im 289b] lut kʷ t̓ ikskc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm. I'm not going to judge you. [su7q̓im 296] lut kʷu akskím̓m. Don't hate me. [feb94 076] kʷ iksnkn̓íksəm. I'll lead you by the hand. [nb26-58 007] ikskswyítm. I'm going to do my best. [newles 291] akskʷínəm. You'll have it. [nb26-07 007] lut kʷu aksənkʷsáltkəm. Don't mistreat me! Don't abuse me! [nb23 060] lut stim̓ aksk̓ʷúl̕əm. Don't do anything! [Brth 014] uc aksk̓ʷúl̕əm. Can you fix it? [nb26-54 027] uc ksk̓ʷúl̕əmp. Can you fix it? [nb26-54 030] aksk̓ʷúl̕əm. You can fix it. [nb26-54 027] ksk̓ʷúl̕əmp. You can fix it. [nb26-54 030] way̓ cmistín təl aksk̓ʷəl̕núnəm. I knew you could do it. [nb26-10 015] lut aksk̓ʷl̕ɬtanm̓úsm. Don't squander it. [mychildr 184] iksk̓ʷƛ̓ƛ̓núnəm. I just about got it out. [nb26-60 009] k̓im naqs aksk̓ʷínəm. One more try (you try). [nb26-07 007] lut aksk̓ɬəlxʷáməlx. Don't let them find out. [nb27-27 005] iksƛ̓lˑnúnəm. I'll kill him. [su7q̓im 245c] kʷ iksƛ̓əlnúnəm. I'll kill you. [nb26-81 002] lut t̓ ksmálx̌aʔmp. You won't lie to him. [nb26-84 015] lut t̓ ksmálx̌aʔmtət. We won't lie to him. [nb26-84 014] iksmipnúnəm. I will find it out. [mychildr 265] ksmypnúnəmtət. We'll find out. [nb26-78 004] akscmiynám, aksmipnúnəm. You should know, you want to find out about it. [mychildr 268] kʷu aksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔm. You'll teach me. [nb26-72 003] kʷu ksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔms. He'll teach me. [nb26-72 004] lut iksənɬíptəm. I won't forget it. [feb94 044] lut ksnaʔc̓ntílsəmp. Don't be offended by it. [misc 229] ikspəlstnúnəm. I'll kill him. [nb26-81 004] kʷ ikspqʷílxəm. I'll check up on you, visit you. [nb25-72 002] lut kʷu aksq̓íwm. Don't put a hex on me! [nb23 251] iksq̓əy̓ám iʔ naqs iʔ sq̓əy̓áy̓s. I'll write the number 1. [misc 221] iksq̓əy̓y̓núnəm iʔ ənqílxʷcən. I'll be able to write the Indian language. [misc 026] lut aksqʷíləm. Don't cheat! [misc 112] aksənqʷən̓n̓mínəm. Show consideration for it! [mychildr 233] lut kʷu aksíwm. Don't ask me! [nb26-71 001] lut kʷu t̓ aksíwm. You won't ask me. [nb26-71 001] lut aksíwsəm axáʔ. Don't drink this! [nb26-64 016] akstxt̓ám. Take care of that. [mychildr 184] uɬ ixíʔ nixʷ akstíxʷm. You can gather this also. [mychildr 183] lut kʷ t̓ ikstiʔxʷkʷúnəm. I wouldn't say that to you. [su7q̓im 182] ikst̓uʔkám. I am going to snap it. [nb25-48 008] nt̓k̓ʷk̓ʷáqsəms. It fell on the nose (smelled). [mychildr 238] lut akst̓yám. Don't be lazy! [misc 112] inx̌mínk ikswíkm iʔ səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm. I would like to see the counsellor. [newles 285] akswíkəm kstqʷʕaʔyáksts. You will see the trees turn green. [mychildr 146] lut aksəcwíl̕cnəm. Don't ever joke. [nb26-67 007] lut aksur̓ur̓íxstəm. Don't waste it. [nb23 030] ixíʔ nixʷ akstxt̓ám, aksx̌aʔx̌ʔám ixíʔ lut aksk̓ʷl̕ɬtanm̓úsm. Take care of that too, treat it with respect, don't squander it. [mychildr 184] lut kʷu aksməl̕xʷúym. Don't bump into me. [nb27-19 002] lut kʷu aksməl̕xʷístmnəm. Don't walk over me. [nb27-19 003] aksx̌aʔx̌ʔám. Treat it with respect. [mychildr 184] lut aksyaʕmínməlx. Don't be afraid to! [mychildr 264] lut aksʕímt. Don't get mad! [misc 112] lut aksʔackníkstm. Don't play with it. [mychildr 185] way̓ iksənʔúcxnəm axáʔ səmx̌íkən. I am going to follow Grizzly. [Nams 113] kʷu aksʔamnám. You are going to feed me. [nb26-51 030] kʷ iksʔamnám. I can feed you. [nb26-51 031] iksʔamnáməlx. I will feed them. [nb26-51 032] lut kʷu akskɬʔamˑínəm. Don't sit so close to me. [nb23 204] aksʔasʔísk̓ʷləm. You throw them about. [mychildr 228] lut aksk̓əɬʔítxəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. Don't sleep while the world goes by. [mychildr 127] See: +m1; -m13.

+m3   [m] Morph: +m. suffix that derives middle stems.

dafx. taʔxʷsník̓əɬxʷəm. To get a son-in-law. [nb08 285] nc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔm. To pour dough on grill. [nb08 334] txʷsqʷílpəm. To break boughs (to put under oneself). [nb08 805] tkʔílpəm. To wet the bed. [nb08 807] ncíxəm. To warm some liquid. [nb08 811] táwnəm. To go to town. [HnTrp 009] təxʷst̓ík̓ləm. To get me groceries. [HnTrp 009] x̌ástəm. To do good. [Dvl 122]

+m5   [m] Morph: +m. suffix with unclear import in the following stems.


1 • stem-finally. sc̓lálqʷəm. To play stick game. [nb26-30 021] kɬʔam nɬaʔmáqs. Close to the road. [nb27-32 001] k̓əɬqʷám. Check both ways. [nb25-38 012] ƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓əx̌pútəm. Middle aged person. [nb26-23 009] sknəqsíɬxʷm. Neighbor. [su7q̓im 175] p̓úƛ̓əm. The end; that's it. [mychildr 090] sp̓iƛ̓m. Bitterroot. [mychildr 192] q̓ʷəq̓ʷstám. Slough, swamp in alpine areas. [nb25-59 002] tər̓qmíltm. To bounce a child. [misc 089] ɬt̓x̌íwtəm. Next year. [nb27-24 002] swíc̓əm. Roots. [su7q̓im 026] xkínəm. Do things. [su7q̓im 283] ixíʔm. That. [su7q̓im 197] snx̌x̌ʔíwləm. Water creatures. [mychildr 201]

2 • with following morphology. cc̓p̓q̓əmənwíxʷ. Glue s.t. [misc 040] nkaʔkaʔsmíls. One has bad feelings. [jan93nb 022] ɬqʷmuʔscút. He hung himself over a rail. [nb26-09 006] k̓ɬaʔmúlaʔxʷ. Next to the hill. [nb27-20 001] kɬʔam nɬaʔmáqs. Close to the road. [nb27-32 001] kʷu kɬaʔmíw̓s. We got close to one another. [nb08 030] sqəlwítəmtn. Feet. [su7q̓im 141] cənqləw̓míls. To want to make money. [nb26-77 004] a nxənmútyaʔ. The bullets are stuck in the barrel, pistol. [nb08 084] kən xrəmscút. I wasted time. [nb25-48 009] txt̓məscútx, iʔ swʕ̓aʔ ilíʔ Be careful, there's a cougar there. [nb26-65 024]

+m6   [m] Morph: +m. suffix that prepares stems for +nt or +st transitivization.


1 • with +nt. káʔkaʔməntxʷ. You make fun of it. [ntverbs 005] kʷu nkaʔkaʔsmílsmntxʷ. You make me feel bad. [jan93nb 022] kʷu k̓níyaʔms. He listened to me. [relig 038] tk̓ík̓tmnts. He's near you. [relig 040] k̓ʷl̕mikstmn. I did it hastily. [jan93nb 019 (RA)] límtəms. They respect it. [mychildr 202] clímtmɬmən ɬaʔ cwíkɬmən. I'm glad to see you. [Oct92 038] nɬiptmntp. You forget it. [mychildr 175] kʷu nmiʔínaʔməntxʷ. You understand me. [misc 272] nmiyínaʔmən. I'll understand it. [nb27-22 012] níxəlms. He heard him. [relig 037] níxəlməntsən. I understand you OK. [misc 274] kʷu spúlstmsəlx. They kill me. [su7q̓im 099] q̓iltəms. It hurts him. [su7q̓im 112] nq̓aʔcínms. He puts it in his mouth. [mychildr 198] k̓əɬq̓aʔáx̌nəms. He stuck it under his arm. [cogrzd 052] nq̓ʔáɬqʷəlmən. I put it in my mouth. [nb10a 166] q̓aʔílsəms. He paid attention to it. [fatboy 168] q̓aʔílsməntəm. We pay attention to her. [cogrzd 043] q̓ʷəq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəms. He raced with it. [su7q̓im 032] səcnsáxəms. He's cooling his drink. [mychildr 048] xʷíc̓əms. He passes it on. [su7q̓im 211] xʷístməntxʷ, txʷístməntxʷ. You walked the land, you paced the area off. [nb23 043] nkʷsáltkəms. It abuses him. [jan93nb 031] kʷu nkʷsáltkəms. He is abusing me. [jan93nb 031 DD] ksáx̌ʷtməntxʷ asl̕áx̌t. Confront your friend. [nb26-77 006] nʕacúsməntəm. We lay a trap for her. [lnx2 397] k̓əɬʔítxməntxʷ. The world goes by you as you sleep. [mychildr 127]

2 • with -st transitive. cáʕnmsts. He tied it tight. [fatboy 070] akstkxnəmstím. Put it along with it. [mychildr 177] kʷɬənxíxmstxʷ. You lent it out to her. [nb26-20 005] p̓úƛ̓əmstxʷ. You finish it. [su7q̓im 275b] x̌əcmstúmən. I'll get you ready. [grlhd 115] ʔasílmstxʷ. You do both. [mychildr 119]

3 • with -st causative. x̌əcmstúmən. I'll get you ready. [grlhd 115]

4 • with c+...+st customary. ck̓ək̓əníyaʔmstxʷ. You listen to him. [su7q̓im 228c] clímtmstmən. I am glad about it. [Oct92 037] clímtmstmən ɬaʔ cwíkstmən. I am glad to see you / when I see you. [Oct92 037] əcənqʷəlqʷíltəmstsəlx. They speak it. [nb23 119] kʷu ctumístmstxʷ. You're selling me. [Oct92 091] ctumístmstən. I sold it. [su7q̓im 240] cwíkɬmən. I see you pl. [Oct92 038] əcənwaʔlílsəmstsəlx. They admire it/ discover it. [nb23 128] əctxʷúymstəm. We're going for it. [nb23 247] cxʷic̓xmstn. I gave it away. [su7q̓im 240] ck̓əɬxʷíc̓xmstm. We pay our debts. [newles 311]

-m8   [m] Morph: -m. suffixal component of a set of perfective middle forms sc-...-m, with unclear distribution. These forms conjugate with the i- set of person markers.

ipfx. Category: asp. kʷu səc̓amnáms. He's feeding me. [misc 041] kʷu asəc̓amnám t síyaʔ. You are being fed saskatoons by me. [jan93nb 110] asəc̓amnám. You're feeding him. [misc 046] kʷu səc̓amnáms He's feeding me. [nb26-51 001] ixíʔ kʷ səc̓amnáms He's feeding you. [nb26-51 025] kʷ isəc̓amnám. I am feeding you. [nb26-51 026] p səc̓amnáms. He's feeding you. [nb26-51 027] t̓a cmistín kʷ ɬ isc̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷám. I don't know if I'm instructing you. [su7q̓im 288] See: sc-6.

-m9   [m] Morph: -m. Variant: -im 3. the passive or impersonal suffix.


1 • intransitive forms. kʷu cunmaʔkíkstəm He showed us how to do it. [nb26-72 015] kʷu sʔamnám. We're being fed. [GD 1-19-93] kʷu səc̓amnám. He's feeding us. [nb26-51 002] kʷu səc̓amnámlx. They're feeding us. [nb26-51 004] axáʔ kʷu scƛ̓xʷám. He is killing us. [grlhd 106] kʷu səck̓ʷənk̓ʷínəm iʔ t anthropologists. Anthropologists study us. [nb27-10 005]

2 • transitive forms. k̓əwpmíntəm. They got through talking to him. [misc 094c] Lit: he was stopped talking to ckíləntməlx, uɬ ƛ̓xʷəntíˑˑməlx. They chased them this way, and they killed them. [su7q̓im 146] Lit: they were chased, they were killed k̓ɬʕac̓xntəm kəkáwxən. kəkáwxən's tracks were checked. [misc 095] məl̕xʷístmntəm iʔ t st̓əmkʔílts. She can't control her daughter. [nb27-19 004] emli cəkʷcnítkʷəntəm i t tətw̓ít. Emily was pulled into the water by the boy (in the water). [nb25-22 005] ixíʔ uɬ táqəntəm uɬ k̓əɬk̓láxʷ. He waved and disappeared. [nb24-20 001] way̓ ʕáˑˑc̓əntməlx t sənk̓líp. Coyote looked them over. [Whal 494] Lit: they were looked over by Coyote

-m10   [m] Morph: -m. Variant: -im 4. first person plural subject of transitive verbs.


1 • with +nt. Category: InflAfx. ksƛ̓lˑnuntm. We'll kill him. [nb26-82 010] ksmipnúntəm. We will learn it. [nb26-82 001] naʔk̓núntəm. We sensed it. [nb25-59 003] qaʕílsxən̓təm. We cut his hair. [nb08 049] ixíʔ ʕapnáʔ tqʷaʔqʷʔalmíntəm. Now we'll talk about it. [nb26-49 014] kstɬcínməntəm. We'll tell him the truth, we'll straighten him out. [nb26-84 007] way̓ lut ksk̓əɬʔíməntəm. Let's not wait for him. [BJSeym 183]

2 • with +st. ck̓əɬxʷíc̓xmstm iʔ t sxʷəlxʷíltət. We pay our debts. [newles 311]

-m11   [m] Morph: -m. second person singular transitive object with -st, x(i)t and tuɬt transitives.


1 • with -st. qʷəlqʷílstms. He talks to you. [su7q̓im 228a] cwíkstmən. I've had occasion to see you. [nb26-20 010] qʷim̓ˑstmən. I surprised you. [nb26-26 002] kɬəɬxʷúystəmt. We're going to take you back. [lnx2 367] púlstəms. He started to fight you. [nb08 201] cmisqílxʷstəmt. We have great respect for you. [nb08 281] cwíkstəmsəlx. They have seen you. [Whal 570]

2 • with -x(i)t. xʷic̓xtmn. I will give you some. [newles 121]

3 • with tuɬt. knxtuɬtmn. I can help you with it. [newles 203] kʷíɬtəmt (correct?). We took it away from you. [nb08 146]

-m13   [m] Morph: -m. Variant: -im 2. suffixal component of nominalized future transitive contructions ks-...-transitivizer-m (strong, stem-stressed, conjugated with the i- set of person markers).

isfx. Category: asp.

1 • with +nt. lut kʷu aksʕáymtmnəm. Don't get angry at me! [feb94 101]

2 • with +st. t̓i lut kʷ iksk̓əwpstím. I won't have finished to say it to you. [su7q̓im 180] p iksqʷəlqʷílstəm. I'm about to tell you. [misc 229] lut kʷu aksqʷímˑstəm. Don't surprise me. [nb26-26 004] lut aksur̓ur̓íxstəm. Don't waste it! [nb23 030] lut aksʕacʕacmútyaʔstəm. Don't tie your laces in knots! [misc 069]

3 • with +ɬt. lut kʷu aksmárwiʔɬtəm. Don't add it for me. [nb27-30 003] uɬ lut t̓ inx̌mínk kʷ ɬ iksm̓ay̓ɬtím. I don't want to tell it to you. [su7q̓im 049] way̓ lut kʷ t̓ iksm̓ay̓ɬtím. No, I'm not going to tell you. [su7q̓im 182]

4 • with +x(i)t. kʷ ikscaptíkʷlxtəm. I am going to tell you the fairy tale story. [2gts 052] ixíʔ kʷ iksc̓əx̌ʷxítəm. This is what I am telling you. [Whal 595] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷ ikskənxítəm I'm going to help you. [Whal 184] ha anx̌mínk kʷ iksknxítm. Do you want me to help you? [newles 200] kʷ ikskʷníxtm. I will buy it for you. [newles 111] stim̓ iʔ kʷ ikskʷníxtm. Buy you what? [newles 111] kʷ iksm̓ay̓xítəm l sk̓ʕam. I am going to tell you about praying. [su7q̓im 218] kʷ iksm̓ay̓xítəm t k̓ʷək̓ʷínaʔ. I'm going to tell you a little story. [su7q̓im 227] uɬ lut t̓ iksk̓əɬpaʔx̌xítəm. I'm not going to do the thinking for her. [LynxS 020] uɬ lut incá kʷu aksənt̓inaʔcútxtəm. Don't you dispute my word! [Whal 606]

5 • with +(t)uɬt. naqs kʷ ikscúɬtəm. I'm going to tell you one thing. [misc 061] lut t̓ qəɬnún kʷ t̓ ikskʷɬəntúɬtəm. I can't make myself loan it to you. [Nams 138] lut asl̕ax̌t iʔ tkɬmilxʷs aksqcəlxúɬtəm. Don't run off with your friend's wife. [misc 112] ixíʔ aksqʷəlqʷəltúɬtəm asqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa. You want to teach your children about it. [mychildr 269] way̓ kʷ iksktəlməntúɬtəm. I want you to keep it for me. [GDd2 375]

-m14   [m] Morph: -m. suffixal component of the future imperative circumfix kc-...-m.

isfx. Category: mood.

1 • kc-...-m constructions, conjugated with i-. lut akcc̓aʔxmínəm iʔ sqílxʷtət You won't be ashamed of our language. [nb26-36 0] lut akckaʔkʔámnəm asl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t Don't ridicule your friends. [nb26-36 003]

2 • in nominalized transitives. lut akck̓ʷəlɬtaʔnmúsmstəm iʔ snəqsílxʷtət. You will not belittle our People. [nb26-36 002]

-m15   [m] Morph: -m. suffixal component of the future circumfix ks-...-m.

isfx. Category: asp.

1 • in ks-...-m constructions, conjugated with i-. lut kʷu akskím̓m. Don't hate me! [feb94 076] lut stim̓ aksk̓ʷúl̕əm. Don't do anything! [Brth 014] way̓ iksənʔúcxnəm axáʔ səmx̌íkən I am going to follow Grizzly. [Nams 113]

2 • in nominalized +nts. lut kʷu aksʕáymtmnəm. Don't get angry at me! [feb94 101]

3 • in nominalized +ɬt transitives. naqs kʷ ikscúɬtəm. I'm going to tell you one thing. [misc 061]

4 • in nominalized +x(i)t transitives. uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ kʷ ikscaptíkʷlxtəm. I am going to tell you the fairy tale story. [2gts 052] uɬ lut t̓ iksk̓əɬpaʔx̌xítəm. and I'm not going to do the thinking for her. [LynxS 020] kʷ ikskənxítəm. I am going to help you. [Whal 184] ixíʔ kʷ iksc̓əx̌ʷxítəm. This is what I am telling you. [Whal 595] uɬ lut incá kʷu aksənt̓inaʔcútxtəm Don't you dispute my word. [Whal 606] axáʔ iʔ kʷ iksc̓x̌ʷxítəm. Now I am going to instruct you. [GDd2 537] See: ks-^3.

-m16   [m] Morph: -m. in transitive constructions, in combination with kʷu this suffix signals the meaning "(s)he/they X us".

isfx. with +nt. cəm̓ aláʔ kʷu nkcníkəntəm mi kʷu ƛ̓xʷəntím. They might overtake us here and kill us. [su7q̓im 093] kʷu lkʷilxstəm iʔ təl̕ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áptət. They took us away from our parents. [nb26-49 005] uɬ iʔ sámaʔ taʔlíʔ kʷu ləxʷpnúntəm. The white people sure have hurt us. [nb26-49 013] ixíʔ kʷu nɬp̓íw̓ɬtəm ixíʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷtət, ixíʔ iʔ sqíltktət. They made a big line through our land, our body. [su7q̓im 068] kʷu nɬp̓íw̓səntəm iʔ təl c̓ásyəqəntət uɬ iʔ k̓əl sc̓uʔc̓uʔxántət. They drew a line from our head to our feet. [su7q̓im 069] way̓ cəm̓ kʷu ƛ̓músəntəm iʔ t sƛ̓aʔcínəm. I think the deer will go ahead of us. [HnTrp 199] kʷu qaʕílsxən̓təm. They cut our hair. [nb08 050] kʷu tumístməntəm. They sold us out. [Oct92 093] ilíʔ yaʕyáʕtəlx uɬ kʷu wíkəntəm. All of them saw all of us. [nb23 114] uɬ ilíʔ kʷu x̌ílstəm itíʔ. That's what they did to us. [nb26-49 010] kʷu ʔamtím, kʷu láx̌tməntəm, kʷu x̌síkstməntəm. They fed us, they befriended us, they treated us well. [rdgs 136] kʷu nkcníkəntəm. They might overtake us. [su7q̓im 093] kʷu ləxʷpnúntəm. They have hurt us. [nb26-49 013] kʷu láx̌tməntəm. They befriended us. [rdgs 136] kʷu nɬp̓íw̓səntəm. They drew a line from our ... [su7q̓im 069] kʷu ƛ̓músəntəm. They went ahead of us. [HnTrp 199] kʷu m̓áy̓aʔntəm. He taught us. [nb26-51 020] kʷu ksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔntəm He'll teach us. [nb26-72 001] kʷu qaʕílsxən̓təm. They cut our hair. [nb08 050] kʷu ksiwntm. He will ask us. [nb26-71 006] kʷu tumístməntəm. They sold us out. [Oct92 093] kʷu wíkəntəm. They saw us. [nb23 114] kʷu x̌síkstməntəm. They treated us well. [rdgs 136] kʷu yr̓míntəm. He pushed us. [nb26-51 037] kʷu ʔamtím. They fed us. [rdgs 136]

2 • isfx. with +st. kʷu kʷúkstəm. They have done a great deal for us. [rdgs 136] kʷu lkʷilxstəm. They took us away. [nb26-49 005] kʷu x̌ílstəm. They did that to us. [nb26-49 010]

3 • isfx. with +ɬt. kʷu nɬp̓íw̓ɬtəm. They made a line through our (land). [su7q̓im 068]

4 • isfx. with +x(i)t. kʷu səckənxítəm. He's helping us. [nb26-51 015]

5 • isfx. with +tuɬt. kʷu cunmaʔtúɬtəm. He told us how to do it, explained it to us. [nb26-71 014]

mac̓   [mac̓] Morph: mac̓. Etym: √mc̓. to be greased.

Istem. kən kscmac̓. I have some greased. [feb94 013] See: mc̓2.

mac̓áʕɬaʔ   [mac̓áʕɬaʔ] Morph: mac̓áʕɬaʔ ? Variant: smac̓áʕɬaʔ. Etym: √mc̓ʕɬ. mac̓áʕɬaʔ (man's name). Lit: pussy

Istem. Category: mName. ʔúmsəlx mac̓áʕɬaʔ, ixíʔ uɬ iʔ ɬəɬskʷísts. laʔ cxʔítiʔ kəkáw̓xən, uɬ itlíʔ smac̓áʕɬaʔ. They call him Pussy, that's his new name. First kəkáw̓xən, and then Pussy. [nb2574.11]

mahʔsncút   [mahʔsncút] Morph: mahʔs+ncút. Etym: √mhs. to be aware.

Istem. Category: +ncut. xiʔmíx nt̓k̓ʷk̓ʷáqsəms iʔ stim̓, məɬ way̓ mahʔsəncút. Any smell, it picks up on, and he becomes aware. [mychildr 238] Category: Conf.

malk̓ʷ   [malk̓ʷ] Morph: malk̓ʷ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. the entire thing, the whole thing.

Istem. Sp √milk̓ʷ solid, whole; c-mílk̓ʷ it includes everything from here to there; Cm məlk̓ʷ be round (pole); Cr melk̓ʷ complete, intact, whole; Sh mlk̓ʷ-um collect into one whole; round up; gather one's forces, try hard; Li √məlk̓ʷápaʔ stud, stallion. miystxʷ kəlkʷákʷ cmalk̓ʷ iʔ sqiltks, kəlkʷákʷ iʔ təl siwɬkʷ. Make sure her body is completely out of the water, far from the water. [dict] axáʔ wiks yaʔ cmaʕcnítkʷ, ilíʔ cmalk̓ʷ laʔɬ sʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíps. Then he saw the driftwood, one whole piece with the roots. [dict] way̓ uɬ pəx̌ʷəmstíxʷ axáʔ iʔ sɬiqʷ, ilíʔ cmalk̓ʷ. You distribute the meat. That's the whole catch. [BJSeym 504]

malk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔm   [malk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔm] Morph: malk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. to get a whole deer.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. yaʕpqín sƛ̓aʔcínəm, malk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔməlx. Lots of deer, each one gets a whole deer. [BJSeym 559] See: malk̓ʷ.

mállx̌aʔ   [málˑx̌aʔ] Morph: mal•l•x̌aʔ. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. to have been lying, telling falsehood.

Istem. uɬ scmálˑx̌aʔx. He was lying. [bjmd 079] cəm̓ m̓ay̓ɬtsín, cəm̓ t̓i lut kʷ iksk̓əwpstím, məɬ way̓ cəm̓ way̓ kʷu cuntxʷ kʷ cmálˑx̌aʔx. If I tell you about it, I won't have finished to say what Iʼm saying to you before youʼll tell me, "Youʼre lying." [su7q̓im 180] way̓ kʷ cmálˑx̌aʔx. You're lying. [su7q̓im 184] way̓ uɬ taɬt kʷ cmálˑx̌aʔ. You sure lie. [su7q̓im 201] See: málx̌aʔ.

mállx̌aʔɬtm   Morph: mal•l•x̌aʔ+ɬt+m. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. to have been lying, telling falsehood.

Tstem. lut kʷu aksmálˑx̌aʔɬtəm isl̕áx̌t. Don't lie about me to my friend! [E59.9] See: málx̌aʔ.

maltm   [máltəm] Morph: maltm. ?

pcl. with unclear semantic import. kʷ kstkɬmílxʷ mi kʷu ɬəɬcq̓ʷíɬtəmstxʷ. máltəm t isysyús kiʔ kaʔkícəntsən. You are the woman and you want to carry me? It is I who found you because I am smart. [dict]

málx̌aʔm   Morph: málx̌aʔ+m. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. to tell a lie; to lie to s.o.; to betray.

Mstem. Cm mlx̌aʔ‑ncut to tell a lie. Category: nMstem. kstɬcínməntəm, lut ksm̓álx̌aʔmtət. We'll tell him the truth, we won't lie to him. [nb26-84 007] lut t̓ ksmálx̌aʔmtət. We won't lie to him. [nb26-84 014]

málx̌aʔnt   Morph: málx̌aʔ+nt. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. to tell a lie; to lie to s.o.; to betray.

Tstem. Cm mlx̌aʔ‑ncut to tell a lie. Category: +nt. náx̌əmɬ ɬ qəclxúɬtxʷ asl̕ax̌t iʔ tkɬmílxʷs, taʔlíʔ málx̌aʔntxʷ asl̕ax̌t. But if you run off with your friend's wife, you really lie to your friend. [misc 113] lut t̓ ksmálx̌aʔntəm. We won't lie to him. [nb26-84 013] way̓ kən kɬƛ̓lal, kʷu ɬ málx̌aʔs. I am a goner, he lied to me. [dict]

maɬ   [maɬ] Morph: maɬ. Variant: myaɬ. Etym: √myɬ. too, too much. Category: pcl.

pcl. lut t̓ ʔamˑnúɬtsən asqʷsíʔ t síyaʔ, maɬ ɬa cc̓aʔq̓mnúsəm. I was unable to feed sasktoons to your boy because he was shaking his head too much. [jan93nb 120] maɬ kʷ míl̕məl̕t. You’re too slow. [nb1839.4] maˑˑɬ. Interjection. [nb08 234]

mamárstn   [mamárstən] Morph: ma•márs+tn. Etym: √mrs. digging bags.

