
y1   [i] Morph: y. Variant: ; ya. variant of the article iʔ occasionally occurring before words that begin with vowels.

pcl. Category: article. y aksənɬq̓ʷútṇ. Where you're going to sleep. y akskəkáʕkaʔ. A pair of birds (of yours). y asəxʷk̓ʷul̕əm. Tell your working man. y ank̓áʕʷmən. Your prayers.

-y2   [i] Morph: -y. plural transitive imperative form.

isfx. Category: mood. ʔíɬənti ixíʔ iʔ sc̓íɬnəmp. Eat your food! [Oct92 082] kʷu kənxítənti! Help us! [nb26-61 004] púlskʷi. Kill! [nb10a 073]

ya   [ya] Morph: ya. Variant: ; y. variant of iʔ before syllabic resonants (but not l "locative"), and before the aspect marker c- and kɬ- "have".

pcl. Category: article. ya nqʷəlqʷíltəntət. Our language. [nb26-49 008] ya ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ. The man-eater. ya ylmíxʷəm. The chief. ya ṇt̓lúlaʔxʷtṇ. The plow. ya ṇtx̌ʷitkʷ. The big river. ya nq̓ʷəɬtsqáx̌aʔtəns. His pack horses. [Hrvst 172] ya ṇxáruʔs. The curtain. ya cəntáq̓əm. A big valley. ya cənxʷr̓ús. The hollow place. ya ctyap. The running water. ya cwiksts. What he can see. ya ksqʷaʔmíkst. Those who are used to it.

yakʷʔ   [yákʷaʔ] Morph: yákʷaʔ. Etym: √ykʷʔ. root with meaning "stingy" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: yaʔyáʔkʷaʔ; sy̓ay̓ákʷaʔ; yaʔkʷmí(n); y̓ay̓ákʷaʔ. Sp y̓ey̓úkʷ-eʔ he's stingy; Cm yw̓-yw̓kʷ-ul be stingy; Cr duʔ+duʔkʷ+úl avaricious.

yak̓ʷmtíkn̓   [yak̓ʷmtíkn̓] Morph: yak̓ʷmtíkn̓. Etym: √yk̓ʷmt. yak̓ʷmtíkn̓: a Nespelem Indian well known as "Ninemile Charley.” His wife, x̌asxnmálqs, Collette, was Sanpoil.

Istem. yak̓ʷmtíkn̓. Man's name. [BK147]

yalq   [yalq] Morph: yalq. Etym: √ylq. to lift a flap.

Istem ?. yalq. To lift a flap. [nb21.12a] Category: Conf.

yalt   [yalt] Morph: yal+t. Variant: yal̕t. Etym: √yl. to run away (as when scared); to get away, escape, run.

Istem. Cm ylam to run (pl); Cr dul̕ run (...away). Category: +t. yalt iʔ smiʔɬc. His uncle escaped. [bjmd 007] kən yalt. I ran away (from trouble). [nb08 477]

yalw   [yalw] Morph: yalw. Etym: √ylw. to be round.

Istem. Sh √yel, yal be wound around. Category: Conf.

yal̕m   [yál̕əm] Morph: yal̕+m. Etym: √yl. to wage war.

Mstem. See Sp hec yúli they're yelling "rah rah rah". They're encouraging each other. They're congratulating themselves on winning the game; Cr dul sing (...warsong). yál̕əm. Wage war. [nb9a 139]

yal̕wánk   [yal̕wánk] Morph: yal̕wánk. Etym: √ylw. Cricket.

Istem. way̓ kʷu ɬyaʕ̓p, way̓ k̓aw iʔ sl̕áx̌tət yal̕wánk. We got back, our friend Cricket is gone. [HnTrp 259] See: syal̕wánk.

yamáwt   [yamáwt] Morph: yamáwt ? Etym: √ymwt ?. yamáwt.

Istem. yamáwt. Man's name. [OkB]

yámx̌ʷaʔ   [yámx̌ʷaʔ] Morph: yámx̌ʷaʔ. Etym: √ymx̌ʷʔ. cedar bark basket.

Istem. Cm yámx̌ʷaʔ cedar basket; Cr yámx̌ʷeʔ corn husk hat (used also for picking berries). yámx̌ʷaʔ. Cedar bark basket. [dict]

yáqmaʔ   [yáqmaʔ] Morph: yáqmaʔ. Etym: √yqmʔ. yáqmaʔ: Yakima; Ellensburg. Category: Geog. yáqmaʔ. Yakama. [nb08 608] Sp √yiʔáqmeʔ Yakima, Yakima Indian; Cm s‑ya‑ʔ‑aq‑m‑aʔ‑əxʷ Kittitas and Yakima Valley Indians; Cr yaʔáqmeʔ Yakima.

yaqʷ   [yaqʷ] Morph: yaqʷ. Etym: √yqʷ. ?

?. Category: Conf.

yáq̓ʷiʔ   [yáq̓ʷiʔ] Morph: yáq̓ʷiʔ. Etym: √yq̓ʷʔ. rotten wood (also used for smoking hides).

Istem. Sp yóq̓ʷiʔ (yoq̓ʷey) general term for decayed wood; Cr doq̓ʷ wood (...is rotten); Sh yʔuq̓ʷ rotting, rotten. mulx iʔ yáq̓ʷiʔs. Cottonwood q:yáq̓ʷiʔ. [E9] kʷnim t yáq̓ʷiʔ, mat ixíxiʔ, iʔ yáq̓ʷiʔ. Take a rotten little stick, about so big, a rotten stick. [Ppine.18] Category: Bot.

yaq̓ʷmáx̌n   [yaq̓ʷmáx̌ən] Morph: yaq̓ʷ+máx̌n. Etym: √yq̓ʷ. yaq̓ʷmáx̌n.

Istem. yaq̓ʷmáx̌ən, a ksc̓ixt t sámaʔ. yaq̓ʷmáx̌ən, who has a white brother-in-law. [gl87] tla ʔkín ixíʔ t sqílxʷ yaq̓ʷmáx̌ən. From where an Indian is yaq̓ʷmáx̌ən? [gl88]

yarkn   [yárkən] Morph: yarkn. Variant: yarkn̓. Etym: √yr. salmonberry.

Istem. Sp yeéčn̓ squaw currant. Category: Bot. yarkn. Salmonberry. [nb21.59a]

yarkn̓   [yárkən̓] Morph: yarkn̓. Variant: yarqn̓; yarkn. Etym: √yr̓. squaw currant (berries) (ribes cereum); Coyote berries.

Istem. Ques: k or q ? Category: Bot. yarqn̓. Currant. [pd] Category: Conf.

yark̓ʷ   [yark̓ʷ] Morph: yark̓ʷ. Etym: √yrk̓ʷ. to be crooked or curvy; to make a loop.

Istem. Sp yerk̓ʷ (yalk̓ʷ) bent, crooked; Cr yark̓ʷ crooked, curved; Sh yelk̓ʷ, ylok̓ʷ curve, coil, hollow; Th √zeyək̓ʷ surround hole; √zələk̓ʷ curl / coil. cyark̓ʷ iʔ xwiɬ. The road is crooked, curvy. [nb10a 098] aʔ sílxʷaʔ iʔ scyark̓ʷs iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ. A stick's big hoop. [Whal 275] taʔlíʔ cyark̓ʷ ilíʔ iʔ slough. t̓a ʕapnáʔ itíʔ. The slough had a sharp bend there. It's not there any more. [nb2555.9]

yar̓   [yar̓] Morph: yar̓. Etym: √yr̓. to be coiled.

Istem. Sp yir(é) (yal(é)) (Ka) round; č-yr̓ér̓ it became entwined around something; Cm yər be round, spherical; Cr dar curved objects stand with concave surface up; Sh √yel, yal be wound around; Th /zəl̕-t-és make s.t. round, circular, or in a circle; Li √zəl to turn. cyar̓. Coiled. [pd]

yar̓qn   [yár̓qən] Morph: yar̓qn. Variant: yarqn̓. Etym: √yr̓. squaw currant (berries) (ribes cereum); Coyote berries.

Istem. Ques: k or q ? Category: Bot. yar̓qn. Squaw currant. [nb20.28a] yar̓qn. Squaw currant. [TBK107] Category: Conf.

yár̓wyaʔ   [yár̓wyaʔ] Morph: yár̓wyaʔ. Variant: yár̓wyaʔ. Etym: √yr̓. great-great-great-grandparent; great-great-great-grandchild.

Istem. Sp √yel̕w̓ ylw̓éysa wood in a tree that is so twisted that it's impossible to split it for firewood; √yer̓ (yal̕) to be tangled; Cm yér̓ər̓ yr̓-r̓ be tangled up. Category: Kin. yár̓wyaʔ. Great-great-grand children's children (qt{qʷúpsaʔ}'s children). [nb24-06 011]

yasukrí   [yasukrí] Morph: yasukrí. From: French Jésus Christ. Variant: sisikrí. Etym: √yskr. Jesus Christ.

Istem. Cm səsukrí; Cr ǰisukrí. Category: Borr, mName. put ilíʔ tixʷkʷúnəm kiʔ ktíɬxməntməlx t yasukrí. He had just said that when Jesus Christ was standing there. [Dvl 357] cúntəm san pyár t yasukrí xʷuyx anwí k̓ asck̓ʷúl̕. Jesus Christ said to Saint Peter: "Go to your work." [dict]

yatpíc̓aʔ   [yatpíc̓aʔ] Morph: yatpíc̓aʔ ? Etym: √ytp ?. yatpíc̓aʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. yatpíc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [dict]

yawpyáʕʷt   [yawpyáʕʷt] Morph: yaw+p+yáʕʷ+t. Variant: yaʕʷpyáwt. Etym: √yʕʷ. to be powerful, strong.

Istem. Sp yoʔpy̓éw̓t he's able bodied, he's capable; Cm yaʕ̓‑p‑y‑awt be well endowed, powerful, psychic; Cr yeʕʷpiy̓ígʷ+t able, capable, dependable, virtuous; Sh yʕʷ-yuʕʷ-t intense, hard (work), violent (disease); Th √zu(w), √zəw strong. Category: +t. nt̓a mat way̓ yawpyáʕʷt. He must be real smart. [GDd1 527] See: yʕʷ.

yaxʷt   [yaxʷt] Morph: yaxʷ+t. Etym: √yxʷ. to fall; to fall off s.t.

Istem. Sp √yšut bottom, below; Cm yxʷ‑ut south; Cr dexʷ descend, dismount, dropped (it was...), lower; Sh √yuxʷ descend; Li √zəxʷ to fall into s.t. Category: +t. mi lut yaxʷt ixíʔ iʔ t xƛ̓ut yaxʷt... (If) he won't fall off the rock... [coyeyes 077] uɬ k̓ík̓əm iksyáxʷt. I pretty near fell. [coyeyes 085] uɬ maʕ̓ʷt axáʔ iʔ snululmúsaʔstən, uɬ k̓aʔx̌í yaxʷt iʔ c̓q̓ílən. The hard points fell to pieces, and the arrow just dropped there. [CoGrSy 315] kʷu cus yaxʷt iʔ təl sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. He told me he fell off the horse. [nb6.188a] kʷ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔúsəm mi kʷ ṇsəlpqín mi kʷ yaxʷt. If you look around you'll get dizzy and fall off. [dict]

yax̌   [yax̌] Morph: yax̌. Etym: √yx̌. ?

Istem. lut xkínəm aɬíʔ mi ʔácqaʔ cyax̌ iʔ k̓ip̓s iʔ xƛ̓ut. He can't get out, the rock has him pinched. [sknkf 081] Category: Conf.

yayáxʷt   [yayáxʷt] Morph: ya•yáxʷ+t. Etym: √yxʷ. to keep dropping or falling off.

Istem. Category: Rep, +t. múˑˑt; way̓ uɬ yaʔyáxʷt iʔ c̓aʔsíqəns. He sat, and his head kept falling down (from being sleepy). [CoBrk6] See: yaxʷt.

yayáx̌aʔ   [yayáx̌aʔ] Morph: ya•yáx̌aʔ. Etym: √yx̌ʔ. Variant: yaʕyáʕx̌aʔ. to watch s.t. (a show, a ceremony ...) or s.o.

Istem. iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác kʷu cyayáx̌aʔ iʔ t snyaʕ̓yáx̌aʔtən. In the evening we watch television. [newles 320]

yayáx̌aʔm   Morph: ya•yáx̌aʔ+m. Etym: √yx̌ʔ. Variant: yaʕyáʕx̌aʔ. to watch s.t. (a show, a ceremony ...) or s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. inx̌mínk iʔ sc̓l̕álqʷəm iksyayáx̌aʔm. I like to watch stick games. [nb7.18a]

yayáx̌aʔnt   Morph: ya•yáx̌aʔ+nt. Etym: √yx̌ʔ. Variant: yaʕyáʕx̌aʔ. to watch s.t. (a show, a ceremony ...) or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ yaʕyáʕx̌aʔntəm təl k̓ənʔaɬúlaʔxʷ, yayáʕx̌aʔntəm t məlqnúps. He was being watched from the other side, he was being watched by Eagle. [coeag20] yayáx̌aʔn. I watched it. [nb08 385]

yayáx̌aʔst   Morph: ya•yáx̌aʔ+st. Etym: √yx̌ʔ. Variant: yaʕyáʕx̌aʔ. to watch s.t. (a show, a ceremony ...) or s.o.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. kən ɬa caʔcáʕlx əcyayáx̌aʔstən iʔ stunx. While I was swimming I watched a beaver. [E45.5] kʷu cyayáx̌aʔsts iʔ st̓ak̓míx. The young girls are watching me. [E45.6] uɬ ʔácqaʔ uɬ kəɬtəɬxʷús uɬ cyayáx̌aʔsts. He went out, stood on the edge of the bank, and he watched him. [CoGrSy 447] lut inx̌mínk kʷu səcyayáx̌aʔstsəlx. I don't like it when they watch me. [dict]

yayáʕt   [yayáʕt] Morph: ya•yaʕ+t. Variant: yaʕyáʕt. Etym: √yʕ. all.

