
s+1   [s] Morph: s+. prefix that derives nouns from verbs.

dafx. Lit: nightmare Category: dpfx. sxʷilwís. Travelling, travels. [mychildr 159] sk̓ʷul̕l̕s. Its functions. [mychildr 266] astməlscút. Your stock. [mychildr 233] snixʷtíɬc̓aʔs. Their insides. [mychildr 246] sənkʷkʷʔác. Night. [mychildr 248] stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústəns. Its eyes. [mychildr 248] stəkʷtəkʷʔút. Travelling. [mychildr 254] iskʷíst. My name. [mychildr 280] səntq̓ay̓álqʷtən. The board. [misc 223] st̓ik̓ls. Grub. [su7q̓im 027] snəqsílxʷs. His relatives. [su7q̓im 100] stiɬxs. A stand of. [su7q̓im 111b] sənləkʷtíw̓sc. Width. [su7q̓im 141] sqəlwítəmtns. Feet. [su7q̓im 141] snixʷúts. Depth. [su7q̓im 141] sʔayx̌ʷts. His tiredness. [su7q̓im 149] sk̓ʷənxspíntk. A number of years. [su7q̓im 174] sknəqsíɬxʷms. Hos neighbor. [su7q̓im 175] scʔaqʷ. Summer. [su7q̓im 197] snk̓ʕamən. Church. [su7q̓im 219] sʔistk. Winter. [su7q̓im 239b] aspaʔpaʔsílx. Your sorrow. [su7q̓im 258] asənkaʔkʔíw̓s. Your soul. [su7q̓im 261] sp̓p̓ac̓ʕálaʔqʷ. A long slender shoot. [Oct92 013] stumxns. Big toe. [Oct92 061] stík̓ləmp. Your food. [Oct92 083] sp̓saqs. Nose. [plur 009] sɬəxʷəncút. Breath. [misc 065] sx̌ʷnups. Fish tails. [nb23 022] isq̓aʔpákst. What I snitched. [nb26-06 007] st̓íqʷəlt. Moon. [nb26-09 015] sməlk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. Sleeping bag. [nb26-10 008] sx̌ʷúsəs. (Soap) suds. [nb26-10 009] sqʷəlcnínk. Belly. [nb26-15 004] səlk̓úsc. Its pitch bundle (used for night fishing). sc̓anwʕáyaʔ. Mentally and physically afflicted person. [nb26-21 00] sp̓iʔqáɬq. Ripe, fruit ready to eat. [nb26-21 006] stxrikst. Suitcase. [nb26-21 014] sʕ̓ax̌ʷíp. Roots. [nb26-22 005] sqlaw̓. Money. [nb26-22 018] splal. Young growth. [nb26-26 010] sxʷaxʷʔnkíɬp. Thorn bush. [nb26-28 002] sktəm̓tám̓t. Clouds. [nb26-29 007] smisámaʔ. Higher class white person. [nb26-31 009] sx̌lilp. Floor. [nb26-34 005] st̓aʕqʷkst. What one does with flare. [nb26-34 007] stxmin. Comb. [nb26-38 008] sc̓úq̓ʷiʔ. Customer. [nb26-40 002] sqʷƛ̓iʔ. Goat. [nb26-40 003] sqəlíc̓aʔ. Raw pelt. [nb26-41 010] sləp̓líp̓xən. Ordinary shoe (Gouglas Lake form). [nb26-43 004] sk̓əmcnítkʷ. Shore line. [nb26-55 009] sp̓íc̓əns. His ropes. [nb26-55 010] stk̓əm̓ksts. Its branches. [nb26-59 004] st̓apqs. Unravelling. [nb26-60 005] sk̓əɬqc̓ápqəns. Its braids. [nb26-60 007] sp̓ic̓n. Rope. [nb26-61 019] skmaʔíplaʔ. Explanation. [nb26-67 013] sp̓aʔxʷənkílt. Sun child. [nb26-70 001 CJ] sk̓əɬc̓káks. Its budget. [nb26-70 011 EC] spʕaʔúlaʔxʷ. Ghost. [nb26-73 008] sqiʔs. Schwa. [nb26-79 003] sʕay̓ncút Laughter. [nb26-82 001] spəx̌pəx̌ɬk̓ʷúl̕mən. Computer. [RAmisc92 009] sk̓míkəns. Its edge. [nb27-01 003] isk̓əmcínxən. My ankle. [nb27-08 005] sk̓miw̓s. Back. [nb27-08 019] sk̓aʔwílxaʔx. Garden snake. [nb27-19 004] spəl̕l̕áɬq. Bushes that bear fruit. [nb27-23 003] sk̓əwk̓awílxaʔx. Snakes. [nb27-23 005 (spáx̌mən)] sc̓uʔxán. Hind legs. [nb27-28 002 (spáx̌mən)] isx̌ənˑúmt. My injury. [nb27-33 001] isx̌lílp. My floor. [nb25-19 010] sq̓íy̓mən. Tipi poles. [nb25-30 001] sq̓lips. Its handkerchief. [nb25-38 003] sənʔáp̓əp̓qstən. Kleenex. [nb25-66 001] sənʔíp̓əp̓stən. Toilet paper. [nb25-66 002] stəqʷtəqʷniʔúlaʔxʷ. Ghost. [nb25-67 003] sc̓c̓míw̓aʔs. A narrow place. [nb25-69 001] siyʕ̓áʔ. A gathering. [nb25-71 003] skʕacʕacqínxən. Loin cloth. [nb24-01 005] sk̓laʔxʷ. Evening. [newles 005] sʔiɬn. Food. [newles 187] asq̓ʷíɬt. Your load. [newles 235]

+s+3   [s] Morph: +s+. compound connector.

dafx. Gram: in this form there is no +s+ before səp̓qíntṇ wiʔsp̓nísəlp̓m. He'd done piling his wood. [mychildr 070] ʔawtmaʔsqílxʷ. Latecomers. [mychildr 086] ɬc̓awsəntx̌ʷx̌ʷqínəm. Come back home for lunch. [mychildr 257] ɬc̓awsʔíɬən. Come back to eat. [mychildr 257] taʔxʷspəx̌páx̌t. To get smart. [nb26-33 026] wiʔscuʔncút. To get ready. [nb26-52 018] ʔamaʔspúlstxʷ. You nearly killed him. [nb26-65 017] ʔamaʔsƛ̓mípəm. To be almost late. [nb26-65 018] yxʷspuʔús. The heart drops. [nb26-70 002] ksʔamənsqílxʷtət. Those we are going to feed. [nb27-24 002] ʔawsk̓əɬcəhmíx. To go wait for s.t. [nb24-02 008] misx̌ást. The best. [newles 077] k̓əwsʕ̓ác̓səlx. To go look at s.t. [lnx2 086] ʔawscáʕʷlx. To go bathe. [nb08 330] ʔawspíx̌əm. To go hunting. [nb08 332] ʔawsʔíɬən. To go eat. [nb08 333] taʔxʷsəp̓qíntṇ. To have thrashers. [Hrvst 229] ʔawsʕ̓ác̓ən. I went to look. [HnTrp 326] See: +ɬ+2.

s-5   [s] Morph: s-. Variant: ɬ- 10. prefix that marks intent forms. These forms are conjugated with the person markers of the i- set.

ipfx. Category: asp.

1 • bare stems. məɬ ixíʔ isqəcqícəlx. I'll run around. [lnxbdga 327] məɬ ixíʔ uɬ asxəƛ̓cənmíst. You can say whatever you want. [Whal 212] way̓ ixíʔ isxʷúy. I'm going now. [newles 029] ixíʔ uɬ itlíʔ isyált. I am going to run away. [CoGrSy 593]

2 • with -m. húmaʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əmtət. Let's do it! [nb23 207] isk̓ʷəl̕laʔxʷílpəm. I will fix the surface (in our garden). [Dvl 034] məɬ ixíʔ asɬəx̌ʷp̓ám. And then you'll run out. [blkpg 062] t̓i ixíʔ ismíc̓aʔm. I'll go after my deer. [HnTrp 307] t incá istxám. I'll comb him. [grlsdd 298] ixíʔ ist̓lúlaʔxʷəm. I will do the plowing. [Dvl 034] p isx̌lítəm. I am calling all of you. [BJSeym 408] húmaʔ sʕác̓əmtət. Let's all look! [nb23 205]

s-9   [s] Morph: s-. Variant: sc- 6. variant of sc- before stems that begin with c- "perfective". These forms conjugate with the i- set of person markers.

isfx. Category: asp. isckʷám (cf. kən ckʷam I pull). What I pulled (?). [nb24-03 003]

s-10   [s] Morph: s-. Variant: c- 2; c-^ 3. variant of c- "actual" before stems that begin with t(ʼ), c(ʼ). These forms conjugate with the kn set of person markers.

ipfx. Category: asp. way̓ t̓i kmix scícəlm̓iʔstəlx. They are just trotting. [2gts 176] sc̓əc̓qʷáqʷ (cc̓əc̓qʷáqʷ). One whimpers. [nb25-64 003] uɬ mat stim̓ kʷ snac̓əntíls. Maybe something is bothering you. [GDd2 016] iʔ təl̕ yaʕcín kiʔ st̓íxəl. They have landed on the shore. [mychildr 038] taʔlíʔ st̓ixʷləm (ct̓íxʷləm) k tl̕ ʕapnáʔ. It was very different from now. [mychildr 078] st̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ. One does s.t. a certain way. [nb25-64 001]

s11   [s] Morph: s. Variant: ps; ups. bottom.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. sənʔíp̓əp̓stən Toilet paper. [nb25-66 002]

s12   [s] Morph: s. Variant: us 1; aʕs 1. eye; face; head; neck; small round object; fire; window. ncahsmənwíxʷ. To come face to face with. [nb26-28 014] nc̓ip̓c̓əp̓s. To close one's eyes. [nb26-58 007] nc̓ípc̓əpsəm. To shut one's eyes. [lnxbdga 012] nc̓əw̓c̓íw̓səm. To wash s.t. [nb26-08 011] kc̓aw̓íw̓s. To wash one's face. [nb26-39 013] nc̓iw̓ɬxʷsm. To wash windows. [nb26-08 012] kc̓íc̓x̌ʷsəm. To peek (without being noticed). [nb9a 239] tkʷkʷər̓kʷr̓íʔs. Apricots. [nb27-23 001] tkʷər̓kʷr̓íʔs. Oranges. [nb27-23 002] tk̓ʷúl̕sən. I fix the fire. [nb08 832] ɬins. A straight face. [nb25-77 005] kmusˑ. Four berries. [nb27-05 002] npaʕpáʕs. Grey eyes. [nb25-59 006] nq̓ʷaʕys. Black eye. [now 001] nq̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕys. Black eyes. [now 002] q̓ʷíysəm. To blacken one's face. [nb26-12 003] kt̓əɬt̓íɬs. To lie (to put something over one's eyes). [nb23 140] t̓um̓s. Smiling face. [nb27-22 004] nxixáys. To be cross-eyed. [nb26-73 009] ʔíp̓stn. Face wiper. [nb26-26 022] ʔaq̓ʷsəncút. To scraped one's face. [nb08 039]

-s13   [s] Morph: -s. third person singular of the in- paradigm "his, her, its".

isfx. Lit: one - its writing Category: prsMkr. iʔ kilxs Her hand. [dict] sənk̓líp iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s. Coyote's work. [su7q̓im 043] iʔ ɬqáqcaʔs. His older brother. [dict] iksq̓əy̓ám iʔ naqs iʔ sq̓əy̓áy̓s. I'll write the number 1. [misc 221] way̓ aksk̓ʷúl̕əm asqʷəsqʷsíʔ ɬə sx̌aʔx̌áʔs iʔ siwɬkʷ. You should work with your child about the sacredness of the water. [mychildr 135]

-s14   [s] Morph: -s. Variant: -is. vowelless allomorph of -is "third person singular transitive subject" (strong stems).

Isfx. Category: prsMkr.

1 • with +nt (including +y̓). kʷu cus. He told me. [su7q̓im 228a] kcqʷáqʷəms. He cried over something. [nb25-20 004] lut kʷu t̓ə tkʷínksəs. He didn't shake hands with me. [newles 049] uc ksk̓ʷúl̕iʔsəlx. Can they fix it? [nb26-54 031] ksƛ̓lˑnúyʔs. He'll kill him. [nb26-82 005] ksƛ̓lˑnúy̓slx. They'll kill him. [nb26-82 009] lut kʷu t̓ ksmálx̌aʔysəlx. They wouldn't lie to me. [su7q̓im 206] m̓əsm̓úsiʔs. He felt around. [nb25-20 006] ɬx̌aq̓s iʔ xʷəlxʷílts. He paid his debt. [nb26-40 018]

2 • with +st. uɬ atláʔ kʷulstslx. And they sent him from here. [su7q̓im 194] qʷəlqʷílstms. He talks to you. [su7q̓im 228a] kʷu kɬtíɬxstsəlx iʔ sxʷkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm. They took me to the judge. [su7q̓im 230] Lit: stood me in front of the judge

3 • with +ɬt.

4 • with +x(i)t. kʷu m̓ay̓xíts. He told me stories. [su7q̓im 223] Ques: add ɬt forms; add examples in other persons

-s15   [s] Morph: -s. second person object of +nt and +ɬt transitive stems "you".

isfx. Category: prsMkr.

1 • with +nt stems. ckʷíɬc̓aʔntsn. I'll drag you. [nb24-03 010] cuntsn. I said to you. [su7q̓im 188] kícəntsət. We got here to you. [2gts 095] lut t̓ə kmínaʔntsən. I didn't understand (what) you (said). [misc 270] ləxʷpnúntst. We'll hurt you. [nb08 161] nsúxʷnaʔntsn. I recognize the way you talk. [jan93nb 026 SP] txʷət̓pmíntst. We went after you. [nb08 296] ʔamtsís. He's feeding you. ʔamtsín. I fed you. [feb94 108]

2 • with +ɬt stems. iʔ cúɬtsən. What I told you. [feb94 055] way̓ m̓ay̓ɬtsín. Well, I'll tell you. [su7q̓im 187] k̓əɬxʷíc̓əɬtsən. I sent it back to you. [nb25-78 003] ɬx̌lítɬtsən. I'll ask you for it. [GDd2 248]

-s16   [s] Morph: -s. suffix that marks third person subject and second person object transitive forms (the coalescence of -s-s).

isfx. Category: prsMkr. ksk̓níyaʔmnts. He listens to you. [relig 039] tk̓ík̓tmnts. He's near you. [relig 040] kƛ̓iʔíplaʔnts. He got you in trouble. [nb23 244] kmálx̌aʔnts. He lied about you. [su7q̓im 264b] m̓əsm̓úsənts. He felt you. [nb25-20 008] txiʔxənmínts. He came at you. [nb25-80 008] mat x̌əstmínts. Maybe he likes you. [feb94 088] nɬəxʷɬəxʷpáx̌ənts. He hooked it over your shoulders. [nb08 078]

-s17   [s] Morph: -s. suffix that marks third person of nominalized middle forms.

isfx. Category: prsMkr. kʷu ksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔms. He'll teach me. [nb26-72 004] kʷ səc̓amnáms. He's feeding you. [nb26-51 006] p səc̓amnáms. He's feeding you pl. [nb26-51 007] ixíʔ kʷ səc̓amnáms. He's feeding you. [nb26-51 025] p səc̓amnáms. He's feeding you. [nb26-51 027]

+s20   [s] Morph: +s. suffix of unexplained function in the following terms (analyzed for clarity).

dafx. Category: dsfx. c̓əp̓q̓+síw̓s+əm. Splice. [nb26-24 00] n+c̓uʔ+síɬxʷ+tn. Wash rag. [nb26-08 004] nkiw, n+kí•kuʔ+s Close, near (?). [nb27-22 009] i-sc+ən+k̓ʷul̕+s naqs st̓mʕált. I worked for a cow. [nb26-41 005] s+t̓ápq+əs. Thread. [nb26-10 007] xíl+s+əm. Go to the edge of the hill. [nb25-91 002] sx̌ʷús+əs. (Soap) suds. [nb26-10 009]

sa   [sa] Morph: sa. Etym: √s. a saw. From: English saw.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ ʔalk̓ʷsíʔstəms axáʔ iʔ q̓ʷəyʕás axáʔ iʔ sas iʔ áysˑas. The Black Face started sharpening his saw, the ice saw. [Dvl 241]

sahchík̓aʔ   [sahchík̓aʔ] Morph: sahchík̓aʔ ? Etym: ?. sahchík̓aʔ: Oroville.

Istem. sahchík̓aʔ. Oroville. [nb20.90a] See: sahɬíɬxʷ.

sahɬíɬxʷ   [sahɬíɬxʷ] Morph: sahɬíɬxʷ ? Variant: sʕaɬíɬxʷ; saʕɬíɬxʷ. Etym: √shɬ ?. 1 • dome-shaped house.

2 • Istem. sahɬíɬxʷ (Oroville).


sakʷt   [sakʷt] Morph: sakʷ+t. Etym: √skʷ. to be swollen.

Istem. Sp n-skʷ-ɬ√q̓mél-tn his throat swelled up; Cm šuk̓ʷ‑p be swollen; Cr sí·kʷ... u+n+sí·kʷ his voice was rather hoarse. Category: +t. way̓ sakʷt. It's swollen. [dict]

sal   [sal] Morph: sal. Etym: √sl. several objects are placed, set, parked.

Istem. Sp sil to place more than one object; č-sl-im he set the table; Sh sey-m to spread a soft foundation of boughs, hay, etc. csal. There are several (cars) parked. [E38.14]

salás   [salás] Morph: salás ? Etym: √sls ?. salás.

Istem. Category: wName. salás. Woman's name. [OkB]

saláʔm   [saláʔm] Morph: s+aláʔ+m. Etym: √lʔ. the place where one is.

Mstem. t̓i kʷm̓iɬ iʔ saláʔmsəlx kiʔ c̓l̕al̕. At once something appeared standing there where they were. [cre31] See: aláʔ.

salistá   [salistá] Morph: salistá ? Etym: √slst ?. salistá.

Istem. From: French Celestine ? salistá. Herb Manuel's great-grandfather. [dict]

salqʷ   [salqʷ] Morph: salqʷ. story.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. way̓ kʷu nlək̓sálqʷəm. We tied the story together (said when the story is done). [nb08 796] way̓ kʷu nk̓ʷəxʷsálqʷəm iʔ t captíkʷɬ. We untie the story (said when restarting the story). [nb08 797]

salt   [salt] Morph: sal+t. Variant: sal̕t. Etym: √sl. to be lost; to get lost.

Istem. Category: +t. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ laʔkín kʷ salt. Whenever you get lost... [fatboy 033] See: slal2.

sal̕   [sal̕] Morph: sal̕. Etym: √sl̕. unburdened, calm; unaware.

Istem. kʷ saˑˑl̕. You are very calm! [nb21.34a] uɬ sal̕ ɬaʔ cqəcqícəlx. He doesn't mind it when he runs around. [fatboy 117] axáʔ iʔ sqilxʷ kʷaʔ t̓iʔ sal̕. The Indian is unaware of that. [FrGov]

sal̕mnt   Morph: sal̕+m+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to be distracted about s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. t̓iʔ púti sʔáyx̌ʷtx, uɬ itíʔ sal̕ms. Because he is still tired, and he didn't think about anything. [GDd1 331] See: sal̕t.

sal̕p   [sal̕p] Morph: sal̕+p. Etym: √sl̕. to be twisted.

Istem. Category: +p. əcsál̕p. It's twisted. [nb25-89 005] See: sl̕1.

sal̕t   [sal̕t] Morph: sal̕+t. Variant: salt. Etym: √sl̕. s.t. or s.o. gets lost.

Istem. Sp síl̕sl̕-t he's always confused, he can't ever understand anything; Cm sal̕ to not care, pay attention; Cr sél̕ complex, complicated, confused, intricate (It is...). Category: +t. kən sal̕t. I got lost. [nb10a 032] lut t̓a cmistín, mat itíʔ sal̕t. I don't know, I guess it's lost. [nb2584.6] ixíʔ níxəlmən axáʔ iʔ l ast̓əmkəʔílt iʔ l sal̕ts, uɬ ixíʔ níxəlmən tx̌áq̓əplaʔntxʷ swit kaʔkícəs. I heard about your daughter who got lost, and I heard that you'd pay a reward to whoever finds her. [dict] See: sal̕.

sámaʔ   [sámaʔ] Morph: sámaʔ. Etym: √smʔ. white person; Englishman; Frenchman; English language.

Istem. Sp sémeʔ the French, French-Canadian Indian, taboo; Cr hemeʔ Frenchman; Sh sémeʔ white person; Th sémeʔ white person; Li sámaʔ white person. way̓ taʔlíʔ sl̕ax̌ts iʔ sámaʔ. He was very good friends with a white man. [su7q̓im 172] uɬ axáʔ iʔ p sqilxʷ, uɬ uc p kɬənxʷúytən iʔ t ƛ̓ax̌t c̓x̌iɬ axáʔ iʔ ʕapnáʔ iʔ t səck̓ʷúl̕tət, axáʔ iʔ kʷu sámaʔ. You Indians, do you have a means of transportation that is fast like the one we white folks made? [su7q̓im 177] kʷ nsúxʷnaʔ t sámaʔ. You understand English. [nb22.111]

san   [san] Morph: san. Etym: √sn. From: French saint. saint.

Istem. san pyar. Saint Peter. [dict]

sanəpəpíc   [sanəpəpíc] Morph: sanəpəpíc. From: English son of a bitch. Etym: √snppc. son of a bitch.

pcl. Category: intj. kʷa iscúnəm kʷaʕtá sanəpəpíc uɬ kʷa ʕimt uɬ iʔ kʷu pulsts. I said "Goddam sonofabitch," and he got mad and he licked me. [nb08 607]

sanpyár   [sanpyár] Morph: sanpyár. Etym: √snpyr. Saint Peter.

Istem. From: French Saint Pierre. uɬ yaʔx̌íʔ k̓ɬənʕ̓alíps Saint Peter, sanpyár. Saint Peter closed the door. [Dvl 352]

sans   [sans] Morph: sans. From: English cents. Etym: √sns. cents.

Istem. ʕapnáʔ iʔ sman̓xʷ kaʔɬəlʔupənksɬsísp̓əlk̓ sans axáʔ iʔ k̓əl nəqsíc̓aʔ. Now tobacco is 37 cents a package. [Hrvst 242]

sanyáp   [sanyáp] Morph: sanyáp ? Etym: ?. sanyáp.

Istem. Category: wName. sanyáp. Woman's name. [nb21.87a]

sapál   [sapál] Morph: sapál. Etym: √spl. From: French Isabelle. Etym: √lpl. Isabelle.

Istem. Category: wName. sapál. Isabelle. [Nb20.14a]

sapát   [sapát] Morph: sapát. Etym: √spt. From: French Elizabèthe. sapát.

Istem. Category: wName. sapát. Elizabeth. [dict]

sap̓mútyaʔ   [sap̓mútyaʔ] Morph: sap̓+mútyaʔ. Etym: √sp̓. a (hand) scythe.

Istem. Sp ssp̓úl̕eʔxʷ-tn̓ a hand scythe. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sap̓mútyaʔ i l supúlaʔxʷ. And the scythe for hay. [Hrvst 032] uɬ aɬíʔ pnicíʔ uɬ way̓ t̓iʔ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ way̓ kmix t̓iʔ iʔ t sap̓mútyaʔ. At that time a long time ago the Indians only by hand. [Hrvst 164] See: sp̓.

saq̓q̓cn   [sáq̓əq̓cən] Morph: saq̓•q̓cn. Etym: √sq̓. the mouth is opened wide.

Istem. lut xʷəxʷ aksáq̓əq̓cn. Don't open your mouth so wide (e.g. when you yawn)! [misc 107] See: sq̓.

saq̓ʷ   [saq̓ʷ] Morph: saq̓ʷ. Etym: √sq̓ʷ. to skin (an animal).

Istem. Sp soq̓ʷ-n I cleaned something, I got the skin off; Sh x-suq̓ʷ-m to skin a soft furry animal...; Th súq̓ʷ butcher; Li súq̓ʷ-əm to skin a (big) animal...

sáq̓ʷyaqnt   Morph: sáq̓ʷyaq+nt. Etym: √sq̓ʷ. to skin the top of the head.

Tstem. Category: +nt. sáq̓ʷyaʔqs iʔ kiláwnaʔ, ixíʔ ník̓uʔsəs. He skinned the head of the grizzly, he cut it in half. [nb2589.10] See: saq̓ʷ.

sar   [sar] Morph: sar. Etym: √sr. a cricket sings; the sound a cricket makes.

Istem. Sp √ser shrill sound; sérsr (sér) cricket; Cr sar cricket; Sh sal a kind of cricket (light green, stays on sage brush, chirps at night); Th ṣə̣́l ? cricket. t̓iʔ saˑˑr iʔ sársər. My the crickets. [nb24-02 018]

sarsr   [sársər] Morph: sar•sr. Variant: sar̓sr̓. Etym: √sr. crickets.

Istem. Sp sérsr cricket; Cm sár̓sar̓ cricket. xʷʔit iʔ sársər. Lots of crickets. [nb24-02 017] See: sar.

sasáq̓ʷyaqs   [sasáq̓ʷyaqs] Morph: sa•sáq̓ʷyaqs. Etym: √sq̓ʷ. the skinned top of the head.

Istem. ɬəkm̓ənwíxʷsts sasáq̓ʷyaqs a nc̓ícən. He sewed together the skinned top of the head of the wolf. [nb2589.9] See: saq̓ʷ.

sasíw̓st   [sasíw̓st] Morph: sa•síw̓s+t. Variant: saʔsíwst. Etym: √sws. several drink (liquid).

Istem. Category: +t. ilíʔ saʔsíw̓stəlx t siwɬkʷ uɬ xiʔ itlíʔ sxʷúyʔsəlx They drank water and then they went on. [grlhd 132] way̓ kʷu caʔsíw̓st axáʔ laʔɬ isláx̌t myalíxʷtət. We drank, my friend and our guide. [2gts 032] See: síw̓st.

sásmaʔ   [sásəmaʔ] Morph: sá•smaʔ. Etym: √smʔ. lower class Frenchman.

Istem. Category: dim. sásəmaʔ. Lower class Frenchman. [nb22.51a] See: sámaʔ.

sasʕás   [sasəʕás] Morph: s+ʕas•ʕás. Variant: sʕʷsʕʷas. Etym: √ʕs. willow grouse.

Istem. Ques: analysis ? See: sʕasʕás.

satkʷ   [satkʷ] Morph: satkʷ. Etym: √stkʷ. satkʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. satkʷ. Woman's name. [OkB]

saxk   [saxk] Morph: saxk. Etym: √sxk. 1 • Douglas' onion (allium douglasii).


2 • Istem. Geyer's onion (allium geyeri).

Sp séhč pink flowered wild onions; Cr si+sč onion (species of wild...).Istem. saxk. Geyer's onion. [TBK38]

sax̌ʷ   [sáx̌ʷ] Morph: sax̌ʷ. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. root with meaning "descend, be downhill" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. See: sax̌ʷt; sax̌ʷtílx; sax̌ʷtm; csix̌ʷt; nsx̌ʷstúlaʔxʷ.

sax̌ʷmtíkn̓   [sax̌ʷmtíkn̓] Morph: sax̌ʷmtíkn̓. Etym: √sx̌ʷtm ?. sax̌ʷmtíkn̓.

Istem. sax̌ʷmtíkn̓. Man's name. [OkB]

sax̌ʷt   [sax̌ʷt] Morph: sax̌ʷ+t. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to go downhill; to get down; to climb down.

Istem. Sp n-sx̌ʷ-pcín saliva dribbled; Cm na‑sx̌ʷ‑p to leak (roof); Cr saʔx̌ʷ dissolve, melt; Sh səsúx̌ʷ-nst to descend; Th súx̌ʷnst descend; Li súx̌ʷast to come down. Category: +t. ay̓ ixíʔ sax̌ʷts axáʔ iʔ tətwít, uɬ kícəntəm ilíʔ. Then the little boy came down, and got there. [dict] ixíʔ ssax̌ʷts iʔ k̓əl stáɬəm. He started to go down to his boat. [CoGrSy 170] swit iʔ ksáx̌ʷtaʔx. Who is going to go down? [feb94 032] ixíʔ sxʷuys iʔ k̓əl skc̓íkʷaʔ, iʔ k̓a csax̌ʷt. He went to the left, downhill. [dict] See: sax̌ʷ.

sax̌ʷtíllx   [sax̌ʷtílˑx] Morph: sax̌ʷ+t+il•l•x. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. several descend.

Istem. Category: +ilx. sax̌ʷtíl·x. Several descend. [pd09] See: sax̌ʷtílx.

sax̌ʷtílx   [sax̌ʷtílx] Morph: sax̌ʷ+t+ilx. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. several descend.

Istem. Category: +ilx. sax̌ʷtílxəlx. They came down. [pd09] See: sax̌ʷ.

sax̌ʷtmnt   Morph: sax̌ʷ+t+m+nt. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to blame s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. mi ilmíxʷəm kʷu ksáx̌ʷtəms incá. The chief will blame me. [FrGov.13]

sáysitkʷ   [sáysitkʷ] Morph: say•sytkʷ. Etym: √sy. sáysitkʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. sáysitkʷ. Woman’s name. [OkB] See: saysytkʷ.

saysytkʷ   [sáysitkʷ] Morph: say•sytkʷ. Etym: √sy. saysytkʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. sáysitkʷ. Woman's name. [OkB]

sayxáxaʔ   [sayxáxaʔ] Morph: s+ayxáxaʔ. Variant: sixíxiʔ. Etym: √yxʔ. a little while.

Istem. iʔ l sayxáxaʔ mi kən kʷənkʷəntwíxʷ. kʷənkʷəntwíxʷstən. After a while I will grapple with him. I will grab him. [lpb194-195] See: ayxáxaʔ.

saʕ   [saʕ] Morph: saʕ. Etym: √sʕ. root with meaning "to descend" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. See: nsaʕyn; saʕmncút; nsaʕmncút; nsaʕsaʕítkʷ; saʕsaʕmínm; saʕsáʕt.

saʕámɬq   [saʕámɬq] Morph: s+ʕámɬq. Etym: √ʕm ?. the lower north face (part of which is still above water) of the area on the south side of the Columbia now known as Camel Bluff.

Istem. Category: Geog. saʕámɬq. Place name. [BK13]

saʕánya   [saʕánya] Morph: saʕánya. Etym: √sʕny ?. saʕánya.

Istem. Gram: a Sanpoil term? Category: mName. saʕánya. Man's name. [OkB]

sáʕɬc̓aʔ   [sáʕɬc̓aʔ] Morph: ꞊sáʕɬc̓aʔ. glass; transparent.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. ṇx̌əlsʕáɬc̓aʔtṇ. Glass. [dict] See: s1; áʕɬc̓aʔ.

saʕɬíɬxʷ   [saʕɬíɬxʷ] Morph: saʕɬíɬxʷ. Variant: sʕaɬíɬxʷ. Etym: √sʕɬ. 1 • dome-shaped house.

2 • Istem. saʕɬíɬxʷ (Oroville).

Istem. Category: Geog. saʕɬíɬxʷ. Oroville. [nb1890.6]

saʕɬín   [saʕɬín] Morph: saʕɬín. Etym: √sʕɬn ?. saʕɬín: shallow area along the former east shore of the Columbia River, east from st̓əq̓títkʷ rapids. Lit: specially-placed rocks

Istem. saʕɬín. Place name. [BK278]

saʕmncút   [saʕməncút] Morph: saʕ+mncút. Etym: √sʕ. to dismount; to get off; to go downhill.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ ck̓ɬəncaʔqqípəlx, way̓ csaʕməncútəlx. They got close to the door, they got off. [GDd2 698] way̓ itlíʔ saʕməncútəlx. Then they went down the hill. [BJSeym 500] See: saʕ.

saʕmst   [saʕmst] Morph: saʕ+m+st. Etym: √sʕ. to bring s.t. down.

Tstem. Category: +st. saʕmstíxʷ. You brought it down. [nb22.13a]

saʕsaʕmínm   [saʕsaʕmínəm] Morph: saʕ•saʕ+mín+m. Etym: √sʕ. to drop several things.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut aksaʕsaʕmínəm iʔ l ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ. Don’t drop them in the dust! [nb18202.17] See: saʕ.

saʕsáʕt   [saʕsáʕt] Morph: saʕ•sáʕ+t. Variant: saʕ̓sáʕ̓t. Etym: √sʕ. to drop off; to have fallen off, as an apple off a tree.

Istem. Category: +t. mat way̓ iwá ik̓líʔ ksənʔúcxiʔs, itíʔ sʕasáʕt iʔ snəqsílxʷs. He was trying to follow them where his people fell off. [su7q̓im 133] lut ksʕasʕáts. So they won't fall off. [grlhd 118] məɬ way̓ k̓aʔx̌í saʕsáʕt way̓ cwiʔsk̓əɬlák̓ək̓ kəm̓ ck̓əɬt̓áq̓ʷ. It [the hay] falls the other way, and it's already tied or sewen. [Hrvst 163] See: saʕ.

saʕt̓íc̓aʔ   [saʕt̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: saʕt̓íc̓aʔ. Etym: √sʕt̓. a body dries off.

Istem. Ques: ʕ or ʔ ? uɬ ilíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ k̓ʷa sksaʕt̓íc̓aʔx mi sic ʔawsk̓ʷúl̕ən ʔawsíwstəmstən. (I’ll leave it on) until he dries off, and then I’ll tend to him and I’ll go water him. [nb12.39.5] ayxáxaʔ ksaʕtíc̓aʔ uɬ ixíʔ uɬ síwstəmstən kəm̓ ʔamtín i t lawán. In a little while he’ll cool off, and that's when I’ll water him, and I’ll feed him oats. [nb1270.6] See: saʔt̓ilx.

saʕx̌ʷíp   [saʕx̌ʷíp] Morph: s+aʕx̌ʷíp. Variant: saʕʷx̌ʷíp. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. roots.


saʕy   [saʕy] Morph: saʕy. Variant: saʕy̓. Etym: √sʕy. to make (talking) noises.

Istem. Sp √say the sound of voices; si-p-m-n-cót all are making noises at the same time and increasing in volume. This form confirms an earlier ʕ. t̓i saˑˑʕy iʔ st̓mʕált. The cows are sure noisy. [misc 004]

saʕycnt   Morph: saʕyc+nt. Etym: √sʕy. to interrupt s.o.

Tstem. Sp √say the sound of voices; si-p-m-n-cót all are making noises at the same time and increasing in volume. This form confirms an earlier ʕ. Category: +nt. nsáʕycəntsən. I interrupted you. [nb10a 043]

saʕy̓   [saʕy̓] Morph: saʕy̓. Variant: saʕy. Etym: √sʕy. to be noisy.

Istem. See: saʕy.

sáʕ̓aʕ̓   [sáʕ̓aʕ̓] Morph: sáʕ̓•aʕ̓. Etym: √sʕ̓. trumpeter swan.

Istem. sáʕ̓aʕ̓. Trumpeter swan. [pd02]

saʕ̓sáʕ̓t   [saʕ̓sáʕ̓t] Morph: saʕ̓•sáʕ̓+t. Variant: saʕsáʕt. Etym: √sʕ̓. to fall off.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ ixíʔ mat knəqnáqsmiʔstəlx uɬ itíʔ csaʕ̓sáʕ̓təlx, mat t̓əxʷ mat. And I guess one by one they tumbled down. [su7q̓im 131] See: saʕ.

saʕ̓ycán   [saʕ̓ycán] Morph: saʕ̓ycán. Etym: √sʕy. a weak sound.

Istem. way̓ xʷuˑˑy uɬ way̓ ixíʔ sx̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷs uɬ k̓əl sʕ̓aycáˑˑn iʔ scúɬəm. Then when daylight came, the bull’s cry got weaker. [lpb295] See: saʕy.

saʕʷs   [saʕʷs] Morph: saʕʷs. Etym: √sʕʷ. the sun sets.

Istem. k̓əɬk̓k̓aʔtús məɬ sáʕʷsəs. The sun is low on the horizon, then sets. [nb21.150a] See: saʕ.

saʕʷx̌ʷíp   [saʕʷx̌ʷíp] Morph: s+aʕʷx̌ʷíp. Variant: saʕx̌ʷíp; sʕax̌ʷíp. Etym: √ʕʷx̌ʷ. roots.

Istem. Sp s-ox̌ʷép a plant root; s-ʕʷóx̌ʷép plant root; Cm sx̌ʷ–ap plant root(s). səcc̓íqx axáʔ t saʕʷx̌ʷíp. He was digging for roots. [CoGrSy 099] uɬ iʔ niʔák̓ʷ uɬ ixíʔ sx̌íƛ̓əms sʔawstəxʷcəncúts tə ksc̓íɬənsəlx saʕʷx̌ʷíp. She crosses and goes up the hill to get herself some grub to eat roots. [CoGrSy 228] uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ axáʔ k̓əm iʔ saʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíp, ixíʔ iʔ knaqs iʔ kskʷiʔs. And then just the roots, that will be the other one's share. [Dvl 053] way̓ ʕapnáʔ iʔ saʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíp mi kʷin. This time I will take the roots. [Dvl 146]

saʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíp   [saʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíp] Morph: s+aʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip. Variant: saʕx̌ʷíp. Etym: √ʕʷx̌ʷ. plant root; tuber.

Istem. Sp s-ox̌ʷép a plant root; Cm sx̌ʷap plant root(s). uɬ aɬíʔ tx̌sáqsəm iʔ t patáq, iʔ t səʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíps. He had good things to eat, potatoes, roots. [dict] qilt yaʔ cmaʕcnítkʷ, ilíʔ cmalk̓ʷ laʔɬ səʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíps. On top of the water, one whole piece with the roots. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ƛ̓əqəntín axáʔ iʔ sʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip. Now I will dig the roots. [dict] yaʕpqín t sʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip, iʔ kst̓ík̓əls x̌əl sʔistk. Lots of roots, grub for winter. [dict]

saʔlíc̓aʔ   [saʔlíc̓aʔ] Morph: sa[ʔ]líc̓aʔ. Etym: √sl. Lit: polka-dotted saʔlíc̓aʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. saʔlíc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [nb18147.1]

saʔlisáw   [saʔlisáw] Morph: saʔlisáw. Etym: √slsw. saʔlisáw. Gram: one of Coyote's chants

pcl. Category: Onom. cus saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw It says, "saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw saʔlisáw." [CoGrSy 604]

saʔɬíɬxʷ   [saʔɬíɬxʷ] Morph: saʔɬíɬxʷ. Variant: sahɬíɬxʷ; saʕɬíɬxʷ; sʕaɬíɬxʷ. Etym: √sɬ. 1 • dome-shaped house.

Istem. saʔɬíɬxʷ.

2 • Istem. saʔɬíɬxʷ (Oroville).


saʔsaʔstímn   [saʔsaʔstímən] Morph: saʔ•saʔst+imn. Etym: √sʔst. to be habitual drinkers; to like to drink.

Istem. Sp n-sʔo-n-t-és... she drained it dry (by drinking it). Category: +imn. saʔsaʔstímnəlx. They like to drink. [nb25-27 009] See: saʔstímn.

saʔstám   [saʔstám] Morph: saʔ•stám. Etym: √stm. brother, sister, cousin-in-law; loosely friend of one's spouse.

Istem. Sp seʔstém man's brother's wife; Cm saʔstm opposite sex sibling of spouse; opposite sex spouse of sibling; opposite sex spouse of spouse’s sibling; Cr siʔ+st+m woman's brother-in-law. nq̓əmscínəms iʔ saʔstáms. She got stuck on her brother-in-law. [nb25-72 001] aksaʔstám n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬə ckicx. She's going to be your sister-in-law when she gets here. [lnxbdga 133] way̓ uyáʔ, k̓əwpmínt asaʔstám. Listen, leave your brother-in-law alone! [dict] t̓i kywúsəms iʔ saʔstáms. She's always watching her brother-in-law. [dict] Category: kin.

saʔstíls   [saʔstíls] Morph: saʔs+t+íls. Etym: √sws. to want to drink.

Istem. Category: +ils. kən saʔstíls. I want to drink. [dict] See: siwst.

saʔstímn   [saʔstímən] Morph: saʔst+ímn. Etym: √sʔst. to like to drink; to be an alcoholic; to be a heavy drinker.

Istem. Sp ss-t-émn he likes to drink, he's an alcoholic. Category: +imn. saʔstímən. He likes to drink. [nb25-27 008] See: siwst.

saʔstmsqáx̌aʔ   [saʔstəmsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: saʔst+msqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √sws. to water animals, stock.

Istem. Sp ss-t-m-sqáx̌ʔe-m he watered his horse (or cow). uɬ ilíʔ ksiwɬkʷ kʷ saʔstəmsqáx̌aʔ. There is water that you can water your horse with. [nb1237.7] kʷ saʔstəmsqáx̌aʔ, mi sic kʷ ʔamənsqáx̌aʔ. You can water your horse and then you can feed him. [nb1267.8] See: siwst.

saʔst̓xítkʷ   [saʔst̓xítkʷ] Morph: saʔs+t̓xítkʷ. Etym: √sws, √t̕x. to drink (deer) soup.

Istem. kʷ saʔst̓xítkʷ. You are drinking deer soup. [nb21.150a] See: siwat; st̓xitkʷ.

saʔtítaʔkʷ   [saʔtítaʔkʷ] Morph: saʔtítaʔkʷ. Etym: √sʔt. a small river.

Istem. Category: dim. səx̌ʷtílx uɬ iʔ k̓əl cəcw̓íxaʔ, ixíʔ iʔ saʔtítaʔkʷ. They went to the creek, it's a small river. [nb2591.3-4] See: saʔtítkʷ.

saʔtítkʷ   [saʔtítkʷ] Morph: saʔtítkʷ. Etym: √sʔt. river.

Istem. Sh sətét-kʷe river. ak̓lálaʔ axáʔ iʔ təl isnilíʔtn kiʔ saʔtítkʷ, uknaqín ixíʔ iʔ skʷists. Close to where I live there is a river, its name is Okanagan River. [su7q̓im 033] nʔáx̌ʷtəlx iʔ t saʔtítkʷ. They followed the river downstream. [nb2561.11] yaʕcníwɬts iʔ saʔtítkʷ. River bank. [OkB]

saʔt̓ílx   [saʔt̓ílx] Morph: sa[ʔ]t̓+ílx. Etym: √st̓. to get dry. Category: Inch.

Istem. Ques: ʕ or ʔ ? Category: +ilx, ʔInch. saʔt̓ílx. It dried. [dit] See: saʕt̓íc̓aʔ.

saʔt̓skʷál̕t   [saʔt̓skʷál̕t] Morph: saʔt̓+s+kʷál̕+t. Etym: √st̓, √kʷl̕. the sweat dries off.

Istem. Category: +t. saʔt̓skʷál̕t. Sweat dries off. [dict] See: saʔt̓ílx; kʷal̕t.

saʔxíɬc̓aʔ   [saʔxíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: saʔxíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √sx. the air goes out of one's body.

Istem. saʔxíɬc̓aʔ. She died (the warmth left her body). [nb21.60a] See: nsaxm; sx.

saʔxúlaʔxʷ   [saʔxʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sa[ʔ]xúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √sx. the ground cools.

Istem. iwá t̓əxʷ uɬ ɬitk̓s k̓aɬáʔ uɬ saʔxʷúˑˑlaʔx uɬ k̓əl ksk̓laxʷ. Then she flipped [the embers] over and the ground cooled off until night. [lpb250] See: nsaxm; sx.

sc+1   [sc] Morph: s+c+. prefix that derives nouns signaling some aspectual notion, perhaps completive or perfective. Analyzable as the (inflectional) perfective prefix sc-.

dafx. Category: dpfx.

1 • analyzed examples. sc+km̓ax̌n √km̓ Kidnapped pl. sc+kʷanx̌n √kʷn Kidnapped sg. sc+k̓ʷul̕ √k̓ʷl̕ Work. sc+ƛ̓axʷ √ƛ̓xʷ Killing. sc+n+q̓aʔíls √q̓ʔ Problem, concern. sc+ʔx̌iɬ √ʔx̌ɬ Like, as.

2 • othe examples. sənk̓líp iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s ixíʔ iʔ xƛ̓ut. This Rock is Coyote's work. [su7q̓im 043] isck̓ʷúl̕aʔst. My fixings, what I fixed. [nb08 155] isck̓ʷəl̕máyaʔ. My unimportant work. [newles 295] iʔ scpaʔpík. The board. [newles 265] ascq̓iʔxtwíxʷ. Your letter. [newles 300] scq̓ʷəy̓məncút. A dance. [GDd2 518] scsəlíkst. Bastard. [nb08 297] ascənsámaʔcn. Your English (class). [newles 282] scc̓uʔmístəm. Singing a bear song (upon killing one). [nb26-73 014] scwic̓. Roots. [su7q̓im 215] iʔ scyayáx̌aʔ. The television. iʔ scʕaʕác̓. [nb26-33 016] nb26-10 011 The book. iʔ sc̓ʕaʔʕ̓ác̓ The books. [nb26-36 009] See: sc-.

sc-6   [sc] Morph: s+c-. Variant: s- 9. perfective prefix (nominal constructions, conjugated with the i- set of person markers).

ipfx. Category: asp.

1 • forms without +m. iʔ scənkt̓ípsc. What he cuts. [nb26-59 005] iʔ sckʷlíwtət. Our way of life. [rdgs 004-5] isckʷúɬən. What I borrowed. [AutPS 296] iʔ səck̓ʷúl̕tt. What we made. [su7q̓im 177b] iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s. His ways; he works (there), his work. [su7q̓im 217] isck̓ʷúl̕l̕. (From) the time I was born. [mychildr 076] iscənk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷín. What I picked out. [nb26-72 011] iscmipnwíɬən. My knowledge (of s.t.), what I've learned. [su7q̓im 285] iʔ scnáq̓ʷsəlx. What they were stealing (the beads). [lnxbdga 037] asck̓əɬpáʔx̌. Your thinking. [nb26-07 004] ascq̓áy̓. What you wrote. [nb26-65 002] ascq̓əy̓áqs. What you wrote. [nb26-41 012] ascənq̓aʔíls. Your concern. [nb23 053] iscənq̓aʔíls. My worries. [misc 115] iscqʷəlqʷílt. What I am saying, my talking. [gregory 036] ascənsúxʷnaʔ. Your understanding (of s.t.). [mychildr 276] sctkʷʔútsəlx. Their walking (a long time). [lnx2 392] isctíw. What I bought. [nb26-41 018] sct̓ak̓ʷs. He lay there (a while). [coyeyes 088] sck̓əɬt̓ák̓ʷs. He was laid up there (a while). [lnx2 258] iʔ sct̓áp̓s. What it lay. [nb26-55 001] iscwík. What I saw. [nb25-27 004] iʔ scxʷəlxʷáltət. Our food (what keeps us alive). [rdgs 004-5] ascxʷəlxʷált. Your being alive. [mychildr 089] sctxʷəstálqʷs. She started to walk on the log. [lnx2 406] scxʷuys. She started. [lnx2 286] iʔ scxʷúysəlx. Their traveling. [GDd1 269] iscxʷúy. My traveling. [GDd2 188] ascx̌əstwílx. Your getting better. [lnx2 263] ixíʔ scnixʷáxʷsəlx. They copied it. [nb27-19 007] way̓ ixíʔ sck̓əɬʔácqaʔs. So he came out. [lnx2 277] iʔ sc̓íɬnəmp. Your food. [Oct92 082] sc̓iɬns. Its food. [mychildr 180] iʔ sc̓aʔúm. The words. [nb26-42 007] ascənʔíys. What you bought. [newles 242]

2 • with +m. səckcháms. It's facing that way. [mychildr 065] scənc̓íw̓ms. Its wash basin. sck̓ím̓msəlx. They hate him (their hatred...). [fatboy 162] səsƛ̓xʷáms. His kill. [LynxS 303] iscƛ̓ʔám. What I'm after. [GDd2 600] isəcxʷəstlwísəm. My traveling. [GDd1 213] See: ^-m8.

scacáʕ   [scacáʕ] Morph: s+ca•cáʕ. Etym: √cʕ. tallow, strips of blubber.


scaxʷ   [scaxʷ] Morph: s+caxʷ. Etym: √cxʷ. affection.

Istem. c̓x̌əɬ ta cmistúmt uɬ ixíʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ scáxʷtət. We know you, this is what we do [our way of showing affection]. [GDd2 593]

scáypaʔtn   [scáypaʔtṇ] Morph: s+cáypaʔ+tn ? Etym: √cypʔ ?. scáypaʔtn (Westbank).

Istem. Category: +tn. səcáypaʔtən. Westbank. [nb27-07 001]

scaʕcáʕ   [scaʕcáʕ] Morph: s+caʕ•cáʕ. Etym: √cʕ. meat cut against the grain.

Istem. iʔ scʕacʕá, ixíʔ caʕntísəlx, məɬ kʷúmsəlx. Cutting against the grain of the meat, they cut it that way, and they store it. [mychildr 221] See: caʕ.

scaʕcúp   [scaʕcúp] Morph: s+caʕcúp ? Variant: scáʕcup. Etym: √cʕcp ?. scaʕcúp: place where the Colville river empties into the Columbia river.

Istem. Category: Geog.

scaʕíkst   [scaʕíkst] Morph: s+caʕíkst. Variant: scʕʷikst. Etym: √cʕ. fingers. Lit: hand fringe

Istem. Sp s-cowáčst, s-cowéčst finger; Cm s-cʕʷ-ʕʷ-akšt fingers; Cr s+c+céw̓+tmšqn̓čt finger (little or fourth). ixíʔ ʕapnáʔ cilkst ascaʕíkst. And now you have five fingers. [crea36] See: cʕʷ.

scaʕskst   [scaʕskst] Morph: s+caʕskst. Etym: √cʕs. a rattle.

Istem. See Sp s-cosleʔ deer hoof rattle; see Cm c’uus-kšt-(t)n hand rattle, baby’s rattle; Cr cus to rattle (e.g. snake). kscaʕskst t xʷəxʷl̕ápaʔxəns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. A rattle made with the bone of a deer hoof. [misc 019]

scaʕsxn   [scáʕsxən] Morph: s+caʕsxn. Etym: √cʕs. shale rock; rock slide.

Istem. Sp n-s-cósleʔxʷ the place of many loose shale rocks; s-n̓-s-cósl̕ where big rocks slip and slide.... iʔ scáʕsxən ck̓ʷaʔlʔílk̓. Shale rock rolled down. [nb25-51 004]

scáʕycup   [scáʕycup] Morph: s+cáʕycup. Etym: √cʕyc. scáʕycup: the general area of the town of "Old Kettle Falls," now under water. Lit: small springs of water along the bank (?)

Istem. Category: Geog.

scaʕʕíkst   [scaʕəʕáykst] Morph: s+caʕ•ʕíkst. Etym: √cʕ. fingers. Lit: hand fringe

Istem. See: scaʕíkst; cʕʷ.

scaʕʕxán   [scaʕʕxán] Morph: s+caʕ•ʕxán. Etym: √cʕ. toes.

Istem. See: cʕʷ.

scaʕʷlx   [scáʕʷləx] Morph: s+caʕʷ+lx. Etym: √cʕʷ. bathing.

Istem. Category: +lx. uɬ lut t̓ə x̌minks iʔ scaʕʷlx. And he doesn't like to bathe. [fatboy 008] See: caʕʷlx.

scaʔpsíw̓s   [scaʔpsíw̓s] Morph: s+caʔpsíw̓s. Etym: √cʔ. two sisters. Lit: sister with another

Istem. Sp cuʔpséw̓s they're two younger sisters. Category: kin. See: ɬccʔups.

scaʔqʷíc̓aʔ   [scaʔqʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+caʔqʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √cʔkʷ. summer hide.

Istem. scaʔqʷíc̓aʔ. Summer hide. [nb26-06 001] See: scʔaqʷ.

scaʔsláqs   [scaʔsláqs] Morph: s+caʔ+sláqs. Etym: √cʔ, √slqs. mosquitoes.

Istem. Sp √casláqs mosquito; Cm ṣc̣éəsḷqṣ mosquito; Cr s+casalqs mosquito. (s)caʔsláqs. Mosquitoes. [nb10a 069]

sccaʕsnt   [scəcáʕsənt] Morph: s+c•caʕsnt. Variant: scc̓aʕsnt. Etym: √cʕsnt. little stars.

Istem. Category: dim. ʕ̓ác̓ənt iʔ skʷkʷúsənt, iʔ scəcáʕsənt. Look at the stars, the little stars! [coyeyes 026]

sccix̌nt   [scəcíx̌ənt] Morph: s+c•cix̌+nt. Variant: sccix̌n̓t. Etym: √cx̌. stinging nettle (urtica dioica).

Istem. See Sp c̓c̓áx̌iʔɬp stinging nettles; Cm cx̌cx̌nw̓al̕n̓ stinging nettles. scəcíx̌ənt. Stinging nettle. [TBK140]

sccix̌n̓t   [scəcíx̌ən̓t] Morph: s+c•cix̌+n̓t. Variant: sccix̌nt. Etym: √cx̌. stinging nettle (urtica dioica). Lit: stinging hot


scckʷnwaxʷ   [scəckʷnw̓áxʷ] Morph: sc+ckʷ+nwaxʷ. Etym: √ckʷ. tug-of-war.

Istem. Category: +nwaxʷ. See: ckʷnwixʷ; ckʷ.

sccmíɬc̓aʔ   [scəcmíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: sc+cmíɬc̓aʔ. Variant: sccm̓íɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √cm. deer buried (in snow).

Istem. See: cm.

sccm̓álaʔ   [scəcm̓álaʔ] Morph: s+c•cmálaʔ. Etym: √cm̓. nothern variant • children. Variant: sccm̓ilt.

Istem. See: ccám̓aʔt.

sccm̓áɬaʔq   [scəcəm̓áɬaʔq] Morph: s+c•cm̓áɬaʔq. Etym: √cm̓. small vegetable.

Istem. Category: dim. See: ccám̓aʔt.

sccm̓aʔy̓áʔst   [scəcm̓aʔy̓ást] Morph: s+c•cm̓aʔy̓áʔst. Etym: √cm̓. pellets in a cartrige (for shooting).

Istem. Category: dim. See: ccám̓aʔt.

sccm̓ilt   [scəcm̓ílt] Morph: s+c•cm̓ilt. Variant: sccm̓álaʔ; sccm̓il̕t. Etym: √cm̓. children (human and animal).

Istem. Sp s-ccm̓ él̕t children; Cm c‑cm‑alt youth; Cr s+c+cm̓ íl̕t children, offspring; Sh √*cim - cəcícm-eʔ-t cut up in small pieces; Th s/cmé[ˑm̓]iʔt (little) children; Li s.cm-al̕t children. Category: dim. la cxʔit ixíʔ iʔ scəcm̓ílt, uɬ axáʔ cpspsʕáyaʔ. The first time (it happened) they were children, and they have no sense. [dict] t̓əkʷkʷákʷəlx iʔ snínaʔ, sənk̓líp, scəcm̓ílt. The owls, the coyotes, the children are making crying noises. [RAmisc92 002] x̌íləm uɬ t sccmíltəlx iʔ cáwtsəlx. They went on like little kids. [RnTrp 064] See: ccm̓ilt.

sccm̓il̕t   [scəcm̓íl̕t] Morph: s+c•cm̓il̕t. Variant: sccm̓ilt. Etym: √cm̓. children.

Istem. Category: dim. See: ccm̓ilt.

sccm̓íɬc̓aʔ   [scəcm̓íɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+c•cm̓íɬc̓aʔ. Variant: sccmíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √cm̓. a small, edible, animal.

Istem. Category: dim. See: ccam̓aʔt.

sccqcqmix   [səccəqcəqmíx] Morph: sc+cq•cq+mix. Etym: √cq. sccqcqmix: Spotted Lake.

Istem. səccəqcəqmíx. Spotted Lake. [su7q̓im 073]

sccuɬmqn   [scəcúɬəmqən] Morph: s+c•cuɬ+mqn. Etym: √cɬ. sccuɬmqn.

Istem. Category: mName. scəcúɬəmqən. Man's name. [Oct92 099]

scc̓ac̓ás   [scc̓ac̓ás] Morph: sc+c̓[a]•c̓ás. Etym: √c̓s. s.t. of little value picked up or gleaned.

Istem. axáʔ iscc̓aʔc̓ás. I picked this junky thing up. [nb18103.8] See: c̓asám.

scc̓ak   [scəc̓ák] Morph: sc+c̓ak. Etym: √c̓k. s.t. counted.

Istem. See: c̓k(a).

scc̓ák̓aʔ   [scəc̓ák̓aʔ] Morph: sc+c̓ák̓aʔ. Etym: √c̓k̓ʔ. pine cones (used for the final smoking of hides).

Istem. Sp s-c̓c̓íčeʔ (s-č'číc̓eʔ) (s-čč'íc̓eʔ) pine cone (gen.); Cm c̓ək̓l̕ pine cone; Th s/c̓ək̓qín̓keʔ cone (of conifer) (specifically whitebark pine); Li s.c̓ək̓ pine cone (with nuts). paʔpʔáʕ iʔ scəc̓ák̓aʔ. There is no more pitch to the pine cones. [E9]

scc̓asúlaʔxʷ   [cc̓aʔsúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sc+c̓asúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓s. s.t. picked off the ground.

Istem. axáʔ iscc̓aʔsúlaʔxʷ. That's what junk I picked off the ground. [nb18103.9] See: scc̓ac̓ás.

scc̓aʕsnt   [scəc̓áʕsənt] Morph: sc+c̓aʕsnt. Variant: sccaʕsnt. Etym: √c̓ʕsnt. Note: Coyote's way of referring to the stars stars.

Istem. See: sccaʕsnt.

scc̓c̓ʔum   [scc̓əc̓ʔúm] Morph: sc+c̓•c̓[ʔ]um. Etym: √c̓m̓. s.t. narrows.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. t̓i scc̓c̓ʔúˑˑm sc̓x̌ilx t̓əcxʷúy, t̓i ck̓aʔtmíntəm məɬ ƛ̓lap. Something narrow-like is coming, it comes close, then it stops. [nb2569.5] See: c̓c̓ʔum.

scɣiy   [scɣiy] Morph: sc+ɣy. Etym: √ɣy. weaving.

Istem. wiʔstis i scɣiys. She's finished her weaving. [nb22.52a] See: ɣiy.

schikst   [schikst] Morph: s+chikst. Etym: √ch. right hand (facing hand?)

Istem. Sp chéčst the right hand, the right side; Cm k‑ch‑akst, skchákst right side, right hand. k̓a schikst mi kʷəskʷíst iʔ sk̓ʷənk̓ʷánt. They hold the [stick game] bone in the right hand. [pd09]

scix̌cx̌t   [scíx̌cəx̌t] Morph: s+cix̌•cx̌+t. Etym: √cx̌. heat.

Istem. Category: +t. lut myaɬ kscíx̌cəx̌ts. Not too hot. [drymd 011] uɬ axáʔ c̓ík̓ək̓ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷá lut t̓ul̕ iʔ scíx̌cəx̌t. The fire burned. You see, it was hot. [lp247] See: cix̌cx̌t.

scix̌ʷ   [scix̌ʷ] Morph: scix̌ʷ. Etym: √scx̌ʷ. slate rocks. Morph: scix̌ʷ.

Istem. lut mat k̓aʔkín, axáʔ mət aláʔ cənqʷəʔúl̕axʷ, aláʔ cscix̌ʷ. I don't think they went anywhere far. Maybe they're in that hollow, in those slate rocks. [BJSeym 186]

scix̌ʷɬkʷ   [scix̌ʷɬkʷ] Morph: s+cix̌ʷɬkʷ. Etym: √cx̌ʷɬ. scix̌ʷɬkʷ: the rapids in the Columbia River that are known as the Little Dalles. Lit: swift water

Istem. Cr s+céx̌ʷ[t]kʷeʔ Spokane Falls, Spokane, Wash.; Sh √cix̌ʷ - k̓ʷəɬ-cəx̌ʷ-cix̌ʷ waterfall; Th √cəx̌ʷ drip, flow; Li cíx̌ʷ-əx̌ʷ to stream down (liquid).

sciʔíx   [sciʔíx] Morph: s+ci[ʔ]íx. Etym: √cx. heat.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. náx̌əmɬ k̓aʔítət, uɬ way̓ t̓i ʔanwís iʔ sciʔíxs He got closer, and he started feeling the heat. [Dvl 312] See: cix.

sckakʔámnm   [səckakʔámnəm] Morph: sc+ka•kʔá+m+n+m. Etym: √kʔ. the one or ones being ridiculed, humiliated or derided.

nTstem. Category: +n+m. kʷu səckakʔámnəm. We’re being humiliated. [E16] See: kakʔám.

sckaʔkícm   [səckaʔkícəm] Morph: sc+kaʔ•kíc+m. Etym: √kc. one who is visited often; find.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. kʷu səckaʔkícəms. He keeps coming to my house. [newles 292] See: kaʔkíc.

sckicx   [sckicx] Morph: sc+kic+x. Etym: √kc. one's arrival; one's having come.

Istem. Category: +x. ixíʔ uɬ way̓ ʔasíl sckicxs. And he had came twice. [lpb364] See: kicx.

sckƛ̓aʔám   [sckƛ̓aʔám] Morph: sc+k+ƛ̓aʔá+m. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔ. the one(s) to be fetched.

nMstem. Category: +am. kʷu sckʷúlstəm iʔ t ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áptət uɬ iʔ kʷ sckƛ̓aʔám. Our elders sent us, and you are what we came after. [Whal 440] ʔkin iʔ sckƛ̓aʔámp. Where is the one you went to get? [dict] See: ƛ̓aʔá.

sckm̓ax̌n   [sckm̓áx̌ən] Morph: sc+km̓ax̌n. Etym: √km̓. kidnapped.

Istem. uɬ iwá siws axáʔ ilíʔ k̓əm a cxʷəlˑxʷált iʔ sck̓máx̌ən. And he asked the kidnapped ones that were still alive. [Whal 144] xʷʔiˑˑt nák̓ʷəm iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sckm̓áx̌əns. He has lots of people kidnapped. [Whal 191] See: km̓ax̌n.

sck̓is   [sck̓is] Morph: sc+k̓is. Etym: √k̓s. brush or twigs that have been piled.

Istem. stx̌ʷix̌ʷáyqənsəlx iʔ sccáʕscəlx iʔ sck̓íscəlx iʔ slíp̓səlx. They piled all kinds of branches, all kinds of twigs, wood. [lpb233] See: k̓is.

sck̓k̓níyaʔm   [səck̓k̓níyaʔm] Morph: sc+k̓•k̓níyaʔ+m. Etym: √k̓nyʔ. the one or ones being eavesdropped on.

Istem. kʷu səck̓k̓níyaʔm. Somebody is eavesdropping on us. [E16] See: k̓k̓níyaʔ.

sck̓ɬpaʔx̌   [sck̓ɬpaʔx̌] Morph: sc+k̓ɬ+paʔx̌. Etym: √px̌. thoughts.

Istem. See: k̓ɬpaʔx̌(á).

sck̓ɬp̓ap̓áʕʔ   [sck̓ɬp̓ap̓áʕʔ] Morph: sc+k̓ɬ+p̓a•p̓áʕʔ. Etym: √p̓ʔ. to milk a cow.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ kʷu ksck̓əɬp̓ap̓áʕʔ kʷu k̓əɬp̓aʔp̓ʔʕám uɬ tumístməntəm iʔ skɬck̓áp. Snd we had milk cows, and we could milk them and sell the cream. [AutPS 265] See: p̓aʔ.

sckʷam   [sckʷam] Morph: s+ckʷa+m. Etym: √ckʷ. pulling.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. sckʷam. Pulling. [nb24-03 001] See: ckʷ.

sckʷanx̌n   [sckʷanx̌ṇ] Morph: sc+kʷanx̌n. Etym: √kʷn. kidnapped.

Istem. way̓ taɬt mat ixíʔ i sckʷánx̌ən axáʔ iʔ st̓aʔk̓míx təl səny̓álmən. I bet that's the kidnapped one the girl from Montana. [Whal 150] See: kʷanx̌n.

sckʷaqs   [sckʷaqs] Morph: s+ckʷaqs. Etym: √ckʷ. dragged.

Istem. məɬ ixíʔ təl sʔiwt ɬtər̓qəntísəlx axáʔ a sckʷaqsc. And from behind they kick what they are dragging. [GDd1 053] See: ckʷaqs.

sckʷiskʷst   [sckʷískʷəst] Morph: sc+kʷis•kʷs+t. Etym: √kʷs. what one holds.

Istem. Category: +t. asckʷískʷəst. What you are holding. [nb1887.1] See: ckʷiskʷst.

sckʷliwt   [sckʷliwt] Morph: s+c+kʷl+iwt. Etym: √kʷl. one's way of living.

Istem. uɬ ʕapnáʔ ʕác̓ənt, iʔ sckʷlíwtət way̓ ct̓íxʷləm ʕapnáʔ, aɬíʔ iʔ x̌əcnúmtəntət way̓ kʷúkʷaʔ. Now look, the way we live now is different, our clothes are different. [gregory 014] See: kʷliwt.

sckʷnt   Morph: s+ckʷ+nt. Etym: √ckʷ. to drag s.t. toward here.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ah cun way̓, way̓ ixíʔ scəkʷəntís kʷu scəkʷkʷíɬc̓aʔms uɬ aɬíʔ sílxʷaʔ. He said ok, and then we dragged it, because it's big. [HnTrp 302] See: ckʷ.

sckʷnwaxʷ   [sckʷənwáxʷ] Morph: s+ckʷ+nwaxʷ. Etym: √ckʷ. tug-of-war.

Istem. Category: +nwaxʷ. See: ckʷnwixʷ.

sck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷáʔ   [sck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷáʔ] Morph: sc+k̓ʷaʔ•k̓ʷáʔ. Etym: √k̓ʷʔ. what one bites.

Istem. nq̓aʔmíw̓s iʔ sck̓ʷak̓ʷáʔtət. We are chewing a sandwich. [E72.4] See: k̓ʷaʔ.

sck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷʔám   [sck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷʔám] Morph: sc+k̓ʷaʔ•k̓ʷʔá+m. Etym: √k̓ʷʔ. what is being bitten or chewed.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. isck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷʔám. What I’m biting. [nb18114.4] See: sck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷáʔ.

sck̓ʷl̕scq̓iln   [sck̓ʷəl̕scq̓ílən] Morph: sc+k̓ʷl̕+s+cq̓iln. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕, √cq̓. arrow work.

Istem. iʔ sck̓ʷəl̕scq̓ílən. Arrow work. [dict] See: k̓ʷul̕; cq̓iln.

sck̓ʷul̕   [sck̓ʷul̕] Morph: s+c+k̓ʷúl̕. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. what one makes or does; one's work; one's job.

Istem. səck̓ʷúl̕tət. What we made. [su7q̓im 177b] way̓ límləmt isqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa, iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕əmp wíkɬmən ʕapnáʔ. Thank you my children, I have seen what you do now. [mychildr 251] tack̓líʔ kiʔ put asckʷʼúl̕. You did it the right way. [nb26-07 006] uɬ stim̓ ixíʔ iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s. And what work does he do? [dict] x̌stmíntp iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕əmp. You like your jobs. [dict] q̓íx̌x̌əms iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s uɬ t̓əxʷ iʔ sc̓íɬəns. He didn't want to leave his work and his food. xʷíc̓əxtməlx iʔ t ksck̓ʷúl̕səlx. They had given them a job. [dict] kʷu səcƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔmíxaʔx iʔ t ksck̓ʷúl̕tət. We are looking for a job. [dict] stim̓ anx̌mínk aksck̓ʷúl̕. What do you want for a job? [dict] See: k̓ʷul̕.

sck̓ʷúl̕aʔst   [sck̓ʷúl̕aʔst] Morph: sc+k̓ʷúl̕aʔst. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. the weapon one makes; the arrows one fixes.

Istem. isck̓ʷúl̕aʔst. My fixings, what I fixed. [nb08 155] way̓ ksk̓əlxʷəmstís axáʔ iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕aʔsts. It took him one day to fix his bow and arrow and his snow shoes. [BJSeym 122] See: sck̓ʷul̕.

sck̓ʷúl̕l̕   [sck̓ʷúl̕l̕] Morph: s+c+k̓ʷul̕•l̕. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. one's being born; one's birth.

Istem. tl asck̓ʷúl̕l̕. From your birth. [nb08 773] uɬ ixíʔ kʷa l isck̓ʷúl̕l̕. It's when I was born. [Hrvst 224] təl isck̓ʷúl̕l̕ kən pəx̌páx̌t. I have been smart since I was born. [nb1896.13] təl sck̓ʷul̕l̕s iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, lut iʔ t sqilxʷ kəm̓ t stim̓ kʷu t̓ə ckʷənnústs. Since the world was made, there is no person or thing that can catch me. [dict] təl isck̓ʷul̕l̕, təl istaʔxʷspx̌páx̌t, lut swit kʷu t̓ə ck̓əɬxaʔtxtís. From the time I was born, from the time I got my senses, nobody could step in front of me. [dict] See: k̓ʷul̕l̕.

sclak̓   [sclak̓] Morph: sc+lak̓. Etym: √lk̓. prisoner.

Istem. isclák̓. What I tied; my prisoner. [nb08 678] ʕapnáʔ c̓x̌iɬt kʷ t sclak̓. Now you are like a prisoner. [gl129] See: lak̓.

sclkstasq̓t   [scəlkstásq̓t] Morph: s+clkstasq̓t. Etym: √cl. Friday.

Istem. niʕ̓íp i l ʔasíl scəlkstásq̓t ki kʷu x̌aq̓q̓. We always get paid every second Friday. [newles 302] See: cilkst.

sclkstilxʷ   [scəlkstilxʷ] Morph: s+clkstilxʷ. Etym: √cl. five animals.

Istem. sclkstilxʷ. Five animals. [dict] See: cilkst.

scɬcuɬm   [scəɬcúɬəm] Morph: s+cɬ•cuɬ+m. Etym: √cɬ. bulls.

Istem. way̓ axáʔ iʔ t sməsməspíntk iʔ t q̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕy iʔ t scəɬcúɬəm. Then the four year old bulls. [Whal 485] ixíʔ iʔ scəɬcúɬəm nixʷ cənpanuʔscút. Bulls buck too. [nb18243.1] See: scuɬm.

scɬkmix   [səcɬkmíx] Morph: sc+ɬk+mix. Etym: √ɬk. a brush stand.

Istem. Category: +mix. səcɬkmíx. Brush (by itself, away from the swamp). See: ɬk2.

scɬɬat̓   [scɬəɬat̓] Morph: sc+ɬ•ɬat̓. Etym: √ɬt̓. fish catch; what one caught fishing.

Istem. xʷʔit iʔ xʷəxʷm̓ínaʔ iscɬəɬat̓, uɬ naqs iʔ k̓əɬt̓wáq. I caught lots of trout, and one broke off (the stringer). [E38-9] See: ɬt̓.

scƛ̓axʷ   [scƛ̓axʷ] Morph: sc+ƛ̓axʷ. Etym: √ƛ̓xʷ. killing; what one has killed.

Istem. ksmysxʷaʔtmíxaʔx iscƛ̓ax̌ʷ I want to kill more and more. [CoGrSy 560] See: ƛ̓axʷ.

scƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔám   [səcƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔám] Morph: sc+ƛ̓aʔ•ƛ̓ʔá+m. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔ. the one or ones being sought.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. kʷu səcƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔám. Somebody is looking for us. [E16] See: ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔá.

scƛ̓ʔam   [scƛ̓ʔam] Morph: sc+ƛ̓ʔam. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔ. what one fetches.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. cúsəlx, way̓ kʷ scƛ̓ʔam, axáʔ iʔ kʷ a ilmíxʷəm. They said to him, "We've come after you boss." [Whal 492] See: ƛ̓aʔ.

scmíɬc̓aʔ   [scmíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+cmíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √cm. baby sheep.


scmkʷin   [scəmkʷín] Morph: sc+m+kʷin. Etym: √kʷn ?. a song.

Istem. aláʔ ki taʔxʷkʷúnəm iʔ scəmkʷíns. There he sang his song. [cobuf3] See: confirm.

scmrim   [scmrim] Morph: sc+mrim. Etym: √mrm. marriage; wedding.

Istem. axáʔ iʔ l scmrim, ɬaʔ ctaʔxʷɬtkəɬmílxʷ t̓əxʷ axáʔ iʔ sqəltmíxʷ. About marriage, when a man, gets a woman. [MarryPS 002] iʔ l scmrim. At the wedding. [dict]

scmrimst   [scmrimst] Morph: sc+mrim+st. Etym: √mrm. recovery.

Istem. Category: +st i. cus lútiʔ t iswiʔnúmt iʔ t iscmrímst. I'm not put together yet, finished with my medicine. [LynxS 267] See: scmrim.

scmyínaʔm   [səcmínaʔm] Morph: sc+myínaʔ+m. Etym: √my. what one knows.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. ixíʔ nak̓ʷá incá isəcmínaʔm. You see, I do not really know. [lpb150] See: myn(a).

scm̓álaʔ   [səcm̓álaʔ] Morph: s+cmálaʔ. Etym: √cm̓. youngster.

Istem. mat axáʔ ixíʔ wíksəlx axáʔ iʔ x̌əsx̌ást iʔ səcm̓álaʔ iʔ smaʔmʔím. They must have seen these good looking young women. [bfp14] See: sccm̓álaʔ.

scm̓aʔm̓áyaʔ   [scm̓aʔm̓áyaʔ] Morph: s+c+m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ. Etym: √m̓yʔ. school(ing); student.

Istem. ṇpƛ̓mus iʔ scm̓aʔm̓áyaʔsəlx. They finished their school. [dict] uɬ ṇpƛ̓mús iʔ scm̓aʔm̓ayaʔ, way̓ t̓əxʷ sqípc, way̓ taʔmúlaʔxʷ. School was over, it's early spring, the snow is all gone. [dict] way̓ cxárkstəmstmən axáʔ iscm̓aʔm̓áyaʔ. I'm wasting your time, (you whom) I'm teaching. [dict]

scm̓ilt   [scm̓ilt] Morph: s+cm̓ilt. Etym: √cm̓. child, children.


scm̓íɬc̓aʔ   [scm̓íɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+cm̓íɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √cm̓. female or young mountain sheep.


scnc̓iw̓m   [scənc̓íw̓ṃ] Morph: s+c+n+c̓iw̓+m. Etym: √c̓w̓. a bowl.

Istem. scənc̓íw̓ms iʔ sənʔácqaʔtn. Toilet bowl. [nb26-08 015]

scnpkʷilk̓   [scənpkʷílk̓] Morph: s+c+n+pkʷilk̓. Etym: √pkʷ. what one has placed, poured, piled on a surface.

Istem. t̓k̓ʷəntís ixíʔ iʔ scənpkʷílk̓əs, t̓i k̓im iʔ sc̓íms. She put down what she had gathered [on the hide], nothing but bones. [dc66]

scnq̓aʔíls   [cənq̓aʔíls] Morph: s+c+n+q̓aʔ+ils. Etym: √q̓ʔ. one's problem, business, proposal.

Istem. Category: +ils. ɬaʔ kən cpaʔpaʔsílx, uɬ xʷʔit iscənq̓aʔíls, lut kən t̓ə ʔatətxiʔst uɬ x̌lap. I had lots of worries and couldn't sleep til morning. [misc 115] uɬ stim̓ scənq̓aʔílsəmp ki kʷu ctxʷúyməntp, kʷu cənppílxməntp. What is your business that you came to me, into my house? [nb1252.2] aˑˑ cúsəlx, way̓ kʷu csysúykstməstxʷ, stim̓ ascənq̓aʔíls. They said to him, "You are getting us chilled, what is troubling you?" [CoGrSy 621] iʔ kscənq̓aʔílstət iʔ ksck̓ʷúl̕tət. Our proposed project. [nb26-70 010]

scnsámaʔcn   [scənsámaʔcən] Morph: s+c+n+sámaʔcn. Etym: √smʔ. language arts.

Istem. c̓x̌iɬ taʔkín iʔ snwists ascənsámaʔcn. How high is your English Language grade? [newles 282]

scnt̓aqʷ   [scənt̓áqʷ] Morph: s+c+n+t̓aqʷ. Etym: √t̓qʷ. plate licking.

Istem. aɬíʔ iʔ scənt̓áqʷ kmix iʔ sck̓ʷul̕sts. Because licking plates is the only work he likes. [dict] staʔ, lut, x̌aʔsáqsmən iʔ scənt̓áqʷ. Oh, no, I'd rather lick plates. [dict]

scnt̓piw̓s   [scənt̓píw̓s] Morph: sc+n+t̓piw̓s. Etym: √t̓p. s.t. draped in front.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ ʔasíl iʔ scənt̓píw̓sc, uɬ ixíʔ iʔ qáqxʷəlx nppilx ilíʔ. And these two (things) that he had draped in front, the fish enter there. [lb15] See: confirm.

scnwlíɬc̓aʔ   [scnwulíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+c+n+wlíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √wl. dug out.

Istem. scnwulíɬc̓aʔ. Dug out. [OkB]

scnwy̓qin   [scənwiʔqín] Morph: sc+n+wy̓qin. Etym: √wy̓. to stop growing.

Istem. axáʔ iʔ l scənwiʔqíns ixíʔ ɬaʔ cpíx̌əm kiʔ ixíʔ náʔx̌ʷaʔst t səmx̌íkən After he stopped growing and he was hunting, his game got away from him, a grizzly. [AutPS 067]

scnʔayxʷiw̓s   [scənʔayxʷíw̓s] Morph: s+c+n+ʔayxʷiw̓s. Etym: √ʔyxʷ. to trade.

Istem. scənʔayxʷíw̓s. Trade. [nb26-40 005]

scnʔiys   [scənʔíys] Morph: s+c+n+ʔiys. Etym: √ʔys. to purchase.

Istem. iʔ fan ascənʔíys, xʷuystxʷ k̓ asənɬq̓ʷútən Take the fan you bought to your bedroom. [newles 242]

scpaʔpík   [scpaʔpík] Morph: sc+paʔ•pík. Etym: √pk. boards, lumber.

Istem. iʔ scpaʔpík. Lots of boards. [newles 265]

scpkʷúlaʔxʷ   [scpkʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+c+pkʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pkʷ. seed grain.

Istem. kʷ tiwm t akscpkʷúlaʔxʷ. You bought some seed grain. [nb26-41 016]

scp̓ayq   [scp̓ayq] Morph: sc+p̓ayq. Etym: √p̓y̓q. cooked food.

Istem. náx̌əmɬ iʔ sənc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ iʔ kʷukʷús iʔ ʔaʔúsaʔ ixíʔ scp̓ayq. But hot cakes, bacon, eggs, that's cooked. [GDd1 538]

scqascí   [scqascí] Morph: sc+qascí. Etym: √qsc ?. Variant: scqascíɬn. 1 • scqascí: the Little Falls area on the Spokane River.


2 • Istem. scqascí: the former village site on the north side of the river. Lit: root-digging food ?

Istem. See: scqascíɬn.

scqascíɬn   [scqascíɬən] Morph: s+c+qasc+íɬn. Etym: √qsc ?. Variant: scqascí. scqascíɬn: one of the names given to the Little Falls area on the Spokane River and more particularly to the former village site on the north side of the river. Lit: root-digglng food (?)

Istem. scqascíɬn. Place name. [BK115]

scqitkʷ   [scqitkʷ] Morph: s+cqitkʷ. Etym: √cq. scqitkʷ: Twin Lakes; two connected lakes about 8 miles south of Inchelium.

Istem. scqitkʷ. Twin Lakes. [nb1833.12] See: sqitkʷ.

scqw̓scinm   [scqəw̓scínəm] Morph: s+cqw̓scin+m. Etym: √cq. interruption in talk.

Istem. scqəw̓scínəm. Interference in speaking. [nb25-27 015]

scq̓cq̓am   [scəq̓cq̓ám] Morph: s+cq̓•cq̓a+m. Etym: √cq̓. thunder.

Mstem. Category: +am. t̓i cləx̌ʷəncút, məɬ nis c̓x̌iɬ t iʔ scəq̓cq̓ám. They'll be making noise and be gone, like thunder. [gregory 093]

scq̓islp̓   [scq̓ísəlp̓] Morph: s+cq̓islp̓. Etym: √cq̓. a tree hit by lightning.


scq̓q̓am   [scq̓əq̓ám] Morph: sc+q̓•q̓am. Etym: √q̓m. pills.


scqʷaʔqʷʔál   [scqʷaʔqʷʔál] Morph: sc+qʷaʔ•qʷʔál. Etym: √qʷl. a spoken agreement.

Istem. uɬ way̓ kʷu k̓əwpmínti, ixíʔ kʷa iʔ scqʷaʔqʷʔáltət Stop talking to me like that, that's what we agreed. [AutPS 382]

scqʷilpm   [scqʷílpəm] Morph: scqʷilp+m. Etym: √qʷy. ??


scqʷlqʷilt   [scqʷəlqʷílt] Morph: s+c+qʷl•qʷil+t. Etym: √qʷl. a word; what is said.

Istem. Category: +t. ɬʔumnt iʔ scqʷlqʷilt. Say again the word. [newles 272] əɬʔaʔúmnt iscqʷlqʷílt. Repeat all what I said. [newles 273]

scq̓ʷl̕iw̓s   [scq̓ʷl̕iw̓s] Morph: sc+q̓ʷl̕iw̓+s ? Etym: √q̓ʷl̕w. berry picking.

Istem. c̓q̓mis iʔ scq̓ʷl̕íw̓sc. He threw the berries he'd picked. [chipdd 009]

scq̓ʷy̓mncut   [scq̓ʷəy̓məncút] Morph: sc+q̓ʷy̓+mncut. Etym: √q̓ʷy. a (western) dance.

Istem. Category: sc+. ka cxʷuy̓ k̓əl scq̓ʷəy̓məncút. When she goes to the dance. [GDd2 518] See: q̓ʷy̓mncut.

scslikst   [scslikst] Morph: sc+slikst. Etym: √sl. a bastard.

Istem. scsəlíkst. Bastard. [nb08 297]

sctxt̓am   [sctxt̓am] Morph: sc+t+xt̓a+m. Etym: √xt̓. to be s.o.'s charge.

Mstem. kʷu səctxt̓ám. We’re being looked after. [E16] uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ xʷaʔspíntk kiʔ sctxt̓áməlx iʔ t səsíʔs. It's many years that their uncle takes care of them. [lnxbdga 078]

sctxt̓minm   [səctxt̓mínəm] Morph: sc+t+xt̓+min+m. Etym: √xt̓. one who is being looked after.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. axáʔ isəctxt̓mínəm. That's the one I look after. [E16]

sct̓aʕp   [sct̓aʕp] Morph: sc+t̓aʕp. Etym: √t̓ʕp. what one has shot.

nIstem. ʔasíl isct̓áʕp. I shot two. [nb2548.6]

scucɬmqn   [scúcɬəmqən] Morph: s+cu•cɬmqn. Variant: s+c•cuɬ+mqn. Etym: √cɬ. scucɬmqn.

Istem. Category: mName.

scuɬm   [scúɬəm] Morph: s+cuɬ+m. Etym: √cɬ. bull.

Istem. Sp s-cúɬ-m bull; Cm s‑cuɬm bull; Cr s+cúɬ+m bull, steer.

scunm   [scúnəm] Morph: s+cun+m. Etym: √cn. what one says.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. kʷa iscúnəm kʷaʕtá sanəpəpíc uɬ kʷa ʕimt uɬ iʔ kʷu pulsts. I said goddam sonofabitch and he got mad and he licked me. [nb08 607] See: cu(n).

scúnmaʔ   [scúnmaʔ] Morph: s+cúnmaʔ. Etym: √cn. account.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ k̓əɬxiʔúsə[st] sənk̓líp iʔ t scúnmaʔs It went just the way they told Coyote. [Whal 206] See: cúnmaʔ.

scut1   [scut] Morph: s+cut. Etym: √ct. what one says.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ nixʷ inktáxʷ, ixíʔ iscút. This is what I give to boot, this is what I said;. [Whal 540] See: cut.

+scut2   [scut] Morph: +scut. suffix with reflexive or self-directed import.

dafx. Category: dsfx. cakʷməscút. To play hard to get. [nb24-03 006] kɬwscút. To part. [dict] kwkscút. To be lucky. [dict] k̓ʷck̓ʷcscut. To strain hard. [newles 098] ɬaqʷmaʔscút. He admitted error. [nb26-09 007] nƛ̓əx̌cənscút. To say s.t. louder. [nb26-03 003] smaʔscút. To act like a white. [nb26-23 017] pəlscút. To kill oneself. [dict] npəx̌pəx̌cnscút. To talk smart. [newles 262] qəm̓scút. To take one's time. [nb08 745] qymuʔsscút. To cross oneself. [dict] xrəmscút. To waste time. [nb25-48 009] txt̓məscút. To be careful. [nb26-65 024] nt̓inaʔscút. To dispute one's word. [dict] k̓ɬwinaʔscút. To have things ready. [HnTrp 010] xaʔtəmscút. To go first. [Dvl 072] xʷiscútən. A guide. [2gts 036] im̓m̓əscút. To be helpless. [nb23 044] ʔaluʔscút. To gather together. [dict] See: +ncut; +cut; +st2.

scwic̓   [scwic̓] Morph: sc+wic̓. Etym: √wc̓. what is dug; roots.

Istem. Category: sc+. axáʔ iʔ síyaʔ, axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, axáʔ iʔ qáqxʷəlx, axáʔ iʔ scwic̓. The saskatoons, the deer, the fish, the roots. [su7q̓im 215] See: wic̓.

scwic̓m   [scwíc̓əm] Morph: sc+wic̓+m. Etym: √wc̓. root-digging time.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. k̓əɬkícx iʔ scwíc̓əm, məɬ ixíʔ tíxʷsəlx iʔ scwic̓. When it was time to dig, they gathered the roots. [WA1-19] See: scwic̓.

scwil̕cn   [scwíl̕cən] Morph: sc+wil̕cn. Etym: √wl̕. a joke.

Istem. kiʔláwna ɬaʔ kscwíl̕cən. Andrew's book of jokes. [misc 234] See: wil̕cn.

scwncut   [scuwəncút] Morph: s+cw+ncut. Etym: √cw. a person preparing to go on a spirit quest; a person training (to go on a spirit quest).

Istem. Category: +ncut. scuwəncút. He goes out on a quest. [nb20.103] See: cwncut.

scwnstilt   [scunstílt] Morph: s+cw+nstílt. Etym: √cw. to prepare for a sacred experience, a quest.

Istem. cúntəm iʔ sqilxʷ scunstílt, məɬ kʷúlstəm iʔ sqʷsqʷsíʔtət. We call it Indian child training, and we send our children. [mychildr 108] See: scwncut.

scwnstiltm   [scunstíltəm] Morph: s+cwn+stilt+m. Etym: √cwn. a youngster goes on a quest.

Mstem. See: scwnstilt.

scwy̓ay̓   [scwiʔáy̓] Morph: sc+wy̓•ay̓. Etym: √wy̓. s.t. finished.

Istem. scwiʔáy̓. Something finished. [nb22.39a] Category: Inch. See: way̓.

scw̓iw̓sx   [səcw̓íw̓sx] Morph: sc+w̓i•w̓sx. Etym: √ws. scw̓iw̓sx (place name). Lit: narrow piece of land across the lake


scxaʔtálqʷ   [scxaʔtálqʷ] Morph: sc+xaʔtálqʷ. Etym: √xt. kick stick of the stick game.


scxʷikʷ   [scxʷikʷ] Morph: sc+xʷikʷ. Etym: √xʷkʷ. a hide; what one has tanned.

Istem. ixíʔ kəlk̓ícaʔntəm iʔ l scxʷikʷs uɬ wíkʷəntəm. And she wrapped her in that hide and hid her. [lnxbdga 151] See: xʷikʷ.

scxʷuy   [səcxʷúy] Morph: s+c+xʷuy. Etym: √xʷy. 1 • going.

Istem. ixíʔ cənw̓aʔpmús iʔ scxʷúys. He's going backwards. [nb27-41 009] x̌ast ascxʷúy. Good going! [newles 057] np̓əƛ̓máqsən iscxʷúy. I have gone as far as I can. [newles 306]

2 • Istem. way of life.

Istem. incá isəcxʷúy lut t̓a cənɬíptəmstən. I will not forget my way of life. [E18] See: xʷuy.

scxʷuyytn   [scxʷúyitṇ] Morph: sc+xʷuy•y+tn. Etym: √xʷy. one's travels.

Istem. Category: +tn. náx̌əmɬ way̓ mat pəx̌páx̌t, uɬ mʕ̓an lkʷut iʔ scxʷúy̓itənsəlx. But he must be smart, and they come from a long ways. [GDd1 580] See: scxʷuy.

scx̌cx̌cut   [scx̌əcx̌cút] Morph: sc+x̌c•x̌cut. Etym: √x̌c. companions; who one has kept company with.

Istem. Sp √x̌c partners, companions; hi-s-x̌c-út my companion; Cr x̌ec+út companion. way t̓i lut mat nák̓ʷəm t̓ə kscx̌əcx̌cút. I guess he didn’t have anybody with him. [lpb223] See: sx̌cut.

scx̌stwilx   [scx̌əstwílx] Morph: sc+x̌s+t+wilx. Etym: √x̌s. one's recovery.

Istem. Category: +wilx. uɬ lut way̓ ha ascx̌əstwílx. Aren't you getting better? [lnx2 263] See: x̌stwilx.

scx̌ʷil   [scx̌ʷil] Morph: sc+x̌ʷil. Etym: √x̌ʷl. what one has discarded.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ iʔ t sq̓ʷəɬqnísəlp̓ t̓əxʷ iʔ t scx̌ʷil axáʔ ia nk̓əmqníɬxʷ. And with that smoked piece of tipi, that's thrown away. [LynxS 237] See: x̌ʷil1.

scx̌ʷill   [scx̌ʷilˑ] Morph: sc+x̌ʷil•l. Etym: √x̌ʷl. what has been discarded.

Istem. ixíʔ sƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔáms axáʔ iʔ t sq̓ʷəɬqnísəlp̓ iʔ t scx̌ʷílˑsəlx. She started looking for the smoked top of the tipi what they threw away. [LynxS 256] See: scx̌ʷil.

scyal̕qn   [sciyál̕qən] Morph: sc+yal̕qn. Etym: √yl̕. scyal̕qn: a very small creek known locally as "George Washington Creek”.

Istem. scyal̕qn. Place name. [BK72]

scyayáx̌aʔ   [scyayáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+c+ya•yáx̌aʔ. Etym: √yx̌ʔ. television.

Istem. tqant iʔ scyayáx̌aʔ. Touch the television! [nb26-33 016]

scyaʕ̓míx   [scyaʕ̓míx] Morph: sc+yaʕ̓+míx. Etym: √yʕ. a gathering.

Istem. Category: sc+^+mix. scyaʕ̓míx. Gathering. [nb9a 200] See: cyaʕ̓.

scyxʷitkʷ   [scixʷítkʷ] Morph: sc+yxʷitkʷ. Etym: √yxʷ. waterfall.

Istem. way̓ t̓i wiˑˑm uɬ way̓ k̓aʔítət k̓əl sx̌ʷnítkʷ, k̓əl scixʷítkʷs. He got close to the Falls, Kettle Falls. [Whal 227] See: yaxʷt.

scʕáycup   [scʕícup, scʕáycup] Morph: s+cʕaycwp. Variant: scʕaycwps. Etym: √cʕycwp ?. scʕáycup: old Kettle Falls (before the construction of the dam); the general area of the town of "Old Kettle Falls," now under water.

Istem. See: scʕaycwp.

scʕaycwp   [scʕáycup, scʕícup] Morph: s+cʕaycwp. Etym: √cʕycwp ?. scʕáycup: old Kettle Falls (before the construction of the dam); the general area of the town of "Old Kettle Falls," now under water.

Istem. scʕaycwp. [BK320] Category: Geog. uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ k̓əl scáʕycup, lut, k̓əl skɬpúpƛ̓əm. At Kettle Falls. No, at Meyers Falls. [Hrvst 038]

scʕaʕác̓   [scʕaʕác̓] Morph: sc+ʕa•ʕác̓. Variant: scʕ̓aʕ̓ác̓. Etym: √ʕ̓c̓. a book.

Istem. scʕaʕác̓. Book. [nb26-10 011] See: ʕác̓.

scʕicwp   [scʕáycup] Morph: s+cʕaycwp. Variant: scʕaycwps. Etym: √cʕycwp ?. scʕicwp: old Kettle Falls (before the construction of the dam); the general area of the town of "Old Kettle Falls," now under water.

Istem. scʕicwp. [BK320]

scʕimt   [scʕaymt] Morph: sc+ʕim+t. Etym: √ʕm. anger; one's being angry.

Istem. Category: +t. nɬíptəms iʔ scʕaymts. He forgot being mad [his anger]. [CSCo60] See: ʕimt.

scʕ̓ac̓   [scʕ̓ac̓] Morph: sc+ʕ̓ac̓. Etym: √ʕc̓. looks.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ iʔ l swanx kmi[x] t̓i sc̓aʕc̓ iʔ l siyáʕ̓. At the war dance, it's only for show at a gathering. [MarryPS 040] See: ʕac̓.

scʕ̓aʕ̓ác̓   [scʕ̓aʕ̓ác̓] Morph: sc+ʕ̓a•ʕ̓ác̓. Variant: scʕaʕac̓; scʕ̓aʔʕ̓ac̓. Etym: √ʕ̓c̓. books.


scʕ̓aʔʕ̓ac̓   [sc̓ʕaʔʕ̓ác̓] Morph: s+c+ʕ̓aʔ•ʕ̓ac̓. Variant: scʕ̓aʕ̓ac̓. Etym: √ʕ̓c̓. books.

Istem. xʷʔit iʔ sc̓ʕaʔʕ̓ác̓ Many books. [nb26-36 009]

scʕʷikst   [scəʕʷíkst] Morph: s+cʕʷikst. Variant: scaʕíkst. Etym: √cʕʷ. fingers. Lit: hand fringe

Istem. Sp s-cowáčst, s-cowéčst finger; Cm s-cʕʷ-ʕʷ-akšt fingers; Cr s+c+céw̓+tmšqn̓čt finger (little or fourth); see Sh s-cuʕʷ stripe; Th √cúʕʷ striped; Li s.cuʕʷ stripe. See: scʕʷxan.

scʕʷxan   [scəʕʷxán] Morph: s+cʕʷxan. Etym: √cʕʷ. toes. Lit: foot fringe

Istem. See: scʕʷikst.

scʔaɬʔíɬn   [sc̓aɬʔíɬən] Morph: sc+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. Etym: √ʔɬn. food; what one eats.

Istem. təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, kən ksupúlaʔxʷ t ack̓ʷúl̕stən l scʔaqʷ ksc̓aɬʔíɬns inkəwʔwáp. Land, I have hay that I make in summer and my horses can eat. [su7q̓im 235] See: ʔaɬʔíɬn.

scʔamnám   [səc̓amnám] Morph: sc+ʔamná+m ? Etym: √ʔm. the one who has been fed; the ones who have been fed.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. kʷu səc̓amnám. He's feeding us, we've been fed. [nb26-51 002] kʷu səc̓amnámlx. They're feeding us, we've been fed. [nb26-51 004] See: ʔamnám.

scʔamtílt   [scaʔmtílt] Morph: sc+ʔamtílt. Etym: √ʔm. young unmarried woman. Lit: sits here

Istem. See: ʔamút.

scʔaqʷ   [scʔaqʷ] Morph: s+cʔaqʷ. Etym: √cqʷ. summer.

Istem. See ? Cm paaʔs+c̓aaʔk̓ʷ summer. ʔasíl iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, iʔ tíwɬc̓aʔ naʔɬ pəwálxkən əc̓əɬʔíɬnəlx iʔ t packɬ əl scʔaqʷ la nsc̓íc̓uʔ, aɬíʔ səc̓əlʔilxʷtəlx. Two deer, a doe and a buck, were eating leaves in the summer in the brush, because they were hungry. [misc 201] ixíʔm iʔ l scʔaqʷ mat. Maybe that's during the summer. [su7q̓im 197] təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, kən ksupúlaʔxʷ t ack̓ʷúl̕stən l scʔaqʷ ksc̓aɬʔíɬns inkəwʔwáp. Land, I have hay that I make in summer and my horses can eat. [su7q̓im 235]

scʔawtílt   [scʔawtílt] Morph: sc+ʔawtílt. Etym: √ʔwt. last child.

Istem. See: ʔawtíp.

scʔaʔúm   [sc̓aʔúm] Morph: sc+ʔa•ʔúm. Etym: √ʔm. words.

Istem. sc̓aʔúm. Words, vocabulary lists. [nb26-42 007] See: ʔaʔúm.

scʔikst   [sciʔíkst] Morph: s+cʔikst. Etym: √cʔ. a hand made into a fist; a front leg; a right hand.

Istem. iʔ sciʔíkst uɬ iʔ sc̓uʔxán. The front foot, and the feet. [Butch 004]

scʔiɬn   [sc̓íɬən] Morph: sc+ʔiɬn. Etym: √ɬn. food; groceries.

Istem. Category: +sc. yayʕát iʔ sc̓íɬənsəlx, yayʕát sqilxʷ sʔíɬəns. All their foods were Indian foods. [mychildr 003] ck̓ʷəl̕nústs iʔ ksc̓íɬns iʔ kɬyaʕyáʕt stim̓s. He will earn his food and everything. [mychildr 117] ʔíɬənti ixíʔ iʔ sc̓íɬnəmp. Eat up your food. [Oct92 082] cixntxʷ aksc̓íɬn. You warm up your food. [jan93nb 072] c̓aʔsám Pick up things as birds do. [nb25-41 001] axáʔ aksc̓íɬn This is for you to eat. [newles 181] a cənʔíystxʷ aksc̓íɬən taʔlíʔ nsəlxʷaʔáqsəm The stuff you bought to eat is very expensive. [newles 243] See: ʔiɬn.

scʔístyaʔ   [sc̓ʔístyaʔ] Morph: scʔístyaʔ. Etym: √ʔstyʔ (?). dried matter.

Istem. ʔúˑˑluʔssəlx yayʕát iʔ stim̓s, c̓x̌iɬ ʔaʔúkʷməlx, uɬ təl kl̕əl̕kʷút iʔ t sc̓ʔístyaʔ iʔ t stim̓ t̓əxʷ. kc̓ík̓naʔsəlx uɬ aɬíʔ pʔul. They gathered all his things, they carried things from all around, dried things. They set fire to it and it started smoking. [nb2554.14]

scʔix   [scʔix] Morph: s+c[ʔ]ix. Etym: √cx. warmth; fever.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. k̓aʔítət, uɬ way̓ ʔanwís iʔ scʔixs. He got closer, and he started feeling the heat. [dict] t̓i ʔayxáxaʔ ṇc̓ícən uɬ ʔanwís iʔ scʔixs, axáʔ mat iʔ təl sɬəxʷɬəxʷəncúts uɬ aɬíʔ tla ʔkin mi x̌aʕp. In a little while Wolf felt warm, I guess from his breath, because from where else could the air come. [dict] See: cix.

scʔkinx   [sc̓kinx] Morph: s+c+ʔkin+x. Etym: √ʔkn. why is it; how is it; to be the matter with s.t. or s.o.

Istem. Category: Amalg. uɬ sc̓kinx ƛ̓əm kʷu c̓əx̌ʷxítxʷ. And why is it that you have told us? [AutPS 370] way̓ uɬ kʷ sc̓kínx. What's the matter with you? sc̓kinx iʔ kscʔíɬəntət, uɬ yaʔ ɬ k̓əɬx̌ʷíləntxʷ. Why, that's our eats, and you messed it up. [dict] mat sc̓kinx úɬiʔ kən kstaʔmínaʔ. I don't know how I pulled through the winter. [dict] uɬ haʔ sc̓kinx haʔ, ṇkət̓kt̓úsnəlx, uɬ haʔ ɬctqʷayḷx iʔ t səntk̓íwḷxtṇ. mat way̓ laʔkín sc̓kinx. And what's the matter, I had their heads cut off, and they come down the stairs? Something is the matter. [dict] See: ʔkin.

scʔx̌ilx   [sc̓x̌ilx] Morph: sc+ʔx̌il+x. Etym: √ʔx̌l. that's the reason why.

Istem. Category: Amalg. sc̓x̌ilx ʕapnáʔ kiʔ kʷu niʔʕ̓áʔ aláʔ. That's why we are gathered here. [nb26-49 011] sc̓x̌ilx uɬ i cúɬmən way̓ x̌ast lut iksx̌íləm. That's why I told you it's better I don't do that. [AutPS 241] ixíʔ itlíʔ sc̓x̌ilx ka cx̌minks iʔ skʷərxán iʔ sw̓ar̓ák̓xən kiʔ ksc̓iɬsts. That's why Crane likes Frog and eats them. [frogdd 040] See: ʔx̌il.

scʔx̌iɬ   [sc̓x̌iɬ] Morph: sc+ʔx̌iɬ. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. to be like ...

Istem. Category: Amalg. sc̓x̌iɬ lut l aʔkɬxəwíɬ, məɬ sic yríwaxən[məlx]. Like where there is no road, and then they put their snowshoes on. [BJSeym 1054] See: ʔx̌iɬ.

sc-^2   [səc] Morph: sc-. prefixal component of imperfective middle forms sc-...-m (conjugated with the i- set of person markers).

ipfx. Category: asp.

1 • first person plural patient forms with unmarked third person agent kʷu stem+m (analyzable as passives "we are being Xed"). kʷu səckənxítəm. He's helping us. [nb26-51 015] kʷu səck̓ʷənk̓ʷínəm iʔ t anthropologists. Anthropologists study us. [nb27-10 005] kʷu səck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷúl̕m. He's training us. [nb26-51 017] kʷu səcmaʔm̓áy̓aʔm ɬi ksq̓əy̓ntím iʔ ənqílxʷcən. He's teaching us to write the Indian language [we are being taught]. [misc 025] kʷu səcsíwm. We're being asked. [nb26-71 008] kʷu səc̓amnám t síyaʔ. We're being fed saskatoons. [jan93nb 114] kʷu səc̓amnámlx. They're feeding us. [nb26-51 004]

2 • other persons. səckím̓s. She doesn't like it. [nb24-02 001] kʷu səckənxíts. He's been helping me. [nb26-51 016] sck̓ʷul̕ms. He is fixing them (the beads). [lnx2 035] kʷu səck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷúl̕s. He's training me. [nb26-51 018] səcɬk̓ʷámsəlx. They're stringing them (the beads). [lnx2 039] isəcm̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔm iʔ sqílxʷ ɬi ksq̓əy̓núʔisəlx yaʔ nqílxʷcən. I'm teaching the Indians how to write their language. [misc 029] kʷu səcm̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔms ɬ iksq̓əy̓y̓núnəm iʔ ənqílxʷcən. He's teaching me how to write the Indian language. [misc 026] səcnsáxəms ixíʔ ka nqmnítkʷs. He's trying to cool his drink. [mychildr 048] asəc̓amnám. You're feeding him. [misc 046] ixíʔ kʷ səc̓amnáms. He's feeding you. [misc 00407] kʷu asəc̓amnám. You're feeding me. [nb26-51 010] kʷu səc̓amnámp. You (pl) are feeding me. [nb26-51 011] p səc̓amnáms. He's feeding you (pl). [nb26-51 027] kʷ isəc̓amnám t síyaʔ. I'm feeding saskatoons to you. [jan93nb 109] kʷu səc̓amnáms t síyaʔ. I'm being fed saskatoons by him/her. [jan93nb 111] See: ^-m8.

sc-^3   [səc] Morph: s+c-. prefixal component of the circumfix qt{sc-...-s}.

ipfx. Category: asp. lut kʷu səcƛ̓láps. We don't stop. [GDd1 119] See: ^-s.

sc-^4   [sc, səc] Morph: sc-. prefixal component of the construction sc-...-mix imperfective with present relevance with sense has been X-ing; is X-ing. With weak (unstressed) stems.

ipfx. Category: asp. səccəqcəqmíx. Spotted Lake. [su7q̓im 073] səcɬkmíx. Brush (by itself, away from the swamp). [nb10a 056] səcməqʷqʷmíx. It's snowing. [nb26-42 019] səcməq̓ʷmíx. A mountain. [2gts 037] kən səck̓əɬpaʔx̌míx. I'm still studying it. [blkpg 071] scq̓əxʷəxʷmíxəlx. They are flirting with her. [2gts 066] səcqʷəyqʷəypmíx. It's raining. [nb25-38 007] səcq̓ʷəlmíx. He is roasting it. [nb27-12 006] kən səcwaʔq̓míx. nb26-31 003 I'm staying clear, away. kən scksx̌əlpmíx. I was up all night. [GDd2 432] scyaʕ̓míx. A gathering. [nb9a 200]

sc-^5   [sc, səc] Morph: sc-. prefixal component of sc-...-x imperfective with present relevance with sense has been X-ing; is X-ing. With strong (stressed) stems.

ipfx. Category: asp. ʕapnáʔ pútiʔ kʷ aʔ səccútx kʷ sqilxʷ. You who say you are Indian. [mychildr 119] səccáʕlxəx. She is bathing. [jan93nb 133] kʷ səsc̓íntx. Wat are you saying? [Whal 357] kən səchaʔcínx. I can't eat it. [nb25-70 003] scənk̓əwpílsx. They have got lonesome. [su7q̓im 224] kən səck̓ʷúl̕x. I'm building it, I've been working. [grlhd 144] lut t̓ aláʔ, səck̓ʷul̕x. She is not here, she's working. [newles 215] itlíʔ kiʔ kʷu səck̓ʷúl̕l̕x ʕapnáʔ. That's where now we are born from. [mychildr 072] ʕapnáʔ sic iʔ p səck̓ʷúl̕l̕x. Now you young generation. [mychildr 243] kʷ səck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷúl̕stx. You have been practicing. [newles 059] səck̓ʷəl̕cəncútx. They were cooking. [nb9a 195] kʷu scəlkípx. We've been pit cooking. [cogrzd 086] səcəlkípx. They were pit cooking. [nb9a 195] scəlq̓məncútx. She is still going strong. [CoGrSy 733] səcmaʔmáyaʔxəlx. They are learning. [misc 237] səcknəmqínx. He was blind. [su7q̓im 132] sck̓əɬnəq̓ʷmístx. He is running away. [GDd1 266] scənpəx̌pəx̌cnscútx. He's talking like he's smart. [newles 262] səck̓ɬpəx̌pəx̌ncútx. He's defending himself (covering his tracks). [newles 263] scpíx̌xəlx. They were hunting. [BJSeym 325] kn səcqəlqəlwítx. I am stepping. [jan93nb 018] səcq̓itx. It's raining. [nb26-42 020] səcq̓ʷəl̕líwxəlx. They're picking berries. [lnx2 032] kən sckswitmístx. I'm doing my best. [nb08 744] kʷu səctəkʷtəkʷʔútx. We are traveling around. [GDd2 200] kʷu səcwíklaʔxʷxʷ. We are sightseeing. [GDd2 200] səcwíl̕cnx. She's joking. [nb26-67 004] səcxʷíkʷx. She was tanning hides. [lnx2 151] kən səcxʷilˑwísx. I've been traveling around. [misc 256] kn səcxʷístx. I'm walking now. [jan93nb 017] p scxʷuyx. You are traveling. [GDd2 304] kən səcxʷúyx. I am going. [GDd2 147] way̓ ixíʔ səcxʷúyx. He's going. [newles 030] kʷ scənx̌ílx. You are so scared. [AutPS 095] kʷ scx̌stwílxx. You are feeling better. [newles 072] scx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔx. She dries meat. [LynxS 306] səcniltílsx. He who wants to run away, get out of s.t. [nb26-42 008] scyaʕ̓pqínaʔxəlx. There are lots of people. [nb9a 076] scyaʕ̓pqínxəlx. Lots of people. [nb9a 078] scʕimtx. She is angry. [CoGrSy 733] sc̓kinx. What is the matter, what does he do, how come?, what is the problem. [lnx2 016] sc̓aɬʔíɬnxəlx. grlsdd 175 They are eating s.t. That's why. [scʔx̌ilx.] See: ^-x6.

sc̓alqn   [sc̓alqn] Morph: s+c̓alqn. Etym: √c̓l. seed(s).


sc̓aɬɬt   [sc̓áɬəɬt] Morph: s+c̓aɬ•ɬ+t. Etym: √c̓ɬ. to freeze; to get frozen.

Istem. uɬ cus way̓ cəm̓ kʷ ksc̓áɬəɬt, uɬ way̓ kʷ ʔayx̌ʷt. And he said: "You might freeze, you are tired." [BJSeym 330] cúntəm aláʔ nʔúɬxʷstmən uɬ way̓ lut aksksc̓áɬəɬt. I will put you here and you won't freeze to death. [BJSeym 470] See: sc̓aɬt.

sc̓aɬt   [sc̓aɬɬt] Morph: s+c̓aɬ+t. Etym: √c̓ɬ. the cold (weather).

Istem. Category: +t. xʷárəlx iʔ t sc̓aɬt. They were shivering from the cold. [dict] caʔkʷ lut anwí uɬ ƛ̓áxʷtəlx iʔ t sc̓aɬt, way̓ kwr̓íc̓aʔntxʷəlx. If it weren't for you, they would have died frozen, you made a fire for them. [dict] See: c̓aɬt.

sc̓ámyaʔqn   [sc̓ámyaʔqn] Morph: s+c̓ámyaʔqn. Etym: √c̓m. skull.

Istem. See: sc̓im.

sc̓anwáʕyaʔ   [sc̓anwáʕyaʔ] Morph: s+c̓anwáʕyaʔ. Etym: √c̓nw. handicapped.

Istem. sc̓anwáʕyaʔ. A mentally and physically afflicted person. [nb26-21 00]

sc̓ars   [sc̓ars] Morph: s+c̓ars. Etym: √c̓rs. tall Oregon grape berries (berberis aquifolium).

Istem. Sp s-c̓áls (Ka) oregon grape; Sh sc̓al̕s Oregon grape (the fruit); Th s/c̓ol̕seʔ tall Oregon grape berries... sc̓ars. Oregon grape. [TBK85]

sc̓arsíɬml̕x   [sc̓arsíɬml̕x] Morph: s+c̓rsiɬml̕x. Etym: √c̓rs. Oregon grape bush.

Istem. See: sc̓ars.

sc̓asʔístk   [sc̓asʔístk] Morph: sc+ʔas•ʔístk. Etym: √ʔs. a wintering place.

Istem. ilíʔ ʔístkməlx, iʔ sc̓asʔístk iʔ la nkʷəl̕úlaʔxʷ. They winter there, and the winter places are warm. [WA1.93] See: sʔistk.

sc̓áyaʔ   [sc̓áyaʔ] Morph: s+c̓áyaʔ. Etym: √c̓ʔyʔ (?). dried matter.

Istem. ʔúˑˑluʔssəlx yayʕát iʔ stim̓s, c̓x̌iɬ ʔaʔúkʷməlx, uɬ təl kl̕əl̕kʷút iʔ t sc̓áyaʔ iʔ t stim̓ t̓əxʷ. kc̓ík̓naʔsəlx uɬ aɬíʔ pʔul. They gathered all his things, they carried things from all around, dried things. They set fire to it and it started smoking. [nb2554.14]

sc̓aʕmc̓m   [sc̓áʕmc̓əm] Morph: s+c̓aʕm•c̓m. Variant: sc̓aʕm̓c̓m̓. Etym: √c̓ʕm. boil, carbuncle.

Istem. Sp s-c̓óm̓c̓m carbuncle; Cm s-c̓uum̓-c̓uum̓ boil, blister; Cr s+c̓óm̓+c̓om̓ɬ+t abscess, boil, carbuncle.

sc̓aʕm̓c̓m̓   [sc̓aʕm̓c̓m̓] Morph: s+c̓aʕm̓•c̓m̓. Variant: sc̓aʕmc̓m. Etym: √c̓ʕm. a boil.


sc̓aʔk̓ʷáɬq   [sc̓aʔk̓ʷáɬq] Morph: s+c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬq. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. blossoms.

Istem. aˑ c̓ʔák̓ʷəm axáʔ iʔ patáq, ixíʔ uɬ klíq̓naʔsəlx, níkxnaʔ, qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sc̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqsəlx The potatoes flowered, then they hilled it, the blooms are beautiful. [Dvl 042] See: sc̓ʔak̓ʷ.

sc̓aʔscin̓   [sc̓aʔscin̓] Morph: s+c̓aʔscin̓. Etym: √c̓s. gleaning.

Istem. Ques: this was heard as c̓n̓. Analysis? sc̓aʔsc̓ín̓ Eat what you can get as bird picks up. [nb25-41 007] See: c̓aʔscin̓; c̓asám.

sc̓c̓aʔk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ   [sc̓c̓aʔk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+c̓•c̓aʔk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. Hoelboel’s rock cress (arabis hoelboellii); catchfly (silene menziesii); fringe cup (lithophragma tenella). Lit: flowers on the ground

Istem. See: sc̓ʔak̓ʷ.

sc̓c̓aʔrímqn   [sc̓əc̓aʔrímqən] Morph: s+c̓+c̓aʔrímqn. Etym: √c̓rm. sc̓c̓aʔrímqn (Bill Qualtier).

Istem. Category: mName. sc̓əc̓aʔrímqən. Bill Qualtier. [nb26-77 003]

sc̓c̓kasq̓t   [sc̓əc̓kásq̓ət] Morph: s+c̓•c̓kasq̓t. Etym: √c̓k. calendar. Lit: count days

Istem. sc̓c̓kasq̓t. Calendar. [nb6.138] See: c̓k(a).

sc̓c̓lusnt   [səc̓lúsənt] Morph: s+c̓•c̓lus+nt. Variant: sc̓c̓l̕usnt. Etym: √c̓l. hail.

Istem. sc̓əc̓lúsənt. Hail. [nb6.5] See: sc̓lusnt.

sc̓c̓l̕usnt   [sc̓əc̓l̕úsənt] Morph: s+c̓•c̓l̕usnt. Variant: sc̓c̓lusnt. Etym: √c̓l̕. hail; hailstone(s).

Istem. Sp c̓s-l̕úseʔ hail stones; Cm c̓sll̕úusaʔ hail; Cr s+c̓sl̕úseʔ hail; Sh s-cəs-c̓əs-lól̕se hail (small stones). See: sc̓lusnt.

sc̓c̓milt   [sc̓əc̓mílt] Morph: s+c̓•c̓milt. Variant: sc̓c̓m̓il̕t. Gram: northern form Etym: √c̓m. a doll.

Istem. Category: dim.

sc̓c̓m̓il̕t   [sc̓əc̓m̓il̕t] Morph: s+c̓•c̓m̓il̕t. Variant: sc̓c̓milt. Etym: √c̓m. a doll.

Istem. Sp c̓amóseʔ toy doll. Category: dim.

sc̓c̓m̓íw̓aʔs   [sc̓əc̓míw̓aʔs] Morph: s+c̓•c̓m̓íw̓aʔs. Etym: √c̓m̓. a narrow place.

Istem. Category: dim. sc̓əc̓míw̓aʔs. A narrow place. [nb25-69 001] See: c̓c̓ʔum.

sc̓c̓uʕʷsnt   [sc̓əc̓ʕúsənt] Morph: s+c̓•c̓uʕʷsnt. Etym: √cʕʷsnt. little stars (in narratives, a form attributed to Coyote).

Istem. Category: dim. See: sccaʕsnt.

sc̓c̓w̓xan̓   [sc̓əc̓uʔxán] Morph: s+c̓wxan. Etym: √c̓w. a little shoe, foot, leg.

Istem. Category: dim. sc̓uʔxán, sc̓əc̓uʔxán̓. Foot, little foot. [Omak] cut t̓əxʷ sc̓c̓uʔxán̓ She said the little leg. [chipdd 054] See: sc̓w̓xan.

sc̓c̓ʔak̓ʷ   [sc̓əc̓ʔák̓ʷ] Morph: s+c̓•c̓ʔak̓ʷ. Etym: √c̓kʷ. little flower; little blossom.

Istem. Category: dim. ixíʔ iʔ spəplím̓cəns, xʷəm̓ t̓i sc̓əc̓ʔák̓ʷ. Her little mouth is like a little flower. [nb26-34 008] See: sc̓ʔak̓ʷ.

sc̓ík̓k̓laʔxʷ   [sc̓ik̓ək̓laʔxʷ] Morph: s+c̓ík̓•k̓laʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓k̓. forest fire, burned land.

Istem. See: c̓ík̓laʔxʷ.

sc̓il̕   [sc̓il̕] Morph: s+c̓il̕. Etym: √c̓l̕. shade.

Istem. Cm c̓al̕-n I shaded s.t.; Cr c̓il̕ outline, shadow. sc̓il̕. Shade. [dict] See: c̓l̕.

sc̓il̕c̓lt   [sc̓ílc̓əlt] Morph: s+c̓il̕•c̓l+t. Etym: √c̓l̕. ugliness; frightening looks; mean looks.

Istem. Category: +t. lut t̓ t̓ul iʔ t sk̓asts iʔ t sc̓íl̕c̓əl̕t. It's bad and ugly. [nb18165.13] See: c̓il̕.

sc̓iɬn   [sc̓íɬən] Morph: sc+ʔiɬn. Etym: √ɬn. food; groceries.

Istem. Category: sc+. See: scʔiɬn.

sc̓im   [sc̓im] Morph: s+c̓im. Variant: sc̓im̓. Etym: √c̓m. bone.


sc̓imc̓m   [sc̓ímc̓əm] Morph: s+c̓im•c̓m. Etym: √c̓m. syrup that accumulates in tamarack trees that have been hit by lightening and split.

Istem. Sp s-nc̓émc̓m tamarack sap or syrup (a delicacy which is eaten by the spoonful and is especially good for whooping cough).

sc̓imqn   [sc̓ímqən] Morph: s+c̓imqn. Etym: √c̓m. bonehead.

Istem. kʷ sc̓ímqən. You are a bonehead. [nb1821.13] See: sc̓im̓.

sc̓im̓   [sc̓im̓] Morph: s+c̓im̓. Variant: sc̓im. Etym: √c̓m. bone.

Istem. Sp s-c̓om̓ bone; Cr s+c̓am bone; Sh s-c̓em fishbone; Th s/c̓ém̓ (small) bone (of human or animal), fish-bone; Li s.c̓am̓ fish bone. uɬ ixíʔ əksʔíɬən ksc̓im̓ uɬ ksíp̓iʔ uɬ ɬə kɬx̌əw̓áw̓ t sɬiqʷ. There is food, bones, skin, dried meat. [lnxbdga 248] ṇpaʕʔíw̓s iʔ sc̓ímsəlx. Their bones are bleached. [dict]

sc̓im̓c̓m̓   [sc̓ím̓cəm̓] Morph: s+c̓im̓•c̓m̓. Variant: nc̓im̓c̓m̓. Etym: √c̓m̓. spleen.


sc̓inm   [sc̓ínəm] Morph: s+c̓in+m. Etym: √c̓n. to say what?

Mstem. Category: nMstem. kʷa asc̓ínəm. What did you say? [nb08 606] See: c̓in.

sc̓írus   [sc̓írus] Morph: s+c̓írus. Etym: √c̓r. golden currant (ribes aureum).

Istem. Sp √c̓ir (c̓al) s-c̓írus golden currant. sc̓írus. Currant. [TBK106] See: sc̓irws.

sc̓irws   [sc̓írus] Morph: s+c̓irws. Etym: √c̓r. golden currant (ribes aureum).


sc̓ixt   [sc̓ixt] Morph: s+c̓ixt. Etym: √c̓xt. man's sister's husband; brother-in-law.

Istem. Sp s-c̓éšt brother-in-law (man's); Cm sc̓axt male’s sister’s husband; wife’s brother; Cr s+c̓išt brother-in-law; Sh s-c̓ext wife's brother; man's sister's husband; Li s.c̓axt man's brother-in-law. Category: kin. (s)tx̌ʷmut i asc̓íxt. Your brother-in-law. [nb20.1] tixʷkʷúkstəm xʷacúʔ, uɬ tixʷkʷúkstəm yaq̓ʷmáx̌ən, a ksc̓ixt t sámaʔ. He told xʷacúʔ, and he told yaq̓ʷmáx̌ən, who has a white brother-in-law. [gl87]

sc̓ix̌ʷt   [sc̓ix̌ʷt] Morph: s+c̓ix̌ʷ+t. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. a spark; s.t. bright.

Istem. Sp c̓íx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷ-t glowing embers, red hot coals; Cr c̓ex̌ʷ spark. Category: +t. sc̓ix̌ʷt. [dict] See: c̓ix̌ʷt.

sc̓kak   [sc̓kak] Morph: s+c̓k•ak. Etym: √c̓k. the cost of s.t.; an amount.

Istem. sc̓káks. Its cost, the cost of something. [nb1817.7] uɬ ixíʔ t̓ít̓im i l sc̓kaks. And it will be easy to count. [BJSeym 429] Category: Inch. See: c̓kak.

sc̓kam   [sc̓kam] Morph: s+c̓ka+m. Etym: √c̓k. numbers.

Mstem. Category: +am. pən̓kín̓ ki kʷ cway̓ iʔ tl sʔaʔúms iʔ sc̓kam When are you finished with your studying numbers? [newles 288] See: c̓k(a).

sc̓kc̓iksxn̓   [sc̓əkc̓íksxn̓] Morph: s+c̓k•c̓iksxn̓. Etym: √c̓ik. sc̓kc̓iksxn̓: area, now under water, located south and slightly east from the present day Rogers Bar church on the west side of the Columbia. Lit: granite (?) rocks

Istem. sc̓kc̓iksxn̓. Place name. [BK159]

sc̓kinx   [sc̓kinx] Morph: s+c+ʔkin+x. Etym: √ʔkn. why is it; how is it.

Istem. Category: Amalg. See: scʔkinx.

sc̓lalqʷ   [sc̓lalqʷ] Morph: s+c̓lalqʷ. Etym: √c̓l. to play stick game.

Istem. Sp s-c̓lálqʷ; Cm s-c̓l-alqʷ-m to play stick game; Cr c̓elálqʷ to play with the stick game (lit. setting up sticks against a board). uc anx̌mínk kʷ (k)sc̓lálqʷaʔx. Do you like to play stick game? [nb1820.3] See: c̓lalqʷ.

sc̓lalqʷm   [sc̓lálqʷəm] Morph: s+c̓lalqʷ+m. Etym: √c̓l. stick game; slahal game. Lit: place the sticks

Mstem. Category: nMstem. inx̌mínk iʔ sc̓l̕álqʷəm iksyaʔyáx̌aʔm. I like to watch the stick game. [nb7.18a] See: sc̓lalqʷ.

sc̓lc̓al   [sc̓əlc̓ál] Morph: s+c̓l•c̓al. Etym: √c̓l. trees.

Istem. t̓i kmix stim̓ əcpl̕ál̕, yaʔ sc̓əlc̓ál, iʔ síyaʔ. Whatever grows, trees, saskatoons. [su7q̓im 029] See: c̓lc̓al.

sc̓lusnt   [səc̓lúsənt] Morph: s+c̓lus+nt. Etym: √c̓l. hail.

Istem. Sp c̓s-l̕úseʔ hail stones; Cr s+c̓sl̕úseʔ; Cm c̓sll̕úusaʔ. sc̓lusnt. Hail. [nb6.5] See: c̓c̓l̕us.

sc̓l̕c̓al̕   [sc̓əl̕c̓ál̕] Morph: s+c̓l̕•c̓al̕. Etym: √c̓l. trees.

Istem. iʔ sc̓əl̕c̓ál̕ uɬ k̓əɬʔálˑqʷaʔ There are trees up to the shore. [nb26-80 006] See: c̓lc̓al.

sc̓l̕yalqʷ   [sc̓əl̕yálqʷ] Morph: s+c̓l̕yalqʷ. Etym: √c̓l̕y (?). graveyard.

Istem. sc̓l̕yalqʷ Graveyard. [nb1834.5] See: confirm.

sc̓ɬitkʷ   [sc̓ɬitkʷ] Morph: s+c̓ɬitkʷ. Etym: √c̓ɬ. cold water.

Istem. See: c̓aɬt.

sc̓malqs   [səc̓málqs] Morph: sc̓malqs. Variant: sc̓maʕlqs. Etym: √sc̓m. a coat made out of a blanket.

Istem. ksəc̓málqs. He has a coat made out of a blanket. [nb16.13a] See: sic̓m.

sc̓maʕlqs   [sc̓maʕlqs] Morph: s+c̓maʕlqs. Variant: sc̓malqs. Etym: √c̓m. a coat made from a blanket.

Istem. ksc̓mʕálqs. He has a coat made of a blanket. [dict] See: sic̓m.

sc̓míɬcaʔ   [sc̓míɬcaʔ] Morph: s+c̓míɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √c̓m. mountain sheep; ewe.

Istem. Ques: recording not certain; cf. s-cm̓íɬc̓aʔ sc̓míɬcaʔ. [E38.2]

sc̓mqin   [sc̓əmqín] Morph: s+c̓mqin. Variant: sc̓m̓qin. Etym: √c̓m. brain; brains.

Istem. Sp s-c̓mqín the brain, intelligence; Cm c̓m̓qnalxʷ brain; Cr s+c̓ám̓ qn brain, cerebellum, cerebrum; Sh s-c̓m-qin brain; Th s/c̓əmqin brain; Li s.c̓əm-qín brains.

sc̓m̓c̓m̓qin   [sc̓əm̓c̓əm̓qín] Morph: s+c̓m̓•c̓m̓qin. Etym: √c̓m̓. brain.

Istem. See: sc̓m̓qin.

sc̓m̓qin   [sc̓əm̓qín] Morph: s+c̓m̓qin. Variant: sc̓mqin. Etym: √c̓m̓. brain.

Istem. sc̓m̓qin. Brain. [now 013]

sc̓q̓islp̓   [sc̓q̓ísəlp̓] Morph: s+c̓q̓islp̓. Etym: √c̓q̓. a tree that has been hit by lightning.

Istem. See: c̓q̓(a).

sc̓ris   [scə̓rís] Morph: s+c̓ris. Etym: √c̓rs. tall Oregon grape berries (berberis aquifolium).

Istem. scə̓rís. Oregon grape. [TBK85]

sc̓rsíɬaʔxʷ   [sc̓rsíɬaʔxʷ] Morph: s+c̓rsíɬaʔxʷ. Variant: sc̓r̓síɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓rs. 1 • Fisher's little house.

Istem. Category: dim.

2 • Istem. sc̓rsíɬaʔxʷ: Oroville.

Istem. Category: Geog. sc̓ərsíɬaʔxʷ Oroville (AMcG). [nb26-79 001]

sc̓rsiɬmlx   [sc̓ərsíɬməlx] Morph: s+c̓rsiɬmlx. Etym: √c̓rs. tall Oregon grape (berberis aquifolium).

Istem. Cm c̓rsaɬp gooseberry bush. sc̓ərsíɬməlx. [TBK85] axáʔ c̓úmstsəlx t sc̓ərsíɬməlx. They call these Oregon Grape bushes. [RnTrp 035] See: sc̓ris.

sc̓rsiɬp   [sc̓ərsíɬp] Morph: s+c̓rsiɬp. Etym: √c̓rs. tall Oregon grape (berberis aquifolium).

Istem. sc̓rsiɬp. Oregon grape. [TBK85] See: sc̓ris.

sc̓r̓síɬaʔxʷ   [sc̓ər̓síɬaʔxʷ] Morph: s+c̓r̓síɬaʔxʷ. Variant: sc̓rsíɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓r̓s. Fisher's little house.

Istem. Category: dim. cxʷúyʔilx, uɬ iʔ l sc̓ər̓síɬaʔxʷ, ilíʔ cyʕáplx. They kept coming until they reached Fisher's little house. [mychildr 013] Category: dim.

sc̓sic̓m   [səc̓síc̓əm] Morph: sc̓•sic̓m. Etym: √sc̓m. blankets.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ iʔ smaʔmʔím iʔ səc̓síc̓əm ixíʔ k̓ʷúl̕səlx úɬi ksq̓ʷíɬtsəlx. The women fixed the blankets for their packs. [LynxS 202] See: sic̓m.

sc̓uq̓ʷy̓   [sc̓úq̓ʷiʔ] Morph: s+c̓uq̓ʷy̓. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷy̓. a customer; an acquaintance.

Istem. aɬíʔ kʷ isc̓úq̓ʷiʔ. You are my acquaintance. [nb1894.9]

sc̓uʔxán   [sc̓uʔxán] Morph: s+c̓w̓xan. Etym: √c̓w̓. hind leg (of an animal); foot; leg.

Istem. Sp s-c̓uʔšín foot; Cm s‑c̓uʔ-xn foot, lower leg. See: sc̓w̓xan.

sc̓wanáytm   [sc̓wanáytəm] Morph: s+c̓wanáyt+m. Variant: sc̓wanáytmx. Etym: √c̓wnyt (?). mythical monster that hypnotizes or immobilizes people, similar to slalqʷm; Bigfoot; Sasquatch.

Istem. Sp s-c̓we-néy̓t-i giant, Big Foot, Sasqwatch; Cm sc̓wanáy̓təxʷ, sc̓w̓anáytəxʷ Stick Indian; Sh sc̓wney̓t-mx giant.

sc̓wanáytm q̓aʔxnílts   [sc̓wanáytəm q̓axnílts] Morph: s+c̓wanáyt+m q̓aʔxnílts. Etym: √c̓wnyt; √q̓ʔ. mountain ladyslipper (cypripedium montanum). Lit: giant's baby’s footwear

phrasal. sc̓wanáytm q̓aʔxnílts. Mountain ladyslipper. [TBK 52] See: sc̓wanáytm; q̓aʔxán.

sc̓wanáytx   [sc̓wanáytx] Morph: s-c̓wanáyt-x. Etym: √c̓wnyt. sc̓wanáytx.

Istem. Category: mName.

sc̓wc̓wxan   [sc̓uc̓uxán] Morph: s+c̓w•c̓wxan. Etym: √c̓w. feet, legs.

Istem. See: sc̓wxan.

sc̓win   [sc̓win] Morph: s+c̓win. Etym: √c̓wn. early sockeye salmon; dried ntytyíx.

Istem. Cm sc̓uw̓án̓ blue back sockeye; Th c̓əwén dried salmon; Li cáʔwin coho salmon. sc̓win. Salmon. [pd10] ayxáxaʔ məɬ wíkəm iʔ sc̓win a cxʷuy ilíʔ. After a while he saw a salmon going there. [lb4]

sc̓wxan   [sc̓uxán] Morph: s+c̓wxan. Etym: √c̓w. foot, feet, leg; shoe.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓a cmistís ɬ kskʕacəntís iʔ sc̓uxáns. He doesn't even know how to tie his shoes. [BJSeym 150] See: sc̓uʔxán.

sc̓w̓c̓w̓xan   [sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán] Morph: s+c̓w̓•c̓w̓xan. Etym: √c̓w̓. feet; legs.

Istem. uɬ ʕapnáʔ way̓ nq̓əlˑsíliʔs isc̓uʔc̓uʔxán, inkəlkílˑx. And now my joints are aching, my feet and hands. [mychildr 168] ilíʔ ʔúluʔɬtxʷ iʔ sc̓uc̓uʔxáns, qmintxʷ məɬ cuntxʷ. You gather its feet, lay them down and say to it... [mychildr 224] iʔ sc̓uʔc̓uʔxántət. Our feet. [su7q̓im 069] sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán. Legs. [nb9a 011]

sc̓w̓iw̓stn   [sc̓əw̓íw̓stən] Morph: s+c̓w̓iw̓s+tn. Etym: √c̓w̓. towel.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ way̓ ilíʔ ckɬt̓aq iʔ kɬxƛ̓aps, iʔ kɬʔip̓stn, ksc̓əw̓íw̓stən, stxmin. There is everything there, a towel, soap, a comb. [GDd1 406]

sc̓w̓xan   [sc̓uʔxán] Morph: s+c̓w̓xan. Etym: √c̓w̓. hind leg (of an animal); foot; leg.

Istem. Socio: spáx̌mən dialect. sc̓uʔxán. The hind legs of an animal. [nb27-28 002] ixíʔ scuts t̓əxʷ sc̓uʔxán. She said "the leg." [chipdd 050]

sc̓x̌ilx   [sc̓x̌ilx] Morph: sc+ʔx̌il+x. Etym: √ʔx̌l. that's why.

Istem. Category: Amalg. uɬ sc̓x̌ilx kiʔ kʷu nstils way̓ kʷu kstkʷtəkʷʔútaʔx. And that's why we thought we’re going to travel around. [nb1252.12] See: scʔx̌ilx.

sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   [isc̓əx̌ʷáx̌ʷ] Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. teachings.

Istem. a cxʷúystən isc̓əx̌ʷáx̌ʷ, lut t̓a cənɬíptəmstn The ways that I have been taught, I don't forget. [newles 247] See: c̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ.

sc̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷam   [sc̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷám] Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷá+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. instruction.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. kəm̓ mat kʷ isc̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷám. Maybe I'm instructing you. [su7q̓im 289b] See: sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ.

sc̓x̌ʷxtwixʷ   [sc̓əx̌ʷxtwíxʷ] Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ+xt+wixʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. arrangement; bargain.

Istem. Category: +wixʷ. way̓ nák̓ʷəm sc̓əx̌ʷxtwíxʷs axáʔ inqíck nyas. That was my brother Eneas' date. [HnTrp 076] way̓ ixíʔ sc̓əx̌ʷxtwíxʷtət, haʔ cənɬək̓ʷək̓ʷtmístxʷ. That's the bargain we made, do you remember? [dict] See: sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ.

sc̓x̌ʷx̌ʷikst   [sc̓əx̌ʷx̌ʷíkst] Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ•x̌ʷikst. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. instructions; preachings.

Istem. ilíʔ kaʔ cmayxítəm iʔ t ksc̓əx̌ʷx̌ʷíksts iʔ sqilxʷ ɬaʔ cx̌ʷəlməntúɬtməlx iʔ sumíxs. Thatʼs when he tells the Indians with his preachings to throw away their spirits. [gl44] See: sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ.

sc̓ʔak̓ʷ   [sc̓əʔák̓ʷ] Morph: s+c̓ʔak̓ʷ. Etym: √c̓ʔk̓ʷ. 1 • flower; to flower.

Istem. lut akswíkəm iʔ sc̓ʔak̓ʷ axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, lut. You wouldn't see flowers on this earth, no. [mychildr 147] wníxʷ qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sc̓əʔák̓ʷ. The blooms are truly beautiful. [dict]

2 • Istem. Corpus Christi (a movable feast that can fall between May 21 and June 24).

Sp s-c̓ʔek̓ʷ flower in full bloom; s-c̓eʔc̓ʔékʷ flowers; Cm c̓aʔák̓ʷ to bloom.Istem. See: c̓ʔak̓ʷm.

sc̓ʔax   [sc̓ʔax] Morph: s+c̓[ʔ]ax. Etym: √c̓x. one's shame; shame.

Istem. Category: C2Imch. mat ṇt̓aʔlíls axáʔ iʔ t sc̓ʔaxs axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx. Maybe the oldest one got over her shame. [dict] See: c̓x.

sc̓ʔikst   [sc̓ʔikst] Morph: s+c̓ʔikst. Etym: √c̓ʔ. the front quarter or shoulder of a deer.

Istem. Sp s-c̓ʔéčst shoulder; Cr s+c̓íʔ+c̓eʔečt hands. Socio: After killing a deer one immediately eats a bit of the liver. If one gives away the front quarted first, it's taken as an insult to the receiver.

sɣáyaqn   [səɣáyaqn] Morph: s+ɣáyaqn. Etym: √ɣy. water parsnip (sium suave).

Istem. sɣáyaqn. Water parsnip. [TBK71]

shaʕ̓ík̓ʷ   [səháʕ̓yk̓ʷ] Morph: s+haʕ̓ík̓ʷ. Etym: √hʕk̓ʷ. nodding onion (allium cernuum).

Istem. See Sp séhč pink flowered wild onions. səháʕ̓yk̓ʷ. Nodding onion. [TBK38]

sic   [sic] Morph: sic. Etym: √sc. 1 • to be new.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ ʕapnáʔ sic iʔ p səck̓ʷúl̕l̕x. And now you young generation... [mychildr 243] aɬíʔ sic ixíʔ ɬ kspíx̌əms. He's new at hunting. [dict] sic iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác. It's still early in the night. [dict] axáʔ sic ki ixíʔ ckicx aláʔ iʔ c̓umstsəlx t i Hudson Bay people. It's not long ago that those they call the Hudson Bay got here. [MarryPS 065]

2 • Istem. (and) then.

Sp sic new, right now; Cr sic new.pcl. Category: time. uɬ nák̓ʷəm way̓ kʷu ƛ̓músəntəm kʷu ƛ̓músəs ixíʔ uɬ sic aláʔ i kən ckicx. And they went ahead of us, they got ahead of me before I got here. [HnTrp 202] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ʕác̓əntxʷ kʷ npútəls, uɬ way̓ sic kʷu x̌áq̓əntxʷ. When you go look, if you are satisfied, then you can pay me. [Dvl 255] kʷənksnwíxʷəlx, məɬ ixíʔ uɬ sic kʷu ṇxƛ̓íksəntəm iʔ t sənɬsípnaʔ. They'll shake hands, and then they'll give us all cigars. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬ ikɬaʔxʷísk̓it n̓ín̓w̓iʔ sic kʷu ckícəntxʷ. When I am rested then you can come and get me. ixíʔ kiʔ sic mypcínəlx. That's when they all agreed.

sic ʕapnáʔ   [sic ʕapnáʔ] Morph: sic ʕapnáʔ. Etym: √sc; √ʕpnʔ. just now.

phrasal. Category: time. sic ʕapnáʔ ɬə ksxʷuys k̓əl sənm̓am̓áy̓aʔtṇ. Just now he left for school. [dict] See: sic; ʕapnáʔ.

síciʔ   [síciʔ] Morph: síc+iʔ. Etym: √sc. and then. sxəntís ixíʔ, úɬiʔ sxáp uɬ síciʔ q̓ʷləntís. She aired it out and when it had no more smell then she roasted it. [dict] See: sic.

sícɬc̓aʔ   [sícɬc̓aʔ] Morph: sícɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √sc. fresh meat.

Istem. way̓ ʔayxáxaʔ way̓, swit aɬíʔ sícɬc̓aʔ, way̓ nc̓aʔr̓ínk. In a little while since it's fresh meat, he got diarrhea. [BJSeym 318] sənmaʔmúkʷəkʷpnaʔṃs, swit aɬíʔ sícɬc̓aʔ. It bulged here and there, it's fresh meat. [dict] See: sic.

sicm put   [sícəm put] Morph: sic+m put. Etym: √sc; √put. especially.

phrasal. sícəm put axáʔ iʔ txʷaʔxʷʔílt. Especially those with lots of children. [Hrvst 24ʔ] See: sic; put.

sicxn   [sícxən] Morph: sicxn. Etym: √sc. new shoes; fresh tracks.

Istem. sícxən. New shoes. [nb08 728] way̓ wíkəntəm axáʔ iʔ sxʷúytns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, sícxən. We saw tracks of deer, fresh tracks. [BJSeym 185] See: sic.

sic̓m   [síc̓əm] Morph: sic̓m. Etym: √sc̓m. blanket.

Istem. Sp sic̓m blanket; Cm sic̓m blanket; Cr sic̓+m blanket, cover ; Sh sic̓m blanket; Th √séc̓ cover; see Li sac̓ạ́məs shawl. kʷu cxʷic̓ɬtxʷ isíc̓əm. You bring me my blanket. [newles 124] uc anx̌mínk t síc̓əm. Do you want a blanket? [newles 175]

sik̓íc̓aʔ   [sik̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: s+yk̓íc̓aʔ ? Etym: √yk̓ ?. sik̓íc̓aʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. sik̓íc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [OkB] See: syk̓íc̓aʔ.

sik̓xnm   [sik̓xnm] Morph: sik̓xn+m. Etym: √sk̓ ?. sik̓xnm: place, now inundated, directly across F.D.R. Lake from the National Park Service boat ramp and immediately north of k̓ansq̓ʷút. Lit: B's etym place where something was cut (?)

Istem. sik̓xnm. Place name. [BK325]

sílaʔ   [sílaʔ] Morph: sílaʔ. Etym: √slʔ. a woman who takes s.o.'s husband away.

Istem. ixíʔ asílaʔ. That's the woman who took your husband. [nb1894.15]

sílxʷaʔ   [sílxʷaʔ] Morph: sílxʷaʔ. Etym: √slxʷʔ. 1 • big, important; to respect or revere s.o. (with singular referent).

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ itíʔ kiʔ yaʔ ilíʔlx, sílxʷaʔ mat. That's where they live. It's big. [su7q̓im 034] uɬ lut t̓ sílxʷaʔ iʔ t̓ík̓ʷət. It's not a big lake. [su7q̓im 102] sílxʷaʔ aʔ cənɬx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ. It was a big hole. [chipdd 089] sílxʷaʔ iʔ k̓əl siwɬkʷ iʔ ocean. To the big water, the ocean. [Nams 252] kən sílxʷaʔ kən ylmíxʷəm. I am a big chief. [dict] ixíʔ t̓i ṇk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷíniʔs iʔ sílxʷaʔ iʔ q̓ʷuct iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. He picked out the biggest and fattest deer. [dict] way uɬ kʷ txʷəlscút sxiʔmíx put kʷíntəm iʔ ksílxʷaʔs put kʷintxʷ iʔ t ankílx. Get enough, get this much, enough to hold in your hand. [GDd1 647-8]

2 • Istem. largeness; large size. nak̓ʷá t̓ul iʔ sílxʷaʔs tə sqəl̕tmíxʷ sic nk̓sils. He is a very big man and mean. [lpb79] See ? Sh slxʷeyxn/slxʷéyxe caribou.

silxʷaʔlqʷwílx   [silxʷaʔlqʷwílx] Morph: silxʷaʔlqʷ+wílx. Etym: √slxʷʔ. to get big, large.

Istem. Category: +wilx. uɬ axáʔ iʔ q̓ʷəyáʕs silxʷaʔəlqʷwílx, q̓ʷuct. Gee but the Black Man got big (and) fat. [dict] See: sílxʷaʔ.

sílxʷaʔst   [sílxʷaʔst] Morph: sílxʷaʔ+st. Etym: √slxʷʔ. to look up to s.o.

Tstem. See ? Sh slxʷeyxn/slʷéye caribou. Category: +st. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷaʔ csílxʷaʔstsəlx, əcx̌aʔx̌aʔstísəlx, aɬíʔ silmxʷílt. They looked up to him, they revered him because he's of noble birth. [nb2529.8] See: sílxʷaʔ.

sil̕   [sil̕] Morph: sil̕. Etym: √sl̕. to be puzzled.

Istem. Sp hi síl̕ he stands there not knowing what to do; Cr u· sél̕ complex, complicated, confused, intricate (It is...). sil̕. He's puzzled. [dict] way̓ t̓i kɬkʷlíwtəlx way̓ t̓i sil̕ḷx axáʔ likúk laʔɬ lipúl. They put them down there, and the rooster and the hen were puzzled. [dict]

sim   [sim] Morph: sim. From: English Jim. Etym: √sm. Jim.

Istem. Category: mName.

simupyár   [simupyár] Morph: simupyár. Etym: √smpyr. simupyár (Pete Noyes).

Istem. ixíʔ sc̓umstsəlx t Coleman uɬ axáʔ ta simupyár sək̓ʷtəmsqílxʷ. they call him Coleman, and Pete Noyes, a half-breed. [RHorse 076]

simxʷ   [simxʷ] Morph: simxʷ. Variant: imxʷ. breast(s).

lxAfx. See Sp p̓sƛ̓sémxʷ big breasts; Cm sk̓ʷ-tsamxʷ breast. Category: lxSfx. p̓əsƛ̓aʔsímxʷ. Large breasts. [pd03] cəcmaʔsímxʷ. Small breasts. [pd03] nx̌əwx̌əwsímxʷ. Dry breasts. [pd03] k̓ʷək̓ʷiʔsímxʷ. Small amount(s) of milk. [pd03] xʷaʔsímxʷ. Lots of breast milk. [pd03] sk̓əmsímxʷ. Nipples. [pd03]

síncaʔ   [síncaʔ] Morph: síncaʔ. Variant: ɬsísncaʔ. Etym: √sn. 1 • younger brother, cousin.

Istem. Category: kin. uɬ cus iʔ síncaʔs spəpl̕ínaʔ. He told his little brother Rabbit. [lnxbdga 126s] way̓ kʷ isíncaʔ. Hello, younger brother. [nb22.19]

2 • Istem. altar boy; brother, monk.

Sp sínceʔ younger brother (adult), male cousin (adult); Cm síncaʔ male’s younger brother; male’s younger male cousin; Cr sínceʔ deacon, kid brother; Sh sínce younger sibling of opposite sex; Th sínciʔm younger-brother.Istem. axáʔ Sara iʔ st̓əmkʔílts, k̓əl síncaʔ kaʔ cmrím, k̓əl spuqínx kaʔ cmrím. This Saraʼs daughter, she married a brother, she got married in Spokane. [Cona48]

sipn   [sípən] Morph: sipn. Etym: √spn. daughter-in-law.

Istem. Sp sépn daughter-in-law; Cm sapn son’s wife; daugther‑in‑law; Cr sipn daughter-in-law; Sh sepn daughter-in-law; Th √sépən ? younger-female-in-law; Li sápən daughter-in-law. Category: kin. kʷu ksƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔmíxaʔx iʔ t ksípntət iʔ tl tq̓ʷʕayxn iʔ tl təmxʷúlaʔxʷs. We are looking for a daughter-in-law from the Blackfoot country. [newles 326] ixíʔ límtəmsəlx, kʷínkssəlx iʔ sípənsəlx. They are tickled, they shook hands with their daughter-in-law. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ sípnəmp. This is your daughter-in-law. [GDd2 703]

síp̓iʔ   [síp̓iʔ] Morph: sip̓y̓. Etym: √sp̓y̓. hide; skin drum.

Istem. See: sip̓y̓.

sip̓iʔálqsm   [səp̓iʔálqsm] Morph: sp̓y̓álqs+m. Etym: √sp̓y̓. to make buckskin clothes.

Mstem. See: sp̓y̓álqsm.

sip̓y̓   [síp̓iʔ] Morph: sip̓y̓. Etym: √sp̓y̓. 1 • a (buckskin) hide.

Istem. səp̓ánt iʔ síp̓iʔ. Hit the buckskin. [Oct92 064] nik̓ənt iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ síp̓iʔs. Cut the deer hide. [Oct92 075] iʔ síp̓iʔs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm stətəm̓tím̓s, lasmíst, ɬəɬáxʷ, q̓aʔxnútyaʔ, spikst. The hide of the deer is [used for] clothes, shirts, dresses, moccasins, gloves. [rdgs 107] aɬíʔ mat sútən síp̓iʔ, kəm̓ mat stim̓, lut t̓ə scpaʔpík. It must be skin, or maybe something else, but it isn't board. [dict]

2 • Istem. skin drum.