Istem. Category: +tn. ixíʔ aɬíʔ iʔ xatmaʔsqílxʷ əcmamárstən. Because the first people had digging bags. [CSCo30]

mámaʔ   [mámaʔ] Morph: mámaʔ. mother.

stem. Category: Bab, Kin. uɬ ixíʔ inmámaʔ kiʔ ktláp, uɬ axáʔ atláʔ incáʔ kən xy̓wilx. My mother is an offshoot, and I am the descendant. [bfp73]

mamn   [mámən] Morph: ma•mn. Etym: √mn. appaloosa.

Istem. Sp mámn appaloosa; m̓ám̓n̓ appaloosa colt. Category: Faun. cmámən. Appaloosa, spotted on the rump. [nb9a 028]

mamn̓xʷ   [mámən̓xʷ] Morph: ma•m•n̓xʷ. Etym: √mn̓xʷ. to smoke tobacco.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. kən ksmámən̓xʷaʔx. I am about to smoke. [dict] See: man̓xʷ.

mamqʷcn   [mámqʷcən] Morph: ma•mqʷcn. Variant: mam̓x̌ʷcn. Etym: √mqʷ. swallow (bird).

Istem. Sp m̓óm̓q̓ʷcn̓ swallow (bird). Category: Faun. mámqʷcən. Swallow. [dict]

mam̓scútn   [mam̓scútṇ] Morph: mam̓+scút+n ? Etym: √mm̓ ?. playing cards.

Istem. Category: instr, +tn. mam̓scútn. Playing cards. [pd]

mam̓x̌ʷcn   [mám̓x̌ʷcən] Morph: ma•m̓x̌ʷcn. Variant: mamqʷcn. Etym: √mx̌ʷ. barn swallow.

Istem. Sp m̓óm̓q̓ʷcn swallow (bird). Category: Faun. mám̓x̌ʷcən. Barn swallow. [pd02]

man̓xʷ   [man̓xʷ] Morph: man̓xʷ. Etym: √mn̓xʷ. to smoke.

Istem. Sp s-men̓xʷ to smoke; Cm man̓xʷ‑m to smoke a pipe, cigarette, cigar; Cr s-mil̕xʷ tobacco; Sh s-menx tobacco. talíʔ ƛ̓áx̌təm kən ɬaʔ cman̓xʷ. I smoke too much. [nb18201.2] məɬ kʷu sq̓ʷəyməncúts, kʷu sənɬsípnaʔm uɬ kʷu man̓xʷ. We will give a big dance, we will have cigars and we will smoke.

man̓xʷm   Morph: man̓xʷ+m. Etym: √mn̓xʷ. to smoke.

Mstem. Sp s-men̓xʷ to smoke; Cm man̓xʷ‑m to smoke a pipe, cigarette, cigar; Cr s-mil̕xʷ tobacco; Sh s-menx tobacco. Category: Mstem. kən mán̓xʷəm, mi sic itlíʔ kən qʷəlqʷílt iʔ t k̓ʷk̓ʷínaʔ. I'll smoke, and then I'll talk some more. [su7q̓im 208a]

maqm   Morph: maq+m. Etym: √mq. to stop s.o.; to urge or convince s.o.; to talk s.o. into s.t.

Mstem. Sp maq to convince, to urge. Category: nMstem. kʷ ismáqəm. I’m asking you (to stay longer). [nb18186.10]

maqnt   Morph: maq+nt. Etym: √mq. to stop s.o.; to urge or convince s.o.; to talk s.o. into s.t.

Tstem. Lit: Thank you for having stopped me. Sp maq to convince, to urge. Category: +nt. ilíʔ kʷu máqsəlx ilíʔ uɬ ʕapnáʔ ɬ kilíʔmnəlx ilíʔ kən ɬ ilíʔ. They stopped me there, and now I'm staying with them, I'm there yet. [AutPS 391] iwá máqəntəm. They tried (to stop him). [nb16.a] way̓ límləmtx kiʔ kʷu máqəntxʷ. I’m glad you stopped me. [nb1267.2]

maq̓ʷ   [maq̓ʷ] Morph: maq̓ʷ. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a lump.

Istem. maq̓ʷ. Lump. [pd]

mar   [mar] Morph: mar. Etym: √mr. to season; to mix.

Istem. See: márwiʔ; kmar̓.

marí   [marí] Morph: marí. Etym: √mr. From: French Marie. Mary; Marie.

Istem. Category: wName, Borr. ak̓láʔ marí itíʔ cəntərqpəncútəlx. There Mary (and others) were going very fast. [dict]

marr   [marˑ] Morph: mar•r. Variant: mar̓r̓. Etym: √mr. to be razed; to be leveled.

Istem. Sp mal dirt, earth. Category: C2Inch. mar̓ˑ It got level(ed). [nb26-24 013]

marsán   [marsán] Morph: marsán. Etym: √mrsn. From: French Marcel. Marcel.

Istem. Category: Borr. uɬ ixíʔ ksc̓úmstsəlx t marsán tla claʕ̓tíw̓s ta sulíʔ iʔ sənk̓ʷəɬmrˑíms. They call him Marcel, from Little Valley, Julieʼs husband. [Cona11]

márwiʔ   [márwiʔ] Morph: már+wy̓. Etym: √mr. to season; to flavor.

Istem. See: mar̓wy̓.

maryán   [maryán] Morph: maryán. Etym: √mryn. Marianne.

Istem. From: French Marianne. Category: wName, Borr. maryán (The name of) Blue Eye Maggie's mother. [nb22.41a]

mar̓r̓   [mar̓ˑ] Morph: mar•r. Variant: marr. Etym: √mr. to be razed; to be leveled or flattened out.

Istem. Sp mal dirt, earth. Category: C2Inch. mar̓ˑ It got level(ed). [nb26-24 013]

már̓r̓wiʔ   [már̓r̓wiʔ] Morph: már̓•r̓•wiʔ. Etym: √mr̓wʔ. to mix.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. már̓r̓wiʔ. Mix. [dict] See: már̓wy̓.

mar̓wy̓   [már̓wiʔ] Morph: mar̓wy̓. Etym: √mr̓wy̓. to mix with s.t.; to season (a dish); to spice (food); to dress (food).

Istem. Sp mérwiʔ to season in cooking; Cr markʷe flavor, season. kn kscmár̓wiʔ. I have some mixed. [feb94 009]

mar̓wy̓ɬt   Morph: mar̓wy̓+ɬt. Etym: √mr̓wy̓. to mix with s.t.; to season (a dish); to spice (food); to dress (food).

Tstem. Sp mérwiʔ to season in cooking; Cr markʷe flavor, season. kʷu márwiʔɬt. Mix it for me! [nb18189.6]

mar̓wy̓ɬtm   Morph: mar̓wy̓+ɬt+m. Etym: √mr̓wy̓. to mix with s.t.; to season (a dish); to spice (food); to dress (food).

nTstem. Sp mérwiʔ to season in cooking; Cr markʷe flavor, season. lut kʷu aksmárwiʔɬtəm. Don't add it for me! [nb27-30 003]

mar̓wy̓nt   Morph: mar̓wy̓+nt. Etym: √mr̓wy̓. to mix with s.t.; to season (a dish); to spice (food); to dress (food).

Tstem. Sp mérwiʔ to season in cooking; Cr markʷe flavor, season. Category: +nt. iʔ lsikʷr márwiʔntxʷ iʔ k̓ asənpús. Add sugar to what you are cooking. [nb27-30 001] iʔ lsikʷr márwiʔn iʔ k̓ inlití. I added sugar to my tea. [nb27-30 002] c̓iw̓s axáʔ iʔ səsp̓qín, way̓ ixíʔ már̓wis iʔ t kʷukʷús, məɬ ixíʔ ṇc̓úpkʷs, ṇt̓a məɬ ʔíɬən. He washes the wheat, mixes it with bacon, rolls some flour and throws it in the water, then he eats. [dict] már̓wiʔn iʔ t təx̌ʷcíntən isk̓ʷəl̕cəncút. I spice my cooking with spices. [nb21.163a] kʷu npq̓ʷítkʷəm uɬ már̓wiʔntəm t sp̓íƛ̓əm uɬ x̌əsʔíɬən. We make pudding; we mix them with saskatoons and it's good eating. [rdgs 117]

maslqʷ   [másəlqʷ] Morph: maslqʷ. Etym: √ms. four sticks; four cylindrical objects.

Istem. másəlqʷ i sk̓ɬc̓laltət. Our boundaries (four sticks). [nb22.63a] See: mus.

masq̓t   [másq̓ət] Morph: masq̓t or masq̓t. Etym: √ms. four days.

Istem. spuʔúsəmp iʔ l másq̓ət məɬ l ʔaslásq̓ət ixíʔ p ɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓it. If you wish, [stay] four days or two days--whenever you are rested. [GDd1 545] See: mus.

+mast   [mast] Morph: +mast. Variant: +mist; +miʔst; +mísaʔt. obscure meaning; perhaps with self-directed reference.

dafx. kaʔcnmást. Dirty talk.

mat   [mat] Variant: matm. with dubitative force "maybe, must".

pcl. Category: dubit. uɬ ixíʔ itíʔ kiʔ yaʔ ilíʔlx, sílxʷaʔ mat. That's where they live. It's big. [su7q̓im 034] uɬ ilíʔ mat ʔímxəlx. They all moved there. [su7q̓im 087] mat iʔ k̓ɬukcútəlx. They must have seen them. [su7q̓im 091] uɬ ixíʔ mat knəqnáqsmiʔstəlx uɬ itíʔ csaʕ̓sáʕ̓təlx, mat t̓əxʷ mat. And I guess one by one they tumbled down. [su7q̓im 131] mat iʔ təl sk̓ʷƛ̓ptans, ixíʔ itlíʔ kiʔ ckílsəlx iʔ sixʷápməx. Maybe from the East is where they chased the Shuswap. [su7q̓im 144] ixíʔm iʔ l scʔaqʷ mat. Maybe that's during the summer. [su7q̓im 197] náx̌əmɬ kʷaʔ mat inxaʔxʔít lut kʷu t̓ ksmálx̌aʔysəlx. But my ancestors wouldn't lie to me. [su7q̓im 206] mat way̓ ƛ̓ʔʕay iʔ c̓ik̓ʷsxən, uɬ lut niʕ̓íp t̓a c̓úy. Maybe they dim the lamps, it's never completely dark. [su7q̓im 248] ixíʔ t̓i kʷu m̓ay̓ntís, mat t̓i kʷu m̓ay̓ɬtís. That's the story he told me, that's what he told me. [su7q̓im 265] axáʔ iʔ m̓ay̓xítmən, mat kʷ isx̌aʔnám. The story I told you, maybe I'm cautioning you. [su7q̓im 289] mat kʷ səck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷúl̕stx. You must have been practicing. [newles 059] mat swit iʔ x̌n̓numt. Who is it that got hurt? [newles 152] mat cáwtsəlx iʔ sk̓ʷúmalt. How the girl was getting along. [lnx2 284] waˑˑy̓ mat kʷ ʔáyx̌ʷt. I bet you are tired. [BJSeym 376] mat aɬíʔ sƛ̓ləlmíx, lut kʷu t̓ə ɬkícəntəm. Maybe he died, he never got to us. [dict] mat way̓ sk̓əɬʔatətxnúmt. Maybe he overslept. [dict] aˑˑ, way̓ mat asənq̓əmscínəm, way̓ t̓əxʷ iwá inx̌mínk, uɬ way̓ kʷintxʷ. Ah, I guess you're stuck on it, even though I like it, you can have it. [dict] way̓, way̓, mat aspuʔús. Well, OK, if that's how you feel. [dict] way̓ lut səkscxʷúys axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít, t̓əxʷ mat k̓əɬk̓láxʷ, ixíʔ uɬ tíɬx axáʔ iʔ kəwáps. The boy didn't go far, maybe he got out of sight, and his horse stood still. [dict] mat k̓əɬt̓əɬt̓ásəs qʷásqiʔ iʔ t saʔstáms iʔ t slimt. I suppose his sister-in-law kissed Blue Jay, she was so tickled. [dict] mat k̓ʷinx, mat kaʔɬís sənsaʕməncútselə iʔ ta nixʷút iʔ ta cənlaʕ̓ʷútəm. I don’t know how many times, maybe three times they went down deep gulches. [dict] t̓əxʷ iwá lut t̓a cmistín uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kən mipnwíɬən, t swit kʷu m̓áyaʔɬts, uɬ way̓ mat n̓ín̓w̓iʔ mipnún. I don’t know anything, but I will learn, anybody shows me, and I’ll learn. [dict]

mat laʔkín   [mat laʔkín] Morph: mat laʔkín. Etym: √ʔkn. somehow.

phrasal. mat laʔkín sc̓kinx. There must be something the matter. [2gts 268] See: mat; laʔkín̓.

mat stim̓   [mat stim̓] Morph: mat stim̓. Etym: mt, √tm̓. it must be that ...

phrasal. uɬ axáʔ aɬíʔ nstils iʔ tkəɬmílxʷ uɬ aɬíʔ mat stim̓ nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən. And the woman thought, "It's because she is a man-eater. [GDd1 547] See: mat; stim̓.

matlán   [matlán] Morph: matlán. Variant: matlín. From: French Madeline. Variant: matlín. Etym: √mtln. Madeline.

Istem. Category: wName, Borr. uɬ axáʔ matlán tla nxʷyaʔɬpítkʷ kiʔ scwíxəx i l ɬʔamcnítkʷ. Madeline from Kettle River was living right close to the river. [CoGrSy 015]

matlín   [matlín] Morph: matlín. Variant: matlán. Etym: √mtln. Variant: matlán. Madeline. From: French Madeline.

Istem. Category: wName, Borr. iʔ tkɬmilxʷ iʔ pptwínaʔxʷ c̓úmstsəlx t matlín. The woman, the old lady they call Madeline. [Green.6]

matm   [mátəm] Morph: mat+m. Variant: mat. Etym: mat. maybe. Category: pcl.

pcl. Category: dubit. mátəm t isisyús kiʔ kaʔkícəntsən. It's because I am smart that I found you. [Whal 360]

matrs   [mátrəs] Morph: matrs. Etym: √mtrs. From: English mattress. mattress.

Istem. Category: Borr. mat ixíʔ səmx̌íkən iʔ mátrəsc. That must be Grizzly's mattress. [CoGrSy 419]

máwic   [máwic] Morph: máwic. Etym: √mwc. deer. Gram: slang

Istem. Category: Faun. máwic. Deer. [nb20.34a]

maymyt   [máymit] Morph: may•my+t. Etym: √my. to be sure of s.t.

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ máymit. He is sure of it. [nb18195.4] lut t̓ máymit. He isn’t sure of it. [nb18195.3] See: miy.

mayqs   [mayqs] Morph: mayqs. Etym: √my. nose.

Istem. See Cm məqsn nose; Cr may+miyiʔqs nose, gourmand, gourmet ... lit. He has a discriminating nose for food. Category: Anat. uɬ axáʔ nc̓ícən iʔ mayqsc ilíʔ cután. The wolf's nose is still there (on the skinned head). [nb2589.11]

may̓   [may̓] Morph: may̓. Variant: m̓ay̓. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell a story, stories.

Istem. See: m̓ay̓.

máy̓a   [máy̓a] Morph: máy̓a. Variant: m̓áy̓a. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to tell a story, stories.

Istem. See: m̓áy̓a.

may̓xtwíxʷ   Morph: may̓+xtwíxʷ. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell each other stories about s.t.

Istem. See: m̓ay̓xtwíxʷmi.

maʕ2   [maʕ] Morph: maʕ. Etym: √mʕ. s.t. long lies (on the ground); s.t. long is sideways.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ sk̓əɬq̓əlxálqʷs iʔ la cmaʕ. He hid under the log lying on the ground. [lnx2 142] xʷuˑˑy úɬiʔ tk̓ʷətxəlxálqʷ ilíʔ a cmaʕ. She went, and then she stepped over a log lying there. [grlsdd 077] ʔawtíˑˑpiʔs ik̓líʔ tqəltálqʷ i la cmaʕ. He followed on top of a log lying there. [grlhd 047] Category: nMstem. iksmʕám. I'll put it there. [dict]

maʕcnítkʷ   [maʕcnítkʷ] Morph: maʕcnítkʷ. Etym: √mʕ. to arrive to the shore; to lie on the shore.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ put xəƛ̓pnús iʔ c̓q̓íləns uɬ maʕ̓cnítkʷ. He fixed every one of the arrow, and he got to shore. [CoGrSy 459] cmaʕcnítkʷ. A log rests on the shore. [dict] kʷm̓iɬ wiks axáʔ ia cmaʕcnítkʷ ilíʔ naʔɬ səʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíps. He saw the driftwood, a whole thing with its roots. [Whal 207] See: maʕ2.

maʕíw̓ɬt   Morph: maʕíw̓+ɬt. Etym: √mʕ. to lay s.t. across.

Tstem. nmaʕíwɬts. He laid it there for him (e.g. a log to cross a creek). [nb18202.4] See: maʕ2.

maʕlqcáʕnmnt   Morph: maʕlqcáʕn+mnt. Etym: √mʕlq (?). to josh or banter; to talk crazy.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu maʕlqcáʕnməntxʷ. You talk crazy to me. [nb18247.2] maʕlqcáʕnmən. I josh. [nb18247.1]

maʕɬt   Morph: maʕ+ɬt. Variant: maʕʷ. Gram: southern form Etym: √mʕ. to break.

Tstem. ixíʔ uɬ yayáʕt maʕ̓s ya cnunxʷínaʔ iʔ sqílxʷ, maʕ̓ɬts iʔ spuʔúscəlx. So that broke all the believing Indians' hearts. [Cona19] See: maʕʷ..

maʕm   Morph: maʕ+m. Variant: maʕʷ. Gram: southern form Etym: √mʕ. to break.

Mstem. maʕm. To break s.t. [dict] Category: nMstem. lut aksmáʕm. You can’t break it. [nb20.1] See: maʕʷ..

máʕmlaʔ   [máʕmlaʔ] Morph: máʕ•mlaʔ. Etym: √mlʕ. Variant: m̓áʕmlaʔ. worm; maggot; to become maggots.

Istem. Cm muull̕áʔ maggots. Category: Faun. cúntəm ʕ̓ác̓ənt, ixíʔ anmáʕmlaʔ, lútiʔ ʔakʷʔakʷtl̕ílx. He told him, look, these are your worms, they're still crawling around. [coyeyes 097]

máʕmlaʔnt   Morph: máʕ•mlaʔ+nt. Etym: √mlʕ. Variant: m̓áʕmlaʔ. worm; maggot; to become maggots.

Tstem. Cm muull̕áʔ maggots. Category: +nt. uɬ axáʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ iʔ máʕmlaʔntəm axáʔ iʔ sɬiqʷ. The meat will maggot. [CoGrSy 633]

maʕnt   Morph: maʕ+nt. Variant: maʕʷ. Gram: southern form Etym: √mʕ. to break.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ maʕ̓n iʔ lpoʕt. I broke a cup. [nb18200.4] See: maʕʷ..

maʕqín   [maʕqín] Morph: maʕqín. Etym: √mʕ. top rail.

Istem. maʕqín. Top rail. [nb22.3a] See: maʕ2.

maʕst   Morph: maʕ+st. Variant: maʕʷ. Gram: southern form Etym: √mʕ. to break.

Tstem. Category: +st. ʔax̌lásq̓ət cmáʕstən i lpóʕt. I used to break a cup a day. [nb19.323] See: maʕʷ..

maʕt   [maʕt] Morph: maʕ+t. Variant: maʕʷt; maʕ̓t. Etym: √mʕ. to be broken, smashed up.

Istem. Category: +t. myaɬ iʔ stk̓ʷƛ̓usc maʕt. lut ƛ̓lal. His face was broken up, but he wasn't dead. [nb2534.12] See: maʕʷt.

maʕtnmísxn   [maʕtnmísxn] Morph: maʕ+tn+mísxn. Etym: √mʕ. maʕtnmísxn: a distinctive low "slanted" mountain known as The Splitoff, close to the east side of F.D.R. Lake, and across from and slightly south of French Point Rocks. Lit: slanted rock

Istem. maʕtnmísxn. Place name. [BK293]

maʕylxʷ   [maʕylxʷ] Morph: maʕylxʷ. Etym: √mʕy. máʕylxʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. máʕylxʷ. Woman's name. [OkB]

maʕ̓ck̓ʷúl̕   [maʕ̓ck̓ʷúl̕] Morph: maʕ̓ck̓ʷúl̕ ? Etym: √mʕck̓ʷl̕ ?. coot.

Istem. Category: Faun. maʕ̓ck̓ʷúl̕ Coot. [74tp2 005]

maʕ̓t   [maʕ̓t] Morph: maʕ̓+t. Variant: maʕʷt; maʕt. Etym: √mʕ. to be broken, smashed up.

Istem. myaɬ iʔ stk̓ʷƛ̓usc maʕt. lut ƛ̓lal. His face was broken up, but he wasn't dead. [nb2534.12] See: maʕʷt.

maʕʷɬt   Morph: maʕʷ+ɬt. Etym: √mʕʷ. Variant: maʕ 1. southern form • to break s.t.

Tstem. Sp √maw, máw̓-t it broke; moʔmaw̓-i-s he broke a lot of things (points to an earlier pharyngeal); Cm maʕ̓ʷ-t be broken, become busted; maʕ̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; Cr meʕʷ broken, ruined. way̓ máʕʷɬtəm iʔ sənululmúsaʔsts. She broke his hard points. [CoGrSy 290] kʷu maʕʷɬts inlpóʕt. He broke my cup. [nb18200.11] See: maʕ1.

maʕʷɬtm   Morph: maʕʷ+ɬt+m. Etym: √mʕʷ. Variant: maʕ 1. southern form • to break s.t.

nTstem. Sp √maw, máw̓-t it broke; moʔmaw̓-i-s he broke a lot of things (points to an earlier pharyngeal); Cm maʕ̓ʷ-t be broken, become busted; maʕ̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; Cr meʕʷ broken, ruined. lut kʷu aksmáʕʷɬtəm inlpóʕt. Don’t break my cup! [nb18200.12] See: maʕ1.

maʕʷnt   Morph: maʕʷ+nt. Etym: √mʕʷ. Variant: maʕ 1. southern form • to break s.t.

Tstem. Sp √maw, máw̓-t it broke; moʔmaw̓-i-s he broke a lot of things (points to an earlier pharyngeal); Cm maʕ̓ʷ-t be broken, become busted; maʕ̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; Cr meʕʷ broken, ruined. Category: +nt. ʕímtməntəm ixíʔ, ɬ maʕʷs ixíʔ a cʕax̌. She was mad at her, she tore down the lacing. [grlsdd 095] maʕʷn. I broke [my] s.t. [nb08 710] maʕʷs iʔ scqʷəlqʷílts. She broke her word. [dict] k̓əɬʔanwínəm təl nwist xʷəm t̓i kscmáʕ̓ʷtaʔx iʔ maʕ̓ʷntəm iʔ səntk̓íwlxtən. She heard something from upstairs, just like the stairs were going to break. [nb1279.10] See: maʕ1.

maʕʷt   [maʕʷt] Morph: maʕʷ+t. Gram: southern form Variant: maʕt. Etym: √mʕʷ. to be broken.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ maʕ̓ʷt axáʔ iʔ snululmúsaʔstən uɬ k̓aʔx̌í yaxʷt iʔ c̓q̓ílən. The hard points fell to pieces and the arrow just dropped there. [CoGrSy 315] k̓əɬʔanwínəm təl nwist xʷəm t̓i kscmáʕ̓ʷtaʔx iʔ maʕ̓ʷntəm iʔ səntk̓íwlxtən. She heard something from upstairs, just like the stairs were going to break. [nb1279.10] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ maʕʷt axáʔ iʔ sútən. That thing will break. [lnxbdga 371] uɬ axáʔ iʔ maʕʷt axáʔ iʔ k̓ɬnyrk̓ʷíptən. And that's when that hoop broke. [Whal 342] kən c̓qʷaqʷ aɬíʔ maʕʷt ispuʔús. I cry because I have a broken heart. [nb18183.3] cəm ixíʔ təllútət uɬ maʕʷt iʔ nínk̓mən, uɬ itlíʔ incá kən kcahhám. Should that not work and the knife break, then I will go next. [dict]

maʕʷtm   [máʕʷtəm] Morph: maʕʷt+m. Etym: √mʕʷ. to go sideways; to go on one's side; to go around.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. máʕʷtəm. Go sideways. [nb20.1] kʷ máʕʷtəm. You go on the side. [nb20.1] lut kʷu ksmáʕʷtəms. Let's not go sideways / around it. [nb20.1] aɬíʔ way̓ kʷu ksmáʕʷtaʔx. We have to go sideways. [nb20.2] lwakín máʕʷtət. The wagon went sideways. [nb20.2]

maʕʷtt   [máʕʷtət] Morph: maʕʷt•t. Etym: √mʕʷ. maʕʷtt.

Istem. Category: mName. ixíʔ spaʔpʔúl naʔɬ qicks máʕʷtət ixíʔ ɬaʔ ksckʷínəlx ixíʔ kɬtəmxʷúlaʔxʷsəlx. Smoke and his brother máʕʷtət picked that for their home place. [AutPS 187]

maʕʷttxn   [máʕʷtətxən] Morph: maʕʷt•txn. Etym: √mʕʷt. to step sideways; one's foot turns.

Istem. kʷ máʕʷtətxən. You stepped sideways. [nb18199.12] sc̓kinx uɬ ilíʔ kʷ máʕʷtətxən. What made you twist your foot sideways? [grlsdd 241] See: maʕʷtm.

maʕʷútt   [maʕʷútət] Morph: maʕʷút•t. Variant: máʕʷtt. Etym: √mʕʷ. maʕʷútt.

Istem. Category: mName. maʕʷútt. Man's name. [OkB]

maʕʷxíxmnt   Morph: maʕʷ+xíxm+nt. Etym: √mʕʷ. to break s.o.ʼs s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. maʕʷxíxmən. I broke it (someone else's thing). [nb08 711] maʕ̓ʷxíxmən iʔ lpoʕt. I broke someone's cup. [nb18201.11] maʕ̓ʷxíxmən iʔ p̓úy̓xən. I broke the car. [nb18201.12] See: maʕʷ.

maʕ̓ʷ   [maʕʷ] Morph: maʕ̓ʷ. Etym: √mʕ̓ʷ. to break s.t.

Istem. See: maʕʷ.

maʕ̓ʷt   [maʕ̓ʷt] Morph: maʕ̓ʷ+t. Etym: √mʕ̓ʷ. broken.

Istem. Category: +t. See: maʕʷt.

maʔ1   [maʔ] Morph: maʔ. Variant: húmaʔ. decapitated variant of húmaʔ that can be translated as "please; could you?; look..."

pcl. maʔ kʷu xʷíc̓əɬt iksqláw̓. Could you give me some money? [nb26-22 018] maʔ ilíʔxəx k̓ʷaʔ axáʔ iswiʔsʕác̓əm iʔ q̓əy̓mín. Wait a minute until I'm done reading the letter. [dict] See: húmaʔ.

maʔ2   [maʔ] Morph: maʔ. 1 • suffix of unclear meaning in the following forms.

lxAfx. cúnmaʔ. To show s.t. [nb23 001] c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ. Index finger. [OkB] k̓ʷínmaʔam. To decide, figure s.t. out. səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm. Counselor. [newles 285] ʔúkʷmaʔṃ. To leave somebody. [dict] ʔawsʔúkʷmaʔm. To go to bid good bye to s.o. [dict]

2 • lxAfx. suffix of unclear meaning in the following forms (stem-internally). k̓ɬcnəmaʔxtwíxʷ. To try to talk sign language. [nb26-55 004] ɬaqʷmaʔscút. To admit error. [nb26-09 007] ʔawtmaʔsqílxʷ. Latecomers. [mychildr 086]

maʔáɬq̓ʷltm   [maʔáɬq̓ʷəltm] Morph: maʔáɬq̓ʷlt+m. Etym: √mʔ. an oppressive bother.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. way̓ kʷ iksmaʔáɬq̓ʷəltəm. I am going to bother you. [nb18206.1] way̓ kʷu aksmaʔáɬq̓ʷəltəm. You are going to be a collar around my neck. [nb18206.2] See: maʔmáʔt.

maʔáɬq̓ʷltmnt   Morph: maʔáɬq̓ʷlt+m+nt. Etym: √mʔ. an oppressive bother.

Tstem. Lit: They are a collar on my neck. Category: +nt. maʔáɬq̓ʷəltmən. They are oppressive to me. [nb18205.12] way̓ maʔáɬq̓ʷəltməntsən. Yes, I’m tired of you. [nb18206.5] uc maʔáɬq̓ʷəltməntxʷ. Are you tired of them? [nb18206.3] uc way̓ maʔáɬq̓ʷəltməntxʷ. Are they a collar around your neck? [nb18205.13] See: maʔmáʔt.

maʔcínm   [maʔcínəm] Morph: maʔcín+m. Etym: √mʔ. to bother, disturb s.o. with talk.