Istem. Category: +t.

yayáʕt swit   [yayáʕt swit] Morph: ya•yaʕ+t swit. Etym: √yʕ̓; √swt. all; everyone.

phrasal. yayáʕt swit. Everyone. See: yaʕyáʕt swit.

yáyaʔ   [yáyaʔ] Morph: yá•yaʔ. Etym: √yʔ. to chant (sweat house chanting, chanting to the Sweat House).

Istem. kən ksyáyaʔx. I will chant. [nb23 039] iʔ ksyáyaʔx. The one who will do the chanting. [nb23 040]

yáyaʔm   Morph: yá•yaʔ+m. Etym: √yʔ. to chant (sweat house chanting, chanting to the Sweat House).

Mstem. kən kʷílstnəm məɬ kən yáyam. I sweat bathed and chanted. [nb23 041]

yaylqs   [yáyləqs] Morph: ya•ylqs ? Etym: √yl ?. whitefish (larger variety).

Istem. See Cm yan‑lqs whitefish. Category: Faun. yáyləqs. Whitefish. [OkB]

yayúxʷt   [yayúxʷt] Morph: ya•yúxʷ+t. Etym: √yxʷ. to fall (in Skunk's stylized speech).

Istem. Category: +t. ixíʔ scuts kən cxʷuyaxʷúˑˑy kən cxʷuyaxʷúˑˑy kən cyayúxʷt. He said, "I came, I came, I came down" (dragging his story). [sknkf 116] See: yaxʷt.

yáy̓mx̌ʷaʔ   [yáy̓mx̌ʷaʔ] Morph: yá•y̓mx̌ʷaʔ. Etym: √ymx̌ʷʔ. cedar bark basket.

Istem. Category: Dim. yáy̓mx̌ʷaʔ. Cedar bark basket. [22.5a] See: yámx̌ʷaʔ.

yaʕ   [yaʕ] Morph: yaʕ. Etym: √yʕ. root with meaning "backward, shy" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: yaʕʕ; yaʕmín; yaʕpcnú; yaʕyaʕmíst. Sp √yaʕ afraid, apprehensive, shy; yaʕmín I was a bit afraid of him; Cr díʔ+deʔ+t demure.

yaʕcín   [yaʕcín] Morph: yaʕcin. Variant: yaʕ̓cin. Etym: √yʕ. 1 • the edge of the water; shore, where water joins dirt; shoreline; be close to shore.

Istem. uɬ ɬp̓əlák̓əlx, uɬ itlíʔ yaʕcínəlx iʔ ta nx̌ʷəntkʷítkʷ. Then they turned back, and followed the shores of the Kettle River. [mychildr 034] ksckícxaʔx kʷúkʷaʔ iʔ sqilxʷ, iʔ təl̕ yaʕcín kiʔ st̓íxəl, iʔ təl̕ sílxʷaʔ iʔ siwɬkʷ. Strange people are arriving, they have landed on the shore from the ocean. [mychildr 038] ilíʔ iʔ l yaʕcín t̓əqcnítkʷ. They were lying close to the shore. [Whal 069] ak̓láʔ k̓əl pənthíktən iʔ t̓ík̓ʷət iʔ l yaʕcín. Here in Penticton by the lakeshore. [WA1.47] put iʔ ksləlkʷúts iʔ təl yaʕcín. A little ways from the water line. [dict]

2 • Istem. yaʕcín: large area formerly located south of what now is called Covington Cove. Lit: trail at mouth or edge

Th zaʕcín walk along the waterline on the beach next to the water.Istem. Category: Geog. yaʕcín. [BK55]

yaʕcníwaʔɬ   [yaʕcníwaʔɬ] Morph: yaʕcníwaʔɬ. Etym: √yʕ. yaʕcníwaʔɬ: a trail that followed along the former east side of the Columbia between xəl̕ál̕st and a canyon that is now known as Lundstrom Bay. Lit: trail along shore

Istem. Category: Geog, Dim. yaʕcníwaʔɬ. Place name. [BK86] See: yaʕcníwɬ; yaʕcín.

yaʕcníwɬ   [yaʕcníwɬ] Morph: yaʕcníwɬ. Etym: √yʕ. river bank.

Istem. yaʕcníwɬc iʔ saʔtítkʷ. River bank. [OkB] See: yaʕcín.

yaʕc̓   [yaʕc̓] Morph: yaʕc̓. Etym: √yc̓. to be solid, tough.

Istem. Sp yac̓ tight; Cr yec̓, u yc̓+óp [the o of the lexical suffix confirms an earlier pharyngeal]; Th √zúc̓ tight / snug. yaʕc̓. It's solid, it won't tear, it's tough (e.g. raw hide, skin). [nb10a 083] t̓íɬsəlx, məɬ lut kstk̓ʷáxʷxʷəlqʷs, uɬ t̓i yaʕc̓. They glue it, and it doesn't come loose, and it's solid. [BJSeym 135]

yaʕlwís   [yaʕlwís] Morph: yaʕ+lwís. Etym: √yʕ. to gather.

Istem. Category: +lwis. yʕalwísəlx, c̓lálqʷməlx, walúksməlx, t̓əmk̓ʕáməlx They gather, they play stick game, they play cards, they bet on cards; [rdgs 053] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕɬcwílxʷtn   [yaʕɬcwílxʷtṇ] Morph: yaʕ+ɬ+cwílxʷ+tn. Variant: yaʕ̓ɬcwílxʷtn. Etym: √yʕ, √cw. the entire world; all the tribes.

Istem. Category: Compd, +tn. txƛ̓áp iʔ sqílxʷ, yəyʕát swít, yaʔ sənk̓ʷɬilylmíxʷəm təl yaʕɬcwílxʷtṇ. All the people came, everybody, the chiefs from all the tribes. [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ ilmíxʷəm təl̕ yaʕɬcwílxʷtən. He's president from all over the world. [blkpg 043] isənk̓ʷɬilylmíxʷəm təl yaʕɬcwílxʷtṇ. My fellow kings from all the tribes. [dict] See: yaʕyáʕt.

yaʕmínm   Morph: yaʕ+mín+m. Etym: √yʕ. to be bashful about s.t.; to be fearful or afraid of s.t.

Mstem. Sp √yaʕ afraid, apprehensive, shy; yaʕmín I was a bit afraid of him; Cr yaʕ hesitant, shy, timid, uncertain; díʔ+deʔ+t demure. lut aksyaʕmínməlx, cuntxʷ. Don't be afraid to ask, tell them. [mychildr 264] See: yaʕ.

yaʕmínt   Morph: yaʕ+mí+nt. Etym: √yʕ. to be bashful about s.t.; to be fearful or afraid of s.t.

Tstem. Sp √yaʕ afraid, apprehensive, shy; yaʕmín I was a bit afraid of him; Cr yaʕ hesitant, shy, timid, uncertain; díʔ+deʔ+t demure. Category: +nt. ixíʔ uɬ lut ksyaʕ̓míntp axáʔ iʔ sənɬq̓ʷútnəmp. Don't be bashful about using the beds. [GDd1 383] yaʕ̓míntəm. We're backwards. [dict] t̓əxʷ yaʕ̓mísəlx axáʔ myaɬ swiʔnúmt. They're backwards because he's too good looking. [dict] See: yaʕ.

yaʕpcín   [yaʕpcín] Morph: yaʕ+pcín. Etym: √yʕ. to be hard up; to be scared; to be in need; to be in trouble.

Istem. Sp yaʔpcín m he lacks something, he lacks food;yaʔ-pcín-m he lacks something; he lacks food; hec-yaʕ̓-pcíʔn they're poor people, they lack everything; Cm y̓aʕ̓pcín be in need, without; Cr yaʕ hesitant, shy, timid ... yaʕ̓+t+mí-nt-s ... he needed/required it. kən yaʕ̓pcín. I am hard up, in desperate need. [nb08 362] lut, way̓ talí kən yaʕpcín. No, I am in a heap of trouble. [Whal 164] way̓ níkxna sənk̓lip way̓ ixíʔ syaʕpcíns way̓ uníxʷ. Boy did Coyote get scared then, for sure. [CoGrSy 616] laʔkín kʷ yaʕpcín iʔ la nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən məɬ ixíʔ x̌əlítənxʷəlx axáʔ iʔ kmúsc̓aʔ uɬ ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kənxítəmsəlx. Whenever you get crowded with man-eaters you summon these four packages and they will help you. [Nams 173-175] pna cmay n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷ t̓i syaʕpcínx kʷ t̓i ksq̓míltən. You might be hard up or get hungry. [GDd2 038] way̓ kʷ ylmíxʷəm, uɬ pnaʔ iʔ l stim̓ kʷ cyaʕpcín. Dear boss, maybe there is something you want. [dict] lut p t̓ə scyaʕpcínx, yaʕyáʕt stim̓ x̌mínkəntp uɬ xʷíc̓ɬmən. You're not hard up, anything you want I give to you. [dict] See: yaʕ.

yaʕpcínmnt   Morph: yaʕ+pcín+m+nt. Etym: √yʕ. to be in need of s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu yaʕpcínəms. He is hard up for me. [nb08 363] yaʕpcínməntsən. I need you. [nb08 364] uɬ way̓ kʷu kʷulstxʷ i l stim̓ yaʕ̓pcínməntəxʷ. And you send me for whatever you are in need of. [CoGrSy 421] uc kʷaʔ yaʕpcínməntxʷ ixíʔ yaʔ ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ sumíxs. Do you ever get hard up for the man-eater's spirit? [dict] See: yaʕpcín; yaʕ.

yaʕpcnúnt   Morph: yaʕ+pc+nú+nt. Etym: √yʕ. to end up in need of s.t.; to end up in difficulty; to end up hard up.

Tstem. Category: +nt. yaʕpcnúntəm. They finally got hard up. [dict] put laʔkín yaʕ̓pcín kiʔ yaʕpcnúntəm kiʔ cmíƛ̓ɬxʷməlx. Only when they get hard up for a painter will they paint. [nb1291.4] See: yaʕpcín.

yaʕpqín   [yaʕpqín] Morph: yaʕ+pqín. Variant: yaʕ̓pqín. Etym: √yʕ. several together; lots of.

Istem. Sp hec y̓aʔpqíni he's celebrating; Cm yaʕ̓‑p-qin many, lots; Cr yáʕ̓+pqin̓ to abound. ilíʔ ciyáʕ yaʕpqín sqilxʷ. They gather there, lots of people. [RHorse 097] ik̓líʔ kiʔ pkʷəntís iʔ patáq way̓ uɬ yaʕpqín patáq. He put them there, lots of potatoes. [Dvl 102] uɬ way̓ yaʕpqín iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. Lots of deer. [LynxS 304] t̓əxʷ ṇʔəɬxʷíw̓s axáʔ iʔ l yaʕpqín iʔ l sqilxʷ. He was right in the middle of the crowd of people. [dict] yaʕpqín axáʔ iʔ sc̓íɬəns. He ate lots of it. [dict] ṇt̓aʔ yaʕpqín iʔ sxʷulɬxʷ. There are lots of tipis. [dict] See: yaʕyáʕt.

yaʕpqínm   [yaʕpqínəm] Morph: yaʕ+p+qín+m. Etym: √yʕ. to gather; to celebrate.

Mstem. ɬaʔ cyaʕpqínməlx iʔ sqilxʷ, yayʕát k̓aʔkín xʷúyʔilx. When the People celebrate, they go lots of places. [rdgs 052] scyaʕ̓pqínaʔxəlx. Lots of people have gathered. [nb9a 076] See: yaʕpqín.

yaʕpqn̓íl̕t   [yaʕpqn̓íl̕t] Morph: yaʕpqn̓íl̕t. Etym: √yʕ. many children.

Istem. ilíʔ ki cwix iʔ suʔsw̓aʕs kiʔ yaʕpqn̓íl̕t. Grouse lives there and has lots of children. [bjmd 043] See: yaʕpqín.

yaʕpst   [yaʕpst] Morph: yaʕ+p+st. Etym: √yʕ. to take s.o. some place; to gather everything or everyone.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. uɬ xʷúystməlx, uɬ yaʕpstíməlx, uɬ ilíʔ ƛ̓əlpstíməlx, uɬ txt̓əntíməlx, uɬ lut k̓aʔkín kəʔ cxʷúysəlx. They took them there, and they kept them there, and they watched them, and they could go nowhere. [bfp21] ʔayxáxaʔ cyaʕpstís. In a little while he got everything. [dict] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕqnísxn̓   [yaʕqnísxn̓] Morph: yaʕqnísxn̓. Etym: √yʕ. yaʕqnísxn̓: hunting trail that followed along the top of the low mountain ridge beginning on the north side of the former mouth of Barnaby Creek and proceeding northward to nlaxʷ. Lit: trail along the top of the rock

Istem. Category: Geog. yaʕqnísxn̓. Place name. [BK281]

yaʕsálqʷ   [yaʕsálqʷ] Morph: yaʕsálqʷ. Etym: √yʕs. yaʕsálqʷ.

Istem. yaʕsálqʷ. Man's name. [OkB]

yaʕtkstmnt   Morph: yaʕtkst+m+nt. Etym: √yʕt. to try all kinds of things.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ak̓láʔ sənk̓líp kcahhám məɬ cxʷíltəm, iwá ɬaʔ cyáʕtkstms It was Coyote's turn and he held the baby, he tried to humor it. [LynxS 131] See: yaʕyaʕt.

yaʕt̓   [yaʕt̓] Morph: yaʕt̓. Etym: √yʕt̓. creaking or squeaking (e.g. of trees in the wind, or a gate).

Istem. Sp √yet̓ to stir; Cr yit̓ stir (as mush); Sh yt̓-em to rub, scrub; Th √zəƛ̓ scour /scrub; Li zə́ƛ̓-ən to rub s.t. on a washboard. t̓i yʕat̓ axáʔ isənkɬmútn ɬaʔ kən symyúmlx. My chair squeaks when I move. [nb21.58a]

yaʕyaʕmíst   [yaʕyaʕmíst] Morph: yaʕ•yaʕ+míst. Etym: √yʕ. to make oneself pitiful, shy.