Sp síp̓y̓ tanned hide; Cm síp̓iʔ hide, buckskin; Cr sip̓ey̓ buckskin; Sh səsp̓ey skin; Li sip̓áz̓ skin, hide; see Th sip̓éc̓ (rabbit) skin used to mark on.Istem. taʔmúlaʔxʷ nixʷ ɬckʷəntís iʔ síp̓iʔs, ixíʔ səp̓əntís. In the spring again he took his drum, he beat it. [dc78]

siq̓ɬt   Morph: siq̓+ɬt. Etym: √sq̓. to split s.t.; to cut across s.t.; to open s.t. wide.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. kʷu síq̓əɬts islíp̓. He split my wood. [nb18124.1] t wayápi kiʔ kʷu síq̓əɬts. wayápi split it. [nb18124.3] See: sq̓.

siq̓m   Morph: siq̓+m. Etym: √sq̓. to split s.t.; to cut across s.t.; to open s.t. wide.

Mstem. siq̓m. Split. [dict] See: sq̓.

siq̓nt   Morph: siq̓+nt. Etym: √sq̓. to split s.t.; to cut across s.t.; to open s.t. wide.

Tstem. Category: +nt. síq̓ən. I split it. [nb18123.13] See: sq̓.

siq̓xt   Morph: siq̓+xt. Etym: √sq̓. to split s.t.; to cut across s.t.; to open s.t. wide.

Tstem. Category: +xt. kʷu síq̓əxts t slip̓ way̓ápi. way̓ápi split my wood. See: sq̓.

sirúm   [sirúm] Morph: sirúm. Etym: √srm. From: French Jérôme. Jerome.

Istem. sirúm. Jerome. [dict]

siryl   [síryəl] Morph: siryl. From: English cereal. Etym: √sryl. cereal.

Istem. kmix náx̌əmɬ iʔ síryəl i lawán. It wasn't just cereal, rolled oats. [GDd1 534]

sisclqʷ   [síscəlqʷ] Morph: si•sclqʷ. Etym: √sc. to be honeymooning, newlyweds.

Istem. Sp hec-síʔscl̕qʷ-iʔ they're newly-weds, they're honeymooners. axáʔ qʷásqiʔ síscəlqʷ. Blue Jay was newly wed. [dict] way̓ myaɬ xʷʔásq̓ət, ny̓ʕ̓ip kʷu scsíscəlqʷaʔx. It's been too many days, (and) we're still honeymooning. [dict] ksʔíˑˑtx məɬ ṇtx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín, way̓ aɬíʔ uɬ síscəlqʷaʔx. He sleeps until noon, because they are honeymooning. [dict]

sisclqʷm   [síscəlqʷəm] Morph: si•sclqʷ+m. Etym: √sc. to honeymoon; to be newly weds.

Mstem. ixíʔ uɬ síscəlqʷəm ta qʷásqiʔ. So BlueJay honeymooned. [BJSeym 048] way̓ uɬ xʷʔásəsq̓ət, uɬ píntk p csíscəlqʷəm. It's been many days, and you two are still honeymooning. [dict] See: sisclqʷ.

sisí   [sisí] Morph: sisí. Etym: √ss. From: French Jesus. Jésus.

Istem. Category: mName.

sisikrí   [sisikrí] Morph: sisikrí. Socio: Penticton form Variant: yasukrí. Etym: √sskr. From: French Jésus Christ. Jesus Christ.

Istem. Category: mName.

sisitílxqn   [šišitílxqn] Morph: ši•šit+ílxqn. Etym: √št. sisitílxqn.


síslxʷaʔ   [sísəlxʷaʔ] Morph: sí•slxʷaʔ. Etym: √slxʷʔ. somewhat small; a little bigger.

Istem. Category: dim. t̓i put iʔ spəpɬáɬaʔts, mat c̓x̌iɬ atáʔ sísəlxʷaʔ. About this thick, about this big. [nb2576.1]

sism   [sísəm] Morph: si•s•m. From: English Jim. Etym: √sm. Jimmy, little Jim.

Istem. Category: dim.

sisp̓lk̓   [sísp̓əlk̓] Morph: si•sp̓lk̓. Etym: √sp̓lk̓. seven.

Istem. Sp sisp̓l̕ seven; Cm sis‑p̓lk̓ seven. Category: Num. iʔ l sísp̓əlk̓ ki ʔawsɬq̓ílx. She went to bed at seven o'clock. [newles 305]

sisw̓ɬkʷ   [sísuʔɬkʷ] Morph: si•s•w̓ɬkʷ. Etym: √swɬ. little water.

Istem. Category: dim. siwɬkʷ, sísuʔɬkʷ. Water, a little water. [Omak] See: siwɬkʷ.

sisw̓st   [sísuʔst] Morph: si•s•w̓s+t. Etym: √sws. to drink a little.

Istem. Category: dim. kən siwst, kən sísuʔst. I drink, I drink a little. [Omak]

sitiá   [sitiá] Morph: sitiá. From: English Gideon. Etym: √st. Gideon.

Istem. isəsíʔ sitiá. My uncle Gideon. [Green.97] See: 27/Jun/2014.

sitk   [sitk] Morph: sitk. Etym: √stk. curved, crooked, twisted.

Istem. Sp √stč twisted; Cm stk‑nt‑xʷ you wind s.t. [clock, nut]; Cr setč twist; Sh √sətk - sət-sətk-eɬp peavine.

siwɬkʷ   [siwɬkʷ] Morph: siwɬkʷ. Etym: √swɬ. 1 • water; body of water, river.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ ʕapnáʔ way̓ k̓əstwílx iʔ siwɬkʷ. And now the water has become bad. [gregory 084] náx̌əmɬ lut t̓ ksíwsəlx iʔ siwɬkʷ ixíʔ təl kɬl̕ilxʷ. They can't drink the water from kɬl̕ilxʷ. [su7q̓im 088] taʔlíʔ kən kpaʔɬínaʔ i t spuʔúɬc iʔ siwɬkʷ. I got splashed by the splashing water. [nb25-18 007] níkna way̓ nák̓ʷəm lut kən t̓ k̓aʔítət iʔ k̓əl siwɬkʷ. My, I am not near the water. [coyeyes 018] nɬq̓iw̓sc iʔ siw̓ɬkʷ. The width of the river. [AMcG] uɬ ilíʔ stəty̓áp iʔ siwɬkʷ. There was a little running water there. [grlhd 123] ixíʔ mat iʔ sílxʷaʔ siwɬkʷ. That must be the big ocean. [dict]

2 • Istem. liquor, booze.

Sp séwɬkʷ water; Cm sawɬ‑kʷ water; Sh séwɬ-kʷe water.Istem. ixiʔ way̓sts iʔ siwɬkʷ. He quit drinking booze. [jan93nb 012] q̓sápiʔ ya cəlk̓ák̓ ya ckʷənxíx iʔ t siwɬkʷ, pnicí. A very long time ago they jailed those who provide the liquor, at that time. [gl30]

siwɬt   Morph: siw+ɬt. Etym: √sws. to drink.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. kin̓ inlkapí, mat kʷu siwɬts swit. Where's my coffee, maybe somebody drank it. [nb26-70 006 (JA)] kʷu siwɬtxʷ uɬ kʷu nc̓əspnúɬtxʷ. You drank up my water and it's all gone. [nb18137.9] See: siw2.

siwɬtm   Morph: siw+ɬt+m. Etym: √sw. to ask about s.t. or s.o.; to ask for s.t. or s.o.

nTstem. Sp √sew to ask; Cm saw‑nt‑xʷ you ask s.t.; Cr sigʷ ask for, inquire, question (to...), request; Sh se-n-s to ask (in any sense); Th √séw ask; Li √saw to ask. Category: +ɬt+m. kʷ iksíwɬtəm asl̕áx̌t iʔ skʷists. I’ll ask you your friend’s name. [E4]

siwm   Morph: siw+m. Etym: √sw. to ask about s.t. or s.o.; to ask for s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Sp √sew to ask; Cm saw‑nt‑xʷ you ask s.t.; Cr sigʷ ask for, inquire, question (to...), request; Sh se-n-s to ask (in any sense); Th √séw ask; Li √saw to ask. kʷu ksiwm. He'll ask us. [nb26-71 005] Category: nMstem. iscsíwməlx. I was always asking questions. [dict] naqs iʔ kʷ iksíwm. I’ll ask you one thing. [E4] t̓i naqs kʷ iksíwm. I’ll ask you just once. [E4] uɬ huhúy kʷ iksíwm, c̓kin anx̌mínk y akɬcítxʷ. And now I'm going to ask you, "What kind of house would you like?" [Dvl 223] kʷu asəcsíwm n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬ inx̌mínk yaʔ ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ. You are asking me if I like the man-eater. [dict]

siwnt   Morph: siw+nt. Etym: √sw. to ask about s.t. or s.o.; to ask for s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp √sew to ask; Cm saw‑nt‑xʷ you ask s.t.; Cr sigʷ ask for, inquire, question (to...), request; Sh se-n-s to ask (in any sense); Th √séw ask; Li √saw to ask. Category: +nt. síwntəm iʔ t sl̕ax̌ts, iʔ t sámaʔ. His friend the white man asked him. [su7q̓im 177] kʷ k̓aʕm məɬ síwəntxʷ iʔ k̓ʷəl̕əncútn, yaʔ lʔíwtət... If you pray and ask the Creator, our father... [su7q̓im 262a] aɬíʔ kʷ spútʔəm uɬ lútiʔ síwəntst. Because we respect you we haven't asked you. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ síwənts axáʔ iʔ l k̓ənp̓qínkstṇs. She'll ask you for her ring. [dict]

siwsm   Morph: siws+m. Etym: √sws. to drink.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut aksíwsəm axáʔ, aɬíʔ nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul. Don't drink this, it's not predictable what it is. [nb26-64 016 (JA)] See: siw2.

siwsnt   Morph: siws+nt. Etym: √sws. to drink.

Tstem. Category: +nt. lut t̓ ksíwsəlx iʔ siwɬkʷ ixíʔ təl kɬl̕ilxʷ. They can't drink the water from kɬl̕ilxʷ. [su7q̓im 088] axáʔ síw̓sənt, cmay nx̌əstmintxʷ axáʔ. Drink this, it might do you good! [EJEp.55] way̓ axáʔ síwsəntxʷ, t̓i ṇk̓ʷsíwsəntxʷ, uɬ ixíʔ kʷ k̓ʷúl̕ ʔapənkspíntk aksmysk̓ʷk̓ʷíyməlt. Drink this, drink it in one gulp and you will be ten years younger. [dict] See: siw2.

siwst1   [siwst] Morph: siws+t. Variant: siw̓st. Etym: √sws. to drink.

Istem. Sp sús-t he drank; Sh steʔ to drink. Category: +t. scsiwstx. He’s drinking. [nb18137.4] iʔ l ʔúpənkst x̌əx̌yáɬnəxʷ ki kən cʕáw̓miʔst, kən siw̓st t lkapí. At ten o'clock I relax and drink coffee. [newles 316] ixíʔ uɬ nixʷítkʷ ik̓líʔ, uɬ siˑˑw̓st. And he fell in the water, and he drank. [coyeyes 023] aɬíʔ nƛ̓ʕámcən axáʔ iʔ q̓ʷəyʕás, uɬ mat ta nc̓aɬt ksíwstaʔx. The Black Face got thirsty, maybe he wants to drink cold water. [Dvl 235] kʷu sənɬsípnaʔm uɬ kʷu man̓xʷ, kəm̓ kʷu siwst t ṇqʷaʕʷtṇ. We will have cigars and we will smoke, or we will drink liquor. [dict] ṇt̓əpqsám ksíwstaʔx. He tipped his head to drink. [dict]

siwst3   Morph: siw+st. Etym: √sw. to ask about s.t. or s.o.; to ask for s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp √sew to ask; Cm saw‑nt‑xʷ you ask s.t.; Cr sigʷ ask for, inquire, question (to...), request; Sh se-n-s to ask (in any sense); Th √séw ask; Li √saw to ask. Category: +st, +st. lut t̓a cmistís kən ksq̓y̓əncút, úɬiʔ kʷu ɬ csiwsts. He didn't even know I have a picture, and yet he's asking me. [dict]

siwst   Morph: siw+st. Etym: √sws. to drink.

Tstem. Category: +st. way̓ lut t̓a csíwstəm a lkapí. We never drink coffee. [HnTrp 087] See: siw2.

síwstaʔx   [síwstaʔx] Morph: siwst+aʔx. Etym: √swst. drinking water.

Istem. uɬ iʔ k̓əl síwstaʔx. To the drinking water. [coyeyes 009] See: siwst.

siwstm   [síwstəm] Morph: siws+t+m. Etym: √sw. drink.

Mstem. See: siwst.

siwstmst   [síwstəmst] Morph: siws+t+m+st. Etym: √sws. to give s.o. s.t. to drink.

Tstem. Category: +m+st. yaʕyáʕt ankəwáp, x̌ast ʔamtíxʷ, k̓ʷúl̕əntxʷ, síwstəmstxʷ. All your horses, feed them well, take care of them, water them. [mychildr 241] áxaʔ ksaʔxíc̓aʔ mi ksíwstəmstən. When he cools off I will water him. [dict] axáʔ kʷu síwstəmstəm. They'll give us liquor. [dict]

siwstmstm   Morph: siws+t+m+st+m. Etym: √sws. to give s.o. s.t. to drink.

nTstem. Category: +st+m. uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓ iksíwstəmstəm t̓ iksʔamnám t lawán, cəm̓ nk̓əstmís. I wouldn’t water him and I wouldn’t feed him oats, it might harm him. [nb1239.3]

siw̓st   [siw̓st] Morph: siw̓s+t. Variant: siwst. Etym: √sws. to drink; to drink liquor.

Istem. Cf √swɬ. See Sp n-soʔ-p-nú-n-t-xʷ drink it all (sg)!, √sus to drink; sús-t he drank. Category: +t. ixíʔ uɬ ksíw̓staʔx aláʔ nt̓əpqsám. She was thirsty, and tipped her head to drink. [grlhd 124] uɬ axáʔ isl̕áx̌t aɬíʔ lut t̓a csiw̓st. My friend doesn't drink. [2gts 029]

siw̓stxn   [síw̓stxən] Morph: siw̓s+txn. the back of the leg. k̓əmsíw̓stxən. The back of knees/legs. [nb27-08 008] See: iw̓s; xn.

sixíxiʔ   [sixíxiʔ] Morph: s+ix•íxiʔ. Variant: sayxáxaʔ. Etym: √xʔ. this much; this long; a little while.

pcl. Category: time. məɬ qmínm̓istəlx ilíʔ sixíxiʔ məɬ way̓ x̌əlpúlaʔxʷ. They rested there a little while, and it got daylight. [bfp63] See: ixíxiʔ.

síxlaʔxʷ   [síxlaʔxʷ] Morph: síxlaʔxʷ. Etym: √sx. untouched land.


six̌lx   [síx̌ləx] Morph: six̌+lx. Etym: √sx̌. to move from one place to another; to move s.t. from one place to another (e.g. a ditch).

Istem. Sp √sax̌ near; Sh six̌-m to move stg. (to another place); Th √síx̌ move, change location; Li √six̌ to move. mist̓ít̓im t scsíx̌əlx kiʔ təl sxʷulɬxʷ. It was easier to move them than tipis. [rdgs 067] See: sx̌.

six̌lxst   Morph: six̌+lx+st. Etym: √sx̌. to move from one place to another; to move s.t. from one place to another (e.g. a ditch).

Tstem. Sp √sax̌ near; Sh six̌-m to move stg. (to another place); Th √síx̌ move, change location; Li √six̌ to move. Category: +st. síx̌əlxskʷ. Move it! [nb25-48 005] síx̌əlxstsəlx ta ck̓láʔ. They moved it from there. [cre64] ksix̌ləxstəm. We transfer it. [nb23 015] See: sx̌.

six̌ʷɬt   Morph: six̌ʷ+ɬt. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to split (wood).

Tstem. Sp √sax̌ʷ split in little pieces; Cr sex̌ʷ cracking (ref. to wood). Category: +ɬt. t wayápi kiʔ kʷu six̌ʷɬts. wayápi split it (wood) for me. [nb18124.2]

six̌ʷɬtm   Morph: six̌ʷ+ɬt+m. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to split (wood).

nTstem. Sp √sax̌ʷ split in little pieces; Cr sex̌ʷ cracking (ref. to wood). Category: +ɬt+m. lut kʷu aksíx̌ʷɬtəm t slip̓. Don’t chop any wood for me! [nb18124.8]

six̌ʷm   Morph: six̌ʷ+m. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to split (wood).

Mstem. Sp √sax̌ʷ split in little pieces; Cr sex̌ʷ cracking (ref. to wood). six̌ʷm. To split wood. [pd] uc kʷ síx̌ʷəm. Did you split any wood? [nb18124.6]

six̌ʷt   [six̌ʷt] Morph: six̌ʷ+t. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to be split, shattered (of wood).

Istem. Category: +t. c̓q̓əntís iʔ t c̓əq̓c̓q̓ám uɬ six̌ʷt. Thunder struck it and it shattered. [nb18124.9] See: six̌ʷ.

siyák̓ʷqn   [siyák̓ʷqn] Morph: s+yak̓ʷqn. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. siyák̓ʷqn.

Istem. Category: mName. siyák̓ʷqn. Man's name. [OkB] See: syak̓ʷqn.

síyaʔ   [síaʔ] Morph: s+íyaʔ. Variant: siyíya. Etym: √yʔ. saskatoon berry, serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. Sp √yeʔ, s-yéyeʔ sarvisberry, June berry; Cm s‑yá‑yaʔ serviceberry. síyaʔ. [FBK120, 143] incákən kən síyaʔ. yayáʕt iʔ sp̓iʔqáɬq ksx̌an təl incá, yayáʕt ixíʔ iksct̓ák̓ʷ axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. I am Saskatoon Berry. Beside me, I will put on the earth all the fruits. [4c19-20]

siylx   [siylx] Morph: siy+lx. Etym: √sy. Salish language.

Istem. nsíylxcən. In Salish. [nb23 091]

siyʔáɬq   [siyʔáɬq] Morph: s+yʔáɬq. Etym: √yʔ. Saskatoon bushes.

Istem. kən kaʔkícəm t siyʔáɬq. I found some saskatoon bushes. [E52.1] See: síyaʔ.

sk   [sk] Morph: sk. Gram: allomorph (?) of ísk̓iʔt voice.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. nkʷanpúʔskm. Take one's voice away. [nb22.47a]

skaláʔm   [skaláʔm] Morph: s+k+aláʔ+m. Etym: √lʔ. to be closely related to s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. way̓ incáʔ t̓əxʷ iskaláʔm, isənʔímaʔt. Alright, you see, I am closely related to him. He is my grandson. [lpb243] See: aláʔ.

skalw̓ákstm   [skalw̓ákstəm] Morph: s+k+alw̓꞊ákst+m ? Etym: √lw̓. cat's cradle (string game).


skatán   [skatán] Morph: skatán. Etym: √sktn. skatán (Larry Pierre).

Istem. Category: mName. axáʔ incá kən skatán iʔ kən cqʷəlqʷílt. I am skatán talking. [lpb2]

skáwaʔ   [skáwaʔ] Morph: s+káwaʔ. Etym: √kwʔ ?. skáwaʔ.

Istem. Category: mName. skáwaʔ. Man's name. [dict]

skaʕcínm   [skaʕcínəm] Morph: s+kaʕcín+m. Etym: √kʕ. a landing place.

Istem. Ques: k+ʕac ? ʔúˑˑcləm, cəqəqcnítkʷ i l skaʕcínəms səmx̌íkən. He paddled, and he landed right below Grizzly's house. [CoGrSy 210]

skaʔcnmást   [skaʔcənmást] Morph: s+kaʔ꞊cn+mást. Etym: √kʔ. dirty words.

Istem. lut t̓ə skaʔcənmást. They're not dirty words. [dict] See: káʔkaʔt.

skaʔkaʔɬlspíntk   [skaʔkaʔɬəlspíntk] Morph: s+kaʔ•kaʔɬ+l+s+píntk. Etym: √kʔɬs, √pn. three year olds.

Istem. mat skaʔkaʔɬəlspíntk kəm̓ sm̓əm̓əspíntk ixíʔ iʔ kɬənk̓amtíw̓stən[s]. Maybe three years old, or four years old, they make saddle horses out of them. [Hrvst 098] See: kaʔɬlspíntk.

skaʔɬlásq̓t   [skaʔɬəlásq̓ət] Morph: s+kaʔɬlásq̓t. Etym: √kʔɬ. Wednesday.

Istem. See: kaʔɬís.

skchikst   [skcəhíkst] Morph: s+k+chikst. Etym: √ch. right hand (side); the front leg of a deer.

Istem. See Sp s-čhéčst, Cm k‑ch–akst right side, right hand. axáʔ cx̌əƛ̓mús iʔ xəwíɬ k̓əl skcəhíksts. The road to his right is steep uphill. [Dvl 304] way̓ ixíʔ wíkɬts iʔ ṇsp̓ústṇ yaʔ ckʷískʷəsts, way̓ t̓əxʷ k̓əl skcəhíksts, k̓əl skc̓íkʷaʔ iʔ c̓ík̓ʷəsxən. He saw that she is holding the sword in her right hand, and in the left a lamp. [dict] See: kchikstm.

skcpcups   [skcəpcúps] Morph: s+k+cp•cups. Etym: √cp. dry matter in the eye(s).

Istem. Sp hi č-cpcúp-s he has bits of dried matter on his eyelashes. iʔ skcəpcúps. Dry matter in the eyes. [nb18200.1] lkʷilxstxʷ axáʔ askcəpcúps. Wipe off your eye stuff. [nb18200.2]

skcwtikst   [skcuwtíkst] Morph: s+k+cwtikst. Etym: √cwt. the way one is treated.

Istem. q̓iˑˑlt ispuʔús askcuwtíkst, put c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ isənqsílxʷ iʔ skcuwtíkstsəlx. My heart was sick at how you were treated, and how my relatives were treated. [lpb336] kʷu ɬə km̓áx̌əntəm kʷu ɬə ƛ̓əxʷɬtísəlx isnəqsílxʷ c̓x̌ilx itíʔ iʔ skcuwtíkstət. When they kidnapped us, when they killed my relatives, it was how they treated us. [lpb337] See: cawt.

skc̓ax̌ʷ   [skc̓ax̌ʷ] Morph: s+k+c̓ax̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to be one's fault.

Istem. Sp s-č-c̓óx̌ʷ-s he did it purposely. nstíls səmx̌íkən uɬ aɬíʔ incá iskc̓áx̌ʷ. Grizzly thought, it's all my fault. [CoGrSy 557] See: c̓ax̌ʷ.

skc̓aʔq̓q̓mán̓qn   [skc̓aʔq̓əq̓mán̓qən] Morph: s+k+c̓aʔq̓•q̓+mán̓qn. Etym: √c̓q̓. rabies.


skc̓íkʷaʔ   [skc̓íkʷaʔ] Morph: s+k+c̓íkʷaʔ. Etym: √c̓kʷʔ. left hand.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ k̓əl skc̓íkʷaʔ csəx̌ʷstús. And the one [road] on the left is downhill. [Dvl 306] sxʷuys iʔ k̓əl skc̓íkʷaʔ. He went to the left. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ wikɬts iʔ ṇsp̓ustṇ yaʔ ckʷískʷəsts, way̓ t̓əxʷ k̓əl skcəhíksts, k̓əl skc̓íkʷaʔ iʔ c̓ík̓ʷəsxən. He’ll see that she is holding the sword with the right hand, the lamp with the left hand. [dict] See: kc̓íkʷaʔ.

skc̓íkʷaʔkst   [skc̓íkʷaʔkst] Morph: s+k+c̓íkʷaʔkst. Etym: √c̓kʷʔ. left hand side.

Istem. k̓ askc̓ikʷaʔkst mi kʷ xʷuy. Go to your left! [pd09] k̓əl askc̓íkʷaʔkst. To your left. [pd09] See: skc̓kʷʔikstm; skc̓íkʷaʔ.

skc̓iwlps   [skc̓iwlps] Morph: s+k+c̓iwlps. Etym: √c̓w. a mane.

Istem. Sp s-č-c̓íwlps the horse's mane. way̓ t̓i kmix iʔ l skc̓iwlpsc mi kən ctkʷənkʷním. The only hold I have is the mane. [RHorse 028]

skc̓kaqs   [skc̓kaqs] Morph: s+k+c̓kaqs. Etym: √c̓k. number.

Istem. iʔ l sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ uɬ iʔ skc̓kaqs iʔ ʔawtmasqílxʷ uɬ ləkʷtúlaʔxʷ. On the map are the numbers of inhabitants and the distances. [newles 105] See: c̓k(a).

skc̓kʷʔikstm   [skc̓əkʷʔíkstəm] Morph: s+k+c̓kʷʔikst+m. Etym: √c̓kʷʔ. left hand side.

Mstem. See: skc̓íkʷaʔkst.

skc̓lqin   [skc̓əlqin] Morph: s+k+c̓lqin. Etym: √c̓l. feather head dress.

Istem. Sp c̓lqín-tn feathered war bonnet; Cr c̓lqín+n bonnet, war-bonnet. iʔ pqəlqín iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət iʔ stqpíʔstəns a ck̓ʷúl̕əmstsəlx i l skc̓əlqín i l təmtmútnsəlx. The bald eagle's feathers are used for headdresses and regalia. [rdgs 085]

skc̓lx̌ʷinkm   [skc̓əlx̌ʷínkəm] Morph: s+k+c̓lx̌ʷink+m. Etym: √c̓lx̌ʷ. guitar. Lit: claw at s.t.

Istem. See: c̓lx̌ʷ.

skc̓wnus   [skc̓unús] Morph: s+k+c̓wnus. Etym: √c̓wn. phlox (phlox longifolia). Lit: early sockeye salmon’s eye

Istem. skc̓wnus Phlox. [TBK112]

skicc   [skícəc] Morph: s+kic•c. Etym: √kc. a visitor; a newcomer.

Istem. iʔ skícəctət. Our visitor. [nb25-80 003] See: kic.

skicwx   [skícux] Morph: s+kicwx. Etym: √kcw. Idaho persons.

Istem. Category: Geog. way̓ kʷu ksnəqsílxʷ k̓əl sənyál̕mən uɬ axáʔ k̓əl skícux. We got relatives in Montana and in Idaho. [MarryPS 050] See: skicw̓.

skicw̓   [skícuʔ] Morph: s+kicw̓. Etym: √kcw. Idaho.

Istem. Sp sčícw̓iʔ Coeur d’Alene reservation. xʷʔit sqilxʷ, təl tqəltkáˑˑlqʷ, təl skícuʔ, təl sənyál̕mən xʷaʔɬcwílxʷtən. Lots of people, from Canada, from Idaho, from Montana, lots of tribes. [RHorse 096]

skikáymqn   [skikáymqn] Morph: s+ky•kaym꞊qn. Etym: √kym. skikáymqn.

Istem. Category: mName. See: skykaymqn.

skilm   [skíləm] Morph: s+kil+m. Etym: √kl. chasee; s.t. or s.o. being chased; prey.

Istem. uc kʷu wikɬtxʷ atáʔ iskíləm. Have you seen here the one I am chasing? [chip33] məɬ ilíʔ mi q̓ʷl̕əntís iʔ skíləms, ksʔíɬis. And thatʼs where sheʼll roast the one she chased, she will eat it. [chip45] See: kil.

skim̓m̓   [skim̓m̓] Morph: s+kim̓•m̓. Etym: √km̓. hated one.

Istem. way̓ p iskim̓m̓ I don't like you. [nb24-01 015] See: kim̓.

skkaw̓xn   [skəkáw̓xən] Morph: s+k•kaw̓xn. Etym: √kw̓. granny Owl.

Istem. Sp n-ččw̓éʔ burrowing owl.

skkáʕkaʔ   [skəkáʕkaʔ] Morph: s+k•káʕ•kaʔ. Etym: √kʕʔ. any bird; chicken; bird.

Istem. kaʔɬlíp iskəkáʕkaʔ iʔ sct̓áp̓s. My hen lay 3 eggs. [nb26-55 001] uɬ ilíʔ iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ ct̓əxʷtəlwís. There was a bird flying around there. [coyeyes 024] uɬ axáʔ iʔ sk̓ʷuys k̓ʷul̕l̕ t skəkáʕkaʔ, uɬ ilíʔ sc̓qʷaqʷ. And his mother turned into a bird, and cries there. [nb2565.4] syməncʕát iʔ skəkʕákaʔ. The birds cackled. [dict] nq̓əmscínəms yaʔ ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ iʔ skəkáʕkaʔs, iʔ kʷəkʷr̓ít iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. He wished for that man-eater’s birds, the golden birds. [dict] kákaʔt iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. They are dirty birds. [nb24-01 003]

skkm̓xísaʔt   [skəkm̓xísaʔt] Morph: s+k•kmx̓ís+aʔt. Etym: √kmxst. a teddy bear.

Istem. Category: dim. skəkəm̓xísaʔt. Teddy bear. [nb26-37 008] skəkəm̓xísaʔt. A little brown bear. [nb08 287] See: skmxist.

skkm̓xíʔsaʔt   [skkəm̓xíʔsaʔt] Morph: s+k•km̓xíʔsaʔt. Etym: √km̓xst. a little bear.

Istem. Category: dim. See: skmxist.

skknxʷáʔlaʔqs   [skəkənxʷáʔlaʔqs] Morph: s+k•knxʷáʔlaʔqs. Etym: √knxʷ. skknxʷáʔlaʔqs.

Istem. Category: dim, wName. See: skənxʷálqs.

skkwiɬp   [skəkəwíɬp] Morph: s+k•kw꞊iɬp. Etym: √kw. branch; brush.

Istem. Category: dim.

skliq̓mn   [sklíq̓mən] Morph: s+k+liq̓+mn. Etym: √lq̓. 1 • bulldozer; shovel; earth mover.

Istem. skliq̓mn. Bulldozer. [nb1833.9]

2 • Istem. Indian hellebore (beratrum viride).

Istem. skliq̓mn. Hellebore. [TBK50] See: liq̓.

sklk̓íc̓aʔm   [skəlk̓íc̓aʔm] Morph: s+k+lk̓íc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √lk̓. baling (hay).

Mstem. uɬ ilíʔ kən ɬ ck̓ʷúləm kən ɬ cksqəmqínəm iʔ l skəlk̓íc̓aʔm. That's when I work driving the team to bale hay. [Hrvst 251] See: lk̓(a).

sklk̓lk̓íc̓aʔ   [skəlk̓əlk̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: s+k+lk̓•lk̓íc̓aʔ. Etym: √lk̓. bundles (of hay); baled hay.

Istem. sklk̓lk̓íc̓aʔ. Bale. [nb1895.7] See: sklk̓íc̓aʔm.

sklkʷtilt   [skəlkʷtílt] Morph: s+k+lkʷtilt. Etym: √lkʷ. a man's distant child; a child fathered by a man married to another woman.

Istem. Category: kin. iskəlkʷtílt. [nb18117.6] uɬ knaqs ixíʔ skləkʷtílts iʔ sútən iʔ sʕ̓an̓íxʷ. One is his distant child, whachamacallit Muskrat. [cogrzd 003] axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx ixíʔ sʕ̓aʔníxʷ, ixíʔ skəlkʷtílts. The oldest one is Muskrat, his son from another woman. [CoGrSy 008] See: lkʷut.

sklwtalqs   [sklutálqs] Morph: s+klwtalqs. Etym: √kl. sklwtalqs (Mrs. Alice Martin).

Istem. Category: wName. sklwtalqs. Woman's name. [nb21.153a]

sklxʷxʷqín   [sklxʷuxʷqín] Morph: s+k+lxʷ•xʷqin. Etym: √lxʷ. sklxʷuxʷqín: small gravel island, now inundated, in the former middle of the Columbia, directly east from nc̓aw̓qc̓áw̓q. Lit: B's etym: dip on top

Istem. sklxʷuxʷqín. Place name. [BK330] See: sklxʷxʷqin.

skl̕l̕kʷílaʔx   [skəl̓l̓kʷílaʔxʷ] Morph: s+k+l̕•l̕kʷílaʔx. doctor, doctor.

Istem. Category: dim.

skɬaʔásq̓t   [skɬaʔásq̓ət] Morph: s+k+ɬaʔásq̓t. Variant: ɬaʔásq̓t; skɬʔaʔ; skɬʔásq̓t. Etym: √ɬʔ. Saturday; weekend.

Istem. Sp s-čɬ-ɬ-ʔé (s-čɬ-ɬ-hʔé) Saturday; Cm k‑ɬaʔ‑ašq̓t Saturday; Cr č+ɬíʔ+iʔ adjacent, next to, Saturday. axáʔ t̓əxʷ i l skɬaʔásq̓ət ixíʔ məɬ axáʔ kʷu xʷíc̓xtəm axáʔ iʔ t inqáqnaʔ. On Saturday my grandmother gives it to us. [AutPS 050] See: ɬaʔ1.

skɬaʔmásq̓t   [skɬaʔmásq̓ət] Morph: s+k+ɬaʔ+másq̓t. Etym: √ɬʔ. next to the sky.

Istem. axáʔ cəm̓ t̓i kʷ k̓amtíw̓s məɬ kən nwísəlx axáʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ iʔ t skɬaʔmásq̓ət, Just as soon as you get on the horse, I’ll go in the air right next to the sky. [nb1234.6] See: ɬaʔ.

skɬcawt   [skɬcawt] Morph: s+kɬ+cawt. Etym: √cwt. effort.

Istem. cus way̓ uɬ kʷ sc̓kinx, way̓ lut uɬ askɬcáwt. He said, "What's the matter with you, you are not doing anything." [2gts 189] See: cawt.

skɬck̓ap   [skɬck̓ap] Morph: s+kɬ+ck̓a+p. Etym: ck̓. cream.

Istem. Ques: k̓ or q̓ Category: +p. uɬ axáʔ iʔ kʷu ksck̓əɬp̓ap̓áʕʔ kʷu k̓əɬp̓aʔp̓ʔʕám uɬ tumístməntəm iʔ skɬck̓áp And we had milk cows, and we could milk them and sell the cream. [AutPS 265]

skɬcq̓ap   [skɬcq̓ap] Morph: s+kɬ+cq̓a+p. Etym: √cq̓. cream.

Istem. Note: q̓ or k̓ Category: +p.

skɬikn   [skɬikn] Morph: s+kɬikn. Variant: skɬikn̓. Etym: √kɬ. rump fat.

Istem. skɬíkən. Fat on rump of deer. [nb9a 153]

skɬikn̓   [skɬíkən̓] Morph: s+kɬikn̓. Variant: skɬikn. Etym: √kɬ. fat on the rump of a deer.

Istem. iʔ sq̓ʷuct iʔ stim̓ iʔ skɬíkən̓ ilíʔ cután. Fat, anything, the fat on the rump, that's there. [grlsdd 142]

skɬkɬkíwaʔs   [skɬkɬkíwaʔs] Morph: s+k+ɬk•ɬkíwaʔs. Etym: √ɬk. Variant: kɬkɬkíwaʔs. anemone (anemone multifida).

Istem. skɬkɬkíwaʔs. Anemone. [TBK117] See: kɬkɬkíwaʔs.

skɬkwkawmátkʷ   [skəɬkəwkawmátkʷ] Morph: s+kɬ+kw•kaw+mátkʷ. Variant: skɬkwkwmatkʷ. Etym: √kw. Island Indians.

Istem. skɬkwkawmátkʷ. Island Indians. [nb7.33a]

skɬkwkwmatkʷ   [skɬkəwkəwmátkʷ] Morph: s+kɬ+kw•kw+matkʷ. Variant: skɬkwkawmatkʷ. Etym: √kw. Coast Indians.

Istem. skɬkwkwmatkʷ Coast Indians. [11.5a]

skɬƛ̓ax̌x̌ƛ̓x̌áp   [skɬƛ̓ax̌x̌ƛ̓x̌áp] Morph: s+kɬ+ƛ̓ax̌•x̌•ƛ̓x̌áp. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. to have parents.

Istem. uɬ sic siws, cus uɬ sc̓kinx lut askɬƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. Then he asked him, "What's the matter, don't you have any parents?" [GDd1 230] See: ƛ̓ax̌x̌ƛ̓x̌áp.

skɬmúlaʔxʷ   [skəɬmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+k+ɬmúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ɬm. dew; dampness on the ground.

Istem. Cr s+č+ɬem+t dew. skɬmúlaʔxʷ. Dampness on the ground. [nb18181.14]

skɬp̓up̓ƛ̓m   [skəɬpúpƛ̓əm] Morph: s+kɬ+p̓u•p̓ƛ̓+m. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. 1 • skɬp̓up̓ƛ̓m: the present town of Kettle Falls, more specifically, to an area at the southwest corner of the town.

Lit: arrive at an open area; come in sight in the openIstem.

2 • Istem. skɬp̓up̓ƛ̓m: Meyers Falls.

Ques: p or p̓Istem. Category: Geog. uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ k̓əl scáycuʔp, lut, k̓əl skɬpúpƛ̓əm. At Kettle Falls, no, at Meyers Falls. [Hrvst 038]

skɬqilt   [skɬqilt] Morph: s+kɬ+qil+t. Etym: √ql. skɬqilt: area where the present-day village of Inchelium is located, particularly on the west side of the highway. Lit: get on top

Istem. skɬqilt. Place name. [BK212]

skɬqltus   [skəɬqltús] Morph: s+kɬ+ql+tus. Etym: √ql. top, ridge.

Istem. uɬ t̓iʔ ilíʔ aɬíʔ i l skəɬqəltús kiʔ cwix səmx̌íkən. Right there on the bank that Grizzly lived. [CoGrSy 213] uɬ txʷaʔxʷʔít iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ l skəɬqəltús. And many people on the ridge. [Hrvst 019] See: qilt.

skɬqʷaʔmítkʷ   [skəɬqʷaʔmítkʷ] Morph: s+kɬ+qʷaʔ+mítkʷ. Etym: √qʷʔ. ?


skɬqʷlilsxnm   [skɬqʷlílsxnəm] Morph: s+kɬ+qʷlilsxn+m. Etym: √qʷl. to bless s.o. with ashes on the forehead.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. skɬqʷlilsxnm. Bless s.o. with ashes on the forehead. [nb20.94]

skɬw̓mintn   [skɬuʔmíntən] Morph: s+k+ɬw̓+min+tn. Etym: √ɬw̓. spearing rod; spear; pole for a spear.

Istem. Category: +tn. skɬw̓mintn. Pole for a spear. [nb18155.3] See: ɬw̓min.

skɬxʷiplp   [skɬxʷípəlp] Morph: s+kɬ+xʷiplp. Etym: √xʷp. floor mat.

Istem. skɬxʷípəlp. Floor mat. [dict] See: xʷip2.

skɬx̌x̌am   [skəɬx̌x̌ám] Morph: s+k+ɬx̌•x̌•am. Etym: √ɬxm. to have gotten in-laws; in-laws one has gotten.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. uɬ axáʔ iʔ skɬəx̌əx̌ámsəlx axáʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ tkəɬmílxʷs. And his wife's in-laws. [GDd2 734] kʷínksəntməlx axáʔ iʔ sqʷsíʔ, uɬ axáʔ iʔ skɬəx̌x̌ámsəlx. They shook hands with the son, and their law relations. [dict] See: ɬx̌m.

skɬʔamk̓ʷílsxn   [skɬʔamk̓ʷílsxən] Morph: s+kɬ+ʔamk̓ʷílsxn. Etym: √ʔmk̓ʷ. a skinned forehead.

Istem. Sp čn čɬ-ʔemk̓ʷésšn̓ I skinned my forehead. skɬʔamk̓ʷílsxn. A skinned forehead. [nb20.94]

skɬʔasq̓t   [skəɬʔásq̓ət] Morph: s+k+ɬʔasq̓t. Gram: southern form Variant: skɬʔaʔ; skɬaʔásq̓t. Etym: √ɬʔ. Saturday; weekend; end of the week. Lit: reach the end

Istem. skɬʔasq̓t Saturday. [nb21.112a]

skɬʔaʔ   [skɬʔaʔ] Morph: s+k+ɬʔaʔ. Variant: skɬʔasq̓t; skɬaʔásq̓t. Etym: √ɬʔ. weekend; Saturday. Lit: reach the end

Istem. Sp s-čɬ-ɬ-ʔé (s-čɬ-ɬ-hʔé) Saturday; Cm k‑ɬaʔ‑ašq̓t Saturday; Cr č+ɬíʔ+iʔ adjacent, next to, Saturday. skɬʔaʔ Saturday. [nb21.112a] See: skɬʔasq̓t.

skƛ̓áʔsm̓ist   [skƛ̓áʔsm̓ist] Morph: s+k+ƛ̓áʔs+m̓ist. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔ. a scout.

Istem. Category: +mist. skƛ̓áʔsm̓ist. Scout. [nb21.151] See: skƛ̓ʔa.

skƛ̓ʔa   [skƛ̓ʔa] Morph: s+k+ƛ̓ʔa. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔ. a fetched one.

Istem. uɬ cúsəlx uɬ sc̓kinx uɬ kin̓ iʔ skƛ̓ʔamp. And they asked, "What's the matter, where is the one you went to get?" [Whal 463] See: ƛ̓aʔ.

skmaʕʷáqs   [skmaʕʷáqs] Morph: s+k+maʕʷáqs. Etym: √mʕʷ. leftovers.

Istem. See Sp s-mʔáw that which remains, leftover; s-č-maʔwáqs leftovers (food). Ques: maʕʷ or mʕ̓aw n̓ín̓w̓iʔ nx̌əlcínˑ t̓əxʷ t skmaʕ̓ʷáqs kəm̓ iʔ t sx̌ʷalqs uɬ way̓ ixíʔ. I'll ask for leftovers or for garbage, and that'll be all right. [GDd1 277] t̓əxʷ kcqúsəs iʔ skəmʕ̓aw̓áqs axáʔ iʔ st̓xítkʷ. She warmed up some leftovers, some soup. [BJSeym 361] ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ cix cəm̓ y aksc̓íɬən skəmʕ̓awáqs. You’ll have a warm meal of leftovers. [nb1263.11] ṇx̌əltcínˑ t skəmʕ̓aw̓áqs. I'll ask for some leftovers. [dict] k̓maʕw̓sáqs. Leftovers. [dict]

skmaʔíplaʔ   [skmaʔíplaʔ] Morph: s+k+maʔíplaʔ. Etym: √mʔ. an explanation.

Istem. Ques: morphology? skmaʔíplaʔ. Explanation. [nb26-67 013]

skmc̓maʕc̓s   [skməc̓máʕc̓əs] Morph: s+k+mc̓•maʕc̓s. Etym: √mʕc̓. eye matter.

Istem. Sp č-mc̓mác̓s he has "sleep" in his eyes. skmc̓maʕc̓s. Eye matter. [nb18199.16] See: mc̓.

skmkʷuqn   [skəmkʷúʔqən] Morph: s+k+mkʷuqn. Etym: √mkʷ. snow on trees.

Istem. ṇt̓aʔ kiʔ niw̓t st̓raq̓ʷ iʔ skəmkʷúʔqən iʔ smík̓ʷət iʔ kəl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. The wind started blowing, the snow on the trees came down to the ground. [dict] See: mukʷ.

skmq̓ʷaq̓ʷ   [skəmq̓ʷáq̓ʷ] Morph: s+k+mq̓ʷ•aq̓ʷ. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a mountain.

Istem. xʷúyʔḷx axáʔ cləʕ̓ʷútəm uɬ k̓əl skṃq̓ʷáq̓ʷs ixíʔ yaʔ cənxʷrus. They went in a valley, and at a little mountain that's where the low place is. [dict] See: mq̓ʷaq̓ʷ.

skmtlʔaɬxʷ   [skmtəlʔáɬxʷ] Morph: s+k+mtlʔaɬxʷ. Etym: √mtlʔ ?. skmtlʔaɬxʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. skmtlʔaɬxʷ. Woman's name. [OkB]

skmúsc̓aʔ   [skmúsc̓aʔ] Morph: s+k+músc̓aʔ. Etym: √ms. four bundles.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ iʔ kskmúsc̓aʔs. That's his fourth one. [GDd2 470] See: kmúsc̓aʔ.

skmxist   [skəmxíst] Morph: s+kmxist. Variant: skm̓xist. Etym: √kmxst. bear.

Istem. See: skm̓xist.

skmʕ̓awáqs   [skəmʕ̓awáqs] Morph: s+k+mʕ̓awáqs. Variant: skmaʕʷáqs. Etym: √mʕ̓w. leftovers.

Istem. See Sp s-mʔáw that which remains, leftover; s-č-maʔwáqs leftovers (food). Ques: maʕʷ or mʕ̓aw t̓əxʷ kcqúsəs iʔ skəmʕ̓aw̓áqs axáʔ iʔ st̓xítkʷ. She warmed up some leftovers, some soup. [BJSeym 361] ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ cix cəm̓ y aksc̓íɬən skəmʕ̓awáqs. You’ll have a warm meal of leftovers. [nb1263.11] ṇx̌əltcínˑ t skəmʕ̓aw̓áqs. I'll ask for some leftovers. [dict] k̓maʕw̓sáqs. Leftovers. [dict]

skm̓ax̌n   [skm̓áx̌ən] Morph: s+km̓ax̌n. Etym: √km. a captured or kidnapped person.

Istem. c̓x̌iɬt ksəsk̓ʷútəm kiʔ kʷəlkʷlíwtəlx ixíʔ ct̓əqt̓qíɬaʔxʷəlx aɬíʔ skm̓áx̌ənəlx. They lived on the side, they had mat houses, because they were the kidnapped. [lpb242] See: km̓ax̌n.

skm̓lscut   [skəm̓lscút] Morph: s+km̓lscut. Etym: √km̓. handouts.

Istem. əcc̓aʔxmístsəlx ixíʔ aɬíʔ skəm̓lscút. They were ashamed about it because they were handouts. [Green.48]

skm̓qʷal   [skəm̓qʷál] Morph: skm̓qʷal. Etym: √?. a trap (the animal enters and remains trapped inside).

Istem. Ques: qʷ or q̓ʷ skm̓qʷal. Trap. [nb20.28a]

skm̓q̓ʷal   [skəm̓q̓ʷál] Morph: s+km̓q̓ʷal. Etym: √km̓qʷl ?. trap.

Istem. Ques: qʷ or q̓ʷ ixíʔ ct̓íxʷləm ɬaʔ cʔumstsəlx skəm̓q̓ʷál, ixíʔ iʔ sʔums lut t̓a cmystín ta ckaʔkín iʔ skəm̓q̓ʷál. What they call that skəm̓q̓ʷal is different, I donʼt know how the skəm̓q̓ʷal is. [lb13]

skm̓xist   [skəm̓xíst] Morph: s+km̓xist. Etym: √kmxst. Variant: skmxist. 1 • bear; Bear.

Istem. way̓ huhúy skəmxíst anwí təl yayáʕt iʔ kʷ ylmíxʷəm. Well, Bear, you are the chief of everybody. [4c7]

2 • Istem. skm̓xist.

Sh s-km̓xis grizzly bear.Istem. Category: mName. skm̓xist. [dict]

skm̓y̓íplaʔ   [skm̓iʔíplaʔ] Morph: s+k+m̓y̓íplaʔ. Etym: √m̓y̓. the meaning or significance of s.t.; the origin or beginning of s.t.

Istem. stim̓ ixíʔ iʔ skm̓iʔíplaʔs. Describe what this means. [nb26-03 012] cmistín axáʔ iʔ skm̓iʔíplaʔs axáʔ ʕapnáʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ iʔ kʷlíwtməntəm. I know about the story of the beginning of this land we now stay on. [crea1] lut t̓a cmistín iʔ skəm̓yʔíplaʔs ƛ̓əm n̓ín̓w̓iʔs ixíʔ nɬək̓ʷk̓ʷmín laʔkín ixíʔ miʔm̓ayntín. I don't know the beginning of the story, but I will remember it sometime, then I will tell the story. [crea95] See: my2.

sknánaqs   [sknánaqs] Morph: s+k+ná•naqs. Variant: skn̓án̓aqs. Etym: √nqs. being alone.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ uɬ k̓əwk̓əwpnúmt təl̕ sknánaqs. She got lonesome because she's alone. [LynxS 264] See: knaqs.

sknir̓mn   [sknír̓mən] Morph: s+k+nir̓+mn. Variant: skn̓ir̓mn; skn̓ir̓mn̓. Etym: √nr̓. (the time of) buttercups.

Istem. iʔ sknír̓mən t̓i kʷr̓ayy. The buttercups are in full bloom. [E6]

sknqsiɬxʷm   [sknəqsíɬxʷəm] Morph: s+knqsiɬxʷ+m. Variant: s+nqsiɬxʷ+m. Etym: √nqs. next door neighbor.

Istem. kícəntəm axáʔ iʔ sknəqsíɬxʷəms iʔ t sl̕ax̌ts sámaʔ, taʔlíʔ sl̕ax̌ts. The white friend got to his neighbor, they're good friends. [su7q̓im 175] uc ixíʔ asknəqsíɬxʷəm kskəkáʕkaʔ. Does your neighbor have chickens? [nb6.5] kícəntəm iʔ t sknəqsíɬxʷəms. They received a visit from their neighbor. [nb18220.8] See: nqsiɬxʷ; knaqs.

sknqsltílaʔt   [sknəqsltílaʔt] Morph: s+k+nqsltílaʔt. Variant: skn̓qsl̕tílaʔt. Etym: √nqs. an only child.

Istem. Category: dim. ʕ̓ác̓ənt kʷ sknəqsəltílaʔt[ət] uɬ iʔ kʷu aksɬwínəm. You are our only son, and you are going to leave us. [GDd2 015] kʷ isknəqsəltílaʔt. You are my only child. [nb9a 086] kʷ sknəqsəltílaʔtət. You are our only child. [nb9a 087] See: sknqsltilt; nqsilt.

sknqsltilt   [sknəqsltílt] Morph: s+k+nqsltilt. Etym: √nqs. an only child.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa t̓iʔ sknəqsəltílt axáʔ iʔ t isx̌áx̌paʔ inlʔíw My grandfather had only one child, my father. [Hrvst 167] See: nqsilt; naqs.

sknwistm   [skənwístəm] Morph: s+k+n+wist+m. Etym: √wst. above.

Istem. t̓i kʷm̓iɬ axáʔ iʔ təl skənwístəms qʷəlqʷílstəm. All at once from above something spoke to him. [nb1233.9] ak̓láʔ iʔ k̓əl askənwístəm. Above you. [dict] See: nwist1.

sknxʷalqs   [skənxʷálqs] Morph: s+knxʷalqs. Variant: sknxʷal̕qs; sknxʷʔalqs. Etym: √knxʷ. sknxʷalqs (Tudi Mason, Clara Jack).

Istem. Category: wName. sknxʷalqs Woman's name. [nb6.11a]

sknxʷal̕qs   [sknxʷal̕qs] Morph: s+knxʷal̕qs. Variant: sknxʷalqs. Etym: √knxʷ. sknxʷal̕qs.

Istem. Category: wName. sknxʷal̕qs. Woman's name. [OkB]

sknxʷaʔtús   [skənxʷaʔtús] Morph: s+kn+xʷaʔtús. Etym: √xʷt. big money.

Istem. uɬ talí nx̌síw̓s iʔ kəw̓wáps sknxʷaʔtús iʔ l naqs. His horses are good looking, he paid big money for one. [RHorse 107] See: xʷaʔt.

sknxʷʔal̕qs   [skənxʷʔal̕qs] Morph: s+knxʷʔal̕qs. Variant: sknxʷalqs; sknxʷal̕qs. Etym: √knxʷ. sknxʷʔal̕qs (Tudi Mason).

Istem. Category: wName. sknxʷʔal̕qs. Woman's name. [Nb 6, p. 11b]

skn̓án̓aqs   [skn̓án̓aqs] Morph: s+k+n̓á•n̓aqs. Variant: sknánaqs. Etym: √nqs. one person.

Istem. Category: dim. lut t̓iʔ kmix kskn̓án̓aqs iʔ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt. It won't always be one child born. [GDd2 647]

skn̓irmn̓   [skən̓írmn̓] Morph: s+k+n̓ir+mn̓. Variant: sknir̓mn. Etym: √nr̓. sagebrush buttercup (ranunculus glaberrimus).

Istem. Sp s-čn̓ír̓-m̓n̓ (s-č-n̓ál̕-m̓n̓) buttercup. skən̓írmn̓. Buttercup. [TBK119]

skn̓kn̓am   [skən̓kən̓ám] Morph: s+kn̓•kn̓a+m. Etym: √kn̓. butchering a fish.

Mstem. Category: +am. See: kn̓kn̓(a).

skn̓qsl̕tílaʔt   [skn̓əqsl̕tílaʔt] Morph: s+kn̓qsl̕tílaʔt. Variant: sknqsltílaʔt. Etym: √nqs. an only child.

Istem. Category: dim. talí kʷu paʔpaʔsínk aɬíʔ kʷ skn̓əqsl̕tílaʔt. We feel bad, because you are the only child we have got. [GDd1 021] See: sknqsltilt.

skpaʔsmíst   [skpaʔsmíst] Morph: s+k+paʔs+míst. Etym: √pʔs. a strong desire or wish.

Istem. Category: +mist. xʷəm t̓i stim̓ x̌aʔx̌áʔ iʔ skpaʔsmísts way̓ ixíʔ k̓əxʷkʷúnəms iʔ sqəl̕tmíxʷ. That seemed like a powerful desire, as she talked to the man. [lpb111] See: paʔsmí.

skpllikst   [skpəllíkst] Morph: s+k+pl•likst. Etym: √pl. sprouts.

Istem. t̓əxʷ way̓ skpəllíksts iʔ stkəlkəlxmíkstn, uɬ ixíʔ a ccústsəlx iʔ qʷílcən. Those which sprout from the limbs, these they call palm boughs. [BJSeym 019] See: kpllikst; pl̕al̕.

skp̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ   [skp̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+k+p̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √p̓xʷ. the shining of a body.

Istem. skp̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔsəlx, way̓ kʷəkʷr̓ít skəkáʕkaʔ. They shine all over their body, they’re golden birds. [nb1222.7] See: p̓ʔaxʷ.

skp̓ɬɬqip   [skp̓ɬəɬqíp] Morph: s+k+p̓ɬ•ɬ•qip. Etym: √p̓ɬq. a log jam.

Istem. See Sp √p̓eɬ lie down in an orderly row (pl.); Cr p̓aɬq pack, put away; See Sh c-p̓eɬ lying (state); See Li n.p̓aɬ to lie around (when lazy or sick). skp̓ɬɬqip. Log jam. [OkB]

skp̓q̓ʷcinm   [skp̓əq̓ʷcínəm] Morph: s+k+p̓q̓ʷcin+m. Etym: √p̓q̓ʷ. chewing tobacco.

Istem. Ques: pq̓ʷ or p̓q̓ʷ Category: nIstem. skp̓q̓ʷcinm. Chewing tobacco. [nb20.101a]

skrw̓ísaʔ   [skrw̓ísaʔ] Morph: s+krw̓ísaʔ. Etym: √krws. skrw̓ísaʔ (Nancy Saddleman).

Istem. Category: wName. skərwísaʔ. Woman's name. [nb26-48 006]

sksaq̓ʷm   [sksáq̓ʷəm] Morph: s+k+saq̓ʷ+m. Etym: √sq̓ʷ. skinning a large animal.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sksaq̓ʷm. Skinning a large animal. [OkB] See: saq̓ʷ.

sksk̓ʷtínaʔ   [sksk̓ʷtínaʔ] Morph: s+k+sk̓ʷtínaʔ. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. one side; the other side.

Istem. aɬíʔ yaʕyáʕt tq̓y̓ínaʔṇ, t̓i way̓ k̓əl sksk̓ʷtínaʔ. I marked all of them on one side. [dict] See: sk̓ʷut.

skslip̓   [skslip̓] Morph: s+k+slip̓. Etym: √slp̓. to get wood.

Istem. kəm̓ lut iʔ k̓əl skslip̓ k̓əl stim̓. Or at getting wood or anything. [bjmd 130] See: kslip̓.

sksp̓qintn   [sksəp̓qíntṇ] Morph: s+k+sp̓qin+tn. Etym: √sp̓. wheat stems.

Istem. Category: +tn. sta axáʔ iʔ t sksp̓qíntən, ixíʔ íylw̓əs, íylw̓əs məɬ ixíʔ kʕacíc̓aʔs. With hay, he twists it, and then he ties the bundle. [Hrvst 193] See: ssp̓qin.

sksqmqínm   [skəsqəmqínəm] Morph: s+ks+qmqín+m. Etym: √qm. to drive a horse team.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sksqmqínm. To drive a horse team. [nb20.102]

sksq̓miltn   [skəsq̓míltṇ] Morph: s+k+s+q̓milt+n. Etym: √q̓m. having hunger; being hungry.

nIstem. Category: +tn. uɬ ixíʔ sksq̓míltən iʔ sʔilxʷt. I guess wishing for food is hungry. [GDd1 181] ʔayxáxaʔ kən ɬaʔxʷísk̓it , aɬíʔ ʔanwín isksq̓míltn. In a while I got rested, and that's when I felt hungry. [BJSeym 550] See: sq̓miltn.

sktm̓tam̓t   [sktəm̓tám̓t] Morph: s+k+tm̓•tam̓+t. Etym: √tm̓. clouds.

Istem. Sp s-č-tm̓-íp a cloud; Cr s+č+tem̓+p cloud; Sh tk-tm-tem(-t) cloudy. Category: +t. lut t̓a ksktəm̓tám̓t. There is no cloud in the sky. [cobuf12] t̓i kmax siwɬkʷ uɬ axáʔ iʔ sn̓ín̓əw̓t uɬ iʔ sktəm̓tám̓t iʔ stk̓másq̓ət. There was just water, and this breeze, and the clouds, the sky. [crea4] iwá kʷu ṇʔúcxəntəm kʷu sl̕úsməntəm iʔ t sktəm̓tám̓t. Even if she follows us, she's going to lose us in the clouds. [dict]

skt̓aq̓   [skt̓aq̓] Morph: s+k+t̓aq̓. Etym: √t̓q̓. skt̓aq̓: rock formation, now inundated, which formed the immediate southeastern end of the most central lower falls. Lit: crossing

Istem. Category: Geog. skt̓aq̓. Place name. [BK353]

skt̓ɬɬíc̓aʔ   [skt̓əɬɬíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+k+t̓ɬ•ɬíc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓ɬ. to have a dirty body; to be dirty.

Istem. way̓ uɬ iʔ skt̓əɬɬíc̓aʔs iʔ stk̓síc̓aʔs axáʔ iʔ l sck̓ʷəl̕kstmísts. Her body was dirty and the clothes she had fixed herself up with were bad. [blkpg 035] uɬ ʕác̓ənt axáʔ iskt̓əɬɬíc̓aʔ. Look how dirty I am. [nb1218.6] See: t̓ɬɬíc̓aʔ.

skt̓q̓ʷt̓q̓ʷtaɬpqn   [skt̓əq̓ʷt̓əq̓ʷtáɬpqn] Morph: s+k+t̓q̓ʷ•t̓q̓ʷ+taɬpqn. Etym: √t̓q̓ʷ. skt̓q̓ʷt̓q̓ʷtaɬpqn: a mountain with small serviceberry bushes around its summit located northwest from the present-day north landing of the Keller ferry. Lit: bushes on top

Istem. Category: Geog. skt̓əq̓ʷt̓əq̓ʷtáɬpqn. Place name. [BK17]

skwax̌n   [skəwáx̌ən] Morph: s+kwax̌n. Etym: √kw. arm; wing.

Istem. Sp sčwáx̌n arm, wing. skwax̌n. Wing. [nb20.80a]

skwáʔnaʔ   [skəwáʔnaʔ] Morph: s+kwáʔnaʔ. Etym: √kwʔ. bear song.

Istem. skwáʔnaʔ. Bear song. [E5]

skwkwik   [skəwkəwík, skukwík] Morph: kw•kwik. Etym: √kwk. Gram: southern form ghost.

Istem. skwkwik. Ghost. [nb14.92a]

skwpalqs   [skəwpálqs] Morph: s+k+wpalqs. Etym: √wp. a fur coat.

Istem. ksəlkapúaʔx ta Johnny Pierre kʷúɬəntəm iʔ t skəwpálqsc. He was going to put on the fur coat that Johnny Pierre loaned him. [jan93nb 039]

skwpax̌ʷck   [skwupáx̌ʷck] Morph: s+k+wpax̌ʷck. Etym: √wp. hair on the chest.

Istem. skwupáx̌ʷck. Hair on the chest. [OkB] See: wp.

skwpwpaqstxn   [skupupáqstxṇ] Morph: s+k+wp•wpaqstxn. Etym: √wp. 1 • hair on the legs.

Istem. skupupáqstxṇ. [dict]

2 • Istem. fur chaps.

Istem. skupupáqstxṇ. Fur chaps. [dict] See: wp.

skwpwplqʷikst   [skwupwupəlqʷíkst] Morph: s+k+wp•wplqʷikst. Etym: √wp. hair on the arms.

Istem. skwupwupəlqʷíkst. Hair on the arms. [dict] See: wp.

skwtimtk   [skutímtk] Morph: s+k+wtimtk. Etym: √wtm. south.

Istem. skwtimtk. South. [nb20.74a] See: ʔawtímtk.

skwtimtkx   [skutimtkx] Morph: s+k+wtimtkx. Etym: √wtm. southerner.

Istem. skutímtkx. Indians south of the US-Canada border. [nb27-10 003] kən skutímtkx. I am a southern Indian. [nb27-10 004] See: skwtimtk.

skw̓ark̓xníkst   [skəw̓ark̓xníkst] Morph: s+k+w̓ark̓xníkst. Etym: √wrk̓. broad-leafed plantain (plantago major). Lit: frog leaves

Istem. skəw̓ark̓xníkst. Broad-leafed plantain. [TBK111]

skxnilt   [skxnilt] Morph: s+kxnilt. Etym: √kxn. an accompanying young person; a child in tow.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iskəxnílt nixʷ mat way̓, nixʷ ʔilxʷt, ʔayx̌ʷt. And my child follower must really be hungry, tired. [GDd2 205] See: kxn.

skyalqs   [skiyálqs] Morph: s+kyalqs. Etym: √ky. skyalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. skiyálqs. Woman's name. [nb08 840]

skyaʕcínm   [skiyaʕcínəm] Morph: s+k+yaʕcín+m. Etym: √yʕ. in front.

Mstem. xʷuˑˑy cəqəqcnítkʷ iʔ l skiyaʕcínəms səmx̌íkən. He went and landed in front of Grizzly's. [CoGrSy 029] xʷuˑˑy, kicx iʔ k̓əl səmx̌íkən skiyaʕcínəms. He went and he got right in front of Grizzly's house. [CoGrSy 371] See: yaʕcín.

skyínaʔ   [skiyínaʔ] Morph: s+kyínaʔ. Etym: √ky. understanding.

Istem. lut iskiy̓ínaʔ. I don’t understand. [nb1838.1]

skykaymqn   [skikáymqn] Morph: s+ky•kaym꞊qn. Etym: √kym. skykaymqn.

Istem. skykaymqn. Man's name. [dict]

skylap   [skiyláp] Morph: s+kyla+p. Etym: √kyl. the mouth of a river.

Istem. Category: +ap. cxʷuˑˑylx, uɬ way̓ ik̓líʔ i l skiyláps iʔ nuknaqnítkʷ axáʔ iʔ k̓la nx̌ʷəntkʷítkʷ. They went, and at the mouth of the Okanagan river into the Columbia. [2gts 084]

skylyulqstxn   [kilyúlkstxən] Morph: s+k+yl•yulqstxn. Etym: √yl. big leg.

Istem. Ques: kst or qst ? way̓ ixíʔ qʷáʕsqiʔ ckəm̓ntís axáʔ itíʔ aʔ cq̓ʷəmq̓ʷəmstís iʔ ktk̓əm̓m̓áqstxəns iʔ kskilyúlkstxəns. Then Blue Jay gathered what she had stuffed her legs with to make them big. [bjmd 159] See: kylyulkstxn.

skyq̓ínkm   [sky̓q̓ínkəm] Morph: s+k+yq̓ínk+m. Etym: √yq̓. violin, fiddle.

Istem. skyq̓ínkm. Violin. [nb22.115a]

skyrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn   [skirnaʔɬpáw̓stxən] Morph: s+k+yrnaʔ+ɬpáw̓s+txn. Variant: yrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn. Etym: √yr, √ɬp. skyrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn: the name of one of Coyote's sons (Tanglefoot). Lit: tangled foot

Istem. skyrnaʔɬpáw̓stxn. Man's name. [E62.2]

skyxʷásq̓t   [skixʷásq̓ət] Morph: s+k+yxʷásq̓t. Etym: √yxʷ. Monday.

Istem. skyxʷásq̓t. Monday. [nb1870.16]

skyxʷiw̓s   [skixʷíw̓s] Morph: s+k+yxʷiw̓s. Etym: √yxʷ. Monday.

Istem. iʔ tl skixʷíw̓s uɬ k̓l scəlkstásq̓ət ki kən cm̓am̓áyaʔm. From Monday to Friday I go to school. [newles 312] spiʔsc̓íɬt kiʔ skixʷíw̓s. Yesterday was Monday. [nb6.92a]

skyxʷtalqʷ   [skixʷtálqʷ] Morph: s+k+yxʷtalqʷ. Etym: √yxʷ. below the line.

Istem. skyxʷtalqʷ. Below the line. [nb21.98a] See: yxʷut.

skyxʷtaw̓sqn   [skixʷtáwsqən] Morph: s+k+yxʷ+taw̓sqn. Etym: √yxʷ. lower lip.

Istem. skyxʷtaw̓sqn. Lower lip. [pd03] See: yxʷut.

skʕacám   [skʕacám] Morph: s+k+ʕacá+m. Etym: √ʕc. packing.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. uɬ ixíʔ sck̓ʷúl̕s inlʔíw aɬíʔ iʔ skaʕcám. And that's my father's job, packing. [Hrvst 182] See: kʕac.

skʕacíw̓s   [skʕacíw̓s] Morph: s+k+ʕacíw̓s. Etym: √ʕc. 1 • Sunday; flag.

Istem. niʕ̓íp iʔ l skʕacíw̓s ki kən cənq̓ʷʔítkʷ. Every Sunday I do laundry. [newles 309] uc kʷ ck̓ʷúl̕əm i l skʕacíw̓s. Did you work on Sunday? [pgl10]

2 • Istem. week.

Sp s-č-ʕacéw̓s Sunday; Cm stḥacáw̓s Sunday; Cr t+ʕec–íw̓es Sunday (lit. flag day).Istem. niʕ̓íp iʔ l sʔasíl skʕacíw̓s ka cx̌áq̓məlx. They pay every second week. [newles 310] t̓áq̓əmkst skʕacíw̓s ilíʔ isk̓ʷúl̕əm. I worked there six weeks. [AutPS 279] ʔasíl skʕacíw̓s ilíʔ smuts iʔ l ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps, kiʔ xʷuy k̓əl spuqínx. He stayed at his parents maybe two weeks, then he went to Spokane. [Cona78] uɬ way̓ axáʔ ksʔasíls sqʕacíw̓s, kaxáʔ iʔ kən ṇc̓əy̓xʷʕápəlqsəm. And now it's been two weeks, and it's now that I end my story. [dict] See: ʕac.

skʕacqáx̌aʔ   [skʕacqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+k+ʕacqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √ʕc. s.t. tied onto a horse.

Istem. Ques: cq or csq ? way̓ ixíʔ k̓ʷíxʷən axáʔ iʔ kskɬíw̓səntəm iʔ kskʕacqáx̌aʔtət. I started to untie, we were going to divide it up to put it on our horses. [HnTrp 331] See: ʕac.

skʕacʕacqínxn   [skʕacʕacqínxən] Morph: s+k+ʕac•ʕacqínxn. Etym: √ʕc. loin cloth; leggings.

Istem. skʕacʕacqínxən. Leggings. [nb24-01 005] uɬ axáʔ kskʕacʕacqínxən, ixíʔ síp̓iʔ. And they have leggings and that's buckskin. [MarryPS 030] See: kʕac.

skʕax̌ʷx̌ʷíplaʔ   [skʕax̌ʷx̌ʷíplaʔ] Morph: s+k+ʕax̌ʷ•x̌ʷíplaʔ. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. (fishing) line; rope.

Istem. skʕax̌ʷx̌ʷíplaʔs iʔ ɬəɬt̓mín. Fishing line. [nb18153.12] See: ʕax̌ʷ.

skʔacqʔíc̓aʔ   [sk̓acqəʔíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+k+ʔacqʔíc̓aʔ. Etym: √ʔcqʔ. smallpox.

Istem. Sp čɬ-ʔócqeʔ smallpox, pox, it's visible on the outside. See: ʔácqaʔ.

skʔamtíw̓s   [sk̓amtíw̓s] Morph: s+kʔamtíw̓s. Etym: √ʔmt. horseback riding.

Istem. sk̓amtíw̓s. Horseback riding. [dict]

skʔiɬntn   [sk̓íɬəntən] Morph: s+k+ʔiɬn+tn. Etym: √ʔɬn. food.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ ixíʔ l aksttəm̓tím̓ uɬ axáʔ aksk̓íɬəntən. And this is for your clothes and for your food. [GDd2 040] See: ʔiɬn.

skʔlw̓sip   [sk̓lusíp] Morph: s+k+ʔlusíp. Etym: √ʔl. skʔlw̓sip (place name). Lit: where waters meet

Istem. Category: Geog. skʔlw̓sip. Place name. [nb21.19a]

skʔúmmplaʔ   [sk̓úmˑplaʔ] Morph: s+k+ʔúm•mplaʔ. Etym: √ʔm. the answer or meaning given.

Istem. stim̓ iʔ sk̓úmˑplaʔs. What is the answer given to it? [newles 279] See: skʔumplaʔ.

skʔúmplaʔ   [sk̓úmplaʔ] Morph: s+k+ʔúmplaʔ. Etym: √ʔm. the meaning of s.t.

Istem. stim̓ iʔ sk̓úmplaʔs. What's the meaning of it? [misc 263] stim̓ iʔ sk̓úmplaʔs sumíx. What does sumíx mean? [nb26-03 010] stim̓ iʔ sk̓úmplaʔs. What's the meaning of it? [nb26-61 006] See: ʔum.

sk̓acqʔíc̓aʔ   [sk̓acqiʔíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+k+ʔacqʔíc̓aʔ. Etym: √ʔcqʔ. smallpox.

Istem. sk̓acqiʔíc̓aʔ. Smallpox. [OkB] See: skʔacqʔíc̓aʔ.

sk̓aɬʔalqʷx   [sk̓əɬʔálqʷ] Morph: s+k̓a+ɬʔalqʷx. Etym: √ɬʔ. s.o. from across the border.

Istem. sk̓aɬʔalqʷx. He's from across the border. [nb26-80 002] See: k̓aɬʔalqʷ.

sk̓aɬʔásq̓t   [sk̓aɬʔásq̓t] Morph: s+k̓aɬʔásq̓t. Etym: √k̓ɬʔ. yesterday.

Istem. ixíʔ isctíw t sk̓aɬʔásq̓ət, uɬ ʕapnáʔ way̓ nc̓sap. I bought this yesterday, and now it's empty. [nb26-41 018] See: k̓aɬáʔ.

sk̓amtíw̓s   [sk̓amtíw̓s] Morph: s+kʔamtíw̓s. Etym: √ʔmt. horseback riding.

Istem. See: skʔamtíw̓s.

sk̓ám̓acn   [sk̓ám̓acn] Morph: s+k̓ám̓a꞊cn. Etym: √k̓m̓. sk̓ám̓acn.

Istem. sk̓ám̓acn. Man's name. [dict]

sk̓am̓qs   [sk̓am̓qs] Morph: s+k̓am̓qs. Etym: √k̓m. leftovers.

Istem. sk̓am̓qs. Leftovers. [dict] See: k̓m1.

sk̓asl̕íps   [sk̓asl̕íps] Morph: s+kʔasl̕íps. Etym: √ʔsl. two individuals.

Istem. sk̓asl̕íps. Two individuals. [CSCo25] sk̓aʔsl̕íps smaʔmʔím uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔs put səl̕kípx. Two of you women will be getting ready to cook in a pit. [CSCo25] See: kʔasílm.

sk̓awílaʔx   [sk̓awílaʔx] Morph: s+k̓awílaʔx. Etym: √k̓wlʔx. sk̓awílaʔx: Addy.

Istem. Category: Geog. cut way̓ ik̓líʔ stər̓qmíx k̓əl sk̓awílaʔx. He said they are dancing at Addy. [sknkf 096]

sk̓aʕm   [sk̓aʕm] Morph: s+k̓aʕ+m. Etym: √k̓ʕ. a (church) prayer.

Mstem. kən k̓ʷək̓ʷínaʔcn iʔ kʷ iksm̓ay̓xítəm l sk̓ʕam. I am going to tell you a story in a few words about praying. [su7q̓im 218] See: k̓aʕ.

sk̓aʕncút   [sk̓aʕncút] Morph: s+k̓aʕ+ncút. Variant: sk̓aʕ̓ncút. Etym: k̓ʕ. a spiritual prayer.

Istem. Category: +ncut. sk̓aʕncút. A spiritual prayer. See: k̓aʕ.

sk̓aʕ̓ncút   [sk̓aʕ̓ncút] Morph: s+k̓aʕ̓+ncút. Variant: sk̓aʕncút. Etym: √k̓ʕ̓. prayer.

Istem. Category: +ncut. uɬ nixʷ iʔ naqs ʔumntm t sk̓aʕ̓ncút. And there's another way that we call praying. [relig 024] See: k̓aʕ.

sk̓aʔknús   [sk̓aʔknús] Morph: s+k̓a+ʔknús. Etym: √kn̓. wherever.

Istem. kʷ sk̓aʔknús, way̓ kʷ ikspúlstəm. Wherever you are, I will kill you. [CoGrSy 614] See: k̓aʔkín.

sk̓aʔwílxaʔx   [sk̓aʔwílxaʔx] Morph: s+k̓aʔwílx+aʔx. Etym: √k̓w. garden snake.

Istem. Sp s-č̕ewíl̕eʔ s-wénš snake dance. Ques: sk̓aʔw or sk̓aw ? sk̓aʔwílxaʔx. Garden snake. [nb27-19 004] See: sk̓wílaʔxʷ.

sk̓aʔyám   [sk̓aʔyám] Morph: s+k̓aʔyá+m. Etym: √k̓y. fall hunting.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. sk̓aʔyám. Fall hunting. [E4] See: k̓ay̓ám.

sk̓iɬntn   [sk̓íɬəntən] Morph: s+k+ʔiɬn+tn. Etym: √ʔɬn. food.

Istem. Category: +tn. See: skʔiɬntn.

sk̓intm   [sk̓íntəm] Morph: s+k̓in+t+m. Etym: √k̓n. to fear s.t.

Mstem. kíwa aɬíʔ isk̓íntəm k̓ʷnaʔ səl̕míntəm. Yes, because I was afraid we might lose it. [GDd1 495] isk̓íntəm ɬ ikscnkʷaʔcnúxʷ uɬ talíʔ kən xʷəsxʷúsəlx. I was scared to be in the dark (late), and that's why I hurried. [nb1269.9] See: k̓int.

sk̓ísslaʔxʷ   [sk̓ísslaʔxʷ] Morph: s+k̓ís•s꞊laʔxʷ. Etym: √k̓s. sk̓ísslaʔxʷ.

Istem. sk̓ísslaʔxʷ. Man's name. [dict]

sk̓iwlx   [sk̓íwləx] Morph: s+k̓iw+lx. Etym: √k̓w. old age.

Istem. Category: +lx. uɬ way̓ kən ƛ̓lal, taʔlíʔ isk̓íwlx. I'll be dead, I'm too old. [nb2554.10] schuyx iʔ t sk̓iwḷx. He’s done from old age. [dict] way̓ qʷəncín kən səchúyx iʔ t sk̓iwḷx, uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ kən x̌ʷptwilx uɬ ixíʔ kən scxʔimscútx. It's a pity I am so finished with old age, I can't do anything any more, I am right to the limit. [dict] See: k̓iwlx.

sk̓ix   [sk̓ix] Morph: s+k̓ix. Etym: √k̓x. 1 • sk̓ix: Camille Lake, situated about a mile and a half west (and slightly south) of the Colville Indian Reservation Subagency at Inchelium. Lit: deer fence

Istem. Category: Geog. sk̓ix. [BK202]

2 • Istem. Gifford.

Istem. Category: Geog. sk̓ix. Gifford. [nb1837.8]

sk̓iʔt   [sk̓iʔt] Morph: sk̓iʔt. Variant: ísk̓iʔt. throat; pharynx; windpipe.

lxAfx. Cr isč̕ey̓t pharynx; Sh -esk̓e: x-slp-ésk̓e to be excited, nervous (slep excited); Th ésk̓iʔ song. Category: lxSfx. ɬáxʷsk̓it. To take a rest; to take a breather. [dict]

sk̓k̓atlqs   [sk̓k̓átəlqs] Morph: s+k̓•k̓atlqs. Etym: √k̓t. a gnat.

Istem. nʔaɬxʷáqsənts iʔ sk̓k̓átəlqs. A gnat got in your nose. [nb1844.11]

sk̓k̓laxʷ   [sk̓ək̓láxʷ] Morph: s+k̓•k̓laxʷ. Etym: √k̓lxʷ. late afternoon, after sunset; sundown; last evening.

Istem. Category: dim. iʔ l sk̓ək̓láxʷ. In the evening. [nb18206.11] k̓ík̓əm ksk̓ək̓láxʷs kiʔ kʷ ɬxʷuy k̓ ancítxʷ. It was late when you went back home. [nb18206.10] See: sk̓laxʷ.

sk̓k̓m̓aqs   [sk̓ək̓m̓áqs] Morph: s+k̓•k̓m̓aqs. Etym: √k̓m. sk̓k̓m̓aqs: a point of land about one and three quarter miles north from the present-day mouth of Nez Perce Creek and south from the Silver Creek Road, and east from the creek itself. Lit: little point (of land)

Istem. Category: Geog. sk̓k̓m̓aqs. Place name. [BK180] See: k̓m.

sk̓k̓sáɬaʔq   [sk̓ək̓sáɬaʔq] Morph: s+k̓•k̓s꞊áɬaʔq. Etym: √k̓s. saskatoon, or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. Category: dim. sk̓k̓sáɬaʔq. Saskatoon. [TBK120]

sk̓k̓wk̓awílxaʔx   [sk̓k̓əwk̓awílxaʔx] Morph: s+k̓•k̓w•k̓awílx+aʔx. Etym: √k̓w. snakes.

Istem. sk̓k̓əwk̓awílxaʔx. Snakes (spáx̌mən). [nb27-23 006] See: sk̓aʔwílxaʔx.

sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓iyaʔ   [sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓iyaʔ] Morph: s+k̓•k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ. Variant: sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ. Etym: √k̓w. rush (juncus effusus).

Istem. sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓iyaʔ. Rush. [TBK38] See: sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ.

sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ   [sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓iyaʔ] Morph: s+k̓•k̓wl̕x꞊íst̓yaʔ. Variant: sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓iyaʔ. Etym: √k̓w. rush (juncus effusus). Lit: old grass


sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ   [sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓iyaʔ] Morph: s+k̓•k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ. Etym: √k̓w. rush (juncus effusus).

Istem. sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ. Rush. [TBK38]

sk̓k̓ʔílaʔp   [sk̓ək̓ʔílaʔp] Morph: s+k̓•k̓ʔílaʔp. Etym: √k̓ʔ. spouse of deceased child; what a woman would call a daughter-in-law after her son dies.

Istem. Ques: p or t ? Category: dim. sk̓ək̓ʔílaʔp. One who used to be daughter-in-law (wife of dead son). [nb10a 067 nb1850.2]

sk̓k̓ʔílaʔt   [sk̓ək̓ʔílaʔt] Morph: s+k̓•k̓ʔílaʔt. Etym: √k̓ʔ. spouse of deceased son or daughter (daughter-in-law after the death of a son, or son-in-law after the death of a daughter).

Istem. Ques: p or t ? Category: dim. sk̓k̓ʔílaʔt. Spouse of deceased son or daughter. [dict] See: sk̓ʔilt.

sk̓laxʷ   [sk̓laxʷ] Morph: s+k̓laxʷ. Etym: √k̓lxʷ. evening; until night.

Istem. x̌ast sk̓laxʷ. Good evening. [newles 005] iʔ l sk̓laxʷ naʔɬ isqʷsqʷaʔsíʔa kʷu cqʷaqʷʔál iʔ k̓əl kɬcáwtət. In the evening my children and I talk about what we are going to do. [newles 321] sk̓laxʷ aláʔ iksmút. I could sit here til night. [nb1892.4] uɬ way̓ taʔlíʔ k̓əl sk̓laxʷ. It's quite late in the evening. [nb2586.9] yáʕpəlx k̓əl sk̓láxʷ, yáʕpəlx k̓əl sílxʷaʔ tawn. Some time towards evening they got to a big town. lut t̓ə qɬnús ksxʷísts iʔ l sk̓láxʷ. He wouldn't be able to walk in the evening. See: k̓laxʷ.

sk̓lusíp   [sk̓lusíp] Morph: s+k+ʔlusíp. Etym: √ʔl. sk̓lusíp: place name. Lit: where waters meet

Istem. Category: Geog. sk̓lusíp Place name. See: skʔlw̓sip.

sk̓luʔsáɬq   [sk̓əluʔsáɬq] Morph: s+k̓lw̓saɬq. Etym: √k̓l. chokecherry (prunus virginiana).

Istem. sk̓əluʔsáɬq. Chokecherry. [TBK127] See: sk̓lw̓saɬq.

sk̓lwis   [sk̓əlwís] Morph: sk̓+lwis. Variant: sk̓l̕wis; sk̓lw̓is. Etym: √sk̓. a large kind of salmon that used to come up the Okanagan River.

Istem. sk̓lwis. Salmon. [nb21.63a, nb21.69]

sk̓lw̓is   [sk̓lw̓is] Morph: s+k̓lw̓is. Variant: sk̓lwis; sk̓l̕wis. Etym: √k̓lw̓s. old king salmon, spring salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha).

Istem. Sp s-č̕lw̓és dog salmon, fall salmon; Cr sč̕lwís dead salmon. sk̓lw̓is. Salmon. [OkB]

sk̓lw̓saɬq   [sk̓əluʔsáɬq] Morph: s+k̓lw̓saɬq. Etym: √k̓l. chokecherry (prunus virginiana).

Istem. sk̓lw̓saɬq. Chokecherry. [TBK127]

sk̓lxʷínaʔ   [sk̓lxʷínaʔ] Morph: s+k̓lxʷínaʔ. Etym: √k̓lxʷ. evening.

Istem. way̓ a k̓aw uɬ ksk̓əlxʷínaʔ səmx̌íkən. He is still gone, and it's late in the evening. [CoGrSy 116] uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ ksk̓əlxʷínaʔlx. And when night comes. [LynxS 029] See: sk̓laxʷ.

sk̓lxʷtan   [sk̓əlxʷtán] Morph: s+k̓lxʷ+tan. Etym: √k̓lxʷ. west; sunset.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕l̕xʷ-tín the west (where sun sets). Category: +tan. sk̓lxʷtan. Sunset. [pd09] See: k̓laxʷ.

sk̓l̕wis   [sk̓əl̕wís] Morph: sk̓+lwis. Variant: sk̓lwis; sk̓lw̓is. Etym: √sk̓. sockeye salmon.

Istem. Sp:s-č̕lw̓és dog salmon, fall salmon. September, the moon of the fall dog salmon; Cr sč̕lwís dead salmon. sk̓əl̕wís. Sockeye salmon. [dict]

sk̓ɬchmix   [sk̓əɬcəhmíx] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ch+mix. Etym: √ch. person(s) watching, stalking.

Istem. Category: +mix. wíksəlx iʔ sk̓əɬcəhmíx, uɬ ɬcənyx̌iʔsʔtxəncútəlx, ixíʔ məɬ cahəntíməlx. The stalkers see (the deer), and they come back on their same tracks. [dict] t̓i ik̓líʔ təɬməncút axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm ixíʔ sxʷaʔxʷúytṇs iʔ k̓a cənxʷəxʷr̓ús, uɬ way̓ ilíʔ iʔ sʔawsk̓əɬcəhmíx, ixíʔ məɬ ƛ̓xʷəntís. The deer tracks went straight to the low pass, and the stalkers who went to watch killed them. [dict] See: k̓ɬch(a).

sk̓ɬc̓kak   [sk̓əɬc̓kák] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+c̓k•ak. Etym: √c̓k. budget.

Istem. iʔ sk̓əɬc̓káks iʔ sqlaw̓. Budget. [nb26-70 011] See: c̓k(a).

sk̓ɬc̓lal   [sk̓ɬc̓lal] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+c̓l•al. Etym: √c̓l. boundaries. Lit: poles

Istem. masəlqʷ i sk̓ɬc̓laltət. Our boundaries; four sticks. [nb22.63a] See: c̓lc̓al.

sk̓ɬk̓am   [sk̓əɬk̓ám] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+k̓am. Etym: k̓m. edge.

Istem. sk̓ɬk̓am. Edge.

sk̓ɬk̓mam   [sk̓əɬk̓mám] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+k̓ma+m. Etym: √k̓m. womanizing.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. níkxna kən kəkwápa iʔ l sk̓əɬk̓mám. I’m a dog when it comes to wishing for women. [nb20.8] Category: nMstem.

sk̓ɬk̓mils   [sk̓əɬk̓míls] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+k̓m+ils. Etym: √k̓m. front (of body); chest.

Istem. Sp s-čɬ-č̕méls chest; Sh t-k̓m-eləs chest, breast. uɬ iʔ l isk̓əɬk̓míls iʔ t̓k̓ʷak̓ʷ. It fell right in front of me. [HnTrp 168] uɬ ixíʔ míƛ̓əntxʷ axáʔ ask̓əɬk̓míls t̓əxʷ astk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ús ask̓ʷƛ̓ús. And rub it on your chest, on your eyes, on your face. [Brth 070] See: k̓m1.

sk̓ɬk̓miw̓s   [sk̓əɬk̓míw̓s] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+k̓m꞊iw̓s. Etym: √k̓m. chest.

Istem. ask̓əɬk̓míw̓s. Your chest. [dict] See: k̓m1.

sk̓ɬmlk̓ʷapqn   [sk̓əɬməlk̓ʷápqən] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+mlk̓ʷapqn. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. hair tied in a bun.

Istem. sk̓ɬmlk̓ʷapqn. Hair tied in a bun. See: mlk̓ʷ.

sk̓ɬmq̓ʷcnikst   [sk̓əɬməq̓ʷcníkst] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+mq̓ʷcnikst. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a lump on the wrist.

Istem. sk̓ɬmq̓ʷcnikst. Lump on the wrist. [pd03] See: mq̓ʷ.

sk̓ɬnk̓nk̓np̓ax̌n   [sk̓ɬənk̓ənk̓ənp̓áx̌ən] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+n+k̓n•k̓np̓ax̌n. Etym: √k̓np̓. a vest.

Istem. Sp č̕ɬ-č̕nč̕np̓áx̌n a vest; Cr s+can+č̕n̓+č̕np̓áx̌n̓ vest, corset. sk̓ɬnk̓nk̓np̓ax̌n. Vest. [nb21.150a] See: k̓np̓.

sk̓ɬpaʔx̌ám   [sk̓əɬpaʔx̌ám] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+paʔx̌á+m. Etym: √px̌. a plan (of action).

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. way̓ ixíʔ x̌ast iʔ sk̓əɬpaʔx̌ámp. You have a good plan there. [nb1287.7] See: k̓ɬpaʔx̌(á).

sk̓ɬpitm   [sk̓əɬpítəm] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+pit+m. Etym: √pt. announcer at Indian ceremonies.

Mstem. Sp sxʷ-č̕ɬ-pét-m one who repeats or announces for the Medicine Man. Category: nMstem. sk̓əɬpítəm. Announcer at Indian ceremonies. [nb26-73 015]

sk̓ɬpul̕m   [sk̓əɬpúl̕əm] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+pul̕+m. Etym: √pl̕. meat or fish smoking.

Mstem. sk̓ɬpul̕m. Meat or fish smoking. [OkB] See: pul̕1.

sk̓ɬpúl̕sc̓aʔm   [sk̓ɬpúl̕sc̓aʔam] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+púl̕sc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √pl̕. to smoke meat.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sk̓ɬpúl̕sc̓aʔam. Smoke meat. [(OkB)] See: sk̓ɬpul̕m.

sk̓ɬp̓aʔp̓áʔ   [k̓əɬp̓aʔp̓áʔ] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+p̓aʔ•p̓áʔ. Etym: √p̓ʔ. a milking cow.

nIstem. uɬ axáʔ istəmtímaʔ naʔɬ ink̓ík̓waʔ ʔasíl iʔ sk̓əɬp̓aʔp̓áʔsəlx iʔ st̓máʕlt. And my grandmother and my grandfather had two milking cows. [AutPS 020] See: p̓aʔ.

sk̓ɬp̓uƛ̓m   [sk̓əɬp̓úƛ̓əm] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+p̓uƛ̓+m. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. the length of s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sk̓əɬp̓úƛ̓əms axáʔ iʔ scpaʔpík. The length / end of the board. [E74.12] See: p̓uƛ̓m.

sk̓ɬq̓am   [sk̓əɬq̓ám] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+q̓am. Etym: √q̓m. one's wish.

Mstem. Sp č̕ɬ-q̓m-n-t-én I wished for it; Cm nq̓mscimnt‑xʷ you wish for s.t.; Cr q̓em covet, desire, long for, swallow. Category: nMstem, +am. mi ixíʔ k̓ʷúl̕ɬtsən ask̓əɬq̓ám. I'll fulfill your wish. [Dvl 233] See: q̓m(a).

sk̓ɬq̓c̓apqn   [sk̓əɬqc̓ápqən] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+q̓c̓apqn. Etym: √qc̓. a braid on top of the head.

nIstem. tərrɬtíkʷ iʔ sk̓əɬqc̓ápqəns. Unravel the braid on the back of his/her head! [nb26-60 007] See: q̓c̓(a).

sk̓ɬq̓y̓ay̓   [sk̓əɬq̓əy̓áy̓] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+q̓y̓•ay̓. Etym: √q̓y̓. s.t. that got marked.

nIstem. axáʔ a nx̌ʷəntkʷítkʷ i sk̓əɬq̓əy̓áy̓s iʔ siwɬkʷ axáʔ i l st̓ík̓ət. The Kettle River the marks of the high water. [Hrvst 006] See: q̓y̓ay̓.

sk̓ɬq̓y̓ncut   [sk̓əɬq̓əy̓ncút] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+q̓y̓+ncut. Etym: √q̓y̓. picture.

nIstem. way̓ wíkəm t sk̓əɬq̓əy̓ncút, tkəɬmílxʷ, st̓aʔk̓míx. He had seen a picture, a woman, a maiden. [GDd1 159] ʕapnáʔ iʔ sqílxʷ iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət əcwíkstən iʔ l sk̓əɬq̓əy̓ncút xʷəm t̓i lut taʔlíʔ t sqílxʷ. The Indians now are not much like the Indians Iʼve seen in pictures. [gl105] xʷəm t̓i sk̓əɬq̓əyncút. As pretty as a picture. [dict] iksʕác̓əm yaʔx̌íʔ iʔ sk̓əɬq̓əyncút. I'm going to look at that picture. [dict] See: q̓y̓.

sk̓ɬtɬilsm   [sk̓əɬtɬílsəm] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+tɬ+ils+m. Etym: √tɬ. a shortcut.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sk̓ɬtɬilsm. A shortcut. [dict] See: k̓ɬtɬilsm.

sk̓ɬt̓ɬam   [sk̓əɬt̓ɬám] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+t̓ɬa+m. Etym: √t̓ɬ. a foundation.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. sk̓ɬt̓ɬam. Foundation. [nb18181.11] See: t̓ɬ1.

sk̓ɬx̌ʷyx̌ʷyqinxn   [sk̓əɬx̌ʷəyx̌ʷəyqínxən] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+x̌ʷy•x̌ʷyqinxn. Etym: √x̌ʷy. sharp toe nails.

nIstem. uɬ k̓ʷulɬts iʔ q̓əx̌ʷqínxəns uɬ taɬt iʔ sk̓əɬx̌ʷəyx̌ʷəyqínxəns. He fixed the claws on his feet and they were very sharp toe nails. [crea133] See: x̌ʷy.

sk̓ɬyrk̓ʷcn̓íkaʔst   [sk̓əɬʔirk̓ʷcn̓íkaʔst] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+yrk̓ʷcn̓íkaʔst. Etym: √yrk̓ʷ. a bracelet.

nIstem. Category: dim. uɬ way̓ wíkɬtsəlx xʷʔit iʔ sk̓əɬʔirk̓ʷcn̓íkaʔsts. They saw that she had lots of bracelets. [lnxbdga 283] See: k̓ɬyrk̓ʷcnikst.

sk̓ɬyxʷut   [sk̓əɬixʷút] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+yxʷut. Etym: √yxʷ. to be below.

nIstem. sk̓ʷut sc̓uxán aksk̓əɬmáʕ̓m iʔ sk̓əɬixʷúts. Tou have to shoot half a foot below. [HnTrp 173] See: yxʷut.

sk̓ɬʕaccín   [sk̓əɬʕaccín] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ʕaccín. Etym: √ʕc. a necktie.

nIstem. sk̓ɬʕaccín Necktie. [nb20.94a] x̌ast iʔ sk̓ɬacəcín ɬaʔ cniw̓t. My tie is sure pretty when the wind blows. [nb8.18a] See: k̓ɬʕaccníks.

sk̓ɬʔa   [sk̓əɬʔá] Morph: s+k̓ɬʔa. Etym: √k̓ɬʔ. to come to a point. Lit: to reach the end

nIstem. k̓əɬʔáʔ. He got to the foot of the hill. [nb21.138] See: k̓ɬʔa.

sk̓ɬʔállqʷaʔ   [sk̓əɬʔálˑqʷaʔ] Morph: s+k̓ɬʔál•l•qʷaʔ. Etym: √k̓ɬʔ. sk̓ɬʔállqʷaʔ: the area where the original town of Marcus was located. Lit: reach the river

Istem. Category: Geog. uɬ ixíʔ iʔ t cun way̓ t̓i kmix naqs səntumístən ilíʔ iʔ l sk̓əɬʔálˑqʷaʔ. Like I said there was only one store at Marcus (lit. at the shore). [Hrvst 170] See: k̓ɬʔállqʷaʔ.

sk̓ɬʔattxnúmt   [sk̓əɬʔatətxnúmt] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ʔat•t•x+númt. Etym: √ʔtx. to oversleep.

nIstem. Category: +numt. x̌əl isk̓əɬʔatətxnúmt ki kən nwaʔsnúxʷ. I'm late because I overslept. [nb08 617] See: k̓ɬʔattxnúmt.

sk̓ɬʔiys   [sk̓əɬʔíys] Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ʔiys. Etym: √ʔys. to change.

nIstem. way̓ sk̓aʔtmíx mat iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ sk̓əɬʔíysc. The earthʼs change is getting near. [cre15] See: k̓ɬʔiys.

sk̓maqs1   [sk̓əmáqs] Morph: s+k̓maqs. Etym: √k̓m. nose; the end (of a line); side; wing.

nIstem. Cr s+niʔ+č̕ám–iʔqs nose (surface of the). uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ axáʔ təl̕ sk̓əmáqs mi síwən. I'll start a-questioning you from one end (of the line). [GDd2 092] t̓wístəlx, uɬ xʷuy axáʔ iʔ təl sk̓maqs ik̓líʔ. They stood up, and he went from one end to the other. [dict] See: k̓m.

sk̓maqs2   [sk̓əmáqs] Morph: s+k̓maqs. Etym: √k̓m. leftovers; detritus.

nIstem. sk̓maqs. Leftovers. [nb1837.10]

sk̓maw̓sqn   [sk̓máwsqən] Morph: s+k̓maw̓sqn. Etym: √k̓m. the front of the mouth; the lip.

nIstem. sk̓maw̓sqn. Lip. [dict] See: k̓m.

sk̓max̌n   [sk̓max̌ṇ] Morph: s+k̓max̌n. Etym: √k̓m. the end of a place.

nIstem. ixíʔ uɬ sk̓máx̌əns i tla ksqilxʷ, kiʔ ixíʔ sənx̌ʷúc̓əc̓tən. That's the end of the places where people are, cut something. [AutPS 186] See: k̓m.

sk̓mcinxn   [sk̓əmcínxən] Morph: s+k̓mcinxn. Etym: √k̓m. ankle.

nIstem. Sp s-čɬ-č̕mcín̓šn ankle; Cm kɬ‑k̓m‑cin‑xn ankle; Cr s+cen+č̕mcínšn ankle; Sh k̓ʷəɬ-k̓m-cin̓-xn ankle. isk̓əmcínxən My ankle. [nb27-08 005]

sk̓mcnitkʷ   [sk̓əmcnítkʷ] Morph: s+k̓mcnitkʷ. Etym: √k̓m. shore line.

nIstem. Cm k̓m‑cn‑atkʷ bay; bank, shore. sk̓mcnitkʷ. Shore. [nb26-55 009] See: k̓m.

sk̓mikn   [sk̓mikṇ] Morph: s+k̓mikn. Etym: √k̓m. edge.

nIstem. Sp č-č̕míčn̓ top of a mountain. sk̓míkəns. Its edge. [nb27-01 003] See: k̓m.

sk̓miltn   [sk̓miltṇ] Morph: s+k̓m꞊iltn. Etym: √k̓m. throat, gullet.

nIstem. Ques: k̓ or q̓ ?

sk̓mipɬxn   [sk̓mipɬxṇ] Morph: s+k̓m꞊ipɬ꞊xn. Etym: √k̓m. the heel (of a foot).

nIstem. Sp s-č̕mépšn heel of foot. sk̓mipɬxn. The heel (of a foot). [dict]

sk̓miw̓s   [sk̓miw̓s] Morph: s+k̓miw̓s. Etym: √k̓m. one's back (of the body); one's waist.

nIstem. Sp s-n-č̕méw̓s the waist, the narrow, middle part of the body; Cm s‑k̓m‑aw̓s waist; Sh s-k̓m-ew̓s waist. kən ləxʷáp isk̓míw̓s. I hurt my back. [nb6.188a] See: k̓m.

sk̓mlqsikst   [sk̓məlqsíkst] Morph: s+k̓mlqsikst. Etym: √k̓m. elbow.

nIstem. Cm s‑n‑k̓m‑lqs‑akst point of elbow. sk̓mlqsikst. Elbow. See: k̓m.

sk̓mmcinxn   [sk̓əmm̓cínxən] Morph: s+k̓m•mcinxn. Etym: √k̓m. ankles.

nIstem. Sp s-čɬ-č̕mcín̓šn ankle; Cm kɬk̓mcinxn ankle; Cr s+cen+č̕mcínšn ankle; Sh k̓ʷəɬ-k̓m-cin̓-xn ankle. isk̓əmm̓cínxən. My ankles. [nb27-08 006] ʔasíl isk̓əmm̓cínxən. My two ankles. [nb27-08 007]

sk̓mmiw̓s   [sk̓əmm̓íw̓s] Morph: s+k̓m•miw̓s. Etym: √k̓m. backs.

nIstem. sk̓əmm̓íw̓s. Backs. [nb27-08 020] See: sk̓miw̓s.

sk̓msimxʷ   [sk̓əmsímxʷ] Morph: s+k̓msimxʷ. Etym: √k̓m. nipple; teat.

nIstem. sk̓msimxʷ Nipple. [pd03] See: k̓m.

sk̓mw̓saqs   [sk̓muʔsáqs] Morph: s+k̓m꞊w̓s꞊aqs. Etym: √k̓m. the bridge of the nose.

nIstem. sk̓mw̓saqs. Bridge of the nose. [dict] See: k̓m.

sk̓mw̓sax̌n   [sk̓muʔsáx̌n] Morph: s+k̓m꞊w̓s꞊ax̌n. Etym: √k̓m. the upper arm.

nIstem. sk̓mw̓sax̌n. Upper arm. [dict] See: k̓m.

sk̓mw̓sikst   [sk̓muʔsíkst] Morph: s+k̓mw̓sikst. Etym: √k̓m. the lower arm; the back side of the forearm.

nIstem. sk̓mw̓sikst. Forearm. [pd03] See: k̓m.

sk̓mw̓sus   [sk̓musús] Morph: s+k̓mw̓sus. Variant: sk̓mwsus. Etym: √k̓m. the front of the face.

nIstem. sk̓mw̓sus. Front of the face. [pd03] See: k̓m.

sk̓nsam   [sk̓ənsám] Morph: s+k̓nsa+m. Etym: √k̓ns. trap; deadfall trap(ping); trapping by having s.t. fall on the animal.

Mstem. Sp č̕néyn a pole trap. Category: nMstem. ixíʔ iʔ sk̓ənsám, məɬ alàʔ iʔ k̓əɬt̓əkcíntn, ilíʔ iʔ mílaʔs, k̓əɬt̓əkcísəlx, ixíʔ k̓ʷaʔntís iʔ skəmxíst, ixíʔ uɬ t̓əxʷ stím̓ xiʔmíx; ckʷəntís məɬ kmɬəɬqínaʔ, aɬíʔ kʷaʔ nʕást; ixíʔ ɬ sk̓ənsám. Thatʼs a deadfall, and thereʼs a prop, there is the bait, they prop it there, the bear or some animal bites it, he takes it and it falls on top, because itʼs heavy; thatʼs a trap. [gl126] lut t̓ə ck̓ʷúl̕məlx, t̓i kmax iʔ spíx̌əm əck̓ʷúl̕stsəlx, uɬ iʔ sənʕacúsəm, iʔ sk̓ənsám. The only work they do is hunting, trapping, snaring. [gl122]

sk̓ram1   [sk̓ram] Morph: s+k̓ra+m. Etym: √k̓r. to swim; swimming.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. lut t̓a cmistín iʔ sk̓rám. I don't know how to swim. [CoGrSy 435] lut kʷ sisyús iʔ l sk̓ram uɬ cəm kʷ ƛ̓lal. If you aren't a good swimmer [good at swimming], you will die. [CSCo59] See: k̓ram.

sk̓ram2   [sk̓ram] Morph: s+k̓ra+m. Etym: √k̓r. one's cutting with a saw.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. isk̓rám. I cut with a saw. [nb08 377] See: k̓r(a).

sk̓sámaʔ   [sk̓sámaʔ] Morph: s+k̓sámaʔ ? Etym: √k̓s. cancer.

nIstem. ixíʔ ksk̓sámaʔ. He has cancer. [nb19.255] See: k̓as.

sk̓sik̓k̓   [sək̓sík̓ək̓] Morph: sk̓•sik̓•k̓. Etym: √sk̓. to be scratched.

Istem. níˑˑkxna sək̓sík̓ək̓x axáʔ səmx̌íkən, uɬ iwá tkəcxíls. Gee, Grizzly is all scratched up, she suffered. [CoGrSy 732] See: sk̓sk̓ak̓.

sk̓sk̓ak̓   [sək̓sk̓ák̓] Morph: sk̓•sk̓•ak̓. Etym: √sk̓. to be torn up.

Istem. uɬ way̓ cəm̓ talí sək̓sk̓ák̓, cəm̓ t̓i ƛ̓um̓. She'll get all torn up, nothing but blood. [CoGrSy 705] mi ití ksxan iʔ ksək̓sk̓ák̓s iʔ ksm̓lál̕s. Before she gets through, she'll be all torn up, bloody. [CoGrSy 706] See: sk̓sik̓k̓.

sk̓sɬtkɬmilxʷ   [sk̓əsɬtəkɬmílxʷ] Morph: s+k̓s+ɬ+tkɬ+milxʷ. Etym: √k̓s, √tkɬ. sk̓sɬtkɬmilxʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. sk̓sɬtkɬmilxʷ. Woman's name. [nb1894.10]

sk̓súlaʔxʷ   [sk̓súlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+k̓súlaʔxʷ. Etym: √k̓s. 1 • bad land.

nIstem. way̓ ixíʔ sxʷúysəlx, way̓ wíkməlx ilíʔ cɬəɬáq lut sk̓súlaʔxʷ. They went, they saw that there was brush, not bad brush. [GDd1 637]

2 • nIstem. sk̓súlaʔxʷ. See: k̓ast.

sk̓sʕac̓c̓   [sk̓əsʕac̓c̓] Morph: s+k̓s+ʕac̓•c̓. Etym: √k̓s, √ʕc̓. one's ugliness; one's bad looks.

nIstem. ik̓líʔ əɬkícx uɬ wiks ixíʔ uɬ náx̌əmɬ taɬt iʔ sk̓əsʕac̓c̓əs. She got back there and she saw him, and he was sure ugly. [nb2575.5] See: sʕac̓c̓.

sk̓úmplaʔ   [sk̓úmplaʔ] Morph: s+k+ʔúmplaʔ. Etym: √ʔm. to call or name s.t.; the meaning of s.t.

nIstem. See: skʔúmplaʔ.

sk̓wílaʔxʷ   [sk̓əwílaʔxʷ] Morph: s+k̓wílaʔxʷ. Etym: √k̓w. snake; water snake.

Istem. Sp s-č̕ew̓íl̕eʔ watersnake; gartersnake; Chewelah. sk̓wílaʔxʷ. Snake. [nb1859.14]

sk̓wk̓awílxaʔx   [sk̓əw̓k̓awíl̕xaʔx] Morph: s+k̓w•k̓awílx+aʔx. Variant: sk̓wk̓wílxaʔx. Etym: √k̓w. (water) snakes.

Istem. sk̓əwk̓awílxaʔx Snakes (form heard in spáx̌mən). [nb27-23 005]

sk̓wk̓wílaʔxʷ   [sk̓uk̓əwílaʔxʷ] Morph: s+k̓w•k̓wílaʔxʷ. Etym: √k̓w. water snake.

Istem. sk̓wk̓wílaʔxʷ. Water snake. [nb1858.1] See: sk̓wílaʔxʷ.

sk̓wk̓wílxaʔx   [sk̓uk̓əw̓ílxaʔx] Morph: s+k̓w•k̓wílx+aʔx. Variant: sk̓wk̓awílxaʔx. Etym: √k̓w. (garden) snakes.

Istem. sk̓wk̓wílxaʔx. (Garden) snakes. [nb27-19 004]

sk̓wqncut   [sk̓əwqəncút] Morph: s+k̓wqn+cut. Etym: √k̓w. menstruation; one menstruating.

nIstem. sk̓wqncut. Menstruation. [nb21.148]

sk̓w̓k̓w̓íʔɬp   [sk̓əw̓k̓əw̓íʔɬp] Morph: s+k̓w̓•k̓w̓íʔɬp. Etym: √k̓w. 1 • white bark pine (pinus albicaulis).

Istem. sk̓w̓k̓w̓íʔɬp [TBK27]

2 • Istem. spruce.

Spruce.Istem. sk̓w̓k̓w̓íʔɬp. Spruce.

sk̓xus1   [sk̓əxʷús] Morph: s+k̓x꞊us. Etym: √k̓x. tears; tear drops.

nIstem. Cm sk̓xus tears. isk̓xús. My eyes tear, get wet. [dict] sk̓xʷusc. His tears. [nb1863.6] ʔip̓ənt ask̓xʷús. Wipe your tears! [nb1863.9] way̓ sʔut̓ isk̓xʷús. My tears dried off. [nb1876.5]

sk̓xus2   [sk̓əxʷús] Morph: s+k̓xus. Etym: √k̓x. dry eyes.

nIstem. sk̓əxʷús. Dry eyes. [11.1a]

sk̓xʷiɬxʷ   [sk̓xʷiɬxʷ] Morph: s+k̓xʷiɬxʷ. Etym: √k̓xʷ. sk̓xʷiɬxʷ: distinctive rock with a crevice in it situated along the former east bank of the Sanpoil River, about a mile up from the former river mouth. Lit: crevice-dwelling

Istem. Category: Geog. sk̓xʷiɬxʷ. Place name. [BK48]

sk̓xʷus   [sk̓əxʷús] Morph: s+k̓xus. Etym: √k̓x. tear(s) (of the eyes).

nIstem. See: sk̓xus.

sk̓xʷxʷum   [sk̓əxʷxʷúm] Morph: s+k̓xʷ•xʷum. Etym: √k̓xm. consumption, tuberculosis.

nIstem. Sp hec-č̕xʷxʷ-mí he's drying up with consumption; s-č̕xʷ-úm consumption, tuberculosis; Cr s+č̕éxʷ+xʷ asthma, comsumption. sk̓xʷxʷum. Consumption. [nb1863.2]

sk̓y̓ilx   [sk̓y̓ilx] Morph: s+k̓y̓ilx. Etym: √k̓y. autumn, fall.

nIstem. See: sk̓ʔay.

sk̓ʔay   [sk̓ʔay] Morph: s+k̓[ʔ]ay. Etym: √k̓y. autumn comes; fall comes; cold comes.

nIstem. Category: ʔInch. ixíʔ iʔ l sk̓ʔay kaʔ c̓úlˑus iʔ sqilxʷ ilíʔ, məɬ tíxʷməlx t qáqxʷəlx. In the fall the people gather there, and they get fish. [su7q̓im 019] iʔ l sk̓ʔay k̓aʔyáməlx, məɬ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm x̌əw̓ntísəlx. In the fall, they fall-hunted and dried the deer meat. [WA1-24] sk̓ʔay məɬ píx̌məlx. It's fall and they hunt. [nb186.10] See: k̓ayʔám.

sk̓ʔaym   [sk̓ʔaym] Morph: s+k̓ʔay+m. Etym: √k̓y. getting to be fall.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sk̓ʔaym. It's getting to be fall time. [E4] See: sk̓ʔay.

sk̓ʔilp   [sk̓iʔílp] Morph: s+k̓ʔilp. Etym: √k̓ʔ. spouse of deceased child.

nIstem. Ques: p or t ? Category: kin, kin. See: sk̓ʔilt.

sk̓ʔilt   [sk̓iʔílt] Morph: s+k̓iʔ꞊ílt. Etym: √k̓ʔ. spouse of deceased son or daughter.

nIstem. Sp s-č̕ʔélp son's widow; see Cm k̓‑aʔ‑álp stepfather; Sh sk̓elp wife of man's deceased brother; Li s.k̓álpaʔ wife of man's deceased brother. Ques: t or p ? Category: kin. ask̓ʔílt. Your ex child-in-law (daughter-in-law after the death of a son, or son-in-law after the death of a daughter). [dict] See: sk̓ʔilp.

sk̓ʔwílaʔ   [sk̓əʔwílaʔ] Morph: s+k̓ʔwílaʔ. Etym: √k̓ʔ ?. sk̓ʔwílaʔ: Chewelah.

Istem. Category: Geog. sk̓ʔwílaʔ. Chewelah. [nb1724.12]

skʷ1   [skʷ] Morph: skʷ. Etym: √skʷ. root with meaning "to swell" on which some stems are formed.

Rt. Sp √sekʷ unable to talk well; n-skʷ-ɬ√q̓mél-tn his throat swelled up; his tonsils swelled up.; Cr u+n+sí·kʷ hoarse (his voice was rather...). See: kmyskʷt; nskʷikn̓.

-skʷ2   [skʷ] Morph: -skʷ. singular transitive imperative of +st verbs.

isfx. Category: mood. ciʔskʷ. Leave her alone! [cnebdd 056] kʷu qʷəlqʷílskʷ. Talk to me! [nb1728.6] síx̌əlxskʷ. Move it! [nb25-48 005] nwísəlxskʷ. Pick it up! [nb26-37 0] way̓skʷ. Stop it! [AutPS 149] x̌ʷilskʷ. Throw it away! [nb25-48 004]

skʷalt   [skʷalt] Morph: s+kʷal+t. Variant: skʷal̕t. Etym: √kʷl. the heat of the sun; the light of the sun.

nIstem. Category: +t.

skʷal̕t   [skʷal̕t] Morph: s+kʷal̕+t. Variant: skʷalt. Etym: √kʷl̕. the heat of the sun; the light of the sun.

nIstem. Category: +t. uɬ iʔ t skʷalt uɬ t sniwt kaʔ cx̌w̓aw̓. The sun and the wind would dry it. [rdgs 083] way̓ k̓ík̓əm kʷu ksƛ̓axʷt iʔ t skʷalt. We are nearly dying from the heat. [nb1894.11] nyak̓ʷqín way̓ cíx̌cəx̌t iʔ skʷalt. It's afternoon, the sun is very hot. [nb2561.9] way̓ t̓i kʷm̓iɬ kiʔ ciʔíx iʔ skʷal̕t. At once it got warm (from) the sun. [Dvl 283] iʔ l skʷalt. In the sunlight. [dict] See: kʷal̕t.

skʷant   [skʷant] Morph: s+kʷant. Etym: √kʷnt. Omak, Omak Lake, Omak Indians.

Istem. Category: Geog. axáʔ skʷant iʔ sílxʷa iʔ t̓ík̓ʷət. Omak Lake is a big lake. [2gts 018] mat way̓ lut t̓a lkʷut ncaʔlím tla nspíləm təl skʷant. Inchelium isnʼt far from Nespelem, from Omak. [gl65]

skʷanx̌n   [skʷánx̌ən] Morph: s+kʷanx̌n. Etym: √kʷn. prisoner, slave, a kidnapped one.

nIstem. uɬ ilíʔ pəptwínaxʷ, way̓ k̓iwlx, uɬ ixíʔ skʷánx̌ən iʔ pəptwínaxʷ, ɬə k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ ɬ sk̓ʷək̓ʷíyməlx kiʔ kʷánx̌əntəm iʔ t stq̓ʷáʕyxəns. And there was an old woman, old, and this old woman was a slave, the Blackfeet had taken her as a small child. [dc58] See: kʷanx̌(n).

skʷáti   [skʷáti] Morph: skʷáti. From: English Scotty. Etym: √skʷt. Scotty.

Istem. skʷáti laʔ cənlxʷúlaʔxʷ ki ilíʔ skʷáti. Scotty that lives at Round Lake. [Ppine.39]

skʷaʕst   [skʷaʕst] Morph: s+kʷaʕst. Etym: √kʷʕst. early morning.

nIstem. Sp s-kʷékʷs-t, Cm ʔikʷ‑kʷaast early morning (aa confirms an earlier pharyngeal). Ok siɬ+ is not understood. skʷaʕst. Early morning. [nb1893.12] See: kʷkʷaʕst.

skʷílc̓aʔ   [skʷílc̓aʔ] Morph: s+kʷílc̓aʔ. Etym: √kʷl. a red blanket.

nIstem. ixíʔ iskʷílc̓aʔ. That's my red blanket. [nb18158.11] See: kʷil.

skʷílpaʔst   [skʷílpaʔst] Morph: s+kʷíl+paʔst. Etym: √kʷl. red beard.

nIstem. iʔ skʷílpaʔst. Red beards. [nb22.74a] See: kʷil.

skʷilstnm   [skʷílstnəm] Morph: s+kʷils+tn+m. Etym: √kʷls. the ways of the sweat house.

nIstem. iʔ təl iscƛ̓x̌áp lut t̓a cmistín iʔ skʷílstnəm. From my my upbringing I don't know the ways of the sweathouse. [E39.6] See: kʷilstn.

skʷimcxn   [skʷímcxən] Morph: s+kʷimcxn ? Variant: skʷmkʷmiwcxn. Etym: √kʷm. a rainbow.

nIstem. Sp s-kʷmkʷmíw̓cšn rainbow; Cm s‑kʷm‑kʷim‑mc‑xn rainbow; Cr s+kʷm+kʷmíw+tšn rainbow. skʷimcxn. Rainbow. [nb1880.16]

skʷínaʔst   [skʷínaʔst] Morph: s+kʷínaʔst. Etym: √kʷn. a club.

nIstem. skʷínaʔst. Club. [nb20.94]

skʷinlt   [skʷínəlt] Morph: s+kʷinlt. Etym: √kʷn. an adopted child.

nIstem. ixíʔ akskʷínəlt. This will be your adopted child. [nb1886.15] Category: kin. See: kʷin.

skʷist   [skʷist] Morph: s+kʷist. Etym: √kʷst. a name.

nIstem. Sp √kʷes name; Cr kʷis name; Sh s-kʷest name; Th √kʷést name. kʷ swit, swit askʷíst. Who are you, what is your name? [dict] sənxəlkúlaʔxʷ iskʷíst. My name is sənxəlkúlaʔxʷ. [mychildr 279] atwán ixíʔ iʔ l inqʷəlqʷíltn askʷíst. atwán is your name in my language. [su7q̓im 286] q̓əy̓ɬtísəlx axáʔ iʔ ɬsísəncaʔs iʔ skʷists. They signed their little brother’s name. [dict] kʷ iksxʷíc̓xtəm t akskʷíst. I am going to give you a name. ixíʔ akɬcq̓ílən, uɬ ixíʔ akskʷíst, sənk̓l̕íp. This will be your arrow, and this will be your name, Coyote. [dict] See: kʷistm.

skʷixmn   [skʷíxmən] Morph: s+kʷix+mn. Etym: √kʷx. Lit: B's etym: from kwix ‘sting or shock’ skʷixmn: the site of the old Baulne (?) ranch, formerly a well-known area for digging black camas.

Istem. Category: Geog. skʷixmn. Place name. [BK148]

skʷkʷan̓t   [skʷəkʷán̓t] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷan̓t. Etym: √kʷnt. Lit: little waterfall 1 • skʷkʷan̓t: a small waterfall "about a mile" up from the former mouth of Wilmont Creek where the people used to use a c̓əlíʔ (a J-shaped basketry trap) to catch steelhead.

Istem. Category: Geog.

2 • Istem. skʷkʷan̓t: Meyers Falls on the Colville River, situated south of the present-day town of Kettle Falls. Category: Geog.

3 • Istem. skʷkʷan̓t: small waterfall located west from the former mouth of Nancy Creek. Category: Geog.

Istem. skʷkʷan̓t. Place name. [BK153; 312; 372] See: skʷant.

skʷkʷaʕst   [skʷkʷaʕst] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷaʕst. Etym: √kʷʕst. early morning.

nIstem. kiʔ kʷu a cqíɬstsəlx i l skʷkʷaʕst məɬ axáʔ kən kscáʕʷlxaʔx that's why they wake me up early and then I have to bathe. [AutPS 042] See: skʷaʕst.

skʷkʷiw̓   [skʷkʷiw̓] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷiw̓. Etym: √kʷw̓. 1 • tomato; pine cone; a roundish object; rosebud; roseberry. Lit: little conical shape


2 • nIstem. wild rose fruit (rosa spp.) and tomato (lycopersicum esculentum).

See ? Sh səkʷéw̓ rosebud; Th √kʷéw̓ ? rose.nIstem. skʷkʷiw̓. Place name. [TBK131, 140]

skʷkʷl̕al̕   [skʷkʷl̕al̕] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕•al̕. Etym: √kʷl. sunshine.

nIstem. skʷkʷl̕al̕. Sunshine. [nb1875.2] See: skʷl̕al̕.

skʷkʷl̕itkʷ   [skʷəkʷl̕ítkʷ] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕itkʷ. Etym: √kʷl̕. skʷkʷl̕itkʷ: area on the east side of the Kettle River, east and slightly north from Barstow, just south of the spot where the present-day road divides either to go south down the east side of the Kettle River or to go west up the hill. Lit: little warm water

Istem. skʷkʷl̕itkʷ. Place name. [BK388]

skʷkʷl̕kʷl̕siɬml̕x   [skʷəkʷəl̕kʷl̕síɬml̕x] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷl̕s꞊iɬml̕x. Variant: skʷkʷl̕siɬml̕x. Etym: √kʷls. false box (paxistima myrsinites). Lit: little kinnikinnick bush

Istem. skʷkʷl̕kʷl̕siɬml̕x. False box. [TBK95]

skʷkʷl̕siɬml̕x   [skʷəkʷl̕síɬml̕x] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕s꞊iɬml̕x. Variant: skʷkʷl̕kʷl̕siɬml̕x. Etym: √kʷls. false box (paxistima myrsinites). Lit: little kinnikinnick bush

Istem. skʷkʷl̕siɬml̕x. False box. [TBK95]

skʷkʷm̓kʷm̓iwcxn̓   [skʷəkʷəm̓kʷəm̓íwcxn̓] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷm̓•kʷm̓iwcxn̓. Etym: √kʷm. skʷkʷm̓kʷm̓iwcxn̓: Falls (Fall) Creek, on the west side of the Columbia several miles north from Rogers Bar. Lit: many little rainbows

Istem. skʷkʷm̓kʷm̓iwcxn̓. Place name. [BK173]

skʷkʷn̓kʷin̓m   [skʷəkʷn̓kʷín̓əm] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷn̓•kʷin̓+m. Etym: √kʷn̓. little wild potatoes.

Istem. Category: dim. skʷəkʷn̓kʷín̓əm. Little potatoes. [nb26-23 005] See: skʷn̓kʷin̓m.

skʷkʷr̓ínaʔ   [skʷəkʷr̓ínaʔ] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷr̓ínaʔ. Etym: √kʷr̓. clam shell.

Istem. Sp s-kʷk̓ʷréneʔ (sk̓ʷk̓ʷláneʔ) oyster; Cr s+k̓ʷar̓íneʔ bivalve, clam, oyster. Ques: kʷ or k̓ʷ ? Category: dim. ixíʔ ckʷis ilíʔ aʔ cutáns iʔ skʷəkʷr̓ínaʔ. She picked up a clam shell that was lying there. [chipdd 032]

skʷkʷusnt   [skʷkʷúsənt] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷusnt. Etym: √kʷsnt. stars.

Istem. Sp kʷkʷús-m̓ star. ʕ̓ác̓ənt iʔ skʷkʷúsənt, iʔ scəcʕásənt. Look at the stars, the little stars. [coyeyes 026] ṇt̓a uɬ t̓i c̓ix̌ʷ iʔ skʷkʷúsənt. Gee, the stars are bright. [dict]

skʷkʷw̓iɬp   [skʷəkʷəw̓íɬp, skʷəkʷʔíɬp] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷw̓íɬp. Etym: √kʷ. wild rose (rosa acicularis, r. nutkana, r. gymnocarpa, r.woodsii).

Istem. Sh səkʷéw̓ rosebud; Th √kʷéw̓ ? rose. skʷkʷw̓iɬp. Wild rose. [TBK131] cúntəm t̓əxʷ kən skʷəkʷʔíɬp. He told him, "I am a rose bush." [coyeyes 017]

skʷkʷyáwtaʔx   [skʷəkʷyáwtaʔx] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷyáwt+aʔx. Etym: √kʷy. ground squirrel.

Istem. Cm s-kʷiyú squirrel. skʷkʷyáwtaʔx. Ground squirrel. [nb21.151]

skʷkʷy̓iʔst   [skʷəkʷəy̓íʔst] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷy̓iʔst. Variant: skʷkʷʔiʔst. Etym: √kʷy. 1 • skʷkʷy̓iʔst: the settlement known as Daisy, on the east side of F.D.R. Lake. Lit: a type of rock Category: Geog.

Istem. skʷkʷy̓iʔst. Rice. [BK237]

2 • Istem. skʷkʷy̓iʔst: Rice. skʷkʷy̓iʔst.

skʷkʷʔiʔst   [skʷəkʷiʔíʔst] Morph: s+kʷ•kʷy̓iʔst. Variant: skʷkʷy̓iʔst. Etym: √kʷy̓. skʷkʷʔiʔst: Rice; Daisy.

Istem. skʷkʷʔiʔst. Daisy. [nb1895.1]

skʷlis   [skʷlis] Morph: s+kʷlis. Etym: √kʷls. kinnickinnick berry (arctostaphylos uva-ursi).

Istem. Sp s-kʷlís kinnickinnick berry, bearberry. skʷlis. Kinnickinnick berry. [TBK101] məɬ ixíʔ sq̓ʷəl̕íw̓ms tə skʷlis. He would pick kinnickinnik berries. [chipdd 003]

skʷlsiɬmlx   [skʷəlsíɬməlx] Morph: s+kʷlsiɬm+lx. Etym: √kʷls. kinnickinnick berries; kinnickinnick leaves (arctostaphylos uva-ursi).

Istem. Sp s-kʷlís. axáʔ iʔ təl skʷəlsíɬməlx mi k̓ʷúl̕xtmən t akstk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústən. I'll make you some eyes from this here kinnickkinnick berry. [coyeyes 036] skʷəlsíɬməlx. Kinnickinnick leaves. [nb9a 176] See: skʷlis.

skʷl̕al̕   [skʷl̕al̕] Morph: s+kʷl̕•al̕. Etym: √kʷl̕. a sunbeam.

nIstem. skʷl̕al̕. Sunbeam. [dict] See: kʷl̕al̕.

skʷl̕al̕qs   [skʷl̕al̕qs] Morph: s+kʷl̕al̕qs. Etym: √kʷl̕. a coat.

nIstem. skʷl̕al̕qs. Coat. [dict] See: kʷl̕alqsm.

skʷl̕kʷil̕m   [skʷl̕kʷil̕m] Morph: s+kʷl̕•kʷil̕+m. Variant: skʷn̓kʷin̓m. Etym: √kʷl̕. wild potato.

Istem. skʷl̕kʷil̕m. Wild potato. [dict]

skʷƛ̓us   [skʷəƛ̓ús] Morph: s+k̓ʷƛ̓us. Variant: sk̓ʷƛ̓us. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. face.

Istem. Sh s-kʷt̓-us face; Th s/k̓ʷƛ̓ús face. See: sk̓ʷƛ̓us.

skʷmkʷimcxn   [skʷəmkʷímcxən] Morph: s+kʷm•kʷimcxn. Variant: skʷimcxn; skʷmkʷmiwcxn. Etym: √kʷm. rainbow.

Istem. Sp skʷmkʷmiwcšn; Cr s+kʷm+kʷmíw+tšn. See: skʷmkʷmiwcxn.

skʷmkʷmiwcxn   [skʷəmkʷmíwcxən] Morph: s+kʷm•kʷmiwcxn. Variant: skʷimcxn; skʷmkʷimcxn. Etym: √kʷm. 1 • rainbow.

Istem. skʷmkʷmiwcxn. [nb6.6]

2 • Istem. Falls (Fall) Creek, on the west side of the Columbia several miles north from Rogers Bar.

Sp skʷmkʷmiwcšn; Cr s+kʷm+kʷmíw+tšn.Istem. skʷmkʷmiwcxn. [BK17] See: skʷmkʷimcxn.

skʷmɬtiɬn   [skʷəmɬtíɬən] Morph: s+kʷmɬtiɬn. Etym: √kʷm. s.t. for s.o. to store.

nIstem. ixíʔ skʷəmɬtíɬəns úɬiʔ kʷúmən. He left it there for somebody to care for it, and I put it away. [nb1880.6] See: kʷum.

skʷm̓kʷm̓awcxn̓   [skʷəm̓kʷəm̓áwcxn̓] Morph: s+kʷm̓•kʷm̓awcxn̓. Etym: √kʷm. skʷm̓kʷm̓awcxn̓: Falls (Fall) Creek, on the west side of the Columbia several miles north from Rogers Bar. Lit: many rainbows

Istem. skʷm̓kʷm̓awcxn̓. Place name. [BK173]

skʷnim   [skʷnim] Morph: s+kʷni+m. Etym: √kʷn. one's taking s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +im. aˑˑ t anwí askʷním. Oh, you took it. [GDd1 494] See: kʷnim.

skʷn̓kʷín̓m   [skʷən̓kʷín̓əm] Morph: s+kʷn̓•kʷín̓+m. Variant: skʷl̕kʷil̕m. Etym: √kʷn̓. spring beauty (claytonia lancolata and potato solanum tuberosum).

Istem. skʷən̓kʷín̓əm. Mayflower, wild potato. [TBK113, 140]

2 • Istem. wild onion. uɬ ixíʔ əctəxʷcəncút, əcwíc̓əm iʔ t skʷənkʷínəm. She gathers food, digs for wild onions. [nb2541.9] Sp s-kʷn̓kʷin̓-m̓ Indian potato, spring beauty; Cm s‑kʷn̓‑kʷin̓‑m wild potato; Sh s-kʷn-kʷinm wild potato; Li s.kʷən:kʷín wild potato.

skʷraʔkán   [skʷraʔkán] Morph: s+kʷraʔkán ? Etym: √kʷrʔ. copper.

Istem. Cm s‑kʷraʔ‑kan gold; copper. skʷraʔkán. Copper. [dict] See: kʷriʔ.

skʷraʔɬpíw̓s   [skʷraʔɬpíw̓s] Morph: s+kʷr+aʔɬpíw̓s. Etym: √kʷr. skʷraʔɬpíw̓s. Lit: many yellow flowers

Istem. skʷraʔɬpíw̓s Place name. [nb1890.13]

skʷraʔqín   [skʷraʔqín] Morph: s+kʷraʔqín. Etym: √kʷr̓. a strawberry roan horse.

nIstem. ixíʔ iskʷraʔqín. That's my strawberry roan horse. [nb18158.15]

skʷrxan   [skʷərxán] Morph: s+kʷrxan. Etym: √kʷr. 1 • sandhill crane; Crane; blue heron.

Istem. k̓əl skʷərxán kiw. To Crane, yes. [frogdd 006; nb12.27a]

2 • Istem. skʷrxan (Joe Abel).

Sp s-kʷér–šn (s-kʷál–šn) sandhill crane, long-necked, blue crane. Gray water birds with long legs; see Cm skʷraʔkán gold; copper; Cr s+kʷaršn yellow foot, crane.Istem. Category: mName.

skʷr̓aʔɬpíw̓s   [skʷr̓aʔɬpíw̓s] Morph: s+kʷr̓aʔɬp꞊íw̓s. Etym: √kʷr̓ʔ. skʷr̓aʔɬpíw̓s: Meteor Valley.

Istem. skʷr̓aʔɬpíw̓s. Place name. [dict]

skʷr̓kʷr̓íc̓aʔ   [skʷr̓kʷr̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: s+kʷr̓•kʷr̓꞊íc̓aʔ. Etym: √kʷr̓. tomato (lycopersicum esculentum). Lit: B’s etym: yellow/green

Istem. skʷr̓kʷr̓íc̓aʔ. Tomato. [TBK140]

skʷsakʷt   [səkʷsákʷt] Morph: skʷ•sakʷ+t. Etym: √skʷ. to have welts; to have swollen spots.

Istem. See Sp n-skʷ-ɬ√q̓mél-tn his throat swelled up, his tonsils swelled up. Category: +t. səkʷsákʷtəlx. They get welts, bumps. [nb18228.2] See: sakʷt.

skʷskʷaɬq̓ʷlt   [səkʷskʷáɬq̓ʷəlt] Morph: skʷ•skʷaɬq̓ʷlt. Etym: √skʷ. mumps.

Istem. skʷskʷaɬq̓ʷlt. Mumps. [nb20.94] See: skʷsakʷt.

skʷskʷist   [skʷəskʷíst] Morph: s+kʷs•kʷist. Etym: √kʷst. names.

Istem. uɬ t̓əxʷ kskʷəskʷíst, lut t̓a cmistín. They have names, (but) I don't know them. [cnebdd 004] yaʕyáʕt ixíʔ kskʷəskʷíst. axáʔ sənk̓líp uɬ sqʷsiʔs uɬ nc̓íʔcən uɬ x̌ʷaʕylxʷ uɬ sw̓aʕ̓. All had names: Coyote, and his son, and Wolf, and Fox, and Cougar. [cre40] See: skʷist.

skʷsscin   [skʷsəscín] Morph: s+kʷs•scin. Etym: √kʷs. a joke.

Istem. skʷsscin. Joke. [nb1890.14] See: kʷsscin.

skʷstilt   [skʷstilt] Morph: s+kʷstilt. Etym: √kʷs. a childʼs name.

Istem. ixíʔ i skʷəstíltsəlx q̓ʷʕay kʷukʷús. They had named that child Black Pig. [blkpg 003] See: skʷist.

skʷstúlaʔxʷ   [skʷstúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+kʷstúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √kʷst. the name of a place.

Istem. axáʔ k̓əl t̓əxʷ lut t̓a cmistín iʔ t sqilxʷ iʔ skʷəstúlaʔxʷs. At I don't know the Indian name, the name of the country. [2gts 002] See: skʷist.

skʷukʷɬn   [skʷúkʷɬən] Morph: s+kʷu•kʷ•ɬn. Etym: √kʷɬn. a live-in mate.

Istem. ixíʔ ta qʷəytmálqs ɬaʔ ksník̓əɬxʷ, Rose ixíʔ skʷúkʷɬəns. That's qʷəytmálqs's son-in-law, Rose's live-in husband (lit. little borrowing). [nb2579.10] See: kʷuɬn.

skʷuykʷy   [skʷúykʷi] Morph: s+kʷuy•kʷy. Etym: √kʷy. whistling marmot.

Istem. skʷuykʷy. Whistling marmot. [dict]

skʷuykʷy sptkʷaqsc   [skʷúykʷi spətkʷáqsc] Morph: s+kʷuy•kʷy s+ptkʷaqs-c. Etym: √kʷy; √ptkʷ. shooting star (dodecatheon pauciflorum). Lit: curlew's beak

phrasal. skʷuykʷy sptkʷaqsc. Shooting star. [TBK117]

-skʷy   [skʷi] Morph: -skʷ-y. plural transitive imperative of -st verbs.

isfx. Category: mood. púlskʷi. Kill them! [nb10a 073]

skʷykʷyilxkn   [skʷikʷyílxkən] Morph: s+kʷy•kʷyilxkn. Etym: √kʷy. a bracelet.

Istem. nb2537.1 Bracelet.

skʷy̓kʷy̓iʔst   [skʷiʔkʷiʔíst] Morph: s+kʷy̓•kʷy̓iʔst. Etym: √kʷy. skʷy̓kʷy̓iʔst: place where an Indian man named qəlqəlwílx, Joseph Edwards, and his Spokane wife sáysitkʷ, used to live. The term refers either to a certain type of rock, or possibly means 'muddy; greasy rocks’. Lit: B's etym: from kʷiy 'greasy, slippery’

Istem. skʷy̓kʷy̓iʔst. Place name. [BK132]

skʷʔal̕   [skʷʔal̕] Morph: s+kʷʔal̕. Etym: √kʷl̕. warmth.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. ixíʔ uɬ x̌əstmís iʔ skʷʔál̕s, talíʔ uɬ cíx̌cəx̌t. He really liked how he was getting warm. It was very warm. [BJSeym 313] Category: Inch. See: kʷʔal̕.

sk̓ʷal̕   [sk̓ʷal̕] Morph: s+k̓ʷal̕. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. 1 • porcupine quill.

Istem. sk̓ʷal̕. [nb1896.8]

2 • Istem. sk̓ʷal̕.

Sp s-k̓ʷíl̕ porcupine; Cm sk̓ʷəl̕ porcupine; Cr s+k̓ʷ+k̓ʷél̕ porcupine.Istem. Category: mName. sk̓ʷal̕. Man's name. [dict]

sk̓ʷanɬq   [sk̓ʷanɬq] Morph: s+k̓ʷanɬq. Etym: √k̓ʷn. harvest; garden.

Istem. See Sp s-k̓ʷól̕ɬq; See Cm k̓ʷl̕‑ɬqʷ‑m to plant [garden]; See Cr s+k̓ʷl̕stq. uɬ axáʔ iʔ səsp̓qín isk̓ʷánɬq x̌əcəcíkstɬt̓áq̓əmkst acre. The hay I harvested was one hundred and six acres. [AutPS 259] uɬ sc̓x̌ilx kaʔ nsəlxʷaʔáqsəm, uɬ axáʔ iʔ sk̓ʷanɬq lut t̓a ksnʔiys. And that's why it's so high priced, and this grain has got no price. [AutPS 272] uɬ aɬíʔ ilíʔ kən ksk̓ʷánɬq. I had a garden there. [AutPS 332] uɬ axáʔ nixʷ iʔ l x̌əw̓áw̓ iʔ l sk̓ʷanɬq. Same with dry grain. [Hrvst 160] ctx̌ʷíw̓stəm iʔ sk̓ʷanɬq. We divide the garden. [dict] See: k̓ʷanɬq.

sk̓ʷanɬqm   [sk̓ʷánɬqəm] Morph: s+k̓ʷanɬq+m. Etym: √k̓ʷn. planting; time for planting.

Mstem. Gram: Mstem yaʕyáʕt i l sk̓ʷánɬqəm iʔ k̓ʷúl̕məns. All the tools for planting. [AutPS 286] way̓ iʔ sk̓ʷánɬqəm n̩ləʕ̓ʷpús. Then garden time came. [dict] kʷu sk̓ʷanɬqəms. We will put in a garden. [dict] Category: nMstem. See: sk̓ʷanɬq.

sk̓ʷap   [sk̓ʷap] Morph: sk̓ʷa+p. Etym: √sk̓ʷ. to become swollen.

Istem. Sp sk̓ʷ-úp it got swollen; Cm suk̓ʷ‑p be swollen. Category: +ap.

sk̓ʷaʕw̓s   [sk̓ʷaʕw̓s] Morph: sk̓ʷaʕw̓s. Etym: √sk̓ʷ. great blue heron.

Istem. sk̓ʷaʕw̓s. Heron. [dict]

sk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔsmán̓xʷ   [sk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔsmán̓xʷ] Morph: s+k̓ʷaʔ•k̓ʷaʔ+s+mán̓xʷ. Etym: √k̓ʷʔ, √mn̓xʷ. chewing tobacco.

Istem. sk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔsmán̓xʷ. Chewing tobacco. [nb20.101a] See: k̓ʷaʔ; smán̓xʷ.

sk̓ʷck̓ʷact   [sk̓ʷəck̓ʷáct] Morph: s+k̓ʷc•k̓ʷac+t. Etym: √k̓ʷc. power; strength.

Istem. Category: +t. lut akscwíl̕cnəm iʔ kʷilstn, nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul iʔ sk̓ʷəck̓ʷácts. Don't ever joke about the Sweat House, you don't know how powerful it is. [nb26-66 014b] aksk̓ʷəck̓ʷáct. You’ll be strong. [nb1895.5] kəlkʷákʷ iʔ təl siwɬkʷ, iʔ təl sk̓ʷəck̓ʷácts. She’s away from water, from her power. [dict] kskənxítəmt iʔ l aksk̓ʷəck̓ʷáct. We're going to help you with your strength. [dict] See: k̓ʷact.

sk̓ʷilk̓   [sk̓ʷilk̓] Morph: s+k̓ʷilk̓. Etym: √k̓ʷlk̓. a roll.

Istem. Sp k̓ʷélč̕-n I tipped it over, I turned it over; see Cr welč̕ roll, rolled (it (sphere)...), thrown (he was...off horse). sk̓ʷilk̓. A roll. [nb22.13a]

sk̓ʷiƛ̓m   [sk̓ʷíƛ̓əm] Morph: s+k̓ʷiƛ̓+m. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. the dismantling or taking apart.

Mstem. sk̓ʷiƛ̓m. Dismantle. [OkB] Category: nMstem. See: k̓ʷiƛ̓.

sk̓ʷiƛ̓mn   [sk̓ʷíƛ̓mən] Morph: s+k̓ʷiƛ̓+mn. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. remover tool (e.g. pliers, screwdriver).

Istem. Category: +mn. sk̓ʷiƛ̓mn. Remover tool. [nb18176.8] See: sk̓ʷiƛ̓m.

sk̓ʷiƛ̓tm   [sk̓ʷíƛ̓təm] Morph: s+k̓ʷiƛ̓t+m. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓t. several brothers and / or sisters; a group, others of the same kind.

Istem ?. isk̓ʷíƛ̓təm. My brothers and sisters. [E9] way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ k̓upənksɬknaqs isk̓ʷíƛ̓təm iʔ tuʔtw̓ít uɬ axáʔ iʔ smaʔmʔím I have eleven brothers and sisters. [AutPS 384] yaʔx̌í iʔ sk̓ʷíƛ̓təm yaʕyáʕt t anwí k̓ʷínmaʔxtxʷəlx. You could pick from all the others. [bjmd 125] lut t̓ə cənx̌ʷílcsts iʔ sk̓ʷíƛ̓təms. He never disputes the word of his brothers. [dict] kʷu sməlx̌aʔcínəms isk̓ʷíƛ̓təm iʔ k̓a ylmíxʷəm. My brothers lied to the boss about my words. [dict] way̓ kən ɬxʷuy k̓əl incítxʷ k̓əl isk̓ʷíƛ̓təm. I will go back to my house, to my brothers. [dict] cəm̓ n̩q̓əʔílsəntxʷ axáʔ ask̓ʷíƛ̓təm. You might give worries to your brothers. [dict] way̓ t̓i p ƛ̓axʷt, iʔ laʔɬ ask̓ʷíƛ̓təm. All of you will die, you and your brothers. [dict] See: k̓ʷiƛ̓t.

sk̓ʷin̓m   [sk̓ʷín̓əm] Morph: s+k̓ʷin̓+m. Etym: √k̓ʷn̓. to taste s.t.

Mstem. sk̓ʷin̓m. Taste. [OkB] See: k̓ʷin̓.

sk̓ʷíylaʔxʷ   [sk̓ʷíylaʔxʷ] Morph: s+k̓ʷíylaʔxʷ. Etym: √k̓ʷy. frosty ground; hoar frost.

Istem. sk̓ʷíylaʔxʷ. Hoar frost. [dict]

sk̓ʷiʔíkstn   [sk̓ʷiʔíkstṇ] Morph: s+k̓ʷiʔíkst+n. Etym: √k̓ʷʔ. sk̓ʷiʔíkstn: an area, now inundated, on the former west side of the Columbia, just south from where Covada Creek entered the Columbia. Lit: bite-hand place

Istem. sk̓ʷiʔíkstn. Place name. [BK185]

sk̓ʷiʔst   [sk̓ʷiʔst] Morph: s+k̓ʷiʔ+st. Etym: √k̓ʷʔ. cave.

Istem ?.

sk̓ʷk̓ʷinm   [sk̓ʷənk̓ʷínəm] Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷin+m. Etym: √k̓ʷn. the picking of s.t. out.

Mstem. See: k̓ʷin.

sk̓ʷk̓ʷiymlt   [sk̓ʷək̓ʷíməlt] Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷiy+mlt. Variant: sk̓ʷk̓ʷiym̓l̕t. Etym: √k̓ʷy. 1 • baby; infant; toddler; child.

Istem, dim. ixíʔ k̓ʷul̕l̕ iʔ sk̓ʷək̓ʷíməlt. Then the child was born. [lnxbdga 170] uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ uɬ ƛ̓x̌ap axáʔ iʔ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt. The child is already growing. [LynxS 367] ck̓ʷəck̓ʷáct uɬ taʔlí náx̌əmɬ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt. Strong, but very young. [GDd1 208]

2 • Istem, dim. babyhood; one's being a baby.

Sp s-k̓ʷk̓ʷím̓l̕t tiny child ... small one, young one, mother's child; Sh s-k̓ʷy-mem̓lt infant, toddler; Th s/k̓ʷú[ˑk̓ʷ]miʔt baby, child, youngster; Li s.k̓ʷúˑk̓ʷm̓it child.Istem, dim. way̓ uɬ kʷu lutsts inlʔíw, myaɬ təl isk̓ʷək̓ʷíməlt. My father refused on account of my being too young. [nb1255.8]

sk̓ʷk̓ʷiym̓l̕t   [sk̓ʷk̓ʷíym̓əl̕t] Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷiy+m̓l̕t. Variant: sk̓ʷk̓ʷiymlt. Etym: √k̓ʷy. baby.

Istem. Category: dim. uɬ ʔitx, ʔitx, uɬ c̓x̌iɬ t sk̓ʷk̓ʷíym̓əl̕t ɬaʔ c̓itx. When he slept he slept like a baby sleeps. [su7q̓im 279f]

sk̓ʷk̓ʷƛ̓ilt   [sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓ílt] Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷƛ̓ilt. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. late fawn (after their change in color).

Istem. t̓i xʷuy uɬ t̓i lkʷakʷ, uɬ way̓ t̓i sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓ílt iʔ st̓aʕps. He went a little ways, and he shot a fawn. [nb2540.2] See: ƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ak̓ʷ.

sk̓ʷk̓ʷr̓ínaʔ   [sk̓ʷək̓ʷr̓ínaʔ] Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷr̓ínaʔ. Etym: √k̓ʷr̓. clam, clam shell; fresh water clam; mussel unionidae anodonta.

Istem. Cm s‑k̓ʷr̓‑anaʔ oyster, fresh water clam. way̓ ilíʔ iʔ l sk̓ʷək̓ʷr̓ínaʔ nɬq̓ʷut. She was lying there in the clam shell. [chip41]

sk̓ʷk̓ʷutt   [sək̓ʷək̓ʷútət] Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷut•t. Etym: √k̓ʷt. to go sideways.

Istem. sk̓ʷk̓ʷutt. Go sideways. [pd09]

sk̓ʷk̓ʷyínaʔ   [sk̓ʷək̓ʷyínaʔ] Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷyínaʔ. Etym: √k̓ʷy. a little.

Istem. sk̓ʷk̓ʷyínaʔ. Picking. [nb18108.3] sk̓ʷk̓ʷyínaʔ A little. See: k̓ʷk̓ʷyínaʔ.

sk̓ʷlk̓alqʷ   [sk̓ʷəlk̓álqʷ] Morph: s+k̓ʷlk̓alqʷ. Etym: √k̓ʷlk̓. a log.

Istem. sk̓ʷlk̓alqʷ. A log. [nb1896.2] See: k̓ʷlk̓alqʷm.

sk̓ʷlk̓ʷalt   [sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált] Morph: s+k̓ʷl•k̓ʷal+t. Variant: sk̓ʷl̕k̓ʷal̕t. Etym: √k̓ʷl. Gram: northern form forested mountains; high mountains.

Istem. Sh s-kʷl-k̓ʷelt snowy mountains; Th k̓ʷiˑ/k̓ʷíy-t pinnacle, high mountain; Li k̓ʷult to come down a hill diagonally. Category: +t. k̓a sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált. To the mountains. [nb22.37a] iʔ k̓əl sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált taʔkín̓ kʷ c̓x̌əlˑwís. Wherever you travel around in the high mountains. [Ppine.15] c̓islín iʔ sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált. c̓islín Mountain. [nb1896.7]

sk̓ʷlk̓ʷlqin   [sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷəlqín] Morph: s+k̓ʷl•k̓ʷlqin. Etym: √k̓ʷl. saskatoon, serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. sk̓ʷlk̓ʷlqin. Serviceberry. [dict]

sk̓ʷlk̓ʷltaɬq   [sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷəltáɬq] Morph: s+k̓ʷl•k̓ʷl+t꞊aɬq. Etym: √k̓ʷl. wild strawberry (mountain variety) (fragaria vesca). Lit: B’s etym: mountain fruit

Istem. sk̓ʷlk̓ʷltaɬq. Wild strawberry. [TBK125]

sk̓ʷl̕cncut   [sk̓ʷəl̕cəncút] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕cn+cut. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. cooking.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ iʔ sk̓ʷəl̕cəncúts aɬíʔ axáʔ inqíck sisyús iʔ l sk̓ʷəl̕cəncút. Then my brother started to cook because he is good at cooking. [HnTrp 261] uɬ axáʔ isk̓ʷúy sysyus iʔ l sk̓ʷəlcəncút. My mother, she is smart at cooking. [Hrvst 122] See: k̓ʷl̕cncut.

sk̓ʷl̕kstmist   [sk̓ʷəl̕kstmíst] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕kst+mist. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. grooming.

Istem. Category: +mist. ixíʔ isk̓ʷəlkstmíst. I fixed myself up. [nb08 036] See: k̓ʷl̕kstmist.

sk̓ʷl̕k̓ík̓waʔ   [sk̓ʷəl̕k̓ík̓waʔ] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+k̓í•k̓waʔ. Variant: k̓ʷl̕+k̓í•k̓waʔ. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕, k̓wʔ. step grandfather; step grandfather.

