x̌   [x̌] Morph: x̌. Variant: ax̌n; x̌n. allomorph of ax̌n before s.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. kʷanx̌s. One kidnapped it. [lnxbdga 302]

x̌acnt   Morph: x̌ac+nt. Etym: √x̌c. to bet on s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məɬ c̓kin iʔ ksx̌ácsəlx məɬ ixíʔ kən xəƛ̓páɬq... They bet things on me, and when I win... [RHorse 156]

x̌ac̓t   [x̌ac̓t] Morph: x̌ac̓+t. Etym: √x̌c̓. awesome; strong material.

Istem. Cr x̌ac̓ extraordinary, outstanding; see Sh ʕec̓-t tough (of hide), crunchy (of snow). Category: +t. x̌ac̓t. A sudden wonder astonishes. [nb08 270] See: xc̓.

x̌al1   [x̌al] Morph: x̌al. Variant: x̌aʕl. Etym: √x̌l. to glitter; to shine.

Istem. Sp hi x̌ál it's light outside, it's clear as glass; Cm x̌əl be clear, lit; Cr x̌el bright, clear, light, redhot. xʷuˑˑy, nt̓aʔ k̓əɬk̓ʷƛ̓áp, níkxnaʔ qʷámqʷəmt iʔ k̓ɬənk̓míp, t̓i x̌alˑˑ He went, he came in sight, gee, there is a beautiful gate, it glitters. [Dvl 333] See: x̌aʕl.

x̌al2   [x̌al] Morph: x̌al. Etym: √x̌l. to be piled.

Istem. cx̌al. It's piled. [misc 293]

x̌allxʷ   [x̌alˑxʷ] Morph: x̌allxʷ. Etym: √x̌l. bright colored body.

Istem. x̌allxʷ. Bright colored body. [dict]

x̌am   [x̌amˑˑ] Morph: x̌am ? Etym: √x̌m ?. noise.

Istem. t̓i kʷm̓iɬ kiʔ ck̓əɬníxl̕əms t̓i x̌amˑˑ. All at once he heard something. [dict]

x̌aq   [x̌aq] Morph: x̌aq. Etym: √x̌q. to be empty, unoccupied; a stall or a hole.

Istem. Sp x̌aq to make room. uɬ k̓əm naqs cx̌aq uɬ ixíʔ anwí ankəwáp k̓im ya cx̌aq. There is one empty stall, and that is for your horse to be put there. [nb1264.10]

x̌aqlqʷtn   [x̌áqəlqʷtṇ] Morph: x̌aqlqʷ+tn. Etym: √x̌q. scrub board.

Istem. Sp √x̌iq to rub, rasping or rubbing sound. Category: +tn. x̌aqlqʷtn. Scrub board. [nb21.80a]

x̌aq̓   [x̌aq̓] Morph: x̌aq̓. Etym: √x̌q̓. to pay; to pay s.o.

Istem. Sp √x̌aq̓ to pay; Cm x̌aq̓‑nt‑xʷ you pay s.o.; Cr x̌aq̓ pay, reward; Sh x̌eq̓-n-s to pay for a cure; Th √x̌áq̓ pay; Li x̌aq̓ to pay. way̓ xʷʔit isx̌áq̓. I pay a lot. [E41.29] lut t̓ put iscx̌áq̓. I didn’t pay enough. [E41.30] way̓ əcx̌áq̓ inxʷəlxʷílt. My bill is paid. [E68.10] See: x̌aq̓m.

x̌aq̓ɬt   Morph: x̌aq̓+ɬt. Etym: √x̌q̓. to pay; to pay s.o.

Tstem. Sp √x̌aq̓ to pay; Cm x̌aq̓‑nt‑xʷ you pay s.o.; Cr x̌aq̓ pay, reward; Sh x̌eq̓-n-s to pay for a cure; Th √x̌áq̓ pay; Li x̌aq̓ to pay. Category: +ɬt. way̓ ixíʔ x̌áq̓ɬtəm x̌áq̓əntəm ixíʔ. He paid him that. [GDd1 103] See: x̌aq̓m.

x̌aq̓ɬxʷm   [x̌áq̓əɬxʷəm] Morph: x̌aq̓ɬxʷ+m. Etym: √x̌q̓. to pay for housing; to pay rent.

Mstem. way̓ t̓i staʔ aláʔ kʷu kʔəsasíl, pútəm kʷcx̌áq̓əɬxʷəm, way̓ t̓i kʷ əctíwcən, məɬ ilíʔ kʷu c̓aɬʔíɬən. Letʼs stay here the two of us, you donʼt pay rent, just you buy food, so we can eat. [Cona36] See: x̌aq̓.

x̌aq̓m   [x̌áq̓əm] Morph: x̌aq̓+m. Etym: √x̌q̓. to pay; to use as payment.

Mstem. ixíʔ kʷ iksx̌áq̓əm. That's what I'll pay you. [RHorse 142] náx̌əmɬ lut kʷ npútəls, uɬ lut kʷu aksx̌áq̓əm. But (if you are) not satisfied, then don't pay me. [Dvl 256] niʕ̓íp iʔ l sʔasíl skʕacíw̓s ka cx̌aq̓mlx. They pay every second week. [newles 310] cúntəm uɬ ixíʔ náx̌əmɬ ixíʔ kʷu aksx̌áq̓əm iʔ l kənxítmən. That's what you'll pay for helping you. [GDd2 542] See: x̌aq̓.

x̌aq̓mnt   Morph: x̌aq̓+m+nt. give in payment.

Tstem. uɬ aɬíʔ qʷən̓cín uɬ ixíʔ way̓ x̌áq̓əmənts. It's a pity, but [your son] is what you give me in payment. [GDd2 606] way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ x̌aq̓əms yaʕyáʕt iʔ sql̕aws. But he paid all his money out. [GDd1 201]

x̌aq̓nt   Morph: x̌aq̓+nt. Etym: √x̌q̓. to pay; to pay s.o.

Tstem. Sp √x̌aq̓ to pay; Cm x̌aq̓‑nt‑xʷ you pay s.o.; Cr x̌aq̓ pay, reward; Sh x̌eq̓-n-s to pay for a cure; Th √x̌áq̓ pay; Li x̌aq̓ to pay. Category: +nt. x̌áq̓ən. I paid him. [E66.25] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ʕác̓əntxʷ kʷ ṇpútəls, uɬ way̓ sic kʷu x̌áq̓əntxʷ. If you go look and you are satisfied, then you can pay me. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ x̌áˑˑq̓əs uɬ xƛ̓ap. He paid everybody. [dict] uɬ lut kʷu t̓ə ksx̌áq̓əntp, uɬ way̓ ixíʔ kʷu x̌áq̓əntp. You don't have to pay me, you have paid me already. [dict] See: x̌aq̓m.

x̌aq̓q̓   [x̌áq̓əq̓] Morph: x̌aq̓•q̓. Etym: √x̌q̓. to get paid; charge.

Istem. x̌áq̓əq̓ inxʷəlxʷílt. My bill got paid. [E68.11] ixíʔ uɬ iscƛ̓aʔám iksx̌áq̓əq̓. I'll collect my pay. [dict] niʕ̓íp i l ʔasíl sclkstasq̓t ki kʷu x̌áq̓əq̓. We always get paid every second Friday. [newles 302] uɬ kaʔɬəlʔupənkstɬcílkst iksx̌áq̓əq̓. I'd have made thirty five [dollars]. [RHorse 151] uɬ cútəlx c̓kin iʔ ksx̌áq̓q̓səlx. They explain how much they would charge. [EnLet.8] See: x̌aq̓.

x̌aq̓st   Morph: x̌aq̓+st. Etym: √x̌q̓. to pay; to pay s.o.

Istem. Sp √x̌aq̓ to pay; Cm x̌aq̓‑nt‑xʷ you pay s.o.; Cr x̌aq̓ pay, reward; Sh x̌eq̓-n-s to pay for a cure; Th √x̌áq̓ pay; Li x̌aq̓ to pay. Category: c-^+st. uɬ lut t̓a cx̌áq̓əsts iʔ scxʷəlxʷílsts. He didn't pay his debts. [GDd2 079] See: x̌aq̓m.

x̌as   [x̌as] Morph: x̌as. Etym: √x̌s. to be good or well; to work out.

Istem. Sp x̌es (x̌is) good; Cm x̌əst be good, well; Cr x̌es to be good, well. t̓i kʷ cx̌as. Be good! [E69.8] t̓i p əcx̌ás. Be good! [E69.7] See: x̌s.

x̌ass   [x̌ásəs] Morph: x̌as•s. Etym: √x̌s. to turn out good or well; to work out.

Istem. x̌ásəs. It became good (something that was not good or well). [E69.4] See: x̌as.

x̌assmílx   [x̌asəsmílx] Morph: x̌as•s+m+ílx. Etym: √x̌s. to heal; to get well.

Istem. Category: +ilx. lútiʔ ixíʔ sx̌asəsmílxs úɬiʔ sxʷúsəsxaʔməntəm. That wasn't healed up yet, and she was hurrying him. [LynxS 273] See: x̌ass.

x̌ast   [x̌ast] Morph: x̌as+t. Etym: √x̌s. to be good; to be well; to like; to be satisfied.

Istem. Sp x̌es (x̌is); Cm x̌əst; Cr x̌es. Category: +t. x̌əl itlíʔ x̌ast aksk̓ʷúl̕əm. For that reason you should treat it well. [mychildr 240] lut taɬt laʔkín t̓a cx̌ast t sqilxʷ. He's not always a good person. [su7q̓im 055] kʷ ck̓ək̓níyaʔ, taɬt ck̓ək̓əníyaʔmstxʷ t x̌ast. You listen, you listen good to him! [su7q̓im 228c] ixíʔ mi x̌ast akcx̌əlˑwís. That'll be good for you no matter where you are. [su7q̓im 264d] t̓iʔ kʷ x̌ast. You look fine. [E0708.1] kʷu anx̌ast. You like me. [feb94 099] way̓ x̌ast kʷu ɬaʔ ɬtxʷúyməntxʷ. It's better that you come home. [AutPS 369] uɬ taʔlíʔ kʷu cx̌ast. We sure had a good time. [Hrvst 239] uɬ talíʔ kʷu cx̌ast pnicí iwá sk̓ʷək̓ʷínaʔs iʔ sx̌áq̓əq̓t iʔ l sk̓ʷúl̕əm. At that time were were satisfied, no matter how small our pay for work. [Hrvst 245] way̓ x̌ast asq̓líps, way̓ kʷu ṇqʷən̓mínt kʷu xʷíc̓əɬt. Your handkerchief is pretty, pity me and give it to me. [dict] way̓ t̓i x̌ast kʷu ɬ k̓ʷánɬqəm. We might just as well put in a garden. [dict] See: x̌as; x̌s.

x̌astm   [x̌ástəm] Morph: x̌ast+m. Etym: √x̌s. to do well.

Mstem. uɬ way̓ talí kʷu l̕əx̌tíw̓s kʷu x̌ástəm. We are good friends, we have done good. [Dvl 123] See: x̌ast.

x̌astmarí   [x̌astmarí] Morph: x̌as+t marí. Etym: √x̌s, √mr. From: French Marie. Mary.

Istem. Category: wName. x̌ast marí. Holy Virgin; Mary. [nb22.51a] See: x̌ast; marí.

x̌astnt   Morph: x̌as+t+nt. Etym: √x̌s. to be good; to be well; to like; to be satisfied.

Tstem. Sp x̌es (x̌is); Cm x̌əst; Cr x̌es. Category: +nt. mat kʷu x̌asts. He likes me. [feb94 079] See: x̌as; x̌s.

x̌asxnmálqs   [x̌asxnmálqs] Morph: x̌asxn+málqs. Variant: x̌asxnmál̕qs. Etym: √x̌s. x̌asxnmálqs (Collette, Sanpoil wife of yak̓ʷmtíkn̓ (Ninemile Charley)).

Istem. Category: wName. x̌asxnmálqs. Woman's name. [BK147]

x̌asxnmál̕qs   [x̌asxənmál̕qs] Morph: x̌asxn+mál̕qs. Variant: x̌asxnmálqs. Etym: √x̌s. x̌asxnmál̕qs. Category: wName.

Istem. x̌asxnmál̕qs. [dict]

x̌ásx̌as   [x̌ásx̌as] Morph: x̌as•x̌s. Etym: √x̌s. Variant: x̌asx̌s. Canby's lovage (ligusticum canbyi).

Istem. x̌ásx̌as. Canby's lovage. [TBK64]

x̌asx̌s   [x̌ásx̌əs] Morph: x̌as•x̌s. Etym: √x̌s. Variant: x̌ásx̌as. Canby's lovage (ligusticum canbyi).

Istem. Sp x̌ásx̌s ... licorice root. x̌ásx̌əs. [TBK64] uɬ a lk̓iw̓s iʔ x̌ásx̌əs. A bundle of medicine weeds. [fatboy 122]

x̌aw̓   [x̌aw̓] Morph: xaw̓. Etym: √x̌w̓. to be dry.

Istem. Sh x̌ew-t dry; Th √x̌aw̓ thirtsy. yaʕyáʕt stim̓ cx̌aw̓, yaʕyáʕt stim̓ x̌w̓aw̓ kaʔ ckʷum. Everything is dried, all has to be dried and then put away. [mychildr 218] əcx̌áw̓ iʔ supúlaʔxʷ. The hay is drying. [nb25-20 013]

x̌áx̌aʕ sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqsc   [x̌áx̌aʕ sƛ̓ək̓ʷpáqsc] Morph: x̌áx̌aʕ s+ƛ̓k̓ʷ+paqs-c. Etym: √x̌ʕ; √ƛ̓k̓ʷ. larkspur (delphinium nuttalianum).

phrasal. x̌áx̌aʕ sƛ̓ək̓ʷpáqsc. Larkspur. [TBK119]

x̌ax̌aʕáy̓ɬp   [x̌ax̌aʕáy̓ɬp] Morph: x̌a•x̌aʕáy̓ɬp. Etym: √x̌ʕy. devil's club (oplopanax horridum) and swamp gooseberry (ribes lacustre).

Istem. Sp x̌aʕx̌ʕáyɬp (Ka) Canada mint... nx̌ax̌aɬníw̓t Indian tea, monardella odoratissima. x̌ax̌aʕáy̓ɬp. Devil's club. [TBK73,107]

x̌ax̌aʕpsc̓ím   [x̌ax̌aʕpsc̓ím] Morph: x̌a•x̌aʕ+p+s+c̓ím. Etym: √x̌ʕ, √c̓m. one's bones are chilled.

Istem. x̌ax̌aʕpsc̓ím My bones are chilled. [nb18154.10] See: x̌aʕ; sc̓im.

x̌ax̌áʕt   [x̌ax̌áʕt] Morph: x̌a•x̌áʕ+t. Etym: √x̌ʕ. camphor; mentholatum.

Istem. x̌ax̌áʕt Camphor. [nb18151.2] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌ax̌áʔ   [x̌ax̌áʔ] Morph: x̌a•x̌áʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be sacred.

Istem. Li ʔáˑʔx̌aʔ sacred, supernatural, talented, endowed with spiritual power. x̌ax̌áʔ. Sacred. [74tp2 007]

x̌ax̌ƛ̓m   [x̌áx̌ƛ̓əm] Morph: x̌a•x̌ƛ̓+m. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. to climb a short way; to do a small climb.