Istem. Category: +mist. ha kʷ yaʔyaʔmíst. Do you make yourself pityful? [nb6.106a] See: yaʕ.

yaʕyaʕncút   [yaʕyaʕncút] Morph: yaʕ•yaʕ+ncút. Etym: √yʕ. to rustle or gather s.t.; to search for and gather s.t.

Istem. Sp hi yaʔyaʔncút he gathered up all he owned and donated it to a worthy cause; Cm yaʕ̓‑aʕ̓ to get together (people); Cr yaʕ assemble, crowd, gather. Category: +ncut. way̓ ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ incá kən yaʕyaʕncút. I will rustle them. [Dvl 033] way̓ uɬ axáʔ ta q̓ʷəyʕás way̓ uɬ ixíʔ syaʕyaʕncúts t kɬk̓əɬxʷípməns. The Black Face started looking for something to put under. [Dvl 180] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕyaʕncútm   Morph: yaʕ•yaʕ+ncút+m. Etym: √yʕ. to rustle or gather s.t.; to search for and gather s.t.

Mstem. Sp hi yaʔyaʔncút he gathered up all he owned and donated it to a worthy cause; Cm yaʕ̓‑aʕ̓ to get together (people); Cr yaʕ assemble, crowd, gather. uɬ way̓ kʷ iksyaʕyaʕ̓ncútəm axáʔ iʔ anx̌mínk kʷu kskʷəlstúɬtxʷ. I'm going to rustle for you what you want, what you send me for. [CoGrSy 287] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕyáʕt   [yaʕyáʕt] Morph: yaʕ•yáʕ+t. Etym: √yʕ. Variant: yayáʕt. all; every; everyone; everything.

Istem. Cm yaʕ̓yaʕ̓tú all, whole; Th zaʕˑ/záʕ-t [of peple] assembled, gotten together ...; zaʕˑ/zaʕ-péyqʷ all the poles are set up; Li zí˅ʔˑzəʕ̓ each one, every one. Category: +t. asnixʷtíɬc̓aʔ, astk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústn, ant̓nt̓ínaʔ, aspuʔús, yaʕyáʕt astím̓, ixíʔ. Your stomach, your eyes, your ears, your heart, your every thing, that is how it is. [mychildr 193] yaʕyáʕt ankəwáp, x̌ast ʔamtíxʷ, k̓ʷúl̕əntxʷ, síwstəmstxʷ. All your horses, feed them well, take care of them, water them, [mychildr 241] kʷaʔ t̓i yayʕát xƛ̓ut, taɬt iʔ snixʷúts. It's all rock and very deep. [su7q̓im 142] aɬíʔ yayʕát iʔ stim̓, lut t̓ xʷaʔcíˑˑn. Everything in not many words, [su7q̓im 282] yayʕát iʔ skʕacíw̓s kən cənq̓ʷʔətkʷəlscút. Every Sunday I wash my clothes. [nb26-61 007] yaʕyʕát aláʔ iʔ stim̓ inx̌mínk Everything I want is here. [nb26-67 022] kɬəɬsqʷsíʔ, kmúsəms, yaʕyáʕt tuʔtwít. He has sons, four of them, all boys. [dict] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕyáʕt k̓aʔkín̓   [yaʕyáʕt k̓aʔkín̓] Morph: yaʕ•yáʕ+t k̓a+ʔkín̓. Etym: √yʕ; √ʔkn̓. to everywhere; to all sorts of places.

phrasal. ɬaʔ cyʕapqínməlx iʔ sqilxʷ, yayʕát k̓aʔkín xʷúyʔilx. When the People celebrate, they go lots of places. [rdgs 052] See: yaʕyáʕt; k̓aʔkín̓.

yaʕyáʕt stim̓   [yaʕyáʕt stim̓] Morph: yaʕ•yáʕ+t s+tim̓. Etym: √yʕ; √tm̓. everything.

phrasal. yayʕát stim̓ sútəntət uɬ k̓əɬʔalʔálˑqʷaʔ. All, from one end to the other. [rdgs 094] yaʕyʕát aláʔ iʔ stim̓ inx̌mínk. Everything I want is here. [nb26-67 022] kən ylmíxʷəm, yaʕyáʕt stim̓ x̌mínkəntp uɬ xʷíc̓ɬmən. I am the boss, anything you want I give to you. [dict] See: yaʕyáʕt; stim̓.

yaʕyáʕt swit   [yaʕyáʕt swit] Morph: yaʕ•yaʕ+t s+wit. Etym: √yʕ̓; √swt. all; everyone.

phrasal. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ txƛ̓ap iʔ sqilxʷ, yaʕyáʕt swit. The people will come, everybody. [dict] ha yaʕyáʕt swit ckxəntsís Did everybody come with you? [newles 016] way̓ kən cut yaʕyáʕt swítˑ caʔkʷ iwá tətwít, kəm̓ pəptwínaxʷ, kəm̓ xíxwtəm, yaʕyáʕt swit. I said everybody: boys, old ladies, little girls, every body. [dict] aɬíʔ yaʕyáʕt swit cənx̌íləmsts axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ. Everybody on this earth is scared of this man-eater. [dict] See: yaʕyáʕt; swit.

yaʕyáʕt taʔkín̓   [yaʕyáʕt taʔkín̓] Morph: yaʕ•yáʕ+t ta+ʔkín̓. Etym: √yʕ; √ʔkn̓. everywhere; all sorts of places.

phrasal. yaʕáʕt taʔkín kʷ ksxiʔyústaʔx. You can go any place.. [nb22.18] See: yaʕyáʕt; taʔkín.

yaʕyáʕx̌aʔ   [yaʕyáʕx̌aʔ] Morph: yaʕ•yáʕx̌aʔ. Etym: √yx̌ʔ. Variant: yayáx̌aʔ. to watch s.t. (a show, a ceremony ...) or s.o.


yaʕʕ   [yaʕʕ] Morph: yaʕ•ʕ. Etym: √yʕ. to be or get afraid.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. See: yaʕ. Category: Conf.

yaʕʕmínt   Morph: yaʕ•ʕ+mi+nt. Etym: √yʕ. to make s.o. afraid.

Tstem. Category: C2Inch, +nt. kʷu yaʕˑmíntəm. They made me afraid. [nb23 173] See: yaʕʕ; yaʕ.

yaʕ̓   [yaʕ̓] Morph: yaʕ̓. Etym: √yʕ̓. to arrive; to gather.

Istem. Lit: I am going to where they are going to gather. Sp hecyáʕ̓ (ʔecyáʕ̓) cyáʕ̓ all, everything, everyone; yaʕ̓ (yaʕ) gathered, accumulated; Cm syáʕ̓‑ʕ̓ gathering, meeting (also s‑yaʕ̓ʷ‑ʕ̓ʷ to meet, gather); Cr yaʕ assemble, crowd, gather; Th zaʕ, zaʕ•záʕ-t [of pelple] assembled, gotten together, having arrived at a place, zaʕ-m-ə́m assemble, collect, gather (things) in a particular place]; yəʕ̓ assemble, zʕ ~ zʕ̓, √zəʕ group, zʕ-ə́m assemble, collect, gather things, zʕə́p pl. persons come, arrive, assemble, gather at a particular place [esp. just arrived]; Li zíʔ•zəʕ̓ each one, every one, n.zíʔ•zəʕ̓-s to go to everybody... cyaʕ. All, lots. [nb23 3A] iʔ l sx̌lap mi aláʔ kʷu yaʕ̓. In the morning we will gather here. [dict] way̓ uɬ axáʔ yaʕ̓ḷx iʔ k̓əl ksənyaʕ̓ʷtánsəlx. They gathered where they were supposed to gather. [dict] uɬ itlíʔ cxʷúyʔilx, uɬ cxʷúyʔilx, uɬ iʔ l sx̌ʷx̌ʷn̓itkʷ ciyáʕ̓. and then they kept coming, and gathered at Okanagan Falls. [mychildr 014] scyaʕ̓míxəlx. Lots are gathering. [nb9a 201] nákna way̓ way̓ cyaʕ̓lx yaʕyáʕt iʔ sqʷəsqʷasíʔas axáʔ a ilmíxʷəm. Gee, all the boss's children gathered. [GDd2 729] way̓ ʕapnáʔ p ikcyaʕmíxaʔx, kʷu ksʔícknaʔx. Now I want you all to gather, we are going to play. [dict] kən ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ k̓əl ksyaʕmíxaʔx. I am going to the gathering. [dict]

yaʕ̓cín   [yaʕ̓cín] Morph: yaʕ̓cin. Variant: yaʕcín. Etym: √yʕ̓. shore.

Istem. uɬ itlíʔ nʔawcínməlx uɬ xʷúyʔilx yʕacínəlx iʔ t t̓ík̓ʷət, uɬ iʔ l sutn iʔ l... From there they went and followed the lake shore until they reached what's its name ... [mychildr 019]

yaʕ̓íɬc̓aʔ   [yaʕ̓íɬc̓aʔ] Morph: yaʕ̓íɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √yʕ̓. to gather meat.

Istem. way̓, ilmxʷílx qʷásqiʔ, yaʕ̓íɬc̓aʔlx. BlueJay became boss. They got the meat home. [BJSeym 556] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓kín   [yaʕ̓kín] Morph: yaʕ̓kín. Etym: √yʕ. to unload.

Istem. st̓aʕpáms iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm kəm̓ iʔ skəm̓xíst, ʔax̌lásq̓ət scyaʕ̓kínx. He shoots deer or bear; every day he gets stuff off his back [he unlods what he has gathered]. [LynxS 326-327]

yaʕ̓lscút   [yaʕ̓lscút] Morph: yaʕ̓lscút. Etym: √yʕ. goods arrive.

Istem. scyaʕ̓ḷscút iʔ sck̓aʕʷmístx. The things that he bought arrived. [dict] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓ɬcwílxʷtn   [yaʕ̓ɬcwílxʷtṇ] Morph: yaʕ̓+ɬ+cwílxʷ+tn. Variant: yaʕɬcwílxʷtn. Etym: √yʕ̓, √cw. the whole world.

Istem. Category: Compd, +tn. cus iʔ sqilxʷ axáʔ iʔ syaʕ̓ʕ̓míx təl̕ yaʕ̓ɬcwílxʷtən. He'll tell the people that's gathered here from all over. [blkpg 069] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓mílx   [yaʕ̓mílx] Morph: yaʕ̓+m+ílx. Etym: √yʕ. Variant: yaʕmílx. to gather together.

Istem. Category: +ilx. ilíʔ kʷu cyaʕ̓mílx iʔ l sənpúlxtəntət. We are all camped together. [nb08 595] way̓ cmystíp iʔ miyúl̕aʔxʷɬmən, ik̓líʔ mi kʷu yaʕ̓mílx. You know the place where I told you to go, we will gather there. [BJSeym 215] huy, axáʔ yaʕ̓ḷx, yaʕ̓mílxəlx ṇkckənwíxʷəlx. Well, they gathered, they got togethere, they overtook one another. [dict] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓mncút   [yaʕ̓mncút] Morph: yaʕ̓+mncút. Etym: √yʕ̓. all are together; all meet.

Istem. Category: +ncut. uɬ aláʔ caʔkʷ kʷu yaʕ̓məncút kʷu ʔaɬʔíɬən. We should eat all together here. [HnTrp 081] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓mscút   [yaʕ̓mscút] Morph: yaʕ̓+mscút. Etym: √yʕ̓. several go.

Istem. Category: +mscut. yaʕ̓mscútəlx. Several go. They all went. [pd] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓p   [yaʕ̓p] Morph: yaʕ̓+p. Etym: √yʕ̓. several arrive.

Istem. Sp yiʕaʔp they all arrived together; Cr c+yaʕ̓ all arrived; Sh c-yʕ-ep to arrive (from far). Category: +p. cxʷúyilx, uɬ iʔ l sc̓ər̓síɬaʔxʷ, ilíʔ cyaʕplx. They kept coming until they reached Fisher's little house and they gathered there. [my children 013] cxʷúyʔilx uɬ cxʷúyʔilx uɬ iʔ l pənthíktn yáʕpəlx, sənpíntktən. They kept coming and coming until they reached Penticton. [mychildr 016] xʷúyilx uɬ iʔ l tkaʔtkʷɬníwt yáʕpəlx. They went until they got to Westbank. [mychildr 018] ik̓líʔ yáʕ̓pəlx məɬ axáʔ taʔ xʷuylx ak̓láʔ nppílxəlx. They get there and they go there and they go in. [frogdd 008] uɬ itlíʔ xʷúyʔilx k̓aɬáʔ yáʕpəlx k̓əl sutn, k̓əl xərxár yáʕpəlx. And from there they went, and arrived at whatchamacallit, at the Salmon River. [mychildr 028] ilíʔ cyaʕp, uɬ way̓ mat k̓əɬwíkxs iʔ xmin̓s, iʔ suknaqínx. They got there, the Okanagans, and they must have seen their enemies' tracks. [su7q̓im 105] məɬ itlíʔ iʔ knaqs k̓íkəm kspaʔpúts ɬaʔ t̓əcyaʕplx. And the other is just behind, just about at the same time that they get back here. [su7q̓im 200a] cyaʕp uɬ kʷu tkʷənksənwíxʷ. They arrived and we all shook hands with each other. [newles 047] niʕ̓íp lut pən̓kín̓ aláʔ kʷu kɬcyáʕps. They'll never return here again to us. [lnx2 054] ɬxʷuˑˑy̓ylx uɬ ɬyáʕpəlx. They went back and got back. [lnx2 315] ixíʔ uɬ yáʕpəlx ixíʔ iʔ k̓əl pəptwínaʔxʷ. They got to the old lady. [grlsdd 224] məɬ ik̓líʔ kʷu yaʕp k̓əl sənk̓líp. And we'll get to Coyote. [2gts 075] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓pcín   [yaʕ̓pcín] Morph: yaʕ̓+pcín. Variant: yaʕpcín. Etym: √yʕ̓. to be in need.