Istem. Category: kin. sk̓ʷl̕k̓ík̓waʔ. Step grandfather. [Comm] See: k̓ʷul̕; k̓ík̓waʔ.

sk̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílp   [sk̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílp] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílp. Etym: √k̓ʷl. a made bed; a place made to sleep on; a spot or place made up for a bed.

Istem. way̓ axáʔ wiʔsk̓ʷəlaʔxʷílps[əlx] aksk̓ʷlaʔxʷílps. And for you to lay down on. [Whal 516] way̓ axáʔ aksmúttṇ, way̓ axáʔ ask̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílp. Here's a place for you to sit down, here's a place for you to lie down. [dict] sk̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílpsəlx. A bed for them. [dict] See: k̓ʷul̕.

sk̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílpm   [sk̓ʷəl̕laʔxʷílpəm] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílp+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. fixing a surface.

Mstem. ist̓lúlaʔxʷəm, uɬ isk̓ʷəl̕laʔxʷílpəm. I do the plowing, and fix the surface. [dict] Category: nMstem. See: sk̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílp.

sk̓ʷl̕ɬtum̓   [sk̓ʷəl̕ɬtum̓] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+tum̓. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕, √tm̓. step-mother.

Istem. Category: kin. way̓ ck̓əɬxʷísəst {iʔ t} iʔ sk̓ʷəl̕ɬtúm̓s Her step-mother was jealous. [grlhd 007] See: k̓ʷul̕; tum̓.

sk̓ʷl̕scut   [sk̓ʷəl̕scut] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+scut. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. dolling oneself up.

Istem. Category: +scut. iʔ sk̓ʷəl̕scúts iʔ sx̌əcməncúts. How he was fixed, the way he was dressed. [Whal 548] See: k̓ʷl̕scut.

sk̓ʷl̕splstwixʷm   [sk̓ʷəl̕splstwíxʷm] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+s+pl+st+wixʷ+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕, √pl. To make or wage war.

Mstem. sk̓ʷəlsplstwíxʷm. Make war. [OkB] See: k̓ʷul̕; plstwixʷ.

sk̓ʷl̕syʔaʕ̓   [sk̓ʷl̕siʔáʕ̓] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+s+yʔaʕ̓. Variant: sk̓ʷl̕sy̓aʕ̓. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕, √yʕ̓. the gathering for a potlatch.

Istem. sk̓ʷl̕siʔáʕ̓. Give a potlach. [OkB] See: k̓ʷul̕; yʔaʕ̓.

sk̓ʷl̕sy̓aʕ̓   [sk̓ʷl̕siʔáʕ̓] Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+s+y̓aʕ̓. Variant: sk̓ʷl̕syʔaʕ̓. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕, √yʕ̓. to give a potlach.

Istem. sk̓ʷl̕sy̓aʕ̓. To give a potlach. [OkB] See: k̓ʷul̕; yʔaʕ̓.

sk̓ʷɬniw̓t   [sək̓ʷɬníw̓t] Morph: sk̓ʷɬniw̓t. Etym: √sk̓ʷ. beside; by the side of.

Istem. anp̓ínaʔ iʔ l sək̓ʷɬníw̓t ankəwáp. Your basket is by the side of your horse. [pd09] See: sk̓ʷut.

sk̓ʷƛ̓cinm   [sk̓ʷəƛ̓cínəm] Morph: s+k̓ʷƛ̓cin+m. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. one's first public singing.

Mstem. Sp k̓ʷƛ̓cín-m he sang for the first time at a Medicine Dance. sk̓ʷƛ̓cinm. First singing. [nb19.326] See: k̓ʷiƛ̓.

sk̓ʷƛ̓lscut   [sk̓ʷəƛ̓lscút] Morph: s+k̓ʷƛ̓lscut. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. clothes taken off.

nIstem. iʔ sk̓ʷəƛ̓lscútəmp ixíʔ ilíʔ nt̓əqmíntp ilíʔ iʔ l lkasát. Throw what you take off in the box. [GDd1 378] See: k̓ʷƛ̓(a).

sk̓ʷƛ̓ptan   [sk̓ʷəƛ̓ptán] Morph: s+k̓ʷƛ̓+p+tan. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. east; sunrise.

Istem. Sp s-č-kʷƛ̓-p-tín the East, s-n-k̓ʷƛ̓-p-tín the East; Cm sk̓ʷƛ̓ptnus east. Category: +tan. ixíʔ iʔ təl xƛ̓ut, lut t̓ l̕kʷut k̓a naɬáʔ k̓əl sk̓ʷəƛ̓ptán, itlíʔ uɬ ixíʔ actɣáp iʔ siwɬkʷ. From that rock, not far across towards the East, there is running water. [su7q̓im 139] mat iʔ təl sk̓ʷəƛ̓ptáns, ixíʔ itlíʔ kiʔ ckílsəlx iʔ sixʷápməx. Maybe from the East is where they chased the Shuswap. [su7q̓im 144] See: k̓ʷƛ̓ap.

sk̓ʷƛ̓us   [sk̓ʷəƛ̓ús] Morph: s+k̓ʷƛ̓us. Variant: skʷƛ̓us. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. face.

Istem. Sh s-kʷt̓-us face; Th s/k̓ʷƛ̓ús face. ixíʔ əkspúmt iʔ l sk̓ʷƛ̓usc. They have hair on their faces. [mychildr 039] way̓ t̓i c̓x̌iɬ t sqilxʷ iʔ sk̓ʷƛ̓usc. It's just like a person's face. [su7q̓im 123] tx̌ʷíƛ̓kstəm məɬ ʔip̓s iʔ skʷƛ̓usc. He broke a branch, then wiped his face. [lpb133] uɬ t̓i sniw̓t kmix kiʔ c̓anwísts iʔ t skʷƛ̓usc. Only the wind he can feel in his face. [dict]

sk̓ʷmk̓ʷum̓s   [sk̓ʷəmk̓ʷúms] Morph: s+k̓ʷm̓•k̓ʷum̓s. Variant: sk̓ʷmk̓ʷums; k̓ʷmk̓ʷums. Etym: √k̓ʷm̓. eyebrows.

Istem. Cm k̓ʷum̓s eyebrow. sk̓ʷmk̓ʷum̓s Eyebrows. [OkB]

sk̓ʷnk̓ʷan   [sk̓ʷənk̓ʷán] Morph: s+k̓ʷn•k̓ʷan. Etym: √k̓ʷn. stick game bones.

nIstem. Sp k̓ʷn̓k̓ʷín̓-m stick game bones; Cm s‑k̓ʷn̓‑k̓ʷn̓ stick game bones. ʔupənkstɬnəqsálqʷ iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ uɬ mus iʔ sk̓ʷənk̓ʷán a ck̓ʷúl̕əmstsəlx i l sc̓lálqʷəm. They use eleven sticks and four bones for the stick game. [rdgs 055] ʔasíl iʔ sk̓ʷənk̓ʷán a cɬp̓iw̓s, uɬ k̓im iʔ ʔasíl t̓i piq. Two of the bones are marked, and two are white. [rdgs 056] c̓áq̓ʷənt anʔawtús iʔ kilxs a cwikʷsts iʔ piq sk̓ʷənk̓ʷán. You point at the hand of your opponent that is hiding the white bone. [rdgs 057]

sk̓ʷnxspintk   [sk̓ʷənxspíntk] Morph: s+k̓ʷnx+s+pintk. Etym: √k̓ʷnx, √pn. how many years; an indefinite number of years.

Istem. sk̓ʷənxspíntk. How many years. [su7q̓im 174] ixíʔ way̓ taʔlíʔ t sk̓ʷənxspíntk. It's been quite a few years. [su7q̓im 174] uɬ ixíʔ way̓ t sk̓ʷənxspíntk kiʔ wíkən, uɬ iʔ sutúɬtən ixíʔ. It was a few years ago that I saw him, and I asked him about it. [su7q̓im 272] way̓ axáʔ kən cpəx̌pəx̌twílx, lut t̓a cmistín náx̌əmɬ put kən sk̓ʷənxspíntk. I got my senses, I don't know just how old I was. [AutPS 007] way̓ uɬ kʷ sk̓ʷənxspíntk. How old are you? [E77.23] See: k̓ʷinx; spintk.

sk̓ʷsak̓ʷk̓ʷútt   [sək̓ʷsak̓ʷək̓ʷútət] Morph: sk̓ʷ•sak̓ʷ•k̓ʷút•t. Etym: √sk̓ʷ. ?

?. sk̓ʷsak̓ʷk̓ʷútt. [pd09] See: sk̓ʷk̓ʷutt.

sk̓ʷsk̓ʷtmsqiltk   [sək̓ʷsək̓ʷtəmsqíltk] Morph: sk̓ʷ•sk̓ʷt+m+s+qiltk. Etym: √sk̓ʷt, √ql. half-breeds, half-bloods.

Istem. way̓ ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ k̓əl Washington iʔ sək̓ʷsək̓ʷtəmsqíltk, k̓asʔasíl, uɬ iʔ knáqs ixíʔ ɬaʔ clək̓lək̓stísəlx, ixíʔ sqilxʷ. The half breeds, two of them, were going to Washington, and the other, the one who they had made prisoner, he is Indian. [gl106] See: sk̓ʷut; sqiltk.

sk̓ʷtálxkn   [sk̓ʷtálxkn] Morph: s+k̓ʷt꞊álxkn. Etym: √k̓ʷt. sk̓ʷtálxkn.

Istem. sk̓ʷtálxkn Man's name. [OkB]

sk̓ʷtaqs   [sək̓ʷt̓aqs] Morph: s+k̓ʷtaqs. Etym: √k̓ʷt. on one side of s.t.

Istem. uɬ səcxʷíkʷx uɬ iʔ k̓əl sək̓ʷt̓aqs uɬ ktɬxíw̓s. She was tanning hides and she stepped on the rail. [lnxbdga 141] uɬ yaʔx̌í iʔ sək̓ʷtáqs iʔ sənxʷíkʷməns. On the other end of the frame. [lnx2 152] See: sk̓ʷut.

sk̓ʷtax̌n   [sk̓ʷtax̌ṇ] Morph: s+k̓ʷtax̌n. Etym: √k̓ʷt. the other arm.

nIstem. way̓ ʔax̌lúsəm iʔ səmx̌íkən, kʷu k̓ʷaʔɬtís isək̓ʷtáx̌ən. The grizzly turned his face, and he bit me in the arm. [AutPS 129] iʔ ka stkʷnims iʔ k̓əl sək̓ʷtáx̌əns. She took his other arm. [LynxS 283] See: sk̓ʷut.

sk̓ʷtikn   [sək̓ʷtíkən] Morph: sk̓ʷtíkn. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. a different place.

Istem. ksƛ̓aʔmíxaʔx tə sənkɬc̓aʔsqáxaʔ yaʔx̌ís iʔ təl sək̓ʷtíkən iʔ təl stq̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ. He was going to go get horses over the mountain (lit. a different place), from Blackfoot country. [lpb22]

sk̓ʷtíknx   [sək̓ʷtíkənx] Morph: sk̓ʷtíknx. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. person from a different place; Coast Indians; person from Seattle.

Istem. See Sp č-sq̓ʷtíčn̓i coast Indians, the other-side-of-the-mountain people. ixíʔ kʷ sccutx təl sək̓ʷtíkənx. Did you say from Seattle? [dict] uɬ axáʔ aláʔ ta sn̓ín̓w̓iʔ iʔ ʔácqaʔ, ixíʔ təl siátəl sək̓ʷtíkənx. And the one that just now left, he's from Seattle. [dict] See: sk̓ʷtíkn.

sk̓ʷtikst   [sək̓ʷtíkst] Morph: sk̓ʷtikst. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. one hand; the other hand.

Istem. way̓ kɬc̓ík̓ʷəsxən, uɬ k̓əl sksək̓ʷtíkst kɬənsp̓ústṇ. She holds a light, and in the other hand she has a sword. [dict] See: sk̓ʷut.

sk̓ʷtilp   [sək̓ʷtílp] Morph: sk̓ʷtilp. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. one side of the room.

Istem. nt̓a yaʕpqín səʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíp iʔ l sək̓ʷtílp x̌əl sʔistk. Lots of roots for winter on one side of the room. [Dvl 179] See: sk̓ʷut.

sk̓ʷtíɬc̓aʔ   [sək̓ʷtíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: sk̓ʷtíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. half body.

Istem. iʔ sk̓ʷtíɬc̓aʔ qcap Half his body shrunk. [nb25-19 004] See: sk̓ʷut.

sk̓ʷtlilx   [sək̓ʷtlílx] Morph: sk̓ʷt+li•l•x. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. to float down.

Istem. Cm nasúk̓ʷt float on water, Cr suk̓ʷ float (... with current). ia ccuxwíx ia ksənk̓ʷánɬqtən uɬ ia ksənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən yaʕyáʕt ixíʔ sək̓ʷtlílx. Their dwellings, their gardens, their barns, they all floated down. [Hrvst 020] See: suk̓ʷt.

sk̓ʷtmsqílaʔtk   [sək̓ʷtmsqílaʔtk] Morph: sk̓ʷt+m+s+qilaʔtk. Etym: √sk̓ʷt, √ql. a little half blood.

Istem. Category: dim. sk̓ʷtmsqílaʔtk. A little half blood. [nb21.116a] See: sk̓ʷtmsqíltk.

sk̓ʷtmsqiltk   [sək̓ʷtəmsqíltk] Morph: sk̓ʷt+m+s+qiltk. Etym: √sk̓ʷt, √ql. half blood; half breed.

Istem. Sp s-č̕t-ms-qélixʷ half-Indian. ixíʔ iʔ sək̓ʷtəmsqíltk nyʕ̓íp lut ksqʷaʔqʷaʔlúlaʔxʷ. The half breeds canʼt speak about the land. [gl101] lut iʔ sək̓ʷtəmsqíltk, way̓ t̓i taɬt t̓a niʕ̓íp sámaʔ. Not a half breed, a full white. [gl100] incá kən k̓əm kən knánaqs k̓a ʔx̌íʔ, yaʕyáʕt isənqílxʷ ṇc̓əspúlaʔxʷ, kmix k̓əm iʔ sək̓ʷtəmsqíltk. I am all alone over there, all my relatives are dead, there are just the half breeds. [dict] See: sk̓ʷut; sqiltk.

sk̓ʷtus   [sək̓ʷtús] Morph: s+k̓ʷtus. Etym: √k̓ʷt. one eye.

Istem. way̓ uɬ iwá ɬ ktqínaʔs iʔ stkʷƛ̓ústəns stim̓ csək̓ʷtús. He holds one eye down, just one eye. [Nams 039] See: sk̓ʷut.

sk̓ʷúk̓iʔ   [sk̓ʷúk̓iʔ] Morph: s+kʷúk̓y̓. Variant: sk̓ʷúk̓ʷiʔ. Etym: √kʷk̓y̓. father's sister or cousin; paternal aunt; the sister of an individual’s father; man’s father’s sister or cousin.

Istem. Sp s-k̓ʷúk̓ʷi aunt (man's father's sister), nephew (woman's brother's son). Category: kin. sk̓ʷúk̓iʔ. Father's sister or cousin. [Comm, nb21.69]

sk̓ʷúk̓ʷiʔ   [sk̓ʷúk̓ʷiʔ] Morph: s+k̓ʷuk̓ʷy̓. Variant: sk̓ʷúk̓iʔ. Etym: √k̓ʷk̓ʷy̓. father’s sisters or cousins.

Istem. Category: kin. See: sk̓ʷuk̓ʷy̓.

sk̓ʷuk̓ʷy̓   [sk̓ʷúk̓ʷiʔ] Morph: s+k̓ʷuk̓ʷy̓. Etym: √k̓ʷk̓ʷy̓. father’s sisters or cousins.

Istem. Sp s-k̓ʷúk̓ʷi aunt (man's father's sister); nephew (woman's brothers son). Category: kin. sk̓ʷúk̓ʷiʔ. Father’s sisters or cousins. [dict]

sk̓ʷul̕   [sk̓ʷul̕] Morph: s+k̓ʷul̕. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. how s.t. is made or fixed.

nIstem. ih qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sk̓ʷul̕s axáʔ. It's fixed beautifully. [GDd1 368] iʔ sk̓ʷul̕s iʔ təmxʷulaʔxʷ. The lay of the land. [pd09] See: k̓ʷul̕.

sk̓ʷúl̕aʔst   [sk̓ʷúl̕aʔst] Morph: s+k̓ʷúl̕aʔst. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. handywork.

nIstem. a uɬ aɬíʔ miʔílsəms qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕aʔsts iʔ cq̓íləns uɬ iʔ ckʷinks And he thought how good the arrows and the bow he had fixed are; [CoGrSy 077] See: k̓ʷul̕.

sk̓ʷul̕l̕   [sk̓ʷul̕l̕] Morph: s+k̓ʷul̕•l̕. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. birth.

nIstem. Lit: Before your birth. iʔ lútiʔ ask̓ʷúl̕l̕. You weren’t born yet. [nb6.13a] See: k̓ʷul̕l̕.

sk̓ʷul̕ɬxʷm   [sk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm] Morph: s+k̓ʷul̕ɬxʷ+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. carpentry; house building.

Mstem. way̓ sk̓ʷúlɬxʷəm inx̌mínk iksck̓ʷúl̕. Building houses is what I want to work at. [nb1289.9] See: k̓ʷul̕ɬxʷ.

sk̓ʷul̕m   [sk̓ʷul̕ṃ] Morph: s+k̓ʷul̕+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. fixing s.t.; work.

Mstem. uɬ lut ixíʔ nixʷ t̓ə sʔíckən iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ ta nsiwɬkʷ iʔ st̓íləm. It's no plaything to fix fish, carve fish. [drymd 019] uɬ sc̓x̌ilx kiʔ c̓əx̌ʷəntsín uɬ way̓ myaɬ kʷ sisyús i l sk̓ʷúləm. And that's why I am telling you, you are smart in working. [AutPS 310] uɬ ʕapnáʔ uɬ náx̌əmɬ talíʔ uɬ kstx̌áq̓əq̓plaʔ iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm. Now we have high wages for work. [Hrvst 239] uɬ lut stim̓ a cmistím axáʔ iʔ l sk̓ʷúl̕əm. We don’t know anything about working. [nb1285.13] inx̌mínk iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm. I'd like a job. [dict] uɬ axáʔ təl sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtn̩, uɬ nixʷ lut kʷu t̓ə cm̓aʔm̓áyaʔɬtəm stim̓ iʔ l sk̓ʷúl̕əm. At school they don't teach us anything about work. [dict] ksmypnúntəm iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm. We are going to learn how to work. [dict] taˑɬt kiʔ n̩k̓saqs iʔ xəʔwíɬ aɬíʔ sck̓ʷúl̕msəlx. The roads are sure bad, because they're fixing (repairing) them. [dict] See: k̓ʷul̕.

sk̓ʷúmalt   [sk̓ʷúmalt] Morph: s+k̓ʷúmalt. Etym: √k̓ʷm. a young maiden; a virgin.

Istem. cúntəm iʔ t sk̓ʷúmalt... The young woman told her... [lnxbdga 257] k̓am həɬsk̓ʷúmalt laʔɬ wápupxən. Except the girl group with Lynx. [lnx2 353]

sk̓ʷut   [sk̓ʷut] Morph: s+k̓ʷut. Etym: √k̓ʷt. 1 • half; half (a dollar).

Istem. atláʔ caʔkʷ ɬə k̓amtíw̓s mat lut sk̓ʷut sx̌əlx̌ʕált... If one rides maybe not half a day from there... [su7q̓im 044] ixíʔ məɬ naqs slip̓ kəm̓ sk̓ʷut slip̓. One yard, or half a yard. [grlhd 148] kmix sk̓ʷut iʔ l naqs kil̕wíc̓aʔ. Only half dollar for a bushel. [AutPS 317] ʔasíl sk̓ʷut iʔ təl mus. Two is half of four. [nb6.43]

2 • Istem. one side; the other side.

Sp s-č̕ut half; Cm s‑k̓ʷut half, equal parts. See Sh s-q̓ʷut a half; Th s/q̓ʷút half.Istem. ixíʔ xʷət̓pəncút iʔ sxʔitx uɬ itíʔ tlaʔx̌ís qilt k̓əl sk̓ʷut. The oldest one ran down and from there got on top to the other side. [grlsdd 064] uɬ axáʔ ʕác̓əs iʔ k̓əl sk̓ʷut, uɬ sqilxʷ, ʕác̓əm k̓əl sk̓ʷut, uɬ nixʷ sqilxʷ. He looked to one side, and there were people; he looked to the other side, and there were also people. [dict] way̓ iʔ l latáp kɬmutsts, ak̓láʔ k̓əl sk̓ʷut iʔ lipúl, uɬ k̓əl sk̓ʷut iʔ likúk. He set them down on the table, on one side the hen, on the other the rooster. [dict]

sk̓ʷútmiʔst   [sk̓ʷútmiʔst] Morph: sk̓ʷút+miʔst. Etym: √sk̓ʷt. to go sideways; to move over.

Istem. Category: +miʔst. sk̓ʷútmiʔstx. Move over! [pd09] See: sk̓ʷk̓ʷutt.

sk̓ʷuy   [sk̓ʷuy] Morph: s+k̓ʷuy. Etym: √k̓ʷy. man's mother.

Istem. Sp s-k̓ʷúy mother (man's); Cm s‑k̓ʷuy man’s mother. Category: kin. isk̓ʷúy səck̓ʷl̕cəncútx i l snk̓ʷl̕cncútṇs. My mother is cooking in her kitchen. [newles 254] uɬ ixíʔ cúntəm axáʔ iʔ t isk̓ʷúy. My mother told him. [Brth 013] wim̓ uɬ n̩qʷən̓míntəm iʔ t sk̓ʷuy̓s. Then his mother pitied him. [dict]

sk̓ʷyk̓ʷuy   [sk̓ʷik̓ʷúy] Morph: s+k̓ʷy•k̓ʷuy. Etym: √k̓ʷy. man's mothers.

Istem. Category: kin. sk̓ʷyk̓ʷuy. Man's mothers. [Comm] See: sk̓ʷuy.

sk̓ʷʔíksn   [sk̓ʷʔíksn] Morph: s+k̓ʷʔíks+n. Etym: √k̓ʷʔ ?. sk̓ʷʔíksn: place near Kewa.

Istem. sk̓ʷʔíksn. Place name. [14.89a]

slal1   [slal] Morph: sl•al. Etym: √sl. to land.

Istem. lut t̓a t̓əcslál iʔ ƛ̓əʔíʔ ɬaʔ cənʔáx̌ʷtəlx. The canoes don't usually land here when they're going downstream. [E39.5] See: sl(a).

slal2   [slal] Morph: sl•al. Etym: √sl. to have forgotten.

Istem. See Sp sll-p-nú-n I've become confused and forgotten it; Cm sl̕l̕up‑n I forgot where I laid s.t.; Cr s+n+sl+pílgʷes amnesty, forgetting. slal. He had forgotten. [dict]

slalaʕ̓ʷsqínkst   [slalaʕ̓ʷsqínkstən] Morph: s+la•laʕ̓ʷsqínkst. Etym: √lʕʷ. finger ring.

Istem. slalaʕ̓ʷsqínkst. Finger ring. [dict] See: liʕ̓ʷ.

slalqʷm   [slálqʷəm] Morph: slalqʷ+m (?) Etym: √sl. mythical monster that hypnotizes or immobilizes people, similar to sc̓waʔnáytm.

Istem ?. slalqʷm. Monster. [nb21.7a]

slam   [səlám] Morph: sla+m. Etym: √sl. to spin wool.

Mstem. Cm səl‑p‑nt‑xʷ you spin s.t. [wool, fiber]; Cr sel turn (to...), rotate; sel+p spin; Sh sl-em to twine (a string); Th √səl turn; √səy twine; Li sə́l-əm to make a line or string, to twine two strings together. Category: +am. slam. Spin wool. [OkB]

slant   Morph: sla+nt. Etym: √sl. to set s.t. down.

Tstem. Sp sil to place more than one object; č-sl-im he set the table. Category: +ant. ilíʔ slant. Set it there! [nb187.18]

slap   [slap] Morph: sla+p. Etym: √sl. to be spun around, as when drinking.

Istem. Sp hi sl̕-úp he was confused (at sea); Cm səl·p be intoxicated, dizzy, cross‑eyed. Category: +p. slap. Spun around. [nb22.142]

slaqs   [slaqs] Morph: slaqs. Etym: √sl. mosquito.

Istem. Sp √casláqs mosquito; Cm s‑c̣ə̣s‑lqs mosquito; Cr s+cas–alqs mosquito. slaqs Mosquito. [nb10a 068]

slaswám   [slaswám] Morph: s+laswá+m. Etym: √lsw. From: French la soie silk. embroidering.

Mstem. ixíʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷs sisyús iʔ l slaswám. His wife is very good at embroidering. [Green.39]

slawántn   [slawántən] Morph: s+lawán+tn. Etym: √lwn. granary.

Istem. Gram: term whose root is a borrowing Category: +tn. way̓ ixíʔ ask̓ʷánɬq cənpákʷ ilíʔ, i l slawántən. All your crop is loose in the granary. [AutPS 340] See: lawán.

slax̌t   [slax̌t] Morph: s+l̕ax̌+t. Etym: √lx̌. Variant: sl̕ax̌t. friend.


slaʕʷtíw̓sx   [slaʕʷtíw̓sx] Morph: s+laʕʷtíw̓sx. Etym: √lʕʷ. Colvilles. Marginal subgroup of sx̌ʷʔíɬp, in the Colville Valley, along Colville River.

Istem. slaʕʷtíw̓sx. Colville. [OkB] See: laʕʷtíw̓s.

slaʕ̓ʷsqínkst   [slaʕ̓ʷsqínkstən] Morph: s+laʕ̓ʷsqínkst. Etym: √lʕʷ. finger ring.

Istem. slaʕ̓ʷsqínkst. Finger ring. [E2.Aug92] See: liʕ̓ʷ.

slaʔ   [slaʔ] Morph: s+laʔ. Etym: s-lʔ. a short time ago.

Istem. t slaʔ kʷu táwnəm. A short time ago we went to town. [nb27-22 007]

slikst   [slikst] Morph: slikst. Etym: √sl. bastard.

Istem. scsəlíkst. Bastard. [nb08 297] taʔxʷsqʷəsqʷsíʔ way̓ təl̕ sliksts. Got a child who is a bastard. [LynxS 096] See: salt.

slilxʷ   [səlílxʷ] Morph: slilxʷ. Etym: √sl. spotted horse.

Istem. slilxʷ. Spotted horse. [OkB]

slimt   [slimt] Morph: s+limt. Etym: √lmt. (one's) gladness.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ axáʔ inx̌áq̓mən ixíʔ t islímt. This is my reward, I am so glad. [Whal 538] k̓əɬt̓əɬt̓ásəs qʷásqiʔ iʔ t saʔstáms iʔ t slimt. His sister-in-law kissed Blue Jay, she was so tickled. [dict] See: limt.

slip̓1   [slip̓] Morph: s+lip̓. Etym: √lp̓. wood; firewood.

Istem. Sp lúk̓ʷ stick of wood, made of wood; Cm kas‑lap̓ to gather firewood; Cr slip̓ woody; slip̓+t wood; Sh -esl̕p̓ house- or campfire; Th úsyep̓ wood. uɬ kən ck̓ʷúl̕m iʔ t slip̓, kən cník̓əm. And I made firewood, I cut it. [su7q̓im 239] səq̓ánt iʔ slip̓. Split the wood! [Oct92 053] məɬ kmix nəqsúsəm kəm̓ ʔaslúsəm iʔ slip̓ iʔ x̌ast iʔ x̌əl̕ sx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔm. Only one or two kinds of wood are good for drying meat. [drymd 005] uɬ axáʔ aɬíʔ iʔ slip̓ lut ksnʔuɬxʷs axáʔ i t síp̓iʔ. The arrow shaft won't go through the skin. [CoGrSy 112]

slip̓2   [slip̓] Morph: s+lip̓. Etym: √lp̓. yard (a measure of length).

Istem. ixíʔ məɬ naqs slip̓ kəm̓ sk̓ʷut slip̓. One yard, or half a yard. [grlhd 148]

slisíkʷrtn   [səlisíkʷərtən] Morph: s+lisíkʷr+tn. Etym: √lskʷr. sugar bowl.

Istem. Gram: word whose root is a borrowing Category: +tn. npəkʷəntíxʷ iʔ l səlisíkʷərtən. You poured it in the sugar bowl. [nb18230.6] See: lisíkʷr.

slkipm   [səlkípṃ] Morph: s+lkip+m. Etym: √lkp. pit cooking.

Mstem. caʔkʷ kʷu m̓áyaʔɬtxʷ c̓kístsəlx iʔ swíc̓əm uɬ iʔ səlkípəm iʔ t ʔítx̌ʷaʔ. Tell me how to dig and cook camas. [drymd 022] See: lkip.

slk̓íc̓aʔ   [səlk̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: s+lk̓íc̓aʔ. Etym: √lk̓. a bundle.

nIstem. səlk̓íc̓aʔ. A bundle. [dict] See: lk̓(a).

slk̓íst̓iyaʔ   [səlk̓íst̓iyaʔ] Morph: s+lk̓꞊íst̓yaʔ. Variant: slk̓íst̓yaʔ. Etym: √lk̓. bear grass (xerophyllum tenax). Lit: B’s etym: tie-up (weave) grass

Istem. səlk̓íst̓iyaʔ. Bear grass. [TBK50] See: lk̓(a).

slk̓íst̓yaʔ   [səlk̓íst̓yaʔ] Morph: s+lk̓íst̓yaʔ. Variant: slk̓íst̓iyaʔ. Etym: √lk̓. bear grass (xerophyllum tenax).

Istem. slk̓íst̓yaʔ. Bear grass. [TBK50] See: lk̓(a).

slk̓iw̓sm   [səlk̓íw̓səm] Morph: s+lk̓iw̓s+m. Etym: √lk̓. to tie bundles.

Mstem. uɬ aɬíʔ pnicí uɬ axáʔ kɬʔaʔáx̌ʷəx̌ʷ iʔ x̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷtən i l səlk̓íw̓səm. At that time we had a wrapper machine to cut the grain to tie bundles. [AutPS 258] See: lk̓(a).

slk̓us1   [səlk̓ús] Morph: s+lk̓us. Etym: √lk̓. a raft.

Istem. slk̓us. Raft. [nb1728.8] See: lk̓(a).

slk̓us2   [səlk̓ús] Morph: s+lk̓us. Etym: √lk̓. a pitch bundle.

Istem. lək̓xítn t ksəlk̓úsc. I tied a pitch bundle (used for night fishing) for him. [nb26-19 013] See: lk̓(a).

slk̓usm   [səlk̓úsəm] Morph: s+lk̓us+m. Etym: √lk̓. to make a raft.

Mstem. ixíʔ səlk̓úsəmsəlx uɬ ixíʔ st̓áq̓əmsəlx uɬ t̓íxəlxəlx k̓əl naɬáʔ. They made a raft, and they crossed to the other side. [2gts 085] See: slk̓us1.

slkʷilx   [səlkʷílx] Morph: s+lkʷ+ilx. Etym: √lkʷ. a departure.

nIstem. Category: +ilx. atláʔ məɬ ixíʔ asəlkʷílx, lut nixʷ aláʔ akspúlx. Go away from here, donʼt stay here any longer. [gl71] uɬ ixíʔ aslkʷílx ixíʔ asxʷúy t təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. You will leave, go away from the land. [crea174] See: lkʷilx.

slkʷut   [səlkʷút] Morph: s+lkʷut. Etym: √lkʷ. a place away, a place distant; distance.

nIstem. mat c̓kin mat cilkst səxʷmʔúlaʔxʷtən iʔ səlkʷúts. Maybe the distance is five miles. [AutPS 204] lut t̓ səlkʷúts kʷaʔ iscxʷúy məɬ kən ɬ c̓ayx̌ʷt. No, I haven't come very far for me to be tired. [GDd2 184] way̓ xʷuˑˑy̓ilx way̓ lut səlkʷúts iʔ scxʷúysəlx. They went, they hadn't gone far. [GDd1 269] xʷúystməlx ik̓líʔ iʔ k̓əl kləlkʷút, lut səlkʷúts. They took him a little ways, not too far. [dict] put iʔ ksləlkʷúts iʔ təl yaʕcín put kʷ ṇstils way̓ t̓íxəlx. Just a little ways from the water line, just where you think she’ll get out of the water. [dict] See: lkʷut.

sllam   Morph: sl•la+m. Etym: √sl. to set s.t. down.

Mstem. Sp sil to place more than one object; č-sl-im he set the table. Category: nMstem, +am. aksəllám uɬ aksc̓ənmstáʕm. Put it in the groove and tighten it! [nb18176.6]

sllapp   [slˑápəp] Morph: sl•l•a+p•p. Variant: sl̕l̕app. Etym: √sl̕. to make a mistake; to lose one's direction; to goof.

Istem. Sp sll-ípp he made a mistake, he's thoroughly confused; Cm səl·pm sl‑l‑p‑m mistake, error. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ sic mi kʷ səllápəp, ṇɬíptməntxʷ axáʔ iʔ cúntsən, way̓ t̓i p ƛ̓axʷt. If you will make a mistake, if you forget what I told you, all of you will die. [dict] Category: Inch. See: sl̕al̕.

sll̕al̕   [səll̕ál̕] Morph: sl̕•al̕. Variant: slal. Etym: √sl̕. to have forgotten s.t.

Istem. sll̕al̕. Forgotten. [nb21.142] See: sl̕ip.

slmlimt   [sləmlímt] Morph: s+lm•lim+t. Etym: √lm. gladness (of several).

nIstem. Category: +t. ṇt̓aʔ uɬ lut sləmlímtsəlx təl xʷəlxʷəltstíməlx t ɬsísəncaʔsəlx, uɬ k̓əɬkʷísəstəmsəlx. They didn't even get pleased that their little brother saved their lives, they envied him. [dict] See: limt.

slncut   [səlncút] Morph: sl+ncut. Etym: √sl. slncut.

Istem. Category: mName. slncut. Man’s name. [OkB]

slnt   Morph: sl+nt. Etym: √sl. to set s.t. down.

Tstem. Sp sil to place more than one object; č-sl-im he set the table. Category: +nt. sələntísəlx. They set them down (e.g. plates, cups). [nb25-89 004]

slpíc̓aʔ   [səlpíc̓aʔ] Morph: slpíc̓aʔ. Etym: √slp. slpíc̓aʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. slpíc̓aʔ. Woman’s name. [nb08 855]

slpikstmnt   Morph: sl+pikstm+nt. Etym: √sl. to make a mistake with s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. səlpíkstməntxʷ uɬ x̌ʷíləntxʷ. You threw it away by mistake. [nb18182.7] See: slpmi.

slpmiɬt   Morph: sl+p+mi+ɬt. Etym: √sl. to mistake s.o. (for s.o. else).

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. kʷu səlpmíɬts isíncaʔ. She mistook my little brother. [E79.5] See: sl̕al̕.

slpmint   Morph: sl+p+mi+nt. Etym: √sl. to mistake s.o. (for s.o. else).

Tstem. Category: +nt. səlpmín. I mistook him (for ...). [E79.3] səlpmínts asíncaʔ. Your little brother mistook you. [E79.4] See: sl̕al̕.

slpmtíc̓aʔ   [səlpəmtíc̓aʔ] Morph: slp+mtíc̓aʔ. Etym: √slp. slpmtíc̓aʔ (William Seymour).

Istem. Lit: mistake on blanket slpmtíc̓aʔ. Man's name. [Nb 4, p. 109]

slp̓   [səlp̓] Morph: slp̓. Variant: islp̓. wood.

lxAfx. Sp č-xʷʔéslk̓ʷ-p-m he laid up a big supply of wood. Category: lxSfx. ník̓səlp̓m. To cut wood. [dict]

slp̓lip̓xn   [sləp̓líp̓xən] Morph: s+lp̓•lip̓xn. Etym: √lp̓. a shoe.

nIstem. Gram: Douglas Lake form sləp̓líp̓xən. Ordinary shoe. [nb26-43 004]

slq̓ʷtaqs   [sləq̓ʷtáqs] Morph: s+lq̓ʷ+taqs. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. a portion of game or food.

Istem. Sp √loq̓ʷ torn loose from; Cm lq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; Cr hn+loq̓ʷíw̓es divorced, split. slq̓ʷtaqs. A portion of game or food. [dict] See: lq̓ʷ(a).

slsaʔlíc̓aʔ   [slsaʔlíc̓aʔ] Morph: sl•saʔlíc̓aʔ. Etym: √sl. slsaʔlíc̓aʔ. Lit: polka-dotted

Istem. slsaʔlíc̓aʔ. Man's name. [nb18147.2]

slsulxn   [səlsúlxən] Morph: sl•sulxn. Etym: √sl. numb or asleep feet or legs.

Istem. kn ksəlsúlxən. My legs are numb, asleep. [nb19.252] See: sul.

sltikn̓   [səltíkn̓] Morph: sl+tikn̓ ? Etym: √sl. sltikn̓.

Istem. sltikn̓. Man's name. [Oct92 097AMcG]

sltis   [səltís] Morph: sltis. Etym: √slts ?. sltis.

Istem. sltis. Man's name. [OkB]

slux̌ʷkstm   [səlúx̌ʷkstəm] Morph: s+lux̌ʷ꞊kst+m. Etym: √lx̌ʷ. the making of a banging noise.

Mstem. Sp √lox̌ʷ sound of a heavy object hitting a wooden floor; Cm lx̌ʷ‑lx̌ʷ‑il̕x to make noise. səlúx̌ʷkstəm. Banging noise. [OkB] See: lux̌ʷkstm.

slxʷap   [səlxʷáp] Morph: s+lxʷa+p. Etym: √lxʷ. ache, hurt, wound.

Istem. Sp lxʷ-úp he got hurt; Cm ləxʷp be injured; Cr s+lexʷ+p casualty. Category: +ap. slxʷap. Ache. [OkB] See: lxʷap.

slxʷaʔálqʷ   [səlxʷaʔálqʷ] Morph: slxʷaʔálqʷ. Etym: √slxʷʔ. large person; stout person.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ isx̌áx̌paʔ t̓ík̓ʷəlqʷ, uɬ lut sq̓ʷucts, lut səlxʷaʔálqʷs. My grandfather was tall but not fat, not large. [AutPS 076] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔalqʷwílx   [səlxʷaʔalqʷwílx] Morph: slxʷaʔalqʷ+wílx. Etym: √slxʷʔ. to get big.

Istem. Category: +wilx. uɬ axáʔ məɬ iʔ q̓ʷəyáʕs uɬ səlxʷaʔalqʷwílx, q̓ʷuc̓t. The Black Face got big and fat. [Dvl 120] See: slxʷaʔálqʷ.

slxʷaʔápusxn   [səlxʷaʔápusxən] Morph: slxʷaʔápusxn. Etym: √slxʷʔ. big mouth jar.

Istem. slxʷaʔápusxn. Big mouth jar. [nb18147.14] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔáyaʔqn   [səlxʷaʔáyaʔqən] Morph: slxʷaʔáyaʔqn. Etym: √slxʷʔ. a big head.

Istem. səlxʷaʔáyaʔqən. Big head. [misc 122] wiˑsxən iʔ sp̓saqsc, səlxʷaʔáyaʔqṇ. Long nose, big head. [misc 122] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔílsm   [səlxʷaʔílsm] Morph: slxʷaʔ+íls+m. Etym: √slxʷʔ. to think highly of oneself.

Mstem. kʷ skəlmílsmistx kʷ csəlxʷaʔílsəm. You must think much of yourself. [2gts 195] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔíɬxʷ   [səlxʷaʔíɬxʷ] Morph: slxʷaʔíɬxʷ. Etym: √slxʷʔ. a big house.

Istem. ik̓líʔ a cwix iʔ səlxʷaʔíɬxʷ nwist. Over there, where that big building is, the highest one. [nb1284.3] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔínk   [səlxʷaʔínk] Morph: slxʷaʔínk. Etym: √slxʷʔ. large belly.

Istem. slxʷaʔínk. Large belly. [pd03] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔíp   [səlxʷaʔíp] Morph: slxʷaʔíp. Etym: √slxʷ. a big bottom.

Istem. slxʷaʔíp. Big bottom. [pd03] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔpúsqn   [səlxʷaʔapúsqən] Morph: slxʷaʔ+púsqn. Etym: √slxʷʔ. a big mouth.

Istem. slxʷaʔpúsqn. Big mouth. See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔscút   [səlxʷaʔscút] Morph: slxʷaʔ+scut. Etym: √slxʷʔ. to act big.

Istem. Category: +scut. kʷ səlxʷaʔscútx aɬíʔ kʷ səlxʷʔíɬxʷ. You're acting important because you have a big house. [newles 234] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔspuʔús   [səlxʷaʔspuʔús] Morph: slxʷaʔ+s+puʔús. Etym: √slxʷʔ, √pʔ. a big heart; to be generous.

Istem. swit aɬíʔ nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən səlxʷaʔspuʔús. Because cannibals have big hearts. [Whal 247] See: sílxʷaʔ; spuʔús.

slxʷaʔsqílt   [səlxʷaʔsqílt] Morph: slxʷaʔ+s+qíl+t. Etym: √slxʷʔ, √ql. a big body; a large body.

Istem. səlxʷaʔsqíˑlt Big body. [misc 122 E1] See: sílxʷaʔ; sqilt.

slxʷaʔtwílx   [səlxʷaʔtwílx] Morph: slxʷaʔ+t+wílx. Etym: √slxʷʔ. to get big.

Istem. Category: +wilx. uɬ səlxʷaʔtwílx uɬ kʷm̓iɬ uɬ q̓ilt. She got bigger and bigger and all at once she got sick. [lnxbdga 164] t̓i kʷm̓iˑˑɬ uɬ səlxʷaʔtwílx iʔ sk̓ʷúmalt. The girl got big. [lnx2 178] sk̓ʷuy cəm̓ c̓kin̓ iksəlxʷaʔtwílx. Mother, how big will I get? [NU] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷaʔúlaʔxʷ   [səlxʷaʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: slxʷaʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √slxʷʔ. big place.

Istem. ixíʔ cənqʷʔúlaʔxʷ, səlxʷaʔúlaʔxʷ. It's a big pocket, a big place. [HnTrp 097] kɬʔíq̓ʷəlx yaʔ t cɬak, lut səlxʷʔúlaʔxʷs iʔ cɬak. They came in sight of a swamp, it isn't a very big swamp. [dict] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷisxn̓m   [səlxʷísxn̓m] Morph: slxʷisxn̓+m. Etym: √slxʷ. to work in stone; to hew.

Mstem. slxʷisxn̓m. Work in stone. [OkB]

slxʷus   [səlxʷús] Morph: s+lxʷus. Etym: √lxʷ. to go and set watch.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ kʷu cúntəm swit uɬ iʔ ksəlxʷúsaʔx. He asked us, who is going to do the watching? [HnTrp 220] way̓ iʔ nkʷəl̕múts iʔ ksəlxʷúsaʔx. His brother-in-law is the one who's going to watch. [BJSeym 220] See: lxʷus2.

slxʷusm   Morph: s+lxʷus+m. Etym: √lxʷ. to go and set watch.

Mstem. uɬ swit iʔ ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ k̓əl, caʔkʷ cus iʔ ta nqílxʷcən iʔ səlxʷúsəm. And who is going to the, like they say in Indian those that sit up and watch. [HnTrp 100] See: lxʷus2.

slxʷʔíc̓aʔ   [səlxʷʔíc̓aʔ] Morph: slxʷʔíc̓aʔ. Etym: √lk̓. a large bundle.

Istem. Ques: or slxʷaʔ way̓ uɬ ilíʔ x̌íləm uɬ ksəlxʷʔíc̓aʔ. He kept that up until he had a big bundle. [fatboy 160] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷʔiɬxʷ   [səlxʷʔíɬxʷ] Morph: slxʷʔiɬxʷ. Etym: √slxʷʔ. a big house.

Istem. Ques: or slxʷaʔ taʔlíʔ kʷ səlxʷʔíɬxʷ. Your house is very large. [nb26-35 002] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slxʷʔúlaʔxʷ   [səlxʷʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: slxʷʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √slxʷʔ. a big place.

Istem. Ques: or slxʷaʔ lut səlxʷʔúlaʔxʷs t̓əxʷ a cɬak. Not a big swamp. [GDd2 340] way̓ mat axáʔ cənqʷəʔúl̕axʷ, səlxʷʔúl̕axʷ. There's a hollow place, it's a big place. [BJSeym 175] See: sílxʷaʔ.

slx̌lax̌t   [sləx̌láx̌t] Morph: s+lx̌•lax̌+t. Variant: sl̕x̌l̕ax̌t. Etym: √lx̌. friends.

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ atláʔ kʷu ɬít̓pmiʔst uɬ axáʔ isləx̌láx̌t súxʷxʷəlx. From where we jump to start my friends are gone. [RHorse 038] See: sl̕ax̌t.

slx̌tiw̓s   [sləx̌tíw̓s] Variant: sl̕x̌tiw̓s; slax̌tíw̓s. Morph: s+lx̌tiw̓s. Etym: √lx̌t. to be friends with one another; two individuals of the same sex are friends (obsolescent).

Istem. way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ mat kʷu sləx̌tíw̓s uɬ way̓ kʷu kstaʔmínaʔ... Well, being that we are partners, and now there is no more snow... [Dvl 012] See: sl̕ax̌t.

slx̌y̓alqs   [səlx̌iʔálqs] Morph: s+lx̌y̓alqs. Etym: √lx̌y̓. slx̌y̓alqs.

Istem. Category: wName. slx̌y̓álqs. Woman's name. [OkB]

sl̕   [sl̕] Morph: sl̕. Etym: √sl̕. root with meaning "to be confused, lost" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sp n-sl̕ép he got lost. See: nsl̕ip; nssl̕ip; nsl̕l̕ip; sl̕al̕; nsl̕l̕ínaʔm; nsl̕qinm; nsl̕sl̕ipst; nsl̕sl̕pus; sult1; sul̕t; sl̕tmi; ssl̕ip; ssl̕ap.

sl̕álaʔ   [sl̕álaʔ] Morph: s+l̕á•laʔ ? Etym: √lʔ ?. a short time ago.

Istem. t sl̕ál̕aʔ ik̓líʔ kən kicx. I got there a short time ago. [nb27-22 008]

sl̕al̕   [sl̕al̕] Morph: sl̕•al̕. Etym: √sl̕. to be puzzled; to have made a mistake.

Istem. Sp sil̕ wrong, lost, confused, Cr sel hazy, obscure ... complex, complicated, confused, intricate... kən sl̕al̕. I am puzzled. [nb08 897] See: sl̕1.

sl̕am   [sl̕am] Morph: sl̕a+m. Etym: √sl̕. to roll or twist s.t. (e.g. hemp over one's leg).

Mstem. Category: +am. uɬ ɬə ck̓ʷúl̕məlx əcsl̕áməlx, cútəlx cncəkʷʔílk̓, ixíʔ uɬ wísxən. When they made it [the rope] they spun it, they say it's pulled, and it's long. [WA1.105] See: sl̕1.

sl̕ax̌t   [sl̕ax̌t] Morph: s+l̕ax̌+t. Variant: slax̌t. Gram: also appellative form: male addressing coeval male; female addressing coeval female or coeval intimate member of the opposite sex. This usage is becoming obsolete. Sometimes refers to a sibling Etym: √l̕x̌. friend; partner.

Istem. Sp s-l̕áx̌-t friend; Cm sl̕ax̌t male’s male friend; Cr s+l̕ax̌+t buddy, comrade, friend. Category: App, +t. way̓ taʔlíʔ sl̕ax̌ts iʔ sámaʔ. He was very good friends with a White man. [su7q̓im 172] taʔlíʔ kʷ isl̕áx̌t. You're my good friend. [su7q̓im 181] ʕapnáʔ lut kʷ intkɬmílxʷ ʕapnáʔ t̓i kʷ isl̕áx̌t, kʷu ɬcyaʕp mi kʷ ɬ intkɬmílxʷ. From now on you wonʼt be my wife, now you are simply my partner (while I am hunting); when we return you will be my wife again. [dc14] cəlqáməlx mat t̓əxʷ iʔ t punɬp, uɬ ixíʔ wr̓əntísəlx, uɬ ixíʔ púl̕səlx iʔ sl̕áx̌tsəlx. They pulled up maybe some juniper, and they made a fire, and they smoked their sister. [HnLk28] lut kʷu t̓ x̌minks iʔ t isl̕áx̌t. My partner doesn't like me. [dict] lut, lut k̓əm kʷu t̓ə sl̕ax̌t. No, we're not partners. [dict]

sl̕ax̌ts iʔ x̌asx̌s   [səl̕áx̌ts iʔ x̌ásx̌əs] Morph: s+l̕ax̌t-s iʔ x̌asx̌s. Etym: √l̕x̌; √x̌s. western sweet cicely (osmorhiza occidentalis). Lit: lovage's partner

phrasal. səl̕áx̌ts iʔ x̌ásx̌əs. Western sweet cicely. [TBK70] See: sl̕ax̌t; x̌asx̌s.

sl̕ax̌ts iʔ x̌ʷx̌ʷƛ̓m̓iɬp   [səl̕áx̌ts iʔ x̌ʷux̌ʷƛ̓m̓íɬp] Morph: s+l̕ax̌t-s iʔ x̌ʷx̌ʷƛ̓m̓iɬp. Etym: √l̕x̌, √x̌ʷƛ̓. false Labrador tea (ledum glandulosum).

phrasal. səl̕áx̌ts iʔ x̌ʷux̌ʷƛ̓m̓íɬp. Labrador tea. [TBK102] See: sl̕ax̌t; x̌ʷx̌ʷƛ̓m̓iɬp.

sl̕ip   [sl̕ip] Morph: sl̕i+p. Etym: √sl̕. to be lost.

Istem. Sp sl̕-íp error, mental block; Cm sal̕ to not care, pay attention; Cr sel̕ indistinct, obscure. kən sl̕ip. I am lost. [nb08 254] See: sl̕2.

sl̕iʔst   [səl̕íʔst] Morph: sl̕iʔst. Etym: √sl̕. pinedrops (pterospora andromedea) and pinesap (hypopitys monotropa). Lit: lost arrow.

Istem. sl̕iʔst. Pinedrops. [TBK102] See: sl̕ip.

sl̕lwis   [səl̕lwís] Morph: sl̕+lwis. Etym: √sl̕. to be puzzled.

Istem. Category: +lwis. sl̕lwis. He's puzzled. [dict] See: sl̕ip.

sl̕l̕app   [səl̕l̕ápəp] Morph: sl̕•l̕a+p•p. Variant: sllapp. Etym: √sl. to make a mistake, misspeak.

Istem. kən səl̕l̕ápəp. I made a mistake. [nb23 046] səl̕l̕ápəp. Oops, mistake! [nb24-16 00] See: sl̕al̕.

sl̕l̕pcin   [səl̕ˑpcín] Morph: sl̕•l̕+pcin. Etym: √sl̕. to say the wrong thing.

Istem. kən sˑəlˑpcínx. I said the wrong thing. [FP] See: sl̕l̕app.

sl̕miɬt   Morph: sl̕+mi+ɬy. Etym: √sl̕. to lose s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp n-sl̕ép he got lost; Cm sl̕-l̕-mi(n)-(nt)-nn I misplaced s.t. Category: +ɬt. psáʕyaʔ cəm̓ kʷu səl̕míɬts. He’s no good, he might lose it for me (lose my something). [nb1877.9] cəm̓ nɬíptməntxʷ mi kʷu səlmíɬtxʷ. You might forget and then you might lose my [key]. [nb1269.6]

sl̕mint   Morph: sl̕+mi+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to lose s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp n-sl̕ép he got lost; Cm sl̕-l̕-mi(n)-(nt)-nn I misplaced s.t. Category: +nt. ilíʔ uɬ səl̕mísəlx iʔ sxʷúytəns. There they lost its tracks. [nb2540.4] uɬ ixíʔ ƛ̓lal, way̓ uɬ səl̕míntəm. When he died we lost all of that. [GDd1 073] way̓, way̓ k̓aw, way̓ səl̕mín. Yes, yes, it's gone, I lost it. [GDd2 257] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ cəm̓ səl̕mín axáʔ ink̓ənp̓qínkstən. I might lose my ring. [GDd2 381] ixíʔ kʷ ɬ ƛ̓lal, ixíʔ mi səl̕míntxʷ asənkaʔkʔíw̓s. When you die you will lose your soul. [su7q̓im 261] səl̕míntəm ya nqʷəlqʷíltəntət. We lost our language. [nb26-49 008]

sl̕mist   Morph: sl̕+mi+st. Etym: √sl̕. to lose s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp n-sl̕ép he got lost; Cm sl̕-l̕-mi(n)-(nt)-nn I misplaced s.t. Category: +st. səl̕místəm. We were losing him. [dict]

sl̕mxixmɬt   Morph: sl̕+m+xix+m+ɬt. Etym: √sl̕. to lose s.t. that's not yours.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. səl̕mxíxməɬtsən. I lost your X (s.t. that belonged to you). [nb1879.6] See: sl̕mi.

sl̕mxixmnt   Morph: sl̕+m+xix+m+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to lose s.t. that's not yours.

Tstem. Category: +nt. səl̕mxíxmən. I lost it (something that belong to someone else). [nb1879.5] See: sl̕mi.

sl̕nt   Morph: sl̕+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to twist s.t. (wire, hemp...)

Tstem. Sp hec-slsel̕-péčst-m̓-s he's twirling his rope (or doing tricks); Cr √sl, sel turn (to), rotate, spin; Sh √sel - sel-mt to twine (a string); Th √səy twine; Li √səl to spin, twine. sləntín. I twisted it. [nb21.56a] sl̕əntísəlx. They twisted them. [nb25-89 003]

sl̕pnt   Morph: sl̕+p+nt. Etym: √sl̕. twist s.t. (wire, hemp); to twist s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. sl̕əpntín. I twisted it (wire). [nb6-157a] See: sl̕1.

sl̕sal̕   [səl̕sál̕] Morph: sl̕•sal̕. Etym: √sl̕. a circle.

Istem. kaʔɬís x̌əccíkstɬt̓áq̓əmkɬʔúpənkstɬmús kəm̓ ʔupənkstɬcílkst a csəl̕sál̕. There are 354 or 365 circles. [su7q̓im 081] See: sl̕1.

sl̕sal̕t   [səl̕sál̕t] Morph: sl̕•sal̕+t. Etym: √sl. several are lost.

Istem. Category: +t. kʷu səl̕sál̕t. We got lost. [nb10a 033] See: sal̕t.

sl̕saʔl̕píkstmnt   Morph: sl̕•saʔl̕+píkst+m+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to turn s.t. around repeatedly.

Tstem. Category: +nt. səl̕saʔl̕píkstməntxʷ. You turned them around and around. [nb18215.5] See: sl̕sal̕.

sl̕sl̕mint   Morph: sl̕•sl̕+mi+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to lose s.t.

Tstem. sl̕sl̕mint. ? Lose. [nb18154.1] See: sl̕usm.

sl̕sl̕pnt   Morph: sl̕•sl̕+p+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to spin s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məɬ səl̕səl̕pəntíˑˑsəlx ya ct̓əqʷt̓aqʷ. And they spin bushes. [bjmd 062] See: sl̕p.

sl̕spuʔús   [səl̕spuʔús] Morph: sl̕+s+puʔús. Etym: √sl̕, √pʔ. to lose heart.

Istem. sl̕spuʔús. Lose heart. [OkB] See: sl̕2.

sl̕st   Morph: sl̕+st. Etym: √sl̕. to twist s.t. (wire, hemp...)

Tstem. Sp hec-slsel̕-péčst-m̓-s he's twirling his rope (or doing tricks); Cr √sl, sel turn (to), rotate, spin; Sh √sel - sel-mt to twine (a string); Th √səy twine; Li √səl to spin, twine. Category: +st. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sqəlxʷsp̓íc̓ən ixíʔ aʔ csəl̕stísəlx iʔ kɬk̓əɬʕacmínsəlx. They spun indian hemp for their fishing line. [WA1.98]

sl̕tmiltm   [səl̕tmíltəm] Morph: sl+t+milt. Etym: √sl. an illegitimate child. Morph: sl+t+milt.

Istem. way ksəl̕tmíltəm maryán. Marianne had an illegitimate child. [nb22.68a] See: sl̕tmi.

sl̕tmint   Morph: sl̕+t+mi+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to lose s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. səl̕tmísəlx. They lost him. [nb21.142] See: sl̕1.

sl̕us   [səlʔús] Morph: sl̕us. Etym: √sl̕. to be mistaken.

Istem. mat kʷ sl̕úsaʔx. You must be mistaken. [nb2592.4] See: sl̕2.

sl̕usmnt   Morph: sl̕us+m+nt. Etym: √sl̕. to lose sight of s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ t̓iʔ k̓liˑˑʔ məɬ səlʔúsəmsəlx. They get close and their eyes lose it. [Nams 260] iwá kʷu ṇʔúcxəntəm kʷu sl̕úsməntəm iʔ t sktəm̓tám̓t. Even if she follows us she's going to lose us in the clouds. [dict] See: sl̕us.

sl̕xit   Morph: sl̕+xit. Etym: √sl̕. to twist s.t. (wire, hemp...)

Tstem. Sp hec-slsel̕-péčst-m̓-s he's twirling his rope (or doing tricks); Cr √sl, sel turn (to), rotate, spin; Sh √sel - sel-mt to twine (a string); Th √səy twine; Li √səl to spin, twine. Category: +xit. q̓sapíʔ aɬíʔ istəmtímaʔ kʷu csəl̕xíts t ikɬnʕacústən. Long ago my grandmother spun something for me to trap with. [WA1.101]

sl̕x̌cin   [isl̕əx̌cín] Morph: s+l̕x̌cin. Etym: √l̕x̌. one who steals a friend's mate.

Istem. isl̕əx̌cín. He's the one who took my woman. [nb21.121a]

sl̕x̌l̕ax̌t   [sl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t] Morph: s+l̕x̌•l̕ax̌+t. Variant: slx̌lax̌t. Etym: √l̕x̌. friends.

Istem. Category: +t. lut akckaʔkʔámnəm asl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t. Don't ridicule your friends. [nb26-36 003] swswít asl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t. Who are your friends? [race45] k̓əɬq̓əx̌əntís iʔ sl̕əx̌l̕áx̌ts. He fixes the trail for his friends. [dict] See: sl̕ax̌t.

sɬaq   [sɬaq] Morph: s+ɬaq. Etym: √ɬq. serviceberry or saskatoon (amelanchier alnifolia). Gram: southern form

Istem. Sp s-ɬáq mountain sarvis berry; Cr sɬa[q] sarvice berry. kəm̓ iʔ sɬaq ɬaʔ cq̓ʷlíwsts iʔ sqilxʷ məɬ x̌əw̓ntís. Or the service berry, when people pick it they dry it. [drymd 034] sɬaq. Saskatoon. [TBK120]

sɬaqʷqʷɬqʷt   [sɬáqʷəqʷɬəqʷt] Morph: s+ɬaqʷ•qʷ•ɬqʷ+t. Etym: √ɬqʷ. s.t. huge; s.t. large.

Istem. Category: +t. t̓əxʷ mat iʔ qʷəspíc̓aʔ háʔ, uɬ iʔ sɬáqʷəqʷɬəqʷtsəlx kaʔ ɬa cq̓íx̌x̌əmstsəlx, mat uɬ iʔ sxʷʔits. Must be the buffalo, right? And the big ones that theyʼre stingy of, maybe many of them. [dc5] See: ɬaqʷɬqʷt.

sɬat̓t   [sɬat̓ət] Morph: s+ɬat̓+t. Etym: √ɬt̓. being bruised.

Istem. Category: +t. ʕ̓ác̓ənt isɬát̓ət. Look how bruised I am. [lnx2 230] See: ɬat̓t.

sɬaʔínaʔ   [sɬaʔínaʔ] Morph: s+ɬaʔínaʔ. Etym: ɬʔ. 1 • sɬaʔínaʔ: the general area of Manahan Creek at Rogers Bar, and to the area around the mouth of the creek. Lit: B's etym: beginning of a steep area

Istem. Category: Geog. sɬaʔínaʔ. Place name. [BK166, 257]

2 • Istem. place name.

Istem. sɬaʔínaʔ: the Chalk Grade on the east side of F.D.R. Lake. Category: Geog.

sɬíkɬc̓aʔ   [sɬíkɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+ɬíkɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √ɬk. deer hocks.

Istem. sɬíkɬc̓aʔ. Deer hocks. [E7]

sɬiqʷ   [sɬiqʷ] Morph: sɬiqʷ. Etym: √sɬqʷ. meat.

Istem. kʷu nʔayxʷíwɬt axàʔ iʔ sɬiqʷ. Trade me something for this meat! [nb26-40 013] iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s iʔ k̓ʷl̕əncútən iʔ sɬiqʷ. God made deer meat. [pgl18] t̓i way̓ k̓ʷúl̕l̕ iʔ sqílxʷ, uɬ ksʔíɬiʔs iʔ sɬiqʷ, məɬ put laʔkín ƛ̓lal, mi way̓ ɬə ksʔíɬiʔs. The Indian was born, and he eats meat, and heʼll eat it until he dies. [pgl.20]

sɬixʷcn   [sɬíxʷcən] Morph: s+ɬixʷcn. Etym: √ɬxʷ. saliva.

Istem. sɬixʷcn Saliva. [pd03]

sɬkɬak   [sɬəkɬák] Morph: s+ɬk•ɬak. Etym: √ɬk. bushes.

Istem. sɬkɬak. Bushes. [nb18135.17] See: ɬak.

sɬk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt   [sɬk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt] Morph: s+ɬk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt. Etym: √ɬk̓ʷ. a necklace.

Istem. sɬk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt Necklace. [OkB] See: ɬk̓ʷ(a).

sɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷlts sxʷxʷl̕am̓   [sɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷlts sxʷəxʷəl̕ám̓] Morph: s+ɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷlt-s s+xʷ•xʷl̕ám̓. Etym: √ɬk̓ʷ; √xʷl̕m. blue harebell (campanula rotundifolia). Lit: fool-hen’s necklace

phrasal. sɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷlts sxʷxʷl̕am̓. Blue harebell. [TBK93] See: sɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷlt; sxʷxʷl̕am̓.

sɬk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷɬt   [sɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷəɬt] Morph: s+ɬk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷɬt. Etym: √ɬk̓ʷ. a beaded necklace.

Istem. sɬk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷɬt A beaded necklace. [nb18138.16] See: ɬk̓ʷ(a).

sɬɬat̓   [sɬəɬát̓] Morph: s+ɬ•ɬat̓. Etym: √ɬt̓. (fish) that have been hooked or caught.

Istem. k̓əɬx̌ʷíl iʔ sɬəɬát̓. Lots of hooked fish. [nb21.72a] See: ɬɬt̓.

sɬɬt̓am   [sɬəɬt̓ám] Morph: s+ɬ•ɬt̓a+m. Etym: √ɬt̓. fishing.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. uɬ náx̌əmɬ axáʔ iʔ l sɬəɬt̓ám axáʔ inqíck taʔlí ctəxʷcəncút iʔ t qáqxʷəlx. But about fishing, my oldest brother he got a lot of fish. [Prov 028] See: sɬɬat̓.

sɬɬt̓pin   [sɬəɬt̓pín] Morph: s+ɬ•ɬt̓pin. Etym: √ɬt̓. a single (fish) that has been hooked or caught.

Istem. sɬəɬt̓pín. One fish caught. [nb21.72a] See: sɬɬat̓.

sɬɬwilt   [sɬəɬwilt] Morph: s+ɬ•ɬwilt. Variant: sɬɬw̓ilt. Etym: √ɬw. little nephew, little niece; brother, sister or cousin's son or daughter (diminutive).

Istem. Category: kin, dim. sɬɬwilt. [nb6.51a] See: sɬwilt.

sɬɬw̓ilt   [sɬəɬw̓ílt] Morph: s+ɬ•ɬw̓ilt. Variant: sɬɬwilt. Etym: √ɬw. man or woman's niece or nephew.

Istem. Category: dim. cxʷuyx, cxʷuyx ak̓láʔ kʷ isɬəɬw̓ílt. Come here, come over here, my little nephew! [chipdd 012] See: sɬwilt.

sɬɬx̌mílaʔt   [sɬəɬx̌mílaʔt] Morph: s+ɬx̌mílaʔt. Etym: √ɬx̌m. child relative; daughter (casual form to refer to a daughter or younger relative).

Istem. Category: dim. sɬəɬx̌mílaʔt. Yong relative, daughter. [nb22.77a] See: sɬx̌milt.

sɬɬx̌ʷm̓xilt   [sɬəɬx̌ʷəm̓xílt] Morph: s+ɬ•ɬx̌ʷm̓xilt. Etym: √ɬx̌ʷ. a pubescent youngster.

Istem. uɬ ilíʔ ksɬəɬx̌ʷm̓xíltəlx. They had a child in puberty. [nb2568.2] See: sɬɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔx.

sɬɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔx   [sɬəɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔx] Morph: s+ɬ•ɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔx. Etym: √ɬx̌ʷ. puberty.

Istem. np̓ƛ̓músəs iʔ sɬəɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔx. He's finished his puberty. [nb23 073]

sɬmnw̓sáyaʔqn   [sɬəmnuʔsáyaʔqən] Morph: s+ɬmnw̓sáyaʔqn. Etym: √ɬmn. sɬmnw̓sáyaʔqn.

Istem. Category: wName. sɬmnw̓sáyaʔqn. Woman's name. [dict]

sɬqilm   [səɬqílm] Morph: s+ɬqilm. Etym: √ɬq. a síyaʔ bush.

Istem. səɬqílməlx. Little síyaʔ bushes. [nb26-21 007] See: sɬaq.

sɬqiɬp   [səɬqíɬp] Morph: s+ɬqiɬp. Etym: √ɬq. saskatoon or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. səɬqíɬp. [TBK120] səɬqíɬp. Little síyaʔ bushes. [nb26-21 008] tk̓íwlx iʔ l səɬqíɬp uɬ ksənp̓áƛ̓mqən. She [Chipmunk] climbed on the berry bush, and got to the top. [chip6] See: sɬaq.

sɬqulxʷ   [sɬqulxʷ] Morph: sɬqulxʷ. Etym: ?. berry (any berry).

Istem. Ques: analysis not clear sɬqulxʷ. Any berry. [nb20.14a]

sɬqw̓iɬ   [sɬqw̓iɬ] Morph: s+ɬqw̓iɬ. Etym: √ɬq. a sailboat.

Istem. Ques: no, this is probably ɬq̓ sɬəqw̓íɬ. Sailboat (w is preglottalized). [nb26-22 007]

sɬq̓ilx   [səɬq̓ílx] Morph: s+ɬq̓+ilx. Etym: √ɬq̓. a bedroom.

Istem. Category: +ilx. ɬxʷíc̓əɬtəm iʔ l sɬq̓ilx iʔ q̓aʔxáns. She gave him bedroom slippers. [BJSeym 385]

sɬq̓lxalqs   [sɬəq̓əlxálqs] Morph: s+ɬq̓lxalqs. Etym: √ɬq̓. pajamas; night clothes.

Istem. wiʔscáʕʷlx uɬ ilíʔ cután iʔ ksɬəq̓əlxálqsəmp. When you are done bathing, your night clothes are there. [GDd1 375] axáʔ aksəɬq̓ʷútən uɬ ixíʔ aksɬəq̓əlxálqs. This is your bed, and these your pajamas. [nb1240.4] ɬəxʷpəntíxʷ y aksɬq̓əlxálqs. Slip on your night shirt! [dict]

sɬq̓lxáyaʔqn   [sɬq̓əlxáyaʔqən] Morph: s+ɬq̓lxáyaʔqn. Etym: √ɬq̓. night cap.

Istem. yaʕyáʕt cqʷcqʷácqnəlx, csənqápqən, csɬq̓əlxáyaʔqən. They all have caps on, night caps, caps. [dict] ksɬq̓əlxáyaʔqən. They have night caps. [dict] See: ɬq̓ilx.

sɬq̓wiɬ   [sɬəq̓wíɬ] Morph: s+ɬq̓wiɬ. Etym: √ɬq̓. ferry boat. Lit: flat conveyance

Istem. Sp s-ɬq̓wíɬ (s-ɬq̓-éwɬ ferry boat. kən ksxʷəsxʷúslxaʔx iʔ kskʷənnúnəm iʔ sɬəq̓wíɬ. I am hurrying to catch the ferry. [nb18147.9]

sɬqʷam   [sɬqʷam] Morph: s+ɬqʷa+m. Etym: √ɬqʷ. what one has stored; one's cache.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. ɬaʔq̓ʷəmstís iʔ sɬqʷams. He brought it out (revealed his cache). [nb18151.15] See: ɬqʷ(a).

sɬqʷiɬm̓lx   [sɬqʷiɬm̓lx] Morph: s+ɬqʷiɬm̓lx. Etym: √ɬqʷ. sɬqʷiɬm̓lx: area, now inundated, on the former west side of the Columbia. The southern portion of sɬqʷiɬm̓lx was opposite the northern end of tx̌əx̌áw̓. Lit: groves of trees

Istem. Category: Geog. sɬqʷiɬm̓lx. Place name. [BK240]

sɬq̓ʷutn   [səɬq̓ʷútən] Morph: s+ɬq̓ʷut+n. Etym: √ɬq̓. bed; place to sleep.

Istem. Sp s-n-ɬq̓ʷú-tn bed; Cm snɬq̓ʷútn bed, bedroom. Category: +tn. axáʔ aksəɬq̓ʷútən uɬ ixíʔ aksɬəq̓əlxálqs. This is your bed, and these your pajamas. [nb1240.4] See: ɬq̓ʷut.

sɬúkʷlaʔxʷ   [sɬúkʷlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ɬkʷ. dirt; clay.

Istem. ʕác̓ənt iʔ sɬúkʷlaʔxʷ. Look at the dirt! [nb18138.3] See: ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ.

sɬwilm   [sɬwíləm] Morph: s+ɬwil+m. Variant: sɬwilmt. Etym: √ɬwl. a widow; a widower.

Istem. Category: kin. nəqspíntk iʔ sɬwíləm sk̓ʷul̕sts. The widow fixes herself [mourns] for one year. [nb21.55]

sɬwilmt   [sɬwíləm] Morph: s+ɬwil+m+t. Variant: sɬwilm. Etym: √ɬwl. to be widowed; to be in mourning.

Istem. Sp sɬw̓él̕mt widow, widower; Cm ɬw̓al̕mt widow, widower. Category: +t. kʷ sɬwíl̕əmt. You are a widow(er). [nb18154.4] sɬwíləmtx. She is (being) a widower. [nb18154.5] See: sɬwilm.

sɬwilt   [sɬwilt] Morph: s+ɬwilt. Variant: ɬɬwilt. Etym: √ɬw. brother, sister or cousin's son or daughter; nephew; stepson.

Istem. Cm sɬwalt male’s brother’s child; male’s nephew. Category: kin. lut kən t̓a ksɬwilt aláʔ. I haven't got a niece here. [lnxbdga 157] ixíʔ uɬ axáʔ ƛ̓x̌ap axáʔ isɬwílt, iʔ sxʔitx. Then my nephew grew up, the first one. [AutPS 192]

sɬw̓am   [sɬuʔám] Morph: s+ɬw̓a+m. Etym: √ɬw̓. stabbing, spearing.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. sɬw̓am. Spearing. [OkB] See: ɬw̓(a).

sɬw̓ikst   [sɬuʔíkst] Morph: s+ɬw̓ikst. Etym: √ɬw̓. a sliver in one's hand.

Istem. ck̓ɬ·wáx̌ən ixíʔ tanm̓ús c̓x̌iɬt sɬuw̓íkst. The stab under the arm is only like a sliver. [lpb116] See: ɬw̓(a).

sɬw̓ɬw̓ilt   [sɬəw̓ɬw̓ílt, sɬuʔɬw̓ilt] Morph: s+ɬw̓•ɬw̓ilt. Etym: √ɬw̓. Variant: sɬwɬwilt; sɬw̓ɬw̓il̕t. brother(s), sister(s), or cousin(s) sons or daughters; nieces; stepchildren.

Istem. Category: kin. kʷaʔ Rose ixíʔ sɬuɬwíɬts. These are Rose's step children. [nb2579.13] uɬ kəməntís iʔ sɬəw̓ɬw̓ílts. And he grabbed his nieces. [lnxbdga 002] ixíʔ x̌ʷəlx̌ʷílstən isɬuʔɬw̓ilt. I'm going to throw away my nieces. [lnxbdga 044] See: sɬwilt.

sɬxʷɬxʷncut   [sɬəxʷɬəxʷəncút] Morph: s+ɬxʷ•ɬxʷ+ncut. Etym: √ɬxʷ. one's breath.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ t̓i ʔayxáxaʔ ṇc̓ícən uɬ ʔanwís iʔ scʔixs, axáʔ mat iʔ təl sɬəxʷɬəxʷəncúts uɬ aɬíʔ tlaʔkín mi x̌ʕap. In a little while Wolf felt warm, I guess from his breath, from where else could the air come. [BJSeym 338] See: sɬxʷmncút; ɬxʷncut.

sɬxʷmncút   [sɬəxʷməncút] Morph: s+ɬxʷ+mncút. Etym: √ɬxʷ. one's breath.

nIstem. Category: +ncut. ksxiʔ iʔ sɬəxʷməncúts. His breath went away. [nb21.60a] See: sɬxʷncút.

sɬxʷncut   [sɬxʷəncút] Morph: s+ɬxʷ+ncut. Etym: √ɬxʷ. one's breath.

nIstem. Category: +ncut. ixíʔ uɬ ʔácqaʔ axáʔ iʔ sɬxʷəncúts iʔ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt. The baby's breath went out. [Brth 050] See: ɬxʷncut.

sɬx̌ɬx̌mílt   [sɬəx̌ɬəx̌mílt] Morph: s+ɬx̌•ɬx̌mílt. Etym: √ɬx̌m. daughters (in law).

Istem. Category: kin. sɬəx̌ɬəx̌mílts. Their daughters. [nb21.38a] See: ɬx̌m.

sɬx̌mam   [sɬəx̌mám] Morph: s+ɬx̌ma+m. Etym: √ɬx̌m. one's staying or living with in-laws.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. sic ixíʔ ɬ kspíx̌əms, təl sɬəx̌máms. He’s new at hunting, only since he got married. [dict] way̓ t̓i ksʔayx̌ʷtáyn qʷásqiʔ, aɬíʔ sic ixíʔ ɬ kspíx̌əms, təl sɬəx̌máms. The one who gave up is BlueJay, because he's new at hunting, since he got married. [BJSeym 368] See: ɬx̌m.

sɬx̌milt   [sɬəx̌mílt] Morph: s+ɬx̌milt. Etym: √ɬx̌m. an in-law from one's child.

Istem. Category: kin. ixíʔ isɬəx̌mílt. That's my in-law (from my child). [nb18159.13] kən sɬəx̌míltx. I’m going to have in-laws [and depend on their help for food, housing, etc.]. [dict] xʷʔit iʔ sɬx̌míltət. We have many marriageable daughters. [CoBrk3] See: ɬx̌milt; ɬx̌m.

sɬx̌mmix   [sɬəx̌mˑíx] Morph: s+ɬx̌m+mix. Etym: √ɬx̌m. in-laws.

Istem. Category: kin, +mix. sɬəx̌mˑíx. In-laws. [nb21.69] See: ɬx̌m.

sɬx̌ʷiɬxʷ   [sɬx̌ʷiɬxʷ] Morph: s+ɬx̌ʷiɬxʷ. Etym: √ɬx̌ʷ. hideout, den, lair.

Istem. Lit: hole-house sɬx̌ʷiɬxʷ. Hideout. [nb18163.5] See: ɬx̌ʷ.

sɬx̌ʷitkʷ   [sɬx̌ʷitkʷ] Morph: s+ɬx̌ʷitkʷ. Etym: √ɬx̌ʷ. a well, a spring; water under ground.

Istem. sɬx̌ʷitkʷ. Spring. [nb18145.12] See: ɬx̌ʷ.

sɬy̓alxʷ   [sɬiʔyálxʷ] Morph: s+ɬy̓alxʷ. Variant: sɬy̓aʕlxʷ. Etym: √ɬy̓. a speckled horse.

Istem. Sp √ɬay̓ soiled; Cm s‑ɬy̓‑alxʷ roan horse; Cr ɬe+ɬay̓ spotted. sɬiʔyálxʷ. A spotted, speckled roan and white horse. [nb9a 041]

sɬy̓aʕlxʷ   [sɬiʔáʕlx] Morph: s+ɬy̓aʕlxʷ. Variant: sɬy̓alxʷ. Etym: √ɬy̓. a freckled roan and white horse.

Istem. sɬiʔáʕlx. Splashy, roan and white freckled horse. [nb9a 027]

sɬy̓ɬy̓aɬq̓ʷlt   [sɬiʔɬiʔáɬq̓ʷəlt] Morph: s+ɬy̓•ɬy̓aɬq̓ʷlt. Etym: √ɬy̓. freckled, splashy colored horse.

Istem. sɬiʔɬiʔáɬq̓ʷəlt. Splashy, freckled horse. [nb9a 020] See: sɬy̓alxʷ.

sƛ̓ál̕qaʔ   [sƛ̓ál̕qaʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓ál̕qaʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓lqʔ. little people.

Istem. sƛ̓ál̕qaʔ Little people. [E76.2]

sƛ̓áƛ̓ʔimx   [sƛ̓áƛ̓ʔimx] Morph: s+ƛ̓á•ƛ̓ʔimx. Variant: sƛ̓áƛ̓ʔimxʷ. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔm. Lillooet; Litton Indians.

Istem. axáʔ tla q̓sápiʔ iʔ snəqsílxʷtət iʔ sƛ̓áƛ̓ʔimx iʔ sənx̌əw̓mínsəlx. From long ago, this is fish-drying rack of our relatives the Lillooets. [rdgs 080]

sƛ̓áƛ̓ʔimxʷ   [sƛ̓áƛ̓ʔimxʷ] Morph: s+ƛ̓á•ƛ̓ʔimxʷ. Variant: sƛ̓áƛ̓ʔimx. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔm. Lillooet; Litton Indians.


sƛ̓aq   [sƛ̓aq] Morph: s+ƛ̓aq. Etym: √ƛ̓q. digging.

nIstem. wiʔstx̌ʷix̌ʷáyqs uɬ axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aqs. He got done piling what he dug. [Dvl 088] See: ƛ̓aq.

sƛ̓ax̌t   [sƛ̓ax̌t] Morph: s+ƛ̓ax̌+t. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌t. speed; being fast.

nIstem. uɬ t̓i niʕ̓íp iʔ sƛ̓ax̌ts. She's always fast. [Whal 372] way̓ t̓i niʕ̓íp put i sƛ̓ax̌ts. She is always fast. [Whal 405] See: ƛ̓ax̌t.

sƛ̓aʔcínm   [sƛ̓aʔcínəm] Morph: s+ƛ̓aʔcínm. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔcnm. deer.

Istem. Cm s-ƛ̓aʔ-cin-m deer. kʷaʔ xʷʔit iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm aɬíʔ ik̓líʔ iʔ k̓a nx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ. There is a lot of deer there at Kettle Falls. [Green.78] nik̓ənt iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ síp̓iʔs. Cut the deer hide! [Oct92 075] lut t̓ə cúntəm iʔ sqílxʷ, i l naqs sx̌əlx̌áʕlt lut aksʔíɬnəm iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, iʔ t k̓ʷl̕əncútən. God didnʼt tell the Indians, “On one day you canʼt eat deer”. [pgl19] cmistís laʔkín sənʔístktṇs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. He knows where the wintering places of the deer are. [dict]

sƛ̓aʔcnmíc̓aʔ   [sƛ̓aʔcənmíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓aʔcn+míc̓aʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔ. tanned buckskin hide.

Istem. sƛ̓aʔcnmíc̓aʔ. Tanned buckskin hide. [tanmd 7, 15] haʔ kʷ ksƛ̓aʔcənmíc̓aʔ. Do you have any deer hide? [feb94 001] See: sƛ̓aʔcínm.

sƛ̓aʔkʷílx   [sƛ̓aʔkʷílx] Morph: s+ƛ̓aʔkʷ+ílx. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔkʷ. medicine; the power of an Indian doctor.

Istem. ixíʔ təl sƛ̓aʔkʷílxs q̓əy̓máx̌qən. Thatʼs because of Spotted Shoulderʼs power. [feed34] See: ƛ̓aʔkʷílx.

sƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔímx   [sƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔímx] Morph: s+ƛ̓aʔ•ƛ̓ʔímx. Etym: √ƛ̓ʔ. the relationship between a boy and his grandmother (reciprocal form).

Istem. sƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔímx. Grandmother/grandson.

sƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ak̓ʷ   [sƛ̓əkʷƛ̓ákʷ] Morph: s+ƛ̓k̓ʷ•ƛ̓ák̓ʷ. Etym: √ƛ̓k̓ʷ. a new born fawn.

Istem. sƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ak̓ʷ. Fawn. [nb18103.17] See: sk̓ʷk̓ʷƛ̓ilt.

sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqs   [sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqs] Morph: s+ƛ̓k̓ʷpaqs. Etym: √ƛ̓k̓ʷp. a beak.

Istem. sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqs. Beak. [OkB]

sƛ̓lal   [sƛ̓lal] Morph: s+ƛ̓l•al. Etym: √ƛ̓l. one person's death.

Istem. Lit: not your death lut asƛ̓lál. You didn't die. [nb6.134a] taʔlíʔ xʷʔit ixíʔ sƛ̓lals iʔ sqəltmíxʷ, kʷaʔ q̓sápiʔ. Quite a few times the man died, it was long ago. [dc2] See: ƛ̓lal.

sƛ̓lqim   [sƛ̓lqim] Morph: s+ƛ̓lqim. Etym: √ƛ̓qm ?. 1 • sƛ̓lqim: Colville River. Lit: stuck out

Istem. Category: Geog.

2 • Istem. sƛ̓lqim: former village site at the mouth of the Colville River.

Istem. Category: Geog. sƛ̓lqim. Place name. [BK311] See: sƛ̓qim.

sƛ̓lsqáx̌aʔ   [sƛ̓əlsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓lsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓l. a dead horse; a dead animal.

Istem. sƛ̓lsqáx̌aʔ. Dead horse. [nb18168.11] See: ƛ̓lal.

sƛ̓ƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ   [sƛ̓əƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓•ƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓k̓ʷʔ. pitchwood; pitchy top; wood turning to pitch.

Istem. Sp s-ƛ̓ƛ̓úk̓ʷeʔ pitch wood, kindling wood; Cm s-ƛ̓a-ƛ̓uk̓ʷ-aʔ pitch wood; see Cr s+t̓íkʷ+sus sap of a tree used as an eye medicine. t̓i way̓ sƛ̓əƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ kəm̓ iʔ war̓mútyaʔ. Pitchwood or fire. [WA1.86] ixíʔ uɬ ixíʔ iʔ sƛ̓əƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ sənk̓lip ixíʔ kp̓əntís. Then Coyote threw pitchwood on the fire. [CoGrSy 599] uɬ xiʔ t sútən iʔ t sƛ̓ƛ̓úkʷaʔ kp̓əntís úɬiʔ suláps. He put something, pitch, on the fire, and started to burn. [cogrzd 058] aɬíʔ ʔúˑˑluʔsən iʔ sútən iʔ t̓ic̓, uɬ iʔ sƛ̓əƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ. I gathered that thing, pitch from bark and pitch wood. [chipdd 080]

sƛ̓ƛ̓x̌ap   [sƛ̓ƛ̓x̌ap] Morph: s+ƛ̓•ƛ̓x̌a+p. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌p. old age.

Istem. Category: +ap. ixíʔ uɬ ƛ̓lal ink̓ík̓waʔ i t sƛ̓əƛ̓x̌áps mʕan. And then my grandfather died of old age. [AutPS 158] See: ƛ̓x̌ap.

sƛ̓m̓cin   [sƛ̓m̓cin] Morph: s+ƛ̓m̓cin. Etym: √ƛ̓m̓. sƛ̓m̓cin: area of the former north entrance to the Grand Coulee. Lit: go past mouth; edge

Istem. Category: Geog. sƛ̓m̓cin. Place name. [BK1]

sƛ̓m̓im̓tqn   [sƛ̓m̓im̓tqn] Morph: s+ƛ̓m̓•im̓+tqn. sƛ̓m̓im̓tqn.

Istem. sƛ̓m̓im̓tqn. Man's name. [OkB]

sƛ̓nqin   [sƛ̓nqin] Morph: s+ƛ̓nqin. Etym: √ƛ̓n. waterleaf (hydrophyllum capitatum).

Istem. sƛ̓nqin. Waterleaf. [TBK109 (Teit 1930)]

sƛ̓qim   [sƛ̓qim] Morph: s+ƛ̓qim. Etym: √ƛ̓qm. sƛ̓qim: the confluence of the Columbia and Colville rivers.

Istem. Category: Geog. sƛ̓qim. Place name. [nb1851.16] See: sƛ̓lqim.

sƛ̓qm̓cin̓   [sƛ̓əqm̓cín̓] Morph: s+ƛ̓qm̓cin̓. Variant: sƛ̓q̓mcin. Etym: √ƛ̓qm. 1 • sƛ̓qm̓cin̓: the Colville River. Lit: stuck out at mouth

2 • Istem. sƛ̓qm̓cin̓: a former village site at the mouth of the Colville river.

Istem. sƛ̓qm̓cin̓. Place name. [BK311]

3 • Istem. sƛ̓qm̓cin̓: a slough, now inundated, located on the flats immediately below the northwest end of the point of land (Mission Point) on which St. Paul's Mission is located. Lit: stuck out at mouth

Istem. sƛ̓qm̓cin̓ Place name. [BK367] See: sƛ̓qim.

sƛ̓q̓mcin   [sƛ̓q̓əmcín] Morph: s+ƛ̓q̓+mcin. Variant: sƛ̓qm̓cin̓. Etym: √ƛ̓q̓. sƛ̓q̓mcin (unidentified location).

Istem. Category: Geog. xʷuˑˑy sənk̓l̕íp, uɬ xílsəm iʔ l sƛ̓q̓əmcín. Coyote went, and got to the edge of sƛ̓q̓əmcín. [race27]

sƛ̓uk̓ʷm   [sƛ̓úk̓ʷəm] Morph: s+ƛ̓uk̓ʷ+m. Etym: √ƛ̓k̓ʷ. wild caraway or Indian carrot (perideridia gairdneri).

Istem. Sp s-ƛ̓úk̓ʷ-m Indian carrot; Cm st̓uk̓ʷm wild carrot; Cr s+t̓úk̓ʷ+m carrot (wild). sƛ̓úk̓ʷəm. Indian carrot. [TBK71]

sƛ̓wk̓áʕlaʔxʷ   [sƛ̓uwk̓áʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+ƛ̓wk̓áʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √t̓ʕʷk̓. mud.

Istem. Sp hi ƛ̓áʕʷč̕leʔxʷ the land is muddy; s-ƛ̓oʕč̕óleʔxʷ mud; Cm s‑ƛ̓ək̓‑ul̕əxʷ mud. Category: PhM. kʷ nƛ̓waʕk̓ iʔ l sƛ̓uk̓áʕlaʔxʷ. You got bogged down in mud. [nb25-60 002] See: nƛ̓waʕk̓.

sƛ̓wmix   [sƛ̓umíx] Morph: s+ƛ̓w+mix. Etym: √ƛ̓w. to be a fire fighter.

Istem. kən sƛ̓umíx. I firefight. [nb18174.1] iscənmúlxtəm iʔ t siwɬkʷ iʔ t sƛ̓umíx. I’m packing water for the fire fighters. [nb18174.3] See: ƛ̓aw.

sƛ̓xʷam   [sƛ̓xʷam] Morph: s+ƛ̓xʷa+m. Etym: √ƛ̓xʷ. murder.

Mstem. Category: nMstem, +am. ah, cúntəm way̓ t̓əxʷ aɬíʔ uɬ asƛ̓xʷám nák̓ʷəm. He said to him, "Well, you just murdered them." [Hrvst 133] See: ƛ̓axʷt.

sƛ̓xʷíɬc̓aʔ   [sƛ̓xʷíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓xʷíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓xʷ. drum skin.

Istem. Ques: see sƛ̓x̌ʷílɬc̓aʔ sƛ̓xʷíɬc̓aʔ. Drum skin. [dict]

sƛ̓xʷnwixʷxʷ   [sƛ̓əxʷnwíxʷəxʷ] Morph: s+ƛ̓xʷ+nwixʷ•xʷ. Etym: √ƛ̓xʷ. war.

Istem. sƛ̓xʷnwixʷxʷ. War. [nb18186.7] See: ƛ̓xʷnwixʷ.

sƛ̓xʷup   [sƛ̓xʷup] Morph: s+ƛ̓xʷup. Etym: √ƛ̓xʷ. one's earning; what one wins or earns.

Istem. way̓ uɬ kən nstils taʔlíʔ ixíʔ xʷʔit isƛ̓xʷúp. and I think that what I earned is a lot. [Hrvst 234] axáʔ isƛ̓xʷúp. That's what I won. [nb18174.9] uɬ ʕác̓ənt ixíʔ asƛ̓xʷúp. Look, you earned her! [dict] See: ƛ̓xʷup.

sƛ̓x̌ap   [sƛ̓x̌ap] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌a+p. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. upbringing.

Istem. Category: +ap. c̓x̌iɬ t incá isƛ̓x̌áp. The way I was reared. [nb23 070] See: ƛ̓x̌ap.

sƛ̓x̌atkʷ   [sƛ̓x̌atkʷ] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌atkʷ. Variant: sƛ̓x̌itkʷ. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. sƛ̓x̌atkʷ: Spokane. Lit: fast water

Istem. Sp s-ƛ̓x̌étkʷ fast water; Spokane Falls, Spokane, WA. Category: Geog. sƛ̓x̌atkʷ. Spokane. [nb1851.5] See: ƛ̓ax̌t.

sƛ̓x̌itkʷ   [sƛ̓x̌itkʷ] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌itkʷ. Variant: sƛ̓x̌atkʷ. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. sƛ̓x̌itkʷ: Spokane. Lit: fast water

Istem. Category: Geog. sƛ̓x̌itkʷ. Spokane. [nb1851.6] See: ƛ̓ax̌t.

sƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌ap   [sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌•ƛ̓x̌a+p. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. old or advanced age.

Istem. Category: +ap. ixíʔ uɬ ƛ̓lal ink̓ík̓waʔ i t sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps mʕan. And then my grandfather died of old age. [AutPS 158] c̓kin iʔ sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps. put m̓iw̓s iʔ sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps. How old is he? He's just middle aged. caʔkʷ iwá haʔ ylmíxʷəm, uɬ aɬíʔ mat way̓ iʔ k̓əl sƛ̓əx̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps, way̓ mat ṇk̓əwḷxíls. Even if he's a king, he has reached old age, he's old. [dict] See: ƛ̓x̌ap.

sƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ   [sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌•ƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. race horses.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ tumíst mat mus iʔ sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔs. He bought maybe four race horses. [RHorse 1003] See: sƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ.

sƛ̓x̌pilt   [sƛ̓x̌pilt] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌+pilt. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. a grown child.

Istem. way̓ [s]cuts sqəmqmmín, cus axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓əx̌pílts. sqəmqmmín said to his growing child... [HnTrp 203] See: ƛ̓x̌ap.

sƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ   [sƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. a race horse.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ incá náx̌əmɬ iʔ sƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔtət cxʔit but if our race horse comes first; [2gts 1050] uɬ itlíʔ cxʷt̓pəncút axáʔ iʔ st̓əmkʔílts sənk̓líp, sƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔs Coyote's daughter, his race horse, kept running. [2gts 187] See: ƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ.

sƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ   [sƛ̓əx̌ʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+ƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌ʷ. drum; deer-hide drum.

Istem. Sp √ƛ̓ox̌ʷ sound of a round object like a bead or cherry falling into a container; Th /ƛ̓ix̌ʷ shout, holler at s.o.; Li √ƛix̌ʷ to bawl s.o. out, to scold s.o. loudly. ixíʔ səp̓əntís iʔ sƛ̓əx̌ʷíc̓aʔs. He beat his drum. [dc41] ixíʔ nak̓ʷá incá isəcmínaʔm ixíʔ kʷu ɬaʔ cmayɬtísəlx cúsəlx sƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ. You see, I do not really know, when they tell me, they say drum. [lpb150] stim̓ ixíʔ sƛ̓əx̌ʷíc̓aʔ. mat sƛ̓aʔcínəm ɬaʔ ksíp̓iʔ. What is this sƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ? Maybe deer hide (drum). [dc42-43] axáʔ aɬíʔ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ cútəlx iʔ knaqs a ksƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ mat ixíʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ x̌aʔx̌áʔ iʔ ƛ̓aʔkʷílx. Because the people long ago said one man had a drum, must be a powerful Indian Doctor. [lpb7]

smac̓áʕɬaʔ   [smac̓áʕɬaʔ] Morph: s+mac̓áʕɬaʔ ? Variant: mac̓áʕɬaʔ. Etym: √mc̓ʕɬ. smac̓áʕɬaʔ (Pussy).

Istem. ʔúmsəlx mac̓áʕɬaʔ, ixíʔ uɬ iʔ ɬəɬskʷísts. laʔ cxʔítiʔ kəkáw̓xən, uɬ itlíʔ smac̓áʕɬaʔ. They call him Pussy, that's his new name. First kəkáw̓xən, and then Pussy. [nb2574.11]

smakʷsxn   [smakʷsxn] Morph: s+makʷsxn. Etym: √mkʷs. smakʷsxn.

Istem. smakʷsxn. Man's name. [OkB]

smálaʔqʷ   [smálaʔqʷ] Morph: sm+álaʔqʷ. Etym: √sm. smálaʔqʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. smálaʔqʷ. woman's name. [nb9a 189]

smálaʔxʷ   [smálaʔxʷ] Morph: smálaʔxʷ. Etym: √sm. smálaʔxʷ (Dora DeSautel's paternal great-grandmother).

Istem. Category: wName. smálaʔxʷ. Dora DeSautel's paternal great-grandmother's name. [nb187.12]

smamn   [smámən] Morph: s+ma•mn. Etym: √mn. appaloosa.

Istem. Sp mámn appaloosa. smámən. Appaloosa, specks on the rump. [nb9a 039]

smamʔím   [smamʔím] Morph: s+ma•mʔím. Variant: sm̓amʔím; smaʔmʔím. Etym: √mʔm. women.

Istem. Sp s-m-ʔém woman; queen (playing card); s-m-ʔemʔém women; Cm smʔám woman; Cr s+míʔyem bride, wife, woman. lut t̓ inx̌mínk iʔ scəcm̓álaʔ kəm̓ iʔ smamʔím ɬə ksníxəlmiʔsəlx ixíʔ. I don't like for children or women to hear it. [su7q̓im 050a] uɬ ksmamʔíməlx, uɬ axáʔ knaqs lut t̓a kɬtkɬmilxʷ. They had their wives along, and there's one that doesn't have a woman. [RnTrp 006]

smanxʷ   [smanxʷ] Morph: s+manxʷ. Variant: sman̓xʷ. Etym: √mnxʷ. tobacco.

Istem. smanxʷ. Tobacco. [nb08 716]

sman̓xʷ   [sman̓xʷ] Morph: s+man̓xʷ. Variant: smanxʷ; sm̓anxʷ. Etym: √mn̓xʷ. wild, Indian tobacco; tobacco; smoke (nicotiana attenuata).

Istem. Sp s-mén̓xʷ Indian tobacco, mullein; Cm man̓xʷ‑m to smoke a pipe, cigarette, cigar; Cr s-mil̕xʷ tobacco; Sh s-menx tobacco; Th n/mén̓x-tn; Li s.man̓x tobacco. ntrqpəncút k̓a nʔíƛ̓ltk ƛ̓ʔam t sman̓xʷ, k̓əl Kamloops. He runs North to get some tobacco, to Kamloops. [su7q̓im 195] cíʔstən iʔ sman̓xʷ. I quit smoking. [nb25-56 007] caʔkʷ kʷu cxʷuyɬtxʷ ismán̓xʷ. Please bring me my smokes. [newles 108] ʕ̓ant iʔ t whiskey kəm̓ mat t smanxʷ xʷíc̓əxtsəlx iʔ sqilxʷ. See, they gave the Indians whiskey or tobacco. [FrGov.24]

smaq̓ʷɬtn   [smaq̓ʷɬtṇ] Morph: s+maq̓ʷɬ+tn. Etym: √mq̓ʷɬ. smaq̓ʷɬtn: a point of land, now inundated, on the former east side of the Columbia, across from Martin Creek. Lit: mound place

Istem. Category: Geog. smaq̓ʷɬtn. Place name. [BK298]

smaʕm   [səmáʕm] Morph: s+maʕ+m. Etym: √mʕ. the laying down of a long object.

Mstem. səmáʕm. Laying down a long object. [OkB] See: maʕ2.

smáʕʷlaʔxʷ   [smáʕʷlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+máʕʷlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mʕʷ. smáʕʷlaʔxʷ: area located about one and one quarter miles up the Columbia from Mitchell Point and known locally as "The Slide". Lit: landslide

Istem. Category: Geog. smáʕʷlaʔxʷ. Place name. [BK151]

smaʔmínm   [smaʔmínəm] Morph: s+maʔ+mín+m. Etym: √mʔ. being a nuisance; to be sent away.

Mstem. nak̓ʷá kʷ smaʔmínəm, anwí aspuʔús. We didn't sent you away, it's your wish. [Whal 565] way̓ uníxʷ kʷ ƛ̓x̌ap uɬ lut kʷ smaʔmínəm. It's true you are old enough, and you're not in our way. [GDd1 016] nak̓ʷáʔ kʷ smaʔmínəm. You mustn't think we didn't want you. [dict] See: maʔmí(n).

smaʔmʔím   [smaʔmʔím] Morph: s+maʔ•mʔ•ím. Variant: smamʔím; sm̓amʔím. Etym: √mʔ. women; wifes.

Istem. Sp s-m-ʔem woman; Cr s+míʔyem bride, wife, woman, s+mí+mʔeʔem women. kʷu smaʔmʔím aláʔ. We are women. [nb18205.8] ixíʔ iʔ sqʷəsqʷasíʔas ciyáʕ smaʔmʔím. Her children are all women. [nb18205.9] kɬsysyús iʔ smaʔməʔím iʔ l syríwaxən. The women are good on snowshoes. [dict] ʔíckstəm iʔ t smaʔməʔím, cqsqsínkstməlx. The women are playing with them, they're tickling them. [dict]

smaʔscút   [smaʔscút] Morph: smaʔ+scút. Etym: √smʔ. to act like a white person.

Istem. Category: +scut. smaʔscút. He acts like a white. [nb26-23 017] See: sámaʔ.

smaʔsíyaʔ   [səmaʔsíyaʔ] Morph: smaʔ+s+íyaʔ. Etym: √smʔ, √yʔ. raisins (vitis vinifera). Lit: white man's serviceberry

Istem. səmaʔsíyaʔ. Raisins. [TBK143] See: sámaʔ; síyaʔ.

smcnalqʷ   [sməcnáləqʷ] Morph: s+mcnalqʷ. Etym: √mcn. desert parsley (lomatium macrocarpum).

Istem. smcnalqʷ. Parsley. [TBK69]

smcnúlaʔxʷ   [smcnúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+mcnúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mcn. smcnúlaʔxʷ: former major camping area, now under water, on the former west side of the Columbia, extending. approximately from just north of nxt̓ikʷ to nɬʔmínaʔ, a distance of about three-quarters of a mile.

Istem. Category: Geog. smcnúlaʔxʷ. Place name. [BK333] See: smcnalqʷ.

smcq̓ʷulm   [sməcq̓ʷúləm] Morph: s+mcq̓ʷulm ? Etym: √mc̓q̓ʷlm (?). a mouthful.

Istem ?. naqs sməcq̓ʷúləms. One swallow, mouthful. [nb21.16a] swit aɬíʔ mat naqs ɬúʔɬmən, naqs sməcq̓ʷúləms uɬ ṇc̓sap. Maybe one little spoonfull, one swallow and it's gone. [dict]

smc̓maʕc̓s   [sməc̓máʕc̓əs] Morph: s+mc̓•maʕc̓s. Etym: √mʕc̓. wet matter in the eye(s).

Istem. Sp č-mc̓mác̓s he has "sleep" in his eyes, the meadowlark pooped in the late sleeper's eyes. kc̓əw̓íw̓sx way̓ maɬ asməc̓máʕc̓əs. Wash your face, you have lots of wet eye matter. [nb18200.3]

smik̓ʷt   [smik̓ʷt] Morph: s+mik̓ʷ+t. Etym: √mk̓ʷ. snow on the ground.

Istem. Sp s-mek̓ʷ-t snow on the ground; Cm s‑mak̓ʷ‑t snow on the ground; Cr s+mik̓ʷ+t snow. Category: +t. xʷuyx yaʔx̌ís aʔ nyaʕ̓sús iʔ smik̓ʷt. Go over there where the snow has settled. [mychildr 109] uɬ ixíʔ way̓ uɬ ksúltaʔx iʔ smik̓ʷt. The snow was going to crust. [Hrvst 057] sxʷʔíts iʔ smík̓ʷət. There was lots of snow. [dict] klíq̓naʔṇ iʔ t smík̓ʷət. I buried him with snow. [dict] axáʔ iʔ mukʷ iʔ smík̓ʷət. Mounds of snow. [dict] kstaʔmínaʔḷx, uɬ t̓əxʷ ixíʔ c̓sap iʔ smík̓ʷət. Spring came, and the snow was gone. [dict] tər̓qəntíˑˑn iʔ smík̓ʷət, uɬ ṇɬəx̌ʷx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ. I tromped the snow and it made a hole there. [dict]

smil̕m   [smíl̕əm] Morph: s+mil̕+m. Etym: √ml̕. the sharing out of fish.

Mstem. smil̕m. Share. [dict] See: mil̕m.

smiƛ̓ɬxʷm   [smíƛ̓ɬxʷəm] Morph: s+miƛ̓ɬxʷ+m. Etym: √mƛ̓. house painting.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem uɬ incá iʔ smíƛ̓ɬxʷəm ixíʔ inx̌əmínk iksmipnúnəm. And what I want to learn is house painting. [nb1254.7] stim̓ uɬ aksck̓ʷúl̕. way̓ t̓əxʷ smíƛ̓əɬxʷəm. "What would you like for a job?" "A house painting job." [dict] See: miƛ̓ɬxʷm.

smiƛ̓t   [smiƛ̓t] Morph: s+miƛ̓+t. Etym: √mƛ̓. the paint job.

Istem. Category: +t. x̌ast iʔ sk̓ʷul̕s iʔ smiƛ̓ts It's made well and the paint is good. [GDd1 370] See: miƛ̓.

smiw̓sálq   [smiw̓sálq] Morph: s+miw̓sálq ? Etym: √mw̓s ?. midway.

Istem. k̓im axáʔ iʔ smiw̓sálqs. And halfway the stem. [GDd2 355] See: miw̓s.

smiyáw   [smiyáw] Morph: s+myaw. Variant: smyaw. From: Moses Columbian smiyáw. Etym: √myw. Coyote.

Istem. Cm smiyáw coyote; Cr s+miyíw coyote; Sh s-mɣew̓ lynx; Th √məɣéw̓ lynx; Li s.əmɣáw̓ lynx. ixíʔ k̓əmɬníwtəntəm smiyáw. She went to sit by the side of Miyaw. [dict] wiʔsk̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílpsəlx aɬíʔ axáʔ ylmixʷəm sənk̓l̕íp, smiyáw. They have already fixed his bed, because Coyote is a boss, he's Miyaw. [dict] kən smiyáw. I am a great man, a king, Coyote! [nb08 291]

smiʔɬ   [smiʔɬ] Morph: s+miʔɬ. Variant: miʔɬ. Etym: √mʔɬ. paternal uncle; father's brother, cousin.

Istem. Category: kin. ixíʔ iʔ smiʔɬc. That's his uncle. [bjmd 001] See: miʔɬ.

smk̓ʷtan   [smək̓ʷtán] Morph: s+mk̓ʷ+tan. Etym: √mk̓ʷ. time of snow on the ground.

Istem. Category: +tan. iʔ l smk̓ʷtan kiʔ a t̓əckícx x̌ʕáx̌a iʔ snt̓aʔqxáns. smk̓ʷtan is the time crow’s moccasin stuffings arrive. [E6] See: smik̓ʷt.

smláʕlaʔxʷ   [smláʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+mláʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: sml̕áʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mʕl. clay, chinking material.

Istem. Sp √mal dirt, earth; Cm s‑ml‑l‑ul̕əxʷ clay; Cr mul dirty; Sh s-ml-óleʔxʷ clay; Th √mól pile up dirt / snow. Category: PhM. smláʕlaʔxʷ. Clay. [nb18180.12] See: ml(a).

smlaʕm   [sməláʕm] Morph: s+mlaʕ+m. Etym: √mlʕ. to smear.

Mstem. smlaʕm. Smear. [nb18180.9] See: ml(a).

smlk̓ʷáqaʔ   [sməlk̓ʷáqaʔ] Morph: s+mlk̓ʷáqaʔ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. a jug.

Istem. smlk̓ʷáqaʔ. Jug. [nb18180.3] See: mlk̓ʷ.

smlk̓ʷíc̓aʔ   [sməlk̓ʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+mlk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √mlk̓ʷ. a sleeping bag.

Istem. Sp s-mlk̓ʷíc̓eʔ a blanket made from a whole hide with fur intact. smlk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. Sleeping bag. [nb26-10 008] See: mlk̓ʷ.

smlqmitkʷ   [sməlqmítkʷ] Morph: s+mlq+mitkʷ. Etym: √mlq. smlqmitkʷ: the Similkameen River.

Istem. Category: Geog. smlqmitkʷ. Similkameen. [E5] See: smlqmix.

smlqmix   [sməlqmíx] Morph: s+mlqmix. Etym: √mlq. Eagle River people; Similkameen Indians.

Istem. sməlqmíx. Eagle River, Similkameen Indians. [nb9a 111] See: smlqmitkʷ.

sml̕áʕlaʔxʷ   [sml̕áʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+ml̕áʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: smláʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ml. clay, mud.

Istem. uɬ kpt̓áʕnaʔs iʔ t səml̕áʕlaʔxʷ, ixíʔ ɬaʔ ck̓ʷúl̕əm. He covers it with mud, with clay, that's what he does. [nb26-59 003] See: ml(a).

sml̕mal̕qs   [sml̕mal̕qs] Morph: s+ml̕•mal̕qs. Etym: √ml̕. sml̕mal̕qs.

Istem. Category: wName. sml̕mal̕qs. Woman's name. [OkB]

smmaʔwílx   [səmˑaʔwílx] Morph: sm•m•aʔ+wílx. Etym: √smʔ. to have become white, caucasian.

Istem. Category: +wilx. uɬ ʕapnáʔ nak̓ʷáʔ cmistín, kʷu səmˑaʔwílxəx, lut t̓əcmystím ɬə sx̌ʷnitkʷ. And now I donʼt know, we have become white, we donʼt know about Kettle Falls. [bfp67] See: sámaʔ.

smn̓xʷiɬml̕x   [smən̓xʷíɬml̕x] Morph: s+mn̓xʷiɬml̕x. Etym: √mnxʷ. wild tobacco (nicotiana attenuata).

Istem. smn̓xʷiɬml̕x. Wild tobacco. [TBK140] See: smán̓xʷ.

smqʷaqʷ   [sməqʷáqʷ] Morph: s+mqʷ•aqʷ. Etym: √mqʷ. the first snow fall.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ way̓ k̓əl ʕapnáʔ uɬ way̓ kaʔɬəlʔúpənkstɬmús smqʷaqʷ. And until now it̓s been 34 snows. [nb2525.2] ixíʔ mat haʔ way̓ ksx̌an iʔ x̌əx̌ənɬʔúpənkstɬx̌əx̌əntspíntk sməqʷáqʷ. Now maybe have passed the ninety nine years, snows. [gl135] See: mqʷaqʷ.

smq̓ʷaɬq̓ʷl̕t   [smq̓ʷaɬq̓ʷl̕t] Morph: s+mq̓ʷaɬq̓ʷl̕t. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. Adam's apple.

Istem. smq̓ʷaɬq̓ʷl̕t. Adam's apple. [OkB]

smr̓iwy̓   [səmr̓íwiʔ] Morph: s+mr̓iwy̓ ? Etym: √mr̓. soup bones; bones for soup stock.

Istem. way̓ c̓úkʷxtmən t aksm̓ər̓íwiʔ. I’ve brought you some soup mixture / bones. [nb1721.8] uɬ stim̓ ixíʔ ya scustxʷ iʔ səmr̓íwiʔ. What is this thing you call səmr̓íwiʔ? [nb1722.1] See: mar̓wy̓.

smr̓iwy̓nt   Morph: s+mr̓iwy̓+nt. Etym: √mr̓. soup bones; bones for soup stock.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məɬ kʷ nɬəxʷpúsəm iʔ t liplíʔ, kəm̓ iʔ t səsp̓qín, məɬ ilíʔ nutnítkʷəntxʷ axáʔ iʔ sc̓im mr̓íwintxʷ. You can cook corn, or wheat, and you put those bones in there, you flavor it. [nb1722.7-8] See: mar̓wy̓.

smsasq̓t   [smsásq̓ət] Morph: s+msasq̓t. Etym: √ms. Thursday.

Istem. Sp mósq̓t four days, Thursday; Cm smusq̓t Thursday; Cr mósq̓iʔt Thursday; Sh s-məs-esq̓t Thursday; Th s/mus-ésq̓t Thursday. smsasq̓t. Thursday. [nb21.151]

smsmspintk   [sməsməspíntk] Morph: s+ms•ms+pintk. Etym: √ms, √pn. four year old(s).

Istem. iʔ sməsməspíntk uɬ lut sƛ̓axʷts iʔ mus. The four year olds didn't die, the four [year olds]? [Hrvst 146] See: mspintk.

smspintk   [sməspíntk] Morph: s+ms+pintk. Etym: √ms, √pn. four years.

Istem. mat ʔasəlspíntk kəm̓ mat kaʔɬəlspíntk kəm̓ mat sməspíntk. Maybe two or three or four years old. [lnxbdga 279] See: mspintk.

smtkʷl̕ínaʔ   [smətkʷl̕ínaʔ] Morph: s+mtkʷl̕ínaʔ. Etym: √mtkʷl. smtkʷl̕ínaʔ: unidentified plant.

Istem. smtkʷl̕ínaʔ. Unidentified plant. [TBK144]

smtq̓ʷul   [smətq̓ʷúl] Morph: s+mtq̓ʷul. Etym: √mtq̓ʷl. a bird species found in swamps, with an ugly beak that will not let go.

Istem. smtq̓ʷul. Bird spp. [11.37a]

smúkʷaʔxn   [smúkʷaʔxən] Morph: s+múkʷaʔxn. Etym: √mkʷʔ. sunflower; balsamroot (balsamorhiza sagittata). Lit: lump on the foot

Istem. Sp s-múkʷeʔšn spring sunflower; Cr s+múkʷeʔšn sunflower. iʔ smúkʷaʔxən ɬaʔ cc̓ʔák̓ʷəm t̓i kʷraˑˑyʔ. When the sunflowers bloom they are yellow. [rdgs 035; TBK80]

smukʷaʔxníɬp   [smukʷaʔxníɬp] Morph: s+mukʷaʔxníɬp. Etym: √mkʷʔ. balsamroot plant (balsamorhiza sagittata).

Istem. smukʷaʔxníɬp. Balsamroot plant. [TBK80] See: smúkʷaʔxn.

smúllaʔxʷ   [smúllaʔxʷ] Morph: s+múllaʔxʷ. Etym: √ml. dew.

Istem. smúllaʔxʷ. Dew. [nb18180.1]

smutn   [smutṇ] Morph: s+mut+n. Etym: √mt. a place to sit.

Istem. Category: +tn. way̓ kʷ ilmíxʷəm, way̓ axáʔ aksmútən. You are the boss, here is a place for you to sit down. [Whal 515] axáʔ aksmútṇ, way̓ axáʔ ask̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílp. Here's a place for you to sit down, here's a place for you to lie down. [dict] See: mut.

smxʷʔalqs   [səmxʷʔálqs] Morph: smxʷʔalqs. Etym: √smxʷʔ. smxʷʔalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. ixíʔ səmxʷʔálqs iʔ sqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔas. Those are səmxʷalqs's children. [dict]

smx̌ikn   [səmx̌íkən] Morph: s+mx̌ikn. Variant: smx̌ikn̓. Etym: √mx̌. female grizzly bear (also as grizzly of unspecified sex).

Istem. Sp s-mx̌éy̓čn grizzly bear; Cm míx̌aɬ black bear. uɬ kʷums iʔ sʔíɬən iʔ l citxʷs iʔ səmx̌íkən. They stored some grub in a bear's den. [fatboy 023] uɬ səm̓x̌íkən uɬ nq̓ʷəmq̓ʷmúsəs iʔ st̓aʔt̓ikʷaʔxəns. And Grizzly filled up his cracked feet. [lnx2 215]

smx̌ikn̓   [səm̓x̌íkən] Morph: s+mx̌ikn̓. Variant: smx̌ikn. Etym: √mx̌. female grizzly bear (also as unspecified sex).

Istem. iʔ sxʔimɬwísxən xʷíc̓əɬtəm səmx̌íkən̓. He gave the longest one to Grizzly Bear. [dict]

smyaʔsʔíɬn   [smiyaʔsʔíɬəntət] Morph: s+my+aʔ+s+ʔíɬn. Etym: √my, √ʔɬn. a delicacy.

Istem. staʔ iʔ st̓pápqən iʔ smiyaʔsʔíɬəntət. The back of the head of the BigHorn is our delicacy. [E5] See: my1; ʔiɬn.

smyɬsqltmixʷ   [smiɬsqəltmíxʷ] Morph: s+my+ɬ+s+qltmixʷ. Etym: √my, √qlt. one who is more of a man; an important man.

Istem. smyɬsqltmixʷ. Important man. [nb18193.4] See: sqltmixʷ.

smyɬtkɬmilxʷ   [smiɬtkɬmílxʷ] Morph: s+my+ɬ+tkɬmilxʷ. Etym: √my, √tkɬm. an important woman.

Istem. mat nstílsəlx mat uníxʷ smyɬtkɬmílxʷ They thought she was a really important woman. [GDd1 344] See: tkɬmilxʷ.

smyɬttwit   [smyɬtətwít] Morph: s+my+ɬ+t•twit. Variant: smyɬttw̓it. Etym: √my, √twt. an outstanding boy.

Istem. axáʔ iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət iʔ sqilxʷ lut kʷu t̓ə ckəlq̓ʷíkstsəlx, uɬ axáʔ smyɬtətwít kʷənnús. The rest of the people can't even touch my arm, and this outstanding boy caught me. [dict] See: ttwit.

smyɬttw̓it   [smiɬtətw̓ít] Morph: s+my+ɬ+t•tw̓ít. Variant: smyɬttwit. Etym: √my, √twt. a special boy; a dependable boy.

Istem. way̓ smiɬtətwít. A dependable boy. [nb2542.5] yaʔx̌ís smiɬtətw̓ít. That one is a special boy. [nb25-42 002]

smyɬylmixʷm   [smiɬilmíxʷəm] Morph: s+my+ɬ+ylmixʷ+m. Etym: √my, √yl. to be an important chief.

Istem. kən smyɬylmíxʷəm, uɬ sc̓x̌ílx isx̌səlscút, iʔ sxʔimɬx̌ást iʔ kɬk̓ʷúl̕mənsəlx. I am an important king, and that's the reason for my very best clothes, the very best things they're going to use. [dict] See: ylmixʷm.

smynap   [smináp] Morph: s+mynáp ? Etym: √myn. toad.

Istem. Cm sminp toad, bull frog; Cr s+m̓e·+m̓ínep toad; Sh s-my̓nip toad, bullfrog. smynap. Toad. [dict]

smysámaʔ   [smisámaʔ] Morph: s+my+sámaʔ. Etym: √my, √smʔ. high class person; close acquaintance.

Istem. smisámaʔ. Higher class white person; a close acquaintance. [nb26-31 009] taʔlíʔ ismisámaʔ. I knew him very well. [nb26-31 019] See: sámaʔ.

smysqilxʷ   [smisqílxʷ, smiysqílxʷ] Morph: s+my+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √my, √qlxʷ. important people.

Istem. nt̓a way̓ mat smisqílxʷ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps axáʔ. His parents must be important people. [nb1251.9] sc̓kinx axáʔ kən smisqílxʷ, uɬ way̓ axáʔ sxʔimɬt̓ət̓áʔq̓aʔt cq̓ílən, kʷu ɬxʷíc̓əɬts. What's the matter, I am way up in class, and he gave me the shortest arrow? [dict] smisqílxʷ axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. She was an important woman. [dict] axáʔ kɬylmíxʷməlx ixíʔ iʔ l tawn, sílxʷaʔ ilmíxʷəms, smisqílxʷ. They have a chief in that town, a big chief, he's important. [dict] See: sqilxʷ.

smysʔiɬn   [smisʔíɬən] Morph: s+my+s+ʔiɬn. Etym: √my, √ʔɬn. more food.

Istem. Lit: Maybe it wasn't more food. kəm̓ pna p sc̓aʔc̓aʔxmíx, mat lut smisʔíɬnəmp. Maybe you are bashful, maybe you didn't eat enough. [GDd1 351] See: sʔiɬn.

smy̓may̓   [smy̓máy̓] Morph: s+my̓•may̓. Variant: sm̓y̓m̓ay̓. Etym: √my̓. stories; messages.

Istem. uɬ k̓im iʔ l sm̓iʔm̓áy̓. And in the stories. [gregory 011] haʔ k̓ʷul̕ntxʷ iʔ k̓ʷk̓ʷínaʔ iʔ sm̓iʔm̓áy̓ iʔ l a nsámaʔcn. Did you write a little story in English? [newles 283] See: may̓.

smʔilt   [səmʔílt] Morph: smʔilt. Etym: √smʔ. a white child.

Istem. Ques: smaʔílt ? smʔilt. White child. [nb21.76a] See: sámaʔ.

smʔus   [səmʔús] Morph: smʔus. Etym: √smʔ. a white person's face.

Istem. Ques: smaʔús ? səmʔús. White face. [nb26-23 018] See: sámaʔ.

sm̓   [səm̓] Morph: sm̓. Etym: √sm̓. poor thing; pitiable one.

pcl. Category: intj. way̓ ixíʔ səm̓ sc̓qʷaqʷs. The poor thing cried. [lpb277] See: ʔamsm̓.

sm̓amʔím   [sm̓amʔím] Morph: s+m̓a•mʔím. Variant: smamʔím. Etym: √mʔm. women.

Istem. ixíʔ ckəm̓ntís iʔ sm̓amʔíms. He brought out his women. [sknkf 032]

sm̓anxʷ   [sm̓anxʷ] Morph: s+m̓anxʷ. Variant: sman̓xʷ. Etym: √m̓nxʷ. smoke.

Istem. axáʔ ʕapnáʔ inxʷəlxʷəltán, iʔ sm̓anxʷ. Smokes keep me alive. [misc 120]

sm̓ay̓áy̓   [sm̓ay̓áy̓] Morph: s+m̓ay̓•áy̓. Etym: √m̓y̓. a story; what one tells.

Istem. ixíʔ t̓əxʷ lut t̓ x̌ast iʔ sm̓ay̓áy̓s. It's not a good story. [su7q̓im 048] ʕant ixíʔ iʔ sm̓ay̓áy̓s ixíʔ. And you see, this is how the story has been told. [su7q̓im 163] ism̓ay̓áy̓. My story. [nb26-65 007] mat ixíʔ sm̓ay̓áy̓s. This is how the story is told. [nb2531.1] q̓əy̓ntíxʷ anwí asənstíls iʔ sm̓ay̓áy̓s sənk̓líp. Write what you think of Coyote's story. [newles 278] See: m̓ay̓.

sm̓áy̓aʔm   [sm̓áy̓aʔm] Morph: s+m̓áy̓aʔ+m. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. gossip.

Mstem. Sp m̓ey̓-m̓-l̕w̓ís he keeps on spreading the news, he's gossiping. See: m̓áy̓aʔ.

sm̓ay̓xtwíxʷ   [sm̓ay̓xtwíxʷ] Morph: s+m̓ay̓+xt+wíxʷ. Etym: √m̓y̓. a story.

nIstem. Category: +twixʷ. mat ck̓əɬníxl̕əmstp ixíʔ iʔ l sm̓ay̓xtwíxʷ. Maybe you've heard about her in a story. [dict] See: m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ.

sm̓áʔlaʔxʷ   [sm̓áʔlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+m̓áʔlaʔxʷ. Etym: √m̓ʔ. sm̓áʔlaʔxʷ (Dora's paternal great-grandmother).

Istem. Category: wName. sm̓áʔlaʔxʷ. Woman's name. [74tp2 012]

sm̓aʔm̓áyam   [sm̓aʔm̓áyam] Morph: s+m̓aʔ•m̓áya+m. Etym: √m̓yʔ. going to school. Category: nMstem. lúti ism̓aʔm̓áʔyam, mat kən st̓əq̓əmkspínk kiʔ ƛ̓lal isəsíʔ. I hadn't gone to school yet, I must have been six when my uncle died. [AutPS 008] Ques: stress ?

sm̓aʔm̓áy̓   [sm̓aʔm̓áy̓] Morph: s+m̓aʔ•m̓áy̓. Variant: smy̓m̓ay̓. Etym: √m̓y̓. one's own story, experience; happening.

Istem. niʕ̓íp əck̓ɬxaʔtstímlx iʔ t sm̓aʔm̓áy̓. News of them always preceded them. [mychildr 015] axáʔ iʔ naqs iʔ sm̓aʔm̓áy̓ axáʔ i t sámaʔ way̓ ɬə cyáʕpəlx uɬ mat k̓əl... Here's another story. When the Whites came to ... [su7q̓im 165] lut km̓a incá ism̓aʔm̓áy̓, ixíʔ inxaxʔít, itlíʔ kiʔ iscmipnwíɬən. These are not my stories, they are my ancestors' that's who I learned them from. [su7q̓im 293] ixíʔ kiʔ púƛ̓əm ism̓aʔm̓áy. Thatʼs how my story ends. [bfp80] t̓əxʷ iʔ sənkʷkʷʔác iʔ l sm̓aʔm̓áy kʷu ɬaʔ cm̓ayɬtís, It's night, how they told me the story. [lpb1069] captíkʷəlsəlx, ƛ̓ax̌t iʔ sm̓aʔm̓áy̓, uɬ way̓ ctəmsc̓wc̓uxán. That's fairy tales for you, news travels fast, and it has no feet. [dict] See: m̓aʔm̓áy̓.

sm̓cm̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ   [sm̓əcm̓əcxənsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+m̓c•m̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √m̓c. mares.

Istem. way̓ nyx̌əntís axáʔ iʔ sm̓əcm̓əcxənsqáx̌aʔs. He drove in his mares. [Hrvst 106] See: sm̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ; sm̓m̓um̓cxn; sm̓um̓cxn.

sm̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ   [sm̓əcxənsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+m̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √m̓c. mare, mares.

Istem. Sp s-m̓úm̓cšn̓. uɬ axáʔ iʔ st̓úɬc̓aʔ ilíʔ nʔaksuxíw̓s axáʔ iʔ l sm̓əcxənsqáx̌aʔ. The mule was right in with the mares. [Hrvst 108] See: sm̓m̓um̓cxn; sm̓um̓cxn.

sm̓m̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ   [sm̓əm̓əcxənsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+m̓•m̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √m̓c. mare.

Istem. sm̓m̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ. Mare. [nb6.143a] See: sm̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ; sm̓um̓cxn.

sm̓m̓spintk   [sm̓əm̓əspíntk] Morph: s+m̓•m̓s+pintk. Etym: √ms, √pn. four year olds.

Istem. Category: dim. mat skaʔkaʔɬəlspíntk kəm̓ sm̓əm̓əspíntk ixíʔ iʔ kɬənk̓amtíw̓stən[s]. Maybe three years old, or four years old, they make saddle horses out of them. [Hrvst 098] See: mspintk.

sm̓m̓um̓cxn   [sm̓əm̓úm̓əcxən] Morph: s+m̓•m̓u•m̓cxn. Etym: √m̓c. mare(s).

Istem. sm̓m̓um̓cxn Mares. See: sm̓um̓cxn.

sm̓um̓cxn   [sm̓úm̓cxən] Morph: s+m̓u•m̓cxn. Etym: √m̓c. mare(s); female animal.

Istem. Sp s-m̓úm̓cšn mare. ʔasəlʔupənksɬcílkst, yaʕyáʕt iʔ sm̓úm̓cxən. Twenty five of them, all mares. [Hrvst 128]

sm̓y̓m̓ayt   [sm̓iʔm̓áyt] Morph: s+m̓y̓•m̓ay̓+t. Etym: √m̓y̓. significance; meaning.

Istem. Category: +t. stim̓ iʔ sm̓iʔm̓áyts. What is the significance of ... [nb26-03 011] See: sm̓y̓m̓ay̓.

sm̓y̓m̓ay̓   [sm̓iʔm̓áy̓] Morph: s+m̓y̓•m̓ay̓. Variant: smy̓may̓. Etym: √m̓y̓. realistic stories; news; a story; an account.

Istem. Sp hec-m̓em̓éy̓eʔey̓ he's teaching, he's telling stories or news; Cr s+m̓+m̓éy̓+m̓iy̓ anecdote. ism̓iʔm̓áy̓. My stories. [nb26-65 008] kʷint axáʔ məɬ ʔúkʷəntxʷ ism̓iʔm̓áy̓. Take this, take my note to him. [grlhd 076] cmistín iʔ sm̓iʔm̓áy̓. I know that story. [nb18211.14] asm̓iʔm̓áy̓. Your story (not necessarily your own). [nb22.46a] See: m̓ay̓.

sm̓y̓m̓ay̓t   [sm̓iʔm̓áy̓t] Morph: s+m̓y̓•m̓áy̓+t. Etym: √m̓y̓. significance; importance; what one goes by.

Istem. Category: +t. stim̓ iʔ sm̓iʔm̓áy̓ts? What is its significance? [misc 264] uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔ iʔ sm̓iʔm̓áy̓ts axáʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. That's what the old lady goes by. [nb1279.2] See: sm̓y̓m̓ay̓.

sn+   [sən] Morph: s+n+. prefix combination that derives nouns with import place.

dafx. Category: dpfx.

1 • in combination with +tn. sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtəns. Their schools. [mychildr 104] isnt̓ík̓ltn. My lunch bag. [misc 037] sənʔácqaʔtn. Toilet bowl. [nb26-08 015] səncʕacʕálxtn. Bath tub, place where one swims. [nb26-08 016] sənk̓ʷƛ̓ústn Eye. [nb26-18 006] sənt̓əwstsqáx̌aʔtn. Barn. [nb26-19 005] Lit: several stand sənkɬkʷaʔkʷílˑtn. Riding place (carnival ride, sleigh). [nb26-19 007] sənkʷilˑtn. Place where people normally sit. [nb26-19 009] səntɬxsqáx̌aʔtn. Barn. [nb26-19 010] Lit: one stands sənkɬkʷlíwtn. Chairs. [nb26-19 011] sənk̓k̓iʔsámaʔtn. Tobacco pouch. [nb26-21 016] sncəqcaʔqqíwltns. Its usual parking place. [newles 239] asnɬq̓ʷútn What you brought back. [newles 241] snk̓ʷl̕cncútns. Her kitchen. [newles 254] səntq̓y̓álqʷtən. Writing board. [newles 266] sənq̓ʷɬtíʔstən. Arrow holder. [bjmd 109] səntq̓aʔy̓álqʷtn Blackboard. [nb26-33 001] sənq̓əy̓míntn. School. [nb26-33 003] sənqláw̓tən. Bank, wallet. [nb26-41 009] səny̓ay̓áx̌aʔtn. Movie house, theater. [nb26-42 012] sənkɬqʷaʔqʷʕaʔxníkəntn. Skating rink. [nb26-67 018] səncixɬk̓ámkstn. Left-overs warmer (microwave). [RAmisc92 010] sənyaʔyax̌ʕátən. Place to show something, television, show case, show house. [nb27-28 004] asntqʷlqʷltíw̓stn. Your phone. [newles 100] asnpúlxtn. Your camp. [newles 225] sncqiwɬtn. Garage, parking for boats. [newles 236] sənyaʕ̓tán. Gathering place. [nb23 172]

2 • other forms. snlk̓min. A jail. [su7q̓im 279e] sənʔúqʷnaʔ. Ear wax. [nb26-09 010] sənc̓aʔc̓íx̌laʔxʷ. Fried bread. [nb26-10 0] sənkm̓ús. Stuff one gives away. [nb26-23 007] asəntxʷús. Your partner. [nb26-33 021] sənpíwmən. Balloon. [nb26-38 003] sənpəxʷɬslk̓ús. Rubber raft. [nb26-38 007] sənpəpt̓ʕáw̓sqən. Cap with beak. [nb26-42 013] sənɣíyxən. Webbing (of snow shoe). [nb26-43 006] sənpús. Jar lid. [nb26-60 013] səntər̓r̓úsc. Its background. [nb26-70 009] sənxráx̌ən. Pack carried over a shoulder and under the other arm. [nb27-03 001] sənɬəmɬʕámən. Windpipe from deer. [nb27-13 002] səntxʷús. Cousin. [nb25-22 007] səncaʔcʔíliʔsc. His brothers. [nb24-01 009] sənsísəncaʔs. His little brothers. [nb24-01 011] sənʔamʔímaʔt. Grand-children. [nb24-06 013] sənyak̓ʷqín. Afternoon. [newles 003] snq̓iʔyúsc. His number. [newles 100] snʕ̓aʕ̓ác̓mn. Library. [newles 104] snk̓ʷúl̕mn. Shop. [newles 236] Lit: work place

snaq̓ʷ   [snaq̓ʷ] Morph: s+naq̓ʷ. Etym: √nq̓ʷ. ??

?. Ques: referring to translating ?? lut ixíʔ snaq̓ʷ. ? [nb20.56a]

snasppáss   [nasppásəs] Morph: s+nasp•pás•s. Variant: nasppáss. Etym: √nsps. sea gull.

Istem. snasppáss. Sea gull. [E5]

snayústn   [snayústən] Morph: s+nayús+tn. Variant: snaʔyústn. Etym: √ny ?. 1 • the bowl of a pipe.

Istem. Category: +tn. snayústn. The bowl of a pipe. [nb21.115a]

2 • Istem. ramrod.

Istem. Category: +tn. snayústn. Ramrod.

snaʕpnp   [snáʕpənp] Morph: s+naʕp•np. Etym: √nʕp. a tick bloated with blood.

Istem. Cm snápnap woodtick. snáʕpənp. A tick that's bloated with blood. [jan93nb 036]

snaʕs   [snaʕs] Morph: s-naʕs. Etym: √nʕs. snot; mucus.

Istem. Sp s-nós snot, nasal drippings; Cm ṣniṣ. snaʕs. Mucus. [pd03] See: naʕsm.

snaʔ   [snaʔ] Morph: snaʔ. Etym: snʔ. sound made by snínaʔ.

pcl. Category: Onom. cus snaʔ snaʔ snaʔ. He said snaʔ snaʔ snaʔ. [chipdd 030]

sncaʕcáʕlxtn   [səncʕacʕálxtən] Morph: sn+caʕ•cáʕ+lx+tn. Variant: sncwcáʕʷlxtn. Etym: √cʕ. bath tub; swimming place.

Istem. Socio: northern form Category: sn+^+tn. səncaʕcáʕlxtən. Bath tub; place where one swims. [nb26-08 016] See: sncáʕʷlxtn.

sncaʕʷlxtn   [səncáʕʷlxtən] Morph: s+n+caʕʷlx+tn. Variant: sncaʕlxtn. Etym: √cʕʷ. 1 • bathtub; bathroom.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ixíʔ ilíʔ iʔ ksənkc̓əwíw̓stən iʔ səncáʕʷlxtən. There is a wash basin there, a bath tub. [GDd1 317] way̓ axáʔ k̓la nəqsíɬc̓aʔ ixíʔ iʔ sənʔácqaʔtən uɬ ixíʔ sncáʕʷlxtən. In the other room there is a bathroom and a bathtub. [GDd1 373] ksəncáʕwlxtən ilíʔ. There is a bath there. [GDd2 215] way̓ kɬxƛ̓ápəlx, ilíʔ ksənʔácqaʔtṇ, ksəncʕáwḷxtṇ, uɬ ksənɬq̓ʷútṇəlx. They have everything, there they have an outhouse, they have a bath tub and they have beds. [dict]

2 • Istem. səncáʕʷlxtən: site where black bears used to make ponds in the springs and wallow in them. Category: Geog. səncáʕʷlxtən. [BK308] Socio: southern form

sncaʔcaʔxʷsc̓ím   [səncaʔcaʔxʷsc̓ím] Morph: s+n+caʔ•caʔxʷ+s+c̓ím. Etym: √cxʷ, √c̓m. to be weak boned.

Istem. c̓əspísk̓it, isəncaʔcaʔxʷsc̓ím. I'm out of breath, I am weak boned. [dict] See: caʔxʷsc̓ím; sc̓im.

sncaʔcʔíliʔs   [səncaʔcʔíliʔs] Morph: s+n+caʔ•cʔíliʔs. Etym: √cʔ. brothers.

Istem. Category: kin. tkaʔkaʔɬís iʔ səncaʔcʔíliʔs. Three brothers. [nb616a] ixíʔ iʔ səncaʔcʔíliʔsc. His brothers. [nb24-01 009] xiˑˑʔ uɬ xƛ̓áƛ̓əlx axáʔ iʔ səncaʔcʔíliʔs. And the brothers are grown up. [CoGrSy 010] See: sncʔíliʔs.

sncaʔlíx   [səncaʔlíx] Morph: sn+caʔlíx. Etym: √cʔl. person from Inchelium; subgroup of Colville on west side of Columbia between Rogers Bar and Kettle Falls.

Istem. aláʔ səncaʔlíx intkəɬmílxʷ. My wife was an Incheliumer. [nb6.1] See: nsncaʔlíxʷ.

sncaʔqqtán   [səncaʔqqtán] Morph: s+n+caʔq•q+tan. Etym: √cq. parking place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. sncaʔqqtán. Parking place. See: caq.

sncaʔqʷtán   [səncaʔqʷtán] Morph: sn+caʔqʷ+tán. Etym: √cqʷ. summer place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. k̓əl kɬk̓ərmíw̓s iʔ səncaʔqʷtáns iʔ sqílxʷ. At Keremeos, the summer place of the Indians. [cre1] See: scʔaqʷ.

sncaʔx̌úlaʔxʷ   [səncaʔx̌úlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+n+ca[ʔ]x̌úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √cx̌. hot weather. Category: Inch. Morph: s+n+ca[ʔ]x̌úlaʔxʷ.

Istem. sncaʔx̌úlaʔxʷ. Hot weather. [dict] See: cix̌cx̌t.

sncckʷm̓in̓   [səncəckʷm̓ín] Morph: s+n+c•ckʷ+m̓in̓. Etym: √ckʷ. (little) buggy.

Istem. Category: dim, +min. way̓ ckəm̓ntís iʔ qʷámqʷəmt iʔ kəw̓wáps axáʔ iʔ t sənccəkʷm̓ín̓. He got the best horses and the little buggy. [GDd2 675-676] uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ ckəwˑl̕ínaʔ axáʔ iʔ səncəcəkʷm̓ín̓ uɬ ʔasíl iʔ sənkɬkʷíltən. The buggy has a top and it's a two-seater. [GDd2 681-682] See: ncckʷm̓in̓.

sncitxʷtn   [səncítxʷtṇ] Morph: s+n+citxʷ+tn. Etym: √ctxʷ. a camping place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ɬqiɬt iʔ k̓əl səncítxʷtənsəlx. He got up to where their camp was. [fatboy 068] ixíʔ nixʷ səncítxʷtənsəlx, sqəlxʷúlaʔxʷ ik̓líʔ. They had lived there before, it's Indian campground. [LynxS 199] See: citxʷ.

sncixɬk̓ámqstn   [səncixɬk̓ámqstən] Morph: sn+cix+ɬ+k̓ámqs+tn. Etym: √cx, √k̓m. microwave oven; leftovers warmer. Lit: Left-overs warmer.

Istem. Ques: q not k Category: sn+^+tn. səncixɬk̓ámkstən. Left-overs warmer (microwave). [RAmisc92 010] See: cix; sk̓am̓qs.

snckʷckʷkʷiɬxn   [səncəkʷcəkʷkʷíɬxən] Morph: s+n+ckʷ•ckʷ•kʷiɬxn. Etym: √ckʷ. to have cramps.

Istem. səncəkʷcəkʷkʷíɬxən. She had cramps. [2gts 301] See: nckʷckʷiɬxn.

snckʷkʷiɬxn   [sənckʷkʷíɬxən] Morph: sn+ckʷ•kʷiɬxn. Etym: √ckʷ. cramps in the leg or calf, from the heel up.

Istem. Sp s-n-ckʷéɬšn a leg cramp, a "charlie horse." snckʷkʷiɬxn. Cramps in the leg. [nb1887.8] See: nckʷckʷiɬxn.

snckʷmin   [səncəkʷmín] Morph: s+n+ckʷ+min. Etym: √ckʷ. wagon; buggy.

Istem. Ques: unclear construction Category: sn+^+min. ksəncəkʷmínəlx. They have wagons. [dict] aɬíʔ nak̓ʷáʔ kɬənckʷmnáqs məɬ iʔ l səncəkʷmín ixíʔ la nckʷmínsəlx. Because there weren't wagon roads in wagons in their wagons. [Hrvst 046] See: nckʷmin.

sncnupstn   [səncnúpstṇ] Morph: sn+cnups+tn. Etym: √cn. a place to roll.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. səncnúpstəns. Where the moose roll (to get the flies off them). [nb25-59 012]

sncqcaʔqqiwltn   [sncəqcaʔqqíwltṇ] Morph: sn+cq•caʔq•qiwl+tn. Etym: √cq. an habitual parking place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sncəqcaʔqqíwltns iʔ staɬm. That's where that boat always parks. [newles 239] See: sncqiwltn.

sncqiwltn   [səncqíwltṇ] Morph: s+n+cqiwl+tn. Variant: sncqiwɬtn. Etym: √cq. a boat dock.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sncqiwltn. Parking for boats. [newles 238] See: caq.

sncqiwɬtn   [səncqíwɬtṇ] Morph: sn+cqiwɬ+tn. Variant: sncqiwltn. Etym: √cq. a garage.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. aksnk̓ʷúl̕mn i l sncqiwɬtn. There is a place where you can work in the garage. [newles 236]

snctcitxʷtn   [səncətcítxʷtṇ] Morph: sn+ct•citxʷ+tn. Etym: √ctxʷ. camping places.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ nixʷ iʔ k̓əl k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ səncətcítxʷtənsəlx nixʷ ik̓líʔ utəntísəlx. And they put them also where the others' houses were. [lnxbdga 232] See: sncitxʷtn.

sncwip   [səncuwíp] Morph: sn+cwip. Etym: √cw. lineage; descendents; generations to come.

Istem. ancestor səncuwiptət. Our lineage. [RA] iksəncuwíp. The generations that will follow me. [E61.4]

sncʔíliʔs   [səncʔíliʔs] Morph: sncʔíliʔs. Etym: √sn. several brothers.

Istem. Sp sncʔél̕is more than two younger brothers. Category: kin. sncʔíliʔs. Brothers. See: síncaʔ.

sncʔiw̓s   [səncʔíw̓s] Morph: sncʔiw̓s. Etym: √sn. two brothers.

Istem. Sp huɬ-sncʔéw̓s those two younger brothers; Cm sinčaʔ‑aw̓s be brothers. Ques: səncaʔíw̓s ? Category: kin. səncʔíw̓s. They are brothers. [nb9a 102] uɬ ixíʔ təl tqəltqálqʷ uɬ cxʷuy tk̓asʔasíl səncʔíw̓s. And from across the line came two brothers. [2gts 071] mat səncʔíw̓s, ƛ̓x̌ap way̓ iʔ knaqs uɬ náx̌əmɬ iʔ knaqs k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ. They may be brothers, one of them is grown, but the other is small. [GDd1 578-9] kʷliˑˑwt iʔ ɬəɬsc̓íxts iʔ səncʔíw̓s. His brothers-in-law sat at home, two brothers. [lpb375] See: síncaʔ.

snc̓ac̓úpkʷ   [sənc̓ac̓úpkʷ] Morph: s+nc̓a•c̓upkʷ. Etym: √c̓p. salmon gravy. snc̓aʔc̓upkʷ. Salmon gravy. [nb1822.15] Ques: glottal stop ?

snc̓aʔc̓íx̌laʔxʷ   [sənc̓aʔc̓íx̌laʔxʷ] Morph: s+n+c̓aʔ•c̓íx̌laʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌. fried bread.

Istem. sənc̓aʔc̓íx̌laʔxʷ. Fried bread. [nb26-10 0] See: nc̓ix̌.

snc̓aʔqʷúskʷ   [sənc̓aʔqʷúskʷ] Morph: sn+c̓aʔqʷúskʷ ? Etym: √c̓qʷskʷ ?. frost on the window.

Istem. snc̓aʔqʷúskʷ Frost on the window. [nb20.18a]

snc̓aʔrínk   [sənc̓aʔrínk] Morph: s+n+c̓aʔrínk. Etym: √c̓r. diarrhea; stomach ache.

Istem. Sp hec-n-c̓eʔrénč-i he has a stomach ache. a t̓i ʔayxáxaʔ təl swiʔcíns, way̓, way̓ nkcnínkəntəm iʔ t sənc̓aʔrínk. Shortly after he was done eating he started to ache with diarrhea. [BJSeym 536] See: nc̓aʔrínk.

snc̓aʔsmín   [sənc̓aʔsmín] Morph: sn+c̓aʔs+mín. Etym: √c̓s. a place to gather things from; a city dump.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. snc̓aʔsmín. Dump. [nb20.91a] See: c̓aʔscín̓.

snc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ   [sənc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+n+c̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √c̓xʷ. hot cakes or pancakes.

Istem. xʷʔul iʔ kscʔíɬənsəlx, iʔ sənc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ, iʔ oat meal, kəm̓ iʔ ʔaʔúsaʔ. Their food was steaming, the hot cakes, the oat meal, the eggs. [dict] náx̌əmɬ iʔ sənc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ iʔ kʷukʷús iʔ ʔaʔúsaʔ ixíʔ scp̓ayq. But hot cakes, bacon, eggs, that's cooked. [GDd1 538] See: nc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔm.

snc̓íc̓qpnaʔ   [sənc̓íc̓qpnaʔ] Morph: s+n+c̓í•c̓qpnaʔ. Etym: √c̓q. 1 • dwarf, or creeping juniper (juniperus communis). Lit: prickly, referring to the rough inner part of the upper lip of a deer


2 • Istem. stonecrop (sedum lanceolatum).

Istem. snc̓íc̓qpnaʔ. Stonecrop. [TBK18, 98]

snc̓ic̓w̓ksn   [snc̓ícuʔksn] Morph: s+n+c̓i•c̓w̓ks+n. Etym: √c̓w̓. snc̓ic̓w̓ksn: distinctive rock formerly located about three quarters of a mile south of snqlutísaʔxn, alongside Whitestone Creek; believed to have been used as wash basin by Deer and his brothers.

Istem. Lit: little hand-washing basin Category: Geog. snc̓ic̓w̓ksn. Place name. [BK76]

snc̓ik̓ʷsxntn   [sənc̓ík̓ʷsxəntṇ] Morph: sn+c̓ik̓ʷsxn+tn. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. a lamp.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snc̓ik̓ʷsxntn. Lamp. [nb18203.6] See: c̓ik̓ʷsxn.

snc̓iqʷmn   [sənc̓íqʷmən] Morph: s+n+c̓iqʷ+mn. Etym: √c̓qʷ. butchering place; skinning place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. aláʔ i ki uɬ isənc̓íqʷmən. It's right here where I was skinning. [HnTrp 315] iʔ səntyáqʷtənsəlx xʷəm t̓i sənc̓íqʷmən. Their battle area was like a butchering place. [lpb100] See: c̓iqʷ.

snc̓iw̓m   [sənc̓íw̓m] Morph: s+nc̓iw̓+m. Etym: √c̓w̓. dish washing. Category: nMstem. way̓ t̓əxʷ sənc̓íw̓m, ixíʔ inx̌mínk iksck̓ʷúl̕. Dish-washing. That's what I want for a job. [nb1294.2] See: c̓iw̓.

snc̓kipɬxn   [sənc̓kípɬxən] Morph: s+n+c̓kipɬxn. Etym: √c̓k. stink bag on the leg.

Istem. uɬ itlíʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm ʕapnáʔ kaʔ ksənc̓kípɬxən. And from then deer have stink bags on their legs. [crea108]

snc̓liʔtn   [sənc̓lítṇ] Morph: s+n+c̓liʔ+tn. Etym: √c̓l. snc̓liʔtn: now inundated, the lower area in the V-shaped cleft between snpəlscútn and tkʷumáksm. Lit: J-shaped basketry trap place

Istem. Category: Geog. snc̓liʔtn. Place name. [BK351]

snc̓lúlaʔxʷ   [sənc̓lúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sn+c̓lúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓l. fruit trees, orchard.

Istem. uɬ aláʔ iʔ sənc̓lúlaʔxʷ pútiʔ aláʔ. The fruit trees are still here. [Green.4] k̓ʷul̕s aláʔ iʔ sənc̓lúlaʔxʷs naʔɬ sqəltmíxʷs naʔɬ tmúyqən. She worked her trees here with her husband Timoyakin. [Green.7] qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sənc̓lúlaʔxʷsəlx. Their orchard was beautiful. [Green.8] See: sc̓lc̓al.

snc̓m̓tustn   [snc̓əm̓tústṇ] Morph: s+n+c̓əm̓+túst+n. Etym: √c̓m̓. snc̓m̓tustn: formerly a large eddy on the west side of the Columbia, about 1,000 feet south from the former mouth of Barnaby Creek.

Istem. Category: +tn. snc̓m̓tustn. Place name. [BK252]

snc̓p̓q̓q̓núsxn   [sənc̓əp̓q̓q̓núsxən] Morph: sn+c̓p̓q̓•q̓+núsxn. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. the welding of the front cork on a horseshoe (equine corks (or caulks or studs) are cleat-like pegs attached to a horseshoe).

Istem. See: c̓p̓q̓(a).

snc̓xʷiwltn   [sənc̓xʷíwltən] Morph: sn+c̓xʷiwl+tn. Etym: √c̓xʷ. a gas station.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ilíʔ əkɬsámaʔ, uɬ kɬkəpkápin, uɬ əksənʔíʔɬəntən, əksənc̓xʷíwltən. There are white people and cabins, and there is a little restaurant, and a gas station. [nb2544.1] See: nc̓xʷiwltn.

snc̓x̌ʷx̌ʷikst   [sənc̓əx̌ʷx̌ʷíkst] Morph: s+n+c̓x̌ʷ•x̌ʷikst. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. what was promised.

nIstem. cúntməlx way̓ axáʔ t̓əxʷ sənc̓əx̌ʷx̌ʷíkstət iʔ təl̕ sník̓əɬxʷtət. He said this was given to us by our son-in-law. [LynxS 30087] See: c̓ax̌ʷ.

snɣiyxn   [sənɣíyxən] Morph: s+n+ɣiyxn. Etym: √ɣy. snowshoe web.