Mstem. Category: dim. ixíʔ sx̌áx̌ƛ̓əms t sútən tə nmxínəm. So he went up a little hill whatever its name, nmxínəm. [CoBrk16] way̓ əɬkʷinɬsƛ̓əx̌ʷíc̓aʔm xʷəxʷ uɬ ɬx̌áx̌ƛ̓əm ixíʔ iʔ k̓aʔ ct̓ət̓íwaʔs. He had taken up the drum again and climbed up to a little flat place. [lpb371] See: x̌iƛ̓.

x̌ax̌ƛ̓xn   [x̌áx̌ƛ̓xən] Morph: x̌a•x̌•ƛ̓xn. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. shorts.

Istem. Category: dim. x̌ax̌ƛ̓xn. Shorts. [nb27-01 001] See: x̌iƛ̓xn.

x̌ax̌ʔant   Morph: x̌a•x̌ʔa+nt. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to hold s.t. sacred, important.

Tstem. Category: +ant, +nt. x̌ax̌ʔantíslx, aʔ ntityíx límtəmsəlx. They held him sacred, they respected salmon. [mychildr 202] See: x̌ax̌ʔ.

x̌ax̌ʔnt   Morph: x̌a•x̌ʔ+nt. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to deem s.t. important.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ ixíʔ x̌ax̌ʔntíslx iʔ suyápix, uɬ yaʔyáx̌aʔislx, iʔ stim̓ ɬaʔ ck̓ʷul̕sts uɬ iʔ st̓ík̓əls. And they thought the White people were powerful, and they ... the things they did and ate. [mychildr 027]

x̌ax̌ʔúlaʔxʷ   [x̌ax̌ʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌a•x̌ʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. 1 • rattlesnake.

Istem. x̌ax̌ʔúlaʔxʷ. Rattlesnake. [74tp2 006]

2 • Istem. x̌ax̌ʔúlaʔxʷ.

Sp x̌ʔúleʔxʷ rattlesnake; Cr x̌eʔúl̕mxʷ rattler.Istem. See: x̌ax̌ʔ.

x̌ay̓qs   [x̌ay̓qs] Morph: x̌ay̓qs. Etym: √x̌y̓. ?

?. x̌áy̓qsən iʔ kʷukʷús. ? [E92.5]

x̌aʕ   [x̌aʕ] Morph: x̌aʕ. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to be cool; to be minty or refreshing; refreshing.

Istem. Sp hec-x̌aʕ-p-mí it's beginning to cool off; Cm s‑x̌aʕ‑p breeze, wind; Sh x̌ʕ-x̌eʕ-t draughty, windy. x̌aʕ. Cool. [nb20.102]

x̌aʕl   [x̌aʕl] Morph: x̌aʕl. Etym: √x̌ʕl. to be clear, glass-like. Variant: x̌al.

Istem. Sp x̌al(í) to be light, to be clear; Cm x̌əl be clear, lit; Cr x̌el bright, clear, light, redhot. kən ʔitx məɬ t̓i x̌aʕl iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, yaʕyáʕt stim̓ cwíkstən. I sleep and this land is clear, I can see everything. [mychildr 172] iʔ x̌aʕl ansíwstən. It's glass you are drinking out of. [nb18202.14] See: x̌al2.

x̌aʕls   [x̌aʕls] Morph: x̌aʕls. Etym: √x̌ʕl. a face with clear complexion.

Istem. x̌aʕls. Clear complexioned. [nb21.39a] See: x̌aʕl.

x̌aʕm   [x̌aʕm] Morph: x̌aʕ+m. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to hum.

Mstem. t̓i x̌aˑˑʕm iʔ caʔsláqs itlíʔ t̓uxʷt. The mosquito hummed, flew from there. [msqdd 054]

x̌aʕncut   [x̌ʕancútən] Morph: x̌aʕ+ncut. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to fan; to cool off.

Istem. Category: +ncut. x̌aʕncút. Cool off. [dict] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌aʕncútn   [x̌ʕancútən] Morph: x̌aʕ+ncut+n. Etym: √x̌ʕ. fan.

Istem. Category: +tn. x̌aʕncútən. Fan. [nb26-34 012] See: x̌aʕncút.

x̌aʕp   [x̌aʕp] Morph: x̌aʕ+p. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to be cool or breezy; the air is drafty or moving.

Istem. Sp √x̌aʕ(á) to blow; x̌ʕ-áp a gentle breeze blows; Cm s-x̌aʕ-p breeze, wind; Cr x̌a[ʕ] fan (to ...), s+x̌aʕ+p breeze. Category: +p. uc kʷ x̌aʕp. Are you chilled? [nb18154.9] uɬ way̓ t̓i cx̌aʕp, t̓i cx̌aʕp. And he could feel the air, the air. [grlsdd 200] ksx̌aʕpmíxaʔx. So it̓ll get cool. [nb1888.9] way̓ t̓i ʔayxáxaʔ ṇc̓íʔcən uɬ ʔanwís iʔ scʔixs, axáʔ mat iʔ təl sɬəxʷɬəxʷəncúts uɬ aɬíʔ tlaʔkín mi x̌aʕp. In a little while Wolf felt warm, I guess from his breath, from where else could the air come. [dict] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌aʕpínaʔ   [x̌aʕpínaʔ] Morph: x̌aʕ+pínaʔ. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to cool off.

Istem. way̓ ksx̌aʕpínaʔlx. Then it cooled off on them. [cre8] See: x̌aʕp.

x̌aʕs   [x̌aʕs] Morph: x̌aʕs. Etym: √x̌ʕs. to be noisy.

Istem. ixíʔ way̓ taʔlíʔ t sk̓ʷənxspíntk kʷaʔ t̓i x̌ʕasˑˑ ɬ acxʷúy, cənt̓íxʷlcn. It's been quite a few years. When it goes it sounds [x̌ʷʕasˑˑ], it sounds different. [su7q̓im 174]

x̌aʕw   [x̌aʕw] Morph: x̌ʕaw. Etym: √x̌ʕw. to bite into s.t. crisp.

Istem. x̌aʕw. To bite into s.t. crisp. [pd]

x̌áʕx̌aʕ   [x̌áʕx̌aʕ] Morph: x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ. Variant: x̌áʕ•x̌a. Etym: √x̌ʕ. a crow; the sound made by a crow.

Istem. Sp ʔaʔ s-c-ʔáʔ crow; Cm x̌áʕx̌aʕ crow; Cr aɬ+x̌áx̌+ax̌ crow. x̌áʕx̌aʕ. Crow. [nb26-16 001]

x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ ksp̓aqʷstn   [x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ ksp̓aqʷstn] Morph: x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ ɬaʔ k+s+p̓aqʷs+tn. Etym: √x̌ʕ; √p̓qʷ. puffball (lycoperdon spp., calvatia gigantea).

phrasal. x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ ksp̓áqʷstn. Puffball. [TBK15] See: x̌áʕx̌aʕ; p̓aqʷstn.

x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ kstul̕mn   [x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ kstúl̕mn] Morph: x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ ɬaʔ ks+tul̕+mn. Etym: √x̌ʕ; √tl̕. puffball (lycoperdon spp., calvatia gigantea).

phrasal. See Sp x̌aʕx̌ʕáyɬp (Ka) Canada mint... nx̌ax̌aɬníw̓t Indian tea, monardella odoratissima. x̌áx̌aʕ ɬaʔ kstul̕mn. Puffball. [TBK15] See: x̌áʕx̌aʕ; tul̕mn.

x̌áʕx̌aʕ sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqsc   [x̌áʕx̌aʕ sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqsc] Morph: x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ s+ƛ̓k̓ʷpaqs-c. Etym: √x̌ʕ; √ƛ̓k̓ʷ. larkspur (delphinium nuttallianum). Lit: crow's beak

phrasal. x̌áʕx̌aʕ sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqsc. Larkspur. [TBK119] See: x̌áʕx̌aʕ; sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqs.

x̌áʕx̌aʕ ssptkʷaqsc   [x̌áʕx̌aʕ spətkʷáqsc] Morph: x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ s+ptkʷaqs-c. Etym: √x̌ʕ; √ptkʷ. larkspur (delphinium nuttallianum). Lit: crow's beak

phrasal. See: x̌áʕx̌aʕ; sptkʷaqs.

x̌aʕx̌aʕíɬp   [x̌aʕx̌aʕíɬp] Morph: x̌aʕ•x̌aʕíɬp. Etym: √x̌ʕ. catnip tea.

Istem. x̌aʕx̌aʕíɬp. Catnip tea. [dict]

x̌aʕx̌áʕt   [x̌aʕx̌áʕt] Morph: x̌aʕ•x̌áʕ+t. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to be breezy or cool.

Istem. Category: +t. x̌ʕax̌ʕát. The air is cool (e.g. in the morning). [nb26-16 002] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌aʕx̌aʕúsm   Morph: x̌aʕ•x̌aʕús+m. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to fan or cool s.o.

Mstem. x̌aʕx̌aʕúsəm. To fan one's face. [nb26-16 003] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌aʕx̌aʕúsnt   Morph: x̌aʕ•x̌aʕús+nt. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to fan or cool s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu x̌aʕx̌aʕúsəntxʷ. You fan me. [dict] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌aʔnam   Morph: x̌aʔna+m. Etym: √x̌ʔn. to stop s.o. or s.t.

Mstem. Sp x̌eʔn to warn, to caution, to forbid, taboo; Sh x̌ʔen to forbid, scold; Li x̌ʔaṇ-ən to stop, prevent s.o. from doing s.t... Category: +am. x̌aʔnáməlx. They tried to stop someone. [nb10a 121]

x̌aʔncínt   Morph: x̌aʔnci+nt. Etym: √x̌n. to stop s.o.'s speaking; to silence or interrupt s.o.

Tstem. Sp x̌eʔn to warn, to caution, to forbid, taboo, Sh x̌ʔen to forbid, scold. Category: +nt. x̌aʔncín. I stopped you in speaking. [nb08 312] ixíʔ uɬ kʷu x̌aʔncís axáʔ istəmtímaʔ. And then my grandmother stopped me. [AutPS 148] x̌əʔncsít. We interrupted you. [dict] See: x̌aʔn.

x̌aʔncíst   Morph: x̌aʔnci+st. Etym: √x̌n. to stop s.o.'s speaking; to silence or interrupt s.o.

Tstem. Sp x̌eʔn to warn, to caution, to forbid, taboo, Sh x̌ʔen to forbid, scold. Category: c+^+st. ixíʔ iwáʔ cx̌aʔncístsəlx iʔ st̓əmkʔíltsəlx, axáʔ iʔ sxʔítx. They tried to stop their daughter, the oldest one. [BJSeym 097] wím̓ cx̌aʔncístsəlx axáʔ iwáʔ iʔ sxaʔtmíxəltsəlx. They tried to stop their oldest daughter. [BJSeym 089] See: x̌aʔn.

x̌aʔnt   Morph: x̌aʔ+nt. Etym: √x̌ʔn. to stop s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Sp x̌eʔn to warn, to caution, to forbid, taboo; Sh x̌ʔen to forbid, scold; Li x̌ʔaṇ-ən to stop, prevent s.o. from doing s.t... Category: +nt. sc̓kinx lut x̌aʔntíxʷəlx. Why didn't you stop them? [lnxbdga 040] x̌aʔntís iʔ kəkəw̓wápaʔ. She stopped the dogs['s barking]. [nb1266.1] cx̌aʔntsísəlx. They stopped you. [nb10a 121] kʷu x̌aʔntís. She stopped me. [nb1816.17] x̌aʔntíməlx. He stopped them. [dict]

x̌aʔntuɬt   Morph: x̌aʔ+ntuɬt. Etym: √x̌ʔn. to stop s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Sp x̌eʔn to warn, to caution, to forbid, taboo; Sh x̌ʔen to forbid, scold; Li x̌ʔaṇ-ən to stop, prevent s.o. from doing s.t... Category: +tuɬt. ut t̓ə x̌aʔntúɬts ixíʔ əcwíkʷstsəlx iʔ q̓əy̓mín iʔ təl sqilxʷ. He didnʼt keep from them that they hid the paper from the Indians. [gl60] ixíʔ lut t̓ə tx̌aʔntúɬts ɬə ksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔs iʔ scəcm̓álaʔ. They didnʼt stop them from teaching it to the children. [gl64]

x̌aʔnúxʷm   [x̌aʔnúxʷm] Morph: x̌aʔnúxʷ+m. Etym: √x̌n. to stop the weater; to stop the rain.

Mstem. huhúy, huhúy swit mi x̌aʔnúxʷəm. Now who is going to stop the weather? [RnTrp 019] See: x̌aʔn.

x̌aʔsáqsmnt   Morph: x̌a[ʔ]sáqs+m+nt. Etym: √x̌s. to prefer s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. staʔ, lut, x̌aʔsáqsmən iʔ scənt̓áqʷ. Oh, no, I'd rather lick plates. [dict] See: x̌as.

x̌aʔsíkstm   [x̌aʔsíkstəm] Morph: x̌aʔsíkst+m. Etym: √x̌s. to aim; to take pains about s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Sp x̌séčst-m-n-t-xʷ treat it gently (sg.)! Take especially good care of it (sg.)!; Cm x̌s‑akst‑m(n)‑(nt)‑n I do good with s.t.; Cr naʔ+x̌es+míčt+m-nt-xʷ elaborate ... (lit. You manipulate it carefully). axám scx̌síkstəmsəlx yaʔ ksqʷaʔmíkst. Those who know how to fix them took pains. [dict] See: x̌as.

x̌aʔsíkstmnt   Morph: x̌aʔsíkst+m+nt. Etym: √x̌s. to aim; to take pains about s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp x̌séčst-m-n-t-xʷ treat it gently (sg.)! Take especially good care of it (sg.)!; Cm x̌s‑akst‑m(n)‑(nt)‑n I do good with s.t.; Cr naʔ+x̌es+míčt+m-nt-xʷ elaborate ... (lit. You manipulate it carefully). Category: +nt. x̌aʔsíkstmən. I aimed. [nb08 192] x̌aʔsíˑˑkstmiʔs k̓əɬxət̓xt̓áx̌s He aimed, he shot it under the arm. [CoGrSy 106] taʔlíʔ cx̌síkstəmɬmən. I have treated you very well. [dict] See: x̌as.

x̌aʔúttyaʔ   [x̌aʔúttyaʔ] Morph: x̌aʔ+út+tyaʔ ? Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be a little feeble.

Istem. kən x̌aʔútətyaʔ. I am a little feeble, getting feeble ? [nb27-28 006]

x̌aʔx̌áʔ   [x̌aʔx̌áʔ] Morph: x̌aʔ•x̌áʔ. Variant: x̌áʔx̌aʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be sacred, great, important.


x̌áʔx̌aʔ   [x̌áʔx̌aʔ] Morph: x̌áʔ•x̌aʔ. Variant: x̌aʔx̌áʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be sacred, great, important; to respect s.o.