Mstem. Sp meʔ bother, pester; Cm c‑k‑maʔ‑m to act rudely, incorrectly; Cr miʔ annoy, bore, meʔ+eʔ send away. Category: Mstem. lut kʷu aksmaʔcínəm. Don’t talk to me / bother me (with talk). [nb18141.6]

maʔcínmnt   Morph: maʔcín+m+nt. Etym: √mʔ. to bother, disturb s.o. with talk.

Tstem. Sp meʔ bother, pester; Cm c‑k‑maʔ‑m to act rudely, incorrectly; Cr miʔ annoy, bore, meʔ+eʔ send away. Category: +nt. way̓ kʷu cmaʔcínməntxʷ sənk̓líp. You are bothering us, Coyote. [Nams 200]

maʔcínmst   Morph: maʔcín+m+st. Etym: √mʔ. to bother, disturb s.o. with talk.

Tstem. Sp meʔ bother, pester; Cm c‑k‑maʔ‑m to act rudely, incorrectly; Cr miʔ annoy, bore, meʔ+eʔ send away. Category: +st. kʷu cmaʔcínəmstxʷ. You always bother me with your talk. [nb18208.5] kʷu cmaʔcínəmstp, kən sc̓ítxəx. You are disturbing me, I am sleeping. [EJEp.8]

maʔcnmíst   [maʔcənmíst] Morph: maʔcn+míst. Etym: √mʔ. to bother somebody with talk.

Istem. Sp meʔcn-míst she is annoying with her ridiculous talking. Category: +mist. xʷuyx, lut nixʷ itlíʔ aksmaʔcənmíst. Go, don't bother people with your talk any more! [dict] See: maʔcínm.

maʔcnmɬtíɬn   [maʔcənmɬtíɬən] Morph: maʔcn+mɬtíɬn. Etym: √mʔ. to bother s.o. with talk.

nIstem. lut aksmaʔcnmɬtíɬən. Don't bother people with your talk. [dict] way̓ xʷuyx lut nixʷ tl aksmaʔcənmɬtíɬən axáʔ həɬckəm̓xíst həɬsuʔsw̓ít. Go, don't bother with talk the bears or anybody! [Nams 185] See: maʔcínm.

maʔkstmɬtíɬn   [maʔkstəmɬtíɬən] Morph: maʔkst+mɬtíɬn. Etym: √mʔ. to bother people with some action.

Istem. lut kən t̓a cmaʔkstməɬtíɬən. I don’t bother people. [nb18207.17]

nIstem. Sp mʔéčst-m-ɬ-t-n I bothered his things. x̌mínksəlx kscmaʔkstəmɬtíɬən. They like to bother people. [nb18208.1] lut t̓ inx̌mínk ɬ ikscmaʔkstəmɬtíɬən. I don’t like to bother people. [nb18208.2] See: maʔmáʔt.

maʔmaʔmíɬt   Morph: maʔ•maʔ+mí+ɬt. Etym: √mʔ. to send away s.o. (repeatedly).

Tstem. Cr meʔ+eʔ send away. way̓ kʷu maʔmaʔmíɬtsəlx. They kicked out my X. [nb18206.7] See: maʔmí(n).

maʔmaʔmíst   Morph: maʔ•maʔ+mí+st. Etym: √mʔ. to be tired of s.o.

Tstem. Category: +st. cmaʔmaʔmístnəlx. I get tired of them. [nb18207.8] kʷu cmaʔmaʔmísts. They are tired of me. [nb18207.9]

maʔmáʔt   [maʔmáʔt] Morph: maʔ•máʔ+t. Etym: √mʔ. to be a nuisance, a bother; to be busy.

Istem. Sp meʔ bother, pester; Cm c‑k‑maʔ‑m to act rudely, incorrectly; Cr miʔ annoy, bore, meʔ+eʔ send away. Category: +t. way̓ uníxʷ kʷ maʔmáʔt. You’re sure a nuisance. [nb19.364a] maʔmáʔtəlx. They are bothersome. [nb18207.11] talíʔ kən maʔmáʔt kən ɬaʔ ck̓ʷúl̕əm. I am always busy when I work. [nb18191.2]

maʔmínm   Morph: maʔ+mín+m. Etym: √mʔ. to send s.o. away; to reject s.o.

Mstem. Cr meʔ+eʔ send away. Category: nMstem. lut aksmaʔmínəm. Don't reject him! [E59.16] nak̓ʷaʔ kʷ iksmaʔmínəm. I don't want to get rid of you. [dict]

maʔmínt   Morph: maʔ+mí+nt. Etym: √mʔ. to send s.o. away; to reject s.o.

Tstem. Cr meʔ+eʔ send away. Category: +nt. kʷu maʔmís. He sent me away. [nb20.7] maʔmíntxʷ. You have somebody around and you're tired of him, but you don't tell him. [nb9a 083] maʔmíntməlx. He sent them away. [nb18205.10] maʔmíntsən. I want to send you away. [dict] way̓ aɬíʔ x̌əl naqs iʔ maʔmíntsən. Just for one thing I don't want you with me. [GDd1 241] maʔmíntxʷ. You're tired of him.

maʔmínxmnt   Morph: maʔ•mínx+m+nt. Gram: possible error for expected maʔmínxnm Etym: √mn. to rub one's foot on s.t. repeatedly.

Tstem. Category: +nt. maʔmínxmənt. Rub your foot in it! [nb18186.5] See: maʔmínxnm.

maʔmínxnmnt   Morph: maʔ+mínxn+m+nt. Etym: √mn. to rub one's feet on s.t.

Tstem. Sp č-mʔéʔ it became wrong or opposite, he got rubbed the wrong way, his feelings were hurt č-meʔmeʔšín his shoes are on wrong; Cm min‑nt‑xʷ you rub s.t.; Cr mín̓-nt-s groom, paint, rub ... lit. He rubbed it. Category: +nt. c̓iwt sənk̓líp sic maʔmínxənmiʔs. Last Coyote rubbed his feet on him. [lnx2 214] uɬ sic maʔmínxənmiʔs uɬ sic ʔácqaʔ. He rubbed his feet and then went out. [lnx2 216] See: maʔmínxm.

maʔmɬtíɬn   [maʔmɬtíɬən] Morph: maʔ+mɬtíɬn. Etym: √mʔ. to be a bother to s.o.

Istem. Sp mʔéčst-m-ɬ-t-n I bothered his things. lut aksmaʔmɬtíɬən. Don't be a bother to the people and their things! [E59.17] See: maʔmaʔt.

maʔmn̓xʷ   [maʔmn̓xʷ] Morph: maʔ•mn̓xʷ. Etym: √mnxʷ. to smoke.

Istem. Category: Dim. aɬíʔ kən ksmáʔmən̓xʷaʔx, caʔkʷ cus iʔ ta nuyápixcən. I am smoking, as they say in the white people language. [GDd1 195] See: man̓xʷ.

maʔmscút   [maʔmscút] Morph: maʔ•ms+cút. Etym: √mʔ. to be doing things, to be moving around; to play cards.

Istem. Sp hec-mem-s-cút-i he's out playing hec-m̓em̓-s-cúʔt-iʔ they're playing cards; Cm m̓am̓scútn̓ playing cards; Cr s+meʔ+m+scút bridge, card playing, game ... lit. annoying oneself. Category: +cut. k̓áwcənx, lut aksmaʔmscút. Quiet, don't move! [newles 052] kʷ cmaʔmscút. You are busy doing things. [nb21.34a]

maʔmúl   [maʔmúl] Morph: maʔ•múl. Etym: √ml. to dip net here and there.

Istem. səcmaʔmúlaʔx. She is dip netting here and there. [E20] See: mul.

maʔqʷáln   [maʔqʷáln] Morph: maʔqʷáln. Variant: maʔqʷálnqn. Etym: √mʔqʷ. knife.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ cənk̓ʷəƛ̓ntís iʔ maʔqʷálən sənk̓líp. Coyote took out the knife. [Whal 121]

maʔqʷálnqn   [maʔqʷálənqən] Morph: maʔqʷálnqn. Variant: maʔqʷáln. Etym: √mʔqʷ. knife.

Istem. maʔqʷálənqən. Knife. [dict]

maʔscín   [maʔscín] Morph: maʔscín. unclear suffix combination in the following form. ṇʔakʷmaʔscín. To hoard food. [dict] See: maʔ; cin.

mcakʷ   [ṃcakʷ] Morph: mcakʷ. Etym: √mckʷ. 1 • loganberry; raspberry; blackcap (berries) (rubus leucodermis). Category: Bot. mcakʷ. [TBK132]

2 • blackhead; birthmark.

Istem. Sp mcúkʷ trailing blackberry, Rubus ursinus. Rubus discolor; Cr mcukʷ caps (wild black...), (berries). mcakʷs. His birthmark. [nb18128.15] inmcákʷ. My birthmark. [nb18129.1]

mckʷiɬml̕x   [məckʷíɬml̕x] Morph: mckʷiɬml̕x. Etym: √mckʷ. blackcap (rubus leucodermis); blackcap berry bush.

Istem. Category: Bot. məckʷíɬml̕x. Blackcap. [TBK132] See: mcakʷ.

mckʷiɬp   [məckʷíɬp] Morph: mckʷiɬp. Etym: √mckʷ. blackcap (rubus leucodermis).

Istem. Category: Bot. məckʷíɬp. Blackcap. [TBK132] See: mcakʷ.

mcq̓ʷulm   [məcq̓ʷúləm] Morph: mcq̓ʷul+m ? Etym: √mcq̓ʷl ?. to swallow.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kən məcq̓ʷúləm. I swallowed. [dict]

mc̓am   Morph: mc̓a+m. Etym: √mc̓. to tease, kid s.o.; to fool s.o.

Mstem. Category: +am. mc̓am. Tease. [11.37a]

mc̓aʕɬt   [mc̓aʕɬt] Morph: mc̓aʕɬ+t. Etym: √mc̓ʕɬ. pus; to be pussy.

Istem. Sp mc̓óɬ-t pus; Cm mc̓úuɬt, məc̓úɬt pus; Cr mác̓uɬt pus. way̓ uɬ yayʕát t̓i mc̓aʕɬt, yayʕát p̓it̓kt iʔ sqilts. He was pussy, and his body was all open sores. [nb2574.7] t̓i kmax mc̓ʕaɬt. ixíʔ uɬ ʔúmsəlx mac̓áʕɬaʔ, ixíʔ uɬ iʔ ɬəɬskʷísts. He's covered in sores. They call him Pussy, that's his new name. [nb2574.11]

mc̓mc̓iɬp   [mc̓mc̓iʔɬp] Morph: mc̓•mc̓iɬp. Etym: √mc̓. oceanspray (holodiscus discolor).

Istem. Category: Bot. mc̓mc̓iɬp. Oceanspray. [TBK126]

mc̓min   [məc̓mín] Morph: mc̓+min. Etym: √mc̓. grease; vaseline; oil.

Istem. Sp č-mc̓mác̓s he has "sleep" in his eyes. The meadowlark pooped in the late sleeper's eyes; See Cm k-mc̓-qin-m to oil one’s hair; Cr mc̓ús+en balm, oil, face cream. Category: +min. məc̓mín. Grease. [nb18178.15] Category: +min. See: mc̓.

mc̓nt   Morph: mc̓+nt. Etym: √mc̓. to grease s.t.

Tstem. Sp č-mc̓mác̓s he has "sleep" in his eyes. The meadowlark pooped in the late sleeper's eyes; Cm kmc̓qinm to oil one’s hair; Cr mc̓ús+en balm, oil, face cream ... lit. a means of oiling one's face); see also meʔc grease. Category: +nt. məc̓əntín. I greased it. [nb18178.14] iʔ xʷistəns nc̓əxʷəntíxʷ, məc̓əntíxʷ yaʕyáʕt aʔ nxʷilwístns. Fill it up with fuel, grease all its running parts. [mychildr 247] See: mac̓.

mc̓nt   Morph: mc̓+nt. Etym: √mc̓. to tease, kid s.o.; to fool s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məc̓ntíxʷ. You teased him. [11.37a]

mc̓q̓ʷul̕   [məc̓q̓ʷúl̕] Morph: mc̓q̓ʷul̕. Etym: √mc̓q̓ʷl̕ (?). sandpiper.

Istem. Category: Faun. məc̓q̓ʷúl̕. Sandpiper. [nb18191.15] Category: Conf.

mhúyaʔ   [mhúyaʔ] Morph: mhúyaʔ. Etym: √mh. raccoon.

Istem. Sp hmhúyweʔ, mehúʔyeʔ raccoon. See also Cm k̓n̓‑uy̓aʔ raccoon. Category: Faun. mhúyaʔ Raccoon. [22.3a]

mi1   [mi] Morph: mi. with future import.

1 • future.

pcl. Category: time. ʕapnáʔ way̓ k̓ík̓əm mi ɬʔiq̓ʷ aʔ ilmíxʷm. Now soon the chiefs will appear. [mychildr 186] ta ṇwíst mi kən ksxyústaʔx. I am going to travel through the air. [dict] uɬ way̓ mi kən ksƛ̓lal. I'll be dead. [dict] mi n̓ín̓w̓iʔs ɬx̌əstwílx aspuʔús. And then you'll feel good again. [su7q̓im 263] mi kʷ xʷuy iʔ k̓əl kmálx̌aʔnts. Go to the one that lied about you! [su7q̓im 264b] iʔ l sx̌lilp mi kʷ mut. Sit on the floor! [nb26-35 004] x̌lap mi wíkɬmən. I'll see you tomorrow. [nb26-52 016] ixíʔ mi cʕacɬtíp ṇt̓k̓ʷíkiʔɬtp. That's the one you'll tie up (and) saddle up. [dict] cúɬtxʷəlx iʔ asyaʕpcín, məɬ cúntsəlx laʔkín mi kʷ xʔkínəm. Tell them your troubles, and they'll tell you what you'll have to do. [dict] tlaʔkín mi kən kaʔkícm t lkapí. Where can I find some coffee? [newles 115] tlaʔkín mi kʷ taʔxʷsqláw̓. Where will you find the money? [newles 118] iʔ cxʷuystxʷ aksck̓ʷúl̕ k̓l asnɬq̓ʷútn mi k̓ʷul̕ntxʷ. The (home)work you brought you'll do in your bedroom. [newles 249] mi k̓liʔ ɬkɬt̓ək̓ʷntíxʷ ilíʔ. Put it back down there. [GDd2 281]

2 • pcl. and then ...; until. k̓im naqs akskʷʼínəm mi kʷʼəl̕núntxʷ. One more try you'll have it. [nb26-07 007] k̓im naqs aksk̓ʷínm mi k̓ʷl̕l̕nuntxʷ. If you try one more time you will do it. [newles 094] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬə wíkəntxʷ Frankie mi c̓əlxəntíxʷ. If you see Frankie, grab her. [nb08 092] way̓ kən k̓ʷəl̕cəncút mi p ʔaɬʔíɬən. I'm cooking so you can eat. [grlsdd 056] lut stim̓ ksk̓ʷúl̕əntp mi p iyáʕp. Don't do anything until you get there. [lnx2 084] kʷu xʷic̓xt t ikspəx̌páx̌t, mi lut iksənɬíptmnəm. Give me knowledge so that I won't forget it. [feb94 046] ník̓ənt iʔ sɬiqʷ mi kɬíxʷpəntxʷ. Cut the meat and hang it up. [misc 039] ixíʔ kʷ ɬ ƛ̓lal, ixíʔ mi səl̕míntxʷ asənkaʔkʔíw̓s." When you die you will lose your soul. [su7q̓im 261] uɬ lut kən xkínəm mi kən ɬxʷəlxʷált. I can do nothing to go back to life. [Dvl 344] lútiʔ ksntəx̌ʷx̌ʷqíns mi wiʔstíxʷ ascq̓iʔxtwíxʷ. You will finish your letter before noon. [newles 300] xʷuyx xʷət̓pəncútx mi cuntxʷ. Go, run, and tell him! [Brth 030] xʷistx iʔ k̓əl sənkɬmútn mi kʷ mut. Walk to the door and sit down. [nb26-33 017] ɬət̓pməncútx iʔ k̓əl nx̌əlsʕáɬxʷtn mi tqəntíxʷ. Jump to the window and touch it! [nb26-33 019] way̓ k̓ík̓aʔt mi ntəx̌ʷx̌ʷqín A little before noon. [nb26-28 003] kən ɬkicx mi pulstn isl̕áx̌t, məɬ iksƛ̓lˑnúnəm. When I get back, I'll beat my friend til I kill him. [su7q̓im 245c] wiʔsp̓nísəlp̓m mi ckicx iʔ ʔawtús. He'd done piling his wood before his opponent arrives. [mychildr 070] mi kʷ ny̓ak̓ʷ k̓ʷinx aksɬət̓ɬaʔt̓pməncút ta ck̓əl sk̓ʷƛ̓ptan, mi kʷ ɬcʕ̓ác̓əm. Cross the water from here a few steps to the east, then look back. [gregory 057] cəm̓ kən ɬaʔɬaʔtxáʕn mi kən həhúʔ, lut t̓ iksənxʷstítkʷ. Should I get my feet wet I'll catch cold, I'm not going to wade in the water. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ pnaʔ cmay kʷu ɬk̓astkínaʔ, kʷu cxʷəlxʷált mi ɬʔístkəm. We might reach winter again, we might stay alive until winter again. [dict]

+mi2   [mi] Morph: -mi. Variant: +min; +mn. suffix that forms strong stems (stem-stressed) that can be transitivized.


1 • +nt transitives. c̓əq̓mínt. Throw it away! [nb25-38 011] k̓əɬk̓aʔrmínt. Swim to it! [nb26-34 010] nk̓əstmís. It harmed him. [Hrvst 142] kʷu tk̓aʔtmís. He came close to me. [newles 049] k̓əwpmíntxʷ. You stop talking to s.o. [relig 039] k̓ʷəɬxmíntsən. I was surprised by what you did. [feb94 060] ckələkʷəkʷxənmíntəp. You traveled so far. [2gts 129] kƛ̓əlpmín. I stopped by her. [nb26-60 0] kstqʷaʔqʷʔalmíntəm. We will talk it. [nb26-49 003] tqʷaʔqʷʔalmíntəm. We are talking about it. [nb26-49 012] nqʷən̓mín. I feel sorry for her. [grlhd 063] kʷu qʷən̓mís. He pitied me. [RHorse 003] qʷʔamˑín. I'm used to it. [nb26-31 005] nqʷn̓mints. He pities you. [relig 031] nq̓ʷaʔcmís. He got fat on them. [Dvl 145] səl̕mín. I lost it. [GDd1 430] səl̕mísəlx. They lost her. [nb25-89 001] nt̓əqmís. He threw it. [nb08 457] ul̕mís. He tipped it over. [Oct92 020] txlkmísəlx. They surrounded them. [su7q̓im 155] xəlkmíntxʷ. Walk around it. [nb26-34 015] txʷət̓pmín. I jumped on him, went after him. [nb08 294] txʷt̓pmínt. Chase it! [nb26-64 007] cənx̌stmís. To be good. [mychildr 115] yərmínt. Push it! [Oct92 030] kʷu yr̓míntəm. He pushed us. [nb26-51 037] kʷu yr̓míntəm. They pushed us. [misc 206] yirˑmís. He pushed it. [nb26-24 007] ʕalpmín. I lost it. [nb23 093]

2 • +st transitives. cənɬk̓ʷk̓ʷmístən. I think about this. [su7q̓im 267] cnɬək̓ʷɬək̓ʷtmístxʷ. Keep it in mind. [newles 069] cx̌əstmístxʷ. You like doing it. [newles 280]

3 • +ɬt transitives. yrmíɬtəm. He pushed down on it. [chipdd 099]

mi put   [mi put] Morph: mi put. Etym: √pt. until.

phrasal. Category: time. niʕ̓íp kʷ ksnamútaʔx iʔ l aspíkst mi put la c̓íwt sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. You are going to stay forever in your glove, until the last day. [dict] See: mi; put.

mi sic   [mi sic] Morph: mi sic. Etym: √sc. and then.

phrasal. Category: time. ixíʔ mi sic kʷ qʷən̓qʷán̓t, ixíʔ mi lut pənkín̓ t̓ ksp̓uƛ̓əms aksqʷən̓qʷán̓t. You will be sorry, your sorrow will never end. [su7q̓im 259] kən man̓xʷm, mi sic itlíʔ kən qʷəlqʷílt iʔ t k̓ʷk̓ʷínaʔ. I'll smoke, and then I'll talk some more. [su7q̓im 208a] kn nxn̓xn̓usm mi sic kən wíkəm, aɬíʔ kn səcknmqínx. I put my glasses on, and then I'll see, because I'm blind. [jan93nb 042] uɬ cəm̓ talíʔ k̓aʔtmíntxʷ mi sic wíkənts. You will ge very close before she sees you. [CoGrSy 473] kən mán̓xʷəm, mi sic itlíʔ kən qʷəlqʷílt iʔ t k̓ʷk̓ʷínaʔ. I'll smoke, and then I'll talk some more. [su7q̓im 208a] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ axáʔ m̓ay̓ncút iʔ likúk, uɬ ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ mi sic cmríməlx. After the rooster tells his story, then they'll get married. [dict] cənpúl̕qsəsts mi sic k̓ʷúl̕əmsəlx. They smoke it, then they work it. [rdgs 109] See: mi. sic.

míc̓aʔ   [mic̓aʔ] Morph: míc̓aʔ. Etym: √mc̓ʔ. dead game; to go after dead game; to fetch game killed and left behind.

Istem. kən míc̓aʔ. I go after a killed deer. [nb9a 065] kʷu ksmíc̓aʔx, uɬ aɬíʔ lkʷut. We are going to get the dead deer, it's far. [BJSeym 479] laʔɬ smaʔməʔím kʷu ksmíc̓aʔx. We are going to get the dead deer with the women folks. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ uɬ smíc̓aʔs. She went back after killed game. [nb2549.7]

míc̓aʔm   Morph: míc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √mc̓ʔ. dead game; to go after dead game; to fetch game killed and left behind.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. anwí məɬ kʷ [s]tx̌əsəsmíkstx, way̓ t̓iʔ kən míc̓aʔm. But you are lucky, I'll just go after the deer that's killed. [HnTrp 248] x̌lap mi kən míc̓aʔm. Tomorrow I am going after my dead game. [nb25-27 003]

miktúr   [miktúr] Morph: miktúr. From: French Victor. Etym: √mktr. miktúr (Victor).

Istem. Category: Borr. miktúr. Victor.

míktuʔ   [miktuʔ] Morph: míktuʔ ? Etym: √mktʔ ?. ground up sunflower seeds.

Istem. Sp s-mečtuʔ sunflower seeds (the mashed up seeds are used for "Indian peanut butter"). Category: Bot. miktuʔ. Sunflower. [dict]

mik̓ʷk̓ʷt   [mik̓ʷk̓ʷt] Morph: mik̓ʷ•k̓ʷ+t. Etym: √mk̓ʷ. to be snowed in.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. ilíʔ mat ki mík̓ʷk̓ʷt iʔ snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. That might be where the horses are snowed in. [Hrvst 066] uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa mík̓ʷk̓ʷtəlx uɬ lut t̓a c̓aɬʔíɬənəlx xʷʔásq̓ət. They were snowed in and they didn't eat for many days. [Hrvst 134] See: smik̓ʷt.

mílaʔ   [mílaʔ] Morph: mílaʔ. Etym: √mlʔ. bait; to bait (a trap); to bait s.o.

Istem. Cm ml‑ay(n)‑nt‑xʷ you bait s.t. [trap, hook]; Cr m̓el̕eʔ; Sh c-ml-mel-sts-s to gather up ... to lure (an animal). uɬ nák̓ʷəm ixíʔ iʔ mílaʔs sənk̓líp a kst̓əmkʔílts sənk̓líp. Coyote's bait is Coyote's daughter. [2gts 062] məɬ cúntəm i t knaqs incá kən k̓ʷul̕l̕ t mílaʔ. And another one said, "I'll turn into bait." [CoGrSy 760] sc̓x̌ilx uɬ incá iʔ kʷu mílaʔs uɬ a cƛ̓əxʷstím iʔ st̓əlsqílxʷ. That's why I am his bait to kill humans. [GDd1 552] uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ kɬmílaʔ, ixíʔ aɬíʔ kmúsəms iʔ sənʔamʔímaʔts. And then she has her bait there, four granddaughters. [nb1240.6]

mílaʔm   Morph: mílaʔ+m. Etym: √mlʔ. bait; to bait (a trap); to bait s.o.

Mstem. Cm ml‑ay(n)‑nt‑xʷ you bait s.t. [trap, hook]; Cr m̓el̕eʔ; Sh c-ml-mel-sts-s to gather up ... to lure (an animal). Category: nMstem. kʷ iksmílaʔm. I’m going to bait you. [nb18181.3]

mílaʔnt   Morph: mílaʔ+nt. Etym: √mlʔ. bait; to bait (a trap); to bait s.o.

Tstem. Cm ml‑ay(n)‑nt‑xʷ you bait s.t. [trap, hook]; Cr m̓el̕eʔ; Sh c-ml-mel-sts-s to gather up ... to lure (an animal). Category: +nt. mílaʔnts. She'll start baiting you. [dict]

milmlt   [mílməlt] Morph: mil•ml+t. Variant: mil̕ml̕t. Etym: √ml. to be slow; to take a long time.

Istem. Category: +t. caʔkʷ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷ ṇt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔṃ məɬ kʷ mílməlt. If you had to put the saddle on you would be slow. [dict] See: mlmilx.

milq̓ʷ   [milq̓ʷ] Morph: milq̓ʷ. Etym: √mlq̓ʷ. 1 • s.t. rolled or round. spuʔús milq̓ʷ. Ace of hearts. [nb1835.2]

2 • spades (suit of playing cards).

Istem. Sp q̓ʷáy milq̓ʷ spade (playing card); Cr malq̓ʷ rounded, spherical. milq̓ʷ. Ace (of spades). [nb21.116a]

milscút   [milscút] Morph: myls+cut. Etym: √my. to be sure of s.t.

Istem. Category: +cut. See: mylscut.

milsmíst   [milsmíst] Morph: myls+mist. Etym: √my. to be confident; to have s.t. figured out; to formulate a plan.

Istem. Category: +mist. See: mylsmist.

mil̕m   [míl̕əm] Morph: mil̕+m. Etym: √ml̕. to give out (food); to share food.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. scmíl̕əmsəlx. They were giving out (food). [nb18185.4]

mil̕ml̕t   [míl̕məl̕t] Morph: mil̕•ml̕+t. Variant: milmlt. Etym: √ml̕. to be slow; to take too much time; to poke around aimlessly.

Istem. Category: +t. maɬ kʷ míl̕məl̕t. You’re too slow. [nb1839.4] lut aksmíl̕məl̕t. Don’t be slow! [nb1810804.1] uɬ aɬíʔ myaɬ kʷ k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ cəm̓ kʷ míl̕məl̕t. You are too small, and you’ll be slow. [nb1268.10] See: mlmilx.

mil̕t   [mil̕t] Morph: mil̕+t. Variant: kmil̕t. Etym: √ml̕. to visit; to visit and talk.

Istem. Sh ? ml-mel-n-s, c-ml-mel-st-s to gather up; Th mil̕t- (make a) visit. Category: +t. uɬ aɬíʔ ilíʔ ik̓líʔ mat cmil̕t wápupxən. I guess Lynx goes visiting over there. [LynxS 038] incá lut kən t̓ə kmilt. I don’t go visit anybody. [nb1838.9]

mil̕tm   [míl̕təm] Morph: mil̕+t+m. Variant: kmil̕t(m). Etym: √ml̕. to visit s.o.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kʷu aksmíltəm. You will visit me. [nb18181.1] See: mil̕t.

mil̕tmnt   Morph: mil̕+t+m+nt. Variant: kmil̕t(m). Etym: √ml̕. to visit s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. míl̕tmən. I visited him. [nb18180.17] See: mil̕t.

miɬ+   [miɬ] Morph: my+ɬ. Etym: √my. more. Gram: comparative (in compounds). All compounds whose first member is miɬ+ are written myɬ+. See: myɬ+.

miɬm   [míɬəm] Morph: miɬ+m. Etym: √mɬ. to rest, or take a break.

