Ɣ - ɣ

ɣɣ̓icɣc   [ɣɣ̓icɣc] Morph: ɣ•ɣ̓ic•ɣc. Etym: √ɣc. sparrow hawk.

Istem. Sp √ʔiy̓écʔic sparrow. ɣɣ̓icɣc. Hawk. [dict]

ɣin   [ɣin] Morph: ɣin. the sound ghosts make.

pcl. Category: Onom. ɣin ɣin ɣin. The noise ghosts make. [nb21.16a]

ɣipnt   Morph: ɣip+nt. Etym: √ɣp. to stand s.t. up (as a post).

Tstem. Sh ɣep-m to put up (e.g. a pole); Th √ɣép erect pole; Li s.ɣəp upright, standing up. Gram: northern Ok form Category: +nt. ɣips. He stood it up. [pd]

ɣipst   Morph: ɣip+st. Etym: √ɣp. to stand s.t. up (as a post).

Tstem. Sh ɣep-m to put up (e.g. a pole); Th √ɣép erect pole; Li s.ɣəp upright, standing up. Gram: northern Ok form Category: cust. əcɣípstən inxʷíkʷc̓aʔtən kəm̓ ɬaʔ claʔkín əckɬaʔq̓ístən. I usually stick my scraping post in the ground, or sometimes I lean it against something. [E54.1]

ɣipxƛ̓út   [ɣipxƛ̓út] Morph: ɣip+xƛ̓út. Etym: √ɣp, √xƛ̓t. Standing Rock; Alexis Reserve, three miles west of Keremeos.

Istem. ɣipxƛ̓út. Place name. [E55.1] See: ɣip; xƛ̓ut.

ɣiy   [ɣi] Morph: ɣiy. Etym: √ɣy. to weave.

Istem. Sp √yey weave a basket; yéy-m She wove a basket; Cm yay-ɬt-xʷ you weave s.t. for s.o. səcɣiyx. She's weaving. [nb22.51a] way̓ t̓i kən sʔaʔmútaʔx əcɣíˑˑm ʕan t slip̓. I have just been sitting here weaving wood. [chip36]

ɣíyc̓aʔ   [ɣíyc̓aʔ] Morph: ɣíyc̓aʔ. Etym: √ɣy. to weave blankets.

Istem. ɣíyc̓aʔ. To weave blankets. [(OkB)]

ɣiymn   [ɣíymən] Morph: ɣiy+mn. Etym: √ɣy. weaving instrument.

Istem. Category: +mn. See: ɣiy.

ɣypxƛ̓ut   [ɣipxƛ̓út] Morph: ɣy+p+xƛ̓ut. Etym: √ɣy, √xƛ̓t. Standing Rock.

Istem. ɣypxƛ̓ut. Place name. [pd] See: xƛ̓ut.