
l   [ḷ] Morph: l. Variant: la. locative particle (preceded by iʔ) with various senses.

1 • in, on.

Lit: It landed in my heart.pcl. Category: loc. lut akswíkəm iʔ sc̓ʔak̓ʷ axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, lut. You wouldn't see flowers on this earth, no. [mychildr 147] iʔ l sənk̓áʕmən way̓ cwíkstən, məɬ iʔ q̓ʷʕáylqs yayʕát iʔ stim̓ xkínəm. In the church I have seen how the priests do things. [su7q̓im 283] iʔ l sx̌lilp. On the floor. [nb26-34 005] nxʷaxʷístx iʔ l citxʷ. Walk around in the house! [nb26-34 019] wtəntís iʔ kstqpíʔstn̩ axáʔ iʔ l cq̓ílən. He puts feathers on the arrow. [dict] uc ʕ̓ac̓ntxʷ iʔ l kʷríʔxən. Did you look in the yellow pages? [newles 103] iʔ l aspuʔús way̓ cmistín. I know what's in your mind. [su7q̓im 257e] t̓k̓ʷak̓ʷ iʔ l ispuʔús. It came to me. [su7q̓im 245] atwán ixíʔ iʔ l inqʷəlqʷíltn askʷíst. Atwan is your name in my language. [su7q̓im 286]

2 • pcl. with expressions of time. caʔkʷ ɬa kɬx̌əx̌y̓áɬn̓əxʷ, caʔkʷ ʕapnáʔ way̓ iʔ l x̌əx̌n̓út kəm̓ ʔupnkst t̓i itíʔ. If he had a watch, it would be nine or ten, somewhere there. [su7q̓im 193] lut inx̌mínk iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác iksxʷylwís. I don’t like to travel around late. [dict] lut t̓ə qɬnus ksxʷists iʔ l sk̓laxʷ. He wouldn't be able to walk the whole day. [dict] uɬ la ʔkín kʷ xʔkínəm mi kʷ kslip̓ axáʔ iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác. Where can you go to get wood in this dark night? [dict] iʔ l sk̓laxʷ məɬ n̩k̓ʷúl̕cnəm. In the evening the weather fixes the day, the sky forecasts the weather. [dict] náx̌əmɬ way̓ ixíʔ k̓aʔtásq̓ət iʔ l sx̌əlx̌áʕlt ʕapnáʔ t̓əxʷ iʔ l ckyaʕptántət, ixíʔ uɬ kʷu ɬxʷuy. When the time comes close to the day when we got here, that's when we will go back. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ lut anwí kʷ isənt̓inaʔscút iʔ l kʷu qʷəlqʷílstxʷ. I didn’t dispute your word when you talked to me. [dict] uɬ t spəpl̕ínaʔ xʷʔíltəm məɬ k̓əwáp l ixíxiʔ. And then Rabbit held it too and for a little while it stopped (crying). [grlsdd 103]

3 • pcl. for. uɬ ixíʔ l akstəm̓tím̓, l akscʔíɬən. This is for your clothes, for your food. c̓kin ɬaʔ ck̓əɬc̓əkstíxʷ iʔ l scƛ̓ləlmíx iʔ kstəm̓tím̓. How much do you charge for dead people’s clothes? way̓ uɬ ilíʔ kən k̓ʷúl̕əm i l snəqsíɬxʷəm suyápix axáʔ i l səp̓əp̓qíntən. And I started to work for a white man next door on the thrashing machine. [AutPS 278] uɬ aɬíʔ ʕapnáʔ kʷa iʔ x̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷtən aɬíʔ iʔ l supúlaʔxʷ. Now mower machines for hay. [Hrvst 158] iʔ l citxʷ a lkapú. A house coat. [GDd1 412] ki isənkʷúmˑən i lkasát iʔ l səntətəm̓tím̓tən. There is my storage place, the trunk for clothes. [GDd1 597] ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ iʔ l x̌əw̓áw̓ iʔ l cəlk̓íw̓s. For the dry [grain] to be tied. [Hrvst 190]

4 • pcl. with. iʔ l swit ki ckxan. Who did he come with? [newles 165] way̓ kən c̓əpq̓síwsəm i l incaptíkʷɬ axáʔ iʔ l sənk̓líp. I am continuing with my Coyote story. [Whal 001] way̓ haʔ way̓ p nanʕanqcín iʔ l sc̓íɬnəmp. Are you satisfied with your food? way̓ kən kxəntsín iʔ l ack̓əɬpáx̌. I will go along with your thoughts. qícəlx ixíʔ iʔ l sqəltmíxʷ. She ran away with the man.

5 • pcl. about. way̓ ixíʔ níxəlmən axáʔ iʔ l ast̓amkʔílt i l sal̕ts. I had heard about your daughter getting lost. [Whal 531] ilíʔ mʕ̓an kʷu x̌íləm mnímɬtət axáʔ iʔ l st̓əmkʔíltət. That's just the way we figured about our daughter. [Whal 571] lut kən t̓ scutx iʔ l sámaʔ iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s iʔ snk̓ʕamən. I'm not talking about the white men's way of praying. [su7q̓im 219] taʔlíʔ k̓ʷəɬxmíntsən iʔ l asck̓ʷúl̕. I was surprised by what you did. [feb94 060]

6 • pcl. how. pna cmiscút i l sx̌aʔnúxʷəm i l ksuy̓ásq̓əts. Maybe somebody knows how to stop the weather, to end the rain. [RnTrp 020]

7 • pcl. approximately. caʔkʷ cúntməlx iʔ ta nsámaʔcən mət iʔ l thousands iʔ sxʷʔits axáʔ iʔ uknaqín. As they say in English the Okanagans were in the many thousands. [gregory 008]

8 • pcl. among, of. anwí kʷ kɬilmíxʷəm iʔ l skəkáʕkaʔ a la ct̓əxʷt̓əxʷtlílx. You will be the chief of the birds, those that fly. [Nams 067] uɬ ixíʔ ksíwplaʔs axáʔ iʔ l sqilxʷ iʔ l sckm̓áx̌ən. And he inquired about it of those people kidnapped. [Whal 310]

l k̓ʷinx   [ḷ k̓ʷinx] Morph: l k̓ʷin+x. Etym: √k̓ʷn. what time is it?

phrasal. l k̓ʷinx. What time is it? [nb26-22 017] See: l; k̓ʷinx.

la   [la] Morph: l. Variant: l‿. variant of l "locative particle" before :n, l; c- "actual".

pcl. Category: loc. la nq̓əʔq̓ʔíw̓s. In the center. la nyxʷúts. Its insides. la nk̓im̓. In the dark. la ṇq̓aʔq̓ʔíw̓s. In between. iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm i la nt̓ək̓ʷmín. The coffin-makers. [GDd1 102] iʔ la lkʷut. At a distance. [HnTrp 175] anwí kʷ kɬilmíxʷəm iʔ l skəkáʕkaʔ a la ct̓əxʷt̓əxʷtlílx. You will be the chief of the birds, those that fly. [Nams 067] See: l.

la cxʔít   [la cxʔít] Morph: la c+xʔít. Etym: √xʔt. first; at first.

phrasal. qʷən̓qʷán̓t axáʔ iʔ kʷu sqilxʷ la cxʔít. We Indians were pitiful at first. [MarryPS 069] uɬ way̓ la cxʔít iʔ cáwtət. The first thing we did. [dict] la cxʔít iwáʔm k̓əɬqíxʷs iʔ sx̌ílwiʔs. At first she tried to take up for her husband. [BJSeym 085] See: la; xʔit.

la cxʔítiʔ   [la cxʔítiʔ] Morph: la c+xʔít+iʔ. Etym: √xʔt. at first.

phrasal. way̓ ṇx̌ílməntəm la cxʔítiʔ. She was scared at first. [dict] náx̌əmɬ kʷ ʔx̌iləm la cxʔítiʔ lut aksəkɬcáwt. But if you do like the first time you won't have any show. [dict] ixíʔ, ixíʔ spintk, kiʔ wíkən, la cxʔítiʔ... That is the year that I saw for the first time ... [mychildr 079] uɬ la cxʔítiʔ, incá ilíʔ kən t̓əcənxíʔ. Earlier, I was among the People then. [mychildr 103] susíwntməlx pnicíʔ la cxʔítiʔ ɬ kswíkəntəm iʔ ƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓áx̌t iʔ t̓uxʷt. He questioned them the first time that he saw jet planes. [su7q̓im 173] la cxʔítiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ x̌əc̓x̌ác̓t t sc̓íɬənsəlx iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. It used to be that deer was a sacred source of Native food. [rdgs 028] anwí la cxʔítiʔ kʷ caʕʷlx. You bathe first. [GDd1 402] incá kən ɬaʔ ksqəl̕tmíxʷ la cxʔítiʔ. That was my man at first. [bjmd 155] uɬ axáʔ incá ixíʔ la cxʔítiʔ kən ɬ k̓ʷúl̕əm. When I first worked. [Hrvst 230] axáʔ la cxʔítiʔ k̓ʷul̕ yasukrí, ckícx axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. When Jesuc Christ was first born, he got here on earth. [dict] way̓ ṇx̌ílməntəm la cxʔítiʔ, huy kícəntəm, way̓ qəmpnús. She was scared at first, then she came around, she quieted down. [dict] la cxʔit iʔ x̌əx̌yáɬnəxʷs, lut t̓ k̓ənpqínkst. I forgot, first it was her watch, not her ring. [GDd1 471] axáʔ la cxʔítiʔ tixʷs iʔ sqilxʷ yaʔ nsiwɬkʷ. First the people have to get the fish. [drymd 014] atláʔ ki kʷu pulsts la cxʔítiʔ. From here he fought me the first time. [lpb399] See: la; xʔit.

la cʔiwt   [la c̓iwt] Morph: c+ʔiw+t. Etym: √ʔw. the last time; the previous time.

phrasal. uɬ ilíʔ nyʕ̓íp kʷ snaʔmútaʔx iʔ l aspíkst mi put la c̓iwt sx̌əlx̌ʕált. You are going to stay in your glove forever until the last day. [Dvl 367] ɬʔiq̓ʷ ixíʔ iʔ l sənʔacwíxtəns ixíʔ sic kaʔkícɬts laʔ c̓iw̓t ɬxʷuy. The village he found on the earlier trip came into view. [lpb155] la c̓iwt məɬ ixíʔ ɬkʷən̓nús iʔ sɬiqʷ. The last time he gets hold of the meat. [grlsdd 170] ixíʔ akɬtəmxʷúlaʔxʷ put la c̓íwt sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. That's your place until judgment day. [Nams 256] See: la; ʔiwt.

la c̓iwt   [la c̓iwt] Morph: c+ʔiw+t. Etym: √ʔw. the last time; the previous time.

phrasal. See: la cʔiwt.

la nyxʷut   [la nixʷút] Morph: la n+yxʷut. Etym: √yxʷ. inside.

phrasal. ixíʔ uɬ ilíʔ kən qʷənəmscút ilíʔ la nyxʷút, nak̓ʷáʔ inkc̓áx̌ʷ. That's when I did that pitiful thing inside there, I didn't do it on purpose. [BJSeym 554] See: la; nyxʷut.

laɣmín   [laɣmín] Morph: laɣ+mín. Etym: √lɣ. button.