Istem. Sp x̌aʔx̌éʔ-t it's sacred, it's feared (respected or held in awe); Cm x̌áʔx̌aʔ be powerful; Sh x̌əx̌əʔ, x̌əx̌é impressive; smart, intelligent, powerful; difficult; extreme. ixíʔ mat tla lkʷut, təl̕ x̌aʔx̌áʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ t sxʷúyənt. This ice comes from far away, from an important country. [mychildr 045] ixíʔ x̌aʔx̌áʔ iʔ kʷu t̓ək̓ʷtúɬtəm t ksck̓ʷúl̕tət. What he gave us to work with is sacred. [su7q̓im 072] uɬ axáʔ iʔ nqílxʷcən, taʔlíʔ x̌aʔx̌áʔ. And the Indian language is very sacred. [su7q̓im 294] way̓ mat yaʕʷpyáwt, x̌áʔx̌aʔ ixíʔ iʔ tətw̓ít iʔ sxʔitx. The boy, the oldest one, must be powerful, great. [GDd1 615] uɬ aɬíʔ x̌aʔx̌áʔ, sisyús i l spíx̌əm.. Because he's great, smart at hunting. [BJSeym 068]

x̌aʔx̌aʔlaʔxʷúps   [x̌aʔx̌aʔlaʔxʷúps] Morph: x̌aʔ•x̌aʔlaʔxʷúps. Etym: √x̌ʔ. scarlet gilia (gilia aggregata).

Istem. x̌aʔx̌aʔlaʔxʷúps. Scarlet gilia. [TBK111]

x̌aʔx̌aʔmscút   [x̌aʔx̌aʔmscút] Morph: x̌aʔ•x̌aʔ+mscút. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to do s.t. extraordinary.

Istem. Ques: confirm nt̓k̓ʷáw̓sqnəms Category: +scut. məɬ ixíʔ laʔkín ksx̌aʔx̌aʔmscútaʔx məɬ kʷis məɬ nt̓k̓ʷáw̓sqnəms. Whenever she is going to do something extraordinary she takes it and puts it on top of her head. [nb2557.6] See: x̌aʔx̌áʔ.

x̌aʔx̌aʔscút   [x̌aʔx̌aʔscút] Morph: x̌aʔ•x̌aʔ+scút. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be self important.

Istem. Category: +scut. nt̓a səmx̌íkən, cx̌aʔx̌aʔscút nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən. My, Grizzly thinks she's important, she's a man-eater. [CoGrSy 736] See: x̌aʔx̌áʔ.

x̌áʔx̌aʔst   Morph: x̌áʔ•x̌aʔ+st. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be sacred, great, important; to respect s.o.

Tstem. Sp x̌aʔx̌éʔ-t it's sacred, it's feared (respected or held in awe); Cm x̌áʔx̌aʔ be powerful; Sh x̌əx̌əʔ, x̌əx̌é impressive; smart, intelligent, powerful; difficult; extreme. Category: c+^+st. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷaʔ csílxʷaʔstsəlx, əcx̌aʔx̌aʔstísəlx, aɬíʔ sylmxʷílt. They looked up to him, They revered him because he's of noble birth. [nb2529.8]

x̌aʔx̌aʔwílx   [x̌aʔx̌aʔwílx] Morph: x̌aʔ•x̌aʔ+wílx. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to become powerful.

Istem. Category: +wilx. kəkáwxən aɬíʔ x̌aʔx̌áʔ, ʕant, x̌aʔx̌aʔwílx təl spáʕɬaʔ. kəkáwxən is a powerful person, he became powerful from spáʕɬaʔ. [nb2556.6] See: x̌aʔx̌áʔ.

x̌aʔx̌ʔám   [x̌aʔx̌ʔám] Morph: x̌aʔ•x̌ʔá+m. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be sacred; to hold s.t. sacred.

Mstem. Category: +am. ixíʔ nixʷ akstxt̓ám, aksx̌aʔx̌ʔám ixíʔ lut aksk̓ʷl̕ɬtanm̓úsm. Take care of that too, treat it with respect, don't squander it, [mychildr 184] See: x̌aʔx̌áʔ.

x̌aʔx̌ʔúlaʔxʷ   [x̌aʔx̌ʔúlaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌aʔ•x̌ʔúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. rattlesnake.

Istem. Sp x̌ʔúleʔxʷ rattlesnake; Cr x̌eʔúl̕mxʷ rattler; see Sh x̌əx̌əʔuləxʷ impassable (road). x̌aʔx̌ʔúlaʔxʷ. Rattlesnake. [dict]

x̌c1   [x̌əc] Morph: x̌c. Etym: √x̌c. root with meaning "to bet" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sp √x̌c(í) to gamble; Cm x̌c‑m to play stick game, gamble, bet; Cr x̌ác+x̌ac+m; bet, wager; Sh x̌c-em to bet; Th /x̌c-ə́m to bet, gamble. See: x̌cam; x̌cnwixʷ; x̌cx̌cam; x̌cx̌cm̓uɬ; nx̌cmimn.

x̌c2   [x̌əc] Morph: x̌c. Etym: √x̌c. root with meaning "complete; ready" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sp √x̌c(í) to get dressed, to get ready; x̌cc-m-ílš he got fully prepared; Cm x̌cmncut to get ready, dress; Cr ac+x̌éc+m prepared, conditioned; Sh x̌əc-p-st-es to do all sorts of things, do everything; to finish; Th √x̌əc complete / round out; Li √x̌əc complete. See: x̌cmncut; x̌cmncutm; x̌cmncutn; x̌cmst; x̌cnumtn; nx̌cilstn; nx̌cip.

x̌cam   [x̌əcám] Morph: x̌ca+m. Etym: √x̌c. to bet.

Mstem. Sp √x̌c(í) to gamble; Cr x̌ac; Sh x̌c-em; Th /x̌c-ə́m to bet, gamble. Category: +am. kən x̌əcám. I bet. [nb21.116a] See: x̌c1.

x̌camnt   Morph: x̌ca+m+nt. Etym: √x̌c. to bet.

Tstem. Sp √x̌c(í) to gamble; Cr x̌ac; Sh x̌c-em; Th /x̌c-ə́m to bet, gamble. Category: +nt. lut swit t̓ə ksx̌əcámsəlx l anwí. Nobody will bet on you. [RHorse 072] See: x̌c1.

x̌ccikst   [x̌əccíkst] Morph: x̌c•cikst. Etym: √x̌c. one hundred.

Istem. Cm x̌c‑cakst one hundred. Category: Num. ʔaʔúməntxʷ mi k̓ʷul̕ntxʷ iʔ snq̓y̓y̓usc iʔ l naqs x̌əccíkst. Read and do what's on page one hundred. [newles 277] mat ksx̌an iʔ təl x̌əccíkst iʔ sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps. Maybe his age was past one hundred. [AutPS 159] iʔ kʷu sqilxʷ way̓ kʷu timɬ x̌əccíkst axáʔ i l sqəlxʷúlaʔxʷ way̓ kʷu xʷʔit. There are eight hundred of us Indians on this Reserve, we are many. [gregory 010] ʔasíl x̌əcəcíkst. Two hundred. [dict] kaʔɬís x̌əcəcíkst. Three hundred. [dict] ʔúpnkst x̌əcəcíkst. One thousand. [dict]

x̌ccíkstɬt̓áq̓mkɬʔúpnkstɬmús   [x̌əccíkstɬt̓áq̓əmkɬʔúpənkstɬmús] Morph: x̌c•cíkst+ɬ+t̓áq̓+mk+ɬ+ʔúpnkst+ɬ+mús. Etym: √x̌c, √t̓q̓. √ʔpn, √ms. one hundred and sixty four.

Istem. Category: Num. x̌əccíkstɬt̓áq̓əmkɬʔúpənkstɬmús. 164. [su7q̓im 081] See: x̌ccíkst; t̓áq̓mkst; ʔúpnkst; mus.

x̌ccikstɬt̓áq̓mkst   [x̌əccikstɬt̓áq̓əmkst] Morph: x̌c+cikst+ɬ+t̓áq̓mkst. Etym: √x̌c, √t̓q̓m. one hundred six.

Istem. Category: Num. uɬ axáʔ iʔ səsp̓qín isk̓ʷánɬq x̌əcəcíkstɬt̓áq̓əmkst acre. The hay I harvested was one hundred and six acres. [AutPS 259] See: x̌ccikst; t̓áq̓mkst.

x̌cckspintk   [x̌əccəkspíntk] Morph: x̌c•ck+s+pintk. Etym: √x̌c, √pn. one hundred years.

Istem. caʔkʷ cus ia nuyápəxcən mat way̓ k̓əɬkícəs iʔ x̌əcckspíntk. Like they would say in English he was close to one hundred years old. [AutPS 046] See: x̌ccikst; spintk.

x̌cmncut   [x̌əcməncút] Morph: √x̌c+mncut. Etym: √x̌c. to get dressed; to get ready.

Istem. Sp x̌c-m-n-cút he dressed, he got ready; Cm x̌c‑m(n)‑ncut to get ready, dress. Category: +ncut. uɬ ixíʔ ksx̌əlpínaʔlx uɬ x̌əcməncútəlx. When daylight came they got ready. [fatboy 053] way̓ ixíʔ sx̌əcməncútsəlx. They started to get ready. [lnx2 313] huhúy uɬ ixíʔ way̓ x̌əcməncútx, ixí məɬ kʷ xʷuy. Go ahead, put your things on, and then go. [Whal 453] way̓ ixíʔ sx̌cməncúts sənk̓l̕íp, way̓ wiʔsx̌cməncúts. Then Coyote got ready, got done getting ready. [dict] uɬ ixíʔ swiʔnúmtx, iʔ t sttəm̓tím̓s iʔ t x̌səlscút, iʔ t sk̓ʷəl̕scúts t sx̌cməncúts. And he's handsome, with his good clothes to wear, the way he's fixed up and dressed. [dict] See: x̌cm; x̌c2.

x̌cmncutm   [x̌əcməncútəm] Morph: √x̌c+mncut+m. Etym: √x̌c. to get dressed; to put clothing on.

Mstem. way̓ p cyayáʕt iʔ t stətəm̓tím̓mp axáʔ iʔ ta lkapúmp iʔ t qʷácqnəmp, yayáʕt ixíʔ x̌əcməncútməntp. Put all your clothes on, your coats and your hats. [nb1281.1-2] See: x̌cmncut.

x̌cmncutn   [x̌əcməncútṇ] Morph: x̌c+mncut+n. Etym: √x̌c. clothes.

Istem. Category: +tn. x̌cmncutn. Clothes. See: x̌cmncut.

x̌cmst   [x̌əcmst] Morph: x̌c+m+st. Etym: √x̌c. to get s.o. or s.t. ready; to oufit s.o.

Tsten. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ x̌əcmstúmən way̓ kʷ xʷuy, kʷ lkʷilx. I'll get you ready and then you go, you can leave. [grlhd 115] way̓ x̌əcmstím t kstətəm̓tím̓s, k̓ʷúl̕kstməntəm. She got her ready with nice clothes, dolled her up. [blkpg 048] sc̓x̌ilx kiʔ uɬ inx̌mínk p iksx̌əcəmstím t sx̌əsəlscút. That's why I want you to have the best clothes. [nb1226.4] x̌əc̓mstím t kɬənt̓ək̓ʷmíns We'll get him a coffin. [GDd2 088] See: x̌cm; x̌c2.

x̌cnumtn   [x̌əcnúmtən] Morph: x̌c+numt+n. Etym: √x̌c. what s.o. wears; clothes.

Istem. Category: +tn. ixíʔ kɬx̌əcnúmtənsəlx. That's what they are going to wear. [NB1226.7] aɬíʔ iʔ x̌əcnúmtəntət way̓ kʷúkʷaʔ. Our clothes are different. [grgory 014] See: x̌c2.

x̌cnwixʷ   [x̌əcnwíxʷ] Morph: x̌c+nwixʷ. Etym: √x̌c. to bet; to bet with one another.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. t̓əxʷ lut cmaylx x̌əcnwíxʷəlx. They do anything, they bet. [2gts 069] n̓ín̓w̓iʔs kʷu x̌cənwíxʷ ixíʔ məɬ x̌lap put sƛ̓lap iʔ x̌yáɬnəxʷ mi kʷu q̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəm. We will bet, tomorrow just when the sun stops we will race. [race44] See: x̌cam; x̌c1.

x̌ctwiw̓s   [x̌əctwíw̓s] Morph: x̌ct+wíw̓s ? Etym: √x̌c. to go partners.

Istem. Sp x̌c partners, companions; Cr x̌ec+út companion; way̓ t̓i kʷu x̌əctwíw̓s. Let us go partners. [dict] See: x̌cut.

x̌ctwixʷ   [x̌əctwíxʷ] Morph: x̌c+twixʷ. Etym: √x̌c. to be companions, to go together.

Istem. Category: +twixʷ. x̌əctwíxʷəlx naʔɬ pit. They went, he and Pete. [nb6.92a] way̓ isqʷʔám isksq̓míltən nixʷ, way̓ t̓i kʷu x̌əctwíxʷ. I am used to getting hungry, we'll just go partners. [GDd1 247] t̓i nyʕ̓íp əcx̌əctwíxʷs uɬ naʔnaʔk̓núntəm iʔ t sqílxʷ. They are together all the time, and theyʼre suspected by the people [to be a couple]. [Cona49] See: x̌cut.

x̌cutmnt   Morph: x̌cut+m+nt. Etym: √x̌c. be one's companion.

Tstem. Gram: unclear construction Category: +nt. x̌cútəms. He accepted her company. [nb21.86a] cx̌əcútəms iʔ sqʷsiʔs. His son was his companion. [GDd2 696] See: x̌cut.

x̌cutnt   Morph: x̌cut+nt. Etym: √x̌c. to accompany s.o.

Tstem. Sp hi-s-x̌c-út my companion; Cr x̌ec+út companion. Category: +nt. x̌əcútən pit. I was with Pete. [nb6.92a] x̌əcútəntəm pit. We were with Pete. [nb6.92a]

x̌cx̌cam   [x̌əcx̌əcám] Morph: x̌c•x̌ca+m. Etym: √x̌c. to make a bet; to wager; to gamble.

Mstem. Sp x̌cx̌c-ím he gambled. x̌əcx̌cáməlx. They place bets. [nb1853.9] kʷ x̌əcx̌cám. You made a bet. [nb10a 054] See: x̌cam.

x̌cx̌cm̓uɬ   [x̌əcx̌əcm̓úɬ] Morph: x̌c•x̌c+m̓+uɬ. Etym: √x̌c. gambler, one who likes to gamble.

Istem. Sp x̌cx̌c-múɬ he likes to gamble, he gambles too much. Category: +uɬ. x̌cx̌cm̓uɬ. Gambler. [nb21.116a] See: x̌cam.

x̌c̓   [x̌əc̓] Morph: x̌c̓. Etym: √x̌c̓. root with meaning "to be sacred, important, serious" on which several stems are formed:

Rt. Sp x̌ic̓ staring wide-eyed, awed; x̌c̓x̌éc̓-t it is to be held in awe; Cr x̌ac̓ extraordinary, outstanding. See: x̌ac̓t; x̌c̓x̌ac̓t; x̌c̓cnmist; nx̌c̓pínaʔm.

x̌c̓cnmist   [x̌əc̓cənmíst] Morph: x̌c̓cn+mist. Etym: √x̌c̓. to be important, serious.