Mstem. Sp méɬ-m he rested up from his labors; Cm maɬ‑m to rest; Cr miɬ rest; meɬ lying down (persons...); Sh meɬ-lx to rest; Th /meɬ- rest; Li máɬam to take a rest. Category: Mstem. kən míɬəm. I am taking a break. [dict]

miɬsysyús   [miɬsisyús] Morph: my+ɬ+sy•syus. Etym: √my, √sy. to be smarter.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: myɬsysyus.

miɬttwít   [myɬtətwít] Morph: my+ɬ+t•twit. Etym: √my, √twt. to be an outstanding boy.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: myɬttwit.

miɬx̌ást   [miɬx̌ást] Morph: my+ɬ+x̌as+t. Etym: √my, √x̌s. to be better.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. See: myɬx̌ast.

miɬx̌mínk   [miɬx̌mínk] Morph: my+ɬ+x̌mink. Etym: √my, √x̌m. to like s.o. better.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: myɬx̌mink.

miƛ̓   [miƛ̓] Morph: miƛ̓. Etym: √mƛ̓. to paint or smear, mix, color.

Istem. Sp miƛ̓ covered with a liquid (like paint); meƛ̓ mix, shuffle, deal cards; Cm maƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you spread, smear s.t., miƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you smear s.t.; Sh met̓-m to mix; Th √méƛ̓ mix; Li máƛ̓-xal to mix s.t. kn kscmiƛ̓. I have some already painted. [feb94 008]

miƛ̓ɬt   Morph: miƛ̓+ɬt. Etym: √mƛ̓. to paint or smear, mix, color.

Tstem. Sp miƛ̓ covered with a liquid (like paint); meƛ̓ mix, shuffle, deal cards; Cm maƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you spread, smear s.t., miƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you smear s.t.; Sh met̓-m to mix; Th √méƛ̓ mix; Li máƛ̓-xal to mix s.t. kʷu miƛ̓ɬt isk̓ʷƛ̓ús iʔ t kʷil. Paint my face red! [E74.13]

miƛ̓ɬtm   Morph: miƛ̓+ɬt+m. Etym: √mƛ̓. to paint or smear, mix, color.

nTstem. Sp miƛ̓ covered with a liquid (like paint); meƛ̓ mix, shuffle, deal cards; Cm maƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you spread, smear s.t., miƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you smear s.t.; Sh met̓-m to mix; Th √méƛ̓ mix; Li máƛ̓-xal to mix s.t. lut kʷu aksmíƛ̓ɬtəm incítxʷ. Don't paint my house! [E65.4]

miƛ̓ɬxʷm   [míƛ̓ɬxʷəm] Morph: miƛ̓ɬxʷ+m. Etym: √mƛ̓. to paint houses.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem uc wiʔstíp sic iʔ citxʷ, kəm̓ iʔ sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən, məɬ axáʔ iʔ səxʷmíƛ̓ɬxʷəm ixíʔ uɬ ixíʔ smíƛ̓ɬxʷəms. Whenever you finish a new house, or a barn, then the painter has to go to work and paint it. [nb1290.2] See: miƛ̓.

miƛ̓ƛ̓   [miƛ̓] Morph: miƛ̓•ƛ̓. Etym: √mƛ̓. to be painted, smeared, dabbed.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. kən miƛ̓ƛ̓. I have gotten smeared. [E65.1] See: miƛ̓.

miƛ̓m   Morph: miƛ̓+m. Etym: √mƛ̓. to paint or smear, mix, color.

Mstem. Sp miƛ̓ covered with a liquid (like paint); meƛ̓ mix, shuffle, deal cards; Cm maƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you spread, smear s.t., miƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you smear s.t.; Sh met̓-m to mix; Th √méƛ̓ mix; Li máƛ̓-xal to mix s.t. Category: nMstem. lut kʷu aksmíƛ̓əm. Don't paint me! [E65.3]

miƛ̓mn   [míƛ̓mən] Morph: miƛ̓+mn. Etym: √mƛ̓. 1 • paint.

Istem. Category: +mn. lut kən t̓a kɬmíƛ̓mən. I don't have any paint. [nb27-37 005]

2 • Istem. brown-eyed Susan (gaillardia aristata). Category: Bot. míƛ̓mən. [TBK84] See: miƛ̓.

miƛ̓nt   Morph: miƛ̓+nt. Etym: √mƛ̓. to paint or smear, mix, color.

Tstem. Sp miƛ̓ covered with a liquid (like paint); meƛ̓ mix, shuffle, deal cards; Cm maƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you spread, smear s.t., miƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you smear s.t.; Sh met̓-m to mix; Th √méƛ̓ mix; Li máƛ̓-xal to mix s.t. Category: +nt. míƛ̓ənt ixíʔ t̓iʔ c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ. Color the ones that are the same! [nb27-37 004] míƛ̓əntxʷ. You rubbed it. [dict]

mimáy   [mimáy] Morph: my•may. Etym: √my. to be equal.

Istem. See: mymay.

mimlt   [míməlt] Morph: mi•mlt. Variant: mimɬ. Etym: √mlt. whitefish; minnow.

Istem. See Sp s-míl-t fish eggs. Category: Faun. míməlt. Minnow. [dict]

mimɬ   [mimɬ] Morph: mi•mɬ. Variant: mimlt. Etym: √mɬ. minnow.

Istem. Category: Faun. mimɬ. Minnow. [nb18114.11]

mimyalíxʷ   [mimyalíxʷ] Morph: my•myalíxʷ. Etym: √my. guide.

Istem. See: mymyalíxʷ.

mimyíkst   [mimyíkst] Morph: my•myikst. Etym: √my. to be skilled.

Istem. See: mymyikst.

+min1   [min] Morph: +min. Variant: +min̓; +m̓in̓; +mn. derivational suffix with instrumental import.

dafx. nckʷmin. Buggy, team of horses. [nb24-05 001] cəkʷcəkʷmín. Team of horses. [misc 085] səncəckʷm̓ín. Little wagon, buggy. [dict] ncəcqəm̓ín̓. Saucer. [dict] snlk̓min. Jail. [su7q̓im 279e] laʔmín. Bee stinger. [dict] ɬuʔmín. Spear. [nb26-23 014] k̓əɬpaʔx̌mín. Memory; thinking. [newles 085] pumín. Drum. [Oct92 063] q̓əy̓mín. Letter; paper; writing implement; school. [mychildr 176] snq̓əy̓mín. School. [newles 101] qʷəlmín. Ashes. [nb27-19 001] tq̓ʷlmin. Barbequeing stick. [dict] təpmín. Cover, drape (e.g. for a tipi or sweathouse). [nb26-31 015] stxmin. Comb. [nb26-38 008] ktxʷmín. Bonus. [dict] nt̓k̓ʷmin. Envelope. [nb24-07 005] kt̓ɬmin, t̓ɬmin. Scotch tape, glue, bandaid. [nb26-66 006] snwurmín. Fireplace. [dict] xəl̕mín. Axe. [Oct92 050] xʷk̓ʷmin. Brush (to scrub s.t.). [nb26-38 009] k̓ɬʕacmín. Trolling line. [dict] k̓əɬʕ̓almín, k̓ɬʕacmín. Fence. [nb26-42 011] k̓əɬʕalmín. Fence. [nb25-20 010]

miná   [miná] Morph: miná. Variant: min̓á. Etym: mn. maybe not.

pcl. Category: neg. uɬ nstils iʔ ɬkíkxaʔs uɬ miná k̓ast. And her older sister thought, maybe it's not too bad. [lnxbdga 022] nstils uɬ aɬíʔ miná təl tanmús. And she thought, I guess it isn’t for nothing. [nb1221.11]

minám   [minám] Morph: myna+m. Etym: √my. to find out.

Mstem. Category: +am. See: mynam.

mincút   [mincút] Morph: my+ncut. Etym: √my. to complain; to tell what s.o. did.

Istem. Category: +ncut. See: myncut.

minm   [mínəm] Morph: min+m. Etym: √mn. to turn around.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem Sp √men to turn; méns-m-i-s he avoided it. isəcmínəm. I turned around. [nb21.103a] See: mnam.

+mintn   [mintṇ] Morph: +min+tn. suffix sequence with instrumental and locative import.

dafx. sənq̓əy̓míntn. School house. [nb26-33 003] See: +min; +tn.

minúlaʔxʷ   [minúlaʔxʷ] Morph: my+núlaʔxʷ. Etym: √my. to know the country.

Istem. See: mynúlaʔxʷ.

+min̓   [min̓] Morph: +min̓. Variant: +min 1; +m̓in̓; +mn. instrumental suffix.

dafx. ɬəɬt̓mín̓. Fishing line. [misc 073]

min̓á   [min̓á] Morph: min̓á. Variant: miná. Etym: mn. maybe not.

pcl. Category: neg. way̓ kʷaʔ uɬ min̓á k̓ast ha ɬə ʕ̓ác̓əntəm I don't think it'll be bad if we look. [lnx2 021]

min̓á tanm̓ús   [min̓á tanm̓ús] Morph: min̓+á tanm̓ús. Etym: √tnm̓. there must be a reason; it can't be for no reason; there must be something to it.

phrasal. min̓á tanm̓ús axáʔ iʔ tətwít. This boy is for real. [dict] uɬ min̓á haʔ tanm̓ús, way̓ t̓i x̌ast ɬ k̓əɬx̌ʷílstəm. And maybe it's not for nothing, it's better that we do away with him. [dict] uɬ min̓á tanm̓ús, uɬ way̓ t̓i laʔɬ anwí mi kʷu cmrˑím. And maybe it's not for nothing, I will get married with you. [dict] min̓á tanm̓ús kiʔ qʷásqiʔ. It isn't for nothing that he's Blue Jay. [dict] See: min̓á; tanm̓ús.

mip   [mip] Morph: my+p. Etym: √my. to learn.

Istem. See: myp.

mipcín   [mipcín] Morph: my+pcin. Etym: √my. agree.

Istem. See: mypcin.

mipnú   [mipnú] Morph: my+p+nu. Etym: √my. learn, find out. See: mypnu.

mipnún   [mipnún] Morph: my+p. Etym: √my. to learn. See: mypnu.

mipnwíɬn   [mipnwíɬən] Morph: my+pnwiɬn. Etym: √my. the knowledge or information one has obtained; information.

Istem. See: mypnwiɬn.

mirm   Morph: mir+m. Etym: √mr. to dab; to grease.

Mstem. Sp √mal dirt, earth; Cr mul dirty; Sh mləm-aɬxʷ to paint a house. Category: nMstem. lut ilíʔ aksmírəm. Don’t dab / grease it there! [nb18172.1] See: ml2.

+mísaʔt   [mísaʔt] Morph: mísaʔt. Variant: +mast; +mist; +miʔst. obscure meaning: perhaps with self-directed reference.

dafx. uɬ aɬíʔ knaqsmísaʔt. He was alone. [sknkf 027]

miscút   [miscút] Morph: my+scut. Etym: √my. to know how; to know about s.t.

Istem. Category: +cut. See: myscut.

miscʔíɬn   [misc̓íɬən] Morph: my+sc+ʔiɬn. Etym: √my, √ʔɬn. prime food.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: myscʔiɬn.

misc̓íɬn   [misc̓íɬən] Morph: my+sc+ʔiɬn. Etym: √my, √ʔɬn. prime food.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: myscʔiɬn.

misk̓ɬyíxʷlsm   [misk̓ɬyíxʷəlsəm] Morph: my+s+k̓ɬ+yíxʷls+m. Etym: √my, √yxʷ. to envy s.t. more or worse.

Mstem. Sp √yixʷ to covet, to envy. Category: Mstem, Compd. See: mysk̓ɬyixʷlsm.

miskʷúm   [miskʷúmən] Morph: my+s+kʷum. Etym: √my, √kʷm. to store s.t. well.

Istem. Category: Compd. myskʷum Store well.

misk̓ʷk̓ʷíymlt   [mysk̓ʷk̓ʷíyməlt] Morph: my+s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷiy+mlt. Etym: √my, k̓ʷy. to be younger.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysk̓ʷk̓ʷiymlt.

misɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓it   [misɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓it] Morph: my+s+ɬaʔ•ɬaʔxʷísk̓it. Etym: √my, √ɬʔxʷ. several people are more rested.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓it.

misƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌áp   [misƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp] Morph: my+s+ƛ̓x̌•ƛ̓x̌á+p. Etym: √my, √ƛ̓x̌. the oldest.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌áp.

misnx̌ílm   [misənx̌íləm] Morph: my+s+n+x̌il+m. Etym: √my, √x̌l. to be more afraid.

Mstem. Category: Mstem, Compd. See: mysnx̌ilm.

mispx̌páx̌t   [mispəx̌páx̌t] Morph: mi+s+px̌•páx̌+t. Etym: √my, √px̌. smarter.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: myspx̌páx̌t.

misqílxʷ   [misqílxʷ] Morph: my+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √my, √qlxʷ. to respect.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysqilxʷ.

misqílxʷstm   [misqílxʷstəm] Morph: my+s+qílxʷ+st+m. Etym: √my, √qlxʷ. to respect s.o. highly.

nTstem. Category: Compd. See: mysqilxʷstm.

misqltmixʷ   [misqəltmíxʷ] Morph: my+s+qltmíxʷ. Etym: √my, √qlt. a better man.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysqltmixʷ.

misq̓sápiʔ   [misq̓sápiʔ] Morph: my+s+q̓sápiʔ. Etym: √my, √q̓spʔ. a very long time ago; since time immemorial.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysq̓sápiʔ.

misqʷámqʷmt   [misqʷəmqʷámt] Morph: my+s+qʷam•qʷm+t. Etym: √my, √qʷm. best, most beautiful, excellent.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. See: mysqʷamqʷmt.

+mist   [mist, miʔst] Morph: +mist. Variant: +mast; +miʔst; +mísaʔt. suffix with unclear semantic import, perhaps of self-directed reference.

dafx. cícəlm̓iʔst. To be trotting. [2gts 176] cqʷútmist. To be in a level wooded area. [dict] kc̓q̓místn. Excuse. [misc 247] nkcəq̓místən. Excuse. [nb25-27 014] c̓q̓mist. To jerk back, to have a start; half. [jan93nb 102] scc̓uʔmístəm. To sing a bear song (upon killing one). [nb26-73 014] həhaʕ̓ʷmíst. To take a break. [dict] nkəxnmíst. To be walking. [dict] k̓əscənmíst. To swear. [nb25-57 001] kʷənmíst. To make a sound; to sing. [nb25-49 001] k̓ʷəlkstmíst. To fix oneself up, to doll up. [nb08 036] ɬəlɬílm̓ist. To be sprinkling. [dict] kmahqənmíst, kmáx̌qənmist. To give up. [nb08 213] miylsmíst. Sure of it, confident. [nb25-63 003] knaʔnáqsmiʔst. One by one. [nb24-26 001] knəqnáqsmiʔst. One by one. [su7q̓im 131] k̓əɬnəq̓ʷmíst. To run away. [dict] qʷən̓cənmíst. To be pitiful. [AutPS 228] qʷənkstmíst. To do s.t. pitiful. [dict] ṇqʷən̓qʷn̓aʔmíst. To beg, to act pitifully. [dict] q̓ʷíɬmist. To do one's best. [dict] q̓ʷíɬmiʔst. To do something smart. [GDd2 328] ksəl̕plaʔmíst. To disappear, to hide from others; to have disappeared; to not want one's whereabouts known. [dict] swplaʔmíst. To ask permission. [dict] ṇsəwcənmíst. To propose. [dict] kswitmíst. To exert oneself, to make a big effort. [dict] tíɬəm̓ist. To lie flat; to go straight. [nb08 009] sntumístn. Store. [su7q̓im 168] tumístən. S.t. for sale. [nb26-42 003] k̓əɬtunəlsmíst. To fall short; to be not good enough. [nb10a 040] táx̌ʷmist, táx̌ʷmiʔst. To reach over and hang something, to lean over and reach; to hang something up. [dict] t̓úlmist. To take it easy. [dict] wíkʷmist. To be hiding. [su7q̓im 107] wíkʷmiʔst. To hide. [su7q̓im 104] ukʷmíst. To keep s.t. secret. [nb9a 229] wəlcənmíst. To talk foolishly. [dict] kswítmist. To do one's best. [nb23 098] xƛ̓cənmíst. To say all kinds of things. [dict] xítmiʔst. To run, to run fast. [nb27-08 022] xətxíʔtmist. To run around. [dict] xʷaʔtmíst. A pack (e.g. wolves). [nb27-11 001] nxʷúlmiʔst. Whirlpool. [OkB] x̌stmíst. To enjoy s.t. [dict] nx̌əstəlsm̓íst. To get satisfaction for s.o.; to be satisfied. [2gts 136] tx̌aʔncənmíst. To try to stop s.o. [dict] yúm̓mist. To make a move. [dict] yúmiʔst. To not move. [2gts 263] yaʔyaʔmíst. To feel sorry for oneself. [dict] ʕáw̓miʔst. To relax. [newles 316] nʕaw̓ʕáw̓miʔst. To relax. [newles 314] ʔackənkstmíst. To play with oneself. [dict] tk̓asəlmíst. Two persons. [dict] k̓əwsənsuʔcən̓míst. Yo go to propose for s.o. [bjmd 050]

mist̓ít̓ym   [mist̓ít̓im] Morph: mis+t̓í•t̓ym. Etym: √my,√t̓m. easier.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: myst̓it̓ym.

misxʷáʔt   [misxʷáʔt] Morph: my+s+xʷaʔt. Etym: √my, √xʷʔt. more.

Istem. Category: Compd. mysxʷaʔt More.

misxʷt   [misxʷət] Morph: my+s+xʷt. Etym: √my, √xʷt. to want more.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysxʷt.

misx̌ást   [misx̌ást] Morph: my+s+x̌ás+t. Etym: √my, √x̌s. the best.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysx̌ast.

misx̌ʷyx̌ʷáyt   [misx̌ʷyx̌ʷáyt] Morph: my+s+x̌ʷy•x̌ʷay+t. Etym: √my, √x̌ʷy. more sharp.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysx̌ʷyx̌ʷayt.

misylmíxʷm   [misilmíxʷəm] Morph: my+s+ylmixʷ+m. Etym: √my, √yl. a better chief.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: mysylmixʷm.

misywyáʕʷt   [misyuyáʕʷt] Morph: my+s+yw•yaʕʷ+t. Etym: √my, √yʕʷ. stronger.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. See: mysywyaʕʷt.

misél   [misél] Morph: misél. Etym: √msl. From: French Michel. Michael.

Istem. Category: Borr. anwí misel kʷ ilmíxʷəm. You are the chief, misél. [nb2524.7]

mítx̌ʷiʔ   [mítx̌ʷiʔ] Morph: mítx̌ʷiʔ ? Etym: √mtx̌ʷʔ ?. Methow.

Istem. mítx̌ʷiʔ. Methow. [nb20.95, nb21.11a]

miw̓s   [miw̓s] Morph: miw̓s ? Etym: √m ?. half-way; midway.

Istem. miw̓s. Midway. [pd] cut way̓, cut way̓ iwá miskʷúms, cut a[xáʔ] iʔ l məsmíw̓s aɬíʔ mat iʔ citxʷ. He said, "She really hid it," he said "in the four(th) floor of the house." [GDd2 401]

mix1   [mix] Morph: mix. Variant: mixʷ; mx. person.

lxAfx. Cr mš, emš people; Sh -mx people, person; Th emx, em̓x, mx person, people, band, tribe, inhabitant; Li -məx, -əmx, -amx person. sməlqmíx. Eagle River People. [nb9a 111] k̓nsmix. Trapper. [FrGov.19] st̓aʔk̓míx. A (female) virgin. [dict] sxaʔtmíxəlt. The oldest of s.o.'s child. [dict]

+mix2   [mix] Morph: +mix. suffix with unclear semantic import in the following form.

dafx. sumíx. Spirit power. [su7q̓im 103]

-mix3   [mix] Morph: -mix. suffixal component of the progressive circumfix ks-...-mix.

isfx. Category: asp. kən ksc̓aʔsmíxaʔx. I'm going to pick leftovers. [nb26-73 010] Category: InflAfx.

mixʷ   [mixʷ] Morph: mixʷ. Variant: mix; mx. person.

lxAfx. Sh -muxʷ person (?). ililmíxʷəm. Chiefs. [nb26-18 007]

miyasʔíɬn   [miyasʔíɬən] Morph: miya+s+ʔíɬn. Etym: √my, √ʔɬn. sacred food.

Istem. Gram: variant (?) of my+s+ that may come from captíkʷɬ Category: Compd. miyasʔíɬən Sacred food. [E55.18] See: ʔiɬn.

míylsmist   [míylsmist] Morph: míyls+mist. Etym: √my. to have confidence in oneself.

Istem. Category: Compd, +mist. səcmílsmistx. He has lots of confidence in himself. [lpb269] See: miy2.

miynt   Morph: miy+nt. Etym: √my. to lay s.t. on s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ iʔ t xƛ̓ut miys sənt̓əpt̓páqsəs lut iʔ t sniw̓t ksníw̓əntəm. He put rocks on the corners so the wind won't blow it away. [dict]

miyst   Morph: my+st. Etym: √my. to be sure of s.t.

Tstem. Category: +st. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ míystən way̓ t̓i kʷ ɬ ƛ̓lal. I was sure you are going to die. [2gts 198] lut miysts. He's not sure. [nb9a 079] míystən kn ɬaʔ cqʷəlqʷílt. I am sure of what I am saying. [nb19.250] uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ míystən way̓ laklín i l inlkasát. And I was sure I locked it in my trunk. [GDd1 606] uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx uɬ aɬíʔ miysts sisyús iʔ sqəltmíxʷs. Because the oldest one is sure that the smartest one is her husband. [BJSeym 357] way̓ míystsəlx sƛ̓aʔcínəm t̓ínaʔs, uɬ náx̌əmɬ way̓ lut t̓a kskcahhám. They knew it's deer's ears; but they didn't match. [BJSeym 418] way̓ miystxʷ, mi sic t̓aʕpəntíxʷ. Be sure of it before you shoot. [E41.1] way̓ t̓i ʕác̓əs uɬ way̓ miysts t incá kʷ iskʷúlstəm. He’ll look at it and he’ll know that I sent you. [nb1254.11] way̓ miysts kəlkʷákʷ iʔ təl siwɬkʷ. He was sure she's out of the water. [dict]

miʔɬ   [miʔɬ] Morph: miʔɬ. Variant: smiʔɬ. Etym: √mʔɬ. paternal uncle; father's brother, cousin.

Istem. Sp s-méʔɬ uncle, uncle (father's brother); Cm mʔiɬt female’s brother’s child; s‑mʔal father’s brother; father’s male cousin; stepfather; father’s sister’s husband. Category: Kin. miʔɬ Uncle. [Comm]

+miʔst   [miʔst, mist] Morph: +miʔst. Variant: +mist; +mast; +mísaʔt. suffix that marks some self-directed reference.

dafx. cícəlm̓iʔst. To be trotting. [2gts 176] cqʷútmist. To be in a level wooded area. [dict] ɬəlɬílm̓ist. To be sprinkling. [dict] kmáx̌qənmist. To give up. [nb08 213] knaʔnáqsmiʔst. One by one. [nb24-26 001] knəqnáqsmiʔst. One by one. [su7q̓im 131] q̓ʷíɬmist. To do one's best. [dict] q̓ʷíɬmiʔst. To do something smart. [GDd2 328] ksl̕plaʔmíst. To have disappeared; to not want one's whereabouts known. [nb08 255] kswítmist. To do one's best. [nb23 098] tíɬəm̓ist. To lie flat; to go straight. [nb08 009] táx̌ʷmiʔst. To lean over and reach; to hang something up. [nb08 017] táx̌ʷmist. To reach over and hang something. [dict] t̓úlmist. To take it easy. [dict] wíkʷmist. To be hiding. [su7q̓im 107] wíkʷmiʔst. To hide. [su7q̓im 104] xítmiʔst. To run. [nb27-08 022] xíʔtmist. To run fast. [nb9a 230] xətxíʔtmist. To run around. [dict] nxʷúlmiʔst. Whirlpool. [OkB] yúm̓mist. To make a move. [dict] yúmiʔst. To not move. [2gts 263] ʕáw̓miʔst. To relax. [newles 316] nʕaw̓ʕáw̓miʔst. To relax. [newles 314]

+mi(n)2   [min] Morph: +min. Variant: +mn 2. suffix that forms (1) transitive stems; (2) nominalized middles; and (3) stems with lexical suffixes.

1 • transitive stems (here exemplified with subject markers).

dafx. k̓əwpmíntəm. They got through with s.t. [misc 094c] k̓aʔtmíntxʷ. You get near to s.t. [ntverbs 031] nɬək̓ʷk̓ʷmíntxʷ. You remembered it. [newles 068] cənɬk̓ʷk̓ʷmístən. I think about it. [su7q̓im 267] pkʷmíntxʷ. You pour solids. [ntverbs 014] nqʷən̓míntxʷ. You have pity on s.o. [mychildr 226] nqʷən̓n̓mínts. They will show consideration of you. [mychildr 2306] qʷʔamˑín. I'm used to it. [nb26-31 005] ul̕mís iʔ sənp̓k̓ʷitkʷ. He tipped over the porridge. [Oct92 020] xaʔt̓míntsən I play tricks on you. [nb26-17 002] txlkmísəlx. They surround it. [su7q̓im 155] txiʔxənmínts. He came at you. [nb25-80 008] yərmínt anl̕w̓akín̓. Push your buggy! [Oct92 030] kʷu yaʕˑmíntəm. They made me afraid. [nb23 173] kʷu yaʔkʷmínxtxʷ. You got stingy with me. [nb25-92 001] ʕalpmín. I lost it. [nb23 093]

2 • dafx. nominalized middles. lut aksc̓aʔxmínəm. Don't be ashamed of s.t. [mychildr 261] lut akcc̓aʔxmínəm. You won't be ashamed of it. [nb26-36 0] aksənqʷən̓n̓mínəm. You show consideration for s.t. [mychildr 233] lut aksxaʔt̓mínəm Don't play any tricks on her. [lnx2 135] lut aksyaʕmínməlx. Don't be afraid to ask s.o. [mychildr 264] lut kʷu aksyaʕˑmínəm. Don't make me afraid. [nb23 174] lut kʷu akskɬʔamˑínəm. Don't sit so close to me. [nb23 204]

3 • dafx. stems with lexical suffixes (and further morphology). cəkʷmnáqs. Wagon roads. [dict] kʷu c̓q̓mənkín̓xtxʷ. You threw my pack down. [dict] ṇc̓q̓əmnílsəntxʷ. You have given her a false hope. [dict] ṇlik̓əmníksəntsən. I forced you. [dict] k̓awsənpkʷmnítkʷəntxʷ. To go and throw s.t. in the water. kɬyrmnitkʷkʷ. To have launched (a canoe).

mk̓maʕk̓   [mək̓maʕk̓] Morph: mk̓•maʕk̓. Etym: √mk̓. exquisite.

Istem. x̌əsx̌ást, t̓iʔ mək̓máʕk̓ So pretty and big. [bjmd 074] Category: Conf.

mk̓mik̓p   [mək̓mík̓p] Morph: mk̓•mik̓p. Etym: √mk̓. testicles.

Istem. Sp méč̕-p testicle, mč̕méč̕-p testicles; Cm mək̓p; Sh mek̓p testicle; Th √mék̓p testicles; Li mak̓p testicles. Category: Anat. mək̓mík̓ps. His testicles. [pd03]

mkʷíwaʔt   [ṃkʷíwaʔt] Morph: mkʷíwaʔt. Etym: √mkʷ. small mounds.

Istem. Category: Dim. məkʷíwaʔt. Mounds. [dict] See: mkʷiwt.

mkʷiwt   [məkʷíwt] Morph: mkʷiwt. Etym: √mkʷ. a small mountain; a mound.

Istem. ixíʔ scústsəlx ta m̓kʷál aʔ mkʷiwt. They called that little mountain m̓kʷal. [mychildr 063] way̓ ilíʔ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔúsəmən k̓əl w̓íw̓aʔst ki əcmkʷíwt. I looked around and up on the side of the hill there was a lump. [HnTrp 324] axáʔ anwí aksənq̓ʷəɬtáqs axáʔ anmkʷíwt. This is the game I'm going to give you, this is your lump (under which the killed deer is buried). [dict] way̓ t̓i məkʷíwt iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ scliq̓. And there are snow mounds all over where the deer are buried. [dict]

mkʷkʷukʷ   [məkʷkʷúkʷ] Morph: mkʷ•kʷ•ukʷ. Etym: √mkʷ. to get up from under s.t.; to stick one's head up (from under the covers, from under a tent...)

Istem. Sp mkʷmúkʷ-lš movement seen under a covering. way̓ uɬ məkʷkʷúkʷəlx. They’re starting to get up. [nb22.37a] cməkʷkʷúkʷ məɬ nsp̓áw̓sqslx məɬ k̓əɬˑwáx̌səlx. They were lying in bed, then they hit them on the head, stabbed them under the arms. [lpb458]

mkʷmkʷiwt   [məkʷəmkʷíwt] Morph: mkʷ•mkʷiwt. Etym: √mkʷ. mountains, hills.