Istem. Category: +min. laɣmín. Button. [nb21.29] See: .

laklí   [laklí] Morph: laklí. Etym: √lkl. From: French la clé. lock; key; to lock.


Ka lékeli; Cm laklíy key; Th n/klí key; Li ləklí key. x̌lap siɬkʷkʷáʕst mi kən ɬckicx mi ɬx̌lítɬtsən inlaklí. Tomorrow morning I'll come back and ask you for the key. [GDd2 248]

laklínt   Morph: laklí+nt. Etym: √lkl. From: French la clé. lock; key; to lock.

Tstem. Ka lékeli; Cm laklíy key; Th n/klí key; Li ləklí key. Category: +nt. ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ laklís. He locks it. [LynxS 031] yayáʕt iʔ k̓ɬənk̓míp laklís. She locks all the doors. [dict]

laklíst   Morph: laklí+st. Etym: √lkl. From: French la clé. lock; key; to lock.

Tstem. Ka lékeli; Cm laklíy key; Th n/klí key; Li ləklí key. Category: +st. aɬíʔ claklístəm iʔ sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən. I lock the barn. [nb1237.4] aɬíʔ claklístən iʔ sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtṇ. I always lock the barn. [dict]

laklíʔst   [laklíʔst] Morph: laklíʔst. Etym: √lkl. to be locked in.

Istem. Category: +iʔst. uɬ ha sc̓kinx axáʔ kʷu claklíʔst. What is the matter? We are locked in. [GDd1 465] sc̓x̌ilx kiʔ kʷu laklíʔst. That's why we locked ourselves in. [GDd1 487] See: laklí.

laklk   [láklək] Morph: lak•lk. Etym: √lk. 1 • yellow pond lily (nuphar polysepalum).

2 • white water lily (nymphaea odorata).

Istem. láklək. Lily. [TBK110]

lakrás   [lakrás] Morph: lakrás. From: French la grâce. Etym: lkrs. grace.

Istem. lakrás. Grace. [dict]

lak̓   [lak̓] Morph: lak̓. Etym: √lk̓. to be tied; to be in jail.

Istem. Sp leč̕, lič̕(í); Cm k‑lk̓–ic̓aʔ‑m to tie a bundle; Cr leč̕; Sh lk̓-em to wind (string) around...; Th √yək̓ wind around. uɬ ilíʔ kən claˑˑk̓, uɬ cq̓ilt ispuʔús. I was in jail a long time, and my heart got sick. [su7q̓im 243] kən clak̓. I am in jail. [nb08 678] isclák̓. What I tied; my prisoner. [nb08 678] ixíʔ uɬ asclák̓ put la c̓iwt sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. You will be in prison until the last day. [Nams 250]

lalaʔáʕp   [lalaʔáʕp] Morph: la•laʔáʕ+p ? Variant: nlalaʔáʕp. Etym: √lʕ̓. knife.

Istem. Category: +p. lalaʔáʕp. Knife. [nb18132.1]

lálqʷ   [lalqʷ] Morph: lalqʷ. Variant: alqʷ; al̕qʷ; lqʷ; álaʔqʷ; lalqʷ; laʔqʷ; aʕlqʷ. trees.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. npaʕlálqʷ. A place with dead trees (gray, standing up). [nb1865.16] nk̓əʔlálqʷ. A place with dead trees. [nb1865.15]

lamásm   [lamásəm] Morph: lamás+m. From: French la messe. Etym: √lms. to say or celebrate mass.

Mstem. uɬ cəncxʷúsəm, lamásəm, taɬ əcʕác̓əstəm lamásəm, uɬ ixíʔ sxʷuys iʔ sqílxʷ. Then he turned facing the other way, said mass, and we watched him say mass, and then the people went. [Cona74]

lamnás   [lamnás] Morph: lamnás. From: French la mélasse. Etym: √lmns. syrup.

Istem. Sp lam-nás syrup, molasses; Cr la·mná honey, syrup. lamnás. Syrup. [nb18184.11]

lapál   [lapál] Morph: lapál. From: French la pelle. Etym: √lpl. shovel.

Istem. Sh lpelt shovel; Th /lpél, /nəpél shovel; Li lapál shovel. way̓ ckʷis mat iwá k̓ʷins i lapál nɬək̓ʷk̓ʷmís iʔ sl̕ax̌ts. He took the shovel, and he tried, he remembered what his partner had done. [Dvl 174]

laparín   [laparín] Morph: laparín. Variant: lparín. From: French la farine. Etym: √lprn. flour.

Istem. Cm saplíl, ṣạpḷíḷ flour; Th /səplíl wheat flour; Li saplíl, saplín flour. laparín. Flour. [dict]

laprít   [laprít] Morph: laprít. From: French la bride. Etym: √lprt. bridle; to put the bridle on.

Istem. xʷúyx ƛ̓əʔánt iʔ sxʔimɬx̌ást iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ, uɬ axáʔ yaʔ ṇt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔtṇ, uɬ iʔ laprít, uɬ ixíʔ iʔ sxʔimɬx̌ást. Go fetch the very best horse, and a saddle, and a bridle, all the very best. ilíʔ kən cənt̓k̓ʷíkən̓ ilíʔ kən claprít, ilíʔ kən kɬyəyʕílxʷ. Leave the saddle on me, leave the bridle on me, and everything. [dict]

laprítm   Morph: laprít+m. From: French la bride. Etym: √lprt. bridle; to put the bridle on.

Mstem. way̓ ixíʔ stkʷúpxnəmsəlx, ṇt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔməlx, laprítməlx. They ran, they threw the saddles on, put the bridles on. [dict] nt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔməlx laprítməlx. They threw the saddles and the bridles on. [nb1247.6]

laprítnt   Morph: laprít+nt. From: French la bride. Etym: √lprt. bridle; to put the bridle on.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ṇt̓k̓ʷíkiʔs, lapríts, way̓ cxʷúysts. He saddled it, put the bridle on, he brought it in. [dict]

laputáy   [laputáy] Morph: laputáy. From: French la bouteille. Etym: √lpyt. bottle.

Istem. Sp leputén bottle; Cm laputáy BW bottle; Sh lpwtey bottle; Th /putéy bottle; Li ləputáy bottle. ck̓əɬk̓ʷƛ̓álqsəmsts iʔ laputáy, k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ iʔ laputáy. She pulled out of her clothes a bottle, a small bottle. [dict] lut iʔ sqilxʷ aksxʷíc̓ɬtəm axáʔ iʔ tl laputáy. Don’t give them [of] the bottle! [FrGov.10]

lapwál   [lapwál] Morph: lapwál. Etym: √lpwl. skillet. From: French la poêle.

Istem. lapwál. Skillet. [nb22.69a]

láqʷmiʔst   [láqʷmiʔst] Morph: láqʷ+miʔst. Etym: √lqʷ. to lay about; to be scattered about; to be old or matted.

Istem. Sp lqʷ-míʔst the fur scatters about on the ground. Category: +miʔst. láqʷmiʔst iʔ t sk̓iwəlx. They are so old they’re matted. [nb1860.6] kən láʔqʷmiʔst. I became loose-haired. [nb18114.5] lut kən t̓ə láqʷmiʔst. I’m not old. [nb1860.5] láqʷmiʔst. Hair shedding. [nb18123.2] ixíʔ ʔúˑˑluʔɬtəm iʔ, láqʷmiʔst aɬíʔ ixíʔ sútən iʔ spumt. He gathered the remains/things that were scattered about, the hair. [coyeyes 091] See: laqʷt.

láqʷnaʔ   [láqʷnaʔ] Morph: láqʷ꞊naʔ. Etym: √lqʷ. to shed one's hair.

Istem. ksláqʷnaʔx. He is shedding his hair. [dict] See: laqʷt.

laqʷt   [laqʷt] Morph: laqʷ+t. Etym: √lqʷ. hair that has been shed.

Istem. Sp √loqʷ unkempt, uncared for; Sh luqʷ-m to pull out (e.g. feather), to pluck (a bird). Category: +t. laqʷt. Hair that has been shed. [nb18123.3]

laslí   [laslí] Morph: laslí. From: English sleigh, modified to conform to the pattern of borrowings from French. Etym: √lsl. sleigh; sled.

Istem. axáʔ kɬt̓qam kləʕʷsqáx̌aʔm iʔ laslí. He loaded the hay, he hooked up the team to the sleigh. [Hrvst 109]

lasmís   [lasmís] Morph: lasmís. Etym: √lsmst. Variant: lasmíst. From: French la chemise. shirt.

Isten. lasmís. Shirt. [dict]

lasmíst   [lasmíst] Morph: lasmíst. Variant: lasmís. Etym: √lsmst. shirt.

Istem. lasmíst. Shirt. [dict]

laswá   [laswá] Morph: laswá. Etym: √lsw. From: French la soie. silk.

Istem. uɬ miná laswá iʔ wedding dress, mat way̓ səp̓iʔálqs. I don't suppose it was a silk wedding dress, maybe buckskin. [LynxS 193]

lasyát   [lasyát] Morph: lasyát. Etym: √lsyt. plate; dishes.

Istem. From: French l'assiette. lasyát. Dishes. [nb2269a]

latáp   [latáp] Morph: latáp. Etym: √ltp. From: French la table. table.