Istem. Category: +mist. way̓ x̌əc̓cənmíst. It's important; he's talking of important matters. [BJSeym 407] See: x̌c̓.

x̌c̓ikstmnt   Morph: x̌c̓ikst+m+nt. Etym: √x̌c̓. to surprise s.o.

Tstem. Sp x̌c̓éčst-m-n-c-t he caused you bad luck; Cr x̌ec̓ curiosity (to arouse...), outstanding. Category: +nt. way̓ kʷu x̌c̓íkstməntxʷ. You surprise me. [CoGrSy 219] cúntəm t səmx̌íkən, way̓ kʷu kícəntxʷ, way̓ kʷu x̌c̓íkstməntxʷ. Grizzly said, "You got to me, you surprise me." [CoGrSy 048] See: x̌c̓x̌ac̓t.

x̌c̓mncut   [x̌əc̓məncút] Morph: x̌c̓+mncut. Etym: √x̌c̓. to surprise.

Istem. Ques: check translation Sp hi x̌íc̓ he stands wide-eyed; he's in awe. Category: +ncut. kʷ x̌əc̓məncút. You surprise me. [nb08 893]

x̌c̓x̌ac̓t   [x̌əc̓x̌ác̓t] Morph: x̌c̓•x̌ac̓+t. Etym: √x̌c̓. to be sacred, important, serious.

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ x̌əc̓x̌ác̓t. It's important. [nb08 096] aɬíʔ taʔlíʔ x̌əc̓x̌ác̓t iʔ kstqʷaʔqʷʔalmíntəm. What we are going to talk about is very important. [nb26-49 003] iʔ sx̌ənˑúmts taʔlíʔ x̌əc̓x̌ác̓t, náx̌əmɬ kʷu cmúsəls cmay cxʷəlxʷált. He has a severe wound, but we anticipate he'll survive. [nb27-33 003] See: x̌c̓.

x̌il   Morph: x̌il. Etym: √x̌l. to do s.t. in a certain way; to do like; to do the same; to happen the same way.

Istem. way̓ ilíʔ ksx̌ílaʔx itíʔ. That is what she will do. [lpb44] See: ʔx̌il.

x̌ilm   Morph: x̌il+m. Etym: √x̌l. to do s.t. in a certain way; to do like; to do the same; to happen the same way.

Mstem. məɬ ilíʔ kən xkínəm məɬ ilíʔ kʷ x̌íləm. Whatever I do you do the same. [lnxbdga 089] uɬ ilíʔ x̌ílməlx mat k̓ʷənxásq̓ət. They did that for many days. [lnx2 014] cm̓ay t̓i kʷ ɬ x̌íləm itíʔ, cm̓ay lut ksx̌əstmíxaʔx k̓ anwí. If you do that, no good will come to you. [su7q̓im 292] cut lut, lut ilíʔ kən t̓ x̌íləm. She said, "No, I didn't do that." [grlhd 022] uɬ ilíʔ kʷ x̌íləm axáʔ iʔ cúntsən. Then you do what I tell you. [2gts 207] náx̌əmɬ itlíʔ knaqs, itíʔ x̌íˑˑlməlx uɬ txƛ̓ápəlx. And then another one, they all did the same thing. [LynxS 190] iʔ l sk̓ʔay, iʔ l x̌ilm atáʔ iʔ l October. When it gets to be fall, like it is now, in October. [Green.76] Category: nMstem. way̓ axáʔ iʔ tkəɬmílxʷ way̓ ixíʔ ilíʔ sx̌íləms. The woman did just that. [GDd2 579] way̓ ixíʔ xʷʔásq̓ət ilíʔ sx̌íləms. He did that many days. [fatboy 192] uɬ q̓sápiʔ ilíʔ təl̕ sx̌íləmsəlx. They went at it for a while. [lnxbdga 014] way̓ lut iksx̌íləm itíʔ. I won't do that. [FrGov.15] ixíʔ n̓uʔ k̓ʷinx ksx̌íləms itíʔ. That will happen a few times. [nb2548.12] See: ʔx̌il.

x̌ilst   Morph: x̌il+st. Etym: √x̌l. to do s.t. in a certain way; to do like; to do the same; to happen the same way.

Tstem. Category: +st. way̓ ilíʔ ksx̌ílaʔx itíʔ. That is what she will do. [lpb44] uɬ ilíʔ kʷu x̌ílstəm itíʔ. That's what they did to us. [nb26-49 010] uɬ axáʔ iʔ k̓ənpqínkstəns ilíʔ x̌ilsts. She did the same with her ring. [GDd2 532] x̌íˑˑlstməlx məɬ txƛ̓ap. She did the same thing until the whole bunch is done. [nb1278.3] See: ʔx̌il.

x̌iltn   [x̌íltən] Morph: x̌il+tn. Etym: √ʔx̌l. one's doing s.t.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ ixíʔ t̓i spáʕɬaʔ ɬaʔ kɬx̌íltən. That was all spáʕɬaʔ's doing. [nb2576.5] See: x̌il.

x̌iƛ̓   [x̌iƛ̓] Morph: x̌iƛ̓. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. to climb.

Istem ?. See Sp s-x̌éƛ̓iʔšn trousers; Cm s‑x̌aƛ̓‑u‑xn sx̌aƛ̓mxn trousers; Cr s+x̌it̓+mšn breeches, chinos, corduroy, pants, trousers; Sh s-x̌et̓-m-xn pants; Th √x̌áƛ̓ uphill; Li x̌aƛ̓-əm to climb a hill or ladder. x̌iƛ̓. To climb a hill. [nb26-64 013]

x̌iƛ̓m   [x̌íƛ̓əm] Morph: x̌iƛ̓+m. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. to climb (a hill); to go uphill.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem t̓ə ck̓ak̓aʔlíʔst, iwá ɬaʔ cx̌íƛ̓əm. She won't go slow, even when she goes up the hill. [dict] uɬ atáʔ kʷ x̌íƛ̓əm, uɬ kʷ qilt, kʷ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔúsəm t sƛ̓aʔcínəm. You go up, and when you get to the top you look for deer. [nb2542.9] ixíʔ ɬəɬx̌íƛ̓əms iʔ tətw̓ít. [fatboy 067] way̓ lut t̓ə qəɬnún ɬ ikɬəɬx̌íƛ̓əm. I can't make it up the hill. [doct] ixíʔ ɬəɬp̓əlk̓úsəms, ixíʔ ɬəɬx̌íƛ̓əms axáʔ iʔ l ṇwapáqs. Then he turned around, went up the hill in the road where all kinds of things grow. [dict] See: x̌iƛ̓.

x̌iƛ̓xn   [x̌iƛ̓xən] Morph: x̌iƛ̓xn. Variant: s+x̌iƛ̓xn. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. trousers; pants.

Istem. Sp s-x̌éƛ̓iʔšn trousers; Cm s‑x̌aƛ̓‑u‑xn sx̌aƛ̓mxn trousers; Cr s+x̌it̓+mšn breeches, chinos, corduroy, pants, trousers; Sh s-x̌et̓-m-xn pants. x̌iƛ̓xən. Trousers. [dict] See: x̌iƛ̓.

x̌iƛ̓xnm   [x̌iƛ̓xnəm] Morph: x̌iƛ̓xn+m. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. to put one's trousers on.

Mstem. kn x̌íƛ̓xnəm. I put my pants on. [E12] See: x̌iƛ̓xn.

x̌int   [x̌int] Morph: x̌in+t. Variant: x̌in̓t. Etym: √x̌n. a miscarriage.

Istem ?. Sp x̌én-t-i a human miscarriage. Category: +t. uc way̓ kʷ x̌int. Did you have a miscarriage? [nb1897.3] axáʔ sx̌ints. She had a miscarriage. [nb1]

x̌inx̌n   [x̌ínx̌ən] Morph: x̌in•x̌n. Etym: √x̌n. bugleweed (lycopus uniflorus).

Istem. x̌ínx̌ən. Bugleweed. [TBK109]

x̌in̓t   [x̌in̓t] Morph: x̌in̓+t. Variant: x̌int. Etym: √x̌n̓. a miscarriage.

Istem ?. Sp x̌én-t-i a human miscarriage. Category: +t.

x̌iqnt   Morph: x̌iq+nt. Etym: √x̌q. to scrub or scrape.

Tstem. Sp √x̌iq to rub, rasping or rubbing sound. Category: +nt. x̌íqəntxʷ. You scrubbed it, scraped it. [nb21.80a]

x̌is   [x̌is] Morph: x̌is. Etym: √x̌s. to feel well.

Istem. uɬ ʕ̓ac̓ənt t̓i kən x̌is kən q̓ʷuct. And look, I feel well, I am fat. [LynxS 346] See: x̌as.

x̌íslaʔxʷ   [x̌íslaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌íslaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌s. good land.

Istem. x̌íslaʔxʷ. Good land. [nb26-17 003] See: x̌is.

x̌iw̓   [x̌iw̓] Morph: x̌iw̓. Etym: √x̌w̓. raw fruit, roots, berries.

Istem. Sp x̌iw̓ raw; Cm x̌iw̓ be raw; Cr x̌iw̓ raw (uncooked); Sh c-x̌iw raw, uncooked; Th √x̌íw̓ green / raw; Li √x̌iw̓ raw, uncooked. cx̌iw̓. Raw. [nb26-67 002; pd10]

x̌l‿   [x̌əl] Morph: x̌l. Variant: x̌ʷl. 1 • for.

pcl. ixíʔ uɬ x̌əl sʔistk. That's for the winter. [Dvl 094] ʔasíl iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ x̌əl anwí. There are two worlds for you. [mychildr 179] way̓ k̓əɬʔímən x̌əl ʔayxáxaʔ, uɬ sic kən xʷuy. I waited for him a little while, then I went. [HnTrp 046]

2 • pcl. for that purpose. məɬ kmix nəqsúsəm kəm̓ ʔaslúsəm iʔ slip̓ iʔ x̌ast iʔ x̌əl̕ sx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔm. And only one or two kinds of wood are good for drying meat. [drymd 005]

3 • pcl. for that reason; because of. x̌əl ixíʔ ki kʷu ckícəntp. I guess that's what you want and that's why you came to me. [2gts 128] x̌əl itlíʔ x̌ast aksk̓ʷúl̕əm. For that reason you should treat it well. [mychildr 240] x̌əl anwí ki kən xʷəlxʷált. Because of you I am alive. [lpb321] x̌əl stim̓ kiʔ kʷu ɬ kswítəntxʷ. Why is it that you tried so hard with me? [dict] way̓ staʔ putəm km̓aʔ x̌əl incá kiʔ x̌əltsqílxʷ. It's not for me that he asked people to come. [dict] Sp x̌ʷl̕ for..., x̌ʷl̕ s-tém̓ Why? For what reason?

x̌l ʕapnáʔ   [x̌əl ʕapnáʔ] Morph: x̌l ʕapnáʔ. Etym: √ʕpnʔ. for now.

phrasal. way̓ kʷu wy̓way̓ x̌əl ʕapnáʔ. We are done for now. [nb08 436] See: x̌l1; ʕapnáʔ.

x̌lap   [x̌lap] Morph: x̌la+p. Etym: √x̌l. Variant: sx̌lap. 1 • (until) morning; (until) daylight.

Lit: He was gone til morning.Istem. Category: +p. way̓ sic x̌lap kiʔ k̓əɬwíkxsəlx. In the morning they found tracks. [lnx2 342] ksx̌lap iʔ sk̓aws. He was gone all night. [nb18183.1] uɬ lut t̓ əɬkícx uɬ x̌lap. He didn't come back until it got daylight. [nb2537.5] taʔkín iʔ sənkʷkʷʔac k̓əl ksx̌lap məɬ ʔitx. Sometime in the night, toward morning, he will sleep. [lpb185] sx̌laps sq̓its. It rained all night. [nb1811.2] way̓ t̓i k̓əl ksx̌lap, way̓ k̓əl ksxƛ̓púlaʔxʷs, ixíʔ ṇcaʔlqsíkstməntəm. At daylight, when it's daylight all over, he elbowed him. [dict]

2 • Istem. still daylight (with iʔ lúti). iʔ lúti sx̌laps kiʔ ixíʔ itlíʔ ɬíx̌ʷptəlx. It was daylight when they got away. [nb12833.1] ʔ lúti sx̌laps kiʔ ixíʔ itlíʔ ɬíx̌ʷptəlx. It was daylight when they got away. [nb1283.1]

3 • Istem. tomorrow. ixíʔ x̌lap ikscnʔəyxʷíw̓s. Tomorrow I'll trade it for other things. [nb26-40 004a] x̌lap mi wíkɬmən. I'll see you tomorrow. [nb26-52 016] x̌lap mi kən míc̓aʔm. Tomorrow I am going after my dead game. [nb25-27 003] kʷu kɬəɬxʷúyaʔx mi kʷu pulx, aɬíʔ x̌lap kʷu kskʷáʕctaʔx. We are going back home to sleep because tomorrow we are getting up early. [newles 324] x̌lap put ixíʔ sxlákəks iʔ x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ, ixíʔ mi kʷu ɬyaʕ aláʔ. Tomorrow just when the sun turns, them we'll gather back here. [dict] Sp x̌l-íp tomorrow; Cm t‑x̌l‑p‑anaʔ tomorrow, next day; Cr x̌el bright, clear, light... See: x̌aʕl.

x̌liɬxʷm   [x̌liɬxʷm] Morph: x̌liɬxʷ+m. Etym: √x̌l. to make a board house; to cover a structure.

Mstem. lútəm t sip̓əʔíɬxʷəlx, x̌líɬxʷməlx, kəm̓ axáʔ tkʷtan. They don't have buckskin tipis, board houses, or tule [houses]. [BJSeym 016] x̌líɬxʷməlx axáʔ iʔ t k̓ilílxʷ, kəm̓ iʔ t qʷílcən, axáʔ iʔ ʔastkʷ iʔ mxʷíɬp. They use as cover tree bark, or boughs, cedar boughs. [dict] See: x̌l2.

x̌línaʔ   [x̌línaʔ] Morph: x̌línaʔ. Etym: √x̌l. cache; cupboard; warehouse; storage house.

Istem. uɬ ilíʔ iʔ x̌əlínaʔ, ʔasíl iʔ x̌əlínaʔ. There were food caches there, two. [sknkf 009] uɬ axáʔ inqíck ixíʔ aɬíʔ cminúlaʔxʷsts, x̌əlínaʔs. And my brother knows the country, it's his cache [he can get food easily]. [HnTrp 025] See: x̌l2.

x̌lit   [x̌lit] Morph: x̌lit. Etym: x̌lt. to call; to summon; to ask (a simplification of √ʔx̌il).

Istem. Sp √x̌lit to invite; Cm x̌lit‑nt‑xʷ you invite, call s.o.; Sh (c-)x̌lit-n-s to invite; Th /x̌yit- inviter s.o... way̓ kmúsəms iʔ scx̌lits, way̓ yaʕyáʕt k̓ʷul̕ḷx t sqilxʷ. He called four of them, all of them turned to human. [dict]

x̌litm   [x̌lítəm] Morph: x̌lit+m. Etym: √x̌lt. to summon or call s.o.