Istem. Gram: form prevalent in the north uɬ yaʔx̌í aʔ cmaq̓ʷ, uɬ yaʔx̌í aʔ məkʷəmkʷíwt... That hill over there, and those mountains over there... [mychildr 106] axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ wíkəntxʷ aʔ cplal, ixíʔ iʔ smik̓ʷt, ixíʔ iʔ c̓əlc̓ál, ixíʔ aʔ mkʷəmkʷíwt, yaʕyáʕt cníxəl. If you see growing things here on earth, snow, trees, mountains, they all can understand. [mychildr 273] See: mkʷiwt.

mkʷʔiwt   [məkʷʔíwt] Morph: mkʷ[ʔ]iwt ? Etym: √mkʷ. lumps.

Istem. way̓ cúntməlx, way̓ axáʔ, ixíʔ uɬ t̓iʔ məkʷʔíwt iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ scliq̓. He told them: "It's right here." There are snow mounds all over where the deer are buried. [BJSeym 502] See: mkʷiwt.

ml   [məl] Morph: ml. Variant: ml̕. recklessly or indiscriminately.

lxAfx. Sp √mel to appear briefly and then disappear; m̓l̕m̓él̕čst-m̓-n̓ I played with it; Cr √ml̕, mel̕ addition (in ... to), by, on, near, touching; Cr (Reichard) mäl̕ on to, close by, besides. məlkc̓ík̓naʔm. To burn together without control. [dc96] məlkʷín. To grabbed s.o. or s.t. recklessly. [lpb470] məlpúlstəm. To beat s.o. up recklessly. [Nams 241] məltqcəlxínaʔm. To walk recklessly over s.o. or s.t.; to run over s.t. or s.o. [E73.14] məlq̓məntím. To swallow indiscriminately. [Whal 234] məl̕xʷístməntəm. To control s.o. at any cost. [nb27-19 004] məl̕xʷístmnəm. To walk over s.o. recklessly. [nb27-19 003] məlxʷúym. To go without control; to walk into s.t. or s.o.; to bump into s.t. [E73.12] məlxʷúymn. To take s.o. along without consent. [E73.15]

mlap   [mlap] Morph: mla+p. Etym: √mʕl. melted snow, muddy soil; gooey substance.

Istem. mlap iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. The snow melted. [nb18157.15] mlap ya mɬk̓íyaʔ. The blood is oozing through. [nb18157.16] See: ml(a).

mlaʕnt   Morph: mlaʕ+nt. Etym: √mʕl. to spread s.t. gooey on s.t.; to dab; to smear. Category: PhM.

Tstem. Sp √mal dirt, earth; mál-t dirt; Cr mul dirty; Sh s-ml-óleʔxʷ clay; Th √mól pile up dirt/snow. Category: +nt. mlaʕnt. Smear it! [nb18180.10]

mlaʕnt   Morph: mlaʕ+nt. Etym: √mʕl. to spread s.t. gooey on s.t.; to dab; to smear. Category: PhM.

Tstem. Sp √mal dirt, earth; mál-t dirt; Cr mul dirty; Sh s-ml-óleʔxʷ clay; Th √mól pile up dirt/snow. Category: +nt, PhM. mlaʕnt. Smear it! [nb18180.10] mələntáʕxʷ. You spread something gooey on it, you buttered it. [nb24-06 008] mələntáʕn. I put mud on it; buttered it. [nb24-06 009]

mlkc̓ík̓naʔm   [məlkc̓ík̓naʔm] Morph: mlk+c̓ík̓naʔ+m. Etym: √c̓k̓. to burn together.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. way̓ nixʷ ixíʔ ilíʔ məlkc̓ík̓naʔm. Theyʼll burn together there. [dc96] See: kc̓ík̓naʔ.

mlk̓ʷ   [məlk̓ʷ] Morph: mlk̓ʷ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. root with the meaning round, whole to which several lexical affixes are added. Category: Rt. See: mlk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔm; mlk̓ʷqin; mlk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ; mlmalk̓ʷútyaʔ; nmlk̓ʷqin; nmlk̓ʷawsqn; nmlk̓ʷápaʔst; q̓ʷaʕy milk̓ʷ; sk̓ɬmlk̓ʷapqn. Sp milk̓ʷ solid, whole; Cm məlk̓ʷ be round (pole); Cr melk̓ʷ complete, intact, whole; Sh mlk̓ʷ-um collect into one whole...

mlk̓ʷalqʷ   [məlk̓ʷálqʷ] Morph: mlk̓ʷalqʷ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. log; to log.

Istem. Sp hec-mlk̓ʷálqʷ a log, a post. kən scməlk̓ʷálqʷəx. I am logging. [nb6.91a] aɬíʔ way̓ scməlk̓álqʷəlx. They are logging. [nb18179.9] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlk̓ʷalqʷm   Morph: mlk̓ʷalqʷ+m. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. log; to log.

Mstem. Sp hec-mlk̓ʷálqʷ a log, a post. Category: Mstem. kən məlk̓ʷálqʷəm. I log. [nb6.91a] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔm   [məlk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔm] Morph: mlk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. to get a whole carcass.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. yaʕpqín sƛ̓aʔcínəm, məlk̓ʷíɬc̓aʔməlx. There are lots of (killed) deer, each one gets a whole deer. [dict] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlk̓ʷqin   [məlk̓ʷqín] Morph: mlk̓ʷqin. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. solid, one piece, long hair.

Istem. kʷaʔ əcməlk̓ʷqín iʔ sqílxʷ. The Indians had one piece hair (long hair). [dc51] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ   [məlk̓ʷmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: mlk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. the whole earth.

Istem. axáʔ way̓ x̌əltsqílxʷ axáʔ mat iʔ l tqʷəlqʷəltíw̓s, iʔ l radio, uɬ way̓ cməlk̓ʷmúlaʔxʷ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. They started calling the people maybe on the telephone, on the radio, all over the land. [dict] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlk̓ʷut   [məlk̓ʷút] Morph: mlk̓ʷut. Etym: mlk̓ʷ. tipi pole.

Istem. uɬ t̓əxʷ i l məlk̓ʷút uɬ k̓əɬnciʔípəm. He knocked on the pole. [CoGrSy 036] axáʔ stk̓iwlxs axáʔ iʔ t məlk̓ʷút. He climbed on the tipi poles. [LynxS 063] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlmalk̓ʷútyaʔ   [məlmalk̓ʷútyaʔ] Morph: ml•malk̓ʷútyaʔ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. all of s.t. or s.o.

Istem. kʷu məlmalk̓ʷútyaʔ. All of us. [nb22.83a] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlmilk̓ʷ   [məlmílk̓ʷ] Morph: ml•milk̓ʷ. Etym: √ml. BBs, bullets.

Istem. məlmílk̓ʷ. Bullets. [dict] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlmilx   [məlmílx] Morph: ml•mil+x. Etym: √ml. to spend or lose time; to be slow; to loiter or linger.

Istem. Cr mil̕ aimless ... await. Category: +x. kway̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ilíʔ məlmílx, mi k̓ɬənʔaɬxʷípnəlx. They’ll lose time there, I'll go there (to find them). [nb1259.8] uɬ aɬíʔ anwí kʷ stətʔíwtaʔx kʷ məlmílx. But you are the youngest one, you are slow. [nb1280.3] cəm̓ t̓i kʷ məlmílḷx mi ƛ̓mípstəm. If you fool around you'll be late. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ilíʔ məlmílḷx, ixíʔ mi ṇk̓áwlaʔxʷstnəlx. They will lose time there, I'll get them there (kill them). [dict]

mlmlk̓ʷápaʔ   [məlməlk̓ʷápaʔ] Morph: mlmlk̓ʷápaʔ. Variant: nmlk̓ʷápaʔst. Etym: √nlk̓ʷ. stallion.

Istem. Sp n-mlmlk̓ʷépl a stallion (both testicles); Cm n‑mlk̓ʷ-ap-aʔst stallion; Li məl:məlk̓ʷạ́paʔ stud, stallion. Category: Faun. məlməlk̓ʷápaʔ. Stallion. [nb18179.10]

mlmlk̓ʷápaʔst   [məlməlk̓ʷápaʔst] Morph: ml•mlk̓ʷápaʔst. Variant: mlmlk̓ʷápaʔ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. 1 • testicles. Category: Anat.

2 • stallion.

Istem. Variant: nmlmlk̓ʷápaʔ(st). Sp n-mlmlk̓ʷépl̕ a stallion (both testicles); Cm nmlk̓ʷápaʔst stallion, stud horse. Category: Faun. See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlmlk̓ʷikst   [məlməlk̓ʷíkst] Morph: ml•mlk̓ʷikst. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. ball-like.

Istem. Sp:s-č-m̓el̕k̓ʷéčst the whole hand, mittens; milq̓ʷ ball-like, balled up; č-m̓el̕q̓ʷéčst mittens; Cm məlk̓ʷ be round (pole); ml̕q̓ʷ-alqʷp twisted mouth; Cr √mlq̓ʷ malq̓ʷ rounded, spherical. Ques: There seem to be connections or confusion between √mlk̓ʷ and √mlq̓ʷ. məlməlkʷíkst [k̓ʷ or q̓ʷ ?] iʔ sq̓əq̓átəlqs. Balls on a wool sweater. [nb21.185a] See: mlk̓ʷ.

mlmlnt   Morph: ml•ml+mt. Etym: √mʕl. to smear s.t. Category: PhM.

Tstem. Category: +nt, PhM. məlməlntáʕs. He smeared it. [nb18180.11] See: ml2.

mlmscut   [məlmscut] Morph: ml+mscut. Etym: √ml. to take one's time.

Istem. Category: +cut. ixíʔ sxʷúyʔsəlx, xʷúˑˑyʔḷx, ɬʔyppúlxəlx, uɬ aɬíʔ məlmscútəlx. They started out, they went, they camped on the way, and they took their time. [dict] See: mlmilx.

mlmulx   [məlmúlx] Morph: ml•mulx. Etym: √mlx. cottonwood trees.

Istem. Sp múlš; Cr mulš; Sh mulx; Th múlx; Li ? mulx stick. Category: Bot. məlmúlx. Cottonwood. [dict] See: mulx.

mlnt   Morph: ml+nt. Etym: √mʕl. to spread s.t. gooey on s.t.; to dab; to smear. Category: PhM.

Tstem. Sp √mal dirt, earth; mál-t dirt; Cr mul dirty; Sh s-ml-óleʔxʷ clay; Th √mól pile up dirt/snow. Category: +nt. mələntáʕxʷ. You spread something gooey on it, you buttered it. [nb24-06 008] mələntáʕn. I put mud on it; buttered it. [nb24-06 009]

mlpulstm   [məlpúlstəm] Morph: mlpul+st+m. Etym: √ml, √pl. to want or try to beat s.o.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem uɬ nixʷ incá uɬ kʷu aksməlpúlstəm. And now you want to beat me too. [Nams 241] See: pulst.

mlqmixcn   [məlqmíxcən] Morph: mlqmixcn. Etym: √mlq. Similkameen language.

Istem. ixíʔ məlqmíxcən. That's the Similkameen language. [E56.3]

mlqnups   [məlqnúps] Morph: mlqnups. Etym: √ml. golden eagle; brown eagle. Lit: wide tail

Istem. Sp n-mlq-núps golden eagle; Cm ml‑qn‑ups golden eagle; Cr mlqnups eagle. Category: Faun. ixíʔ məlqnúps yaʔ sqʷsqʷaʔsíyaʔs sic mat skt̓ít̓əqʷsaʔx, ʔasíl. There were eagle babies just hatched, two of them. [dict]

mlq̓mnt   Morph: mlq̓m+nt. Etym: √q̓m. to swallow recklessly or indiscriminately.

Tstem. Category: +nt. [w]ay̓ q̓məntím uɬ axáʔ náx̌əmɬ iʔ ƛ̓ʔiʔs a cənməlk̓ʷqín ixíʔ lut náx̌əmɬ t̓ məlq̓məntím. He didn't swallow it, the canoe, the whole thing. [Whal 234] See: q̓m.

mltqclxínaʔm   [məltqcəlxínaʔm] Morph: mlt+qc+lxínaʔ+m. Etym: √qc. a legged creature walks over s.t. or s.o. recklessly.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem lut kʷu aksməltqcəlxínaʔm. Don't run over me (said to a legged creature)! [E73.14] See: qiclx.

mlxʷistmnm   Morph: mlxʷist+m+n+m. Etym: √xʷst. to walk over s.t. or s.o. recklessly.

nTstem. Category: +n+m. lut kʷu aksməl̕xʷístmnəm. Don't walk over me! [nb27-19 003] See: xʷist.

mlxʷistmnt   Morph: mlxʷist+m+nt. Etym: √xʷst. to walk over s.t. or s.o. recklessly.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məl̕xʷístməntəm iʔ t st̓əmkʔílts. She can't control her daughter. [nb27-19 004] See: xʷist.

mlxʷuym   [məl̕xʷúym] Morph: mlxʷuy+m. Variant: ml̕xʷuym. Etym: √xʷy. to go without control; to walk into s.t. or s.o.; to bump into.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. lut kʷu aksməl̕xʷúyəm. Don't bump into me. [nb27-19 002] See: xʷuym.

mlxʷuymnm   Morph: mlxʷuy+m+n+m. Variant: ml̕xʷuymn. Etym: √xʷy. to take s.t. or s.o. along without consent. Category: +n+m. lut kʷu aksməlxʷúymnəm. Don't take me along without my consent! [E73.15]

mlxʷuymnt   Morph: mlxʷuy+m+nt. Variant: ml̕xʷuym. Etym: √xʷy. to go without control; to walk into s.t. or s.o.; to bump into.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu məl̕xʷúyəms. He bumped me / brushed me aside as he went by. [nb21.130a] məl̕xʷúyməntəm. We were overrun. [E52.7] kʷu məlxʷúyms inatmupíl. My car got away from me, I lost control of it. [E73.11] kʷu məlxʷúyms. He ran over me. [E73.12] cəm̓ məlxʷúymənts. It might run over you. [E73.16] See: xʷuym.

mlx̌aʔcínm   [məlx̌aʔcínəm] Morph: mlx̌aʔcín+m. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. to lie about what s.o. has said.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem kʷ iksməlx̌aʔcínəm. I’m going to lie about what you said. [nb18179.16] See: málx̌aʔ.

mlx̌aʔnt   Morph: mlx̌aʔ+nt. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. to call s.o. a liar.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məl̕x̌aʔntsít. We called you a liar. [nb08 426] kʷu məlx̌[aʔ]ntíxʷ. You called me a liar. [nb08 427] See: málx̌aʔ.

mlx̌aʔnwíxʷ   [məlx̌aʔnwíxʷ] Morph: mlx̌aʔ+nwíxʷ. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. to lie to each other.

Istem. məlx̌aʔnwíxʷəlx. They lied to each other. [E91.7] See: málx̌aʔ.

mlx̌aʔsk̓ʷul̕m   [məlx̌aʔsk̓ʷúl̕əm] Morph: mlx̌aʔ+s+k̓ʷul̕+m. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ, √k̓ʷl̕. to pretend to work. Category: Mstem.

Mstem, Compd. iʔ l office kiʔ kən cməlx̌aʔsk̓ʷúl̕m. At the office I pretend to work. [newles 296] See: málx̌aʔ; k̓ʷul̕.

mlx̌aʔsnk̓wpíls   [məlx̌aʔsənk̓əwpíls] Morph: mlx̌aʔ+s+n+k̓w+píls. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ, √k̓w. to pretend to be lonesome.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ ixíʔ skʷənkʷəntwíxʷs aɬíʔ sməlx̌aʔsənk̓əwpíls. They hugged, she pretended to be lonesome. [lpb204] See: málx̌aʔ; nk̓wpils.

mlx̌aʔstq̓lq̓lxʷusxn   [məlx̌aʔstq̓əlq̓əlxʷúsxən] Morph: mlx̌aʔ+s+t+q̓l•q̓lxʷusxn. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ, √q̓lxʷ. to pretend to trip.

Istem. Category: Compd. uɬ lútiʔ ksənpəƛ̓músc iʔ sq̓ʷəyməncút, mi kʷ məlx̌aʔstq̓əlq̓əlxʷúsxən. Before the dance is over, pretend you trip. [blkpg 058] See: málx̌aʔ; tq̓lq̓lxʷusxn.

mlx̌aʔsx̌ʷáq̓ʷlqsm   [məlx̌aʔsx̌ʷáq̓ʷəlqsəm] Morph: mlx̌aʔ+s+x̌ʷáq̓ʷlqs+m. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ, √x̌ʷq̓ʷ. to pretend to be snoring; to play snore.

Mstem. Category: Mstem, Compd. uɬ k̓a ṇɬaʔmínk ɬq̓ilx, ixíʔ uɬ məlx̌aʔsx̌ʷáq̓ʷəlqsəm. He lay next to the wall, and pretended to snore. [dict] ixíʔ məɬ p məlx̌aʔsx̌ʷáq̓ʷəlqsəm, uɬ náx̌əmɬ lut ksʔatxílxəmp itlíʔ. You all pretend to snore, but don’t you go to sleep! [nb1244.6-7] uɬ aɬíʔ ckc̓íc̓əx̌ʷsəm, way̓ uɬ cməlx̌aʔsx̌ʷáq̓ʷəlqsəm. And he was peeking, he was pretending to be snoring. [dict] See: málx̌aʔ; x̌ʷáq̓ʷlqsm.

mlʔáʕlaʔxʷ   [mlʔáʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: mlʔáʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mlʔ. worms in the ground.

Istem. Category: Faun. mlʔáʕlaʔxʷ. Worms in the ground. [nb1822.9] See: máʕmlaʔ.

mlʔiɬnt   Morph: ml+ʔiɬ+nt. Variant: ml̕ʔiɬn. Etym: √ml, √ʔɬn. to eat s.t. along with s.t. Category: Compd.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məlʔíɬəntxʷ. You ate it along with ... [nb21.130a] See: ʔiɬn.

ml̕al̕   [ml̕al̕] Morph: ml̕•al̕. Etym: √ml̕. to bleed.

Istem. Sp ml̕(í) to bleed, to flow. Category: C2Inch. uc ml̕al̕. Was he bleeding? [nb18185.1] way̓ kʷ ml̕al̕. You are bleeding. [nb18184.13]

ml̕mil̕t   [məl̕míl̕t] Morph: ml̕•mil̕+t. Etym: √ml̕. to visit.

Istem. Category: +t. ik̓líʔ kʷu cməl̕míl̕t q̓sápiʔ. We visited over there long time ago. [Green.97] See: mil̕t.

ml̕mil̕xn   [mal̕míl̕xən] Morph: ml̕•mil̕xn. Etym: √ml̕. a pacing horse.

Istem. Category: Faun.

ml̕ml̕   [məl̕məl̕] Morph: ml̕•ml̕. Etym: √ml̕. to bleed.

Istem. scməl̕məl̕míxaʔx. They were bleeding. [nb18185.2] See: ml̕al̕.

ml̕ml̕silt   [məl̕məl̕sílt] Morph: ml̕•ml̕silt. Etym: √ml̕. to pacify a child.

Istem. See Sp √mel ... m̓l̕m̓él̕čst-m̓n̓ I played with it. kʷ cməl̕məl̕síltaʔx. You are pacifying a child. [nb18209.1]

ml̕ml̕siltɬt   Morph: ml̕•ml̕silt+ɬt. Etym: √ml̕. to pacify a child.

Tstem. See Sp √mel ... m̓l̕m̓él̕čst-m̓n̓ I played with it. kʷu məl̕məl̕síltɬt isqʷsíʔ. Pacify my child for me! [nb18209.8]

ml̕ml̕siltxt   Morph: ml̕•ml̕silt+xt. Etym: √ml̕. to pacify a child.

Tstem. See Sp √mel ... m̓l̕m̓él̕čst-m̓n̓ I played with it. Category: +xt. kʷu məl̕məl̕síltxt isqʷsíʔ. Pacify my child for me! [nb18209.7]

ml̕ml̕tiɬp   [məl̕məl̕tíɬp] Morph: ml̕•ml̕+tiɬp. Etym: √ml̕. 1 • poplar trees; aspen trees.

Istem. Category: Bot. axáʔ maʕn iʔ yult axáʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ məl̕məl̕tíɬp uɬ iʔ mulx. My, the big poplars and the cottonwoods! [Hrvst 087]

2 • Istem. ml̕ml̕tiɬp: name of an unconfirmed locality. Category: Geog. Sp m̓l̕m̓l̕-téɬp trembling aspen.

ml̕ml̕xan   [məl̕məl̕xán] Morph: ml̕•ml̕xan. Etym: √ml̕. bloody foot or leg.

Istem. kʷ məl̕məl̕xán. You have a bloody foot. [nb18185.3] See: ml̕al̕.

ml̕timn   [məl̕tímən] Morph: ml̕t+imn. Etym: √mlt. to visit habitually; to like to visit.

Istem. Category: +imn. məl̕tímən. He likes to visit. [nb08 327] uc kʷ myltímən. Do you like to visit people? [nb18213.9] Category: +imn. See: mil̕t.

ml̕tmnwixʷ   [məl̕tmənwíxʷ] Morph: ml̕t+m+nwixʷ. Etym: √mlt. to visit one another.

Istem. məl̕tmənwíxʷ. Visit. [E57.14] See: mil̕t.

ml̕xʷistmn   [məl̕xʷístmən] Morph: ml̕xʷist+mn. Variant: mlxʷistmn. Etym: √xʷst. to walk over s.o.; to control s.o. See: xʷist.

ml̕xʷuym   [məl̕xʷúyəm] Morph: ml̕xʷuy+m. Variant: mlxʷuym. Etym: √xʷy. to have gone out of control; to brush or bump s.o. when going by.


ml̕ʔiɬn   [məlʔíɬən] Morph: ml̕+ʔiɬn. Variant: mlʔiɬn. Etym: √ml, √ʔɬn. to eat s.t. along with s.t.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: ʔiɬn.

   [məɬ] Morph: . and; until; and then.

pcl. ƛ̓əm taʔlíʔ uɬ x̌aʔx̌áʔ ixíʔ t̓i t cniɬc məɬ xʷuy. It was quite the holimobile, it travels by itself. [mychildr 082] lut t̓a ksənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ məɬ nqəclxáqs. It has no horses and yet it runs on the road. [mychildr 083] atláʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp məɬ kʷulstslx iʔ ttw̓it. From here the elders would send a boy. [su7q̓im 191] t̓i cənkxán iʔ ttw̓it, məɬ ntrqpəncút k̓a nʔíƛ̓ltk ƛ̓ʔam t sman̓xʷ, k̓əl Kamloops, Fort Kamloops. The boy'd go on foot, and he runs North to get some tobacco, to Kamloops, Fort Kamloops. [su7q̓im 195] kən ɬkicx, mi pulstn isl̕ax̌t, məɬ iksƛ̓lˑnúnəm. When I get back, I'll beat my friend til I kill him. [su7q̓im 245c] iʔ l sənk̓áʕmən way̓ cwíkstən, məɬ iʔ q̓ʷʕáylqs yayʕát iʔ stim̓ xkínəm. In the church I have seen how the priests do things. [su7q̓im 283] caʔkʷ lut aksəntíls, axáʔ iksq̓əy̓ám məɬ ixíʔ ikstumístm. But don't be thinking: "This that I am writing, I'll sell it." [su7q̓im 290] lut kscxʷúys iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, məɬ ṇkcníkən̓tməlx, məɬ ixíʔ ƛ̓xʷəntíməlx. The deer don't go far, and he catches up with them, and then he slaughters them. [dict] way̓ t̓i yaʕpcín məɬ ixíʔ x̌lits məɬ ixíʔ kícsəlx, məɬ ixíʔ swsíwsəlx, məɬ ixíʔ cusəlx iʔ syaʕpcíns. When he gets in trouble he calls them and they get to him, and they ask him, and he tells them what his trouble is. [dict] way̓ t̓i yaʕpcín məɬ ixíʔ x̌lits məɬ ixíʔ kícsəlx, məɬ ixíʔ swsíwsəlx, məɬ ixíʔ cusəlx iʔ syaʕpcíns. When he gets in trouble he calls them and they get to him, and they ask him, and he tells them what his trouble is. [dict] kʷ ṇc̓íp̓c̓əp̓səm məɬ lut aksənx̌íɬ. Shut your eyes and don't get scared. [dict]

mɬ iʔ   [məɬ iʔ] Morph: mɬ iʔ. until.

phrasal. Category: conj. way̓ ilíʔ x̌íˑˑlməlx məɬ iʔ culáy. They'll do that until the 4th. [RHorse 093]

mɬaɬ   [mɬaɬ] Morph: mɬ•aɬ. Etym: √mɬ. to be rested; to have rested.

Istem. Sp √meɬ to rest up; Cm maɬ-m to rest; Cr miɬ rest. Category: C2Inch. kən mɬaɬ. I have rested, I am rested. [nb18185.13] See: miɬm.

mɬaq̓ʷ   [mɬaq̓ʷ] Morph: mɬaq̓ʷ. Etym: √mɬq̓ʷ. to be out of joint; to let go of s.t.

Istem. mɬaq̓ʷ. Dislocated. [nb18185.17; nb21.50a]

mɬk̓íyaʔ   [məɬk̓íyaʔ] Morph: mɬk̓íyaʔ. Etym: √mɬk̓yʔ. blood.

Istem. Cm mɬk̓–ayaʔ blood. See Cr mít̓čedeʔ blood; Sh mítk̓ye blood. Category: Anat. yaʕyáʕt kʷu kɬməɬk̓íyaʔ. We all have the same blood. [mychildr 075] t̓i kmáx məɬk̓íyaʔ iʔ kəwáps. Her horse was nothing but blood. [HnLk25]

mɬɬ   [mɬəɬ] Morph: mɬ•ɬ. Etym: √mɬ. to rest. Category: C2Inch.

Istem. Sp meɬ to rest up; Cm maɬ‑m to rest; Cr miɬ rest; maɬq heavy convex object collapses; Sh mrɬ-lx to rest; mɬeq collapsed, flattened out; Th √méɬ rest. kən ksmɬəɬmíxaʔx. I am going to rest. [nb18185.14] See: mɬaɬ; miɬm.

mɬncut   [mɬəncút] Morph: mɬ+ncut. Etym: √mɬ. to sit and rest.

Istem. Category: +ncut. aláʔ kən mɬəncút. I sat here to rest. [nb18185.12] See: mɬaɬ; miɬm.

mmátk̓yaʔ   [mmátk̓yaʔ] Morph: m•mátk̓yaʔ. Variant: mm̓átk̓yaʔ. Etym: √mtk̓yʔ. blood pudding.

Istem. Cr mítč̕edeʔ blood; Sh mítk̓ye blood. uɬ axáʔ iˑˑ cqəɬtím iʔ yámx̌ʷaʔ iʔ t mmátk̓yaʔ. And he put down the basket with the blood pudding. [msqdd 047]

mmaʕ̓ʷƛ̓s   [mmaʕ̓ʷƛ̓s] Morph: m•maʕ̓ʷƛ̓s. Variant: mm̓aʕ̓ʷƛ̓s. Etym: √mʕ̓ʷƛ̓s. mmaʕ̓ʷƛ̓s.

Istem. Category: mName. mmaʕ̓ʷƛ̓s. Man's name. [dict]

mm̓átk̓yaʔ   [mm̓átk̓yaʔ] Morph: m•m̓átk̓yaʔ. Variant: mm̓tk̓íyaʔ. Etym: √mtk̓yʔ. blood pudding.

Istem. way̓ kʷ iksʔamnám t mm̓átk̓yaʔ. I am going to feed you some blood pudding. [msqdd 038] mm̓átk̓yaʔ. Blood pudding. [nb10a 100]

mm̓aʕ̓ʷƛ̓s   [mm̓aʕ̓ʷƛ̓s] Morph: m•m̓aʕ̓ʷƛ̓s. Variant: mmaʕ̓ʷƛ̓s. Etym: √mʕƛ̓s. mm̓aʕ̓ʷƛ̓s.

Istem. Category: mName. mm̓aʕ̓ʷƛ̓s. Man's name. [OkB]

mm̓kʷíwaʔt   [mm̓kʷíwaʔt] Morph: m•m̓kʷíwaʔt. Etym: √mkʷ. a small mound.

Istem. Category: Dim. iʔ k̓la cp̓əp̓sʕáwaʔs [s]txt̓át̓əs iʔ məm̓kʷíwaʔt. To a low place where it joins the little mounds. [BJSeym 439] See: mkʷiwt.

mm̓tk̓íyaʔ   [məm̓tk̓íyaʔ] Morph: m•m̓tk̓íyaʔ. Variant: mm̓átk̓yaʔ. Etym: √mtk̓yʔ. blood pudding.