Istem. Sh ltep table. uɬ ilíʔ kɬlatápəlx. There is a table there. [GDd2 227] way̓ iʔ l latáp kɬmútsts. He sat it down on the table. [dict] kɬkʷílˑstxʷ iʔ l latáp. You'll place them on the table. [dict]

lawán   [lawán] Morph: lawán. From: French l'avoine. Etym: √lwn. oats (avena sativa).

Istem. Sp lewén; Cm lawán oats; Sh lwen oats. ixíʔ úɬi mipnús iʔ sqilxʷ ɬə ksk̓ʷánɬqiʔsəlx iʔ liplí uɬ patáq uɬ axáʔ iʔ lawán iʔ səsp̓qín. That's when the Indians learned how to plant corn and potatoes and oats, wheat. [MarryPS 067] uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓ iksʔamnám t lawán. I won't feed him oats. [dict] uɬ ilíʔ kən ksʔamənsqáx̌aʔ t lawán, t swpúlaʔxʷ. There I have feed for horses, oats, hay. [dict] kən kɬlawán, kən kswpúlaʔxʷ. I have oats, I have hay. [dict]

laxt   [laxt] Morph: lax+t. Etym: √lx. fishy smell.

Istem. Sp √liš fish smell; Th √ləx slimy. Category: +t. laxt. Fishy smell. [nb1846.8]

lax̌lx̌tkʷ   [lax̌lx̌tkʷ] Morph: lax̌•lx̌tkʷ. Etym: √lx̌. lax̌lx̌tkʷ (Jeannette Armstrong).

Istem. Category: wName. lax̌lx̌tkʷ. Woman's name. [dict]

lax̌tmnt   Morph: lax̌+t+m+nt. Variant: l̕ax̌tm. Etym: √lx̌. to befriend s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu kʷúkstəm, kʷu ʔamtím, kʷu láx̌tməntəm, kʷu x̌síkstməntəm. We thank them, they fed us, they befriended us, they treated us well. [rdgs 136] See: sl̕ax̌t.

layán   [layán] Morph: layán. Etym: √lyn. From: French la laine. clothing material; wool; calico.

Istem. Sp √leyén material, yardgoods; Sh lyen cloth, calico. layán Wool. [nb21.86a]

laʕpsɬx̌ʷíp   [laʕpsɬx̌ʷíp] Morph: laʕ+p+s+ɬx̌ʷíp. Etym: √lʕ, √ɬx̌ʷ. hemorrhoids.

Istem. Sp lʕap√s-ɬx̌ʷép. laʕpsɬx̌ʷíp. Hemorrhoids. [nb18128.6]

laʕqíntn   [laʕqíntṇ] Morph: laʕ꞊qín+tn. Etym: √lʕ. lid, cover.

Istem. Category: +tn. laʕqíntṇ. Lid. [dict]

laʕsqílxʷ   [laʕsqílxʷ] Morph: laʕ+s+qílxʷ. Gram: northern form Etym: √lʕ. to poke a person.

Istem, compd. laʕsqílxʷ. Poke. [OkB]

laʕtíw̓s   [laʕtíw̓s] Morph: laʕ꞊t꞊íw̓s. Etym: √lʕ̓. Gram: northern form valley.

Istem. claʕtíw̓s. Valley. [OkB]

laʕ̓ánt   Morph: laʕ̓á+nt. Variant: laʕʷ (northern variant). Etym: √lʕ̓. to slip or put s.t. on; to wear.

Tstem. Category: +ant. laʕ̓ánt. Put it on! [nb26-42 017]

laʕ̓cín   [laʕ̓cín] Morph: laʕ̓cín. Etym: √lʕ̓. ?

?. laʕ̓cín. ? [E5]

laʕ̓láʕ̓   [laʕ̓láʕ̓] Morph: laʕ̓•láʕ̓. Etym: √lʕ̓. several things are worn fastened.

Istem. cúsəlx q̓sápiʔ skʷikʷyílxkən, ixíʔ əclaʕ̓láʕ̓. They call them bracelets, they are fastened. [nb2537.2] See: laʕ̓(á).

laʕ̓mín   [laʕ̓mín] Morph: laʕ̓+mín. Variant: klaʕ̓mín. Etym: √lʕ̓. a button.

Istem. Category: +min. laʕ̓mín Button. [pd] See: laʕ̓(á).

laʕ̓mnwíxʷ   [laʕ̓mənwíxʷ] Morph: laʕ̓+mn+wíxʷ. Etym: √lʕ̓. trailer.

Istem. Lit: a truck is trailered, has a trailer Category: +nwixʷ. claʕ̓mənwíxʷ a nʔaʔúkʷmən. Truck and trailer. [E54.8] See: laʕ̓(á).

laʕ̓nt   Morph: laʕ̓+nt. Variant: laʕʷ (northern variant). Etym: √lʕ̓. to slip or put s.t. on; to wear.

Tstem. Category: +nt. laʕ̓əntíxʷ. You slip s.t. on. [ntverbs 026] laʕ̓ntíkʷ. Put it on! [nb26-42 018]

laʕ̓tíw̓aʔs   [laʕ̓tíw̓aʔs] Morph: laʕ̓+tíw̓aʔs. Etym: √lʕ̓. a little valley; a dip.

Istem. Category: dim. syməncáʕt, t̓kʷpəncút mat ilíʔ əclaʕ̓tíw̓aʔs uɬ mat c̓kin uɬ p̓wap ixíʔ a claʕ̓tíw̓s. They made noise, they clamored I guess in a little dip and it echoed in the dip. [lpb124] See: laʕtíw̓s.

laʕ̓tíw̓s   [laʕ̓tíw̓s] Morph: laʕ̓+tíw̓s. Variant: laʕtíw̓s. Etym: √lʕ̓. 1 • a (little) valley.

Lit: where there is a dipIstem. mat ilíʔ əclaʕ̓tíw̓aʔs uɬ mat c̓kin uɬ p̓wap ixíʔ a claʕ̓tíw̓s. In a little dip and it echoed in the dip. [lpb124]

2 • Istem. Little Valley. Category: Geog. uɬ ixíʔ ksc̓úmstsəlx t marsán tla claʕ̓tíw̓s ta sulíʔ iʔ sənk̓ʷəɬmrˑíms. They call him Marcel, from Little Valley, Julieʼs husband. [Cona11]

laʕʷstn   [láʕʷstən] Morph: laʕʷs+tn. Variant: laʕ̓ʷstn. Etym: √lʕʷ. halter.

Istem. Sp lʕʷós-tn a halter; Cm n-lʕ̓ʷ-alqʷp-tn horse bridle, bit. Category: +tn. láʕʷstən. Halter. [nb21.148] See: laʕ̓(á).

laʕʷtíw̓s   [laʕʷtíw̓s] Morph: laʕʷtíw̓s. Etym: √lʕʷ. 1 • laʕʷtíw̓s: Seylor Valley, about three miles west from the present-day town of Inchelium. Lit: valley in middle

Istem. laʕʷtíw̓s. Place name. [BK200, BK313]

2 • Istem. laʕʷtíw̓s: the entire Colville Valley.

laʕʷtmíp   [laʕʷtmíp] Morph: laʕʷt+míp. Etym: √lʕʷ. laʕʷtmíp: the area where the West End Center is today. Lit: bottom end valley

Istem. laʕʷtmíp. Place name. [BK125] See: liʕʷ.

laʕʷúlaʔxʷ   [laʕʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: laʕʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √lʕʷ. turnip (brassica rapa).

Istem. laʕʷúlaʔxʷ. Turnip. [TBK92]

laʕ̓ʷɬt   Morph: laʕ̓ʷ+ɬt. Gram: southern form Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to slip or put s.t. on; to wear.

Tstem. Sp laʕ̓ʷ hec-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-én̓ I keep on fitting it together; Cm ka(t)-l̕aʕʷ-ikn-xn button-hook; Cr leʕʷ adjust, fit. Category: +ɬt. ksláʕ̓ʷɬtəm ʔ syríwaxəns. ... to put his snow shoes on him. [BJSeym 149] See: laʕ̓(a).

laʕ̓ʷsqínkstn   [laʕ̓ʷsqínkstən] Morph: laʕ̓ʷsqínkst+n. Etym: √lʕʷ. a thimble; a ring.

Istem. Sp lʕʷáčst-n thimble. Category: +tn. laʕ̓ʷsqínkstən. Thimble. [E2.Aug92]

laʕ̓ʷstn   [láʕ̓ʷustən] Morph: laʕ̓ʷs+tn. Etym: √lʕʷ. face mask.

Istem. Category: +tn. láʕ̓ʷustən. Mask. [nb19131.6] See: laʕ̓ʷ.

laʔkín̓   [laʔkín̓] Morph: laʔ+kín̓. Variant: laʔkín. Etym: √kn̓. 1 • where; when, whenever; sometimes.

pcl. Category: Amalg. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ laʔkín kʷ salt. Whenever you get lost... [fatboy 033] n̓ín̓w̓iʔs kʷ ɬʔácqaʔ, laʔkín kʷ ɬʔácqaʔ. If and when you get out, whenever you get out... [su7q̓im 264] xʷəm̓ t̓i way̓ cnunxʷínaʔmstən, uɬ laʔkín lut. Sometimes I believe it, sometimes not. [nb2539.8] laʔkín kʷ yaʕpcín axáʔ iʔ l ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ, məɬ ixíʔ x̌lítəntxʷəlx axáʔ iʔ kmúsc̓aʔ. Whenever you get crowded by man-eaters, summon these four packages. [dict] kʷ laʔkín. Where are you? [dict]

2 • pcl. from time to time; once in a while. way̓ laʔkín cənɬk̓ʷk̓ʷmístən iʔ ƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp iʔ kʷu m̓ay̓xíts. Once in a while I think about the old man that told me that story. [su7q̓im 267]

3 • pcl. where, wherever; somewhere. ilíʔ laʔkín iʔ pulstxʷ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. There where you killed the deer. [mychildr 223] lut taɬt laʔkín t̓a cx̌ast t sqilxʷ. He's not always a good person. [su7q̓im 055] way̓ uɬ axáʔ mat laʔkín. It must be somewhere. [dict] way̓ cmistís laʔkín kiʔ kʷums. He knew where he put it. [dict] cmistís laʔkín sənʔístktṇs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. He knows where the deer's wintering places are. [dict] laʔkín y anx̌mínk akɬcítxʷ. Where would you like your house? [dict] t̓əxʷ mat laʔkín yaʔ ksɬiqʷ. I don't know where he gets his meat. [dict] mat laʔkín, uɬ mat q̓y̓am. He must have written somewhere. [dict]