Mstem. Gram: nMstem kən x̌əlítəm t ikɬkənxcútən. I ask for help. [nb08 666] kʷu asx̌əlítəm. You want me to come in. [nb08 894] way̓ kʷ sx̌əlítəms iʔ ta ilmíxʷəm. The king wants you. [nb1221.3] uɬ ixíʔ scx̌əlítəmsəlx iʔ sqílxʷ. They are calling the people. [blkpg 041] k̓əl ksq̓ʷəyməncútaʔx, ik̓líʔ kʷu sx̌lítəmsəlx. They invited me to the dance. [dict] cxʷuyx, kʷ səcx̌lítəms antúm̓. Come, your mother is calling you! [chip11] See: x̌lit.

x̌litnt   Morph: x̌lit+nt. Etym: x̌lt. to call; to summon; to ask (a simplification of √ʔx̌il).

Tstem. Sp √x̌lit to invite; Cm x̌lit‑nt‑xʷ you invite, call s.o.; Sh (c-)x̌lit-n-s to invite; Th /x̌yit- inviter s.o... Category: +nt. kʷu x̌əlítəntəm iʔ k̓əl silmxʷíɬxʷ. They asked us to the king’s house. [nb1218.1] x̌əlítənt iʔ səxʷlk̓ám. Call the policeman! [newles 136] way̓ x̌əlítɬəms iʔ ta ilmíxʷəm. The chief is calling you. [LynxS 104] uɬ xiʔ cx̌əlítntəm iʔ t m̓ístəm̓s. Her father called her. [grlhd 020] way̓ x̌əlítɬmən axáʔ iʔ p sqilxʷ, p isənk̓ʷɬililmíxʷəm, uɬ axáʔ iʔ p k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ p sqilxʷ, yayáʕt swit. I summoned all you people, my kind, the kings, and the rest of you people, everybody. [nb1219.1] ixíʔ aɬíʔ ɬə ksx̌lítiʔs way̓ ixíʔ scuts. He was getting ready to ask, then he said... [Whal 159] ixíʔ x̌lap uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ cx̌əlítɬmən p ksʔaɬʔíɬnaʔx, ixíʔ uɬ p xʷt̓lilx. Tomorrow I'll call you to eat, you get up. [GDd1 388]

x̌litst   Morph: x̌lit+st. Etym: x̌lt. to call; to summon; to ask (a simplification of √ʔx̌il).

Tstem. Sp √x̌lit to invite; Cm x̌lit‑nt‑xʷ you invite, call s.o.; Sh (c-)x̌lit-n-s to invite; Th /x̌yit- inviter s.o... Category: c+^+st. iʔ sqilxʷ kiʔ kʷu cx̌əlítstsəlx k̓aʔkín. The people that call me to go places. [mychildr 167] ʔax̌lásq̓ət cx̌əlítstəm. I used to call him every day. [nb19.323]

x̌litxt   Morph: x̌lit+xt. Etym: x̌lt. to call; to summon; to ask (a simplification of √ʔx̌il).

Tstem. Sp √x̌lit to invite; Cm x̌lit‑nt‑xʷ you invite, call s.o.; Sh (c-)x̌lit-n-s to invite; Th /x̌yit- inviter s.o... Category: +xt. way̓ ixíʔ x̌lítxts axáʔ iʔ túm̓s t ṇʔíyxəntṇs t síp̓iʔ. She asked her mother for some lacing hide. [dict]

x̌líwa   [x̌əlíwa] Morph: x̌líwa. Etym: √x̌lw. nodding onion (allium cernuum).

Istem. x̌əlíwa. x̌líwa. Nodding onion. [TBK38]

x̌llwis   [x̌əlˑwís] Morph: x̌l•l+wis. Etym: √x̌l. to busy oneself with s.t.; to fool around; to get organized; to wait about.

Istem. Category: +lwis. ixíʔ aláʔ ckicx, aláʔ x̌əlˑwís, uɬ itlíʔ ʔúkʷsəlx k̓aʔkín. He arrived here, visited around, and then they take him around. [mychildr 165] ixíʔ mi x̌ast akcx̌əlˑwís. That'll be good for you no matter where you are. [su7q̓im 264d] uɬ way̓ iʔ sqʷsíʔsəlx ilíʔ cx̌əlˑwís. Their son was waiting about. [nb2554.1] mat ilíʔ után, uɬ x̌əlˑwís. He perched himself up there, got himself organized. [nb2530.11] ixíʔ ilíʔ ʔaʔsíwɬ, niʕ̓íp ilíʔ iʔ l t̓ík̓ʷət əcx̌əlˑwís. Loon is there always around in the lake. [nb2567.11] See: x̌il.

x̌lp   [x̌əlp] Morph: x̌l+p. Etym: √x̌l. (until) daylight.

Istem. Category: +p. way̓ aɬíʔ uɬ kən scx̌əlpmíx iʔ k̓əl scq̓ʷəyməncútx, lut isʔítx. Because I was out at the dance all night, I haven't slept yet. [GDd2 301] mi sic incá kən pulx, uɬ aɬíʔ kən scksx̌əlpmíx. Now I will go to bed, because I was up all night. [dict] See: x̌lap; x̌aʕl.

x̌lpáʕlaʔxʷ   [x̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌l+páʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: x̌lpúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌ʕl. morning comes (to the land).

Istem. xʷuˑˑy uɬ x̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷ uɬ xʷúy̓ilx. They went and morning came. [lpb46] way̓ x̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷ uɬ x̌lap. It became daylight, day. [lpb477] iʔ l sx̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷ. At daylight. [dict] See: x̌lap; x̌aʕl.

x̌lpúlaʔxʷ   [x̌əlpúlaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌l+púlaʔxʷ. Variant: x̌lpáʕlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌l. to turn daylight.

Istem. uɬ x̌əlpúlaʔxʷ. And it got daylight. [lnxbdga 300] məɬ qmínm̓istəlx ilíʔ sixíxiʔ məɬ way̓ x̌əlpúlaʔxʷ. They rested there a little while, and it got daylight. [bfp63] See: x̌lap; x̌aʕl.

x̌lst   Morph: x̌l+st. Etym: √x̌l. to cover s.t.; to lay (boards) so as to cover a surface.

Tstem. Sp x̌el long objects (poles or logs) are laid next to each other, x̌l-ém he built a cover; Cm n‑x̌l–aw̓š bridge; Cr x̌el lay (side by side as lumber); Sh √x̌el ... c-x̌l-st-es to build a log-hut; Li √x̌əl to build, put in a wall. Category: c+^+st. ixíʔ a cx̌əlstísəlx, məɬ kɬx̌əlstísəlx. They board these up, and they board them on top. [BJSeym 028]

x̌ltsqilxʷ   [x̌əltsqílxʷ] Morph: x̌lt+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √x̌lt, √qlxʷ. to ask people; to invite people.

Istem. məɬ ixíʔ sx̌əltsqílxʷs q̓ʷʕay kʷukʷús. Black Pig will start asking the people. [blkpg 074] way̓ cx̌əltsqílxʷ tla cmalk̓ʷ iʔ təl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ iʔ sənk̓ʷɬilmíxʷəms uɬ yayáʕt swit. He asked for people to come from all over the world, kings and everybody. [nb1218.2] uɬ iwá x̌əltsqílxʷ iʔ təl k̓ʷiƛ̓t uɬ lut, lut kxəntísəlx. He invited people from them (to go), but they wouldn’t go with him. [nb2586.2] way̓ staʔ pútəm km̓aʔ x̌əl incá kiʔ x̌əltsqílxʷ. It's not on my account that he asked people to come. [dict] way̓ x̌əltsqílxʷ axáʔ mat iʔ l tqʷəlqʷəltíw̓s. They started calling the people maybe on the telephone. [dict] x̌əl̕tsqílxʷ t ksnk̓ɬpíx̌əms. Invite on a hunting trip. [OkB] See: x̌lit.

x̌lwis   [x̌əlˑwís] Morph: ʔx̌l+wis. Etym: √ʔx̌l. to walk around; to fool around.

Istem. Category: +lwis. t̓i x̌lwiˑˑs ʔukʷt uɬ k̓əɬkícx iʔ k̓əl sxʷulɬxʷ. He crawled and got there to the tipi. [lpb418] See: ʔax̌lwis.

x̌lx̌lpálaʔxʷ   [x̌əlx̌əlpálaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌l•x̌l+pálaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌ʕl. daylight.

Istem. way̓ taʔkín ixíʔ k̓əl sx̌laps c̓x̌iɬt way̓ x̌əlx̌əlpálaʔxʷ. It's almost daylight, like daylight. [nb2590.5] See: x̌lpáʕlaʔxʷ.

x̌ɬ   [x̌əɬ] Morph: x̌ɬ. semantic import "stop".

pcl. x̌əɬ anwí. Stop, don't be in a rush. [nb08 372]

x̌ƛ̓misxn   [x̌əƛ̓mísxn] Morph: x̌ƛ̓+misxn. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. x̌ƛ̓misxn: former trail that connected yaʕcín and sk̓xʷiɬxʷ. Lit: climb over rock

Istem. Category: Geog. x̌əƛ̓mísxn. Place name. [BK51] See: x̌iƛ̓.

x̌ƛ̓mɬxwiɬ   [x̌əƛ̓mɬxəwíɬ] Morph: x̌ƛ̓+m+ɬ+xwiɬ. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓, √xwɬ. x̌ƛ̓mɬxwiɬ: area east from ɬaʔmíp (xʷaʔxʷʔankíɬaʔp), where the former trail that connected the Sanpoil River area and snqilt proceeded up into a mountainons area. Lit: climb-up trail

Istem. Category: Geog. x̌əƛ̓mɬxəwíɬ. Place name. [BK60] See: x̌iƛ̓; xwiɬ.

x̌ƛ̓mus   [x̌əƛ̓mús] Morph: x̌ƛ̓+mus. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. to be uphill.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ cx̌əƛ̓mús, uɬ aɬíʔ mat xərxrúlaʔxʷ. And being that it's uphill, and pretty steep... [CoGrSy 504] uɬ yəyʕát cx̌əƛ̓mús, uɬ tqəltíkən̓ ixíʔ uɬ sic cx̌ʷəx̌ʷstús iʔ k̓əl cítxʷsəlx. It's all uphill to the top, then it's downhill to their houses. [BJSeym 280] axáʔ cx̌əƛ̓mús iʔ xəwíɬ k̓əl skcəhíksts. The road to his right is all uphill. [dict] See: x̌iƛ̓.

x̌ƛ̓x̌iƛ̓m   [x̌əƛ̓x̌íƛ̓əm] Morph: x̌ƛ̓•x̌iƛ̓+m. Etym: √x̌ƛ̓. to climb.

Mstem. way̓ kʷu sx̌əƛ̓x̌íƛ̓əms. We went up in the mountains. [HnTrp 021] See: x̌iƛ̓m.

x̌mink   [x̌mink] Morph: x̌mink. Etym: √x̌m. to want; to like.

Istem. Sp x̌ménč-m he likes something; Cm x̌m–ank‑nt‑xʷ you like s.t. or s.o.; Cr x̌eminč to like, love. axáʔ inx̌mínk iksmipnúnəm. I want to know about this. [mychildr 265] uɬ ixíʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, yayʕát iʔ x̌mínksəlx ixíʔ iʔ st̓ík̓əls iʔ sqilxʷ aláʔ. Deer and everything that the Indians want for their food is here. [su7q̓im 027] k̓ʷinx anx̌mínk. How many do you want? [nb26-38 001] aláʔ yaʕyʕát iʔ stim̓ inx̌mínk. Everything I want is here. [nb26-67 021] way̓ inx̌mínk ʔast̓əmkʔílt caʔkʷ ikɬtəkɬmílxʷ. I want your daughter for my wife. [CSCo4] kʷ ikstím̓ lut kʷu t̓ anx̌mínk, uɬ kʷ t̓ iksnik̓ɬxʷ məɬ kʷ k̓ast. What do I need you for? I don't want you for my son-in-law, you are awful! [CSCo5-6] p cut x̌mínkəmp p ksk̓ʷúl̕aʔx c̓x̌iɬ t sənm̓aʔm̓áʔyaʔtən. You say that you would like to organize something like a school. [EnLet.5] x̌minks axáʔ iʔ st̓əmkəʔílts axáʔ iʔ qaʔɬilmíxʷəm, qʷásqiʔ. BlueJay likes his daughter, the chief's daughter. [BJSeym 035]

x̌minkm   Morph: x̌mink+m. Etym: √x̌m. to want; to like.

Mstem. Sp x̌ménč-m he likes something; Cm x̌m–ank‑nt‑xʷ you like s.t. or s.o.; Cr x̌eminč to like, love. uc kʷ x̌mínkəm t lkapí naʔɬ lkalát. Would you like coffee and bannock? [newles 027]

x̌minknt   Morph: x̌mink+nt. Etym: √x̌m. to want; to like.

Tstem. Sp x̌ménč-m he likes something; Cm x̌m–ank‑nt‑xʷ you like s.t. or s.o.; Cr x̌eminč to like, love. Category: +nt. taʔlíʔ x̌mínkən isənʔamʔímaʔt. I like my grandchildren very much. [dict] yaʕyʕát stim̓ x̌mínkəntp uɬ xʷíc̓ɬmən. Anything you want I give to you. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ixíʔ ɬ x̌mínkəntxʷ uɬ way̓ ƛ̓aʔɬtsín. If you want her, I'll go after her for you. [dict] uɬ taʔlíʔ x̌mínkən. I want them badly. [dict] x̌əl ixíʔ kiʔ kʷu x̌minks. That's why he likes me. [dict]

x̌minkst   Morph: x̌mink+st. Etym: √x̌m. to want; to like.

Tstem. Sp x̌ménč-m he likes something; Cm x̌m–ank‑nt‑xʷ you like s.t. or s.o.; Cr x̌eminč to like, love. Category: c+^+st. waˑˑy̓ cx̌əmínksts iʔ ɬsísəncaʔs ixíʔ iʔ t ƛ̓x̌ap iʔ xíxuʔtəm. This here bigger girl liked her baby brother. [grlhd 006] kʷu cx̌əmínkstəm. He likes us. [nb22.20]

x̌mnkáwaʔ   [x̌mənkáwaʔ] Morph: x̌mnkawaʔ. Etym: √x̌m. sweetheart.

Istem. x̌mənkáwaʔ. Sweetheart. [pd] See: x̌mink.

x̌mnkiw̓s   [x̌mənkíw̓s] Morph: x̌mnkiw̓s. Etym: √x̌m. to like one another.

Istem. kʷu x̌mənkíw̓s. We like one another. [dict] See: x̌mink.

x̌mnkɬtiɬn   [x̌əmnkɬtíɬn] Morph: x̌mnkɬtiɬn. Etym: √x̌m. to like s.o.

Istem. x̌əmnkɬtíɬn. Like someone. [dict] See: x̌mink.

x̌mnkncut   [x̌mənkəncút] Morph: x̌mnk+ncut. Etym: √x̌m. to like oneself.

Istem. Category: +ncut. x̌mənkəncútəlx. They like themselves. [dict] See: x̌mink.

x̌mnkscut   [x̌mənkscút] Morph: x̌mnk+scut. Etym: √x̌m. to be affectionate; to try to endear oneself to s.o.

Istem. Category: +scut. cx̌mənkscút. He tries to make himself liked. [nb22.20] See: x̌mink.

x̌n   [x̌ən] Morph: x̌n. Variant: ax̌n; x̌. vowelless allomorph of ax̌n arm.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. skʷánx̌ən. Kidnapped; slave. [dict]

x̌nnumt   [x̌ənnúmt] Morph: x̌n+numt. Variant: x̌n̓numt. Etym: √x̌n. to get hurt.