Istem. sənɣíyxən. Webbing (of snow shoe). [nb26-43 00] See: nɣiy.

sníkɬc̓aʔ   [sníkɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+níkɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √nk. elk; caribou.

Istem. Sp s-néčɬc̓eʔ cow elk. sníkɬc̓aʔ. Elk. [pd1]

snik̓k̓   [sník̓ək̓] Morph: s+nik̓•k̓. Etym: √nk̓. a wound, a cut.

Istem. níkxnaʔ way̓ k̓ast asník̓ək̓. Gee, your wound is bad. [nb18214.11] ṇtqúɬtsəs iʔ sník̓ək̓s. He put his hand on the wound. See: nik̓k̓.

snik̓ɬc̓aʔ   [snik̓ɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+nik̓ɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √nk̓. elk.

Istem. Ques: k̓ or k snik̓ɬc̓aʔ. Elk.

snik̓ɬxʷ   [sník̓əɬxʷ] Morph: s+nik̓ɬxʷ. Variant: nik̓ɬxʷ. Etym: √nk̓. son-in-law.

Istem. Sp s-néčlxʷ son-in-law; Cm snak̓ɬxʷ daughter’s husband; son‑in‑law; Cr s+nič̕ɬxʷ son-in-law ... lit. one who divides the family by taking a member away; Sh s-nek̓-ɬxʷ son-in-law. Category: kin. t̓i c̓x̌iɬ ɬaʔ cnk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷínməlx t ksípnslx km̓ t ksník̓ɬxʷslx That's how they picked their daughter-in-laws or son-in-laws. [newles 329] ksník̓əɬxʷs. His son-in-law to be. [nb08 284] lut t̓ə ksník̓əɬxʷs. He's not the son-in-law he wants. [nb2534.7] way̓ mat aɬíʔ kʷ iksník̓əɬxʷ. I suppose you are going to be my son-in-law. [CoGrSy 15p] way̓ ɬckicx isník̓əɬxʷ qʷásqiʔ. My son-in-law Blue Jay came back. [Whal 575]

snik̓ɬxʷmnt   Morph: s+nik̓ɬxʷ+m+nt. Etym: √nk̓. to pick a son-in-law.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ ixíʔ lut ixíʔ t̓a cənk̓ʷínkstəm ɬ ksník̓əɬxʷməntəm Them kind don't get picked out to be a son-in-law. [MarryPS 059] See: snik̓ɬxʷ.

snilíʔtn   [snilíʔtən] Morph: s+n+ilíʔ+tn. Etym: √lʔ. dwelling place, home; residence, house; allotment.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. yaʔx̌ís iʔ səxʷəlk̓ám cmay cmistís iʔ snilíʔtnslx. Maybe that policeman knows their house. [newles 106] k̓aʔkín asnilíʔtn. Where is your home? [newles 221] ixíʔ iʔ sqilxʷ ɬaʔ ksnilíʔtən. That is where the People dwelled in the winter. [rdgs 062] ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬ q̓əy̓úlaʔxʷməlx uɬ ixíʔ iksnilíʔtən. When the surveyors come along, that will be my allotment. [AutPS 176] way̓ kən ksənilíʔtnaʔx. I have got to have a place to stay. [Dvl 345] ixíʔ xʷíc̓əxɬmən iʔ t ksnilíʔtnəmp. I'm giving you a place for you to stay. [dict] ḷkʷut kʷaʔ iʔ smaʔməʔímtət, iʔ snilíʔtṇtət. Our women are far away, our houses are far. [dict] See: ilíʔ.

snínaʔ   [snínaʔ] Morph: snínaʔ. Etym: √sn. Owl; owl; great horned owl.

Istem. Sp s-níneʔ great horned owl; Cr sníneʔ owl; Sh s-nine owl. t̓əkʷkʷákʷəlx iʔ snínaʔ, sənk̓líp, scəcm̓ílt. The coyote and owl children are making crying noises. [RAmisc92 002]

sniwt   [sniwt] Morph: s+niw+t. Variant: sniw̓t. Etym: √nw̓. wind.

Istem. Category: +t. See: sniw̓t.

sniw̓t   [sniw̓t] Morph: s+niw̓+t. Variant: sniwt. Etym: √nw̓. the wind.

Istem. Category: +t. taʔlíʔ wílwəlt iʔ sniw̓t, nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul cəm̓ ɬ laʔkín. The wind is powerful, you don't know what it'll do. [nb26-64 018 (JA)] uɬ iʔ t skʷalt uɬ t sniwt kaʔ cx̌w̓aw̓. The sun and the wind would dry it. [rdgs 083] t̓i sniw̓t kmix kiʔ c̓anwísts iʔ t skʷƛ̓usc. He could feel on his face only the wind. [dict] t̓əxʷ iʔ sniw̓t q̓ʷuyq̓ʷúylaʔxʷ. The wind is still. [dict] ṇxaʕp iʔ citxʷ iʔ t sníwt. The house got cool from the breeze. [dict] ṇc̓aɬt iʔ sniw̓t. Cold, north wind. See: niw̓t.

sniʔxʷám   [sniʔxʷám] Morph: s+niʔxʷá+m ? Etym: √nʔxʷ ?. medicine song sung at winter dances. Category: nMstem. sniʔxʷám. Medicine song. [nb19.326]

snkaʕítkʷ   [sənkaʕítkʷ] Morph: sn+kaʕítkʷ. Etym: √kʕ. snkaʕítkʷ: the Okanagan River downstream from Malott, Washington.

Istem. Category: Geog. snkaʕítkʷ. Place name. [nb22.18a]

snkaʔkʔiw̓s   [sənkaʔkʔíw̓s, sənkaʔkiʔíw̓s] Morph: s+n+kaʔ•kʔiw̓s. Variant: nkaʔkʔíw̓s. Etym: √kʔ. soul.

Istem. náx̌əmɬ ilíʔ kʷ ɬ x̌ilm itíʔ iʔ l aspuʔús, ixíʔ kʷ ɬ ƛ̓lal, ixíʔ mi səl̕míntxʷ asənkaʔkʔíw̓s. But if you do those things that way in your mind, when you die you will lose your soul. [su7q̓im 261] xʷuy axáʔ iʔ sənkaʔkəʔíw̓sc. His soul went away (i.e. he died). [dict] See: nkaʔkʔíw̓s.

snkcq̓mistn   [sənkcəq̓místən] Morph: s+n+k+cq̓+mist+n. Variant: snkc̓q̓mistn. Etym: √cq̓. an excuse.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. stim̓ asənkcəq̓místən. What is your excuse? [nb25-27 014] See: kc̓q̓místn.

snkc̓awíw̓stn   [sənkc̓əwíw̓stṇ] Morph: s+n+k+c̓awíw̓s+tn. Etym: √c̓w. wash basin.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ixíʔ ilíʔ iʔ ksənkc̓əwíw̓stən iʔ səncáʕʷlxtən. There is a wash basin there, a bath tub. [GDd1 317] See: snkc̓w̓iw̓stn.

snkc̓q̓mistn   [sənkc̓əq̓místən] Morph: s+n+k+c̓q̓+mist+n. Variant: snkcq̓mistn. Etym: √cq̓. an excuse.

Istem. Ques: c or c̓ Category: sn+^+tn. stim̓ asənkcəq̓místən. What is your excuse? [nb25-27 014] See: kc̓q̓místn.

snkc̓w̓iw̓stn   [sənkc̓w̓íw̓stṇ] Morph: s+n+k+c̓w̓iw̓s+tn. Etym: √c̓w̓. wash basin.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ksənkc̓w̓íw̓stṇ. There’s a wash basin. [dict]

snklalaʕtán   [sənklalaʕtán] Morph: sn+k+la•laʕ+tán. Etym: √lʕ. a fastener; s.t. to attach s.t. with.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. snklalaʕtán. Fastener. [nb21.50a] See: lʕap.

snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ   [sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+n+kɬ+c̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √c̓ʔ. a horse.

Istem. Sp s-n-čɬ-c̓aʔsqáx̌eʔ horse. kləʕʷləʕʷntíxʷ i sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. You harnessed the horse to a wagon. [nb08 120] pn̓icíʔ way̓ t̓i kmix iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ a ntkʷtəkʷʔútənsəlx. At that time there was only horses that they could travel with. [AutPS 026]

snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔtn   [sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔtvn] Morph: s+n+kɬ+c̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Etym: √c̓ʔ. a saddle.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔtn. [dict] See: snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ.

snkɬkʷaʔkʷílltn   [sənkɬkʷaʔkʷílˑtn] Morph: s+n+kɬ+kʷaʔ•kʷíl•l+tn. Etym: √kʷl. a sit-and-ride; a carnival ride; a sleigh.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənkɬkʷaʔkʷílˑtn. Riding place (carnival ride, sleigh). [nb26-19 007] See: snkɬkʷilltn; kʷill.

snkɬkʷilltn   [sənkəɬkʷílˑtən] Morph: sn+kɬ+kʷil•l+tn. Etym: √kʷl. Variant: snkɬkʷiltn. place where several can sit; bench; chairs.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkɬkʷilltn. Chair. [nb1871.14] uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ kʷu kɬsəlxítəm iʔ t ksənkɬkʷílˑtəntət. Then she gave us chairs. [GDd1 315] See: snkɬkʷiltn.

snkɬkʷiltn   [sənkəɬkʷíltən] Morph: s+n+kɬ+kʷil+tn. Etym: √kʷl. Variant: snkɬkʷilltn. seats.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. mat axáʔ ckəwl̕ínaʔ axáʔ iʔ səncəckʷmín, uɬ ʔasíl iʔ sənkɬkʷíltṇ. I suppose the buggy had a top and two seats. [dict] kəɬsəlxítməlx iʔ t ksənkəɬkʷíltənsəlx. He put chairs on the floor for them to sit down. [nb1285.2] See: snkɬkʷilltn; kʷill1.

snkɬkʷliwtn   [sənkɬkʷlíwtṇ] Morph: sn+kɬ+kʷliwt+n. Etym: √kʷl. chairs; sitting place; sofa.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənkɬkʷlíwtən. Chairs. [nb26-19 011] sənkɬkʷlíwtn. Chairs (no explicitly plural form). [nb26-19 011] ɬt̓əpməncútx ʕapnáʔ k̓əl sənkɬkʷliwtn. Now jump to the sofa! [nb26-33 015] See: kʷliwt.

snkɬmutn   [sənkɬmútən] Morph: s+n+kɬ+mut+n. Etym: √mt. a chair, s.t. to sit on.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ kʷu kɬsəlxítəm iʔ t ksənkɬmútəntət. Then she gave us chairs. [GDd1 315] uɬ ixíʔ ksənkɬmútən, ʔasíl iʔ sənkɬmútən, ixíʔ kɬlatáp. There are chairs, two chairs, and there is a table. [GDd1 371] ckɬc̓álx̌ʷ iʔ ksənkɬmútṇs. There is a chair for him to sit down. [dict] kn ksƛ̓aʔmíxaʔx iʔ t iksnkɬmútn. I’m going to get me a chair. [E10] ktəɬxníw̓tnt iʔ snkɬmútn. Stand beside the chair! [misc 239] q̓ʷq̓ʷʔílaʔxəx iʔ k̓əl sənkɬmútn. Dance as far as the chair! [misc 091] See: kɬmut.

snkɬqammn̓ítkʷtn   [sənkɬqammn̓ítkʷtṇ] Morph: s+n+kɬ+qam+mn̓ítkʷ+tn. Etym: √qm. snkɬqammn̓ítkʷtn: area, now inundated, just northeast from the northern end of what now is called Sand Island. A good place to gather driftwood. Also a camping area and a good area for bird hunting and for catching fish, particularly the large variety of whitefish. Lit: place in water where things drift to

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkɬqammn̓ítkʷtn. Place name. [BK266]

snkɬq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷaʕxníkntn   [sənkɬq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷaʕxníkntṇ] Morph: s+n+kɬ+q̓ʷaʔ•q̓ʷaʕxnikn+tn. Etym: √q̓ʷʕ. skating rink.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənkɬq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʕaʔxníkəntṇ. Skating rink. [nb26-67 018] See: kɬq̓ʷaʕq̓ʷaʕxníkn.

snkɬw̓cintn   [snkɬuʔcíntn] Morph: s+n+k+ɬw̓cin+tn. Etym: √ɬw̓. Gram: BK transcribe snk̓ɬuʔcíntn, but the glottalization of k is unexplained snkɬw̓cintn: a small point of rock, now inundated, jutting out westward from the lower south face of tkʷmáqsm. Lit: B's etym: harpoon-in-midair place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkɬw̓cintn. Place name. [BK355]

snkm̓us   [sənkm̓ús] Morph: s+n+km̓us. Etym: √km̓. stuff to give away.

Istem. Sp ? √čem̓ reject, refuse to accept. sənkm̓ús. Stuff one gives away. [nb26-23 007]

snkr̓us   [sənkr̓ús] Morph: s+n+kr̓us. Etym: √kr̓. dry eyes.

Istem. kən sənkr̓ús. My eyes are drying up in your head (?). [nb10a 051]

snksaʔstálqʷtn   [sənksaʔstálqʷtṇ] Morph: sn+k+saʔstálqʷ+tn. Etym: √st. tavern.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snksaʔstálqʷtn. Tavern. [nb22.15a] See: siwst.

snksik̓kstx   [sənksík̓kstx] Morph: s+n+ksik̓kstx. Etym: √sk̓. people from the village of ksik̓kst in the area of Manila Creek.

Istem. snksik̓kstx. People from the village of ksik̓kst. [OkB]

snkstíyaʔ   [sənkstíyaʔ] Morph: s+n+kstíyaʔ. Variant: sn̓kstíyaʔ. Etym: √kstyʔ. 1 • skunk.

Lit: skunk's scent-bag.Istem. səw̓ar̓íps sənəkstíya. Catnip. [TBK110]

2 • Istem. snkstíyaʔ.

See Sp x̌x̌s-t-éy̓eʔ a skunk; Cm snaktáy̓aʔ skunk.Istem.

snktyxisxntn   [snktixísxntn] Morph: s+n+k+ty+xisxn+tn. Etym: √ty. snktyxisxntn: place, now inundated, on the lower south face of the northwest end of tkʷumáqs, just downriver from snk̓ɬuʔcíntn. Lit: swim-over-rock place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snktixísxntn. Place name. [BK356]

snkxntan   [sənkxəntán] Morph: s+n+kxn+tan. Etym: √kxn. travel companion, ride.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. úɬi iʔ kən kƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔús t iksnkxəntán. Then I walked here, and then I looked for someone to go with. [GDd1 233] k̓əɬtwíʔstxʷ aksənkxəntán. You missed your ride. [nb21.191] See: kxn.

snkylakstn   [snkilákstn] Morph: s+n+k+ylakst+n. Variant: nkilákstn. Etym: √kyl. snkylakstn: the entire area of Wilmont Creek, and more specifically to a former camping area around both sides of the creek mouth (now under water). Lit: tributary enters main stream

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkilákstn. Place name. [BK152]

snk̓ak̓aʔyáɬxʷtn   [sənk̓aʔk̓aʔyáɬxʷtən] Morph: s+n+k̓a•k̓aʔyáɬxʷ+tn. Variant: snk̓ak̓ʔyáɬxʷtn. Etym: √k̓y. snk̓ak̓aʔyáɬxʷtn: Coyoteʼs second son's name.

Istem. sənk̓aʔk̓aʔyáɬxʷtən. Fall hunting house, Coyote second oldest son. [nb08 250 (MD)] See: k̓ay̓.

snk̓ak̓ʔyáɬxʷtn   [sənk̓ak̓ʔyáɬxʷtṇ] Morph: s+n+k̓a•k̓ʔyá꞊ɬxʷ+tn. Variant: snk̓ak̓aʔyáɬxʷtn. Etym: √k̓y. snk̓ak̓ʔyáɬxʷtn: the name of Coyote’s second son. Lit: fall hunting house

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snk̓ak̓ʔyáɬxʷtn. Man's name. [dict]

snk̓amqn   [sənk̓ámqən] Morph: s+n+k̓amqn. Etym: √k̓m. the tip; the end.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕ámqn the top of a tree; Cr s+n+č̕ámqn apex (lit. top of the head); Sh t-k̓m-qin̓ roof; Th n/k̓mqín [of tree or mountain] top; s/k̓əmqín top of s.t., far end, head of lake; Li k̓əm̓-qin̓ top, summit. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa iʔ sənululmúsaʔst[ən] uɬ cəncəqʷcáqʷqən i l sənk̓ámqən. The hard points are stuck on the ends. [CoGrSy 057] See: k̓m2.

snk̓áyaʔqn   [sənk̓áyaʔqən] Morph: sn+k̓áyaʔqn. Etym: √k̓y. the dead top of a tree.

Istem. snk̓áyaʔqn. The dead top of a tree. [E10] See: k̓íyaʔ.

snk̓aʕmn   [sənk̓ʕámən] Morph: s+n+k̓aʕ+mn. Variant: snk̓aʕʷmn. Gram: northern form Etym: √k̓ʕ. a church; praying.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. lut kən t̓ scutx iʔ l sámaʔ iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s iʔ sənk̓áʕmən. I'm not talking about the white men's way of praying. [su7q̓im 219] iʔ l sənk̓áʕmən way̓ cwíkstən, məɬ iʔ q̓ʷʕáylqs yayʕát iʔ stim̓ xkínəm. In the church I have seen how the priests do things. [su7q̓im 283]

snk̓aʕʷmn   [sənk̓áʕʷmən] Morph: s+n+k̓aʕʷ+mn. Variant: snk̓aʕmn. Gram: southern form Etym: √k̓ʕʷ. a church; praying. iʔ l sənk̓áʕʷmən. By the church, in the church. [nb21.75a] Sp s-n-č̕áw-mn a church; Cm snk̓iʕʷmn; Cr s+n+t+č̕éʕʷ+emn chapel, church.

snk̓aʔytán   [sənk̓aʔytán] Morph: s+n+k̓aʔy+tán. Etym: √k̓y̓. fall hunting place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. ixíʔ iʔ sənk̓aʔytán ixíʔ iʔ cwix. That creek is the fall hunting place. [RnTrp 010] See: k̓ay̓.

snk̓k̓aʔlíʔtn   [sənk̓k̓aʔlíʔtn] Morph: sn+k̓•k̓aʔlíʔ+tn. Etym: √k̓ʔlʔ. a place where one slows down.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. k̓əl sənk̓ək̓aʔlíʔtn. To a place where you slow down. [pd09] k̓əl snk̓ək̓aʔliʔtn ki cxʷuy. He came to a place where one slows down. [pd09] See: k̓k̓aʔlíʔ.

snk̓k̓taɬq   [sənk̓ək̓táɬq] Morph: sn+k̓•k̓taɬq. Etym: √k̓t. to be close behind.

Istem. way̓ iʔ stətʔíwtaʔx axáʔ c̓iwt, kɬcawt qəccəlxíʔpustxən iʔ t sənk̓ək̓táɬq. The youngest one is way behind, trying to keep up, stumbling. [nb1284.9] Category: dim. See: k̓ik̓aʔt.

snk̓k̓y̓sámaʔtn   [sənk̓k̓iʔsámaʔtən] Morph: sn+k̓•k̓y̓+sámaʔ+tn. Lit: white person's pouch Etym: √k̓y̓, √smʔ. tobacco pouch.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕iʔs-émn-tn buckskin, drawstring pouch for tobacco. Category: sn+^+tn, dim. sənk̓k̓iʔsámaʔtən. Tobacco pouch. [nb26-21 016]

snk̓k̓ʔip   [snk̓ək̓ʔíp] Morph: sn+k̓•k̓ʔip. Etym: √k̓ʔ. nuts; peanuts; walnuts ...

Istem. Ques: k̓ or q̓ ? Category: dim. snk̓k̓ʔip. Nut. [nt1846.4]

snk̓lip   [sənk̓əlíp] Morph: s+n+k̓lip. Variant: snk̓l̕ip. Etym: √k̓l. Coyote, coyote.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕léʔ coyote; Cr hn+č̕el̕eʔ coyote... (Kalispel); Sh s-k̓lep coyote; Th s-n/k̓y̓ép coyote; Li n.k̓yap coyote. t̓əxʷm t̓i sənk̓əlíp iʔ tkəɬmílxʷs t̓i kmix a cmiɬtín. Just only Coyote's wife's is all I know. [CoGrSy 004]

snk̓lmxʷmip   [sənk̓ləmxʷmíp] Morph: s+n+k̓lmxʷm꞊ip ? Variant: snk̓lxʷmip. Etym: √k̓lmxʷm ?. egg shell.

Istem. sənk̓əlmxʷmíps iʔ ʔaʔúsaʔ. Egg shells. [dict]

snk̓lxʷcin   [sənk̓əɬxʷcín] Morph: s+n+k̓lxʷ꞊cin. Etym: √k̓lxʷ. dusk.

Istem. snk̓lxʷcin. Dusk. [dict] See: sk̓laxʷ.

snk̓lxʷmip   [sənk̓əlxʷmíp] Morph: sn+k̓lxʷ+mip. Variant: snk̓lmxʷmip. Etym: √k̓lxʷ. egg shell.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕lxʷ-m̓ép egg shell; Cm s-n-k̓l-m-ɬc-áp eggshell; Cr t+člxʷíc̓eʔ+n eggshell ... lit. the hard (but brittle) outside covering (as on an egg). sənk̓əlxʷmíps iʔ ʔaʔúsaʔ. Egg shell. [nb21.150a]

snk̓l̕ip   [sənk̓l̕íp] Morph: s+n+k̓l̕ip. Variant: snk̓lip. Etym: √k̓l̕. Coyote; coyote.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕léʔ coyote; Cr hn+č̕el̕eʔ coyote... (Kalispel); Sh s-k̓lep coyote; Th s-n/k̓y̓ép coyote; Li n.k̓yap coyote. way̓ sənk̓l̕íp, axáʔ qʷəncín kʷ sʔiwtx, way̓ t̓i ixíʔ k̓əm sxiʔmíx axáʔ iʔ cq̓ílən, way̓ ixíʔ axáʔ kʷíntxʷ, ixíʔ akɬcq̓ílən, uɬ ixíʔ akskʷíst, sənk̓l̕íp. Well, Coyote, it̓s a pity you got behind, this is the only arrow left, take it, this will be your arrow, and this will be your name, Coyote. [dict]

snk̓l̕íp iʔ sp̓íc̓ns   [snk̓l̕íp iʔ sp̓íc̓ns] Morph: s+n+k̓l̕꞊íp iʔ s+p̓íc̓n-s. Etym: √k̓l̕; √p̓c̓n. milkweed (asclepias speciosa). Lit: Coyote’s Indian hemp.

phrasal. snk̓l̕íp iʔ sp̓íc̓ns. Milkweed. [TBK74] See: snk̓l̕ip; sp̓ic̓n.

snk̓l̕ip q̓aʔxáns   [snk̓l̕ip q̓axáns] Morph: s+n+k̓l̕꞊ip q̓aʔ꞊xán-s. Etym: √k̓l; √q̓ʔ. mountain ladyslipper (cypripedium montanum). Lit: Coyote’s footwear

phrasal. snk̓l̕ip q̓aʔxáns. Ladyslipper. [TBK52] See: snk̓l̕ip; q̓aʔxán.

snk̓ɬcahmín   [sənk̓əɬcahmín] Morph: sn+k̓ɬ+cah+mín. Etym: √ch. a place to sit and watch.

Istem. ixíʔ iʔ sənk̓əɬcahmín, ixíʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷúytəns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. That's where to sit and watch, that's the deer's trail. [HnTrp 034] See: k̓ɬcah.

snk̓ɬcám̓wlx   [sənk̓əɬcám̓wəlx] Morph: sn+k̓ɬ+cám̓w+lx. Etym: √cm̓w. snk̓ɬcám̓wlx: place where a creek empties in the lake, where canoes broke up.

Istem. Category: +lx. snk̓ɬcám̓wlx. Place name. [nb20.102a]

snk̓ɬnwswislxtn   [sənk̓ɬənwswísəlxtn] Morph: sn+k̓ɬ+n+ws•wis+lx+tn. Etym: √ws. a jump-off place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. qíˑˑcəlx, uɬ iʔ k̓əl yaʕcín, ixíʔ k̓əl sənk̓ɬənwswísəlxtn yəʔ cmaʕcnítkʷ cʔax̌əlməncút sənk̓l̕íp, kɬwníkstəm c̓áyx̌aʔ, axáʔ iʔ k̓əl kiw k̓a nt̓əpx̌ʷáʕtkʷ. Coyote ran, and [got] to the shore; he turned around at the jumping place by the water; Crawfish let go [of Coyote's tail], and fell there in the middle of the water with a splash. [race21] See: nwswislx.

snk̓ɬq̓y̓ay̓   [sənk̓əɬq̓əy̓áy̓] Morph: sn+k̓ɬ+q̓y̓•ay̓. Etym: √q̓y̓. tape recording.

Istem. sənk̓əɬq̓əy̓áy̓ iʔ sənqʷəlqʷíltən. Tape recording. [nb22.23] See: k̓ɬq̓y̓ay̓.

snk̓ɬq̓ʷuystn   [sənk̓əɬq̓ʷúystṇ] Morph: s+n+k̓ɬ+q̓ʷuys+tn. Etym: √q̓ʷy. a shelter.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. məɬ ixíʔ skswitmístsəlx iʔ k̓əl sənk̓əɬq̓ʷúystənsəlx. They did their best to get where they could get shelter, to a place for shelter. [BJSeym 227] See: k̓ɬq̓ʷuystn.

snk̓maqs   [sənk̓máqs] Morph: s+n+k̓maqs. Etym: √k̓m. point.

Istem. axáʔ mat stim̓ t̓lúlaʔxʷtəns sənk̓máqs. Maybe for the point of his plow. [Brth 020] See: k̓maqstxn.

snk̓max̌n   [sənk̓máx̌ən] Morph: s+n+k̓max̌n. Etym: √k̓m. underarm, armpit.

Istem. Gram: form heard in spáx̌mən. Sp s-n-č̕máx̌n armpit. snk̓max̌n. Armpit. [pd03] See: nk̓max̌n; k̓m1.

snk̓mcínaʔx   [sənk̓əmcínaʔx] Morph: sn+k̓mcín+aʔx. Etym: √k̓m. Lytton.

Istem. Category: Geog. iʔ sílxʷaʔ iʔ siwɬkʷ put əctɣáp, ik̓líʔ lut t̓ə ləlkʷút iʔ təl sənk̓əmcínaʔx. The big river just where it flows, there not far from Lytton. [cre12] sənk̓əmcínaʔx, ixíʔ iʔ skʷəstúlaʔxʷ. Lytton, thatʼs the name of the place. [cre68]

snk̓mikn̓   [sənk̓míkən̓] Morph: s+n+k̓mikn̓. Etym: √k̓m. Variant: snk̓mikn. s.t.'s or s.o.'s back; behind; in back of.

Istem. Lit: Theresa is at your back. Sp s-n-č̕míčn̓ back; Cm n-k̓m-ikn back of the body; Cr s+n+č̕míčn̓ back, derriere; Sh x-k̓m-ikn̓ back side; Th n/k̓míkn̓ back[longitudinally], spine. c̓əlxəntím, ʕ̓áx̌ɬtəm iʔ sənk̓míkən̓s. He got scratched, he got scratched on his back. [chipdd 024] kʷu kəlk̓əɬtíxʷ isqʷəsqʷasíʔa iʔ l isənk̓míkən̓. Tie my children on my back! [grlhd 117] k̓ asənk̓míkən̓ tarás. Theresa is behind you. [nb08 105] iʔ sənk̓míkəns iʔ sənkɬmútən. The back of the chair. [nb6.174a] sənk̓míkəns iʔ citxʷ. In back of the house. [pd09] See: k̓m1.

snk̓mink   [sənk̓mínk] Morph: s+n+k̓mink. Etym: √k̓m. a wall.

nIstem. Sp s-n-č̕ménč the back wall of the tepee furthest from the entrance; Cm n‑k̓m‑ank wall; Cr n+č̕émenč wall (lit. the surface of the inside); Sh x-k̓m-enk hillside. l k̓ík̓təms iʔ l sənk̓mínks iʔ sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtən. Near the wall of the classroom. [misc 237] See: k̓m1.

snk̓mustxn   [sənk̓mústxən] Morph: sn+k̓mus+txn. Etym: √k̓m. leg.

Istem. Sp s-č-č̕máqsčšn leg. Category: nIstem. axáʔ ɬaʕct isənk̓mústxən. My whole leg is bruised. [nb18164.5] See: nk̓mustxn; k̓m1.

snk̓plaʔnw̓ixʷtn   [sənk̓plaʔnw̓ixʷtṇ] Morph: s+nk̓plaʔ+nw̓ixʷ+tn. Etym: √nk̓. snk̓plaʔnw̓ixʷtn: former fishing site, now inundated, located on a narrow rock ledge just above the former river level, below a steep cliff which formed the northern entrance to wəyíʔstn on the west side of the Columbia. Lit: cut-line-deliberately place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snk̓plaʔnw̓ixʷtn. Place name. [BK360]

snk̓t̓us   [sənk̓t̓ús] Morph: s+n+k̓t̓us. Etym: √kt̓. decapitated.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ swit ƛ̓lal, sənk̓t̓ús. She's dead, her head cut off. [CoGrSy 517] See: k̓t̓.

snk̓wiltn   [snk̓əwíltn] Morph: s+n+k̓wil+tn. Etym: √k̓w. snk̓wiltn: the general area of the settlement called Northport on the east side of the Columbia. Lit: portage place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snk̓wiltn. Place name. [BK406]

snk̓xk̓ixmn   [sənk̓xk̓íxmən] Morph: s+n+k̓x•k̓ix+mn. Etym: √k̓x. snk̓xk̓ixmn: alternate name for the former village site at the former mouth of (East) Stranger Creek on the east side of the Columbia River. Lit: deer fence place

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. snk̓xk̓ixmn. Place name. [BK217]

snk̓y̓sámntn   [sənk̓iʔsáməntṇ] Morph: sn+k̓y̓s+ámn+tn. Etym: √k̓y̓s. smoking pipe with a rock bowl.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕iʔs-émn-tn buckskin, drawstring pouch for tobacco; hi-s-nč̕iʔs-émn my tobacco mixture.. Category: sn+^+tn. snk̓y̓sámntn. Pipe. [nb1836.12]

snk̓ʔínaʔ   [sənk̓ʔínaʔ] Morph: s+n+k̓ʔínaʔ. Variant: snk̓iʔínaʔ. Etym: √k̓ʔ. a pillow.

Istem. Sp n-č̕ʔéneʔ. iʔ l sənk̓ʔínaʔs k̓əɬt̓k̓ʷəntís. She puts it under her pillow. [fatboy 159] ik̓líʔ iʔ k̓ isənk̓ʔínaʔ. There, under my pillow. [nb18138.13]

snkʷal̕stn   [sənkʷál̕stṇ] Morph: sn+kʷal̕+st+n. Etym: √kʷl̕. heater.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkʷal̕stn. Heater. [nb1978] See: kʷal̕t.

snkʷaʔcnúxʷ   [sənkʷaʔcnúxʷ] Morph: sn+kʷaʔcnúxʷ. Etym: √kʷc. being late in the day; arriving when it's dark.

nIstem. lut inx̌mínk isənkʷaʔcnúxʷ. I don’t like being (e.g. traveling) in the dark. [nb1266] See: nkʷkʷʔac; kʷc.

snkʷilltn   [sənkʷilˑtṇ] Morph: s+n+kʷil•l+tn. Etym: √kʷl. a sitting place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənkʷilˑtn. Place where people normally sit. [nb26-19 009] See: kɬkʷil; kʷill1.

snkʷin   [sənkʷíns] Morph: s+n+kʷin. Etym: √kʷn. a song.

Istem. scusts iʔ sənkʷíns. This what his song says. [CoGrSy 603] uɬ xƛ̓pásq̓ət iʔ sənkʷíns iʔ kɬtxʷúytəns way̓ ixíʔ xʷəxʷ snisc. And he finished the day singing for his trip, and then he left. [lpb154] See: nkʷinc(n).

snkʷistxnm   [sənkʷístxnəm] Morph: sn+kʷistxn+m. Etym: √kʷst. the one s.o. is named after.

nIstem. isənkʷístxnəm. The one I am named after. [nb1891.6] kʷ isənkʷístxnəm. I am named after you. [nb1891.8] See: kʷistm; skʷist.

snkʷkʷʔac   [sənkʷkʷʔác] Morph: s+n+kʷ•kʷʔác. Etym: √kʷʔc. it's early night; it's dark.

Istem. iʔ l sənkʷkʷʔác cmay nx̌əstmíntxʷ. In the night time, it will do you good. [mychildr 110] kən ɬq̓ilx iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác... When I go to bed at night... [mychildr 171] sic iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác. It's still early in the night. [dict] way̓ ksx̌an təl tx̌ʷiw̓s sənkʷkʷʔác taʔlíʔ way̓ q̓sápiʔ. It must have been past midnight, quite past. [su7q̓im 253] uɬ way̓ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sənkʷəkʷʔác uɬ ʔitx iʔ sk̓ʷək̓ʷíməlt. It was long after dark when the baby went to sleep. [lnx2 321] lut kən t̓ə cmynúlaʔxʷəm, uɬ lut inx̌mínk iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác iksxʷylwís. I don't know the country, and I don't like to travel around late. [dict] mat t̓i t sənkʷəkʷʔác uɬ iʔ ʔímx. He must have moved away in the night. [Dvl 296] uɬ ik̓líʔ txʷúyəms iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác, iʔ k̓əl scq̓ʷəy̓məncút scxʷúys. She goes there every evening, she goes to the dance. [dict] l̕ snkʷukʷʔác x̌iyáɬnx̌ʷ. Moon. [OkB] See: nkʷkʷʔac.

snkʷliwtn   [sənkʷlíwtən] Morph: sn+kʷliwt+n. Etym: √kʷl. place where people stay or live together.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. iʔ l snkʷəlíwtənsəlx. Where they live together. [WOD42] x̌lap ik̓líʔ ɬxʷúyilx; ilíʔ kʷillx, iʔ l sənkʷlíwtnsəlx. In the morning there they went back, they sat there, in their same place. [feed17] See: kʷliwt.

snkʷl̕naɬq̓ʷlt   [sənk̓ʷəɬnaɬq̓ʷəɬt] Morph: sn+kʷl̕ɬnaɬq̓ʷlt. Etym: √kʷɬn. dentures. Lit: borrowed teeth

Istem. snkʷl̕naɬq̓ʷlt. Dentures. [nb6.3] See: kʷuɬn.

snkʷniʔútyaʔtn   [sənkʷniʔútyaʔtən] Morph: sn+kʷniʔútyaʔ+tn. Etym: √kʷn. snkʷniʔútyaʔtn: unidentified place. Lit: place where they grabbed

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkʷniʔútyaʔtn. Place name. [nb20.95]

snkʷnpasxnm   [sənkʷənpásxnəm] Morph: s+n+kʷn+pasxn+m. Etym: √kʷn. to rape. Category: nMstem. snkʷnpasxnm. Rape. [nb21.118a] lut kʷu aksənkʷənpásxnəm. Don’t rape me! [nb21.118a]

snkʷnpasx̌nm   [sənkʷənpásx̌nəm] Morph: s+n+kʷn+pasx̌n+m. Etym: √kʷn. sternum.

Istem. snkʷnpasx̌nm. Sternum. [nb21.118a]

snkʷraʔɬpíw̓s   [sənkʷraʔɬpíw̓s] Morph: sn+kʷraʔɬpíw̓s. Etym: √kʷrʔ. snkʷraʔɬpíw̓s: locality near Stranger Creek.

Istem. Category: Geog. snkʷraʔɬpíw̓s. Place name. [nb1863.7]

snkʷumcn   [sənkʷúmcən] Morph: sn+kʷumcn. Etym: √kʷm. storage.

Istem. uɬ way̓ iʔ tx̌əlíwstət iʔ sənkʷúmcəntət. And the cache where we store our food. [LynxS 311] See: kʷum.

snkʷumcntn   [sənkʷúmcəntṇ] Morph: sn+kʷumcn+tn. Etym: √kʷm. storage place for food.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. məɬ ixíʔ kʷúmsəlx aɬíʔ ksənkʷúmcəntən iʔ t x̌əw̓áw̓. And they store it, they have a storing place for dry stuff. [Prov 008] ik̓líʔ mi ckʷúmɬtxʷəlx i l sənkʷúmcəntənsəlx. You can store it in their cache. [LynxS 316] See: snkʷumcn.

snkʷummn   [sənkʷúmˑən] Morph: sn+kʷum+mn. Etym: √kʷm. storage; storage place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. way̓ kʷums iʔ l sənkʷúmˑəns. She put it away where she puts things away. [GDd2 264] kən ksənkʷúmˑən iʔ l ant̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔtṇ. I have a place where to put your saddle. [dict] See: snkʷumn; kʷum.

snkʷumn   [sənkʷúmən] Morph: sn+kʷum+mn. Etym: √kʷm. storage place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. k̓ʷúl̕səlx iʔ ksənkʷúmənsəlx, cus iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ kəw̓w̓q̓íw̓s. They make a storage place, the People call it a food cache. [mychildr 219] See: kʷum.

snkʷumntn   [sənkʷúməntṇ] Morph: sn+kʷum+n+tn. Etym: √kʷm. storage place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snkʷumntn. Storage. [nb18149.9] See: snkʷumn.

snkʷupxn   [sənkʷúpxən] Morph: sn+kʷupxn. Etym: √kʷp. stockings, foot wraps.

Istem. Sh x-kʷup-xn̓ rags around legs; stockings, socks. sənkʷúpxən. Stockings, foot wraps. [nb21.151]

snk̓ʷanɬq   [sənk̓ʷánɬq] Morph: sn+k̓ʷanɬq. Etym: √k̓ʷn. a garden.

Istem. cúntəm way̓, stim̓ uɬ iʔ ksənk̓ʷánɬqtət. He said, "All right, but what are we going to plant?" [Dvl 127] See: k̓ʷanɬq.

snk̓ʷanɬqtn   [isənk̓ʷánɬqtən] Morph: s+n+k̓ʷanɬq+tn. Etym: √k̓ʷn. garden; farm.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ axáʔ sílxʷaʔ axáʔ iʔ sənk̓ʷánɬqtən axáʔ i l cəcámaʔt. And there was a big garden of small stuff. [AutPS 261] kən pəlláɬq iʔ t patáq l isənk̓ʷánɬqtən. I’m growing potates in my garden. [nb18238.5] ksənk̓ʷánɬqtn̩. He has a farm. [dict] incá axáʔ ist̓lúlaʔxʷəm, uɬ isk̓ʷəl̕laʔxʷílpəm iʔ l ksənk̓ʷánɬqtəntət. I will do the plowing, and fix the surface in our garden. [dict] k̓əstwílx axáʔ iʔ sənk̓ʷánɬqtən iʔ cənpəllíw̓s. The weeds spoil the ground. [dict] See: snk̓ʷanɬq.

snk̓ʷk̓ʷy̓íp   [sənk̓ʷək̓ʷʔíp.] Morph: sn+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷy̓íp. Etym: √k̓ʷy̓. peanuts. Lit: small nuts

Istem. snk̓ʷk̓ʷy̓íp. Peanuts. [nb18127.4] See: k̓ʷk̓ʷyúmaʔ.

snk̓ʷl̕cncutn   [sənk̓ʷl̕cəncútən] Morph: sn+k̓ʷl̕cn+cut+n. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. a kitchen; a cook house.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. isk̓ʷúy səck̓ʷl̕cəncútx i l sənk̓ʷl̕cəncútəns. My mother is cooking in her kitchen. [newles 254] kʷ xʷuy ik̓líʔ k̓əl sənk̓ʷəl̕cəncútn̩. You go there to the cook house. [dict] sənk̓ʷəl̕cəncútən iʔ snurísəlp̓tən. Range. [nb18122.9] See: k̓ʷl̕cncut.

snk̓ʷɬcwix   [sənk̓ʷɬcwíx] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+c+wix. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √wx. house mate(s); a group of people (who live together).

Istem. Category: +wixʷ. ixíʔ aɬíʔ sənk̓ʷɬcwíxs axáʔ isəsíʔ. That's who is living with my uncle. [AutPS 011] xʷʔit iʔ sənk̓ʷəɬcwíxsəlx. A large group. [cre23] See: nk̓ʷ; cwix.

snk̓ʷɬc̓x̌iɬt   [sənk̓ʷəɬc̓x̌iɬt] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+c+ʔx̌iɬt. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √ʔx̌ɬ. one like another.

Istem. iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ ixíʔ uknaqín iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ sənk̓ʷəɬc̓x̌iɬt cniɬc. This old lady was Okanagan, the old lady herself was like him. [lpb238] See: nk̓ʷ; c̓x̌iɬt.

snk̓ʷɬilíʔ   [sənk̓ʷɬilíʔ] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ilíʔ. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √lʔ. ones there with s.o.

Istem. ƛ̓xʷəntísəlx ilíʔ mat k̓ʷínk̓ʷənx iʔ sənk̓ʷɬilíʔs iʔ txtəncútəns iʔ sqəl̕tmíxʷ. They killed several of the man's bodyguards there with him. [lpb455] See: nk̓ʷ; ilíʔ.

snk̓ʷɬk̓ast   [sənk̓ʷɬk̓ást] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+k̓ast. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √k̓s. a partner in mischief.

Istem. sənk̓ʷɬk̓ást. Partner in mischief. [pd] See: nk̓ʷ; k̓ast.

snk̓ʷɬk̓iwlx   [isənk̓ʷɬk̓íwlx] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+k̓iw+lx. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √k̓w. a fellow old one.

Istem. isənk̓ʷɬk̓íwlx. My fellow old one; an old one like me. [nb18217.3] See: nk̓ʷ; k̓iwlx.

snk̓ʷɬk̓ʷul̕   [sənk̓ʷəɬk̓ʷul̕] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+k̓ʷul̕. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √k̓ʷl̕. twin.

Istem. Category: App. See: nk̓ʷ; k̓ʷul̕l̕.

snk̓ʷɬɬq̓ʷlut   [sənk̓ʷɬɬəq̓ʷlút] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ɬq̓ʷlut. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √ɬq̓ʷ. bed partner, sleeping partner.

Istem. Sp hi-s-nk̓ʷɬ-ɬq̓ʷút my bed partner. asənk̓ʷɬəɬq̓ʷlút. Your bed partner. [nb18151.3] uɬ axáʔ iʔ t k̓ík̓aʔt iʔ tkɬmilxʷ, uɬ ixíʔ ksənk̓ʷɬɬq̓ʷlúts. The next woman, she’ll be his sleeping partner. [dict] ixíʔ sic ckicx iʔ k̓əl sənk̓ʷɬɬq̓ʷlúts. Then he got to his bed partner. [dict] ixíʔ úɬiʔ ksənk̓ʷəɬɬq̓ʷlúts, uɬ axáʔ itlíʔ iʔ t k̓ík̓aʔt, uɬ axáʔ iʔ t k̓ík̓aʔt iʔ təkɬmílxʷ uɬ ixíʔ ksənk̓ʷəɬɬq̓ʷlúts. She’ll get her to go to bed with him, and the next one with the next woman, and he’ll go to bed with her. [nb1240.9] axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx way̓ ksənk̓ʷəɬɬq̓ʷlút, uɬ axáʔ itlíʔ iʔ t k̓ík̓aʔt uɬ ixíʔ nixʷ ksənk̓ʷəɬɬq̓ʷlút, tkɬmilxʷ. The oldest one is already in bed with a partner, and the next one also has a bed partner, a woman. [nb1271.8] See: nk̓ʷ; ɬq̓ʷlut.

snk̓ʷɬɬq̓ʷɬq̓ʷlut   [sənk̓ʷɬəɬəq̓ʷɬəq̓ʷlút] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ɬq̓ʷ•ɬq̓ʷlut. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √ɬq̓ʷ. bed partners.

Istem. asənk̓ʷɬəɬəq̓ʷɬəq̓ʷlút. Your bed partners. [nb18151.4] way̓ ksənk̓ʷɬɬəq̓ʷɬəq̓ʷlútəlx, t smaʔməʔím. They each have a bed partner, women. [dict] See: snk̓ʷɬɬq̓ʷlut.

snk̓ʷɬƛ̓x̌ap   [sənk̓ʷəɬƛ̓x̌áp] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ƛ̓x̌a+p. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √ƛ̓x̌. a person s.o. has grown up with; a high school chum.

Istem. ixíʔ isənk̓ʷəɬƛ̓x̌áp. He's my school chum, one I grew up with. [nb18217.4] See: nk̓ʷ; ƛ̓x̌ap.

snk̓ʷɬƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌ap   [sənk̓ʷəɬƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ƛ̓x̌•ƛ̓x̌a+p. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √ƛ̓x̌. one's old man.

Istem. isənk̓ʷəɬƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. My old man. [dict] See: snk̓ʷɬƛ̓x̌ap.

snk̓ʷɬmrim   [sənk̓ʷəɬmərím] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+mrim. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √mrm. spouse.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ anwí kʷ isqəltmíxʷ, kʷ isənk̓ʷəɬmərím. You are my man, I'm married to you. [GDd2 669] way̓ kʷu aksənk̓ʷəɬmərˑím. And then you want to marry me. [blkpg 011] kʷ miɬswiʔnúmtx kiʔ təl̕ ksənk̓ʷəɬmərríms. You are more beautiful than the one he's supposed to marry. [blkpg 056] See: nk̓ʷ; mrim.

snk̓ʷɬmrrim   [sənk̓ʷəɬmərˑím] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+mr•r•im. Etym: √mrm. spouse.

Istem. way̓ kʷu aksənk̓ʷəɬmərˑím. And then you want to marry me. [blkpg 011] way̓ ixíʔ iksənk̓ʷəɬmərrím. That's the one I'm going to marry. [blkpg 077] anwí kʷ isqəltmíxʷ, kʷ isənk̓ʷəɬmrˑím. You are my man, I am married to you. [dict] sənk̓ʷəɬmrˑims. His marriage partner. [dict] lut t̓ isənstíls aksɬwínəm asənk̓ʷəɬmrˑím. I didn't think you would leave your married woman. [dict] uɬ sc̓kinx, asənk̓ʷəɬmrˑím, antkɬmílxʷ, uɬ asqʷsqʷaʔsíyaʔ, mi alaʔ kʷu ɬcɬwíɬstxʷ. What's the matter, the one you're married to, your wife, and your children, will you leave them here with us? [dict] ixíʔ məɬ kʷu cmrim, laʔɬ iksənk̓ʷəɬmrˑím. That's when we will get married, I and the one I'm supposed to marry. [dict] See: snk̓ʷɬmrim.

snk̓ʷɬm̓ay̓xtwixʷ   [sənk̓ʷəɬm̓ay̓xtwíxʷ] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+m̓ay̓+xt+wixʷ. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √m̓y̓. someone to tell stories with.

Istem. Category: +wixʷ. cənk̓əwpíls t ksənk̓ʷəɬm̓ay̓xtwíxʷs. He's lonesome for someone to tell stories with. [Oct92 100] See: nk̓ʷ; m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ.

snk̓ʷɬnk̓sils   [sənk̓ʷɬnk̓síls] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+k̓s+ils. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √k̓s. a fellow ill-tempered person.

Istem. sənk̓ʷɬnk̓síls. Someone mean tempered like him. [mychildr 061] púlstsəlx iʔ t sənk̓ʷɬnk̓síls. Someone mean tempered like him killed him. [mychildr 061] See: nk̓ʷ; k̓sils.

snk̓ʷɬpix̌m   [sənk̓ʷəɬpíx̌əm] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+pix̌+m. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √px̌. hunting partner.

Istem. ixíʔ isənk̓ʷəɬpíx̌əm. He’s my hunting partner. [nb18216.] See: nk̓ʷ; pix̌m.

snk̓ʷɬq̓ilt   [sənk̓ʷɬq̓ílt] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+q̓il+t. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √q̓l. a fellow patient; one's sick partner or hospital roommate.

Istem. Category: +t. asənk̓ʷɬq̓ílt. Your fellow (hospital) patient. [nb18217.5] See: nk̓ʷ; q̓ilt.

snk̓ʷɬtw̓tw̓it   [sənk̓ʷɬtuʔtwít] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+tw̓•tw̓it. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √tw̓. fellow boys.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ mat tk̓asʔasíl tkaʔkaʔɬís way̓ ixíʔ sqʷʔamsəlx iʔ sk̓amtíw̓s iʔ sənk̓ʷɬtuʔtwít. And there were maybe two or three who were trained to ride, boys like me. [RHorse 036] See: nk̓ʷ; tw̓tw̓it.

snk̓ʷɬylmixʷm   [sənk̓ʷɬilmíxʷəm] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ylmixʷ+m. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √yl. fellow chief.

Istem. way̓ mat isənk̓ʷɬilmíxʷəm. Maybe that's a fellow chief. [GDd2 694] See: nk̓ʷ; ylmixʷm.

snk̓ʷɬylylmixʷm   [sənk̓ʷəɬililmíxʷəm] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+yl•ylmixʷ+m. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √yl. one's fellow chiefs.

Istem. sta cus a i t isənk̓ʷəɬililmíxʷəm mi ikɬkƛ̓aʔncútn. And he told them, "My own kind is to come after me!" [Whal 459] See: nk̓ʷ; ylylmixʷm.

snk̓ʷɬʔaɬʔíɬn   [sənk̓ʷəɬʔaɬʔíɬən] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √ʔɬn. eating partner.

Istem. Sp s-nk̓ʷ-ɬ√íɬn one who eats with me. isənk̓ʷəɬʔaɬʔíɬən. He’s my eating partner. [nb18216.11] See: nk̓ʷ; ʔaɬʔíɬn.

snk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn   [sənk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústṇ] Morph: s+n+k̓ʷƛ̓•k̓ʷƛ̓us+tn. Gram: form heard in spáx̌mən. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eyes.

Istem. snk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn. Eyes. [pd03] See: stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn; snk̓ʷƛ̓ustn.

snk̓ʷƛ̓ustn   [snk̓ʷəƛ̓ústən] Morph: s+n+k̓ʷƛ̓us+tn. Gram: form heard in spáx̌mən Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eye.

Istem. snk̓ʷƛ̓ustn. Eye. [pd03] See: stk̓ʷƛ̓ustn.

snk̓ʷnk̓ʷspínaʔtk   [sənk̓ʷənk̓ʷəspínaʔtk] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ•nk̓ʷ+s+pínaʔtk. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √pn. yearlings.

Istem. Category: dim. ckícxsəlx ixíʔ iʔ t sənk̓ʷənk̓ʷəspínaʔtk iʔ t kʷəl̕kʷl̕álxʷ. Some yearling calves went to him. [dict] See: nk̓ʷ; spintk.

snk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt   [sənk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+piʔ+s+c̓íɬt. Variant: snk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √py̓, √c̓ɬt. the other day.

Istem. snk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt. The other day. [dict] See: snk̓ʷpy̓sc̓iɬt; nk̓ʷ; spy̓sc̓iɬt.

snk̓ʷpy̓sc̓íɬt   [sənk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+py̓+s+c̓íɬt. Variant: snk̓ʷspy̓sc̓íɬt. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √py̓, √c̓ɬt. the other day.

Istem. snk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt. The other day. [dict] See: nk̓ʷ; spy̓sc̓iɬt.

snk̓ʷspintk   [snək̓ʷspíntk] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+pintk. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √pn. a one year old person.

Istem. way̓ snək̓ʷspíntk. He’s one year old. [nb18217.1] See: nk̓ʷ; spintk.

snk̓ʷsplal   [sənk̓ʷsplál] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+pl•al. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √pl. a fellow young person.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ cut way̓ sənk̓əlíp way̓ ixíʔ x̌ast ispuʔús, way̓ itíʔ isənk̓ʷsplál. Then Coyote said, "Now I'm satisfied, they're young folks like me." [Whal 495] See: nk̓ʷ; splal.

snk̓ʷspplal   [sənk̓ʷspplál] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+p•pl•al. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √pl. fellow youngsters.

Istem. iʔ sənk̓ʷsppláls Tony. They are youths like Tony. [nb18216.16] See: nk̓ʷ; splal.

snk̓ʷspy̓sc̓iɬt   [sənk̓ʷspiʔsc̓íɬt] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+py̓s+c̓íɬt. Variant: nk̓ʷspy̓sc̓iɬt. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √c̓ɬt. day before yesterday.

Istem. snk̓ʷspy̓sc̓iɬt. Day before yesterday. [nb6, 8a]

snk̓ʷsqilxʷ   [snək̓ʷsqílxʷ] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √qlxʷ. a fellow Indian.

Istem. iʔ snək̓ʷsqílxʷtət. Our fellow Indians. [gregory 025] təmtəmníʔ mat snək̓ʷsqílxʷəmp sl̕áx̌təmp. It's a corpse, a human being, one of you. [GDd1 063] asənk̓ʷəsqílxʷ, asənk̓ʷɬilylmíxʷəm. People like you, chiefs. [dict] See: nk̓ʷ; sqilxʷ.

snk̓ʷstʔiwtx   [sənk̓ʷstʔíwtx] Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+tʔiw+tx. Etym: √nk̓ʷ, √tʔw. a fellow youngest one.

Istem. isənk̓ʷstʔíwtx. A youngest one like me; my fellow youngest one. [nb18217.2] way̓ ilíʔ sənk̓ʷəstʔíwtx ilíʔ ck̓əɬʔímstəms l aksənɬq̓ʷú(t)-tṇ. The youngest one (like you) is waiting for you in your bed. [dict] See: nk̓ʷ; stʔiwtx.

snk̓ʷul̕cnm   [sənk̓ʷúl̕cnəm] Morph: s+n+k̓ʷul̕cn+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. the weather is painted or fixed in the sky.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. iʔ l sk̓sásq̓ət iʔ sənk̓ʷúl̕cnəm. It was stormy weather. [dict] See: nk̓ʷul̕cnm.

snk̓ʷul̕l̕tn   [sənk̓ʷúl̕l̕tən] Morph: sn+k̓ʷul̕•l̕+tn. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. where one was born, one's birthplace.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. i ik̓líʔ isənk̓ʷúl̕l̕tən. That's where I was born. [RnTrp 003] See: k̓ʷul̕l̕.

snk̓ʷul̕mn   [sənk̓ʷúl̕mən] Morph: s+n+k̓ʷul̕+mn. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. working place; a job.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. aksənk̓ʷúl̕mən i l səncqíwɬtən. There is a place where you can work in the garage. [newles 236] kən ckaʔkʔúsəm iʔ l isənk̓ʷúl̕mən. I work hard in my office. [newles 297] lut t̓ inx̌mínk isənk̓ʷúl̕mən. I don’t like where I work. [nb1897.] kʷu swɬtiɬən iʔ t ksənk̓ʷúl̕məntət. We will ask for jobs for us. [dict] See: k̓ʷul̕m.

snk̓ʷxʷptan   [sənk̓ʷxʷptán] Morph: s+n+k̓ʷxʷ+p+tan. Etym: √k̓ʷxʷ. rattler tracks.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. snk̓ʷxʷptan. Rattler tracks. [dict] See: k̓ʷixʷ.

snk̓ʷʔilsm   [sənk̓ʷʔílsəm] Morph: s+n+k̓ʷʔ+ils+m. Etym: √k̓ʷʔ. one's anger.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. isənk̓ʷʔílsəm. I am mad at them. [nb18112.11] See: nk̓ʷaʔlsncút.

snlamástn   [sənlamástən] Morph: sn+lamás+tn. From: French la messe. Etym: √lms. the steps to the altar.

Istem. Gram: word whose root is a borrowing Category: sn+^+tn. xʷuy uɬ k̓əɬkícs ixíʔ laʔ cxʔít iʔ sənlamástən, uɬ ilíˑˑʔ, x̌íləm itíˑˑʔ uɬ ik̓líʔ k̓əɬkics iʔ taɬ iʔ k̓aʔ c̓íwt ixíʔ t̓əxʷ axáʔ uɬ iʔ sənlamástən. He went and reached the first step, and he stayed there; he repeated that, and there he reached the last step. [Cona67]

snlaq̓ʷ   [sənláq̓ʷ] Morph: s+n+laq̓ʷ. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. tallow (fat after cooking).

Istem. Sp s-n-loq̓ʷ rendered tallow from cow fat (this was put in pails and stored in cellars; it was used in frying and cooking); Cm snaléq̓ʷ tallow; Cr s+n+láqʷ tallow. uɬ yaʔx̌ís aɬíʔ a cxʔit iʔ xʷíc̓əɬts iʔ sənláq̓ʷ. The first that she gives the tallow to. [grlsdd 169] ilíʔ cqaqáclaʔs ixíʔ iʔ sútən iʔ sənlaq̓ʷ. He's wheeling something made of tallow. [grlsdd 145]

snlatáp   [sənlatáp] Morph: s+n+latáp. Etym: √ltp. From: French la table. table.

Istem. t̓əxʷ ik̓líʔ k̓əl sənlatáp mi kɬt̓k̓ʷəntíxʷ. Just put it there on the table. [dict] See: latáp.

snlip̓tn   [sənlíp̓tən] Morph: sn+lip̓+tn. Etym: √lp̓. woodshed.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snlip̓tn Woodshed. [nb18218.10] See: slip̓1.

snliq̓tn   [sənlíq̓tən] Morph: sn+liq̓+tn. Etym: √lq̓. grave, burial place.

Istem. Cm s‑na‑liq̓‑l̕əxʷ‑tn cemetery, grave. Category: sn+^+tn. See: liq̓.

snlkapítn   [sənəlkapítṇ] Morph: sn+lkapí+tn. Etym: √lkp. coffee pot.

Istem. Gram: word whose root is a borrowing Category: sn+^+tn. kəm̓ axáʔ i l sənəlkapítən iʔ x̌ʷaq̓ʷməns. Or in the coffee mill [he grinds it]. [Dvl 186] kcqúsəntxʷ iʔ sənlkapítṇ. Put the coffee pot on the fire. [dict] See: lkapí.

snlkiptn   [sənlkíptṇ] Morph: s+n+lkip+tn. Etym: √lkp. snlkiptn: area immediately east from npaq, where the eggs that had been gathered at npaq were pit-cooked. Lit: pit-cooking place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snlkiptn. Place name. [BK194] See: lkip.

snlklkiptn   [sənlkəlkíptṇ] Morph: sn+lk•lkip+tn. Etym: √lkp. snlklkiptn: place near Inchelium. Lit: place where to cook camas, barbeque

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn, Geog. snlklkiptn. Place name. [nb1723.16] See: snlkiptn.

snlk̓min   [sənlk̓mín] Morph: s+n+lk̓+min. Etym: √lk̓. jail house; jail.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. kʷaʔ l snlk̓mín, lut taɬt niʕ̓íp t̓ c̓uy la nyxʷút. In the jail, inside there is never completely dark. [su7q̓im 247] scutx, itlíʔ k̓aɬáʔ iʔ l snlk̓min, He said, way back then in the jail. [su7q̓im 279e] itlíʔ k̓aɬáʔ iʔ l snəlk̓mín. Way back then in the jail. [su7q̓im 279e] lut t̓ə c̓ácqaʔstəm iʔ t snəlk̓mín. They didnʼt let him out from the jail. [gl33] See: lk̓(a).

snlk̓qin   [sənlk̓qín] Morph: s+n+lk̓qin. Etym: √lk̓. tied ends; ends that are tied.

Istem. way̓ tk̓iˑˑwlx uɬ iʔ k̓əl sənlk̓qíns iʔ sənx̌ʷáyqən. He climbed to where the poles of the tipi are tied. [CoGrSy 597] See: lk̓(a).

snlkʷtiw̓s   [sənləkʷtíw̓s] Morph: s+n+lkʷtiw̓s. Etym: √lkʷ. width.

Istem. mat (a)c̓kin iʔ sənləkʷtíw̓sc, ixíʔ iʔ siwɬkʷ taʔlíʔ nixʷút ixíʔ, mat taʔlíʔ xʷʔit sqəlwítəmtns iʔ snixʷúts. However wide, the water is quite deep, many feet deep. [su7q̓im 142] See: lkʷut.

snllxímc̓aʔ   [snəllxímc̓aʔ] Morph: s+n+l•lxímc̓aʔ. Variant: snll̕xímc̓aʔ. Etym: √lx. slime; fish scales.

Istem. Sp s-n-l-šímc̓eʔ fish with large scales that have to be removed before cooking. See: snlxíc̓aʔ.

snlqíɬc̓aʔtn   [sənlqíɬc̓aʔtṇ] Morph: s+n+lqíɬc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √lq. place where feathers were plucked.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ sənlqíɬc̓aʔtəns. And he cleaned it. [lnxbdga 307] mat stim̓ səsuʔsw̓áʕs sənlqíɬc̓aʔtəns. Something, maybe a pheasant where he pulled the feathers off. [lnx2 356] See: lqíɬc̓aʔ.

snlqus   [sənlqʷús] Morph: s+n+lq꞊us. Etym: √lq. snlqus: yellow agoseris (agoseris glauca). Lit: pulled out from the face or eye

Istem. snlqus. Agoseris. [TBK74] See: lq(a).

snlxíc̓aʔ   [sənlxíc̓aʔ] Morph: sn+lxíc̓aʔ. Variant: snl̕xíc̓aʔ. Etym: √lx. (fish) slime.

Istem. snlxíc̓aʔ (Fish) slime. [nb18132.4]

snlxímc̓aʔ   [sənlxímc̓aʔ] Morph: sn+lxímc̓aʔ. Etym: √lx. the slobber of a child cutting teeth.

Istem. snlxímc̓aʔ. Slobber. [nb18132.5] See: snlxíc̓aʔ.

snlʕ̓ʷpus   [sənləʕ̓ʷpús] Morph: s+n+lʕ̓ʷ+pus. Etym: √lʕ̕ʷ. the appointed time.

Istem. ixíʔ xík̓əntxʷ iʔ sənləʕ̓ʷpúsc iʔ x̌əx̌yáɬnəxʷ. You missed the time (you were late). [nb18129.5] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

snl̕xíc̓aʔ   [sənl̕xíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+n+l̕x꞊íc̓aʔ. Variant: snlxíc̓aʔ. Etym: √lx. scale (of fish).

Istem. Sp s-n-l-šímc̓eʔ fish with large scales that have to be removed before cooking. snl̕xíc̓aʔ. Fish scale. [OkB]

snɬaq̓wl   [snɬáq̓wəl] Morph: s+n+ɬaq̓wl. Etym: √ɬq̓. sail.

Istem. snɬaq̓wl. Sail. [OkB] See: ɬaq̓.

snɬaʕmn   [sənɬáʕmən] Morph: sn+ɬaʕm+n. Etym: √ɬʕm. windpipe.

Istem. Sp ɬom to shout, to growl; Cm snaaɬúummn windpipe; Cr hn+ɬóm+rmn trachea, windpipe. Category: sn+^+mn. snɬaʕmn. Windpipe. [pd03] See: snɬaʕmt.

snɬaʕmt   [sənɬáʕmt] Morph: sn+ɬam+t. Etym: √ɬm. cough.

Istem. snɬaʕmt. Cough. [nb1824.9] See: snɬaʕmn.

snɬipt   [sənɬípt] Morph: s+n+ɬipt. Etym: √ɬpt. what one has forgotten; forgotten thing; forgetting.

nIstem. ixíʔ isənɬípt. That's what I forgot. [nb18144.10] aˑ naʔɬcəcám, ixíʔ naqs isənɬípt. Oh, I thought of something, I forgot one thing. [GDd1 157] See: nɬipt.

snɬkim̓mn   [sənɬkímmən] Morph: sn+ɬkim̓+mn. Etym: √ɬkm̓. sewing machine.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. snɬkim̓mn. Sewing machine. [nb18136.1] See: ɬkim̓.

snɬkʷlaʔxʷáqs   [sənɬəkʷlaʔxʷáqs] Morph: sn+ɬkʷlaʔxʷáqs. Variant: nɬkʷlaʔxʷáqs. Etym: √ɬkʷ. clay crock; clay jug.

Istem. snɬkʷlaʔxʷáqs. Crock. [nb1878.2]

snɬɬw̓ikntn   [snɬəɬəw̓íkntn] Morph: s+n+ɬ•ɬw̓ikn+tn. Etym: √ɬw̓. snɬɬw̓ikntn: fishing site, now inundated, located on the lower face of the rocky point immediately east from nqʷuʔt. Lit: harpooning-on-back place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snɬɬw̓ikntn. Place name. [BK357] See: ɬw̓(a).

snɬmɬmaʕmn   [sənɬəmɬmáʕmən] Morph: s+n+ɬm•ɬmʕa+mn. Etym: √ɬʕm. windpipe.

Istem. Category: +mn. snɬmɬmaʕmn. Windpipe. See: snɬaʕmn.

snɬpɬipt   [sənɬəpɬípt] Morph: s+n+ɬp•ɬipt. Etym: √ɬpt. what one has forgotten.

Istem. aláʔ isənɬəpɬípt. I forgot it there. [nb18144.9] See: snɬipt.

snɬpx̌ʷáw̓sqn   [sənɬpx̌ʷáw̓sqən] Morph: sn+ɬpx̌ʷáw̓sqn. Etym: √ɬpx̌ʷ. bald headed.

Istem. snɬpx̌ʷáw̓sqn. Bald headed. [nb1816.6] See: ɬpx̌ʷ.

snɬpx̌ʷíɬc̓aʔtn   [sənɬəpx̌ʷíɬc̓aʔtən] Morph: sn+ɬpx̌ʷíɬc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √ɬpx̌ʷ. place where plucked feathers are.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ilíʔ ksənɬəpx̌ʷíɬc̓aʔtən. That's where the plucked feathers are. [nb2539.12] See: ɬpx̌ʷ.

snɬq̓ilxtn   [sənɬq̓ílxtən] Morph: sn+ɬq̓+ilx+tn. Etym: √ɬq̓. bed; couch, place to lie on.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. See: ɬq̓ilx.

snɬq̓lxmiɬxʷtn   [sənɬq̓əlxmíɬxʷtən] Morph: sn+ɬq̓+lx+miɬxʷ+tn. Etym: √ɬq̓. whore house, bordello, brothel.

Istem. Sp s-n-ɬq̓-ilš-tn whorehouse. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ xʷúy k̓a kɬtúlmən; ilíʔ c̓ax̌əlwís uɬ ksənɬəq̓əlxmiɬxʷtn kʷaʔ ik̓líʔ. He went to Princeton. He was fooling around there, and there is a brothel there. [Cona11-12] itlíʔ kiʔ cwiksts kúna ɬcʔácqaʔ iʔ q̓ʷáʕylqs, iʔ təl sənɬəq̓əlxmíɬxʷtən. He saw Cona, the priest, come out of there, out of the brothel. [Cona13] See: snɬq̓ilxtn.

snɬqʷmin   [sənɬəqʷmín] Morph: sn+ɬqʷ+min. Etym: √ɬqʷ. storage place; cache.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. snɬqʷmin. Storage place. [nb21.25a] See: ɬqʷ(a).

snɬq̓ʷutn   [sənɬq̓ʷútən] Morph: s+n+ɬq̓ʷut+n. Etym: √ɬq̓ʷ. a bed; a place to sleep.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ aɬíʔ t̓iʔ ilíʔ iʔ l nəqsíɬc̓aʔ iʔ k̓la nsək̓ʷtílp incá isənɬq̓ʷútən. And it's just one room, and my bed is on one side. [AutPS 031] uɬ ixíʔ ksənɬq̓ʷútən, t̓əxʷ ʔasíl iʔ sənɬq̓ʷútən nixʷ. There is a bed, two beds. [GDd1 372] ixíʔ k̓ʷúl̕cɬmən mi xʷíc̓ɬmən iʔ t ksnilíʔtnəmp iʔ t ksənɬq̓ʷútnəmp. I'll cook for you and I'll give you a place to stay, a bed. [GDd2 208] way̓ t̓əxʷ kʷ iksm̓áyaʔɬtəm y aksənɬq̓ʷútṇ. I’m going to show you where you’re going to sleep. [dict] a ɬcxʷuystxʷ aksck̓ʷul̕ k̓l asnɬq̓ʷútn mi k̓ʷul̕ntxʷ The work you brought back, do it in your bedroom. [newles 241] See: ɬq̓ʷut.

snɬsípnaʔ   [sənɬsípnaʔ] Morph: s+n+ɬsípnaʔ. Etym: √ɬs. cigar(s).

Istem. Category: Inv. cənxƛ̓íksəntməlx iʔ t sənɬsípnaʔ, way̓ txƛ̓ápəlx. They passed around cigars, everybody got a treat. [dict]

snɬsípnaʔm   [sənɬsípnaʔ] Morph: s+n+ɬsípnaʔ+m. Etym: √ɬs. to smoke cigar(s).

Mstem. Category: Inv. kʷu sənɬsípnaʔm uɬ kʷu mán̓xʷ. We will have cigars and we will smoke. [dict] See: snɬsípnaʔ.

snɬt̓ɬaʔt̓pmncútn   [sənɬət̓ɬaʔt̓pməncútən] Morph: sn+ɬt̓•ɬaʔt̓p+mncút+n. Etym: √ɬt̓p. trampoline; jumping place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snɬt̓ɬaʔt̓pmncútn Trampoline. [nb18153.1] See: ɬt̓ɬaʔt̓pmncút.

snɬt̓pmitkʷtn   [sənɬət̓pmítkʷtən] Morph: sn+ɬt̓p+mitkʷ+tn. Etym: √ɬt̓p. diving board.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snɬt̓pmitkʷtn. Diving board. [nb18153.2] See: nɬt̓pmitkʷ.

snɬt̓pmncutn   [sənɬt̓pməncútṇ] Morph: s+nɬt̓p+mncut+n. Etym: √ɬt̓p. diving place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snɬt̓pmncutn Diving place. [dict] See: nɬt̓pmncut.

snɬum̓   [sənɬúm̓] Morph: sn+ɬum̓. Etym: √ɬm̓. a dip.

Istem. snɬum̓. A dip. [nb1842.10]

snɬuʔmín   [snɬuʔmín] Morph: sn+ɬw̓+min. Etym: √ɬw̓. snɬuʔmín: a bay and also a back eddy (before F.D.R. Lake was created) in this bay, on the west side of the Columbia, immediately below the former falls. Lit: harpoon place

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. snɬuʔmín. Place name. [BK359] See: snɬw̓min.

snɬw̓min   [snɬuʔmín] Morph: s+n+ɬw̓+min. Etym: √ɬw̓. snɬw̓min: a bay and also a back eddy (before F.D.R. Lake was created) in this bay, on the west side of the Columbia, immediately below the former falls. Lit: harpoon place Category: sn+^+min. snɬw̓min. Place name. [BK359]

snɬxʷpusm   [sənɬxʷpúsəm] Morph: sn+ɬxʷ+pus+m. Etym: √ɬxʷ. a jar.

Istem. iʔ l sənɬxʷpúsəm iʔ ulqníltən. Jar lid. [nb18129.6] See: ɬxʷpus.

snɬx̌mtan   [sənɬx̌əmtán] Morph: sn+ɬx̌m+tan. Etym: √ɬx̌m. in-laws.

Istem. Category: kin, sn+^+tan. ixíʔ isənɬx̌əmtán. These are my in-laws. [nb08 561; nb21.69] ixíʔ k̓əl sənɬx̌əmtáns sxʷuyx. He went to his girlfriend’s. [nb18160.2] kən limt ikswíkəm isənɬəx̌mtán. I am glad I’m going to see my law relations. [dict] axáʔ iʔ ṇk̓ʷcwilxtṇ, t̓əxʷ qaʔɬilmíxʷəm, ilmixʷəm sənɬəx̌mtáns. There was a group, the chief’s children, (and) the chief’s law relations. [dict] See: ɬx̌m.

snɬx̌ʷɬx̌ʷmusm   [sənɬəx̌ʷɬəx̌ʷmúsəm] Morph: sn+ɬx̌ʷ•ɬx̌ʷ+mus+m. Etym: √ɬxʷ. to mend clothes; to fix a hole (e.g. in clothing). Category: nMstem. snɬxʷɬxʷmusm. Mend clothes. [nb 22.1a] Ques: ɬxʷ or ɬx̌ʷ ?

snɬx̌ʷp̓tan   [snɬux̌ʷp̓tán] Morph: s+n+ɬx̌ʷp̓+tan. Etym: √ɬx̌ʷp̓. snɬx̌ʷp̓tan: area along the former east side of the Sanpoil River, south of John Tom Creek. Lit: into the brush

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan, Geog. snɬx̌ʷp̓tan. Place name. [BK39]

snƛ̓lal   [sənƛ̓əlál] Morph: s+n+ƛ̓l•al. Etym: √ƛ̓l. a loss; one's dead.

Istem. ixíʔ iʔ t islímt, uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ t̓i sənƛ̓əláltət. I am so glad, because we had her for dead. [Whal 539] See: ƛ̓lal.

snƛ̓litkʷtn   [sənƛ̓lítkʷtṇ] Morph: s+nƛ̓litkʷ+tn. Etym: √ƛ̓l. drowning place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snƛ̓litkʷtn Drowning place. [dict]

snƛ̓lpúlaʔxʷtn   [sənƛ̓lpúlaʔxʷtṇ] Morph: s+n+ƛ̓l+púlaʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √ƛ̓p. settling place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ʔúmlaʔxʷəm k̓aʔkín iʔ ksənƛ̓lpúlaʔxʷtənsəlx He named the place where they were goint to settle. [LynxS 198] See: ƛ̓lpúlaʔxʷ.

snƛ̓xʷxʷtan   [sənƛ̓xʷəxʷtán] Morph: sn+ƛ̓xʷ•xʷ+tán. Etym: √ƛ̓xʷ. snƛ̓xʷxʷtan: Deadman's Creek. Lit: place where many died

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. snƛ̓xʷxʷtan. Place name. [nb21.69a]

snƛ̓x̌ptan   [sənƛ̓əx̌ptán] Morph: sn+ƛ̓x̌+p+tan. Etym: √ƛ̓x̌. the place of one's upbringing.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. ixíʔ isənƛ̓əx̌ptán. That's where I was raised. [nb1224.3] way̓ axáʔ isənƛ̓x̌ptán. way̓ t̓i kʷu x̌ast Iʔ naʔɬ isqʷəsqʷasíʔa aláʔ. This is where I grew up. My children and I are all right here. [lpb507] See: ƛ̓x̌ap.

snman̓xʷtn   [sənmánxʷtən] Morph: s+n+man̓xʷ+tn. Etym: √mn̓xʷ. pipe (with briar wood bowl); smoking implement.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ kʷu ksənt̓qmíxaʔx ixíʔ uɬ iʔ sənmán̓xʷtən. We're going to fill the pipe, the smoking implement. [su7q̓im 209a] See: sman̓xʷ.

snmaʕtkʷíʔst   [snmaʕtkʷíʔst] Morph: s+nmaʕtkʷíʔst. Etym: √mʕ. snmaʕtkʷíʔst: distinctive rock formation which jutted out from the former east bank of the Columbia River and extended almost to the middle of the river. Lit: implement left lying in water

Istem. Category: Geog. snmaʕtkʷíʔst. Place name. [BK183]

snmaʔmáyaʔtn   [sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtṇ] Morph: s+n+maʔ•máyaʔ+tn. Variant: snm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtn. Etym: √myʔ. school house; school.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ put kʷu cpənhíwsəm iʔ k̓əl sənm̓aʔmáyaʔtən. And we always get to school on time. [AutPS 206] See: m̓aʔm̓áyaʔ.

snmaʔmúkʷkʷpnaʔm   [snmaʔmúkʷkʷpnaʔm] Morph: s+n+ma•múkʷ•kʷ+pnaʔ+m. Etym: √mkʷ. snow mounds here and there.

Istem. sənmaʔmúkʷəkʷpnaʔṃs, swit aɬíʔ sícɬc̓aʔ. It bulged here and there, it's fresh meat (buried there). [dict] See: mukʷ.

snmaʔníkmn   [sənmaʔníkmən] Morph: s+n+maʔník+mn. Etym: √mnk. shit house; toilet.

Istem. Category: +sn+^+mn. sənmaʔníkmən. Shit house. [nb08 343] See: snmnikmn; mnik.

snmil̕mn   [sənmíl̕mən] Morph: s+n+mil̕+mn. Etym: √ml̕. snmil̕mn: a natural depression, now inundated, located at tkʷmáqsm used as a storage pit for salmon prior to being distributed to the people. Lit: distributing-food place

Istem. Category: Geog. snmil̕mn. Place name. [BK349]

snmnikmn   [sənmníkmən] Morph: sn+mnik+mn. Etym: √mnk. latrine, bathroom, shitting place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. snmnikmn. Latrine. [15.91a] See: mnik.

snmsmiw̓s   [sənmsmíw̓s] Morph: s+n+ms+miw̓s. Etym: √ms. the fourth floor.

Istem. nkaʔɬəlmíw̓s t ksənmsmíw̓sc iʔ citxʷs. Three stories, the fourth floor of the house. [GDd1 507] See: mus.

snmuskstn   [sənmuskstṇ] Morph: s+nmuskst+n. Etym: √ms. snmuskstn: fishing area about 200 yards downriver from the east end of the present-day Kettle Falls bridge. Lit: feel-for-fish place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snmuskstn. Place name. [BK336]

snmypmist   [sənmipmíst] Morph: s+n+my+p+mist. Etym: √my. confession.

Istem. Category: +mist. uɬ x̌əcməncút, nak̓ʷəm ixíʔ kiʔ mat i l sənmypmíst iʔ x̌əcməncútəns. He got dressed, maybe he [the priest] got dressed for confession. [pgl4] See: myp.

snm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtn   [sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtən] Morph: s+n+m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+tn. Variant: snmaʔmáyaʔtn. Etym: √m̓yʔ. school; education; school building.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. iʔ sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtəns iʔ sqilxʷ, st̓íxʷləm. The schools of the People were different. [mychildr 104] ixíʔ iʔ sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtəns iʔ sqilxʷ. That is Indian education. [mychildr 111] ɬat̓pməncútaʔx iʔ l sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtn. Jump around the classroom. [nb26-35 010] ixíʔ uɬ way̓ incá kən pəx̌pəx̌twílx ixíʔ uɬ kən xʷuy k̓əl sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtən. I got my senses then, and I went to school. [AutPS 168] uɬ axáʔ təl sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtṇ, uɬ nixʷ lut kʷu t̓ə cm̓aʔm̓áyaʔɬtəm stim̓ iʔ l sk̓ʷúl̕əm. At school they don't teach us anything about work. [dict] See: m̓aʔm̓áyaʔ.

snnink̓mn   [sənnínk̓mən] Morph: s+n+ni•nk̓+mn. Etym: √nk̓. knife holder.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. sən̓nínk̓mən. Knife holder. [nb08 46] See: nink̓mn.

snn̓ilkstn   [sənn̓ilkstn] Morph: s+n+n̓ilks+tn. Etym: √nl. shoulder blade.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snn̓ilkstn. Shoulder blade. [OkB]

snpanw̓scútaʔx   [sənpanuʔscútaʔx] Morph: sn+p[a]nw̓s+cút+aʔx. Etym: √pn. rodeo.

Istem. kʷu ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ k̓əl sənpanuʔscútaʔx. Let's go to the rodeo. [nb18242.15] See: npanw̓scút.

snpanw̓scútn   [sənpanuʔscútən.] Morph: sn+panw̓s+cút+n. Etym: √pn. bucking chute.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snpanw̓scútn. Bucking chute. [nb21.88] See: npanw̓scút.

snpapúɬaʔqn   [sənpapúɬaʔqən] Morph: sn+pa•púɬaʔqn. Etym: √pɬ. dandruff.

Istem, anat. Sp s-n-ppóɬaʔqn dandruff. snpapúɬaʔqn. Dandruff. [nb1845.14]

snpaʔpúlxtn   [sənpaʔpúlxtən] Morph: sn+paʔ•púlx+tn. Etym: √plx. a place to overnight; a hostel.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ksənɬq̓ʷútənəlx ilíʔ uɬ ilíʔ sənpaʔpúlxtənlx iʔ t suyápix. And they had a bed there, an overnighter for white people. [Hrvst 123] See: pulxtn.

snpaʔpúxʷm   [sənpaʔpúxʷəm] Morph: sn+paʔ•púxʷ+m. Etym: √pxʷ. harmonica; mouth harp.

Istem. snpaʔpúxʷm. Harmonica. [nb22.115a] See: puxʷ1.

snpaʔqcín   [sənpaʔqcín] Morph: s+n+paʔqcin. Etym: √pq. 1 • the first light in the morning; dawn.

Istem. cpʔaq iʔ sənpaʔqcín. The dawn became light. [nb25-18 008]

2 • Istem. snpaʔqcín: one of Martin Louie's names.

Th n/paq-cín just at daybreak.Istem. See: piq.

snpikmn   [sənpíkmən] Morph: sn+pik+mn. Etym: √pk. sawmill.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. snpikmn. Sawmill. [nb18229.13] See: pik.

snpintktn   [sənpíntktṇ] Morph: s+n+pintk+tn. Variant: cnpintktn. Etym: √pn. snpintktn: Penticton. Lit: the always place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənpíntktn. Penticton. [su7q̓im 018]

snpiwmn   [sənpíwmən] Morph: s+n+piw+mn. Etym: √pw. a balloon.

Istem. Sp s-n-péw-i a balloon; n-péw-mn yeast ; Cr s+n+pígʷ+n̓ balloon, blimp; Sh √pew, puʔ to swell; Th √péw swell up; Li paw to swell, be swollen; √pəw̓ to swell (?). Category: sn+^+tn. sənpíwmən. Balloon. [nb26-38 003] See: piw.

snpiwtn   [sənpíwtən] Morph: s+n+piw+tn. Etym: √pw. bladder; balloon made from a cleaned out qicqn.

Istem. Sp s-n-péw-i a balloon. Category: sn+^+tn. sənpíwtən. Balloon. [14.92a] See: piw.

snpix̌mn   [sənpíx̌mən] Morph: s+n+pix̌+mn. Etym: √px̌. hunting grounds; place where one hunts.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. sənpíx̌məntət. Our hunting grounds. [su7q̓im 158] mat ta ck̓láʔ k̓əl cənlúp̓uʔs iʔ ksənpíx̌məns ilíʔ yayáʕt kst̓aʕpmíxaʔx t sƛ̓aʔcínəm. Maybe his hunting place is this way at cənlúp̓uʔs, everybody hunts deer there. [cre50] See: pix̌m.

snpllitkʷ   [sənpllítkʷ] Morph: s+npl•litkʷ. Etym: √pl. water plant.

Istem. snpllitkʷ Water plant. [nb18238.2; OkB] See: npllitkʷ.

snplliw̓s   [sənpəllíw̓s] Morph: s+n+pl•liw̓s. Etym: √pl. 1 • asparagus (asparagus officinalis).


2 • Istem. western tansy mustard (descurainia richardsonii).


3 • Istem. pigweed (chenopodium album).


4 • Istem. weeds.

Istem. lut put t̓a ksənpəllíw̓s. There are hardly any weeds. [Dvl 040]

snplscutn   [snpəlscútṇ] Morph: sn+pls+cut+n. Etym: √pls. snplscutn: place name: point on the north side of the northwest end of tkʷumáqs where, a long time ago people had committed suicide by jumping into the water, from where they were swept over the lower falls. Lit: kill-oneself place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn, Geog. snplscutn Place name. [BK350] See: plscut.

snpl̕qsíc̓aʔm   [snpəl̕əqsíc̓aʔam] Morph: s+n+pl̕qsíc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √pl̕. to smoke hides.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. snpl̕qsíc̓aʔm. Smoke hides. [OkB] See: pl̕qsíc̓aʔ.

snpl̕úlaʔxʷ   [sənpəpl̕úlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+n+pl̕úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pl. sprouts; young growth.

Istem. ixíʔ a scústsəlx iʔ x̌əx̌ʔíɬp, ixíʔ uɬ c̓x̌iɬt t sənpəpl̕úlaʔxʷ. The ones they call red thorn bushes, just like young brush. [CoGrSy 700] See: pl̕l̕úlaʔxʷ.

snppl̕úlaʔxʷ   [sənppəl̕úlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+n+p+pl̕úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pl. sprouts.

Istem. nt̓aˑˑ iʔ sənppəl̕úlaʔxʷ. Gee the young shoots! [GDd1 642] See: snpl̕úlaʔxʷ.

snpptáʕlaʔqʷ   [sənpəptáʕlaʔqʷ] Morph: s+n+p•ptáʕlaʔqʷ. Etym: pʕt. dumplings; macaroni.

Istem. Category: PhM. sənpəptáʕlaʔqʷ. Little dumplings, macaroni. [dict] See: snptáʕlaʔxʷ.

snpptáʕlaʔxʷ   [sənpəptáʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: sn+p•ptáʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: snppt̓áʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pʕt. little dumplings; macaroni.

Istem. snpptáʕlaʔxʷ. Dumplings. [nb6.85a] See: snptáʕlaʔqʷ.

snppt̓áʕlaʔxʷ   [sənpəpt̓áʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: sn+p•pt̓áʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: snpptáʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pʕt̓. little dumplings; macaroni.

Istem. Category: dim. snppt̓áʕlaʔxʷ. Dumplings. [nb6.85a] See: snptáʕlaʔqʷ.

snppt̓aʕw̓sqn   [sənpəpt̓aʕw̓sqṇ] Morph: s+n+p+pt̓aʕw̓sqn. Etym: √pt̓. a cap with beak.

Istem. sənpəpt̓áʕw̓sqən. Cap with beak. [nb26-42 013]

snppullx   [sənppúlˑx] Morph: s+n+p•pul+lx. Etym: √pl. guest.

Istem. way̓ cúntsən ƛ̓əm sənkʷkʷʔác ilíʔ tuʔtw̓ít isənppúlˑx. I told you last night two boys were my guests. [GDd1 577] See: snppulx.

snppulx   [sənpəpúlx] Morph: s+n+p+pulx. Etym: √plx. an overnighter; overnight company.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ ksənpəpúlxəlx pnicíʔ. And at that time they had one overnighter. [Hrvst 124] See: pulx.

snpqʷlictn   [snpəqʷl̕íctn] Morph: s+n+pqʷlic+tn. Variant: snpqʷl̕ictn. Etym: √pqʷlc. snpqʷlictn: place, now inundated, situated just upriver from snkɬqammn̓ítkʷtn. Lit: lingfish place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snpəqʷl̕íctn. Place name. [BK267]

snptáʕlaʔxʷ   [sənptáʕlaʔxʷ, cənptáʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: sn+ptáʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: snpt̓áʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pʕt. dumplings.

Istem. Sp s-n-ptóleʔxʷ Indian dumplings. snptáʕlaʔxʷ. Dumplings. [nb6.85a] See: snpptáʕlaʔqʷ.

snptíx̌ʷmn   [sənptíx̌ʷmən] Morph: s+n+ptix̌ʷ+mn. Etym: √ptx̌ʷ. spittoon.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ʕapnáʔ uɬ ckʷískʷəstən isənptíx̌ʷmən. And that's why I'm holding on to my spittoon. [gregory 083] See: ptix̌ʷ.

snptwn̓xʷaqs   [snpətwən̓xʷáqs] Morph: s+n+ptwn̓xʷaqs. Etym: √ptwnxʷ. Variant: ptwn̓xʷaqs; npptwn̓xʷáqaʔs. snptwn̓xʷaqs: area just upriyer from katxʷárxn, on the former trail between Hellgate and Whitestone. Lit: old lady’s trail

Istem. snptwn̓xʷaqs. Place name. [BK69] See: ptwən̓xʷáqs.

snpulxtn   [sənpúlxtṇ] Morph: s+n+pulx+tn. Etym: √plx. camping place; hotel, motel.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. k̓aʔkín asnpúlxtən. Where is your camp? [newles 225] ilíʔ kʷu cyaʕ̓mílx iʔ l sənpúlxtəntət. We are all camped together. [nb08 595] lut kən t̓a cwíkəm iʔ t sqilxʷ t iksənpúlxtən. I didn't see anybody to camp with. [nb1263.1] cxʷúyʔḷx k̓əl sənpúlxtṇs. They went to their sleeping place. [dict] See: pulxtn.

snpúl̕ɬc̓aʔm   [sənpúl̕ɬc̓aʔm] Morph: sn+púl̕ɬc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √pl̕. to smoke meat; to smudge a place.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. isənpúl̕ɬc̓aʔm. My smudging of the house. [nb18239.12] See: npúl̕ɬcaʔ; pul̕1.

snpúl̕ɬc̓aʔtn   [sənpúl̕ɬc̓aʔtṇ] Morph: sn+púl̕ɬc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √pl̕. smoke house; place to smoke meat.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snpúl̕ɬc̓aʔtn. Smoke house. [nb18239.5] See: snpúl̕ɬc̓aʔm; pul̕1.

snpul̕mn   [sənpúl̕mən] Morph: s+n+pul̕+mn. Etym: √pl̕. smudge.

Istem. Sp √pul̕ fluff up the dirt; Sh √pal to smear, smudge; t-pal̕-ws-m to make a mess on the table. Category: sn+^+mn. snpul̕mn. Smudge. [OkB] See: pul̕1.

snpus   [sənpús] Morph: s+n+pus. Etym: √ps. a jar.

Istem. k̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓qint iʔ sənpús. Take off the jar lid. [nb26-60 013] iʔ lsikʷr márwiʔntxʷ iʔ k̓ asənpús. Add sugar to what you are cooking. [nb27-30 001] See: npus.

snpúxʷɬc̓aʔtn   [sənpúxʷɬc̓aʔtən] Morph: sn+púxʷɬc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √pxʷ. any horn (musical instrument).

Istem. Sp n-púxʷɬc̓eʔ-tn a musical horn, trumpet, flute. Category: sn+^+tn. snpúxʷɬc̓aʔtn. Horn. [nb22.115] See: puxʷ1.

snpwqnxaqs   [snpuqnxáqs] Morph: s+n+pwqnxáqs. Etym: √pw. snpwqnxaqs: trail south of the Columbia which reached the river near what is now the south shore landing of the Keller ferry. Lit: Spokane trail

Istem. snpwqnxaqs. Place name. [BK15]

snpwtaqtn   [sənputáqtən] Morph: sn+pwtaq+tn. Etym: √pwt (?). cellar.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ilíʔ nƛ̓áxʷtəlx iʔ l sənputáqtən. They died right there in the cellar. [nb18175.9]

snpxʷɬslk̓us   [sənpəxʷɬslk̓ús] Morph: sn+pxʷ+ɬ+s+lk̓us. Etym: √pxʷ, √lk̓. rubber raft.

Istem. snpxʷɬslk̓us. Rubber raft. [nb26-38 007] See: puxʷ1; slk̓us1.

snpʕʷil̕xx   [sənpʕʷíl̕xəx, sənpʕʷáylxəx] Morph: s+n+pʕʷil̕xx. Etym: √pʕʷ. Sanpoil people.

Istem. See: npʕʷil̕x.

snpʔaqɬxwíɬ   [sənpʔaqɬxəwíɬ] Morph: sn+p[ʔ]aq+ɬ+xwíɬ. Etym: √pq, √xwɬ. the Milky Way.

Istem. snpʔaqɬxwíɬ. Milky Way. [nb20.94a] See: pʔaq; xwiɬ.

snp̓aƛ̓mqn   [sənp̓áƛ̓mqən] Morph: sn+p̓aƛ̓+mqn. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. the top of s.t.

Istem. k̓əl sənp̓áƛ̓mqəns ya cɣíp yalt, iltmínts. He'll run too the top of the tree, he'll run away from you. [Ppine.14] See: p̓ƛ̓.

snp̓iƛ̓mn   [sənpíƛ̓mən] Morph: s+n+p̓iƛ̓+mn. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. place of bitterroot.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. kʷu xʷuy k̓əl sənpíƛ̓məntət. We go to where we dig for bitterroot. [rdgs 120] See: sp̓iƛ̓m.

snp̓ƛ̓miɬxʷ   [sənp̓əƛ̓míɬxʷ] Morph: sn+p̓ƛ̓+miɬxʷ. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. the end of (a row of) houses.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ mat yaʔx̌í k̓əl sənp̓əƛ̓míɬxʷ, uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa lut t̓ xʷək̓ʷxʷák̓ʷət iʔ snilítəns iʔ səxʷtaɬululím. Way to the end of the town, because the blacksmith's place is never very clean. [nb1292.5-6]

snp̓q̓ʷitkʷ   [sənp̓q̓ʷítkʷ] Morph: s+np̓q̓ʷitkʷ. Etym: √p̓q̓ʷ. a mushy substance (e.g. porridge, oatmeal, mush, gravy).

Istem. Sp s-n-p̓q̓ʷétkʷ gravy, pudding, sauce; Cr s+n+p̓uq̓ʷítkʷeʔ cornmeal ... (lit. any coarsely ground edible grain that is put into water). sənp̓q̓ʷítkʷ. Porridge. [Oct92 020] p̓t̓aʕt̓; ul̕mís iʔ sənp̓q̓ʷítkʷ, uɬ p̓t̓aʕt̓. Spilled over mush; he tipped over the porridge and it got spilled. [Oct92 020] See: p̓q̓ʷ.

snp̓saqstn   [sənp̓sáqstən] Morph: s+n+p̓saqs+tn. Gram: form prevalent in spáx̌mən. Etym: √p̓s. nose.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. aɬíʔ sílxʷaʔ iʔ sənp̓sáqstəns. He has a big nose. [sknkf 126] t̓ɬaq̓ʷ asənpsáqstən. It's pouring out of your nose. [nb18184.14] xəlkəmstís iʔ kiláwnaʔ iʔ sənp̓sáqstəns ak̓láʔ. He turned around the grizzly's nose (on the skinned head). [nb2589.14] See: sp̓saqs.

snp̓uƛ̓m   [snp̓uƛ̓m] Morph: s+n+p̓uƛ̓+m. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. snp̓uƛ̓m: the flats on the east side of the Sanpoil, just up from its former mouth, and generally to the entire area of the river at this point. Lit: emerge from brush

Istem. snp̓uƛ̓m. Place name. [BK49]

snp̓úmɬc̓aʔtn   [snp̓úmɬc̓aʔtn] Morph: s+n+p̓úmɬc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √p̓m. smoking shed.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snp̓úmɬc̓aʔtn. Smoking shed. [OkB] See: p̓úm.

snp̓uwtn   [sənp̓úwtṇ] Morph: s+n+p̓uw+tn. Etym: √p̓w. anus.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snp̓uwtn. Anus. [dict] See: p̓w̓am.

snp̓uʔnɬpátkʷ   [sənp̓uʔnɬpátkʷ] Morph: s+n+p̓w̓+nɬpátkʷ ? Etym: √p̓w̓. snp̓uʔnɬpátkʷ: a canyon south of the Columbia, across and about a mile upriver from ɬa?mínaʔ. Lit: fart water

Istem. Category: Geog. snp̓uʔnɬpátkʷ. Place name. [BK64] See: snp̓w̓nɬpatkʷ.

snp̓w̓nɬpatkʷ   [sənp̓uʔnɬpátkʷ] Morph: s+n+p̓w̓+nɬpátkʷ ? Etym: √p̓w̓. snp̓w̓nɬpatkʷ: a canyon south of the Columbia, across and about a mile upriver from ɬa?mínaʔ. Lit: fart water

Istem. Category: Geog. snp̓w̓nɬpatkʷ. Place name. [BK64]

snp̓y̓qcncutn   [snp̓iʔqcncútn] Morph: sn+p̓y̓qcn+cut+n. Etym: √p̓y̓q. cooking pot; pot for cooking.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snp̓y̓qcncutn. Cooking pot. [OkB] See: p̓y̓q.

snqilt   [sənqílt] Morph: s+n+qil+t. Etym: √ql. 1 • snqilt: Gallagher Lake, name of place about four miles south of Penticton, BC.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ sənqílt. That's Gallagher Lake. [su7q̓im 147]

2 • Istem. snqilt: former village site, now inundated, situated on the west side of the Columbia, almost due west from tk̓mip, opposite the north side of the Spokane River mouth. Lit: above the rapids

Istem. snqilt. [BK138]

3 • Istem. snqilt: general area of the settlement called Northport on the east side of the Columbia.

Istem. Category: Geog. snqilt.

snqiltx   [sənqíltx] Morph: s+n+qil+tx. Etym: √ql. Indians of the Sanpoil subgroup on the Columbia River above and below the mouth of the Spokane.

Istem. snqiltx. Sanpoil Indians. [dict] See: snqilt.

snqixʷmn   [sənqíxʷmən] Morph: sn+qixʷ+mn. Etym: √qxʷ. training.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. ixíʔ uɬ sk̓ʷəl̕laʔxʷílpəms t ksənqíxʷməns. Then he fixed a bed to train horses. [RHorse 031] See: nqixʷp; qixʷ.

snqiʔqíptn   [snqiʔqíptn] Morph: s+n+qiʔ•qíp+tn ? Etym: √qp ?. snqiʔqíptn: area known locally as Jackson Spring.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snqiʔqíptn. Jackson Spring. [BK130]

snqlawtn   [sənql̕áwtṇ] Morph: sn+qlaw+tn. Variant: snqlaw̓tn. Etym: √qlw. money bank.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ ixíʔ utxíˑˑtəm k̓ahkʷqís iʔ sənql̕áwtəns ya ilmíxʷəm. The chief put something for him, he opened his money bank. [GDd1 028] See: sqlaw.

snqlaw̓tn   [sənqláw̓tṇ] Morph: sn+qlaw̓+tn. Variant: snqlawtn. Etym: √qlw̓. bank; money box; wallet; piggy bank; money purse.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ixíʔ sxʷuys iʔ k̓əl sənqláw̓tṇ yaʔ ylmíxʷəm. The chief went to the bank. [dict] ixíʔ ckʷis iʔ sənqláw̓tṇ, iʔ sənqláw̓tṇs axáʔ yaʔ ylmíxʷəm, way̓ ixíʔ c̓əkxíˑˑtəm. So he got the money box, the chief's money box, and he counted it for him. [dict] See: sqlaw̓.

snqltínaʔ   [snqəltínaʔ] Morph: s+n+ql+tínaʔ. Etym: √ql. snqltínaʔ: area, part of which is still above water, located along the terrace above (west from) nɬaʔmínaʔ, on the west side of F.D.R. Lake. Lit: up-on-top side

Istem. snqltínaʔ. Place name. [BK335]

snqltknítaʔkʷ   [sənqəltknítaʔkʷ] Morph: s+n+qltknítaʔkʷ. Etym: √ql. snqltknítaʔkʷ: Nine Mile Creek.

Istem. snqltknítaʔkʷ. Place name.

snqlwtísaʔxn   [snqəlutísaʔxn] Morph: s+n+qlwtísaʔxn. Variant: sntqəqəl̕uʔtísaʔxn. Etym: √ql. snqlwtísaʔxn: a rock which formerly stood alongside Whitestone Creek, near where the creek turns. Lit: footprint in rock

Istem. snqlwtísaʔxn. Place name. [BK77] See: snqlwtísaʔxn.

snqlw̓tisxntn   [snqluʔtísxntn] Morph: s+n+qlw̓tisxn+tn. Etym: √ql. snqlw̓tisxntn: a rocky area, now inundated, just south of the former mouth of Nancy Creek on the west side of the Columbia. Lit: footprint-in-rock place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snqlw̓tisxntn. Place name. [BK371]

snqlxʷskʷist   [sənqəlxʷskʷíst] Morph: sn+qlxʷ+s+kʷist. Etym: √qlxʷ, √kʷst. Indian name.

Istem. twnásq̓ət ɬaʔ ksənʔímaʔt, uɬ ixíʔ iʔ sənqəlxʷskʷísts, t kəw̓kəw̓pínaʔ. Tonasketʼs grandson, and thatʼs his Indian name, kəw̓kəw̓pínaʔ. [Cona33] See: sqilxʷ; skʷist.

snql̕aw̓átkʷm   [snqəl̕aw̓átkʷm] Morph: s+n+ql̕aw̓átkʷ+m. Etym: √ql. snql̕aw̓átkʷm: Jack Creek. Lit: wade in water

Istem. snqəl̕aw̓átkʷm. Place name. [BK32]

snql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ   [snqəl̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ] Morph: s+n+ql̕+tqn̓ítaʔkʷ. Etym: √ql. 1 • snql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ: area where the present-day Silver Creek road crosses Wilmont Creek, about one and three quarter miles north from the present north shore of F.D.R. Lake. Lit: stream above rapids

Istem. snql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ. [BK150]

2 • Istem. snql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ: Nine Mile Creek, northeast of Oroville (birthplace of Dora DeSautel).

Istem. snql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ. Place name.

snqnqtqin   [snəqnəqtqín] Morph: s+nq•nqtqin. Etym: √nqt. salvia (salvia dorrii).

Istem. snqnqtqin. Salvia. [TBK110]

snqpíɬc̓aʔ   [snəqpíɬc̓aʔ. sənqpíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+n+qpíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √qp. cupboard.

Istem. Sp qpéɬc̓eʔ a plate (eating); Cr qepíɬc̓eʔ plate. a ik̓líʔ axáʔ a nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən ik̓líʔ ɬxʷuy k̓əl snəqpíɬc̓aʔ ʕ̓ác̓əm, ilíˑˑʔ ckt̓k̓ʷíw̓s iʔ k̓ənp̓qínkstən. The man-eater went to the cupboard, looked, and the ring is there. [GDd2 424]

snqpíɬc̓aʔtn   [sənqpíɬc̓aʔtṇ] Morph: s+n+qpíɬc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √qp. cupboard.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ t̓əxʷ ilíʔ kt̓k̓ʷíw̓səs iʔ l sənqpíɬc̓aʔtṇ. She had put it there in the cupboard. [dict] See: snqpíɬc̓aʔ.

snqpqpciɬxʷtn   [sənqəpqəpcíɬxʷtṇ] Morph: s+n+qp•qpciɬxʷ+tn. Etym: √qpc. 1 • spring house.

Istem. sənqəpqəpcíɬxʷtən. Spring house. [nb08 251]

2 • Istem. snqpqpciɬxʷtn: the name of one of Coyoteʼs sons (the third ?)

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn, mName. snqpqpciɬxʷtn. See: sqipc.

snqql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ   [snqqəl̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ] Morph: sn+q•ql̕+tqn̓ítaʔkʷ. Etym: √ql. Variant: snql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ. 1 • snqql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ: area where the present-day Silver Creek road crosses Wilmont Creek, about one and three quarter miles north from the present north shore of F.D.R. Lake. Lit: stream above rapids


2 • Istem. snqql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ: Nine Mile Creek, northeast of Oroville (birthplace of Dora DeSautel).

Istem. See: snql̕tqn̓ítaʔkʷ; snqql̕tqn̓itkʷ.

snqql̕tqn̓itkʷ   [snqəqəl̕tqn̓ítkʷ] Morph: sn+q•ql̕+tqn̓itkʷ. Etym: √ql. snqql̕tqn̓itkʷ: area on the west side of the Kettle River just below Boyds. Lit: stream above rapids

Istem. snqəqəl̕tqn̓ítkʷ. Place name. [BK383]

snqql̕tus   [sənqəqəl̕tús] Morph: s+n+q•ql̕+tus. Etym: √ql. 1 • snqql̕tus: Kelley Hill; Little Summit.

Istem. c̓úmlaʔxʷstsəlx axáʔ iʔ k̓ inƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷsəlx t sənqəql̕tús. They call my parents' country Little Summit. [AutPS 198]

2 • Istem. snqql̕tus: area where the present-day Swawilla Basin road reaches the summit of a low hill west of the present-day Sanpoil highway, east from skt̓əqʷt̓əqʷtáɬpqn. Lit: little summit

Istem. snqql̕tus. [BK19]

3 • Istem. snqql̕tus: area located about one mile east and slightly north from sʔiʔxʷəl̕xíp. Lit: little summit

Istem. snqql̕tus. [BK391] Category: Geog.

snqqpaqstxn   [sənqəqpáqstxən] Morph: s+n+q•qpaqstxn. Etym: √qp. a mat to use under one's hip (as mattress).

Istem. Sp √qep soft; č-qpéw̓s a blanket to pad your seat; Cr qep pad; Sh qp-em to bandage; Th √qəp pad warm; Li √qap soft (hide, clothing, etc.). way̓ ixíʔ kʷu ƛ̓aʔɬtíkʷ iksənqəqpáqstxən. I want you to get it for me to put under my hip to lie on. [CoGrSy 072]

snqqscin   [sənqəqscín] Morph: s+nq•q•scin. Etym: √nqs. one spoken word.

Istem. snqqscin. One word. [nb22.97a]

snqsilxʷ   [snəqsílxʷ] Morph: s+nqsilxʷ. Etym: √nqs. one's relatives; one's people or clan; one homogeneous kind.

Istem. way̓ x̌ast sx̌əlx̌áʕlt iʔ p isnəqsílxʷ. Good morning my relatives. [nb26-49 001] ixíʔ iʔ tətwít iʔ naʔɬ stəmtímaʔs iʔ ɬwíntməlx iʔ t sənqsílxʷsəlx. Their people abandoned this boy and her grandmother. [cre18] yaʕyáʕt isənqsílxʷ ṇc̓əspúlaʔxʷ. All my relatives are dead. [dict] uɬ cmistín asənqsílxʷ uɬ antəmxʷúlaʔxʷ. I know your people and your country. [dict] incá kən ṇk̓əwpíls iʔ k̓ isənqsílxʷ. I get lonesome for my people. [dict] ʔasəlspíntk way̓ təl ɬwin isənqsílxʷ, intəmxʷúlaʔxʷ. It's been two years since I left my folks and my country. [dict] snəqsílxʷs. His relative. [su7q̓im 157] uɬ ixíʔ xʷuy iʔ snəqsílxʷs. So his relatives left. [su7q̓im 100] lut akck̓ʷəlɬtaʔnmúsmstəm iʔ snəqsílxʷtət. You will not belittle our People. [nb26-36 002] See: naqs.

snqsíɬc̓aʔ   [snəqsíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+nqsíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √nqs. a room.

Istem. way̓ mat ixíʔ snəqsíɬc̓aʔ. I guess that's another part. [Whal 314] See: nqsíɬc̓aʔ.

snqsiɬxʷm   [snəqsíɬxʷəm] Morph: s+nqsiɬxʷ+m. Variant: s+knqsiɬxʷ+m. Etym: √nqs. a neighbor. Variant: s+knqsiɬxʷ+m.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ axáʔ isnəqsíɬxʷm kícəntəm iʔ t [sl̕ax̌ts]. My neighbor's friend got there. [su7q̓im 171] See: snqsilxʷ.

snq̓ay̓mintn   [sənq̓ay̓míntṇ] Morph: sn+q̓ay̓+min+tn. Etym: √q̓y̓. school.

Istem. Lit: place of always writing Category: sn+^+tn. sənq̓aʔy̓míntn. School. [nb26-33 004] See: q̓y̓min.

snq̓aʔcíntn   [sənq̓aʔcíntn] Morph: sn+q̓aʔcín+tn. Etym: √q̓ʔ. place where one receives communion.

Istem. Cr s+n+q̓íʔcn Blessed Sacrament, communion... Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ əck̓əɬt̓ák̓ʷ axáʔ iʔ l sənq̓aʔcíntn iʔ l k̓əɬʕaləncútn, ilíʔ kiʔ ck̓əɬt̓ák̓ʷ. He way laying where one receives communion, at the rail, he lay there. [Cona63] See: nq̓aʔcí(n); q̓aʔ.

snq̓aʔíls   [sənq̓aʔíls] Morph: s+n+q̓aʔíls. Etym: √q̓ʔ. one's concern or business.

nIstem. isənq̓aʔíls. My concern. [nb23 051] talíʔ xʷʔit isənq̓aʔíls. I have much business. [nb18196.6] See: nq̓aʔíls.

snq̓aʔínaʔ   [sənq̓aʔínaʔ] Morph: s+n+q̓aʔínaʔ. Etym: √q̓ʔ. a pillow; head rest.

Istem. See ? Sp s-n-č̕ʔéneʔ pillow. snq̓aʔínaʔ. Pillow. [dict]

snq̓aʔíw̓s   [sənq̓aʔíw̓s] Morph: sn+q̓aʔíw̓s. Etym: √q̓ʔ. the Moses tribe.

Istem. Sp s-n-q̓ʔéw̓s-i a clan, Colville tribe. snq̓aʔíw̓s. Moses.

snq̓aʔíw̓sx   [sənq̓aʔíw̓s] Morph: s+n+q̓aʔíw̓sx. Etym: √q̓ʔ. Moses people.

Istem. Sp s-n-q̓ʔéw̓s-i a clan, Colville tribe. snq̓aʔíw̓sx. Moses people. [dict] See: snq̓aʔíw̓s.

snq̓liɬxʷtn   [sənq̓əlíɬxʷtən] Morph: s+n+q̓liɬxʷ+tn. Variant: snq̓ltmíɬxʷtn; snq̓ltiɬxʷtn. Etym: √q̓l. a hospital.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snq̓liɬxʷtn Hospital. [nb21.112a] See: q̓l.

snq̓lq̓lxʷax̌nm   [sənq̓əlq̓əlxʷáx̌nəm] Morph: s+n+q̓l•q̓lxʷax̌n+m. Etym: √q̓lxʷ. to be arm in arm. Category: nMstem. axáʔ t sənq̓əlq̓əlxʷáx̌nəmsəlx axáʔ iʔ t səncʔíw̓s. The two brothers hooked her under her arms. [2gts 293] See: q̓lxʷ.

snq̓ltiɬxʷtn   [sənq̓əltíɬxʷtən] Morph: s+n+q̓l+tiɬxʷ+tn. Variant: snq̓ltmíɬxʷtn; snq̓liɬxʷtn. Etym: √q̓l. 1 • hospital; place of cure.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ʕapnáʔ itíʔ kʷu ksxəxtpíkstaʔx way̓ k̓əl sənq̓əltíɬxʷtən. Nowadays when we cut our finger [we go] to the hospital. [lpb515-6] lut ksk̓əɬkícxs iʔ k̓əl sílxʷaʔ iʔ siwɬkʷ, iʔ k̓əl sənq̓əltíɬxʷtṇ. He can never reach the big water, where he's going to doctor himself. [BK163]

2 • Istem. snq̓ltiɬxʷtn: the springs situated east from the present-day Silver Creek road and northeast from the Rogers Bar church. Lit: sick-house (hospital)

Istem. Category: Geog. See: q̓l.

snq̓ltmiɬxʷtn   [sənq̓əltmíɬxʷtən] Morph: s+n+q̓l+t+miɬxʷ+tn. Variant: snq̓liɬxʷtn; snq̓ltiɬxʷtn. Etym: √q̓l. a hospital.

Istem. Cm snq̓iltmáɬxʷtn hospital. Category: sn+^+tn. snq̓ltmiɬxʷtn. Hospital. [nb21.7a] See: q̓l.

snq̓maqs   [sənq̓máqs] Morph: s+n+q̓maqs. Etym: √q̓m. the point of the plow.

Istem. snq̓maqs. The point of the plow. [dict]

snq̓y̓min   [sənq̓y̓mín] Morph: s+n+q̓y̓+min. Etym: √q̓y̓. a school.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. k̓aʔkín mi kaʔkícn iʔ snq̓iʔyúsc iʔ snq̓y̓mín. Where can I find the number for the school. [newles 101] haʔ kʷ ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ k̓l library kʷ ɬə way̓ iʔ tl̕ snq̓əy̓mín. Will you go to the library when you are finished with school? [newles 287] See: q̓y̓min.

snq̓y̓mintn   [sənq̓əy̓míntən] Morph: s+n+q̓y̓+min+tn. Etym: √q̓y̓. school; post office.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snq̓y̓mintn. School. [nb26-33 003; nb18121.5] See: snq̓y̓min.

snq̓y̓us   [sənq̓iʔyús] Morph: s+n+q̓y̓us. Etym: √q̓y̓. a copy; a number; a page.

Istem. Lit: written on the face sənq̓əy̓úsəs. Exact copy. [nb26-10 017] stim̓ iʔ sənq̓iʔyúsc asəntqʷəlqʷltíw̓stən. What is your phone number? [newles 100] ʔaʔúməntxʷ mi k̓ʷúl̕əntxʷ iʔ sənq̓iʔyúsc iʔ l naqs x̌əccíkst. Read and do what's on page one hundred. [newles 277] See: q̓y̓us.

snq̓y̓uss   [sənq̓iʔyúsəs] Morph: s+n+q̓y̓us•s. Etym: √q̓y̓. an exact copy. Lit: written on the face

Istem. sənq̓əy̓úsəs. Exact copy. [nb26-10 017] See: snq̓y̓us.

snqʷaqʷʔaltán   [sənqʷaqʷʔaltán] Morph: sn+qʷa•qʷʔal+tán. Variant: snqʷaʔqʷʔaltán. Etym: √qʷl. 1 • meeting place; court house; speaking place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan.

2 • Istem. snqʷaqʷʔaltán: place, now under water, located immediately southeast from snx̌əx̌əʔíwəltn. Lit: speaking place

Istem. Category: Geog.

snqʷaʔqʷʔaltán   [sənqʷaʔqʷʔaltán] Morph: sn+qʷaʔ•qʷʔal+tán. Variant: snqʷaqʷʔaltán. Etym: √qʷl. court house; meeting place; speaking place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. snqʷaʔqʷʔaltán. Court house. [dict]

snqʷl̕us   [sənqʷl̕ús] Morph: s+n+qʷl̕us. Etym: √qʷl̕. fire-baked bannock.

Istem. Sp s-n-qʷl̕-púleʔxʷ bread baked in the ashes; Cr qʷel̕ kindle, light; qʷil̕ start a fire, kindle. ixíʔ wiʔsx̌ʷáq̓ʷəs məɬ k̓ʷəl̕ɬlkalátəm, kəm̓ k̓ʷúl̕əm t sənqʷl̕ús. After he gets it ground he makes biscuits, or he’ll make bannocks. [dict]

snqʷyatkʷ   [sənqʷyátkʷ] Morph: sn+qʷyatkʷ. Etym: √qʷy. snqʷyatkʷ: the Okanagan River from Oroville or Tonasket south to Brewster.

Istem. Category: Geog.

snqʷʕʷqʷaʕʷqnaʔx   [sənqʷəwqʷáʕʷqnaʔx] Morph: s+n+qʷʕʷ•qʷaʕʷqn+aʔx. Etym: √qʷʕʷ. to be insane.

Istem. sənqʷəwqʷáʕʷqnaʔx. He is insane. [nb10a 126] See: qʷaʕʷqʷʕʷt.

snq̓ʷaʕylqstn   [sənq̓ʷáʕylqstən] Morph: sn+q̓ʷaʕylqs+tn. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. seminary. Lit: place of black robes

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. t̓əxʷ way̓ mat way̓ ʔupənkstɬt̓áq̓əmkst uɬ xʷíc̓xməntəm iʔ ta lʔiws iʔ k̓əl sənq̓ʷáʕylqstən. He must have been sixteen, and his father sent him to the seminary. [Cona59] See: q̓ʷaʕylqs.

snq̓ʷaʔɬqníɬxʷ   [sənq̓ʷaʔɬqníɬxʷ] Morph: sn+q̓ʷaʔɬqníɬxʷ. Variant: nq̓ʷaʔɬqníɬxʷ. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. snq̓ʷaʔɬqníɬxʷ. Lit: Sooty Top Of The House

Istem. Category: mName. iksm̓ayɬtím iʔ cəwcáwts iʔ kʷu m̓ayɬtísəlx q̓sápiʔ aʔ c̓úmstsəlx tə sənq̓ʷaʔɬqníɬxʷ. I will tell about the ways as they told me long ago, the one they called Sooty Top Of The House. [lpb3]

snq̓ʷaʔqíntn   [sənq̓ʷaʔqíntṇ] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷaʔqín+tn. Etym: √q̓ʷʔ. shampoo.

Istem. See Sp n-q̓ʷʔétkʷ-m she laundered the clothes. Category: sn+^+tn. snq̓ʷaʔqíntn. Shampoo. [dict] See: nq̓ʷaʔítkʷm.

snq̓ʷic̓tnm   [sənq̓ʷíc̓tnəm] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷic̓+tn+m. Etym: √q̓ʷc̓. to become a replacement husband. Category: nMstem. ƛ̓lal yaʔ cənx̌íləmstxʷ, anylmíxʷəm, way̓ uɬ ixíʔ asənq̓ʷíc̓tnəm. The one you're afraid of, your boss, is dead, and you'll take his place (as a husband). [dict] Sp n-q̓ʷíc̓-tn deceased brother or sister's living spouse. See: q̓ʷic̓.

snq̓ʷl̕iw̓mmn   [sənq̓ʷl̕íw̓mən] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷl̕iw̓+mn ? Etym: √q̓ʷlw. picking vessel.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. ixíʔ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sənq̓ʷl̕íwməns, iʔ p̓ínaʔ Long ago the People used this birch bark basket to pick berries. [rdgs 010] See: q̓ʷl̕iw̓m.

snq̓ʷɬtaqs   [sənq̓ʷəɬtáqs] Morph: sn+q̓ʷɬ+taqs. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. the share one carries; a chunk of meat; a boy's first kill (given away).

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ ixíʔ sənq̓ʷɬtáqs asl̕áx̌t. That's your partner's share. [Butch 012] way̓ ixíʔ t̓k̓ʷəɬtís iʔ ksənq̓ʷəɬtáqsc. He lay down the deer gift. [BJSeym 288] See: q̓ʷɬ(t).

snq̓ʷɬtiʔstn   [sənq̓ʷəɬtíʔstṇ] Morph: sn+q̓ʷɬ+tiʔst+n. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. quiver; case for carrying arrows; scabbard.

Istem. Sh q̓ʷɬtiʔ quiver; Th /q̓ʷaɬ(t) ~ /ɬq̓ʷəɬ(t) bag for arrows, quiver. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa iʔ sqilxʷ uɬ ksənq̓ʷəɬtíʔstən. Because Indians have scabbards. [CoGrSy 039] uɬ aɬíʔ ilíʔ iʔ l qicks iʔ kɬaʔqís iʔ sənq̓ʷəɬtíʔstəns. And right there where his older brother leaned his quiver. [CoGrSy 152] a kɬc̓q̓íl̕ən, a ksənq̓ʷɬtíʔstən. These arrows, this arrow holder. [bjmd 109] See: q̓ʷɬ(t).

snq̓ʷmam   [sənq̓ʷmám] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷma+m. Etym: √q̓ʷm. feeder (farm implement).

Istem. Sp q̓ʷum(í) piled up, stuffed. way̓ uɬ ixíʔ sənq̓ʷmám uɬ axáʔ ksəxʷník̓uʔsəm. And the feeder must have a cutter. [AutPS 211] See: q̓ʷam.

snq̓ʷmxan1   [sənq̓ʷmxán] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷmxan. Etym: √q̓ʷm. leg stuffing.

Istem. Cr s+n+q̓ʷém+pšn ... lit. cramp of the leg. x̌ʷilsts, uɬ axáʔ iʔ sənq̓ʷmxáns itíʔ a cmək̓mʕák̓ i t k̓əm̓máqstxənsəlx. She got rid of him, and of the leg stuffings that made her legs big and beautiful. [bjmd 096] See: q̓ʷam.

snq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnm   [sənq̓ʷəq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəm] Morph: sn+q̓ʷ•q̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxn+m. Etym: √q̓ʷƛ̓ʔ. one to race with. Category: nMstem. way̓ axáʔ aksənq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəm. This is the one youʼll be racing with. [race49] Cm q̓ʷaʔ‑q̓ʷuƛ̓‑aʔ–xn‑m foot or horse race. See: q̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnm.

snq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxntn   [snq̓ʷəq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxntṇ] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷ•q̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxn+tn. Etym: √q̓ʷƛ̓ʔ. snq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxntn: the area known as the "Daisy Flats," now inundated, stretching along the former east side of the Columbia from Gifford to Daisy, a distance of about four miles. Also known as nəx̌sáləqʷ. Lit: race-track place

Istem. Category: +tn. snq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxntn. Place name. [BK225] See: q̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxn.

snq̓ʷuctn   [sənq̓ʷúctən] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷuc+tn. Etym: √q̓ʷc. lard bucket.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ k̓əɬxʷípməlx axáʔ kɬcqəntísəlx axáʔ iʔ sənq̓ʷúctən iʔ ɬkap. They spread a tablecloth, and they put a lard bucket on it. [HnTrp 083] uɬ axáʔ nc̓əxʷəntíxʷ iʔ l sənq̓ʷúctən t̓əxʷ axáʔ iʔ l ɬəɬkápaʔ Pour water in a lard bucket, a little bucket. [Brth 061] See: q̓ʷuct.

snq̓ʷy̓mncutn   [sənq̓ʷəyməncútṇ] Morph: s+n+q̓ʷy̓+mncut+n. Etym: √q̓ʷy̓. dance hall.

Istem. Sp s-n-q̓ʷiʔ-m-n-cú-tn a modern dance hall; Cr hn+q̓ʷiy̓+m+ncút+n dancing place, ballroom. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ ixíʔ q̓ʷic̓t axáʔ iʔ siləmxʷíɬxʷ iʔ sənq̓ʷəyməncútən The boss's house, the dance hall, filled up. [GDd2 731] ixíʔ ṇq̓ʷíc̓ət axáʔ iʔ l sylmxʷíɬxʷ iʔ l sənq̓ʷəyməncútṇ. The boss's house was full, the dance hall. [dict] See: q̓ʷy̓mncut; q̓ʷy̓ílx.

snsaʕnt   [sənsáʕnt] Morph: sn•saʕn+t. Etym: √sʕn. to be gentle; to be tame.

Istem. Sp sn̓sán̓-t. gentle wind, a very gentle horse; Cm ṣə̣n‑p be tame, calm; also ṣéənṣə̣nt; Cr s+sán̓+sn̓+t it is a broken, tamed horse. Gram: Cm ṣ, ə̣ confirm the pharyngeal Category: +t. snsaʕnt. Gentle. [dict]

snsíncaʔ   [sənsíncaʔ] Morph: sn•síncaʔ. Etym: √sn. younger brothers.

Istem. Category: kin, kin. kən ksxʷúyaʔx aɬíʔ myaɬ kʷu ƛ̓əxʷɬtís iʔ sútən isənsíncaʔ I am going, because she has killed my brothers. [cogrzd 021] See: síncaʔ.

snsinxʷ   [sənsínxʷ] Morph: s+n+sinxʷ. Etym: √snxʷ. snsinxʷ (Maxine Baptiste).

Istem. Category: wName. sənsínxʷ. Maxine Baptiste. [nb26-48 007]

snsísncaʔ   [sənsísəncaʔ] Morph: s+n+sí•sncaʔ. Etym: √sn. younger brothers.

Istem. Category: kin. sənsísəncaʔs. His little brothers. [nb24-01 011] See: snsíncaʔ.

snsísuʔxn   [sənsísuʔxən] Morph: sn+si•sw̓xn. Etym: √sw̓. socks; foot rags; stockings.

Istem. See: snsisw̓xn.

snsisw̓xn   [sənsísuʔxən] Morph: sn+si•sw̓xn. Etym: √sw̓. socks; foot rags; stockings.

Istem. q̓aʔx̌áns, ksənsísuʔxəns, kɬlasmísc, uɬ axáʔ kɬk̓ɬir̓cíns. Shoes, socks, shirts, a handkerchief for his neck. [GDd1 110]

snsiwɬkʷtn   [sənsíwɬkʷtṇ] Morph: sn+siwɬkʷ+tn. Etym: √swɬ. liquor store; (liquor) bottle.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snsiwɬkʷtn. Liquor store. [nb22.15a] See: siwɬkʷ.

snsiw̓stn   [sənsíw̓stən] Morph: sn+siw̓s+tn. Etym: √sw̓s. tavern, bar.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. k̓əl sənsíw̓stən. To the bar. [nb1880.7] See: siw̓st.

snsmaʔskʷíst   [sənsmaʔskʷíst] Morph: sn+smaʔ+s+kʷíst. Etym: √smʔ, √kʷst. English name; white person's name.

Istem. iʔ sənsmaʔskʷíst. English name. [nb21.73a] See: sámaʔ; skʷist.

snspilx   [sənspílx] Morph: s+n+s+pilx. Etym: √pl. snspilx: Nespelem people; a person from Nespelem.

Istem. sənspílx. People from Nespelem. [nb9a 109] See: nspilm.

snstils   [sənstíls] Morph: s+n+st+ils. Etym: √st. one's thought or thinking.

nIstem. q̓əy̓ntíxʷ anwí asənstíls iʔ sm̓ay̓áy̓s sənk̓líp. Write what you think of Coyote's story. [newles 278] lut t̓ isənstíls aksɬwínəm asənk̓ʷəɬmrím. I didn't think you would leave your wife. [dict] See: nstils.

snsulmn   [sənsúlmn] Morph: sn+sul+mn. Etym: √sl. freezer.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. caʔkʷ t̓əxʷ ɬə ksənsúlmnəlx, way̓ uníxʷ kiʔ ckʷukscútəlx. If they had freezers for sure they would be lucky. [Green.80] See: sul.

snsuʔúx   [sənsuʔúx] Morph: sn+su[ʔ]úx. Etym: √sx. Indian summer.


snsysyus   [sənsisyús] Morph: s+n+sy•syus. Etym: √sy. smart ones.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ ta nc̓íʔcən [u]ɬ ixíʔ xaʔtús iʔ sənsysyúscəlx. This Wolf is the leader, the smartest of all. [BJSeym 169] See: sysyus.

snsʕaɬqʷ   [snsəʕáɬqʷ] Morph: s+n+sʕaɬqʷ. Etym: √sʕ. west wind.

Istem. See Sp c-háɬq-m the warm chinook wind is blowing. snsʕaɬqʷ. West wind. [OkB]

sntakíy̓mn   [sntaʔkímn] Morph: sn+takíy̓+mn. Variant: sntkiy̓mn. Etym: √tky̓. urinal.

Istem. Sp s-n-tečéy̓-tn bladder, urinal, toilet.; Cm tkay̓m tkay̓‑m to urinate, pee; Cr i+čs+tččíy̓+ey̓ diuretic ... lit. H/s is disturbed with too much urine; Sh tkey urine. Category: sn+^+mn. sntakíy̓mn. Urinal. See: tkiy̓.

sntaʔkíntn   [səntaʔkíntṇ] Morph: sn+taʔkín+tn. Etym: √tʔ. sntaʔkíntn: area now underwater, situated on the east side of the Columbia, north of the former mouth of (East) Stranger Creek. Lit: pounding place Category: sn+^+tn. sntaʔkíntn. Place name. [BK218]

sntaʔɬwlwlímtn   [səntaʔɬululímtən] Morph: s+n+taʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím+tn. Etym: √tʔ, √wlm. a forge.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ ia ur̓ísəlp̓əm uɬ ixíʔ iʔ l səntaʔɬululímtən. So he made a fire in the forge. [Brth 022] See: taʔ; wlwlim.

sntim̓tn   [səntím̓tṇ] Morph: sn+tim̓+tn. Etym: √tm̓. storage.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ lut t̓a cmistím stim̓ səntím̓tən ixíʔ. We don't know what is in there. [Whal 148] See: stim̓.

sntkiy̓mn   [səntkíʔmən] Morph: s+n+tkiy̓+mn. Variant: sntakíy̓mn. Etym: √tky̓. urinal; place where one urinates.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. səntkíʔmən. Urinal. [dict]

sntkɬɬxwiltn   [sntkɬəɬxəwíltṇ] Morph: s+n+t+kɬ•ɬ+xwil+tn. Etym: √kɬ, xwl. sntkɬɬxwiltn: area on the west side of the Columbia, part of which is still under water, across from Bossburg. Lit: place where trail separates

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sntkɬəɬxəwíltn. Place name. [BK401] See: sntkɬxwiltn.

sntkɬxwiltn   [səntkəɬxwíltən] Morph: sn+tkɬ+xwil+tn. Etym: √tkɬ, √xwl. sntkɬxwiltn: unidentified place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ kən səsƛ̓aʔsqáx̌aʔx c̓úmlaʔxʷstsəlx səntkəɬxwíltən. I was looking for a horse, they call the place sntkɬxwiltn. [Hrvst 003] See: sntkɬɬxwiltn.

sntk̓iwlxtn   [səntk̓íwləxtən] Morph: sn+t+k̓iw+lx+tn. Etym: √k̓w. ladder; steps; stairs.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. mat aɬíʔ ksəntk̓íwlxtən. There must be something to climb on. [CoGrSy 5096] kʷm̓iɬ sck̓əɬníxəls təl stqʷáy̓səlx iʔ təl səntk̓íwləxtən. All at once she heard them run down the stairs. [nb1248.6] See: tk̓iwlx.

sntk̓iwlxtns wapwpxn   [səntk̓iwlxtəns wápupxn] Morph: sn+t+k̓iwlx+tn-s wap•wpxn. Etym: √k̓w; √wp. sntk̓iwlxtns wapwpxn: area, now under water, along the former west side of the Columbia, directly across from c̓um̓xn. Lit: lynx's climbing place

phrasal. Category: Geog. sntk̓iwlxtns wapwpxn. Place name. [BK227] See: sntk̓iwlxtn; wapwpxn.

sntk̓wiwlxtn   [səntk̓əwíwləxtən] Morph: sn+t+k̓w•iwlx+tn. Etym: √k̓w. a place where s.o. has climbed.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. iʔ l səntk̓əwíwləxtnsəlx kiʔ ɬq̓ʷut iʔ síɬxʷaʔ iʔ sw̓ar̓ák̓xən. A big frog lay in the place where they had climbed. [bfp56] See: sntk̓iwlxtn.

sntkʷlwtiw̓stn   [səntkʷlwtíw̓stən] Morph: sn+t+kʷlwtiw̓s+tn. Etym: √kʷl. horses to ride on.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. xʷíc̓əɬts iʔ sk̓ʷuys yayáʕt iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ, uɬ mnímɬcəlx t̓i itlíʔ kʷníməlx tə ɬxʷuyʔylx ɬ ksəntkʷlwtíw̓stənsəlx. He gave to his mother all the horses, and they took them to go back, to ride. [dc91] See: kʷliwt.

sntkʷl̕kʷall̕íw̓stn̓   [səntkʷl̕kʷall̕íw̓stn̓] Morph: s+n+t+kʷl̕•kʷal•l̕꞊íw̓s+tn̓. Etym: √kʷl̕. thistles (cirsium undulatum and c vulgare). Lit: B’s etym: place where they sit down, land in the middle

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sntkʷl̕kʷall̕íw̓stn̓. Thistles. [TBK83]

sntkʷnkʷnimtn   [sətkʷənkʷnímtṇ] Morph: s+n+t+kʷn•kʷni+m+tn. Etym: √kʷn. handle; s.t. to hold on to.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sntkʷnkʷnimtn. Handle. [dict] See: tkʷnkʷnim.

sntɬxsqáx̌aʔtn   [səntɬxsqáx̌aʔtṇ] Morph: s+n+tɬxsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Etym: √tɬx. barn.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. səntɬxsqáx̌aʔtn. Barn (one stands). [nb26-19 010] See: ntɬxsqáx̌aʔtn.

sntmtmniʔtn   [səntəmtəmníʔtən] Morph: s+n+tm•tmniʔ+tn. Etym: √tmnʔ. graveyard.

Istem. Sp s-n-tmtm-néy̓-tn; Cm n-tm-tmnay̓‑tn; Cr hn-+tm+tm+tmníʔ+n. Category: sn+^+tn. ixíʔ xʷúysts iʔ k̓əl səntəmtəmníʔtṇ, mat t̓əxʷ ksəntəmtəmníʔtṇ, məɬ wiʔsx̌cəmstísəlx way̓ líq̓əsəlx. Then they took him to the graveyard, I guess there's a graveyard, and when they got him ready they buried him. [GDd1 134] See: tmtmniʔ.

sntm̓aʔstímaʔtn   [sntətm̓aʔstímaʔtn̓] Morph: s+n+tm̓aʔ+s+tímaʔ+tn. Etym: √tm, √tm. Gram: an apparent compound, albeit irregular purse.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sntətm̓aʔstímaʔtn̓. Stuff, baggage. [OkB] See: sttm̓tim̓.

sntm̓ustn   [səntm̓ústṇ] Morph: sn+tm̓us+tn. Etym: √tm̓. a place where to trap fish.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. səntm̓ústəns iʔ sqilxʷ. Where people trap fish. [nb21.69a] See: tm̓usm.

sntqlɬxwiltn   [səntqəlɬxəwíltṇ] Morph: s+n+t+ql+ɬ+xwilt+n. Etym: √ql, √xw. sntqlɬxwiltn: unidentified place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn, Geog. uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔ sənqəltúsx təl səntqəlɬxəwíltən. That's the little summit that goes from səntqəlɬxəwíltən. [AutPS 199]

sntqmɬwiltn   [səntqəmɬwíltən] Morph: sn+tqmɬwiltn. Etym: ?. ??


sntqqinm   [səntqqínəm] Morph: sn+tqqin+m. Etym: √tq. to vote. Lit: putting a thumb print Category: nMstem. sntqqinm. Voting. [nb5.1a] See: tq2.

sntqql̕w̓tísaʔxn   [sntqəqəl̕uʔtísaʔxn] Morph: s+n+t+q•ql̕w̓tísaʔxn. Variant: snqlwtísaʔxn. Etym: √ql. sntqql̕w̓tísaʔxn: a rock which formerly stood alongside Whitestone Creek, near where the creek turns. Lit: footprint in rock

Istem. Category: Geog. sntqql̕w̓tísaʔxn Place name. [BK77] See: snqlwtísaʔxn.

sntqx̌íc̓aʔtn   [səntqx̌íc̓aʔtən] Morph: sn+t+qx̌íc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √qx̌. apple shed.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. k̓asasíləm iʔ ƛ̓əx̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp, ixíʔ ɬaʔ ck̓ʷúl̕əm q̓sápiʔ iʔ la səntqx̌íc̓aʔtən. Theyʼre both elders, they were working long ago in an apple shed. [gl103]

sntq̓aʔy̓alqʷtn   [səntq̓aʔy̓alqʷtṇ] Morph: sn+t+q̓aʔy̓alqʷ+tn. Etym: √q̓y̓. blackboard.

Istem. Ques: ʔ or no ʔ ? Category: sn+^+tn. səntq̓aʔy̓álqʷtn. Blackboard. [nb26-33 001] tqant iʔ səntq̓aʔy̓álqʷtən. Touch the blackboard! [nb26-33 025] xʷistx k̓əl səntq̓ay̓álqʷtən. Walk as far as the board! [misc 223] ... mi q̓əy̓ntíxʷ iʔ naqs iʔ sq̓əy̓áy̓s iʔ k̓l səntq̓ay̓álqʷtn. ... and write the number one on the board. [nb26-56 05] See: sntq̓y̓alqʷtn; q̓ay̓.

sntq̓y̓alqʷtn   [səntq̓y̓alqʷtṇ] Morph: sn+t+q̓y̓alqʷ+tn. Etym: √q̓y̓. writing board.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ʕac̓nt iʔ səntq̓y̓álqʷtən. Look at the writing board! [newles 266] See: q̓ay̓.

sntqʷlqʷltiw̓stn   [səntqʷəlqʷəltíw̓stṇ] Morph: sn+t+qʷl•qʷl+tiw̓s+tn. Etym: √qʷl. telephone.

Istem. Lit: The pattern / design on my phone is... Category: sn+^+tn. stim̓ iʔ snq̓iʔyúsc asəntqʷlqʷltíw̓stən. What is your phone number? [newles 100] axáʔ iʔ sq̓əy̓áy̓s isəntqʷəlqʷəltíw̓stən. My phone number is... [newles 219] See: qʷlqʷltiw̓s.

sntr̓qmin   [səntr̓əqmín] Morph: s+n+tr̓q+min. Etym: √tr̓q. dance house; dance hall.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. səntr̓əqmín. Dance hall. [OkB] See: ntr̓qmin.

sntr̓r̓us   [səntər̓r̓ús] Morph: s+n+tr̓•r̓us. Etym: √tr̓. background.

Istem. nʔáwqən iʔ səntər̓r̓úsc. The background of En'owkin. [nb26-70 009(DD)] See: trr.

snttm̓tim̓tn   [səntətəm̓tím̓tṇ] Morph: s+n+t+tm̓•tim̓+tn. Etym: √tm̓. wardrobe; clothing store; place to store clothes.

Istem. Cm snttám̓tam̓tn trunk, suitcase. Category: sn+^+tn. k̓ahk̓ʷqís ia lkasáts iʔ səntətəm̓tím̓təns ilíʔ nt̓ək̓ʷəntís. She opened the trunk where her clothes are, she put it there. [GDd1 510] uɬ ilíʔ ksəntətəm̓tím̓tən. And there is a thing to store things in. [GDd2 404] uɬ axáʔ xʷúysts iʔ sqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔas k̓əl səntətəm̓tím̓tṇ. And then he took his children to the clothing store. [dict] See: ttm̓tim̓tn.

sntwmistn   [səntumístən] Morph: sn+tw+mist+n. Etym: √tw. a store.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷáʔ pnicíʔ uɬ way̓ uɬ a ksql̕aw, kəm̓ ksəntumístən kəm stim̓, lut At that time there was no money, or stores, or anything. [MarryPS 022] k̓ʷƛ̓əntín iʔ təl səntumístən inʕatʕítmən. I took out my store-bought teeth. [nb18101.15] uɬ axáʔ cus ya ksəntumístən t̓əxʷ iʔ l stətəm̓tím̓. And then he told the owner of the clothing store. [nb1226.5] uɬ lut kʷa aláʔ əl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ t̓a ksəntumístən. There were no stores in this country. [gregory 111] uɬ axáʔ iʔ təl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ pnicíʔ axáʔ lut t̓ aksntumístn axáʔ aláʔ. In this country at that time there was no store here. [su7q̓im 168] kʷu ksxʷúyaʔx k̓l səntumístən mi kʷu nʔísəm t sqʔim naʔɬ ʔaʔúsaʔ We are going to the store to buy milk and eggs. [newles 322] See: twmist.

sntxlktan   [səntxəlktán] Morph: s+n+t+xlk+tan. Etym: √xlk. race track; point or place where to turn around (e.g. in a race).

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. ixíʔ iʔ səntxəlktáns iʔ sqilxʷ ɬaʔ cq̓ʷq̓ʷúʔƛ̓aʔxnəm. that's the track where the People race. [mychildr 066] uɬ k̓aʔkín iʔ səntxəlktán. And where is the turn around place? [2gts 143] See: xlak.

sntxʷcncutn   [səntəxʷcəncútən] Morph: sn+txʷcn+cut+n. Etym: √txʷ. place of food-gathering.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ səntəxʷcəncútəns. That's the Indians' food-gathering place. [su7q̓im 017] ilíʔ ɬəcwəxwíxəlx iʔ l səntxʷcəncútənsəlx. They lived where their gathering places were. [lpb218] See: txʷcncut.

sntxʷsiw̓s   [səntxʷsíw̓s] Morph: s+n+txʷsiw̓s. Etym: √txʷ. to be in a reciprocal relationship with a sntxʷus.

Istem. Sp s-n-txʷús adult sister, adult female cousin. Category: kin. sntxʷsiw̓s. Cousin. [E60.30] See: sntxʷus.

sntxʷtxʷus   [səntəxʷtxʷús] Morph: s+n+txʷ•txʷus. Etym: √txʷ. cousins.

Istem. Category: kin. səntəxʷtxʷús. Cousins. [nb25-22 008] See: sntxʷus.

sntxʷus   [səntxʷús] Morph: s+n+txʷus. Variant: ntxʷus. Gram: also appellative form: female addressing coeval female or coeval addressing a member of the opposite sex. This usage is becoming obsolete. Etym: √txʷ. sibling; cousin; partner.

Istem. Sp s-n-txʷús adult sister, adult female cousin; Cm sntxʷús brother; male cousin; close male to male friend. Category: kin. txʷístmənt asəntxʷús mi tqəntíxʷ. Walk to your partner and touch him. [nb26-33 021] isəntxʷús səxʷlk̓ám. My sister is a police officer. [newles 298] kʷ isəntxʷús. You are my relative (a woman addressing a man, but not viceversa--these restrictions are no longer observed). [nb22.11a]

sntx̌ʷaw̓sqn   [səntx̌ʷáw̓sqən] Morph: s+n+tx̌ʷaw̓sqn. Etym: √tx̌ʷ. the crown of the head.

Istem. sntx̌ʷaw̓sqn. Head. [OkB] See: tx̌ʷ.

sntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin   [səntəx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín] Morph: s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin. Variant: ntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin. Etym: √tx̌ʷ. noon.

Istem. inx̌mínk ikswíkm iʔ səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm ɬə ksx̌an iʔ sntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. I would like to see the counsellor when it's past noon. [newles 285] lútiʔ ksntəx̌ʷx̌ʷqíns mi wiʔstíxʷ ascq̓iʔxtwíxʷ. You will finish your letter before noon. [newles 300] See: ntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin.

sntyaqʷtn   [səntyáqʷtən] Morph: sn+tyaqʷ+tn. Etym: √tyqʷ. battle ground; place of fight.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ lut iʔ txiʔ iʔ səntyáqʷtənsəlx xʷəm t̓i sənc̓íqʷmən. Goodness, their battle area was like a butchering place. [lpb100] axáʔ iʔ səntyáqʷtəntət iʔ naʔɬ nk̓sils taʔx̌ís kiʔ cɬʔiq̓ʷ. This is where we fought the mean one. That̓s where he appeared. [lpb396] See: tyaqʷt.

sntʕatʕaníɬxʷtn   [səntʕatʕaníɬxʷtən] Morph: s+n+taʕ•taʕníɬxʷ+tn. Etym: √tʕn. salmon spawning place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. səntʕatʕaníɬxʷtən. Place where salmon spawn. [nb23 054] See: tʕányaʔ.

snt̓áluyaʔqn   [sənt̓áluyaʔqən] Morph: sn+t̓áluyaʔqn. Etym: √t̓lyʔ. ?

Istem. lut t̓a cʔístəm iʔ sənt̓áluyaʔqən. We don’t eat the sənt̓áluyaʔqən. [E5]

snt̓aq̓m   [sənt̓áq̓əm] Morph: s+n+t̓aq̓+m. Etym: √t̓q̓. a crossing place; a valley. Category: nMstem. way̓ uɬ naqs sənt̓áq̓əms iʔ ta cəlʕ̓ʷútəm i kiʔ nkəcníkiʔs. He crossed a big valley and he overtook him. [Nams 116] See: t̓aq̓m.

snt̓aʕpmín   [sənt̓aʕpmín] Morph: s+n+t̓aʕp+mín. Etym: √t̓ʕp. one's shooting.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. ixíʔ uɬ k̓əɬwíkxsəlx iʔ sənt̓aʕpmíns iʔ t sƛ̓aʔcínəm. They saw signs where he shot a deer. [lnxbdga 315] See: t̓aʕp1.

snt̓aʕpsqílxʷtn   [sənt̓aʕpsqílxʷtṇ] Morph: s+n+t̓aʕp+s+ílxʷ+tn. Etym: √t̓p, √qlxʷ. a shot; to have a shot (at s.t.)

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ way̓ lut mat t̓a ksənt̓ʕapsqílxʷtn t̓a ksnuksqílxʷ. I guess he didn't even get a shot at it. [BJSeym 443] See: t̓aʕpsqílxʷ.

snt̓aʔqxán   [sənt̓aʔqxán] Morph: sn+t̓aʔqxán. Etym: √t̓q. 1 • large snowflakes (typical of early spring snow; mythologically associated with the falling of Crow's moccasin stuffings).

Istem. iʔ cəcmíyaʔs cəx̌ʷcəx̌ʷpúɬ uɬ iʔ snt̓aʔqxán p̓sƛ̓ʔiys. The little flakes are [called] qp:cəx̌ʷcəx̌ʷpúɬ and the big flakes snt̓aʔqxán. [E6]

2 • Istem. stockings.

Istem. snt̓aʔqxán. Stockings. [dict]

snt̓ik̓ltn   [sənt̓ík̓ltṇ] Morph: sn+t̓ik̓l+tn. Etym: √t̓k̓l. lunch bag; food storage.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. kt̓əl̕t̓l̕íw̓s isənt̓ík̓ltn. My lunch bag is torn in the middle. [misc 037] See: t̓ik̓l.

snt̓il̕l̕tn   [sənt̓íl̕l̕tn] Morph: s+n+t̓il̕•l̕+tn. Etym: √t̓l̕. box; chest.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snt̓il̕l̕tn. Box. [dict]

snt̓k̓ʷncaʕntn   [sənt̓ək̓ʷncáʕntən] Morph: sn+t̓k̓ʷ+ncaʕn+tn. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. snt̓k̓ʷncaʕntn: Little Beach (near Ashnola).

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snt̓k̓ʷncaʕntn Place name. [E56.4]

snt̓k̓ʷtan   [sənt̓ək̓ʷtán] Morph: s+n+t̓k̓ʷ+tan. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. a resting place; a mark left by s.t. laying down.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. way̓, huhúy kʷa ɬcíx̌əlxskʷ, ik̓lí k̓əl sənt̓ək̓ʷtáns. OK, move it back now to where it was down before. [Nams 231] úɬiʔ sənt̓ək̓ʷtáns, itlíʔ xʷt̓ilx uɬ k̓əɬsəl̕xán. There's the mark where he lay down, then he got up and there are no more tracks. [dict] See: t̓k̓ʷ(a).

snt̓lúlaʔxʷtn   [sənt̓lúlaʔxʷtən] Morph: s+n+t̓lúlaʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √t̓l. a plow.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. See: nt̓lúlaʔxʷtn.

snt̓pink   [sənt̓pínk] Morph: s+n+t̓pink ? Etym: √t̓ʕp ?. a gun.

Istem. cun kway̓ axáʔ kən kɬc̓q̓ílən, ilíʔ t̓iʔ paʔpút iʔ sənt̓pínktət. I said to him, "I have more cartridges, our guns are the same." [HnTrp 245] See: t̓aʕp1.

snt̓qʷmin   [sənt̓qʷmín] Morph: sn+t̓qʷ+min. Variant: snt̓q̓ʷmin. Etym: √t̓qʷ. sewing machine.