Istem. Sp yaʕ apprehensive, afraid; hec-yaʕ̓-pcín they’re poor people; Cm y̓aʕ̓‑p-cin be in need, without; Cr yaʕ hesitant, shy, timid; yaʕ̓+t+mí-nt-s needed, required. See: yaʕpcín.

yaʕ̓pqín   [yaʕ̓pqín] Morph: yaʕ̓+pqín. Etym: √yʕ̓. Variant: yaʕpqín. many gathered; a lot.

Istem. scyaʕ̓pqínaʔxəlx. Lots of people. [nb9a 076] yaʕ̓pqín iʔ sqilxʷ. Lots of people. [nb9a 077] scyaʕ̓pqínxəlx. Lots of people. [nb9a 078] yaʕ̓pqín. Lots. [nb10a 028] məɬ wíkən a[xáʔ] iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, nt̓a yaʕ̓pqín atáʔ iʔ xítmiʔst. And I saw the deer, a whole bunch, running. [HnTrp 051]

yaʕ̓spuʔúsm   [yaʕ̓spuʔúsəm] Morph: yaʕ̓+s+puʔús+m. Etym: √yʕ, √pʔ. to agree.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ yaʕ̓spuʔúsməlx, uɬ cútəlx, way̓, way̓ x̌ast iʔ sck̓əɬpáx̌tət. Their hearts got together, and they said, "Yes, we've done good thinking." [dict] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕ̓túsaʔ   [yaʕ̓túsaʔ] Morph: yaʕ̓+túsaʔ. Etym: √yʕ̓. yaʕ̓túsaʔ: a low hill east from the present-day Sanpoil River and slightly south from nɬq̓ál̕əqʷ. Lit: trail along the rim

Istem. Category: Geog. yaʕ̓túsaʔ. Place name. [BK47]

yaʕ̓ʕ̓   [yaʕ̓ʕ̓] Morph: yaʕ̓•ʕ̓. Etym: √yʕ̓. to gather; to be gathered.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. cus iʔ sqilxʷ axáʔ iʔ syaʕ̓ʕ̓míx təl̕ yaʕ̓ɬcwílxʷtən. He'll tell the people gathered here from all over. [blkpg 069] scyaʕ̓ʕ̓míx. They have been at the gathering. [nb21.146] ksyaʕ̓ʕ̓míxaʔx. They are going to gather. [nb1218.2] See: yaʕ̓.

yaʕʷpyáwt   [yaʕʷpyáwt] Morph: yaʕʷ+p+yáw+t. Variant: yawpyáʕʷt. Etym: √yʕʷ. to be strong or powerful.

Istem. Gram: with unusual reduplicative pattern Sp yoʔpy̓éw̓t he's able bodied; n-yawls he’s strong headed; Cm yʕ̓ʷ‑yʕ̓ʷ‑t be hard, difficult, yaʕ̓‑p‑y–awt be well endowed, powerful, psychic; Cr yeʕʷpiy̓ígʷ+t able, capable, dependable, virtuous; Sh yʕʷ-yuʕʷ-t intensive ... strong. Category: +t. nt̓a mat aɬíʔ mat way̓ yaʕʷpyáwt wápupxən. Lynx sure must be powerful. [LynxS 249] nt̓a way̓ way̓ way̓ mat yaʕʷpyáwt axáʔ iʔ sqəltmíxʷ. Gee, that man must be really smart. [GDd2 313] anwí kʷ yaʕ̓ʷpyáwt. You are stronger. [BJSeym 257] way̓ mat syaʕʷpyáwtx kiʔ kʷu kʷənnús. He must be powerful, that̓s why he caught me. [nb1221.12] ntils kway̓ yaʕʷpyáʕʷt ist̓əmkʔílt way̓ lut̓ t̓ə ksƛ̓əlˑnúntəm. My daughter can do wonders, he can't kill her. [CoGrSy 527] aɬíʔ lut t̓ aksyaʕʷpyáwt t̓i kmix ɬ nánaqs annínk̓mən. You won't be strong enough with only one knife. [dict] way̓ mat syaʕ̓ʷpyáwtx. He must be smart. [dict] See: yʕʷ.

yaʕʷʕʷpyáwt   [yaʕʷˑpyáwt] Morph: yaʕʷ•ʕʷ+p+yáw+t. Etym: √yʕʷ. several strong, powerful.

Istem. Category: C2Pl, +t. way̓ mat iʔ yaʕʷˑpyáwtəlx. They must be powerful. [Whal 509] See: yaʕʷpyáwt.

yaʔ   [yaʔ] Morph: yaʔ. Etym: yʔ. ? Category: LxAfx. ctr̓íw̓yaʔm To act like whatever the parent was in contact with; to act an inherited trait. [nb26-21 002]

yaʔálqs   [yaʔálqs] Morph: yaʔálqs. suffix sequence with unclear meaning in the following form. Category: LxAfx. pl̕yaʔálqs. Gopher. [dict]

yaʔkʷmínm   Morph: yaʔkʷ+mín+m. Etym: √ykʷ. to get stingy of s.t. or with s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut aksyaʔkʷmínəm. Don’t get stingy! [nb1822.13] See: yákʷʔ.

yaʔkʷmínt   Morph: yaʔkʷ+mí+nt. Etym: √ykʷ. to get stingy of s.t. or with s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. xʷəxʷ yaʔkʷmísəlx. They got stingy of it. [nb21.154a] See: yákʷʔ.

yaʔkʷmínxt   Morph: yaʔkʷ+mín+xt. Etym: √ykʷ. to get stingy of s.t. or with s.o.

Tstem. Category: +xt. kʷu yaʔkʷmínxtxʷ uɬ k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ kʷu xʷíc̓əxtxʷ. You got stingy with me and gave me the small piece. [nb25-92 001] See: yákʷʔ.

yaʔk̓ʷáqs   [yaʔk̓ʷáqs] Morph: yaʔk̓ʷáqs. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. late winter; very early spring.

Istem. yaʔk̓ʷáqs. Late winter. [nb19.323] See: yk̓ʷ.

yaʔk̓ʷáqsm   [yaʔk̓ʷáqsəm] Morph: yaʔk̓ʷáqs+m. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. late winter; very early spring.

Mstem. way̓ t̓əxʷ yaʔk̓ʷáqsəm uɬ aɬíʔ púti way̓ k̓əm ksxʷúyənt yaʕpqín sxʷúyənt. It's past mid-winter, and there is still ice, lots of ice. [Dvl 199] See: yaʔk̓ʷáqs.

yaʔqn   [yaʔqən] Morph: yaʔqn. the top of the head. Category: LxAfx. sc̓ám̓yaʔqn. Skull. [dict] stkʷúsyaʔqən. Curly hair. [OkB] pəpílyaʔqən. Flatheads. [dict] sx̌aʕyáʔqən. Place name. [nb25-28 001] Lit: draft around the head nʔawʔyáqən It tipped over. [nb25-19 005] See: yaʔ; qn.

yaʔx̌ís   [yaʔx̌ís] Morph: ya+ʔx̌ís. Variant: yaʔx̌íʔ. Etym: √ʔx̌s. that one; back then; over there.

Istem. Category: Amalg. yaʔx̌ís kən ɬə tətw̓ít, kən k̓ʷək̓ʷy̓úmaʔ, uɬ kən ksx̌áx̌paʔ. Back then when I was a boy, I was little, and I had a grandfather. [mychildr 087] axáʔ aʔ mkʷiwt, axáʔ iʔ kən kɬmut, yaʔx̌ís aʔ cmáq̓ʷ. This mountain, here as I sit, that hill over there... [mychildr 105] xʷuyx yaʔx̌ís aʔ nyaʕ̓sús iʔ smik̓ʷt. Go over there where the snow is settled. [mychildr 109] kiʔ kən cwíkəm yaʔx̌ís iʔ k̓əl naʔɬáʔ, cwíkstən iʔ stim̓. And that's how it is that I can see on the other side, I can see things. [mychildr 170] yaʔx̌ís smiɬtətw̓ít. That one is a special boy. [nb25-42 002] See: ʔx̌is.

yaʔx̌íʔ   [yaʔx̌íʔ] Morph: ya+ʔx̌íʔ. Variant: yaʔx̌ís. Etym: √ʔx̌ʔ. over there; yonder; that one; those ones.

Istem. Category: Amalg. pəx̌ʷməncút yaʔx̌íʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, uɬ sísp̓əlk̓ tack̓əl k̓əɬxənxn̓ínk. The deer scattered, seven went towards the side hill. [HnTrp 056] uɬ yaʔx̌íʔ iʔ k̓a nɬaʔmínk mi kʷ ɬq̓ilx. Go lie down over there next to the wall. [dict] uɬ cəm̓ ya ʔx̌íʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ lut ksníxəl̕mənts. That woman won't listen to you. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ kcíqnaʔsəlx yaʔx̌iʔ cɬʔiq̓ʷ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. They dug until the deer came in sight. [dict] yaʔx̌iʔ t̓i ɬip iʔ t sílxʷaʔ iʔ t siwɬkʷ. She disappeared in the big water. [dict] iksʕác̓əm yaʔx̌iʔ iʔ sk̓əɬq̓əyncút. I'm going to look at that picture over there. [dict]

yaʔyáx̌aʔm   [yaʔyáx̌aʔm] Morph: yaʔ•yáx̌aʔ+m. Etym: √yx̌ʔ. to watch.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. inx̌mínk iʔ sc̓l̕álqʷəm iksyaʔyáx̌aʔm. I like to watch stick game. [nb7.18a] See: yayáx̌aʔ; yaʕyáʕx̌aʔ.

ycac   [icác] Morph: yc•ac. Etym: √yc. wrinkled; tousled.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. ycac. [Clothing] got wrinkled. [nb25-18 009] See: yc.

ycakʷm   [icákʷm] Morph: ycakʷm. Etym: √yckʷm ?. ycakʷm.

Istem. icákʷm. Man's name. [OkB]

ycáyaʔqn   [icáyaʔqən] Morph: ycáyaʔqn. Etym: √yc. one's hair is messy.

Istem. kʷ cicáyaʔqən. Your hair is messed up. [nb20.32a] See: yc.

yccal̕qs   [iccál̕qs] Morph: yc•cal̕qs. Etym: √yc. wrinked clothes.

Istem. ycəcál̕qs. His wrinkled clothes. [nb25-18 012] See: yc.

ycikstmnt   Morph: ycikst+m+nt. Etym: √yc. to shake s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp hi yéc it's tousled. Category: +nt. iwá yicíkstməntxʷ uɬ kmix ncəkʷckʷísk̓iʔtəm úɬiʔ kʷ k̓ək̓aʔlíʔst. When you shake her, and all she’ll do is groan [and not wake up], then you get up easy. [nb1242.9]

ycɬtim   Morph: yc+ɬt+im. Etym: √yc. to wrinkle.

nTstem. Sp √yec tousled, uncombed ... in complete disarray. lut kʷu aksycəɬtím istətəm̓tím̓. Don't wrinkle my clothes! [nb25-18 011]

ycnt   Morph: yc+nt. Etym: √yc. 1 • to wrinkle.

Tstem. Sp √yec tousled, uncombed ... in complete disarray. Category: +nt. ycəntíxʷ. You wrinkled it. [nb25-18 010]

ycnt   Morph: yc+nt. Etym: √yc. to shake s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp √yec tousled, uncombed ... in complete disarray. Category: +nt. icəntím. We shook her. [EJEp.10]

ycxnmint   Morph: ycxn+mi+nt. Etym: √yc. to trample s.t.; to uproot s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ axáʔ iʔ st̓xaɬq iʔ t lmoʕtó yicxənmís yaʔx̌ís iʔ wist. The sheep uprooted the huckleberries in the mountains. [WA1.54] See: yc.

yc̓iʔstn̓   [ic̓íʔstn̓] Morph: yc̓iʔs+tn̓. Etym: √yc̓. large horsetail (equisetum hyemale).

Istem. Category: Bot, +tn. ic̓íʔstn̓. Large horsetail. [TBK17]

yílpiʔst   [yílpiʔst] Morph: yil+piʔst. Etym: √yl. to hit the target.

Istem. uɬ lut kən t̓a yílpiʔst uɬ súxʷəxʷ. I never hit one, and they're gone. [HnTrp 068] way̓ myaɬ kən xʷaʔqníʔ uɬ lut isyílpiʔst. I shot too many times, and I hit nothing. [HnTrp 247] See: ylap.

yilwíkstm   [yilwíkstəm] Morph: yilwíkst+m. Etym: √ylw. to twist s.t.

Mstem. yilwíkstm. Twist s.t. [dict] See: yilw.

yilwnt   Morph: yilw+nt. Variant: yilw̓. Etym: √ylw. to twist s.t.

Tstem. Sp yilw twisted, hec-yílu it's twisted; √yel̕w̓ ylw̓éysa wood in a tree that is so twisted that it's impossible to split it for firewood; Cr s+díluʔ switch, whip; Sh {√yel, yal be wound around; Li zál-an to twist s.t. (esp. branches in order to make a rope). Category: +nt. sta axáʔ iʔ t sksəp̓qíntən, ixíʔ yílw̓əs, yílw̓əs məɬ ixíʔ kʕacíc̓aʔs. He twists it with hay, he twists it, and then he ties the bundle. [Hrvst 193]

yilwym   Morph: yilwy+m. Etym: √ylw. to stitch; to twist a twig.

Mstem. aɬíʔ yílwəm, ixíʔ kɬúʔxʷusəs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. Because he had stitched the deer up. [BJSeym 291] kən yílwim iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ. I twisted a stick. [dict] See: yilw.

yilwynt   Morph: yilwy+nt. Etym: √ylw. to stitch; to twist a twig.

Tstem. Category: +nt. yílwin. I twisted it. [dict] See: yilw.

yimkstmnt   Morph: yimkst+m+nt. Etym: √ym. to force, corner or crowd s.o.