Istem. Category: +numt. uɬ lut kʷ t̓ x̌ənnúmt uɬ i kʷ c̓qʷaqʷ. And you don't get hurt and still you cry. [RHorse 022] See: x̌n̓nu.

x̌n̓numt   [x̌ən̓númt] Morph: x̌n̓+numt. Variant: x̌nnumt. Etym: √x̌n̓. to be hurt; to get hurt.

Istem. Sp x̌n̓, čn x̌n̓-núm̓t I had an accident, I hurt myself; Cm x̌aʔnúmt be injured; become hurt; Sh x̌éne to be hurt. Category: +numt. swit iʔ x̌ən̓númt. Who is hurt? [newles 151] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ x̌ən̓númt iwá kils iʔ sk̓ʷíƛ̓təms. If [a deer] is hurt he will try to follow the others. [HnTrp 148] sx̌ənnúmtx kəm̓ sksʔayx̌ʷtáyn. They're either hurt or give out. [dict] uɬ way̓ kən ṇstils mat kʷ sxʔkínx, kʷ sx̌ənnúmt. I thought maybe something happened to you, you got hurt. [dict]

x̌n̓numtst   [x̌ən̓númtst] Morph: x̌n̓+numt+st. Etym: √x̌n̓. to get s.o. hurt.

Tstem. Category: +st. x̌ən̓núnmtstən. I got him hurt. [E66.16] See: x̌n̓numt.

x̌n̓nuncut   [x̌ən̓wəncút] Morph: x̌n̓+nu+ncut. Etym: √x̌n̓. to be hurt; to be lame or limping.

Istem. Category: +ncut. x̌ən̓wəncút. Lame. [dict] See: x̌n̓nu.

x̌n̓nunt   Morph: x̌n̓+nu+nt. Variant: x̌nnu. Etym: √x̌n. to manage to hurt s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu x̌n̓nús. He hurt me. [nb18127.14] way̓ cəm̓ x̌ən̓nús iʔ ɬsísəncaʔs. She might hurt her little brother. [grlhd 009] ʕ̓ác̓ənt cəm̓ x̌ən̓núntsən, cənʔúɬxʷəxʷ. Look, I might hurt you, come in! [grlsdd 151]

x̌píc̓aʔ   [x̌píc̓aʔ] Morph: x̌píc̓aʔ. Etym: √x̌p. to pile flat limber objects (e.g. blankets).

Istem ?. x̌píc̓aʔ. Pile things. [dict] See: x̌p.

x̌pnt   Morph: x̌p+nt. Etym: √x̌p. to stack or pile objects.

Tstem. Sp √x̌ep layers, layers upon layers; see Cm x̌a‑x̌p‑aʔ flat bag of cornhusks; Cr x̌ep pile (flat objects); Sh x̌p-em to pile up flat objects (blankets, lumber); Th √x̌əp pile flat; Li x̌əp-xál to pile up flat things. Category: +nt. x̌əpəntín. I stacked it (paper, sticks). [misc 291]

x̌p̓x̌ip̓qn   [x̌əpx̌íp̓qn] Morph: x̌p̓•x̌ip̓qn. Etym: √x̌p̓. x̌p̓x̌ip̓qn: hawk's beard (crepis cernuum).

Istem. x̌əp̓x̌íp̓qn. Hawk's beard. [TBK83]

x̌q   [x̌əq] Morph: x̌q. Etym: √x̌q. root with meaning "hole" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sp √x̌aq to make room; Sh c-x̌eq stuck in between; Th √x̌əq wedge; Li x̌ə́q-ən to put s.t. in between s.t. See: x̌qx̌aq; x̌qúlaʔxʷ.

x̌qúlaʔxʷ   [x̌əqúlaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌qúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌q. empty space; lots of room.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa iʔ səc̓awsk̓aʕʷmístx uɬ ixíʔ x̌əqúlaʔxʷ. When people go over there to have something fixed, there is plenty of room. [nb1292.7] See: x̌qx̌aq.

x̌qx̌aq   [x̌əqx̌áq] Morph: x̌q•x̌aq. Etym: √x̌q. holes.

Istem. nq̓ʷəmq̓ʷmúsənt iʔ ciyáʕ cx̌əqx̌áq. Plug all the holes! [sknkf 109] See: x̌q.

x̌q̓ɬmrimstnm   [x̌əq̓ɬmərímstnəm] Morph: x̌q̓+ɬ+mrim+st+n+m. Etym: √x̌q̓, √mrm. to pay for a cure.

Mstem. x̌əq̓ɬmərímstnm. Pay for a cure. [OkB] See: x̌aq̓; mrimstn.

x̌q̓mncut   [x̌əq̓məncút] Morph: x̌q̓+m+ncut. Etym: √x̌q̓. a price; a charge; an amount.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ kən ɬaʔ cx̌əq̓məncút. That's how much I get paid for it. [GDd1 103] See: x̌q̓ncut.

x̌q̓ncut   [x̌əq̓ncút] Morph: x̌q̓+ncut. Variant: x̌q̓mncut. Etym: √x̌q̓. a price; a charge; an amount.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ kən ɬaʔ cx̌əq̓ncút. This is how much I get for it. [GDd1 103] way̓ uɬ k̓ʷinx iʔ mnímɬəmp iʔ sql̕áwəmp ɬaʔ cx̌əq̓ncút. How much do you charge? [GDd1 129] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ x̌áq̓ən, k̓əɬc̓kəntíxʷ, kʷu m̓áyaʔɬtp iʔ ksx̌q̓əncútəmp. I'll pay for it, name the price, tell me the whole price. [dict] See: x̌q̓mncut.

x̌q̓ncutmnt   Morph: x̌q̓+ncut+m+nt. Variant: x̌q̓mncut. Etym: √x̌q̓. a price; a charge; an amount.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ kʷu x̌áq̓əntxʷ ixíʔ x̌q̓əncútməntsən. You pay me what I asked you to pay me. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ iʔ sqʷaʔqʷʔáltət, anwí k̓ɬəm̓cíntsən ixíʔ iʔ kʷu x̌q̓əncútməntxʷ. That's the bargain we made, I agreed with you on the pay you asked me. [dict] See: x̌q̓mncut.

x̌q̓x̌aq̓nt   Morph: x̌q̓•x̌aq̓+nt. Etym: √x̌q̓. to pay several.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ixíʔ x̌əq̓x̌áq̓səlx. They paid them. [grlsdd 248] See: x̌aq̓.

x̌saɬq   [x̌saɬq] Morph: x̌saɬq. Etym: √x̌s. wild gooseberry (berries) (ribes irriguum).

Istem. x̌saɬq. Wild gooseberry. [TBK107]

x̌scnitkʷ   [x̌əscnítkʷ] Morph: x̌scnitkʷ. Etym: √x̌s. good beach.

Istem. x̌əscnítkʷ. Good beach. [dict.] See: x̌s.

x̌sikstmnt   Morph: x̌sikst+m+nt. Etym: √x̌s. to do well for s.o. or s.t.; to treat s.o. well.

Tstem. Category: +nt. məɬ x̌əsíkstmsəlx iʔ ksck̓ʷúl̕səlx iʔ ksur̓ísəlp̓. They got to fix the fire just right. [drymd 010] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ lut x̌əsíkstmsəlx uɬ k̓əstwílx ixíʔ. If they don't take care of it right it'll spoil. [drymd 018] kʷu ʔamtím, kʷu láx̌tməntəm, kʷu x̌síkstməntəm. They fed us, they befriended us, they treated us well. [rdgs 136] taʔlí cx̌əsíkstəmɬmən, tuʔtíw̓ɬmən. I’m real good to you, and I baby you along. [nb1224.08] See: x̌ast; x̌s.

x̌síɬc̓aʔ   [x̌síɬc̓aʔ] Morph: x̌síɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √x̌s. meat, fish.

Istem. x̌síɬc̓aʔ. Meat, fish. [nb18220.6] See: x̌s.

x̌siɬml̕x   [x̌siɬml̕x] Morph: x̌siɬml̕x. Etym: √x̌s. wild gooseberry (ribes irriguum).

Istem. x̌siɬml̕x. Wild gooseberry. [TBK107] See: x̌s.

x̌sislp̓   [x̌sísəlp̓] Morph: x̌sislp̓. Etym: √x̌s. firewood.

Istem. iʔ qʷc̓iʔ məɬ t̓iʔ way̓ ixíʔ cən̓uʔw̓ár̓ iʔ t x̌sísəlp̓ lut iʔ ta cpuʔúl̕. Pithouses had small fires in them with wood that didn’t smoke. [WA1.88] See: x̌s.

x̌sitkʷ   [x̌sitkʷ] Morph: x̌sitkʷ. Etym: √x̌s. good, calm water.

Istem. x̌sitkʷ. Calm water. [dict] See: x̌s.

x̌skʷist   [x̌əskʷíst] Morph: x̌s+kʷis+t. Etym: √x̌s, √kʷs. to get a good hold on s.o. or s.t.

Istem. Category: +t. k̓ʷul̕st x̌əskʷíst kc̓ənc̓ənpáʕkst ki t̓qʷcin. She prepared herself, got a good hold, gripped onto him and yelled. [lpb208] See: x̌s; kʷi(n).

x̌sk̓ʷul̕nt   Morph: x̌s+k̓ʷul̕+nt. Etym: √x̌s, √k̓ʷl̕. to train s.o. well.

Tstem. Category: +nt. talí cx̌əsk̓ʷúl̕ən axáʔ inkəw̓wáp. I give good training to my horses. [RHorse 114] See: x̌s; k̓ʷul̕.

x̌slscut   [x̌əsəlscút] Morph: x̌slscut. Etym: √x̌s. to be well dressed; good clothes.

Istem. xʷuy kicx uɬ aní way̓ x̌əsəlscút. He went, got there, gee, he is well dressed. [bjmd 114] way̓ x̌əsəlscútəlx x̌ast iʔ kəw̓wápsəlx. Their outfits are pretty, their horses are beautiful. [nb1250.8] ixíʔ swiʔnúmtx, iʔ t sttəm̓tím̓s iʔ t x̌səlscút. He's handsome, with his good clothes to wear. [dict] See: x̌s.

x̌sɬcáw̓aʔt   [x̌əsɬcáwaʔt] Morph: x̌s+ɬ+cáw̓aʔt. Etym: √x̌s, √cwt. good ways.

Istem. Category: dim. aɬíʔ qʷən̓qʷán̓aʔt uɬ x̌əsɬcáwaʔt nx̌əsíls. Because she's pitiful and has got good ways, she's kind. [fatboy 195] See: x̌s; cawt.

x̌sɬt   Morph: x̌s+ɬt. Etym: √x̌s. to make s.t. better.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. mi siwntxʷ ɬə ksx̌əsɬtsís aspuʔús, aspaʔpaʔsílx. You will ask that he makes your feelings and your worries better. [su7q̓im 262b] See: x̌ast.

x̌smncut   [x̌əsməncút] Morph: x̌s+mncut. Etym: √x̌s. to try.

Istem. Category: +ncut. ʕapnáʔ kən x̌əsməncút. Now I'll try again. [nb2553.9]

x̌snunt   Morph: x̌s+nu+nt. Etym: √x̌s. to manage to get s.t. well.

Tstem. Category: +nt. x̌əsnún. I finally got it good enough. [E69.2] See: x̌s.

x̌spuʔús   [x̌əspuʔús] Morph: x̌s+puʔ꞊ús. Etym: √x̌s, √pʔ. peace.

Istem. x̌əspuʔús. Peace. [dict] See: x̌s; spuʔús.

x̌ssmilx   [x̌əsəsmílx] Morph: x̌s•s+m+ílx. Etym: √x̌s. to get well; to improve.

Istem. Category: +ilx. ʔíɬəntxʷ iʔ sp̓íƛ̓əm, uɬ x̌əsəsmílx asq̓lq̓ílt. Eat the bitterroot, and whatever ails you will improve. [mychildr 192] See: x̌s.

x̌ssnunt   Morph: x̌s•s+nu+nt. Etym: √x̌s. to succeed in doing s.t. well.

Tstem. Category: +nt. taɬt x̌əssnúntxʷ. You did well. [nb26-10 016] See: x̌snu; x̌s.

x̌sst   [x̌əsəst] Morph: x̌s•s+t. Etym: √x̌s. s.t. turns out well.

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ kʷu ɬwintp, náx̌əmɬ way̓ kən x̌sˑtwilx [kən sx̌əsˑtwílxəx]. You left me, but I got well. [su7q̓im 117] See: x̌s.

x̌sstiʔst   [x̌səstíʔst] Morph: x̌s•s+t+iʔst. Etym: √x̌s. to get lucky; to run into good luck.

Istem. Category: +iʔst. n̓ín̓w̓iʔs ixíʔ wíkəntsən kʷ ɬaʔ x̌səstíʔst. I'll see you if you get lucky. [nb26-09 009] kʷu x̌səstíʔst. We ran into good luck. [nb20.76a] See: x̌sst.

x̌ssʕ̓ac̓c̓   [x̌əssʕ̓ác̓əc̓] Morph: x̌s•s+ʕ̓ac̓•c̓. Etym: √x̌s. beautiful looking.

Istem. x̌əssʕ̓ác̓əc̓. Beautiful looking. [dict] See: x̌s; ʕ̓ac̓.

x̌st   [x̌əst] Morph: x̌s+t. Etym: √x̌s. s.t. is good.

Istem. Category: +t. niʕ̓íp ksx̌stmíxaʔx mi put ɬk̓ɬkicx k̓əl ʕapnáʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt, ixíʔ. There will be plenty of good food until next year this day. [mychildr 200] cm̓ay t̓i kʷ ɬ x̌íləm itíʔ, cm̓ay lut ksx̌əstmíxaʔx k̓ anwí. If you do that, no good will come to you. [su7q̓im 292] way̓ stim̓ t̓i lut t̓ə sx̌əstmíx. Something is not right. [nb2553.7] See: x̌ast; x̌s.

x̌stitkʷ   [x̌əstítkʷ] Morph: x̌s+titkʷ. Etym: √x̌s. good in the water.

Istem. x̌stitkʷ. Good in the water. [nb21.153a] See: x̌st.

x̌stlsmíst   [x̌əstəlsmíst] Morph: x̌s+tls+míst. Etym: √x̌s. to be satisfied.