4 • pcl. how; somehow. way̓ uɬ kən xʷaʔtíls iʔ t sɬíqʷtət, uɬ laʔkín mi xkístən. I have enough meat, and what will I do with it? [LynxS 310] taʔlíʔ wílwəlt iʔ sniw̓t, nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul cəm̓ ɬ laʔkín. The wind is powerful, you don't know what it'll do. [nb26-64 018] tan̓mús t̓i laʔkín iʔ ksxʷʔíts. No matter how many. [nb2532.3] way̓ kʷ ʔayx̌ʷt, laʔkín kʷ xʔkínəm mi kʷ wr̓ísəlp̓əm. You are tired, what can you do to make fire? [dict] məɬ cúntsəlx laʔkín mi kʷ xʔkínəm. They'll tell you what you'll have to do. [dict] Sp leʔ čén̓ where is it?; Cm laʔkáʔ where.

laʔkín̓ cʔkinm   [laʔkín c̓kínəm] Morph: la ʔkín c+ʔkin+m. Etym: √ʔkn. how s.t. is.

phrasal. Category: Amalg. mipnús iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, laʔkín c̓kínəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ kaʔ cxəlˑákək. They will learn about the world, how it is the world turns. [mychildr 122] See: laʔkín̓; ʔkin.

laʔkín̓ c̓kinm   [laʔkín c̓kínəm] Morph: la ʔkín c+ʔkin+m. Etym: √ʔkn. how s.t. is.

phrasal. See: laʔkín̓ cʔkinm.

laʔkín̓ scʔkinx   [laʔkín̓ sc̓kinx] Morph: la+ʔkín sc+ʔkin+x. Etym: √ʔkn. how come; what is the matter with ...; something must be the matter.

phrasal. Sp leʔ-čén̓ exactly where is it? uɬ laʔkín̓ sc̓kinx úɬiʔ kʷ piq. How come you're so white? [chipdd 079] uɬ laʔkín sc̓kínk uɬ ilíʔ ɬa c̓x̌iɬ. How is it that it's like that? [AutPS 059] ixíʔ mi mipnúntxʷ la ʔkín sc̓kinx. Then you'll find out what the matter is. [RHorse 121] uɬ la ʔkín sc̓kinx uɬ lúti kən əɬ cxəƛ̓páɬq. Why is it that I don't win? [RHorse 113] way̓ mat laʔkín sc̓kinx. Something must be the matter. [nb1248.11] See: laʔkín̓; scʔkinx.

laʔkín̓ sc̓kinx   [laʔkín̓ sc̓kinx] Morph: la+ʔkín sc+ʔkin+x. Etym: √ʔkn. how come; what is the matter with ...; something must be the matter.

phrasal. See: laʔkín̓ scʔkinx.

laʔkʷtípuʔstxnm   [laʔkʷtípuʔstxnəm] Morph: laʔkʷtípuʔstxn+m. Etym: √lkʷt. to stride.

Mstem. laʔkʷtípuʔstxnəm. One strides. [jan93nb 020] See: lkʷut.

laʔlaʔmínt   Morph: laʔ•laʔ+mí+nt. Etym: √lʔ. to sting, to prick s.t.; to throw a dart.

Tstem. Category: +nt. laʔlaʔmísəlx. They throw darts. [dict] See: laʔmín.

laʔláʔqʷaʔ   [laʔláʔqʷaʔ] Morph: laʔ•láʔqʷaʔ ? Etym: √lqʷʔ ?. to pick roots without cleaning them.

Istem. kən laʔláʔqʷaʔ. I picked bitterroot (without cleaning it). [nb22.13a]

laʔlʔíw   [laʔlʔíw] Morph: laʔ•lʔíw. Etym: √lʔw. man's fathers. Category: kin.

Istem. Category: kin. laʔlʔíw. Fathers. [Comm] See: lʔiw.

laʔɬ   [laʔɬ] Morph: laʔɬ. Variant: naʔɬ. Etym: lʔɬ. conjunctive particle "and; with".

pcl. Category: conj.

laʔɬt   Morph: laʔ+ɬt. Etym: √lʔ. to peck s.t.

Tstem. Cr hn+leʔúl̕mxʷ+n dibble ... (lit. hole in the ground poker or piercer). Category: +ɬt. ixíʔ laʔɬtís, ixíʔ cənləq̓ʷləq̓ʷíw̓sts. He pecked it, and broke it in two. [grlsdd 187]

laʔmín   [laʔmín] Morph: laʔ+mín. Etym: √lʔ. (bee) stinger.

Istem. Category: +min. laʔmíns iʔ swar̓íps. Its stinger, its venom. [nb18131.9] See: laʔ.

laʔmínt   Morph: laʔ+mí+nt. Etym: √lʔ. to throw a dart.

Tstem. Category: +nt. laʔmíntxʷ. You throw a dart. [dict] See: laʔ.

laʔnt   Morph: laʔ+nt. Etym: √lʔ. to peck s.t.

Tstem. Cr hn+leʔúl̕mxʷ+n dibble ... (lit. hole in the ground poker or piercer). Category: +nt. ixíʔ uɬ laʔntís. And she pecked it. [grlsdd 146]

laʔqʷ   [laʔqʷ] Morph: laʔqʷ. Variant: alqʷ; al̕qʷ; lqʷ; álaʔqʷ; lalqʷ; laʔqʷ; aʕlqʷ. cylindrical object.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. tkʷəkʷəl̕kʷíllaʔqʷ. Flat-topped spiraea. [dict]

laʔúsm   [laʔúsəm] Morph: laʔús+m. Etym: √lʔ. to play the spear-the-hoop game.

Mstem. See Cr hn+leʔúl̕mxʷ+n dibble (lit. hole in the ground poker or piercer). laʔúsəm. Hoop game. [nb1836.14] See: laʔ.

laʔxʷ   [laʔxʷ] Morph: laʔxʷ. Variant: úlaʔxʷ; áʕlaʔxʷ. ground; earth; soil.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. ncq̓laʔxʷmíst. To squirm around. [dict] k̓əɬc̓íl̕laʔxʷ. To sit in the shade. [grlhd 154] sənc̓aʔc̓íx̌laʔxʷ. Fried bread. [nb26-10 0] nɣíplaʔxʷ. Fence post. [misc 154] kím̓laʔxʷ. To not like a place. [nb24-01 014] ṇk̓áwlaʔxʷ. [dict] To wipe out, finish s.t. sk̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílp. A place to lie on. [dict] ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ. Dirt. [su7q̓im 045] píqlaʔxʷ. White ground. [misc 287] npíqlaʔxʷ. White hole in the ground. [nb25-22 020] píx̌x̌laʔxʷ. Hunted out country. [nb26-64 008] q̓ʷuyq̓ʷúylaʔxʷ. Still, no wind. [dict] súxʷlaʔxʷəm. To remember a place. [2gts 026] wíklaʔxʷəm. To see the country. [dict] xíƛ̓laʔxʷ. Level country. [dict] xʷúk̓ʷlaʔxʷ. Deserted place; clean soil. [nb10a 137] xʷíplaʔxʷ. To spread s.t. on the ground. [dict] x̌íslaʔxʷ. Good land. [nb26-17 003]

laʔxʷílp   [laʔxʷílp] Morph: laʔxʷílp. a surface.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. sk̓ʷəl̕laʔxʷílpəm. Fixing a surface. [dict] See: laʔxʷ; ilp.

lɣaɣ   [lɣaɣ] Morph: lɣ•aɣ. Etym: √lɣ. to be shot with a bullet, an arrow.

Istem. kən lɣaɣ. I got shot (with an arrow). [E65.19] See: .

lɣap   [lɣap] Morph: lɣa+p. Etym: √lɣ. to be hit, wounded.

Istem. Category: +ap. lɣap. Hit, wounded. [pd] See: .

lɣaqsnt   Morph: lɣaqs+nt. Etym: √lɣ. to sting, poke s.o. on the nose.

Tstem. Category: +nt. lɣáqsənts. [The bee] stung you on the nose. [nb21.32a] See: .

lɣɣpnuɬt   Morph: lɣ•ɣ+p+nu+ɬt. Etym: √lɣ. to manage to get s.t. or s.o. hit with a shot.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. uɬ lut náx̌əmɬ t̓ ləɣɣpnúɬtəm. They couldn’t hit him. [WA1.46] See: lɣpnu.

lɣɣpnunt   Morph: lɣ•ɣ+p+nu+nt. Etym: √lɣ. to manage to get s.t. or s.o. hit with a shot.

Tstem. Category: +nt. niʕ̓íp xík̓ən, sic iʔ ləɣəɣpnún. I kept missing it, and I finally shot it (and hit it). [E65.23] See: lɣpnu.

lɣmin   [ləɣmín] Morph: lɣ+min. Etym: √lɣ. a spear.

Istem. Category: +min. ləɣmín. Spear. [pd]

lɣnt   Morph: lɣ+nt. Etym: √lɣ. to sting, prick, poke s.o. or s.t.; to shoot s.t.

Tstem. Cr leǰ stab, sting; Sh lɣ-em to put, stick into; Th √yəɣ insert-tight; Li ? √ləɣ to stopper ... to cork s.t. (a bottle). Category: +nt. ləɣntís. He pricked, poked it. [nb21.32a]

lɣpnt   Morph: lɣ+p+nt. Etym: √lɣ. to shoot with an arrow or spear.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ləɣpntín. I shot it. [E65.21] See: .

lɣpnunt   Morph: lɣ+p+nu+nt. Etym: √lɣ. to manage to shoot with an arrow or spear.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ləɣpnún. I succeeded in shooting it (with bullet, arrow...). [nb26-55 015] uɬ nax̌əmɬ lut t̓ ləɣpnúntəmlx. They couldn’t be hit. [WA1.46] t̓aʕpánti iʔ ʔaʔsíwɬ. n̓u ləɣpnúntəp, mi ƛ̓aʔntín. Shoot the loon! If you hit it, I'll go get it. [nb2566.3] See: .

lɣsqilxʷ   [ləɣsqílxʷ] Morph: lɣ+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √lɣ, √qlxʷ. to poke s.t. or s.o.