Tstem. Sp hi čn yém̓ I'm so uneasy; Cm ym̓‑ym̓‑t be difficult; Cr i·+dém+m effete ... (lit. He is wearing out as a result of age). Category: +nt. kʷu yímkstməntxʷ. You force me, crowd me. [dict]

yinwlx   [yínwəlx] Morph: yinw+lx. Etym: √ynw. 1 • to glide in circles; to soar.

Istem. t̓i way̓ laʔkín a cyínwəlx iʔ yútəlx, uɬ way̓ stim̓ itíʔ sƛ̓əlˑmíx. Whenever the Raven is gliding in circles, there is something dead there. [E41.16] cyxʷməncút, məɬ ntikɬ, ksəntíkɬaʔx, məɬ ƛ̓q̓əpməncút. yínwəlx, ʔíckən, ʔíˑˑckən, məɬ ɬqilt, ik̓líʔ məɬ ɬk̓amtísxən. He [Eagle] dives, and gets to the bottom, when heʼs about to hit the bottom then swoops up. He soars, plays, he plays and then goes back to the top, sits there again on the rock. [coeag13-14]

2 • Istem. yinwlx (Richard Armstrong). yínwəlx. Man's name. [nb26-68 002] Sp √yel̕w̓ ylw̓éysa wood in a tree that is so twisted that it's impossible to split it for firewood.

yip   [yip] Morph: yip. Etym: √yp. Variant: ɣip. to stand; to be standing.

Istem. Gram: southern Ok form. cyip. A single long object, a post, a tree, is standing. [dict]

yir   [yir] Morph: yir. Etym: √yr. Variant: yir̓. to be round.

Istem. Sp hi yir it's round, it's a circle; Sp √yir(é) (yal(é)) (Ka) round; Cm yər̓nt‑xʷ you wind s.t. around s.t.; Cr dar curved objects stand with concave surface up; yar roll; Sh √yel, yal be wound around; Th zəy reel wind; Li √zəl to turn. Li zəl to turn. t̓i yir̓, uɬ ilíʔ kiʔ c̓ʕac̓s. It's round, and he looks there. [mychildr 025] iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t t̓i yir̓ uɬ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t uswísxən. Some are round, others long. [rdgs 048] uɬ xʷúl̕əm ɬəq̓lílxəmsəlx ilíʔ, uɬ caʔkʷ aláʔ iʔ knaqs sqilxʷ, uɬ itlíʔ knaqs aláʔ, uɬ itlíʔ knaqs, t̓i c̓x̌iɬ t yir. They slept all around her, one person here, and then another, and then another, like a circle. [nb2594.1]

yirk̓ʷxnm   [yírk̓ʷxnəm] Morph: yirk̓ʷxn+m. Etym: √yrk̓ʷ. to make snowshoes.

Mstem. way̓ yírk̓ʷəxnəm uɬ lut náx̌əmɬ kɬənʔíyxən. He's made frames, but he doesn't have anything to lace them with. [dict] See: yark̓ʷ.

yirnt   Morph: yir+nt. Etym: √yr. to push.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ mat nʔayx̌ʷtíls məɬ ixíʔ yirəntísəlx iʔ sl̕áx̌tsəlx axáʔ iʔ tk̓əsʔasíl. When they figure they must be tired, the two will push their partners. [GDd1 126] See: yr.

yírqʷaʔ   [yírqʷaʔ] Morph: yírqʷaʔ. Etym: √yrqʷʔ (?). Iroquois.

Istem. yírqʷaʔ. Iroquois. [nb18204.8] Category: Conf.

yirr1   [yirr] Morph: yir•r. Etym: √yr. to be round.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. yirr. Round.

yirr2   [yirr] Morph: yir•r. Etym: √yr. to be pushed.

Istem. pushed.

Category: C2Inch. kən yirr, kʷu yirmísəlx. I got pushed, they pushed me. [E67.5]

yititmníɬp   [yititəmníɬp] Morph: yt•yt+mníɬp. Etym: √yt. alumroot (heuchera cylindrica).

Istem. Category: Bot. yititmníɬp. Alumroot. [TBK38] See: ytytmniɬp.

yiw̓ístn   [yiw̓ístn] Morph: yiw̓ís+tn. Etym: √yws. death camas (zigadenus venenosus).

Istem. Category: Bot. yiw̓ístn. Death camas. [TBK50] See: yw̓istn.

yixʷxʷ   [yíxʷuxʷ] Morph: yixʷ•xʷ. Etym: √yxʷ. to brag.

Istem. Cf ? Sp √yixʷ, √yuxʷ to covet, to envy. Category: C2Inch. yíxʷuxʷ ixíʔ. He's bragging. [nb21.73a]

yk̓ʷ   [yk̓ʷ] Morph: yk̓ʷ. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. root with meaning "cross" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: ny̓ak̓ʷ; ɬcny̓ak̓ʷ; ɬny̓ay̓ák̓ʷ; nyak̓ʷílp; nyaʔyáʔk̓ʷ; ny̓ay̓ak̓ʷ; syaʔk̓ʷáqs; yaʔk̓ʷáqs; yaʔk̓ʷáqsm.

yk̓ʷyuk̓ʷps   [yək̓ʷyúk̓ʷps] Morph: yk̓ʷ•yuk̓ʷps. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. mariposa lily (calochortus macrocarpus).

Istem. Category: Bot. yək̓ʷyúk̓ʷps. Mariposa lily. [TBK41]

ylap   [iláp] Morph: yla+p. Etym: √yl. to be hit (by s.t. fast-moving).

Istem. Sp yil(í), yl-p-nú-n I accidentally hit it, yl-íp she was struck by something; s-č-yl-íp junction of two rivers (or roads). Category: +ap. kən iláp. I got hit. [nb08 127] kən iláp iʔ t c̓q̓ílən. I got hit with an arrow. [nb08 128]

ylikʷlxkn   [ilíkʷləxkən] Morph: ylikʷ+lx+kn. Etym: √ylkʷ. Ramhorn; ramhorn; Bighorn; bighorn.

Istem. Cm ylakʷlxkn bighorn sheep, mountain sheep; see Sh yʕ-elxkn; see Li yəʕálxkən female mountain sheep. Category: Faun. ilíkʷləxkən iʔ skʷists. No, her name is Ramhorn. [lnxbdga 075] n̓ín̓w̓iʔs p xʷuy iʔ k̓əl sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔmp k̓a ilíkʷləxkən. You'll go to your aunt, to ilíkʷləxkən. [lnx2 081] tx̌əƛ̓míkən uɬ ilíkʷləxkən. He climbed and he was BigHorn sheep. [nb2564.4] q̓sápiʔ kɬilíkʷləxkən ixíʔ iʔ l xƛ̓ut, uɬ pintk ilíʔ kɬilíkʷəlxkən. And long ago there were big horn sheep on that rock, always big horn sheep there. [nb2565.1]

ylix̌   [ilíx̌] Morph: ylix̌. Etym: √ylx̌. ylix̌.

Istem. ilíx̌. Man's name. [OkB]

ylmixʷm   [ilmíxʷəm] Morph: ylmixʷ+m. Etym: √yl. to be chief.

Istem. Sp ylmixʷ-m a chief, king (playing card); Cm yl‑mixʷ‑m chief; Cr yilmíxʷ+m king, leader, potentate, ruler. ixíʔ ilmíxʷəmtət sənk̓líp. Coyote is our Chief. [gregory 043] ṇswcənmístməntəm ta nc̓íʔcən axáʔ yaʔ ilmíxʷəm iʔ l st̓əmkəʔílts. Wolf proposed to the chief for his daughter. [dict] aɬíʔ incaptíkʷɬ uɬ way̓ kɬylmíxʷəm, kəm sənk̓l̕íp. My fairy tales always have a chief or Coyote. [dict] way̓ anwí kʷ kɬylmíxʷəm axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ iʔ la stəkʷtəkʷʔút, anwí kʷ kɬylmíxʷəm. You will be the boss to the animals that walk on this earth, you will be the boss. [dict] kəmɬtím iʔ kəwˑápsəlx iʔ ta ylmíxʷəm iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əms. The chief's working men took their horses away from them. [dict]

ylmixʷmst   [ilmíxʷəmst] Morph: ylmixʷ+m+st. Etym: √yl. to make s.o. a chief.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. incá kən tkɬmilxʷ, lut t̓a cylmíxʷəmstsəlx iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. I am a woman, they never make a woman boss. [dict] See: ylmixʷm.

ylmxʷscut   [ilmxʷscút] Morph: ylmxʷ+scut. Etym: √ylmxʷ. to act the boss.

Istem. Category: +scut. way̓ xʷəxʷ ilmxʷscút. There he goes, being bossy again. [feb94 020] See: ylmixʷm.

ylmxʷwilx   [iləmxʷwílx] Morph: ylmxʷ+wilx. Etym: √yl. to become chief(s), leader(s).

Istem. Category: +wilx. way̓, ilmxʷwílx qʷásqiʔ. BlueJay became boss. [BJSeym 556] ixíʔ púlstəm məɬ kʷu iləmxʷwílx uɬ t̓i mnímɬtət kspuʔústət. We will kill him, them we will be leaders and do as we please. [lpb105] See: ylmixʷm.

ylpnunt   Morph: yl+p+nu+nt. Etym: √yl. to manage to hit s.t. (with s.t. that moves fast, e.g. a gun).

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ ixíʔ way̓ put ilpnúntxʷ. And then you'll hit it. [HnTrp 174] ylpnun. I hit it with a gun. [dict] See: ylap.

ylqnt   Morph: ylq+nt. Etym: √ylq. to uncover s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ilqəntís iʔ k̓əɬk̓əmcníksts axáʔ iʔ tətwít. The boy uncovered his wrist. [GDd1 491]

yltilt   [iltílt] Morph: yltilt. Etym: √ylt. a runaway child.

Istem. yltilt. Runaway child. [nb25-57 011] See: yalt.

yltmint   Morph: yl+t+mi+nt. Etym: √yl. to run away from s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. yltmíntsən. I run away from you. [dict] See: yalt.

ylxʷnt   Morph: ylxʷ+nt. Etym: √ylxʷ. to cover s.t., to wrap s.t.

Tstem. Sp √yel̕xʷ covered, draped, wrapped around, wound yél̕xʷ it's covered, it's wrapped around; Cr yél̕xʷ cover (to...with cloth); Sh √yel, yal be wound around; Th /zi[ʔ]xʷ wrap; Li zál-xal to twist s.t. Category: +nt. ylxʷəntíxʷ. You wrapped it. [nb21.149]

ylxʷusm   Morph: ylxʷus+m. Variant: yl̕xʷus. Etym: √ylxʷ. to cover one's face.

Mstem. kən ilxʷúsəm. I covered my face. [15.76a] See: ylxʷ.

ylxʷusnt   Morph: ylxʷus+nt. Variant: yl̕xʷus. Etym: √ylxʷ. to cover one's face.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ilxʷúsən. I covered her face. [15.76a] ilxʷúsəntəm. They covered her face. [15.77a] uɬ aɬíʔ cʔx̌iɬ tə yl̕xʷúsəntəm, uɬ ṇɬíptəms iʔ laklís, lut t̓ə ɬx̌lits. Just like somebody covered her face, she forgot her key, she didn't ask for it back. [nb1272.2] See: ylxʷ.

ylyalmxʷscút   [ilyalmxʷscút] Morph: yl•yalmxʷ+scút. Etym: √ylmxʷ. to act quite the boss.

Istem. Category: Rep, +scut. See: ylmixʷm.

ylyalt   [yilyált] Morph: yl•yal+t. Variant: yl̕yal̕t. Etym: √yl. several escape, run away.

Istem. Category: +t. t̓əxʷ xkínməlx, ixíʔ sylyáltsəlx. What can they do, they ran away. [su7q̓im 095] kʷu ylyalt. We run away. [nb08 316] See: yalt.

ylylmixʷm   [ililmíxʷəm] Morph: yl•ylmixʷ+m. Etym: √yl. to be chiefs.

Istem. ʕapnáʔ ilíʔ cx̌iɬt ililmíxʷməlx iʔ nayák̓ʷcən. Now the Nez Perces are like bosses there. [gl118] haʔ way̓ p sxƛ̓áp iʔ p sqilxʷ aláʔ, kəm̓ iʔ p ilylmíxʷəm, kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ p isnəqsílxʷ aláʔ. Are all you people here, you kings, you my people? [dict] See: ylmixʷm.

ylylt   [yəlyəlt] Morph: yl•ylt. Etym: √ylt. to run away from s.t. or s.o.

Istem. Cm ylam to run [pl]; Cr dul̕ run (..ạway). uɬ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t mat uɬ iʔ səcyəlyəltmíx. And I guess the rest had run away. [lpb461] See: ylyalt.

ylyltmint   Morph: yl•yl+t+mi+nt. Etym: √yl. to run away from s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu cililtmíntəm. They ran away from us. [11.25a] See: ylylt.

ylyult   [ilyúlt] Morph: yl•yul+t. Etym: √yl. big around; large circumference.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ axáʔ iʔ c̓áq̓ʷc̓əq̓ʷɬp uɬ ixíʔ taʔlíʔ kʷa ɬ ilyúlt. The wire bushes, they are big around. [Hrvst 088] See: yult.

ylyulxn   [ilyúlxən] Morph: yl•yulxn. Etym: √yl. thick (round) legs.

Istem. Sp n-yúlps thick necked. ylyúlxn. Thick legs. [misc 122] See: yult.

yɬmtal̕qs   [iɬmtál̕qs] Morph: yɬmtal̕qs. Etym: √yɬmt. yɬmtal̕qs (Madeline DeSautel).

Istem. Category: wName. iɬmtal̕qs. Madeline DeSautel. [Nb 6, p. 79]

ymmscut   [ymmscut] Morph: ym•m+scut. Variant: ym̓m̓scut. Etym: √ym. to be cornered; to be in fear; to be helpless.