Istem. Sp s-n-t̓qʷ-mín sewing machine. Category: sn+^+min. ha kʷ ksənt̓qʷmín. Do you have a sewing machine? [nb6138]

snt̓q̓ʷmin   [sənt̓əq̓ʷmín] Morph: s+n+t̓q̓ʷ+min. Variant: snt̓qʷmin. Etym: √t̓q̓ʷ. sewing machine.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. sənt̓əq̓ʷmín. Sewing machine. [dict]

snt̓t̓k̓ʷncutn   [sənt̓ət̓k̓ʷəncútən] Morph: sn+t̓•t̓k̓ʷ+ncut+n. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. a cot.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənt̓ət̓k̓ʷəncútən. Cot. [nb21.148] See: t̓k̓ʷncut.

snt̓wistn   [sənt̓wistṇ] Morph: s+n+t̓wist+n. Etym: √t̓wst. a horse stall.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən uɬ t̓əxʷ lut t̓a ksənt̓wístən t̓a ksnʔamənsqáx̌aʔtən. And the barn has got no more stalls or feed places. [AutPS 353] See: t̓wist.

snt̓wsqáx̌aʔtn   [sənt̓əwsqáx̌aʔtən] Morph: s+n+t̓wsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Variant: snt̓wstsqáx̌aʔtn. Etym: √t̓w. a barn.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. c̓x̌iɬt iʔ sənt̓əwsqáx̌aʔtən, uɬ aɬíʔ q̓ʷuyq̓ʷúylaʔxʷ. Like the barn, there is no air there. [BJSeym 228] See: t̓wist.

snt̓wstsqáx̌aʔtn   [sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən] Morph: s+n+t̓wstsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Variant: snt̓wsqáx̌aʔtn. Etym: √t̓wst. a barn.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ kʷ xʷuy k̓əl sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən. And now you can go to the barn. [nb1237.8] uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ inƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp uɬ aɬíʔ ksənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən. My folks had a barn. [Hrvst 120] way̓ wiʔstkʷlˑíw̓səlx uɬ c̓ácəcqaʔḷx iʔ təl sənt̓əwstsqáx̌aʔtṇ. They were already on horses coming out of the barn. [dict] See: t̓wist.

snt̓ynaʔscútxtm   Morph: s+n+t̓ynaʔ+scút+xt+m. Etym: √t̓y. one's disputing a word.

nTstem. Category: +xt+m. way̓ ixíʔ lut anwí isənt̓inaʔscút iʔ l kʷu qʷəlqʷílstxʷ, uɬ lut incá kən kʷu asənt̓inaʔscútxtəm. I didn't dispute your word to me, don't you dispute my word. [dict] See: nt̓ynaʔscút.

snt̓yt̓yínaʔ   [sənt̓it̓yínaʔ] Morph: s+n+t̓y•t̓yínaʔ. Etym: √t̓y. stubborness, hard-headedness.

Istem. snt̓yt̓yínaʔ. Stubborness. [dict] See: nt̓yt̓yínaʔ.

snwal   [sənwál] Morph: s+nwal. From: French Noël. Etym: √nwl. Christmas.

Istem. kʷu k̓əɬxʷəc̓xtwíxʷ i l sənwál. We exchanged gifts at Christmas. [nb1879.3]

snwíkʷmiʔstn   [sənwíkʷmiʔstən] Morph: sn+wíkʷ+miʔst+n. Variant: snwíkʷmistn. Etym: √wkʷ. a hiding place; a place to hide.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ iʔ səntxʷúsəmp iʔ sənwíkʷmiʔstəns ixíʔ k̓aʔɬáʔ a ct̓t̓aqʷ. There is your sister's hiding place, over there at that little brush. [lpb398] axáʔ isənwíkʷmistən aláʔ ki kən wíkʷmist. This was my hiding place, I hid here. [lpb406] See: wíkʷmiʔst.

snwist   [sənwíst] Morph: s+n+wist. Etym: √wst. height.

Istem. c̓x̌iɬ taʔkín iʔ snwists ascənsámaʔcn. How high is your English Language grade? [newles 282] See: nwist1.

snwksqilxʷ   [snuksqílxʷ] Morph: s+n+wk+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √wk, √qlxʷ. to look.

Istem. uɬ way̓ lut mat t̓a ksənt̓ʕapsqílxʷtn t̓a ksnuksqílxʷ. I guess he didn't even get a shot at it, to look at it. [BJSeym 443] See: wksqilxʷ.

snwlaʔstíp   [snulaʔstíp] Morph: s+n+wlaʔstíp. Etym: √wl. boiled eggs.

Istem. snulaʔstíp. Boiled eggs. [dict] See: wl(a).

snwlpqin   [snwulpqín] Morph: s+n+wl+pqin. Etym: √wl. a stroke.

Istem. snwulpqín. Stroke. [OkB] See: wl(a).

snwlsalqʷ   [snwulsálqʷ] Morph: s+n+wlsalqʷ. Etym: √wl. stove pipe, smoke vent.

Istem. Sp √wir (wil) to burn; Cr gʷel blaze; Sh wl-em to burn. snwulsálqʷ. Stove pipe. [dict] See: wl(a).

snwlwlmúsaʔstn   [snululmúsaʔstṇ] Morph: s+n+wl•wlmúsaʔst+n. Variant: snwlwlmúsaʔst. Etym: √wlm. arrow points.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ tə nyʕ̓ip iʔ sənululmúsaʔstən ck̓ʷul̕sts iʔ t sútən. The old lady always fixes the arrow heads with things. [cogrzd 014] uɬ axáʔ iʔ la nyq̓pálqstəns ilíʔ k̓əɬq̓aʔntís iʔ sənululmúsaʔstən. He stuck the arrow heads in his belt. [cogrzd 026]

snwmixtn   [snumíxtən] Morph: sn+wmix+tn. Etym: √wmx. place where individuals receive their spirit power.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. isnumíxtən. The place where I received my spirit power. [nb21.162a] See: swmix.

snwpaqs   [snuwˑpáqs] Morph: sn+wpaqs. Etym: √wp. nostril hair.

Istem. snwpaqs. Nostril hair. [pd03] See: wp.

snwpsaqstn   [snupsáqstn] Morph: sn+wpsaqs+tn. Etym: √wp ?. stem of fruit.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snupsáqstn. Stem of fruit. [dict]

snwpups   [snupúps] Morph: sn+wpups. Etym: √wp. pubic hair; hair on the anus of an animal.

Istem. snwpups. Hair on the anus of an animal. [pd03] See: wp.

snwpwpax̌n   [snupupáx̌n] Morph: s+n+wp•wpax̌n. Etym: √wp. hair under the arms.

Istem. Sp √wup hairy, fuzzy; hec-n-ʔopopáx̌n he has hair under his arms; Cm hair on arms swpax̌n; Cr gʷep grassy ... hairy; Sh x-wp-ex̌n hair under arm. snwupwupáx̌n. Hair under the arms. [dict] See: wp.

snwpwpínaʔ   [snupupínaʔ] Morph: sn+wp•wpínaʔ. Etym: √wp. hair in (both) ears.

Istem. See: wp.

snwrislp̓tn   [snurísəlp̓tən] Morph: sn+wrislp̓+tn. Variant: snwr̓islp̓tn. Etym: √wr. a stove; a fireplace.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ aɬíʔ mat axáʔ iʔ l suʔwíkiʔst iʔ snur̓ísəlp̓təns. I suppose her cooking stove is electric. [GDd1 337] axáʔ qʷámqʷəmt axáʔ iʔ snur̓ísəlp̓təntət. There is a good fireplace here. [HnTrp 079] See: war.

snwrpsúlaʔxʷ   [snwərpsúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+n+wrpsúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √wr. snwrpsúlaʔxʷ (Chief Barnaby).

Istem. snwərpsúlaʔxʷ. Chief Barnaby. [OkB]

snwr̓islp̓tn   [snur̓ísəlp̓tən] Morph: s+n+wr̓islp̓+tn. Variant: snwrislp̓tn. Etym: √wr̓. fireplace.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. See: war.

snwr̓min   [sənur̓mín] Morph: s+n+wr̓+min. Etym: √wr̓. fireplace.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. axáʔ iʔ sənur̓míntət. Here is our fireplace. [lpb390] See: war.

snwʔis   [sənuʔís] Morph: sn+w[ʔ]is. Etym: √ws. the time just after sunrise. Lit: the sun has started its rise

Istem. Category: ʔInch. snwʔis. Sunrise. [nb21.49a] See: nwist1.

snw̓rm̓in̓   [sənw̓rm̓ín̓] Morph: sn+w̓r+m̓in̓. Etym: √wr. a small fire.

Istem. Category: dim, sn+^+min. mʕ̓an ilíʔ ksənw̓rm̓ín̓. And there was a fire built there. [HnTrp 319] See: snwr̓min.

snxaʔcínm   [snxaʔcínəm] Morph: sn+xaʔcín+m. Etym: √xʔ. in front of s.t. Category: nMstem. snxaʔcínəms iʔ l̕wakín. In front of the wagon. [pd09] See: nxaʔcín1.

snxaʔmxʷcín   [sənxaʔəməxʷcín] Morph: s+n+xaʔmxʷcín. Variant: nxaʔmxcín; nxaʔmxʷcín. Etym: √xʔmxʷ. 1 • snxaʔmxʷcín: Wenatchee or Moses Indians.

Istem. snxaʔmxʷcín.

2 • Istem. snxaʔmxʷcín: Moses Columbian language. snxaʔmxʷcín.

snxaʔtɬnpúlxtn   [sənxaʔtɬənpúlxtən] Morph: sn+xaʔt+ɬ+n+púlx+tn. Etym: √xʔt, √plx. the first camping place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. xʷuˑˑylx uɬ ixíʔ iʔ l sənxaʔtɬənpúlxtən, cus iʔ ɬəɬsc̓íxts. They went, and then at the first camping place, he told his brothers-in-law. [lpb388] See: xʔit; pulxtn.

snxítmiʔstn   [sənxítmiʔstən] Morph: sn+xít+miʔst+n. Etym: √xʔt. the finish line (of a race).

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ixíʔ sxʷúysəlx yaʔx̌ís iʔ k̓əl sənxíʔtmiʔstən. They went past the finish line. [race52] See: xítmiʔst.

snxlak   [sənxlák] Morph: sn+xlak. Etym: √xlk. 1 • a (race) track. Lit: a turning back place; going around the outer edge

Istem. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔs k̓laxʷ mi incá kən xʷuy k̓əl sənq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxən, k̓əl sənxlák, sənqíltəms sx̌ʷnitkʷ. In the evening I will go to the races, to the track, above Kettle Falls. [race26]

2 • Istem. snxlak: large area, known as Marcus Flats, now inundated, along the east side of the Columbia, north of Kettle Falls.

Istem. Category: Geog. sənxlák. Place name. [BK369]

3 • Istem. snxlak: place near Oroville, Washington.

Istem. Category: Geog. sənxlák. [dict]

snxlkúlaʔxʷ   [sənxəlkúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+n+xlkúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √xlk. snxlkúlaʔxʷ (Martin Louie, 1980's).

Istem. Category: mName. sənxəlkúlaʔxʷ iskʷíst. My name is sənxəlkúlaʔxʷ (Martin Louie, 1980's). [mychildr 280] See: snxlak.

snxlmínaʔ   [sənxəlmínaʔ] Morph: sn+xl+mínaʔ. Etym: √xl. snxlmínaʔ: Lillooet.

Istem. snxlmínaʔ. Lillooet. [nb21.39a]

snxƛ̓pstwixʷtn   [sənxəƛ̓pstwixʷtṇ] Morph: sn+xƛ̓ps+twixʷ+tn. Etym: √xƛ̓. snxƛ̓pstwixʷtn: area, now inundated, at the south end of the Chalk Grade on the east side of F. D. R. Lake. Lit: race finish-line place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snxəƛ̓pstwíxʷtn. Place name. [BK256]

snxn̓ilkstn   [sənxn̓ílkstṇ] Morph: sn+xn̓ilks+tn. Variant: nxn̓ilkstn. Etym: √xn̓. shoulder blade.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snxn̓ilkstn. Shoulder blade. [nb18228.14]

snxrax̌n   [sənxráx̌ən] Morph: s+n+xrax̌n. Etym: √xr. knapsack; pack carried over a shoulder and under the other arm.

Istem. snxrax̌n. Knapsack. [nb27-03 001]

snxxƛ̓úyaʔcn   [sənxəxƛ̓úyaʔcən] Morph: s+n+x•xƛ̓úyaʔcn. Etym: √xƛ̓. foolish talk.

Istem. sənxəxƛ̓úyaʔcən. Foolish talk. [dict]

snxxr̓ax̌n̓   [sənxxr̓áx̌n̓] Morph: sn+x•xr̓ax̌n̓. Etym: √xr. a little (back)pack.

Istem. Category: dim. snxxr̓ax̌n̓. Backpack. [nb27-3a] See: snxrax̌n.

snxy̓qsiɬxʷtn   [sənxiʔqsíɬxʷtṇ] Morph: sn+xy̓qsiɬxʷ+tn. Etym: √xy̓. hospital; place where one dies.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənxiʔqsíɬxʷtṇ. Hospital. [dict] See: xy̓mscut; xy̓1.

snxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬptn   [sənxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬptṇ] Morph: sn+xʷaʔ•xʷaʔnkíɬp+tn. Etym: √xʷʔ. place where thornbush grows.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ t̓a nak̓ʷm sənxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬptən. What grows there is thorn bush. [GDd1 640] See: sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp.

snxʷíkʷc̓aʔtn   [sənxʷík̓ʷc̓aʔtən] Morph: sn+xʷíkʷc̓aʔ+tn. Variant: sənxʷík̓ʷc̓aʔtən. Etym: √xʷkʷ. tanning place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənxʷík̓ʷc̓aʔtən. Tanning place. [nb21.150a] See: xʷíkʷc̓aʔ.

snxʷikʷmn   [sənxʷíkʷmən] Morph: s+n+xʷikʷ+mn. Etym: √xʷkʷ. frame for drying and tanning hides; tanning place.

Istem. Sp s-n-xʷíkʷ-mn a certain place built where one can scrape hides. Category: sn+^+mn. uɬ yaʔx̌í iʔ sək̓ʷtáqs iʔ sənxʷíkʷməns. On the other end of the frame. [lnx2 151] See: sxʷíkʷm.

snxʷk̓ʷɬc̓aʔncútn   [sənxʷk̓ʷɬc̓aʔncútən] Morph: s+n+xʷk̓ʷɬc̓aʔ+ncút+n. Etym: √xʷk̓ʷ. a physic, laxative.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snxʷk̓ʷɬc̓aʔncútn. Laxative. [nb21.172a] See: xʷik̓ʷt.

snxʷƛ̓min   [sənxʷəƛ̓mín] Morph: sn+xʷƛ̓+min. Etym: √xʷƛ̓. workshop where lumber is planed.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. snxʷƛ̓min. Planing place. [nb5.29a] See: xʷƛ̓(a).

snxʷmínaʔx   [sənxʷmínaʔx] Morph: s+n+xʷmínaʔx. Etym: √xʷm. snxʷmínaʔx: Upper Spokane, Lower Spokane; Kalispel; Flatheads.

Istem. Sp s-n-xʷménʔe-y the people of the Middle Spokanes. snxʷmínaʔx. Flathead. [dict]

snxʷuytn   [sənxʷúytṇ] Morph: s+n+xʷuy+tn. Etym: √xʷy. a place to go.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. lut k̓a ʔkín t̓ iksənxʷúytṇ. I don't have any place to go. [dict] See: xʷuytn.

snxʷylwistn   [sənxʷylwístṇ] Morph: s+n+xʷy+lwis+tn. Etym: √xʷy. a traveling outfit.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snxʷylwistn. Traveling outfit. [dict] See: xʷylwis.

snxʷʔit   [sənxʷʔít] Morph: s+n+xʷʔit. Etym: √xʷʔt. lots of s.t.

Istem. sənxʷʔít iʔ ta məɬk̓íyaʔ. There is lots of blood. [AutPS 139] See: xʷʔit.

snx̌cipm   [sənx̌cípəm] Morph: s+n+x̌cip+m. Etym: √x̌c. to bet. Category: nMstem. ixíʔ uɬ lut uɬ sənʕíc̓pəms sənk̓líp iʔ sənx̌cípəms. Coyote didn't argue about his bet. [2gts 306] See: x̌ac.

snx̌imn   [sənx̌ímən] Morph: sn+x̌im+n. Etym: √x̌m. burial place.

Istem. Gram: ancient word Category: sn+^+mn. iʔ sənx̌ímən. Burial place. [nb21.63a]

snx̌lx̌lsnuxʷ   [sənx̌lx̌əlsnúxʷ] Morph: s+n+x̌l•x̌lsnuxʷ. Etym: √x̌ls. having fear; being fearful.

nIstem. way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ isənx̌əlx̌əlsnúxʷ axáʔ inqíck iʔ sxʔitx. And I am dead scared of my brother the oldest one. [RHorse 023] isənx̌lx̌əlsnúxʷ iʔ sənkʷaʔcnúxʷ. I’m dead scared of the dark. [nb1266.12] See: nx̌ilm.

snx̌ɬx̌iɬt   [sənx̌əɬx̌íɬt] Morph: snx̌ɬx̌iɬt. Etym: √x̌ɬ. scaredness; fear.

nIstem. Lit: our fear níkxəna uɬ iʔ sənx̌əɬx̌íɬtət. Goodness, we got scared! [EJEp.12] See: nx̌iɬ.

snx̌piw̓s   [sənx̌píw̓s] Morph: sn+x̌píw̓s. Etym: √x̌p. a soul.

Istem. Sp s-n-x̌péw̓s the soul; Cm s‑n‑x̌p‑aw̓s soul, spirit; Cr s+x̌epíw̓es a person's double, soul, spirit, energy, second self. snx̌piw̓s. A soul. [nb1835.4] pupíwləxs iʔ sənx̌píw̓sc. He breathed his last. [nb1835.5]

snx̌sils   [sənx̌síls] Morph: s+n+x̌s+ils. Etym: √x̌s. kindness.

nIstem. Category: +ils. aɬíʔ inx̌mínk təl̕ sənx̌sílsc təl̕ spápaʔts. I want her because she's kind and generous. [fatboy 198] See: nx̌sils.

snx̌w̓iltn   [sənx̌w̓íltṇ] Morph: sn+x̌w̓ilt+n. Etym: √x̌w̓. drying rack or place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. məɬ ɬxʷúystsəlx iʔ k̓əl sənx̌w̓íltənsəlx. And they took them back to where they would dry them. [rdgs 013] See: x̌w̓(a).

snx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔtn   [sənx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔtən] Morph: sn+x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √x̌w̓. a scaffold or drying rack (for meat or fish).

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. t̓ílsəlx iʔ sɬiqʷ, məɬ k̓ʷúl̕məlx t ksənx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔtənsəlx. They carve the meat and fix a scaffold. [drymd 004] uɬ ixíʔ əcƛ̓əxʷstís iʔ tətwít iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, x̌əw̓əntís iʔ pəptwínaxʷ, x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔs, uɬ ixíʔ iʔ sənʔamʔímxtənsəlx yayáʕt ksənx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔtən. The boy killed the deer, the old woman dried it, she dried it, and the places where they go all have drying racks. [cre54] See: nx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ.

snx̌w̓min   [sənx̌əw̓mín] Morph: sn+x̌w̓+min. Etym: √x̌w̓. drying rack; drying shed.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. axáʔ iʔ qáqxʷəlx iʔ sənx̌əw̓míns. Drying rack for fish. [rdgs 079] ilíʔ c̓əlláx̌ʷəx̌ʷ iʔ ksənx̌əw̓mínsəlx iʔ l qáqxʷəlx. The drying racks for the fish were protruding there. [lb18] See: x̌w̓(a).

snx̌x̌aʕ̓n̓cutn̓   [sənx̌x̌ʕan̓cútn̓] Morph: s+n+x̌•x̌aʕ̓+n̓cut+n̓. Etym: √x̌ʕ. a little fan.

Istem. Category: dim, sn+^+tn. qiclxx iʔ k̓əl sənx̌x̌ʕan̓cútn̓. Run to the fan! [nb26-34 014] See: x̌aʕncútn.

snx̌x̌ʔiwlm   [sənx̌x̌ʔíwləm] Morph: s+n+x̌•x̌ʔíwl+m. Etym: √x̌ʔ. the chief of water creatures; the ceremony of the first salmon run.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. ixíʔ ɬə sənx̌x̌ʔíwləm. That's the ceremony of the first salmon run. [mychildr 2009] ckicx aʔ ntityíx, k̓ʷul̕s iʔ sqilxʷ, ʔúmsəlx t snx̌x̌ʔíwləm. The salmon arrived, the People prepared him, and called him chief of water creatures. [mychildr 201] See: x̌ax̌áʔ.

snx̌x̌ʔiwltn   [sənx̌x̌ʔíwltn] Morph: s+n+x̌•x̌ʔiwlt+n. Etym: x̌ʔ. snx̌x̌ʔiwltn: place, now underwater, near the top of the rock ridge's south face, several yards southeast from the northwest tip of tkʷumáqs. Lit: special-feast place

nIstem. Category: sn+^+tn. snx̌əx̌əʔíwəltn. Place name. [BK347]

snx̌yintn   [snx̌əyíntn] Morph: sn+x̌yin+tn. Etym: √x̌yn. graveyard.

nIstem. Category: sn+^+tn. snx̌əyíntn. Graveyard. [OkB]

snx̌ʷaqʷqʷm   [sənx̌ʷáqʷqʷṃ] Morph: s+n+x̌ʷaqʷ•qʷ+m. Etym: √x̌ʷqʷ. to have s.t. worked in, rubbed, scraped.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. snx̌ʷaqʷqʷm. [tanmd 012] See: nx̌ʷaqʷqʷ.

snx̌ʷaq̓ʷmn   [sənx̌ʷáq̓ʷmən] Morph: s+n+x̌ʷaq̓ʷ+mn. Etym: √x̌ʷq̓ʷ. mill; flour mill.

Istem. Sp s-n-x̌ʷáq̓ʷ-mn flour mill; Cm x̌ʷaq̓ʷmn grinder; Th n/x̌ʷáq̓ʷ-mn mill [machine] for grinding flour. Category: sn+^+mn. uɬ aɬíʔ k̓la lkʷut lkʷut kiʔ aʔksənx̌ʷáq̓ʷmən. It's far, far where they have a mill. [AutPS 273] See: nx̌ʷaq̓ʷmn.

snx̌ʷayqn   [sənx̌ʷáyqən] Morph: s+n+x̌ʷayqn. Etym: √x̌ʷy. tipi.

Istem. Cm nx̌ʷaʔx̌ʷáy̓aʔqn tipi; Th n-/x̌ʷax̌ʷ-áyeʔqn summer shelter for 2 or 3 people ... uɬ wíksəlx iʔ sənx̌ʷáyqən, k̓a nsq̓ʷut. They saw a tipi on the other side. [lnxbdga 080] aʔ nʔasál̕qən̓, kəm̓ aʔ nkaʔɬál̕qən̓ iʔ sənx̌ʷáyqən. The double tipi, and the triple tipi. [WA1.92] isənx̌ʷáyqən. My tipi. [nb08 217]

snx̌ʷaʔx̌ʷílmn   [sənx̌ʷaʔx̌ʷílmən] Morph: sn+x̌ʷaʔ•x̌ʷíl+mn. Etym: √x̌ʷʔ. garbage dump.

Istem. Ques: a or aʔ Category: sn+^+mn. See: x̌ʷil1.

snx̌ʷc̓c̓q̓ʷínaʔ   [sənx̌ʷəc̓əc̓q̓ʷínaʔ] Morph: s+n+x̌ʷc̓+c̓q̓ʷínaʔ. Etym: √x̌ʷc̓, √c̓q̓ʷ. inside cover.

Istem. Ques: unclear form and analysis sənx̌ʷəc̓c̓q̓ʷínaʔ Inside cover of house (?). [nb26-35 011]

snx̌ʷc̓pqin   [sənx̌ʷc̓pqín] Morph: sn+x̌ʷc̓+pqin. Etym: √x̌ʷc̓. a broken off (log).

Istem. ilíʔ cmaʕ iʔ sənx̌ʷc̓pqíns iʔ sʔatkʷɬp. Something long and round (e.g. a log) lies, a pine tree that broke off. [nb18186.9] See: x̌ʷc̓(a).

snx̌ʷuc̓c̓tn   [sənx̌ʷúc̓əc̓tən] Morph: sn+x̌ʷuc̓•c̓+tn. Etym: √x̌ʷc̓. 1 • snx̌ʷuc̓c̓tn: Cougar Canyon (named for its fall hunting activities). Lit: cut

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ilíʔ cwix itíʔ uɬ kʷu nʔawcínəm ik̓líʔ uɬ c̓úmstsəlx t sənx̌ʷúc̓əc̓tən. There is a house there, then we went up to a creek, they call it cut something. [AutPS 185] ixíʔ uɬ iʔ kʷu ʔimx k̓əl sənx̌ʷúc̓əc̓tən. Then we moved to sənx̌ʷúc̓əc̓tən. [AutPS 350]

2 • Istem. snx̌ʷuc̓c̓tn: area known locally as the "Smoke Ranch," located on the north side of Falls Creek, near its headwaters "several miles" up from the mouth of the creek. Category: Geog. snx̌ʷuc̓c̓tn. [BK174]

snx̌ʷusscn   [sənx̌ʷúsəscən] Morph: s+nx̌ʷus•scn. Etym: √x̌ʷs. beer drinking.

nIstem. snx̌ʷusscn. Beer drinking. [nb1723.18] See: nx̌ʷuskʷ.

snx̌ʷx̌ʷáyaʔqn   [sənx̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqən] Morph: s+n+x̌ʷ•x̌ʷáyaʔqn. Etym: √x̌ʷy. a tipi.

nIstem. axáʔ iʔ sənx̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqən, kəm̓ aʔ nʔasál̕qən̓, kəm̓ iʔ qʷc̓iʔ. The tipis, or double tipis, or pithouses. [WA1.87] way̓, way̓ ixíʔ ɬəɬxʷúys iʔ k̓əl sənx̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqəns. Then she went back to her teepee. [lpb271] See: snx̌ʷayqn.

snx̌ʷx̌ʷy̓ucntn   [snx̌ʷəx̌ʷiy̓úcntn] Morph: sn+x̌ʷ•x̌ʷy̓ucn+tn. Etym: √x̌ʷy. snx̌ʷx̌ʷy̓ucntn: area on the former west side of the Columbia near the middle of a spawning bed that extended upriver almost to nmʕaytkʷ. Lit: whitefish place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snx̌ʷəx̌ʷiy̓úcntn. Place name. [BK280]

snx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ   [sənx̌ʷiyaʔɬpítkʷ] Variant: nx̌ʷyaɬpítkʷ. Morph: s+n+x̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ. Variant: snx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ. Etym: √xʷyʔ. snx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ: the entire Kettle River area.

Istem. See: nx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ.

snx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷx   [sənx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷx] Morph: s+n+x̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ+x. Etym: √x̌ʷyʔ. snx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷx: Kettle people.

Istem. kʷu sənx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷx. We are Kettle River people. [AutPS 167] See: snx̌ʷyaʔɬpítkʷ.

snx̌ʷyx̌ʷyaqs   [sənx̌ʷix̌ʷyáqs] Morph: s+n+x̌ʷy•x̌ʷyaqs. Etym: √x̌ʷy. sharp point; sharp pointed.

Istem. iʔ sənx̌ʷix̌ʷyáqsc ʔumslx t sxʷúlqən. The sharp end of the fishing spear is called the sxʷúlqən. [rdgs 043] uɬ k̓ʷulɬts iʔ sƛ̓ƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ uɬ k̓ʷul̕ɬts iʔ sp̓saqsc uɬ paʔsmíɬts uɬ taɬt iʔ sənx̌ʷəyx̌ʷəyáqst. He fixed pitch wood and fixed his nose and wished for it to be sharp pointed. [crea132] See: x̌ʷy.

snyak̓ʷqin   [sənyak̓ʷqín] Morph: s+n+yak̓ʷqin. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. afternoon.

Istem. Sp s-n-y̓aʔk̓ʷqín̓ in the afternoon, right around noon. x̌ast sənyak̓ʷqín. Good afternoon. [newles 003] See: nyak̓ʷqin.

snyak̓ʷtán   [sənyak̓ʷtán] Morph: s+n+yak̓ʷ+tán. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. snyak̓ʷtán: place where Indians crossed the Columbia, just upriver from nyilntwáxʷtn. Lit: crossing-place

Istem. snyak̓ʷtán. Place name. [BK62]

snyalmn   [sənyál̕mən] Morph: s+n+yal+mn. Variant: snyal̕mn. Etym: √yl. snyalmn: Montana.

Istem. Cr sí+dlemš Indians (Jocko Valley...of Montana). sw̓aw̓áʔms axáʔ ilmíxʷəm, iʔ l sənyálmən axáʔ ilmíxʷəm. The boss, the chief from Montana hollered. [Whal 071] way̓ təl sənyál̕mən, itlíʔ kən sqilxʷ. I am an Indian from Montana. [dict]

snyalmnx   [sənyál̕mənx] Morph: s+n+yal+mn+x. Variant: sənyál̕mənx. Etym: √yl. snyalmnx: person or people from Montana.

Istem. cut way̓, təl̕ sənyál̕mənx, itlíʔ kən ɬ sqilxʷ She said, "From Montana, I am an Indian from there." [Whal 329] axáʔ níxəls sənk̓líp knaqs st̓aʔk̓míx təl̕ sənyál̕mənx. He heard that there was a maiden from Montana. [Whal 058] níxəls sənk̓l̕íp knaqs iʔ st̓aʔk̓míx sənyál̕mənx ilíʔ kiʔ cksl̕íplaʔ. Coyote heard that a maiden from Montana had disappeared. [dict] See: snyalmn.

snyal̕mn   [sənyál̕mən] Morph: s+n+yal̕+mn. Variant: snyalmn. Etym: √yl̕. snyal̕mn: Montana. Lit: place of the last stand

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn.

snyal̕mnx   [sənyál̕mənx] Morph: s+n+yal̕+mn+x. Variant: snyalmnx. Etym: √yl. snyal̕mnx: person or people from Montana.

Istem. See: snyal̕mn.

snyayáx̌aʕtn   [sənyayáx̌aʕtṇ] Morph: s+n+ya•yáx̌aʕ+tn. Variant: səny̓ay̓áx̌aʕtn. Etym: √yx̌ʕ. television.

Istem. Ques: yaʕyáʕ ... ? Category: sn+^+tn. sənyaʔyáx̌aʕtṇ. Place to show something, television, show case, show house. [nb27-28 004] iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác kʷu cyaʕ̓yáx̌aʔ iʔ t snyaʕ̓yáx̌aʔtn In the evening we watch television. [newles 320] See: yayáx̌aʔ.

snyaʕ̓pxmíltn   [sənyaʕ̓pxmíltən] Morph: sn+yaʕ̓+p+xmílt+n. Etym: √yʕ̓, ?. snyaʕ̓pxmíltn: place above Squally Point.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn, Geog. snyaʕ̓pxmíltn. Place name. [nb20.102a]

snyaʕ̓tán   [sənyaʕ̓tán] Morph: s+n+yaʕ̓+tán. Etym: √yʕ̓. gathering place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tan. sənyaʕ̓tán. Gathering place. [nb23 172] ixíʔ uɬ axáʔ iʔʕáʔ ik̓líʔ iʔ k̓əl ksniyaʕ̓tánsəlx. They gathered there at their gathering place. [Nams 055] ixíʔ iʔ sqilxʷ q̓sápiʔ iʔ xʷʔít iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sənyaʕtáns. Long ago lots of Indians used to gather there. [nb2528.3] way̓ uɬ axáʔ yaʕ̓ḷx iʔ k̓əl ksənyaʕ̓tánsəlx. The rest gathered where they were supposed to gather. [dict] See: yaʕ̓.

snyaʕʷt   [sənyáʕwt] Morph: s+n+yaʕʷ+t. Etym: √yʕʷ. strength.

Istem. Category: +t. t ikstətəm̓tím̓, kʷu ksxʷíc̓xtəp t iksnyáʕwt. Give me something to wear, something to be strong. [Whal 449] See: yaʕʷpyáwt.

snyipwɬ   [snyípuɬ] Morph: s+n+yipwɬ. Etym: √yp. boat mast.

Istem. Sh ɣep-m to put up (e.g. a pole); Th ɣép-mn flagpole; Li ɣə́p-mən post. snyipwɬ. Mast. [OkB] See: yip.

snylmiɬxʷtn   [snilmíɬxʷtən] Morph: s+n+yl+miɬxʷtn. Etym: √yl ?. menstruation; menstrual period.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snilmíɬxʷtən. Menstruation. [nb1845.12] ksnilmíɬxʷtən. She is menstruating. [nb1845.13]

snylmínaʔ   [sənilmínaʔ] Morph: s+n+ylmínaʔ. Variant: snylm̓ínaʔ. Etym: √ylm. snylmínaʔ: Sherman Creek.

Istem. Ques: ʔ ? sənʔilmínaʔ. Sherman Creek. [nb9a 107]

snylmínaʔx   [sənʔilmínaʔx] Morph: s+n+ylmínaʔ+x. Etym: √ylm. snylmínaʔx: Sherman Creek people.

Istem. Ques: ʔ ? sənʔilmínaʔx. People from Sherman Creek. [nb9a 108] See: snylmínaʔ.

snylm̓ínaʔ   [snilm̓ínaʔ] Morph: s+n+ylm̓ínaʔ. Variant: snylmínaʔ. Etym: √ylm̓. snylm̓ínaʔ: where the Colville River meets the Columbia River.

Istem. snylm̓ínaʔ. Place name.

snyrip   [snyiríp] Morph: s+n+yrip. Etym: √yr. snyrip: the high ridges that extend south from Mica Mountain. Lit: circular back area

Istem. snyiríp. Place name. [BK10]

snyulp   [sənyúlp] Morph: sn+yul+p. Etym: √yl. s.t. excreted and reabsorbed (of animals in tales).

Istem. Sh (c-)yl-p-elx to change direction, turn back. snyulp. Reabsorb. [pd03]

snyulps   [sənyúlps] Morph: sn+yulps. Etym: √yl. colon.

Istem. snyulps. Colon. [pd03]

snyxʷam   [snixʷám] Morph: s+n+yxʷa+m. Etym: √yxʷ. to dance Indian style.

nMstem. snixʷám. Dancing. [OkB]

snyxʷtíɬc̓aʔ   [sənixʷtíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: sn+yxʷ+tíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √yxʷ. 1 • the insides of a body; stomach; guts.

Istem. asnixʷtíɬc̓aʔ. Your stomach. [mychildr 193] way̓ ixíʔ wiks axáʔ i la nyxʷut i snixʷtíɬc̓aʔs a nx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. He saw in the insides, the insides of the sea monster. [Whal 107]

2 • Istem. the insides of s.t. q̓aʔxəntíxʷ t x̌ast, k̓ʷul̕ɬtxʷ iʔ snixʷtíɬc̓aʔs. Provide good tires, work on their insides [the car's]. [mychildr 246] way̓ uɬ qilt ilíʔ ck̓əɬxár, ixíʔ iʔ l snyxʷtíɬc̓aʔ, uɬ lut t̓ə kɬk̓ɬənk̓míp. Then he saw a curtain inside there, and it doesn't have an opening. [dict] See: nyxʷut.

snyxʷtitkʷ   [snixʷtítkʷ] Morph: s+nyxʷtitkʷ. Etym: √yxʷ. the depth of the water.

Istem. qʷəm̓íwt aɬíʔ iʔ snixʷtítkʷs. She was gone a long time because it was deep. [crea19] See: nyxʷtitkʷ.

snyxʷut   [snixʷút] Morph: s+n+yxʷut. Etym: √yxʷ. depth.

Istem. c̓x̌iɬt taʔkín snixʷúts cíqəntxʷ. How deep did you dig? [nb18113.8] mat (a)c̓kin iʔ sənləkʷtíw̓sc, ixíʔ iʔ siwɬkʷ taʔlíʔ nixʷút ixíʔ, mat taʔlíʔ xʷʔit sqəlwítəmtəns iʔ snixʷúts. However wide, the water is quite deep, many feet deep. [su7q̓im 141] kʷaʔ t̓i yayʕát xƛ̓ut, taɬt iʔ snixʷúts. It's all rock and very deep. [su7q̓im 142] See: nyxʷut.

snyx̌min   [snix̌mín] Morph: s+n+yx̌+min. Etym: √yx̌. snyx̌min: area east of F.D.R. Lake in a valley through which Hallam Creek flows. Lit: deer-herding place

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. snix̌mín. Place name. [BK306]

sny̓ay̓áx̌aʕtn   [səny̓ay̓áx̌aʕtṇ] Morph: sn+y̓a•y̓áx̌aʕ+tn. Variant: snyayáx̌aʕtn. Etym: √y̓x̌ʕ. movie theater.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. səny̓ay̓áx̌aʔtn. Movie house, theater. [nb26-42 012]

sny̓xʷínaʔ   [snʔiʔxʷínaʔ] Morph: sn+y̓xʷínaʔ. Etym: √yxʷ. sny̓xʷínaʔ: area, now inundated, along the former west side of the Columbia, not far south from the spot now known as Mission Point, formerly a camping area utilized during the fishing season. Lit: drop down from higher to lower bench

Istem. snʔiʔxʷínaʔ. Place name. [BK230]

sny̓ʕ̓aʔ   [sniʔʕ̓áʔ] Morph: s+n+y̓ʕ̓aʔ. Etym: √y̓ʕ̓ʔ. a gathering.

Istem. taʔlíʔ kən limt ʕapnáʔ kʷu təl̕ sənʔiʕ̓aʔs aláʔ. I am very glad that we are all gathered here. [nb26-49 002] See: ny̓ʕ̓aʔ.

snʕaccíw̓s   [sənʕaccíw̓s] Morph: sn+ʕac•cíw̓s. Variant: snʕacsíw̓s. Etym: √ʕc. a bone with joints.

Istem. snʕaccíw̓s. Joint. [nb1835.14]

snʕaccsíliʔs   [sənʕacəcsíliʔs] Morph: sn+ʕac•csíliʔs. Variant: snʕacʕaccsíliʔs. Etym: √ʕc. joints.

Istem. See: snʕaccíw̓s; snʕacʕacsíliʔs.

snʕacínas x̌áʕx̌aʕ   [snʕacínas x̌áʕx̌aʕ] Morph: s+n+ʕacínaʔ-s x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ. Etym: √ʕc; √x̌ʕ. long flowered mertensia (mertensia longiflora).

phrasal. snʕacínas x̌áʕx̌aʕ. Mertensia. [TBK91]

snʕacqáx̌aʔtn   [sənʕacqáx̌aʔtṇ] Morph: s+n+ʕacqáx̌aʔ+tn. Etym: √ʕc. corral.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. axáʔ iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ iʔ l sənʕacqáx̌aʔtən məɬ ilíʔ nyx̌əntísəlx. They drive the horses in the corral. [Hrvst 035] See: ʕac.

snʕacsíw̓s   [sənʕacsíw̓s] Morph: sn+ʕacsíw̓s. Variant: snʕaccíw̓s. Etym: √ʕc. joint.

Istem. sənʕacsíw̓s. Joint. [plur 002]

snʕacús   [sənʕacús] Morph: s+n+ʕacús. Etym: √ʕc. a trap; a snare.

Istem. Sp s-n-ʕacús a large trap for large animals; Cm nḥcusm trap animals; Sh ʕec to tie up; Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́ˑʕ̓c-ep to get caught in a trap. kʷ k̓ʷul̕əm n̓in̓w̓íʔs t sənʕacús. Now you make a trap! [CSCo40] See: ʕac.

snʕacúsm   [sənʕacúsəm] Morph: s+n+ʕacús+m. Etym: √ʕc. to trap; trapping. Category: nMstem. uɬ ixíʔ incá náx̌əmɬ lut ixíʔ t̓ə ck̓ʷúl̕ən ixíʔ iʔ sənʕacúsəm iʔ t sqəl̕wíc̓aʔ. I did not practice trapping raw hides. [Prov 033] See: snʕacús.

snʕacʕacínaʔ   [sənʕ̓acʕ̓acínaʔ] Morph: s+n+ʕac•ʕacínaʔ. Etym: √ʕc. earrings.

Istem. Sp s-n-ʕacʕacéneʔ earrings; Cm s‑n‑ḥc‑anaʔ earring; Cr hn+ʕac+ʕacineʔ earrings. sənʕ̓acʕ̓acínaʔ. Earrings. [dict] See: ʕac.

snʕacʕacsíliʔs   [sənʕacʕacsíliʔs] Morph: sn+ʕac•ʕacsíliʔs. Variant: snʕaccsíliʔs. Etym: √ʕc. joints.

Istem. sənʕacʕacsíliʔs. Joints. [plur 001]

snʕanqíls   [sənʕanqíls] Morph: s+n+ʕanqíls. Etym: √ʕnq. satisfaction.

nIstem. Sp n-ʕanqcín he finally got enough to eat. Category: +ils. lut isənʕanqíls. I am not satisfied. [nb08 473]

snʕawípm   [snʕawípm] Morph: s+n+ʕawíp+m. Etym: √ʕw. to skin small furry animals. Category: nMstem. snʕawípm. Skin. [OkB]

snʕáyu   [sənʕáyu] Morph: s+n+ʕáyu ? Etym: √ʕy ?. remainder.

Istem. ʔúməntxʷ y akstáxʷɬq, uɬ incá k̓əm iʔ snʕáyu iʔ tíxʷən. You name what you want to harvest, and I will take what's left. [Dvl 057]

snʕickstx   [sənʕáyckstx] Morph: s+n+ʕickstx. Etym: √ʕc. snʕickstx: Lakes country; Lakes Indians; people from the North Half.

Istem. tack̓əl sk̓ʷəƛ̓ptán iʔ sənʕíckstx iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷsəlx. As far East as the Lake country. [rdgs 101] k̓əl sənʕíckstx iʔ kən sk̓ʷúl̕l̕x. I was born in the North Half. [nb6.1] xʷuy, kicx k̓əl sənʕáyckstx. He went, and he got to the Lakes tribe. [dict] axáʔ pútəm iʔ sənʕáyckstx. Especially the North Halfs. [dict]

snʕ̓ac̓ʕ̓ác̓mn   [sənʕ̓ac̓ʕ̓ác̓mən] Morph: sn+ʕ̓ac̓•ʕ̓ác̓+mn. Etym: √ʕ̓c̓. library.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. cmay iʔ k̓l snʕ̓aʕ̓ác̓mn mi cmistísəlx Maybe at the library they will know. [newles 104] See: ʕ̓ac̓.

snʔácqaʔtn   [sənʔácqaʔtən] Morph: sn+ʔácqaʔ+tn. Etym: √ʔcqʔ. bathroom, toilet; anus, back side.

Istem. Sp s-n-ʔóʔcqeʔ-tn̓ outhouse, backhouse; Cm snʔúcqaʔtn; Cr n+ʔácqéʔ+n place for going out, lavatory, etc. Category: sn+^+tn. scənc̓íw̓ms iʔ sənʔácqaʔtn. Toilet bowl. [nb26-08 015] ixíʔ k̓əɬnirk̓ʷíps sənk̓líp axáʔ iʔ sənʔácqaʔtəns nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən. Coyote put that hoop there in the sea-monster's back side. [Whal 292] way̓ kɬxƛ̓ápəlx, ilíʔ ksənʔácqaʔtṇ, ksəncáʕʷḷxtṇ. They have everything, they have an outhouse, they have a bathtub. [dict] See: ʔácqaʔ.

snʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ   [sənʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+n+ʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ʔcqʔ. one who came out of the ground (said of a dark-skinned individual).

Istem. snʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ. Came out of the ground. [nb21.116a] See: ʔácqaʔ.

snʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ   [sənʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sn+ʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ʔcqʷ. bread roasted in ashes.

Istem. Sh ʔecqʷ-m to bake; Th n-ʔecqʷuym̓xʷ bake bread ... in ashes ... sənʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ, uɬ ixíʔ a ck̓ʷulsts kɬtost. Bread roasted in the ashes, that's what he fixes, toast. [CoGrSy 343]

snʔacwíxtn   [sənʔacwíxtən] Morph: sn+ʔacwíx+tn. Etym: √ʔcwx. a village; a place where people live.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ɬʔiq̓ʷ ixíʔ iʔ l sənʔacwíxtəns ixíʔ sic kaʔkícɬts laʔ c̓iw̓t ɬxʷuy. The village he found on the earlier trip came into view. [lpb155] aɬíʔ pnicíʔ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ c̓imx məɬ ixíʔ k̓əl sənʔacwíxtənsəlx taʔkín xiʔwílx iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. Long ago the people moved their villages, they took their villages anywhere around the land. [lpb217] See: cwix.

snʔacʔacwíxtn   [sənʔacʔacwíxtən] Morph: sn+ʔac•ʔacwíx+tn. Etym: √ʔcwx. a residence; a place where to stay; a village; a place where people live.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. kaʔkícɬts iʔ sənʔacʔacwíxtəns iʔ sqilxʷ. He found the peoples' village. [lpb156] tl q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sənʔacʔacwíxtənsəlx. From long ago these were the Indians' dwelling places. [rdgs 065] uɬ k̓əɬx̌ʷílx ilíʔ aɬíʔ ixíʔ sənʔacʔacwíxtənsəlx iʔ kləlkʷútəlx ilíʔ. And there were many there, that was their staying place far away (from home) there. [lpb241] See: snʔacwíxtn.

snʔakswíxtn   [sənʔakswíxtṇ] Morph: s+n+ʔaks+wíx+tn. Etym: √ʔks, √wx. a place to stand things in.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. ɬ ilíʔ way̓ ksənʔakswíxtnaʔx ankəwáp. There's a place for your horse. [dict] kʷu ṇtíɬxstxʷ ilíʔ iksənʔakswíxtṇ, lut kʷu aksənk̓ʷíxʷkn̓əm. Put me in the barn where I'm supposed to stand, don't take the saddle off me. [dict] See: ʔakswíx.

snʔakʷɬq̓y̓mín   [sənʔakʷɬq̓əy̓mín] Morph: sn+ʔakʷ+ɬ+q̓y̓+mín. Etym: √ʔkʷ, √q̓y̓. stagecoach.

Istem. Category: sn+^+min. way̓ ƛ̓mípən iʔ sənʔakʷɬq̓əy̓mín. I was late for the stagecoach. [nb18170.15] See: ʔukʷ.

snʔáɬaʔxʷ   [sənʔáɬaʔxʷ] Morph: sn+ʔáɬaʔxʷ ? Etym: √ʔɬʔxʷ ?. ?


snʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtn   [sənʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ] Morph: s+n+ʔaɬn+aʔ+s+qílxʷ+tn. Etym: √ʔɬn, √qlxʷ. one's being or becoming a man-eater.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ təl iscpx̌px̌twílx, təl isənʔəɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ, lut xʷuy ilíʔ kʷu c̓x̌ílsts. Since I came to my senses, since I became a man-eater, nobody could do that to me. [dict] See: nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtn.

snʔaɬncín   [sənʔaɬncín] Morph: s+n+ʔaɬncín. Etym: √ʔɬn. to share food.

Istem. way̓ kʷu ksənʔaɬncín. We are going to share food. [LynxS 390] See: ʔiɬn.

snʔamnsqáx̌aʔtn   [snʔamənsqáx̌aʔtən] Morph: s+n+ʔam+nsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Etym: √ʔm. a manger; a place for feed.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən uɬ t̓əxʷ lut t̓a ksənt̓wístən t̓a ksnʔamənsqáx̌aʔtən. The barn has no more stalls or feed places. [AutPS 353] See: ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ.

snʔamʔamcíntn   [sənʔamʔamcíntṇ] Morph: s+n+ʔam•ʔamcín+tn. Etym: √ʔm. snʔamʔamcíntn: area immediately east from sxaxíl̕smtn and west of the present-day highway along the west side of F.D.R. Lake. Lit: sitting around and waiting for game place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snʔamʔamcíntn. Place name. [BK262]

snʔamʔímaʔt   [sənʔamʔímaʔt] Morph: sn+ʔam•ʔímaʔt. Etym: √ʔmt. grandchildren; brother(s), sister(s), cousin(s)' grandchild.

Istem. Category: kin, dim. k̓aʔkín̓ asənʔamʔímaʔt. Where are your grandchildren? [lnxbdga 034] kən ksənʔamʔímaʔt, kən kɬt̓aʔt̓úpaʔ k̓im way̓ kən kɬqʷəpqʷúpsaʔ. I have grandchildren, I have great-grandchildren, I have yet to have great-great-grandchildren. [lpb338] aɬíʔ kmúsəms iʔ sənʔamʔímaʔt, iʔ st̓aʔt̓aʔk̓míx. Four granddaughters, young maidens. [dict] way̓ iʔ sənʔamʔímaʔts nák̓ʷəm a nxəlxlúsəs. She had cut off her grandchildren's heads. [nb1249.2] See: snʔamʔímˑaʔt; snʔímaʔt.

snʔamʔímxtn   [sənʔamʔímxtən] Morph: sn+ʔam•ʔímx+tn. Etym: √ʔmx. place where people go.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. uɬ ixíʔ iʔ sənʔamʔímxtənsəlx yayáʕt ksənx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔtən. And the places where they go all have drying racks. [cre54] See: ʔimx.

snʔamʔímˑaʔt   [sənʔamʔímˑaʔt] Morph: s+n+ʔam•ʔímˑaʔt. Etym: √ʔmt. grandchildren.

Istem. Category: kin. ixíʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ uɬ ksənʔamʔímˑaʔt stətáq laʔɬ q̓ʷəq̓ʷc̓w̓íyaʔ. An old lady had grandchildren, Squirrel and Chipmunk. [sknkf 002] See: snʔamʔímaʔt; snʔímaʔt.

snʔap̓p̓qstn   [sənʔáp̓əp̓qstṇ] Morph: s+n+ʔap̓•p̓qs+tn. Etym: √ʔp̓. tissue; wiper.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snʔap̓p̓qstn. Tissue. [nb25-66 001] See: nʔap̓qs.

snʔaslkn̓íɬxʷ   [sənʔaslkn̓íɬxʷ] Morph: sn+ʔaslkn̓íɬxʷ. Etym: √ʔsl. storage house. Lit: two roofs

Istem. snʔaslkn̓íɬxʷ. Storage house. [nb1852.9] See: ʔasíl.

snʔassíl   [sənʔassíl] Morph: s+n+ʔas•s•íl. Variant: nʔassíl. Etym: √ʔsl. (two) twins.

Istem. uɬ caʔkʷ ɬ sənʔassíl uɬ t̓iʔ way̓ cxʷəlxʷált... If they were two, and alive... [GDd2 619] cənʔassíl. There are twins. [dict] iʔ sənʔassíl, paʔpút. Twins, they look alike. [dict] See: nʔaʔssíl; ʔasíl.

snʔasʔístktn   [sənʔasʔístktṇ] Morph: sn+ʔas•ʔístk+tn. Etym: √ʔs. wintering places.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. aɬíʔ əcmistís iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sənʔasʔístktən iʔ l tk̓ík̓aʔt iʔ la kɬqáqxʷəlx. The people knew their wintering places near the fishing grounds. [WA1.94] See: snʔístktn.

snʔatxíltn   [sənʔatxíltṇ] Morph: s+n+ʔatxílt+n. Etym: √ʔtx. cradle basket.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snʔatxíltn. Cradle basket. [OkB] See: ʔitx.

snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn   [sənʔawˑtíɬxʷtən] Morph: s+n+ʔawˑtiɬxʷ+tn. Etym: √ʔwt. snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn: the snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn River.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ t̓qlímxəlx, axáʔ nk̓əwílxəlx t sənʔawˑtíɬxʷtən. They settled down, they went up the snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn River. confirm? [RnTrp 008]

snʔax̌líls   [sənʔax̌líls] Morph: s+n+ʔax̌líls. Etym: √ʔx̌l. to want to do; to think like.

Istem. Category: +ils. way̓ xiʔ sənʔax̌lílsc uɬ ixíʔ skɬxʷists axáʔ iʔ ta nx̌liw̓s axáʔ a ctyap. That's just what he thought when he walked on the bridge over running water. [GDd1 204] See: ʔax̌íl.

snʔaʔslmílt   [sənʔaʔslmílt] Morph: s+n+ʔa•ʔsl+mílt. Variant: snʔaʔslm̓íl̕t. Etym: √ʔsl. twins.

Istem. Cm naʔassál̕, nʔassál̕ twins. snʔaʔslmílt. Twins. [dict] See: nʔaslmílt; ʔasíl.

snʔaʔslm̓íl̕t   [snʔaʔslm̓íl̕t] Morph: s+n+ʔa•ʔsl+m̓íl̕t. Variant: snʔaʔslmílt. Etym: √ʔsl. twins.

Istem. snʔaʔslm̓íl̕t. Twins. [OkB]

snʔaʔúsaʔtn   [sənʔaʔúsaʔtṇ] Morph: s+n+ʔa•ʔúsaʔ+tn. Etym: √ʔsʔ. bird's nest.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. snʔaʔúsaʔtn. Nest. [dict] See: ʔaʔúsaʔ.

snʔickntn   [sənʔíckəntən] Morph: sn+ʔickn+tn. Etym: √ʔckn. playground; place where one can play.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. way̓ x̌ast tə sənʔíckəntən. It's a good place to play. [NU] See: ʔickn.

snʔilmínaʔ   [sənʔilmínaʔ] Morph: s+n+ʔilmínaʔ. Etym: √yl,. snʔilmínaʔ: Sherman Creek.

Istem. snʔilmínaʔ. Place name. [dict] See: snylmínaʔ.

snʔilmínaʔx   [sənʔilmínaʔx] Morph: s+n+ʔilmínaʔx. Etym: √ylm. snʔilmínaʔx: people from Sherman Creek.

Istem. snʔilmínaʔx. People from Sherman Creek. [dict] See: snylmínaʔx.

snʔiɬntn   [sənʔíɬəntən] Morph: s+n+ʔiɬn+tn. Etym: √ʔɬn. restaurant; table; feeding place.

Istem. Sp s-n-ʔíɬn-tn eating utensils, plates, dining room, cafe; Cr n+ʔíɬn+n cafe, dining room, eating place, restaurant; Sh x-ʔiɬn-tn 1. stomach, 2. dish. Category: sn+^+tn. ʔaksənʔíɬəntən. There is a restaurant. xʷk̓ʷəntíxʷ iʔ citxʷ, iʔ latáp iʔ ksənʔíɬəntəntət. Clean the house and our eating table. [GDd2 578] way̓ xʷʔit sƛ̓aʔcínəm, sənʔíɬəntns. Lots of deer where they are feeding. [BJSeym 173] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu ɬ ckicx iʔ k̓əl tawn, kʷu ɬ ksʔíɬəns iʔ k̓əl sənʔíɬəntṇ. If we get to a town, we might want to eat at a eating place. [dict] See: ʔiɬn.

snʔiƛ̓ltx   [sənʔíƛ̓ltx] Morph: s+n+ʔiƛ̓ltx. Etym: √ʔƛ̓. snʔiƛ̓ltx: subgroup of Lakes people in the area from Northport to Revelstoke.

Istem. snʔiƛ̓ltx. Lakes people. [OkB] See: nʔiƛ̓ltk.

snʔímaʔt   [sənʔímaʔt] Morph: s+n+ʔímaʔt. Etym: √ʔmt. grandchild; brother, sister, or cousin's grandchild.

Istem. Cm ʔa-ʔim̓ac grandchild; Sh ʔimc (great-)grandchild; Th √ʔímec grandchild. Category: kin, dim. uɬ aɬíʔ cun isənʔímaʔt, mʕ̓an axáʔ cmistín q̓sápiʔ. And now I told my grandchildren, indeed I knew that long ago. [nb2525.12] ʔáˑˑmsəm sənʔímaʔt. Poor grandchild. [dict] cəm̓ ixíʔ məɬ k̓amplaʔncútməns kʷ sənʔímaʔts. She'll claim you as a relative, her grandson. [dict]

snʔimxtn   [sənʔím̓xtən] Morph: sn+ʔimx+tn. Etym: √ʔmx. a place where to move; a residence.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. xʷuˑˑy ʕan̓, uɬ ɬkicx iʔ k̓əl sənʔím̓xtənsəlx. Magpie went back to where they left. [lnxbdga 246] See: ʔimx.

snʔip̓pstn   [sənʔíp̓əpstən] Morph: s+n+ʔip̓ps+tn. Etym: √ʔp̓. toilet paper.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. See: ʔip̓.

snʔíq̓c̓aʔtn   [sənʔíq̓c̓aʔtən] Morph: s+n+ʔíq̓c̓aʔ+tn. Etym: √ʔq̓. a scraping post (for hides).

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. iʔ kʷu suknaqínx i la ckɬaʔqín iʔ sənʔíq̓c̓aʔtən iʔ sƛ̓aʔcənmíc̓aʔ kɬqʷíw̓səntəm. We Okanagans drape the deer hide over a scraping post. [rdgs 070] See: ʔíq̓c̓aʔm.

snʔistktn   [sənʔístktən] Morph: s+n+ʔistk+tn. Etym: √ʔs. wintering place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sənʔístktənsəlx q̓sápiʔ. That was their wintering place there long ago. [rdgs 063] cʔístkməlx, cúsəlx sənʔístktən. They winter, they call it wintering place. [BJSeym 015] cmistís laʔkín iʔ sənʔístktns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. He knows where the deer's wintering places are. [BJSeym 059] See: ʔistkm.

snʔiwlm   [sənʔíwləm] Morph: s+n+ʔiwl+m. Etym: √ʔwl. wave (of water).

Istem. Sp s-n-ʔíw-l-m rapids, high waves caused by strong wind; Sh t-ʔiwl-tk upstream area. snʔiwlm. Wave. [dict] See: snʔiwlx.

snʔiwlx   [sənʔíwləx] Morph: sn+ʔiw+lx. Etym: √ʔw. to walk with a waddle.

Istem. snʔiwlx. Waddle. [nb21.150a] See: snʔiwlm.

snʔiwt   [sənʔíwt] Morph: s+n+ʔiwt. Etym: √ʔwt. in the end; at last.

Istem. wápupxən iʔ ksənʔíwt kaʔ ɬƛ̓xʷups ia ilmíxʷəm iʔ st̓əmkʔílts. Lynx at the end won the chief's daughter. [LynxS 185] See: ʔiwt.

snʔiys   [sənʔyís] Morph: s+n+ʔiys. Etym: √ʔys. a price; saleability; value.

Istem. uɬ sc̓x̌ilx lut t̓a ksənʔíys axáʔ la nspíləm. That's why there is no price for anything in Nespelem. [AutPS 277] uɬ axáʔ iʔ skəmxíst, iʔ səmx̌íkən lut put aʔ ksənʔíys iʔ síp̓iʔs. Brown bear, grizzly, their hides don't have a good price. [Prov 036] uɬ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷá pnicí uɬ ksənʔíys axáʔ iʔ səsp̓qín iʔ lawán. At that time there was no price for wheat or oats. [Hrvst 042] nak̓ʷáʔ k̓ʷək̓ʷínaʔ iʔ sənʔíysc. It doesn't cost just a little. [GDd1 455] See: nʔiy(s).

snʔiʔɬntn   [sənʔíʔɬəntən] Morph: s+n+ʔi•ʔ•ɬn+tn. Etym: √ʔɬn. a small restaurant.

Istem. Category: dim, sn+^+tn. ilíʔ əkɬsámaʔ, uɬ kɬkəpkápin, uɬ əksənʔíʔɬəntən, əksənc̓xʷíwltən. There are white people and cabins, and there is a little restaurant, and a gas station. [nb2544.1] See: snʔiɬntn.

snʔiʔxʷínaʔ   [snʔiʔxʷínaʔ] Morph: s+n+y̓xʷínaʔ. Etym: √yxʷ. snʔiʔxʷínaʔ: area, now inundated, along the former west side of the Columbia, not far south from the spot now known as Mission Point, formerly a camping area utilized during the fishing season. Lit: drop down from higher to lower bench

Istem. snʔiʔxʷínaʔ. Place name. [BK230] See: sny̓xʷínaʔ.

snʔuckláx̌n   [sənʔuckl̕áx̌ən] Morph: s+n+ʔuckláx̌n. Etym: √ʔckl. s.t. looped on the arm.

nIstem. kɬəxʷpəntís iʔ sənʔuckl̕áx̌əns, t̓əxʷ iʔ c̓q̓íləns. He hung up what he had looped around his arm, his arrows. [CoGrSy 381] See: ʔuckláx̌nm.

snʔucxnm   [sənʔúcxnəm] Morph: sn+ʔucxn+m. Etym: √ʔc. one who is being tracked.

nMstem. way̓ kʷ sənʔúcxnəmtət. We've been tracking you. [nb2547.9] See: nʔucxnm.

snʔukʷmn   [sənʔúkʷmən] Morph: sn+ʔukʷ+mn. Etym: √ʔkʷ. conveyance; van.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. snʔukʷmn Van. [nb1871.15] See: nʔukʷmn.

snʔúqnaʔ   [sənʔúqnaʔ] Morph: s+n+ʔúqnaʔ. Etym: √ʔq. earwax; wax in one ear.

Istem. Sp s-n-ʔóqʷneʔ earwax in one ear. Ques: q or qʷ

snʔuqʔúqnaʔ   [snʔuqʔúqənaʔ] Morph: s+n+ʔuq•ʔúqnaʔ. Etym: √ʔq. earwax; wax in both ears.

Istem. Sp s-n-ʔoqʷʔóqʷneʔ earwax in both ears. Ques: q or qʷ snʔuqʔúqnaʔ. Wax in both ears. [pd03] See: snʔúqnaʔ.

snʔúqʷnaʔ   [sənʔúqʷnaʔ] Morph: s+n+ʔuqʷnaʔ. Etym: √ʔqʷ. ear wax.

Istem. Sp s-n-ʔóqʷneʔ earwax. Ques: q or qʷ asənʔúqʷnaʔ. Your ear wax. [nb26-09 010]

sn̓in̓k̓mn̓   [n̓ín̓k̓mən̓] Morph: s+n̓i•n̓k̓+mn̓. Etym: √nk̓. a knife case.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. uɬ axáʔ aɬíʔ ɬcnʔucʔuckláx̌nəmsts iʔ c̓q̓íləns uɬ aɬíʔ ksən̓ín̓k̓mən̓. And he also had his bow and arrow over his shoulder, and he had a knife case. [CoGrSy 521] See: n̓in̓k̓mn̓.

sn̓in̓w̓t   [sn̓ín̓əw̓t] Morph: s+n̓i•n̓w̓+t. Etym: √nw. a breeze; a little wind.

Istem. Category: dim, +t. t̓i kmax siwɬkʷ uɬ axáʔ iʔ sn̓ín̓əw̓t uɬ iʔ sktəm̓tám̓t iʔ stk̓másq̓ət. There was just water, and this breeze, and the clouds, the sky. [crea4] See: sniw̓t.

sn̓kw̓ar̓qíntn   [sn̓kw̓ar̓qíntn] Morph: sn̓+k+w̓ar̓qín+tn. Etym: √wr̓. sn̓kw̓ar̓qíntn: low peak located due south from c̓q̓ʷmnasxn that was well known as a site where young people were sent to obtain guardian spirit power. Lit: build-fire-on-top place

Istem. Category: sn+^+tn. sn̓kw̓ar̓qíntn. Place name. [BK45]

sn̓maʔníkmn   [sən̓maʔníkmən] Morph: sn+maʔník+mn. Etym: √mnk. latrine, bathroom, shitting place.

Istem. Category: sn+^+mn. sn̓maʔníkmn. Latrine. [15.91a] See: mnik.

spalq   [spalq] Morph: s+palq. Etym: √plq. penis.

Istem. Sp s-pálq penis; Cm s‑pəlq penis; Th s/péyeq, p.ə́lq-eʔ penis; Li s.pəl̕-q penis. spalq Penis. [pd03]

spapáʕɬaʔ   [spapáʕɬaʔ] Morph: s+pa•páʕɬaʔ. Etym: √pʕɬʔ. monster; ape; giant.

Istem. way̓ mat nis iʔ spapáʕɬaʔ kʷu nʔucxs. I guess the Ape is gone to track us. [lnx2 387] məɬ ik̓líʔ ʕác̓əs, uɬ nák̓ʷəm ixíʔ spapáʕɬaʔ t̓əcxʷúy. He looked there, he saw Giant coming over. [chipdd 007] See: spáʕɬaʔ.

spápaʔt   [spápaʔt] Morph: s+pá•paʔt. Etym: √pʔt. generosity.

Istem. Lit: because of her kindness and generosity aɬíʔ inx̌mínk təl̕ sənx̌sílsc təl̕ spápaʔts. I want her because she's kind and generous. [fatboy 198] See: paʔpáʔt.

spapík   [spapík] Morph: s+pa•pík. Etym: √pk. a board; a plank.

Istem. Sp s-c-pič lumber, a board. lut t̓ spapík axáʔ ia nxár̓uʔs. That curtain is not board. [Whal 318] See: papík.

spápqɬc̓aʔ   [spápqɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+pá•pqɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √pq. weasel (in winter).

Istem. Ques: p or p̓ ? spápqɬc̓aʔ. Weasel.

spapqʷlíc   [spapqʷlíc] Morph: s+pa•pqʷlíc. Etym: √pqʷlc. little ling fish.

Istem. spapqʷlíc. Little ling fish. [nb20.12a] See: spqʷlíc.

spaqtán   [spaqtán] Morph: s+paq+tán. Etym: √pq. January; whiteout time.

Istem. Category: +tan. spaqtán. January. [E6] See: piq.

spax̌mn   [spáx̌mən] Morph: s+pax̌+mn. Etym: √px̌. spax̌mn: Douglas Lake.

Istem. Category: Geog, +mn. spax̌mn Douglas Lake. [nb26-42 006]

spayól   [spayúl, spayól] Morph: spayol. From: French Espagnol(e). Etym: √spyl. Spanish, Spaniard.

Istem. Cm ṣpanyụ́ḷ Spanish; Cr s+pa·yólmš Spanish, Castilian, Mexican.

spáʕɬaʔ   [spáʕɬaʔ] Morph: s+páʕɬaʔ. Gram: non-reduplicated variant of spapáʕɬaʔ Etym: √pʕɬʔ. ape, monster, giant.

Istem. Cm spéəɬaʔ great‑horned owl. ixíʔ spáʕɬaʔ, nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən, uɬ ixíʔ t̓íqʷəlqʷ. That's spʕáɬaʔ, a man-eater, tall. [nb2537.9]

spaʕmcánm   [spaʕmcánəm] Morph: s+paʕ+mcán+m. Etym: √pʕ. mouth harp.

nMstem. spaʕmcánm. Mouth harp. [nb22.115a]

spaʕʔúlaʔxʷ   [spʕaʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+paʕʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pʕ. a ghost. Morph: s+paʕʔúlaʔxʷ.

Istem. spaʕʔúlaʔxʷ. Ghost. [nb26-73 008]

spaʔamíx   [spaʔamíx] Morph: s+paʔa+míx. Etym: √pʔ. spaʔamíx: Lakes name (not known if man's or woman's).

Istem. spaʔamíx. Personal name. [OkB]

spaʔl̕íslp̓   [spaʔl̕ísəlp̓] Morph: s+paʔl̕íslp̓. Etym: √pl. 1 • wood for smoking (e.g. meat).

Istem. spaʔl̕íslp̓ [nb21.150a; nb18239.7]

2 • Istem. smoke from a house fire.

Istem. spaʔl̕íslp̓. Smoke from a house fire. [OkB]

spaʔpaʔsílx   [spaʔpaʔsílx] Morph: s+paʔ•paʔs+ílx. Etym: √pʔs. sorrow.

Istem. Category: +ilx. ilíʔ kʷ ɬ x̌ílm itíʔ ixíʔ l aspaʔpaʔsílx. If you do that you'll be sorry. [su7q̓im 258] mi siwntxʷ ɬə ksx̌əsɬtsís aspuʔús, aspaʔpaʔsílx. You will ask that he makes your feelings and your worries better. [su7q̓im 262b] See: paʔpaʔsílx.

spaʔpaʔúl̕   [spaʔpaʔúl̕] Morph: s+paʔ•paʔúl̕. Etym: √pʔl. spaʔpaʔúl̕.

Istem. Category: mName. spaʔpaʔúl̕. Man's name. [OkB]

spaʔpút   [spaʔpút] Morph: s+paʔ•pút. Etym: √pt. to be a match.

Istem. Ques: ʔ or no ʔ ? lut t̓ ispapút k̓ anwí. I am not your match, I am not good enough for you. [nb08 344] way̓ iwá t̓əxʷ lut ispapút iʔ k̓ ast̓əmkʔílt. I am not a match for your daughter. [CoGrSy 391]

spaʔpʔúl   [spaʔpʔúl] Morph: s+paʔ•pʔúl. Etym: √pl. spaʔpʔúl. Lit: smokey

Istem. ixíʔ spaʔpʔúl naʔɬ qicks máʕʷtət ixíʔ ɬaʔ ksckʷínəlx ixíʔ kɬtəmxʷúlaʔxʷsəlx. Smoky and his brother máʕ̓ʷtət picked that for their home place. [AutPS 187]

spaʔpʔús   [spaʔpʔús] Morph: s+paʔ•pʔús. Etym: √pʔ. hearts.


spaʔqʷltált   [spaʔqʷəltált] Morph: s+paʔqʷltált. Etym: √pʔqʷ. the sun.

Istem. spaʔqʷəltált. The sun. [nb26-09 014]

spaʔsíʔm   [spaʔsíʔm] Morph: s+paʔsíʔ+m. Etym: √pʔsʔ. to seep.

nMstem. See č-peʔʔšín his tire went flat; Cm pạʔṣ to suddenly burst out of the water; Cr t+peʔšín+t-s deflate (lit. He released the air from the tire). spaʔsíʔm. Little springs, water seeps out. [nb25-59 007]

spikpkst   [spíkpəkst] Morph: s+pik(k)st. Gram: The singular spikst points to a root √sp; the plural to √pk Etym: √pk. gloves.

Istem. spíkpəkst gloves. [EC 7-15-92] See: spikst.

spikst   [spikst] Morph: s+pikst. Etym: √pk. glove.

Istem. Sp s-péčst glove; Sh s-péke gloves; Th s/pékeʔ (pair of) gloves. uɬ aɬíʔ min̓á kspikst, min̓á t wool gloves. I don't suppose he has gloves, wool gloves. [BJSeym 160] t spikst kiʔ kən k̓ʷúləm. I am making gloves. [E74.6]

spilm   [spíləm] Morph: s+pil+m. Etym: √pl. 1 • flat land.

Istem. ixíʔ cxílsəm ixíʔ təl spíləm iʔ təl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. That's the edge of the level land. [2gts 047] aɬíʔ mat x̌súlaʔxʷ, mat spíləm, lut t̓ə kɬxwíɬ. Maybe it's level ground, maybe it's open land, there is no road. [dict]

2 • Istem. spilm: the Big Bend country; Wilbur.

Istem. ixíʔ iʔ spíləm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. That's the Big Bend (Wilbur). [2gts 041] See: pil1.

spintk   [spintk] Morph: s+pintk. Etym: √pn. a year.

Istem. Sp s-péntč one year, one season; Cr s+pintč chron-, relating to time, year. mat kʷ k̓ʷinx ixíʔ spintk pnicí. How old were you at that time? [gl7] See: pintk.

spiw̓pw̓   [spíw̓puʔ] Morph: s+piw̓•pw̓. Etym: √pw̓. lungs.

Istem. Sp s-péw̓puʔ lungs; Cm s‑páw̓‑paw̓ lungs; Cr s+píw̓+pew̓ lungs; Sh s-puʔ-pw lungs; Th s/púʔ•puʔ lungs; Li s.pə́w̓:pəw̓ lungs. uɬ t̓i c̓x̌iɬ t spíw̓puʔ iʔ sʕ̓ác̓c̓əs, spuʔús náx̌əmɬ. And it looks like lungs, but it̓s a heart anyway. [nb2557.9] See: pw̓.

spix̌m   [spíx̌əm] Morph: s+pix̌+m. Etym: √px̌. the hunt; hunting.

nMstem. Category: nMstem. lut iʔ k̓əl spíx̌əm t̓a ck̓ʷúl̕əm. He doesn't work at hunting. [bjmd 129] ixíʔ spíx̌əms kxan iʔ l spíx̌əm. He goes hunting, he follows in the hunt. [bjmd 140] lut t̓ sisyús iʔ k̓əl spíx̌əm. He's not good at hunting. [nb2534.5] axáʔ iʔ kən xʔít iʔ l spíx̌əm úɬiʔ kʷu ɬcənkcníkiʔs. I am the best in hunting, and yet he overtook me. [dict] See: pix̌m.

spiʔsc̓íɬt   [spiʔsc̓íɬt] Morph: s+py̓s+c̓iɬt. Etym: √c̓ɬt. yesterday.

Istem. See: spy̓sc̓iɬt.

spkʷmiɬp   [spəkʷmíɬp] Morph: s+pkʷmiɬp. Etym: √pkʷm. spkʷmiɬp: Rocky Nountain maple (acer glabrum).

Istem. spkʷmiɬp. Maple. [TBK59]

spkʷmint   [spəkʷmínt] Morph: s+pkʷ+min+t. Etym: √pkʷ. spillage (of small roundish objects).

Istem. Category: +t. spkʷmint. Spillage. [nb21.185a] See: pkʷmi(n).

spkʷúlaʔxʷ   [spkʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+pkʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pkʷ. spkʷúlaʔxʷ: montane puffball (lycoperdon spp.)

Istem. spkʷúlaʔxʷ. Puffball. [TBK15]

splal   [splal] Morph: s+pl•al. Etym: √pl. youngsters; young folks; young growth.

Istem. See Sp hi-s-č-kʷeʔréčst my children (grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.). ixíʔ uɬ ik̓líʔ a cq̓əxʷáxʷəlx axáʔ iʔ splal. The young folks go over there to flirt with her. [2gts 064] níkxnaʔ axáʔ iʔ sqilxʷ xʷt̓lilx iʔ splal. Goodness, the people, the young people, got up. [BJSeym 142] axáʔ iʔ splal aɬíʔ scq̓əxʷxʷmíxəlx iʔ k̓əl st̓aʔk̓míx, uɬ aɬíʔ swiʔnúmtx. The young fellows were wishing for the girl, because she's good looking. [dict] ṇt̓aʔ uɬ ṇq̓ʷíctəlx iʔ splal. It was full of young folks. [dict] See: plal.

splant   [splant] Morph: s+plant. Etym: √plnt. From: Thompson s/plánt. skunk.

Istem. splant. Skunk.

splimcn   [splímcən] Morph: s+plimcn. Variant: splim̓cn. Etym: √plm. mouth.


splim̓cn   [splím̓cən] Morph: s+plimcn. Variant: splimcn. Etym: √plm. mouth.

Istem. Sp s-pl-im̓cn mouth, lips; Cr s+plim̓cn lips; Sh s-pl-u-cn mouth; Th s/plíwcn mouth. níkna iʔ splímcəns nak̓ʷəm q̓ʷic̓t. Gee, her mouth is full. [cogrzd 097] kʷ ikspúlstəm t isplímcən mi ƛ̓əlˑnúntsən. I am going to kill you with my mouth. [CoGrSy 658]

splip   [splip] Morph: s+plip. Etym: √pl. hind end, rump, bum.

Istem. Sh s-pl-ep behind, "bottom"; way̓ uɬ k̓əm iʔ splips t̓i k̓əl tk̓əmkn̓íɬxʷ. Only her hind end was outside [the trap]. [CoGrSy 785]

spllúlaʔxʷ   [spəllúlaʔxʷ.] Morph: s+pl•lúlaʔxʷ. Variant: spl̕úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pl. some growth in the ground or earth.

Istem. spllúlaʔxʷ. Growth. [nb22.83a] See: pllúlaʔxʷ.

splmúlaʔxʷ   [spəlmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+pl+múlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pl. place where there is new growth (e.g. after a fire); treeless, bald hill.

Istem. splmúlaʔxʷ New growth. [nb18238.14] See: spllúlaʔxʷ.

splsqáx̌aʔ   [spəlsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+plsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √pl. a killed animal.

Istem. splsqáx̌aʔ. A killed animal. [dict] See: plsqáx̌aʔm.

spl̕l̕aɬq   [spəl̕l̕áɬq] Morph: s+pl̕+l̕aɬq. Etym: √pl. bushes.

Istem. spəl̕l̕áɬq. Bushes that bear fruit. [nb27-23 003] See: plal.

spl̕úlaʔxʷ   [spəl̕úlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+pl̕úlaʔxʷ. Variant: spllúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pl̕. plants; the Plant people; things that grow on the land.

Istem. Sp s-kʷeʔrúleʔxʷ green growth, grass, all small plants. See Sh kʷlé-kʷle grass. a ck̓núsəs uɬ iʔ spəl̕úlaʔxʷ cəm̓ ksck̓ɬʔíysaʔx. The Animal and Plant people would be changed. [WBW.5] síyaʔ, ylmixʷm x̌əl yaʕt iʔ‿spəl̕úlaʔxʷ. Saskatoon Berry, Chief of all things that grow on land. [WBW.12]

spplínaʔ   [spəplínaʔ] Variant: sppl̕ínaʔ. Morph: s+p•plínaʔ. Etym: √pl. 1 • Rabbit; rabbit.


2 • Istem. spplínaʔ.

Istem. Category: mName.

sppll̕úlaʔxʷ   [sppəll̕úlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+p•pl̕•lúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pl. vegetation; things growing.

Istem. sppll̕úlaʔxʷ. Vegetation. [nb18238.3] See: spllúlaʔxʷ.

spplmúlaʔxʷ   [spəpəlmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+p•pl+múlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pl. spplmúlaʔxʷ: the general area where the Inchelium-Gifford ferry now lands on the west side of the Columbia River. Lit: flat land

Istem. Category: dim. See: splmúlaʔxʷ.

sppl̕al̕   [spəpl̕ál̕] Morph: s+p•pl̕•al̕. Etym: √pl. teenage boys; youngsters.

Istem. Category: dim. sppl̕al̕. Boys. [nb18135.4] way̓ xʷəm t̓i ksnunxʷínaʔx iʔ sppl̕al̕. It was as if the boys were going to believe. [lpb408] See: splal.

sppl̕im̓cn̓   [spəplím̓cən] Morph: s+p•pl̕im̓cn̓. Etym: √plm. a little mouth.

Istem. Category: dim. ixíʔ iʔ spəplím̓cəns, xʷəm̓ t̓i sc̓əc̓ʔák̓ʷ Her little mouth is like a flower. [nb26-34 008] spəpl̕ím̓cən̓ Little mouth. [nb26-37 027] See: splim̓cn.

sppl̕ínaʔ   [spəpl̕ínaʔ] Variant: spplínaʔ. Morph: s+p•pl̕ínaʔ. Etym: √pl. 1 • Rabbit; rabbit.

Istem. uɬ cus iʔ síncaʔs spəpl̕ínaʔ. And he said to his little brother Rabbit... [lnxbdga 126]

2 • Istem. sppl̕ínaʔ.

Istem. sppl̕ínaʔ. Man's name. [pd1]

sppɬáɬaʔt   [spəpɬáɬaʔt] Morph: s+p•pɬá•ɬaʔ+t. Etym: √pɬ. thickness.

Istem. Category: dim, +t. t̓i put iʔ spəpɬáɬaʔts, mat c̓x̌iɬ atáʔ sísəlxʷaʔ. About this thick, about this big. [nb2576.1] See: pɬaɬt.

sppƛ̓m̓iɬp   [spəpƛ̓əm̓íɬp] Morph: s+p•pƛ̓m̓iɬp. Etym: √pƛ̓m. flat-topped spiraea (spiraea betulifolia).

Istem. sppƛ̓m̓iɬp. Spiraea. [TBK133]

spptwínaʔxʷ   [spəptwínaʔxʷ] Morph: s+p+ptwínaʔxʷ. Etym: √ptwnxʷ. old ladyhood; one's being an old woman.

Istem. lut uɬ t̓a nhəhílsəntəm təl spəptwínaʔxʷs. He showed no respect to her old ladyhood. [CoGrSy 789] See: pptwínaʔxʷ.

spqíc̓aʔ   [spəqíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+pqíc̓aʔ. Etym: √pq. white skinned person.

Istem. kʷu ksʔíɬtəm iʔ stím̓tət iʔ spəqíc̓aʔ. The white skinned ones will eat our food [lit. things]. [WA1-8] See: piq.

spqɬsnínaʔ   [spəqɬsnína] Morph: s+pq+ɬ+snínaʔ. Etym: √pq, √sn. spqɬsnínaʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. spqɬsnínaʔ. Woman's name. [OkB]

spqmix   [spəqmíx.] Morph: s+pqmix. Etym: √pq. (white) swan.

Istem. Sp s-pqmí; s-pqmiš a swan; Sh s-pəq-mix swan. spqmix Swan. [nb22.11a]

spqmus   [spəqmús] Morph: s+pq+mus. Etym: √pq. white hair.

Istem. mʕan iʔ qəpqíntəms uɬ laʔcxʔítiʔ t̓iʔ paˑˑyq, i t spqmusc hoy uɬ c̓x̌iɬ t skʷrriʔx kiʔ ƛ̓lal. His hair was white at first, gray hair, then it turned yellow when he died. [AutPS 160] See: piq.

spqpáqɬc̓aʔ   [spəqpáqɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+pq•páqɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √pq. female mountain goat.

Istem. spqpáqɬc̓aʔ. Goat. [OkB]

spqsqáx̌aʔ   [spqsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+pqsqáx̌aʔ. Variant: pqsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √pq. spqsqáx̌aʔ: a basin area that is west from the south end of t̓aʔtíw̓s. Lit: white horse

Istem. spqsqáx̌aʔ. Place name. [BK23]

spqʷlic   [spəqʷlíc, spuqʷlíc] Morph: s+pqʷlic. Etym: √pqʷlc. sucker, ling fish (spawns around February).

Istem. Cm s-p̓uqʷl̕i-cn ling cod. Ques: p or p̓ ?

spsa   [spsa] Morph: spsa. Etym: √ps. spsa (Sarah McLeod). Category: wName.

Istem. spsa. Woman's name. [nb26-48 009]

spsáʕyaʔ   [spsáʕyaʔ] Morph: s+psáʕyaʔ. Variant: spsáʕya. Etym: √pʕs. one foolish, crazy; goofy; disobedient; no good.

Istem. Cm pəəṣ be empty‑headed, blank, pṣ–ayaʔ dumb, incompetent; Cr psáye foolish. t̓əxʷ kʷu qʷəncínməntxʷ uɬ aɬíʔ kən stʔiwtx, uɬ pútiʔ kən k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ, kən spsáʕyaʔ. Pity me that I am the youngest one, and still too small, I have no sense. [dict] See: psáʕyaʔ.

spsqniɬxʷ   [spəsqníɬxʷ] Morph: s+psqniɬxʷ. Etym: √ps (?). the top of the house.

Istem. way̓ tk̓íwləx k̓a nwist, k̓əl spəsqníɬxʷ uɬ púƛ̓əm. He climbed high to the top of the house, and stopped. [nb2530.10]

sptix̌ʷ   [sptix̌ʷ] Morph: s+ptix̌ʷ. Etym: √ptx̌ʷ. spit, saliva.

Istem. Sp ptáx̌ʷ-m he spit; s-ptáx̌ʷ saliva, spit; Cm ptix̌ʷ-m spit; Cr patx̌ʷ burst (ref. to oil, water, pus. sptix̌ʷ. Spit. [pd03] See: ptix̌ʷ.

sptkʷam   [spətkʷám] Morph: s+ptkʷa+m. Etym: √ptkʷ. to nail; nailing.

Mstem. Sp ptkʷ-mín nail. Category: nMstem. sptkʷam. Nailing. [nb22.23] See: ptkʷ.

sptkʷaqs   [spətkʷáqs] Morph: s+ptkʷaqs. Etym: √ptkʷ. a beak.

Istem. sptkʷaqs. Beak. See: ptkʷ.

sptwnxʷsqáx̌aʔ   [spətunxʷsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+ptwnxʷsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √ptwnxʷ. old mare.

Istem. spətunxʷsqáx̌aʔ. Old mare. [E54.29] See: pptwínaxʷ.

spuct   [spuct] Morph: s+puc+t. Etym: √pc. scab; sore.

Istem. Sp s-poc-t scab; Cm s‑puct sore; Cr s+poc+t blain (lit. a skin sore). Category: +t. ixíʔ uɬ k̓ʷul̕l̕ t sútən t spuct. And then he turned into something, scabs. [grlsdd 279] lut kən t̓a kspuct. I don’t have scabs. [nb18229.4]

spulplt   [spúlpəlt] Morph: s+pul•pl+t. Etym: √pl. a dream.

Istem. Cm plpult, splpúl dream. Category: +t. spulplt. Dream. See: spuplt.

spúl̕ɬc̓aʔ   [spúl̕ɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+púl̕ɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √pl̕. smoked meat.

Istem. ixíʔ spúl̕ɬc̓aʔ. That's smoked (or dried) meat. [nb18239.4] See: pul̕1.

spúɬlaʔxʷ   [spúɬlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+púɬlaʔxʷ. Etym: √pɬ. dust; dust.

Istem. Sp s-n-ppóɬaʔqn dandruff. spúɬlaʔxʷ. Dust. [nb18240.12]

spuɬt   [spuɬt] Morph: s+puɬt. Etym: √pɬt. down feathers.

Istem. spuɬt. Down feathers. [OkB]

spumt   [spumt] Morph: s+pum+t. Etym: √pm. fur; outer cover; feathers.

Istem. Sp s-púm pubic hair, fur; Cr spum fur. way̓ t̓i kcqʷcʕíqʷc̓aʔ lut t̓ə kspúmt. Their bodies didn't have any feathers. [dict]

spuplt   [spúpəlt] Morph: s+pu•plt. Etym: √plt. a dream.

Istem. spúpəlt. Dream. [nb08 774] See: spulplt.

spusxʔítx   [spusxʔítx] Morph: s+pus+xʔítx. Etym: √xʔt. one's first spouse.

Istem. Sp puʔ- spouse; puʔ-kʷné-m he (or she) took a spouse. Category: kin. ispusxʔítx. My first spouse. [dict] See: sxʔit.

spútaʔ   [spútaʔ] Morph: s+pút+aʔ. Etym: √pt. a holiday; Christmas; New Year's.

Istem. Cr ul+n+púteʔ+n he s+pintč+s anno-Domini (lit. belonging to the Lord's year). spútaʔ. Christmas. [nb21.85a] See: pútaʔ.

spútaʔm   [spútaʔm] Morph: s+pútaʔ+m. Etym: √pt. to respect s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. kʷ ispútaʔm. I respect you. See: 11.25a. aɬíʔ kʷ spútaʔm uɬ lúti iʔ síwəntst. Because we respect you we haven't asked you yet. [Whal 524] See: spútaʔ.

sputs   [sputs] Morph: s+put+s. Etym: √pt. right.

?. Category: Idiom. mat ixíʔ sputs. Right on. [nb26-18 012] See: put.

spuxʷm   [spúxʷəm] Morph: s+puxʷ+m. Etym: √pxʷ. cure by blowing; power to cure.

nMstem. Cm s‑puxʷ‑m curing rite, healing practice; Cr s+puxʷ+m blowing by medicine man in treatment of ailment; Sh px̌ʷ-um to cure (of Indian doctor); Th pox̌ʷ-nwen̓-s [of shaman] finally managed to blow it on s.o.; Li pəx̌ʷ-n-ə́m he was squirted on (by the Indian doctor). See: puxʷ1.

spuʔlíxn   [spuʔlíxən] Morph: s+puʔlíxn. Etym: √pʔl. deer hoof.

Istem. Cm puʔláxn hoof; Sh spul̕-xn deerhoof.

spuʔpuʔlíxn   [spuʔpuʔlíxn] Morph: s+puʔ•puʔlíxn ? Etym: √pʔl ?. hocks.

Istem. iʔ spuʔpuʔlíxəns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. The hocks of the deer. [mychildr 227] See: spuʔlíxn.

spuʔsíɬml̕x   [spuʔsíɬml̕x] Morph: s+puʔ꞊s꞊íɬml̕x. Etym: √pʔ. wild ginger (asarum caudatum). Lit: heart-shaped plant

Istem. spuʔsíɬml̕x. Ginger. [TBK74]

spuʔstʔíwtx   [spuʔstʔíwtx] Morph: s+puʔs+tʔíw+t+x. Etym: √tʔw. one's latest spouse.

Istem. Category: kin. ispuʔstʔíwtx. My last spouse. [dict] See: stʔiwtx.

spuʔúl   [spuʔúl] Morph: s+pu[ʔ]úl. Etym: √pl. smoke of forest or bon fire.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. way̓ axáʔ ɬaʔ wxʷap nt̓a aɬíʔ iʔ spuʔúl iʔ sq̓ʷʔuɬ. When it blazed the smoke was black. [CoGrSy 601] See: pul̕1.

spuʔúɬ   [spuʔúɬ] Morph: s+pu[ʔ]úɬ. Etym: √pɬ. splash.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. taʔlíʔ kən kpaʔɬínaʔ i t spuʔúɬc iʔ siwɬkʷ. I got splashed by the splashing water. [nb25-18 007] See: puɬ; piɬ1.

spuʔús   [spuʔús] Morph: s+puʔús. Etym: √pʔ. heart, feeling, idea; desire; heart (playing card).

Istem. Lit: it landed in my heart Sp s-pʔús heart, mind, personality; puʔs-mi-n I thought fondly of him; Cm s‑c‑puʔ‑s heart; Cr puʔs heart, desire; See Sh p̓usmən. ixíʔ kʷis iʔ spuʔús. Then he took the heart. [chipdd 063] t̓k̓ʷak̓ʷ iʔ l ispuʔús. It came to me. [su7q̓im 245] mi n̓ín̓w̓iʔs ɬx̌əstwílx aspuʔús. And then you'll feel good again. [su7q̓im 263] t̓əxʷ ixíʔ kspuʔúsc. It's up to them. [bjmd 052] ha way̓ ixíʔ ha x̌ast iʔ spuʔúsəmp ha. Are you satisfied with the bargain? [2gts 133] way̓ t̓i cniɬc spuʔúsc. She's got to boss her own self. [LynxS 018] uɬ t̓i anwí akspuʔús mi kʷ pulx. You can go to bed any time you want. [nb1270.12]

spwalqn   [spuwálqən] Morph: s+pwalqn. Etym: √pw. 1 • red headed woodpecker. Black bird with a white head, and red on the side of the head.

Istem. spwalqn. [nb21.8a]

2 • Istem. spwalqn.

Sp s-pwálqn redheaded woodpecker.Istem.

spwpiwxn   [spupíwxən] Morph: s+pw•piwxn. Etym: √pw. blistered feet.

Istem. spwpiwxn. Blistered feet. [14.92a] See: piw.

spx̌pax̌t   [spəx̌páx̌t] Morph: s+px̌•pax̌+t. Etym: √px̌. smarts; knowledge.

Istem. Category: +t. kʷu xʷic̓xt t ikspəx̌páx̌t, mi lut iksənɬípt. Give me knowledge so that I won't forget. [feb94 043] kʷa axáʔ aɬíʔ iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ lut t̓a kspəx̌páx̌t. But the horses got no sense. [Hrvst 143] See: px̌pax̌t.

spx̌px̌ɬk̓ʷul̕mn   [spəx̌pəx̌ɬk̓ʷúl̕mən] Morph: s+px̌•px̌+ɬ+k̓ʷul̕+mn. Etym: √px̌, √k̓ʷl̕. computer.

Istem. Category: +mn. spəx̌pəx̌ɬk̓ʷúl̕mən. Computer. [RAmisc92 009] See: px̌pax̌t; k̓ʷul̕m.

spx̌px̌twilx   [spəx̌pəx̌twílx] Morph: s+px̌•px̌+t+wilx. Etym: √px̌. the state of having gotten one's senses, of having reached consciousness.

Istem. Category: +wilx. way̓ təl ispəx̌pəx̌twílx lut xʷuˑˑy ilíʔ kʷu c̓x̌ilsts. Since I came to my senses nobody ever did that to me. [nb1248.8-9] See: px̌pax̌t.

spx̌ʷmsʔiɬn   [spəx̌ʷmsʔíɬn] Morph: s+px̌ʷ+m+s+ʔiɬn. Etym: √px̌ʷ, √ʔɬn. giving out all the food.

Istem. spəx̌ʷmsʔíɬn. Giving out all the food. [OkB] See: px̌ʷm; sʔiɬn.

spx̌ʷtqin   [spəx̌ʷtqín] Morph: s+px̌ʷtqin. Etym: √px̌ʷt. spx̌ʷtqin: Madeline DeSautel's and Pete Seymour's great-great-grandfather.

Istem. spx̌ʷtqin. Man's name. [nb6.10a]

spy̓sc̓íɬt   [spiʔsc̓íɬt] Morph: s+py̓s+c̓iɬt. Etym: √c̓ɬt. yesterday.

Istem. Sp spiʔsc̓éʔ, c-piʔ√s-c̓éʔ yesterday; Ka √t:spiʔsc̓eʔ; see Th s/piʔhéwt. spiʔsc̓íɬt kiʔ skixʷíw̓s. Yesterday was Monday. [nb6.92a] See: py̓sc̓íɬt.

spʕ̓ʷaɬ   [spʕ̓ʷaɬ] Morph: s+pʕ̓ʷaɬ. Etym: √pʕʷɬ. a sore; a wound.

Istem. spʕ̓ʷaɬ A sore. [OkB]

spʔaʕ   [paʔáʕ] Morph: s+p[ʔ]aʕ. Etym: √pʕ. to be in mourning.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. kʷ spʔáʕ. You are a mourner and can’t hunt, shoot deer, etc. because you’ve handled the dead. [nb21.168]

spʔul̕   [spuʔúl̕] Morph: s+p[ʔ]ul̕. Etym: √pl̕. smoke from a fire.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. spʔul̕. Smoke. See: spuʔúl; pul̕1.

spʔuɬ   [spʔuɬ] Morph: s+p[ʔ]uɬ. Etym: √pɬ. wind blown dust; mist in the air; spray.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. See: spuʔúɬ; puɬ.

spʔus   [spuʔús] Morph: s+pʔus. Etym: √pʔ. heart.

Istem. See: spuʔús.

sp̓ac̓lqʷaʕʷstxn   [sp̓ac̓əlqʷaʕʷstxən] Morph: s+p̓ac̓lqʷaʕʷstxn. Etym: √p̓ʕc̓. sp̓ac̓lqʷaʕʷstxn: one of the names of Coyote's oldest son.

Istem. Category: mName. sp̓ac̓lqʷaʕʷstxn. Man's name. [nb21.8a]

sp̓aɬq̓ʷlm   [sp̓áɬq̓ʷləm] Morph: sp̓aɬq̓ʷl+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the mouth.

Mstem. sp̓áɬq̓ʷləm. hit on mouth. [nb10a 156] See: sp̓(a).

sp̓áɬxʷlm   [sp̓áɬxʷləm] Morph: sp̓áɬxʷl+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the mouth.

Mstem. See: sp̓(a).

sp̓aƛ̓mqn   [sp̓áƛ̓əmqən] Morph: s+p̓aƛ̓+mqn. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. head of the river; head of the lake.

Istem. itlíʔ t̓ik̓ʷt, itlíʔ kiʔ sp̓áƛ̓əmqən axáʔ a ntx̌ʷitkʷ. It's from the lake, from there is the head of this big river. [Whal 097] See: p̓ƛ̓.

sp̓am   [səp̓ám] Morph: sp̓a+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.t. (with a stick); to strike s.t. (with a stick); to beat a drum.

Mstem. Category: +am. kən səp̓ám t st̓maʕlt. I hit the cow. [E64.8] ixíʔ ɬəɬsc̓íxts ilíʔ nixʷ tkʷənkʷníməlx, sp̓áməlx. His brothers-in-law there also held it (the drum), beat it (the drum). [dc80] t̓i kʷmiɬ uɬ kícəntəm iʔ tə tkɬmilxʷs uɬ ixíʔ sp̓ams iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. All of a sudden his woman came to him and the woman drummed. [lpb32] See: sp̓a.

sp̓ant   Morph: sp̓a+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.t.

Tstem. Category: +ant. səp̓ánt iʔ pumín. Hit the drum. [Oct92 063]

sp̓apqnm   Morph: sp̓apqn+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the head.

Mstem. Sp sp̓ápqn-t-m he was hit on the head with a club; Sh səp̓-ep-qn to hit on the back of the head. sp̓ápqnəm. To hit on head. [nb10a 148] See: sp̓a.

sp̓apqnt   Morph: sp̓apq+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the head.

Tstem. Sp sp̓ápqn-t-m he was hit on the head with a club; Sh səp̓-ep-qn to hit on the back of the head. Category: +nt. sp̓ápqəntxʷ. You hit him on the head. [dict] məɬ ksp̓ápqiʔs. She whacked her on the head. [grlsdd 148] ixíʔ cɬx̌ʷp̓am iʔ sk̓ʷuys, ixíʔ sp̓ápqəs nák̓ʷəm yutlxʷ. His mother came out there, and hit Raven on the head. [grlsdd 190] See: sp̓a.

sp̓apqntn   [sp̓áp̓qəntṇ] Morph: sp̓apqn+tn. Variant: sp̓pqintn. Etym: √sp̓. salmon club; fish club.

Istem. Sh sp̓-ep-qn-tn salmon club. Category: +tn. sp̓apqntn. Fish club. [pd10] See: sp̓apqnm.

sp̓ap̓   [sp̓ap̓] Morph: sp̓•ap̓. Etym: √sp̓. to be or get hit (with a stick).

Istem. kən sp̓ap̓. I got hit. [E64.6] See: sp̓a.

sp̓ap̓ƛ̓mqn   [sp̓áp̓ƛ̓əmqən] Morph: s+p̓a•p̓ƛ̓mqn. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓m. the head of a gulch.

Istem. k̓liʔ kiʔ cp̓əp̓sáwaʔs k̓əl sp̓áp̓ƛ̓əmqən. There is a low place, the head of the gulch. [HnTrp 033] See: p̓ƛ̓.

sp̓áp̓qɬc̓aʔ   [sp̓áp̓qəɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+p̓á•p̓qɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √p̓q̓s. weasel in wintertime, white weasel.

Istem. Ques: p or p̓ ? sp̓áp̓qɬc̓aʔ Weasel. [11.37a; nb18136.15]

sp̓ap̓qntn   [sp̓áp̓qntṇ] Morph: sp̓•ap̓qn+tn. Variant: sp̓p̓qintn. Etym: √sp̓. fish club.

Istem. Category: +tn. sp̓ap̓qntn. Fish club. See: sp̓ap̓.

sp̓aqsm   [sp̓áqsəm] Morph: sp̓aqs+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the nose.

Mstem. Sh səp̓-eqs get hit on the nose. sp̓áqsəm. To hit on the nose. [nb10a 153] See: sp̓a.

sp̓aq̓ʷt   [sp̓áq̓ʷət] Morph: s+p̓aq̓ʷ+t. Etym: √p̓q̓ʷ. itching, impetigo.

Istem. Cr s+p̓aq̓ʷ+t leprosy; s+p̓+p̓áq̓ʷ+t leprosy, small pox. Category: +t. sp̓aq̓ʷt. Itching. [nb19.324] uc kʷ kspaq̓ʷt. Are you itching? [nb1845.16]

sp̓aw   [sp̓aw] Morph: s+p̓aw. Etym: √p̓w. a fart.

Istem. sp̓aw. Fart. [dict] See: p̓w̓am.

sp̓aw̓sqn   [səp̓áw̓sqn] Morph: sp̓aw̓sqn. Etym: √sp̓. to be hit on the mouth.

Istem. See: sp̓a.

sp̓aʕc̓   [sp̓aʕc̓] Morph: s+p̓aʕc̓. Etym: √p̓ʕc̓. one's excreted loose feces; soft excrement; squirted (excrement); diarrhea.

Istem. Sp s-p̓ʕac̓ diarrhea, excrement, feces; p̓ac̓(á) loose bowels; Cm s‑p̓əəc̓ soft excrement; Cr p̓ac̓ defecate, squirt; Sh pic̓-n-s to squeeze, press down; Th /p̓ic̓- press, push; Li p̓íc̓-xal to press s,t, down. ixíʔ səcnʔúcxnəms iʔ sylylmíxʷəms, iʔ sp̓áʕc̓əs. He was following his powers, his feces. [crea102]

sp̓aʔxʷának   [sp̓aʔxʷának] Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷának. Etym: √p̓xʷ. sp̓aʔxʷának: goatsbeard (tragopogon pratensis).

Istem. sp̓aʔxʷának. Goatsbeard. [TBK85]

sp̓aʔxʷáwlm   [sp̓aʔxʷáwləm] Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷáwl+m. Etym: √p̓ʔxʷ. the northern lights.

Mstem. See Sp s-č-p̓aʔxʷásq̓t the northern lights; See Cm s‑p̓aʔxʷ‑aw(t)‑l̕əxʷ northern lights; See Cr s+t+p̓aʔxʷásq̓it aurora borealis. sp̓aʔxʷáwlm. The northern lights. [nb20.107a] See: sp̓aʔxʷáw̓l.

sp̓aʔxʷáw̓l   [sp̓aʔxʷáw̓l] Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷáw̓l. Etym: √p̓xʷ. the northern lights.

Mstem. Sp . s-č-p̓aʔxʷásq̓t dawn's early light, the northern lights; Cm northern lights sp̓aʔxʷáwl̕əxʷ; Cr s+t+p̓aʔxʷásq̓it aurora borealis (lit. light in the sky (on high). sp̓aʔxʷáw̓l. Northern lights. [nb9a 005] See: sp̓aʔxʷáwlm.

sp̓aʔxʷnkilt   [sp̓aʔxʷənkílt] Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷnkilt. Etym: √p̓xʷ. sun child.

Istem. sp̓aʔxʷənkílt. Sun child. [nb26-70 001 CJ] See: p̓ʔaxʷ.

sp̓c̓niɬxʷ   [sp̓əc̓níɬxʷ] Morph: s+p̓c̓niɬxʷ. Etym: √p̓c̓n. tipi; tent; tipi cover; canvas house.

Istem. i l sp̓əc̓níɬxʷsəlx, t̓əxʷ i l cítxʷsəlx. In their tipi, their house. [coyeyes 041] ɬuníkstəms iʔ sp̓əc̓níɬxʷ. He dropped the tipi cover. [nb2537.3]

sp̓c̓p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷɬ   [sp̓əc̓p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷuɬ] Morph: s+p̓c̓•p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷɬ ? Etym: √p̓c̓n. sp̓c̓p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷɬ: spreading dogbane (apocynum androsaemifolium).

Istem. sp̓əc̓p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷuɬ Dogbane. [TBK72]

sp̓ic̓n   [sp̓íc̓ən] Morph: s+p̓ic̓n. Etym: √p̓c̓n. 1 • Indian hemp (apocynum cannabinum).

Istem. sp̓ic̓n. [TBK72]

2 • Istem. rope, hemp. kaʔɬlíp iʔ sp̓íc̓əns iʔ cowboy. The cowboy has three ropes. [nb26-55 010] kən ɬc̓pikst iʔ t sp̓íc̓ən. My hand got hit by rope. [nb26-61 019] kʷint asp̓íc̓ən, mi kylúsəntxʷ. Take your rope and coil it! [nb26-77 002] q̓sápiʔ əcq̓c̓áməlx iʔ t sp̓íc̓ən. Long ago they used to braid some hemp. [Bun.17] kkɣip iʔ sp̓íc̓əns. His rope is thin. [nb27-31 006] nak̓ʷa axáʔ iʔ t sp̓íc̓ən a kaʔ cəlk̓íw̓s. It's not with rope that it's tied. [Hrvst 192] Sp s-p̓éc̓-n canvas, Inidan hemp rope; Cm s-p̓ac̓-al̕qs strong fabric such as denim, canvas.

sp̓iksm   [sp̓íksəm] Morph: sp̓iks+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the hand.

Mstem. sp̓íksəm. To hit on the hand. [nb10a 149]

sp̓ilsxnm   [səp̓ílsxnəm] Morph: sp̓ilsxn+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the forehead.

Mstem. sp̓ílsxnəm. To hit on the forehead. [nb10a 155] See: sp̓.

sp̓ilxʷm   [səp̓ílxʷəm] Morph: sp̓ilxʷ+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the shoulder.

Mstem. sp̓ílxʷəm. He hit him on the shoulder. [nb10a 147]

sp̓iƛ̓m   [sp̓íƛ̓əm] Morph: s+p̓iƛ̓m. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. bitterrot (lewisia rediviva).

Istem. Sp s-p̓éƛ̓-m; Cm s‑p̓aƛ̓m; Cr s+p̓ít̓em. sp̓íƛ̓m. [TBK114] cus iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sp̓íƛ̓əm. The People say the bitterroot. [mychildr 187] ʔíɬəntxʷ iʔ sp̓íƛ̓əm, uɬ x̌əssmílx asq̓əlq̓ílt. Eat the bitterroot, and whatever ails you will improve. [mychildr 192] ixíʔ ya ylmíxʷəm iʔ skʷists sp̓íƛ̓əm. swiʔnúmtx iʔ sc̓ʔák̓ʷs. This chiefʼs name was Bitterroot. Its flower was handsome. [4c15-16]

sp̓ip̓c̓n   [sp̓ip̓c̓n] Morph: s+p̓i•p̓c̓n. Etym: √p̓c̓n. spreading dogbane (apocynum androsaemifolium).

Istem. sp̓ip̓c̓n. Dogbane. [TBK72]

sp̓íp̓ƛ̓m   [sp̓íp̓ƛ̓əm] Morph: s+p̓í•p̓ƛ̓m. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. sp̓íp̓ƛ̓m: unidentified plant (possibly lewisia pygmaea).

Istem. sp̓íp̓ƛ̓m. ? [TBK144]

sp̓isƛ̓aʔt   [sp̓isƛ̓aʔt] Morph: s+p̓isƛ̓aʔ+t. Etym: √p̓sƛ̓ʔ. size.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ isəsíʔ ʔasíl i kəw̓wáps a nk̓ʷúl̕məns, t̓əxʷ put iʔ sp̓ísƛ̓aʔts. And my uncle had two horses, work horses, medium sized. [AutPS 019]

sp̓iwcn   [sp̓íwcən] Morph: s+p̓íwcn. Etym: √p̓w. echo.

Istem. See: p̓wap.

sp̓iw̓sm   Morph: spiw̓s+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. in the middle.

Mstem. sp̓íw̓səm. Hit in the middle. [nb10a 152]

sp̓iw̓snt   Morph: spiw̓s+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. in the middle.

Tstem. Category: +nt. sp̓íw̓sənt. Hit him right in the back! [dict]

sp̓ixʷp̓xʷt   [sp̓íxʷp̓əxʷt] Morph: s+p̓ixʷ•p̓xʷ+t. Etym: √p̓xʷ. shining, splendor.

Istem. Category: +t. nwaʔlílsəms təl sp̓íxʷp̓əxʷts iʔ c̓ík̓ʷəsxən. He got puzzled why the lamp shone so much. [nb1268.3]

sp̓iʔálq   [səp̓iʔálq] Morph: sp̓y̓álq. Etym: √sp̓y̓. buckskin clothes.

Istem. See: sp̓y̓alq.

sp̓iʔálqs   [sp̓iʔálqs] Morph: sp̓y̓álqs. Etym: √sp̓y̓. a buckskin dress.

Istem. See: sp̓y̓alqs.

sp̓iʔáyaqn   [səp̓iʔáyaqən] Morph: sp̓y̓áyaqn. Etym: √sp̓y̓. the skin on one's head.

Istem. See: sp̓y̓áyaqn.

sp̓iʔíkst   [səp̓iʔíkst] Morph: sp̓iʔíkst. Etym: √sp̓y̓. buckskin gloves.

Istem. See: sp̓y̓ikst.

sp̓iʔíɬxʷ   [səp̓iʔíɬxʷ] Morph: sp̓y̓iɬxʷ. Etym: √sp̓y̓. house of hide; tipi.

Istem. See: sp̓y̓iɬxʷ.

sp̓kʷp̓kʷam̓íɬp   [sp̓əkʷp̓kʷam̓íɬp] Morph: s+p̓kʷ•p̓kʷam̓íɬp. Etym: √p̓kʷ. western sage (artemisia ludoviciana).

Istem. sp̓əkʷp̓kʷam̓íɬp. Western sage. [TBK78]

sp̓lp̓lk̓ʷíc̓aʔ   [sp̓əlp̓əlk̓ʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+p̓l•p̓lk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √p̓lk̓ʷ. cigarette. Lit: s.t. rolled

Istem. Sp čn p̓p̓l̕p̓úlk̓ʷ-m I rolled cigarettes; č-p̓lk̓ʷíc̓eʔ-m he rolled a cigarette; Cr et+p̓+p̓úl̕+p̓ul̕k̓ʷeceʔ cigarettes. sp̓əlp̓əlk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. Cigarette. [nb1847.5] See: p̓lk̓ʷ.

sp̓lwisnt   Morph: sp̓+lwis+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit or whip s.t. or s.o. all over.

Tstem. Category: +nt. cəm̓ səp̓lwísəntsən cəm̓ kʷu ɬa nk̓əsk̓súsəntxʷ. I’ll club you all over if you spoil my sight. [nb1857.1] See: sp̓.

sp̓ɬƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔm   [səp̓ɬƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔm] Morph: sp̓+ɬ+ƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √sp̓, √ƛ̓x̌ʷ. to beat a drum.

Mstem. səp̓ɬƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔm c̓x̌iɬ aɬíʔ tə p̓umín. He beat the drum. It was like a drum. [lpb149] See: sp̓; sƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ.

sp̓ɬpwmin   [səp̓ɬpumín] Morph: sp̓+ɬ+pw+min. Etym: √sp̓, √pw. to beat a drum; drum stick.

Istem. Category: +min. sp̓ɬpwmin. Drum stick. [dict] See: sp̓; pwmin.

sp̓ɬt   Morph: sp̓+ɬt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.t. or s.o. with a stick; to club s.o.

Tstem. Sp sp̓(í) to hit with a stick, to beat, to club; Sh sp̓-em to hit, whip, spank. Category: +ɬt. cʔácqaʔsts iʔ kilxs, ixíʔ səp̓ɬtísəlx. She still had her hand stuck out, and they hit it. [nb2561.5-6]

sp̓ƛ̓mqin   [sp̓ƛ̓əmqín] Morph: s+p̓ƛ̓+mqin. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. the head or end of s.t.; the mouth of the river.

Istem. ixíʔ təl t̓ík̓ʷət kiʔ sp̓ƛ̓əmqín axáʔ ya ṇtx̌ʷítkʷ. It's from the lake that the big river starts. [dict] See: p̓ƛ̓.

sp̓min   [səp̓mín] Morph: sp̓+min. Etym: √sp̓. a club.

Istem. Category: +min. səp̓mín. Club. [nb20.94a] uɬ laʔkín ansəp̓mín. And where is your club? [nb1857.2] See: sp̓.

sp̓mint   Morph: sp̓+mi+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to throw s.t. to one side.

Tstem. Category: +nt. k̓laʔ səp̓mín ismán̓xʷ. I threw my cigarette to one side. [nb18170.16]

sp̓mútyaʔ   [səp̓mútyaʔ] Morph: sp̓+mútyaʔ. Etym: √sp̓. a scythe.

Istem. sp̓mútyaʔ. Scythe. [dict] See: sp̓.

sp̓nt   Morph: sp̓+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.t. or s.o. with a stick; to club s.o.

Tstem. Sp sp̓(í) to hit with a stick, to beat, to club; Sh sp̓-em to hit, whip, spank. Category: +nt. səp̓əntín. I hit him with a stick. [E64.7] səp̓əntís, ksəp̓qís. He hit it, he hit it on the head. [dict] uɬ iwá səp̓əntís iʔ t qəxʷsqáx̌aʔtṇ. And he clubbed him with the whip. [dict]

sp̓p̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ   [sp̓əp̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ] Morph: s+p̓•p̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ. Variant: sp̓p̓ac̓áʕlaʔqʷ. Etym: √p̓ʕc̓. 1 • a new shoot; a long, slender shoot.

Istem. sp̓p̓ac̓áʕlaʔqʷ. A long slender shoot. [Oct92 013] uɬ sic təltútəm, swit aɬíʔ sp̓p̓aʔc̓ʕálaʔqʷ aɬíʔ scyryárk̓ʷəs. Well, it's not fit, he made the frame with new shoots. [BJSeym 111] ṇt̓aʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp, put iʔ sp̓p̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷəms. My, the thorn bushes, they are all new shoots. [dict] ixíʔ uɬ asənx̌cípəm axáʔ iʔ t sp̓əp̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ iʔ t sxʷaxʷʔankíɬp Start cutting these thornbush shoots. [GDd2 345]

2 • Istem. saskatoon or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia). spəp̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ. Saskatoon. [TBK120] See: p̓aʕc̓.

sp̓p̓qintn   [səp̓əp̓qíntən] Morph: sp̓•p̓qin+tn. Etym: √sp̓. 1 • threshing machine.

Istem. Category: +tn. way̓ uɬ ilíʔ kən k̓ʷúl̕əm i l snəqsíɬxʷəm suyápix axáʔ i l səp̓əp̓qíntən. I started to work for a white man next door on the threshing machine. [AutPS 278]

2 • Istem. fish club.

Variant: sp̓ap̓qntn. Istem. Category: +tn. See: sp̓qin.

sp̓p̓qin̓xn   [səp̓əp̓qín̓xən] Morph: sp̓•p̓qin̓xn. Etym: √sp̓. to be hit on the knee.

Istem. See: sp̓ap̓.

sp̓p̓úlaʔxʷ   [səp̓p̓úlaʔxʷ] Morph: sp̓•p̓úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √sp̓. to hit the ground.

Istem. Sp n-sp̓p̓úleʔxʷ he toppled over (like a tree). kən tl̕ap uɬ kən səp̓p̓úlaʔxʷ. I staggered and hit the ground. [nb18245.4] See: sp̓úlaʔxʷ.

sp̓p̓w̓skn̓aqs   [səp̓əp̓uʔskn̓áqs] Morph: sp̓•p̓w̓skn̓aqs. Etym: √sp̓. to be hit on the nose.

Istem. sp̓p̓w̓skn̓aqs. Hit on the nose. See: sp̓ap̓.

sp̓p̓w̓sus   [səp̓əp̓uʔsús] Morph: sp̓•p̓w̓sus. Etym: √sp̓. to get hit on the face.

Istem. sp̓p̓w̓sus. Hit on the face. [dict] See: sp̓ap̓.

sp̓p̓xan   [səp̓əp̓xán] Morph: sp̓•p̓xan. Etym: √sp̓. to get hit on the leg.

Istem. sp̓p̓xan. Hit on the leg. [dict] See: sp̓ap̓.

sp̓qinm   Morph: sp̓qin+m. Etym: √sp̓. to thresh.

Mstem. Sp č-sp̓qín-tn (sp̓qín-tn) a threshing machine, the straw (after threshing). səp̓qínməlx. They thresh. [dict] məɬ ixíʔ səp̓qínməlx iʔ l sk̓ʔay wiʔsx̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷməlx. They thresh in the fall when they get done cutting. [Hrvst 254] See: sp̓.

sp̓qint   Morph: sp̓qi+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to thresh.

Tstem. Sp č-sp̓qín-tn (sp̓qín-tn) a threshing machine, the straw (after threshing). Category: +nt. x̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷəntxʷ uɬ səp̓qíntxʷ uɬ tx̌ʷíw̓səntəm. You cut it and thresh it, and we'll share in half. [AutPS 338] See: sp̓.

sp̓qintn   [səp̓qíntṇ] Morph: sp̓qin+tn. Etym: √sp̓. thresher; threshing machine.

Istem. Sp č-sp̓qín-tn (sp̓qín-tn) a threshing machine, the straw (after threshing). Category: +tn. way̓ məɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ pnicíʔ uɬ iʔ səp̓qíntən uɬ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ kiʔ cxʷists. At that time there were threshing machines that go by horse power. [AutPS 209] See: sp̓qin.

sp̓q̓p̓q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ   [sp̓əq̓p̓q̓iʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+p̓q̓•p̓q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √p̓q̓y̓. rosy pussytoes (dryland form) (antennaria rosea).

Istem. sp̓əq̓p̓q̓iʔúlaʔxʷ. Rosy pussytoes. [TBK75]

sp̓saqs   [sp̓saqs] Morph: s+p̓saqs. Etym: √p̓s. nose.

Istem. Lit: His nose is long. Sp s-p̓s-áqs nose; Sh s-p̓s-eqs nose; Th s-p̓sáqs nose; Li s.p̓.ə̣ṣ-qs nose. wísxən iʔ sp̓saqsc. He has a long nose. [E1] uɬ k̓ʷulɬts iʔ sƛ̓ƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ uɬ k̓ʷul̕ɬts iʔ sp̓saqsc. He fixed pitch wood and fixed his nose. [crea132]

sp̓síp̓iʔxn   [səp̓síp̓iʔxən] Morph: sp̓•sip̓y̓xn. Etym: √sp̓y̓. moccasins.

Istem. See: sp̓sip̓y̓xn.

sp̓síp̓y̓xn   [səp̓síp̓iʔxən] Morph: sp̓•sip̓y̓xn. Etym: √sp̓y̓. 1 • moccasins.

Istem. k̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ təkɬmílxʷ t əkɬq̓aʔxáns, uɬ iʔ sqəltmíxʷ k̓ʷúl̕əm t əkɬq̓aʔxáns, səp̓síp̓iʔxən, taʔlíʔ lkʷut kʷaʔ nkəxkxàməlx ɬaʔ cxʷúyʔylx. The woman made some shoes for her, and the man made some shoes for him, moccasins, when they travel they have to walk very far. [dc15] kən ksəp̓síp̓iʔxən. I have moccasins. [nb08 864]

2 • Istem. mountain ladyslipper (cyripedium montanum).

Sp sp̓síp̓iʔšn; Cm sp̓síp̓iʔxn; Cr síp̓+sip̓ay̓šn.Istem. sp̓síp̓y̓xn. [TBK52]

sp̓síp̓y̓xnm   [səp̓síp̓iʔxnəm] Morph: sp̓•síp̓y̓xn+m. Etym: √sp̓y̓. to put on moccasins.

Mstem. kn səp̓síp̓iʔxnəm. I put my moccasins on. [jan93nb 040] See: sp̓síp̓y̓xn.

sp̓sp̓saqs   [sp̓əsp̓sáqs] Morph: s+p̓s•p̓saqs. Etym: √p̓s. noses.

Istem. sp̓əsp̓sáqs. Noses. [plur 010] See: sp̓saqs.

sp̓úlaʔxʷnt   Morph: sp̓úlaʔxʷ+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.t. on the ground.

Tstem. Sp n-sp̓p̓úleʔxʷ he toppled over (like a tree), he tripped and fell with a thud; Sh x-səp̓-uləxʷ to fall (e.g. when running). Category: +nt. ixíʔ x̌ʷíc̓əntxʷ sp̓úlaʔxʷəntxʷ, məɬ t̓i axáʔ iʔ ník̓ək̓. You cut it (and) hit it on the ground, and it's cut. [Dvl 168] See: sp̓.

sp̓uƛ̓m   [sp̓úƛ̓əm] Morph: s+p̓uƛ̓+m. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. the end.

Istem. mi way̓ k̓əl sp̓úƛ̓əm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. You will have gone to the ends of the earth. [mychildr 095] ixíʔ ʔúmsəlx iʔ sp̓úƛ̓əm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. They call it the end of the earth. [mychildr 096] See: p̓uƛ̓m.

sp̓uƛ̓nt   [sp̓úƛ̓ənt] Morph: s+p̓uƛ̓+nt. Etym: √p̓ƛ̓. fog.

Istem. Sh spʔut̓ fog, steam; Th s/p̓úƛ̓-t fog; Li s.p̓uƛ̓-t cloud. sp̓uƛ̓nt. Fog. [OkB]

sp̓úmc̓aʔ   [sp̓úmc̓aʔ] Morph: s+p̓umc̓aʔ. Etym: √p̓m. a brown blanket.

Istem. ixíʔ isp̓úmc̓aʔ. That's my brown blanket. [nb18158.10] See: p̓um.

sp̓upsm   [sp̓úpsəm] Morph: sp̓ups+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit on the rump or butt.

Mstem. Sp č-sp̓úps-i-s he beat his animal on the rump. sp̓úpsəm. To hit on butt. [nb10a 151] See: sp̓.

sp̓usm   [sp̓úsəm] Morph: sp̓us+m. Etym: √sp̓. to hit on the eye.

Mstem. sp̓úsəm. To hit on the eye. [nb10a 151] See: sp̓.

sp̓w̓sink   [səp̓uʔsínk] Morph: sp̓w̓sink. Etym: √sp̓. to be hit on the belly.

Istem. sp̓w̓sink. Hit on the belly. [OkB] See: sp̓.

sp̓w̓susnt   Morph: sp̓w̓sus+nt. Etym: √sp̓. to hit s.o. on the face with a stick.

Tstem. Category: +nt. sp̓uʔsúsən. I hit him on the face with big stick. [nb26-62 006] See: sp̓.

sp̓xan   [səp̓xán] Morph: sp̓xan. Etym: √sp̓. to hit on the foot.

Istem. sp̓xan. To hit on foot. [nb10a 150] See: sp̓.

sp̓yqaɬwlx   [sp̓əyqáɬwəlx] Morph: p̓yqaɬw+lx. Etym: √p̓yqɬw ?. sp̓əyqáɬwəlx: a mythical bird.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ p iscaptíkʷləm sp̓əyqáɬwəlx. ixíʔ sp̓əyqáɬwəlx skəkáʕkaʔ, k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ. Iʼm telling you sp̓əyqáɬwəlxʼs story. sp̓əyqáɬwəlx is a bird, little. [lb1-2]

sp̓y̓alq   [səp̓iʔálq] Morph: sp̓y̓alq. Etym: √sp̓y̓. buckskin clothes.

Istem. Ques: not alqs ? səp̓iʔálq. Buckskin clothes. See: sip̓y̓.

sp̓y̓alqs   [səp̓iʔálqs] Morph: sp̓y̓alqs. Etym: √sp̓ʔ. buckskin clothes.

Istem. Sp sp̓y̓álqs buckskin shirt; Cr seʔp̓yal̕qs buckskin (jacket), leather (coat). ixíʔ uɬ ɬəɬáxʷsəlx iʔ sip̓iʔálqs. Their dresses are buckskin clothes. [MarryPS 027] uɬ miná laswá iʔ wedding dress, mat way̓ səp̓iʔálqs. I don't suppose it was a silk wedding dress, maybe buckskin. [LynxS 193] məɬ itíʔ məɬ k̓əɬník̓səlx ixíʔ iʔ sp̓iʔálqscəlx. And they'd cut off [the piece of] the buckskin dress [he'd grabbed]. [fatboy 152] See: sip̓y̓.

sp̓y̓álqsm   [səp̓iʔálqsm] Morph: sp̓y̓álqs+m. Etym: √sp̓y̓. to make buckskin clothes.

Mstem. swit iʔ q̓ʷíɬq̓ʷəɬt məɬ i[xíʔ] ia csip̓iʔálqsəm kəm̓ síp̓iʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ kstətəmtíms. If anybody is ambitious enough to make buckskin clothes, or skin clothes. [MarryPS 039] See: sp̓y̓álqs.

sp̓y̓áyaqn   [səp̓iʔáyaqən] Morph: sp̓y̓áyaqn. Etym: √sp̓ʔ. the skin on one's head.

Istem. sp̓y̓áyaqn. Head skin. [nb21.151] See: sip̓y̓.

sp̓y̓ikst   [səp̓iʔíkst] Morph: sp̓y̓ikst. Etym: √sp̓ʔ. buckskin gloves.

Istem. səp̓iʔíkst. Buckskin gloves. [E6] See: sip̓y̓.

sp̓y̓iɬxʷ   [səp̓iʔíɬxʷ] Morph: sp̓y̓íɬxʷ. Etym: √sp̓y̓. house of hide; tipi.

Istem. Sp sp̓y̓éɬxʷ buckskin tepee; Cm sip̓iʔ‑aɬxʷ tipi made from animal hide. lútəm t səp̓iʔíɬxʷəlx, x̌líɬxʷməlx, kəm̓ axáʔ tkʷtan. They don't have buckskin tipis, board houses, or of reeds. [BJSeym 016] uɬ sc̓x̌ilx uɬ waʔxútyaʔ uɬ səp̓ʔíɬxʷəlx, cxʷul̕ɬxʷ. That's why they have tipis, buckskin tipis, and tipis. [LynxS 028] t̓əxʷ pn̓icíʔ aɬíʔ səp̓iʔíɬxʷ iʔ təpmín iʔ l sxʷulɬxʷ. At that time there were skin houses, the covering of the tipi. [nb2537.4] uɬ axáʔ iʔ sqəlqəltmíxʷ məɬ axáʔ kckʷntísəlx iʔ səp̓ʔíɬxʷ. And the men take down the buckskin tipis. [LynxS 203] See: sip̓y̓.

sp̓y̓qaɬq   [sp̓iʔqáɬq] Morph: s+p̓y̓qaɬq. Etym: √p̓y̓q. ripe fruit; any berry.

Istem. Sp s-p̓iʔqáɬq fruit, berry; Cm s‑p̓y̓q‑aɬqʷ fruit. sp̓iʔqáɬq Ripe, fruit ready to eat. [nb26-21 006] uɬ yaʕyáʕt stim̓ ilíʔ ksp̓iʔqáɬq. All kinds of things grow there. [2gts 049] aɬíʔ kɬululqín iʔ t sp̓iʔqáɬq. She had canned fruit. [dict] mus iʔ sqilxʷ ʕapnáʔ iʔ sʔíɬəns. axáʔ ck̓ənˑúsəs, axáʔ ctyix, axáʔ iʔ sʕax̌ʷíp, uɬ axáʔ iʔ sp̓iʔqáɬq. Now four are the peopleʼs foods. The earth runners (animals), the water runners (fish), the roots, and the fruits. [4c21-22] t incá ka ctkʷənkʷínplaʔstən yaʕyáʕt iʔ sp̓iʔqáɬq axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ uɬ k̓əɬxlˑákək. I am the ruler of all the fruits on this earth and beyond. [mychildr 197] iʔ síyaʔ iʔ ilmíxʷəm iʔ təl yayʕát iʔ təl sp̓iʔqáɬq The saskatoon is the chief of all the fruits. [rdgs 024] See: p̓y̓q.

sp̓ʔaxʷ   [sp̓aʔáxʷ] Morph: s+p̓[ʔ]axʷ. Etym: √p̓xʷ. (a) shining.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. nt̓a uɬ iʔ k̓ənk̓ənpqínkstəns uɬ np̓aʔp̓aʔxʷús iʔ t sp̓aʔáxʷs. Gee, her rings were blinding with shine. [GDd1 426] x̌íˑˑƛ̓əm, kɬqilt, iˑʔ nt̓aʔ iʔ sp̓əʔáxʷs iʔ k̓ɬənk̓míp, uɬ kəlkʷákʷ. He went up the hill, got to the top, gee there's a shining door, and it's far. [Dvl 330] put c̓x̌iɬ iʔ t x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ, iʔ təl x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ iʔ sp̓əʔáxʷs. It's just like the sun, (like) the sun shining. [dict] ixíʔ iʔ sp̓əʔaxʷs uɬ kɬp̓aʔxʷítkʷ. She shone all over the water. [dict] See: p̓ʔaxʷ.

sp̓ʔiɬxʷ   [səp̓ʔíɬxʷ] Morph: sp̓ʔiɬxʷ. Etym: √sp̓ʔ. tipi.

Istem. See: sp̓y̓íɬxʷ.

sqam̓áɬq   [sqam̓áɬq] Morph: s+qam̓áɬq. Etym: √qm̓. bastard toadflax (comandra umbellata). Lit: breast fruit

Istem. sqam̓áɬq. Toadflax. [TBK138]

sqáqaw̓cn   [sqáqaw̓cən] Morph: s+qá•qaw̓cn. Etym: √qw. kouse (lomatium cous).

Istem. Cm qaws mashed, sweetened camas; Cr s+qígʷ+t+s water potatoes. sqáqaw̓cn. Kouse. [TBK65]

sqáqlaʔxʷ   [sqáqlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+qá•qlaʔxʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ. a reflection or a shadow cast; an image.

Istem. Category: dim. sta iʔ sqáqlaʔxʷs wiks. Gee, he saw his image. [Dvl 238] sqáqlaʔxʷs ixíʔ iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. The horse’s shadow. [nb18203.11] See: sqaqlxʷ; sqilxʷ.

sqaqlt   [sqáqəlt] Morph: s+qa•ql+t. Etym: √ql. sqaqlt: the general area of St. Paul's Mission, still above water, east of the former falls. Lit: get on top

Istem. Category: Geog. sqaqlt. Place name. [BK365] See: sqilt.

sqaqlxʷ   [sqáqəlxʷ] Morph: s+qa•qlxʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ. one small person, Indian.

Istem. Category: dim. sqaqlxʷ. Small person. [nb22.16a] See: sqilxʷ.

sqaqʔím   [sqaqʔím] Morph: s+qa•qʔim. Etym: √qʔm. a woman's breasts.

Istem. Sp s-qaqʔé-m breasts; Sh s-qʔem woman's breast; milk; Th s/qʔém; Li s.qʔam. Ques: a or aʔ sqaqʔím. Breast. [dict] See: sqʔim.

sqascí   [sqascí] Morph: s+qascí. Etym: √qs. From: probably a Spokane form. sqascí: the Little Falls area on the Spokane River and more particularly the former village site on the north side of the river. sqascí. Place name. [BK115]

sqáx̌aʔ   [sqáx̌aʔ] Morph: sqáx̌aʔ. Male horse(s), gelding(s). c̓əspsqáx̌aʔ. To lose stock. [Hrvst 026] snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. Horse. [dict] ɬəcsqáx̌aʔm. To whip a horse, [dict] kləʕ̓ʷsqáx̌aʔm. To hook up the horse team. [dict] nəqsqáx̌aʔ. One horse. [nb08 398] sqltmxʷsqáx̌aʔ. [dict] nq̓ʷɬsq̓áx̌aʔtn. Pack horse. [misc 197] səntɬxsqáx̌aʔtn. Barn. [nb26-19 010] ṇt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔtṇ. Saddle. [dict] ṇt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqax̌aʔṃ. To saddle a horse. [dict] sənt̓əwstsqáx̌aʔtn. Barn. [nb26-19 005] ʕaclaʔxʷsqáx̌aʔam. To stake a horse. [dict] ʔamənsqáx̌aʔ. To feed a horse. [dict] ʔasəlsqáx̌aʔ. Two horses. [dict] ʔax̌əltəmsqáx̌aʔ. To turn a horse around. [dict]

lxAfx. Sp -sqáx̌eʔ animal, cow, horse, dog; Cm s‑wyp‑sqáx̌aʔ whiteman’s horse; Sh s-qex̌e dog; Th s/qáx̌aʔ dog ... horse; Li s.qáx̌aʔ dog. Category: lxSfx.

sqaʔnúsaʔm   [sqaʔnúsaʔm] Morph: sqaʔnúsaʔ+m. Etym: √qn ?. to deliver a dowry.

Mstem. sqaʔnúsaʔm. To deliver a dowry. [nb26-73 013 HH]

sqaʔqʔím   [sqaʔqʔím] Morph: s+qaʔ•qʔím. Etym: √qʔm. breasts.

Istem. Ques: aʔ or a ? sqaʔqʔím. Breasts. [pd03]

sqcqiclx   [sqəcqícəlx] Morph: s+qc•qic+lx. Etym: √qc. running (around).

Istem. Category: +lx. c̓x̌iɬ nx̌əstmís iʔ sqəcqícəlxs k̓aʔkín. His running around did him good. [fatboy 112] See: qiclx.

sqicxn   [sqícxən] Morph: s+qicxn. Etym: √qc. gizzard; where food passes through the neck.

Istem. sqicxn. Gizzard. [14.92a]

sqilt   [sqilt] Morph: s+qilt. Etym: √qlt. the top.

Istem. ik̓líʔ k̓əl sqilt cənxʷəxʷrús, ik̓líʔ mi kʷu ɬúlˑus. There on the top there's a hollow. That's where we will get back together. [BJSeym 188] See: qilt.

sqiltk   [sqiltk] Morph: s+qiltk. Etym: √ql. body, flesh.

Istem. Sp qel body, mass; Cm c‑k‑s‑qal‑t–(t)k‑m body (whole); Cr s+qiltč beef, body (human), corpus, flesh, meat. t̓i piq iʔ sqiltks iʔ sqilxʷ. These people's bodies are white. [mychildr 039] iʔ t isqíltk mi cxʷəlxʷált iʔ sqilxʷ. The People will have life from my flesh. [mychildr 189] ixíʔ kʷu nɬp̓íw̓ɬtəm ixíʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷtət, ixíʔ iʔ sqíltktət. They made a big line through our land, our body. [su7q̓im 068] kmix məɬk̓íyaʔ iʔ sqiltks. His body is nothing but blood. [AutPS 120] muˑˑt axáʔ ink̓ík̓əwaʔ tˑˑa uɬ iʔ sqiltks way̓ uɬ xʷəm t̓i scc̓iq̓ʷ. My grandfather was sitting there, his body is like it's been butchered. [AutPS 118]

sqilxʷ   [sqilxʷ] Morph: s+qilxʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ. 1 • person; Indian (person).

Istem. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ixíʔ t̓alaʔxwílx iʔ sqilxʷ. Wen the next generation comes... [chipdd 114] nakʷáʔ lut cwíkəm t sqilxʷ. Indeed not, I havenʼt seen anybody. [chip35] aɬíʔ iʔ sqilxʷ pnicíʔ nak̓ʷáʔ t̓i ckmax, ixíʔ ṇk̓ʷcwílxʷtṇ. At that time the people didn't stay alone, but in a group. [dict] way̓ təl sənyál̕mən, itlíʔ kən sqilxʷ. From Montana, I am an Indian from there. [dict] way̓ lut mat t̓ə ksqilxʷ iʔ t k̓ík̓aʔt. I don't think there are people around here. [dict]

2 • Istem. Indianness; Indian ways; Indian language. asqilxʷ nixʷ ilíʔ akstkxnəmstím. Put your Indianness along with it. [mychildr 177] lut akcc̓aʔxmínəm iʔ sqílxʷtət. You won't be ashamed of our language. [nb26-36 0] kən xʷuy, úɬiʔ kícən, uɬ aɬíʔ scútx kʷu x̌minks pintk kʷu wiks məɬ t sqilxʷ qəlqʷílstn. I went, and I got there, and he told me he likes that every time he sees me I talk in Indian. [dict] Sp s-qélixʷ Indian, man; Sh qlmuxʷ Indian, human being, Indian language; Th /qayxʷ man; Li s.qayxʷ man.

sqílxʷyaʔqn   [sqílxʷyaʔqn] Morph: s+qílxʷyaʔqn. Etym: √qlxʷ. skull.

Istem. Sp s-qálixʷqn human skull. sqílxʷyaʔqn. Skull. [dict] See: sqilxʷ.

sqipc   [sqipc] Morph: s+qipc. Etym: √qpc. early spring.

Istem. Sp √qepc springtime; see Cm panʔítqps springtime; Sh s-qepc spring (season); Th s/qápc spring(time); Li qapc spring (season). way̓ t̓əxʷ sqipc, way̓ taʔmúlaʔxʷ. It's early spring, the snow is all gone. [dict] See: qipc.

sqitkʷ   [sqitkʷ] Morph: sqitkʷ. Etym: √sq. sqitkʷ: Twin Lakes.

Istem. sqitkʷ. Twin Lakes. [11.73a] See: scqitkʷ.

sqiy̓s   [sqíʔs] Morph: s+qiy̓s. Etym: √qy̓s. a dream or nightmare.

Istem. Sp √qey̓s to dream; Cr qiʔs he had a dream, nightmare, vision; Sh qeys to have a nightmare; axáʔ iscwík iʔ l isqíʔs. This is what I saw in my dream. [lpb75] See: sqiy̓s.

sqiʔs   [sqiʔs] Morph: s+qiy̓s. Etym: √qy̓s. a dream, a nightmare.

Istem. See: sqiy̓s.

sqiʔsíɬp   [sqiʔsíɬp] Morph: s+qy̓síɬp. Etym: √qys. sqiʔsíɬp: giant hyssop (agastache urticifolia).

Istem. sqiʔsíɬp. Hyssop. [TBK109] See: sqy̓síɬp.

sqlaw   [sqlaw] Morph: s+qlaw. Variant: sqlaw̓. Etym: √qlw. money; a dollar; pay.

Istem. k̓ʷinx y asqláw. How much money do you have? [nb08 352] taʔlí sqlaw iʔ təkɬmílxʷ ʕapnáʔ. It takes a lot of money to keep a woman nowadays. [AutPS 232]

sqlaw̓   [sqlaw̓] Morph: s+qlaw̓. Variant: sqlaw. Etym: √qlw̓. money; silver; beaver.

Istem. Sp s-qléw̓ beaver, money; Cm s‑qlaw̓ beaver; money. kn ksqlaw̓. I have money. [jan93nb 024] maʔ kʷu xʷíc̓əɬt iksqláw̓. Could you give me some money? [nb26-22 018] kʷu q̓əy̓áqsxts t iksqláw̓. He wrote me a check for my money. [nb26-41 001] way̓ nixʷ t k̓ʷək̓ʷyínaʔ iʔ t sqlaw̓ xʷíc̓əxtxʷ. Give him a little money too. [dict] əck̓ʷúl̕stxʷ iʔ sqlaw̓. You earned the money. [dict] iʔ sk̓əɬc̓káks iʔ sqlaw̓. A budget. [nb26-70 011]

sqlaʔúlmxʷ   [sqlaʔúlmxʷ] Morph: s+qlaʔúlmxʷ. Variant: sqlaʔúl̕mxʷ. Etym: √qlʔ. sqlaʔúlmxʷ: Conconully prison.

Istem. Category: Geog. sqlaʔúlmxʷ. State prison for Indians at Conconully. [nb08 721]

sqlaʔúl̕mxʷ   [sqlaʔúl̕mxʷ] Morph: s+qlaʔúlmxʷ. Variant: sqlaʔúlmxʷ. Etym: √qlʔ. sqlaʔúl̕mxʷ: Conconully prison.

Istem. Category: Geog. sqlaʔúlmxʷ. State prison for Indians at Conconully. [nb08 721]

sqlíc̓aʔ   [sqlíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+qlíc̓aʔ. Etym: √ql. a pelt.

Istem. sqəlíc̓aʔ. A raw pelt. [nb26-41 010]

sqlíɬc̓aʔ   [sqlíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+qlíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √ql. fresh meat.

Istem. sqlíɬc̓aʔ. Fresh meat. [dict] See: qlíɬc̓aʔ; sqiltk; ql.

sqlqílaʔxʷ   [sqəlqílaʔxʷ] Morph: s+ql•qílaʔxʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ. little Indians.

Istem. Category: dim. sqlqílaʔxʷ. Little Indians. [nb22.16a] See: sqilxʷ.

sqlqltmixʷ   [sqəlqəltmíxʷ] Morph: s+ql•qltmixʷ. Variant: sql̕ql̕tmixʷ. Etym: √qlt. men; men folks.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sqəlqəltmíxʷ uɬ c̓x̌iɬ. And the men the same. [MarryPS 028] ixíʔ scəqʔíɬc̓aʔmsəlx, t̓əxʷ q̓ʷláməlx axáʔ iʔ sqəlqəltmíxʷ. They started drying meat, the men folks were roasting it. [dict] See: sqltmixʷ.

sqlqltmxʷsqáx̌aʔ   [sqəlqəltmsxʷsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+ql•qltmxʷsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √qltmxʷ. male horses; geldings.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sqəlqəltmsxʷsqáx̌aʔs ixíʔm náx̌əmɬ nʕacʕacəntís iʔ l sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən. And he tied up the geldings in the barn. [Hrvst 107] See: sqltmixʷ.

sqlqlwitm   [sqəlqəlwítəm] Morph: s+ql•ql+wit+m. Etym: √ql. steps.

?. aɬíʔ lut t̓a cyriwáxən iʔ sqəlqəlwítəm[s] His tracks didn't have snowshoes. [HnTrp 321] See: sqlwitm.

sqltmixʷ   [sqəl̕tmíxʷ] Morph: s+qltmixʷ. Variant: sql̕tmixʷ. Etym: √qlt. to be a man, a husband.

Istem. Sp s-qlt-míxʷ Indian, jack (playing card); Cm s‑qltmixʷ man; Cr s+qil̕tmxʷ husband, male ...; Sh s-qelmxʷ man; Th s/qáyxʷ; man; Li s.qayxʷ man. Category: kin. cniɬc aɬíʔ uɬ way̓ sqəl̕tmíxʷ, uɬ axáʔ k̓ʷək̓ʷy̓úmaʔ axáʔ iʔ tətwít. He is a man, and the boy is little. [GDd2 183] uɬ ct̓ak̓ʷ iʔ sqʷsiʔs, taʔlíʔ t̓əxʷ way̓ sqəltmíxʷ axáʔ mat aɬíʔ. His son was lying there, he was quite a grown man. [gl21] ṇt̓aʔ xʷáy̓sts iʔ sqəltmíxʷs. She got after her husband. [dict] axáʔ t kɬənx̌stántət, kʷ kʷnim iʔ t aksqəltmíxʷ. The one who will do us good, take him for a husband. [dict] way̓ kʷm̓iɬ axáʔ kiʔ cənʔúɬxʷ axáʔ iʔ swiʔnúmtaʔx ṇt̓aʔ sqəltmíxʷ. At once comes in a young fellow, a man. [dict] níkxna ɬ límtəmsəlx iʔ sqʷsíʔsəlx, uɬ way̓ sqəltmíxʷ. Goodness they were tickled (to see) their youngest son, he's already a man. [dict] See: qltmixʷ.

sqltmxʷsqáx̌aʔ   [sqəltəmxʷsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+ql+tmxʷsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √qlt. male horse(s); gelding.

Istem. sqəltəmxʷsqáx̌aʔ. Geldings. [dict]

sqlwíc̓aʔ   [sqəlwíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+qlwíc̓aʔ. Variant: sql̕wíc̓aʔ. Etym: √qlw. raw hide, fur, pelt.

Istem. uɬ nixʷ q̓sápiʔ ixíʔ nixʷ iʔ caʔkʷ cúsəlx iʔ sqəlwíc̓aʔ. Also long ago, as they call it, raw hides... [Prov 030] axáʔ iʔ sqəlw̓íc̓aʔ yaʕyaʕt iʔ xƛ̓ap iʔ sqəlw̓íc̓a. Furs, all kinds of furs. [FrGov.3] See: sqlaw̓.

sqlwitm   [sqəlwítəm] Morph: s+ql+wit+m. Etym: √ql. foot prints.

Istem ?. way̓ ixíʔ np̓núɬtəm axáʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌t axáʔ iʔ sxʷúytəns axáʔ i l naqs i l sqəl̕wítəms. He put one down in one of the racer's tracks, footprints. [2gts 246] See: qlwit.

sqlwitmtn   [sqəlwítəmtṇ] Morph: s+ql+wit+m+tn. Etym: √ql. feet; steps.

Istem. Category: +tn. mat (a)c̓kin iʔ sənləkʷtíw̓sc, ixíʔ iʔ siwɬkʷ taʔlíʔ nixʷút ixíʔ, mat taʔlíʔ xʷʔit sqəlwítəmtns iʔ snixʷúts. However wide, the water is quite deep, many feet deep. [su7q̓im 141] See: sqlwitm.

sqlxʷiwɬ   [sqəlxʷíwɬ] Morph: s+qlxʷiwɬ. Etym: √qlxʷ. Indian boat.

Istem. sqlxʷiwɬ. Indian boat. [dict] See: sqilxʷ.

sqlxʷlscut   [sqəlxʷəlscút] Morph: s+qlxʷlscut. Etym: √qlxʷ. Indian clothes.

Istem. uɬ way̓ t̓i yaʕyáʕt sqəlxʷəlscút iʔ təmtmútənsəlx. Their clothes were all Indian clothes. [MarryPS 043] See: sqilxʷ.

sqlxʷɬcawt   [sqəlxʷɬcáwt] Morph: s+qlxʷ+ɬ+caw+t. Etym: √qlxʷ, √cw. the Indian way of life, Indian ways.

Istem. c̓x̌iɬ t ʕalpmíntəm iʔ sqəlxʷɬcáwtət. It's like we lost out on our Indian ways. [WA1.65] See: sqilxʷ.

sqlxʷɬx̌ʷɬax̌ʷ   [sqəlxʷɬəx̌ʷɬáx̌ʷ] Morph: s+qlxʷ+ɬx̌ʷ•ɬax̌ʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ, √ɬx̌ʷ. chokecherries.

Istem. uɬ int̓aʔt̓úpaʔ k̓əɬx̌ʷilˑ axáʔ iʔ sqəlxʷɬəx̌ʷɬáx̌ʷ iʔ sx̌əw̓íltəns. My great-grandma had lots of dried chokecherries. [EJEp.48] See: sqilxʷ; ɬx̌ʷɬax̌ʷ.

sqlxʷsc̓im   [sqəlxʷscím] Morph: s+qlxʷ+s+c̓im. Etym: √qlxʷ, √c̓m. skeleton.

Istem. Sp s-qlixʷs-c̓óm̓ human skeleton. sqəlxʷsc̓ím. A skeleton. [nb9a 164] See: sqilxʷ; sc̓im.

sqlxʷsman̓xʷ   [sqələxʷsmán̓xʷ] Morph: s+qlxʷ+s+man̓xʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ, √mnxʷ. wild tobacco (nicotiana attenuata).

Istem. sqlxʷsman̓xʷ Wild tobacco. [TBK140] See: sqilxʷ; sman̓xʷ.

sqlxʷsp̓ic̓n   [sqəlxʷsp̓íc̓ən] Morph: s+qlxʷ+s+p̓ic̓n. Etym: √qlxʷ, √p̓c̓n. Indian hemp.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sqəlxʷsp̓íc̓ən ixíʔ aʔ csəl̕stísəlx iʔ kɬk̓əɬʕacmínsəlx. They spun Indian hemp for their fishing line. [WA1.98] See: sqilxʷ; sp̓ic̓n.

sqlxʷsqáx̌aʔ   [sqəlxʷsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+qlxʷsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √qlxʷ. the lowest kind of Indian; low class Indian.

Istem. kən sqəlxʷsqáx̌aʔ. I am too much an Indian. [nb21.50a] See: sqilxʷ.

sqlxʷúlaʔxʷ   [sqəlxʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+qlxʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ. Indian land; Indian things; a reserve.

Istem. way̓ t̓i kmix sqəlxʷúlaʔxʷ, kʷu taɬt kʷu sqilxʷ pnicíʔ. Only Indian things, just us Indians at that time. [MarryPS 023] See: sqilxʷ.

sqlxʷus   [sqəlxʷús] Morph: s+qlxʷus. Etym: √qlxʷ. Indian face.

Istem. ik̓líˑˑʔ əscústsəlx sqəlxʷús iʔ xƛ̓ut. There is what they call Indian Face Rock. [su7q̓im 121] See: sqilxʷ.

sql̕ql̕tmixʷ   [sqəl̕qəl̕tmíxʷ] Morph: s+ql̕•ql̕tmixʷ. Variant: sqlqltmixʷ. Etym: √qlt. men.

Istem. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ sisyús iʔ sqəl̕qəl̕tmíxʷ taʔlí ck̓ʷúl̕sts ixíʔ. Smart men work it. [drymd 031] See: sqltmixʷ.

sql̕siwɬkʷ   [sqəl̕síwɬkʷ] Morph: s+ql̕+siwɬkʷ. Etym: √ql̕, √swɬ. sql̕siwɬkʷ: Kootenai.

Istem. Sp ql̕séʔ Kutenai Indian; Cm s-ql̕+sáwɬkʷ-əxʷ Kutenais. sql̕siwɬkʷ. Kootenai. [nb1837.7] See: siwɬkʷ.

sql̕tmixʷ   [sqəl̕tmíxʷ] Morph: s+ql̕tmixʷ. Variant: sqltmixʷ. Etym: √qlt. man; husband.

Istem. Category: kin. anx̌mínk aɬíʔ asqəl̕tmíxʷ. You wanted him for your man. [lpb488]

sqɬniʔst   [sqəɬníʔst] Morph: s+qɬniʔst. Etym: √qɬn. success.