Istem, compd. lɣsqilxʷ. Poke. [OkB] See: .

likantí   [likantí] Morph: li+kantí. Etym: √knt. candy. From: English candy (the li- patterns with French borrowings).

Istem. likantí. Candy. [nb20.102]

likók   [likók] Morph: likók. From: French le coq. Etym: √lkk. rooster.

Istem. Sp √likók rooster; Sh lqʷuqʷ chicken. kʷ kɬlipúl uɬ kʷ kɬlikók. nəx̌ʷnx̌ʷíw̓s y akskəkáʕkaʔ. Do you have a hen and a rooster? A pair of birds? [dixt]

lik̓ʷt   [lik̓ʷt] Morph: lik̓ʷ+t. Etym: √lk̓ʷ. to break through (e.g. the ice).

Istem. Sp lék̓ʷ-n-t-m he was swept downriver on a swift current; Cr luk̓ʷ pick off (fuzz, lint, etc.); Sh (t-)lk̓ʷ-nt-es to rub off dirt; Th √lúk̓ʷ ? fall through ice. Category: +t. lik̓ʷt. Break. [22.3a]

lílaʔx   [lílaʔx] Morph: lílaʔx. Variant: lilx; ílaʔx; lx; aʕlx; ilx 1. motion.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx, dim. t̓ət̓əxʷt̓lílaʔxəlx. To fly a little (as fledglings do). [nb18225.14]

lilít   [lilít] Morph: lilít. From: French le lit. Etym: √llt. bed.

Istem. kən yaxʷt ƛ̓əm iʔ təl̕ lilít. Then I fell off my bed. [EJEp.80]

lils   [lils] Morph: lils. Variant: +ils; als; ls; ílaʔs. think.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. ntaʔlíʔls. To think. [nb1867.1]

lilx   [lilx] Morph: lilx. Variant: ilx 1; ílaʔx; lílaʔx; lx; aʕlx. Gram: plural reference motion.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. ɬəq̓lílx. Several go to bed. [GDd2 278] nɬəxʷtl̕ílx. Several go into the bushes, the brush, the swamp. [mychildr 130] səx̌ʷtl̕ílx. Several go down the hill. [nb08 238] ɬsəx̌ʷtlílx. Several go back down the hill. [dict] ṇtkɬlílxəlx. Several get to the bottom. [dict] ntkɬlílxstəm. To take down several things. [dict] t̓əxʷt̓əxʷtlílx. Several fly in the sky. [dict] xʷt̓lílxəlx. Several get up. [dict] ʔakʷtlílxəlx. Several are crawling. [HnTrp 113]

limkstmnt   Morph: limkst+m+nt. Etym: √lm. to make s.o. glad; to do s.t. good for s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ kʷu límkstəms. He did something good for me. [nb08 348] kʷu límkstməntxʷ. [nb18117.11] kʷu límkstəms. He makes me glad. [nb18188.3] kʷu límkstməntməlx. [nb18188.4] See: limt.

limlmt   [límləmt] Morph: lim•lm+t. Variant: lim•lm+t+x. Etym: √lm. thank you, hello (northern variant).

Istem. Category: greeting, +t. ixíʔ límləmt, kʷu nqʷən̓míntxʷ. Thank you for having pity on me. [mychildr 226] way̓ límləmt isqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa, iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕əmp wíkɬmən ʕapnáʔ. Thank you my children, I have seen what you do now. [mychildr 251] límləmt kʷu xʷəlxʷəlɬtíxʷ iʔ sqʷsqʷaʔsíyaʔtət. Thank you for saving our children. [dict] See: limt.

limlmtx   [límləmtx] Morph: lim•lm+t+x. Variant: lim•lm+t; southern form. Etym: √lm. thank you.

Istem. Category: greeting. aˑ way̓, way̓ mʕ̓an límləmtx uɬ i kʷu nsíwcəntxʷ. Oh, well, thanks for asking me. [CoGrSy 266] way̓ kən ṇpútəls, way̓ límləmtx. Yes, I am satisfied, thank you. [dict] See: limlmt.

limnó   [limnó] Morph: limnó. From: French le melon (ˑcitrullus vulgaris}). Etym: √lmn. watermelon.

Istem. Cm limnúˑ watermelon; see Cr laˑmná honey, syrup. limnó. Watermelon. [nb26-42 010]

limt   [limt] Morph: lim+t. Etym: √lm. to be glad; to be thankful.

Istem. Sp lem; Cm lam‑t be glad; Cr lim; Sh lem-n-s to comfort, console; Th √yém feel affection; Li lám-ən to pacify a crying child... Category: +t. sc̓kinx ha, kən limt ikswíkəm isənɬx̌əmtán. Sure, I'm glad to see my relatives. [GDd2 672] ixíʔ utxítəm t ksqlaw̓s, t̓i mat kʷəkʷər̓kʷr̓ísxən, níkxnaʔ limt axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít. He gave him some money, maybe pennies, gee the little boy was tickled. [dict] uɬ ixíʔ ikslímt təl ksxʷəlxʷálts axáʔ ist̓əmkʔílt. I would be so glad if my daughter is alive. [Whal 542] kən slimtx. I’m grateful, glad. [nb18118.8] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kənxítəmt aɬíʔ kʷu slimtx. We’ll help you because we are grateful. [dict] níkxnaʔ iʔ sclimts axáʔ yaʔ ylmíxʷəm. Goodness, the king was glad. [dict]

limtkstmnt   Morph: limkst+m+nt. Etym: √lm. to do something good; make s.o. glad.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ kʷu límkstəms. He did something good for me. [nb08 348] See: limkstm.

limtmnt   Morph: lim+t+m+nt. Etym: √lm+t. be glad or thankful for s.t.; to thank s.o.; to like s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. x̌ax̌ʔantíslx, aʔ ntityíx límtəmsəlx. They held him sacred, they respected Salmon. [mychildr 202] clímtmɬmən ɬaʔ cwíkɬmən. I'm glad to see you folks / when I see you folks. [Oct92 038] ixíʔ límtmənts kʷ ɬ yxʷməncút. She’ll be tickled that you came down. [dict] kʷu límtməntəm. He makes us glad. [nb18118.2] kʷu límtəms. He thanked me. [nb08 274] níkxna límtmsəlx iʔ t ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌ápsəlx. Gee his parents are tickled to see him. [GDd2 700] See: limt.

limtmst   Morph: lim+t+m+st. Etym: √lm+t. be glad or thankful for s.t.; to thank s.o.; to like s.o.

Tstem. Category: +st. kʷu clímtəmstxʷ. You make me glad. [Oct28.] taʔlí clímtməstmən aʔ wíkstmən. I'm always glad to see you. [nb23 080] See: limt.

lipám   [lipám] Morph: lipám. Variant: lipúm. From: French la pomme. Etym: √lpm. apple.

Istem. lipám. Apple. [dict]

lípc̓aʔ   [lípc̓aʔ] Morph: lípc̓aʔ. Etym: √lp. lípc̓aʔ.

Istem. Category: wName. lípc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [nb21.153a]

liplí   [liplí] Morph: liplí. From: French le blé. Etym: √lpl. corn.

Istem. Sp liplí. uɬ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷá pnicí uɬ a way̓ cq̓ʷánɬqməlx t patáq t liplí kəm t limnó, lut. At that time they didn't cultivate potatoes or corn, or watermelon, no. [MarryPS 064]

lipóm   [lipóm] Morph: lipom. From: French la pomme. Variant: lipám. Etym: √lpm. apple.


lipómlqʷ   [lipómlqʷ] Morph: lipómlqʷ. Etym: √lpm. apple tree.

Istem. See: lipóm.

lipúl   [lipúl] Morph: lipúl. From: French la poule. Etym: √lpl. hen.

Istem. Cm lapúl hen. uɬ kʷ kɬlipúl uɬ kʷ kɬlikúk. Do you have a hen and a rooster? [dict]

lipwá   [lipwá] Morph: lipwá. Etym: √lpw. peas. From: French les pois (pisum sativum).

Istem. Cm lipwáˑ green peas. lipwá. Peas. [dict]

lip̓x̌ʷx̌ʷ   [líp̓x̌ʷəx̌ʷ] Morph: lip̓x̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. Etym: √lp̓x̌ʷ. to slip in.

Istem. Sp lp̓líp̓x̌ʷx̌ʷ. It rolls or spins in the air when tossed up; Cr lep̓x̌ʷ fit into; kəm̓əntís iʔ stk̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústəns məɬ k̓a nwist ʔísk̓ʷləms uɬ cut lípx̌ʷəx̌ʷəxʷ t̓i lut stim̓. He took his eyes out and he threw them up in the air. He said, "Come back in!" Nothing happened. (Coyote playing eye juggler). [coyeyes 002]

liqnt   Morph: liq+nt. Etym: √lq. to tear, pull out s.t.

Tstem. Sp liq; Cm liq‑(nt)‑n I break s.t. [string]; Cr laq pull (out plants) ... pluck. Category: +nt. líqən. I tore it, pulled it. [nb21.58a]

liq̓   [liq̓] Morph: liq̓. Etym: √lq̓. to be buried; to bury s.t. with dirt.

Istem. Sp laq̓; Cm ka(t)‑liq̓–naʔ‑nt‑xʷ you bury s.o. with dirt; Cr leq̓; Sh liq̓-m to bury; Th yíq̓-m bury (s.t.). way̓ t̓i məkʷíwt iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ scliq̓. And there are snow mounds all over where the deer are buried. [dict]

liq̓m   Morph: liq̓+m. Etym: √lq̓. to be buried; to bury s.t. with dirt.

Mstem. Sp laq̓; Cm ka(t)‑liq̓–naʔ‑nt‑xʷ you bury s.o. with dirt; Cr leq̓; Sh liq̓-m to bury; Th yíq̓-m bury (s.t.). kən líq̓əm. I buried it. [nb18122.14] Category: nMstem. ikslíq̓əm. I’m going to bury it. [nb18122.15] put wiʔsəntəltəlkʷíɬc̓aʔn, ikslíq̓məlx kiʔ kʷu ṇkcníkiʔs axáʔ inkʷəl̕mút. I just had got done gutting them, I was going to bury them when my brother-in-law overtook me. [dict]

liq̓nt   Morph: liq̓+nt. Etym: √lq̓. to be buried; to bury s.t. with dirt.