+mn1   [mən] Morph: +mn. Variant: +min 1. instrumental suffix.

dafx. Lit: place of the last stand, fight nc̓íc̓uʔmən. Small dish cloth / dish pan. [nb26-26 024] nc̓íwmən. Dish pan. [nb26-26 025] nk̓ʕawmən. Prayer. [nb23 123] snk̓ʕamən. Church. [su7q̓im 219] nk̓ʷúl̕mən. Customs, ways. [mychildr 159] k̓ʷúl̕mən. Tool. [nb26-54 034] snk̓ʷúl̕mn. Workplace; job. [newles 236] sənɬəmɬáʕmən. Deer windpipes. [nb27-13 002] ƛ̓qʷƛ̓qʷúmən. Thorns. [dict] míƛ̓mən. Paint. [nb27-37 005] kmiƛ̓mn. Butter. [newles 168] sənmaʔníkmən. Shit house. [nb08 343] n̓ín̓k̓mən. Knife. [nb26-24 003] sənpíwmən. Balloon. [nb26-38 003] spáx̌mən. Douglas Lake. [nb26-42 006] spəx̌pəx̌ɬk̓ʷúl̕mən. Computer. [RAmisc92 009] p̓íp̓xʷmən. Beam of light. [nb26-37 016] sq̓íy̓mən. Tipi pole. [nb25-30 001] ṇt̓úxʷtmən. Airplane. [dict] sx̌ʷílmən. Hell. [dict] sənyál̕mən. Montana. [dict] ʕáʔtmən. Yellowbell; the symbol ƛ̓. [nb26-65 004] ʕitmn. Tooth. [plur 013] nʔukʷmn. Truck. [nb26-22 00] ʔip̓mən. Wiping instrument. [nb26-26 020] ʔaʔx̌ʷmn̓. Brush. [OkB]

+mn2   [mən] Morph: +mn. Variant: +min 2. suffix that forms (1) transitive stems; (2) middle forms; and (3) stems with lexical suffixes.


1 • transitive stems. k̓akswíxməntxʷ yaʔ cɣip, Go stand next to a tree, [mychildr 270] yaʕyáʕt iʔ stim̓ ktíɬxməntxʷ. Go stand next to every [living] thing. [mychildr 270] ksáx̌ʷtməntxʷ asl̕áx̌t. Confront your friend, go beat him up (verbally or physically). [nb26-77 006] Lit: go down to... kpúlxməntsən I'll camp with you. [nb9a 063] txʷúyməntsən. I went to you. [nb27-41 005] lut ksənɬíptməntəm iʔ sqílxʷtət Don't let our People be forgotten. [nb26-70 007 DD]

2 • middle. lut akckaʔkʔámnəm asl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t Don't ridicule your friends. [nb26-36 003] lut kʷu aksməl̕xʷístmnəm Don't walk over me. [nb27-19 003] cmay iʔ k̓l snʕ̓aʕ̓ác̓mn mi cmistísəlx Maybe at the library they will know. [newles 104] lut iksənɬíptmnəm (cf iksənɬíptm) I won't forget about it. [feb94 045]

3 • stems with lexical suffixes. uɬ way̓ lut kʷ xkínəm mi kʷu ɬkcəq̓mənkn̓íɬxʷəntxʷ. And you can't do anything to throw me back out. [Dvl 356]

mnam   [mnam] Morph: mna+m. Etym: √mn. to turn around.

Mstem. Sp √men to turn; méns-m-i-s he avoided it. Category: nMstem, +am. isəcmnám. I turned around. [nb21.103a] See: minm.

+mncaʕt   [məncáʕt] Morph: +mncaʕt. Variant: +mncut. suffix that signals some self-reference.

dafx. Category: PhM. siyməncáʕt. To scream. [dict] See: +cut; +scut; +ncut.

+mncut   [məncút] Morph: +mncut. Variant: +mncaʕt. suffix that signals some self-reference.

dafx. ṇcahməncút. To go straight. [dict] k̓əɬcəhməncút. To have a turn. [nb24-02 010] ckʷməncút. To pull back. [nb24-02 015] cək̓ʷməncút. To straighten oneself. [nb25-20 017] lk̓məncút. To force oneself. [dict] ɬaq̓ʷməncút. To expose oneself. [nb25-91 005] ɬət̓pməncút. To jump. [nb26-33 013] ɬat̓pməncút. To hop. [nb26-34 020] kɬaʔməncút. To get closer. [nb08 028] pəx̌ʷmncút. To scatter. [dict] p̓əlk̓məncút. To turn around. [dict] qəcpməncút. To coiled oneself (as when getting ready to jump); to draw back. [nb25-19 003] tqəlpməncút. To squirm around. [dict] c̓awsq̓ʷəyməncút. To come and dance. [blkpg 045] təɬəməncút. To go straight (up). [nb08 011] təx̌ʷməncút. To go straight to s.t. or s.o. [nb08 018] xəƛ̓məncút. All of a group. [dict] x̌cməncút. To get ready. [dict] yxʷməncút. To go down, descend. [dict] yaʕ̓məncút. All of a group. [HnTrp 081] ʕanməncút. To be crouched down. [misc 082] ʔax̌əlməncút. To turn around. [nb26-33 018] See: +cut; +scut; +ncut.

mnik   [mnik] Morph: mnik. Etym: √mnk. shit, excrement.

Istem. Sp mneč excrement; Cm mnak feces, excrement; also mn̓ak; Sh mnek excrements. kmax ixíʔ sənk̓l̕íp ɬa kɬmnik uɬ iʔ ʔiɬs. That's only Coyote's shit she ate. [nb9a 197] ta uníxʷ nák̓ʷəm sənk̓l̕íp a mniks ixíʔ aʔ c̓iɬsts. Indeed, it's Coyote's shit that he was eating. [CSCo35] sc̓x̌ilx uɬ aɬíʔ kmix mnik iʔ sqiʔáxʷs. That's why it smells like shit. [dict]

mníkɬc̓aʔ   [mníkɬc̓aʔ] Morph: mníkɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √mnk. a body covered in shit.

Istem. way̓ uɬ t̓i kmix mníkɬc̓aʔ nák̓ʷəm axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. The deer is nothing but shit. [BJSeym 528] See: mnik.

mnikm   [mníkəm] Morph: mnik+m. Etym: √mnk. to shit; to defecate.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. mnikm. (S)he shat. [Oct92 015] See: mnik.

mnimɬclx   [mnímɬcəlx] Morph: mnimɬ+c+lx. Etym: √mnmɬ. third person plural stem they, them, their(s).

Istem. way̓ mnímɬcəlx ik̓líʔ ilíʔlx, uɬ ik̓líʔ xʷúyʔilx. They will stay over there. And they went. [su7q̓im 159] ixíʔ t̓aqʷcínəms iʔ sənqsílxʷs, way̓ t mnímɬcəlx iʔ t ṇt̓aqʷcíntṇsəlx. She hollered at her people, it was their own cry. [dict]

mnimɬmp   [mnímɬəmp] Morph: mnimɬ+mp. Etym: √mnmɬ. second person plural stem "you (all), your(s)".

Istem. cúntməlx huhúy, mnímɬəmp. He told them, "Now you." [Whal 487] kʷu q̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕy kʷu stmaʕlt, uɬ axáʔ mnímɬəmp p sqilxʷ. We are Black Cows, and you are people. [dict] mnímɬəmp úɬiʔ kʷu ɬ kícəntp. You got to us. [dict] way̓ uɬ t̓əxʷ mnímɬəmp p k̓əɬpaʔx̌ám t kɬylmíxʷəmp. You folks will think about getting a new boss. [dict] mnímɬəmp p knn̓xix. You receive help. [dict]

mnimɬtt   [mnímɬtət] Morph: mnimɬ+tt. Etym: √mnmɬ. first person plural stem "we, us, our(s)".

Istem. Cm nmniml we; us. cúntəm mnímɬtət iʔ sʕ̓ányaʔ, uɬ cúntəm yaʔ l̕k̓ip. We call one sʕ̓ányaʔ, and we call the other l̕k̓ip. [mychildr 204] mnímɬtət iʔ ənk̓ʷul̕mntət lut t̓ c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ. That's how we do everything. [su7q̓im 282b] aɬíʔ mnímɬtət nk̓ʷúl̕məntət ixíʔ. That's our way of doing things. [cnebdd 061] ilíʔ maʕn kʷu ʔx̌íləm, mnimɬtət axáʔ iʔ l st̓əmkəʔíltət. It's the way we felt about our daughter. [dict] cəm̓ ṇk̓əwəwpílsəlx, uɬ aɬíʔ mnímɬtət kʷu ct̓íxʷləm kʷu sqilxʷ. They might get lonesome, because we are different people. [dict] t̓i mnímɬtət spuʔústət. We made up our own minds. [dict] pənkin̓ mi kʷ cxʷuy k̓əl mnímɬtət. When are you coming to se us? [dict]

mnksqáx̌aʔ   [mənksqáx̌aʔ] Morph: mnksqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √mnk. a body covered in shit.

Istem. nt̓a way̓ uɬ kmix mənksqáx̌aʔ. He's nothing but shit. [BJSeym 524] See: mnik.

mnmínxnmint   Morph: mn•mínxn+mi+nt. Etym: √mn. to rub one's feet on s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ ilíʔ mənm̓ínxən̓miʔsəlx uɬ itlíʔ ʔácqaʔ. He just rubbed his feet on him, and then he went out. [LynxS 189] See: kmínc̓aʔ; maʔmínxnm.

mn̓min̓lx   [mən̓mín̓ləx] Morph: mn̓•min̓+lx. Etym: √mn̓. pace horse; trotter.

Istem. Cr ec+mín̓+men̓+iš pacer. Category: +lx. mən̓mín̓ləx. Pace horse. [nb18184.6]

mons   [mons] Morph: mons. Etym: √mns. Monse.


-mp1   [ṃp] Morph: -mp. Variant: -p 1. second person plural of the in- paradigm "your(s)".

isfx. iʔ sc̓íɬnəmp. Your food. [Oct92 082] iʔ st̓ík̓ləmp. Your food. [bjmd 087]

-mp2   [ṃp] Morph: -mp. Variant: -p 6. second person plural of the i- paradigm "your(s)".

isfx. aláʔ ixíʔ mi ɬxʷíc̓ɬmən iʔ kɬc̓q̓ílnəmp. that's when I'll give you what's going to be your arrows. [Nams 021] ixíʔ uɬ iʔ kɬxəwíɬəmp itíʔ məɬ p ʔácəcqaʔ. That will be your way to get out, and you will get out. [Whal 279] way̓ ixíʔ kɬcucínəmp. That's what I like to hear from you folks. [nb08 150]

mqmaqnt   Morph: mq•maq+m+nt. Etym: √mq. to urge or convince s.o.

Tstem. Sp √maq to convince, to urge. Category: +nt. kʷu məqmáqəntəm. They tried (to keep us there longer). [nb18186.11]

mq̓ink   [məq̓ínk] Morph: mq̓ink. Etym: √mq̓. to be satiated; to be full from eating.

Istem. Sp maq̓ full, sated; čn mq̓énč I'm full, I've had enough; Cm mq̓-ank be full.; Sh (c-)meq̓ be full from eating; Th √məq̓ satiate; Li məq̓ to get stuffed, to ear too much. kən c̓aʔscín̓, kən mq̓ink. I picked around and got a full belly. [nb25-41 008] itlíʔ ʔiˑˑɬs, níknaʔ way̓ uɬ mq̓ink. He ate it, gee, he was full to a busting point. [msqdd 049]

mq̓mq̓ink   [məq̓əmq̓ínk] Morph: mq̓•mq̓ink. Etym: √mq̓. to have a full stomach; to be full or sated.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ ʔíˑˑɬnəlx uɬ taʔkín iʔ sc̓íɬənsəlx t̓əxʷ məq̓məq̓ínkəlx a nt̓qcínəlx. They ate and they got filled up. [GDd1 347] talíʔ kʷu ʔaɬʔíɬən uɬ kʷu məq̓əmq̓ínk. We ate lots and our bellies are full. [nb18186.14] See: mq̓ink.

mqʷaqʷ   [mqʷaqʷ] Morph: mqʷ•aqʷ. Etym: √mqʷ. the snow falls; falling snow.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. axáʔ nkʷnim wápupxən uɬ mqʷaqʷ. Lynx started to sing and it started to snow. [grlsdd 206] caʔkʷ cus i ta nuyápixcən i l 1890 kiʔ ixíʔ a mqʷaqʷ. As they say in English, it's in 1890 that it snowed hard. [Hrvst 014] way̓ ixíʔ uɬ ksʔastkínaʔ, ixíʔ uɬ súllaʔxʷ, uɬ mqʷaqʷ. Then winter time came, the ground froze, and the snow fell. [Dvl 106] lut t̓ə mqʷaqʷ. There is no snow. [nb18187.10] way̓ uɬ k̓əy̓ílx, way̓ xʔal̕ ksmqʷáqʷs, ksʔístkəms. It's fall, soon it will snow, winter starts. [dict] See: mqʷqʷ.

mqʷqʷ   [məqʷəqʷ] Morph: mqʷ•qʷ. Etym: √mqʷ. to snow.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. way̓ ksməqʷəqʷmíxaʔx. It's going to snow. [nb18187.9] See: mqʷaqʷ.

mqʷqʷúlaʔxʷ   [məqʷqʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: mqʷ•qʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mqʷ. snow on the ground.

Istem. məqʷqʷúlaʔxʷ. Snow on the ground. [nb18187.5] See: mqʷqʷ.

mq̓ʷ   [məq̓ʷ] Morph: mq̓ʷ. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a mountain.

Istem. Sp moq̓ʷ mountain; Cm ac‑mq̓ʷ hill, mountain; Cr maq̓ʷ pile, stack. ha ixíʔ səcməq̓ʷmíx. Is that a mountain? [2gts 037]

mq̓ʷaq̓ʷ   [mq̓ʷaq̓ʷ] Morph: mq̓ʷ•aq̓ʷ. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a lump.

Istem. Sp č-mq̓ʷqnúleʔxʷ there's a little lump (or hillock) on it; Cm ʔacméq̓ʷ hill, mountain; Cr maq̓ʷ pile, stack. Category: C2Inch. t̓əxʷ kən ksəp̓p̓xán uɬ ilíʔ mq̓ʷaq̓ʷ. I got hit on my leg, and there is a lump there. [nb18188.3] See: mq̓ʷ.

mq̓ʷcnínaʔxn   [məq̓ʷcnínaʔxən] Morph: mq̓ʷcnínaʔxn. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. lumpy ankles.

Istem. cməq̓ʷcnínaʔxən. He has lumpy ankles. [nb18188.6] See: mq̓ʷaq̓ʷ.

mq̓ʷíwaʔt   [mq̓ʷíwaʔt] Morph: mq̓ʷíwaʔt. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a hillock.

Istem. Category: Dim. mq̓ʷíwaʔt, nw̓íw̓aʔst. A little hill, not too high. [dc17] See: mq̓ʷ.

mq̓ʷmaq̓ʷ   [məq̓ʷmáq̓ʷ] Morph: mq̓ʷ•maq̓ʷ. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. mountains.

Istem. Gram: southern form ixíʔ uɬ p pəx̌ʷməncút iʔ k̓la cməq̓ʷmáq̓ʷ. That's when you'll scatter to the mountains. [Nams 022] See: mq̓ʷ.

mriɬp   [mriɬp] Morph: mriɬp. Etym: √mr. balsam tree; cedar; spruce; subalpine fir (abies lasiocarpa).

Istem. Category: Bot. mriɬp. [TBK23] Balsam. q̓sápiʔ əcq̓c̓áməlx iʔ t mriɬp iʔ sʕax̌ʷíps. Long ago they used to braid some cedar root. [Bun.17-18]

mrim   [mrim] Morph: mrim. Etym: √mrm. get married.

Istem. Sp √mry (malí) to heal; Cm mryam medicine; Cr marim treatment, marareˑmíw̓es couple; Sh √mlam heal; marry, baptize; Th √məḷám ? heal; Li √mə̣ḷạ́m to heal (?). uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔ q̓sápiʔ ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa a cmrim inlʔíw naʔɬ isk̓ʷúy. Long ago, when my father and mother got married. [Hrvst 166] way̓ taɬt kʷu limt təl ksəcmrímp. We are very glad that you two are getting married. [E57.1] ixíʔ ik̓líʔ yaʔ kspuʔús, ik̓líʔ x̌minks kscmrímaʔx. That's where her heart is, that's who she wants to marry. [dict] ixíʔ scmrims. He got married. [dict]

mrimnt1   Morph: mrim+nt. Etym: √mrm. to doctor s.o.

Tstem. Sp √mry (malí) to heal; Cm mryam medicine; Cr marim treatment, marareˑmíw̓es couple; Sh √mlam heal; marry, baptize; Th √məḷám ? heal; Li √mə̣ḷạ́m to heal (?). Category: +nt. way̓ ixíʔ məríməntəm, way̓ uɬ ixíʔ ɬcxʷúystəm. He doctored him, and we brought him home. [AutPS 359]

mrimnt2   Morph: mrim+nt. marry s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. mrímntməlx axáʔ iʔ t stʔiwtx. The young one married them. [GDd2 488] ixíʔ kʷu scmríms. He married me. mrímntməlx axáʔ iʔ t stʔiwtx. The young one married them. [GDd2 488]

mrimst   Morph: mrim+st. Etym: √mrm. to doctor s.o.

Tstem. Gram: unclear form ixíʔ taʔlíʔ cmrímstxəlx ilíʔ iʔ sixʷápməx. The Shuswap go there for medicine. [su7q̓im 090] See: mrim.

mrimst   [mrimst] Morph: mrim+st. Etym: √mrm. to doctor s.o.

Istem. ik̓líʔ kən ɬx̌stwílx, kən mrimst. There I will get well again, I will doctor myself. [dict] kʷ ksmrímstaʔx. You must doctor yourself. [dict] Category: +sti. See: mrim.

mrimstn   [mrímstən] Morph: mrim+st+n. Variant: mrrimstn. Etym: √mrm. medicine; remedy.

Istem. Lit: What is our medicine that is tied? məɬ itíʔ mi cxʷəlxʷált t əc̓íɬn uɬ ixíʔ mrímstən. They will get life from that as food and as medicine. [mychildr 191] Q. stim̓ iʔ mrrímstəntət əck̓əɬʔáyq̓. What is our medicine bag? [Bun.13] kʷaʔ ixíʔ mrímstəns iʔ sqílxʷ, ixiʔ kaʔ ɬə cx̌ʷləntúɬtməlx, iʔ sumíx. What they threw away was the Indiansʼ medicine, the power. [gl52] ilíʔ ksəxʷmrím, uɬ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷaʔ kɬmrimstṇ. There was a doctor, but he didn't have medicine. [dict] uɬ anwí kʷ px̌páx̌t, pnaʔ cmistíxʷ yaʔ mrimstṇ kiʔ ṇxʔkínəm mi kən ɬ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíyməlt. You are smart, maybe you know of a medicine to make me young again. [dict] Category: +tn. See: mrimst.

mrmirm   [mərmírəm] Morph: mr•mir+m. Etym: √mr. to dab; to grease.

Mstem. Sp √mal dirt, earth; Cr mul dirty. Category: Mstem. lut akskmər̓mír̓əm. Don’t grease it! [nb18172.6] See: mir.

mrmmrim   [mrəmmrím] Morph: mr•m•mrim. Etym: √mrm. to get married.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. axáʔ ɬaʔ cmrəmmrím ask̓ʷíƛ̓təm asəntəxʷtxʷús uɬ axáʔ aɬəɬqíck. When the rest of your sisters and brothers get married. [AutPS 371] See: mrim.

mrrim   [mrˑim] Morph: mr•r•im. Etym: √mrm. to get married.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. t̓i laʔɬ anwí mi kʷu cmrˑím. You and I will get married. [dict] ixíʔ ksx̌əlpínaʔḷx ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ cmrˑím. In the morning they got married. [dict] axáʔ ṇc̓ícən iʔ l sxʔitx kiʔ əcmrˑím. Wolf was married with the oldest one. [dict] See: mrim.

msaxn   [msáxən] Morph: msaxn. Etym: √ms. four sheets.

Istem. msáxən. Four sheets. [misc 166] See: mus.

msáʕiʔ   [msáʕiʔ] Morph: msáʕiʔ. Etym: √msʕʔ. Variant: msaʕʷy̓. carrot-like edible root; edible valerian (valeriana edulis) (where it grows there are no rattlesnakes).

Istem. Sp msáwiʔ edible valerian. Category: Bot. See: msaʕʷy̓.

msaʕy̓   [msáʕiʔ] Morph: msaʕy̓. Etym: √msʕy̓. Variant: msaʕʷy̓. carrot-like edible root; edible valerian (valeriana edulis) (where it grows there are no rattlesnakes).

Istem. Sp msáwiʔ edible valerian. Category: Bot. msáʕiʔ. Valerian. [nb18109.10; TBK142] See: msaʕʷy̓.

msáʕʷiʔ   [msáʕʷiʔ] Morph: msaʕʷy̓. Etym: √msʕʷy̓. Variant: msaʕy̓. carrot-like edible root; edible valerian (valeriana edulis) (where it grows there are no rattlesnakes).

Istem. Sp msáwiʔ edible valerian. Category: Bot. See: msaʕy̓.

msaʕʷy̓   [msáʕʷiʔ] Morph: msáʕʷy̓. Etym: √msʕʷy̓. Variant: msaʕy̓. carrot-like edible root; edible valerian valeriana edulis) (where it grows there are no rattlesnakes).

Istem. Sp msáwiʔ edible valerian. msáʕʷiʔ. Valerian. [TBK142] See: msaʕy̓.

+mscut   refl. cakʷməscút. To play hard to get. [nb24-03 006] c̓əxəmscút. To be embarrassed. [HnTrp 066] kɬp̓əmscút. To be disgusted with oneself. [dict] maʔmscút. To move. [newles 052] pəcxʷmscút. To be disgusted with oneself. [HnTrp 193] qʷn̓əmscút. To be pitiful. [dict] wəlmscút. To do s.t. magic. [dict] xaʔtəmscút. To go first; to be a leader. [dict] iymscút. To do one's best. [dict]

msisxn   [msísxən] Morph: msisxn. Etym: √ms. four stones.

Istem. msísxən. Four stones. [misc 165] See: mus.

msɬʔupnkst   [məsɬʔúpənkst] Morph: ms+ɬ+ʔupnkst. Etym: √ms, √ʔpn. forty.

Istem. Category: Num, Compd. uɬ aɬíʔ mat k̓əl məsɬʔúpənkst ist̓máʕlt uɬ iʔ naʔɬ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. I had about forty heads, cows and horses. [AutPS 349] See: mus; ʔupnkst.

msmiw̓s   [məsmíw̓s] Morph: ms+miw̓s ? Etym: √ms. fourth layer.

Istem. cut way̓, cut way̓ iwá miskʷúms, cut a[xáʔ] iʔ l məsmíw̓s aɬíʔ mat iʔ citxʷ. He said, "She really hid it," he said "in the four(th) floor of the house." [GDd2 401] See: myiw̓s.

msmlwis   [məsməlwís] Morph: ms+m+lwis. Etym: √ms. to feel around.

Istem. Category: +lwis. way̓ t̓iˑˑ məsməlwís məssíkstəms axáʔ iʔ sq̓ʷísəs. He felt around, he felt the fat. [BJSeym 533] kən səcmsməlwísx. I was feeling around. [nb18189.17] See: msmusm.

msmspintk   [msəmspíntk] Morph: ms•ms+pintk. Etym: √ms, √pn. four-year-olds.

Istem. Category: Compd. axáʔ cəmsəmspíntk iʔ scəɬcúɬəm. Four-year-old bulls. [dict] See: mspintk.

msmusm   [məsmúsm] Morph: ms•mus+m. Etym: √ms. to feel with the hands.

Mstem. Sp mus to feel (with the hand); Cm m̓s‑m̓us‑m to feel around, grope; Cr mus feel about; Sh mus-m to feel (tactile); Th √mús feel of. Category: Mstem. məsmúsm. Feel with the hands. [OkB]

mspintk   [məspíntk] Morph: ms+s+pintk. Etym: √ms. four years.

Istem. Category: Compd. mat háʔ kʷ məspíntk, háʔ mat kʷ cilkst haʔ mat lut kʷ t̓ə cilkst. Were you four years old, were you five? Maybe you werenʼt five. [gl16] See: mus; spintk.

mssikst   [məssíkst] Morph: ms•sikst. Etym: √ms. to feel with the hand.

Istem. kʷ məssíkst. You felt something. [nb08 778] way̓ təl stím̓ axáʔ iʔ məssíkst, axáʔ i t sq̓ʷísəs. He felt something, fat. [BJSeym 315] See: msmusm.

mssikstmnt   Morph: ms•sikst+m+nt. Etym: √ms. to feel with the hands.

Tstem. Category: +nt, C2Inch. kʷu məssíkstməntxʷ. You felt me. [nb18190.9] məssíkstəms iʔ sq̓ʷísəs. He felt the fat. [dict] way̓ t̓iˑˑ məsməlwís məssíkstəms axáʔ iʔ sq̓ʷísəs. He felt around; he felt the fat. [BJSeym 533] See: msikstm.

msus   [msus] Morph: msus. Etym: √ms. four berries.

Istem. msus. Four berries. [misc 164] See: mus.

mtils   [mtils] Morph: mt+ils. Etym: √mt. to want to sit.

Istem. Category: +ils. kən mtils. I want to sit. [dict] See: mut.

mtmatkʷt   [mətmátkʷt] Morph: mt•matkʷ+t. Etym: √mtkʷ. dull, blunt edge.

Istem. nkʷƛ̓áqsənt anq̓əy̓mín mat mətmátkʷt. Sharpen your pencil, it̓s dull. [nb18191.12]

mt̓aʕs   [ṃt̓áʕs] Morph: mt̓aʕs. Etym: √mʕt̓. kidney.

Istem. Sp mt̓ós kidney; Cm mt̓uus kidney; Cr mát̓us kidney; Sh mt-mt̓-us kidney; Th √məƛ̓us ? kidney; /mƛ̓oṣ; Li mə̣ƛ̓ụṣ-ạ́nk-tən kidney. Category: Anat. mət̓áʕs. Kidney. [nb18191.16]

mt̓mt̓aʕs   [mət̓mət̓áʕs] Morph: mt̓•mt̓aʕs. Etym: √mʕt̓. kidneys.

Istem. Sp mt̓mt̓ós kidneys. mət̓mət̓áʕs. Kidneys. [nb18191.16] See: mt̓aʕs.

mukʷ   [mukʷ] Morph: mukʷ. Etym: √mkʷ. snow (on trees); lump; bump.

Istem. Sh t-mukʷ-tm̓ snow on trees. kʷ xʔkínəm mi kʷ kslip̓ axáʔ, mukʷ iʔ smík̓ʷət. What can you do to get wood? There's snow on the trees, lots of snow. [BJSeym 296] ilíʔ cmukʷ. There is a lump here. [nb18187.16]

múkʷmiʔst   [múkʷmiʔst] Morph: múkʷ+miʔst. Etym: √mkʷ. a lump.

Istem. múkʷmiʔst. There is a lump there. [nb18188.4] See: mukʷ.

mul   [mul] Morph: mul. Etym: √ml. to dip net; to dip water; to fish with a dip net.

Istem. Sp mul to dip for water; Cm mul to dip with a ladle; Cr mul; Sh √mul to dip; Th √múy dip in water; Li múl-un to put s.t. into the water. Category: Istem. səcmúlx. She is dip netting. [E20] See: nmul.

mulm   Morph: mul+m. Etym: √ml. to dip net; to dip water; to fish with a dip net.

Mstem. Sp mul to dip for water; Cm mul to dip with a ladle; Cr mul; Sh √mul to dip; Th √múy dip in water; Li múl-un to put s.t. into the water. Category: Mstem. múlməlx. They fish with nets. [nb18181.17] See: nmul.

mulmn   [múlmən] Morph: mul+mn. Etym: √ml. dip net.

Istem. Category: +mn. múlmən. Dip net. [pd10] See: mul.

mulx   [mulx] Morph: mulx. Etym: √mlx. cottonwood; black cottonwood (populus balsamifera spp. trichocarpa).

Istem. Sp mulš northern black cottonwood; Cr mulš cottonwood; Sh mulx cottonwood; Th √múlx cottonwood; Li mulx stick. Category: Bot. mulx. [TBK134] axáʔ maʕn iʔ yult axáʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ məl̕məl̕tíɬp uɬ iʔ mulx. My, the big poplars and the cottonwoods. [Hrvst 087] uɬ way̓ wíksəlx iʔ mulx, yult iʔ mulx. And they saw a big cottonwood tree. [nb2556.2]

múmaʔt   [múmaʔt] Morph: mú•maʔt. Etym: mt. a small one sits.