Istem. Category: +iʔst. sqɬniʔst Success.

sqmqmmin   [sqəmqəmˑín] Morph: s+qm•qm+min. Etym: √qm. sqmqmmin: (Albert Toulou).

Istem. axáʔ t sqəmqəmˑín iʔ naʔɬ skləkʷtílts. sqəmqəmˑín (Albert Toulou) and his distant son. [HnTrp 075]

sqpam   [spqam] Morph: s+qpa+m. Etym: √qp. a predicament.

nMstem. way̓ t̓iʔ kʷ iscəntkʷílsəm kiʔ ckəxəntsín kʷ isqpám I'm just keeping you company that I came with you, I am in your same boat. [2gts 197] See: qp(a).

sqpcíc̓aʔ   [sqəpcíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+qpcíc̓aʔ. Etym: √qpc. spring hide.

Istem. sqəpcíc̓aʔ. Spring hide. [nb26-06 002] See: sqipc.

sqqaʔ   [sqəqáʔ] Morph: s+q•qaʔ. Etym: √qʔ. little ewe.

Istem. sqqaʔ. Little ewe. [E38.4] Category: dim.

sqql̕qílaʔxʷ   [sqəqəl̕qílaʔxʷ] Morph: s+q•ql̕•qílaʔxʷ. Etym: √qlxʷ. bog orchid (habenaria dilatata). Lit: a bunch of little Indians

Istem. Category: dim. sqql̕qílaʔxʷ. Bog orchid. [TBK52]

sqqʔím   [sqəqəʔím] Morph: s+q•qʔím. Etym: √qʔm. sqqʔím: two distinctively-shaped small mounds located about one mile south from the present-day Rogers Bar church. Lit: breasts

Istem. Category: Geog. sqqʔím. Place name. [BK160] See: sqʔim.

sqt̓am   [sqt̓am] Morph: s+qt̓a+m. Variant: sqtám̓. Etym: √qt̓. a scar.

Istem ?. Sp sq̓tim a scar; n-q̓t̓t̓-maqs the road is all scarred up and rutted; Sh c-qit̓ a scar. way̓ sqiltks way̓ uɬ kmix sqt̓am nt̓aʔ uɬ ixíʔ nwaʔlílsmən. His body is nothing but scars, and I got puzzled. [AutPS 057]

sqxʷsqáx̌aʔtn   [sqəxʷsqáx̌aʔtṇ] Morph: s+qxʷsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Etym: √qxʷ. a whip.

Istem. Category: +tn. ixíʔm iʔ x̌əl sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ aksqəxʷsqáx̌aʔtən. that's for you to whip the horse. [RHorse 063] See: qixʷ.

sqy̓axʷ   [sqiʔáxʷ] Morph: s+qy̓axʷ. Etym: √qyxʷ. one's stink or stench.

Istem. Cm qiʔxʷ to stink; bad odor; Cr qiʔxʷ smell, stink. maɬ kʷ qʔyaxʷ, cəm̓ kʷu kníləntxʷ iʔ t asqʔyáxʷ. You stink too much, you might pass your stink on to me. [nb18152.1] scʔx̌ilx uɬ aɬíʔ kmix mnik iʔ sqiʔáxʷs. That's why it stank, it's nothing but shit. [BJSeym 541] uɬ lut itíʔ iʔ t sqiʔáxʷs iʔ sqəltmíxʷs. Her husband really stank. [dict] See: qy̓axʷ.

sqy̓síɬp   [sqiʔsíɬp] Morph: s+qy̓síɬp. Etym: √qys. giant hyssop (agastache urticifolia).

Istem. Lit: dream plant Sp s-qey̓séɬp (s-qiʔséɬp) purple Richardson's penstemon. sqy̓síɬp. Giant hyssop. [TBK109] See: sqiy̓s.

sqʔim   [sqʔim] Morph: s+qʔim. Etym: √qʔm. milk; breast.

Istem. Sp qʔ-em suck, nurse; Sh qʔem to suck, take the breast; Th s/qʔém breast [of woman]; Li s.qʔam (woman's) breast. c̓xʷant iʔ sqʔim. Spill the milk! [Oct92 022] kʷu ksxʷúyaʔx k̓l səntumístən mi kʷu nʔísəm t sqʔim naʔɬ ʔaʔúsaʔ. We are going to the store to buy milk and eggs. [newles 322]

sq̓alɬq̓ʷlt   [sq̓álɬq̓ʷəlt] Morph: s+q̓alɬq̓ʷlt. Etym: √q̓l. a sore throat.

Istem. sq̓alɬq̓ʷlt. A sore throat. See: q̓l.

sq̓ant   Morph: sq̓a+nt. Etym: √sq̓. to split s.t.

Tstem. Sp saq̓(é) cracked, split; Cr saq̓ split; Sh siq̓-m to break, crack; Th √səq̓ crack; see Th √səq split; Li səq-xál to quarter or split wood; see Li səq̓xál to crack s.t. Category: +ant. səq̓ánt iʔ slip̓. Split the wood! [Oct92 053] səq̓ánt iʔ t xəl̕mín. Split it with the axe! [Oct92 054] səq̓ánt iʔ slip̓ iʔ t xəl̕mín. Split the wood with the axe! [Oct92 055] See: siq̓.

sq̓ap   [sq̓ap] Morph: sq̓a+p. Etym: √sq̓. s.t. cracked or split.

Istem. Category: +ap. sq̓ap. Split. [pd] See: sq̓.

sq̓apínaʔxʷ   [sq̓apínaʔxʷ] Morph: s+q̓apínaʔxʷ. Variant: sq̓aʔpínaʔxʷ. Etym: √q̓p. sand.

Istem. Sp s-q̓epéneʔxʷ sand, gravel; Cr s+q̓ep+q̓e·pín̓eʔ sand; Sh s-qéq/pe sand, pebbles; s-qəq̓pe-ʔúləxʷ sandy terrain; Th √q̓épeʔ sand; Li q̓ápaʔ sand. uɬ ixíʔ kmix sq̓aʔpínaʔxʷ axáʔ npíqlaʔxʷ iʔ sq̓aʔpínaʔxʷ. And there is only sand, white sand. [Hrvst 022]

sq̓aq̓áxʷ   [sq̓aq̓áxʷ] Morph: s+q̓a•q̓áxʷ. Etym: √q̓xʷ. little owls.

Istem. sq̓aq̓áxʷ. Little owls. [nb20.13a] See: sq̓q̓axʷ.

sq̓at̓lqs   [sq̓át̓əlqs] Morph: s+q̓at̓lqs. Variant: cq̓atlqs. Etym: √q̓t̓. sweater.

Istem. Sp s-q̓q̓ít̓l̕qs a knitted sweater. sq̓at̓lqs. Sweater. [nb5.30a]

sq̓awsílt   [sq̓awsílt] Morph: s+q̓awsílt. Etym: √q̓w. middle child.

Istem. Category: kin. sq̓awsílt Middle child. [nb20.59a] See: q̓w.

sq̓awsqínkst   [sq̓awsqínkst] Morph: s+q̓aw+sqínkst. Etym: √q̓w. middle finger.

Istem. sq̓awsqínkst. Middle finger. See: q̓w.

sq̓awsqínxn   [sq̓awsqínxən] Morph: s+q̓aw+sqínxn. Etym: √q̓w. middle toe.

Istem. Sp s-n-q̓aw̓sqínšn middle toe. sq̓awsqínxn. Middle toe. [dict] See: q̓w.

sq̓aw̓sqn   [sq̓áw̓sqən] Morph: sq̓aw̓sqn. Etym: √sq̓. harelip.

Istem. sq̓aw̓sqn. Harelip. [nb21.88] See: siq̓.

sq̓ay̓íkst   [sq̓ay̓íkst] Morph: s+q̓ay̓íkst. Etym: √q̓y̓. chalk.

Istem. kʷint iʔ sq̓ay̓íkst. Take the chalk! [nb26-56 04] See: q̓ay̓.

sq̓aʔpínaʔxʷ   [sq̓aʔpínaʔxʷ] Morph: s+q̓aʔpínaʔxʷ. Variant: sq̓apínaʔxʷ. Etym: √q̓p. sand.

Istem. Sp s-q̓epéneʔxʷ sand, gravel; Cr s+q̓ep+q̓e·pín̓eʔ sand; Sh s-qéq/pe sand, pebbles; s-qəq̓pe-ʔúləxʷ sandy terrain; Th √q̓épeʔ sand; Li q̓ápaʔ sand. uɬ ixíʔ kmix sq̓aʔpínaʔxʷ axáʔ npíqlaʔxʷ iʔ sq̓aʔpínaʔxʷ. And there is only sand, white sand. [Hrvst 022]

sq̓c̓iɬxʷ   [sq̓c̓iɬxʷ] Morph: s+q̓c̓iɬxʷ. Etym: √q̓c̓. a log house; a log cabin.

Istem. Sp s-q̓c̓éɬxʷ log house. heater, ilíʔ sílxʷaʔ aʔ cəncáq ixíʔ iʔ l sq̓c̓iɬxʷs uɬ q̓sapiʔ. There was a big heater sitting there in his log house a long time ago. [EJEp.45]

sq̓ic̓qn   [sq̓íc̓qən] Morph: s+q̓ic̓qn. Etym: √q̓c̓. a bird's wattle or stomach.

Istem. Sp s-n-q̓íc̓qn gizzard; Sh x̌-qic̓-qn̓-tn gizzard. sq̓ic̓qn. A bird's wattle or stomach.

sq̓ilt   [sq̓ilt] Morph: s+q̓il+t. Etym: √q̓l. sickness, disease, illness.

Istem. Cm s‑q̓il‑t illness. Category: +t. isq̓ílt. My sickness. [dict] kən ksq̓ilt. I have a disease. [E41.12] See: q̓ilt.

sq̓it   [sq̓it] Morph: s+q̓it. Etym: √q̓t. rain.

Istem. lut t̓ t̓ul iʔ sq̓it. Boy, this rain has no equal. [nb18165.12] c̓xʷaxʷ iʔ sq̓it. The rain pours. [dict] mat haʔ scq̓itx. I wonder if it's raining. [dict] See: q̓it.

sq̓iwm   [sq̓iwm] Morph: s+q̓iw+m. Etym: √q̓w. putting a hex or a jinx on s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sq̓iwm. Put a hex on. [nb23 249]

sq̓iy̓mn   [sq̓íy̓mən] Morph: s+q̓iy̓+mn. Etym: √q̓y̓. tipi poles.

Istem. Sp s-n-q̓ey-mn-tn tipi poles; Sh q̓ey-m to set up a structure (e.g. poles for tent, drying rack, etc.; Th √q̓ay̓ shelter; Li q̓ə:q̓áy̓a lean to; q̓áz̓-am to make a cover, roof over s.t. Category: +mn. sq̓íy̓mən. Tipi poles. [nb25-30 001] way̓ t̓iʔ kcaʔcaʔálqʷəm iʔ l sq̓íʔmən. He knocked on the poles. [CoGrSy 140] kʷaʔ ktkiʔálqʷs axáʔ iʔ sq̓íʔmən kʷaʔ st̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ. He peed on the tipi pole like that. [nb1531.2]

sq̓iʔmn   [sq̓íʔmən] Morph: s+q̓y̓+mn. Etym: √q̓y̓. pole.

Istem. Category: +mn. See: sq̓y̓mn.

sq̓iʔmtálqs   [sq̓iʔmtálqs] Morph: s+q̓iʔmtálqs. Etym: √q̓y̓mt. sq̓iʔmtálqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sq̓iʔmtálqs. Woman's name.

sq̓iʔxnáɬaʔq   [sq̓iʔxnáɬaʔq] Morph: s+q̓iʔxnáɬaʔq. Etym: √q̓ʔ. false Solomon's seal (smilacina racemosa). Lit: B's etym: little fruit of q̓ixan

Istem. Category: dim. sq̓iʔxnáɬaʔq. Solomon's seal. [TBK48]

sq̓lípaʔs   [səq̓lípaʔs] Morph: s+q̓lípaʔs. Etym: √q̓l. a small neckerchief; a bandana.

Istem. Category: dim. t̓i cəcáx̌ iʔ səq̓lípaʔs. A red bandana. [nb21.149] See: sq̓líps.

sq̓lips   [sq̓lips] Morph: s+q̓lips. Variant: sql̕ips. Etym: √q̓l. a handkerchief; s.t. draped around the neck.

Istem. Sp s-q̓l̕éps necklace; Sh x̌-qlq̓-el̕ps, x̌lq̓el̕ps bandana; Tk s/q̓l̕íp̓s kerchief, handkerchief; Li √q̓al̕ps : q̓əl̕:q̓ál̕ps kerchief. kylxʷínaʔ t sq̓lips. It's wrapped with a handkerchief. [nb25-38 003] iʔ kilxs actáp iʔ t sq̓lipsc. His hand is covered with his handkerchief. [nb25-38 004] ixíʔ xʷpcnítkʷs iʔ sq̓lips. So he spread the handkerchief on the shore. [dict] ixíʔ ckʷis iʔ q̓ʷaʕyḷxʷ iʔ sq̓lips. He took the black handkerchief. [dict] haʔ k̓im kʷ ksq̓líps? Do you have another handkerchief? [dict]

sq̓lq̓ilt   [sq̓əlq̓ílt] Morph: s+q̓l•q̓íl+t. Etym: √q̓l. an illness.

Istem. Category: +t. ʔíɬəntxʷ iʔ sp̓iƛ̓m, uɬ x̌əssmílx asq̓əlq̓ílt. Eat the bitterroot, and whatever ails you will improve, [mychildr 192] See: sq̓ilt.

sq̓lq̓lsc̓im   [sq̓əlq̓əlsc̓ím] Morph: s+q̓l•q̓l+s+c̓im. Etym: √q̓l, √c̓m. rheumatism.

Istem. sq̓lq̓lsc̓im. Rheumatism. [dict] See: q̓ilt; sc̓im.

sq̓lspuʔús   [sq̓əlspuʔús] Morph: s+q̓l+s+puʔús. Etym: √q̓l, √pʔ. a sick heart.

Istem. uɬ culáp ispuʔús iʔ t sq̓əlspuʔús, uɬ iʔ t sʕimt. And my heart was burning with sickness, and anger. [su7q̓im 249] See: q̓l; spuʔús.

sq̓ltlwis   [sq̓əltlwís] Morph: s+q̓l+t+lwis. Etym: √q̓l. one's being sickly.

Istem. Category: +lwis. isq̓əltlwís. I am sickly. [dict] See: sq̓ilt.

sq̓l̕ips   [sq̓l̕ips] Morph: s+q̓l̕ips. Variant: sq̓lips. Etym: √q̓l. a medallion; s.t. draped around the neck.

Istem. axáʔ x̌áq̓əntsən t aksq̓l̕íps I'll pay you with this medallion. [chipdd 040] See: q̓lipsm.

sq̓ɬt   Morph: sq̓+ɬt. Etym: √sq̓. to split s.t.

Tstem. Sp saq̓(é) cracked, split; Cr saq̓ split; Sh siq̓-m to break, crack; Th √səq̓ crack; see Th √səq split; Li səq-xál to quarter or split wood; see Li səq̓xál to crack s.t. Category: +ɬt. kʷu səq̓ɬtíxʷ. You split mine (my s.t.). [nb18123.14] See: siq̓.

sq̓ɬxalq   [sq̓əɬxálq] Morph: s+q̓ɬxalq. Etym: √q̓ɬx. a sleeping coat.

Istem. Category: Inv. ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ c̓x̌iɬ t sq̓əɬxálqsəlx iʔ l citxʷ iʔ ta lkapú. They are like a sleeping coat. [GDd1 414] See: ɬq̓ilx.

sq̓mam   [sq̓mam] Morph: s+q̓m•am. Etym: √q̓m. what is swallowed.

Istem. mat sic iʔ sq̓mam. Maybe the newly swallowed. [Whal 110]

sq̓mílaʔ   [sq̓mílaʔ] Morph: s+q̓mílaʔ. Etym: √q̓m. greed.

Istem. aɬíʔ təl̕ sq̓mílaʔs uɬ təl̕ scət̓pínks. Because he's so greedy and has a big stomach. [fatboy 006]

sq̓miltn   [sq̓míltən] Morph: s+q̓milt+n. Etym: √q̓m. hunger; starvation; throat.

Istem. Sp s-q̓mélt-n. throat, sense of taste; Cm q̓m-al-aʔ to be a glutton, to overeat; Cr q̓emíln Post Falls, Idaho... (lit. throat). Category: +tn. way̓ uɬ ixíʔ nɬək̓ʷək̓ʷmís iʔ sksq̓míltəns. Then he realized he was hungry. [BJSeym 532] mat t̓əxʷ iʔ x̌mínksəlx ilíʔ mi ƛ̓axʷt iʔ t sq̓míltən, kʷaʔ. Maybe they wanted them to die of hunger there. [cre24] ṇƛ̓ləlíls iʔ t sq̓míltən. He's going to die of starvation. [dict] ʕapnáʔ məɬ kən ʔayx̌ʷt uɬ kən ksq̓míltən. Now I'm tired and hungry. [lnxbdga 149] mat cxʷəlxʷáltəlx kəm̓ mat ƛ̓áxʷtəlx t sq̓míltən They might be living or maybe they're dead of starvation. [lnx2 285]

sq̓mmiltn   [sq̓əmˑíltṇ] Morph: s+q̓m•milt+n. Etym: √q̓m. hunger.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ nkəcníkiʔsəlx iʔ sq̓əmˑíltənsəlx. Because they overtook their hunger. [GDd1 540]

sq̓mq̓aʔmám   [sq̓əmq̓aʔmám] Morph: s+q̓m•q̓aʔmá+m. Etym: √q̓m. pills.

Istem ?.

sq̓m̓miltn   [sq̓əmm̓íltṇ] Morph: s+q̓m̓+milt+n. Etym: √q̓m. hunger.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ ksq̓əmm̓íltnəlx. And they were hungry. [lnxbdga 082]

sq̓pq̓aʔpínaʔ   [sqəpqaʔpínaʔ] Morph: s+q̓p•q̓aʔpínaʔ. Etym: √qp. sand.

Istem. sq̓pq̓aʔpínaʔ. Sand. [nb1854.10]

sq̓pq̓pan̓xʷ   [sq̓əpq̓pán̓xʷ] Morph: s+q̓p•q̓pan̓xʷ. Etym: √qp. sq̓pq̓pan̓xʷ: Sandy Hill.

Istem. Category: Geog. sq̓pq̓pan̓xʷ. Sandy Hill. [nb1854.9] See: sq̓apínaʔxʷ.

sq̓p̓xʷíɬp   [sq̓əp̓xʷíɬp] Morph: s+q̓p̓xʷíɬp. Variant: q̓p̓xʷíɬp. Etym: √q̓p̓xʷ. hazelnut (corylus cornuta) and bastard toadflax (comandra umbellata).

Istem. sq̓p̓xʷíɬp. Toadflax; hazelnut. [TBK90] See: q̓p̓xʷíɬp.

sq̓q̓at̓lqs   [sq̓əq̓át̓əlqs] Morph: s+q̓•q̓at̓lqs. Etym: √q̓t̓. a knitted sweater.

Istem. Sp s-q̓q̓ít̓l̕qs a knitted sweater. məlməlkʷíkst [k̓ʷ or q̓ʷ ?] iʔ sq̓əq̓átəlqs. Balls on a wool sweater. [nb21.185a] See: confirm.

sq̓q̓axʷ   [sq̓əq̓áxʷ] Morph: s+q̓•q̓axʷ. Etym: √q̓xʷ. midget owl; screech owl.

Istem. Sp s-q̓q̓áxʷ burrowing owl, pigmy owl; Cm q̓axʷm̓ínaʔ barn owl. sq̓q̓axʷ. Screech owl. [nb21.100a]

sq̓q̓ay̓ác̓aʔ   [sq̓q̓ay̓ác̓aʔ] Morph: s+q̓•q̓ay̓ác̓aʔ. Etym: √q̓y̓. cloth.

Istem. puxʷs ixíʔ iʔ stim̓ ya ct̓əlt̓ál iʔ sq̓əq̓ay̓ác̓aʔ. It was blowing pieces of cloth. [grlhd 147]

sq̓q̓y̓ksqáx̌aʔ   [sq̓əq̓əyksqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+q̓•q̓y̓ksqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √q̓y̓k. colts.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ x̌əx̌n̓út iʔ sq̓əq̓əyksqáx̌aʔ yaʕyáʕt stúɬc̓aʔ. And nine colts, all mules. [AutPS 284]

sq̓sápiʔ   [sq̓sápiʔ] Morph: s+q̓sápiʔ. Variant: sq̓sápiʔs. Etym: √q̓sp. long ago; a long time.

Istem. uɬ way̓ cmistís ixíʔ yaʔx̌í tə sq̓sápiʔ. She remembered from a long time back. [fatboy 186] lut sq̓sápiʔs ki ití cxiʔwílx spəpáʕɬaʔ. It wasn't long that Ape came by. [grlsdd 239]

sq̓sápiʔs   [sq̓sápiʔs] Morph: s+q̓sáʔpiʔ+s. Variant: sq̓sápiʔ. Etym: q̓sp. long ago.


sq̓t̓ɬílaʔm   [sq̓t̓əɬílaʔm] Morph: s+q̓t̓+ɬílaʔ+m. Etym: √q̓t̓. to bait a line for fish. Gram: analysis not clear

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sq̓təɬílaʔm. To bait a line for fish. [OkB]

sq̓xit   Morph: sq̓+xit. Etym: √sq̓. to split s.t.

Tstem. Sp saq̓(é) cracked, split; Cr saq̓ split; Sh siq̓-m to break, crack; Th √səq̓ crack; see Th √səq split; Li səq-xál to quarter or split wood; see Li səq̓xál to crack s.t. Category: +xit. kʷu səq̓xítxʷ t slip̓. Split wood for me! [nb18123.15] See: siq̓.

sq̓y̓am   [sq̓y̓am] Morph: s+q̓y̓a+m. Etym: √q̓y̓. writing.

Istem ?. kən q̓ʷíɬq̓ʷəɬt iʔ t sq̓əʔyám. I'm good at writing. [nb26-67 001]

sq̓y̓asq̓t   [sq̓əy̓ásq̓ət] Morph: s+q̓y̓asq̓t. Etym: √q̓y̓. calendar.

Istem. sq̓y̓asq̓t. Calendar. [nb22.115a]

sq̓y̓ay̓   [sq̓əy̓áy̓] Morph: s+q̓y̓•ay̓. Etym: √q̓y̓. written, decorated, marked, printed.

Istem. Lit: The pattern / design on my phone is... axáʔ iʔ sq̓əy̓áy̓s isntqʷəlqʷəltíw̓stn. My phone number is... [newles 219]

sq̓y̓cin   [sq̓əy̓cín] Morph: s+q̓ycin. Etym: √q̓y̓. dictionary.

Istem. sq̓əycíntət. Our pocket dictionary. [pd5]

sq̓y̓iɬxʷ   [sq̓iʔíɬxʷ] Morph: s+q̓y̓iɬxʷ. Etym: √q̓y̓. house designs.

Istem. p̓úƛ̓əm qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sq̓iʔíɬxʷs, ixíʔ ilmíxʷəm iʔ citxʷs. The house designs were quite beautiful, the chief's house. [lpb162]

sq̓y̓mtálqs   [sq̓iʔmtálqs] Morph: s+q̓y̓mtálqs. Etym: √q̓y̓mt. sq̓y̓mtálqs.

Istem. Category: wName.

sq̓ʔaw̓sqínkst   [sq̓aʔw̓sqínkst] Morph: s+q̓ʔaw̓sqínkst. Etym: √q̓ʔ. 1 • middle finger.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ stum̓kst uɬ iʔ c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ uɬ iʔ sq̓ʔaw̓sqínkst uɬ iʔ təmskʷást uɬ iʔ stawnqínaʔkst ixíʔ. The thumb, and the pointer, and the middle finger and the fourth finger and the little finger. [crea14]

2 • Istem. sq̓aʔw̓sqínkst.

Sp s-n-q̓ʔaw̓sqí middle finger.Istem. sq̓aʔw̓sqínkst ixíʔ sənʔúɬxʷs xʷuy uɬ ckʷis iʔ ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ. Then Middle Finger went in and he brought dirt. [crea28]

sq̓ʔaw̓sqín̓xn̓   [sq̓aw̓sqín̓xn̓] Morph: s+q̓ʔaw̓sqín̓xn̓. Etym: √q̓ʔ. middle toe.


sqʷac   [sqʷac] Morph: s+qʷac. Etym: √qʷc. warmth.


sqʷaɬqnm   [sqʷáɬqnəm] Morph: s+qʷaɬqn+m. Etym: √qʷɬ. pollen.


sqʷays   [sqʷays] Morph: s+qʷay+s. Etym: √qʷy. often.

Istem ?. lut sqʷays iʔ sqilxʷ kiʔ kʷu aɬ kícəntxʷ. It's not often that people get here to me. [CoGrSy 144]

sqʷaʕ   [sqʷaʕ] Morph: s+qʷaʕ. Etym: √qʷʕ. a drunk.

Istem. sqʷaʕ. A drunk. [nb21.142] See: qʷaʕʷ.

sqʷaʔcínaʔ   [sqʷaʔcínaʔ] Morph: s+qʷaʔcínaʔ. Etym: √qʷc. warm weather.

Istem. uc kən cxʷəlxʷált kəm̓ kən k̓əɬtwín mi uɬ kʷu ksqʷaʔcínaʔ. If I live, or if don't make it to when the warm weather arrives. [Dvl 202]

sqʷaʔmíkst   [sqʷaʔmíkst] Morph: s+qʷaʔ+míkst. Etym: √qʷʔ. familiarity.

Istem. uɬ tam axáʔ yaʔ ksqʷaʔmíkst. And it takes those who are used to it. [BJSeym 124]

sqʷaʔqʷaʔlúlaʔxʷ   [sqʷaʔqʷaʔlúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+qʷaʔ•qʷaʔlúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √qʷl. agreement about the land.

Istem. iʔ sqʷaʔqʷaʔlúlaʔxʷ haʔ. The agreement about the land? [gl86] ixíʔ mayxíts iʔ sc̓ixts, mayxíts ixíʔ iʔ sqʷaʔqʷaʔlúlaʔxʷ. Thatʼs when he told his brother-in-law, he told him about this land agreement. [gl91]

sqʷaʔqʷʔál   [sqʷaʔqʷʔál] Morph: s+qʷaʔ•qʷʔál. Etym: √qʷl. 1 • meeting; discussion.

Istem. uɬ way̓ xʷʔásq̓ət təl sqʷaʔqʷʔáls. It had been many days since they had had a meeting. [4c3]

2 • Istem. agreement; bargain; conclusion. uɬ aɬíʔ qʷən̓cín ixíʔ sqʷaʔqʷʔáltət. It's a pity, but that's our bargain. [GDd2 611] way̓ cúntsən uɬ ixíʔ sqʷaʔqʷʔáltət. I told you that's the bargain we made. [GDd2 628] lut ixíʔ t̓ə ksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔsəlx, lut pənʔkín iʔ sqilxʷ ixíʔ sqʷaʔqʷʔál axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. They werenʼt ever going to tell the Indians about this agreement about the land. [gl60] ixíʔ iʔ ɬəɬsc̓íxts iʔ sqʷaʔqʷʔáls. Thatʼs what his brothers-in-law said. [dc39] ixíʔ iʔ sqʷaʔqʷʔáltət, anwí k̓ɬəmcíntsən ixíʔ iʔ kʷu x̌q̓əncútməntxʷ, uɬ way̓ t̓əxʷ anwí aspuʔús. That's the bargain we made, I agreed with you on the pay you asked me, do what you think best. [dict] Cr s+qʷáʔ+qʷeʔel directive, order.

sqʷaʔqʷʔalmíx   [sqʷaʔqʷʔalmíx] Morph: s+qʷaʔ•qʷʔalmíx. Etym: √qʷl. delegate, spokesman.

Istem. way̓ súxʷəxʷ iʔ sqʷaʔqʷʔalmíx. The delegates are gone. [gl107] See: 18/Sep/2015.

sqʷínc̓aʔ   [sqʷínc̓aʔ] Morph: s+qʷínc̓aʔ. Etym: √qʷn. a green blanket.

Istem. ixíʔ isqʷínc̓aʔ. That's my green blanket. [nb18158.13]

sqʷinkn   [sqʷinkn] Morph: s+qʷinkn. Etym: √qʷn. sqʷinkn.

Istem. sqʷinkn. Man's name. [OkB]

sqʷiylp   [sqʷiylp] Morph: s+qʷiylp. Etym: √qʷy. a bed of boughs.

Istem. axáʔ ʕác̓ənti isqʷíylp uɬ axáʔ way̓ cniɬc iʔ sqʷiylps uɬ axáʔ iʔ sənur̓míntət. Here, look at my bedding, and here her bedding, and here our fireplace. [lpb390]

sqʷiʔtxnálqs   [sqʷiʔtxnálqs] Morph: s+qʷiʔtxnálqs. Etym: √qʷʔt. woman's name. Category: wName.

Istem. sqʷiʔtxnálqs. Woman's name. [dict]

sqʷlcnink   [sqʷəlcnínk] Morph: s+qʷlcnink. Etym: √qʷl. stomach; belly; insides; guts.

Istem. Sp qʷl̕in̓ gall; Cm qʷéəll‑iʔ spleen, gall bladder. kt̓líw̓səntxʷ məɬ iʔ sqʷəlcnínks c̓ácəcqaʔ. You cut him open, then his insides will spill out. [lpb115]

sqʷlip   [sqʷlip] Morph: s+qʷlip. Etym: √qʷlp. Variant: sqʷl̕ip. moss; black tree lichen (bryoria fremontii).

Istem. See: sqʷl̕ip.

sqʷllqʷil   [sqʷəlˑqʷíl] Morph: s+qʷl•l•qʷil. Etym: √qʷl. advice.

Istem. c̓kin̓ ancáwt iʔ l sqʷəlˑqʷíltət. How are you doing on our advice? [nb2524.1]

sqʷlqʷlstwixʷ   [sqʷəlqʷəlstwíxʷ] Morph: s+qʷl•qʷl+stwixʷ. Etym: √qʷl. conversation.

Istem. Category: +stwixʷ. p iksm̓ayɬtím iʔ naʔɬ q̓ʷaʕylqs iʔ cáwtət, iʔ sqʷəlqʷəlstwíxʷtət. I am going to tell you our doings with a priest, our conversation. [pgl1] ixíʔ iʔ sqʷəlqʷəlstwíxʷtət, ixíʔ q̓ʷəcq̓ʷácət iʔ sqʷəlqʷəlstwíxʷtət, c̓x̌iɬ t kaʔɬís. This was our conversation, a heavy conversation, on three (topics). [pgl27]

sqʷlxant   [sqʷəlxánt] Morph: s+qʷlxant. Etym: √qʷlx. sqʷlxant (Jonas Manuel).

Istem. sqʷlxant. Man's name.

sqʷlxmtxnalqs   [sqʷəlxəmtxnálqs] Morph: s+qʷlxmtxnalqs. Etym: √qʷlxmt. sqʷlxmtxnalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sqʷlxmtxnalqs. woman's name. [nb08 852]

sqʷl̕cnink   [sqʷəl̕cnínk] Morph: s+qʷl̕cnink. Etym: √qʷl. stomach.

Istem. c̓sap iʔ sqʷəl̕cnínks. His stomach was gone. [fatboy 106]

sqʷl̕ip   [sqʷl̕ip] Morph: s+qʷl̕ip. Etym: √qʷl̕p. Variant: sqʷlip. moss; black tree lichen (bryoria fremontii).

Istem. Sp s-qʷl̕ápqn black tree moss, black tree lichen; Li s.qʷl̕ip black tree lichen. ixíʔ kʷaʔ iʔ sʔíɬəns yaʔ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqʷl̕ip. A long time ago moss was their food. [dict] sxípəm sqʷlip. To gather moss. [nb9a 119] way̓ t̓i itlíʔ kʷu sxʷúyx, məɬ taʔlíʔ xʷʔít iʔ ka ksqʷlip. Letʼs go this way, there is a lot of moss there. [HnLk5]

sqʷɬpalqs   [sqʷəɬpálqs] Morph: s+qʷɬpalqs. Etym: √qʷɬp. sqʷɬpalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sqʷɬpalqs. Woman's name. [nb08 862]

sqʷƛ̓kʷtan   [sqʷƛ̓kʷtan] Morph: s+qʷƛ̓kʷ+tan. Etym: √qʷƛ̓kʷ ?. sqʷƛ̓kʷtan: Gerome landing.

Istem. Category: Geog, +tan. sqʷƛ̓kʷtan. Place name. [dict]

sqʷn̓q̓ʷan̓t   [sqʷən̓q̓ʷán̓t] Morph: s+qʷn̓•q̓ʷan̓+t. Etym: √qʷn̓. pitifulness.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ asqʷən̓q̓ʷán̓t kʷ ɬaʔ cxʷuy cənwaʔpm̓ús. You are pitiful when you go backwards. [race9]

sqʷqʷaʕʷqʷút   [sqʷqʷaʕʷqʷút] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷaʕʷ•qʷút. Etym: √qʷʕʷ. to be wild. Gram: morphology not clear

Istem. sqʷqʷaʕʷqʷút. Wild. [dict]

sqʷqʷlcnínaʔk   [sqʷəqʷəlcnínaʔk] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷlcnínaʔk. Etym: √qʷl. little belly.

Istem. Category: dim. sqʷəqʷəlcnínaʔk. Little belly. [nb26-15 005]

sqʷqʷl̕cn̓ínaʔk   [sqʷəqʷəl̕cn̓ínaʔk] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷl̕cn̓ínaʔk. Etym: √qʷl. little belly.

Istem. Category: dim.

sqʷqʷɬm̓úsc̓aʔ   [sqʷəqʷɬm̓úsc̓aʔ] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷɬm̓úsc̓aʔ. Etym: √qʷɬm̓. guts.

Istem. nák̓ʷəm ixiʔ iʔ sqʷəqʷɬm̓úsc̓aʔ[s] c̓aɬʔíɬtəm iʔ t sqʷəsqʷasíʔa. It's his guts that the children are eating. [grlsdd 202]

sqʷqʷsiʔ   [sqʷəqʷsíʔ] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷsiʔ. Etym: √qʷsʔ. little son.

Istem. Category: dim. isqʷsíʔ, isqʷəqʷsíʔ. My son, my little son. [Omak]

sqʷqʷsqʷaʔsíʔa   [sqʷəqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷs•qʷaʔsíʔa. Etym: √qʷs. little children.


sqʷqʷsqʷsiʔ   [sqʷqʷəsqʷsíʔ] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷs•qʷsiʔ. Etym: √qʷsʔ. son.

Istem. Category: dim. uɬ ksqʷəqʷsqʷsíʔlx, taʔxʷsqʷəqʷsqʷsíʔ tətw̓it. And they had a child, they got a boy. [grlhd 005]

sqʷqʷyam   [sqʷəqʷyám] Morph: s+qʷ•qʷya+m. Etym: √qʷy. intercourse.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sqʷəqʷuyám. The motion of intercourse. [nb08 589]

sqʷsaʔltíw̓s   [sqʷsaʔltíw̓s] Morph: s+qʷsaʔltíw̓s. Etym: √qʷsʔ. siblings.

Istem. Category: kin. sqʷsaʔltíw̓s Siblings. [nb26-43 009]

sqʷsiʔ   [sqʷsiʔ] Morph: s+qʷsiʔ. Etym: √qʷsʔ. a son.

Istem. Sp s-qʷséʔ; Cm s‑qʷs‑aʔ female’s sister’s child; ʔas‑qʷs‑aʔ son; Cr s+qʷás+qʷs+eʔ child; as+qʷ+qʷés+eʔ boy, chiquito; Sh s-qʷseʔ son; Th s/qixʷéyt son, male child; Li s.qʷsaʔ nephew. Category: kin. lut isəksqʷsíʔ náx̌əmɬ kən kst̓əmkʔílt. I don't have a son, but I have a daughter. [nb6 12a] way̓ uyáʔ, ṇqʷən̓mínt iʔ sqʷsítət. Listen, have pity on our son! [dict] knəqsltílaʔt axáʔ yaʔ ylmíxʷəm, ksqʷsíʔ, way̓ uɬ ƛ̓x̌ap iʔ sqʷsíʔsəlx. The chief had only one child, one son, and he was grown, their son. [dict] ixíʔ isqʷsíʔ ɬíxəmqən. That's my son ɬíxəmqən. [dict] See: qʷsiʔ.

sqʷsqiʔáʕtaʔkʷ   [sqʷsqiy̓áʕtaʔkʷ] Morph: s+qʷsqiʔáʕtaʔkʷ. Variant: sqʷsqiy̓áʕtkʷ. Etym: √qʷs. sqʷsqiʔáʕtaʔkʷ: a small stream which emanates from a spring south of Little Jim Creek and flows northeast into the present-day F.D.R. Lake. Lit: bluejay or Steller's jay water (creek)

Istem. Category: dim. sqʷsqiʔáʕtaʔkʷ. Place name. [BK233] Category: dim. See: sqʷsqiʔáʕtkʷ.

sqʷsqiʔáʕtkʷ   [sqʷsqiy̓áʕtkʷ] Morph: s+qʷsqiʔáʕtkʷ. Variant: sqʷsqiy̓aʕtaʔkʷ. Etym: √qʷs. sqʷsqiʔáʕtkʷ: a small stream which emanates from a spring south of Little Jim Creek and flows northeast into the present-day F.D.R. Lake. Lit: bluejay or Steller's jay water (creek)

Istem. sqʷsqiʔáʕtkʷ. Place name. [BK233]

sqʷsqʷasíʔa   [sqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa] Morph: s+qʷs•qʷa+síʔa. Variant: sqʷsqʷaʔsíʔa. Etym: √qʷsʔ. children; offspring.

Istem. Cm s‑qʷs‑qʷs‑aʔ small child, baby; Cr s+qʷás+qʷs+eʔ child. t̓əxʷ ixíʔ k̓ʷəl̕əncútən iʔ təl sqʷəsqʷasíʔas. That's one of the Creator's children. [su7q̓im 269] taʔlí xʷʔit iʔ sqʷəsqʷasíʔas yaʕyáʕt qaʔɬuknaʔqín. She had a lot of children, all of them Okanagan. [lpb438] kʷu c̓amníltɬts iʔ t síyaʔ isqʷsqʷasíʔa, kn ɬaʔ ck̓aw. He feeds saskatoons to my children when I'm gone. [jan93nb 1204] uɬ itlíʔ isqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa naʔɬ intkəɬmílxʷ yayʕát kʷu c̓aɬʔíɬn itlíʔ. And from that my children and my wife, all of us can eat. [su7q̓im 237] iʔ l sk̓laxʷ naʔɬ isqʷsqʷaʔsíʔa kʷu cqʷaqʷʔál iʔ k̓l kɬcáwtət. In the evening my children and I talk about what we are going to do. [newles 321] ixíʔ axáʔ isqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa, iʔ sənʔassíl, paʔpút. These are my sons, twins, they look alike. [dict] məlqnúps yaʔ sqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔas sic mat skt̓ít̓əqʷsaʔx, ʔasíl. There were eagle babies just hatched, two of them. [dict]

sqʷsqʷaʔsíʔa   [sqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa] Morph: s+qʷs•qʷaʔ+síʔa. Etym: √qʷs. (little) children.

Istem. Category: kin. See: sqʷsqʷasíʔa.

sqʷsqʷsiʔ   [sqʷəsqʷsíʔ] Morph: s+qʷs•qʷsiʔ. Etym: √qʷsʔ. small child; son.

Istem. Cr s+qʷás+qʷs+eʔ child. Category: kin. c̓x̌ʷant asqʷəsqʷsíʔ. Discipline your child! [Oct92 069] ksqʷəsqʷsíʔlx, t̓i knəqsəltílaʔt. They had a son, an only child. [blkpg 002] mat n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷ k̓ʷl̕ílt, cəm̓ tətwít iʔ ksqʷsqʷsíʔs axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. I suppose you will have a baby, the son of this woman will be a boy. [dict]

sqʷuɬqn   [sqʷúɬqən] Morph: s+qʷuɬqn. Etym: √qʷɬ. pollen.

Istem. sqʷuɬqn. Pollen. [nb1844.4]

sqʷuɬt   [sqʷuɬt] Morph: s+qʷuɬ+t. Etym: √qʷɬ. dust, as blown by the wind.

Istem. Sp s-qʷʔúɬ a cloud of dust; Cm qʷuɬ‑t dust; Cr s+qʷuʔɬ dirt, dust.

sqʷuʔɬ   [sqʷuʔɬ] Morph: s+qʷuʔɬ. Etym: √qʷʔɬ. yellow jacket; bee; wasp.

Istem. Sp s-qʷúʔɬ wasp, bee, hornet; Sh sqʷuʔɬt wasp, yellowjacket.

sqʷytal̕qs   [sqʷitál̕qs] Morph: s+qʷytal̕qs. Etym: √qʷyt. sqʷytal̕qs.

Istem. Category: wName. sqʷytal̕qs. Woman's name. [OkB]

sqʷytqin   [sqʷəytqín] Morph: s+qʷy+tqin. Etym: √qʷy. ?


sqʷy̓txnalqs   [sqʷiʔtxnálqs] Morph: s+qʷy̓txn+alqs. Etym: √qʷy̓t. sqʷy̓txnalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sqʷy̓txnalqs. Woman's name. [nb08 848]

sqʷʔam   [sqʷʔam] Morph: s+qʷʔa+m. Etym: √qʷʔ. to have familiarity with s.t.; to be used to s.t.; to be accustomed to s.t.

Mstem. Sp qʷʔém he's familiar with it, he's accustomed to it; Cr qʷiʔ accustomed. Category: nMstem. sqʷʔams. He's accustomed to it. [pd] uɬ axáʔm iʔ splal aʔ ksqʷʔam kəlkʷákʷəlx. These young folks that are used to it, they go far. [BJSeym 153] isqʷʔám isksq̓míltṇ. I'm used to being hungry. [dict] lut t̓ isqʷʔám. I'm not used to that. [dict] aɬíʔ sqʷʔams iʔ spix̌əm. He is used to hunting. [nb2572.11] See: qʷaʔ.

sq̓ʷaq̓ʷllqʷ   [sq̓ʷáq̓ʷləlqʷ] Morph: s+q̓ʷa•q̓ʷllqʷ. Variant: sq̓ʷaq̓ʷlqʷ. Etym: √q̓ʷl. prairie chicken.

Istem. Sp s-q̓ʷáq̓ʷl̕l̕qʷ... quail (black with white spots); Cm sq̓ʷ‑a‑q̓ʷ‑l̕qʷ prairie chicken, sharp‑tailed grouse. sq̓ʷaq̓ʷllq̓ʷ. Prairie chicken. [dict]

sq̓ʷaq̓ʷlqʷ   [sq̓ʷáq̓ʷəlqʷ] Morph: sq̓ʷ•aq̓ʷlqʷ. Variant: sq̓ʷaq̓ʷllqʷ. Etym: √sq̓ʷ. prairie chicken.

Istem. sq̓ʷaq̓ʷlqʷ. Prairie chicken. [nb18220.16]

sq̓ʷastínk   [sq̓ʷastínk] Morph: s+q̓ʷas+tínk. Variant: sq̓ʷaʔstínk. Etym: √q̓ʷs. s.t. pulled out of nowhere; Coyote's magic.

Istem. Lit: what I got ...; my having gotten s.t. out of nowhere isq̓ʷastínk. I got it out of nowhere. [11.26a] See: q̓ʷs.

sq̓ʷax̌q̓ʷx̌t   [sq̓ʷáx̌q̓ʷəx̌t] Morph: s+q̓ʷax̌•q̓ʷx̌t. Gram: northern form Etym: √q̓ʷx̌t. feet.

Istem. isq̓ʷáx̌q̓ʷəx̌t. My feet. [misc 259] See: sq̓ʷax̌t.

sq̓ʷax̌t   [sq̓ʷax̌t] Morph: s+q̓ʷax̌t. Gram: spáx̌mən form Etym: √q̓ʷx̌t. a foot.

Istem. qsant asq̓ʷáx̌t. Scratch your foot! [nb27-28 001]

sq̓ʷáʕyc̓aʔ   [sq̓ʷáʕyc̓aʔ] Morph: s+q̓ʷáʕyc̓aʔ. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. a black blanket.

Istem. ixíʔ isq̓ʷáʕyc̓aʔ. That's my black blanket. [nb81158.14] See: q̓ʷáʕy1.

sq̓ʷaʔstínk   [sq̓ʷaʔstínk] Morph: s+q̓ʷaʔs+tínk. Variant: sq̓ʷastínk. Etym: √q̓ʷs. do magic, produce special powers.

Istem. sq̓ʷaʔstínk. Bite its tail, Coyote trick. [nb10a 110] məɬ ixíʔ k̓ʷul̕s iʔ sq̓ʷaʔstínks. Then he [Coyote] made some of his special powers. [CSCo24] See: q̓ʷs.

sq̓ʷaʔstínkm   [sq̓ʷaʔstínkəm] Morph: s+q̓ʷaʔs+tínk+m. Variant: sq̓ʷaʔstín̓km. Etym: √q̓ʷs. Coyote's powers; Coyote’s hat tricks.

Mstem. Lit: to gather on the stomach sq̓ʷaʔstínkəm. To make power out of nothing. [nb10a 009] xíʔ way̓ sq̓ʷaʔstín̓kəm sənk̓l̕íp, uɬ way̓ ckícəlx iʔ t síwcənməntsəlx. Coyote started his powers, and the ones he called got to him. [dict] See: sq̓ʷaʔstínk.

sq̓ʷaʔstínkmnt   Morph: s+q̓ʷaʔs+tínk+m+nt. Variant: sq̓ʷaʔstín̓km. Etym: √q̓ʷs. Coyote's powers; Coyote’s hat tricks.

Tstem. Category: +nt. k̓əɬk̓láxʷ ixíʔ iʔ sq̓ʷaʔstínkəms. He got out of sight and he called his powers. [cobuf17] See: sq̓ʷaʔstínk.

sq̓ʷc̓q̓ʷc̓wiʔáɬaʔq   [sq̓ʷəcq̓ʷəc̓wiʔháɬaʔq] Morph: s+q̓ʷc̓•q̓ʷc̓wiʔáɬaʔq. Etym: √q̓ʷc̓wʔ. saskatoon or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. Category: dim. sq̓ʷc̓q̓ʷc̓wiʔáɬaʔq Serviceberry. [TBK120]

sq̓ʷiɬt   [sq̓ʷiɬt] Morph: s+q̓ʷiɬ+t. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. a load.

Istem. Category: +t. ɬáqʷɬəqʷt asq̓ʷíɬt Your load is huge. [newles 235] put sq̓ʷiɬts iʔ sq̓ʷíɬtsəlx, yaʕyáʕt x̌əw̓áw̓ enough for a big pack, all dried meat. [LynxS 354] See: q̓ʷiɬt.

sq̓ʷiss   [sq̓ʷísəs] Morph: s+q̓ʷis•s. Etym: √q̓ʷs. fat lining of the stomach; (deer) fat.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ i l snixʷtíɬc̓aʔs aɬíʔ a nx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ iʔ sq̓ʷísəsc. In the insides of the sea monster, [he saw] its fat. [Whal 120] way̓ məɬ itlíʔ ɬkəlk̓ám i təl sq̓ʷísəs. Then he'd take another slab from the fat. [Whal 133]

sq̓ʷlam   [sq̓ʷlam] Morph: s+q̓ʷla+m. Etym: √q̓ʷl. roasted meat.

Istem ?. kʷu cxʷarɬt iʔ sq̓ʷlam. Pass me the roast! [newles 159] way̓ wiʔsk̓ʷəl̕cncút isqəltmíxʷ, qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ sq̓ʷlams. My husband has already cooked a beautiful deer roast. [newles 319] See: q̓ʷla.

sq̓ʷlisl   [sq̓ʷəlísəl] Morph: s+q̓ʷlisl. Etym: √q̓ʷl. roasted fish.

Istem. sq̓ʷlisl. Roasted fish. [OkB] See: q̓ʷl.

sq̓ʷliw̓m   [sq̓ʷlíw̓əm] Morph: s+q̓ʷliw̓+m. Etym: √q̓ʷl. berry-picking time.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. k̓əɬkícx iʔ sq̓ʷlíw̓əm, tíxʷsəlx iʔ sq̓ʷəlw̓áɬq, məɬ x̌əw̓ntísəlx ixíʔ. When it got to be time to pick berries, they picked berries, and they dried them. [WA1-20] See: q̓ʷliw̓.

sq̓ʷlqnislp̓   [sq̓ʷəɬqnísəlp̓] Morph: s+q̓ʷlqnislp̓. Etym: √q̓ʷl. a smoked (piece of) tipi.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ iʔ t sq̓ʷəɬqnísəlp̓ t̓əxʷ iʔ t scx̌ʷil axáʔ ia nk̓əmqníɬxʷ. That smoked piece of tipi, that's thrown away. [LynxS 237] See: q̓ʷl.

sq̓ʷlw̓aɬq   [sq̓ʷəlw̓áɬq] Morph: s+q̓ʷlw̓aɬq. Variant: sq̓ʷl̕waɬq. Etym: √q̓ʷl. berry crop; picking place.

Istem. k̓əɬkícx iʔ sq̓ʷlíw̓əm, tíxʷsəlx iʔ sq̓ʷəlw̓áɬq, məɬ x̌əw̓ntísəlx ixíʔ. When it got to be time to pick berries, they picked berries, and they dried them. [WA1-20] way̓ k̓ɬkícntəm iʔ sq̓ʷəl̕wáɬq. We have arrived at the picking place. [E55.20] yayʕát iʔ sq̓ʷəlwáɬq. All berries. [rdgs 012] See: q̓ʷliw̓.

sq̓ʷɬcin   [sq̓ʷəɬcín] Morph: s+q̓ʷɬcin. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. to be able to.

Istem. See: q̓ʷiɬq̓ʷɬt.

sq̓ʷɬtsqáx̌aʔ   [sq̓ʷəɬtsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+q̓ʷɬ+tsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. a horse pack.

Istem. way̓ ɬckicx way̓ lut t̓a ksq̓ʷəɬtsqáx̌aʔ. He got back, he had no pack on the horse (no horse pack). [HnTrp 264] See: q̓ʷɬtsqáx̌aʔ.

sq̓ʷmikst   [səq̓ʷmíkst] Morph: s+q̓ʷmikst. Etym: √q̓ʷm. arm muscle.

Istem. sq̓ʷmikst. Arm muscle. [dict] See: sq̓ʷml̕ikst.

sq̓ʷml̕ikst   [sq̓ʷəml̕íkst] Morph: s+q̓ʷm+l̕ikst. Etym: √q̓ʷm. arm muscle.

Istem. Sp s-q̓ʷml̕éčst bulging muscles; see Cr q̓ʷem+p cramp, spasm (to have a muscle...). sq̓ʷml̕ikst. Arm muscle. See: sq̓ʷmikst.

sq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnm   [sq̓ʷəq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəm] Morph: s+q̓ʷ•q̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxn+m. Etym: √q̓ʷƛ̓ʔ. racing.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. i[xíʔ] caʔkʷ cus ia nqílxʷcən i l sq̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəm k̓ʷəl̕sqáx̌aʔm. As they say in Indian, they train horses for races. [RHorse 032] See: q̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxn.

sq̓ʷq̓ʷx̌ʷmínaʔ   [sq̓ʷəq̓ʷx̌ʷmínaʔ] Morph: s+q̓ʷ•q̓ʷx̌ʷmínaʔ. Etym: √q̓x̌ʷm. 1 • sq̓ʷq̓ʷx̌ʷmínaʔ: the name of North Wind's son (mythological character).

Istem. Category: mName. sq̓ʷəq̓ʷx̌ʷmínaʔ. North Wind's son. [nb08 844]

2 • Istem. ouzel.

Ka q̓ox̌om̓íneʔ blue-jack, a fishing bird; Sh s-q̓ʷəx̌ʷmem̓nək dipper (zool.); Th s/q̓ʷox̌ʷ-mín-eʔ American dipper. Ques: xʷ or x̌ʷIstem. sq̓ʷq̓ʷxʷmínaʔ. Little bouncy bird. [74tp2 001]

sq̓ʷuct   [sq̓ʷuct] Morph: s+q̓ʷuc+t. Etym: √q̓ʷc. grease, fat, lard.

Istem. Sp s-q̓ʷúc-t fat, lard, grease, oil, shortening; Cm s‑q̓ʷuc‑t oil, fat, grease; Cr q̓ʷuc fat, obese; Sh q̓ʷuc-t fat, stout. Category: +t. sq̓ʷuct axáʔ. It's fat. [grlsdd 057] See: q̓ʷuct.

sq̓ʷut   [sq̓ʷut] Morph: s+q̓ʷut. Etym: √q̓ʷt. across (the river).

Istem. Sp q̓ʷut, č-s-q̓ʷútšn one foot, one stocking, one shoe, one-legged; č-s-q̓ʷtíčni coast Indians; see also č̕ č̕-s-šč̕-tálqʷ across to the other side; Sh s-q̓ʷut a half; Th s/q̓ʷút half; Li s.q̓ʷut one side of s.t., place next to s.t. or s.o. across the Canadian border. uɬ itlíʔ naqs iʔ stxʷárqəns k̓əl sq̓ʷut. Then another on the other side. [2gts 248]

sq̓ʷyq̓ʷaʕy   [sq̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕy] Morph: s+q̓ʷy•q̓ʷaʕy. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. black.

Istem. way̓ axáʔ itlíʔ sqícəlxs axáʔ iʔ sq̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕy iʔ st̓m̓ʕált. Then the Black Cow continued to run. [Whal 402] See: q̓ʷaʕy1.

sq̓ʷy̓mncut   [sq̓ʷiʔməncút] Morph: s+q̓ʷy̓+mncut. Etym: √q̓ʷy̓. a (western) dance, a dance.

Istem. Sp s-q̓ʷiʔ-m-n-cút a (modern) dance; Cr s+q̓ʷéy̓+m+ncut cotillion, ballet. Category: +ncut. uɬ lútiʔ ksənpəƛ̓músc iʔ sq̓ʷəy̓məncút, mi kʷ məlx̌aʔstq̓əlq̓əlxʷúsxən. And before the dance is over, pretend you trip. [blkpg 058] See: q̓ʷy̓.

sq̓ʷʔuɬ   [sq̓ʷʔuɬ] Morph: s+q̓ʷ[ʔ]uɬ. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. to be black; soot.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. way̓ axáʔ ɬaʔ wxʷap nt̓a aɬíʔ iʔ spuʔúl iʔ sq̓ʷʔuɬ. When it blazed the smoke was black. [CoGrSy 601] See: q̓ʷʔuɬ.

sr   [sər] Morph: sr. Variant: sr̓. Etym: √sr̓. to peel s.t.

sr̓nt   Morph: sr̓+nt. Etym: √sr̓. to peel.

Tstem. Sp sr̓, č-sr̓álqʷ-n-t-xʷ peel the bark off; Cm k-sr-nt-xʷ you skin, peel s.t. [animal]; Sh sel-n-s to peel off; Th √ṣəḷ peel-smooth. Category: +nt. sərəntíxʷ. You peeled it. [nb21.145]

ss-   [səs] Morph: ss-. Variant: sc-. variant of sc- in unclear environments.

ipfx. kʷ isəscúnəm. I'm telling you, I have been telling you. [dict] ha kʷ səsc̓íntx. What are you saying? [Whal 357] səsƛ̓xʷáms. What is killing (people). [2gts 054] t̓əxʷ aɬíʔ kʷu səstəkʷtəkʷʔútx. We are just traveling around. [2gts 092] səst̓əkʷcíns. He has been hollering. [CoGrSy 493]

ssák̓aʔt   [səsák̓aʔt] Morph: s•sák̓aʔt. Etym: √sk̓t. narrow.

Istem. See Sh x-sək̓-ewt big valley, big gulch; Th ʔes-n/sək̓tə́m narrow part of a canyon; Li n-sək̓ slough. Category: dim. ssák̓aʔt Narrow. [OkB]

ssániʔstn   [səsániʔstn] Morph: s•sániʔst+n. Etym: √sn. pearly everlasting (anaphalis margaritacea).

Istem. Category: +tn. səsániʔstn. Pearly everlasting. [TBK75]

ssapt   [səsápt] Morph: s•sap+t ? Etym: √sp ?. mountain blueberry (vaccinium caespitosum).

Istem. ssapt Blueberry. [TBK102]

ssaʔtqʷɬp   [səsáʔtqʷɬp] Morph: s•saʔtqʷɬp. Etym: √sʔtqʷ. ponderosa pine (young tree) (pinus ponderosa).

Istem. Category: dim. səsáʔtqʷɬp. Ponderosa pine. [TBK29] See: ʔtqʷ.

ssix̌ʷ   [səsíx̌ʷ] Morph: s•six̌ʷ. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. ssix̌ʷ: area near the headwaters of Roper Creek. Lit: split open

Istem. Category: Geog. səsíx̌ʷ. Place name. [BK300]

ssiʔ   [səsíʔ] Morph: s•siʔ. Etym: √sʔ. maternal uncle; mother's brother, cousin.

Istem. Sp síʔ uncle; Cr s+síʔ maternal uncle; Sh síseʔ uncle (mother's brother). Category: kin, App. níxl̕məntxʷ asəsíʔ. Listen to your uncle! [lnxbdga 019]

ssl̕ap   [səsl̕áp] Morph: s•sl̕a+p. Variant: ssl̕ip. Etym: √sl̕. to be tipsy; to be a little lost.

Istem. Category: dim, +ap. səsl̕áp. He's tipsy. [E79.2] See: sl̕1.

ssl̕ip   [səsl̕íp] Morph: s•sl̕i+p. Variant: ssl̕ap. Etym: √sl̕. to be a little lost.

Istem. Category: dim, +p. kən sl̕ip, kən səsl̕íp. I am lost, I am a little lost. [Omak] See: sl̕1.

ssl̕l̕íw̓aʔt   [səsəl̕íˑwaʔt] Morph: s•sl̕•l̕íw̓aʔt. Etym: √sl. several conveyances are parked here and there.

Istem. Category: dim. ssl̕l̕íw̓aʔt. Parked here and there. [E38.15]

ssm̓m̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ   [səm̓m̓cxənsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+sm̓•m̓•cxnsqáx̌aʔ ? Etym: √smcxn ?. mares.

Istem. way̓ sənk̓ʷínəms inlʔíw ʔasəlʔupənkstɬcílkst iʔ ksəm̓m̓cxənsqáx̌aʔs. My father picked 25 mares. [Hrvst 096] See: sm̓m̓cxnsqáx̌aʔ; sm̓m̓um̓cxn; sm̓um̓cxn.

ssm̓ʔíɬaʔxʷ   [səsm̓ʔíɬaʔxʷ] Morph: s•sm̓ʔíɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √smʔ. outhouse. Lit: small white person's house

Istem. Ques: smʔ or smaʔ ? Category: dim. səsm̓ʔíɬaʔxʷ. Outhouse. [nb26-09 002] See: sámaʔ.

ssptiɬml̕x   [səsptíɬml̕x] Morph: s•sptiɬml̕x. Etym: √spt. mountain blueberry (vaccinium caespitosum).

Istem. Blueberry. ssptiɬml̕x. [TBK102]

ssp̓lk̓áxn   [ssp̓lk̓áxən] Morph: s•sp̓lk̓axn. Etym: √sp̓lk̓. seven ply sheets.

Istem. ssp̓lk̓áxən. Seven ply sheets. [misc 175] See: sisp̓lk̓.

ssp̓lk̓isxn   [ssp̓lk̓ísxən] Morph: s•sp̓lk̓isxn. Etym: √sp̓lk̓. seven stones.

Istem. ssp̓lk̓ísxən. Seven stones. [misc 174] See: sisp̓lk̓.

ssp̓lk̓ɬʔupnkst   [səsp̓əlk̓ɬʔúpnkst] Morph: s•sp̓lk̓+ɬ+ʔupnkst. Etym: √sp̓lk̓, √ʔpn. seventy.

Istem. Category: Num. səsp̓əlk̓ɬʔúpnkst. Seventy. See: sisp̓lk̓; ʔupnkst.

ssp̓lk̓us   [səsp̓əlk̓ús.] Morph: s•sp̓lk̓us. Etym: √sp̓lk̓. seven berries.

Istem. ssp̓lk̓us. Seven berries. [misc 173] See: sisp̓lk̓.

ssp̓qin   [səsp̓qín] Morph: s+sp̓qin. Etym: √sp̓. wheat (triticum aestivum).

Istem. Sp ssp̓qín̓ wheat; Cm ssp̓qin̓ wheat. ixíʔ úɬi mipnús iʔ sqilxʷ ɬə ksk̓ʷánɬqiʔsəlx iʔ liplí uɬ patáq uɬ axáʔ iʔ lawán iʔ səsp̓qín. That's when the Indians learned how to plant corn and potatoes and oats, wheat. [MarryPS 067] way̓ t̓əxʷ səsp̓qín, səsp̓qín iʔ ksk̓ʷánɬqtət. Wheat, we'll plant wheat. [Dvl 128]

ssr̓iw̓s   [səsər̓íw̓s] Morph: s+sr̓iw̓s. Etym: √sr̓. sucker fish.

Istem. ssr̓iw̓s. Sucker. [nb10a 046]

ssw̓ilx   [səsw̓ílx] Morph: s+sw̓+ilx. Etym: √sw̓. whisper.

Istem. Sp suʔsw̓-ílš they're whispering around; Cm suʔsuw̓íl̕x be whispering; Cr s+séw̓+suw̓+iš whisper; Th /suʔ[eʔ]ˑúʔ quiet talking... Category: +ilx. ssw̓ilx. Whisper. [nb26-33 009] See: sw̓.

ssw̓sw̓aʕs   [səsuʔsw̓áʕs] Morph: s•s•ʕ̓ʷs•ʕ̓ʷas. Etym: √ʕ̓ʷs. pheasant.

Istem. Ques: pheasant / grouse See Cm s-ʕ̓ʷ-ʕ̓ʷs-ʕ̓ʷs ruffed grouse. Category: dim. mat stim̓ səsuʔsw̓áʕs sənlqíɬc̓aʔtəns. Something, maybe a pheasant where he pulled the feathers off. [lnx2 356] See: sw̓sw̓aʕs.

ssw̓sw̓ílaʔx   [ssuʔsw̓ílaʔx] Morph: s+sw̓•sw̓+ílaʔx. Etym: √sw̓. to whisper low.

Istem. Category: dim, +ilaʔx. p ssuʔsw̓ílaʔx. you're whispering low. [nb26-33 011] See: ssw̓ilx.

ssx̌ʷlʔisxn   [səsx̌ʷəlʔísxn] Morph: s•sx̌ʷlʔisxn. Etym: √sx̌ʷlʔ. ssx̌ʷlʔisxn: area near the headwaters of Roper Creek. Lit: split open

Istem. Category: Geog. səsx̌ʷəlʔísxn. Place name. [BK300]

ssy̓syus   [ssiʔsyús] Morph: s•sy̓•syus. Etym: √sy. a smart little one.

Istem. Category: dim. ssiʔsyús. A smart little one. [MarryPS 015] səsiʔsy̓ús. A smart little person. [nb08 156] See: sysyus.

ssʕawss   [səsʕáwsəs] Morph: ssʕawss. Etym: √ss. remote ancestors.

Istem. Ques: analysis ? Category: kin. səsʕawsəstət. Our ancient ancestors. [RA]

+st1   [st] Morph: +st. unstressed variant of -cut "reflexive" with unclear distribution.

dafx. Category: dsfx.

1 • word-finally. c̓iw̓st. To wash oneself. [dict] ck̓ʷul̕st. To prepare oneself. [nb26-52 01] k̓ʷaʔk̓ʷúl̕st. To practice. [newles 059] mrimst. To doctor oneself. [dict] p̓ik̓st. To shine up. [dict] siwst. To drink. [gregory 079] nt̓wíst. Several stand up. [nb25-32 002] xʷist. Walk. [mychildr 225]

2 • followed by other suffix(es). scunstílt. Child training. [mychildr 108] c̓ílstən. Umbrella. [nb27-28 003] kʷilstn. Sweathouse. [relig 051] səx̌ʷəx̌ʷstús. It's downhill. [dict] k̓ʷəlɬtaʔnmúsmstəm. To belittle s.o. [nb26-36 002] sənt̓əwstsqáx̌aʔtn. Barn. [nb26-19 005] kɬt̓ustítkʷ. To stand on the water. [nb26-66 011] nt̓ustítkʷ. To stand in the water. [nb26-66 012] See: +cut; +ncut; +scut.

+st2   [st] Morph: +st. the +st transitivizer (examples are in the 2nd person singular).

dafx. Category: dsfx. cáʕʷlxstxʷ. You bathed s.o. [GDd1 138] ciʔstxʷ. You stop doing s.t. [GDd2 480] c̓instxʷ. You say s.t. to s.o. [Whal 580] nc̓əspúlaʔxʷstxʷ. You killed them all. [HnTrp 189] klkəlnwíxʷstxʷ. You chased s.t. [nb08 904] nk̓áwlaʔxʷstxʷ. You killed them all. [nb9a 057] lək̓əmstxʷ. You forced s.o. [CoGrSy 559] lutstxʷ. You refused s.t. [2gts 081] ƛ̓əlpstxʷ. You stop doing s.t. [GDd2 071] miystxʷ. You are sure of s.t. [nb9a 079] ptmiˑstxʷ. You know for sure. [nb23 218] pulstxʷ. You killed or beat s.o. [fatboy 210] misqílxʷstxʷ. You respect s.o. [nb08 278] qʷəlqʷílstxʷ. You talked to s.o. [lnxbdga 322] q̓ʷíc̓əstxʷ. You filled s.t. [Hrvst 112] way̓stxʷ. You quit s.t. [Hrvst 141] wiʔsx̌əcmstxʷ. You finished getting s.t. ready. [GDd2 117] x̌ilstxʷ. You do the same. [GDd2 590] x̌ʷilstxʷ. You threw s.t. away. [LynxS 238] x̌ʷəlx̌ʷílstxʷ. You threw s.t. away. [cogrzd 039] taʔx̌ílstxʷ. You did like that. [cogrzd 045] xkistxʷ. You touch or do s.t. with s.t. [nb9a 172] See: +nt; +ɬt; +x(i)t; +(t)uɬt.

+st3   [st] Morph: +st. the causative transitivizer +st (examples are in the second person singular).

dafx. Category: dsfx. kɬcəhamstíxʷ. You made s.t. right. [nb24-07 001] cnckʷítkʷstxʷ. You pulled s.o. in the water. [rdgs 127] cáʕnmsts. He tied s.t. [fatboy 070] ciʔstxʷ You stop it. [nb25-56 006] ɬkícxstxʷ. You take s.t. back. [rdgs 123] tkxnmstxʷ. You put s.t. along with s.t. [mychildr 177] k̓aʔɬáʔxstxʷ. You move s.t. away. [newles 156] k̓awstxʷ. You disposed of s.t.; you made s.t. finish. [CoGrSy 795] k̓əwpstíxʷ. You make s.t. stop. [LynxS 161] k̓əwpstxʷ. You finished to say s.t. You pray to s.o. or s.t. [mychildr 198] kʷulstxʷ. You send s.o. [su7q̓im 191] kʷɬənxíxmstxʷ. You lent it out to her. [nb26-20 005] ck̓ʷul̕stxʷ. You do that. [nb27-37 003] lk̓əmstíxʷ. You forced s.o. [nb08 463] lkʷilxstxʷ. You took s.o. away from. [nb26-49 005] ləkʷkʷstíxʷ. You took s.t. far away. [lnxbdga 005] k̓əɬp̓əmstíxʷ. You tricked him. [nb26-26 006] ƛ̓ləlstíxʷ. You made it still. [nb26-60 003] ƛ̓əlpstíxʷ. You made s.o. stop. [nb26-60 002] naʔnaʔk̓nústxʷ. You are aware of every detail. [nb25-59 004] npəpílxstxʷ. You put s.t. inside. [Hrvst 147] putstxʷ. You make s.t. fit. [nb23 223] p̓úƛ̓əmstxʷ. You finish s.t., made s.t. end. [su7q̓im 275b] misqílxʷstxʷ. You showed respect to s.o. [CoGrSy 269] qʷim̓m̓stxʷ. You startle or surprise s.o. (make scared). [E61.11] q̓il̕stxʷ. You sickened s.t. [E61.12] qʷaʔqʷaʔləmstíxʷ. You put her on trial. [LynxS 078] qʷim̓ˑstxʷ. You surprised s.o. [nb26-26 002] síwstəmstxʷ. You make s.o. drink. [mychildr 241] ksix̌ləxstxʷ. You transfer s.t. [nb23 015] kɬtíɬxstxʷ. You made s.o. stand. [su7q̓im 230] t̓íxəlstxʷ. You bring s.t. to shore, pull s.t. out of the water. [rdgs 126] t̓ít̓iʔmstxʷ. You make s.t. easy for s.o. [mychildr 230] ulpstíxʷ. You made it burn. [nb26-61 009] ullstín. I burned it. [nb26-61 010] ur̓ur̓íxstxʷ. You wasted it. [nb23 028] way̓stxʷ. You quit s.t. [jan93nb 012] wiʔstíxʷ. You finished s.t. [newles 132] xkistxʷ. You do something to s.o. [mychildr 030] xaʔtəmstíxʷ. You made s.o. go first. [Dvl 068] xʷəlxʷəltstíxʷ. You brought her back alive. [Whal 574] cxʷistxʷ. You make s.t. run. [Hrvst 040] xʷuystxʷ. You take s.t. or s.o. somewhere. [nb23 248] cxʷuystxʷ. You brought s.t. here. [newles 249] x̌ilstxʷ. You did s.t. to s.o. [nb26-49 010] ʕaynstíxʷ. You make him laugh. [nb26-54 035] ʔácəcqaʔstxʷ. You drove them out. [Hrvst 105] nʔuɬxʷstxʷ. You push s.t. in. [Hrvst 148] ɬcənʔúɬxʷstxʷ. You brought s.t. back in. [lnx2 329] nʔúɬxʷstxʷ. You took him in. [GDd1 137] ʔasílmstxʷ. You work with both. [mychildr 119] ʔayx̌ʷtstxʷ. You tired s.o. [feb94 075] See: +nt; +st; +ɬt; +x(i)t; +(t)uɬt.

sta   [sta] Morph: sta. Variant: staʔ. excuse.

pcl. semantic import "excuse / pardon me; indeed". Category: intj.

stak̓ʷúyxn   [stak̓ʷúyxən] Morph: s+tak̓ʷúyxn. Etym: √tk̓ʷy. stak̓ʷúyxn.

Istem. stak̓ʷúyxn. Man's name. [dict]

staɬm   [stáɬəm] Morph: s+taɬm. Etym: √tɬm. a boat.

Istem. Sp s-tíɬ-m a boat; Cm s-təɬ-m boat, canoe; Cr s+téɬm boat, skiff, ship, vessel.. sncəqcaʔqqíwltns iʔ stáɬəm. That's where that boat always parks. [newles 239] k̓ʷúl̕xtən t kstáɬəms. I made him a boat. [nb18217.15]

staɬwlwlím   [staɬululím] Morph: s+taʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím. Variant: staɬʔwlwlím. Etym: √tʔ, √wl. blacksmith.

Istem. Cr sye+teʔ+eɬ+wl+wlím blacksmith, coppersmith. (lit. One who shapes metals by hammering); Sh s-wl-wlilm iron. staɬwlwlím. Blacksmith. [nb1292.4] See: ; wlwlim.

stámuʔqn   [stámuʔqn] Morph: s+támuʔqn. Etym: √tmʔ. skunk cabbage (lysichitum americanum).

Istem. Sp tímuʔ skunk cabbage. stámuʔqn. Skunk cabbage. [TBK35]

stanán   [stanán] Morph: stanán. Etym: √stn. stanán (Nancy Saddleman).

Istem. Category: wName. stanán. Nancy Saddleman. [nb26-48 005]

stanm̓ús   [stanm̓ús] Morph: s+tanm̓ús. Etym: √tnm̓. an insignificant person, good for nothing.

Istem. nt̓a uɬ way̓ iˑˑ t stanm̓ús inm̓ístəm. My father is sure no good. [2gts 158] See: tanm̓ús.

stáqiʔ   [stáqiʔ] Morph: s+táqiʔ. Etym: √tqʔ. white wool blanket.

Istem. See: staqy̓.

staqy̓   [stáqiʔ] Morph: s+taqy̓. Etym: √tqy̓. white wool blanket.

Istem. Sp √stáqey̓ Hudson Bay blanket. stáqiʔ. White wool (sheep, goat) blanket. [nb9a 219]

statákʷaʔ   [statákʷaʔ] Morph: s+ta•tákʷaʔ. Etym: √tkʷʔ. father's sister.

Istem. statákʷaʔ. Father's sister.

statáp   [statáp] Morph: s+ta•táp. Etym: √tp. a string.


statár̓   [statár̓] Morph: s+ta•tár̓. Etym: √tr̓. string, twine.

Istem. statár̓. String. [OkB]

stattím   [stattím] Morph: s+ta•t•tím. Etym: √tm. something might happen.

Istem. Category: dim. pna itíʔ kʷ kstaʔttímaʔx, kʷ ƛ̓lal, uɬ lut t̓ sx̌asts. Something might happen to you, you might die, and that's no good. [GDd1 020] See: stim̓.

statw̓n   [státw̓ən] Morph: s+ta•tw̓n. Etym: √twn. a small town.

Istem. Category: dim. ixíʔ ʔapnáʔ iʔ státw̓əns iʔ səntumístən k̓əɬʔíp axáʔ iʔ təl river. Now the little town's store is on the other side of the river. [nb2555.7] See: tawn.

stawnqínaʔkst   [stawnqínaʔkst] Morph: s+tawnqínaʔkst. Variant: stawn̓qínaʔkst. Etym: √twn. little finger.

Istem. Cm s‑taʔaw̓‑qn‑us‑kst little finger. Category: dim. c̓x̌iɬ axáʔ iʔ t istawnqínaʔkst. Just like my little finger. [GDd1 644] See: twn.

stawnqínaʔxn   [stawnqínaʔxən] Morph: s+tawnqínaʔxn. Etym: √twn. little toe.

Istem. Cm s‑taʔaw̓‑qn‑us‑xn little toe. Category: dim. nák̓ʷəm axáʔ iʔ stawnqínaʔxəns iʔ q̓ʷəx̌ʷqínxəns, nák̓ʷəm ixíʔ pútiʔ iʔ l siwɬkʷ cwtan. But her little toe, her toenail, that's still in the water. [dict] caʔkʷ iwá iʔ stawnqínaʔxəns kəm̓ stim̓ kiʔ ɬəɬáʕt̓ iʔ l siwɬkʷ, uɬ lut t̓ə kskʷənnúnəm. If even her little toe or anything is a little wet in the water, you can't catch her. [dict] See: twn.

stawnqínkst   [stawnqínkst] Morph: s+tawnqínkst. Etym: √twn. little finger.

Istem. stawnqínkst. Little finger. [pd03] See: twn.

stawn̓qínaʔkst   [stawn̓qínaʔkst] Morph: s+tawn̓qínaʔkst. Variant: stawnqínaʔkst. Etym: √twn. little finger.

Istem. Category: dim.

staʕánqn   [staʕánqən] Morph: s+taʕánqn. Etym: √tʕn. fur hat.

Istem. staʕánqən. Fur hat. [nb21.149]

staʔ   [staʔ] Morph: staʔ. Variant: sta. semantic import "excuse / pardon me; indeed".

pcl. Category: intj. staʔ kʷu cqʷəncínəmstxʷ. Have pity on me! [dict] sta wiks axáʔ iʔ k̓ans. She saw the trap. [CoGrSy 770] way̓ staʔ ikswíkəm. I'd like to see her. [lnx2 141] way̓ staʔ kən ɬxʷuy. I should go back home. [GDd2 743]

staʔk   [staʔk] Morph: staʔk. Etym: stʔk. unclear semantic import.

pcl. Category: intj. cúntəm iʔ t slax̌ts staʔk lut. His partner said, "No sir." [2gts 270]

staʔkʷ   [staʔkʷ] Morph: staʔkʷ. Etym: stʔkʷ. unclear semantic import.

pcl. Category: intj. mut, c̓qʷaqʷ uɬ nstils stakʷ way̓. He sat and cried, then he thought, it's all right. [fatboy 078]

staʔɬwlwlím   [staʔɬululím] Morph: s+taʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím. Etym: √tʔ, √wl. blacksmithing; pounding on iron.

Istem. Ques: ʔ or not ? staʔɬululím. Blacksmithing. [dict]

staʔmúlaʔxʷ   [staʔmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+taʔmúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √tm. spring time.

Istem. Ques: ʔ or not ? ixíʔ uɬ iʔ ɬʕamáp staʔmúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ kiʔ k̓ʷəlk̓ítkʷəm iʔ siwɬkʷ. When it thawed at spring time, then the water rolled up. [Hrvst 018] See: tm.

staʔtím̓aʔs   [staʔtím̓aʔs] Morph: s+taʔ•tím̓aʔs (?) Etym: √tmʔ. staʔtím̓aʔs.

Istem. staʔtím̓aʔs. Man's name. [nb1863.15]

staʔtʔíkʷ   [staʔtʔíkʷ] Morph: s+taʔ•t[ʔ]íkʷ. Etym: √tkʷ. to spark; to glow (of embers).

Istem. Category: ʔInch. huˑˑy uɬ kc̓əspús ya cxʷaʕp (?), uɬ k̓im t̓i staʔtʔíkʷ. And, finally the fire died down and there were just embers left. [lpb249] See: tʔíkʷ.

staʔtʔíwtx   [staʔtʔíwtx] Morph: s+taʔ•tʔíw+t+x. Etym: √tw. the youngest ones.

Istem. iʔ p staʔtʔíwtx uɬ ixíʔ axáʔ aksənk̓ʷəɬɬq̓ʷlút. You two youngest ones, those will be your bed mates. [nb1241.1] See: taʔxʷ; stʔiwtx.

staʔxʷɬtkɬmílxʷ   [staʔxʷɬtəkɬmílxʷ] Morph: s+taʔxʷ+ɬ+tkɬmílxʷ. Etym: √txʷ, √tkɬm. an acquired wife.

Istem. Category: kin. uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ smisqílxʷ axáʔ iʔ tkəɬmílxʷ iʔ sƛ̓xʷups iʔ staʔxʷɬtkəɬmilxʷs. Because the woman he won is important. [GDd2 674] ixíʔ axáʔ istaʔxʷɬtkəɬmílxʷ. That's the one I got for a woman. [GDd2 704] See: taʔxʷɬtkɬmílxʷ; taʔxʷ; tkɬmilxʷ.

staʔxʷsaʔstám   [staʔxʷsaʔstám] Morph: s+taʔxʷ+saʔ•stám. Etym: √txʷ, √stm. the brother- or sister-in-law one has gained.

Istem. Category: kin. xʷuˑˑy, kicx, nʔuɬxʷ, muˑˑt iʔ staʔxʷsaʔstáms. níkna way̓ swiʔnúmtx. She went, got there, went in, her brother-in-law was sitting there. Gee, he's handsome. [nb2572.2-3] See: taʔxʷ; saʔstám.

staʔxʷsípn   [staʔxʷsípṇ] Morph: s+taʔxʷ+sípn. Etym: √txʷ, √spn. a newly acquired daughter-in-law.

Istem. Category: kin. ixíʔ staʔxʷsípnəmp, ixíʔ iʔ sənk̓ʷɬmrˑím. She's your new daughter-in-law, the one I'm married to. [dict] See: taʔxʷ; sipn.

staʔxʷspx̌páx̌t   [staʔxʷspəx̌páx̌t] Morph: s+taʔxʷ+s+px̌•páx̌+t. Etym: √txʷ, √px̌. one's becoming conscious.

Istem. Category: +t. axáʔ təl isck̓ʷúl̕, təl istaʔxʷspx̌páx̌t, lut swit kʷu t̓ə ck̓əɬxaʔtxtís. From the time I was born, from the time I got my senses, nobody has been able to step in front of me. [BJSeym 271] See: taʔxʷ; px̌pax̌t.

staʔxʷsqltmíxʷ   [staʔxʷsqəltmíxʷ] Morph: s+taʔxʷ+s+qltmíxʷ. Etym: √txʷ, √qlt. a new husband; a newly obtained husband.

Istem. Category: kin. xʷuyx uɬ k̓amtɬníw̓təntxʷ ixíʔ uɬ way̓ astaʔxʷsqəltmíxʷ. Go sit by his side, and that becomes your man. [Whal 544] uɬ t̓iʔ niʕ̓íp x̌minks axáʔ iʔ staʔxʷsqəltmíxʷs. She likes the man she got. [GDd2 558] See: taʔxʷsqltmíxʷ; taʔxʷ; sqltmixʷ.

staʔx̌ílm   [staʔx̌íləm] Morph: s+taʔx̌íl+m. Etym: √ʔx̌l. to fail.

Mstem. staʔx̌ílməlx. They didn't reach. [nb23 259] See: taʔx̌íl.

stikcxʷ   [stikcxʷ] Morph: s+tikcxʷ. Etym: √tkcxʷ. red willow berry; red-osier dogwood (berries) (cornus stolonifera).

Istem. Sp s-tčxʷ-nálqʷ dogwood bush; Cr s+tíčcxʷ snow berries. stikcxʷ. Red willow berry. [TBK96]

stilxʷm   [stilxʷm] Morph: s+tilxʷ+m. Etym: √tlxʷ. to fail.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. ta nyʕ̓ip səstílxʷmsəlx iʔ kscƛ̓áxʷsəlx axáʔ iʔ ɬkíkxaʔs iʔ sqəl̕qəl̕tmíxʷs. The older sister's men always fail to kill anything. [bjmd 143] See: tilxʷ.

stim   [stim] Morph: s+tim. Variant: stim̓. Etym: √tm̓. what.

Istem ?. 1 • what?, what thing?

2 • thing; something; anything.

3 • maybe; indefinite; how.

4 • in phrasal amalgams.

stimpóʕt   [stimpóʕt] Morph: stimpóʕt. From: English steam boat. steam boat.

Istem. stimpóʕt. Steam boat. [E54.10]

stim̓   [stim̓] Morph: s+tim̓. Variant: stim. Etym: √tm̓. 1 • what?, what thing?

Lit: our future what?Istem ?. stim̓ iʔ kɬnx̌stans. What would be good for him? [su7q̓im 279] aˑˑ uɬ kstímtət. And what are we going to do with it? [GDd1 651] ixíʔ mi máyaʔɬtsən kstímtət. I will tell you what we'll use it for. [GDd1 653] məɬ cus, kʷ stim̓ anwí. And he asked him, "What are you?" [coyeyes 012] way̓ tətw̓ít, stim̓ aspuʔús. Little boy, what is it you want? [dict]

2 • Istem ?. thing; something; anything. səcq̓ʷəlmíx t stim̓. He is roasting something. [nb27-12 006] haʔ iʔ l stim̓ haʔ p sənk̓aʔsílsx. Is there something you are angry about? [dict] stím̓tət. Our thing. [su7q̓im 158] x̌əl stim̓ kiʔ kʷu ɬ kswítəntxʷ. Why did you try so hard with me? [dict] pnaʔ iʔ l stim̓ kʷ cyaʕpcín. Maybe you want something. [dict] asnixʷtíɬc̓aʔ, astk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústn, ant̓nt̓ínaʔ, aspuʔús, yaʕyáʕt astím̓, ixíʔ. Your stomach, your eyes, your ears, your heart, your every thing, that is how it is. [mychildr 193]

3 • Istem ?. maybe; indefinite; how. itíʔ cxʷuy ixíʔ ɬqáqcaʔs, stim̓s x̌ʷʕáylxʷ. His older brother came by there, some relative, maybe Fox. [coyeyes 089] mat t̓əxʷ stim̓ kiʔ kstaʔmínaʔḷx. I don't know how they pulled through winter. [dict]

4 • Istem ?. in phrasal amalgams. lut stim̓. Nothing. [su7q̓im 112] yaʕyʕát stim̓. Everything. [nb26-67 021] lut t̓ istím̓ ʕapnáʔ. She is nothing to me. [lpb469] Sp tem̓ thing; Cm stam̓ what; something; Cr s+tim̓ device; Sh s-tem, s-tem̓y what, something; Th √tém̓ what; Li s.tam̓ what?

stitm̓   [stítəm̓] Morph: s+ti•tm̓. Etym: √tm̓. a little something.

Istem. Category: dim. stítəm̓. Something. [dict]

stiwcn   [stíwcən] Morph: s+tiwcn. Etym: √tw. groceries.

Istem. Sp s-téwcn groceries; Sh tew-cn to buy food. itlíʔ mi ct̓íxəlxstsəlx tla nsq̓ʷut iʔ stíwcəns iʔ stumísts. It's from there that they pull out of the water from across their groceries and merchandise. [Hrvst 176] See: tiw.

stiʔníxn   [stiʔníxən] Morph: s+tiʔníxn. Etym: √tʔn. killdeer.

Istem. Sp s-ttʔí-tšn killdeer, sandpiper. stiʔníxn. Killdeer. [pd02]

stkcxʷiɬp   [stəkcxʷíɬp] Morph: s+tkcxʷiɬp. Etym: √tkcxʷ. red-osier dogwood (cornus stolonifera); red willow.

Istem. stkcxʷiɬp. Red-osier dogwood. [nb10a 157; TBK96]

stkiy̓st   [stkiʔst] Morph: s+tkiy̓+st. Etym: √tky̓. stkiy̓st: a small waterfall in the cliffs along the present west shore of the Columbia, northwest from the area now known as Moonshine Bay. Lit: cause urination

Istem. Category: Geog. stkiʔst. Place name. [BK89]

stkiʔst   [stkiʔst] Morph: s+tky̓+st. Etym: √tky̓. stkiʔst: a small waterfall in the cliffs along the present west shore of the Columbia, northwest from the area now known as Moonshine Bay. Lit: cause urination

Istem. Category: Geog. stkiʔst. Place name. [BK89] See: stkiy̓st.

stkknxʷásaʔq̓t   [stkəkənˑxʷásaʔq̓ət.] Morph: s+t+k•knˑxʷásaʔq̓t. Etym: √knxʷ. stkknxʷásaʔq̓t.

Istem. stkknxʷásaʔq̓t. Man's name. [nb21.172a]

stklklxmikstn   [stkəlkəlxmíkstən] Morph: s+t+kl•klx+miks+tn. Etym: √klx. branches or limbs (of a tree); sticks.

Istem. Category: +tn. caʔkʷ iʔ stkəlkəlxmíkstən nmáʕʷsəntxʷ. You should lay sticks across the fire. [nb25-57 004] t̓əxʷ way̓ skpəllíksts iʔ stkəlkəlxmíkstən, uɬ ixíʔ a ccústsəlx iʔ qʷílcən. Those which sprout from the limbs, these they call palm boughs. [BJSeym 019] See: tklxmikstn; kilx.

stkmniw̓s   [stkəmníw̓s] Morph: s+tkmniw̓s. Etym: √tkmn. both sides.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ ck̓iɬp k̓la stkmníw̓s. And the ribs on both sides. [Butch 005]

stkmst   Morph: stk+m+st. Etym: √stk. to twist s.t.; to give spasms.

Tstem. Category: +st. sətkəmstíxʷ. You twisted it. [dict] sətkəmstím. He had spasms. [dict]

stkmxstiɬml̕x   [stkəməxstíɬml̕x] Morph: s-t-kmxst꞊iɬml̕x. Etym: √kmxst. black twinberry (lonicera involucrata). Lit: black bear’s bush

Istem. stkmxstiɬml̕x. Black twinberry. [TBK94] See: skm̓xist.

stkm̓km̓xstikst   [stkəm̓kəm̓xstíkst] Morph: s+t+km̓•km̓xst꞊ikst. Etym: √kmxst. black twinberry (lonicera involucrata).

Istem. stkm̓km̓xstikst. Black twinberry. [TBK94] See: stkm̓km̓xstus; skm̓xist.

stkm̓km̓xstus   [stkəm̓kəm̓əxstús] Morph: s+t+km̓•km̓xst꞊us. Etym: √kmxst. black twinberry (berries) (lonicera involucrata). Lit: black bear’s face or eye

Istem. stkm̓km̓xstus. Black twinberry. [TBK94] See: stkm̓km̓xstikst; skm̓xist.

stkm̓xstaɬq   [stkəm̓xstáɬq] Morph: s+t+km̓xstáɬq. Etym: √kmxst. black twinberry fruit (lonicera involucrata). Lit: black bear’s fruit

Istem. stkm̓xstaɬq. Black twinberry fruit. [TBK94] See: skm̓xist.

stknxʷásaʔq̓t   [stkənxʷásaʔq̓ət] Morph: s+t+knxʷásaʔq̓t. Etym: √knxʷ. stknxʷásaʔq̓t.

Istem. stknxʷásaʔq̓t. Man's name. [nb21.172a] See: stknxʷasq̓t.

stknxʷasq̓t   [stkənxʷásq̓ət] Morph: s+t+knxʷasq̓t. Etym: √knxʷ. stknxʷasq̓t.

Istem. stknxʷasq̓t. Man's name. [nb21.172a]

stkn̓plaʔsqáx̌aʔ   [stkən̓plaʔsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+t+kn̓plaʔsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √kn. lead horse.

Istem. way̓ nʔayx̌ʷtíls axáʔ iʔ stkən̓plaʔsqáx̌aʔ. The leading horse was getting tired. [Hrvst 080] See: tkn̓íplaʔ.

stktkcxʷiɬp   [stəktəkcxʷíɬp] Morph: s+tk•tkcxʷiɬp. Etym: √tkcxʷ. red-osier dogwood (cornus stolonifera).

Istem. Sp s-téčcxʷ red-osier dogwood, red willow; Cr s+tičcxʷélp red willow. stəktəkcxʷíɬp. Red-osier dogwood. [TBK96]

stk̓iwlx   [stk̓íwləx] Morph: s+t+k̓iw+lx. Etym: √k̓wl. climbing.

Istem. Category: +lx. uɬ aɬíʔ mat iʔ l stk̓iwlx iʔ q̓aʔxáns He must have climbing shoes; [LynxS 061] See: tk̓iwlx.

stk̓k̓xʷum   [stk̓ək̓xʷúm̓] Morph: s+t+k̓•k̓xʷum. Variant: stk̓k̓xʷum̓. Etym: √k̓xʷm. a ball.

Istem. lut c̓x̌iɬ t stk̓ək̓xʷúm̓ a ctər̓qstísəlx. What they are kicking is not like a football. [GDd1 050]

stk̓k̓xʷum̓   [stk̓ək̓xʷúm̓] Morph: s+t+k̓•k̓xʷum̓. Variant: stk̓k̓xʷum. Etym: √k̓xʷm. ball; baseball.

Istem. Sp qeʔ s-č̕č̕xʷ-úm̓ our homemade, rawhide lacrosse ball. lut t̓ə stk̓ək̓xʷúm̓. It's not a baseball. [dict] ck̓ʷul̕ t stk̓ək̓xʷumsəlx yaʔ ɬ cəckn̓íkstəmsəlx. They make a baseball out of it (and) play with it. [dict]

stk̓lk̓lam   [stk̓əlk̓lám] Morph: s+t+k̓l•k̓lá+m. Etym: √k̓l. one who is expected.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. stk̓əlk̓lámtət. The one we've been expecting. [dict] See: tk̓l.

stk̓lk̓lmist   [stk̓əlk̓əlmíst] Morph: s+t+k̓l•k̓l+mist. Etym: √k̓l. waiting for s.o. or s.t.

Istem. Category: +mist. stk̓lk̓lmist. Waiting for. [nb21.151] See: stk̓lk̓lam.

stk̓maqs   [stk̓əmáqs] Morph: s+t+k̓maqs. Etym: √k̓m. the end of s.t.

Istem. stk̓maqs. The end of. [nb1853.4] See: tk̓maqs.

stk̓masq̓t   [stək̓másq̓ət] Morph: s+t+k̓masq̓t. Etym: √k̓m. sky.

Istem. Sp s-č-č̕másq̓t sky, heaven; Cm stk̓masq̓t sky, along the sky; Cr t+č̕másq̓it atmosphere, heaven, firmamanet, sky. ixíʔ uɬ way̓ nwísəlx yasukrí k̓əl stk̓másq̓ət. Then JC rose to the sky. [Nams 190] way̓ kmix iʔ stək̓másq̓ət kiʔ əcwíks. He can only see the sky. [nb1261.12] t ṇɬaʔmínks iʔ t stk̓másq̓ət. Right next to the sky. [dict] See: k̓m1.

stk̓máx̌n   [stk̓máx̌ṇ] Morph: s+t+k̓máx̌n. Etym: √k̓m. side; wing; the outside.

Istem. Sp s-n-č̕mmáx̌n armpits; Cr s+č̕máx̌n edge; Sh x-k̓m-ex̌n armpit. iʔ sisyús iʔ tk̓máx̌ən, uɬ aɬíʔ sckswítmistxəlx k̓əl sxʷúytṇs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. (Only) the smart ones can be on the outside, because they're doing their best to get to where the deer (go). [dict] iʔ l stk̓máx̌ən. At the other end. [dict] axáʔ iʔ kstk̓máx̌ən, sk̓ʷut iʔ ksk̓aws k̓əɬcəhmíxaʔx ksk̓əɬxʷúyaʔx. Those on the outside, half of them will go where they'll be watching (for deer) to walk under. [dict] See: k̓m1.

stk̓mikst   [stək̓míkst] Morph: s+t+k̓mikst. Etym: √k̓m. a branch.

Istem. lut iʔ stək̓míksts, ixíʔ iʔ stək̓míkst iʔ limbs. That's not branches, that's branches, limbs. [nb26-59 006] uɬ nixʷ k̓ʷúl̕əms iʔ stk̓əm̓íksts. And he also uses the branches. [nb26-59 004] See: k̓m1.

stk̓milpstxn   [stk̓mílpstxən] Morph: s+t+k̓milpstxn. Etym: √k̓m. (a person's) lap.

Istem. mut iʔ tkɬmilxʷs iʔ l stk̓mílpstxəns iʔ sənk̓líp. His woman was sitting on Coyote's lap. [crea170] See: k̓m1.

stk̓mmaqs   [stk̓əmmáqs] Morph: s+t+k̓m•maqs. Etym: √k̓m. stk̓mmaqs: a long, distinctive ridge which is a southeast extension of what is called "Kelly Hill" on present-day maps. Lit: end of point

Istem. Category: Geog. stk̓mmaqs. Place name. [BK400] See: k̓m1.

stk̓mmaqstxn   [stk̓əmmáqstxən] Morph: s+t+k̓m•maqstxn. Etym: √k̓m. legs.

Istem. uɬ caʔkʷ ɬ ilpnúntxʷ uɬ axáʔ iʔ t stk̓əmmáqstxəns caʔkʷ x̌ʷəƛ̓x̌ʷíƛ̓xən. And if you hit it on the legs, and broke his legs... [HnTrp 177] See: k̓m1.

stk̓rk̓rus   [stk̓ərk̓rús] Morph: s+t+k̓r•k̓rus. Etym: √k̓r. one with slanted eyes.

Istem. kʷ stk̓ərk̓rús. You are slant-eyed. [nb1841.16] kstk̓ərk̓rús. He has slanted eyes. [nb1841.15]

stk̓rmstwixʷtn   [stk̓ərmstwíxʷtṇ] Morph: s+t+k̓r+m+st+wixʷ+tn. Etym: √k̓r. stk̓rmstwixʷtn: unidentified location.

Istem. Category: +tn. stk̓ərmstwíxʷtən. Where one swims across. [nb25-59 011] See: k̓ram.

stk̓síc̓aʔ   [stk̓síc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t+k̓síc̓aʔ. Etym: √k̓s. bad appearance; bad clothes.

Istem. Sp č̕síc̓eʔ ugly blanket. way̓ uɬ iʔ skt̓əɬɬíc̓aʔs iʔ stk̓síc̓aʔs. Her body was dirty and her clothes were bad. [blkpg 035] See: k̓as.

stk̓sils   [stk̓sils] Morph: s+t+k̓s+ils. Etym: √k̓s. indigestion.

Istem. Sp hec-č-č̕ésls-i he feels queasy. stk̓sils. Indigestion. [dict] See: tk̓sils.

stkʷap   [stkʷap] Morph: s+tkʷa+p. Etym: √tkʷ. choking.

Istem. Category: +ap. nt̓aˑˑ uɬ i sʔayx̌ʷts iʔ stkʷaps uɬ aɬíʔ niʕ̓íp sxʷət̓pəncútx. He was all tired and chocked up because he ran all the way. [AutPS 094] See: tkʷap.

stkʷaʔtn   [stkʷáʔtən] Morph: s+tkʷaʔt+n. Etym: √tkʷʔ. stkʷaʔtn: locality near Brewster.

Istem. Category: +tn. stkʷáʔtən. Place bname. [dict]

stkʷcin   [stəkʷcín] Morph: s+tkʷcin. Etym: √tkʷ. one who doesn't talk much in public.

Istem. Sp tkʷ-úp he ran out of breath; Cm təkʷp to choke, smother, suffocate; Cr tek̓ʷ choke, smother ... (also written as √tkʷ); Sh ʔs-tukʷ fall silent; Th təkʷ-páqs smother, suffocate. stkʷcin. Quiet. [pd03] See: tkʷap.

stkʷƛ̓kʷƛ̓ustn   [stkʷəƛ̓kʷƛ̓ústən] Morph: s+t+kʷƛ̓•kʷƛ̓us+tn. Variant: stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eyes.

Istem. Category: +tn. See: stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn; snk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn.

stkʷƛ̓ustn   [stkʷƛ̓ústən] Morph: s+t+kʷƛ̓us+tn. Variant: stk̓ʷƛ̓ustn. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eye.

Istem. Sp s-č-kʷƛ̓ús-tn eye; s-č-kʷƛ̓kʷƛ̓ús-tn eyes; Sh x-kʷt̓-us-tn eye. Category: +tn. See: stk̓ʷƛ̓ustn; snk̓ʷƛ̓ustn.

stkʷni   [stkʷni] Morph: s+t+kʷni. Etym: √kʷn. holder; one who holds s.t.

Istem. ixíʔ ʕapnáʔ iʔ səstkʷníx iʔ l təmtəmníʔ. And now they have poll bearers. [GDd1 151] See: kʷni.

stkʷnxʷaʔcút   [stkʷənxʷaʔcút] Morph: s+t+kʷnxʷaʔ+cút. Etym: √kʷnxʷ. appearance; dress.

Istem. Category: +cut. stkʷənxʷaʔcúts. His appearance, dress. [nb20.76a] ck̓əɬʔiq̓ʷ ixíʔ iʔ stq̓ʷáʕyxən. way̓ lut itíʔ iʔ stkʷənxʷaʔcúts iʔ skc̓əlqins, iʔ kəwáps qʷəm t̓i sk̓əɬq̓əyncút. The Blackfoot appeared. His appearance, his headdress was awesome, his horse pretty as a picture. [lpb57-58]

stkʷrkʷár̓kʷr̓xnaʔx   [stkʷərkʷár̓kʷr̓xnaʔx] Morph: s+t+kʷr•kʷár̓•kʷr̓꞊xnaʔx. Etym: √kʷr̓. stkʷrkʷár̓kʷr̓xnaʔx: Sanpoil subgroup of Colvilles from the Rogers Bar area on the Columbia.

Istem. stkʷrkʷár̓kʷr̓xnaʔx. Sanpoil. [OkB]

stkʷtkʷtniɬxʷ   [stəkʷtəkʷtn̓íɬxʷ] Morph: s+tkʷ•tkʷ+tniɬxʷ. Etym: √tkʷ. tule houses.

Istem. stəkʷtəkʷtn̓íɬxʷ i l piʔscʔáqʷ They were mat houses for the summer. [rdgs 066] See: stkʷtniɬxʷ; tkʷtan.

stkʷtkʷʔut   [stəkʷtəkʷʔút] Morph: s+tkʷ•tkʷʔut. Etym: tkʷʔt. walking; traveling.

Istem. Category: nIstem. way̓ uníxʷ, x̌ast iʔ stəkʷtəkʷʔút. It's true, travelling is good. [mychildr 254] See: tkʷtkʷʔut.

stkʷtkʷʔutn   [stəkʷtəkʷʔútṇ] Morph: s+tkʷ•tkʷʔut+n. Etym: √tkʷʔ. tracks.

Istem. Category: +tn. lut qíxʷəntəm. axáʔ iʔ stəkʷtəkʷʔútnsəlx, mat iʔ sc̓íɬənxəlx. We didn't scare them. Here are their tracks, they might still be eating. [BJSeym 177] See: stkʷtkʷʔut.

stkʷtniɬxʷ   [stəkʷtn̓iɬxʷ] Morph: s+tkʷ+tniɬxʷ. Etym: √tkʷ. tule house.

Istem. stəkʷtn̓iɬxʷ. Tule houses. [rdgs 064] See: tkʷtan.

stkʷúsyaʔqn   [stkʷúsyaʔqən] Morph: st+kʷúsyaʔqn. Etym: √kʷs. curly hair.

Istem. Sp hi kʷús it's curly; Cm kúsyaʔqn curly hair; Cr kʷus+s curly, it became curly. stkʷúsyaʔqən. Curly hair. [dict]

stk̓ʷal̕lqs   [stk̓ʷal̕lqs] Morph: s+t+k̓ʷal̕lqs. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. beaded shirt or dress.

Istem. Sp hec-č-k̓ʷúl̕ it's beaded, it has beadwork on it... s-č-k̓ʷól̕lqs sewn-on dress ornaments; Cr e+t+k̓ʷúl̕ attached (...to), beaded-work, something attached to. stk̓ʷal̕lqs. Beaded dress. [nb21.151]

stk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt   [stk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷəɬt] Morph: s+tk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt. Etym: √tk̓ʷ. bow tie.

Istem. stk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt. Bow tie. [nb20.94]

stk̓ʷk̓ʷƛ̓ústn   [stk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓ústən] Morph: s+t+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷƛ̓ús+tn. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eyes.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔ stk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓ústəns uɬ t̓ənt̓ínaʔs axáʔ iʔ kəkəwˑápaʔ. Because these dogs are her eyes and her ears. [nb1236.7] See: snk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn.

stk̓ʷk̓ʷxʷnʔínaʔ   [stk̓ʷək̓ʷxʷnʔínaʔ] Morph: s+t+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷxʷ꞊nʔ꞊ínaʔ. Variant: tk̓ʷk̓ʷxʷnʔínaʔ. Etym: √k̓ʷxʷ. yellow mouse-ear mustard (lesquerella douglasii).

Istem. stk̓ʷk̓ʷxʷnʔínaʔ. Yellow mouse-ear mustard. [TBK92] See: tk̓ʷk̓ʷxʷnʔínaʔ.

stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓us   [stk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ús] Morph: s+t+k̓ʷƛ̓•k̓ʷƛ̓us. Variant: stkʷƛ̓kʷƛ̓us; stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eyes.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ míƛ̓əntxʷ axáʔ ask̓əɬk̓mílt t̓əxʷ astk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ús ask̓ʷƛ̓ús. Rub it on your chest, on your eyes, on your face. [Brth 070] See: stk̓ʷƛ̓ustn; snk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ús.

stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ustn   [stk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústṇ] Morph: s+t+k̓ʷƛ̓•k̓ʷƛ̓us+tn. Variant: stkʷƛ̓kʷƛ̓ustn; stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓us. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eyes.

Istem. Category: +tn. astk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústən. Your eyes. [mychildr 193] kəm̓əntís iʔ stk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústəns məɬ k̓a nwist ʔísk̓ʷləms. He took his eyes out and he threw them up in the air. [coyeyes 002] ixíʔ nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən ɬaʔ kskəkáʕkaʔ uɬ ixíʔ stk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústəns t̓ənt̓ínaʔs nixʷ. They are the man-eater’s birds, and they are her eyes and her ears. [nb1238.3] uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔ stkʷəƛ̓kʷƛ̓ústṇs uɬ t̓ənt̓ínaʔs axáʔ iʔ kəkəw̓ápaʔ. These dogs are her eyes and her ears. [dict] See: stk̓ʷƛ̓ustn; snk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ús.

stk̓ʷƛ̓ustn   [stk̓ʷƛ̓ústən] Morph: s+t+k̓ʷƛ̓us+tn. Variant: stkʷƛ̓ustn. Etym: √k̓ʷƛ̓. eye.

Istem. Sp s-č-kʷƛ̓ús-tn eye; s-č-kʷƛ̓kʷƛ̓ús-tn eyes; Sh x-kʷt̓-us-tn eye. Category: +tn. ixíʔ t̓i t̓ukʷ iʔ stk̓ʷƛ̓ústəns. His eye popped out. [chipdd 105] ixíʔ uɬ iʔ naqs iʔ stk̓ʷƛ̓ústəns t̓i t̓ukʷ. The other of his eyes popped out. [chipdd 110] ixíʔ sksʔítxs, way̓ iwá mi ktqínaʔs iʔ stkʷƛ̓ustṇs. He got sleepy, well, he tried to keep one eye closed. [dict] See: snk̓ʷƛ̓ustn.

stk̓ʷul̕   [stk̓ʷul̕] Morph: s+t+k̓ʷul̕. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. bead work.

Istem. ixíʔ sisíls stk̓ʷúl̕s. This is Cecilia’s bead work. [nb18218.6] See: tk̓ʷul̕.

stɬtaɬm   [stəɬtáɬəm] Morph: s+tɬ•taɬ+m. Etym: √tɬ. boats.

Istem. a ixíʔ ilíʔ wikɬts iʔ sk̓ʷíƛ̓təms iʔ stəɬtáɬəms There he saw his brothers' boats. [CoGrSy 461] See: staɬm.

stɬtaɬt   [stəɬtáɬt] Morph: s+tɬ•taɬ+t. Etym: √tɬ. rights.

Istem. Category: +t. məɬ cuntxʷ iʔ sək̓ʷtəmsqíltk, lut anwí kʷ t̓a kstəɬtáɬt. And you tell the half bloods, "You don't have rights." [gregory 034] See: tɬtaɬt.

stmáliʔs   [stmáliʔs] Morph: s+tmáliʔs. Variant: stm̓áliʔs. Etym: √tm. relatives; relations.

Istem. Sp √tem, tétm̓-tn̓ one’s children’s relatives; Cm s‑k‑tam–qn kin, relative. Category: kin. ha kʷ istm̓áliʔs. Are you my (distant) relation? [E62.15] lut x̌əl stmáliʔscəlx. They are not for their relatives. [RHorse 182] kicəntm iʔ t stmáliʔsc. Some relatives of theirs got to them. [E60.7] kʷ istmáliʔs. I'm your relative. [dict] kʷu astmáliʔs. You're my relative. [dict] uɬ lut kʷu t̓ə stmáliʔsəmp. I'm no relation to you. [dict] See: tmiw̓s.

stmaxʷ   [stmaxʷ] Morph: s+tmaxʷ. Etym: √tmxʷ. wear (and tear).

Istem. axáʔ ink̓əɬkilxʷílstən ɬix̌ʷ iʔ t stmaxʷ. My apron is full of holes from wear. [nb18161.7] See: tmaxʷ.

stmilxʷ   [stmilxʷ] Morph: stmilxʷ. Etym: √tm. stmilxʷ.

Istem. stmilxʷ. Man's name. [nb20.53a]

stmíɬc̓aʔ   [stmíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+tmíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √tm. deer of any species.

Istem. stmíɬc̓aʔ. Deer. [pd10]

stmlscut   [stməlscút] Morph: s+tmlscut. Variant: sttmlscut; stm̓lscut. Etym: √tm. possessions; wealth; stock; good luck charm; amulet; beads.

Istem. Sp s-tém-s it's his possessions; Cm s‑tm̓‑luscut seed beads. istməlscút. My things (cattle, equipment ...). [nb21.121a] px̌ʷəmstísəlx iʔ stməlscút. They divided things. [lpb502] uɬ aksənqʷən̓n̓mínəm astməlscút iʔ kʷ aʔ kɬkəwáp, iʔ kʷ aʔ kst̓mʕált. Show consideration for your stock, you who have horses or cows. [mychildr 233] nák̓ʷəm stməlscút. It's beads. [lnxbdga 025] uɬ kʷu k̓ax̌əlməncútməntəm axáʔ i t istməlscút. My good luck charm will go against us. [2gts 244] t̓əxʷ axáʔ ia kstməlscút. The one who had the amulet. [2gts 266] See: stim̓.

stmtímaʔ   [stəmtímaʔ] Morph: s+tm•tímaʔ. Variant: sttmtímaʔ. Etym: √tmʔ. grandmother; grandchild (term also used to address any elderly woman).

Istem. Sp tétm̓-tn̓ one's children's in-laws; Cm natámtn son‑ or daughter‑in‑law’s parents; Cr tem+tem+n+úl sociable; Sh s-tm-tem̓ət-n in-laws; Th /tiʔmet- distant-relative; Li təmit-áqs friendly. Category: App. way̓ incá kən qʷən̓qʷán̓t iʔ kʷu astəmtímaʔ. Yes, I myself am your pitiful grandmother. [lpb335] istəmtímaʔ naʔɬ intúm̓. My grandmother and my mother. [newles 020] ixíʔ ta nək̓ʷsílk̓ qʷʕásqiʔ, aʔ kstəmtímaʔ. One family Blue Jay, he had a grandmother. [bjmd 00]

stmtmniʔáɬaʔq   [stəmtəmniʔáɬaʔq] Morph: s+tm•tmniʔáɬaʔq. Etym: √tmnʔ. 1 • waxberry (berries) (symphoricarpos albus).

Istem. Category: dim. stəmtəmniʔáɬaʔq. [TBK95]

2 • Istem. buckberry bushes.

Istem. Category: dim. stəmtəmniʔáɬaʔq. Buckberry bushes. [nb18103.14] See: stmtmniʔáɬq; tmtmniʔ.

stmtmniʔáɬq   [stəmtəmniʔáɬq] Morph: s+tm•tmniʔáɬq. Etym: √tmnʔ. waxberry (berries) (symphoricarpos albus); buckberry; snowberry.

Istem. stmtmniʔáɬq. Sp s-tmtm-niʔáɬq snowberry, waxberry; Cm tm-tmnay̓-aɬp snowberry bush. [dict; TBK95] See: tmtmniʔ.

stmtmniʔíɬaʔp   [stəmtəmniʔhíɬaʔp] Morph: s+tm•tmniʔíɬaʔp. Etym: √tmnʔ. waxberry (symphoricarpos albus).

Istem. Category: dim. stəmtəmniʔhíɬaʔp. Waxberry. [TBK95] See: stmtmniʔíɬp; tmtmniʔ.

stmtmniʔíɬp   [stəmtəmniʔíɬp] Morph: s+tm•tmniʔíɬp. Etym: √tmnʔ. waxberry (symphoricarpos albus); buckberry bush.

Istem. Cm tm-tmnay̓-aɬp snowberry bush. stəmtəmniʔíɬp. Waxberry. [TBK95] See: tmtmniʔ.

stm̓sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   [stəm̓sc̓x̌ʷáx̌ʷ] Morph: s+tm̓+s+c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. Etym: √tm, √c̓x̌ʷ. one who has not been disciplined.

Istem. stm̓sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ. Undisciplined. [E64.17] See: tm; c̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ.

stm̓uqʷ   [stəm̓úqʷ] Morph: s+tm̓uqʷ. Etym: √tmqʷ. red hawthorn (crataegus columbiana).

Istem. Sp s-tm̓óqʷ red thornberry; Sh s-tmuqʷ thornberry. stəm̓úqʷ. Red hawthorn. [TBK123]

stm̓us   [stm̓us] Morph: s+tm̓us. Etym: √tm̓. a (fish) trap; a wier.

Istem. ʕác̓səlx iʔ stm̓úscəlx t̓i nxʷúk̓ʷək̓ʷ. They looked at the traps, they were clean. [feed6] See: tm̓usm.

stm̓usm   [stəm̓úsəm] Morph: s+tm̓us+m. Etym: √tm̓. fish trapping.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. stəm̓úsəm. Trapping. [OkB] See: tm̓usm.

stnxíc̓aʔ   [stənxíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+tnxíc̓aʔ. Etym: √tnx. beaver hide.

Istem. axáʔ a scústsəlx iʔ stunx ixíʔ iʔ stənxíc̓aʔ. That's what they call beaver, beaver hides. [Prov 034] See: stunx.

stpiɬxʷ   [stpiɬxʷ] Morph: s+tpiɬxʷ. Etym: √tp. cover.

Istem. iʔ sq̓íʔmən uɬ iʔ kstpíɬxʷs uɬ txʷips. The poles, and her tent, the cover. [lnx2 249] See: tp.

stpɬx̌yáɬnx̌ʷ   [stəpɬx̌iyáɬnəx̌ʷ] Morph: s+tp+ɬ+x̌yáɬnx̌ʷ. Etym: √tp, √x̌yɬ. chokecherry (prunus virginiana) (dark variety). Lit: covered away from the sun

Istem. stəpɬx̌iyáɬnəx̌ʷ. Chokecherry. [TBK127]

stptpiɬmlx   [stəptpíɬməlx] Morph: s+tp•tp꞊iɬmlx. Etym: √tp. ?


stptpsálu   [stəptəpsálu] Morph: s+tp•tps꞊álu ? Etym: √tps. cascara (rhamnus purshiana).

Istem. stəptəpsálu. Cascara. [TBK120]

stqam   [stqam] Morph: s+tqa+m. Etym: √tq. stacking.

Mstem. Category: +am. kən kaxmútyaʔ kaʔ ckskəmqíʔstən axáʔ iʔ l stqam. I was on foot when I was driving the team to stack. [Hrvst 232] See: tqam.

stqip   [stqip] Morph: s+tqip. Etym: √tq. log dam; log jam.

Istem. Sp s-tqép a dam. aɬíʔ ksk̓ʷúl̕aʔx t kstqips. Because he's going to make his dam. [misc 211] kstqips. His [the beaver's] log dam to-be. [misc 211] See: tq1.

stqltisxn   [stqəltísxən] Morph: s+t+ql+tísxn. Etym: √ql. ridge top.

Istem. nák̓ʷəm məlqnúps, yaʔx̌ís iʔ təl stqəltísxən, məɬ k̓amátqən, xƛ̓úsəm, məɬ cyxʷməncút. My, thatʼs Eagle, that one from a ridge top, sitting, looking around, and diving. [coeag11-12] See: qilt.

stqltkaw̓sqn   [stqəltkáw̓sqən] Morph: s+t+qltkaw̓sqn. Etym: √ql. upper lip.

Istem. stqltkaw̓sqn. Upper lip. [pd03] See: qilt.

stqlw̓tisxntns nnylus   [stqəluʔtísxntns nnilús] Morph: s+t+qlw̓tisxn+tns n•nylus. Etym: √ql; √nyl. stqlw̓tisxntns nnylus: a rock bluff, now underwater, situated just south of the former mouth of ncəcm̓útaʔstm. Lit: stepping-stone of nnilús (q.v.)

phrasal. Category: Geog. stqlw̓tisxntns nnylus. Place name. [BK326]

stqpax̌n   [stəqpáx̌ən] Morph: s+tqpax̌n. Etym: √tqp. a bird's wing.

Istem. stqpax̌n. Bird's wing. [nb1843.8] See: tqpiʔstn.

stqpiʔstn   [stəqpíʔstən] Morph: s+tqpiʔstn. Etym: √tqp. tail or wing feather.

Istem. Sp s-qpúsl̕ a feather; Cm s-tqp–aʔs-(t)-(t)n feather. səp̓ánt iʔ pumín iʔ t stqpiʔstn. Hit the drum with the feather. [Oct92 065] iʔ pqəlqín iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət iʔ stəqpíʔstəns a ck̓ʷúl̕əmstsəlx i l skc̓əlqín i l təmtmútnsəlx. The bald eagle's feathers are used for headdresses and regalia. [rdgs 085] aɬíʔ iʔ pqəlqín iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət iʔ stəqpíʔstəns t̓i piq. The bald eagle's feathers are white. [rdgs 086] wtəntís iʔ kstqpíʔstṇ axáʔ iʔ l cq̓ílən. He put the feathers on the arrows. [dict] See: tqpiʔstn.

stqqip   [stəqəqíp] Morph: s+tq•qip. Etym: √tq. stqqip: area located about one and one quarter miles up the Columbia from Mitchell Point, and known locally as "The Slide”. Lit: dammed up

Istem. Category: Geog. stəqəqíp. Place name. [BK151]

stqqtw̓saqstxn   [stəqqtuʔsáqstxən] Morph: s+tq•qtw̓saqstxn. Etym: √tq. to cross one's legs.

Istem. Category: nIstem. stəqqtuʔsáqstxən. Crossing one's legs, one knee on the other. [dict] See: tq1.

stqtqpíʔstn   [stəqtəqpíʔstṇ] Morph: s+tq•tqpíʔst+n. Etym: √tq. wings.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ axáʔ iʔ p kmúsxən, lut iʔ p aʔkstqtqpíʔstṇ. And you that stand on four legs, you that don't have wings. [Nams 014] See: stqpíʔstn.

stq̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔ   [stqəc̓qəc̓pínaʔ] Morph: s+t+q̓c̓•q̓c̓+pínaʔ. Etym: √qc̓. braids.

Istem. tərrɬtíkʷ iʔ stqəc̓qəc̓pínaʔs. Unravel his/her braids! [nb26-60 006] See: tq̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔ; q̓c̓.

stq̓mustn   [stq̓mústən] Morph: s+t+q̓mus+tn. Etym: √q̓m. a pill. Morph: s+t+q̓mus+tn.

Istem. Category: +tn. axáʔ inxʷəlxʷəltán, ʕapnáʔ iʔ stq̓mústn. That's what keeps me alive, these pills. [E1] See: q̓m(a).

stq̓m̓iɬp   [stəq̓m̓íɬp] Morph: s+tq̓m̓iɬp. Etym: √tq̓m̓. wild strawberry (fragaria vesca and f. virginiana).

Istem. stəq̓m̓íɬp. Wild strawberry. [TBK125]

stqʷamqʷmqs   [stqʷámqʷəmqs] Morph: s+t+qʷam•qʷmqs. Etym: √qʷm. good things to eat.

Istem. mat ʕapnáʔ kstqʷámqʷəmqsəmp p ksənʔakʷmaʔscínaʔx. Now you have good things to eat, you are going to hoard food. [Hrvst 113] See: qʷamqʷmqs.

stqʷay   [stqʷay] Morph: s+t+qʷay. Etym: √qʷy. one who runs down (a hill, steps...)

nIstem. ixíʔ k̓im məɬ ɬkícəntməlx iʔ stqʷáysəlx. axáʔ iʔ təl sqilt aɬíʔ uɬ tqʷáyilx. The ones who are sneaking up on them will reach them. From the top they came down on them. [nb2588.6] See: tqʷay.

stqʷayqn   [stqʷáyqən] Morph: s+t+qʷayqn. Etym: √qʷy. a blue roan horse.

Istem. ixíʔ istqʷáyqən. That's my blue roan horse. [nb18158.16] See: qʷay2.

stqʷlqʷltíplaʔ   [stqʷəlqʷəltíplaʔ] Morph: s+t+qʷl•qʷl+típlaʔ. Etym: √qʷl. agreement.

Istem. stqʷəlqʷəltíplaʔs. Agreement. [misc 271] See: qʷlqʷilt.

stq̓ʷaʕyxn   [stq̓ʷáʕyxən] Morph: s+t+q̓ʷáʕyxn. Variant: stq̓ʷaʕyxnx; stq̓ʷayxn. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. stq̓ʷaʕyxn: Blackfoot, Blackfeet.

Istem. kɬyɬyáʕkstxən naʔɬ iʔ ɬcəcʔúpsc, ixíʔ way̓ iʔ km̓áx̌əntməlx iʔ t stq̓ʷáʕyxənx. Smudgy Legs and her little sister, these are the ones that were kidnapped by Blackfeet. [bfp19] See: q̓ʷaʕy1.

stq̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ   [stq̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ, stq̓ʷəyxnúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+t+q̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ. Variant: stq̓ʷyxnúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. stq̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ: Blackfoot country.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ iʔ sqəltmíxʷ ta ck̓liʔ ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ k̓əl stq̓ʷəyxnúlaʔxʷ. So the man from there was going to Blackfeet country. [dc9] ksƛ̓aʔmíxaʔx tə sənkɬc̓aʔsqáxaʔ yaʔx̌ís iʔ təl sək̓ʷtíkən iʔ təl stq̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ. He was going to go get horses over the mountain (lit. a different place), from Blackfoot country. [lpb22] See: stq̓ʷaʕyxn.

stq̓ʷaʕyxnx   [stq̓ʷáʕyxənx] Morph: s+t+q̓ʷaʕyxnx. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. stq̓ʷaʕyxnx: Blackfoot, Blackfeet.

Istem. Sp s-č-q̓ʷišní (s-č-q̓ʷáyšni); Cm stq̓ʷáyxnəxʷ; Cr s+t+q̓ʷíhšnmš Blackfoot. iʔ stq̓ʷáʕyxənx ixíʔ ʔawtúsc axáʔ iʔ suknaqínx. The Okanaganʼs opponent was a Blackfeet. [dc3] kʷu kənxítxʷ məɬ púlstəm iʔ stq̓ʷáʕyxənx, iʔ ylmíxʷəm iʔ stq̓ʷáʕyxənx. You help me and weʼll kill the Blackfeet, the Blackfeet chief. [dc19] See: stq̓ʷaʕyxn; q̓ʷaʕy1.

stq̓ʷtq̓ʷniʔúlaʔxʷ   [stəq̓ʷtəq̓ʷniʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+tq̓ʷ•tq̓ʷniʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √tq̓ʷnʔ ?. ghost.

Istem. stəq̓ʷtəq̓ʷniʔúlaʔxʷ. Ghost. [dict] See: stq̓ʷtq̓ʷny̓úlaʔxʷ.

stq̓ʷtq̓ʷny̓úlaʔxʷ   [stəq̓ʷtəq̓ʷniʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+tq̓ʷ•tq̓ʷny̓úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √tq̓ʷny̓. ghost. Gram: northern form

Istem. stq̓ʷtq̓ʷny̓úlaʔxʷ Ghost. [nb25-67 003; nb21.149]

stq̓ʷyxnúlaʔxʷ   [stq̓ʷəyxnúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+t+q̓ʷyxnúlaʔxʷ. Variant: stq̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. stq̓ʷyxnúlaʔxʷ: Blackfoot country.

Istem. See: stq̓ʷaʕyxnúlaʔxʷ.

stq̓ʷyʕác̓aʔ   [stq̓ʷəyʕác̓aʔ] Morph: s+t+q̓ʷyʕác̓aʔ. Etym: √q̓ʷʕy. one's being dirty.

Istem. Category: nIstem. istq̓ʷəyʕác̓aʔ. I'm too dirty. [dict] See: q̓ʷaʕy1.

strway   [stərwáy] Morph: s+trway. Etym: √trwy ?. strway.

Istem. Category: wName. stərwáy. Woman's name. [OkB]

str̓iqxn   [str̓íqxən] Morph: s+tr̓iqxn. Etym: √tr. little brown ducks.

Istem. str̓iqxn. Little brown ducks. [nb1892.12]

str̓qam   [stər̓qám] Morph: s+tr̓qa+m. Etym: √tr̓q. Indian dance.

Mstem. Category: +am. stər̓qám. Indian dance. [dict] See: tr̓q.

str̓qikst   [str̓qikst] Morph: s+tr̓qikst. Etym: √trq. a dancer.

Istem. str̓qikst. Dancer. [dict] See: tr̓q.

str̓r̓iqxn   [stər̓r̓íqxən] Morph: s+tr̓•r̓iqxn. Etym: √tr̓q. snipe.


str̓tr̓ʔam   [stər̓tər̓ʔám] Morph: s+tr̓•tr̓ʔam. Etym: √tr̓. ancestor.

Istem. Category: kin. ixíʔ itlíʔ kiʔ kn aʔ ksk̓ʷúy ʕapnáʔ, uɬ ixíʔ stər̓tər̓ʔámtət. And that's from there that I have a mother now, and that's where we originate from. [mychildr 058] See: tr̓tr̓.

sttak   [stəták] Morph: s+t•tak. Etym: √tk. rock squirrel (similar to a chipmunk, striped. In legends stəták is Chipmunk’s sister).

Istem. Ques: k or q sttak. Rock squirrel. [nb1811.12]

sttaq   [stətáq] Morph: s+t•taq. Etym: √tq. squirrel; Squirrel.

Istem. Ques: k or q ixíʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ uɬ ksənʔamʔímˑaʔt stətáq laʔɬ q̓ʷəq̓ʷc̓w̓íyaʔ. An old lady had grandchildren, Squirrel and Chipmunk. [sknkf 002]

sttk̓ánaʔt   [stətk̓ánaʔt.] Morph: s+t•tk̓ánaʔt. Etym: √tk̓. hand gun.

Istem. sttk̓ánaʔt. Hand gun. [nb21.99a] Category: dim.

sttmlscut   [stətməlscút] Morph: s+t•t+ml+scut. Variant: sttmlscut; stmlscut; stm̓lscut. Etym: √ml. beads.

Istem. See: stmlscut.

sttmtim   [stətəmtím] Morph: s+t•tm•tim. Variant: sttm̓tim̓. Etym: √tm. clothes.

Istem. swit iʔ q̓ʷíɬq̓ʷəɬt məɬ i[xíʔ] i acsip̓iʔálqsəm kəm̓ síp̓iʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ kstətəmtíms. If anybody is ambitious enough to make buckskin clothes, or skin clothes. [MarryPS 039] See: kstim̓2.

sttmtímaʔ   [sttəmtímaʔ] Morph: s+t•tm•tímaʔ. Variant: stmtímaʔ. Etym: √tmʔ. grandmother; grandchild.

Istem. Category: kin, dim. iʔ sttəmtímaʔ səcq̓ʷq̓ʷmíkaʔst əck̓k̓níyaʔ. The grandmother was curled up, listening. [lpb276] See: stmtímaʔ.

sttm̓tim̓   [sttəm̓tím̓] Morph: s+t•tm̓•tim̓. Variant: sttmtim. Etym: √tm̓. clothes.

Istem. Cm tm̓‑tm̓‑ut‑(t)n clothes, belongings; Sh s-tem stuff, belongings; Li s.təm̓:tə́ˑtəm̓ clothing, stuff, belongings. t̓íc̓ənt iʔ sttəm̓tím̓. Iron the clothes! [nb26-08 009] lut kʷu aksycəɬtím istətəm̓tím̓. Don't wrinkle my clothes! [nb25-18 011] way̓ iksk̓ʷúl̕xtəm t kstətəm̓tím̓səlx. I'm going to make clothes for them. [grlhd 150] kʷuk aɬíʔ cánmən ɬaʔ ksttəm̓tím̓. Those are Chinaman’s clothes. [Green.61] swit ixíʔ ɬaʔ kstətəm̓tím̓. Whose clothes are these? [nb18149.1] t iksttəm̓tím̓ kʷu ksxʷíc̓əxtəm t iksyuʔyáʕ̓ʷt. Give me something to wear with which to be strong. [dict] See: kstim̓2.

sttq̓m̓iɬml̕x   [stətq̓m̓íɬml̕x] Morph: s+t•tq̓m̓iɬml̕x. Etym: √tq̓m̓. wild strawberry (fragaria vesca and f. virginiana).

Istem. stətq̓m̓íɬml̕x. 0Wild strawberry. [TBK125]

sttw̓it   [stətw̓ít] Morph: s+t•tw̓it. Etym: √tw̓. boyhood; the years of a (young) boy.

Istem. Category: nIstem. uɬ taʔlíˑˑ x̌əx̌əstmámən cx̌əstmístən iʔ spíx̌əm iʔ l istətwít. It's very enjoyable, I enjoyed hunting in my youth. [Prov 024] way̓ mat syəʕʷpyáʕʷtx sisyús ixíʔ way̓ stətw̓íts. He sure must be powerful and smart, even as young as he is. [nb1222.1] See: ttwit.

sttʔíwtaʔx   [stətʔíw̓taʔx] Morph: s+t•tʔíw+t+aʔx. Variant: stətʔíw̓taʔx. Etym: √tʔw. the youngest one.

Istem. Sp s-tʔéw-t-i he is the youngest; Cm s‑taʔaw‑t be youngest; Cr tíweʔ-nt-s coddle... lit. She babied h/h; Sh twwiwt child; Th s/céwtmx the youngest child; Li twə́ˑwˑw̓ət (young) boy. Category: dim. uɬ xƛ̓áƛ̓ləx, uɬ ixíʔ scuts iʔ stətʔíw̓taʔx... They grew up, and then the young one said... [lnxbdga 015] iʔ stətʔíw̓taʔx iʔ ux̌tílaʔtət tətw̓ít. The youngest baby is a boy. [nb6.2] uɬ aɬíʔ anwí kʷ stətʔíwtaʔx kʷ məlmílx. But you are the youngest one, you are slow. [nb1280.3] way̓ axáʔ iʔ stətʔíwtaʔx pútiʔ x̌ʷupt. The youngest one is still unable to do anything. [dict] See: stʔiwtx.

+stuɬt   [stuɬt] Morph: +stuɬt. transitivizer that signals a redirective notion (do instead of, on behalf of).

dafx. Category: dsfx. c̓əq̓ʷstúɬtxʷ. You pointed it out for her. [nb26-20 016] kskʷəlstúɬtsən. I send you for something. [nb08 461] See: +nt; +st; +ɬt; +x(it); +tuɬt; +xtuɬt.

stumxn   [stúmxən] Morph: s+tumxn. Variant: stum̓xn. Etym: √tm. big toe.

Istem. Sp stúm̓šn big toe, best friend; Cm stum̓sxn big toe. stúmxəns. His big toe. [Oct92 061] c̓q̓ɬtis iʔ stúmxəns iʔ t xəl̕míns He hit his big toe with his axe. [Oct92 061]

stum̓kst   [stum̓kst] Morph: s+tum̓kst. Etym: √tm̓. thumb.

Istem. Sp s-túm̓čst thumb; Cm s-tum̓-kst thumb; Th s/túm̓kst thumb. uɬ axáʔ iʔ stum̓kst uɬ iʔ c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ uɬ iʔ sq̓aʔw̓sqínkst uɬ iʔ təmskʷást uɬ iʔ stawnqínaʔkst ixíʔ. The thumb, and the pointer, and the middle finger and the fourth finger and the little finger. [crea14]

stum̓xn   [stum̓xṇ] Morph: s+tum̓xn. Variant: stumxn. Etym: √tm̓. big toe.

Istem. stum̓xn. Big toe. [dict]

stunx   [stunx] Morph: s+tunx. Etym: √tnx. beaver; close friend, cousin.

Istem. See Sp stúm̓šn big toe, best friend. Ques: translations ? iʔ stunx səcʕ̓aƛ̓ípx ʕapnáʔ t sx̌əlx̌áʕlt iʔ la nmulx. Today the beaver is chewing the tree down in the cottonwood tree place. [nb26-58 012]

stwal̕   [stwal̕] Morph: stwal̕. person's name. Lit: cry baby


stwmist   [stumíst] Morph: s+tw+mist. Etym: √tw. merchandise.

Istem. Category: +mist. itlíʔ mi ct̓íxəlxstsəlx tla nsq̓ʷut iʔ stíwcəns iʔ stumísts. It's from there that they pull out of the water from across their groceries and merchandise. [Hrvst 176] See: twmist.

stxlkaqs   [stxəlkáqs] Morph: s+t+xlkaqs. Etym: √xlk. a bend in the road or path.

Istem. k̓əɬtɬílsəm iʔ stxəlkáqsc. He went straight to where the water bends. [CoGrSy 568] See: txlak.

stxmin   [stxmin] Morph: s+tx+min. Etym: √tx. a comb.

Istem. Category: +min. stxmin. Comb. [nb26-38 008] See: txam1.

stxmniw̓s   [stxəmníw̓s] Morph: s+txmniw̓s. Etym: √xmn. both sides.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ ck̓iɬp k̓la stxmniw̓s. And the ribs on both sides. [Butch 005]

stxrikst   [stxrikst] Morph: s+t+xrikst. Etym: √xr. 1 • a suitcase.

Istem. stxrikst. [nb26-21 014]

2 • Istem. a hanging lantern; a hand lamp; lantern.

Istem. stxrikst. Lamp. [dict]

stxt̓mix   [stxt̓mix] Morph: s+t+xt̓+mix. Etym: √xt̓. to be pregnant.

Istem. Category: +mix. way̓ stxət̓míx iʔ t sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt. She was pregnant with baby. [lnxbdga 115] See: txt̓3.

stxxr̓íkaʔst   [stxəxr̓íkaʔst] Morph: s+t+x•xr̓íkaʔst. Etym: √xr. a briefcase; a pouch.

Istem. Category: dim. stxəxr̓íkaʔst. Briefcase, pouch. [nb26-21 015] See: stxrikst.

stxʷarqn   [stxʷárqən] Morph: s+t+xʷarqn. Etym: √xʷr. to pass.

Istem. uɬ itlíʔ naqs iʔ stxʷárqəns k̓əl sq̓ʷut. And then another on the other side. [2gts 248] See: xʷar2.

stxʷcncut   [stxʷcəncút] Morph: s+txʷcn+cut. Etym: √txʷ. food gathered or obtained.

Istem. Category: +ncut. lut kstílxʷiʔsəlx iʔ kstxʷcəncútsəlx aʔ nsiwɬkʷ ixíʔ. so that it may not be difficult to get food from the water. [mychildr 211] aɬíʔ q̓ʷíɬq̓ʷəɬt i l stəxʷcəncút. Because he was smart at getting grub. [LynxS 290] See: txʷcncut.

stxʷlscut   [stəxʷlscút] Morph: s+txʷlscut. Etym: √txʷ. possessions.

Istem. s+txʷ+lscut. Possessions. [mychildr 175] See: txʷlscut.

stxʷst̓ik̓l   [stxʷst̓ík̓əl] Morph: s+txʷ+s+t̓ik̓l. Etym: √txʷ, √t̓k̓l. gathered food.

Istem. kən nstíls t̓i kʷu tk̓aˑsíl uɬ kmix t̓iʔ kʷu tk̓əsʔasíl istxʷst̓ík̓əl. I thought it's just two of us, and I got food enough for two. [HnTrp 278] See: tixʷ; st̓ik̓l.

stxʷuym   [stxʷúyəm] Morph: s+t+xʷuy+m. Etym: √xʷy. the person or thing one is going to.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. way ixíʔ astxʷúyəm ixíʔ iʔ kstkícənts. The one you came to see will meet you. [lpb61] See: txʷuym.

stxʷuymnm   [stxʷúymnəm] Morph: s+t+xʷuy+m+n+m. Etym: √xʷy. the going to s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Category: +n+m. way̓ nq̓aʔílsməntsən, kʷ istxʷúymnəm, way̓ kʷ ikskʷním, kʷ ikɬtkɬmílxʷ. I have business with you that I've come to you. I'm going to take you, you'll be my wife. [nb2570.1] See: txʷuym.

stxʷxʷp̓il̕stn   [stxʷəxʷp̓il̕stṇ] Morph: s+t+xʷ•xʷp̓il̕stn. Variant: stxʷxʷp̓il̕stn̓. Etym: √xʷp̓. belly fin.


stxʷxʷp̓il̕stn̓   [stxʷuxʷp̓íl̕stn̓] Morph: s+t+xʷ•xʷ•p̓il̕stn̓. Variant: stxʷxʷp̓il̕stn. Etym: √xʷp̓. belly fin.

Istem. stxʷuxʷp̓íl̕stn̓. Belly fin. [OkB]

stx̌aláʕsxn   [stx̌aláʕsxən] Morph: s+t+x̌alʕásxn. Etym: √x̌l. brightness.

Istem. Category: PhM. uɬ t̓iʔ kʷillˑˑ iʔ stx̌aláʕsxəns. It turned red, its brightness. [Brth 049] See: x̌aʕl.

stx̌áq̓q̓plaʔ   [stx̌áq̓əq̓plaʔ] Morph: s+t+x̌áq̓•q̓plaʔ. Etym: √x̌q̓. high wages.

Istem. ʕapnáʔ uɬ ʕapnáʔ uɬ náx̌əmɬ talíʔ uɬ kstx̌áq̓əq̓plaʔ iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm. But now we have high wages. [Hrvst 239] See: x̌aq̓q̓.

stx̌aʔníplaʔ   [stx̌aʔníplaʔ] Morph: s+t+x̌aʔníplaʔ. Etym: √x̌n. taboo.

Istem. Sp n-č-x̌eʔnépleʔ-tn a list of taboos; Sh √x̌ʔen to forbid, scold; Th √x̌əʔ restrict-activity. stx̌aʔníplaʔ. Taboo. [OkB] See: tx̌aʔníplaʔ.

stx̌cin   [stəx̌cín] Morph: s+tx̌cin. Etym: √tx̌. 1 • tiger lily (lilium columbianum).

Istem. stəx̌cín. Tiger lily. [TBK46]

2 • Istem. rhubarb.

Cm s‑tx̌‑cin tiger lily; Sh təx̌cin̓ tigerlily.Istem.

stx̌c̓iʔáx̌ʷck   [stəx̌c̓iʔáx̌ʷck] Morph: s+t+x̌c̓y̓áx̌ʷck. Etym: √x̌c̓y̓. sternum; bone in the center of the chest.

Istem. stx̌c̓iʔáx̌ʷck. Sternum. [dict]

stx̌c̓y̓áx̌ʷck   [stəx̌c̓iʔáx̌ʷck] Morph: s+t+x̌c̓y̓áx̌ʷck. Etym: √x̌c̓y̓. sternum; bone in the center of the chest.

Istem. stx̌c̓iʔáx̌ʷck. Sternum. [dict]

stx̌sx̌síc̓aʔ   [stx̌əsx̌síc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t+x̌s•x̌síc̓aʔ. Etym: √x̌s. fine clothes.

Istem. iʔ stx̌əsx̌síc̓aʔsəlx misqílxʷəlx. By their good clothes they [look like] important people. [nb1288.8-9] See: tx̌síc̓aʔ.

stx̌w̓x̌w̓us   [stx̌əw̓x̌əw̓ús] Morph: s+t+x̌w̓•x̌w̓us. Etym: √x̌w̓. one's eyes are dry.

Istem. uɬ i nqʷən̓míntəm iʔ t k̓ʷəl̕əncútən təl̕ stx̌əw̓x̌əw̓úsc. And the Creator pitied him because his eyes went dry. See: x̌w̓aw̓.

stx̌ʷslip̓   [stx̌ʷslip̓] Morph: s+tx̌ʷ+s+lip̓. Etym: √tx̌ʷ, √slp̓. plain wood.

Istem. ilíʔ cənp̓əp̓nílaʔk̓, a[xáʔ] stəx̌ʷslíp̓, sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ t̓əxʷ. There are sticks there, just common wood sticks. [2gts 232] See: tx̌ʷ; slip̓1.

stx̌ʷsqilxʷ   [stəx̌ʷsqílxʷ] Morph: s+tx̌ʷ+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √tx̌ʷ, √qlxʷ. common people.

Istem. iʔ stəx̌ʷsqílxʷ. The common people. [nb1218.9] See: tx̌ʷ; sqilxʷ.

stx̌ʷtx̌ʷsámaʔ   [stəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsámaʔ] Morph: tx̌ʷ. Etym: √tx̌ʷ. Frenchman; straight French.

Istem. iʔ stəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsámaʔ. The French. [nb23 119] See: tx̌ʷ; sámaʔ.

stx̌ʷtx̌ʷsx̌lilp   [stəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsx̌lílp] Morph: s+tx̌ʷ•tx̌ʷ+s+x̌lilp. Etym: √tx̌ʷ, √x̌l. floor boards.

Istem. lut t̓a ckɬxʷíp t̓i axáʔ iʔ stəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsx̌lílp. There was no floor covering, they just had floor boards. [Green.87] See: tx̌ʷ; x̌l2.

stx̌ʷw̓x̌ʷw̓aqstxn   [stx̌ʷuʔx̌ʷuw̓áqstxn] Morph: s+t+x̌ʷw̓•x̌ʷw̓aqstxn. Etym: √x̌ʷw̓. shin.

Istem. stx̌ʷuʔx̌ʷuw̓áqstxn. Shin. [OkB]

styíɬc̓aʔ   [stiyíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+tyíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √ty. elk; stag; caribou; moose.

Istem. Sp s-ty̓áʔ (s-tyéʔ) caribou; Cm s-tiyal̕-ɬc̓aʔ caribou. styíɬc̓aʔ. Moose, stag, elk. [nb10a 164]

stʔawtílt   [stʔawtílt] Morph: s+t+ʔawtílt. Etym: √ʔwt. the youngest child.

Istem. Sp s-tʔéw-t-i he is the youngest. uɬ ixíʔ cus axáʔ iʔ stʔawtílts sənk̓líp. Then he said to Coyote's youngest son... [CoGrSy 278] ixíʔ mi cʕacəntíxʷ, ṇt̓k̓ʷíkiʔɬtxʷ istʔawtílt. Tie up that one, saddle it up for my youngest boy. [dict] iʔ stʔawtílts ixíʔ yaʔ t̓ə ctkʷənksnwáxʷ axáʔ iʔ k̓əl kʷəkʷr̓ít iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. Their youngest son is the one holding hands with the Golden Woman. [dict] ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔntísəlx iʔ stʔawtílts. They searched for their youngest child. [dict] See: ʔiwt.

stʔikʷ   [stiʔíkʷ] Morph: s+t[ʔ]ikʷ. Etym: √tkʷ. to spark; to glow (of embers).

Istem. Category: ʔInch. uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ swit aɬíʔ axáʔ ta stʔikʷ uɬ sic axáʔ iʔ t ƛ̓əqʷƛ̓qʷúmən. And when it has sparks, then with the thorns. [RnTrp 043] kt̓k̓ʷúsəs (?) aɬíʔ k̓im stiʔíkʷ. She threw them on the fire, it was still hot coals. [nb2558.10] See: tʔikʷ.

stʔiwtx   [stʔiwtx] Morph: s+t+ʔiwt+x. Etym: √ʔwt. the young(est) one.

Istem. Sp s-ttʔíw̓-t-i the youngest; Cm s‑taʔaw‑t be youngest; see Th s/céwtmx the youngest child. uɬ lut iʔ stʔiwtx, uɬ c̓qʷaqʷ. But no, the young one, and she cried. [lnxbdga 020] xáʔ iʔ stʔíwtxtət iʔ ɬsísəncaʔtət cəm̓ ixíʔ ɬaʔ ksmispx̌páx̌t. The youngest of us, our little brother, is the smartest. [dict] way̓ t̓əxʷ kʷu qʷəncínməntxʷ uɬ aɬíʔ kən stʔiwtx, uɬ pútiʔ kən k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ, kən spsáʕyaʔ. It's a pity that I am the youngest one, and I am too small, I got no sense. [dict] uɬ axáʔ xsnúsəlx iʔ stʔiwtx. They missed the youngest one. [dict]

st̓ak̓ʷ   [st̓ak̓ʷ] Morph: s+t̓ak̓ʷ. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. what one puts down; a contribution; a decree.

Istem. iʔ st̓ák̓ʷəs. His contribution. [dict] iʔ st̓ák̓ʷəs iʔ k̓ʷl̕əncútən axáʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ naqs sx̌əlx̌áʕlt, uɬ naqs x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ, uɬ naqs spintk. way̓ kaʔɬís iʔ st̓ák̓ʷəs. God put down here on earth a day, and a month, and a year. Three things he put here. [pgl13-14] See: t̓ak̓ʷ.

st̓aɬ   [st̓aɬ] Morph: s+t̓aɬ. Etym: √t̓ɬ. a doe.


st̓ámyaʔ   [st̓ámyaʔ] Morph: st̓ámyaʔ. Etym: √st̓myʔ. homosexual; transvestite; hermaphrodite.

Istem. Sp stémy̓eʔ transvestite. st̓ámyaʔ. Trans0vestite. [dict]

st̓apqs   [st̓ápqəs] Morph: s+t̓apqs. Etym: √t̓p. twisted thread.

Istem. Sp √t̓up to roll fibers into string, cord, or twine; s-t̓ópqs thread; Cr s+t̓opqs spool, thread; Sh t̓up-m to spin, twist, wring; Th √ƛ̓úp twist; √ƛ̓əpəq cloth tear; Li ƛ̓úp-xal to twist s.t. trap iʔ st̓apqs. The thread unraveled. [nb26-60 005] See: t̓p.

st̓aqʷíc̓aʔ   [st̓aqʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓aqʷíc̓aʔ. Variant: st̓aʔqʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓qʷ. a quilt.

Istem. Sp s-t̓aqʷíc̓eʔ a homemade quilt; Cf. Cr an+t̓oqʷ+míw̓es conjoin, conjunct, join together, united (to be...). cxʷip iʔ st̓aqʷic̓aʔ. The quilt is spread. [22.80a] See: t̓qʷ(a).

st̓at̓áq̓mtn   [st̓at̓áq̓mtṇ] Morph: s+t̓a•t̓áq̓+m+tn. Etym: √t̓q̓. st̓at̓áq̓mtn: area immediately south from the west end of the present-day Kettle Falls bridge. Lit: crossing place

Istem. Category: +tn. st̓at̓áq̓mtn. Place name. [BK338]

st̓at̓aʕpústn   [st̓at̓aʕpústən] Morph: s+t̓a•t̓aʕpús+tn. Etym: √t̓ʕp. st̓at̓aʕpústn: unidentified place. Lit: where they shoot

Istem. Category: +tn. st̓at̓aʕpústn Place name. [nb1851.9]

st̓at̓aʔk̓ám   [st̓at̓aʔk̓ám] Morph: s+t̓a•t̓aʔk̓ám. Etym: √t̓k̓m. puppies.

Istem. Sp s-t̓it̓iʔč̕-ím a puppy, s-t̓t̓č̕-ím a puppy. See: st̓aʔk̓ám.

st̓aʕkʷ   [st̓aʕkʷ] Morph: s+t̓aʕkʷ. Etym: √t̓kʷ. sharp popping sound.

Istem. Sp √t̓akʷ sound of breaking loose, sound of bursting (e.g. a balloon); Cm kt̓əkʷpxn k-t̓kʷ-p-xn flat tire, blow out. st̓aʕkʷ. Popping sound. [E90.9]

st̓aʕp   [st̓aʕp] Morph: s+t̓aʕp. Etym: √t̓ʕp. shooting.

Istem. Category: nMstem. [kʷu] xʷuˑˑy, uɬ kícəntəm ist̓áʕp. We went, and we got to the deer I shot. [HnTrp 297] See: t̓aʕp1.

st̓aʕpám   [st̓aʕpám] Morph: s+t̓aʕpá+m. Etym: √t̓ʕp. what is shot. Category: nMstem, +am. ixíʔ cxʔit ɬə kst̓aʕpáms. That's his first game. [lnx2 357] See: t̓aʕp1.

st̓aʕpmnwíxʷxʷ   [st̓aʕpmənwíxʷəxʷ] Morph: s+t̓aʕp+mnwíxʷ•xʷ. Etym: √t̓ʕp. war.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. st̓aʕpmnwíxʷxʷ. War. [nb18186.8] See: t̓aʕpmnwíxʷ.

st̓aʕpnwíxʷ   [st̓aʕpənwíxʷs] Morph: s+t̓aʕp+nwíxʷ. Etym: √t̓ʕp. a war.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. təl st̓aʕpənwíxʷsəlx ilíʔ kiʔ ƛ̓əlpstíməlx. They stopped them there from (after) their war. [gl116] k̓əl st̓aʕpənwíxʷ k̓əl England pn̓icíʔ k̓əɬxʷíc̓xmsəlx isəsíʔ inyás. At that time they sent my uncle to the war, to England. [EJEp.78-79] See: t̓aʕpnwíxʷ.

st̓aʕqʷkst   [st̓aʕqʷkst] Morph: s+t̓aʕqʷkst. Etym: √t̓ʕqʷ. to be expert.