Tstem. Sp laq̓; Cm ka(t)‑liq̓–naʔ‑nt‑xʷ you bury s.o. with dirt; Cr leq̓; Sh liq̓-m to bury; Th yíq̓-m bury (s.t.). Category: +nt. líq̓ənt. Bury it! [nb18122.12] məɬ sic líq̓səlx, məɬ ilíʔ kutəntísəlx iʔ ʔítx̌ʷaʔ. Then they bury it, and put the camas on. [drymd 027] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu ʔal̕usíkstəm mi líq̓əntəm, kʷníxtəm iʔ t kɬənt̓ək̓ʷmíns. We will get up a collection and we’ll bury him, we’ll get him a coffin. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔs c̓sápəlx mi ikskʷúm líq̓ən. When theyʼre gone I will put him away, bury him. [dc61]

liq̓q̓   [líq̓əq̓] Morph: liq̓•q̓. Etym: √lq̓. s.t. buried.

Istem. líq̓əq̓. Buried. [pd] See: liq̓.

liq̓ʷnt   Morph: liq̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. to throw water on s.t.

Tstem. Sh liq̓ʷ-m to sprinkle, spill; c-x-liq̓ʷ-st-s [spill] (water on rocks in sweathouse).; Th /lq̓ʷ-ə́p gurgle, slosh, sound of liquid moving inside a container; Li líq̓ʷ-xal to splash (on s.t.). Category: +nt. kʷ nʔuɬxʷ iʔ k̓l kʷilstn, liq̓ʷntxʷ iʔ kʷilstn, qʷlqʷilstxʷ iʔ kʷilstn, ixíʔ ɬə sk̓ʕaʔncút. You go into the Sweathouse, you throw water on the rocks in the Sweat house, that̓s another prayer. [relig 026]

liq̓ʷt   [liq̓ʷt] Morph: liq̓ʷ+t. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. splinterd off.

Istem. Sp lq̓ʷ-úp it broke up into pieces; Cm lq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; Cr s+n+luʔq̓ʷíw̓es breach ... lit. splitting up; Th /yiq̓ʷ decorticate; Li √luq̓ʷ to peel, strip. Category: +t. liq̓ʷt. Splintered. [dict]

lisál   [lisál] Morph: lisál. From: French le sel. Etym: √lsl. salt.

Istem. Sh lsel salt; Li lasál salt. kʷu ckɬyx̌ɬtíkʷ iʔ lisál. Slide the salt to me! [nb26-67 015]

lisás   [lisás] Morph: lisás. From: French les anges. Etym: √lss. angel.

Istem. Li ḷịṣạ́ṣ angel. lisás. Angel. [nb22.69a]

lisíkʷr   [lisíkʷər] Morph: lisíkʷr. From: French le sucre. Etym: √lskʷr. sugar.

Istem. npəkʷəntíxʷ iʔ l səlisíkʷərtən. You poured it in the sugar bowl. [nb18230.6] iʔ lisíkʷr márwiʔntxʷ iʔ k̓ asənpús. Add sugar to what you are cooking. [nb27-30 001]

lisisú   [lisisú] Morph: lisisú. From: French les ciseaux. Etym: √lss. scissors.

Istem. lisisú scissors. [nb9a 167]

liswíp   [liswíp] Morph: liswíp. From: French le juif. Etym: lswp. the Jew.

Istem. liswíp. Jew. [nb21.78a]

lití   [lití] Morph: lití. Variant: lti. From: French le thé. Etym: √lt. tea.

Istem. Sp lití tea; súmənt iʔ lití. Smell the tea! [Oct92 028] iʔ lsikʷr márwiʔn iʔ k̓ inlití I added sugar to my tea. [nb27-30 002]

liw   [liw] Morph: liw. Etym: √lw. to ring; to make a ringing sound.

Istem. Sp liw sound of a bell; Cm liw‑kst‑mn‑(n)t‑xʷ you ring s.t. [a bell]; Cr liw chime, chink, sound of a bell, a short metallic sound; Sh ? lʕʷ-lelʕʷ-t bell; Th /li[ˑl]u- ... √liw rumble; Li ? √ləw : ka.lə́w‿a to fall, to land with a thud. t̓iʔ liwˑˑ. It makes a ringing sound. [nb27-18 001]

liwkstm   [líwkstəm] Morph: liwkst+m. Etym: √lw. to ring a bell; to make a bell ring.

Mstem. Cm liw‑kst‑mn‑(n)t‑xʷ you ring s.t. [a bell]. líwkstməlx. They rang. [nb18126.15] lut akslíwkstəm. Don’t ring it! [nb18127.1] See: liw.

liwkstmnt   Morph: liwkst+m+nt. Etym: √lw. to ring a bell; to make a bell ring.

Tstem. Cm liw‑kst‑mn‑(n)t‑xʷ you ring s.t. [a bell]. Category: +nt. líwkstməntxʷ iʔ lulíwləx. You rang the bell. [nb18126.13] líwkstəms iʔ sqlaw̓. They are ringing their change, they are making their coins jingle. [nb18127.2] See: liw.

liwmst   [liwmst] Morph: liw+m+st. Etym: √lw. to make a bell or s.t. ring.

Tstem. Category: +st. líwmstəm. They rang it; it was rung. [nb27-18 001] iʔ x̌əx̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ líwmstəm la ntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. The clock struck twelve noon. [dict] See: liw.

liʕ̓ʷɬt   Morph: liʕ̓ʷ+ɬt. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fit (into) s.t.; to put on (clothes).

Tstem. Sp hec-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-én̓ I keep on fitting it together, liʕ̓ʷ fit loosely, loʕʷ(ó) to fit together, Cm ka(t)‑l̕aʕʷ–ikn–xn button‑hook, Cr hn+láʕʷ-nt-m he was ... inserted into a sheath, leʕʷ adjust, fit, loʔ+loʔ+ótm valley. Category: +ɬt. iʔ tkɬmilxʷ kiʔ líʕ̓ʷɬtəm iʔ syríwaxəns. It was his woman who put on him his snow shoes. [dict] ixíʔ k̓aʕʷqənmístəms iʔ tkɬmílxʷs kslíʕ̓ʷɬtəm axáʔ iʔ syríwaxəns. He coaxed his wife to put on him his snow shoes. [dict]

liʔls    ntaʔlíʔls. To think (diminutive of ntils). [nb1867.1]

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. See: nstils.

liʔs   [liʔs] Morph: liʔs. ?

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. kt̓ík̓ʷliʔs. To be popping from the heat. [cre5]

lkalát   [ḷkalát] Morph: lkalát. Etym: √lklt. bread, modern bread. From: French la galette.

Istem. Sp lqelét. Form borrowed after the *k > č phonetic change had taken place in Spokane; Sh lkəlet bread. haʔ kʷ kɬlkalát. Do you have any bread? [E81.2] k̓im kən kɬḷkalát. I have some bread left. [dict]

lkalátm   [lkalátəm] Morph: lkalát+m. From: French la galette. Etym: √lklt+m. to make bread.

Mstem. Sh lkəlet-m to bake bread. kən lkalátəm. I made bread. [nb18120.14] See: lkalát.

lkapí   [ḷkapí] Morph: lkapí. From: French le café. Etym: √lkp. coffee.

Istem. Cr lkaˑpí. ḷkapí. Coffee. [dict]

lkapú   [ḷkapú] Morph: lkapú. From: French le capot. Etym: √lkp. overcoat; coat.

Istem. Sp lkepú coat; Cm lkapú coat. kʷa ʕ̓ác̓ənt, i l sənq̓əltíɬxʷtən uɬ ixíʔ kɬlkapúləx. Look, at the hospital they have those coats. [GDd1 413] ksəlkapúaʔx ta Johnny Pierre kʷúɬəntəm iʔ t skəwpálqsc. He was going to put on the fur coat that Johnny Pierre loaned him. [EJEp.43] kʷ cəlkapú, haʔ kʷ səck̓íytx. You have a coat on, are you cold? [E50.7]

lkapúm   [ḷkapúm] Morph: lkapú+m. From: French le capot. Etym: √lkp. to put on a coat.

Mstem. kən lkapúm. I put my coat on. [jan93nb 039] See: lkapú.

lkasát   [lkasát] Morph: lkasát. From: French la cassette. Etym: √lkst. box.

Istem. kʷu scəcámaʔts uɬ ixíʔ kʷu ckəxstím axáʔ i tə lkasát məɬ kʷu q̓aʔxəntím məɬ kʷu kt̓əwstíw̓s. When we were small the box went with us; they put it under our feet, and we stood on it. [AutPS 213, 215] lipúm a lkasáts. The apple box. [AutPS 214] úɬiʔ kʷúmən i l inlkasát iʔ kʷúmən. And I put it away in my box. [GDd2 317]

lkip   [ḷkip] Morph: lkip. Etym: √lkp. to pit cook (moss); to barbeque; to bake underground.

Istem. aláʔ kʷu scəlkípx, cxʷuyx kʷ sʔíɬnx. We've been cooking here. Come and eat! [cogrzd 086] scəlkípxəlx. They are barbequeing. [nb18115.9] səck̓ʷəl̕cəncútx iʔ sm̓amʔím scəlkípx. There were women there pit-cooking. [nb9a 195] kʷu ksəlkípaʔx. Let's barbeque. [nb18115.7]

lkipm   Morph: lkip+m. Etym: √lkp. to pit cook (moss); to barbeque; to bake underground.

Mstem. lkípəm. Pit-cook. [nb9a 120]

lkipmn   [lkípmən] Morph: lkip+mn. Etym: √lkp. container used to cook in the ground.

Istem. Category: +mn. lkípmən. Container. [dict] See: lkip.

lklaklí   [ləklaklí] Morph: lk•laklí. Etym: √lkl. things are locked; to lock several things.

Istem. ik̓líʔ kiʔ sənkʷúməns, yaʕyáʕt əclklaklí. That's where she stores her things, all locked. [GDd1 508] See: laklí.

lklaklínt   Morph: lk•laklí+nt. Etym: √lkl. things are locked; to lock several things.

Tstem. Category: +nt. iʔ k̓a ṇkaʔɬəlmíw̓s ixíʔ ləklaklís, ixíʔ cəlklaklísts. Three stories she locks, she locks them all. [dict] See: laklí.

lklaklíst   Morph: lk•laklí+st. Etym: √lkl. things are locked; to lock several things.