Istem. Category: +scut. way̓ kən yməmscút, way̓ kən ʕacəcqənmənwíxʷ iʔ k̓a ṇx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. I am cornered, I am fighting head to head with the sea monster. [dict] kən im̓m̓əscút. I'm helpless. [nb23 044] way̓ ym̓m̓scut. He's concerned; he's dying, can't help himself anymore. [nb10a 049] way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ kən scyməmscútx, way̓ axáʔ iʔ t ṇx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ kʷu kspúlsts. I am cornered, the sea monster is going to kill me. [dict] cus way̓ lut, way̓ kən yimmscút. He said: "No. I fear it." [BJSeym 281] kən scym̓əmscútx. I am cornered. [dict] t̓i p symˑscut iʔ ksxʷsxʷúsəlxəmp. You are helpless to hurry. [dict] See: ymscut.

ymnsmist   [ymənsmíst] Morph: ymns+mist. Etym: √ymns. to confess.

Istem. Category: +mist. uɬ kʷu ɬaʔ ccqʷaqʷ kʷu ɬaʔ cymənsmíst kʷu ɬməntíxʷ uɬ kʷu cuntxʷ. And when we cried, when we confessed, you petted me and you told me. [AutPS 372]

ymscut   [imscút] Morph: ym+scut. Etym: √ym. to be cornered; to be helpless.

Istem. Category: +scut. t̓i p symscút iʔ ksxʷsxʷúsəlxəmp. You are helpless to hurry. [dict]

ymyamqʷt   [imyámqʷt] Morph: ym•yamqʷ+t. Etym: √ymqʷ. to be small, insignificant.

Istem. Category: +t. ymyamqʷt. Insignificant. [22.5a]

ymyámx̌ʷaʔ   [yəmyámx̌ʷaʔ] Morph: ym•yámx̌ʷaʔ. Etym: √ymx̌ʷʔ. baskets.

Istem. ckʷint anyámx̌ʷaʔ, uɬ ckm̓ant inyəmyámx̌ʷaʔ. Take your basket, and take my baskets. [rdgs 112] See: yámx̌ʷaʔ.

ymyumlx   [yimyúmlx] Morph: ym•yum+lx. Variant: ym̓yum̓lx. Etym: √ym. quake; earthquake.

Istem. Category: +lx. yimyúmlx iʔ tmxʷúlaʔxʷ. Earthquake. [OkB]

ym̓m̓scut   [im̓m̓əscút] Morph: ym̓•m̓+scut. Variant: ymmscut. Etym: √ym̓. to be helpless.

Istem. Cr siymscut (make effort). Category: +scut. See: ymmscut.

ym̓yum̓lx   [yim̓yúm̓lx] Morph: ym̓•yum̓+lx. Variant: ymyumlx. Etym: √ym. quake; earthquake; objects move.

Istem. Category: +lx. yimyúmlx iʔ tmxʷúlaʔxʷ. Earthquake. [OkB]

ynixʷ   [yiníxʷ, iníxʷ] Morph: ynixʷ. Etym: √ynxʷ. 1 • water hemlock (cicuta douglasii).

Istem. Category: Bot.

2 • Istem. wild parsnip.

Istem. Category: Bot. iníxʷ Wild parsnip (poisonous). [nb10a 038]

ynmascúɬm   [inmascúɬm] Morph: ynma+s+cúɬ+m. Etym: √ynm, √cɬ. Morph: morphology unclear. ynmascúɬm.

Istem. ynmascúɬm. Man's name. [dict]

yp   [ip] Morph: yp. on the way there. Category: LxAfx. cypwíkən. I saw something on the way here. [nb26-19 003] ypwíkən. I see something on the way. [nb26-19 004] ʔipkícx. On the way over here. [mychildr 112] ʔippúlx. To camp on the way. [nb18233.15] ʔippíx̌əm. To hunt on the way. [dict] ʔipuksqílxʷ. To see people on the way. [nb08 746] nʔipʕ̓áx̌. To scratch on the way (as s.t. moves). [chip25] Cm yap- in passing; along the way; as you go.

ypaníc̓aʔ   [yəpaníc̓aʔ] Morph: ypaníc̓aʔ ? Etym: √ypn ?. ypaníc̓aʔ.

Istem. yəpaníc̓aʔ. Man's name. [OkB]

ypwikm   [yipwíkm] Morph: ypwik+m. Etym: √wk. to catch a glimpse of s.t. in passing.

Mstem. yipwíkm. Catch a glimpse of s.t. in passing. [dict] See: wik.

yq̓   [iq̓] Morph: yq̓. Etym: √yq̓. root with meaning "belt" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: yq̓ip; yq̓iw̓sm; nyq̓palqstn.

yq̓ip   [iq̓íp] Morph: yq̓ip. Etym: √yq̓. a belt.

Istem. See Th q̓ip̓ belt, waistband. way̓, a cxət̓uʔsús inc̓əq̓ílən axáʔ iʔ l iniq̓íp. Yes, my belt is full of cartridges. [HnTrp 019] uc kʷ kɬiʔq̓íp. Do you have a belt? [nb1894.7] c̓əq̓míɬts iʔ ɬcəcʔúpsc iʔ yq̓ips. She threw her little sister her belt. [bfp51] See: yq̓.

yq̓iw̓sm   [yq̓íw̓səm] Morph: yq̓iw̓s+m. Etym: √yq̓. to tie s.t. with a belt.

Mstem. lut aksyq̓íw̓səm. Don't tie it with a belt! [dict] See: yq̓.

yq̓min   [yiq̓mín] Morph: yq̓+min. Etym: √yq̓. (grinding) file.

Istem. Category: +min. yiq̓mín. (Grinding) file. [dict] Category: Conf.

yq̓nstúlaʔxʷ   [yiq̓nstúlaʔxʷ] Morph: yq̓nstúlaʔxʷ ? Etym: √yq̓nst ?. yq̓nstúlaʔxʷ.

Istem. yiq̓nstúlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [OkB]

yqʷqʷimmt   [iqʷqʷímˑt] Morph: yqʷ•qʷ•im•m+t. Etym: √yqʷ. to be unsettled, upset.

Istem. Category: +t. kən siqʷqʷímˑtx kiʔ lútiʔ wiʔstín iksk̓ʷúl̕. I’ve been unsettled / upset, and that's why I haven't finished my work. [E92.14]

yram   [yram] Morph: yra+m. Etym: √yr. to make a circle.

Mstem. Category: +am. kʷu yram. We're making it go / be in a circle. [nb26-51 012] See: yir1.

yrikst   [iríkst] Morph: yrikst. Etym: √yr. to be coiled.

Istem. cyrikst. It's coiled (e.g. a snake). [dict] See: yr1.

yrik̓ʷxnm   [irik̓ʷxnəm] Morph: yrik̓ʷxn+m. Etym: √yrk̓ʷ. to make snowshoes.

Mstem. uɬ way̓ yrík̓ʷəxnəm uɬ lut nax̌əmɬ t̓a kɬənʔíyxən. And made frames, but he doesn't have anything to lace them with. [BJSeym 117] See: yir1.

yríwaxn   [iríwaxən] Morph: yríwaxn. Variant: yríwaʔxn. Etym: √yr. snowshoe; snow shoeing.

Istem. See: yir1.

yríwaʔxn   [iríwaʔxən] Morph: yríwaʔxn. Etym: √yr. Variant: yríwaxn. to wear snowshoes; to do snowshoeing.

Istem. Sp hi yryíršn he has round feet; Cm sy̓ar̓iw̓áʔxn̓ round snowshoes; Cr dar curved objects stand with concave surface up. lut cmystís yríwaxən. He didn't know snowshoeing. [BJSeym 222] way̓ niʕ̓íp kən a yríwaʔxnəm uɬ niʕ̓íp kən scyríwaʔxənx uɬ put kʷu ɬcyaʕ̓p. I kept them on all the time until we got back. [HnTrp 272] uɬ axáʔ cun sy̓alw̓ánk way̓ anwí lut kʷ t̓a cyríwaʔxən. And I told Cricket, "You haven't got show shoes." [HnTrp 041] t̓i ilíʔ cyríwaxən. He still had snow shoes on. [dict] way̓ t̓i tla nixʷút uɬ cyríwaxən. He had on his snow shoes right from inside (the tipi). [dict] See: yir1.

yríwaʔxnm   [iríwaʔxnəm] Morph: yríwaʔxn+m. Etym: √yr. to wear snowshoes; to be showshoeing; to snowshoe.

Mstem. cun way̓ anwí lut kʷ t̓a cyríwaʔxnəm. I told him, "You have no snow shoes." [HnTrp 115] kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ l sʔistk xʷʔit iʔ l smik̓ʷt kʷu cyríwaʔxnəm. Or in the winter when there is lots of snow we snowshoe. [Prov 027] lut t̓ə kɬxəwíɬ, məɬ sic yríwaxənməlx. There is no road, and so they put their snow shoes on. [dict] See: yríwaʔxn.

yrknaʔpaw̓stxn   [yərknaʔpaw̓stxən] Morph: yrknaʔ+paw̓stxn. Etym: √knʔ. yrknaʔpaw̓stxn (one of the names of Coyote's second son).

Istem. yrknaʔpaw̓stxn. Man's name. [nb21.8a] See: yrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn.

yrkn̓iɬml̕x   [yərkn̓íɬml̕x] Morph: yrkn̓iɬml̕x. Etym: √yr. squaw currant (ribes cereum).

Istem. Category: Bot. yrkn̓iɬml̕x Squaw currant. [TBK107]

yrkn̓iɬp   [yərkn̓íɬp] Morph: yrkn̓iɬp. Etym: √yr. squaw currant (ribes cereum).

Istem. Category: Bot. yrkn̓iɬp. Squaw currant. [TBK107]

yrksncut   [yirksncút] Morph: yrks+ncut. Etym: √yr. to coil up.

Istem. Category: +ncut. yirksncút. Coil. [OkB] See: yir1.

yrk̓ʷnt   Morph: yrk̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √yrk̓ʷ. to bend or curve s.t.; to make a loop.

Tstem. Sp √yilk̓ʷ to rub in a circular motion, to wind; Cm yrk̓ʷ‑m to bend around; Cr yark̓ʷ crooked, curved; Sh √yelk̓ʷ, ylok̓ʷ curve, coil, hollow; Th √zələk̓ʷ curl/coil; Li zál-k̓ʷ-ən to wrap s.t. up, tr. Category: +nt. yərk̓ʷəntíxʷ. You bent it. [nb10a 097] yrk̓ʷəntísəlx iʔ kʷíl̕stən uɬ tx̌cákstməlx. They curved the sweat house (sticks), and made their fire pile. [nb2587.2]

yrmiɬt   Morph: yr+mi+ɬt. Etym: √yr. to push s.t.; to push s.t. away.

Tstem. Gram: chipdd 099 kʷu yrmiɬts iʔ kʷkʷil̕ inl̕w̓aʔkín̓. He pushed my little red wagon. [Oct92 086] uɬ iʔ t sc̓uʔxáns nixʷ iʔ t tətw̓ít yrmíɬtəm. And the boy also pushed down on his leg. uɬ taʔlíʔ cmiɬq̓əy̓mín, uɬ nixʷ iʔ scqʷəlqʷílts yrmíɬtəm i t snəqsílxʷs. He is very educated, and his people also shoved away his talk. [nb2524.9-10] See: yr.

yrmint   Morph: yr+mi+nt. Etym: √yr. to push s.t.; to push s.t. away.

Tstem. Category: +nt. yərmínt anl̕w̓aʔkín̓. Push your buggy! [Oct92 030] yərmínt iʔ lwakín. Push yhe wagon! [Oct92 085] yərmíntxʷ. You pushed it. [ntverbs 027] kʷu yr̓míntəm. They pushed us. [misc 206] See: yr.

yrmncut   [irməncút] Morph: yr+mn+cut. Etym: √yr. to form a circle.

Istem. Category: +ncut. yər̓məncútwi. Form a circle! [nb26-58 008] See: yir1.

yrmnusnt   Morph: yr+mnus+nt. Etym: √yr. to push away from s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ yirmnúsəs sənk̓líp, way̓ sk̓amtálqʷs. Then Coyote pushed away from shore, he was sitting on a driftwood. [Whal 223] See: yrmi(n).

yrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn   [irnaʔɬpáw̓stxən] Morph: yrnaʔ+ɬpáw̓s+txn. Etym: √yr, √ɬp. yrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn (one of Coyote's sons). Lit: tangled foot

Istem. Variant: skyrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn. yrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn. Man's name. [E62.7] See: yrknaʔpaw̓stxn.

yrncut   [yirncút] Morph: yr+ncut. Etym: √yr. 1 • to form a circle.

Istem. Category: +ncut. yrəncútwi. Get yourselves in a circle! [nb26-39 004] yər̓əncútwi, uɬ yayʕát p tkʷənksənwíxʷ. Form a circle, all all join hands! [nb26-58 009]

2 • Istem. the full moon.

Istem. Category: +ncut. yirncút. Full moon. [OkB] See: yir1.

yrnt   Morph: yr+nt. Etym: √yr. to push.

Tstem. Cm yr‑mi(n)‑nt‑xʷ you push s.o. Category: +nt. yrəntís axáʔ nc̓íʔcən iʔ tkɬmílxʷs, yrəntís iʔ ɬcəcʔúpsc. Wolf's wife pushed her. She pushed her younger sister. [BJSeym 350] hoy mat t̓i ctxt̓əstís, way̓ t̓i x̌ʷáq̓ʷəlqsəm uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ iwá yrəntíxʷ uɬ lut ksyum̓místs, niʕ̓íp cəm̓ x̌ʷáq̓ʷəlqsəm ixíʔ mi kʷ xʷt̓ílx. But watch her close, and as soon as she starts snoring and you push her and (she) won't even move, then you jump up. [nb1275.5] See: yir2.

yrr   [irˑ] Morph: yr•r. Etym: √yr. to be or get pushed.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. See: yr.

yrrmint   Morph: yr•r+mi+nt. Etym: √yr. to get s.t. pushed.