Istem. Category: +mist. way̓ xʷíc̓xəts t ksqəlaw̓s, ixíʔ mat k̓ʷək̓ʷínaʔ píqsxən t̓i ksx̌əstəlsmístaʔx. The he gave him some money, just a little silver to satisfy him. [nb1232.1] See: x̌st.

x̌stminm   Morph: x̌s+t+min+m. Etym: √x̌s. to like s.t. or s.o.; to enjoy s.t. or s.o.; to have good feelings toward s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. t̓əxʷ mat lut t̓ə sx̌əstmínəmsəlx ixíʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ iʔ naʔɬ tətwít. Maybe they didnʼt have good feelings about this old woman and this boy. [cre9] See: x̌st.

x̌stmint   Morph: x̌s+t+mi+nt. Etym: √x̌s. to like s.t. or s.o.; to enjoy s.t. or s.o.; to have good feelings toward s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ x̌əstmíntsən. I enjoyed you. [feb94 082] taʔlíʔ x̌əstmín iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ kʷu ckʷəlstúɬtxʷ. I really like the worker you sent me. [feb94 085] mat kʷu x̌əstmíntxʷ. You must like me. [feb94 086] taʔkín iʔ ksq̓sápiʔs iʔ kscaláʔmp ɬ x̌stmíntp iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕əmp. How long are you going to stay if you like your jobs? [dict] See: x̌st.

x̌stmist   Morph: x̌s+t+mi+st. Etym: √x̌s. to like s.t. or s.o.; to enjoy s.t. or s.o.; to have good feelings toward s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. haʔ cx̌əstmístxʷ kʷ ɬaʔ c̓kam. Do you like doing math (counting)? [newles 280] See: x̌st.

x̌stwilx   [x̌əstwílx] Morph: x̌s+t+wilx. Etym: √x̌s. to get better.

Istem. Category: +wilx. məɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔs put kən x̌əstwílx mi sic kən c̓ácqaʔ. I'll get entirely well before I come out. [lnx2 253] ntqúsəs iʔ qʷəlmín uɬ taʔx̌ílsts uɬ x̌əstwílx. He put his hand on the ashes, did like that, and it healed. [cnebdd 058] yayʕát sx̌əlx̌ʕált kʷ scx̌əstwílxəx. You are feeling better every day. [newles 072] itlíʔ uɬ x̌əstwílx ixíʔ təl kɬl̕ilxʷ ixíʔ. He got well from Spotted Lake. [su7q̓im 113] mi n̓ín̓w̓iʔs ɬx̌əstwílx aspuʔús. And then you'll feel good again. [su7q̓im 263] See: x̌st.

x̌stwilxst   [x̌əstwílxst] Morph: x̌s+t+wilx+st. Etym: √x̌s. to make s.o. well; to cure s.o.

Tstem. Category: +st. ixíʔ iʔ ksisyústəns iʔ knaqs ɬə ksx̌əstwílxsts. That is a person’s power to cure. [Bun.14] See: x̌stwilx.

x̌súlaʔxʷ   [x̌súlaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌súlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌s. open country; smooth ground; prairie.

Istem. Sp x̌súleʔxʷ good ground, open ground, there's no trouble anywhere. way̓ kən k̓əɬk̓ʷƛ̓áp aɬíʔ uɬ sx̌əsúlaʔxʷəxʷ [iʔ] ksxʷúytəntət. I came in sight, it was open country where we were headed. [HnTrp 047] uɬ náx̌əmɬ iʔ l x̌súlaʔxʷ kʷ ɬ tiɬx. But if you stand in the open... [HnTrp 127] aɬíʔ mat x̌súlaʔxʷ, mat spíləm, lut t̓a kɬxəwíɬ. Maybe it's level ground, open and level, there's no road. [GDd2 049] See: x̌s.

x̌sx̌ast   [x̌əsx̌ást] Morph: x̌s•x̌as+t. Etym: √x̌s. good; pretty.

Istem. Category: +t. x̌əsx̌ást, t̓iʔ mək̓máʕk̓ So pretty and big. [bjmd 074] See: x̌ast.

x̌sx̌sikst   [x̌əsx̌síkst] Morph: x̌s•x̌sikst. Etym: √x̌s. be good at s.t. with the hands; be good at something.

Istem. talíʔ anwí kʷ x̌əsx̌síkst. You are very good with your hands. [newles 084] taɬt anwí kʷ x̌əsx̌síkst. You're very good at that. [nb26-07 002] uɬ axáʔ kʷ ɬ q̓ʷəyməncút kʷ x̌əsx̌síkst... If when you dance you dance well... [blkpg 057] See: x̌sikstm.

x̌sx̌snuxʷ   [x̌əsx̌əsnúxʷ] Morph: x̌s•x̌snuxʷ. Etym: √x̌s. good weather.

Istem. axáʔ iʔ sk̓ay̓ámsəlx x̌əsx̌əsnúxʷəlx. They have good days and they fall hunt. [RnTrp 066] See: x̌s.

x̌sx̌spʔiwt   [x̌əsx̌əspʔíwt] Morph: x̌s•x̌s+pʔiwt. Etym: √x̌s. to benefit.

Istem. kʷu x̌əsx̌əspʔíwt. We will benefit; good will happens to us. [nb23 124] See: x̌s.

x̌sx̌sqinxn   [x̌əsx̌əsqínxṇ] Morph: x̌s•x̌sqinxn. Etym: √x̌s. good knees.

Istem. ixíʔ sc̓əl̕c̓əl̕qínxnəms kəm̓ x̌əsx̌əsqínxən. He put their legs up just like he had good knees. [sknkf 022] See: x̌s.

x̌sx̌stwilx   [x̌əsx̌əstwílx] Morph: x̌s•x̌s+t+wilx. Etym: √x̌s. several get well.

Istem. Category: +wilx. kʷu x̌sx̌stwilx. We got well. [dict] See: x̌stwilx.

x̌sʕac̓c̓   [x̌əsʕác̓əc̓] Morph: x̌s+ʕac̓•c̓. Etym: √x̌s, √ʕc̓. good to look at; good looking.

Istem. tanm̓ús kiʔtlaxʷs sx̌əsʕác̓əc̓x. It's just good to look at. [AutPS 256] i way̓ x̌əsʕác̓əc̓ iʔ kɬkʷilxʷ swit aɬíʔ sƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔ He is sure a good looking horse, no wonder it's a race horse. [RHorse 136] uɬ taʔlíʔ nq̓əmscínməntəm iʔ saʔstáms, aɬíʔ uɬ x̌əsʕ̓ác̓əc̓. She got stuck on her brother-in-law, because he looks good. [nb2575.4-5] See: x̌s; ʕac̓.

x̌sʔiɬn   [x̌sʔiɬn] Morph: x̌s+ʔiɬn. Etym: √x̌s, √ʔɬn. good eating.

Istem. kʷu npq̓ʷítkʷəm uɬ már̓wiʔntəm t sp̓íƛ̓əm uɬ x̌əsʔíɬən. We make pudding, and mix them with saskatoons and it's good eating. [rdgs 117] See: x̌s; ʔiɬn.

x̌w̓am   Morph: x̌w̓a+m. Etym: √x̌w̓. to dry s.t.

Mstem. This root may be cognate with √x̌w-like roots in the other IS language, all glossed as raw. Category: +am. kəm̓ xiʔmíx ksx̌əw̓míxaʔx iʔ ta nsiwɬkʷ məɬ x̌əw̓ám ta nsiwɬkʷ. It's for anybody to dry fish, and he dries fish. [drymd 038]

x̌w̓ant   Morph: x̌w̓a+nt. Etym: √x̌w̓. to dry s.t.

Tstem. This root may be cognate with √x̌w-like roots in the other IS language, all glossed as raw. Category: +ant. x̌w̓ánt. Dry it! [dict]

x̌w̓ap   [x̌w̓ap] Morph: x̌w̓a+p. Etym: √x̌w. to be dry mouthed.

Istem. Category: +ap. ilmíxʷəm uɬ lut itíʔ x̌əw̓áp iʔ smaʔmʔím. He was a chief and the women are just about dry mouthed. [blkpg 004] See: x̌w̓(a).

x̌w̓aw̓   [x̌əw̓áw̓] Morph: x̌w̓•aw̓. Etym: √x̌w̓. to be or get dried.

Istem. Lit: He is dry-(mouthed). yaʕyáʕt stim̓ cx̌aw̓, yaʕyáʕt stim̓ x̌əw̓áw̓ kaʔ ckʷum. Everything is dried, all has to be dried and then put away. [mychildr 218] cx̌əw̓áw̓. He is stuck on something. [nb25-20 014] way̓ xʷʔit aɬíʔ iʔ sq̓ʷíɬtsəlx iʔ x̌əw̓áw̓. They packed lots of dried meat. [LynxS 351] ixíʔ məɬ x̌lap lut ksx̌əw̓áw̓s iʔ skskʷalts iʔ l sqiltks. In the morning the sweat won’t be dry on his body. [nb1239.7] See: x̌w̓(a).

x̌w̓aw̓ t síyaʔ   [x̌w̓aw̓ ta síysaʔ] Morph: x̌w̓•aw̓ t s+íyaʔ. Etym: √x̌ʷ; √yʔ. raisins (vitis vinifera).

phrasal. x̌w̓aw̓ ta síyaʔ. Raisins. [TBK143] See: x̌w̓aw̓; síyaʔ.

x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ   [x̌əw̓íɬcaʔ] Morph: x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √x̌w̓. dry meat.

Istem. See: x̌w̓aw̓.

x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔm   [x̌əw̓íɬcaʔm] Morph: x̌w̓íɬc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √x̌w̓. to dry meat.

Mstem. t̓i xiʔmíx caʔkʷ swit ksx̌əw̓íɬc̓aʔx uɬ x̌əw̓íɬcaʔm. Anybody wants to dry meat dries meat. [drymd 037] See: x̌wíɬc̓aʔ; x̌w̓aw̓.

x̌w̓ɬt   Morph: x̌w̓+ɬt. Etym: √x̌w̓. to dry s.t.

Tstem. This root may be cognate with √x̌w-like roots in the other IS language, all glossed as raw. Category: +ɬt. ixíʔ uɬ x̌w̓əɬtím. She started drying them. [dict]

x̌w̓ncut   [x̌əw̓ncút] Morph: x̌w̓+ncut. Etym: √x̌w. to dry oneself.

Istem. Category: +ncut. uɬ aɬíʔ ckurkn̓íɬxʷəlx scx̌əw̓əncútxəlx. Their fire is outside the tipi, they're drying themselves. [RnTrp 040] See: x̌w̓(a).

x̌w̓nt   Morph: x̌w̓+nt. Etym: √x̌w̓. to dry s.t.

Tstem. This root may be cognate with √x̌w-like roots in the other IS language, all glossed as raw. Category: +nt. x̌w̓əntísəlx x̌əw̓w̓álqʷ. They dry the sticks dry. [dict] yaʕyáʕt iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sʔiɬns, kʷúmsəlx, x̌əw̓ntísəlx. All the people's foods, they store it, they dry it. [mychildr 216]

x̌w̓w̓alqʷ   [x̌əw̓w̓álqʷ] Morph: x̌w̓•w̓alqʷ. Etym: √x̌w̓. dried sticks; sticks get dry.

Istem. x̌əw̓w̓álqʷ iʔ kɬcq̓ílənsəlx, mi uɬ yəɬəntíˑˑsəlx təɬəmstísəlx. The sticks for the arrows have to be dry, and then they straighten them. [BJSeym 129] x̌w̓əntísəlx x̌əw̓w̓álqʷ, xʷƛ̓əntísəlx məɬ ʔíp̓əs. They dry the sticks dry, they whittle them, and they wipe them. [dict] See: x̌w̓aw̓.

x̌w̓x̌aw̓   [x̌əw̓x̌áw̓] Morph: x̌w̓•x̌aw̓. Etym: √x̌w̓. s.t. not liquid is dry.

Istem. x̌əw̓x̌áw̓. Dry. [nb1876.8] See: x̌w̓(a).

x̌w̓x̌w̓aw̓   [x̌əw̓x̌w̓áw̓] Morph: x̌w̓•x̌w̓•aw̓. Etym: √x̌w̓. to be getting dry.

Istem. cut way̓ xʷustx way̓ uɬ kʷu x̌əw̓x̌w̓áw̓, kʷu kɬəwɬwníkstaʔx. They said hurry up, we are getting dry, we're going to let go. [cogrzd 068] See: x̌w̓aw̓.

x̌w̓x̌w̓ilx   [x̌əw̓x̌w̓ílx] Morph: x̌w̓+x̌w̓+ilx. Etym: √x̌w̓. to be in a bind.

Istem. Category: +ilx. cx̌əw̓x̌w̓ílx. He is in a bind. [nb25-20 015]

x̌w̓x̌w̓ɬt   Morph: x̌w̓•x̌w̓+ɬt. Etym: √x̌w̓. to dry s.t.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. way̓, ixíʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ɬtəm iʔ q̓aʔxáns, ixíʔ x̌əw̓x̌əw̓ɬtím. Well, she took his moccasins off, she dried them. [BJSeym 384]

x̌w̓x̌w̓us   [x̌əw̓x̌əw̓ús] Morph: x̌w̓•x̌w̓us. Etym: √x̌w̓. to be eager to do s.t.; to wish for s.t.

Istem. Lit: the eyes get dry over ... See Sp hi x̌ʷuʔ he’s eager to please. uɬ aɬíʔ swit kʷa iʔ sx̌əw̓x̌əw̓úscəlx iʔ sqilxʷ pnicíʔ. At that time the people were always looking for an excuse to gather. [GDd2 727] sx̌əw̓x̌əw̓ústslx iʔ t̓axt. They wished for candy. [E45.14]

x̌x̌aq   [x̌əx̌áq] Morph: x̌•x̌aq. Etym: √x̌q. a hole; a place.

Istem. Category: dim. məɬ k̓aʔx̌ís ixíʔ cx̌əx̌áq. There is a little hole there. [sknkf 083] axáʔ iʔ l k̓ɬənk̓míp ilíʔ t̓i kmix ilíʔ kiʔ cx̌əx̌áq. Only by the door there is a little place. [LynxS 115] See: x̌aq.

x̌x̌ay̓   [x̌əx̌áy̓] Morph: x̌•x̌ay̓. Etym: √x̌y. red hawthorn (berries) (crataegus columbiana).

Istem. Sp x̌x̌éy̓-t columbian hawthorn. x̌əx̌áy̓. Hawthorn. [TBK123]

x̌x̌ay̓íɬp   [x̌əx̌ay̓íɬp] Morph: x̌•x̌ay̓ɬp. Etym: √x̌y̓. red thornberry bush.

Istem. x̌əx̌ay̓íɬp. Red thornberry bush. [OkB] See: x̌x̌ay̓.

x̌x̌ay̓t   [x̌əx̌áy̓t] Morph: x̌•x̌ay̓+t. Etym: √x̌y̓. red thornberry.

Istem. Category: +t. x̌əx̌áy̓t. Thornberry. [OkB] See: x̌x̌ay̓.

x̌x̌aʕl̕   [x̌əx̌áʕl̕] Morph: x̌•x̌al̕. Etym: √x̌ʕl. a drinking glass.

Istem. Category: dim. x̌x̌aʕl̕ A drinking glass. [pd] See: x̌aʕl.

x̌x̌aʕp   [x̌əx̌áʕp] Morph: x̌•x̌aʕ+p. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to be cool, breezy, drafty.

Istem. Category: dim, +p. way̓ x̌əx̌áʕp iʔ sniwt. The air is cool, breezy. [nb1876.11] mat x̌əx̌áʕp. It's breezy. [nb1888.10] See: x̌aʕp.

x̌x̌aʕús   [x̌əx̌aʕús] Morph: x̌•x̌aʕús. Etym: √x̌ʕ. to fan s.t. or s.o.

Istem. Category: dim. x̌x̌aʕús. Fan. [dict] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌x̌aʕ̓n̓cútn̓   [x̌əx̌aʕ̓n̓cútn̓] Morph: x̌•x̌aʕ̓+n̓cút+n̓. Etym: √x̌ʕ. a little fan.