Tstem. Category: +st. ixíʔ cəlklaklísts. She locks them all. [dict] See: laklí.

lkosó   [ləkosó, ḷkosó] Morph: lkosó. From: French le cochon. Etym: √lks. pig.

Istem. Sp lkʷosó pig, pork, bacon, ham, sausage; Cm ḷkʷụsụ́ pig; Cr lokʷo·só pig. ləkosó. Pig. [nb22.69a]

lk̓ak̓   [ḷk̓ak̓] Morph: lk̓•ak̓. Etym: √lk̓. to be jailed.

Istem. q̓sápiʔ kən lk̓ak̓, uɬ lut kən t̓ acnsámaʔcnəm. A long time ago I was in jail, and I didn't speak English. [su7q̓im 229] nmyips uɬ nixʷ way̓ t̓i cníɬc lk̓ak̓. He told on him and he got thrown in jail too. [gl32] uɬ kən lk̓ak̓, taɬt t q̓sápiʔ. And I was in jail, quite a long time. [su7q̓im 242] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓am   Morph: lk̓a+m. Etym: √lk̓. to tie s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Sp √lič̕(í) to tie; Cm lək̓k̓ get arrested; Cr leč̕ tied, bound, handcuffed, jailed, manacled; Sh lk̓-em to wind (string) around ...; Th √yək̓ wind around. Category: +am. kʷu akslək̓ám. You’ll tie me. [nb21.112a] kʷu kslək̓ámsəlx. They’ll tie me. [nb21.112a] See: lak̓.

lk̓ikn   [ḷk̓ikn] Morph: lk̓ikn. Etym: √lk̓. packing rope; a rope for tying a bundle or a pack; pack strap.

Istem. lək̓íkn. Rope for tying a bundle/pack. [nb26-20 001] lək̓ikəntət. Our bundle-tying rope. [nb26-20 002] t̓i put ksqíltaʔx mi t̓uʔwáq iʔ lk̓íkəns. When she's almost at the top, her pack line will snap. [nb2548.11] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓ip   [ḷk̓ip] Morph: lk̓ip. Etym: √lk̓p. a female fish.

Istem. əlk̓ip. Female fish. [nb23 180]

lk̓iw̓s   [ḷk̓iw̓s] Morph: lk̓iw̓s. Etym: √lk̓. a bundle; s.t. in a bundle.

Istem. uɬ əlk̓íw̓s iʔ x̌ásx̌əs. A bundle of medicine weeds. [fatboy 122] ixíʔ x̌ʷíc̓əntxʷ sp̓úlaʔxʷəntxʷ, məɬ t̓i yaʔ ʔx̌iʔ ník̓ək̓, uɬ aɬíʔ ckc̓lálqʷ uɬ ilíʔ ƛ̓lap, k̓a ʔx̌iʔ ɬwníkstməntxʷ, məɬ put way̓ cəlk̓íw̓s. You cut it (and) hit it on the ground, and it̓s cut, because it has finger-like things, and it stops there, then you let it go, and it̓s just enough for a bundle. [dict] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓iw̓sm   [ḷk̓iw̓səm] Morph: lk̓iw̓s+m. Etym: √lk̓. to bundle s.t.; to tie s.t. in bundles.

Mstem. cəlk̓íw̓sməlx. They tie it in the middle. [dict] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓iw̓smnt   Morph: lk̓iw̓s+m+nt. Etym: √lk̓. to bundle s.t.; to tie s.t. in bundles.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ x̌ʷíclaʔxʷəm, uɬ wiʔsx̌ʷíclaʔxʷəm, uɬ ixíʔ ɬ ḷk̓iw̓səms. He cut it, and got done cutting, and then he tied bundles. [dict] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓iw̓stn   [ḷk̓iw̓stṇ] Morph: lk̓iw̓s+tn. Etym: √lk̓. baler.

Istem. Category: +tn. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ cun way̓ axáʔ ɬ taʔxʷɬsənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ iʔ ta lk̓íw̓stən. And like I said, when they got horse-powered balers... [Hrvst 255] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓k̓iʔst   [lək̓ək̓íʔst] Morph: lk̓•k̓iʔst. Etym: √lk̓. to be able to catch a prisoner.

Istem. Category: +iʔst. lk̓k̓iʔst. Catch a prisoner. [OkB] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓lak̓   [lək̓lák̓] Morph: lk̓•lak̓. Etym: √lk̓. to be kept in jail, to be kept prisoner.

Istem. ixíʔ iʔ nayák̓ʷcən, x̌əx̌əntɬʔúpənkstɬx̌əx̌əntspíntk tə slək̓lák̓əlx ixíʔ. These are the Nez Percez, theyʼve been kept prisoners ninety nine years. [gl116] aɬíʔ ixíʔ iwá sqílxʷ, náx̌əmɬ c̓x̌iɬt clək̓lák̓əlx, lut t̓ə kstəɬtáɬtəlx aɬíʔ mat, əclək̓lák̓əlx uɬ lut t̓ə kstəɬtáɬtəlx. To no avail they were Indian. Like prisoners, they donʼt have any rights, they are prisoners and they donʼt have any rights. [gl134] See: lak̓.

lk̓lak̓t   [lək̓lák̓ət] Morph: lk̓•lak̓+t. Etym: √lk̓. to have a one-track mind.

Istem. Category: +t. lək̓lák̓ət. One track mind. [nb21.186a] See: lk̓lak̓; lk̓mncut; lak̓.

lk̓lk̓nt   Morph: lk̓•lk̓+nt. Etym: √lk̓. to tie s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷísəlx, lək̓lək̓əntísəlx t̓k̓ʷəntísəlx. They grabbed him, they tied him up, they threw him down. [dc54] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓ɬt   Morph: lk̓+ɬt. Etym: √lk̓. 1 • to tie s.t. or s.o.

2 • to prohibit.

3 • to arrest s.o.; to put s.o. in jail.

Tstem. Sp √lič̕(í) to tie; Cm lək̓k̓ get arrested; Cr leč̕ tied, bound, handcuffed, jailed, manacled; Sh lk̓-em to wind (string) around ...; Th √yək̓ wind around. Category: +ɬt. lək̓ɬtsín anp̓ínaʔ. I tied your basket. [nb26-20 003] See: lak̓.

lk̓mncut   [lək̓məncút] Morph: lk̓+mncut. Etym: √lk̓. to force oneself; be forceful; to have a one-track mind.

Istem. Category: +ncut. kən lək̓məncút. I got forceful. [E21] scəlk̓məncútx. She’s going strong. [dict] uɬ aslək̓məncút, kiʔ ilíʔ kiʔ cunts ɬ aksənʔúɬxʷ. You forced yourself here, he didn't tell you to come here. [Dvl 363] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓mst   [lək̓mst] Morph: lk̓+m+st. Etym: √lk̓. to force s.o.

Tstem. kʷu lək̓mstís ɬ iksxʷuy. He forced me to go. [nb08 463] kʷu lək̓mstíxʷ ɬ iksíwst. You forced me to drink. [E80.26] way̓ cəm̓ nunxʷínaʔmənts, lut ksəlk̓əmstúms iʔ x̌əl laklís. She’ll believe you and she won’t force you about the key. [nb1239.10] See: lk̓(a).

lk̓mtuɬt   Morph: lk̓+m+tuɬt. Etym: √lk̓. to force s.o.

Tstem. Category: +tuɬt. lək̓mtúɬtxʷ məɬ síwsəs. You forced him to drink. [E21] lək̓mtúɬtsən akscsíwst. I’ll force you to drink what you’re supposed to drink. [E21] lək̓mtúɬtən iʔ ksnkʷníms. I will force him to sing. [E21] See: lk̓.

lk̓nt   Morph: lk̓+nt. Etym: √lk̓. 1 • to tie s.t. or s.o.

2 • to prohibit.

3 • to arrest s.o.; to put s.o. in jail.

Tstem. Sp √lič̕(í) to tie; Cm lək̓k̓ get arrested; Cr leč̕ tied, bound, handcuffed, jailed, manacled; Sh lk̓-em to wind (string) around ...; Th √yək̓ wind around. Category: +nt. kʷu lək̓əntísəlx. [nb18115.14] uɬ cəm̓ t̓i kʷu lək̓əntísəlx. They might arrest me. [GDd1 263] xʷúywi, mi cəlk̓əntíp, ckəm̓km̓áx̌ənntp cxʷuystp. Go, tie him up, grab him by both arms and bring him here. [dict] See: lak̓.

lk̓xit   Morph: lk̓+xit. Etym: √lk̓. 1 • to tie s.t. or s.o.

2 • to prohibit.

3 • to arrest s.o.; to put s.o. in jail.

Tstem. Sp √lič̕(í) to tie; Cm lək̓k̓ get arrested; Cr leč̕ tied, bound, handcuffed, jailed, manacled; Sh lk̓-em to wind (string) around ...; Th √yək̓ wind around. Category: +xit. lək̓xítn t ksəlk̓úsc. I tied a pitch bundle (used for night fishing) for him. [nb26-19 013] uɬ kʷu lək̓ɬtím ya nqʷəlqʷíltəntət iʔ k̓əl residential school. At the residential school they prohibited us from using our language. [nb26-49 006] See: lak̓.

lkʷakʷ   [ḷkʷakʷ] Morph: lkʷ•akʷ. Etym: √lkʷ. (to go) far.

Istem. Sp lkʷúkʷ he went far; Cm lkʷkʷalwís to travel a long ways; Cr lekʷ. k̓a nʔíƛ̓ətk lkʷákʷəlx iʔ l k̓súlaʔxʷ. Up north, far away, bad country. [fatboy 021] uɬ lkʷákʷəlx uɬ cut spəpl̕ínaʔ... They went quite a ways and Rabbit said... [lnx2 350] tkʷʔúˑˑtəlx, t̓i mat lkʷákʷəlx. They walked and went long ways. [grlsdd 223] lut aksəlkʷákʷ. Don't go far! [nb2562.9]

lkʷcin   [ləkʷcín] Morph: lkʷcin. Etym: √lkʷ. 1 • a long story; a distant sound.

Istem. kən níxəl way̓ ləkʷcín. I heard it, it̓s a long way. [nb18116.3] way̓ cq̓cq̓am ləkʷcín. The thunder is far away. [nb18116.4]

2 • Istem. a far away place or shore. ləkʷcín. The other bank or place is far. [nb18116.2] mat ləkʷcín. It must be long ways (to the other bank). [nb18116.3] See: lkʷakʷ.

lkʷilx   [ḷkʷilx] Morph: lkʷilx. Etym: √lkʷ. to leave; to go away; to move away.