Istem. Category: Dim. múmaʔt. A small one sits. [dict] See: mut.

mumm   Morph: mum+m. Etym: √mm. to go against s.o.; to turn against s.o.; to double cross s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut kʷu aksmúmˑ. Don’t go against, turn against, double cross me. [nb21.118a]

mumnt   Morph: mum+nt. Etym: √mm. to go against s.o.; to turn against s.o.; to double cross s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu múməntp. You double crossed me. [nb21.118a] way̓ sqəltmíxʷ múməntəm iʔ t təkɬmílxʷs t̓əxʷ ixíʔ iʔ kʷ iksmayɬtím. A man was double crossed by his woman, this is [the story] Iʼm going to tell you. [dc1]

mumsxnm   [múmsxnəm] Morph: mu•msxn+m. Etym: √ms. to drag one's feet.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. uɬ axáʔ t̓iʔ kʷu cmúmsxnəm. We are dragging our feet. [2gts 219]

muqʷqʷ   [múqʷəqʷ] Morph: muqʷ•qʷ. Etym: √mqʷ. s.t. is too much; one chickens out.

Istem. Sp √moqʷ full, sated, too much; móqʷqʷ-m-i-s it was too much for him. Category: C2Inch. múqʷəqʷ. He chickened out. [nb21.144] lut aksmúqʷəqʷ. Don’t chicken out! [nb21.144] taɬt kʷu múqʷəqʷ. We are stuck. [nb26-50 01] l stim̓ kʷu múqʷəqʷ. Where are we stuck? [nb26-50 02]

muqʷqʷst   [múqʷəqʷst] Morph: muqʷ•qʷ+st. Etym: √mqʷ. to be too much; to make s.o. chicken out; frighten s.o.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. múqʷəqʷstəm. Something put fear into him. [nb21.144] See: muqʷqʷ.

mur̓   [mur̓] Morph: mur̓. Etym: √mr̓. to be smooth or slick.

Istem. Sp hi č-mur̓qn his bald head looks slick. t̓i mur̓ iʔ c̓ásiqəns. His head is smooth (no hair). [nb18188.9]

mus   [mus] Morph: mus. Etym: √ms. four.

Istem. Sp mus; Cm mus; Cr mus; Sh mus; Th √mús. Category: Num. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ x̌lap kʷ km̓am t mus sq̓lips. Tomorrow you will take four handkerchiefs. [dict]

muskstm   [múskstəm] Morph: muskst+m. Etym: √ms. to try to do s.t.; to take chances.

Mstem. Sp músčst he hopes that today he will bring a deer home. Category: Mstem. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ t̓əxʷ kʷa kən múskstəm. Ok, I will try to do something. [2gts 203] way̓ t̓əxʷ cawts iʔ sqilxʷ uɬ cmúskstəm, way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu múskstəm. People take chances, we will take a chance. [GDd1 285] kən cmúskstəm úɬiʔ cƛ̓aʔntsín. I took a chance and I came after you. [dict] Category: nMstem. ixíʔ asəcmúskstəm. You’ll try to get it done. [nb18189.13] iksmúsktəm. I’m going to try. [nb18189.15] See: musls.

muskstmnm   Morph: muskst+mn+m. Etym: √ms. to try to do s.t.; to take chances.

nTstem. Sp músčst he hopes that today he will bring a deer home. Category: +n+m. way̓ t̓əxʷ tanm̓ús ismúskstmnəm. I have a little hope (that he is alive). [lpb267] See: musls.

muskstmnt   Morph: muskst+m+nt. Etym: √ms. to try to do s.t.; to take chances.

Tstem. Sp músčst he hopes that today he will bring a deer home. Category: +nt. way̓ ksmúskstməntəm. Let's try and hope it will be ok. [nb18189.14] See: musls.

muslp   [músəlp] Morph: muslp. Etym: √ms. four eggs; four trees.

Istem. músəlp. Four trees, eggs... [nb26-54 09] See: mus.

musls   [músəls] Morph: musls. Etym: √ms. to hope; to wish for.

Istem. Sp músls he hoped; Cr elu+ɬ+n+múselgʷes+n despair ... lit. H/s is w/o hope. Category: +ls. ilíʔ kən cmúsəls uɬ lut kən t̓ ƛ̓xʷup. I was hoping, but I didn't win anything. [nb26-58 011] niʕ̓íp kən cmúsəls cəm̓ way̓ ckicx. I still anticipate that she'll arrive. [nb27-33 002] iʔ sx̌ənˑúmts taʔlíʔ x̌əc̓x̌ác̓t, náx̌əmɬ kʷu cmúsəls cmay cxʷəlxʷált. He has a severe wound, but we anticipate he'll survive. [nb27-33 003] kən cmúsəls. I have hopes. [nb08 214]

músɬc̓aʔ   [músɬc̓aʔ] Morph: músɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √ms. four whole ones.

Istem. músɬc̓aʔ Four whole ones. [nb26-58 001] See: mus.

muswɬ   [músuɬ] Morph: muswɬ. Variant: musw̓ɬ. Etym: √ms. four conveyances (boats, cars...)

Istem. músuɬ. Four boats. [nb08 395] See: mus.

musw̓ɬ   [músuʔɬ] Morph: musw̓ɬ. Variant: muswɬ. Etym: √ms. four conveyances; four boats.

Istem. way̓ ilíʔ yayáʕt cʕaʕaccnítkʷ músʔuɬ. They are all tied there, four boats. [CoGrSy 462] See: mus.

mut   [mut] Morph: mut. Etym: √mt. one person sits, dwells; is at home.

Istem. Sp ʔemút; see Cr ʔém+m to alight, land; Sh mut to be at home, be camped, live somewhere (only sg.). uɬ k̓əl sk̓ʷəƛ̓ptán kiʔ mut ʕapnáʔ, lúti ƛ̓lal, əcxʷəlxʷált. He lives far east now, he's not dead. [gregory 105] mutx iʔ l sx̌lilp. Sit on the floor! [nb26-35 003] k̓aʔkín kiʔ kʷ mut. Where are you staying? [newles 223] ha kʷ mut. Are you home? [newles 227] ixíʔ mut, lut t̓ə cxʷuy. She stayed home, she didn't come. [blkpg 090] incá kmix kən mut, kən scqink, kən səlqpaʔsəncút. All I do is sit around, lay on my back and pull my whishers with tweezers. [dict] kən t̓ə saqʷ aláʔ kən ɬaʔ cmut. I am tired of sitting around here. [dict] lut t̓a cqəɬnús ksmuts. He couldn’t even sit up. [dict] ʔayx̌ʷt iʔ t scxʷaʔxʷísts, way̓ ixíʔ smuts. He got tired of walking back and forth and he sat down. [dict] myaɬ kʷ k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ way̓ k̓im kʷ smutx, kʷu ask̓amútəm iʔ kʷu anƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. You are too small, you stay home with us elders. [dict]

mutst   [mutst] Morph: mut+st. Etym: √mt. to make s.o. sit down.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. way̓ ixíʔ cq̓ʷíɬtmsəlx xʷuˑˑylx way̓ ckícxstsəlx ixíʔ uɬ ilíʔ mútstsəlx. They went and they got him there, they sat him down there. [Nams 096] ilíʔ mutstxʷ. You (led him) and sat him down there. [nb1871.13] See: mut.

mwmaʕʷɬt   Morph: mw•maʕʷ+ɬt. Etym: √mʕʷ. to break s.t.

Tstem. way̓ mumáʕʷɬtəm iʔ cq̓íləns uɬ sic niʔák̓ʷ uɬ ixíʔ sx̌íƛ̓əms. She broke his arrows, and then she crossed and went up the hill. [CoGrSy 409] See: maʕʷ.

mx   [mx] Morph: mx. Variant: mix; mixʷ. person.

lxAfx. sixʷápməx. Shuswap. [su7q̓im 083] sc̓əwanáy̓tmx. Wild man, Sasquatch. [OkB]

mxiɬp   [mxiɬp] Morph: mxiɬp. Variant: mxʷiɬp. Etym: √mx. 1 • western red cedar (thuja plicata).

Istem. Category: Bot. mxiɬp. [TBK20] mxiɬp iʔ sʕax̌ʷíps. Cedar roots. [feb94 132]

2 • Istem. boughs. Sp mšéɬp.

mxʷ   [mxʷ] Morph: mxʷ. Etym: mxʷ. ?

lxAfx. kəkáy̓ləmxʷ Dwarf rattle snake. [nb27-23 013]

mxʷiɬp   [mxʷiɬp] Morph: mxʷiɬp. Variant: mxiɬp. Etym: √mxʷ. cedar boughs.

Istem. Category: Bot. axáʔ iʔ ʔastkʷ iʔ mxʷíɬp. These are cedar boughs. [BJSeym 018]

mx̌iknátkʷ   [mx̌iknátkʷ] Morph: mx̌iknátkʷ. Etym: √mx̌. Lit: white she-grizzly in the water mx̌iknátkʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. mx̌iknátkʷ. Woman's name. [E55.13] See: smx̌ikn.

mx̌qinm   [məx̌qínəm] Morph: mx̌qin+m. Etym: √mx̌. to stoop; to hang one's head.

Mstem. See ? Th √míx̌ʷ lie down. Category: Mstem. məx̌qínəm. Stoop. [dict]

mx̌ʷal   [mx̌ʷal] Morph: mx̌ʷal. Etym: √mx̌ʷl. a cradle board.

Istem. Sp mx̌ʷúl̕ babybasket, cradleboard; Cm muxʷl̕ cradleboard. púti cənyúsəlt l mx̌ʷal. He's still wrapped up in the cradle board. [nb26-15 00]

mx̌ʷal   [mx̌ʷal] Morph: mx̌ʷal. Etym: √mx̌ʷl. a cradle board.

Istem. Michele Seymour. Category: wName. Sp mx̌ʷúl̕ babybasket, cradleboard; Cm muxʷl̕ cradleboard.

my1   [mi] Morph: my. Etym: √my. root with meaning middle on which the following stems are formed: Category: Rt. See: myw̓síkn; myw̓salqʷ; myw̓súlaʔxʷ; nmyw̓síkn̓.

my2   [mi] Morph: my. Etym: √my. forms compounds with meaning "more X". Category: Compd. myɬx̌ást, mysx̌ást. Better, best. [VLet 047] smysámaʔ. Higher class white person; close acquaintance. [nb26-31 009] smyɬttw̓it. Special boy. [nb25-42 002] mysqʷamqʷmt. Best (tasting). [newles 090] mysylmixʷm. Better chief. [newles 091] mysqltmixʷ. Better man. [newles 092] myɬsysyus. Smarter. [nb10a 036] myɬswy̓numtx. More beautiful / handsome. [blkpg 056] mysqilxʷstm. To have great respect for s.o. [nb08 278] myɬx̌mink. To like s.o. better. [AutPS 163] Cm my‑my–akst to be good with one’s hands; Cr s+miyes+čínt aristocracy ... bigwig ...; s+miyes+čínt lit. more than ordinary human beings.

myalíxʷ   [myalíxʷ] Morph: myalíxʷ ? Etym: √my. guide.

Istem. way̓ kʷu xʷuy, way̓ kʷu caʔsíw̓st axáʔ laʔɬ isláx̌t myalíxʷtət. My friend and our guide went and we drank. [2gts 032] See: my2.

myaɬ   [myaɬ] Morph: myaɬ. Variant: maɬ; myaɬm. too much.

pcl. Sp √miɬ very, a lot, extreme; Cr miyéɬ blatant, much (too...). myaɬ ɬaʔ ccíx̌cəx̌t taʔlíʔ a cənsw̓áw̓ ixíʔ iʔ t̓ík̓ʷət. When it's too hot the lake gets dry. [su7q̓im 078] myaɬ kʷ cnm̓cʕan. You're too inarticulate! [newles 271] way̓ myaɬ cəm̓ kʷu xárkstməntəm ɬ k̓əɬʔíməntəm. We'll waste too much time if we wait for him. [dict] k̓im kʷ smutx, way̓ myaɬ kʷ k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ. You stay home, you are too small. [dict] way̓ myaɬ kʷu ɬaʔ cənʔaɬncín. We have sponged too much. [dict] way̓ myaɬ xʷʔásq̓ət, niʕ̓íp kʷu scsíscəlqʷaʔx. It's been too many days, and we're still honeymooning. [dict]

myaɬm   [myáɬəm] Morph: myaɬ+m. Variant: maɬ; myaɬ. Etym: myɬ. too much. Category: pcl.

pcl. cus way̓ myáɬəm anwí kʷ kɬp̓əmscút. She said, "You have done something awful." [BJSeym 544]

myap   [miyáp] Morph: mya+p. Etym: √my. to be found out; to betray oneself.

Istem. Cr mey apparent, evident. Category: +ap. kʷ miyáp. You told on yourself; you got found out. [nb22.68a] lut t̓ iksmiyáp. I won’t be found out. [nb18193.14] lut t̓ ksmiyáps. He’ll never be found out. [nb18193.13] See: my2.

myaw   [miyáw] Morph: myaw. Etym: √myw. Coyote.

Istem. Sp smyéw; Cm s‑miyaw; Cr s+miyíw; Sh s-mɣew̓ lynx; Th √məɣéw̓ lynx; Li s.əmɣáw̓ lynx. Category: Faun. cut aɬíʔ incá kən ɬa miyáw. He said, "I am smiyaw." [CoGrSy 645] See: smyaw.

myílsmiʔst   [miyílsmiʔstst] Morph: my+ils+miʔst. Variant: mylsmíst. Etym: √my. to be confident; to have s.t. figured out; to formulate a plan.

Istem. See: mylsmist.

myilsmnt   Morph: my+ils+m+nt. Etym: √my. to figure s.t. out; to deduce s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. cúntəm ta nc̓íʔcən, uɬ aɬíʔ miyílsəms. Wolf told him, and he figured it. [BJSeym 279] miyílsəms uɬ yaʕyáʕt cx̌əƛ̓mús, uɬ t qəltíkən̓, ixíʔ uɬ səx̌ʷəx̌ʷstús iʔ k̓əl cítxʷsəlx. He figured it's all uphill, and from the top, then it's downhill to their houses. [dict] See: my2.

myilxʷ   [miyílxʷ] Morph: myilxʷ. Etym: √my. uniform or matched colors.

Istem. lut ta miyílxʷ. Variegated, of different colors. [OkB]

myiw̓s   [miw̓s] Morph: myiw̓s ? Etym: √my ?. to be half way.

Istem. put axáʔ iʔ t ʔásx̌əms iʔ t miw̓s iʔ sənk̓míkəns. It was right on her back, half way on her back. [CoGrSy 783]

mylscut   [mi(y)lscút] Morph: myls+cut. Etym: √my. to be sure of s.t.; to be confident.

Istem. Category: +cut. uɬ aɬíʔ miylscút kʷaʔ. He was confident. [nb2563.1] See: my2.

mylsmist   [milsmíst] Morph: myls+mist. Variant: myílsmiʔst. Etym: √my. to be confident; to have s.t. figured out; to formulate a plan.

Istem. Category: +mist. mi(y)lsmíst. He is sure of it, confident. [nb25-63 003] pna anwí kʷ scmilsmístx. Maybe you are going to think about what to do. [2gts 222] uɬ way̓ anwí, way̓ anwí kchámstmən, mat way̓ kʷ smilsmístx. And you, I'll put you before me, maybe you can do something. [2gts 227] uɬ aɬíʔ milsmíst aɬíʔ qaʔɬilmíxʷəm. He thinks he can do it, because he's the chief's son. [GDd2 011] ixíʔ uɬ way kskxənmíxaʔx iʔ k̓əl ksxʷúyaʔx , aɬíʔ ixíʔ smilsmístx iʔ sənq̓ʷaʔɬqníɬxʷ. She was going to follow him where he was going, because Sooty On Top Of The House had it all figured out. [lpn21] aɬíʔ myílsmiʔst aɬíʔ qaʔɬylmíxʷəm. He thinks he can do that because he's the chief's son. [dict] See: my2.

myɬ   [miɬ] Morph: my+ɬ. Etym: √my. more. Gram: comparative (in compounds) See: my3.

myɬk̓ast   [miɬk̓ást] Morph: my+ɬ+k̓as+t. Etym: √my, √k̓s. worse.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬk̓ást iʔ xəwíɬ. A worse road. [nb18192.17] See: my1; k̓ast.

myɬk̓iwlx   [miɬk̓íwləx] Morph: my+ɬ+k̓iw+lx. Etym: √my, √k̓w. to be older.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬk̓íwəlx tl incá. Older than I. [nb1860.12] See: my1; k̓iwlx.

myɬk̓ʷc̓k̓ʷac̓t   [miɬk̓ʷəc̓k̓ʷác̓t] Morph: my+ɬ+k̓ʷc̓•k̓ʷac̓+t. Etym: √my, √k̓ʷc̓. stronger.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬk̓ʷəc̓k̓ʷác̓t uɬ k̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷəl̕úɬ. He is stronger and works hard. [nb18193.2] See: my1; k̓ʷc̓k̓ʷac̓t.

myɬk̓ʷl̕k̓ʷl̕uɬ   [miɬk̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷl̕úɬ] Morph: my+ɬ+k̓ʷl̕•k̓ʷl̕+uɬ. Etym: √my, √k̓ʷl̕. one who is a better worker.

Istem. Category: Compd. incákən kən k̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷl̕úɬ náx̌əmɬ ixíʔ miɬk̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷl̕úɬ. I’m a good worker, but he is a better worker. [nb18193.1] See: my3; k̓ʷl̕k̓ʷl̕uɬ.

myɬk̓ʷl̕k̓ʷul̕   [miɬk̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷúl̕] Morph: my+ɬ+k̓ʷl̕•k̓ʷul̕. Etym: √my, √k̓ʷl̕. to work better.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬk̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷúl̕s. He is a better worker. [nb18192.18] See: my3; k̓ʷl̕k̓ʷl̕uɬ.

myɬƛ̓ax̌t   [miɬƛ̓áx̌t] Morph: my+ɬ+ƛ̓ax̌+t. Etym: √my, √ƛ̓x̌. to be faster.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬƛ̓áx̌t. He's faster. [nb18192.14] See: my1; ƛ̓ax̌t.

myɬnƛ̓x̌cin   [miɬənƛ̓əx̌cín] Morph: my+ɬ+n+ƛ̓x̌cin. Etym: √my, √ƛ̓x̌. to holler louder.

Istem. Category: Compd. kən miɬənƛ̓əx̌cín kən ɬaʔ ct̓kʷcín. I hollered louder and I did the hollering. [nb18193.9] See: my1; nƛ̓x̌cin.

myɬnt̓yt̓yínaʔ   [miɬnt̓it̓ínaʔ] Morph: my+ɬ+n+t̓y•t̓yínaʔ. Etym: √my, √t̓y. to be more stubborn.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬnt̓it̓ínaʔ. She's more stubborn. [nb18192.15] See: my1; nt̓yt̓yínaʔ.

myɬnx̌l̕x̌l̕uɬ   [miɬnx̌əl̕x̌əl̕úɬ] Morph: my+ɬ+n+x̌l̕•x̌l̕+uɬ. Etym: √my, √x̌l̕. one easier to scare.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬnx̌əl̕x̌əl̕úɬ. He's easier to scare. [nb18193.6] See: my1; nx̌l̕x̌l̕uɬ.

myɬq̓y̓min   [miɬq̓əy̓mín] Morph: my+ɬ+q̓y̓+min. Etym: √my. √q̓y̓. an excellent writer; one who knows well how to write; an educated person.

Istem. Category: Compd, +min. way̓ kʷ cmiɬq̓əy̓mín. You sure know how to write! [nb6.162a] anwí nwist asəcmiɬq̓əy̓mín. You are very educated! [nb22.89a] uɬ sic kʷ cmiɬq̓əy̓mín, uɬ antrú pol səxʷqʷaʔqʷʔál way̓ xʷaʔspíntk. You are highly educated, and Andrew Paul is a politician with experience. [nb2524.8] cniɬc sc̓q̓ay̓s, aɬíʔ kʷaʔ taʔlíʔ cmiɬq̓əymín. She wrote it, she's very educated. [nb2584.8] See: my1; q̓y̓min.

myɬqʷyúlaʔxʷ   [miɬqʷyúlaxʷ] Morph: my+ɬ+qʷyúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √my, √qʷy. to be richer.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬqʷyúlaʔxʷ. Richer. [nb18192.16] See: my1; qʷyúlaʔxʷ.

myɬsakʷt   [miɬsákʷt] Morph: my+ɬ+sakʷ+t. Etym: √my, √skʷ. to be more swollen.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. miɬsákʷt. More swollen. [nb18193.11] See: my1; sakʷt.

myɬsílxʷaʔ   [miɬsílxʷaʔ] Morph: my+ɬ+sílxʷaʔ. Etym: √my, √slxʷʔ. to be bigger.

Istem. Category: Compd. miɬsílxʷaʔ. It's bigger. [dict] See: my1; sílxʷaʔ.

myɬswy̓numtx   [miɬswiʔnúmtx] Morph: my+ɬ+s+wy̓+numtx. Etym: √my, √wy̓. to be more beautiful.

Istem. Category: Compd, +x. kʷ miɬswiʔnúmtx kiʔ təl̕ ksənk̓ʷəɬmərríms. You are more beautiful than the one he's supposed to marry. [blkpg 056] See: my1; swy̓numtx.

myɬsysyus   [miɬsisyús] Morph: my+ɬ+sy•syus. Etym: √my, √sy. to be smarter.

Istem. Category: Compd. kən miɬsisiyús. I am smarter. [nb10a 036] miɬsisyúsəlx təl incá i l sk̓amtíw̓s. They are smarter than I at riding horses. [RHorse 178] way̓ miɬsisyús tl incá. He is smarter than I am. [GDd2 427] See: my1; sysyus.

myɬt   Morph: my+ɬt. Etym: √my. to know s.t.; to remember s.t.; to learn s.t.

Tstem. Sp √miy to know, to tell, to repeat, fact; Cm miy be clear, plain; may̓‑xit‑xʷ you tell s.t. [a story]; Cr mi· discover, learn; mey+p coming to know, learn, learned (he...); may foresee, foretell, predict. pna lut yayáʕt kʷ t̓ ikscmiɬtím ascƛ̓x̌áp. I might not tell everything in your life. [nb1295.4] atláʔ məɬ yaʕyáʕt cmiɬtín iʔ sənʔacwíxtənsəlx. From here I learned all their camping areas. [lpb342]

myɬtim   Morph: my+ɬt+im. Etym: √my. to know s.t.; to remember s.t.; to learn s.t.

nTstem. Sp √miy to know, to tell, to repeat, fact; Cm miy be clear, plain; may̓‑xit‑xʷ you tell s.t. [a story]; Cr mi· discover, learn; mey+p coming to know, learn, learned (he...); may foresee, foretell, predict. kmatəm kʷ iscmyɬtím ixíʔ way̓ ixíʔ ancáwt. Certainly I know this is what you've done. [dict]

myɬttwit   [myɬtətwít] Morph: my+ɬ+t•twit. Variant: myɬttw̓it. Etym: √my, √twt. to be an outstanding boy.

Istem. Category: Compd. uɬ axáʔ smyɬtətwít kʷənnús. This outstanding boy caught me. [dict] See: my1; ttwit.

myɬttw̓it   [miɬtətw̓ít] Morph: my+ɬ+t•tw̓it. Variant: myɬttwit. Etym: √my, √twt. to be more of a boy; to be an outstanding boy.

Istem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ miɬtətw̓ít. He’s more of a boy. [nb18193.5] See: my1; ttwit.

myɬx̌ast   [miɬx̌ást] Morph: my+ɬ+x̌as+t. Variant: mysx̌ast. Etym: √my, √x̌s. to be better.

Istem. Category: Compd. naqs miɬx̌ást kiʔ təl̕ lut. One is better than nothing. [nb9a 202] See: my1; x̌ast.

myɬx̌mink   [miɬx̌mínk] Morph: my+ɬ+x̌mink. Etym: √my, √x̌m. to like s.o. better.

Istem. Category: Compd. uɬ ixíʔ miɬx̌mínks mat iʔ stʔiwtx. I guess she likes better the youngest one. [AutPS 163] inmiɬx̌mínk. I like him better. [nb18193.7] uɬ anwí kʷ ikɬmyɬx̌mínk. I'm going to like you more. [dict] See: my1; x̌mink.

mymay   [mimáy] Morph: my•may. Etym: √my. to be equal.

Istem. cmimáy. Equal. [nb25-78 005] məɬ náx̌əmɬ cmimáy iʔ kʷ ikɬx̌áq̓əm. I'll reward you equally. [nb2578.12]

mymaykst   [mimáykst] Morph: my•maykst. Etym: √my. to do s.t. right.

Istem. kʷ mimáykst. You did it right. [nb18195.2] See: mymayt.

mymayt   [mimáyt] Morph: my•may+t. Etym: √my. to know what to do; the correct thing.

Istem. Category: +t. lut kən t̓ mymáyt ʔkin̓ iʔ xəwíɬ ikskʷním. I don’t know which road I’m going to take. [nb18194.5] lut t̓ mimáyt ʔkin̓. He doesn’t know which. [nb18194.4] See: mymay.

mymst   Morph: my+m+st. Etym: √my. to pile s.t. on s.t.

Tstem. Category: +m+st. mymstin. I piled them. [dict] See: miy1.

mymst   [miymst] Morph: my+m+st. Etym: √my. to straighten s.t.; to put order in s.t.

Tstem. Sp m̓ey̓-m̓-s-t-ésn̓ I examined it closely, I memorized it. Category: Caus, +m+st. uc miymstíxʷ iʔ klaʕʷscútən. Did you put in order / straighten the buttons? [nb18192.8] See: my2.

mymyalíxʷ   [mimyalíxʷ] Morph: my•myalíxʷ. Etym: √my. guide.

Istem. mimyalíxʷ. [dict] See: myalíxʷ.

mymyikst   [mimyíkst] Morph: my•myikst. Etym: √my. to be skilled; to be handy.

Istem. way̓ kʷ sisyús kʷ sqilxʷ way̓ kʷ k̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷl̕úɬ, uɬ kʷ mimyíkst. You are a smart Indian, you are a good worker, and you are handy. [AutPS 290] See: mymy.

mymymst   Morph: my•my+m+st. Etym: √my. to pile s.t. on s.t.

Tstem. Category: +st. wiʔsƛ̓əqəntín, məɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ mymymstin axáʔ iʔ siyúpsc axáʔ iʔ patáq. When I get done digging them, then I will pile together the vines of the potatoes. [dict] See: mym.

mymyncut   [mimincút] Morph: my•my+ncut. Etym: √my. to report; to complain.

Istem. Category: +ncut. kən cmimincút. I told them. [nb18209.16] See: mymy.

mymyst   Morph: my•my+st. Etym: √my. to know several ...

Tstem. Category: +st. uɬ lut t̓a cmimistín. I don't know them. [Prov 040] See: my2.

mymyw̓salqʷ   [mimiw̓sálqʷ] Morph: my•myw̓salqʷ ? Etym: √mw̓s. to be half way up a tree.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ mimiw̓sálqʷ lut t̓a kɬk̓iʔlílxʷ. And up to way up in the tree they didn't have any bark. [Hrvst 089] See: myw̓salqʷ.

mynam   [minám] Morph: my+na+m. Etym: √my. to find out s.t.; to know s.t.

Mstem. Category: +am. lut kʷu t̓a ckicsts iʔ t sqilxʷ ɬ ikscminám ɬ ikstxət̓t̓íʔst. Nobody got to me for me to know I'd be pregnant. [LynxS 089] lut ikscminám. I’ll never find out. [nb18210.2] lut incá isəcminám, uɬmánc̓aʔ kiʔ kʷu cmayɬtís. I didnʼt know it, it was uɬmánc̓aʔ who told me. [gl25] lut aksc̓aʔxmínəm, aɬíʔ akscmiynám, aksmipnúnəm. Don't be ashamed, because you should know, you want to find out about it. [mychildr 268] See: my2.

myncut   [mi(y)ncút] Morph: my+ncut. Etym: √my. to report; to complain; to tell one's story; to discuss.

Istem. mincút yaʕyáʕt iʔ tə cəwcáˑˑwts uɬ iʔ kc̓ík̓naʔsəlx uɬ ɬəɬxʷláls, ʔaxkínəm ki xʷlal. He told all that happened to him; that they burned him and that he came back to life, how he came back to life. [lpb366] uɬ ixíʔ mincútəlx iʔ tə kɬcáwtsəlx. They talked among themselves about what they were going to do. [lpb436] ƛ̓lápəlx way̓ ixíʔ smincúts. They stopped and he told his story. [lpb365] See: my2.

myncutm   [mincútəm] Morph: my+ncut+m. Etym: √my. to report; to tell what one has done.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kʷ ismincútəm. I told you what happened. [nb18209.15] See: my2.

myncutmnt   Morph: my+ncut+m+nt. Etym: √my. to report; to tell what one has done.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu mincútməntxʷ. You told me what you had done. [nb18195.10] aɬíʔ kʷu smincútəms ast̓əmkʔílt. Your daughter told me what you did. [nb18209.14] See: my2.

myncutxt   Morph: my+ncut+xt. Etym: √my. to report; to complain; to tell one's story; to discuss.