Tstem. Category: C2Inch, +nt. yirˑmís He pushed it. [nb26-24 007] See: yr.

yryark̓ʷ   [iryark̓ʷ] Morph: yr•yark̓ʷ. Etym: √yrk̓ʷ. to be crooked.

Istem. uɬ sic təltútəm, swit aɬíʔ sp̓p̓aʔc̓áʕlaʔqʷ aɬíʔ scyryárk̓ʷəs. Well, it's not fit, he made the frame with new shoots. [BJSeym 111] See: yark̓ʷ.

yryárwyaʔ   [iryárwyaʔ] Morph: yr•yárwyaʔ ? Etym: √yrw ?. fifth generation grandmother or grandchild.

Istem. Category: Kin. iryárwyaʔ. Grandmother. [11.37a] See: yár̓wyaʔ.

yryir   [yəryír] Morph: yr•yir. Etym: √yr. to be round; to (tape) record; a circle; a coil.

Istem. yəryír. It's round. [su7q̓im 079] uɬ c̓əp̓q̓əntíxʷ iʔ p̓ísƛ̓aʔt yəryír kcahcəhmstíkʷ. Paste in the large circles where they belong. [nb26-39 012] See: yir1.

yryríwaʔxnm   [iriríwaʔxnəm] Morph: yr•yríwaʔxn+m. Etym: √yr. several people snowshoe.

Mstem. məɬ iʔ spəpl̕ál̕ iriríwaʔxnəm, t̓ʕapáməlx, məɬ taʔxʷɬqəlíɬc̓aʔəlx. The young men would snowshoe, shoot, and get fresh meat. [WA1-33] See: yríwaʔxnm.

yryrnt1   Morph: yr•yr+nt. Etym: √yr. to coil s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ixíʔ qəpqíntəns yiryirəntís, uɬ tk̓ak̓aʔntís. He coiled his hair and tucked it in. [nb2564.3] See: yir1.

yryrnt2   Morph: yr•yr+nt. Etym: √yr. to push s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. yryrəntís iʔ smaʔmʔím, iʔ k̓asʔasíl, uɬ lut t̓ə qíɬəɬt. She nudged the women, two of them, but they didnʼt wake up. [bfp7] See: yr.

yr̓sq̓ax̌píc̓aʔ   [yər̓sq̓ax̌píc̓aʔ] Morph: yr̓+s+q̓ax̌+píc̓aʔ. Etym: √yr, √q̓x̌. yr̓sq̓ax̌píc̓aʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. yər̓sq̓ax̌píc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [OkB]

ytakʷ   [itákʷ] Morph: ytakʷ. Etym: √ytkʷ. rotten, likely to fall apart when touched.

Istem. Sp yetékʷ rotted clothing material; Cr yetkʷ decay, decompose, putrify, rot. itákʷ. Rotten. [nb27-14 002; nb22.15a]

ytkʷ   [itkʷ] Morph: ytkʷ. Etym: √ytkʷ. root with meaning "rotten" on which these stems are formed: Category: Rt. See: ytakʷ; ytytakʷ; nytkʷíɬc̓aʔ; nytkʷip. Sp yetékʷ well-cooked meat, rotted clothing material; Cr yetkʷ decay, decompose, putrify, rot.

ytytakʷ   [ititákʷ] Morph: yt•ytakʷ. Etym: √ytkʷ. rotten, likely to fall apart when touched.

Istem. cititákʷ a cc̓əl̕c̓ál̕. A lot of posts are rotten. [nb27-22 006] See: ytakʷ.

ytytmniɬp   [yititəmníɬp] Morph: yt•yt+mníɬp. Etym: √yt. alumroot (heuchera cylindrica).

Istem. Category: Bot. yititəmníɬp. Alumroot. [TBK38]

yt̓ncaʕt   [it̓əncáʕt] Morph: yt̓+ncaʕt. Etym: √yʕt̓. creaking or squeaking.

Istem. Category: PhM. kən cyt̓əncáʕt kən ɬaʔ ctilx. I creak when I stand up. [nb21.58a] See: yaʕt̓.

yult   [yult] Morph: yul+t. Etym: √yl. to be big around.

Istem. Sp yúl-t it's thick at its circumference. See Sh yulqʷ thick (of cylindrical objects). Category: +t. axáʔ maʕn ia ct̓ək̓ʷt̓ák̓ʷ iʔ yult axáʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ məl̕məl̕tíɬp uɬ iʔ mulx. My the bushes, the big poplars and the cottonwoods. [Hrvst 087]

yuɬlst   [yúɬəlst] Morph: yuɬlst. Etym: √yɬ. yuɬlst.

Istem. yúɬəlst. Man's name. [OkB]

yumcn   [yumcn] Morph: yumn. Etym: √ym. yumcn: area at the mouth of Sheep Creek, on the west side of the Columbia River, about one and one-half miles north from Northport.

Istem. Category: Geog. yumcn. Place name. [BK407]

yúm̓miʔst   [yúm̓miʔst] Morph: yúm̓+miʔst. Etym: √ym̓. to move; to make a move.

Istem. See Sp √yun̓ to move involuntarily; yún̓-miʔst he moved suddenly after being asleep (or still) for quite a while; Cm yum̓ to move slightly; Cr u·+dún̓ moved (it suddenly...). uɬ niʕ̓íp lut t̓ yúm̓miʔst ɬə kstiɬxs. She didn't move even to stand. [2gts 263] xʷəm t̓i lut itliʔ t̓ə syúm̓miʔst axáʔ t nc̓íʔcən. Like Wolf didn't make a move. [BJSeym 261] uɬ axáʔ lut t̓ yúm̓miʔstəlx naʔɬ sl̕ax̌ts. And he and his partner hadn'd made a move. [GDd1 441] lut t̓ isyúmˑist. I never moved. [dict] lut ksyúmˑists. She won't even move. [dict]

yurpáʔ   [yurpáʔ] Morph: yurpáʔ ? Etym: √yrpʔ ?. yurpáʔ.

Istem. yurpáʔ. Man's name. [nb22.23]

yus   [yus] Morph: yus. Etym: √ys. dark red.

Istem. yus. Dark red. [nb08 516]

yustxn   [yústxən] Morph: yustxn. foot. Category: LxAfx. q̓ʷq̓ʷʔyustxnm. Foot tapping. [misc 020] əcq̓ʷəq̓ʷʔyústxnəm. He's tapping his foot. [misc 020] See: xn.

yutlx   [yútəlx] Morph: yut+lx. Variant: yutlxʷ. Etym: √yt. Raven; raven.

Istem. Category: +lx, Faun. yútəlx iʔ skʷists. Her name is Raven. [lnxbdga 074]

yutlxʷ   [yutlxʷ] Morph: yutlxʷ. Variant: yutlx. Etym: √ytlxʷ. Raven; raven.

Istem. Category: +lx, Faun, Faun. itíʔ t̓uxʷt iʔ yutlxʷ uɬ kəm̓ɬtím iʔ stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústəns. Then Raven flew by and he took his eyes. [coyeyes 005]

yuyá   [yuyá] please.

pcl. semantic import "come on, please, listen".

yuyuʕʷáɬqʷ   [yuyuʕʷáɬqʷ] Morph: yw•yʕʷaɬqʷ. Etym: √yʕʷ. salvia (salvia dorrii).

Istem. Category: Bot. yuyuʕʷáɬqʷ. Salvia. [TBK110] See: ywyʕʷaɬqʷ.

ywyaʕʷt   [yuyáʕʷt] Morph: yw•yaʕʷ+t. Etym: √yʕʷ. to be strong; to be demanding.

Istem. Lit: His strength is not like mine. Sp √yoʔ (yo yuʔ yu) strong; Cr √yʕgʷ able, capable...; Sh yʕʷ-ilx to exert oneself, do one’s outmost. Category: +t. yəw̓yáʕʷt. Strong. [nb10a 030] cyuyáʕʷt. It's good and strong. [nb08 694] lut c̓x̌iɬ t incáʔ iʔ syuyáʕʷts. He is not as strong as I. [nb6.60a] maɬ kən x̌ʷupt ɬ iksx̌lítəm t iksck̓ʷúl̕ iʔ t yəwyáʕʷt. I am too feeble to ask for job that̓s demanding. [nb1294.1] way̓ yuyáʕʷt aspuʔús, way̓ uníxʷ cnwnxʷínaʔmstmən. You thoughts are strong, I can really believe you. [dict] uɬ cyuyáʕ̓ʷt iʔ ckyuyuwínk. It's a good and strong bow. [BJSeym 136] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ xʷíc̓əɬtsən aksyuyáʕʷt, way̓ kʷ ṇqmílsəm. I will give you your strength, ease your mind. [dict] t̓i ksttəm̓tím̓ kʷu ksxʷíc̓əxtəm t iksyuyáʕʷt. Give me something to wear with which to be strong. [dict] See: yʕʷ.

ywyʕʷakst   [yuyʕʷákst] Morph: yw•yʕʷakst. Variant: ywyʕʷikst. Etym: √yʕʷ. a strong hand.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ uníxʷ taʔlí yuyəʕʷákst kʷu ɬaʔ cksp̓íc̓aʔsts. Because it's strong when he whips me. [RHorse 024] See: yʕʷ.

ywyʕʷaɬqʷ   [yuyuʕʷáɬqʷ] Morph: yw•yʕʷaɬqʷ. Etym: √yʕʷ. salvia (salvia dorrii).

Istem. Category: Bot. ywyʕʷaɬqʷ. Salvia. [TBK110]

ywyʕʷikst   [yuyəʕʷikst] Morph: yw•yʕʷikst. Variant: ywyʕʷakst. Etym: √yʕʷ. strong hand(s).

Istem. ywyʕʷikst. Strong hand(s). [14.70a] See: yʕʷ.

yw̓istn   [yiw̓ístn] Morph: yw̓is+tn. Etym: √yws. death camas (zigadenus venenosus).

Istem. Category: Bot, +tn. yw̓istn. Camas. [TBK50]

yxʷáyaʔqn   [yxʷáyaʔqən] Morph: yxʷáyaʔqn. Etym: √yxʷ. to lower one's head.

Istem. hoˑˑy sənkʷníˑˑm iʔ cwanx uɬ yxʷáyaʔqən. way̓ ƛ̓lal. Then he sang and danced and hung his head. He died. [lpb237] way ƛ̓əm c̓axʷkʷúˑˑnməlx uɬ iʔ sqəl̕tmíxʷ yxʷáyaʔqən. xʷuy nixʷ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ yxʷáyaʔqən. ƛ̓áxʷtəlx. They were making noise and then the man's head dropped. Then the woman's head dropped. They died. [lpb499] See: yxʷut.

yxʷilxqnm   [ixʷílxqnəm] Morph: yxʷilxqn+m. Etym: √yxʷ. 1 • horn shedding.

Mstem. ixʷílxqnəm. Horn shedding.

2 • Mstem. yxʷilxqnm.

Istem. See: yaxʷt.

yxʷitkʷm   [ixʷítkʷəm] Morph: yxʷitkʷ+m. Etym: √yxʷ. a waterfall; water falls.

Mstem. ixíʔ a cyxʷitkʷm, təl kɬtx̌ʷʕʷtíw̓s iʔ ctyap ixíʔ uɬ a cyxʷítkʷəm. There are falls, from the Colville River there are falls. [Hrvst 039] c̓úmlaʔxʷstsəlx t k̓əɬsáx̌əm yəʔ cyxʷítkʷəm. They call it past where the water falls. [CoBrk22] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷiwt   [ixʷíwt] Morph: yxʷiwt. Etym: √yxʷ. a tassel; fringe. Lit: it hangs down

Istem. yxʷiwt. Tassel. [nb20.105a] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷminm   Morph: yxʷ+min+m. Etym: √yxʷ. to drop a single item.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut aksyxʷmínəm. Don’t drop it! [nb18102.6] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷmint   Morph: yxʷ+mi+nt. Etym: √yxʷ. to drop a single item.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ixʷmíntəm. We dropped it. [nb21.144] ixʷmín inq̓əy̓mín. I dropped my pencil. [nb18212.15] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷmncut   [ixʷməncút] Morph: yxʷ+mncut. Etym: √yxʷ. to get off; to dismount; to dive.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ cúntəm huy ixʷməncútx. She said, "Now get off!" [Whal 411] way̓ sixʷməncúts sənk̓líp. Coyote got down. [Whal 413] uɬ ixíʔ límtmənts kʷ ɬ ixʷməncút, uɬ ɬácqənts uɬ cəxʷəntsís. She’ll be tickled to see you when you get off [the horse], and she’ll pet you and pity you. [nb12.36.9] nák̓ʷəm məlqnúps, yaʔx̌ís iʔ təl stqəltísxən, məɬ k̓amátqən, xƛ̓úsəm, məɬ cyxʷməncút. My, thatʼs Eagle, that one from a ridge top, sitting, looking around, and diving. [coeag11-12] kʷ ɬaʔ yxʷməncút way̓ cənkcníkən̓ts, ƛ̓ləlnúnts. If you get off she'll overtake you, she'll kill you. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu xʷuy, kʷu yaʕp, uɬ lut náx̌əmɬ aksyxʷməncút. When we go, we get there, don't get off (the horse). [dict] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷmst   [yxʷəmst] Morph: yxʷ+m+st. Etym: √yxʷ. to lower s.t.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. ixíʔ k̓əɬnək̓ník̓s iʔ sk̓əyq̓álqʷs iʔ sənʔímaʔts uɬ cyxʷəmstís. She cut her grandson’s ties and took him down. [lpb256] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷmsúlaʔxʷ   [yixʷmsúlaʔxʷ] Morph: yxʷmsúlaʔxʷ. Variant: nyxʷmsúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √yxʷ. 1 • yxʷmsúlaʔxʷ: ridge north from the Rogers Bar church and west from the Silver Creek road. Lit: north wind land

Istem. Category: Geog.

2 • Istem. yxʷmsúlaʔxʷ: a low, bald hill located northeast from the north end of Seylor Valley.