Istem. taɬt iʔ kʷu st̓aʕqʷkst. We're good at what we do/we do it with flare. [nb26-34 007] See: t̓aʕqʷ.

st̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ   [st̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ] Morph: s+t̓aʔ+c+ʔx̌íɬ. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. a certain way to do things.

Istem. Category: Amalg. st̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ. What one does a certain way. [nb25-64 001] See: t̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ.

st̓aʔk̓ám   [st̓aʔk̓ám] Morph: s+t̓aʔk̓ám. Etym: √t̓k̓m. a puppy.

Istem. Sp s-t̓it̓iʔč̕-ím a puppy, s-t̓t̓č̕-ím a puppy. st̓aʔk̓ám. Puppy. [14.89a]

st̓aʔk̓míx   [st̓aʔk̓míx] Morph: s+t̓aʔk̓míx. Etym: √t̓ʔk̓. a woman (from puberty to child-bearing age); a young woman; a girl; a virgin.

Istem. Sp s-tič̕-míš; s-tiʔč̕-míš virgin; the Holy Mother; Cr s+t̓iyč+míš virgin. məɬ ixíʔ ɬckicx iʔ st̓aʔk̓míx. Then that girl came back. [fatboy 180] uɬ aɬíʔ sənk̓l̕íp, ixíʔ x̌minks iwá lut cwíksts ixíʔ iʔ st̓aʔk̓míx. Because he's Coyote, he liked her even if he never had seen the girl. [dict] way̓ swiʔnúmtx iʔ st̓aʔk̓míx, stim̓ t̓əxʷ st̓aʔk̓mix kəm̓ tkɬmilxʷ. She was a beautiful maiden, maybe a virgin, or a woman. [dict] way̓ ṇt̓aʔ qʷámqʷəmt iʔ st̓aʔk̓mix ilíʔ namút. My, a beautiful maiden was sitting there. [dict]

st̓aʔk̓mxílt   [st̓aʔk̓əmxílt] Morph: s+t̓aʔk̓mxílt. Etym: √t̓ʔk̓. virgin daughter; young daughter.

Istem. mi ckiʕamɬtíməlx iʔ st̓aʔk̓əmxíltsəlx. And they'll crawl in bed with the virgin. [LynxS 035] sənk̓líp iʔ st̓aʔk̓əmxílts. Coyote's daughter. [2gts 183] See: st̓aʔk̓míx.

st̓aʔk̓mxwílx   [st̓aʔk̓əmxwílx] Morph: s+t̓aʔk̓mx+wílx. Etym: √t̓ʔk̓. to grow into a young woman.

Istem. Category: +wilx. cakʷ cus a nqílxʷcən way̓ uɬ st̓aʔk̓míx, st̓aʔk̓əmxwílx. As one would say in Indian, she was a young maiden, she had grown up. [BJSeym 033] See: st̓aʔk̓míx.

st̓aʔqʷíc̓aʔ   [st̓aʔqʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓aʔqʷíc̓aʔ. Variant: st̓aqʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓qʷ. a quilt.

Istem. Ques: a or aʔ way̓ t̓i kʷu aksxʷíc̓əɬtəm axàʔ asck̓ʷúl̕, iʔ st̓aʔqʷíc̓aʔ. You are going to give me this thing you made, this quilt. [E52.6]

st̓aʔt̓aʔk̓míx   [st̓aʔt̓aʔk̓míx] Morph: s+t̓aʔ•t̓aʔk̓+míx. Etym: √t̓ʔk̓. young women; girls.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ kɬmílaʔ, ixíʔ aɬíʔ kmúsəms iʔ sənʔamʔímaʔt, iʔ st̓aʔt̓aʔk̓míx, swiʔwiʔnúmtx. She has bait there, four granddaughters, young virgins, handsome. [dict] See: st̓aʔk̓míx.

st̓aʔt̓áʔpw̓stn   [st̓aʔt̓áʔpuʔstṇ] Morph: s+t̓aʔ+t̓áʔpw̓s+tn. Etym: √t̓p. st̓aʔt̓áʔpw̓stn: unidentified place.

Istem. Category: +tn. xʷuˑˑy uɬ iʔ k̓əl st̓aʔt̓áʔpuʔstn. He went to st̓aʔt̓áʔpw̓stn. [sknkf 055]

st̓aʔt̓íkʷaʔxn   [st̓aʔt̓íkʷaʔxən] Morph: s+t̓aʔ•t̓íkʷaʔxn. Etym: √t̓kʷʔ. cracked feet (as by heat rash).

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ kst̓aʔt̓íkʷaʔxən səm̓x̌íkən. Grizzly has cracked feet. [lnxbdga 194] uɬ səm̓x̌íkən uɬ nq̓ʷəmq̓ʷmúsəs iʔ st̓aʔt̓ikʷaʔxəns. And Grizzly filled up his cracked feet. [lnx2 215] See: t̓ikʷ.

st̓i put   [st̓i put] Morph: st̓i put. Variant: st̓iʔ put. unclear semantic import.

phrasal pcl. Category: intj. t̓əxʷ lut sílxʷaʔ st̓i put. Not big, just enough. [GDd1 365] See: put.

st̓icʔx̌íɬ   [st̓ic̓x̌íɬ] Morph: s+t̓i+c+ʔx̌íɬ. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. how s.t. is.

Istem. Category: Amalg. lut t̓a st̓ic̓x̌iɬ. That's not the way it is. [relig 011] uɬ səc̓kínx ilíʔ kaʔ ɬə st̓ic̓x̌íɬ. And why is it that it's like that? [gregory 027] See: c̓x̌íɬ.

st̓ic̓x̌íɬ   [st̓ic̓x̌íɬ] Morph: s+t̓i+c+ʔx̌íɬ. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. how s.t. is.

Istem. Category: Amalg. See: st̓icʔx̌íɬ.

st̓ik̓l   [st̓ík̓əl] Morph: s+t̓ik̓l. Etym: √t̓k̓l. grub; lunch; food.

Istem. Sp √t̓eč̕l lunch; see Cm s-t̓k̓ʷal-tn travel food, packed lunch; Cr s+t̓íč̕l provisions (travelling ...); Sh a-ték̓-le provisions for travel, lunch (taken to work); Th s/ƛ̓ék̓ye lunch; Li s.ƛ̓ák̓əl̕ food one takes along, provisions for a trip, box lunch. cxʷíc̓xəmstən ixíʔ, uɬ ixíʔ kən ckʷnim t kst̓ík̓əltət itlíʔ. I sold it, and from that I got grub. [su7q̓im 240] ʔaɬʔíɬənti ixíʔ iʔ stík̓ləmp. Eat up your food! [Oct92 083] ixíʔ iʔ st̓ik̓əls iʔ sqilxʷ aláʔ. Here is food for the People. [su7q̓im 027] way̓ kʷu kst̓ík̓əl. We have our lunch. [HnTrp 082] caʔkʷ cus a nuyápixcən iʔ sandwiches, ixíʔ st̓ík̓əls. Like they say in English, sandwiches, that was their lunch. [HnTrp 085] iksnʔíysəm ikst̓ík̓əl iʔ l x̌lap. I’m going to buy grub for tomorrow. [nb18180.8] yaʕpqín t sʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip, iʔ kst̓ík̓əls x̌əl sʔistk. Lots of roots, grub for winter. [dict] way̓ wiʔskɬəwtɬtsís iʔ st̓íkəls akscʔíɬən. She's already put down grub for you to eat. [dict] way̓ yaʔx̌íʔ iʔ l siɬkʷkʷáʕst c̓íɬən, uɬ lut t̓ə kst̓íkəl, uɬ axáʔ c̓əspsqláw̓. He had last eaten in the morning, and he didn't have any food or money. [dict] See: t̓ik̓l.

st̓ik̓t   [st̓ik̓t] Morph: s+t̓ik̓+t. Etym: √t̓k̓. high water mark.

Istem. Category: +t. axáʔ a nx̌ʷəntkʷítkʷ i sk̓əɬq̓əy̓áy̓s iʔ síwɬkʷ axáʔ i l st̓ík̓ət. Kettle River, the marks of the high water. [Hrvst 006] See: t̓ik̓t.

st̓ikʷlqʷ   [st̓íkʷləqʷ] Morph: s+t̓ikʷlqʷ. Etym: √t̓kʷ. subalpine fir (abies lasiocarpa).

Istem. st̓íkʷləqʷ. Fir. [TBK23]

st̓ikʷsxn   [st̓íkʷsxən] Morph: s+t̓ikʷsxn. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. a spark; the moon; moon.

Istem. Ques: st̓iqʷlt st̓íkʷsxən. Moon, spark, popping rocks. [nb20.64a] See: t̓ikʷ.

st̓ilm   [st̓íləm] Morph: s+t̓il+m. Etym: √t̓l. to carve s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. uɬ nixʷ axáʔ iʔ st̓íləm iʔ sx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔm iʔ t sƛ̓aʔcínəm. Another thing is carving and drying deer meat. [drymd 001] uɬ lut ixíʔ nixʷ t̓ə sʔíckən iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ ta nsiwɬkʷ iʔ st̓íləm. It's no plaything to fix fish, carve fish. [drymd 019] See: t̓il.

st̓iltx   [st̓iltx] Morph: s+t̓iltx. Etym: √t̓lt. st̓iltx: Kootenai (in the vicinity of Cranbrook).

Istem. uɬ k̓aʔx̌í nqilt k̓əl sc̓úmstsəlx iʔ t sqilxʷ k̓əl st̓iltx iʔ cwix. He got over a falls, in Indian they call it the Kootenai River. [Whal 096]

st̓iqʷlqʷ   [st̓íqʷəlqʷ] Morph: s+t̓iqʷ•lqʷ. Etym: √t̓qʷ. the height of a person.

Istem. Lit: his height taʔlí sqəl̕tmíxʷ nk̓sils aɬíʔ nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul iʔ st̓íq̓ʷəlqʷs mat uɬ swiʔnúmtx. He is quite a man, mean, fearsome, and tall, and handsome. [lp62] See: t̓iqʷlqʷ.

st̓iqʷlt   [st̓íqʷəlt] Morph: s+t̓iqʷlt. Etym: √t̓qʷlt. ?

Istem. st̓íqʷəlt. Moon. [nb26-09 015] See: st̓ikʷsxn.

st̓iʔ put   [st̓iʔ put] Morph: s+t̓iʔ put. Variant: st̓i put. Etym: √pt. just enough.

phrasal. t̓əxʷ lut sílxʷaʔ st̓i put. Not big, just enough. [GDd1 365] See: st̓i; put.

st̓iʔcʔx̌íɬc   [st̓iʔc̓x̌íɬc] Morph: s+t̓iʔ+c+ʔx̌íɬ+c. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. amen.

Istem. to be like. Category: Amalg. caʔkʷm ilíʔ st̓iʔc̓x̌iɬc I wish it was like that, amen. [nb08 621] See: c̓x̌iɬ.

st̓iʔc̓x̌íɬc   [st̓iʔc̓x̌íɬc] Morph: s+t̓iʔ+c+ʔx̌íɬ+c. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. to be like.

Istem. Category: Amalg. See: st̓iʔcʔx̌íɬc.

st̓iʔúlaʔxʷ   [st̓iʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+t̓y̓úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √t̓y̓. wild grass.

Istem. st̓iʔúlaʔxʷ. Wild grass all over. [nb1886.2] See: st̓ʔiʔ.

st̓k̓t̓ik̓l   [st̓ək̓t̓ík̓əl] Morph: s+t̓k̓•t̓ik̓l. Etym: √t̓k̓l. packed lunch; food.

Istem. st̓ək̓t̓ík̓əls. Their food. [su7q̓im 028] kst̓ək̓t̓ík̓əlx aɬíʔ liʔ t̓i la mnímɬcəlx uɬ k̓ʷaʔk̓ʷʔáməlx. They packed lunch, because there was just them, and they ate. [lpb71] See: st̓ik̓l.

st̓kʷal   [st̓kʷal] Morph: s+t̓kʷal. Etym: √t̓kʷl (?). dead, dry fish.

Istem. st̓kʷal. Dry fish. [nb1810.10]

st̓kʷliʔɬp   [st̓əkʷlíʔɬp] Morph: s+t̓kʷliʔɬp. Variant: t̓kʷliʔɬp. Etym: √t̓kʷlʔ. grand fir (abies grandis).

Istem. st̓əkʷlíʔɬp. Fir. [TBK23]

st̓k̓ʷilp   [st̓k̓ʷilp] Morph: s+t̓k̓ʷilp. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. mattress.

Istem. st̓k̓ʷilp. Mattress. [dict] See: t̓k̓ʷ(a).

st̓k̓ʷncutn   [st̓ək̓ʷncútṇ] Morph: s+t̓k̓ʷ+ncut+n. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. a bed.

Istem. Category: +tn. aksk̓ʷúl̕əm c̓x̌iɬt anwí, ksʔíɬnaʔx t x̌ast, x̌ast iʔ kst̓k̓ʷəncútns. Treat them like you, feed them good, provide a good place to sleep. [mychildr 235] See: t̓k̓ʷncut.

st̓k̓ʷtan   [st̓ək̓ʷtán] Morph: s+t̓k̓ʷ+tan. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. a resting place; a place where s.o. or s.t. has been dropped.

Istem. Category: +tan. ilíʔ st̓ək̓ʷtáns iʔ ɬq̓ʷutṇs. That's where he dropped down and lay. [dict] uɬ ixíʔ aksmipnúnəm kʷa iʔ cúntsən ɬsíx̌əlxstxʷ iʔ k̓əl st̓ək̓ʷtáns. And you are going to learn. I told you to put the mountain where it belongs. [Nams 246] See: t̓k̓ʷ(a).

st̓k̓ʷt̓k̓ʷulm̓   [st̓uk̓ʷtk̓ʷúlm̓] Morph: s+t̓k̓ʷ•t̓k̓ʷulm̓. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷlm ?. paralysis.

Istem. st̓uk̓ʷtk̓ʷúlm̓. Paralysis. [dict]

st̓k̓ʷw̓sikstm   [st̓ək̓ʷuʔsíkstəm] Morph: s+t̓k̓ʷw̓sikst+m. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. carrying in one's arms.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. st̓ək̓ʷuʔsíkstəm. To carry in one's arms. [dict] See: t̓k̓ʷ(a).

st̓lqus   [st̓əlqús] Morph: s+t̓lqus. Etym: √t̓lq. male cougar.

Istem. st̓lqus. Cougar. [E38.1]

st̓lsqilxʷ   [st̓əlsqílxʷ] Morph: s+t̓l+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √t̓l, √qlxʷ. earth people; the first mutation of creatures after captíkʷɬ.

Istem. Sp s-t̓ll√s-qéliʔxʷ the beginning of the two legged people world and the ending of the animal world; Sh s-t̓l̕-sqéləxʷ soul. Socio: xatmaʔsqílxʷ and ʔawtmaʔsqílxʷ follow st̓lsqilxʷ. way̓ kícənts iʔ t st̓əlsqílxʷ. A human being has caught up with you. [lnxbdga 334] st̓əlsqílxʷ. An animal came to life. [nb08 218] waˑˑy̓ kʷu kícəntxʷ st̓əlsqílxʷ. Well, you got to me, human. [CoGrSy 143] sc̓x̌ilx uɬ incá iʔ kʷu mílaʔs uɬ a cƛ̓əxʷstím iʔ st̓əlsqílxʷ. That's why I am his bait to kill humans. [GDd1 552] mnímɬtət iʔ kʷu st̓əlsqílxʷ, iʔ kʷu cxʔít. We are the original and first People. [rdgs 096] n̓in̓wíʔs ixíʔ ɬ t̓alaxwílx iʔ st̓əlsqílxʷ t̓i kʷ nx̌əlx̌líltən, lut nixʷ ksənʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən. When the earth people come to earth, you will be just a scare-children, no longer a man-eater. [chip60] See: t̓laxwílx; t̓l; sqilxʷ.

st̓lt̓úlc̓aʔ   [st̓əlt̓úlc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓l•t̓úlc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓l. mules.

Istem. lut t̓a cmistín stim̓, st̓əlt̓úlc̓aʔ, kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ áksəs yaʔ ṇt̓lúlaʔxʷtṇ. I don't know what it is, mules or oxen that they use for plowing. [dict] See: st̓úlc̓aʔ.

st̓l̕t̓l̕tiɬp   [st̓əl̕t̓əl̕tíɬp] Morph: s+t̓l̕•t̓l̕tiɬp. Etym: √t̓l̕t. maple.

Istem. st̓l̕t̓l̕tiɬp. Maple. [nb18232.13]

st̓ɬt̓iɬxn   [st̓əɬt̓íɬxən] Morph: s+t̓ɬ•t̓iɬxn. Etym: √t̓ɬ. rubber (over)shoe; rubber.

Istem. st̓əɬt̓íɬxən. Rubber overshoe. [nb23 146] See: t̓iɬ2.

st̓maʕlt   [st̓maʕlt] Morph: s+t̓maʕlt. Variant: st̓m̓aʕlt. Etym: √t̓mʕ. cows.

Istem. Sp s-t̓m̓áʔ cow, cattle; Cr s+t̓m̓a buffalo, cow; Sh stam̓ált, st̓am̓ált cattle; Th s/tm̓ált, /t̓m̓ált; Li tam-ált doe with horns). iscənk̓ʷul̕s naqs st̓máʕlt. I worked [in exchange] for a cow. [nb26-41 005] lut t̓a ksənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ pn̓icíʔ, t̓a kst̓máʕlt. They didn't have horses at the time, or cows. [MarryPS 073] way̓ axáʔ [i]tlíʔ sqícəlxs axáʔ iʔ sq̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕy iʔ st̓m̓aʕlt Then the Black Cow continued to run. [Whal 402] t̓i saˑʕy̓ iʔ st̓maʕlt. The cows are sure noisy. [misc 004] kʷu nuksíw̓ɬtxʷ ist̓máʕlt. You saw my cow in a herd. [misc 232] aɬíʔ scústsəlx q̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕy st̓əmáʕlt, uɬ ixíʔ qʷəspíc̓aʔ iʔ ʔúmsəlx. They call them Black Cows, or they call them Buffalo. [dict]

st̓mkʔilt   [st̓əmkʔílt] Morph: s+t̓mkʔilt. Gram: Probably analyzable √t̓mkʔ. Etym: √t̓mkʔ. daughter.

Istem. Sp s-t̓mčʔélt daughter, niece (woman’s sister’s daughter); Cm s‑t̓ámk‑aʔ daughter; Cr s+t̓ímč̕eʔ daughter; Sh s-t̓mk-elt daughter; Th √ƛ̓əmk niece. Category: kin. uɬ kst̓əmkʔílt səmx̌íkən. Grizzly has a daughter. [CoGrSy 012] uɬ ixíʔ iʔ st̓əmkiʔílts ƛ̓x̌ap way̓. And his daughter grew up. [nb2529.9] ixíʔ isclímt təl sxʷəlxʷálts axáʔ ist̓əmkəʔílt. I am so very glad that my daughter is alive. [dict] uɬ ylmíxʷəm ɬaʔ kst̓əmkəʔílt ixíʔ yaʔ cksl̕íplaʔ. It's the chief's daughter that has disappeared. [dict] ṇswcənmístməntəm t ṇc̓íʔcən axáʔ yaʔ ylmíxʷəm iʔ l st̓əmkəʔílts. Wolf proposed to the chief for his daughter. [dict]

st̓mt̓mkʔilt   [st̓əmt̓əmkʔílt] Morph: s+t̓m•t̓mkʔilt. Etym: √t̓mkʔ. daughters.

Istem. Category: kin. way̓ kən sk̓əwsənsuʔcən̓místx axáʔ iʔ tl ast̓əmt̓əmkʔílt. I've come to propose for one of your daughters. [bjmd 050] ixíʔ John kʷaʔ txʷaʔxʷʔít iʔ st̓əmt̓əmkiʔílts. John has lots of daughters. [nb2584.2] See: st̓mkʔilt.

st̓m̓aʕlt   [st̓m̓aʕlt] Morph: s+t̓m̓aʕlt. Variant: st̓maʕlt. Etym: √t̓m̓ʕ. cow(s).

Istem. ʕ̓ant yaʔx̌í k̓əl kɬkiˑˑw iʔ st̓mʕ̓ált iʔ xʷəspic̓aʔ iʔ q̓ʷəyq̓ʷaʕy. The Cows, the Black Buffalos are over there in the open. [Whal 415]

st̓m̓ups   [st̓əm̓úps] Morph: s+t̓əm̓ups. Variant: st̓aʔm̓úps. Etym: √t̓m. tail feathers.

Istem. iʔ st̓əm̓úps iʔ kʷəlkʷlaʕákən̓. Flicker’s tail feathers. [E89.5]

st̓nt̓anwáyaʔ   [st̓ənt̓anwáyaʔ] Morph: s+t̓n•t̓anwáyaʔ. Variant: st̓nwáyaʔ; st̓n̓t̓an̓wáyaʔ; st̓n̓t̓an̓wíyaʔ; t̓nt̓anwíya. Etym: √t̓nw. flying bat.

Istem. Sp t̓en̓-w̓éy̓eʔ brown bat; Sh s-t̓n̓w-éye; Th s/ƛ̓eˑƛ̓n-ʔúy̓; Li s.ƛ̓ənwín. st̓nt̓anwáyaʔ. Bat.

st̓nwáyaʔ   [st̓ənwáyaʔ] Morph: s+t̓nwáyaʔ. Variant: st̓nt̓anwáyaʔ; st̓n̓t̓an̓wáyaʔ; st̓n̓t̓an̓wíyaʔ; t̓nt̓anwíya. Etym: √t̓n. (flying) bat.

Istem. Sp t̓en̓-w̓éy̓eʔ brown bat; Sh s-t̓n̓w-eye bat; Th s/ƛ̓eˑƛ̓n-ʔúy̓ bat; Li sd.ƛ̓ənwín bat. st̓nwáyaʔ. Bat. [nb18245.6]

st̓n̓t̓an̓wáyaʔ   [st̓ən̓t̓an̓wáyaʔ] Morph: s+t̓n̓•t̓an̓wáyaʔ. Variant: st̓nt̓anwáyaʔ; st̓nwáyaʔ; st̓n̓t̓an̓wíyaʔ; t̓nt̓anwíya. Etym: √t̓nw. flying bat.

Istem. st̓ən̓t̓an̓wáyaʔ. Bat. [dict] See: st̓nwáyaʔ.

st̓n̓t̓an̓wíyaʔ   [st̓ən̓t̓an̓wíyaʔ] Morph: s+t̓n̓•t̓an̓wíyaʔ. Variant: st̓nt̓anwáyaʔ; st̓nwáyaʔ; st̓n̓t̓an̓wáyaʔ; t̓nt̓anwíya. Etym: √t̓nw. flying bat.

Istem. st̓ən̓t̓an̓wíyaʔ. Bat. [pd] See: st̓nwáyaʔ.

st̓papqn   [st̓pápqən] Morph: s+t̓p•apqn. Etym: √t̓p. the back of the head of the Bighorn Sheep.

Istem. staʔ iʔ st̓pápqən iʔ smiyaʔsʔíɬəntət. The back of the head of the BigHorn is our delicacy. [E5]

st̓piʔ   [st̓piʔ] Morph: s+t̓piʔ. Etym: √t̓pʔ. marrow.

Istem. Sh s-t̓peʔ marrow; Th s/ƛ̓epéʔ marrow; Li s.ƛ̓paʔ marrow. st̓piʔ. Marrow. [dict]

st̓pwitkʷm   [st̓əpwítkʷəm] Morph: s+t̓pwitkʷ+m. Etym: √t̓pw. after the water recedes, the hole left in the ground as a vacuum created by high water in a creek.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. st̓pwitkʷm. Hole. [nb22.13a]

st̓qilp   [st̓qilp] Morph: s+t̓qilp. Etym: √t̓q. mattress; mat; bed foundation.

Istem. ast̓qílp. What you put under you on the floor. [dict] ilíʔ iʔ l ist̓qílp ilíʔ iʔ l isxʷípəlp ilíʔ i l k̓ɬixʷút. There in my bed mattress in my sheets, under that. [LynxS 217] See: t̓q.

st̓qiɬxʷ   [st̓qiɬxʷ] Morph: s+t̓qiɬxʷ. Etym: √t̓q. bough house; mat house.

Istem. st̓qíɬxʷ. House of fir boughs. [nb08 820] way̓ kaʔkíciʔs iʔ lʔiws. nʔúɬxʷəms iʔ l st̓qiɬxʷ. He found his father. He went in to him in the mat house. [crea168] See: t̓qiɬxʷm.

st̓qiʔstn1   [st̓qiʔstṇ] Morph: s+t̓qiʔst+n. Etym: √t̓q. sloughgrass (beckmannia syzigachne).

Istem. st̓qiʔstn. Sloughgrass. [TBK53]

st̓qiʔstn2   [st̓qiʔstṇ] Morph: s+t̓qiʔst+n. Etym: √t̓q. st̓qiʔstn: area where Rogers Bar church now stands. Lit: piled up brush

Istem. Category: Geog. st̓qiʔstn. Place name. [BK162]

st̓q̓mustn   [st̓əq̓mústṇ] Morph: s+t+q̓mus+tn. Etym: √q̓m. pills.

Istem. Category: +tn. axáʔ inxʷəlxʷəltán, ʕapnáʔ iʔ stq̓mústn. That's what keeps me alive, these pills. [misc 118]

st̓q̓titkʷ   [st̓əq̓títkʷ] Morph: s+t̓q̓+titkʷ. Etym: √t̓q̓. st̓q̓titkʷ: former rapids in the middle ot the Columbia River that extended from kɬc̓əltkʷn̓cút, north to nmʕaytkʷ. Lit: crossing the water

Istem. Category: Geog. st̓əq̓títkʷ. Place name. [TBK277]

st̓qʷíc̓aʔ   [st̓əq̓ʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓qʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓qʷ. a quilt.

Istem. Sp s-t̓aqʷíc̓eʔ. st̓qʷíc̓aʔ. Quilt. [nb22.16a] See: t̓qʷ(a).

st̓saqn   [st̓əsáqən] Morph: s+t̓saqn. Etym: √t̓s. packed full.

Istem. st̓saqn. Packed full. [dict] See: t̓saqn.

st̓st̓aʕsxn   [st̓əst̓ʕásxən] Morph: s+t̓s•t̓aʕsxn. Etym: √t̓ʕs. hard-soled shoes.

Istem. Sp t̓st̓ásšn hard-sole shoes. st̓əst̓ʕásxən. Hard-soled shoes. [dict] See: t̓aʕs.

st̓t̓aʔk̓ám   [st̓ət̓aʔk̓ám] Morph: s+t̓•t̓aʔk̓á+m. Etym: √t̓k̓. puppies.

Istem. st̓ət̓aʔk̓ám. Puppies. [nb10a 125]

st̓t̓aʔk̓míx   [st̓ət̓aʔk̓míx] Morph: s+t̓•t̓aʔk̓míx. Etym: √t̓ʔk̓. young women (from puberty to child-bearing age); girls.

Istem. iʔ st̓ət̓aʔk̓míx, swiʔwiʔnúmtx. Young girls, good looking. [nb1240.7] See: st̓aʔk̓míx.

st̓t̓íkʷaʔxn   [st̓ət̓íkʷaʔxən] Morph: s+t̓•t̓íkʷaʔxn. Etym: √t̓kʷʔxn ?. heat rash.

Istem. st̓ət̓íkʷaʔxən. Heat rash. [dict]

st̓t̓k̓ʷílaʔp   [st̓t̓k̓ʷílaʔp] Morph: s+t̓•t̓k̓ʷílaʔp. Etym: √t̓k̓ʷ. pillow; cushion.

Istem. Category: dim. st̓t̓k̓ʷílaʔp. Pillow. [dict] See: st̓k̓ʷílp.

st̓t̓lxʷum̓   [st̓t̓əl̕xʷúm] Morph: s+t̓•t̓lxʷum̓. Variant: st̓t̓l̕xʷum. Etym: √t̓lxʷm. a kind of woodpecker, small, grey, with red tufts; with black spots and red head.

Istem. st̓t̓lxʷum̓ Woodpecker. [nb26-005; nb21.150a]

st̓t̓l̕xʷum   [st̓ət̓əl̕xʷúm] Morph: s+t̓•t̓l̕xʷum. Etym: √t̓l̕xʷm. Variant: st̓t̓lxʷum̓. woodpecker (small, white with black spots and red head).

Istem. Sp s-t̓l̕xʷú-meʔ woodpecker (downy or pileated). st̓ət̓əl̕xʷúm. Woodpecker. [dict]

st̓t̓ɬt̓iɬ   [st̓ət̓əɬt̓íɬ] Morph: s+t̓•t̓ɬ•t̓iɬ. Etym: √t̓ɬ. s.t. sticky.

Istem. st̓t̓ɬt̓iɬ. Sticky. [nb23 148] See: t̓ɬ1.

st̓t̓ɬt̓iɬxn   [st̓ət̓əɬt̓íɬxən] Morph: s+t̓ɬ•t̓iɬxn. Etym: √t̓ɬ. tennis shoe.

Istem. st̓ət̓əɬt̓íɬxən. Tennis shoe. [nb23 148] See: st̓ɬt̓iɬxn.

st̓t̓mkʔilt   [st̓t̓əmkʔílt] Morph: s+t̓•t̓mkʔilt. Etym: √t̓mkʔ. little daughter.

Istem. Category: dim. ist̓əmkʔílt, ist̓ət̓əm̓kʔíl̕t. My daughter, my little daughter. [Omak] See: st̓mkʔilt.

st̓t̓pínaʔk   [st̓ət̓pínaʔk] Morph: s+t̓•t̓pínaʔk. Etym: √t̓p. pot belly.

Istem. Category: dim. uɬ ksqʷsiʔlx, t̓i st̓ət̓píˑˑnaʔk. They had a son, pot bellied. [fatboy 002] See: t̓t̓pínaʔk.

st̓t̓qílaʔp   [st̓ət̓qílaʔp] Morph: s+t̓•t̓qílaʔp. Etym: √t̓q. little bed.

Istem. Category: dim. way̓ aláʔ iskíləm, uɬ k̓əɬyxʷútəms iʔ stətq̓ílaʔpsəlx. Here is what Iʼm chasing, and she put it under their little bed. [chip37] See: st̓qilp.

st̓t̓qíɬaʔxʷ   [st̓ət̓qíɬaʔxʷ] Morph: s+t̓•t̓qíɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √t̓q. a lean-to dwelling.

Istem. Category: dim. səntərqpəncútx uɬ nɬəx̌ʷp̓ám ilíʔ k̓əl st̓ət̓qíɬaʔxʷs. She jumped and ran into her little lean-to. [chip28] aɬíʔ st̓t̓qíɬaʔxʷ uɬ cənx̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqən. Iit was a grass house, and sharp pointed. [lpb419] See: t̓qiɬxʷm.

st̓t̓y̓ayqn   [st̓ət̓iy̓áyqn] Morph: s+t̓•t̓y̓•ayqn. Etym: √t̓y. foxtail barley (hordeum jubatum) and speargrass (stipa comata).

Istem. st̓ət̓iy̓áyqn. Foxtail barley. [TBK55, 57]

st̓t̓ʔum   [st̓ət̓ʔúm] Morph: s+t̓•t̓ʔum. Etym: √t̓ʔm (?). water bugs.

Istem. st̓t̓ʔum. Water bugs. [nb21.19a]

st̓úlc̓aʔ   [st̓úlc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓úlc̓aʔ. Variant: st̓úɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓l. mule.


st̓úlɬc̓aʔ   [st̓úlɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓ulɬc̓aʔ. Variant: st̓úlc̓aʔ; stuɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓l. mule deer; mule.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ st̓úɬc̓aʔ ilíʔ nʔaksuxíw̓s axáʔ iʔ l sm̓əcxənsqáx̌aʔ. The mule was right in with the mares. [Hrvst 108] uɬ naqs st̓úlc̓aʔ, ixíʔ uɬ kaʔɬəlʔúpənkst iʔ sck̓əɬkəɬmíksts. And one mule. That made it thirty he pulled out of there. [Hrvst 099]

st̓úɬc̓aʔ   [st̓úɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓úɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓ɬ. a mule.

Istem. Sp s-t̓úlc̓eʔ muledeer; s-t̓lc̓ʔélxʷ mule deer skin, buckskin; Cm st̓úlɬc̓aʔ mule; Cr s-t̓únɬc̓eʔ ass, mule deer; see Th ƛ̓úleʔ deer. uɬ axáʔ x̌əx̌n̓út iʔ sq̓əq̓əyksqáx̌aʔ yaʕyáʕt stúɬc̓aʔ. And nine colts, all mules. [AutPS 284]

st̓uscn   [st̓úscən] Morph: s+t̓uscn. Etym: √t̓s. marrow.

Istem. Sp s-t̓ús bone marrow, strength, stamina, the gist of the matter; Cm st̓usm; Cr s+t̓us marrow; Sh t̓us-m to take out marrow...; Th /ƛ̓us-m get marrow out [of bone]. st̓uscn. Marrow. [dict]

st̓uʔúlaʔxʷ   [st̓uʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+t̓uʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √t̓ʔ. st̓uʔúlaʔxʷ.

Istem. st̓uʔúlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [OkB]

st̓wstlscut   [st̓ustəlscút] Morph: s+t̓wstlscut. Etym: √t̓wst. livestock. Lit: that stand (in the barn)

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ q̓íx̌əx̌msəlx iʔ st̓ustəlscútsəlx. They were protective of their livestock. [Green.36] See: t̓wist.

st̓wstlsqáxaʔ   [st̓əwstəlsqáxaʔ] Morph: s+t̓wst+lsqáxaʔ. Gram: possible misshearing for st̓wstɬsqáxaʔ Etym: √t̓wst. barn horses.

Istem. nak̓ʷáʔ st̓əwstəlsqáxaʔ sk̓awsnáq̓ʷx. He was not going to steal barn horses. [lpb26] See: t̓wist.

st̓xaɬq   [st̓xaɬq] Morph: s+t̓xaɬq. Etym: √t̓x. mountain huckleberry (berries) (vaccinium membranaceum).

Istem. Sp s-t̓šáɬq huckleberry. kʷu ʔammán iʔ t st̓xaɬq. We have been given huckleberries. [jan93nb 117] axáʔ iʔ t sqilxʷ iʔ t sp̓iʔqáɬq, sx̌ʷúˑˑsəm, uɬ st̓xaˑˑɬq. Indian fruit, foam berries, huckleberries... [2gts 050] way̓ kʷu ɬə ctíxʷəm iʔ t st̓xaɬq itíʔ. Now we gather huckelberries here and there. [WA1.56] k̓a kst̓xáɬq kən c̓x̌əlˑwís. I was walking around in the huckleberry area. [Ppine.24]

st̓xitkʷ   [st̓xítkʷ] Morph: s+t̓xitkʷ. Etym: √t̓x. soup.

Istem. Sh s-t̓x-étkʷe broth. t̓əxʷ kcqúsəs axáʔ iʔ skəmʕ̓ʷaw̓áqs, axáʔ iʔ st̓xitkʷ. She warmed up some left overs, some soup. [dict] ckʷis iʔ st̓xitkʷ iʔ kc̓xʷínaʔɬts ixíʔ ilíʔ. She took the soup and poured it on him there. [grlsdd 193]

st̓xɬqiɬml̕x   [st̓əxɬqíɬməl̕x] Morph: s+t̓xɬqiɬml̕x. Etym: √t̓x. mountain huckleberry (vaccinium membranaceum).

Istem. st̓əxɬqíɬməl̕x. Mountain huckleberry. [TBK103]

st̓xʷlíc̓aʔ   [st̓əxʷlíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓xʷlíc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓xʷl. Pendleton blankets. Lit: different blankets

Istem. st̓xʷlíc̓aʔ. Multi-colored blanket. [nb23 151] iklíʔ nʔayxʷíw̓sməlx iʔ t st̓əxʷlíc̓aʔ iʔ t lisáʕl iʔ sx̌əsəlcútsəlx. There they would trade their goods for (Pendleton) blankets and shawls. [Green.42]

st̓xʷlmsqilxʷ   [st̓əxʷləmsqílxʷ] Morph: s+t̓xʷlm+s+qilxʷ. Variant: t̓xʷlmsqilxʷ. Etym: √t̓xʷl, √qlxʷ. different people; people from a different tribe.

Istem. See: t̓ixʷlm.

st̓xʷtlwis   [st̓əxʷtlwís] Morph: s+t̓xʷ+t+lwis. Etym: √t̓xʷ. a plane.

Istem. Category: +lwis. kʷ ɬcnʔamtíkn ixíʔ la st̓əxʷtlwís. You can ride back on the airplane. [mychildr 093] See: t̓xʷtlwis.

st̓x̌iwt   [st̓x̌iwt] Morph: s+t̓x̌iwt. Etym: √t̓x̌. last year; the previous year; the year before.

Istem. st̓x̌iwt. Last year. [nb1850.15] itíʔ ɬənkəcxʷús iʔ txʷúytəns iʔ l st̓x̌iwt. It made a full circle to when he had started a year before. [lpb147] See: t̓x̌iwt.

st̓ya   [st̓iya] Morph: st̓ya. Variant: íst̓yaʔ. grass.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. npúx̌ʷst̓iyam. Ninemile Creek. [BK144]

st̓yíɬc̓aʔ   [st̓iyíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+t̓yíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √t̓y. a moose.

Istem. st̓yíɬc̓aʔ. Moose. [14.39a]

st̓yiʔ   [st̓iyíʔ] Morph: s+t̓yiʔ. Etym: √t̓yʔ. grass; bunchgrass (agropyron spicatum).

Istem. See Sp s-x̌sésty̓eʔ sweetgrass; s-lč̕-s-t-éyeʔ beargrass; Cm s‑t̓iy‑aʔ wild hay; Cr s+t̓édeʔ alfalfa, clover, fodder, grass, hay; Sh s-t̓yeʔ hay; st̓iyíʔ. [TBK53] ixíʔ ckm̓am iʔ t st̓yiʔ. He took some grass. [sknkf 093]

st̓ymix   [st̓ymix] Morph: s+t̓y+mix. Etym: √t̓y. to be lazy.

Istem. Category: +mix. nak̓ʷáʔ kən st̓imíx, [nak̓ʷ]á kən scakʷm̓scútaʔx. I wasn't lazy to go or I wasn't trying to be hard to get. [Whal 499] See: t̓iym.

st̓yt̓ymuɬ   [st̓it̓imúɬ] Morph: s+t̓y•t̓y+muɬ. Etym: √t̓y. laziness.

nIstem. Category: +uɬ. uɬ way̓sts st̓it̓imúɬc. He just quit being lazy. [fatboy 115] See: t̓yt̓ymuɬ.

st̓y̓úlaʔxʷ   [st̓iʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+t̓y̓úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √t̓y̓. st̓y̓úlaʔxʷ. Lit: grass land, meadow

Istem. st̓iʔúlaʔxʷ. One of Sandy Lezard's names. [nb26-65 020]

st̓ʕáynaʔ   [st̓aʕáynaʔ] Morph: s+t̓ʕáynaʔ (?) Gram: probably s+t̓ʕínaʔ Etym: √t̓ʕ. shale rock; flint.

Istem. Sp s-t̓t̓w̓–án̓eʔ flint, spearpoint, arrowhead; Cm s‑t̓ʕʷ‑anaʔ flint; Th √ƛ̓əʕʷ hard; Li √ƛ̓əʕʷ hard. st̓aʕáynaʔ. Flint. [nb21.115a] See: st̓ʕínaʔ.

st̓ʕínaʔ   [st̓aʕáynaʔ] Morph: s+t̓ʕínaʔ (?) Gram: possibly s+t̓ʕaynaʔ Etym: √t̓ʕ. shale rock; flint.

Istem. Sp s-t̓t̓w̓–án̓eʔ flint, spearpoint, arrowhead; Cm s‑t̓ʕʷ‑anaʔ flint; Th √ƛ̓əʕʷ hard; Li √ƛ̓əʕʷ hard. st̓aʕáynaʔ. Flint. [nb21.115a]

st̓ʕʷáynaʔ   [st̓ʕʷáynaʔ] Morph: s+t̓ʕʷáynaʔ. Etym: √t̓ʕʷy. st̓ʕʷáynaʔ.

Istem. st̓ʕʷáynaʔ. Man's name. [dict]

st̓ʕʷínaʔ   [st̓ʕʷínaʔ] Morph: s+t̓ʕʷínaʔ. Variant: st̓aʕynaʔ. Etym: √t̓ʕʷ. flint.

Istem. Sp s-t̓t̓w̓án̓eʔ flint, spearpoint, arrowhead; Cm s‑t̓ʕʷ‑anaʔ flint. st̓ʕʷínaʔ. Flint. [nb1855.1]

st̓ʔiʔ   [st̓ʔiʔ] Morph: s+t̓ʔiʔ. Etym: √t̓y̓. grass, hay.

Istem. Cm s‑t̓iy‑aʔ bear grass; Cr s+t̓édeʔ alfalfa, clover, fodder, grass, hay; Sh s-t̓yéʔ hay. st̓ʔiʔ. Grass.

suknaqínx   [suknaqínx] Morph: s+wkna+qín+x. Etym: √wkn. suknaqínx: Okanagan.

Istem. See: swknaqínx.

suk̓ʷk̓ʷ   [súk̓ʷək̓ʷ] Morph: suk̓ʷ•k̓ʷ. Etym: √sk̓ʷ. s.t. floated downstream.

Istem. See: suq̓ʷq̓ʷ.

suk̓ʷt   [suk̓ʷt] Morph: suk̓ʷ+t. Etym: √sk̓ʷ. to float.

Istem. Cm nasúk̓ʷt float on water; Cr suk̓ʷ float (... with current). Category: +t. suk̓ʷt. Float. [WOD14] See: suq̓ʷt.

súllaʔxʷ   [súllaʔxʷ] Morph: súllaʔxʷ. Etym: √sl. frozen ground.

Istem. Cr súlul̕umxʷ froze ... the ground was frozen. ixíʔ uɬ súllaʔxʷ, uɬ mqʷaqʷ. The ground was frozen, and there was snow. [dict] way̓ kstaʔmínaʔlx ixíʔ uɬ c̓sap iʔ smík̓ʷət uɬ axáʔ iʔ súl̕laʔxʷ ixíʔ waʕ̓múlaʔxʷ. Spring came, and the snow was gone, and the frozen earth thawed. [Dvl 010] See: sul.

sulm   [súləm] Morph: sul+m. Etym: √sl. to freeze.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓a csúləm iʔ smik̓ʷt. There is no crust on the snow. [HnTrp 043] See: sul.

sulnt   Morph: sul+nt. Etym: √sl. to freeze s.t.

Tstem. Sp √sul cold; Cm sul‑t be cold (person); Cr sul cold; Sh c-x-sul frozen over. Category: +nt. kʷu ɬaʔ ɬyaʕp kʷu nxʷk̓ʷíw̓səm mi x̌əw̓əntím, npúsəntəm kəm̓ súləntəm iʔ x̌əl sʔistk. When we get back we clean them, then we dry them, and boil them or freeze them for. [rdgs 116]

sult1   [sult] Morph: sul+t. Variant: sul̕t. Etym: √sl̕. to be confused, lost; to be unconscious.

Istem. Category: +t. See: sl̕1.

sult2   [sult] Morph: sul+t. Etym: √sl. to be frozen; to have a frozen crust.

Istem. Sp súl-t it froze; Cm sul‑t be cold (person); Cr sul; Sh mqt:x-sul-t to freezw over; Category: +t. sult. He froze (to death). [nb1865.2] uɬ ixíʔ lut put a csult iʔ smik̓ʷt uɬ incám kən ksyyríwaʔxən. The snow doesn't have a crust, and I have snow shoes. [HnTrp 118]

sultás   [soltás] Morph: sultás. From: English soldiers. Etym: √slts. soldier.

Istem. Cr sóltes armed forces. sultás Soldier. [dict]

sultúlaʔxʷ   [sultúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sul+túlaʔxʷ. Etym: √sl. the land is frozen.

Istem. sultúlaʔxʷ. [nb6.135a] See: súllaʔxʷ.

sul̕áqaʔ   [sul̕áqaʔ] Morph: s+wl̕áqaʔ. Etym: √wl̕qʔ. poison ivy (rhus radicans).

Istem. Sp s-ʔuláqeʔ poison oak, poison ivy. sul̕áqaʔ. Poison ivy. [TBK60] See: swl̕áqaʔ.

sul̕t   [sul̕t] Morph: sul̕+t. Variant: sult. Etym: √sl̕. to be confused, lost; to be unconscious.

Istem. Sp √sil̕ (sil) wrong, lost, confused. Category: +t. kən sult pnicíʔ. Then I lost consciousness. [22.16a] See: sl̕1.

sum   [sum] Morph: sum. Variant: sum̓. Etym: √sm̓. to sniff.

Istem. See: sum̓.

sumíx   [sumíx] Morph: s+wmix. Etym: √wmx. a spiritual power that tells you (how) to do things.

Istem. See: swmix.

sum̓nt   Morph: sum̓+nt. Variant: sum. Etym: √sm̓. to sniff; to smell.

Tstem. Sp √sum̓ sniff, emit an offensive smell; Cm sum̓m̓ sniff, smell; Cr sum̓ smell (to...), sniff. Category: +nt. súmənt iʔ lití. Smell the tea! [Oct92 028] kʷu sum̓s iʔ t kəkəwápaʔ. The dog sniffed me. [nb1847.3]

supnt   Morph: sup+nt. Etym: √sp. to bother s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu súpəntəm. They bother us. [nb18218.13] kʷu súpsəlx. They bother me. [nb18218.14]

supst   Morph: sup+st. Etym: √sp. to bother s.o.

Tstem. Category: +st. myaɬ kʷu ɬaʔ csupsts iʔ x̌əx̌máʕɬ. The flies bother me too much. [nb18218.16]

suq̓ʷq̓ʷ   [súq̓ʷəq̓ʷ] Morph: suq̓ʷ•q̓ʷ. Etym: √sq̓ʷ. s.t. floated downstream.

Istem. súq̓ʷəq̓ʷ. It floated downstream. [nb26-25 011] See: suk̓ʷk̓ʷ.

suq̓ʷt   [suq̓ʷt] Morph: suq̓ʷ+t. Gram: also recorded as suk̓ʷt Etym: √sq̓ʷ. to drift downstream.

Istem. Cm suk̓ʷ‑t to drift downstream; to float; Cr suk̓ʷ float (...with current); Sh suk̓ʷ-n-s to blow (away); Category: +t. suq̓ʷt. Drift. [OkB] See: suk̓ʷt.

sur̓ímt   [sur̓ímt] Morph: sur̓ímt ? Etym: √srmt ?. Gram: possibly s+wr̓imt sur̓ímt.

Istem. sur̓ímt. A chief of the Penticton Okanagans in the late nineteenth century. [dict]

susán   [susán] Morph: susán. Etym: √ssn. From: French Susan. Susan.

Istem. Category: wName. susán. Susan.

susapín   [susapín] Morph: susapín. Etym: sspn. From: French Joséphine. Josephine.

Istem. Category: wName. susapín. Josephine.

suslt   [súsəlt] Morph: su•sl+t. Etym: √sl. to be frozen.

Istem. Category: +t. hoˑˑy, ck̓əɬníxl̕əms, aɬíʔ nƛ̓əx̌cín iʔ syríwaxən, aɬíʔ mat súsəlt. Well. They heard him, because the snowshoes are loud, because it's frozen. [BJSeym 369] See: sult2.

sust q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ   [sust q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ] Morph: s+ws+t q̓í•q̓p̓xʷaʔ. Etym: √ws; √q̓p̓xʷʔ. unidentified nut.

phrasal. sust q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ. Nut. [TBK145] See: q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ.

susxʷlx   [súsxʷəlx] Morph: su•s•xʷ+lx. Etym: √sxʷ. to jump (of fish jumping out of the water).

Istem. Category: +lx. súsxʷəlx. (Salmon) jump out of water. [E73.7] See: suxʷlx.

sutn   [sútən] Morph: sut+n. Etym: √st. 1 • thing; whatchamacallit.

Istem. anwí asútən. It's yours, your thing. [nb6,42] anwí akstíxʷəm aksútən. You will take that for your own. [dict] x̌líɬxʷməlx axáʔ iʔ t k̓ilílxʷ, kəm̓ iʔ t sutṇ, iʔ t qʷílcən, axáʔ iʔ ʔastkʷ iʔ mxʷíɬp. They use as cover tree bark, or anything, boughs, cedar boughs. [nb26-72 007] ixíʔ anwí akstíxʷəm aksútən. You will take that for your own. [Dvl 160] səck̓ʷúl̕x t sútən t ksútəns. She was making something for herself. [EJEp.3] kʷ iksútən, uɬ kʷu aksútən. You are going to be mine, and I yours. [R80.3] ixíʔ asútən iʔ q̓əy̓mín. This pen is yours. [nb18226.4] aɬíʔ mat sútən síp̓iʔ, kəm̓ mat stim̓, lut t̓ə scpaʔpík. It must be skin, or maybe something else, but it isn't board. [dict]

2 • Istem. to do s.t., whatever. ixíʔ k̓aʔx̌ís ksútnaʔx, kiʔ c̓əlxəntím tə spəpʕáɬaʔ. He was going to go over there, and then he got scratched by Giant. [chipdd 023] Sh sutn possession, belongings; Th /sútn possession.

sut̓s   [sut̓s] Morph: sut̓s. Etym: √st̓. to be damp dried.

Istem. sut̓s. Damp. [pd] See: sʔat̓.

súxʷlaʔxʷm   [súxʷlaʔxʷəm] Morph: súxʷlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √sxʷ. to know the country.

Mstem. Sh səxʷ-ul̕əxʷ-m to recognize the land. uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓a csúxʷlaʔxʷəm, cminúlaʔxʷəm. He doesn't recognize the country, he doesn't know the country. [GDd1 191] p csúxʷlaʔxʷəm. You know the country. [dict] See: suxʷ.

suxʷlx   [suxʷlx] Morph: suxʷ+lx. Etym: √sxʷ. fish go upstream, jump.

Istem. Sp √suxʷ. hec-súxʷ-lš-i the big fish are jumping up clear of the water; Cr suxʷelš jump (ref. to a fish); Sh sexʷ-m to bathe; Th séxʷ bathe; Li sáxʷ-əm to take a bath. Category: +lx. súxʷəlx. [Fish] go upstream. [nb21.160a]

suxʷɬt   Morph: suxʷ+ɬt. Etym: √sxʷ. to know or recognize s.o.; to be acquainted with s.o.; to be able to recognize.

Tstem. Sp suxʷ to know, to understand, to be acquainted with, to recognize; Cm suxʷ‑nt‑xʷ you recognize s.o.; Cr suxʷ acquainted ...; Sh suxʷ-m to recognize; Th súxʷ(t) recogniza; Li suxʷt-ən to recogniza sọ., s.t. Category: +ɬt. súxʷɬtən iʔ sl̕ax̌ts. I know his friend. [dict]

suxʷm   Morph: suxʷ+m. Etym: √sxʷ. to know or recognize s.o.; to be acquainted with s.o.; to be able to recognize.

Mstem. Sp suxʷ to know, to understand, to be acquainted with, to recognize; Cm suxʷ‑nt‑xʷ you recognize s.o.; Cr suxʷ acquainted ...; Sh suxʷ-m to recognize; Th súxʷ(t) recogniza; Li suxʷt-ən to recogniza sọ., s.t. Category: nMstem. isəcsúxʷəm ixíʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. I was acquainted with the old lady. [nb1274.1] axáʔ anwí kswíkəntsəlx aksúxʷməlx. I want you to see them, to get acquainted with them. [dict]

súxʷmaʔm   Morph: súxʷmaʔ+m. Etym: √sxʷ. to measure; to weigh; to get acquainted with s.o. or s.t.

Mstem. Sp súxʷmeʔ-n-t measure it (sg.)!; Cm sxʷmaʔ to weigh, measure; Cr č+súxʷmeʔ+n gauge. Category: nMstem. aksúxʷmaʔm asx̌aʔx̌áʔ uɬ aɬcíck. You can get acquainted with your father-in-law and mother-in-law. [GDd2 667] See: súxʷmaʔ.

súxʷmaʔnt   Morph: súxʷmaʔ+nt. Etym: √sxʷ. to measure; to weigh; to get acquainted with s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Sp súxʷmeʔ-n-t measure it (sg.)!; Cm sxʷmaʔ to weigh, measure; Cr č+súxʷmeʔ+n gauge. Category: +nt. uɬ axáʔ ʔácqaʔ inlʔíw uɬ súxʷmaʔs iʔ smik̓ʷt. My father went out and measured the snow. [Hrvst 016] See: súxʷmaʔ.

suxʷnt   Morph: suxʷ+nt. Etym: √sxʷ. to know or recognize s.o.; to be acquainted with s.o.; to be able to recognize.

Tstem. Sp suxʷ to know, to understand, to be acquainted with, to recognize; Cm suxʷ‑nt‑xʷ you recognize s.o.; Cr suxʷ acquainted ...; Sh suxʷ-m to recognize; Th súxʷ(t) recogniza; Li suxʷt-ən to recogniza sọ., s.t. Category: +nt. lut kʷu t̓ súxʷəntxʷ. You didn't recognize me. [nb23 067] way̓ súxʷəntəm. She recognized him. [dict] a suxʷs, ixíʔ a isl̕áx̌t. He recognized him, "That's my partner." [Dvl 315] uɬ axáʔ t̓əxʷ t̓i incá kʷu súxʷəntxʷ. Just now you got acquainted with me. [nb1255.5] uɬ t̓iʔ i l təmtmútnəmp, uɬ way̓ súxʷɬmən. Just by your clothes I can tell. [nb1285.5]

suxʷst   Morph: suxʷ+st. Etym: √sxʷ. to know or recognize s.o.; to be acquainted with s.o.; to be able to recognize.

Tstem. Sp suxʷ to know, to understand, to be acquainted with, to recognize; Cm suxʷ‑nt‑xʷ you recognize s.o.; Cr suxʷ acquainted ...; Sh suxʷ-m to recognize; Th súxʷ(t) recogniza; Li suxʷt-ən to recogniza sọ., s.t. Category: +st. aɬiʔ lut t̓ə súxʷstəm. But we don't know him. [dict] Category: c+^+st. axáʔ aláʔ yaʕyáʕt csúxʷstən iʔ sqilxʷ, uɬ iʔ scəcm̓ílt t̓əxʷ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp iʔ naʔɬ scəcm̓íl̕t. I know everybody here; the children and the old people. [GDd1 298-99] ʕapnáʔ ʕ̓ác̓əntəm iʔ snək̓ʷsqílxʷtət, uɬ lut t̓a csúxʷstəm. Now we look at each other and we don't recognize ourselves (as Indians). [gregory 025] kʷ swit, lut t̓a csúxʷstmən. Who are you, I don’t recognize you. [nb1894.2]

suxʷxʷ   [súxʷəxʷ] Morph: suxʷ•xʷ. Etym: √sxʷ. several leave; several are gone.

Istem. Sp hi súxʷ everyone is suddenly gone!; Cr súxʷ+xʷ empty, vacated...; Sh sxʷup to leave, set out; Th suxʷ depart. məɬ yaʕyáʕt way̓ súxʷəxʷ iʔ skəkʕákaʔ iʔ k̓əl wist. All the birds will leave and go to the mountains. [mychildr 128] ixíʔ yaʕyʕát c̓sápəlx, yaʕyʕát súxʷəxʷ. They are all gone, departed. [Green.104] axáʔ pnicíʔ way̓ súxʷəxʷ iʔ scpíx̌əx, iʔ sctəxʷcəncútxəlx. By that time those that hunt, those who get things to eat, are gone. [BJSeym 057]

suyápix   [suyápix] Morph: s+wyáp+yx. Etym: √wyp. English person; white person; English language.

Istem. See: swyapyx.

suyáʔ   [suyáʔ] Morph: suyáʔ. Etym: √syʔ or √wyʔ. wild celery.

Istem. suyáʔ. Wild celery. [nb20.14a]

súyc̓aʔ   [súy̓c̓aʔ] Morph: súyc̓aʔ. Etym: √sy. to have a cold body.

Istem. kʷ súyc̓aʔ. Chill out (you chill your body). [nb26-18 013] See: suy̓.

suysyt   [súysit] Morph: suy•sy+t. Etym: √sy. suysyt.

Istem. Category: wName. súysit. Woman's name. [nb18142.7]

suy̓   [suy̓] Morph: suy̓•. Etym: √sy̓. root with meaning "chill, cold" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. See: suy̓y̓; suy̓t; suy̓kst; suy̓ps; súyc̓aʔ; sy̓suy̓t.

suy̓kst   [suy̓kst] Morph: suy̓kst. Etym: √sy̓. a cold or chilled hand.

Istem. kʷ suy̓kst. You chilled your hand. [nb26-19 002] See: suy̓.

suy̓ps   [suy̓ps] Morph: suy̓ps. Etym: √sy̓. a cold or chilled tail.

Istem. kʷ suy̓ps. You chilled your tail. [nb26-19 001] kʷ nsúy̓ps. You got a chilled tail (in the water). [nb26-18 014] See: suy̓.

suy̓t   [súiʔt] Morph: suy̓+t. Etym: √sy̓. to be cold or chilled.

Istem. Sp čn súy̓-t I am chilly; Cm suy̓‑iʔ be chilly. Category: +t. kən suy̓t. I got chilled. [nb26-26 007] lut t̓ə súiʔts. He hadn't gotten too cold. [BJSeym 312] See: suy̓.

suy̓y̓   [súy̓iʔ] Morph: suy̓•y̓. Etym: √sy̓. to get cold or chilled.

Istem. súy̓iʔ. He got chilled. [nb26-19 002]

suʔxwílx   [suʔxwílx] Morph: su[ʔ]x+wílx. Etym: √sx. to turn Indian summer. Category: Inch.

Istem. Category: +wilx. suʔxwílx. Turn Indian summer.

swa   [swa] Morph: swa. Etym: √sw. From: English schwa. schwa.

Istem. swa. Schwa.

swanx   [swanx] Morph: s+wanx. Etym: √wnx. war dance.

nIstem. uɬ ixíʔ iʔ l swanx kmi[x] t̓i sc̓aʕc̓ iʔ l siyáʕ̓. at the war dance, it's only for show at a gathering. [MarryPS 040] See: wanx.

swap   [suwáp] Morph: swáp. Etym: √swp. to itch; to tickle. kən suwáp. I itch. [nb20.5] Th √ṣáw̓ scratch; Li súp-xal to scratch (in order to relieve an itch).

swatqín   [swatqín] Morph: s+watqin ? Etym: √wt ?. to do wrong.

intj. swatqín. When you do st wrong (unclear); [nb08 572]

swatqín   [swatqín] Morph: swatqín. Etym: √swt ?. do wrong.

pcl ?. expression of disappointment. uttered after doing something wrong. Category: intj.

swaʕ̓   [suw̓áʕ̓] Morph: s+waʕ̓. Variant: sw̓aʕ̓. Etym: √wʕ̓. cougar; Cougar.

Istem. Cr s+w̓aʔ cougar, tiger; Cm s-ʕʷáʔ-ʕʷaʔ cougar. txt̓məscútx, iʔ sw̓aʕ̓ ilíʔ. Be careful, there's a cougar there. [nb26-65 024]

swaʔwásaʔ   [swwaʔwásaʔ] Morph: s+waʔ•wásaʔ. Variant: sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔ. Etym: √wsʔ. the sister of an individual’s mother or mother's sister; aunt; stepmother.

Istem. Category: kin. swaʔwásaʔ. [nb21.151]

swaʔwílaʔxʷ   [swaʔwílaʔxʷ] Morph: s+waʔ+wílaʔxʷ ? Etym: √wl. swaʔwílaʔxʷ.

Istem. See: sw̓aw̓ílaʔxʷ.

swcnmistmn   [sucənmístmən] Morph: swcn+mist+mn. Etym: √sw. a proposal.

Istem. Category: +mn. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kaʔkícən məɬ ixíʔ insucənmístmən. If I find her I'm going to propose. [GDd2 009] See: siw1.

swic̓m   [swíc̓əm] Morph: s+wic̓+m. Etym: √wc̓. root digging.

Istem. Category: nIstem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ swíc̓əm, yayʕát iʔ swíc̓əm aláʔ. And the roots, there's all kinds of roots here. [su7q̓im 026] caʔkʷ kʷu m̓áyaʔɬtxʷ c̓kístsəlx iʔ swíc̓əm uɬ iʔ səlkípəm iʔ t ʔítx̌ʷaʔ Tell me how to dig and cook camas. [drymd 022] See: wic̓.

swikstm   [swíkstəm] Morph: sw꞊ikst+m. Etym: √sw. to call or summon s.o.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. way̓ uɬ kʷu cswíkstəmstxʷ, stim̓ uɬ anx̌mínk. You're calling me, what do you want? [dict] See: siw1.

swikʷcn̓   [swíkʷcən̓] Morph: s+wikʷ꞊cn. Etym: √wkʷ. gossip.

Istem. swikʷcən̓. Gossip. [dict] See: wikʷ.

swisxn   [swísxən] Morph: s+wisxn. Etym: √ws. the length of s.t.

nIstem. ʕant kʷaʔ wísxən, mat six feet iʔ swísxəns. Look, they're long, maybe six feet long. [nb2592.12] See: wisxn.

swit   [swit] Morph: swit. Etym: √swt. 1 • who; somebody; anybody.

Istem. lut mat swit ksk̓ʷl̕ɬtaʔnmúsmiʔs. Nobody should treat it lightly. [su7q̓im 295] kmix swit nac̓əntíls, məɬ tiɬx. Anyone who thinks so can stand. [Oct92 006] mat swit iʔ x̌n̓numt. Who is it that got hurt? [newles 152] iʔ l swit ki ckxan. Who did he come with? [newles 165] uɬ k̓im swit yaʔ ilíʔ. Is anyone left here? [dict] swit askʷíst? What is your name? [newles 043] náx̌əmɬ lut t̓a cmiɬtín swit iʔ skʷists. I don't know his name. [LynxS 002] t swit kʷu m̓áyaʔɬts, uɬ way̓ mat n̓ín̓w̓iʔ mipnún. Anybody shows me, and I'll learn. [dict] ixíʔ iscút n̓ín̓w̓iʔ swit kaʔkícṇtəm, uɬ ixíʔ kɬtkɬmílxʷs. This is what I said, if anyone finds her, she'll be his wife. [dict]

2 • Istem. to be nothing but...; to be only ... uɬ aɬíʔ swit uʔəx̌tílaʔt. He is only a baby. [lnx2 206] uɬ aɬíʔ kʷ qʷən̓məscút, swit kʷ pəptwínaʔxʷ kʷ səmx̌íkən. You are pitiful, you are an old lady Grizzly. [CoGrSy 802] n taʔx̌íləm t̓iʔ k̓aw, lut iʔ t̓a kɬswit. She did that, they're gone, there is nobody. [cogrzd 094] uɬ aɬíʔ náx̌əmɬ lut t̓a cmistín iʔ skʷistúlaʔxʷs, swit captíkʷɬ. But I don't know the name of the place, it's nothing but a fairy tale. [dict] axáʔ iʔ syríwaxən uɬ sic təltútəm, swit sp̓p̓aʔcáʕlaʔqʷ aɬíʔ scyryárk̓ʷəs. The snow shoes weren't much, they were nothing but new shoots he made the frame with. [dict]

3 • Istem. idiomatic. kmix swít. Anybody. [Oct92 005] km̓a swit. Not anyone. [Oct92 0007] km̓a swit pintk ksc̓əx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷntsís. No one will be always telling you what to do. [Oct92 008] xiʔmíx swit. Anybody. [Oct92 009] xiʔmíx swit ksmipnúyʔs iʔ nqílxʷcən. Anybody can learn the Indian language. [Oct92 010] Sp swét who; Cm s-wat who, someone; Sh s-wet-(y̓) who, somebody; Li s.wat who?

swit aɬíʔ   [swit aɬíʔ] Morph: swit aɬíʔ. Variant: aɬíʔ swit. Etym: √swt. in fact; because.

phrasal. swit aɬíʔ way̓ cmaʕʷ iʔ snululmúsaʔstəns. His hard points are broken. [CoGrSy 186] swit aɬíʔ kmix iʔ l sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ t̓i kmix nqəqəlxʷáqaʔs iʔ xəwíɬ pnicíʔ Because there are only trails for horses at that time. [Hrvst 219] way̓ x̌əsʕác̓əc̓ iʔ kɬkʷilxʷ swit aɬíʔ sƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔ. He is sure a good looking horse, no wonder it's a race horse. [RHorse 136] uɬ aɬíʔ mat nmásqən swit aɬíʔ ilmíxʷəm, nmásqən iʔ sxʷulɬxʷ. Maybe there are four tipis together, because he's the boss, four tipis. [LynxS 381] swit aɬíʔ sksq̓məltnáwlaʔxəlx. They're all starving. [LynxS 409] swit aɬíʔ ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ, sílxʷaʔ spuʔús. Because it̓s a man-eater, its heart is big. [dict] mat sənk̓əwpílsx, uɬ aɬíʔ swit t̓i knánəqs. Maybe he got lonesome, because he's all alone. [dict] swit aɬíʔ ylmíxʷəm ḷʔíwtət, uɬ t̓i kmix kʷu stəwtíwaʔstəm. Since our father is a chief, he just babied us. [dict] way̓, way̓ cmynúlaʔxʷstən swit aɬíʔ intəmxʷúlaʔxʷ. I do know my country, because it's my country. [dict] See: aɬíʔ swit.

swítmist   [swítmist] Morph: swít+mist. Etym: √swt. to do one's best.

Istem. Sp č-s-wit-míst he did his level best. Ques: stress Category: +mist. swítmist. Do one's best. [nb22.27]

swiw̓s   [swiw̓s] Morph: sw꞊iw̓s. Variant: sw̓iw̓s. Etym: √sw. swiw̓s: Osoyoos.

Istem. Category: Geog.

swíyaʔ   [swíyaʔ] Morph: s+wíyaʔ. Etym: √wyʔ. fern; a type of fern eaten with soup tallow.

Istem. swíyaʔ. Fern. [nb9a 121]

swiʔnúmtx   [swiʔnúmtx] Morph: s+wy̓+numt+x. Etym: √wy̓. to be handsome.

Istem. See: swy̓numtx.

swknaʔqínx   [suknaqínx] Morph: s+wknaʔqínx. Variant: swknaqínx. Etym: √wknʔ. swknaʔqínx: Okanagan.

Istem. Sp √sʔučnaʔqíni Okanagan Indians. ixíʔ a nk̓ʷúl̕məntət q̓sápiʔ iʔ kʷu suknaqínx. That was the way we Okanagan used to do it long ago. [newles 327] iʔ stq̓ʷáʕyxənx ixíʔ ʔawtúsc axáʔ iʔ suknaqínx. The Okanaganʼs opponent was a Blackfeet. [dc3]

swlam   [swulám] Morph: s+wla+m. Etym: √wl. burning, scorching.

Mstem. swulám. Scorch. [OkB] See: wl(a).

swlwlmink   [sululmínk] Morph: s+wl•wlmink. Etym: √wlm. a gun.

Istem. Sp s-ulul-mín̓č a gun. put c̓x̌iɬ t sululmín kiʔ stəɬtáɬts. Then it's just like a gun, straight. [CoGrSy 062] iʔ naqs iʔ sululmínk ixíʔ ta nuyápəxcən Winchester. One gun they call Winchester in English. [HnTrp 016] uɬ axáʔ iʔ naqs iʔ sululmínk ixíʔ ta nuyápəxcən uɬ Marlin. And the other gun they call Marlin in English. [HnTrp 017] kʷa ʕ̓ac̓ənt iʔ suyápix nixʷ ksənq̓ʷəɬtíʔstən iʔ l sululmínk. And look, the white people too have scabbards for their guns. [CoGrSy 041]

swl̕áqaʔ   [sul̕áqaʔ] Morph: s+wl̕áqaʔ. Etym: √wlqʔ. poison ivy (rhus radicans).

Istem. Sp s-ʔuláqeʔ poison oak, poison ivy. sul̕áqaʔ. Poison ivy. [TBK60]

swɬtiɬn   [suɬtíɬən] Morph: swɬtiɬn. Etym: √sw. to ask for information.

Istem. uɬ iwá suɬtíɬən. He started asking. [lnxbdga 296] t̓əxʷ kʷu ksuɬtíɬnaʔx, n̓ín̓w̓iʔ pnaʔ kʷu xʷíc̓əxtəm iʔ t ksck̓ʷúl̕tət. We are going to inquire, maybe they'll give us a job. [GDd2 177] way̓ saʕməncútəlx uɬ ixíʔ suɬtíɬnəlx. They got off their horses and they started asking. [nb1250.7] kʷu swɬtíɬən iʔ t ksənk̓ʷúl̕məntət. We will ask about jobs for us. [dict] See: siw1.

swmix   [sumíx] Morph: s+wmix. Etym: √wmx. a spiritual power that tells you (how) to do things.

Istem. Sp suméš spirit power; Cm s-wmaxʷ spirit power; Sh wmex to live. stim̓ iʔ sk̓úmplaʔs sumíx. What does sumíx mean? [nb26-03 010] mat sənqʷn̓an̓s iʔ t k̓ʷl̕əncútn, kəm̓ mat sumíxs, iʔ stim̓. Maybe the Creator has pity on him, or maybe his power, or something. [su7q̓im 103] uc kʷaʔ yaʕpcínməntxʷ ixíʔ yaʔ ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ sumíxs. Would you like to have the man-eater's spirit? [dict] See: wmixm.

swnixʷ   [suníxʷ] Morph: s+uníxʷ. Etym: √wnxʷ. the truth.

Istem. Category: nIstem. swnixʷ. Truth. See: wnixʷ.

swnixʷm   [suníxʷəm] Morph: s+wnixʷ+m. Etym: √wnxʷ. the truth.

Mstem. Lit: You are my truth, you are truthing me. Category: nMstem. way̓ kʷu asuníxʷəm iʔ kʷ inxaʔxʔít. You’re telling me the truth, grandma. [nb1266.8] See: swnixʷ.

swnixʷxʷ   [suníxʷəxʷ] Morph: s+wnixʷ•xʷ. Etym: √wnxʷ. to be right.

Istem. suníxʷəxʷ. He is right. [nb08 371] kən suníxʷəxʷ. I'm telling the truth. [nb08 809] See: wnixʷ.

swnwixʷ   [sunwíxʷ] Morph: sw+nwixʷ. Etym: √sw. to ask one another.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. stim̓ caʔkʷ iʔ ksxʷíc̓ɬtəm iʔ st̓əlsqílxʷ ta ksc̓íɬnsəlx, sunwíxʷəlx. "What can we give to the People-To-Be to eat?” they asked one another. [WBW.15] See: siw1.

swpcin   [supcín] Morph: s+wpcin. Etym: √wp. beard.

Istem. supcín. Beard. [dict] See: wpcin.

swpcin snk̓l̕ip   [supcín snk̓l̕ip] Morph: s+wup꞊cín s+n+k̓l̕꞊íp. Etym: √wp; √k̓l̕. three-flowered avens (geum triflorum). Lit: coyote’s beard

phrasal. swpcin snk̓l̕ip. Three-flowered avens. [dict] See: swpcin; snk̓l̕ip.

swpíc̓aʔ   [suwpíc̓aʔ] Morph: swpíc̓aʔ. Etym: √swp. itch.

Istem. swpíc̓aʔ. Itch. [nb20.34a] See: swap.

swpilxʷ   [supílxʷ] Morph: swpilxʷ. Etym: √swp. to have an itchy back.

Istem. ixíʔ kstaʔmínaʔ məɬ ixíʔ kɬsəwpílxʷ. In the spring they itch in the back. [AutPS 236] See: swap.

swplaʔmístmnt   Morph: swplaʔ+míst+m+nt. Etym: √sw. ask for directions; ask for information.

Tstem. Category: +nt. suplaʔmístməntsən. I asked for you. [nb22.27] See: kswplaʔmíst; ksíwplaʔ.

swpúlaʔxʷ   [supúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+wpúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √wp. hay; any grass or goatsbeard (tragopogon pratensis).

Istem. Sp s-upúleʔxʷ grass, hay; Cm s‑wp‑ul̕əxʷ grass; bunch grass; Cr gʷpúl̕mxʷ it (ground) is covered with much grass; Sh s-wp-uləxʷ-m weeds; Li s.waˇʔp-úlm̓əxʷ weeds. supúlaʔxʷ. Any grass or goatsbeard (tragopogon pratensis). [TBK52, 85] kən ksupúlaʔxʷ ta ck̓ʷúl̕stən iʔ l scʔaqʷ ksc̓aɬʔíɬns inkəwʔwáp. I have hay that I make in summer and my horses can eat. [su7q̓im 235] t̓əqntíkʷ iʔ supúlaʔxʷ. Stack the hay (in one big stack)! [nb26-84 009] əcx̌áw̓ iʔ supúlaʔxʷ. The hay is drying. [nb25-20 013] See: wpúlaʔxʷm; wp.

swr̓islp̓   [surísəlp̓] Morph: s+wr̓islp̓. Variant: sw̓r̓islp̓. Etym: √wr̓. fire; matches.

Istem. ixíʔ tk̓ʷúˑˑl̕səs axáʔ iʔ sur̓ísəlp uɬ ixíʔ skcqúsəms. She fixed the fire and the she started supper. [BJSeym 360] kʷ sc̓kinx uɬ iʔ surísəlp̓ uɬ i kʷu əɬ tkʷínsɬtxʷ. What's the fire that you took out for? [CoGrSy 429] məɬ x̌əsíkstmsəlx iʔ ksck̓ʷúl̕səlx iʔ ksur̓ísəlp̓. They got to fix the fire just right. [drymd 010] iʔ l swr̓ísəlp̓. On the fire. [dict] lut skpáx̌əmsəlx iʔ t swrisəlp̓ sc̓ík̓ʷəmsəlx. They didn't have to strike matches. [dict] See: wr.

swr̓islp̓m   [surísəlp̓ṃ] Morph: s+wr̓islp̓+m. Variant: s+w̓r̓islp̓+m. Etym: √wr̓. to light a fire.

Mstem. wr̓ísəlp̓əm. He started a fire. [dict] way̓ kʷ ʔayx̌ʷt, laʔkín kʷ xʔkínəm mi kʷ wr̓ísəlp̓əm. You are tired, what can you do to make fire? [dict] caʔkʷ iwá kən ɬaʔ wr̓ísəlp̓əm, uɬ way̓ kən kskslípaʔx. Even if I make fire, I still have to get wood. [dict] Category: nMstem. way̓ lut qəɬnún ikswr̓ísəlp̓əm. I can't even try to get fire. See: swr̓islp̓.

swr̓islp̓tn   [sur̓ísəlp̓tṇ] Morph: s+wr̓islp̓+tn. Etym: √wr̓. fire.

Istem. Category: +tn. mət púti əcwár̓ asur̓íslp̓tn, kcqúsənt iʔ lkapí. Maybe your fire is still burning, put the coffee on. [misc 235] See: swr̓islp̓.

swsiwm   [susíwm] Morph: sw•siw+m. Variant: siw̓m. Etym: √sw. to ask s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. way̓ iksusíwm isl̕áx̌t. I'm going to ask my friend. [lpb448] See: swsiw.

swsiwnt   Morph: sw•siw+nt. Etym: √sw. several people ask; to ask several things.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ ixíʔ suwsíwsəlx qʷaʔqʷaʔləmstísəlx. And they started asking her questions, they put her on trial. [LynxS 078] uɬ way̓ ixíʔ uɬ səwsíwəntst laʔkín̓ úɬiʔ ckaʔkícəntxʷ axáʔ ist̓əmkʔílt And now we are going to ask you where you found my daughter. [Whal 526] way̓ t̓i yaʕpcín məɬ ixíʔ x̌lits məɬ ixíʔ kícsəlx, məɬ ixíʔ swsíwsəlx, məɬ ixíʔ cusəlx iʔ syaʕpcíns. When he gets in trouble he calls them, and they get to him, and they ask him, and he tells them what his trouble is. [duict] See: siw1.

swstitkʷ   [sustítkʷ] Morph: sws+titkʷ. Etym: √sws. fresh or drinking water.

Istem. swstitkʷ. Water. [OkB] See: siwst.

swswap   [suswáp] Morph: sw•swá+p. Etym: √sw. to itch; to tickle.

Istem. Category: +p. inkílx suswáp. My hand tickles. [nb19.251] See: swap.

swswaʕs   [suswáʕs] Morph: sw•swaʕs. Variant: sw̓sw̓aʕs; sʕasʕás. Etym: √sw. pheasant.

Istem. Gram: Southern Colville form. suswáʕs. Pheasant. [nb24-07 003]

swswit   [suswít] Morph: sw•swít. Variant: sw̓•sw̓ít. Etym: √swt. who; those unspecified (people); many.

Istem. suswít lut iʔ kxan. Who did not go? [newles 018] suswít lut iʔ ckxan. Who did not come? [newles 019] aɬíʔ isxʷəmˑínməlx mat susuwítəlx. I'm tickled to look at them, I don't know who they all are. [dict] mat ixíʔ txʷəʔxʷʔít yaʕyáʕt susuwít. There are a lot of them. [dict] See: swit.

swswpaqs   [susupáqs] Morph: sw•sw+paqs. Etym: √sw. to have an itchy nose.

Istem. kən susupáqs. My nose is itchy. [nb23 032] See: swswap.

swtimtk   [sutímtk] Morph: s+wtimtk. Etym: √wtm. south.

Istem. utímtk. South. [dict] See: ʔawtímtk.

swtmtkus   [sutəmtkús] Morph: s+wtmtkus. Etym: √wtm. facing upstream.

Istem. sutəmtkús Facing upstream. [dict] See: swtimtk.

swtuɬt   Morph: sw+tuɬt. Etym: √sw. to ask about s.t. or s.o.; to ask for s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp √sew to ask; Cm saw‑nt‑xʷ you ask s.t.; Cr sigʷ ask for, inquire, question (to...), request; Sh se-n-s to ask (in any sense); Th √séw ask; Li √saw to ask. Category: +tuɬt. uɬ ixíʔ way̓ t sk̓ʷənxspíntk kiʔ wíkən, uɬ iʔ sutúɬtən ixíʔ. It was a few years ago that I saw him, and I asked him about it. [su7q̓im 272] sutúɬtən c̓instəm iʔ t k̓ʷəl̕əncútn iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əms ixíʔ kiʔ mʔaɬ iʔ spuʔúsc. I asked him about what the Creator's helper told him that he was satisfied. [su7q̓im 273] uɬ ixíʔ way̓ t sk̓ʷənxspíntk kiʔ wíkən, uɬ iʔ sutúɬtən ixíʔ. It was a few years ago that I saw him, and I asked him about it. [su7q̓im 272]

swyapmx   [suyápmx] Morph: s+wyapmx. Variant: swyapyx. Etym: √wyp. white person.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ ksəx̌cút ixíʔ iʔ suyápmx, təl̕ England t sqəl̕tmíxʷ. He had somebody with him, a man from England. [FrGov.8]

swyapxcn   [suyápixcən] Morph: s+wyápxcn. Etym: √wypx. English language.

Istem. a scústsəlx iʔ house slippers t suyápixcən. They say in English house slippers. [BJSeym 386] See: swyapyx.

swyapyx   [suyápix] Morph: s+wyáp+yx. Variant: swyapmx. Etym: √wyp. English person; white person; English language.

Istem. Sp suyépi (suyápi) whiteman; Cm s‑wyap‑nəxʷ white man; English language; Cr ic+wiyép+mšmš Anglicize, civilize (lit. He is becoming English idiom or character/as Caucasian race; Sh swyep-mx white person, Frenchman. uɬ axáʔm iʔ t suyápix uɬ aɬíʔ ksʔumˑ ixíʔ iʔ Big Bend Country. In English it has the name Big Bend Country. [2gts 043] way̓ qʷum̓ siɬkʷkʷáʕst iʔ aláʔ kʷu sckícəmsəlx ixíʔ iʔ swyápix. Early this morning the white people arrived here. [dict] ṇt̓aʔ t̓i cəwxʷúsəmstsəlx iʔ t swyápix. The white people were all staring. [dict]

swynmstwiɬn   [swynmstwiɬn] Morph: s+wy+nm+st+wiɬn ? Etym: √wy ?. maker.


swypsqáx̌aʔ   [swipsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+wypsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √wyp. white man's horse.

Istem. axáʔ iʔ swipsqáx̌aʔ iʔ ƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓áx̌t. White people's race horses. [RHorse 104] See: swyapyx.

swypsʔiɬn   [swəypsʔíɬən] Morph: s+wyp+s+ʔiɬn. Etym: √wyp, √ʔɬn. white people's food.

Istem. a t̓əxʷ iʔ swypsʔíɬən, uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔm lut t̓a ck̓ʷúl̕cstsəlx. White man's food, that they don't cook. [GDd1 535] See: swyapyx.

swytalqs   [switálqs] Morph: s+wytalqs. Etym: √wyt. swytalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. switálqs. Woman's name. [dict]

swy̓numt   [swiʔnúmt] Morph: s+wy̓+numt. Etym: √wy̓. to be handsome, good-looking.

Istem. Sp s-wiʔ-núm̓t-i she is beautiful, he is handsome; Cm ʔac‑wy̓ be finished, s‑wy̓‑num‑t‑əxʷ be handsome, beautiful, Cr s+wiʔ goodlooking, handsome (ref to persons only); Sh swynumtx handsome, good-looking. Category: +numt. t̓əxʷ yaʕ̓ʷmísəlx axáʔ myaɬ swiʔnúmt. But they're backwards because he's too good looking. [dict] səwin̓úm̓tx. Handsome. [OkB] ṇt̓aʔ way̓ swiʔnúmtx iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. My, the woman is handsome. [dict] aɬíʔ swiʔnúmtx ist̓əmkəʔílt. My daughter is good looking. [dict] way̓ tx̌síc̓aʔ, way̓ swiʔnúmtx. He has a nice outfit on, he's handsome. [dict] See: wy̓.

swy̓numtaʔx   [swiʔnúmtaʔx] Morph: s+wy̓+numt+aʔx. Etym: √wy̓. youngster; youth; one's youth.

Istem. Category: dim. way̓ púti iʔ l swinúmtaʔxs kiʔ ixíʔ t səmx̌íkən iʔ t̓ílx̌ʷəntəm. He was still growing up when the bear tore him to pieces. [AutPS 152] way̓ kʷm̓iɬ axáʔ kiʔ cənʔúɬxʷ axáʔ iʔ swiʔnúmtaʔx ṇt̓aʔ sqəltmíxʷ. At once a young fellow comes in, a man. [dict] See: swy̓numt.

swy̓numtx   [swiʔnúmtx] Morph: s+wy̓+numt+x. Etym: √wy̓. handsome.

Istem. nxaʔcín swiʔnúmtx iʔ scutx iʔ sqəltmíxʷ. The man who was talking was very handsome. [su7q̓im 257b] uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ wíkənts taʔlíʔ kʷ swiʔnúmtx. He will see that you are very beautiful. [blkpg 055] uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓a cwiksts iʔ tkəɬmílxʷ t̓i c̓x̌iɬ swiʔnúmtxs. He had never seen a woman so good looking. [nb121-ʔ.4] See: swy̓numt.

swy̓skʕaƛ̓ikst   [swiʔskaʕƛ̓íkst] Morph: s+wy̓+s+kaʕƛ̓ikst. Etym: √wy̓, √kʕƛ̓. shavings.

Istem. uɬ nixʷ əck̓ʷúl̕əmsts iʔ swiʔskaʕƛ̓íksts aʔ tqípəm. He also uses that the shavings, what's left of shavings when he makes the dam. [nb26-59 001]

swy̓sntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin   [swiʔsəntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín] Morph: s+wy̓+s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin. Etym: √wy̓, √tx̌ʷ. the afternoon; past noon.

Istem. iʔ l swiʔsəntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. In the afternoon. [dict] See: wy̓; ntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin.

swy̓wy̓numtx   [swiʔwiʔnúmtx] Morph: s+wy̓•wy̓+numt+x. Etym: √wy̓. several handsome ones.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ swiʔwiʔnúmtx iʔ smamʔím iʔ sk̓ʷúmalt scútxəlx. There were pretty women, girls, they say. [frogdd 004] See: swy̓numtx.

sw̓   [suʔ] Morph: sw̓. Etym: √sw̓. root with meaning "whisper" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sp √sw̓(í) whisper; Cm sw̓‑sw̓‑nt‑xʷ you whisper to s.o.; Cr s+séw̓+suw̓+iš whisper; Th √səw̓ whisper. See: sw̓ncut; nsw̓ínaʔ; nssw̓ínaʔ; ssw̓ilx; sw̓sw̓ilx; ssw̓sw̓ílaʔx.

sw̓ar̓ák̓xn   [sw̓ar̓ák̓xən] Morph: s+w̓ar̓ák̓xn. Variant: sw̓aʔr̓ák̓xn. Etym: √w̓rk̓. frog; Frog.

Istem. See Sp √uráqʔuráq sound of a frog croaking in the early spring; Cm √wrk; Cr warč frog; Th wə̣k̓ frog croak. ixíʔ uɬ sw̓ar̓ák̓xən k̓liʔ xʷuy. Then Frog goes there. [frogdd 017] xʷəxʷ aláʔ kaʔ ct̓aʔc̓kʷúnəm iʔ sw̓ar̓ák̓xən wərák̓, wərák̓. There the frogs go again, making their croaking sound. [feb94 041]

sw̓ar̓íp   [sw̓ar̓íp] Morph: s+w̓ar̓íp. Etym: √w̓r̓. stink bag; venom bag.

Istem. Sp s-w̓er̓ép an animal's means of protection (a bee's stinger, a skunk's spray, etc.); Cr s+wárep skunk's organ for spraying. stim̓ ixíʔ ha sw̓ar̓íps. And what's that stink bag? [sknkf 086] iʔ sw̓ar̓íps iʔ sqʷuʔɬ. The venom bag of a jellow jacket. [nb1836.10] laʔmíns iʔ swar̓íps. Its stinger, its venom. [nb18131.9]

sw̓ar̓íps snkstíya   [səw̓ar̓íps sənəkstíya] Morph: s+w̓aríp-s s+n+kstíya. Etym: √wr; √ksty(ʔ). catnip (nepeta cataria).

phrasal. Lit: skunk's scent-bag. sw̓ar̓íps snkstíya. [TBK110] See: sw̓ar̓íp; snkstíya.

sw̓aw̓ílaʔxʷ   [sw̓aw̓ílaʔxʷ] Morph: s+w̓a•w̓ílaʔxʷ ? Etym: √wʔ ?. sw̓aw̓ílaʔxʷ.

Istem. sw̓aw̓ílaʔxʷ. Man's name. [dict] puswaʔwílaʔxʷ. Mrs. swaʔwílaʔxʷ. ilíʔ kən kʷəɬnúlaʔxʷ təl̕ swaʔwílaʔxʷ. I rented a place from Antoine. [AutPS 251]

sw̓aʕ̓   [suw̓áʕ̓] Morph: s+waʕ̓. Variant: swaʕ̓. Etym: √wʕ̓. cougar; Cougar.

Istem. Cr s+w̓aʔ cougar, tiger; Cm s-ʕʷáʔ-ʕʷaʔ cougar.

sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔ   [sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔ] Morph: s+w̓aʔ•w̓ásaʔ. Etym: √wsʔ. the sister of an individual’s mother or mother's sister; aunt; stepmother.

Istem. Category: kin, dim. n̓ín̓w̓iʔs p xʷuy iʔ k̓əl sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔmp k̓a ilíkʷləxkən. You'll go to your aunt, to ilíkʷləxkən. [lnx2 081] st̓əcxʷúyx k̓əl sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔs k̓aʔ ilíkʷləxkən. She is coming over to her aunt's ilikʷlxkən. [lnxbdga 128] See: swaʔwásaʔ.

sw̓iw̓s   [sw̓iw̓s] Morph: sw̓iw̓s. Variant: swiw̓s. Etym: √sw̓. sw̓iw̓s: Osoyoos. Lit: dry land between

Istem. Category: Geog. sw̓iw̓s. Osoyoos. [E5]

sw̓ncut   [suʔuncút] Morph: sw̓+ncut. Etym: √sw̓. to whisper.

Istem. Sp sw̓(í) whisper; Cm sw̓‑sw̓‑nt‑xʷ you whisper to s.o.; Cr s+séw̓+suw̓+iš whisper; Th √səw̓ whisper. Category: +ncut. suʔuncút. Whisper. [OkB] See: sw̓.

sw̓q̓im   [suʔq̓ím] Morph: s+w̓q̓im. Etym: √w̓q̓m. 1 • moon beam; night moon; moonlight.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ t̓i c̓x̌iɬ t suʔq̓ím. It was like moonlight. [nb20.64a]

2 • Istem. sw̓q̓im (Sandy Lezard).

Cm moon suq̓áʔm; Cr sgʷaq̓ím̓ moonlight.Istem. See: w̓q̓im.

sw̓r̓islp̓   [suʔr̓ísəlp̓] Morph: s+w̓r̓islp̓. Variant: swr̓islp̓. Etym: √wr̓. fire.

Istem. məɬ cut kən sƛ̓aʔmíx t sʔur̓ísəlp̓. She said, "I want to get a piece of fire." [grlsdd 283] See: wr.

sw̓sw̓ap   [suʔsw̓áp] Morph: sw̓•sw̓a+p. Etym: √sw̓. sw̓sw̓ap: Shuswap Indians.

Istem. sw̓sw̓ap. Shuswap Indians. [nb20.102a]

sw̓sw̓aʕs   [səw̓sw̓áʕs] Morph: s+w̓s•ʕ̓ʷas. Variant: swswaʕs; sʕasʕás. Gram: southern Colville form Etym: √ʕ̓ʷs. pheasant.

Istem. uɬ ilíʔ iʔ cəcám̓aʔt iʔ sw̓əsw̓ʕás ilíʔ əcxətxítmiʔst. And there were baby pheasants running around there. [coyeyes 040] səw̓sw̓áʕs. Pheasant. [nb9a 158]

sw̓sw̓ilx   [suʔsw̓ílx] Morph: sw̓•sw̓ilx. Etym: √sw̓. to whisper.

Istem. Category: +wilx. p suʔsw̓ílx. You're wispering. [nb26-33 010] səw̓sw̓ílx. They were whispering. [msqdd 014] See: ssw̓ilx; sw̓ncut.

sw̓sw̓it   [suʔsw̓ít] Morph: sw̓•sw̓ít. Variant: sw•swít. Etym: √swt. (those) who.

Istem. suʔsuw̓ít iʔ p ack̓ʷúl̕əm. Those of you that are working. [mychildr 175] See: swit.

sw̓w̓íkiʔst   [suʔwíkiʔst] Morph: s+w̓•w̓íkiʔst. Variant: swwíkiʔst; wíkiʔst. Etym: √w̓k. electricity, electric; thunderbolt; lightning.

Istem. Sp s-ʔuw̓éč-n̓-t electricity, lightning; Sh wwew̓k-m-nst (there is an) electric storm. iʔ suʔwíkiʔst c̓ík̓ʷsxən. Electric light. [nb6.138] uɬ aɬíʔ mat axáʔ iʔ l suʔwíkiʔst iʔ snur̓ísəlp̓təns. I suppose her cooking stove is electric. [GDd1 337] axáʔ iʔ t suʔw̓íkiʔst iʔ t suyápix iʔ sənkʷúmcəntəns. A white people's storage device with electricity. [Prov 015]

sw̓yápiʔ   [suʔyápiʔ] Morph: s+w̓yápiʔ. Etym: √wypʔ. sw̓yápiʔ.

Istem. sw̓yápiʔ. Man's name. [nb1863.12] See: swyapyx.

sw̓y̓n̓úmtaʔx   [sw̓in̓úmtaʔx] Morph: s+w̓y̓+n̓úm+taʔx. Etym: √wy. hoary aster (aster canescens).

Istem. Category: dim. sw̓in̓úmtaʔx. Aster. [TBK79] See: swy̓numtx.

sx   [sx] Morph: sx. Variant: isxn; sxn̓; ísaʔxn; isx; ísaʔxn; aʕsxn. rock; round object.

lxAfx. Gram: allomorph of isxn before transitive Category: lxSfx. kəlq̓ísxiʔs. He peels them. [Dvl 109] kc̓íw̓sxiʔs. He washes (the potatoes). [dict]

sxap   [sxap] Morph: sxa+p. Etym: √sx. s.t. is aired out.

Istem. Sp seš to cool; Cm sxxip evening breeze; Sh səxəx numb; Th √séx odor/taste fades; Li səx-p to have no feeling; to feel 'pins and needles'. Category: +p. səxəntís kiʔ úɬiʔ csxap uɬ sic iʔ q̓ʷləntís. She aired it out and when it had no more smell then she roasted it. [BJSeym 562] See: sx.

sxapqínm   [sxapqínəm] Morph: s+xapqín+m. Etym: √xp. sxapqínm.

Istem. sxapqínəm. Man's name. [OkB]

sxaxíl̕smtn   [sxaxíl̕smtṇ] Morph: s+xa•xíl̕sm+tn. Etym: √xlsm ?. sxaxíl̕smtn: hunting area, situated north from k̓saɬqʷ. Lit: peek-over place

Istem. Category: +tn. sxaxíl̕smtn. Place name. [BK263]

sxaʔtílt   [sxaʔtílt] Morph: s+xaʔtilt. Etym: √xt. youngest child.

Istem. sxaʔtílt. Youngest child. See: sxʔit.

sxaʔtmíxlt   [sxaʔtmíxəlt] Morph: s+xaʔt+míxlt. Etym: √xʔt. to be a first child.

Istem. uɬ itlíʔ uɬ axáʔ iʔ təl sxaʔtmíxəlt way̓ uɬ mat kt̓áq̓t̓əq̓əmkst int̓at̓úpaʔ. From my oldest daughter I have about six great-grandchildren. [AutPS 367] ixíʔ kʷa asxaʔtmíxəlt, kʷa tətw̓ít. Your first born child, a little boy. [GDd2 602] ixíʔ x̌q̓əncútməntsən, ixíʔ kʷaʔ asxaʔtmíxəlt, uɬ ixíʔ axáʔ way̓ ixíʔ cƛ̓aʔntín. What I asked you to pay me, your first born child, this is what I'm after. [dict] wim̓ cx̌ʔəncístsəlx axáʔ iwá iʔ sxaʔtmíxəltsəlx. They tried to stop their oldest daughter. [dict] See: sxaʔtílt.

sxaʔtmscút   [sxaʔtmscút] Morph: s+xaʔt+mscút. Etym: √xt. to put oneself first.

Istem. Category: +scut. way̓ uɬ axáʔ iʔ ksənk̓ʷəɬmərríms, ixíʔ iʔ sxaʔtəmscút. The one he was going to marry is the first one [to try]. [blkpg 078] See: xaʔtmscút.

sxaʔxʔítx   [sxaʔxʔítx] Morph: s+xaʔ•xʔítx. Etym: √xʔt. the oldest ones.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ txʷúymsəlx axáʔ iʔ sxaʔxʔítx iʔ tkaʔkaʔɬís yaʔ ḷʔíwsəlx. The three oldest went to see their father. [dict] t̓əxʷ ixíʔ ctəkʷʔútṇsəlx axáʔ iʔ sxaʔxʔítx. The oldest ones started to walk away. [dict] See: xaʔxʔít.

sxc̓iʔálqʷ   [sxəc̓iʔálqʷ] Morph: s+xc̓y̓álqʷ. Etym: √xc̓ʔ (?). ?


sxc̓y̓álqʷ   [sxəc̓iʔálqʷ] Morph: s+xc̓y̓álqʷ. Etym: √xc̓ʔ (?). ?


sxíƛ̓laʔxʷ   [sxíƛ̓laʔxʷ] Morph: s+xíƛ̓laʔxʷ. Etym: √xƛ̓. level land.

Istem. Sp šíƛ̓leʔxʷ it's all level ground; Cr u·+šét̓ul̕umxʷ ground (The...is level). sxíƛ̓laʔxʷ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷsəlx. Their country is flat, level. [PS] See: xiƛ̓.

sxipm   [sxípəm] Morph: s+xip+m. Etym: √xp. the gathering of s.t.

Mstem. sxípəm sqʷlip. Gathering moss. [nb9a 119] See: xipm.

sxixl̕sm   [sxíxəl̕sm] Morph: s+xi•xl̕s+m. Etym: √xl. sxixl̕sm: a small alkaline lake, known locally as "Ranahan Lake," located about three quarters of a mile south from snqəqəl̕tús. Lit: peer over edge

Istem. Category: Geog. sxíxəl̕sm. Place name. [BK393]

sxiʔmíx   [sxiʔmíx] Morph: s+xiʔ+míx. Etym: √xy̓. whatever; the only one.

Istem. Sp šiʔ-miš anything, everything, in any way, whenever, whatever. Category: +mix. See: xy̓míx.

sxlálstaʔx   [sxlálstaʔx] Morph: s+xlálstaʔx. Etym: √xl. sxlálstaʔx: people from the vicinity of xəl̕ál̕st. Sanpoil subgroup in Hellgate-Whitestone Creek area.

Istem. sxlálstaʔx. Sanpoil subgroup. [OkB]

sxlkmúlaʔxʷ   [sxəlkmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+xlk+múlaʔxʷ. Etym: √xlk. sxlkmúlaʔxʷ.

Istem. sxlkmúlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [nb20.90a]

sxllakk   [sxlˑákək] Morph: s+xl•l•ak•k. Etym: √xlk. the turning; the spinning.

Istem. Sp √šl(í)č to turn, to circle, to rotate. ixíʔ p ksx̌əlpínaʔ, ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬcənləʕ̓ʷús ḷ sxlˑákək, mi ixíʔ ala p ɬcyaʕ. When daylight comes on you, and the turning of the sun fits again, you will gather here again. [dict] x̌lap put ixíʔ sxlákəks iʔ x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ, ixíʔ mi kʷu ɬyáʕ aláʔ. Tomorrow just when the sun turns, then we'll gather back here. [dict] qʷəc̓qʷác̓ət iʔ sxəlˑákək. It's a strong spin. [nb21.146] See: xllakk.

sxƛ̓ƛ̓úlaʔxʷ   [sxəƛ̓ƛ̓úlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+xƛ̓•ƛ̓úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √xƛ̓. full daylight.

Istem. way̓ naʔɬ ksxƛ̓ƛ̓úl̕axʷs. It got broad daylight. [BJSeym 486] See: sxƛ̓púlaʔxʷ.

sxƛ̓púlaʔxʷ   [sxəƛ̓púlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+xƛ̓+púlaʔxʷ. Etym: √xƛ̓. full daylight.

Istem. way̓ t̓iʔ k̓əl ksx̌lap, way̓ k̓əl ksxəƛ̓púlaʔxʷs Towards daylight, when it's daylight all over. [GDd2 277] See: sxƛ̓ƛ̓úlaʔxʷ.

sxƛ̓uƛ̓lx   [sxƛ̓úƛ̓əlx] Morph: s+xƛ̓•uƛ̓+lx. Variant: sxƛ̓utx; sxƛ̓utɬx. Etym: √xƛ̓. groundhog.

Istem. Cm s-xƛ̓ut-ltn ground hog, yellow belly marmot. iʔ məlqnúps qʷəlqʷílt, uɬ iʔ sxƛ̓úƛ̓əlx qʷəlqʷílt, iʔ sqilxʷ qʷəlqʷílt, qʷaʔqʷʔálˑx náx̌əmɬ lut ksənsxʷnaʔmənwíxʷsəlx. Eagles talk, and groundhogs talk, a person talks, they all talk, but they don't understand one another. [RAmisc92 007]

sxƛ̓utɬx   [sxəƛ̓útɬəx] Morph: s+xƛ̓ut+ɬx ? Variant: sxƛ̓uƛ̓lx; sxƛ̓utx. Etym: √xƛ̓. groundhog.

Istem. Cm sxƛ̓utltn ground hog, yellow belly marmot. sxƛ̓utɬx. Groundhog. [dict]

sxƛ̓utx   [sxəƛ̓útx] Morph: s+xƛ̓utx. Variant: sxƛ̓uƛ̓lx; sxƛ̓utɬx. Etym: √xƛ̓. groundhog.

Istem. Cm s-xƛ̓ut-ltn ground hog, yellow belly marmot.

sxn   [sxən] Morph: sxn. Variant: isxn; sxn̓; ísaʔxn; isx; sx; ísaʔxn; aʕsxn. 1 • rock; round object.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. c̓ik̓ʷsxən. Lamp. [su7q̓im 248]

2 • lxAfx. forehead; hair. kmúrsxən. Barehead Morris (man's name). [nb24-29 001] kʕílsxnəm. To cut one's hair. [dict]

sxnt   Morph: sx+nt. Etym: √sx. s.t. cools off; to air out s.t.

Tstem. Sp √seš to cool; sʔéš it cooled down; Cm sax be fresh, clean, odorless; Sh səx-səx-t pure, sterilized...; Th √séx odor / taste fades; Li sa˅ʔx taste foes out of s.t. Category: +nt. səxəntís kiʔ úɬiʔ csxap uɬ sic iʔ q̓ʷləntís. She aired it out and when it had no more smell then she roasted it. [BJSeym 562]

sxn̓   [sxən̓] Morph: sxn̓. Variant: isxn; ísaʔxn; isx; sx; ísaʔxn; aʕsxn. rock; small round object.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. c̓íc̓k̓ʷsxən. Flashlight, little lamp. [nb26-37 013]

sxpic̓aʔ   [səxpíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+xpic̓aʔ. Etym: √xp. to get the chills.

Istem. Sp √seš to cool; Cm sax be fresh, clean, odorless. t̓i lut skscxʷuys axáʔ nc̓íʔcən, way̓ k̓əɬníxəl, ksəxpíc̓aʔ. Wolf hadn't gone very far, he heard something. He got the chills. [BJSeym 235] See: sx.

sxpxipm   [sxəpsxípəm] Morph: s+xp•xip+m. Etym: √xp. gathering (of black moss).

Mstem. See: sxipm.

sxsaxt   [səxsáxt] Morph: sx•sax+t. Etym: √sx. fresh, clean.

Istem. Sp √seš to cool, sʔéš it cooled down; Cm sax be fresh, clean, odorless; also sáxsaxt. Category: +t. myaɬ iʔ təl st̓əɬəɬíc̓aʔs lut iʔ scáʕwlxs, t̓əxʷ lut iʔ səxsáxts. He is too dirty, he hasn’t taken a bath, he is not fresh. [nb1220.6] See: sx.

sxsixm   [səxsíxm] Morph: sx•six+m. Etym: √sx. to tickle.

Mstem. səxsíxm. Tickling. [OkB]

sxstqin   [səxstqín] Morph: s+xstqin. Etym: √xst. sxstqin (Lakes name).

Istem. sxstqin. Man's name. [dict]

sxtmixlt   [sxətmíxəlt] Morph: s+xt+míxlt. Etym: √xʔt. first born, oldest child.

Istem. iʔ sxətmíxəlt xíxʷuʔtəm. The oldest is a girl. [nb6.2] See: sxʔit.

sxúlaʔxʷ   [sxúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sxúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √sx. untouched land.

Istem. sxúlaʔxʷ. Untouched land. [nb21.44a]

sxxilym   [sxəxílyəm] Morph: s+x•xilym. Etym: √xlym ?. brodiaea (brodiaea douglasii); fool's onion.

Istem. sxəxílyəm. Brodiaea. [TBK41]

sxxl̕us   [sxəxl̕ús] Morph: sx•xl̕us. Etym: √xl̕. agony.

Istem. sxxl̕us. Agony.

sxxʔítaʔx   [sxəxʔítaʔx] Morph: s+x•xʔít+aʔx. Etym: √xʔt. to be the oldest.

Istem. Category: dim. cúntəm iʔ t q̓ʷəyʕás, way̓, way̓ anwí kʷ sxəxʔítaʔx, The Black Face said, "All right, you are the oldest." [Dvl 027] way̓ t̓əxʷ anwí kʷ sxəxʔítaʔx, anwí kʷ pəx̌páx̌t. You are the oldest, you are smart. [Dvl 046] way̓ anwí kʷ sxəxʔítaʔx, uɬ anwí mi kʷ cxʔit. You are the oldest, you will be the first one. [dict] qʷən̓cín anwí kʷ sxəxʔítaʔx, way̓ anwí ṇk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷíntxʷ stim̓ y akɬx̌mínk. It's a pity that you are the oldest, you pick out what you want. [dict] way̓ anwí kʷ sxəxʔítaʔx, way̓ anwí k̓əɬpaʔx̌əntíxʷ. You are the oldest, you do the thinking. [dict] anwí kʷ ksxəxʔítaʔx, uɬ anwí əcxaʔtmstúmən. You are the oldest, and I tell you to go first. [dict] See: sxʔítx.

sxy̓mix   [sxiʔmíx] Morph: s+xy̓+míx. Etym: √xʔ. whatever; the only one; whenever; anything; any time.

Istem. Sp šiʔ-miš anything, everything, in any way, whenever, whatever. Category: +mix. sxiʔmíx. The only one. [pd] kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ sɬɬt̓am, sxiʔmíx stim̓ t̓əxʷ pulsts, ƛ̓lal. Or fishing, anything that he kills, dead... [Brth 008] uɬ way̓ t̓əxʷ t̓i k̓əm axáʔ iʔ sxiʔmíx axáʔ a c̓q̓ílən. This is the only arrow left. [Nams 105] ʔaslásq̓ət, kəm̓ másq̓ət, way̓ t̓əxʷ t̓iʔ sxiʔmíx p ɬaʔxʷísk̓it. Two days, four days, whatever needed for you to get rested. [GDd1 560] way̓ t̓i ixíʔ k̓əm sxiʔmíx axáʔ iʔ cq̓ílən, way̓ ixíʔ axáʔ kʷíntxʷ. This is the only arrow left, take it. [dict] sxiʔmíx p wʔíkst, uɬ ɬkm̓əntíp iʔ kəwˑápəmp. Anytime you are done working, you can pick up your horses. [dict] See: xiʔmíx.

sxʔimɬk̓ást   [sxʔimɬk̓ást] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+k̓ás+t. Etym: √xʔm, √k̓s. the worst.

Istem. Category: +t. sxʔimɬk̓ást. The very worst. [nb08 002] See: xʔim; k̓ast.

sxʔimɬk̓íwlx   [sxʔimɬk̓íwlx] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+k̓íwlx. Etym: √xʔ, √k̓w. the oldest.

Istem. sxʔimɬk̓íwlx. The oldest one (stock, implement, not people). [nb08 636] See: xʔim; k̓iwlx.

sxʔimɬk̓ʷk̓ʷyúmaʔ   [sxʔimɬk̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷyúmaʔ. Etym: √xʔm, √k̓ʷymʔ. smallest. Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷyúmaʔ.

Istem. sxʔimɬk̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ. The smallest. [nb08 638] See: xʔim; k̓ʷk̓ʷyúmaʔ.

sxʔimɬsílxʷaʔ   [sxʔimɬsílxʷaʔ] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+sílxʷaʔ. Etym: √xʔm, √slxʷʔ. the biggest.

Istem. iʔ sxʔimɬsílxʷaʔ iʔ xaʔtús iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, ixíʔ pulsts. The biggest, the leader of the deer, that's what he had killed. [BJSeym 286] uɬ axáʔ aláʔ mi kʷúməntsən, iʔ l sxʔimɬsílxʷaʔ iʔ l sƛ̓aʔcínəm. I will put you here, inside the biggest of the deer. [dict] See: xʔim; sílxʷaʔ.

sxʔimɬt̓t̓áq̓aʔt   [sxʔimɬt̓ət̓áq̓at] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+t̓+t̓áq̓aʔt. Etym: √xʔm, √t̓q̓. the shortest.

Istem. way̓ ṇxƛ̓íkstəntəm yaʕyáʕt, uɬ txƛ̓ápəlx, k̓əm naqs iʔ cq̓ílən, sxʔimɬt̓ət̓áq̓aʔt. He gave one to each of them, every one of them, but there is one arrow left, the shortest one. [Nams 072] axáʔ kən smisqílxʷ, uɬ way̓ axáʔ sxʔimɬt̓ət̓áq̓at cq̓ílən, úɬiʔ ɬkʷin, kʷu ɬxʷíc̓əɬts. I am way up in class, and this is the shortest arrow, and I took it, he gave it to me. [dict] See: xʔim; t̓t̓áq̓aʔt.

sxʔimɬwísxn   [sxʔimɬwísxən] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+wísxn. Etym: √xʔm, √ws. the longest.

Istem. ckəm̓kəm̓stís iʔ wísxən iʔ cq̓ílən, iʔ sxʔimɬwísxən xʷíc̓əɬtəm səmx̌íkən̓. He took a long arrow, he gave the longest to Grizzly Bear. [Nams 062] See: xʔim; wisxn.

sxʔimɬx̌ást   [sxʔimɬx̌ást] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+x̌ás+t. Etym: √xʔm, √x̌s. the best.

Istem. ixíʔ sxʔimɬx̌ást. That's the very best. [nb08 001] iʔ sxʔimɬx̌ást yaʔ ṇk̓amtíw̓stṇ. The very best saddle horses. [dict] See: xʔim; xast.

sxʔimɬx̌ʷúpt   [sxʔimɬx̌ʷúpt] Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+x̌ʷúp+t. Etym: √xʔm, √x̌ʷp. the weakest; the most worthless.

Istem. Category: +t. iʔ sxʔimɬx̌ʷúpt iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ iʔ səchúyx iʔ t sk̓iwlx. The slowest and the oldest horse. See: xʔim; x̌ʷupt.

sxʔit   [sxʔit] Morph: s+xʔit. Etym: √xʔt. the front; the first.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp k̓əl sxʔit kɬkʷlíwtəlx. And the parents sit in front (select for gr kataphora). [GDd2 6084] See: xʔit.

sxʔitx   [sxʔitx] Morph: s+xʔit+x. Etym: √xʔt. to be the oldest one.

Istem. uɬ lut t̓ə ʔíɬən iʔ sxʔitx. And the oldest one didn't eat. [grlsdd 058] incá iʔ kən tk̓ík̓aʔt iʔ k̓əl sxʔitx. I am next to the oldest. [nb08 208] iʔ sxʔítxsəlx. Their oldest (child). [nb08 564] uɬ axáʔ inqíck iʔ sxʔitx, ʔasəlʔapənkspíntk iʔ sxʔitxs tl̕ incá. My older brother is the eldest, twenty years older than I. [Hrvst 059-0060] axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx a cxʔit. The oldest one took the lead. [nb1284.7] caní kən nstils iʔ sxʔitx təl yaʕyáʕt. Johnny I think was the oldest of all. [gl11] axáʔ ṇc̓íʔcən iʔ l sxʔitx kiʔ əcmrím. Wolf was married with the first one. [dict] See: sxʔit.

sxʔiʔ   [sxʔiʔ] Morph: s+x[ʔ]y̓. Etym: √xy̓. extreme tiredeness.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. See: sxʔy̓.

sxʔkin   [səxʔkín] Morph: s+x+ʔkin. Etym: √ʔkn. do what.


sxʔy̓   [sxʔiʔ] Morph: s+x[ʔ]y̓. Etym: √xy̓. extreme tiredeness.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. way̓ uɬ kən ksxʔiʔ iʔ t sʔayx̌ʷt. I am plum to the end with tiredness. [BJSeym 256] See: xy̓1.

sxʷ   [səxʷ, xuxʷ] Morph: sxʷ. one who does X. Most of these words end in +m.

lxAfx. Cm s‑xʷ‑mryam‑m doctor; See Cr sya- (sye-) the one whose business is... Category: lxPfx. səxʷcaptíkʷləm. Story teller. [nb08 257] səxʷɬc̓iltəm. Whipper. [nb23 095] sxʷnc̓iw̓m. Dishwasher. [dict] sxʷkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm. Judge. [su7q̓im 230] səxʷc̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷəm. Guide. [HnTrp 098] sxʷkənxtíɬn. Helper. [misc 207] sxʷk̓t̓ipm. Feller, logger. [dict] sxʷk̓aʕʷm. Prayer leader. [dict] səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm. Worker, working man, hired hand. [su7q̓im 273] səxʷk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm. Carpenter. [dict] sxʷk̓ʷl̕cncut. Cook. [dict] səxʷk̓ʷanɬqəm. Farmer. [dict] səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm. Counsellor. [newles 285] səxʷnk̓ʷín̓kʷəm. Wine taster, liquid taster. [misc 022] səxʷlk̓ám. Policeman. [nb25-33 003] sxʷmiƛ̓ɬxʷm. House painter. [dict] sxʷmrim. Doctor. [dict] sxʷm̓am̓áyaʔm. Teacher; student. [dict] səxʷm̓ym̓yam. Messenger. [dict] sxʷpíx̌m. Hunter. [nb26-64 010] səxʷk̓əɬq̓y̓ám. Artist, designer. [nb26-37 011] sxʷqʷəlqʷílt. Spokesman. [dict] səxʷtqʷəlqʷəltíw̓səm. Telephone operator. [dict] səxʷtaɬululím. Blacksmith. [dict] sxʷtiyáqʷtəm. Warrior, fighter. [dict] sxʷnxt̓íw̓səm. Compartmentalizer. [misc 215] sxʷkʕacsqáx̌aʔm. Horse packer. [dict] sxʷʔaʔúmˑ. Square dance caller. [nb23 103] See: +m4.

sxʷaʔník   [sxʷaʔník] Morph: s+xʷaʔník. Etym: √xʷnk (?). 1 • black hawthorn berries (crataegus douglasii).

Istem. sxʷaʔník. [TBK124]

2 • Istem. thornbrush.

See Sp s-x̌ʷeʔnéč thornberry; Cm sxʷaʔník thornberry; See Cr s+x̌ʷún̓ič thornberry.Istem. iʔ ƛ̓qʷúməns iʔ sxʷaʔník. Thornbrush thorns. [nb18173.7]

sxʷaʔnkíɬp   [sxʷaʔnkíɬp] Morph: s+xʷaʔnkíɬp. Etym: √xʷnk (?). thornberry bush.

Istem. sxʷaʔnkíɬp. Thornberry bush. [nb18173.7] See: sxʷaʔník.

sxʷaʔsmík̓ʷt   [sxʷaʔsmík̓ʷət] Morph: s+xʷaʔ+s+mík̓ʷ+t. Etym: √xʷʔ, √mk̓ʷ. a lot of snow.

Istem. Category: +t. lut sxʷaʔsmík̓ʷət. Not much snow. [nb6.134a] See: xʷʔ; smík̓ʷt.

sxʷaʔtkʷmnúxʷ   [sxʷaʔtkʷmnúxʷ] Morph: s+xʷaʔtkʷ+mnúxʷ. Etym: √xʷʔ. spring runoff weather.

Istem. sxʷaʔtkʷmnúxʷ. Spring runoff weather. [nb19.323] See: xʷʔ.

sxʷaʔwíɬ   [sxʷaʔwíɬ] Morph: s+xʷaʔwíɬ. Etym: √xʷʔwɬ (?). sxʷaʔwíɬ: unidentified place.

Istem. Category: Geog. təl sxʷaʔwíɬ kiʔ km̓áx̌əntməlx. It's from sxʷaʔwíɬ that they kidnapped them. [bfp1]

sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp   [sxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬp] Morph: s+xʷaʔ•xʷaʔnkíɬp. Etym: √xʷʔ. 1 • black hawthorn (crataegus douglasii).

Istem. sxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬp. [TBK124]

2 • Istem. thornbush; thornberry bush.

See Sp s-x̌ʷeʔnéč thornberry; Cm sxʷaʔník thornberry; See Cr s+x̌ʷún̓ič thornberry.Istem. iʔ sxʷaxʷaʔnkíɬp way̓, iʔ sxʷaxʷaʔnkíɬp. A thornbush, a thornbush. [cogrzd 072] ixíʔ a cɬak kmix sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp. Only thorn bushes. [GDd1 641] put kʷənnúntxʷ, məɬ ḷk̓íw̓səntxʷ axáʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp. As much as you can hold, tie these thorn bushes in a bundle. ixíʔ uɬ asənx̌cípəm axáʔ iʔ sp̓p̓aʔc̓áʕlaʔqʷəm iʔ sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp. Cut these shoots of thorn bushes close to the ground. [dict] ṇt̓aʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp, put iʔ sp̓p̓aʔc̓áʕlaʔqʷəms. The thorn bushes are all new shoots. [dict] See: sxʷaʔnkíɬp.

sxʷaʔxʷúytn   [sxʷaʔxʷúytṇ] Morph: s+xʷaʔ+xʷúy+tn. Etym: √xʷʔ, √xʷy. many tracks; place of repeated walking.

Istem. Category: +tn. way̓ ixíʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷúytəns. Those are her tracks. [nb2545.9] ixíʔ sxʷaʔxʷúytns a cənxʷəxʷr̓ús iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. That's where they always go, it's a low place where the deer go. [BJSeym 198] məɬ t̓i ik̓líʔ təɬməncút axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm ixíʔ k̓əl sxʷaʔxʷúytns iʔ k̓a cənxʷəxʷr̓ús. The deer tracks go straight to the low pass. [BJSeym 201] ixíʔ iʔ sənk̓əɬcahmín, ixíʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷúytəns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. That's where to sit and watch, that's the deer's trail. [HnTrp 034] See: xʷʔ; xʷuytn.

sxʷcaptíkʷlm   [səxʷcaptíkʷləm] Morph: sxʷ+captíkʷl+m. Variant: sxʷcaptíkʷlʔam. Etym: √cptkʷl. storyteller.

Istem. sxʷcaptíkʷlm. Storyteller. [nb08 257] See: captíkʷl.

sxʷcaʔnwíxʷ   [səxʷcaʔnwíxʷ] Morph: sxʷcaʔ+nwíxʷ. Etym: √cʔ. boxer; pugilist.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. sxʷcaʔnwíxʷ. Boxer. [E63.16] See: caʔnwíxʷ.

sxʷc̓al̕ám   [sxʷc̓al̕ám] Morph: sxʷc̓al̕á+m. Etym: √c̓l. one who stands s.t. up.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ isk̓ʷúy iʔ səxʷc̓al̕ám. And my mother is the one that stands them up. [Hrvst 194] See: sxʷc̓lam.

sxʷc̓lam   [səxʷc̓lám] Morph: sxʷc̓la+m. Etym: √c̓l. one who stands things up.

Istem. sxʷc̓lam. One who stands things up. [dict]

sxʷc̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷm   [səxʷc̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷm] Morph: sxʷ+c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. a guide.

Istem. kʷu cúntəm axáʔ iʔ t inqíck, ixíʔ aɬíʔ iʔ səxʷc̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷəm. My brother told us, because he is the guide. [HnTrp 098] See: c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷ.

sxʷic̓c̓x   [sxʷíc̓əc̓x] Morph: s+xʷic̓•c̓+x. Etym: √xʷc̓. what has been given (away); what one has received.

Istem. Category: +x. way̓ ixíʔ x̌lits axáʔ iʔ sxʷíc̓əc̓xs a ckəlk̓əlk̓íc̓aʔ. He summoned what was given to him, the bundles. [Nams 194] təl̕ k̓ʷəl̕əncútn sxʷíc̓c̓xtət iʔ túm̓təm̓tət ksnpyílsməntəm kstxt̓əntím uɬ ksk̓əɬqíxʷəntəm. The creator has given us our mother [the earth], to enjoy, to manage and to protect. [OkDcl.3] kʷis iʔ st̓aʔqʷíc̓aʔ iʔ sxʷíc̓c̓əxs. He took the quilt she had given him. [cre45] way̓ ixíʔ x̌líts axáʔ iʔ sxʷíc̓əc̓xs, axáʔ iʔ ckəlk̓əlk̓íc̓aʔ. He started summoning what was given to him, the things that were wrapped up. [dict] See: xʷic̓.

sxʷikʷm   [sxʷikʷm] Morph: s+xʷikʷ+m. Etym: √xʷkʷ. to tan hides.

Mstem. See: xʷikʷ.

sxʷipkstn   [sxʷípkstən] Morph: s+xʷipkst+n. Etym: √xʷp. one yard; one arm's length.

Istem. Sp s-xʷepčst an arm's length measurement. Category: +tn. x̌əccíkst sxʷípkstən. One hundred yards. [nb22.113]

sxʷiplp   [sxʷípəlp] Morph: s+xʷiplp. Etym: √xʷp. a rug; a blanket used as mattress; a blanket spread on the floor.

Istem. Sp √xʷep to lay out, to spread open; Cm xʷp̓‑nt‑xʷ you unfold s.t.; Cr xʷep ... to flatten out blanket; Sh xʷep-n-s to unfold, to blow up; Th √xʷép unfold-flat; Li xʷap to unfold s.t. kʷu akspúlɬtəm iksxʷípəlp. Go kill that for a rug for me to lie on. [cogrzd 035] kən ksxʷípəlp. I have something to put under me. [nb08 236] kʷa ixíʔ sxʷípəlp ɬaʔ inqəqpáqstxən. That's a mat for when I lie down. [nb08 361] uɬ ixíʔ ksxʷípəlps ixíʔ iʔ x̌minks iʔ síp̓iʔ. That's to put under her that she wants the hide. [CoGrSy 165] uɬ kʷa ixíʔ sxʷípəlp ixíʔ l anqəqpáqstxən. That's a mat for you to lie on. [CoGrSy 418] See: xʷip2.

sxʷistn   [sxʷistṇ] Morph: s+xʷist+n. Etym: √xʷst. where one walks.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ axáʔ atláʔ t̓i sxʷuytṇs sxʷistṇs iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. There are tracks where the horse walked. [dict] See: xʷist.

sxʷixʷ   [sxʷixʷ] Morph: sxʷ•ixʷ. Etym: √sxʷ. molehill. púl̕laʔxʷ ɬaʔ ksxʷíxʷ. Molehill. [E52.11]

2 • yellow dog-tooth violet (erythronium grandiflorum).

Istem. sxʷixʷ. [TBK45]

3 • Istem. easter lily.

Istem. sxʷixʷ. Easter lily. [pd]

sxʷkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm   [səxʷkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm] Morph: sxʷk+c̓x̌ʷíplaʔ+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. a judge.

Istem. kən lk̓ak̓, kʷu kɬtíɬxstsəlx iʔ ilmíxʷəm, iʔ sxʷkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm. I was in jail, they took me to the judge. [su7q̓im 230] See: kc̓x̌ʷíplaʔ.

sxʷkilm   [səxʷkíləm] Morph: sxʷkil+m. Etym: √kl. one who chases things.

Istem. sxʷkilm. One who chases things. [E63.27] See: kil.

sxʷkɬiw̓sm   [sxʷkɬíw̓səm] Morph: sxʷkɬiw̓s+m. Etym: √kɬ. one who breaks up marriages.

Istem. sxʷkɬiw̓sm One who breaks up marriages. [E16] See: kɬiw̓s.

sxʷkɬʔuclm   [səxʷkɬʔúcləm] Morph: sxʷkɬ+ʔucl+m. Etym: √ʔcl. an oarsman.

Istem. sxʷkɬʔuclm. Oarsman. [E63.26] See: ʔuclm.

sxʷkm̓islp̓m   [səxʷkm̓ísəlp̓əm] Morph: sxʷkm̓islp̓+m. Etym: √km̓. a wood packer; one who packs wood.

Istem. sxʷkm̓islp̓m. Wood packer. [E63.29] See: kaʔm̓íslp̓.

sxʷknxtiɬn   [sxʷkənxtíɬn] Morph: sxʷkn+xtiɬn. Etym: √kn. a helper; one who helps people.

Istem. sxʷkənxtíɬn. Helper. [nb26-51 035] See: knxt.

sxʷkskm̓qinm   [səxʷkskəm̓qínəm] Morph: sxʷk+s+km̓qin+m. Etym: √km̓. a chauffeur.

Istem. See Cr sya+čs+čn̓–qín chauffeur, coachman... lit. One who holds the head (tip) of the tail (steering wheel). sxʷkskm̓qinm. Chauffeur. [E63.6] See: km̓qi(n).

sxʷktaʔqínaʔm   [səxʷktaʔqínʔam] Morph: sxʷk+taʔqínaʔ+m. Etym: √tʔ. a typist.

Istem. sxʷktaʔqínaʔm. Typist. [E63.11] See: ktqínaʔ.

sxʷkʕacíw̓sm   [səxʷkʕacíw̓səm] Morph: sxʷk+ʕacíw̓s+m. Etym: √ʕac. a hangman.

Istem. sxʷkʕacíw̓sm. Hangman. [E63.24] See: kʕacíw̓s.

sxʷkʕacqáx̌aʔm   [sxʷkʕacqáx̌aʔm] Morph: sxʷk+ʕacqáx̌aʔ+m. Variant: sxʷkʕacsqáx̌aʔm. Etym: √ʕc. a packer.

Istem. i[xíʔ] ksəxʷkʕacqáx̌aʔm tk̓asʔasíl iʔ sck̓aʕʷmísts. He had packers, he had hired two. [Hrvst 214] See: kʕacqáx̌aʔm.

sxʷkʕacsqáx̌aʔm   [sxʷkʕacsqáx̌aʔm] Morph: sxʷk+ʕacsqáx̌aʔ+m. Variant: sxʷkʕacqáx̌aʔm. Etym: √ʕc. horse packer.

Istem. sxʷkʕacsqáx̌aʔms. His horse packers. [dict] ksxʷkʕacsqáx̌aʔm. He had horse packers. [dict] See: kʕacqáx̌aʔm.

sxʷkʔamtíw̓s   [səxʷk̓amtíw̓s] Morph: sxʷk+ʔamtíw̓s. Etym: √ʔmt. jockey.

Istem. cúntəm axáʔ iʔ t inqíck ck̓əɬʔayxʷíw̓stxʷ asəxʷk̓amtíw̓s. My brother said to him, "Have you changed your jockey?" [RHorse 116]

sxʷk̓amtíltm   [səxʷk̓amtíltəm] Morph: sxʷk+ʔamtílt+m. Etym: √ʔm. baby sitter.

Istem. sxʷk̓amtíltm. Baby sitter. [nb21.88]

sxʷk̓amtíw̓s   [səxʷk̓amtíw̓s] Morph: sxʷk+ʔamtíw̓s. Etym: √ʔm. a rider.

Istem. sxʷk̓amtíw̓s Rider. [E63.31]

sxʷk̓aʕm   [səxʷk̓áʕm] Morph: sxʷk̓aʕ+m. Etym: √k̓ʕ(ʷ). prayer leader.

Istem. sxʷk̓aʕm. Prayer leader. [E63.20]

sxʷk̓aʕmíst   [səxʷk̓aʕmíst] Morph: sxʷk̓aʕ+míst. Etym: √k̓ʕ. one who does the hiring.

Istem. swit iʔ sxʷk̓ʕamíst? Who does the hiring? [nb22.27]

sxʷk̓aʕʷm   [səxʷk̓áʕʷm] Morph: sxʷ꞊k̓aʕʷ+m. Etym: √k̓ʕʷ. prayer leader.

Istem. sxʷk̓aʕʷm. Prayer leader. [dict]

sxʷk̓ɬcham   [səxʷk̓əɬchám] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+cha+m. Etym: √ch. one waiting to shoot deer herded towards him.

Istem. sxʷk̓ɬcham. Waits for game to shoot. [pd10]

sxʷk̓ɬkʷincnm   [k̓əɬk̓ʷíncnəm] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+kʷincn+m. Etym: √kʷn. one who repeats a song; a catcher.

Istem. səxʷk̓əɬkʷíncnəm. One who grabs the sound and repeats. [nb19.326]

sxʷk̓ɬlxʷncut   [səxʷk̓əɬləxʷncút] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+lxʷ+ncut. Etym: √lxʷ. messenger.

Istem. Category: +ncut. sxʷk̓ɬlxʷncut. Messenger. [E63.5]

sxʷk̓ɬpitm   [səxʷk̓əɬpítm] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+pit+m. Etym: √pt. announcer.

Istem. kʷ sxʷk̓ɬpitm. You are an announcer. [nb19.257]

sxʷk̓ɬq̓y̓ám   [səxʷk̓əɬq̓y̓ám] Morph: sxʷ+k̓ɬ+q̓y̓á+m. Etym: √q̓y̓. artist; designer; photographer.


sxʷk̓ɬtqxniltm   [səxʷk̓ɬtqxníltəm] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+tqxnilt+m. Etym: √tqxn. midwife.

Istem. səxʷk̓ɬtqxníltəm. Midwife. [OkB]

sxʷk̓ɬʕalám   [səxʷk̓əɬʕalám] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬʕalám. Etym: √ʕl. one who builds fences.

Istem. sxʷk̓ɬʕalám. Builds fences. [nb22.42a]

sxʷk̓ɬʕ̓ac̓xnm   [səxʷk̓əɬʕ̓ác̓xnəm] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+ʕ̓ac̓xn+m. Etym: √ʕac̓. a tracker.

Istem. sxʷk̓ɬʕ̓ac̓xnm. Tracker. [E63.28]

sxʷk̓ɬʔakʷɬtíɬn   [səxʷk̓əɬʔakʷɬtíɬən] Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+ʔakʷɬtíɬn. Etym: √ʔkʷ. taxi cab driver.

Istem. sxʷk̓ɬʔakʷɬtíɬn. Cab driver. [E54.21]

sxʷk̓ram   [səxʷk̓rám] Morph: sxʷ+k̓ra+m. Etym: √k̓r. one who swims for s.t.

Istem. sxʷk̓ram Swimmer. [E63.21]

sxʷk̓t̓ipm   [səxʷk̓t̓ípṃ] Morph: sxʷk̓t̓ip+m. Etym: √k̓t̓. logger, feller, (tree) feller.

Istem. Ques: k or k̓ sxʷk̓t̓ipm. Logger. [nb21.140] See: k̓t̓ip.

sxʷkʷiʔíta   [suxʷkʷiʔíta] Morph: sxʷ꞊kʷiʔíta. Etym: √kʷy̓ ?. sxʷkʷiʔíta.

Istem. sxʷkʷiʔíta. Man's name. [dict]

sxʷk̓ʷanɬqm   [səxʷk̓ʷanɬqəm] Morph: sxʷk̓ʷanɬq+m. Etym: √k̓ʷn. a gardener, farmer.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ kmix isx̌áx̌paʔ iʔ səxʷk̓ʷanɬqəm naʔɬ inqáqnaʔ. All my father is is a gardener with my grandmother. [Hrvst 183] See: k̓ʷanɬq.

sxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm   [səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm] Morph: sxʷk̓ʷín꞊maʔ+m. Variant: sxʷk̓ʷín̓maʔm. Etym: √k̓ʷn. one who decides; counselor.

Istem. kʷ ksxʷk̓ʷínmʔam.. You're the one figuring it out. [dict] See: k̓ʷínmaʔ.

sxʷk̓ʷin̓m   [səxʷk̓ʷin̓əm] Morph: sxʷk̓ʷin̓+m. Etym: √k̓ʷn̓. wine taster; liquid taster.

Istem. səxʷnk̓ʷín̓kʷəm. Wine taster, liquid taster. [misc 022] See: k̓ʷin.

sxʷk̓ʷín̓maʔm   [səxʷk̓ʷín̓maʔm] Morph: sxʷ+k̓ʷín̓+maʔ+m. Variant: sxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm. Etym: √k̓ʷn̓. a counselor.

Istem. inx̌mínk ikswíkm iʔ səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm ɬə ksx̌an iʔ sntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. I would like to see the counsellor when it's past noon. [newles 285] See: k̓ʷínmaʔ.

sxʷk̓ʷl̕cncut   [səxʷk̓ʷəl̕cəncút] Morph: sxʷk̓ʷl̕cn+cut. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. one who cooks; cook.

Istem. Category: +ncut. səxʷk̓ʷəl̕cəncút. Cook. [nb1897.10] See: k̓ʷl̕cncut.

sxʷk̓ʷl̕ɬt̓k̓ʷminm   [səxʷk̓ʷl̕ɬt̓k̓ʷminm] Morph: sxʷk̓ʷl̕+ɬ+t̓k̓ʷ+min+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕, √t̓k̓ʷ. a coffin maker.

Istem. way̓ wiʔstís axáʔ iʔ səxʷk̓ʷəl̕ɬt̓k̓ʷmínəm, a[xáʔ] nt̓ək̓ʷəntísəlx he finished the coffin, and they put him in it. [GDd1 147] See: k̓ʷl̕; nt̓k̓ʷmin.

sxʷk̓ʷul̕ɬxʷm   [səxʷk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm] Morph: sxʷk̓ʷul̕ɬxʷ+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. a carpenter.

Istem. way̓ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm inx̌mínk iksck̓ʷúl̕. Carpenter work, that̓s what I’d like to do. [nb1253.7] lut axáʔ iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm t̓a cmíƛ̓ɬxʷəm. It's not the carpenter who does the house painting. [nb1291.3] xʷíc̓əɬtsən axáʔ iʔ q̓əy̓mín, ixíʔ k̓əl səxʷk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm mi xʷíc̓əɬtxʷ. I'll give you this note, take it to the carpenter. [dict] See: k̓ʷul̕ɬxʷm.

sxʷk̓ʷul̕m   [səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm] Morph: sxʷk̓ʷul̕+m. Etym: √k̓ʷl̕. a worker; a helper.

Istem. wayʼ cníxləmstən iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúlʼm t k̓ast aʔ ck̓ʷulʼsts iʔ sqilxʷ t sw̓ar̓ák̓xən. I heard that the doer of evil turns people into frogs. [FP] taʔlíʔ x̌əstmín iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ kʷu ckʷəlstúɬtxʷ. I really like the worker you sent me. [feb94 085] ixíʔ iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əms iʔ səxʷkʕacqáx̌aʔm. They are his hired hands, the packers. [Hrvst 215] See: k̓ʷul̕.

sxʷlakʷ   [sxʷlakʷ] Morph: sxʷlakʷ. Etym: √sxʷlkʷ. sxʷlakʷ (Mike Somday).

Istem. sxʷlakʷ. Man's name.

sxʷlikʷ   [sxʷlikʷ] Morph: s+xʷlikʷ. Etym: √xʷl. a whirlwind.

Istem. Sp sxʷlékʷ. sxʷlikʷ. Whirlwind. [nb18161.14]

sxʷliq̓m   [səxʷlíq̓əm] Morph: sxʷliq̓+m. Etym: √lq̓. one who buries (corpses).

Istem. sxʷliq̓m. Burier. [E63.12] See: liq̓.

sxʷlitkʷ   [sxʷəlítkʷ] Morph: s+xʷlitkʷ. Etym: √xʷl. a whirlpool.

Istem. Sp √xʷer(í) (xʷal(í)) to shake, to tremble, greedy; Cr xʷel̕ spin (as a top); Sh √xʷl to turn, spin; Th √xʷəlékʷ ? whirtlwind; Li xʷəlp to spin around. sxʷlitkʷ. Whirlpool. [nb18161.12] See: xʷl.

sxʷlk̓am   [səxʷlk̓ám] Morph: sxʷlk̓a+m. Etym: √lk̓. a police officer; a policeman; a sheriff.

Istem. yaʔx̌ís iʔ səxʷəlk̓ám cmay cmistís iʔ snilíʔtənsəlx. Maybe that policeman knows their house. [newles 106] x̌lítənt iʔ səxʷlk̓ám. Call the policeman! [newles 136] isəntxʷús səxʷlk̓ám. My sister is a police officer. [newles 298] way̓ ɬíx̌ʷp̓ət axáʔ iʔ sxʷəlk̓ám, way̓ ik̓líʔ kícsəlx axáʔ iʔ tətwít. Those who tie up people ran out, they went to the boy. [dict] See: lk̓(a).

sxʷlk̓lk̓am   [sxʷəlk̓əlk̓ám] Morph: sxʷlk̓•lk̓+am. Etym: √lk̓. sheriffs.

Istem. See: sxʷlk̓am.

sxʷlmúlaʔxʷ   [sxʷəlmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+xʷl+múlaʔxʷ. Variant: sxʷl̕múlaʔxʷ. Etym: √xʷl. sxʷlmulaʔxʷ: place east of Oroville, Washington.

Istem. Category: Geog. uɬ ixíʔ k̓əl sxʷl̕múlaʔxʷ axáʔ cxʔit iʔ stk̓ʷƛ̓ústns, k̓əl páqəmqen iʔ naqs. k̓əl sxʷl̕múlaʔxʷ tack̓líʔ t̓uxʷt, ixíʔ t̓i kʷaw̓íkʷ kʷaw̓íkʷ. And the first eye [flew] to sxʷəl̕múlaʔxʷ, the other flew to Mount Baldi. In the direction of sxʷəl̕múlaʔxʷ, and then [it went] kʷaw̓íkʷ kʷaw̓íkʷ. [chip58-59]

sxʷlxʷalt   [sxʷəlxʷált] Morph: s+xʷl•xʷal+t. Etym: √xʷl. one's being alive.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ ixíʔ isclímt təl sxʷəlxʷálts axáʔ ist̓əmkəʔílt. I am so very glad that my daughter is alive. [dict] límtsəlx təl sxʷəlxʷálts. They're glad that they're alive. [dict] See: xʷlxʷalt.

sxʷlxʷilt   [sxʷəlxʷílt] Morph: s+xʷl•xʷil+t. Etym: √xʷl. a debt.

Istem. Category: +t. iʔ l kc̓aʔc̓aʔɬtán ka ck̓əɬxʷíc̓xmstm iʔ t sxʷəlxʷíltət. In February we pay our debts (our income tax). [newles 311] See: xʷlxʷilt.

sxʷlxʷulɬxʷ   [sxʷəlxʷúlɬxʷ] Morph: s+xʷl•xʷulɬxʷ. Etym: √xʷl. tipis.

Istem. axáʔ iʔ sxʷəlxʷúlɬxʷ. The tipis. [lpb502] See: sxʷulɬxʷ.

sxʷɬc̓iltm   [səxʷɬc̓íltəm] Morph: sxʷɬc̓ilt+m. Etym: √ɬc̓. a whipper.

Istem. sxʷɬc̓iltm. Whipper. [nb23 095] See: ɬc̓iltn.

sxʷɬkim̓m   [səxʷɬkím̓m] Morph: sxʷɬkím̓+m. Etym: √ɬkm. a tailor.

Istem. Ques: or ɬkim ? orig. recorded as k̓ sxʷɬkim̓m. Tailor. [E63.10]

sxʷɬq̓ilx   [səxʷɬq̓ílx] Morph: sxʷɬq̓+ilx. Etym: √ɬq̓. a whore; a prostitute.

Istem. Category: +ilx. sxʷɬq̓ilx. Whore. [nb21.55a] See: ɬq̓ilx.

sxʷɬq̓y̓min   [səxʷɬq̓əy̓mín] Morph: sxʷɬ+q̓y̓+min. Etym: √q̓y̓. a postman.

Istem. Category: +min. sxʷɬq̓y̓min. Postman. [nb18121.4] See: q̓y̓min.

sxʷƛ̓am   [sxʷƛ̓am] Morph: s+xʷƛ̓a+m. Etym: √xʷƛ̓. carving.

Mstem. sxʷƛ̓am. [nb19.323] See: xʷƛ̓(a).

sxʷƛ̓iʔ   [sxʷƛ̓iʔ] Morph: s+xʷƛ̓iʔ. Etym: √xʷƛ̓ʔ. Variant: sx̌ʷƛ̓iʔ. male mountain goat.

Istem. Sp s-xʷƛ̓éy̓ mountain goat; See Cm s‑x̌ʷiy–awt‑əxʷ mountain goat; Th s/x̣ʷiƛ̓-éc̓ mountain goat; Li s.x̌ʷiƛ̓áz̓ mountain goat. Ques: xʷ or x̌ʷ ? axáʔ iʔ sútən iʔ lmotó sxʷƛ̓iʔ. This ram, this goat. [grlhd 105]

sxʷmaʔálqsm   [suxʷmʔálqsəm] Morph: sxʷmaʔálqs+m. Variant: suxʷmʔál̕qsəm. Etym: √sxʷ. to fit or measure a coat.

Mstem. suxʷmʔál̕qsm. The coat fits. [dict] See: súxʷmaʔ.

sxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷnt   Morph: sxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷ+nt. Etym: √sxʷ. to measure the ground.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ uɬ sxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷs iʔ ksnilíʔtəns. He measured the ground where the house is going to be. [dict] See: súxʷmaʔ.

sxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷtn   [səxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷtən] Morph: sxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √sxʷ. 1 • surveyor's tool.

Istem. Category: +tn. səxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷtən. Surveyor's tool. [nb18198.12]

2 • Istem. a mile.

Istem. Category: +tn. sxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷtn. A mile. [dict] See: sxʷmaʔúlaʔxʷ.

sxʷmiƛ̓ɬxʷm   [səxʷmíƛ̓ɬxʷəm] Morph: sxʷmiƛ̓ɬxʷ+m. Etym: √mƛ̓. house painter.

Istem. ik̓líʔ cəwíx iʔ səxʷmíƛ̓ɬxʷəm ya ilmíxʷəm. Over there there’s a house, and that̓s the boss of the house painters. [nb1254.9] See: miƛ̓ɬxʷm.

sxʷmrim   [səxʷmrím] Morph: sxʷmrim. Variant: sxʷmrimm. Etym: √mrm. a doctor.

Istem. lkʷut aɬíʔ k̓a nsq̓ʷut, ilíʔ iʔ səxʷmrím. It's far, across the river, there is a doctor there. [AutPS 358] ksxʷmrim. There was a doctor. [dict] kɬtk̓ʷəntísəlx iʔ l p̓úyxən, uɬ xʷət̓púsəlx k̓əl sxʷmrim. They put him in the car, and they started to the doctor. [dict] See: mrim.

sxʷmrimm   [səxʷmrímˑ] Morph: sxʷ+mrim+m. Variant: sxʷmrim. Etym: √mrm. a doctor.

Istem. x̌litnt iʔ səxʷmrímˑ Call the doctor. [newles 140]

sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ   [səxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √sxʷ. map.

Istem. Ques: sxʷmaʔ ? iʔ l sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ uɬ iʔ skc̓kaqs iʔ ʔawtmasqílxʷ uɬ ləkʷtúlaʔxʷ. On the map are the numbers of inhabitants and the distances. [newles 105]

sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷnt   Morph: sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ+nt. Etym: √sxʷ. 1 • to measure the ground.

Tstem. Category: +nt. aˑˑ nt̓a way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ səxʷmʔúlaʔxʷs iʔ ksnilíʔtəns. He measured the ground where the house was going to be. [Dvl 244]

sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷtn   [səxʷmʔúlaʔxʷtṇ] Morph: sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √sxʷ. a mile.

Istem. Ques: sxʷmaʔ ? Category: +tn. mat c̓kin mat cilkst səxʷmʔúlaʔxʷtən iʔ səlkʷúts. Maybe it's five miles the distance. [AutPS 204] uɬ mat naqs sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ[tən] təl cítxʷtət ksxw̓íw̓stəms. Maybe a mile from our house up the hill. [Hrvst 063] iʔ l kʷáʕta, kʷáʕta səxʷmʔúlaʔxʷtən. In the quarter mile. [RHorse 131]

sxʷm̓am̓áyaʔm   [səxʷm̓am̓áyaʔm] Morph: sxʷm̓a•m̓áyaʔ+m. Variant: sxʷm̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔm. Etym: √my. teacher; student.

Istem. See: m̓aʔm̓áyaʔ.

sxʷm̓aʔm̓álx̌aʔ   [səxʷm̓aʔm̓álx̌aʔ] Morph: sxʷm̓aʔ•m̓álx̌aʔ. Etym: √mlx̌ʔ. lawyer. Lit: one who tells lies

Istem. sxʷm̓aʔm̓álx̌aʔ. Lawyer. [E63.18] See: m̓álx̌aʔ.

sxʷm̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔm   [səxʷm̓aʔm̓áyaʔm] Morph: sxʷm̓aʔ•m̓áy̓aʔ+m. Variant: sxʷm̓am̓áyaʔm. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. teacher; student.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ aɬíʔ ya ilmíxʷəm iʔ l sck̓ʷul̕x, səxʷm̓aʔm̓áyaʔm. He is the boss of the working men, he teaches people. [nb1253.11] iʔ sxʷm̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔm ka nʔucxsaʔyápaʔ. The teacher fell ass over teakettle. [nb26-82 011]

sxʷm̓minm   [sxʷəm̓mínəm] Morph: s+xʷm̓+min+m. Etym: √xʷm. to be pleased with s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. aɬíʔ isxʷəm̓mínməlx mat susuwítəlx. I'm tickled to look at them, whoever they are. [dict] See: xʷm̓min.

sxʷm̓ym̓yam   [səxʷm̓ym̓yam] Morph: sxʷm̓y•m̓ya+m. Variant: sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am; sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am̓. Etym: √my̓. a messenger; a reporter.

Istem. səxʷm̓ym̓yam. Messenger. [dict]

sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am   [səxʷm̓iʔm̓y̓ám] Morph: sxʷm̓y̓•m̓y̓a+m. Variant: sxʷm̓ym̓yam; sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am̓. Etym: √m̓y̓. reporter; one who reports.

Istem. sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am. Reporter. [nb18212.1]

sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am̓   [suxʷm̓iymiy̓ám̓] Morph: sxʷm̓y̓•m̓y̓a+m̓. Variant: sxʷm̓ym̓yam; sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am. Etym: √m̓y̓. a messenger.

Istem. sxʷm̓y̓m̓y̓am̓. Messenger. [OkB]

sxʷnamt   [səxʷnámt] Morph: sxʷ+namt ? Etym: √nmt. to be parents of one's own offspring's spouse.

Istem. Category: kin. sxʷnamt. Parents of one's own offspring's spouse. [E60.9]

sxʷnamtíw̓s   [səxʷnámtíw̓s] Morph: sxʷ+namtiw̓s ? Etym: √nmt. the relationship of two parties whose offspring is married to one another.

Istem. Category: kin. kʷu səxʷnəmtiw̓s. We are parents of children married to one another. [E60.9] See: sxʷnamt.

sxʷnaʔmtáqs   [səxʷnaʔmtáqs] Morph: sxʷnaʔ+mtáqs. Etym: √mt. a patrolman.

Istem. səxʷnaʔmtáqs iʔ k̓əl ɬəp̓úlaʔxʷtən. Border patrol. [nb21.191]

sxʷnciqm   [səxʷəncíqəm] Morph: sxʷn+ciq+m. Etym: √cq. a grave digger.

Istem. sxʷnciqm. Grave digger. [E63.13] See: nciqmn.

sxʷnc̓iw̓m   [səxʷnc̓íw̓m] Morph: sxʷn+c̓iw̓+m. Etym: √c̓w̓. dishwasher; one who washes dishes.

Istem. cut iʔ səxʷk̓ʷəl̕cəncút, way̓ nɬíptmən iksəxʷnc̓íw̓m. The cook said, “I forgot about my dishwasher.” [nb1220.4] See: c̓iw̓.

sxʷník̓w̓sm   [səxʷník̓uʔsəm] Morph: sxʷník̓w̓s+m. Etym: √nk̓. cutter; one who cuts.