Tstem. Category: +xt. kʷu mincútxt. Tell me what you’ve done! [nb18195.11] pulx k̓ʷənxásq̓ət məɬ sic miyncút. ixíʔ uɬ m̓ay̓ncút. He camped for a few days, then he told his story. He told his story. [lpb359] See: my2.

mynúlaʔxʷm   Morph: my+núlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √my. to know the country. Category: Mstem. lut p t̓a cminúlaʔxʷəm. You don't know the country. [GDd1 568] cun axáʔ inqíck, way̓ anwím kʷ cminúlaʔxʷəm. I said to my brother, "You know the country." [HnTrp 221] way̓ lut kən t̓a cminúlaʔxʷəm sic atáʔ ɬ iksxʷíst. I don’t know the country, it̓s the first time I ever walked it. [nb1266.9] incá kən cminúlaʔxʷəm k̓aʔkín ɬ səcxʷúyx. I know the way where they are going. [nb1283.3] See: my2.

mynúlaʔxʷst   Morph: my+núlaʔxʷ+st. Etym: √my. to know the country.

Tstem. Category: +st. uɬ axáʔ inqíck ixíʔ aɬíʔ cminúlaʔxʷsts, x̌əlínaʔs. And my brother knows the country, it's his cache. [HnTrp 025] way̓ t̓i incákən cminúlaʔxʷstən k̓aʔkín kʷ ɬ səcxʷúy. I know the way where you are going. [nb1261.3] way̓, way̓ cmynúlaʔxʷstən swit aɬíʔ intəmxʷúlaʔxʷ. I do know the country, because it's my country. [dict] See: my2.

mynuɬt   Morph: my+nu+ɬt. Etym: √my. to manage to find out s.t.; to manage to know s.t.

Tstem. lut t̓ minúɬtən. I never found out. [nb18210.3] lut ksminúɬtsəlx. They’ll never know. [nb18210.1] See: my2.

myp   [mip] Morph: my+p. Etym: √my. to be found out.

Istem. Category: +p. uɬ caʔkʷ iwá kən ɬ málˑx̌aʔ uɬ way̓ kən ksmipmíxaʔx. And even if I did lie, I'd get caught anyway. [LynxS 084] See: my2.

mypcin   [mipcín] Morph: my+pcin. Etym: √my. 1 • to find out.

Istem. uc kʷ mipcín. Did you find out? [nb18196.10]

2 • Istem. to agree; to understand. way̓ ixíʔ kiʔ uɬ sic mipcínəlx nsúxʷnaʔmsəlx. That's when they all agreed. They understood. [BJSeym 430] lut t̓ mipcínəlx. They didn’t understand. [nb18196.12] See: myp; my2.

mypikst   [mipíkst] Morph: my+pikst. Etym: √my. to know or learn how to do s.t. right.

Istem. uc kʷ mipíkst. Did you do it right? [nb18196.13] See: myp; my2.

mypikstmnt   Morph: my+pikst+m+nt. Etym: √my. to do or fix s.t. right.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uc kʷ mipíkstməntxʷ. Did you do it right? [nb18196.14] mipíkstmən. I fixed it right. [nb18196.15] See: mypikst; myp; my2.

mypínaʔ   [miypínaʔ] Morph: my+pínaʔ. Etym: √my. to learn right; to find out.

Istem. kʷu ksmiypínaʔx. We want to find out. [dict] See: myp; my2.

mypnuɬt   Morph: my+p+nu+ɬt. Etym: √my. to manage to learn, find out, figure out; to manage to understand.

Tstem. ʕapnáʔ iskʷíst kʷu mipnúɬtxʷ tatáma. Now you know my name, granny. [lpb323] See: myp; my2.

mypnumt   [mipnúmt] Morph: my+p+numt. Etym: √my. to realize; to find out.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ ixíʔ ya t siməncáʕt ya cmipnúmt way̓ sqilxʷ. From their making noise, that̓s how she finds out that there are people. [nb1246.9] See: mypnu.

mypnunm   Morph: my+p+nun+m. Etym: √my. to manage to learn, find out, figure out; to manage to understand.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut aksc̓aʔxmínəm, aɬíʔ akscmiynám, aksmipnúnəm. Don't be ashamed, because you should know, you want to find out about it. [mychildr 268] a, lut, t̓əxʷ t̓iʔ kmix iksmipnúnəm. Nothing, I just want to find out. [Whal 036] t səwít kʷu m̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔs uɬ iksmipnúnəm. Anybody teaches me, I'll learn. [misc 022] lut pənkín t̓ iksmipnúnəm. I’ll never find out. [nb18193.16] See: myp; my2.

mypnunt   Morph: my+p+nu+nt. Etym: √my. to manage to learn, find out, figure out; to manage to understand.

Tstem. Category: +nt. mipnún. I found out. [pd] mipnús iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, laʔkín c̓kinəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ kaʔ cxəlˑákək. They will learn about the world, how it is the world turns. [mychildr 122] xʷəm̓ t̓i mipnúntxʷ. I know you understand. [nb26-29 002] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ʕác̓əs uɬ way̓ mipnús t incá kʷ iskʷúlstəm. He’ll look at it, and he’ll know that I sent you. [nb1254.1] kʷu paʔpaʔsínk ɬ ksmypnúntəm ƛ̓lal. We'd feel bad if we found out that she's dead. [dict] t swit kʷu m̓áyaʔɬts, uɬ way̓ mat n̓ín̓w̓iʔ mypnún. If anybody shows me, I'll learn. [dict] See: myp; my2.

mypnust   Morph: my+p+nu+st. Etym: √my. to manage to learn, find out, figure out; to manage to understand.

Tstem. Category: +st. lut t̓a cmipnústsəlx səc̓kínx ka nc̓əspítkʷ iʔ qáqxʷəlx. They couldnʼt figure out why the fish were gone from the water. [feed31] See: myp; my2.

mypnwiɬn   [mipnwíɬən] Morph: my+pnwiɬn. Etym: √my. knowledge or information one has obtained.

Istem. Cr s+miy+pngʷíln learning ... lit. it is the means of learning, of education. ixíʔ inxaxʔít, itlíʔ kiʔ iscmipnwíɬən. My ancestors, that's who I learned [these stories] from. [su7q̓im 285] x̌aʔ, lut km̓a incá ism̓aʔm̓áy̓, ixíʔ inxaxʔít, itlíʔ kiʔ iscmipnwíɬən. These are not my stories, they are my ancestors who I learned them from. [su7q̓im 293] taʔlíʔ xʷʔit iʔ scmipnwíɬəntət tl anwí. We're learning very much from you. [nb26-39 006a] talíʔ xʷʔit ascmipnwíɬən. You've learned a lot. [newles 064] stim̓ anx̌mínk aksck̓ʷúl̕ akscmipnwíɬən. What work would you like to learn? [nb1253.6] See: myp; my2.

mypnwis   [mipnwís] Morph: my+p+nwis. Etym: √my. to find out s.t.

Istem. Category: +nwis. way̓ ksmipnwísəlx. They’ll find out. [nb18194.1] See: myp; my2.

mypúlaʔxʷ   [mipúlaʔxʷ] Morph: my+púlaʔxʷ. Etym: √my. to find out about a place or country.

Istem. lut pən̓kín t̓ mipúlaʔxʷən sənyálmən. I never found out about Montana. [nb18197.12] ixíʔ iʔ l sx̌əlx̌áʕlt uɬ lut aksənsl̕íp, cəm̓ kʷ ɬ mipúlaʔxʷ k̓aʔkín kʷ ɬ scxʷuyx, In the daytime you won’t get lost. You can figure out the country, which way you are going. [nb1266.6-7] k̓liʔ mypúlaʔxʷəlx iʔ k̓əl ksənʔíɬəntṇs. They got acquainted with where they're supposed to eat. [dict] See: myp; my2.

myscut   [miscút] Morph: my+scut. Etym: √my. to know how; to know about.

Istem. Category: +scut. pna cmiscút iʔ l sx̌aʔnúxʷəm iʔ l ksuy̓ásq̓əts. Maybe somebody knows how to stop the weather, to end the rain. [RnTrp 020] way̓ lut kʷu t̓a cmiscút kʷu ɬ ksx̌aʔnúxʷəms. We don't know anything about stopping the weather. [RnTrp 023] lut kən t̓a cmiscút iʔ l captíkʷɬ. I don't know about legends. [nb6.84a] See: my2.

myscʔiɬn   [misc̓íɬən] Morph: my+sc+ʔiɬn. Etym: √my, √ʔɬn. prime food.

Istem. Category: Compd. uɬ way̓ ʕapnáʔ t̓i way̓ niʕ̓íp misc̓íɬəntət. And nowadays it still is our prime food. [rdgs 0209] See: my1; ʔiɬn.

mysk̓ɬyíxʷlsmnt   Morph: my+s+k̓ɬ+yíxʷls+m+nt. Etym: √my, √yxʷ. to envy s.t. more or worse.

Tstem. Sp √yixʷ to covet, to envy; yuxʷ to be envious, to covet; Cm kyəxʷtmí‑nn, n‑yxʷ‑xʷ‑mi(n)‑(nt)‑nn I envy s.o. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ itlíʔ misk̓ɬyíxʷəlsəmsəlx. From that they envied him worse. [dict] See: my1.

myskʷum   [miskʷúm] Morph: my+s+kʷum. Etym: √my, √kʷm. to store s.t. well.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ iwá miskʷúms, axáʔ iʔ l məsmíw̓s aɬíʔ mat iʔ citxʷ. She really hid it, in the fourth floor of the house. [GDd2 401] See: my1; kʷum.

mysk̓ʷk̓ʷiymlt   [mysk̓ʷk̓ʷíyməlt] Morph: my+s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷiy+mlt. Etym: √my, k̓ʷy. to be younger.

Istem. Category: Compd. uɬ ixíʔ kʷ k̓ʷul̕ ʔapənkspíntk aksmysk̓ʷk̓ʷíyməlt. You will be ten years younger. [dict] See: my1; sk̓ʷk̓ʷiymlt.

mysɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓it   [misɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓it] Morph: my+s+ɬaʔ•ɬaʔxʷísk̓it. Etym: √my, √ɬʔxʷ. several people are more rested.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ t̓əxʷ ksmisɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓itaʔx. They'll be more rested now. [GDd1 620] See: my1; ɬáʔxʷsk̓it.

mysƛ̓aʔkʷílx   [misƛ̓aʔkʷílx] Morph: my+s+ƛ̓aʔkʷ+ílx. Etym: √my, √ƛ̓ʔkʷ. a better Indian doctor.

Istem. Category: Compd. náx̌əmɬ ixíʔ misƛ̓aʔkʷílx. He is a better doctor. [nb2585.11] See: my1; ƛ̓aʔkʷílx.

mysƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌áp   [misƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp] Morph: my+s+ƛ̓x̌•ƛ̓x̌á+p. Etym: √my, √ƛ̓x̌. the oldest.

Istem. Category: Compd, +p. anwí iʔ kʷ misƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp uɬ iʔ kʷ mispəx̌páx̌t tl mnímɬtət. You are the oldest and wisest among us. [WBW.17] See: my1; ƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌ap.

mysnx̌ilm   [misənx̌íləm] Morph: my+s+n+x̌il+m. Etym: √my, √x̌l. to be more afraid.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ ixíʔ náx̌əmɬ mysənx̌ílməntəm. He was more scared. [dict] See: my1; nx̌ilm.

myspx̌páx̌t   [mispx̌páx̌t] Morph: my+s+px̌•páx̌+t. Etym: √my, √px̌. smarter.

Istem. Category: Compd. axáʔ iʔ stʔíwtxtət iʔ ɬsísəncaʔtət cəm̓ ixíʔ ɬaʔ ksmispx̌páx̌t. It's the youngest of us, our little brother, who is the smartest. [dict] See: my1; px̌pax̌t.

mysqilxʷst   Morph: my+s+qilxʷ+st. Etym: √my, √qlxʷ. to have (great) respect for s.o.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +st. misqílxʷstmən. I have great respect for you. [nb08 278] kʷu cmisqílxʷstxʷ. You have great respect for me. [nb08 280] See: my1; sqilxʷ.

mysqltmixʷ   [misqltmíxʷ] Morph: my+s+qltmíxʷ. Etym: √my, √qlt. to be a better man.

Istem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ misqltmíxʷ. He is a better man. [E25] See: my1; sqltmixʷ.

mysq̓sápiʔ   [misq̓sápiʔ] Morph: my+s+q̓sápiʔ. Etym: √my, √q̓sp. a very long time ago; since time immemorial.

Istem. Category: Compd. təl̕ misq̓sápiʔ iʔ kʷu xatmaʔsqílxʷ kʷu skʷliwtx iʔ l túm̓təm̓tət. We, the first inhabitants, have lived with our mother from time immemorial. [OkDcl.4] See: my1; q̓sápiʔ.

mysqʷamqʷmt   [misqʷámqʷəmt] Morph: my+s+qʷam•qʷm+t. Etym: √my, √qʷm. best, most beautiful, excellent.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. ixíʔ iʔ misqʷámqʷəmt. That is the best ever. [E25] See: my1; qʷamqʷmt.

myst   Morph: my+st. Etym: √my. to know s.t.; to remember s.t.; to learn s.t.

Tstem. Sp √miy to know, to tell, to repeat, fact; Cm miy be clear, plain; may̓‑xit‑xʷ you tell s.t. [a story]; Cr mi· discover, learn; mey+p coming to know, learn, learned (he...); may foresee, foretell, predict. Category: +st. lut t̓a cmistím k̓aʔkín kʷu ɬ səcxʷúyx. We don't know where we are going. [GDd2 199] ha cmistíxʷ kən səc̓íntx. Do you know what I am saying? [newles 071] itlíʔ nixʷ uɬ lut t̓a ɬə cmistín. I don't remember more than that. [su7q̓im 265b] lut t̓a cmistín iʔ sk̓amtíw̓s. I didn't know how to ride. [RHorse 006] way̓ uɬ t̓əxʷ kən cpəx̌pəx̌twílaʔx uɬ way̓ cmistín. I had just come to my senses, and I remember. [RHorse 012] lut t̓a cmistím iʔ l stim̓ sisyús. We don't know in what things he is smart. [dict] nak̓ʷaʔ cmistím n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu c̓ul̕ús. We don't know if we will be together. [dict] way̓ cmistíp iʔ miyúlaʔxʷɬmən, ik̓líʔ mi kʷu yaʕ̓ʷmílx. You know the place where I told you to go, we will meet there. [dict] t̓əxʷ ixíʔ cmystúmt. We knew about your (coming). [dict]

mystctaʕcpt   [mistəctʕácpt] Morph: my+s+tc•taʕc+p+t. Etym: √my, √tʕc. rougher riding.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. iʔ lwakín mistəctʕácpt kiʔ təl l̕w̓aʔkín̓. The wagon is rougher riding than the buggy. [E13] See: tcʕap.

mystiltlxʷt   [mystíltəlxʷt] Morph: my+s+til•tlxʷ+t. Etym: √my, √tlxʷ. to be more difficult.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. mystíltəlxʷt ɬ iksckɬtxílxʷs. It'll be harder to curry him. [dict] See: my1; tiltlxʷt.

mystwixʷ   [mistwíxʷ] Morph: my+stwixʷ. Etym: √my. to know one another.

Istem. way̓ kʷu cmistwíxʷ. We know each other. [nb18198.7] cmiystwíxʷəlx. They know one another. [dict] See: my2.

myst̓iyt̓ym   [mist̓ít̓im] Morph: my+s+t̓iy•t̓y+m. Etym: √my, √t̓y. to be easier.

Istem. Category: Compd. mist̓ít̓im t scsíx̌əlx kiʔ təl sxʷulɬxʷ. It was easier to move them than the tipis. [rdgs 067] See: my1; t̓iyt̓ymt.

mysxʷaʔt   [misxʷaʔt] Morph: my+s+xʷaʔ+t. Etym: √my, √xʷʔ. more.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. ksmisxʷaʔtmíxaʔx iscƛ̓ax̌ʷ. I want to kill more and more. [CoGrSy 560] See: mysxʷt; my1; xʷʔit.

mysxʷt   [misxʷət] Morph: my+s+xʷt. Etym: √my, √xʷt. to want more.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. ksmisxʷətmíxaʔx. He will want more. [nb08 465] ksmysxʷtmˑíxaʔx. He wants more and more. [nb08 464] See: my1; xʷʔit.

mysx̌ast   [misx̌ást] Morph: my+s+x̌as+t. Variant: myɬx̌ast. Etym: √my, √x̌s. the best.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. axáʔ asck̓ʷúl̕ iʔ misx̌ást. This is the best you've ever done. [E25] lut swit t̓ misx̌ást iʔ təl swit. Nobody is better than anybody. [VLet 047] See: my1; x̌axt.

mysx̌ʷyx̌ʷayt   [misx̌ʷyx̌ʷáyt] Morph: my+s+x̌ʷy•x̌ʷay+t. Etym: √my, √x̌ʷy. more sharp.

Istem. Category: Compd, +t. iʔ misx̌ʷyx̌ʷáyt iʔ ƛ̓qʷúməns. The ones with sharp thorns. [CoGrSy 699] See: my1; x̌ʷyx̌ʷayt.

mysylmixʷm   [misilmíxʷəm] Morph: my+s+ylmixʷ+m. Etym: √my, √yl. a better chief.

Istem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ misilmíxʷəm. He is the better chief. [E25] See: my1; ylmixʷm.

mysywyaʕʷt   [misyuyáʕʷt] Morph: my+s+yw•yaʕʷ+t. Etym: √my, √yʕʷ. stronger.

Isten. Category: Compd, +t. misyuyáʕʷt təl incá. He is stronger than I. [nb6.60a] See: my1; ywyaʕʷt.

myúlaʔxʷɬt   Morph: myúlaʔxʷ+ɬt. Etym: √my. to point to a place; to show a place.

Tstem. miyúˑˑl̕aʔxʷɬtməlx iʔ ksyx̌ísaʔx. He pointed for them where to drive the deer. [BJSeym 191] lut kʷu t̓ə myúlaʔxʷɬts. He didn’t show me the place. [nb18194.13] way̓ cmystip iʔ miyúlaʔxʷɬmən, ik̓líʔ mi kʷu yáʕ̓ʷmlx. You know the place where I told you to go, there (we) will gather. [dict] kʷu myúlaʔxʷɬts uɬ lut t̓ mipnún. He showed me the place and I still don’t know where it is. [nb18194.14] miyúlaʔxʷɬtməlx iʔ ksyx̌ísaʔx. He pointed for them where to drive the deer. See: my2.

myúlaʔxʷst   Morph: myúlaʔxʷ+st. Etym: √my. to know a place.

Tstem. Category: +st. cmiyúlaʔxʷstən. I know this place. [nb18211.4] See: my2.

myútyaʔ   [myútyaʔ] Morph: myútyaʔ. Etym: √my. well matched, uniform, proper.

Istem. myútyaʔ. Matched. [nb10a 102] way̓ uɬ lut ití myútyaʔ. Well, it's not even fit, it's all mixed up, not unified. [BJSeym 112] See: mymay.

myw̓salqʷ   [miyw̓sálqʷ] Morph: myw̓salqʷ. Etym: √my. midway up a tree or s.t. cylindrical.

Istem. ixíʔ náx̌əmɬ iʔ sm̓yw̓sálqʷs ilíʔ kɬƛ̓əƛ̓qʷúmən. Leave the thorns half-way up the twigs (and clean the rest). [dict] See: myiw̓s.

myw̓sikn   [miw̓síkən] Morph: myw̓sikn ? Etym: √my ?. the middle of a mountain.

Istem. miw̓síkən. The middle of a mountain. [pd09]

myw̓súlaʔxʷ   [myw̓súlaʔxʷ] Morph: myw̓súlaʔxʷ. Etym: √my. halfway; midway on the ground.

Istem. way̓ put m̓yw̓súlaʔxʷ ixíʔ uɬ k̓əɬk̓ətpnúɬtəm t sənk̓l̕íp iʔ spuʔúsc. He was half way there when Coyote managed to cut its heart completely off. [dict] myw̓súlaʔxʷ kiʔ ṇkcníkəṇˑ inkʷəl̕mút. They had gone half way when I overtook my brother-in-law. [dict] lúti smiw̓súlaʔxʷsəlx iʔ t sk̓əlxʷmúlaʔxʷs. They hadn't gone halfway and she is out of sight. [2gts 174] uɬ way̓ uɬ cmiw̓súlaʔxʷ uɬ way̓ ɬtkícəntəm iʔ ʔawtústət. He came half way and we met our opppontent again. [2gts 218] kən miw̓súlaʔxʷ. I was half way. [nb08 411] ixíʔ náx̌əmɬ təl̕ w̓íwaʔst uɬ cəm̓ t̓i kʷ miwsúlaʔxʷ. But if you go from above you'll be just half way. [CoGrSy 475] See: myiw̓s.

myxtwixʷ   [mixtwíxʷ] Morph: my+xt+wixʷ. Etym: √my. to know what the other is doing.

Istem. pna kʷu pəx̌ʷx̌ʷám, uɬ lut kʷu kscmixtwíxʷs. Maybe we’ll scatter and then we won’t know what the others are doing. [nb1322.11] See: my2.

myyst   Morph: my•y+st. Etym: √my. to be sure of s.t.

Tstem. Category: C2Inch, +st. miyˑstn. I'm sure of it. [nb26-20 018] See: my2.

my̓ilsm   [miʔílsəm] Morph: my̓+ils+m. Etym: √my̓. to deem s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. a uɬ aɬíʔ miʔílsəms qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕aʔsts iʔ cq̓íləns uɬ iʔ ckʷinks. And he thought how good the arrows and the bow he had fixed are. [CoGrSy 077] See: my2.

my̓my̓muɬ   [míʔmiʔmúɬ] Morph: my̓my̓muɬ. Etym: √my. to be a big mouth.

Istem. kʷ məy̓məy̓múɬ. Big mouth. [dict]

my̓my̓ncút   [miʔmiʔncút] Morph: my̓•my̓+ncút. Etym: √my. to learn.

Istem. Category: +ncut. kən cmiʔmiʔncút. I get somebody to teach me. [nb08 542] See: my2.

my̓úlaʔxʷɬt   Morph: my̓úlaʔxʷ+ɬt. Etym: √my̓. to point to the ground.

Tstem. miʔúlaʔxʷɬtsən. I point to the ground to your s.t. [nb08 729] kʷu miʔúlaʔxʷɬts. He pointed to me his s.t. [nb08 757] See: my2.

mʕawsyn   [maʕáwsiyən] Morph: mʕawsyn. Etym: √mʕ. collar bone.

Istem. Category: Anat. maʕáwsiyən. Collar bone. [OkB] Category: Conf.

mʕ̓an̓   [ṃʕ̓an̓] Morph: mʕ̓an̓. semantic import "mind you, well, see..."

pcl. mʕ̓an ɬ sx̌aʔx̌áʔs iʔ skəkáʕkaʔs uɬ t̓i kmix kʷəkʷr̓ít. Look how powerful her birds are, they're nothing but gold. [dict] mʕ̓an ʕác̓ənt axáʔ t asaʔstám. Just look at your sister-in-law. [dict] uɬ q̓sápiʔ uɬ lut t̓ə cwíkstəmsəlx, uɬ ʕác̓ənt, ilíʔ mʕ̓an kʷu ʔx̌íləm. And it's been a long time since they have seen you, and look, we felt the same way. [dict]

mʕ̓ʷmaʕ̓ʷ   [muʔmáʕ̓ʷ] Morph: mʕ̓ʷ•maʕ̓ʷ. Etym: √mʕ̓ʷ. to be broken.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ swit axáʔ cmuʔmáʕ̓ʷ iʔ snululmúsaʔstəns. And the hard points are broken. [CoGrSy 107] See: maʕʷt.

mʕ̓ʷnik   [moʕ̓ʷník] Morph: mʕ̓ʷnik. Etym: √mʕʷnk. From: Frenxh Monique. Monique.

Istem. Category: wName, Borr.

mʕ̓ʷuttxn   [ṃʕ̓ʷútətxən] Morph: mʕ̓ʷut•txn. Etym: √mʕʷ. twisted ankle or foot.

Istem. kʷ ṃʕ̓ʷútətxən. You twisted your foot sideways. [dict] See: maʕ̓ʷt.

mʔaɬ   [mʔaɬ] Morph: m[ʔ]aɬ. Etym: √mɬ. to have relief from pain; enough (pain).

Istem. Sp mʔéɬ his injury quit hurting, it eased up. mʔaɬ. It will stop. [nb20.41a] c̓instəm iʔ t k̓ʷəl̕əncútn iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əms ixíʔ kiʔ mʔaɬ iʔ spuʔúsc. I asked him about what the Creator's helper told him that he was satisfied. [su7q̓im 273] ixíʔ uɬ mʔaɬ iʔ spuʔúsc ɬ aʔcq̓ílt iʔ spuʔúsc. So that he would feel healed. [su7q̓im 279c] way̓ t̓i mʔaɬ iʔ spuʔúsc aɬíʔ. His heart was healed. [su7q̓im 279g] See: miɬm.

mʔamscút   [mʔamscút] Morph: mʔam+scút. Etym: √mm (?). to be noisy.

Istem. ? Sp √mam. hi mámmmm sound of many flies and mosquitos buzzing around in one area; Cr √mm s+mí+mem-elt ... putting one's child to sleep, chanting or singing. Category: +scut. kən mʔamscút. I’m noisy. [nb21.116a]

mʔan   [mʔan] Morph: m[ʔ]an. Variant: mʔan̓. Etym: √mn ?. to be mid-afternoon, after 4 pm or so.

Istem. way̓ ṃʔan̓, way̓ t̓əxʷ wiʔásq̓ət. It was past noon, it quit raining. [dict]

mʔaʕl̕   [mʔaʕl̕] Morph: m[ʔ]aʕl̕. Etym: √mʕl̕. s.t. got warm.

Istem. Sp √mal̕ tepid, lukewarm; Cr mal̕ boil (come to...), hot, stifling, warm; i c+mál̕+p H/s is being uncomfortably warm. mʔaʕl̕. It got warm. [nb18184.10] See: nmaʕl̕.

mʔaʔ   [mʔaʔ] Morph: m[ʔ]aʔ. Etym: √mʔ. to get bothered.

Istem. uc p mʔaʔ. Are you getting bothered? [E59.21] lut aksmʔáʔ. Don't get bothered! [E59.14] See: maʔmáʔt.

mʔikstm   [mʔíkstəm] Morph: mʔikst+m. Etym: √mʔ. to bother s.o. with some action.

Msten. Sp qʷu mʔéčst-m-i-s he bothered me; Cr meʔ–íčt+m-nt-s bedevil, bother, harass, to annoy. mat t stim kʷ səmʔíkstəms. Something must be bothering you. [nb1822.2] lut kʷu aksmʔíkstəm. Don’t bother me (with some action)! [nb18141.9] ut nixʷ akɬəɬmʔíkstəm ʔkin təl tmixʷ təl skəkáʕkaʔ. I’m telling you not to bother any whatsoever of the birds. [dict] See: maʔmaʔt.

mʔikstmnt   Morph: mʔikst+m+nt. Etym: √mʔ. to bother s.o. with some action.

Tstem. Sp qʷu mʔéčst-m-i-s he bothered me; Cr meʔ–íčt+m-nt-s bedevil, bother, harass, to annoy. Category: +nt. kʷu mʔíkstməntxʷ. You bother me (with what you are doing). [nb1822.1] See: maʔmaʔt.

mʔnik   [m̓nik] Morph: m[ʔ]nik. Etym: √mnk. to be about to shit.

Istem. mʔnik. He is shitting. [nb21.86a] See: mnik.

mɣaɣ1   [mɣaɣ] Morph: mɣ•aɣ. Etym: √mɣ. to get poked.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. mɣaɣ It got barred. [nb26-26 026] kən mɣaɣ iʔ t kɬəɬx̌ʷíplaʔ. I was poked by a sewing needle. [E65.17] ilíʔ mɣaɣ iʔ qáqxʷəlx, uɬ ixíʔ sx̌w̓áw̓s x̌w̓əntísəlx iʔ qáqxʷəlx. The fish was stuck there and they dried the fish. [lb19] See: .

mɣnt   Morph: mɣ+nt. Etym: √mɣ. to poke s.t.; to pin s.t.

Tstem. Sh √mex pierced by sliver, spit, etc. Category: +nt. məɣəntín iʔ ɬəɬáxʷ. I pinned together the dress. [E65.18]