Istem. Category: Geog. yixʷmsúlaʔxʷ. [BK164] See: nyxʷmsúlaʔxʷ.

yxʷmus   [yxʷmúsəm] Morph: yxʷ+mus. Etym: √yxʷ. to come down hard and cold [said of snow]; north wind.

Istem. Sp √yixʷmús cold weather, yixʷmúsm, the weather is cold (or stormy); see Li zaxʷ-úl̕-qs to start a bad cold. yxʷmus. North wind. [dict]

yxʷmusm   Morph: yxʷ+mus+m. Etym: √yxʷ. to come down hard and cold [said of snow]; north wind.

Mstem. Sp √yixʷmús cold weather, yixʷmúsm, the weather is cold (or stormy); see Li zaxʷ-úl̕-qs to start a bad cold. c̓aɬt iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, yxʷmúsəm. It's cold country, very cold (really coming down). [nb2573.11]

yxʷspuʔús   [ixʷspuʔús] Morph: yxʷ+s+puʔús. Etym: √yxʷ, √pʔ. the heard drops.

Istem. Category: Compd. kən yxʷspuʔús. My heart dropped. [nb26-70 002] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷtpalqs   [ixʷtpálqs] Morph: yxʷ+t+palqs. Variant: yixʷtpál̕qs. Etym: √yxʷ. shirt; skirt; garment.

Istem. Sp yštpálqs shirt. ixʷtpálqs. Skirt. [nb18159.4] ƛ̓aʔɬtín yxʷtpalqsc tarás. I went after Theresa's skirt. [dict]

yxʷtusm   Morph: yxʷ+tus+m. Etym: √yxʷ. to fall off of s.t.; to fall over.

Mstem. lut aksyxʷtúsəm aɬsísəncaʔ. Don't you let your little brother fall off of it! [E72.7] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷtusnt   Morph: yxʷ+tus+nt. Etym: √yxʷ. to fall off of s.t.; to fall over.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ixʷtúsəntəm iʔ t kwaps. He fell over with his horse. [E74.20] See: yaxʷt.

yxʷut   [ixʷút] Morph: yxʷut. Etym: √yxʷ. below; down.

Istem. Sp yšut bottom, below; Cm k‑yxʷ‑m–s–akst downriver, down below; Cr dexʷ descend, dismount, dropped (it was...), lower; Sh yuxʷ descend; yuxʷ-t to move downstream; Th √zíx go lower; Li √zəxʷ ... to fall into s.t. uɬ wíksəlx iʔ lkʷuˑˑt k̓a yxʷut, k acwár̓, acwər̓w̓ár̓. They saw long ways down some fires, campfires. [su7q̓im 127] k̓a ixʷút. Downstairs. [misc 078] way̓ ck̓əɬníxəl̕ tla yxʷut. He heard something from below. [dict] See: yaxʷt.

yx̌   [ix̌] Morph: yx̌. Etym: √yx̌. root with meaning "slide" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: yx̌ípm; yʔx̌ip; yx̌pncut.

yx̌am   Morph: yx̌a+m. Etym: √yx̌. 1 • to drag s.t.

2 • to drive stock or game. Category: Mstem. yx̌am. To drive stock. [nb10a 144] Sp √yx̌ yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Cr dax̌ round-up, drive (cattle, etc.); Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; Th zəx̌ move; Li zəx̌ to move, start s.t.

yx̌ant   Morph: yx̌a+nt. Etym: √yx̌. 1 • to drag s.t.

2 • to drive stock or game.

Tstem. Sp √yx̌ yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Cr dax̌ round-up, drive (cattle, etc.); Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; Th zəx̌ move; Li zəx̌ to move, start s.t. Category: +ant, +nt. yx̌ant. Drag it! [nb26-65 015]

yx̌int   Morph: yx̌i+nt. Etym: √yx̌. to drive stock or wild animals.

Tstem. Sp √yx̌ yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Cr dax̌ round-up, drive (cattle, etc.); Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; Th zəx̌ move; Li zəx̌ to move, start s.t. Category: +nt. ixíʔ uɬ cix̌əntísəlx uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa qʷámqʷəmt way̓ iʔ scwiʔsk̓əɬqáx̌səlx. They drove them out because they already had cleared a good road. [Hrvst 100] See: yx̌is; yx̌a.

yx̌ipm   [ix̌ípəm] Morph: yx̌ip+m. Etym: √yx̌. to slide on one's bottom; to drag one's bottom.

Mstem. cyx̌ípəm. To drag. [nb26-65 012] cyx̌ípəm. Sliding on one's butt. [nb26-67 019]

yx̌is   [ix̌ís] Morph: yx̌is. Etym: √yx̌. to drive stock or wild animals.

Istem. Sp yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; see Th /yəx̌-t-és ... move two elements apart so as to leave a space between. miyúˑˑl̕aʔxʷɬtməlx iʔ ksyx̌ísaʔx. He pointed for them where to drive the deer. [BJSeym 191] See: yx̌i; yx̌a.

yx̌ism   Morph: yx̌is+m. Etym: √yx̌. to drive stock or wild animals.

Mstem. Sp yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; see Th /yəx̌-t-és ... move two elements apart so as to leave a space between. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu ix̌ísəm. We will drive the deer. [HnTrp 222] See: yx̌i; yx̌a.

yx̌isnt   Morph: yx̌is+nt. Etym: √yx̌. to drive stock or wild animals.

Tstem. Sp yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; see Th /yəx̌-t-és ... move two elements apart so as to leave a space between. Category: +nt. anwím cminúlaʔxʷstxʷ, way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ yx̌ísəntst. You know the country well, we'll drive (the deer) to you. [HnTrp 103] See: yx̌i; yx̌a.

yx̌ist1   Morph: yx̌i+st. Etym: √yx̌. to put space between drivers.

Istem. Sp √yx̌ yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Cr dax̌ round-up, drive (cattle, etc.); Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; Th zəx̌ move; Li zəx̌ to move, start s.t. laʔkín t̓əxʷ ɬaʔ cʔipuksqílxʷ axáʔ iʔ scix̌ístx məɬ t̓ʕapám. When he who drives the deer accidentally catches a glimpse of it, he shoots it. [BJSeym 203] ilíʔ kiʔ ct̓aʕppíʔstəlx axáʔ iʔ scix̌ístx. That's when the ones that are driving kill their own deer. [BJSeym 207] itíʔ aɬíʔ sxʷuytns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, uɬ cniɬc k̓əɬxʷúy iʔ k̓əl cix̌íʔst. That's where the deer went. And he went to the outside of those who drive. [BJSeym 450] See: yx̌is; yx̌a.

yx̌istm   Morph: yx̌is+t+m. Etym: √yx̌s. to drive stock or wild animals.

Mstem. yx̌ístəm. To drive or space between drivers. [nb10a 080] See: yx̌i; yx̌is.

yx̌ixt   Morph: yx̌i+xt. Etym: √yx̌. to drive stock or wild animals.

Tstem. Sp √yx̌ yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals; Cm s‑yaʔx̌ to chase, herd; Cr dax̌ round-up, drive (cattle, etc.); Sh yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap; Th zəx̌ move; Li zəx̌ to move, start s.t. Category: +xt. yx̌íxtmən. I drive the deer to you. [nb08 730] kʷu yx̌ixtxʷ. You drive the deer to me. [nb08 731] kʷu yx̌ixts. He drives the deer to me. [nb08 732] kʷu yx̌íxtəm. They drive the deer to us. [nb08 733] way̓ ix̌íxtəmt. We'll do the driving. [HnTrp 039] See: yx̌is; yx̌a.

yx̌lxsqáx̌aʔm   [ix̌əlxsqáx̌aʔm] Morph: yx̌+lxsqáx̌aʔ+m. Etym: √yx̌. to move a herd (of cattle).

Mstem. Sp √yx̌ yx̌sqáx̌eʔ he drove the horses away, he herded the animals. way̓ kən six̌əlxsqáx̌aʔm. I have moved cattle. [E59.23] See: yx̌is.

yx̌pncut   [ix̌pəncút] Morph: yx̌+p+ncut. Etym: √yx̌. to drag oneʼs bottom.

Istem. Category: +ncut. kɬyəx̌pəncút. To drag one's bottom. [nb26-65 016] See: yx̌ip.

yx̌sqáx̌aʔ   [ix̌] Morph: yx̌sqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √yx̌. to drive a herd.

Istem. Sp yx̌sqáx̌aʔ hedrove the horses away he herded the animals; yx̌en to chase fish into fishtrap. kən ksix̌sqáx̌aʔx. I am going to herd [cattle]. [E59.22] See: yx̌i; yx̌a.

yx̌x̌úlaʔxʷ   [yəx̌əx̌úlaʔxʷ] Morph: yx̌•x̌úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √yx̌. yx̌x̌úlaʔxʷ.

Istem. yx̌x̌úlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [nb20.90a]

yx̌yax̌t   [yəx̌yáx̌t, ix̌yáx̌t] Morph: yx̌•yax̌+t. Etym: √yx̌. to be bold, ahead of the pack; to be greedy, pushy.

Istem. Sp yx̌yáx̌-t he's a bothersome person. Category: +t. yx̌yax̌t. Pushy. [E94 (MT)] kʷ ix̌yáx̌t. You are greedy. [nb1881.2]

yx̌yx̌ncút   [ix̌ix̌əncút] Morph: yx̌•yx̌+ncút. Etym: √yx̌. to be greedy, pushy, wanting to be first.

Istem. Sp √yax̌ abrasive, bothersome; yx̌yáx̌t he's a bothersome person. Category: +ncut. kʷ ix̌ix̌əncút. You are greedy, in a hurry, wanting to be first, pushy, like pigs pushing one another at meal time. [nb1880.17] See: yx̌Yax̌t.

yx̌ʷyx̌ʷutxn   [ix̌ʷix̌ʷútxən] Morph: yx̌ʷ•yx̌ʷutxn. Etym: √yx̌ʷt. Badger, badger.

Istem. Sp s-x̌ʷix̌ʷyútšn badger, one with sharp feet; Cm yx̌ʷ-yx̌ʷ-ut-xn; Cr yax̌+yax̌+útšn badger (lit. sound of scratching feet). Category: Faun. yx̌ʷyx̌ʷútxən xəm̓m̓ín̓n̓. Badger was attacked. [lnxbdga 001]

yyaʕp   [iyáʕp] Morph: y•yáʕ+p. Etym: √yʕ. several arrive.

Istem. Sp yiʕáʔp they all arrived together. Category: +p. uɬ xʷuy̓ylx, uɬ iyáʕpəlx iʔ k̓a cənɬx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ. They went and got to where there is a hole. [lnxbdga 065] náx̌əmɬ lut mnímɬəmp ik̓líʔ t̓ ksiyáʕpəmp. But you can't come over there. [lnx2 070] lut stim̓ ksk̓ʷúl̕əntp mi p iyáʕp. Don't do anything until you get there. [lnx2 084] uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ t̓i aláʔ kʷu iyáʕp uɬ way̓ wíkəntəm ilíʔ a ck̓əɬxár. We got here and we saw the curtain there. [Whal 147] See: iyáʕp; yaʕ̓.

yʕʷ   [yəʕʷ] Morph: yʕʷ. Etym: √yʕʷ. root with meaning "strong" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: yʕʷyʕʷink; ywyaʕʷt; ywyʕʷikst; yaʕʷʕʷpyáwt; yaʕʷpyáwt; yawpyáʕʷt. Sp yoʔpy̓éw̓t he's able bodied, he's capable; Cm yaʕ̓‑p‑y‑awt be well endowed, powerful, psychic; Cr yeʕʷpiy̓ígʷ+t able, capable, dependable, virtuous; Sh yʕʷ-yuʕʷ-t intense, hard (work), violent (disease); Th √zu(w), √zəw strong.

yʕʷyʕʷink   [yəʕʷyəʕʷínk] Morph: yʕʷ•yʕʷink. Etym: √yʕʷ. a strong bow.

Istem. yəʕʷyəʕʷínk. A strong bow and arrow. [nb10a 084] ixíʔ uɬ cyuyáʕ̓ʷt iʔ ckyuyuwínk. It's a strong bow. [dict] See: yʕʷ.

yʔap   [i[ʔ]ap] Morph: yʔap. Etym: √yʕ. to be gathered.

Istem. See: yaʕ̓.

yʔaʕ̓   [iʔáʕ̓, iʔyáʕ̓] Morph: y[ʔ]aʕ̓. Etym: √yʕ̓. to gather; to begin to gather.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ axáʔ iʔáʕ̓ ik̓líʔ iʔ k̓əl ksniyaʕ̓tánsəlx. They gathered there at the gathering place. [Nams 055] way̓ ilíʔ iʔáʕ̓lx, way̓ ƛ̓laplx iʔ t siʔáʕ̓slx txƛ̓ápəlx. They gathered there, they got there, all got there. [Nams 057] way̓ k̓laxʷ uɬ iʔáʕ̓ iʔ sqilxʷ, tk̓ʷínk̓ʷənx. In the evening the people gathered, several. [lpb362] ilíʔ iʔyáʕ̓ iʔ sqilxʷ. The Indians gather there. [RHorse 047] ixíʔ məɬ sic iʕyáʕ̓lx aláʔ la ncaʔlím. That's when they gather here at Inchelium. [RHorse 094] lútiʔ skipúlaʔxʷs uɬ yʔaʕ̓ iʔ sqilxʷ. Before it got dark, the people started to gather. [dict] yʔáˑˑʕ̓ uɬ way̓ taʔlíʔ q̓sapiʔ iʔ sqáqsəsts ixíʔ uɬ c̓x̌iɬ ƛ̓lap iʔ scyaʕpmíx. They gathered and it's long after dark that they quit coming in. [dict] See: yaʕ̓.

yʔx̌ipm   [iʔx̌ípəm] Morph: yʔx̌ip+m. Etym: √yx̌. to slide.

Mstem. pútiʔ cyʔx̌ípəm. He's still sliding around (a baby not walking yet). [nb26-67 012] See: yx̌.