Istem. way̓ uɬ ixíʔ sənq̓ʷmám uɬ axáʔ ksəxʷník̓uʔsəm. And the feeder must have a cutter. [AutPS 211] See: nik̓.

sxʷnkʷíncnm   [səxʷənkʷíncnəm] Morph: sxʷn+kʷíncn+m. Etym: √kʷn. one who sings along.

Istem. sxʷnkʷíncnm. Sings along. [nb22.16] See: nkʷancín.

sxʷnkʷnim   [səxʷnkʷním] Morph: sxʷn+kʷnim. Etym: √kʷn. a singer.

Istem. Cr sye+n+kʷín+m bard, cantor, chorister. sxʷnkʷnim. Singer. See: nkʷnim.

sxʷnk̓ʷin̓kʷm   [səxʷnk̓ʷín̓kʷəm] Morph: sxʷnk̓ʷin̓kʷ+m. Variant: sxʷnk̓ʷin̓kʷ. Etym: √k̓ʷn̓. wine taster, liquid taster.

Istem. səxʷnk̓ʷín̓kʷəm. Wine taster, liquid taster. [misc 022]

sxʷnmycin   [səxʷnmicín] Morph: sxʷn+mycin. Etym: √my. an interpreter.

Istem. sxʷnmycin. Interpreter. [nb18198.14] See: nmycin.

sxʷnq̓ʷʔitkʷm   [səxʷnq̓ʷʔítkʷəm] Morph: sxʷn+q̓ʷʔitkʷ+m. Etym: √q̓ʷʔ. launderer; clothes washer.

Istem. sxʷnq̓ʷʔitkʷm. Clothes washer. [E63.8] See: nq̓ʷaʔítkʷm.

sxʷntqʷlqʷltiw̓stn   [səxʷəntqʷəlqʷəltíw̓stṇ] Morph: sxʷn+t+qʷl•qʷl+tiw̓s+tn. Etym: √qʷl. telephone operator.

Istem. Category: +tn. qʷlqʷltiw̓sx iʔ k̓l sxʷntqʷlqʷltíw̓stn mi ksíwplaʔntxʷ. Phone the operator and ask! [newles 102] See: tqʷlqʷltiw̓(s).

sxʷnt̓aqʷm   [səxʷənt̓áqʷəm] Morph: sxʷn+t̓aqʷ+m. Etym: √t̓qʷ. plate licker, one who licks plates.

Istem. way̓ x̌lits iʔ səxʷənc̓íw̓əms, səxʷənt̓áqʷəms. He asked the dish washer, the one who licks plates. [dict] naʔɬccám, isəxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm, isəxʷənt̓áqʷəm wim̓ cx̌lítəm. That's right, my worker, my plate licker, for nothing I coaxed him. [dict] See: nt̓aqʷm.

sxʷnwixʷ   [suxʷnwíxʷ] Morph: sxʷ+nwixʷ. Etym: √sxʷ. to be acquaintances; to get s.o. acquainted.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ.

way̓ aɬíʔ kʷu l̕əx̌tíw̓s kʷaʔ kʷu səxʷnwíxʷ. Because we are partners we are acquaintances. [Dvl 122] See: suxʷ.

sxʷnwixʷst   Morph: sxʷ+nwixʷ+st. Etym: √sxʷ. to be acquaintances; to get s.o. acquainted.

Tstem. Category: +st. kʷu aksqʷaʔmnwíxʷstəm, kʷu aksəxʷnwíxʷstəm. Give us an introduction, get us acquainted. [dict] See: suxʷ.

sxʷnxt̓iw̓sm   [səxʷnxət̓íw̓səm] Morph: sxʷn+xt̓iw̓s+m. Etym: √xt̓. a compartmentalizer.

Istem. sxʷnxt̓íw̓səm ixíʔ. He's a compartmentalizer. [misc 216] See: nxt̓iw̓s.

sxʷpix̌m   [səxʷpíx̌əm] Morph: sxʷ+pix̌+m. Etym: √px̌. a hunter.

Istem. sxʷpix̌m. Hunter. [nb26-64 010; E63.22] See: pix̌m.

sxʷplsqáx̌aʔm   [səxʷpəlsqáx̌aʔam] Morph: sxʷplsqáx̌aʔ+m. Etym: √pl. a butcher.

Istem. sxʷplsqáx̌aʔm. Butcher. [E63.38] See: plsqáx̌aʔm.

sxʷp̓ix̌m   [səxʷp̓íx̌əm] Morph: sxʷp̓ix̌+m. Etym: √p̓x̌. one who brands (for s.o.)

Istem. sxʷp̓ix̌m. One who brands. [E63.23] See: p̓ix̌.

sxʷq̓it̓m   [səxʷq̓ít̓əm] Morph: sxʷq̓it̓+m. Etym: √q̓t̓. hooker, prostitute. Lit: one who hooks (calque of English hooker)

Istem. Sp q̓ít̓-m a hook; Cm q̓aq̓ít̓aʔ fish hook. sxʷq̓it̓m. Hooker. [nb21.55a] See: q̓it̓m.

sxʷq̓ɬiw̓sm   [səxʷq̓ɬíw̓səm] Morph: sxʷq̓ɬiw̓s+m. Etym: √q̓ɬ. a marriage reconciliator.

Istem. sxʷq̓ɬiw̓sm Marriage reconciliator. [E16] See: q̓ɬiw̓s.

sxʷq̓y̓am   [səxʷq̓əy̓ám] Morph: sxʷq̓y̓a+m. Etym: √q̓y. a writer; one who teaches or writes; a teacher.

Istem. sxʷq̓y̓am. Writer. [nb21.79a] siwnt ixíʔ iʔ catholic iʔ səxʷq̓əy̓ám, iʔ xaʔtús, haʔ ixíʔ haʔ. Ask the catholic teacher, the principal, is it he [they are talking about]? [Cona80] mat swiʔmíx iʔ səxʷq̓y̓ám, təl German[y] kiʔ taʔxʷsəxʷq̓y̓ám. The teacher quit working, they had got a teacher from Germany. [gl59] See: q̓y̓am.

sxʷq̓y̓am iʔ xaʔtús   [səxʷq̓əy̓ám iʔ xaʔtús] Morph: sxʷq̓y̓a+m iʔ xaʔ+tús. Etym: √q̓y̓; √xʔ. school principal.

phrasal. síwnt ixíʔ iʔ catholic iʔ səxʷq̓əy̓ám iʔ xaʔtús, haʔ ixíʔ haʔ. Ask the catholic teacher, the principal, is it he [they are talking about]? [Cona80]

sxʷqʷaʔqʷaʔlmíx   [səxʷqʷaʔqʷaʔlmíx] Morph: sxʷqʷaʔ•qʷaʔl+míx. Etym: √qʷl. spokesman; delegate.

Istem. Category: +mix. ixíʔ uɬ lut t̓ə qʷaʔqʷʔál iʔ səxʷqʷaʔqʷaʔlmíx. ixíʔ ya nayák̓ʷcən. So the spokesman didnʼt talk. That was the Nez Perce. [gl131] See: qʷaʔqʷʔál.

sxʷqʷaʔqʷʔál   [səxʷqʷaʔqʷʔál] Morph: sxʷqʷaʔ•qʷʔál. Etym: √qʷl. a spokesman; a speaker; a lawyer; a representative.

Istem. sxʷqʷaʔqʷʔál. Spokesman. [E63.2] See: qʷaʔqʷʔál.

sxʷqʷlqʷilt   [səxʷqʷəlqʷílt] Morph: sxʷqʷl•qʷil+t. Etym: √qʷl. spokesman; speaker.

Istem. Category: +t. səxʷqʷəlqʷílt. Speaker. [R53.30] See: qʷlqʷilt.

sxʷq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷíɬt   [səxʷq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷíɬt] Morph: sxʷq̓ʷaʔ•q̓ʷíɬ+t. Etym: √q̓ʷɬ. a packer.

Istem. sxʷq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷíɬt. Packer. [E63.30] See: q̓ʷaq̓ʷíɬtm.

sxʷr̓cin   [sxʷər̓cín] Morph: s+xʷr̓cin. Etym: √xʷr̓. sxʷr̓cin: a series of jagged indentations along the northwest shore of the Columbia between nɬəɬqíɬpm and the Big Slide. Lit: area torn out of riverbank

Istem. Category: Geog. sxʷər̓cín. Place name. [BK146]

sxʷsqilxʷ   [suxʷsqílxʷ] Morph: sxʷ+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √sxʷ, √qlxʷ. to recognize; to be acquainted with; to tell apart; to distinguish sọ. from sọ. else.

Istem. Sp hec-sxʷ√s-qélixʷ he recognizes people. aɬíʔ lut kən t̓a csəxʷsqílxʷ. I am not acqainted with the people, I can't tell them apart. [RHorse 117] See: suxʷ; sqilxʷ.

sxʷsxʷnwixʷ   [səxʷsəxʷnwíxʷ] Morph: sxʷ•sxʷ+nwixʷ. Etym: √sxʷ. to recognize one another.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. səxʷsəxʷnwíxʷəlx. They recognized one another. [dict] See: sxʷnwixʷ.

sxʷtaɬwlwlím   [səxʷtaɬululím] Morph: sxʷtaɬ+wl•wlím. Variant: sxʷtaʔɬwlwlím. Etym: √tʔ, √wlm. blacksmith.

Istem. kʷa lut t̓ xʷək̓ʷxʷák̓ʷət iʔ snilítəns iʔ səxʷtaɬululím. The blacksmith's place is never very clean. [nb1292.5-6] See: ; wlwlim.

sxʷtaʔɬwlwlím   [səxʷtaʔɬulwlím] Morph: sxʷtaʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím. Variant: sxʷtaɬwlwlím. Etym: √tʔ, √wlm. blacksmith.

Istem. ik̓líʔ kiʔ səxʷtaʔɬulwlím iʔ citxʷs. There is the blacksmith's house. [dict] See: ; wlwlim.

sxʷtiys   [sxʷtiys] Morph: s+xʷt꞊iys. Etym: √xʷt. lots of rain.

Istem. mat lut put t̓ə sxʷtiʔsc. Maybe it's not too much rain. [dict] See: xʷʔit.

sxʷtqʷlqʷltiw̓sm   [səxʷtqʷəlqʷəltíw̓səm] Morph: sxʷt+qʷl•qʷl+tiw̓s+m. Etym: √qʷl. telephone operator.

Istem. səxʷtqʷəlqʷəltíw̓səm. Telephone operator. [dict] See: tqʷlqʷltiw̓(s).

sxʷtr̓qam   [səxʷtr̓qám] Morph: sxʷtr̓qá+m. Etym: √tr̓q. a dancer.

Istem. sxʷtr̓qam. Dancer. [E63.39] See: tr̓qam.

sxʷtxt̓am   [səxʷtxt̓ám] Morph: sxʷt+xt̓a+m. Etym: √xt̓. to be a caretaker.

Istem. Category: +am. kən səxʷtxt̓ám. I am the caretaker. [E16] iʔ səxʷtxət̓áms, kʷəkʷr̓ít iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. Those birds that look after her, the golden birds. [nb1246.9] uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔ nixʷ iʔ səxʷtxt̓áms. They are also her caretakers. [dict] See: txt̓am.

sxʷtxt̓íltm   [səxʷtxət̓íltəm] Morph: sxʷt+xt̓ílt+m. Etym: √xt̓. a baby sitter.

Istem. sxʷtxt̓íltm. Baby sitter. [nb21.88] See: txt̓ílt.

sxʷtyaqʷt   [səxʷtyaqʷt] Morph: sxʷtyaqʷ+t. Etym: √tyqʷ. a fighter; a warrior.

Istem. Category: +t. sxʷtyaqʷt. Warrior. [WOD22] yaʕyáʕt nʔúɬxʷmsəlx ƛ̓xʷəntísəlx iʔ sqəlqəltmíxʷ uɬ iʔ səxʷtyáqʷt. They went into (their house) and they killed the men and the warriors. [lpb450] See: tyaqʷt.

sxʷtyáqʷtm   [sxʷtiyáqʷtəm] Morph: sxʷtyáqʷ+t+m. Etym: √tyqʷ. warrior, fighter.

Istem. sxʷtiyáqʷtəms. He is a warrior, fighter. [dict] See: sxʷtyáqʷt.

sxʷulɬxʷ   [sxʷuɬxʷ] Morph: sɬxʷulɬxʷ. Etym: √xʷl. tipi.

Istem. Sp s-xʷúl̕ɬxʷ it's a cone-shaped abode, it's a tepee. isxʷúɬxʷ. My tipi. [nb08 216] mist̓ít̓im t scsíx̌əlx kiʔ təl sxʷulɬxʷ. It was easier to move them than tipis. [rdgs 067] t̓i x̌lwiˑˑs ʔukʷt uɬ k̓əɬkícx iʔ k̓əl sxʷulɬxʷ. He crawled and got there to the tipi. [lpb418] uɬ sic iʔ ɬáqʷɬəqʷts iʔ sxʷulɬxʷ. The tipi was very large. [lpb162] ṇt̓aʔ yaʕpqín iʔ sxʷulɬxʷ. There are lots of tipis. [dict] la nq̓aʔq̓ʔíw̓s ilíʔ kiʔ cwix iʔ sxʷulɬxʷ, iʔ ṇmásqən iʔ sxʷulɬxʷ cɬəmníw̓s. In the center there was a tipi, four tipis put together. [dict] See: xʷul̕ɬxʷ.

sxʷulqn   [sxʷúlqən] Morph: s+xʷulqn. Variant: sxʷul̕qn. Etym: √xʷl. the point of a spear; multi-toothed fishing spear (attached to a rod; the head comes off once it has penetrated its target).

Istem. iʔ sənx̌ʷix̌ʷyáqsc ʔúmsəlx t sxʷúlqən. The sharp end of the fishing spear is called the sxʷúlqən. [rdgs 043] iʔ sxʷúlqən iʔ təl q̓ʷəmqín kaʔ ck̓ʷúl̕stsəlx. The tip of the spear is made from antlers. [rdgs 045]

sxʷul̕m   [sxʷúl̕əm] Morph: s+xʷul̕+m. Etym: √xʷl̕. steam cooking.

Mstem. Sp √xʷul̕ to steam. Category: nMstem. sxʷul̕m. Steam cooking. [dict] See: xʷul1.

sxʷul̕qn   [sxʷúl̕qən] Morph: s+xʷul̕qn. Variant: sxʷulqn. Etym: √xʷl̕. harpoon.

Istem. Sp √xʷul to puncture by twirling; Cm s‑xʷul‑qn awl; Cr xʷul bore (a hole); Li xʷúl-mən drill, auger. sxʷul̕qn. Harpoon. [dict] See: xʷul2.

sxʷupxʷp   [sxʷúpxʷəp] Morph: s+xʷup•xʷp. Etym: √xʷp. flying squirrel.

Istem. Sp s-xʷupxʷup flying squirrel (a harbinger of Spring). sxʷupxʷp. Flying squirrel. [nb22.113]

sxʷússkaʔmnt   Morph: s+xʷús•skaʔ+m+nt. Etym: √xʷs. to rush s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. lútiʔ ixíʔ sx̌asəsmílxs úɬiʔ sxʷúsəsxaʔməntəm. that wasn't healed up yet, and she was rushing him. [LynxS 273] See: xʷússkaʔ.

sxʷuxʷcn   [sxʷúxʷcən] Morph: sxʷ•uxʷcn. Etym: √sxʷ. visible breath. Lit: ? leaves the mouth

Istem. sxʷuxʷcn. Breath. [nm18155.16]

sxʷúxʷyaʔ   [sxʷúxʷyaʔ] Morph: s+xʷú•xʷyaʔ. Etym: √xʷyʔ. an ant.

Istem. Sp s-xʷúxʷy̓eʔ an ant; Cr s+xʷú+xʷney̓ ant, rice (from resemblance of a swarm of ants); Sh s-xʷy-xʷéye ant; Th s/xʷúxʷec̓e ant. sxʷúxʷyaʔ. Ant. [nb21.121a]

sxʷuy   [sxʷuy] Morph: s+xʷuy. Etym: √xʷy. going; one's way.

Istem. Category: nIstem. way̓ ɬə nkʷkʷʔac, uɬ way̓ t̓i kʷ kʷl̕al̕ aksxʷúy. Even in the night your way will be lighted. [mychildr 250] See: xʷuy.

sxʷuynt   [sxʷúyənt] Morph: s+xʷuy+nt. Etym: √xʷy. ice.

Istem. Sp s-xʷúy-ntkʷ (Ka) ice water; Cm s‑xʷuy‑n–tk ice; Cr s+x̌ʷdent ice cream, ice; Sh s-xʷuy-nt ice. qmiˑˑs iʔ sxʷúyənt uɬ k̓a ṇk̓əmqníɬxʷ. He laid the ice up to the ceiling. [dict] ciʔíx iʔ skʷal̕t, uɬ aɬíʔ ʕəmáp iʔ smík̓ʷət uɬ axáʔ iʔ sxʷúyənt. It got warm from the sun, and the snow and the ice melted. [dict] way̓ t̓əxʷ y̓ak̓ʷáqsəm uɬ aɬíʔ pútiʔ ksxʷúyənt, way̓ k̓əm ksxʷúyənt, yaʕpqín sxʷúyənt. It's past mid winter and there's still lots of ice, nothing but ice, lots of ice. [dict]

sxʷuytn   [sxʷuytṇ] Morph: s+xʷuy+tn. Etym: √xʷy. step; travel; track.

Istem. Category: +tn. n̓ín̓w̓iʔs, kʷ x̌ʷupt, talíʔ k̓ast iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ aksxʷúytn. If you are lazy, your travel through this earth will be bad. [mychildr 151] yaʕyáʕt nkaʔɬlús kʷu nqəlutúɬtxʷ isxʷúytən. All three steps you step on my tracks. [lnxbdga 109] cəm̓ kʷu xárkstməntxʷ, lkʷut iksxʷúytən. You might slow me down, I am going far. [GDd1 225] way̓ wíkəntəm axáʔ iʔ sxʷúytṇs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. We saw deer tracks. [dict] See: sxʷuy; xʷuytn.

sxʷuyytn   [sxʷúyitṇ] Morph: s+xʷuy•y+tn. Etym: √xʷy. several tracks; the track of several (animals).

Istem. Category: +tn. sxʷúy̓ytən. Tracks of more than one. [nb08 765] way̓ kən kicx, way̓ itíʔ iʔ sxʷúyytəns uɬ lut isuksqílxʷ. When I got back they are already gone, and I saw nothing. [HnTrp 064]

sxʷuʔt   [sxʷuʔt] Morph: s+xʷuʔ+t. Etym: √xʷʔ. vagina.

Istem. Sp s-xʷúʔ-t vagina; Sh sxʷuʔt vulva. sxʷuʔt. Vagina. [pd03]

sxʷwahwáhm   [səxʷwahwáhm] Morph: sxʷwah•wáh+m. Etym: √wh. announcer, town crier who goes from house to house to announce forthcoming events.

Istem. Sp sxʷ-w̓ew̓ʔé-m̓ (sxʷ-w̓ew̓éʔ) announcer, crier. way̓ ixíʔ st̓qʷcins iʔ səxʷwahwáhm. The announcer started to holler. [LynxS 103] See: wahwáhm.

sxʷxʷc̓xin   [sxʷəxʷc̓xín] Morph: s+xʷ•xʷc̓xin. Etym: √xʷc̓. pee.

Istem. xʷuˑˑy iʔ sxʷəxʷc̓xíns His pee traveled. [LynxS 069] See: xʷc̓xin.

sxʷxʷikʷm   [səxʷˑíkʷəm] Morph: sxʷxʷikʷ+m. Etym: √xʷkʷ. one who tans hides.

Istem. sxʷxʷikʷm. Hide tanner. [E63.37] See: xʷikʷm.

sxʷxʷk̓ʷam   [səxʷxʷk̓ʷám] Morph: sxʷxʷk̓ʷa+m. Etym: √xʷk̓ʷ. a cleaner; one who cleans.

Istem. Category: +am. sxʷxʷk̓ʷam. Cleaner. See: xʷk̓ʷ(a).

sxʷxʷlitkʷ   [sxʷəxʷlítkʷ] Morph: s+xʷ•xʷlitkʷ. Etym: √xʷl. a small whirlpool.

Istem. Category: dim. sxʷxʷlitkʷ. Whirlpool. [nb18161.13] See: sxʷlitkʷ.

sxʷxʷl̕am̓   [sxʷxʷl̕am̓] Morph: s+xʷ•xʷlam̓. Variant: sxʷxʷl̕am. Etym: √xʷl̕m. fool hen.

Istem. Lit: fool hen's necklace Cm šxʷxʷil̕m fool hen; Cr xʷéleʔ lark, meadowlark; Sh xʷúxʷl-eʔ meadowlark; Th √xʷəʔiy ? meadowlark. sxʷxʷl̕am. Fool hen. [nb10a 001] sɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷəlts sxʷəxʷəl̕ám̓. Blue harebell. [TBK93]

sxʷxʷl̕ikʷm   [sxʷəxʷl̕ikʷṃ] Morph: s+xʷ•xʷl̕ikʷ+m ? Etym: √xʷl. a whirlwind.

Istem. sxʷxʷl̕ikʷm. Whirlwind. [nb18161.13] See: sxʷlikʷ.

sxʷxʷp̓ilqs   [sxʷəxʷp̓ílqs] Morph: s+xʷ•xʷp̓ilqs. Etym: √xʷp̓. fins.

Istem. sxʷxʷp̓ilqs. Fins. [nb1852.2]

sxʷxʷyaʔqníɬaʔxʷ   [sxʷəxʷiyaʔqníɬaʔxʷ] Morph: s+xʷ•xʷyaʔqníɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √xʷyʔ. sxʷxʷyaʔqníɬaʔxʷ: area north of the present-day Spokane Trail Road and north from qʷətqʷətl̕ísaʔxn. Lit: anthill

Istem. Category: Geog. sxʷəxʷiyaʔqníɬaʔxʷ. Place name. [BK106]

sxʷxʷʔínaʔ   [sxʷəxʷʔínaʔ] Morph: s+xʷ•xʷʔínaʔ. Etym: √xʷʔ. matted saxifrage (saxifraga bronchialis).

Istem. sxʷəxʷʔínaʔ. Matted saxifrage. [TBK138]

sxʷx̌ʷaʔx̌ʷílm   [səxʷx̌ʷaʔx̌ʷíləm] Morph: sxʷx̌ʷaʔ•x̌ʷíl+m. Etym: √x̌ʷl. garbage man.

Istem. See: x̌ʷil1.

sxʷx̌ʷílm   [səxʷx̌ʷíləm] Morph: sxʷx̌ʷíl+m. Etym: √x̌ʷʔ. one who throws things away.

Istem. sxʷx̌ʷílm. One who throws things away. [E63.33] See: x̌ʷil1.

sxʷyalqʷ   [sxʷyalqʷ] Morph: s+xʷyalqʷ. Etym: √xʷy. woodworm.

Istem. Sp s-xʷyálqʷ worm; Cm s-xʷy̓-alqʷ wood worm; Cr xʷádalqʷ grub worm, wood worm; Sh sə-xʷy-enst woodworm. x̌áq̓səlx iʔ sapm̓átkʷ uɬ itíʔ sxʷyalqʷ, iʔ c̓áyx̌aʔ. They paid the little wiggle worms, the woodworms, the crawfish. [grlsdd 247]

sxʷyínaʔ   [sxʷiyínaʔ] Morph: s+xʷyínaʔ. Etym: √xʷy. prickly pear cactus (opuntia fragilis and o. polyacantha).

Istem. Sp s-xʷy–éneʔ prickly pear, cactus; Cm s-x̌ʷiy-anaʔ cactus, also sxʷiy̓ánaʔ. sxʷiyínaʔ. Prickly pear cactus. [TBK92] kən ɬuʔɬuw̓áw̓ iʔ t sxʷyínaʔ. I got poked by cactus thorns. [nb21.147]

sxʷyitkʷ   [sxʷyitkʷ] Morph: s+xʷyitkʷ. Etym: √xʷy. algae on (top of) the water.

Istem. sxʷyitkʷ. Algae. [E56.6]

sxʷylscut   [sxʷilscút] Morph: s+xʷylscut. Etym: √xʷy. things to take along.

Istem. uɬ iʔ x̌əcməncút iʔ t ksxʷilscúts. And why he prepared what he is going to take with him. [CoGrSy 359] See: xʷylscut.

sxʷylwis   [sxʷylwis] Morph: s+xʷy+lwis. Etym: √xʷy. wandering.

Istem. Category: +lwis. See: xʷylwis.

sxʷylwistn   [sxʷylwistṇ] Morph: s+xʷy+lwis+tn. Etym: √xʷy. traveling.

Istem. Category: +tn. cutway̓, way̓, kən ʔayx̌ʷt, lkʷut aɬíʔ isxʷylwístn. He said: "Yes, yes, I am tired. I have travelled far." [BJSeym 377] See: sxʷylwis.

sxʷytalqs   [sxʷitálqs] Morph: s+xʷytalqs. Etym: √xʷyt. sxʷytalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sxʷytalqs. Woman's name. [nb08 8]

sxʷyxʷayt   [sxʷixʷáyt] Morph: s+xʷy•xʷay+t. Etym: √xʷy. narrow-leafed phacelia (phacelia linearis).

Istem. sxʷixʷáyt. Narrow-leafed phacelia. [TBK109]

sxʷyxʷuytn   [sxʷixʷúyitṇ] Morph: s+xʷy•xʷuy+tn. Etym: √xʷy. tracks.

Istem. Category: +tn. ixíʔ sxʷyxʷúytṇs iʔ cənxʷəxʷr̓ús iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. That's where they always go, it's a low place where the deer (go). [nb10a 170] ik̓líʔ təɬməncút axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm ixíʔ sxʷyxʷúytṇs iʔ k̓a cənxʷəxʷr̓ús. The deer tracks go straight to the low pass. [dict] way̓ itíʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ sxʷixʷúyitṇs. The deer had already gone over. [dict] See: sxʷuytn.

sxʷʕ̓ac̓m   [səxʷʕ̓ác̓əm] Morph: sxʷʕ̓ac̓+m. Etym: √ʕc̓. a lookout.

Istem. sxʷʕ̓ac̓m. Lookout. [E63.4] See: ʕ̓ac̓m.

sxʷʔakʷɬq̓y̓minm   [səxʷʔakʷɬq̓əy̓mínəm] Morph: sxʷ+ʔakʷ+ɬ+q̓y̓+min+m. Etym: √ʔkʷ, √ q̓y̓. a mail carrier.

Istem. ixíʔ itíʔ ɬcxʷuy ixíʔ iʔ səxʷʔakʷɬq̓əy̓mínəm. Then the message carrier came back. [grlhd 103] See: ʔakʷɬq̓y̓minm.

sxʷʔaʔúmm   [sxʷʔaʔúmˑ] Morph: sxʷʔa•ʔúm+m. Etym: √ʔm. a square dance caller.

Istem. sxʷʔaʔúmˑ. Square dance caller. [nb23 103] See: ʔaʔúm.

sxʷʔickn   [səxʷʔíckən] Morph: sxʷʔíckn. Etym: √ʔckn. trapeze artist; carnival artist.

Istem. sxʷʔickn. Carnival artist. See: ʔickn.

sxʷʔiq̓m   [səxʷʔíq̓əm] Morph: sxʷʔiq̓+m. Etym: √ʔq̓. one who scrapes hides.

Istem. sxʷʔiq̓m. Scrapes hides. [E63.36] See: ʔiq̓.

sxʷʔit   [sxʷʔit] Morph: s+xʷʔi+t. Etym: √xʷʔ. a group (of many); enough, lots of.

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ ɬʔímxəlx iʔ k̓əl sxʷʔits. They moved back to their group. [nb2572.9] pnaʔ lut sxʷʔit ɬaʔ ck̓ʷúl̕cɬmən, ɬaʔ c̓amɬúlmən. Maybe what I cook for you isn't enough. [dict] sxʷʔits iʔ smík̓ʷət. There was a lot of snow. [dict] See: xʷʔit.

sxʷʔul   [sxʷʔul] Morph: s+xʷ[ʔ]ul. Etym: √xʷl. to get to steam.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. sxʷʔul. Get to steam. [dict] See: xʷʔul.

sx̌   [sx̌] Morph: sx̌. Etym: √sx̌. root with meaning "move from one place to another" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sp √sax̌ near; Sh six̌-m to move stg. (to another place); Th √síx̌ move, change location; Li √six̌ to move. See: six̌lx; six̌lxst; ksaʔx̌lxíw̓s; ksx̌; ksx̌x̌am; ksx̌x̌nu; ksix̌lxst; ɬsix̌lx; sx̌lxiw̓s; sx̌lxúlaʔxʷ.

sx̌ac   [sx̌ac] Morph: s+x̌ac. Etym: √x̌c. a bet.

nIstem. uɬ lut t̓a cmistín c̓kin cniɬc iʔ sƛ̓xʷups i sx̌acs. I don't know how much he won, what he bet. [RHorse 149] See: x̌ac.

sx̌álx̌lwiʔ   [sx̌alx̌əlwiʔ] Morph: s+x̌al•x̌lwiʔ. Variant: s+x̌l•x̌ílwiʔ. Etym: √x̌lwʔ. husbands.

Istem. Category: kin. sx̌álx̌lwiʔ. Husbands. [Comm] See: sx̌ílwiʔ.

sx̌aƛ̓áqs   [sx̌aƛ̓áqs] Morph: s+x̌aƛ̓áqs. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. sx̌aƛ̓áqs: the southwest end of a ridge north and slightly west from ɬəkcín; the most southwesterly end of the area known as "Kelly Hill". Lit: up along the end

Istem. sx̌aƛ̓áqs. Place name. [BK380]

sx̌amnkáwaɁ   [sx̌amənkáwaɁ] Morph: s+x̌amnkáwaɁ. Etym: √x̌m. a love partner.

Istem. kʷ isx̌amənkáwaɁ. I want to play love with you. [nb5.29a] See: sx̌amnkíw̓s; x̌mink.

sx̌amnkíw̓s   [sx̌amənkíw̓s] Morph: s+x̌amnkíw̓s. Etym: √x̌m. a real love partner.

Istem. sx̌amnkíw̓s. Real love partner. [nb5.29a] See: sx̌amnkáwaɁ; x̌mink.

sx̌aq̓q̓   [sx̌áq̓əq̓] Morph: s+x̌aq̓•q̓. Etym: √x̌q̓. one's pay.

Istem. isx̌áq̓əq̓ naqs st̓mʕált, náx̌əmɬ iscənk̓ʷúl̕s. I was paid one cow, but I worked for it. [nb26-41 006] uɬ axáʔm iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp naqs sqlaw iʔ sx̌áq̓əq̓səlx. And the older ones get paid one dollar. [Hrvst 235] uɬ way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷ ksqʷəsqʷsíʔ uɬ ilíʔ uɬ iscƛ̓ʔám iksx̌áq̓əq̓. When you'll have a child, I'll collect my pay. [GDd2 547] Category: Inch. See: x̌aq̓q̓.

sx̌aslqs   [sx̌ásəlqs] Morph: s+x̌aslqs. Lit: good hide Etym: √x̌s. moose; caribou; stag; elk; large animal.

Istem. Cr x̌ásiʔqs moose. sx̌ásəlqs. Large animal. [nb10a 164; nb1822.10] See: x̌as.

sx̌ast   [sx̌ast] Morph: s+x̌as+t. Etym: √x̌s. being good; being the best.

Istem. Category: +t. ixíʔ uɬ t̓iʔ cútəlx way̓ kʷu ksʔaluʔscútaʔx swit i ksx̌ast. Then they said we are going to gather and have a contest. [grlsdd 301] See: x̌ast.

sx̌aw̓íɬc̓aʔ   [sx̌aw̓íɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+x̌aw̓íɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √x̌w̓. dried meat.

Istem. See: x̌wíɬc̓aʔ.

sx̌ax̌alaʔxʷíɬxʷ   [sx̌ax̌alaʔxʷíɬxʷ] Morph: s+x̌a•x̌alaʔxʷíɬxʷ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. sx̌ax̌alaʔxʷíɬxʷ: Rattlesnake Mountain. Lit: rattlesnake dwelling

Istem. Category: Geog. sx̌ax̌alaʔxʷíɬxʷ. Place name. [BK190] See: x̌ax̌ʔúlaʔxʷ.

sx̌áx̌aʔ   [sx̌áx̌aʔ] Morph: s+x̌á•x̌aʔ. Variant: sx̌ax̌áʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. father-in-law.

Istem. Sp s-x̌aʔx̌éʔ father-in-law; Cr nasx̌áʔ+x̌ father-in-law; Cm ʔas‑x̌aʔ‑x̌aʔ. Category: kin. way̓, c̓kinx a kʷ isx̌áʔx̌aʔ. It's like you are my father-in-law. [CoGrSy 420] ixíʔ c̓əq̓məntúɬts iʔ sx̌áx̌aʔs. And he threw it at his father-in-law. [BJSeym 391] anwí kswíkəntsəlx aksúxʷməlx, asx̌áʔx̌aʔ, uɬ aɬcíck. I want you to get acquainted with them, your father-in-law and your mother-in-law, let's go. (PS) way̓ anwí kʷ ilmíxʷəm, iʔ kʷ isx̌aʔx̌aʔ. You are the boss, father in law. [dict] k̓əɬt̓əɬt̓ássəlx axáʔ iʔ t sx̌áʔx̌aʔs iʔ t ɬcícks. Her father-in-law and her mother-in-law kissed her. [dict]

sx̌ax̌áʔ   [sx̌ax̌áʔ] Morph: s+x̌a•x̌áʔ. Variant: sx̌áx̌aʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. father-in-law.

Istem. Category: kin.

sx̌áx̌lwiʔ   [sx̌áx̌əwiʔ] Morph: s+x̌á•x̌lwiʔ. Etym: √x̌lwʔ. a husband (slightly derisive).

Istem. Category: kin, dim. sx̌áx̌lwiʔ Husband (slightly derisive). [Comm] See: sx̌ílwiʔ.

sx̌ax̌n̓tspíntk   [sx̌ax̌ən̓tspíntk] Morph: s+x̌a•x̌n̓t+s+píntk. Etym: √x̌n̓, √pn. to be nine years old.

Istem. uɬ way̓ kən sx̌ax̌ən̓tspíntk, kən sʔapənkspíntk kʷaʔ mat pn̓icíʔ. I was maybe nine or ten years old at the time. [EJEp.2] See: x̌x̌n̓ut; spintk.

sx̌áx̌paʔ   [sx̌áx̌paʔ] Morph: s+x̌á•x̌paʔ. Etym: √x̌pʔ. man's grandfather; father's father, brothers, cousins; man's great-grandfather. Category: kin, kin. kʷu cus isx̌áx̌paʔ, uɬ inqáqnaʔ. My paternal grandfather and grandmother told me. [mychildr 150] Sp s-x̌épeʔ grandfather (father's father), granduncle, grandchild...; Cr x̌ípeʔ grandfather (paternal); Sh x̌péʔe grandfather.

sx̌aʕw̓scút   [sx̌aʕw̓scút] Morph: s+x̌aʕw̓s+cút. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to cool oneself.

Istem. Sp hec-x̌ʕa-n-cút-i he's using a fan to cool himself; x̌aʕx̌ʕús-tn a fan to cool the face; Cm x̌aʕ‑ncut to fan one’s self, to cool off. Category: +cut. sx̌aʕw̓scút. To cool oneself. [dict] See: x̌aʕ.

sx̌áʕx̌aʕ   [sx̌áʕx̌aʕ] Morph: s+x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ. Etym: √x̌ʕ. Variant: x̌áʕx̌aʕ. a crow.

Istem. See: x̌áʕx̌aʕ.

sx̌aʕyaʔqn   [sx̌áʕyaʔqən] Morph: s+x̌aʕyaʔqn. Etym: √x̌ʕ. sx̌aʕyaʔqn: Rock Creek. Lit: draft around the head.

Istem. Category: Geog. iʔ l sx̌áʕyaʔqən uɬ itíʔ ɬxʷuy mat k̓əl ʔawtímaʔtk. At Rock Creek he kept going South. [nb2540.6] uɬ ixíʔ yayʕát xʷʔítəlx iʔ l sx̌áʕyaʔqən. There were lots (of people) at sx̌áʕyaʔqən. [nb2528.4]

sx̌aʔnám   [sx̌aʔnám] Morph: s+x̌aʔna+m. Etym: √x̌n. caution.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. axáʔ iʔ m̓ay̓xítmən, mat kʷ isx̌aʔnám. The story I told you, maybe I'm cautioning you. [su7q̓im 289] See: x̌aʔn.

sx̌aʔnúxʷm   [sx̌aʔnúxʷəm] Morph: s+x̌aʔnúxʷ+m. Etym: √x̌ʔn. to stop the weather.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. pna cmiscút i l sx̌aʔnúxʷəm i l ksuy̓ásq̓əts. Maybe somebody knows how to stop the weather, to end the rain. [RnTrp 020] See: x̌aʔn.

sx̌aʔx̌áʔ1   [sx̌aʔx̌áʔ] Morph: s+x̌aʔ•x̌áʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. sacredness; power; greatness.

Istem. Cm x̌aʔ‑x̌aʔ be powerful. lut akscwíl̕cnəm iʔ kʷilstn, nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul iʔ sx̌aʔx̌áʔ. Don't ever joke about the Sweat House, you don't know how powerful it is. [nb26-66 014] ilíˑˑʔ uɬ x̌əstwílx, t̓i t spuʔúsc, aɬíʔ uɬ ixíʔ t sx̌aʔx̌áʔs. He got well, all by himself, because he is powerful (lit. from his power). [nb2575.13] mʕ̓an ɬ sx̌aʔx̌áʔs iʔ skəkáʕkaʔs uɬ t̓i kmix kʷəkʷr̓ít. Look how powerful her birds are, they're nothing but gold. [dict] See: x̌aʔx̌áʔ.

sx̌aʔx̌áʔ2   [sx̌aʔx̌áʔ] Morph: s+x̌aʔ•x̌áʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. man's father-in-law.

Istem. Sp s-x̌aʔx̌éʔ father-in-law; Cm ʔas‑x̌aʔ‑x̌aʔ father‑in‑law; Cr nasx̌áʔ+x̌ father-in-law; see Th /hiʔhiʔ- father-in-law. Category: kin. sx̌aʔx̌áʔ. Man's father-in-law. [pd]

sx̌cam   [sx̌əcám] Morph: s+x̌ca+m. Etym: √x̌c. a bet.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. isx̌əcám. My bet. [nb21.116a] See: x̌ac.

sx̌cmncut   [sx̌əcməncút] Morph: s+x̌c+mncut. Etym: √x̌c. attire.

Istem. Category: +ncut. iʔ sk̓ʷəl̕scúts iʔ sx̌əcməncúts. How he was fixed, the way he was dressed. [Whal 548] See: x̌cmncut.

sx̌cut   [səx̌cút] Morph: s+x̌cut. Etym: √x̌c. companion.

Istem. Sp hi-s-x̌c-út. my companion; s-č-sáx̌x̌-m-s someone who is "close to" someone else, someone who looks like someone else. cúntəm axáʔ iʔ t ḷʔiws: uɬ swit axáʔ iʔ asx̌cút. His father asked him: "Who is your companion? [dict] uɬ ksəx̌cút nixʷ t tkəɬmílxʷ uɬ tuʔtw̓it. And he has a companion, a woman, and boys. [GDd2 696]

sx̌cx̌ac   [sx̌əcx̌ác] Morph: s+x̌c•x̌ac. Etym: √x̌c. bet, betting.

Istem. sx̌cx̌ac. Bet. [nb21.28a] See: x̌ac.

sx̌c̓iʔlqʷ   [sx̌c̓iʔlqʷ] Morph: s+x̌c̓iʔlqʷ. Etym: √x̌c̓ʔ. a grave marker.

Istem. sx̌c̓iʔlqʷ. Grave marker. [dict] See: sx̌x̌c̓iʔ.

sx̌ilm   [sx̌íləm] Morph: s+ʔx̌il+m. Etym: √ʔx̌l. the way to do s.t.; one's actions.

Mstem. See: sʔx̌ilm.

sx̌ílwiʔ   [sx̌ílwiʔ] Morph: s+x̌ílwiʔ. Etym: √x̌lwʔ. husband.

Istem. Sp s-x̌élwiʔ husband; Sh sx̌élwe husband; Th √x̌áy̓wih ? husband. Category: kin. nt̓aˑˑ ixíʔ iksx̌ílwiʔ way̓ swiʔnúmtx, uɬ xík̓xək̓t. Gee, that's going to be my husband, he's handsome, and he's spry. [CoGrSy 401] ixíʔ mi sic kʷu asx̌ílwiʔ. And then I'll be your husband. [LynxS 247] asx̌ílwiʔ yaʔ t̓əcxʷuy. Your husband is coming. [dict] la cxʔit iwám k̓əɬqíxʷs iʔ sx̌ílwiʔs. At first she tried to take up for her husband. [dict] t incá iksx̌ílwiʔ, nak̓ʷaʔ aksx̌ílwiʔ. He's going to be my husband, not your husband. [dict]

sx̌iƛ̓xn   [sx̌íƛ̓xən] Morph: s+x̌iƛ̓xn. Variant: x̌iƛ̓xn. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. trousers, pants.

Istem. Sp s-x̌éƛ̓iʔšn trousers; Cm s‑x̌aƛ̓‑u‑xn trousers; Cr s+x̌it̓+mšn breeches, chinos, corduroy, pants, trousers. x̌iƛ̓. ixíʔ uɬ scústsəlx axáʔ iʔ sx̌íƛ̓xən, ixíʔ uɬ skʕacʕacqínxən. That's what they call pants now, that's leggings. [MarryPS 031] See: 05/Jun/2020.

sx̌iʔilxm   [sx̌iʔilxəm] Morph: s+x̌y̓ilx+m. Etym: √x̌y̓. to be gained on; to be attacked.

Mstem. kʷu sx̌ʔilxm iʔ t ... They're advancing on us. [nb26-77 005] See: sx̌y̓ilxm.

sx̌lap   [sx̌lap] Morph: s+x̌la+p. Etym: √x̌l. Variant: x̌lap. morning comes; the morrow.

Istem. Category: +p. t̓əxʷ axáʔ ink̓ík̓waʔ way̓ t̓iʔ cxʷuy sx̌lap məɬ way̓ kʷu c̓əq̓mís kʷu qiɬs. Morning came and my grandfather threw me out of bed, woke me up. [AutPS 028] cxʷuy iʔ sx̌lap, uɬ qíɬəɬtəlx, t̓əxʷ t̓əqʷcínəlx úɬi xʷət̓lílxəlx. Came morning, and they woke up, and started hollering. [BJSeym 482] aɬíʔ cq̓ay̓ put pənʔkín iʔ x̌əx̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ iʔ l sx̌lap mi aláʔ kʷu yáʕ̓ʷ. It's written down just at what time of the morning we would gather here. (PS) way̓ cxʷuy sx̌lap, uɬ qíɬəɬtəlx, uɬ t̓əqʷcínəlx. Morning came and they woke up, and started hollering. [dict] See: x̌lap.

sx̌lilp   [sx̌lilp] Morph: s+x̌lilp. Etym: √x̌l. floor.

Istem. Sp x̌lélp the floor; Cm s‑x̌l‑lup floor; Cr čat+x̌elílup+n floor; Th /x̌léyep-m lay a board floor; Li x̌l-ílap floor. k̓aʔkín ʕác̓əm, uɬ way̓ t̓i ik̓líʔ kʷəkʷl̕ál t̓i c̓x̌iɬ, uɬ axáʔ iʔ k̓ɬənk̓míp uɬ nixʷ ixíʔ c̓x̌iɬ, uɬ iʔ ṇk̓əmqníɬxʷ, kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ sx̌lilp. Whereever he looks, it's bright like, the doors are also like that, the ceiling, and the floor. [dict] mutx iʔ l sx̌lilp. Sit on the floor! [nb26-35 003] kʷu kɬtapəɬtís isx̌lílp. He got my floor dirty. [nb25-19 010] See: x̌l2.

sx̌liɬxʷ   [sx̌liɬxʷ] Morph: s+x̌liɬxʷ. Etym: √x̌l. a board house.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ sx̌líɬxʷ, sutn k̓ilílxʷ. And those that are board houses, that's bark. [BJSeym 027] See: x̌l2.

sx̌litm   [sx̌lítəm] Morph: s+x̌lit+m. Etym: √x̌lt. one invited.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem kʷu sx̌lítəm iʔ t st̓əmkʔíltət, kmíl̕tməntəm. Our daughter asked for us to come back, we are going to visit her. [LynxS 405] See: x̌lit.

sx̌lpáʕlaʔxʷ   [sx̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+x̌l+páʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: sx̌lpúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌l. daylight; dawn; early morning.

Istem. Category: PhM. way̓ naʔɬ sx̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷs uɬ c̓sap. At dawn there were none left. [nb21.73a] See: x̌aʕl.

sx̌lpínaʔ   [sx̌əlpínaʔ] Morph: s+x̌lpínaʔ. Etym: √x̌l. daylight comes upon one.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ ksx̌əlpínaʔlx uɬ x̌əcməncútəlx. When daylight came they got ready. [fatboy 053] way̓ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔntíˑˑsəlx uɬ ksx̌əlpínaʔlx. They looked until daylight. [lnx2 340] q̓ʷəyməncúˑˑtəlx way̓ uɬ ksx̌əlpínaʔḷx. They danced until daylight. [dict] kʷu ksx̌əlpínaʔ. It got daylight on us. [nb08 206] kʷu ksx̌əlpínaʔ uɬ iʔ cut way̓ kən c̓əspqníʔ. The morning after he said, "I'm all out of cartridges." [HnTrp 244] way̓ ksx̌əlpínaʔ xʷuy k̓əl sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən. In the morning he went to the barn. [Hrvst 115] uɬ ixíʔ ksx̌əlpínaʔ uɬ ixíʔ cus inlʔíw. The next day he said to my dad... [Hrvst 125] way̓ axáʔ ksx̌əlpínaʔ q̓ʷəyʕás, uɬ ʕác̓əs iʔ sl̕ax̌ts. When daylight came to the Black Face he looked over to his partner. [Dvl 294] See: x̌lap.

sx̌lpu   [sx̌əlpú] Morph: s+x̌l+pu. Etym: √x̌l. daylight. Gram: truncated sx̌lpúlaʔxʷ

Istem. sx̌əlpú. [nb21.73a] See: x̌lap.

sx̌lpúlaʔxʷ   [sx̌əlpúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+x̌l+pulaʔxʷ. Variant: sx̌lpáʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌l. 1 • daylight.

2 • Istem. sx̌lpúlaʔxʷ.


sx̌ltsqilxʷ   [sx̌əltsqílxʷ] Morph: s+x̌lt+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √x̌lt, √qlxʷ. an invitation.

Istem. kʷ kʷəlstíɬən yaʔ sx̌əlttsqílxʷ.. You send them an invitation. [dict] sx̌əltsqílxʷ. Invite to a potlatch. [OkB] See: x̌lit.

sx̌lwis   [sx̌lwis] Morph: sx̌+lwis. Etym: √sx̌. to move s.t.

Istem. Category: +lwis. uɬ way̓ wiˑˑm̓ asx̌əlˑwís. And you tried and couldn't move it. [Nams 247] See: sx̌.

sx̌lxiw̓s   [sx̌əlxíw̓s] Morph: sx̌lxiw̓s. Etym: √sx̌. to change from one place to another.

Istem. ilíʔ kɬəq̓ʷtíw̓s. ixíʔ cíˑˑqplaʔntəm. uláx̌. ksx̌əlxíw̓s. cíqplaʔntəm iʔ k̓əl naqs. He (Coyote) was lying on top (of the pole). Then he (Buffalo) started digging. (The pole) fell over. He (Coyote) moved to another. [cobuf21] See: six̌lx.

sx̌lxnilp   [sx̌əlxnílp] Morph: s+x̌lxnilp. Etym: √x̌l. the floor.

Istem. iʔ l sx̌əlxnílp. On the floor. [dict] See: x̌l2.

sx̌lxúlaʔxʷ   [sx̌lxúlaʔxʷ] Morph: sx̌lxúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √sx̌. to change country.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ iʔ t səx̌lxúlaʔxʷ k̓laʔ ncaʔlím. Then she changed country to Inchelium. [AutPS 164] See: six̌lx.

sx̌lx̌aʕlt   [sx̌əlx̌áʕlt] Morph: s+x̌l•x̌aʕl+t. Etym: √x̌l. 1 • day; daylight.

Lit: In one year's timeIstem. way̓ x̌ast sx̌əlx̌áʕlt iʔ p isnəqsílxʷ. Good morning my relatives. [nb26-49 001] way̓ x̌ast aksx̌əlx̌áʕlt. Have a good day! [EC] ʕapnáʔ sx̌lx̌aʕlt. Today. [dict] cpiʔsc̓íɬt sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. Yesterday morning. [dict] mi put la c̓iwt sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. Until the last day. [dict] uɬ t̓i ʕác̓əntxʷ iʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt, t̓əxʷ iʔ l sk̓laxʷ məɬ ṇk̓ʷúl̕cnəm. Look at the day, when in the evening the weather is fixing the day. [dict] huy k̓laxʷ ṇpƛ̓mus iʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. In the evening the day ends. [dict] tx̌iwtwílx put ʕapnáʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt mi kʷu ɬcyaʕp. The same day next year we'll come back. [dict] axáʔ ṇp̓əʔáxʷ, c̓x̌iɬ t sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. It was bright then like daylight. [dict]

2 • Istem. sx̌lx̌aʕlt.

Istem. See: x̌aʕl.

sx̌lx̌ílwiʔ   [sx̌əlx̌ílwiʔ] Morph: s+x̌l•x̌ílwiʔ. Variant: s+x̌ál•x̌lwiʔ. Etym: √x̌lwʔ. husbands.

Istem. Category: kin. sx̌lx̌ílwiʔ. Husbands. [now 006] See: sx̌ílwiʔ.

sx̌ƛ̓qan̓   [sx̌ƛ̓qan̓] Morph: s+x̌ƛ̓qan̓. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. unidentified shell fish.

Istem. sx̌ƛ̓qan̓. Unidentified shell fish. [OkB]

sx̌mnatkʷ   [sx̌əmnátkʷ] Morph: s+x̌mnatkʷ. Etym: √x̌mn. sx̌mnatkʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. sx̌mnatkʷ. Woman's name. [dict]

sx̌mnkáliʔs   [sx̌əmənkáliʔs] Morph: s+x̌mnkáliʔs. Etym: √x̌m. lovers.

Istem. 1sx̌əmənkáliʔs. My lovers. [nb1882.5] See: sx̌mnkaw̓s.

sx̌mnkáwaʔs   [sx̌mənkáwaʔs] Morph: s+x̌mnkáwaʔs. Etym: √x̌m. lover; sweetheart.

Istem. Category: dim. iʔ k̓əl sx̌əmənkáwaʔsc aɬíʔ ƛ̓xʷúpəntəm axáʔ iʔ t sx̌ʷílmən. She goes to her lover, because the devil had won her. [GDd2 519] See: sx̌mnkaw̓s.

sx̌mnkaw̓s   [sx̌mənkáw̓s] Morph: s+x̌mnkaw̓s. Etym: √x̌m. lover; sweetheart.

Istem. Sp s-x̌mnčéw̓s lovers; Cr x̌emenčíw̓es they loved mutually. isx̌mənkáw̓s. My lover. [nb1882.6] See: x̌mnkiw̓s.

sx̌mtal̕qs   [sx̌əmtál̕qs] Morph: s+x̌mtal̕qs. Etym: √x̌mt ?. sx̌mtal̕qs.

Istem. Category: wName. sx̌mtal̕qs. Woman's name. [OkB]

sx̌nnumt   [sx̌ənnúmt] Morph: s+x̌n+numt. Etym: √x̌n. an injury.

Istem. Category: +numt. isx̌ənˑúmt. My injury. [nb27-33 001] iʔ sx̌ənˑúmts taʔlíʔ x̌əc̓x̌ác̓t, náx̌əmɬ kʷu cmúsəls cmay cxʷəlxʷált. He has a severe wound, but we anticipate he'll survive. [nb27-33 003] See: x̌n̓nu.

sx̌px̌ípaʔ   [sx̌əpx̌ípaʔ] Morph: s+x̌p•x̌ípaʔ. Etym: √x̌p. 1 • full-grown male grizzly bear.


2 • Istem. male black bear. sx̌əpx̌ípaʔ. Male black bear. [nb21.141a]

sx̌q̓ncut   [sx̌əq̓əncút] Morph: s+x̌q̓+ncut. Etym: √x̌q̓. pay; price.

Istem. Category: +ncut. uɬ ixíʔ kʷu m̓áyaʔɬtp iʔ ksx̌əq̓əncútəmp. You tell me your price. [GDd2 119] See: x̌aq̓.

sx̌salqs   [sx̌salqs] Morph: s+x̌salqs. Etym: √x̌s. new clothes.

Istem. Sp x̌sálqs good clothes; Cr x̌asál̕qs dapper ... he has neat clothes, he is neatly dressed; sx̌salqs. New clothes. [dict] See: x̌as.

sx̌síst̓iyaʔ   [sx̌síst̓iyaʔ] Morph: s+x̌síst̓iyaʔ. Etym: √x̌s. sweetgrass (hierochloe odorata) and rosy pussytoes (montane form) (antennaria rosea).

Istem. sx̌síst̓iyaʔ. Sweetgrass. [TBK55, 75] See: x̌as.

sx̌slscut   [sx̌səlscút] Morph: s+x̌slscut. Etym: √x̌s. good clothes, fine clothes; fine outfits.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ swiʔnúmtx xʷaʔ aɬíʔ uɬ sic iʔ stətəm̓tím̓s iʔ sx̌əsəlscúts. And he is handsome with his clothes, good things to wear. [Whal 547] sc̓x̌ilx ki sx̌səlscút iʔ ksxʷúystsəlx. That's why they should take good outfits. [nb1288.10] See: x̌slscut.

sx̌sus   [sx̌sus] Morph: s+x̌sus. Etym: √x̌s. good looks.

Istem. lut caʔkʷ iwá lut cx̌susc, kəm̓ swiʔnúmtxs. Whether he is not good looking or he's handsome. [MarryPS 018] See: x̌as.

sx̌sx̌pqín   [səx̌səx̌pqín] Morph: sx̌•sx̌+pqín. Etym: √sx̌. sx̌sx̌pqín (a chief).

Istem. Category: mName. sx̌sx̌pqín. Man's name.

sx̌ux̌umíx   [sx̌ux̌umíx] ?


sx̌w̓iltn   [sx̌w̓iltṇ] Morph: s+x̌w̓ilt+n. Etym: √x̌w̓. a drying rack.

Istem. Category: +tn. ixíʔ uɬ axáʔ t sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ t sx̌w̓iltən. A drying rack for deer. [grlsdd 141] See: x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ.

sx̌w̓iltnm   [sx̌əw̓íltnəm] Morph: s+x̌w̓iltn+m. Etym: √x̌w̓. berry drying.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sx̌əw̓íltnəm. Berry drying. [dict] See: sx̌w̓iltn.

sx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ   [sx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √x̌w̓. dried meat.

Istem. ixíʔ ilíʔ tqəmníw̓səs iʔ sx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔs. He piled his dried meat there. [cre55] ilíʔ ʔx̌íləm itíʔ iʔ sqílxʷ; yayáʕt əɬcxʷúy, uɬ way̓ yayáʕt əksx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔlx. The people did that; they all came back, and all had dried meat. [cre57] See: x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ.

sx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔm   [sx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔm] Morph: s+x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √x̌w̓. drying meat.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. uɬ nixʷ axáʔ iʔ st̓íləm iʔ sx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔm iʔ t sƛ̓aʔcínəm. Another thing is carving and drying deer meat. [drymd 001] uɬ nstils iʔ knaqs iʔ xiʔmíx tan̓mús iʔ sx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔm iʔ t sɬiqʷ kəm̓ iʔ st̓iləm iʔ ta nsiwɬkʷ. Anyone can think that it's just nothing to dry meat or carve fish. [drymd 013] See: sx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ.

sx̌w̓islp̓   [sx̌əw̓íslp̓] Morph: s+x̌w̓islp̓. Etym: √x̌w̓. dry burning wood.

Istem. See: x̌w̓aw̓.

sx̌w̓wiltn   [sx̌əw̓wíltən] Morph: s+x̌w̓•wiltn. Etym: √x̌w̓. dried fruit, berries and roots.

Istem. sx̌w̓wiltn. Dried fruit, berries and roots. [pd10] See: sx̌w̓iltn.

sx̌x̌alqs   [sx̌x̌alqs] Morph: sx̌•x̌alqs. Variant: sx̌əx̌áʕlqs. Etym: √sx̌. sx̌x̌alqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sx̌əx̌álqs, sx̌əx̌áʕlqs. Woman's name. [nb08 843]

sx̌x̌aʕlqs   [sx̌x̌aʕlqs] Morph: sx̌•x̌aʕlqs. Variant: sx̌əx̌álqs. Etym: √sx̌. sx̌x̌aʕlqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sx̌əx̌álqs, sx̌əx̌áʕlqs. Woman's name. [nb08 843]

sx̌x̌cam   [sx̌əx̌cám] Morph: s+x̌•x̌ca+m. Etym: √x̌c. betting.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sx̌x̌cam. Betting. [nb21.116a] See: sx̌cam.

sx̌x̌c̓iʔ   [sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ] Morph: s+x̌•x̌c̓y̓. Etym: √x̌c̓y̓. stick; (fishing) rod; any wood stick.

Istem. Cr s+x̌íc̓–ul̕mxʷ deforestation, cutting down trees or slashing of thickets. sílxʷaʔ iʔ scyárk̓ʷəs iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ. A big round stick. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ sx̌ʷc̓áms t sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ. He broke a stick. [doct] ixíʔ skʷnims iʔ t sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ, ksp̓íc̓aʔs iʔ kəwáps. He took a stick, he hit his horse on the body. [dict] kən yílwiʔṃ iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ. I twisted a stick. [dct] See: sx̌x̌c̓y̓.

sx̌x̌c̓iʔmálqʷ   [sx̌əx̌c̓iʔmálqʷ] Morph: s+x̌•x̌c̓y̓+málqʷ. Etym: √x̌c̓y̓. (tree) stalks; the top of a bush.

Istem. See: sx̌x̌c̓y̓malqʷ.

sx̌x̌c̓y̓malqʷ   [sx̌əx̌c̓iʔmálqʷ] Morph: s+x̌+x̌c̓y̓malqʷ. Etym: √x̌c̓y̓. the stalk; the top of a plant.

Istem. iʔ tqiltk, iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓iʔmálqʷ. The tops, the stalks. [dict] nstíls iʔ sx̌ʷílmən, way̓, way̓ lut haʔ iskʷním iʔ tqíltk iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓iʔmálqʷ. The Devil thought, "Haven't I taken the tops (before), the stalks?" [Dvl 142] See: sx̌x̌c̓y̓.

sx̌x̌piɬxʷ   [sx̌əx̌píɬxʷ] Morph: s+x̌•x̌piɬxʷ. Etym: √x̌p. shingles.

Istem. sx̌əx̌píɬxʷ. Shingles. [pd] See: x̌p.

sx̌x̌sx̌sípaʔɬxn   [sx̌əx̌sx̌sípaʔɬxən] Morph: s+x̌•x̌s•x̌sípaʔɬxn. Etym: √x̌s. pretty heels.

Istem. nt̓aˑˑ uɬ iʔ t sx̌əx̌sx̌sípaʔɬxənlx iʔ tk̓əmm̓áqstxənsəlx. Gee they are such pretty heels, legs! [bjmd 073] See: x̌as.

sx̌y̓ilxm   [sx̌iʔilxəm] Morph: s+x̌y̓ilx+m. Etym: √x̌y̓. to be gained on; to be attacked.

Mstem. kʷu sx̌ʔilxm iʔ t ... They're advancing on us. [nb26-77 005]

sx̌y̓ilxnm   [sx̌ʔílxnəm, sx̌iʔílxnəm] Morph: s+x̌y̓ilx+n+m. Etym: √x̌y̓. the ones attacked.

Mstem. kʷu sx̌ʔílxnəm iʔ sixʷápməx iʔ kʷu suknaqínx. The Shuswap wanted to attack us Okanagans again. [su7q̓im 124b] kʷu sx̌ʔílxnəm iʔ t sixʷápməx. We were attacked by the Shuswap. [su7q̓im 125] See: x̌y̓ilx.

sx̌ʷ   [sx̌ʷ] Morph: sx̌ʷ. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. root with meaning "descend" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sh səsúx̌ʷ-nst to descend; Th /sox̌ʷestús descend, go down, downhill, down the mountain (facing down); Li súx̌ʷast to come down (from ladder or hill). See: sx̌ʷstus; sx̌ʷpínaʔ; sx̌ʷtilx; sx̌ʷtlilx; sx̌ʷx̌ʷstus.

sx̌ʷacq   [sx̌ʷacq] Morph: s+x̌ʷacq. Etym: √x̌ʷc. sx̌ʷacq: unidentified plant.

Istem. sx̌ʷacq. Unidentified plant. [TBK145]

sx̌ʷalqs   [sx̌ʷalqs] Morph: s+x̌ʷalqs. Etym: √x̌ʷl. garbage; food thrown away.

Istem. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ nx̌əlcínˑ t̓əxʷ t skmaʕ̓ʷáqs kəm̓ iʔ t sx̌ʷalqs uɬ way̓ ixíʔ. I'll ask for left overs or for garbage, and that'll be all right. [GDd1 277] See: x̌ʷil1.

sx̌ʷal̕ítx̌ʷaʔ   [sx̌ʷaʔlítx̌ʷaʔ] Morph: s+x̌ʷal̕+ítx̌ʷaʔ. Variant: sx̌ʷaʔlítx̌ʷaʔ. Etym: √x̌ʷl, √tx̌ʷʔ ?. black camas (camassia quamash).

Istem. Sp s-x̌ʷəʔl√ítx̌ʷeʔ (s-x̌ʷaʔl√ítx̌ʷeʔ) uncooked black or brown camas, June. sx̌ʷal̕ítx̌ʷaʔ. Black camas. [TBK41] aláʔ kəɬpíɬs iʔ sx̌ʷaʔlítx̌ʷaʔ. He spread camas (on the table). [nb18241.1]

sx̌ʷc̓am   [sx̌ʷc̓am] Morph: s+x̌ʷc̓a+m. Etym: √x̌ʷc̓. breakage.

Mstem. Category: +am. isx̌ʷc̓am. What I broke. [nb08 610] See: x̌ʷc̓(a).

sx̌ʷilmn   [sx̌ʷílmən] Morph: s+x̌ʷil+mn. Etym: √x̌ʷl. devil; hell; one thrown away.

Istem. Sp s-x̌ʷél-mn the devil; Cr s+x̌iɬ+emn devil. Category: +mn. sx̌ʷílmən. Throw away people, hell. [nb10a 175] cúntməlx ixíʔ sx̌ʷílmən ixiʔ ɬaʔ ksck̓ʷul̕ iʔ sumíx. He [the priest] told them: "Itʼs the devil who makes spirits." [gl37] pútiʔ cxʷəlxʷált uɬ l̕áx̌tməntxʷ iʔ sx̌ʷílmən. When you were alive you were partners with the Devil. [dict] See: x̌ʷil1.

sx̌ʷlixkn   [sx̌ʷlíxkən] Morph: s+x̌ʷlixkn. Variant: sx̌ʷl̕ixkn̓. Etym: √x̌ʷl. 1 • bucks shedding their horns.


2 • Istem. male white tailed deer. sx̌ʷlixkn. Male white tailed deer. [dict] Sp s-x̌ʷl̕ésčn̓ white-tailed buck deer with two points, male antelope; Sh sx̌ʷlexkn buck; Th s/x̌ʷy̓éxkn buck deer; Li s.x̌ʷláxkən, s.x̌ʷl̕áxkən buck. Ques: sx̌ʷl̕ixqn ?

sx̌ʷlɬqʷtíx̌ʷaʔm   [x̌ʷəlɬqʷtíx̌ʷaʔ] Morph: s+x̌ʷl+ɬ+qʷtíx̌ʷaʔ+m. Etym: √x̌ʷl, √qʷtx̌ʷʔ. delousing.

Mstem. sx̌ʷəlɬqʷtíx̌ʷaʔm. Delousing. [dict] sx̌ʷəlɬqʷtíx̌ʷaʔm. [OkB] See: x̌ʷil1; qʷtíx̌ʷaʔ.

sx̌ʷlmnus   [sx̌ʷəlmnús] Morph: s+x̌ʷl+mnus. Etym: √x̌ʷl. devil faced.

Istem. sx̌ʷəlmnús. Devil faced. [nb21.144] See: sx̌ʷilmn.

sx̌ʷlx̌ʷilmn   [sx̌ʷəlx̌ʷílmən] Morph: s+x̌ʷl•x̌ʷil+mn. Etym: √x̌ʷl. devils.

Istem. sx̌ʷəlx̌ʷílmən. Devils. [nb21.150a] See: sx̌ʷilmn.

sx̌ʷl̕ixkn̓   [sx̌ʷl̕ixkn̓] Morph: s+x̌ʷl̕ixkn̓. Variant: sx̌ʷlixkn. Etym: √x̌ʷl. male white tailed deer.

Istem. Sp s-x̌ʷl̕sčnélxʷ white-tailed buck deer hide, male antelope hide. sx̌ʷl̕ixkn̓. Male white tailed deer. [dict]

sx̌ʷƛ̓x̌ʷíƛ̓aʔst   [sx̌ʷəƛ̓x̌ʷíƛ̓aʔst] Morph: s+x̌ʷƛ̓•x̌ʷíƛ̓aʔst. Etym: √x̌ʷƛ̓. saskatoon or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. sx̌ʷƛ̓x̌ʷíƛ̓aʔst. Saskatoon. [TBK120]

sx̌ʷnitkʷ   [sx̌ʷənítkʷ] Morph: s+x̌ʷnitkʷ. Etym: √x̌ʷn. 1 • sx̌ʷnitkʷ: the former waterfalls, both lower and upper, at Kettle Falls, and generally the entire Kettle Falls area. Lit: roaring or noisy water; waterfall

Istem. Category: Geog. iʔ l sx̌ʷənítkʷ. At Kettle Falls. [mychildr 206; BK363] put ixíʔ sx̌lap məɬ yayáʔt swít cxʷuy iʔ l sx̌ʷənítkʷ. Just tomorrow morning everybody will come to Kettle Falls. [CoBrk2] cənʔáx̌ʷt uɬ aláʔ iʔ l sx̌ʷnitkʷ ckɬʔiq̓ʷ, uɬ axáʔ q̓məntím iʔ t ṇx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. He came downstream and he came in sight at Kettle Falls, and that's when a whale swallowed him. [dict] wʔit iʔsqíləxʷ kʷlíwtlx k̓l sx̌ʷənítkʷ. Many Indians were living in the vicinity of Kettle Falls. [dict]

2 • Istem. Celilo Falls. Category: Geog. Sp √sox̌ʷ sound of slowly seeping liquid; Cm s‑x̌ʷní-tkʷ-əxʷ Kettle Falls Indians; Cr s+x̌ʷenitkʷeʔ rapids, hurrying water.

sx̌ʷnups   [sx̌ʷnups] Morph: s+x̌ʷnups. Etym: √x̌ʷn. fish tail.

Istem. See Cm sq̓ʷmups. Ques: xʷ or x̌ʷ sx̌ʷnups. Fish tails. [nb23 022]

sx̌ʷpínaʔ   [sx̌ʷpínaʔ] Morph: sx̌ʷ+pínaʔ. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. runoff.

Istem. way̓ uɬ axáʔ ʕamáp iʔ citxʷ, way̓ uɬ ksəx̌ʷpínaʔ. And the house melted and the water started running. [Dvl 285] See: sx̌ʷ.

sx̌ʷsmiɬp   [sx̌ʷəsmíɬp] Morph: s+x̌ʷs+miɬp. Etym: √x̌ʷs. soapberry bush, foamberry bush (shepherdia canadensis).

Istem. sx̌ʷəsmíɬp. Soapberry. [TBK99]

sx̌ʷstus   [səx̌ʷstús] Morph: sx̌ʷ+stus. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to go downhill.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ k̓əl skc̓íkʷaʔ talí náx̌əmɬ əˑˑ a csəx̌ʷstús k̓əl skc̓íkʷaʔ. And the one to the left is downhill. [Dvl 306] See: sx̌ʷ.

sx̌ʷtilx   [səx̌ʷtílx] Morph: sx̌ʷ+t+ilx. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to descend.

Istem. Category: +ilx. way̓ ik̓líʔ kʷu sx̌ʷtilx mi ƛ̓xʷəntíməlx yayʕát. We'll go down there and kill them all. [su7q̓im 129] uɬ axáʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps səx̌ʷtílx. lut t̓a lkʷút, uɬ ntktíkɬəlx. His parents went down. It wasn't far, they got to the bottom. [nb2553.13] nák̓ʷəm iʔ t̓íxʷləm ik̓líʔ səx̌ʷtílx uɬ iʔ k̓əl cəcw̓íxaʔ. The strangers went to the creek. [nb2591.3] See: sx̌ʷ.

sx̌ʷtlilx   [səx̌ʷtl̕ílx] Morph: sax̌ʷ+t+l•ilx. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. several go downhill.

Istem. Category: +lilx. səx̌ʷtl̕ílx. They went down the hill. [nb08 238] kʷu səx̌ʷtl̕ílx. We went down the hill. [nb08 240] See: sx̌ʷtilx.

sx̌ʷupt   [sx̌ʷupt] Morph: s+x̌ʷup+t. Etym: √x̌ʷp. one's worthlesness.

Istem. Category: +t. cəm̓ t̓i lut məɬ kʷ ɬ x̌ʷlíɬc̓aʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ sx̌ʷupts. It might not be long and you will throw him away if it turns out that he's good for nothing. [BJSeym 040] ƛ̓əm axáʔ sʕaʕímaʔt iʔ t saʔstáms təl sx̌ʷupts. His sister-in-law used to hate him because he was good for nothing. [dict] See: x̌ʷupt.

sx̌ʷusm   [sx̌ʷúsəm] Morph: s+x̌ʷus+m. Etym: √x̌ʷs. 1 • foamberry or soapberry berries (shepherdia canadensis).


2 • Istem. Indian ice cream.

Sp s-x̌ʷús-m Indian ice cream, soapberry, foamberry; Cm s‑x̌ʷus‑m foamberries; Cr s+x̌ʷús+m foamberries.Istem. sx̌ʷúsəm. Indian ice cream. [TBK99] axáʔ iʔ t sqilxʷ iʔ t sp̓iʔqáɬq, sx̌ʷúˑˑsəm, uɬ st̓xaˑˑɬq. Indian fruit, foam berries, and huckleberries. [2gts 050] kən tixʷm i t sx̌ʷúsəm. I gathered foamberries. [nb08 016] See: x̌ʷus.

sx̌ʷuss   [sx̌ʷúsəs] Morph: s+x̌ʷus•s. Etym: √x̌ʷs. suds.

Istem. sx̌ʷúsəs. (Soap) suds. [nb26-10 009] See: x̌ʷus.

sx̌ʷx̌ʷil   [sx̌ʷx̌ʷil] Morph: s+x̌ʷ•x̌ʷil. Etym: √x̌ʷl. to be discarded.

Istem. mət xʷəxʷ kʷ sx̌ʷx̌ʷílx. You must have been left again (by your b/g friend). [misc 074] See: x̌ʷil1.

sx̌ʷx̌ʷlx̌ʷilmn   [sx̌ʷəx̌ʷəlx̌ʷílmən] Morph: s+x̌ʷ•x̌ʷl•x̌ʷil+mn. Etym: √x̌ʷl. little devils.

Istem. Category: dim, +mn. sx̌ʷəx̌ʷəlx̌ʷílmən. Little devils. [nb21.150a] See: sx̌ʷilmn.

sx̌ʷx̌ʷl̕ikn̓   [sx̌ʷux̌ʷl̕íkn̓] Morph: s+x̌ʷ•x̌ʷl̕ikn̓. Etym: √x̌ʷl. back fin.

Istem. sx̌ʷx̌ʷl̕ikn̓. Back fin. [dict]

sx̌ʷx̌ʷntkʷíst̓yaʔ   [sx̌ʷəx̌ʷntkʷíst̓iyaʔ] Morph: s+x̌ʷ•x̌ʷntkʷíst̓yaʔ. Etym: √x̌ʷntkʷ ?. Junegrass (koeleria cristata).

Istem. sx̌ʷəx̌ʷntkʷíst̓iyaʔ. Junegrass. [TBK55]

sx̌ʷx̌ʷn̓ítaʔkʷ   [sx̌ʷəx̌ʷnítaʔkʷ] Morph: s+x̌ʷ•x̌ʷn̓ítaʔkʷ. Etym: √x̌ʷn. Okanagan Falls.

Istem. Category: Geog, dim. sx̌ʷx̌ʷn̓ítaʔkʷ. Okanagan Falls. [E5] See: sx̌ʷnitkʷ.

sx̌ʷx̌ʷn̓itkʷ   [sx̌ʷəx̌ʷn̓ítkʷ] Morph: s+xʷ•x̌ʷn̓itkʷ. Etym: √x̌ʷn̓. sx̌ʷx̌ʷn̓itkʷ: Okanagan Falls. Lit: little falls

Istem. Category: Geog, dim. sx̌ʷx̌ʷn̓itkʷ. Okanagan Falls. [nb19.354a] See: sx̌ʷnitkʷ.

sx̌ʷx̌ʷstus   [səx̌ʷəx̌ʷstús] Morph: sx̌ʷ•x̌ʷ+stus. Etym: √sx̌ʷ. to go downhill.

Istem. aɬíʔ miyílsəms uɬ yaʕyáʕt cx̌əƛ̓mús, uɬ t qəltíkən̓, ixíʔ uɬ səx̌ʷəx̌ʷstús iʔ k̓əl cítxʷsəlx. He figured it's all uphill to the top, then it's downhill to their houses. [dict] See: sx̌ʷ.

sx̌ʷyups   [sx̌ʷəyúps] Morph: s+x̌ʷyups. Etym: √x̌ʷy. bull snake.

Istem. Cm š‑x̌ʷiy‑ups bull snake. sx̌ʷəyúps. Bull snake. [74tp2 010]

sx̌ʷyx̌ʷayt   [sx̌ʷix̌ʷáyt] Morph: s+x̌ʷy•x̌ʷay+t. Etym: √x̌ʷy. sharpness.

Istem. Category: +t. put c̓x̌iɬ iʔ t nínk̓mən iʔ sx̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓c. It's sharp as a knife. [CoGrSy 065] ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ t̓əxʷ ksx̌ʷəyx̌ʷáyt c̓x̌iɬ t skʷkʷʔíɬp kɬƛ̓qʷúmən. Those that have thorns just like rose bushes have thorns. [RnTrp 036] See: x̌ʷy.

sx̌ʷyx̌ʷyikstn   [sx̌ʷəyx̌ʷəyíkstən] Morph: s+x̌ʷy•x̌ʷyiks+tn. Etym: √x̌ʷy. sx̌ʷyx̌ʷyikstn: Grizzly Mountain.

Istem. Category: +tn. sx̌ʷyx̌ʷyikstn Grizzly Mountain. [CSCo61]

sx̌ʷy̓iɬpx   [sx̌ʷiʔíɬpx] Morph: s+x̌ʷy̓iɬpx. Etym: √x̌ʷy̓. Colville Indians.

Istem. Cm sx̌ʷuy̓áɬpm people from Ft. Colville area (now known as Colvilles); Cr s+x̌ʷiyíʔɬpmš Colville tribes. sx̌ʷʔiɬpx. Colville Indians. [nb22.35]

syak̓ʷqn   [siyák̓ʷqn] Morph: s+yak̓ʷqn. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. syak̓ʷqn.

Istem. siyák̓ʷqn. Man's name. [OkB]

syalt   [syalt] Morph: s+yal+t. Etym: √tl. snow slide.

Istem. syalt. Slide. [OkB] See: yalt.

syal̕wánk   [syal̕wánk] Morph: s+yal̕wánk. Variant: sy̓al̕wank. Etym: √ylw. 1 • Cricket; cricket.

Istem. xʷʔit iʔ syal̕wánk. Many crickets. [nb6.5]

2 • Istem. syal̕wánk.

Sp s-y̓el̕w̓énč cricket; Cm siyálw̓nk mormon cricket; Cr s+le·w̓íneč cricket.Istem. way̓ ck̓əɬníxlməntəm t syal̕wánk ɬ t̓əcxʷúy. We heard a noise, it's Cricket coming. [HnTrp 263] See: yal̕wánk.

syatl   [siyátl] Morph: syatl. Etym: √sytl ?. Seattle.

Istem. Category: Geog. uɬ axáʔ aláʔ ta sn̓ín̓w̓iʔ iʔ ʔácqaʔ, ixíʔ təl siátəl səq̓ʷtíknx. And the one here that just now left, he's from Seattle. [dict]

syaʕpcín   [syaʕpcín] Morph: s+yaʕ+pcín. Variant: syaʕ̓pcín. Etym: √yʕ. hardship; trouble.

Istem. naqs isyaʕ̓pcín. There is one thing I am hard up for. [CoGrSy 411] cúsəlx way̓ kʷu csisúykstəmstxʷ, uɬ stim̓ asyaʕpcín. They said, "You are getting us chilled, what do you want?" [CoGrSy 692] cúɬtxʷəlx asyaʕ̓pcín. Tell them your troubles. [Nams 176] lut kən t̓ə ksyaʕpcín. I don't have any troubles. [dict] See: yaʕpcín.

syaʕy   [si(y)áʕy] Morph: sy•aʕy. Etym: √sʕy. to make noise; to make talking noises.

Istem. Sp √say the sound of voices. siyáʕy. Many make noise. [nb20.81a] mat taʔkín iʔ sənkʷkʷʔác siáʕy iʔ skəkʕákaʔ iʔ təl ct̓ak̓ʷ. Some time in the night animals made noises where she had put him. [dc67] syáʕˑˑy iʔ skəkʕákaʔ, k̓əl sx̌lap uɬ iʔ qʷəspíc̓aʔ nixʷ iliʔ qʷəlqʷílt, nák̓ʷəm ixiʔ uɬ mat sumíxs yəʔ qʷəspíc̓aʔ. The animals made a racket, towards morning even the buffalo there made noise, indeed that must be the buffalo’s power. [dc69]

syáʕyaʕ   [syáʕyaʕ] Morph: s+yáʕ•yaʕ. Etym: √yʕ. syáʕyaʕ: unidentified bird: when you hear this bird in the spring you say “The deer have their calves already.”

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ qʷaʔqʷʔál axáʔ itíʔ haɬc̓əsqáqənaʔ , itíʔ haɬawáʕ, t̓i mat haɬstím̓ haɬsyáʕyaʕ. They all talked, all of the chickadees, all of the little grey birds, all birds clamored. [lpb299]

syaʕ̓   [siyáʕ̓] Morph: s+yaʕ̓. Etym: √yʕ. gathering; celebration.

Istem. uɬ way̓ kmix i l siyáʕ̓. Only at gatherings. [MarryPS 038] way̓ wíknəlx k̓əl iʔ cwánxəlx iʔ k̓əl siyáʕ̓. I saw them at the war dance at the gathering. [gl48] See: yaʕ̓.

syaʕ̓pcín   [syaʕ̓pcín] Morph: s+yaʕ̓+pcín. Etym: √yʕ̓. a need.

Istem. naqs y asyaʕ̓pcín. One thing you are hard up for. [nb08 356] See: yaʕ̓pcín.

syaʕ̓ʕ̓míx   [syaʕ̓ʕ̓míx] Morph: s+yaʕ̓•ʕ̓+míx. Etym: √yʕ̓. those who have gathered.

Istem. Category: +mix. See: syaʕ̓.

syaʕʷpyáwt   [syaʕʷpyáwt] Morph: s+yaʕʷ+p+yáw+t. Variant: syaʕ̓ʷpyáw̓t. Etym: √yʕʷ. one's strength or power.

Istem. Cr yeʕʷpiy̓ígʷ+t able, capable, dependable, virtuous; Cm yʕ̓ʷ‑yʕ̓ʷ‑t be hard, difficult, yaʕ̓‑p‑y–awt be well endowed, powerful, psychic. Category: +t. syaʕʷpyáwt. Strength. [dict] way̓ t̓əxʷ iwá lut isyaʕʷpyáwt. I'm not qualified for anything. [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓a aksyaʕʷpyáwt t̓i kmix [ɬ] nán̓aqs ann̓ín̓k̓mən. You won't be capable if you have just one knife. [Whal 219] way̓ lut isyaʕʷpyáwt, kən stʔiwtx, kən k̓ʷək̓ʷy̓úmaʔ, məɬ kən cpsáʕyaʔ. I am not strong enough, I’m little, and I got no sense. [nb1293.4] See: yaʕʷpyáwt.

syaʔk̓ʷáqs   [syaʔk̓ʷáqs] Morph: s+yaʔk̓ʷáqs. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. mid-winter.

Istem. way̓ uɬ talíʔ uɬ ʕʷəc̓áp, ixíʔ uɬ way̓ k̓əl syaʔk̓ʷáqs. Very much he's going to nothing, and (it was) past mid winter. [Dvl 192] See: yk̓ʷ.

syaʔlílt   [syaʔlílt] Morph: s+yaʔlílt. Etym: √yʔl. 1 • a run-away child.

Istem. way̓ ksyaʔlílt isl̕áx̌t. My friend has a run-away child. [nb25-57 012] uɬ ixíʔ iʔ syaʔlílts iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. The old lady's run-away child. [nb2557.3]

2 • Istem. a widowed mother-in-law.

Istem. Category: kin. syaʔlílt. A widowed mother-in-law. [nb25-57 006 Clara Jack] See: yalt.

syaʔyáʔkʷaʔ   [syaʔyáʔkʷaʔ] Morph: s+yaʔ•yáʔkʷaʔ. Etym: √ykʷʔ ?. a wart.

Istem. syaʔyáʔkʷaʔ. Wart. [dict]

syaʔyáʔlwiʔ   [syaʔyáʔlwiʔ] Morph: s+yaʔ•yáʔlwiʔ. Etym: √ylwʔ ?. lazy horse.

Istem. syaʔyáʔlwiʔ. Lazy horse. [dict]

syilwy̓   [yílwiʔ] Morph: s+yílwy̓ ? Etym: √ylw. a twig; a whip.

Istem. Sp √yel̕w̓ ... s yél̕u small switch. kin̓ asyílwiʔ akɬc̓íltən. Where is the whip you are going to whip with? [GDd2 447] ixíʔ tx̌p̓íw̓səntəm axáʔ iʔ t syílwiʔ. He sewed him up there with a twisted twig. [BJSeym 336] way̓ ckɬúʔxʷuʔs iʔ t syílwiʔ iʔ t sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ. It was sewed up with the twisted sprig. [dict] See: yilwy; syilw̓.

syilw̓   [syíluʔ] Morph: s+ylw̓. Etym: √ylw̓. a branch; a switch.

Istem. Sp s-yél̕u small switch; Cr s+díluʔ switch, whip. syíluʔ. A switch. [nb20.94a] See: syilw.

syíyaʔ   [siyíya] Morph: s+yí•yaʔ. Etym: √yʔ. saskatoon berry, serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. siyíya. [TBK120] See: síyaʔ.

syk̓íc̓aʔ   [sik̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: s+yk̓íc̓aʔ ? Etym: √yk̓ ?. syk̓íc̓aʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. sik̓íc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [OkB]

sylmxʷílt   [silmxʷílt] Morph: s+ylmxʷílt. Etym: √yl. to be of noble birth.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷaʔ csílxʷaʔstsəlx, əcx̌aʔx̌aʔstísəlx, aɬíʔ silmxʷílt. They looked up to him, They revered him because he's of noble birth. [nb2529.8] See: ylmixʷm.

sylmxʷiɬxʷ   [silmxʷíɬxʷ] Morph: s+ylmxʷiɬxʷ. Etym: √yl. the chiefʼs house.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ sxʷúysəlx iʔ k̓əl silmxʷíɬxʷ. And they went to the boss's house. [blkpg 050] way̓ xʷúyʔḷx, yáʕpəlx uɬ k̓ɬənɬaʔípəlx k̓əl sylmxʷíɬxʷ. They went, they got to the door of the chief's house. ixíʔ k̓əɬsíwsəlx iʔ sylmxʷíɬxʷ. They inquired about the chief's house. [dict] See: ylmixʷm.

sylx   [silx] Morph: sylx. Etym: √syl. Salish.

Istem. kʷu siylx. We are Salish. [nb20.94]

sylxcin   [silxcín] Morph: sylxcin. Etym: √syl. the Salish language.

Istem. sylxcin. Salish language. [nb20.94a] See: sylx.

sylyalmíxʷm   [silyalmíxʷm] Morph: s+yl•yalmíxʷ+m. Etym: √ylmxʷ. greatness; power.

Istem ?. sylyalmíxʷəm. Greatness, power. [nb26-37 019] See: ylmixʷm.

syl̕yúlaʔt   [sil̕yúl̕aʔt] Morph: s+yl̕•yúl+aʔt. Etym: √yl. circumference.

Istem. Category: +aʔt. way̓ x̌əx̌sx̌sálaʔqʷ t̓i put iʔ sil̕yúl̕aʔts nice shoots, just the right size; [GDd1 643] See: yult.

syɬkʷkʷaʕst   [siɬkʷ•kʷáʕst] Morph: s+yɬ+kʷ•kʷáʕs+t. Etym: √yɬ, √kʷʕs. early morning.

Istem. Sp s-kʷékʷs-t; Cm ʔikʷ‑kʷaast early morning (aa confirms an earlier pharyngeal). Ok siɬ+ is not understood. Category: +t. iʔ l siɬkʷkʷáʕst uɬ iʔ l ksxan iʔ səntəx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. In the morning and in the afternoon. [EnLet.45] uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ yaʔx̌í iʔ l siɬkʷkʷáʕst kaʔ c̓íɬən. He hasn't eaten since morning. [GDd2 173] kən ɬpúlxəx q̓sápiʔ sənkʷkʷʔác uɬ siɬkʷkʷáʕst uɬ kən xʷt̓ilx. I went to bed late and I got up early. [nb7.6a]

symatkʷ   [siymátkʷ] Morph: s+ymatkʷ. Etym: √ym. symatkʷ.

Istem. Category: wName. siymátkʷ. Woman's name. [nb1867.8]

symncaʕt   [syməncáʕt, siməncáʕt] Morph: sy+mncaʕt. Etym: √sʕy. to make noise (talking) (humans or animals).

Istem. Sp say the sound of voices. Category: PhM, +cʕat. syməncáʕt axáʔ tla ck̓əɬxár. They were making noise from behind the curtain. [LynxS 262] axáʔ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t a csyməncáʕts c̓x̌iɬ t nəqnáqsmist. The rest of them clamored one by one. [lpb287] ixíʔ yaʔ t syməncáʕt yaʔ cmypnúmt way̓ sqilxʷ. From the noise she finds out that there are people. [dict] k̓ɬənk̓ahk̓ʷípəntxʷ uɬ cəm̓ syməncáʕt iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. When you open the door the birds will make noise. [dict] See: saʕy.

symscut   [simscút] Morph: sy+m+scut. Etym: √sy. to do one's best.

Istem. Sp čn ym̓m̓ s cút I'm worried, I'm between a rock and a hard place.; Cm yəm̓ym̓t ... be difficult; Cr siy+m+scút act, contended, strove, vied. Category: +scut. kʷ simscút. You did your best. [15.77a] uɬ way̓ t̓i p simscút iʔ ksxʷəsxʷúsəlxəmp. Do your best to hurry. [nb1247.4] kʷ simscút lut aksʔitx. Do your best not to fall asleep. [nb1274.1]

sypas   [siypás] Morph: sypas. Etym: √syps. sypas.

Istem. siypás. Man's name. [11.73a]

syríwaxn   [siríwaxən] Morph: s+yríwaxn. Variant: syríwaʔxn. Etym: √yr. snowshoes.

Istem. way̓ lut kən t̓a ksyríwaxən kəm̓ lut kən t̓a kɬc̓q̓ílən. I haven't any snow shoes, or bow and arrow. [BJSeym 101] kʕ̓ʷəyncútəmsəlx uɬ aɬíʔ t sqílxʷ tla nyxʷút iʔ l syríwaxns. The people laughed at him because he put his snow shoes on from inside. [BJSeym 156] way̓ kʷu k̓ʷíƛ̓əɬt isyríwaxən. Take off my snowshoes! [dict] way̓ t̓i ṇx̌scin iʔ ṇɬíq̓ʷcən iʔ syríwaxən. It's a good, clear sound of snowshoes. [dict] way̓ uɬ qʷaʔmˑís iʔ syríwaxəns. He had got used to his snow shoes. [dict] way̓ q̓ʷíɬq̓ʷəɬt iʔ l syríwaxən. He is very good on snow shoes. [dict] way̓ ksk̓əlxʷəmstís axáʔ iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕aʔsts uɬ axáʔ iʔ ksyríwaxəns. It took him one day to fix his bow and arrow and his snow shoes. [dict] See: yríwaxn.

syríwaʔxn   [siríwaʔxən] Morph: s+yríwaʔxn. Variant: syríwaxn. Etym: √yr. snow shoes.

Istem. syríwaxən. Snowshoes. [rdgs 046] See: yríwaʔxn.

syrus   [sirús] Morph: s+yrus. Etym: √yr. a trap.

Istem. syirʔús. Tram. [OkB] See: yram.

syryark̓ʷ   [siryárk̓ʷ] Morph: s+yr•yark̓ʷ. Etym: √yrk̓ʷ. to be crooked or bent.

Istem. syryark̓ʷ. Bent. See: yark̓ʷ.

sysyaʕlx   [sisiyáʕlx] Morph: sy•syaʕlx. Etym: √sʕy. to make voice noises.

Istem. Sp say the sound of voices. Category: PhM. ilíʔ csisyáʕlx axáʔ iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. The birds were making all kinds of noise. [nb1282.7] cəm̓ axáʔ t̓i sisiyáʕlx ask̓ʷíƛ̓təm. And your brothers will make lots of noise. [nb1241.2] See: saʕy.

sysytwilx   [sisitwílx] Morph: sy•sy+t+wilx. Etym: √sy. to become proficient at s.t.

Istem. Category: +wilx. talí kʷ sisitwílx. You are getting very good at this. [E53.11] ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔs kən x̌əstwílx, kən sysytwilx iʔ l stəxʷcəncút. Then I will get better, I’ll be able to gather food. [crea130] See: sysyus.

sysyus   [sisyús] Morph: sy•syus. Etym: √sy. to be smart; to have power; strength.

Istem. Sp sy smart, able, industrious; Cr siy+siyús astute, capable, clever, intelligent... ixíʔ ia cilmíxʷəmstsəlx iʔ sisyús. They make boss those who are smart. [MarryPS 015] uɬ axáʔ isk̓ʷúy sysyus iʔ l sk̓ʷəlcəncút. My mother is smart at cooking. [Hrvst 122] mipnún c̓kin iʔ sisyúsc. I find out what strength he has. [RHorse 137] uɬ xáʔ nc̓íʔcən iʔ xaʔtúsc aɬíʔ uníxʷ sisyús i l stəxʷcəncút. Wolf is their leader because he sure is smart in getting things to eat. [BJSeym 058] máltəm t isysyús kiʔ kaʔkícəntsən. It's because I'm smart that I found you. [dict] lut kʷu t̓ə ksənkcníkəntəm t̓əxʷ iwá sisyús. She will never overtake us with all her smartness. [dict]

sysyustn   [sisyústṇ] Morph: sy•syus+tn. Variant: ksysyustn. Etym: √sy. power; ability.

Istem. Category: +tn. cúɬtxʷəlx iʔ asyaʕpcín, məɬ cúntsəlx laʔkín mi kʷ xʔkínəm, məɬ ixíʔ akɬsisyústṇ. Tell them your troubles, and they'll tell you what you'll have to do, and that will be your power. [dict] See: sysyus.

sytakʷ   [sitákʷ] Morph: s+ytakʷ. Etym: √ytkʷ. to decay.

Istem. Sp yetékʷ well cooked meat, rotted clothing material; Cr yetkʷ decay, decompose, putrify, rot. sitákʷ. Decay. [OkB]

sytkikstmnt   Morph: sytkikst+m+nt. Etym: √sytk. to twist one's hands.

Tstem. Category: +nt. səcsitkíkstməntəm. He twisted his hands. [nb21.55a] See: sytk.

sytkmst   Morph: sytk+m+st. Etym: √sytk. twist.

Tstem ?. Category: +st. sitkəmstím. He twisted. [nb21.55a] sitkəmstím iʔ t qəcqacáp. He twisted with spasms. [nb21.55a] See: sytk.

sytknt   Morph: sytk+nt. Etym: √sytk. to twist s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. sitkəntíxʷ. You twisted it. [nb21.55a]

syum   [syum] Morph: syum. Etym: √sym. a curse.

Istem. Sp √yum̓ superstition. uɬ axáʔ asqʷəsqʷsíʔ uɬ iʔ ksyum. Your son has the curse. [Brth 039]

syumcn   [syúmcən] Morph: s+yumcn. Etym: √ym. 1 • a curse; magic power or helper.

Istem. sc̓úmstsəlx t̓əxʷ ksyúmcən. They say it has a curse. [Brth 010] uɬ way̓ ɬkícsəlx iʔ t syúmcənsəlx. His magic friends already got to him. [Whal 444] cmistím t x̌ʷaʕylx, "aˑˑ, way̓ xʷəxʷ isyúmcən ƛ̓lal. Fox knew, "Ah, my partner (Coyote) is dead." [coeag24] xʷaʕ xʷaʕ xʷaʔ t isyúmcən. xʷaʕ xʷaʕ xʷaʔ my magic helper! (A call to his helper.) [nb22.18]

2 • Istem. a relative; wife's previous husband. isyúmcən kʷu pukm̓ám. My syúmcən took my wives. [nb1894.17] Sp √yum̓ superstition, birthmark. hec č-s-yúm̓-t-i the baby was born with an unusual birthmark (traceable to the actions of the parents); Cr s+dúmcn bosom friend, chum, friend (intimate...). See: syum.

syups   [siyúps] Morph: syups. Etym: √sy. 1 • tail.

Istem. ṇwísəlxsts iʔ syúpsc, ixíʔ sqáqcəlxs. She raised her tail, and she trotted. [dict] məɬ ixíʔ iʔ t túm̓təm̓ ixíʔ ʔíɬtməlx iʔ syúpscəlx iʔ qəpqíntəns. The mothers eat their tails, their manes. [Hrvst 092] yayáʕt kʷu ƛ̓xʷúpɬtəm iʔ syúpstət. She's beating our collective tails. [race8]

2 • Istem. stalks, tops (as opposed to roots); foliage of a plant.

Sp sups tail.Istem. lut ʔəɬəɬnútəm iʔ syúpsc iʔ patáq. The tails of the potatoes are not edible. [dict] kʷintxʷ iʔ syúpsc axáʔ iʔ sk̓ʷanɬqtət, uɬ axáʔ incá aɬíʔ kən la nyxʷtúlaʔxʷ. You take the tops of the crop, and I what's in the underground. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ƛ̓əqəntín axáʔ iʔ sʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip, n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ixíʔ wiʔsƛ̓əqəntín, məɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ mi miymstín axáʔ iʔ siyúpsc axáʔ iʔ patáq. I will dig the roots, and when I get done taking them, then I will pile together the tops of the potatoes. [dict]

syúyaʔps   [syúyaʔps] Morph: s+yú•yaʔps. Etym: √yps. a little tail.

Istem. Category: dim. isyúyaʔps. My little tail. [nb18231.5] See: syups.

syxpíc̓aʔ   [syxpíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+yxpíc̓aʔ. Etym: √yxp. baled hay.

Istem. syxpíc̓aʔ. Baled hay. [dict]

syxʷapmx   [sixʷápməx] Morph: s+yxʷap+mx. Etym: √yxʷp. Shuswap, Kamloops Indians.

Istem. Cm suswáp Shuswaps; Th s/zxʷépmx Shuswap Indian(s). . Category: +mx. uɬ iʔ sixʷápməx. And the Shuswap. [gregory 019]

syxʷilxqn   [sixʷílxqn] Morph: s+yxʷilxqn. Etym: √yxʷ. syxʷilxqn.

Istem. sixʷílxqn. Man's name.S. [OkB]

syxʷitkʷ   [sixʷítkʷ] Morph: s+yxʷitkʷ. Etym: √yxʷ. waterfall.

Istem. sixʷítkʷ. Waterfall. [14.88] See: yxʷut.

syxʷmsúlaʔxʷ   [sixʷmsúlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+yxʷmsúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √yxʷms. syxʷmsúlaʔxʷ: area, now under water, immediately south of the former mouth of Hall Creek. Lit: north-wind land

Istem. Category: Geog. sixʷmsúlaʔxʷ. Place name. [BK220] See: yxʷmsúlaʔxʷ.

syʕ̓aʔ   [syʕ̓aʔ] Morph: s+yʕ̓aʔ. Etym: √yʕ̓ʔ. a celebration; a gathering.

Istem. way̓ kʷu qəyˑám way̓ k̓ík̓aʔt mi ckicx siyʕ̓áʔ. We are excited that the celebration is near. [nb25-71 003] See: yʕ̓aʔ.

syʔiɬp   [siʔíɬp] Morph: syʔiɬp. Etym: √syʔ. saskatoon bushes, service berry bushes.

Istem. ʔaslúsəm iʔ siʔíɬp, iʔ naqs t̓ət̓q̓íɬməlx, uɬ iʔ naqs usxníɬməlx. There are two kinds of síyaʔ bushes, one short, and one tall. [E92.13] See: síyaʔ.

sy̓ak̓ʷáqs   [sy̓ak̓ʷáqs] Morph: s+y̓ak̓ʷáqs. Etym: √yk̓ʷ. the time past mid-winter.

Istem. taʔlíʔ uɬ ʕʷəc̓áp, ixíʔ uɬ k̓əl sy̓ak̓ʷáqs. He's going to nothing, and it was past mid winter. [dict] See: y̓ak̓ʷáqsm; yk̓ʷ.

sy̓alq̓tán̓   [sy̓alq̓tán̓] Morph: s+y̓alq̓+tán̓. Etym: √ylq̓. sy̓alq̓tán̓: area of frequent snowslides on the west side of F.D.R. Lake, just west from the former site of snx̌ʷəx̌ʷiy̓úcntn. Lit: snowslide area

Istem. Category: Geog. sy̓alq̓tán̓. Place name. [BK282]

sy̓al̕wánk   [sy̓al̕wánk] Morph: s+y̓al̕wánk. Variant: sy̓alw̓ánk. Etym: √ylw. 1 • crickets. Lit: big belly

Istem. sy̓al̕wán̓k Cricket (big belly). [nb24-02 003] uɬ ilíʔ ukʷwíkʷmiʔst iʔ sy̓al̕wánk ixíʔ iʔ l t̓ík̓ʷət. The crickets hid there in the lake. [msqdd 006] ixíʔ mat ʔitx uɬ cyaʕp iʔ sy̓al̕wánk. He slept and the crickets came. [msqdd 024]

2 • Istem. sy̓al̕wánk.

Istem. ah, axáʔ nɬíptmən axáʔ isl̕áx̌t iʔ sy̓al̕wánk, ixíʔ naɬcəcám. Oh, I forgot about my partner Cricket, I forgot that. [HnTrp 243] uɬ xíʔ cxʷuy iʔ sy̓al̕wánk. And then Cricket came. [msqdd 004]

sy̓áqmaʔx   [siʔáqmaʔx] Morph: s+y̓áqmaʔx. Etym: √y̓qmʔ. sy̓áqmaʔx: Yakima people.

Istem. Sp yiʔáqmeʔ Yakima, Yakima Indian; Cm ayaʔáqmaʔəxʷ Kittitas and Yakima Valley Indians; Cr yaʔáqmeʔ Yakima. tack̓l ʔawtímtk kɬʔaʔ iʔ k̓əl syáqmaʔx. As far South as the Yakima. [rdgs 102]

sy̓ay̓ákʷaʔ   [sy̓ay̓ákʷaʔ] Morph: s+yaʔ•yákʷaʔ. Etym: √ykʷʔ. a stingy person.

Istem. sy̓ay̓ákʷaʔ. Stingy. [nb1728.9, pd] See: y̓ay̓ákʷaʔ.

sy̓ay̓c̓qn   [siy̓áy̓c̓qn] Morph: s+y̓a•y̓c̓qn. Etym: √yc̓. 1 • stoneseed (lithospermum ruderale).

Istem. siy̓áy̓c̓qn. [TBK91]

2 • Istem. wild buckwheat (eriogonum spp.)

Istem. siy̓áy̓c̓qn. Buckwheat. [TBK91]

sy̓aʕy̓   [siy̓áʕy̓] Morph: sy̓•aʕy̓. Etym: √sʕy̓. to make noise; to fuss.

Istem. way̓ t̓iʔ nʔuɬxʷ uɬ siy̓áʕy̓ iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. As soon as he went in the birds started making noise. [nb1267.13] See: saʕy.

sy̓aʕ̓   [siʔʕ̓áʔ] Morph: s+y̓aʕ̓. Etym: √yʕ̓. a gathering place.

Istem. way̓ ilíʔ iʔʕ̓áʔlx, way̓ ƛ̓laplx iʔ t siʔʕ̓áʔslx txƛ̓ápəlx. They gathered there, they got there, all got there. [Nams 057] See: yaʕ̓.

sy̓iɬp   [siʔíɬp] Morph: syʔíɬp. Etym: √syʔ. saskatoon, or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. siʔíɬp. Saskatoon. [TBK120] See: síyaʔ.

sy̓ir̓qín̓   [sy̓ir̓qín̓] Morph: s+y̓ir̓qín̓. Etym: √yr̓. sy̓ir̓qín̓: area immediately north from Cobbs Creek. Lit: tangled at the top end

Istem. Category: Geog. sy̓ir̓qín̓. Place name. [BK210]

sy̓suy̓kstmnt   Morph: suy̓kst+m+nt. Etym: √sy̓. to get s.o. chilled.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ uɬ stim̓ uɬ kʷu siʔsúy̓kstməntxʷ. And why are you are getting us chilled? [Whal 049] See: suy̓.

sy̓suy̓kstmst   Morph: suy̓kst+m+st. Etym: √sy̓. to get s.o. chilled.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. aˑˑ cúsəlx, way̓ kʷu csy̓súy̓kstməstxʷ, stim̓ ascənq̓aʔíls. They said to him, "You are getting us chilled, what is troubling you?" [CoGrSy 621] way̓ kʷu csy̓súy̓kstməstxʷ stim̓ uɬ anx̌mínk sənk̓líp. You are getting me chilled, what do you want, Coyote? [Whal 188] See: suy̓.

sy̓suy̓t   [siʔsúy̓t] Morph: sy̓•suy̓+t. Etym: √sy̓. several are cold, chilled.

Istem. way̓ t̓i kʷu xʷúskstmənt, way̓ kʷu sy̓suy̓t, kʷu k̓əy̓íy̓t. Hurry up with us, we are chilled, we are cold. [dict] See: suy̓.

sy̓sy̓aʕlx   [siʔsy̓ʕálx] Morph: sy̓•sy̓aʕlx. Etym: √sʕy̓. to make talking noises.

Istem. Category: PhM. siʔsy̓áʕlx. To make talking noises. [misc 003] siʔsy̓ʕálxəlx k̓a nqsiɬxʷ. They're making noise in the other room. [misc 005] k̓aˑˑw iʔ stim̓ iʔ ksiy̓sy̓áʕlx. They no longer clamored. [lpb297] See: saʕy̓.

sy̓sy̓twilx   [siʔsiʔtwílx] Morph: sy̓•sy̓+twilx. Etym: √sy. to get or become smart.

Istem. Category: +twilx. hoy uɬ kən tqʷaʔmíw̓s, way̓ uɬ siʔsiʔtwílx i l sk̓amtíw̓s. Then I got used to it, got smarter at riding. [RHorse 030] See: sysyus.

sy̓xʷl̕xip   [sʔiʔxʷəl̕xíp] Morph: s+yxʷ+l̕xip. Etym: √yxʷ. sy̓xʷl̕xip: place about one mile east and up the hill from npəpʕ̓ʷáytaʔkʷ. Lit: getting towards the end

Istem. Category: Geog. sʔiʔxʷəl̕xíp. Place nmae. [BK390]

sʕacílkst   [sʕacílkst] Morph: s+ʕacílkst. Etym: √ʕc. a cape.

Istem. sʕacílkst. Cape. [dict] See: ʕac.

sʕac̓   [sʕac̓] Morph: s+ʕac̓. Etym: √ʕc̓. how s.t. looks; the looks of s.t.

nIstem. əxʷ tuʔtw̓ítəlx axáʔ iʔ sʕac̓əsəlx They look like young boys. [nb1251.10] See: ʕac̓.

sʕac̓c̓   [sʕác̓əc̓] Morph: s+ʕac̓•c̓. Etym: √ʕc̓. how s.t. looks; the looks of s.t.

nIstem. iʔ sʕac̓əc̓s iʔ təmxʷulaʔxʷ. The looks of the land. [pd09] k̓laʔ t̓k̓ʷak̓ʷ uɬ aɬíʔ mat qʷən̓qʷán̓t iʔ sʕác̓c̓əs. He fell down over here and I guess he looked pitiful. [lpb257] uɬ iʔ qpqíntṇs put c̓x̌iɬ t kʷəkʷr̓ít iʔ sʕác̓əc̓. Her hair looks just like gold. [dict]

sʕáhaʔ   [sʕáhaʔ] Morph: s+ʕáhaʔ. Variant: sʔáhaʔ. Etym: √ʕhʔ. the common cold; a cold.

Istem. Sp s-ʔahóʔ a cold, a cough; Cm ʔéʕʷḥaʔ to cough, have a chest cold; Cr ʔohiʔ+t cold (to have a...). knílənts t sʕáhaʔ. She gave you a cold. [nb21.148] kʷu nkʷsáltkəms isʔáhaʔ. My cold is abusing me. [DD]

sʕaláp   [sʕaláp] Morph: s+ʕalá+p. Etym: √ʕl. loss in a contest.

Istem. Lit: Your loss. Category: +p. huhúy, asʕaláp. OK, you lose. [race59] See: ʕaláp.

sʕaɬíɬxʷ   [sʕaɬíɬxʷ] Morph: s+ʕaɬíɬxʷ. Variant: saʕɬíɬxʷ; sahɬíɬxʷ; saʔɬíɬxʷ. Etym: √ʕɬ. 1 • dome-shaped house.

Istem. sʕaɬíɬxʷ. [dict]

2 • Istem. sʕaɬíɬxʷ: Oroville.

Istem. Category: Geog. sʕaɬíɬxʷ. Oroville (RA). [nb26-79 002]

sʕamtíc̓aʔ   [sʕamtíc̓aʔ] Morph: s+ʕam+tíc̓aʔ. Etym: √ʕm. sʕamtíc̓aʔ (Sarah Peterson).

Istem. Category: wName. sʕamtíc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [dict]

sʕánya   [sʕánya] Morph: s+ʕánya ? Etym: √ʕny ?. male fish.

Istem. sʕánya. Male fish. [nb19.348a] See: tʕányaʔ.

sʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ   [sʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ] Morph: s+ʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √ʕn̓. sʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ: Oroville.

Istem. Category: Geog. sʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ. Oroville. [nb25-40 001]

sʕaptnx   [sʕáptənx] Morph: s+ʕaptnx. Etym: √ʕptn. sʕaptnx: Nez Percez.

Istem. Sp √saʕáptni Nez Perce Indians; Cm s‑ḥáp‑tn‑əxʷ Nez Perces. sʕáptənx. Nez Percez from Idaho. [nb9a 115]

sʕasʕás   [sʕasʕás] Morph: s+ʕas•ʕás. Variant: swswaʕs. Etym: √ʕs. 1 • pheasant. Gram: Oroville dialect

Istem. sʕasʕás. [nb9a 157]

2 • Istem. willow grouse.

Ques: analysis saʕsáʕs or sʕasʕás.Istem. kən ɬaʔ cnʕacúsəm iʔ t xʷaʔxʷaʔyúɬ kəm̓ iʔ t saʕsáʕs iʔ t sqəlxʷsp̓íc̓ən. When I trapped blue grouse or willow grouse with Indian hemp. [WA1.102] See: swswaʕs.

sʕátʕat   [sʕátʕat] Morph: s+ʕát•ʕat. Etym: √ʕt. eagle.

Istem. sʕátʕat. Eagle. [nb18247.4]

sʕat̓ʕát̓   [sʕat̓ʕát̓] Morph: s+ʕat̓•ʕát̓. Etym: √ʕt̓. unidentified raptor that feeds on fish.

Istem. Ques: t or t̓ ? sʕat̓ʕát̓ Raptor. [nb18140.2]

sʕawáp   [sʕawáp] Morph: s+ʕawá+p. Etym: √ʕw. a leak; a drop of water.

Istem. Sp ʕaw-úp it melted, it dripped; See Cm √hmp həmp to fall off; Cr saʕʷ flow, pour, leak; saʕʷ+p dripped, overflowed. Category: +p. sʕawáp. Leak. [nb1828.11] See: ʕawáp.

sʕax̌x̌álqs   [sʕax̌x̌álqs] Morph: s+ʕax̌•x̌álqs. Etym: √ʕx̌. sʕax̌x̌álqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sʕax̌x̌álqs. Woman's name. [dict]

sʕax̌ʷíp   [sʕax̌ʷíp, sʕox̌ʷíp] Morph: s+ʕax̌ʷíp. Variant: saʕʷx̌ʷíp. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. root; tuber; bulb.

Istem. Sp s-ʕʷox̌ʷép plant root; Cm sx̌ʷap plant root(s). mxiɬp iʔ sʕax̌ʷíps. Cedar roots. [feb94 132] axáʔ iʔ knáqs ylmíxʷəm swiʔmúmtx, sc̓ʔak̓ʷ ixíʔ sʕax̌ʷíps. Another chief was handsome, was the blossom of the roots. [4c6]

sʕayncút   [sʕayncút] Morph: s+ʕay+ncút. Variant: sʕʷyncut. Etym: √ʕy. laughter.

Istem. Category: +ncut. iʔ t sʕay̓ncút ksƛ̓lˑnúntm, lut ksmipnúntəm ɬ ksq̓əy̓ntím iʔ nqílxʷcntət. He'll die laughing, if we don't learn how to write our language. [nb26-82 001] See: ʕayncút.

sʕaypíltm   [saʕaypíltəm] Morph: s+ʕay+pílt+m. Etym: √ʕy. to scold a child.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. saʕaypíltəm. To scold a child. [OkB] See: saʕy.

sʕaypmínm   [saʕypmínəm] Morph: s+ʕay+p+mín+m. Etym: √ʕy. to scold s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sʕaypmínəm. To scold s.o.. [dict] See: saʕy.

sʕayʕayncút   [sʕayʕayncút] Morph: s+ʕay•ʕay+ncút. Variant: sʕʷyʕʷyncut. Etym: √ʕy, √ʕʷy. a laugh.

Istem. Category: +ncut. sʕayʕayncút. Laugh. [nb10a 177] See: ʕayncút.

sʕimt   [sʕaymt] Morph: s+ʕim+t. Etym: √ʕm. anger.

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ culáp ispuʔús iʔ t sq̓əlspuʔús, uɬ iʔ t sʕimt. And my heart was burning with sickness, and anger. [su7q̓im 249] See: ʕimt.

sʕ̓ac̓   [sʕ̓ác̓] Morph: s+ʕ̓ac̓. Etym: √ʕ̓c̓. one's looks.

Istem. uɬ iʔ sʕ̓ác̓əs nxaʔcín qəmqámt t sqilxʷ. His looks were those of a very gentle man. [su7q̓im 257d] See: ʕac̓.

sʕ̓ac̓c̓   [sʕ̓ác̓əc̓] Morph: s+ʕ̓ac̓•c̓. Etym: √ʕ̓ac̓. looks.

Istem. uɬ yaʕyáʕt t̓i c̓x̌iɬ iʔ sʕ̓ác̓c̓əs. They all look alike. [gregory 024] asʕ̓ác̓əc̓ ʔaxʷ kʷ sk̓ʷul̕x t k̓ast. It looks like you've done something wrong again. [newles 258] c̓x̌iɬ atáʔ iʔ sʕ̓ác̓əc̓əs iʔ sənx̌w̓íɬc̓aʔtəntət q̓sápiʔ. This is what our drying racks looked like long ago. [rdgs 077] taɬt kiʔ x̌ast iʔ sʕ̓ác̓c̓əs iʔ sqəltmíxʷ. The man is sure good looking. [nb2571.10] See: ʕac̓.

sʕ̓áhaʕ̓ʷ   [sʕ̓áhaʕ̓ʷ] Morph: s+ʕ̓á•haʕ̓ʷ. Etym: ?. a cold.


sʕ̓aníxʷ   [sʕ̓aníxʷ] Morph: s+ʕ̓aníxʷ. Variant: sʕ̓an̓íxʷ. Etym: √ʕnxʷ. 1 • Muskrat; muskrat.

Istem. sʕ̓aníxʷ. Muskrat. [nb08 253]

2 • Istem. sʕ̓aníxʷ; Muskrat; Coyote's oldest and distant son.

Cm ḥan̓áxʷ.Istem. uɬ axáʔm iʔ sxʔitx iʔ skʷists iʔ skəlkʷtílts sʔaʕ̓níxʷ. And this here oldest name his distant son Muskrat. [CoGrSy 235] uɬ knaqs ixíʔ skləkʷtílts iʔ sútən iʔ sʕ̓an̓íxʷ And one is his distant child, whachamacallit Muskrat. [cogrzd 003] axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx ixíʔ sʕ̓aʔníxʷ, ixíʔ skəlkʷtílts. The oldest one is Muskrat, his son from another woman. [CoGrSy 008]

sʕ̓ányaʔ   [sʕ̓ányaʔ] Morph: s+ʕ̓ányaʔ. Etym: √ʕ̓nyʔ. male salmon.

Istem. cúntəm mnimɬtt iʔ sʕ̓ányaʔ, uɬ cúntəm yaʔ l̕k̓ip. We call one sʕ̓ányaʔ, and we call the other lk̓ip. [mychildr 204]

sʕ̓an̓íxʷ   [sʕ̓an̓íxʷ] Morph: s+ʕ̓an̓íxʷ. Variant: sʕ̓aʔn̓íxʷ. Etym: √ʕ̓n̓xʷ. little muskrat.

Istem. Category: dim. sʕ̓an̓íxʷ. Little Muskrat. [nb08 435] See: sʕ̓aníxʷ.

sʕ̓áʕ̓aʔ   [sʕ̓áʕ̓aʔ] Morph: s+ʕ̓á•ʕ̓aʔ. Etym: √ʕ̓ʔ. snow goose.

Istem. Sp w̓uʔw̓úʔ snow goose; Cr (?) s+ʕíhn+t goose. Gram: The Spokane form suggests an earlier *ʕ̓ʷaʔʕ̓ʷáʔ, and subsequent unrounding of the pharyngeal in the northern Okanagan dialects. sʕ̓áʕ̓aʔ. Snow goose.

sʕ̓aʔn̓íxʷ   [sʕ̓aʔn̓íxʷ] Morph: s+ʕ̓aʔn̓íxʷ. Variant: sʕ̓an̓íxʷ. Etym: √ʕnxʷ. little muskrat.

Istem. Category: dim.

sʕʷsʕʷas   [sʕʷəsʕʷás] Morph: s+ʕʷs•ʕʷas. Variant: sʕasʕás. Etym: √ʕʷs. willow grouse. sʕʷsʕʷas. Willow grouse. Ques: analysis ?

sʕʷyʕʷyncut   [sʕʷəyʕʷəyncút] Morph: s+ʕʷy•ʕʷy+ncut. Variant: sʕayʕayncút. Etym: √ʕʷy. to laugh.

Istem. Category: +ncut. sʕayʕayncút, sʕʷəyʕʷəyncút. Laugh. [nb10a 177] See: ʕʷyncut.

sʔacqʔítkʷ   [sʔacqʔítkʷ] Morph: s+ʔacqʔítkʷ. Etym: √ʔcqʔ. a spring of water.

Istem. sʔacqʔítkʷ. A spring of water. [nb20.38a] See: ʔácqaʔ.

sʔacqʷ   [sʔacqʷ] Morph: s+ʔacqʷ. Etym: √ʔcqʷ. roasted; baked (as a potato).

Istem. sʔacqʷ. Roasted. [11.37a] See: ʔacqʷ.

sʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ   [sʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ] Morph: s+ʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √ʔh. sʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ: the flat area south from skt̓əqʷt̓əqʷtáɬpqn, along the present-day Swawilla Basin-road. Lit: burrowing owl's nest

Istem. Category: Geog. sʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ. Place name. [BK18]

sʔáhaʔ   [sʔáhaʔ] Morph: s+ʔáhaʔ. Variant: sʕáhaʔ. Etym: √ʔhʔ. a cold.


sʔakʷɬq̓y̓mínm   [sʔakʷɬq̓əy̓mínəm] Morph: s+ʔakʷ+ɬ+q̓y̓+min+m. Etym: √ʔkʷ, √q̓y̓. mail carrier.

Mstem. sʔakʷɬq̓y̓mínm. Carrying the mail. [dict] See: ʔakʷɬq̓y̓mínm.

sʔallwsápuʔsqn   [sʔalˑusápuʔsqən] Morph: s+ʔal•lw̓sapw̓sqn. Etym: √ʔl. sʔallwsápuʔsqn.

Istem. sʔallwsápuʔsqn. Man's name.

sʔaɬʔíɬn   [sʔaɬʔíɬən] Morph: s+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. Etym: √ʔɬn. what one eats.

nIstem. uɬ ixíʔ uɬ sʔaɬʔíɬənsəlx. And thatʼs what they eat. [cre29] wáy̓, way̓ ixíʔ kʷu sʔaɬʔíɬəns. Yes, this is what we eat. [cre34] See: ʔaɬʔíɬn.

sʔammán   [sʔamˑánˑ] Morph: s+ʔam•má+n. Etym: √ʔm. what one is given to eat; a portion of food.

Istem. axáʔ isʔammánˑ. This is what I got to eat. [nb1812.16] uɬ px̌ʷəmstíˑˑs iʔ sʔamˑáns iʔ təl̕ sk̓ʷúmalt. She passed around what she'd been given by the girl. [lnxbdga 262] ʔamtím iʔ t sl̕áx̌ts iʔ təl sʔammáns. He was fed by his friend from his share of food. [feed15] See: ʔammán.

sʔammsíyaʔ   [sʔammsíyaʔ] Morph: s+ʔam•m+síyaʔ. Gram: uncertain suffix Etym: √ʔm. a nickname.

Istem. sʔammsíyaʔ. Nickname. [OkB] See: ʔum.

sʔamnsqáx̌aʔ   [sʔamnsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: s+ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √ʔmn. animals one has fed.

Istem. yaʕyáʕt t̓i qmníˑˑwaʔt axáʔ iʔ sʔamənsqáx̌aʔs iʔ sm̓əcxənsqáx̌aʔs. The animals he had fed, his mares, were all lying on the ground. [Hrvst 116] See: ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ.

sʔamxlwístn   [sʔamxəlwístən] Morph: s+ʔamx+lwís+tn. Etym: √ʔmx. one's whereabouts; where one moves to.

Istem. Category: +tn. susíˑˑws iʔ sk̓ʷuys taʔkín iʔ sʔamxəlwístənsəlx iʔ l scʔaqʷ. He questioned his mother about their whereabouts in the summer. [dc75] See: ʔimx.

sʔapnkspíntk   [sʔapənkspíntk] Morph: s+ʔapnks+píntk. Etym: √ʔpn, √pn. to be ten years old.

Istem. uɬ way̓ kən sx̌ax̌ən̓tspíntk, kən sʔapənkspíntk kʷaʔ mat pn̓icíʔ. I was maybe nine or ten years old at the time. [EJEp.2] See: ʔapnkspíntk.

sʔasíl   [sʔasíl] Morph: s+ʔasíl. Etym: √ʔsl. two; second.

Istem. Category: Num. niʕ̓íp iʔ l sʔasíl skʕacíw̓s ka cx̌aq̓mlx. They pay every second week. [newles 310] See: ʔasíl.

sʔastkínaʔ   [sʔastkínaʔ] Morph: s+ʔastkínaʔ. Etym: √ʔs. winter time.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ uɬ ksʔastkín[aʔ], ixíʔ uɬ súllaʔxʷ, uɬ mqʷaqʷ. Then winter time came the ground froze, and the snow fell. [Dvl 106] ixíʔ ɬ kʷúməntxʷ aksʔastkínaʔ. And put away your winter supply. [Dvl 161] See: ʔastkínaʔ.

sʔasʔaslspíntk   [sʔasʔaslspíntk] Morph: s+ʔas•ʔasl+s+pintk. Etym: √ʔsl, √pn. two year olds.

Istem. way̓ ixíʔ kʷúlstməlx itlíʔ iʔ sʔasʔasəlspíntk. Then they sent the two year olds. [Whal 469] See: ʔaslspíntk.

sʔatqʷɬp   [sʔátqʷəɬp] Morph: sʔatqʷɬp. Etym: √sʔtqʷ. ponderosa pine (pinus ponderosa).

Istem. Sp √ʔatqʷ (ʔastqʷ) (sʔatqʷ) ponderosa pine, yellow pine...; s-ʔástqʷ ponderosa pine; s-ʔatqʷɬp fully grown, mature, ponderosa pine, bull pine; Cr yʔátqʷeɬp conifer, pine tree; Sh sʔetqʷ-ɬp Ponderosa pine; Th q/ʔetʷɬp ponderosa pine. sʔatqʷɬp. Ponderosa pine. [TBK29] iʔ t sʔatqʷɬp kəm̓ iʔ t cq̓iɬp iʔ stiɬxs ɬ tiɬx. Stands like a pine or a fir. [su7q̓im 111b] See: ʔtqʷ.

sʔat̓   [sʔat̓] Morph: s[ʔ]at̓. Etym: √st̓. to be or go dry.

Istem. Sh x-səʔut̓ water-level goes down; Th /suƛ̓ suck up s.t... dry up s.t. (by removing liquid); Li n.súƛ̓-xal to shut off water; to drain out a lake or pond. Category: ʔInch. saʔt̓. Get dry. [dict]

sʔawtíɬc̓aʔ   [sʔawtíɬc̓aʔ] Morph: s+ʔawtíɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √ʔwt. the back side; the hind part.

Istem. uɬ ixíʔ k̓əl sʔawtíɬc̓aʔs n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ilíʔ mi kɬnyrk̓ʷípəntxʷ. Put the hoop to his hind part. [Whal 278] See: ʔiwt.

sʔawtúsuɬ   [sʔawtúsuɬ] Morph: s+ʔawtúsuɬ. Etym: √ʔwt. the stern of a boat.

Istem. sʔawtúsuɬ. Stern. [OkB] See: ʔiwt.

sʔax   [sʔax] Morph: s[ʔ]ax. Etym: √sx. to become cold (the temperature of the dead).

Istem. Sp √seš to cool; sʔéš it cooled down; Cm sax be fresh, clean, odorless. Category: ʔInch. sʔax. It got cold. [nb1817.16, nb18121.2] uɬ kʷənˑús uɬ nt̓k̓ʷitkʷs, uɬ sʔax. He managed to take it, put it in the water, and it cooled off. [nb2558.1] See: sx.

sʔax̌ʷlx   [sʔax̌ʷlx] Morph: s+ʔax̌ʷ+lx. Etym: √ʔx̌ʷ. salmon (after spawning).

Istem. Category: +lx. sʔax̌ʷlx. Salmon. [OkB]

sʔaymw̓sálqs   [sʔaymuʔsálqs] Morph: s+ʔay+mw̓sálqs. Etym: √ʔy. vestments with (the sign of) a cross.

Istem. t̓i píˑˑq iʔ sttəm̓tím̓s, kʷaʔ ixíʔ uɬ iʔ sʔaymuʔsálqsc kaʔ cənxn̓íkən̓. His vestments were white, and those with the cross draped over his back. [Cona64] See: ʔaymíw̓s.

sʔayxʷálqs   [sʔayxʷálqs] Morph: s+ʔayxʷálqs. Etym: √ʔyxʷ. sʔayxʷálqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sʔayxʷálqs. Woman's name. [OkB]

sʔayx̌ʷt   [sʔayx̌ʷt] Morph: s+ʔayx̌ʷ+t. Etym: √ʔyx̌ʷ. exhaustion, tiredness, fatigue.

nIstem. uɬ t̓i ilíʔ c̓l̕al̕, uɬ way̓ t̓i ilíʔ t̓k̓ʷak̓ʷ ixíʔ t sʔayx̌ʷts. He landed there, and then he lay down from exhaustion. [su7q̓im 149] huy sənk̓l̕íp iʔ t sʔayx̌ʷt. Coyote gave up with tiredness. [dict] ixíʔ uɬ kən c̓əspísk̓it iʔ t sʔayx̌ʷt. I have no more breath from fatigue. [dict] kən ɬáʔxʷsk̓it, way̓ taʔlíʔ isʔáyx̌ʷt, taʔlíʔ ḷkʷut iscxʷylwís, kiʔ ckʷənnún. I will take a rest, I'm very tired, I've travelled very far to get what I got. [dict] See: ʔayx̌ʷt.

sʔayx̌ʷtáyn   [sʔayx̌ʷtáyn] Morph: s+ʔayx̌ʷ+táyn. Etym: √ʔyx̌ʷ. tiredeness; fatigue.

Istem. Category: +tayn. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ak̓láʔ mi ksʔayx̌ʷtáyn. It won't be far he will give out. [BJSeym 240] incá kən way̓ kən ʔáyx̌ʷt, kən ksʔayx̌ʷtáyn. Well, with me, I got tired. I got give out. [BJSeym 457] uɬ axáʔ kʷ cut kʷ ksʔayx̌ʷtáyn, kʷ ʔáyx̌ʷt. You just said you are tired, tired. [BJSeym 464] sx̌ənnúmtx kəm̓ sksʔayx̌ʷtáyn. They're either hurt or give out. [dict] See: sʔayx̌ʷt.

sʔaʔácaʔst   [sʔaʔácaʔst] Morph: s+ʔa•ʔácaʔst. Etym: √ʔcʔst ?. sʔaʔácaʔst: a distinctive low peak northeast from the mouth of Alice Creek, on the east side of the Sanpoil River.

Istem. Category: Geog. sʔaʔácaʔst. Place name. [BK34]

sʔaʔaslspíntk   [sʔaʔasəlspíntk] Morph: s+ʔa•ʔasl+s+píntk. Etym: √ʔsl, √pn. two year old(s).

Istem. See: ʔaslspíntk.

sʔaʔúm   [sʔaʔúm] Morph: s+ʔa•ʔúm. Etym: √ʔm. name; studying; reading; calling.

Istem. sʔaʔúm. Calling the square dance. [nb23 102] pən̓kín̓ ki kʷ cway̓ iʔ tl sʔaʔúms iʔ sc̓kam. When are you finished with your studying numbers? [newles 288] ksmiʔpnúy̓səlx iʔ sʔaʔúm. They are learning to read. [E2.Aug92] See: ʔaʔúm.

sʔickn   [sʔíckən] Morph: s+ʔickn. Etym: √ʔckn. playing; play.

nIstem. uɬ lut ixíʔ nixʷ t̓ə sʔíckən iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ ta nsiwɬkʷ iʔ st̓íləm. It's no plaything to fix fish, carve fish. [drymd 019] See: ʔickn.

sʔilxʷt   [sʔilxʷt] Morph: s+ʔilxʷ+t. Etym: √ʔlxʷ. hunger.

nIstem. Category: +t. uɬ ixíʔ sksq̓míltən iʔ sʔilxʷt. I guess wishing for food is hungry. [GDd1 181] See: ʔilxʷt.

sʔiɬn   [sʔíɬən] Morph: s+ʔiɬn. Etym: √ʔɬn. food.

nIstem. ixíʔ kʷaʔ iʔ sʔíɬəns yaʔ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqʷl̕ip. Long time ago the moss is food. [dict] axáʔ iʔ sámaʔ ʕapnáʔ k̓ʷul̕s iʔ sʔiɬn. Nowadays the White people make food. [mychildr 182] yaʕyáʕt iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sʔiɬns, kʷúmsəlx, x̌əw̓ntísəlx. All the people's foods, they store it, they dry it. [mychildr 216] yayʕát iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sʔiɬns iʔ nxʷəlxʷəltáns. The saskatoons, the deer, the fish, the roots. Everything that the People eat for their livelihood. [su7q̓im 216] uɬ aɬíʔ lut swit t̓i kmix kswíc̓iʔs iʔ sʔíɬən məɬ way̓ ksx̌asts. Not just anybody can dig and it'll be good to eat. [drymd 033] nák̓ʷəm ixiʔ iʔ sqʷəqʷɬm̓úsc̓aʔ[s] c̓aɬʔíɬtəm iʔ t sqʷəsqʷasíʔa. It's his guts that the children are eating. [grlsdd 202] kmax n̓ín̓w̓iʔ c̓aɬʔíɬstxʷ iʔ xiʔmíx swit. You'll only bite any which critter. [msqdd 057] See: ʔiɬn.

sʔistk   [sʔistk] Morph: s+ʔistk. Etym: √ʔs. winter.

Istem. Sp s-ʔistč; Cm s‑ʔistkʷ December (early winter); Sh s-ʔistk; Th s/ʔístk; Li s.ʔístkən underground home (winter dwelling). uɬ way̓ t̓i ilíʔ cʔul̕úsəlx i l sʔistk. And they stick together in winter. [BJSeym 014] uɬ itíʔ lut kʷu t̓ ack̓íyt iʔ l sʔistk. So we aren't cold in the winter. [su7q̓im 239b] kʷu ɬaʔ ɬyaʕp kʷu nxʷk̓ʷíw̓səm mi x̌əw̓əntím, npúsəntəm kəm̓ súləntəm iʔ x̌əl sʔistk. When we get back we clean them, then we dry them, and boil them or freeze them for the winter. [rdgs 116] uɬ ksupúlaʔxʷ axáʔ inlʔíw iʔ l sʔistk. My father had hay for the winter. [Hrvst 121] yaʕpqín t sʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip, iʔ kst̓ík̓əls x̌əl sʔistk. Lots of roots, grub for winter. [dict] See: ʔistkm.

sʔitwn   [sʔítwən] Morph: s+ʔitwn. Variant: sʔitwnx. Etym: √ʔtwn. condor; (sandhill) crane; Canada goose.

Istem. Cm s-atwál swan; Sh sʔetwn sandhill crane; Th √ʔétwən ? crane ?. sʔítwən. Canada goose. [nb9a 008]

sʔitwn paʕpáʕ   [sʔítwən paʕpáʕ] Morph: s+ʔitwn paʕ•páʕ. Etym: √ʔtwn; √pʕ. gray Canada goose.

phrasal. sʔitwn paʕpáʕ. Gray Canada goose. [nb22.110a] See: sʔitwn; paʕ.

sʔitx1   [sʔitx] Morph: s+ʔitx. Etym: √ʔtx. sleep; sleepiness.

nIstem. xʷúyilx, lut nixʷ t̓a cpúlxəlx, put ƛ̓áxʷtəlx iʔ t sʔitx. They went, they still havenʼt camped, theyʼre almost dead with sleepiness. [bfp63] iʔ lútiʔ isʔítx. I haven't slept yet. [dict] See: ʔitx.

sʔitx2   [sʔitx] Morph: s+ʔitx. Etym: √ʔtx. 1 • puffball.

Istem. sʔitx. [TBK15]

2 • Istem. toadstool.

Sp s-ʔitš puff ball.Istem. uc pənkín c̓iɬstxʷ iʔ sʔitx. Have you ever eaten a toadstool? [nb18212.5]

sʔiwt   [sʔiwt] Morph: s+ʔiwt. Etym: √ʔwt. to be behind.

Istem. Sp ʔewét-n-t follow him (sg.)! go Follow him (sg.)!; Cm ʔac‑ʔaw‑t be last, behind; Cr √ʔgʷ set out for; Sh ʔəwit the lat, behind; Th /weʔwit behind; Li ʔaw̓-t to get behind... t sʔiwt. By the one behind. [nb08 902] kən sʔiwt. I am behind. [nb08 903] uɬ ʔasíl iʔ sənkɬkʷíltṇ, uɬ axáʔ iʔ tuʔtwít k̓əl sʔiwt, uɬ axáʔ iʔ ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp k̓əl sxʔít kɬkʷlíwtəlx. It has two seats, and the boys are in the back [of the buggy] and the folks sit ahead. [GDd2 683] ixíʔ kəʔ ck̓əɬníxəlx iʔ t kiláwnaʔ, təl sʔíwtsəlx t̓əcxʷúy. Thatʼs when they heard the grizzly bear coming from behind. [bfp53] axáʔ qʷən̓cín kʷ sʔiwtx, way̓ t̓i ixíʔ k̓əm sxiʔmíx axáʔ iʔ cq̓ílən. It's a pity you got behind, this is the only arrow left. [dict] See: ʔiwt.

sʔulw̓stxnálqs   [sʔúluʔstxnálqs] Morph: s+ʔulw̓s+txnálqs. Etym: √ʔl. sʔulw̓stxnálqs.

Istem. Category: wName. sʔúluʔstxnálqs. Woman's name. [nb08 838]

sʔum   [sʔum] Morph: s+ʔum. Etym: √ʔm. name; meaning.

Istem. stim̓ iʔ sʔums. What does it mean? [misc 262] Tony, atwán asʔúm. Tony, atwán is your name. [su7q̓im 287] sʔums Its name. [nb26-74 002] See: ʔum.

sʔumm   [sʔumˑ] Morph: s+ʔum•m. Etym: √ʔm. to get to be named.

Istem. uɬ axáʔ sənpíntktn axáʔ iʔ sʔumˑs, ilíʔ kiʔ kən k̓ʷul̕l̕ axáʔ iʔ t təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. And its name is Penticton, that's where I was born, in this part of the country. [su7q̓im 021] sənpíntktn ixíʔ iʔ sʔumˑs. Penticton is its name. [su7q̓im 022] ixíʔ iʔ sʔumˑs, kɬl̕ilxʷ. That's its name, kɬl'ilxʷ. [su7q̓im 089] uɬ mat ksʔumˑ t sqilxʷ. I expect it has an Indian name. [2gts 014] See: ʔum.

sʔúmmlaʔxʷ   [sʔúmˑlaʔxʷ] Morph: s+ʔúm•mlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ʔm. the name of a place.

Istem. ʕapnáʔ cus iʔ sámaʔ təl Cawston, ixíʔ mat aɬíʔ q̓sápiʔ ɬəlqʷúɬ iʔ sʔúmˑlaʔxʷs. Now the white people call it Cawston; a long time ago the name of the place was ɬəlqʷúɬ. [nb2555.6] See: sʔúmm; ʔúmlaʔxʷ.

sʔut̓   [sʔut̓] Morph: s[ʔ]ut̓. Etym: √st̓. a liquid dries off; s.t. is desiccated.

Istem. Category: ʔInch. way̓ sʔut̓ iʔ skskʷalts. His sweat dried off. [nb1876.4] way̓ sʔut̓ isk̓xús. My tears dried off. [nb1876.5] See: sʔat̓.

sʔwtimtk   [sʔutímtk] Morph: s+ʔwtimtk. Etym: √ʔwt. south.

Istem. sʔwtimtk. South. [11.73a]

sʔwtmtkus   [sʔutəmtkús] Morph: s+ʔwtmtkus. Etym: √ʔwtm. southward.

Istem. sʔwtmtkus. Southward. [11.73a] See: sʔwtimtk.

sʔx̌ilm   [sx̌íləm] Morph: s+ʔx̌il+m. Etym: √ʔx̌l. the way to do s.t.; one's actions.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut ixíʔ t̓ akskʷním asqláw̓ itlíʔ ɬ asʔx̌íləm itíʔ təl m̓aʔm̓áyaʔntxʷ ixíʔ iʔ scəcm̓álaʔ. You wonʼt take your money (won't be paid) after what you did teaching that to the children. [gl73] See: ʔx̌il.

s+^2   [s] Morph: s+. prefixal component of nominalized middle forms.

dafx. Category: dpfx. swíc̓əm. The roots. [su7q̓im 026] iswíkəm. What I have seen. [su7q̓im 202] isc̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷám. My instructions. [su7q̓im 288] isx̌aʔnám. My cautioning s.o. [su7q̓im 289] sc̓lálqʷəm. Stick game. [nb26-30 021] sq̓əʔyám. Writing. [nb26-67 001] scqəw̓scínəm. Interference in speaking. [nb25-27 015] iskim̓m̓. My dislike. [nb24-01 015] sckʷam. Pulling. [nb24-03 001] See: +m2.

s-^4   [s] Morph: s-. Variant: ɬ-^ 9. prefixal component of the imperfective circumfix s-...-x.

ipfx. Category: asp. p scutx lut p t̓a cminúlaʔxʷəm. You were saying you don't know the country. [GDd1 569] xʷəm̓ t̓i kʷ səkɬcawtx. Maybe you did something. [nb25-50 002] ha p sc̓intx ha. What are you saying? [LynxS 424] kən skəwkwíkx. I'm seeing ghosts. [nb25-67 002] ʔaxʷ kʷ sk̓ʷul̕x t k̓ast. You've done something wrong again. [newles 258] kən sk̓ʷúk̓ʷl̕aʔx. I just work here. [Dvl 337] intúm̓ sk̓ʷl̕cncutx i l snk̓ʷl̕cncútns. My mother is cooking in her kitchen. [newles 255] aláʔ kʷu scəlkípx. We've been cooking here. [cogrzd 086] way̓ incá aláʔ kən saláʔx. I'll stay here. [su7q̓im 098] niʕ̓íp ilíʔ silíʔx. They stay there all the time. [su7q̓im 023] way̓ kən sɬəx̌míltx. I can depend on s.o. for things. [nb9a 212] sƛ̓aʔkʷílxəx. He is quite the medicine man. [feb94 027] sənmúlx ixíʔ uɬ i əcksl̕íplaʔ. She went after water and then she disappeared. [Whal 066] incá k̓əm kən smutx. I'm going to stay here. [HnTrp 310] incá kən sknaqsx ixíʔ kʷu təl k̓upənkstɬk̓əsʔasíl. I am the only one left of twelve. [AutPS 388] kʷaʔ sənk̓líp spsʕáyaʔx, sxəxát̓wyaʔx. Coyote is crazy, plays tricks. [su7q̓im 053] uɬ ixíʔ mat sq̓əlq̓əlsc̓ímx. The one whose bones hurt. [su7q̓im 101] iʔ səstkʷtkʷʔútx. The travellers. [mychildr 052] kʷu staxʷɬqx. Let's take our crop in. [Dvl 069] mat way̓ st̓wístxəlx iʔ k̓əl tk̓əmkn̓íɬxʷ. They were standing outside. [su7q̓im 176b] uknaqínx. Okanagan people. [nb9a 110] swíkʷmistx. He was hiding there. [su7q̓im 104] skutímtkx. Indians from below (the 49th parallel). [nb27-10 003] way̓ kən sxʷúyx. I'm on my way. [misc 105] uɬ aɬíʔ ixíʔ spuʔtxʷaʔxʷʔítx int̓at̓úpaʔ. My great-great-grandfather had many wives. [MarryPS 053] kən sx̌əsˑtwílxəx. I got well. [su7q̓im 117] mət xʷəxʷ kʷ sx̌ʷx̌ʷílx. You must have been left again. [misc 074] kən sx̌ʷuptx ʕapnáʔ. Now I am feeble. [mychildr 157] kən sənyaʕpcənlúpx. I am hard up for a place to stay. [Dvl 335] sənʔilmínaʔx. People from Sherman Creek. [nb9a 108] húmaʔ kʷu sʔaɬʔíɬnəx. Let's all eat. [nb23 206] way̓ sʔítxəx. He's asleep. [lnxbdga 281] uɬ aɬíʔ sʔayʔáyx̌ʷtxəlx, ʔatxílxəlx. Because they were tired, they went to sleep. [GDd2 276] See: ^-x5.

s-^6   [s] Morph: ks-. Variant: ks-^ 1; kɬ-^ 6. variant of the prefixal component of the circumfix ks-...aʔx "inceptive" in casual speech, especially, but not only, in second person forms (conjugated with the kn set of person markers).

isfx. Category: asp. stim̓ aspuʔús kʷ səxkínaʔx (a)tláʔ kʷ ɬʔácqaʔ. What you are thinking of doing when you get back out. [su7q̓im 257f] aɬíʔ lut kʷ ɬaʔ cnxn̓xn̓us kʷ sknmpqínaʔx. Without your glasses you will go blind. [jan93nb 043] ha kʷ spúlxaʔx, ha kʷ kspúlxaʔx. Are you going to camp? [newles 021] ha kʷ sʔítxaʔx. Are you going to sleep? [newles 197] uɬ ilíʔ nyʕ̓íp kʷ snaʔmútaʔx iʔ l aspíkst mi put la cʔíwt sx̌əlx̌ʕált. So forever you are going to stay in your glove until the last day. [Dvl 367] kʷu sənʔayxʷíw̓saʔx iʔ t c̓q̓íləntət. Let's trade our arrows. [Nams 118] uɬ ixíʔ asənʔamʔímaʔt aláʔ nixʷ saláʔxəlx. And your grandchildren will also stay here. [Whal 599] See: ^aʔx3.

s-^7   [s] Morph: s-. Variant: ɬ-^ 8. prefixal component of constructions (kʷu‿) s-...-s with durative import (translates "start to" or "keep Xing").

ipfx. Category: asp.

1 • in first person plural constructions kʷu s-...-s. kʷu scəcámaʔts uɬ ixíʔ kʷu ckəxstím axáʔ i tə lkasát. When we were small the box went with us. [AutPS 213] way̓ ixíʔ kʷu sənkʷils. Let's get in the boat. [fatboy 059] níkxnaʔ uɬ ixíʔ slimts iʔ tətw̓ít. Goodness, the boy was tickled. [fatboy 050] lut kʷu səcƛ̓láps. We don't stop. [GDd1 119] Gram: the c is unexplained way̓ ilíʔ kʷu spúlstmsəlx. Let them kill me. [su7q̓im 099] way̓ uɬ kʷu ksx̌əlpínaʔ, uɬ ixíʔ kʷu spíx̌əms. Daylight came and we went hunting. [HnTrp 095] kʷu ɬə sxʷuys k̓əl sənʔíɬəntən kəm̓ k̓əl sənpúlxtən. If we go to an eating place, or a hotel. [GDd1 223] way̓ ixíʔ kʷu ɬəɬxʷúys. We'll go back home. [fatboy 048] way̓ kʷu ksk̓əlxʷínaʔ, kʷu ksx̌əlpínaʔ, way̓ ixíʔ kʷu sʔimxs. Night came, daylight came, then we started to move. [HnTrp 011] ixíʔ uɬ kʷu sʔimxs. We're going to move. [LynxS 404] ksk̓ʷin̓n̓təm kʷu ɬə ksk̓ʷúl̕əms t ... We'll try to make a... [nb23 122] ixiʔ kʷu sxʷúyˑs. We're going right now. [nb23 084] taʔlíʔ kən limt ʕapnáʔ kʷu təl̕ sənʔiʕ̓aʔs aláʔ. I am very glad that we are all gathered here. [nb26-49 002]

2 • in constructions with the i- set of person markers. níkxnaʔ uɬ ixíʔ slimts iʔ tətw̓ít. Goodness, the boy was tickled. [fatboy 050] ixíʔ xʷəxʷ scqʷaqʷs. He started to cry. [misc 111] sk̓ənˑíyaʔs. He heard. [nb24-11 001] mat ixíʔ stkʷlˑíw̓scəlx. They must have got on their horses. [su7q̓im 094] ixíʔ xʷəxʷ sənkʷníms. He started singing. [misc 110] scənk̓ʷál̕qsəms. He's fixing the road. [nb27-38 002] uɬ ixíʔ mat nixʷ sənɬíptəms, way̓ ixíʔ staʔɬululíms. Maybe also he forgot, he did some blacksmithing. [Brth 019] ixíʔ uɬ itíʔ ispícxʷt, uɬ lut nixʷ itlíʔ ist̓aʕpsqílxʷ. I got so disgusted, I didn't try to shoot any more. [HnTrp 210] mat ixíʔ sputs. Right on. [nb26-18 012] way̓ ixíʔ sqilts. He got almost to the top. [nb25-52 001] sqəyˑáms. They started getting excited. [nb25-37 002] mat taʔlíʔ q̓q̓sápiʔ ilíʔ silíʔsəlx. It couldn't have been very long that they stayed there. [su7q̓im 106] way̓ t̓iʔ təl̕ sq̓sápiʔs. It's been a long time. [nb26-49 004] mat sənqʷn̓an̓s iʔ t k̓ʷl̕əncútn. Maybe the Creator had pity on him. [su7q̓im 103] iʔ lútiʔ sq̓ʷic̓ts. It has not filled yet. [mychildr 142] mat kaʔɬís sənsaʕməncútsəlx [ax]áʔ iʔ ta nixʷixʷút iʔ ta cənlʕʷútəm. Maybe three times they went down deep gulches. [Whal 375] way̓ stəkʷʔútsəls. They started to walk. [GDd2 337] ixiʔ xʷəxʷ sənxəsxaʔsəscán̓s. He started stuttering. [misc 109] sxʷuys xʷuy. He started out, he went. [nb25-46 002] st̓əcxʷúys iʔ sámaʔ. The White people were coming. [mychildre 011] way̓ ixíʔ sxʷúysəlx iʔ l stáɬəm uɬ k̓əwílxəlx. They went on the boat up the river. [fatboy 020] ixíʔ ɬəɬxʷúys. He started back. [fatboy 119] taɬt iʔ sxʷʔits. There are lots of them. [su7q̓im 080] sxʷʔiysc. It's really raining. [nb25-84 001] sx̌íƛ̓əms x̌íƛ̓əm. He started up the hill, he went up the hill. [nb25-46 001] ixíʔ sylyáltsəlx. They ran away. [su7q̓im 095] way̓ ixíʔ sck̓əɬʔácqaʔs. So he came out. [lnx2 277] way̓ ixíʔ sʔíɬəns uɬ wiʔcín. He ate and got done eating. [fatboy 089] way̓ ixíʔ sənʔúɬxʷs i l sƛ̓aʔcínəm, uɬ aɬíʔ sílxʷaʔ. He went into the deer, because it's big. [BJSeym 308] lut isʔítx. I haven't slept yet. [GDd2 301] See: ^-s19.

s-^8   [s] Morph: s-. Variant: c-^ 6. variant of the prefixal component of the customary circumfix c-...-transitivizer in casual speech.

isfx. Category: asp. scústsəlx t qʷəyɬk̓úsəm. They called him qʷəyɬk̓úsəm. [mychildr 059] scústsəlx ta npəʕ̓ʷlxítkʷ. They call it SansPoil. [mychildr 031] kaʔkícəntxʷ a sƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔstíxʷ. You found what you are looking for. [GDd2 515] taʔlí stuʔtíwaʔstəmt. We baby you a lot. [GDd2 014] kmix t sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ kiʔ sc̓akʷstísəlx. It's only with hourses that they deliver ... [AutPS 270]

sens   [sens] Morph: sens. Etym: √sns. From: English cent(s). cents.

Istem. mat ʔúpənks sens i l naqs nʕast axáʔ iʔ skɬck̓ap. Cream was maybe ten cents a pound. [AutPS 267]