Istem. Category: dim, +tn. x̌x̌ʕan̓cútn. Fan. [nb26-34 013] See: x̌aʕ.

x̌x̌aʔx̌aʔlaʔxʷúpaʔs   [x̌əx̌aʔx̌aʔlaʔxʷúpaʔs] Morph: x̌•x̌aʔ•x̌aʔlaʔxʷúpaʔs. Etym: √x̌ʔ. salmon-colored collomia (collomia grandiflora).

Istem. Category: dim. x̌əx̌aʔx̌aʔlaʔxʷúpaʔs. Collomia. [TBK111]

x̌x̌lúlaʔxʷtn   [x̌əx̌lúlaʔxʷtṇ] Morph: x̌•x̌lúlaʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √x̌l. hoe.

Istem. Category: +tn. x̌x̌lúlaʔxʷtn. Hoe. [dict]

x̌x̌m̓aʕɬ   [x̌x̌m̓aʕɬ] Morph: x̌•x̌m̓aʕɬ. Etym: √x̌m̓ʕɬ. (house)fly.

Istem. Sp:hámaɬ-tn, housefly, x̌máɬ-tn (Ka) housefly; Cm máɬtəxʷ housefly; Cr hamáɬtmš fly (lit. swarming tribe). ɬc̓ápəntxʷ iʔ x̌əx̌m̓áʕɬ. You hit the fly on the head. [nb26-62 005]

x̌x̌n̓ɬip   [x̌əx̌ən̓ɬíp] Morph: x̌•x̌n̓+ɬip. Etym: √x̌n̓. nine ropes or eggs, or trees.

Istem. x̌əx̌n̓ɬíp. Nine eggs, ropes, trees... [nb26-54 19] See: x̌x̌n̓ut.

x̌x̌n̓ɬus   [x̌əx̌ən̓ɬús] Morph: x̌•x̌n̓+ɬus. Etym: √x̌n̓. nine berries.

Istem. x̌əx̌n̓ɬús. nine berries. [misc 179] See: x̌x̌n̓ut.

x̌x̌n̓ɬʔupnkst   [x̌əx̌n̓ɬʔúpənkst] Morph: x̌•x̌n̓+ɬ+ʔupnkst. Etym: √x̌nt, √ʔpn. ninety.

Istem. Category: Num. misc 188 Ninety. [Ninety.] See: x̌x̌n̓ut; ʔupnkst.

x̌x̌n̓talqs   [x̌x̌ən̓tálqs] Morph: x̌•x̌n̓+talqs. Etym: √x̌n̓. x̌x̌n̓talqs.

Istem. Category: wName. txʷúyməntəm iʔ t sqəltmíxʷ iʔ pəptwínaxʷ, scústsəlx tə x̌x̌ən̓tálqs. The man went up to the old lady, they call her x̌x̌ən̓tálqs. [cre4]

x̌x̌n̓ut   [x̌əx̌n̓út] Morph: x̌•x̌n̓ut. Etym: √x̌n̓. nine.

Istem. Sp x̌x̌n̓ut nine; Cm x̌‑x̌n̓ut nine; Cr x̌a+x̌an̓+út nine. Category: Num. x̌əx̌n̓út. nine. [nb26-54 18]

x̌x̌sáɬc̓aʔ   [x̌əx̌sáɬc̓aʔ] Morph: x̌•x̌sáɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √x̌s. good meat.

Istem. unáxʷ x̌əx̌sáɬc̓aʔ. It's really good meat. [chipdd 026] See: x̌síɬc̓aʔ.

x̌x̌síw̓aʔs   [x̌əx̌síw̓aʔs] Morph: x̌•x̌síw̓aʔs. Etym: √x̌s. a small field.

Istem. Category: dim. kɬx̌əx̌síw̓aʔs. There is a little field. [dict] See: x̌s.

x̌x̌smilx   [x̌əx̌əsmílx] Morph: x̌•x̌s+m+ilx. Etym: √x̌s. to feel better.

Istem. Category: dim, +ilx. uɬ way̓ sic c̓x̌iɬt p t ɬaʔɬaʔxʷísk̓it way̓ p t x̌əx̌əsmílx way̓. When you are rested, when you feel better. [2gts 122] See: x̌s.

x̌x̌snúxʷaʔm   Morph: x̌•x̌s+núxʷaʔ+m. Etym: √x̌s. to like to do s.t.; to get a kick out of s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. isəcx̌əx̌snúxʷaʔm. I'm getting a kick out of it. [mn2578/13] See: x̌s.

x̌x̌snúxʷaʔst   Morph: x̌•x̌s+núxʷaʔ+st. Etym: √x̌s. to like to do s.t.; to get a kick out of s.t.

Tstem. Category: +st. x̌əx̌snúxʷaʔstxʷ ɬaʔ ck̓ʷul̕stxʷ. You like to do that. [nb27-37 003] See: x̌s.

x̌x̌stmamn   [x̌əx̌stmámən] Morph: x̌•x̌s+t+m+amn. Etym: √x̌s. to talk funny; to be interesting or entertaining.

Istem. Sp x̌s-t-m̓-ém̓n̓ a cute person. a comical person. x̌x̌s-t-m̓-ém̓n̓ it's an amusing situation. He's cute. Category: +amn. t̓i kʷ ksx̌əx̌stmámnaʔx. You want to be funny (so people will laugh). [nb10a 022] way̓ ah, axáʔ yaʕyáʕt ʕʷəyʕʷəyncútəlx aɬíʔ uɬ x̌əx̌stmámən. They all laughed, because they looked funny. [RnTrp 063] See: x̌stmi(n).

x̌x̌súlaʔxʷ   [x̌əx̌súlaʔxʷ] Morph: x̌•x̌súlaʔxʷ. Etym: √x̌s. 1 • a clearing in the land.

Istem. Category: dim. t̓i pútiʔ náx̌əmɬ nw̓íw̓aʔst, way̓ t̓i x̌əx̌súlaʔxʷ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. It was still a little high, there is a nice clearing in the land. [BK11]

2 • Istem. x̌x̌súlaʔxʷ: former village site on the north side of the Columbia, east from an area known recently as Wynhoff Cove. Lit: small area of good land

x̌súlaʔxʷ.Istem. Category: Geog.

x̌x̌sx̌ásaʔt   [x̌əx̌sx̌ásaʔt] Morph: x̌•x̌s•x̌ás+aʔt. Etym: √x̌s. to be pretty.

Istem. Category: dim, +aʔt. waˑˑy̓ kiʔ x̌əx̌sx̌ásaʔt iʔ xəxíw̓xuʔtəm. The girls are so pretty. [bjmd 075] See: x̌sx̌ást.

x̌x̌sx̌sálaʔqʷ   [x̌əx̌sx̌sálaʔqʷ] Morph: x̌•x̌s•x̌sálaʔqʷ. Etym: √x̌s. good sprouts.

Istem. Category: dim. way̓ x̌əx̌sx̌sálaʔqʷ t̓i put iʔ siʔl̕yúl̕aʔts. Nice shoots, just the right size. [GDd1 643] See: x̌s.

x̌x̌yaɬnxʷ   [x̌əx̌əyáɬnəxʷ] Morph: x̌•x̌yaɬnxʷ. Etym: √x̌yɬ. Variant: x̌x̌y̓aɬnxʷ; x̌x̌y̓aɬn̓xʷ; x̌x̌yaɬnx̌ʷ. hour; clock; watch.

Istem. Category: dim. x̌əx̌əyáɬnəxʷ. Clock, hour. [nb23 086] uɬ kʷáʕta i l naqs sx̌əlx̌ʕált isqláw i[xíʔ] mat ʔupənkst x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ. I got paid two bits a day, maybe ten hours. [Hrvst 231] kʷa aɬíʔ cq̓ay̓ put pənkín̓ x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ iʔ l sx̌lap. It's written down just what time in the morning. [Nams 085] uɬ axáʔ iʔ x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ luˑwíw̓s la ntəx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. The clock rang twelve o'clock. [GDd2 584] axáʔ iʔ x̌əx̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ líwmstəm iʔ la ntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. The clock struck twelve noon. [dict] ixíʔ uɬ nɬək̓ʷk̓ʷmín naʔɬccám x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷs. Then I thought of it, I remember it was a watch. [GDd1 476] kʷu qʷaʔqʷʔál uɬ t̓əxʷ mi ʔasíl x̌əx̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ. We talked until two o'clock. [dict] See: x̌yaɬnxʷ.

x̌x̌yaɬnx̌ʷ   [x̌əx̌əyáɬnəx̌ʷ] Morph: x̌•x̌yaɬnx̌ʷ. Etym: √x̌yɬ. Variant: x̌x̌yaɬnxʷ; x̌x̌y̓aɬnxʷ; x̌x̌y̓aɬn̓xʷ. hour; clock; watch.

Istem. Ques: xʷ not ? x̌ʷ Category: dim. See: x̌yaɬnxʷ.

x̌x̌y̓aɬnxʷ   [x̌əx̌y̓aɬnəxʷ] Morph: x̌•x̌y̓aɬnxʷ. Etym: √x̌y. Variant: x̌x̌yaɬnxʷ; x̌x̌y̓aɬnxʷ; x̌x̌y̓aɬn̓xʷ. hour, watch, clock.

Istem. Category: dim. See: x̌yaɬnxʷ.

x̌x̌y̓aɬn̓xʷ   [x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ] Morph: x̌•x̌y̓aɬn̓xʷ. Variant: x̌x̌y̓aɬnxʷ; x̌x̌yaɬnxʷ; x̌x̌y̓aɬnx̌ʷ. Etym: √x̌yɬ. watch; o'clock in expressions of time of day.

Istem. Category: dim. way̓ ksx̌an təl naqs x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ. It's past one o'clock. [newles 303] kʷu qʷaʔqʷʔál uɬ t̓əxʷ mi ʔasíl x̌əx̌y̓áɬn̓əxʷ. We talked until two o'clock. [nbʔ.6a] See: x̌yaɬnxʷ.

x̌x̌y̓iɬp   [x̌əx̌ay̓íɬp, x̌əx̌ʔíɬp] Morph: x̌•x̌y̓iɬp. Etym: √x̌y. 1 • x̌x̌y̓iɬp: red hawthorn (crataegus columbiana).

Istem. x̌əx̌ay̓íɬp. Hawthorn. [TBK123]

2 • Istem. x̌x̌y̓iɬp: small thornbush.

Istem. x̌əx̌ʔíɬp. Small thorn bush. [nb26-28 00]

x̌x̌ʔikn   [x̌əx̌ʔíkṇ] Morph: x̌•x̌ʔikn. Etym: √x̌ʔ. x̌x̌ʔikn.

Istem. Category: wName. x̌x̌ʔikn. Woman's name. [OkB]

x̌x̌ʔiɬp   [x̌əx̌ʔiɬp] Morph: x̌•x̌y̓iɬp. Etym: √x̌y̓. thornbush.

Istem. See: x̌x̌y̓iɬp.

x̌x̌ʔútyaʔ   [x̌əx̌ʔútyaʔ] Morph: x̌•x̌ʔútyaʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be weak.

Istem. knaqs k̓ʷəc̓k̓ʷác̓t uɬ iʔ knaqs cx̌əx̌ʔútyaʔ. One strong and one weak (e.g. two brothers born too close together). [nb27-33 04] See: x̌ʔútyaʔ.

x̌yaɬnxʷ   [x̌yáɬnəxʷ] Morph: x̌yaɬnxʷ. Etym: √x̌yɬ. Variant: x̌yaɬnx̌ʷ. month; sun; moon; sundown.


x̌yaɬnxʷm   [x̌yáɬnəxʷəm] Morph: x̌yaɬnxʷ+m. Variant: x̌yaɬnx̌ʷm. Etym: √x̌yɬ. to menstruate.

Mstem. See: x̌yaɬnxʷ.

x̌yaɬnx̌ʷ   [x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ] Morph: x̌yaɬnx̌ʷ. Etym: √x̌yɬ. Variant: x̌yaɬnxʷ. month; sun; moon; sundown.

Istem. Lit: evening moon Ques: xʷ or x̌ʷ x̌iyáɬnx̌ʷ. Sun. [OkB] l̕ snkʷukʷʔác x̌iyáɬnx̌ʷ. Moon. [OkB] way̓ ixíʔ q̓ʷəq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəms iʔ x̌yáɬnəxʷ. (Before the sun sets) he races with the sunset. [su7q̓im 039] uɬ ixíʔ k̓ʷúl̕səlx iʔ x̌əyáɬnəxʷ uɬ iʔ sənkʷəkʷʔác iʔ x̌əyáɬnəxʷ. And they made the sun and the (night) moon. [crea84] x̌lap put ixíʔ sxlákəks iʔ x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ, ixíʔ mi kʷu ɬyaʕ aláʔ. Tomorrow just when the sun turns, we'll gather back here. [dict] way̓ kɬxən̓úsəs iʔ x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ, way̓ ṇk̓ʷúl̕cnəm. The sun was going down, the weather fixed the sky. [dict] pútiʔ kɬx̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ lútiʔ sk̓laxʷs. There was still sun, it wasn't evening. [dict]

x̌yaɬnx̌ʷm   [x̌yáɬnəx̌ʷəm] Morph: x̌yaɬnx̌ʷ+m. Variant: x̌yaɬnxʷm. Etym: √x̌yɬ. to menstruate.

Mstem. x̌yáɬnəxʷəm. Menstruate (word a woman might prefer to ɬəɬx̌ʷúm̓). [nb25-70 001]

x̌y̓ilx   [x̌iʔílx, x̌ʔilx] Morph: x̌y̓ilx. Etym: √x̌y̓. to go after s.t.; to raid; to attack.

Istem. Sp √x̌y, x̌y-ílš he went and showed himself in battle...; hec-x̌y-ílš-i he's preparing for war; Cr √x̌yš x̌eyiš revenge. See ? Cm x̌ilx̌a‑s‑tiyaʔ to challenge in battle, go to war, go on a raid. pna swit iʔ ksx̌ʔílxaʔx. Somebody is going after it. [cobuf4] q̓sápiʔ ɬə x̌iʔilx k̓əl stq̓ʷáyxən k̓əl stq̓ʷəyxnúlaʔxʷ, iʔ k̓a kst̓m̓aʕɬt. Long ago they went after buffalo, to buffalo country, for buffalo. [cobuf1]

x̌y̓ilxnt   Morph: x̌y̓ilx+nt. Etym: √x̌y̓. to go after s.t.; to raid; to attack.

Tstem. Sp √x̌y, x̌y-ílš he went and showed himself in battle...; hec-x̌y-ílš-i he's preparing for war; Cr √x̌yš x̌eyiš revenge. See ? Cm x̌ilx̌a‑s‑tiyaʔ to challenge in battle, go to war, go on a raid. Category: +nt. kʷu x̌iʔílxəntəm. They attacked us. [E7]

x̌ʔútyaʔ   [x̌əʔútyaʔ] Morph: x̌ʔ+útyaʔ. Etym: √x̌ʔ. to be feeble or weak.

Istem. kən cx̌ʔútyaʔ. I'm feeble. [nb27-28 005] yaʔx̌ís əcx̌ʔútyaʔ. He's unable to do anything. [nb27-28 007]