Istem. Cm lkʷ‑il̕x to leave, go away. Category: +ilx. wiʔsk̓əɬq̓əy̓ncút ki lkʷilx axáʔ iʔ təl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. After he drew it, he left the country. [gregory 104] uɬ lut swit, xiʔ itlíʔ ʔimx ya lkʷílxəlx. And there is nobody, they had all packed and gone. [grlsdd 136] lut ksəlkʷílxaʔx. She won't leave. [cogrzd 110] lkʷílxəx, lut pən̓kín̓ aláʔ akɬcxʷúy. Go far away, don't ever come back here! [grlhd 026] way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ x̌əcmstúmən way̓ kʷ xʷuy, kʷ lkʷilx. I'll get you ready and then you go, you can leave. [grlhd 115] uɬ aɬíʔ sc̓x̌ilx kiʔ kən lkʷilx. That's why I went away. [AutPS 378] lut səlkʷílxs. He didn't leave. [dict] See: lkʷakʷ.

lkʷilxst   [ḷkʷilxst] Morph: lkʷilx+st. Etym: √lkʷ. to take s.t. or s.o. away; to remove s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +st. kʷu lkʷilxstəm iʔ təl̕ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áptət. They took us away from our parents. [nb26-49 005] mi sic lkʷilxstxʷ axáʔ ink̓əɬxármən. And then you can take away my curtain. [LynxS 246] way̓ ixíʔ lkʷilxsts a nxárcən. She took the curtain off. [LynxS 271] ʕapnáʔ ḷkʷílxstxʷ ixíʔ iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ iʔ əckt̓əkt̓əkʔús. Now take out the sticks that your eyes are propped with. [dict] See: lkʷilx; lkʷakʷ.

lkʷkʷ   [ləkʷkʷ] Morph: lkʷ•kʷ. Etym: √lkʷ. to go far away.

Istem. ksləkʷkʷmíxaʔx. He is going long ways away. [nb21.146] See: lkʷakʷ.

lkʷkʷcin   [ləkʷkʷcín] Morph: lkʷ•kʷcin. Etym: √lkʷ. a distant sound.

Istem. uɬ t̓i ləkʷkʷcín naʔɬ sxəƛ̓púlaʔxʷs uɬ k̓wap. The sound got farther away at daylight and stopped. [lpb296] See: lkʷcin; lkʷakʷ.

lkʷkʷilx   [ləkʷkʷílx] Morph: lkʷ•kʷ+ilx. Etym: √lkʷ. to be kept away.

Istem. Category: +ilx. ləkʷkʷílx. He was kept away. [nb21.143] See: lkʷilx; lkʷakʷ.

lkʷkʷst   [ləkʷkʷst] Morph: lkʷ•kʷ+st. Etym: √lkʷ. to take s.t. far away.

Tstem. Category: +st. uɬ ləkʷkʷstíˑˑs. He look them far away. [lnxbdga 005] See: lkʷakʷ.

lkʷlkʷcin   [ləkʷləkʷcín] Morph: lkʷ•lkʷcin. Etym: √lkʷ. a noise is gone or distant.

Istem. ləkʷləkʷcín. Distant noise. [nb20.14a] See: lkʷcin; lkʷakʷ.

lkʷtúlaʔxʷ   [ləkʷtúlaʔxʷ] Morph: lkʷtúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √lkʷ. a distance.

Istem. iʔ l sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ uɬ iʔ skc̓kaqs iʔ ʔawtmasqílxʷ uɬ ləkʷtúlaʔxʷ. On the map are the numbers of inhabitants and the distances. [newles 105] See: lkʷut; lkʷakʷ.

lkʷut   [ḷkʷut] Morph: lkʷut. Etym: √lkʷ. to be far.

Istem. Sp lkʷu-t; Cm k̓lkʷut further away; Cr lekʷ. ixíʔ mat tla lkʷut. This comes from far away. [mychildr 045] lkʷut intəmxʷúlaʔxʷ. My country is far. [nb1270.1] ixíʔ ik̓líliʔ lut t̓a lkʷut iʔ təl ɬp̓úlaʔxʷtn. Not very far from the border. [su7q̓im 075] uɬ wíksəlx iʔ lkʷuˑˑt k̓a yxʷut, k acwár̓, acwər̓w̓ár̓. They saw long ways down some fires, campfires. [su7q̓im 127] talíʔ lkʷut iʔ kscxʷúytət. We are going far. [newles 325] lkʷut kʷaʔ iʔ smaʔməʔímtət, iʔ snilíʔtntət. Our women and our camp are far away. [BJSeym 278] cəm̓ kʷu k̓əɬx̌əlx̌láp, kʷu ṇwaʔsnúxʷ, ḷkʷut iʔ ksxʷúytṇtət, way̓ xʷt̓lílxwi. Daylight will overtake us, we will be late, we are going far, get up. [dict] See: lkʷakʷ.

lk̓ʷist   [ḷk̓ʷist] Morph: lk̓ʷist. Etym: √lk̓ʷ. to stew or boil (fish).

nIstem. Sp √lk̓ʷes dried fish; s-lk̓ʷés-t boiled, dried. uɬ axáʔ aksəlk̓ʷíst. This is for you to boil. [feed24]

lk̓ʷistm   Morph: lk̓ʷist+m. Etym: √lk̓ʷ. to stew or boil (fish).

Mstem. Sp √lk̓ʷes dried fish; s-lk̓ʷés-t boiled, dried. Category: nMstem. iksəlk̓ʷístəm. I’m going to stew fish. [E4]

llaxt   [ḷlaxt] Morph: l•lax+t. Etym: √lx. (fish) slime.

Istem. Sp √liš fish smell. llaxt. Slime. [nb18127.5] See: laxt.

llxúlaʔxʷ   [lˑxúlaʔxʷ] Morph: l•lxúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √lx. slime on the ground.

Istem. lˑxúlaʔxʷ. Slime on the ground. [nb18127.6] See: llaxt.

lmilxʷ   [ḷmilxʷ] Morph: lmilxʷ. Etym: √lm. a different group.

Istem. ḷmílxʷəlx. They are another tribe. [dict]

lmlimt   [ləmlímt] Morph: lm•lim+t. Etym: √lm. to be glad.

Istem. ləmlímt. Glad. [dict] See: limt.

lmlmtsqilxʷ   [ləmləmtsqílxʷ] Morph: lm•lmt+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √lmt. to greet people.

Istem. ləmləmtsqílxʷ. Greet people. [OkB] See: limt; sqilxʷ.

lmmscut   [ləmˑscút] Morph: lm•m+scut. Etym: √lm. to be glad, thankful.

Istem. Category: +scut. kʷu ləmˑscút. We're glad (not confirmed). [nb26-65 023] way̓ kən ləmˑscút. I’m glad, thankful. [nb1834.4] See: limt.

lmncutm   [lməncútəm] Morph: lm+ncut+m. Etym: √lm. to be glad to see s.o.

Mstem. lməncútəm. Glad. [nb21.22a] See: limt.

lmotó   [ḷmotó] Morph: lmotó. Variant: lmoʕtó. Etym: √lmt. sheep.

Istem. Sp lmóto domestic sheep; Cm ḷmụtụ́ sheep. cúntəm way̓ axáʔ iʔ sútən iʔ lmotó sxʷƛ̓iʔ. They told him, "This ram, this goat." [grlhd 105]

lmoʕtó   [ḷmoʕtó] Morph: lmoʕtó. Variant: lmotó. Etym: √lmʕt. sheep.


lmscut   [ləmscút] Morph: lm+scut. Etym: √lm. to be glad.

Istem. Category: +scut. kʷ ləmscút. You are glad; that's good for you. [nb18118.12] See: limt.

lmsqilxʷ   [ləmsqílxʷ] Morph: lm+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √lm, √qlxʷ. to be glad to see people; to greet people.

Istem. kən ləmsqílxʷ. I’m glad to see people / greet them. [nb18118.7] See: limt; sqilxʷ.

lmtmnwixʷ   [ləmtmənwíxʷ] Morph: lm+t+mnwixʷ. Etym: √lm. to enjoy each other.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. nkʷníməlx, wán̓xməlx, ləmtmənwíxʷəlx, məɬ ʔaɬʔíɬnəlx. They sing, they dance, they enjoy each other, and they feast. [rdgs 054] See: limt.

ln   Morph: ln. Etym: ln. ?

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. caq̓əlnútyaʔ. (Bow and) arrow. [nb23 075] See: iln.

lnútyaʔ   [lnútyaʔ] Morph: lnutyaʔ. ?

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. caq̓əlnútyaʔ. (Bow and) arrow. [nb23 075] See: iln; útyaʔ.

lp   [lp] Morph: lp. Variant: ilp; ílaʔp. floor, foundation.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. kɬc̓iw̓lpm. To wash the floor. [nb26-08 014] ʔucəckəlpmnúnəm. To get going downhill (and not stop). [nb26-64 0] sxʷípəlp. Something to put under oneself; blanket women use as mattress. [nb08 236] skɬxʷiplp. Floor mat. [dict] ʔax̌ʷlp. Broom. [dict]

lparín   [ḷparín] Morph: lparín. Variant: laparín. From: French la farine. Etym: √lprn. flour.

Istem. pkʷant iʔ lparín. Spill the flour! [Oct92 023]

lpir   [lpir] Morph: lpir. From: French le beurre. Etym: √lpr. butter.

Istem. lpir. Butter. [nb22.69a]

lplaʕp   [ləpláʕp] Morph: lp•laʕp. Etym: √lʕp. to fall off, s.t. falls off.

Istem. See Sp lʕap emerge, come out, float. See Cm liʕ̓‑iʔ to become loose. məɬ axáʔ iʔ c̓q̓ílən cləpláʕp. And the arrow falls back. [CoGrSy 366]

lpot   [ḷpot] Morph: lpot. Variant: lpoʕt. From: French le pot. Variant: lpat. Etym: √lpt. pot; trophy.

Istem. Sp lpót (l̕pót) cup; Cr l̕+l̕pót chalice, cup, dipper, glass; Li ḷạpạ́t cup. iʔ lpot. The trophy. [nb21.194] xʷistúɬtən iʔ lpot. I moved the pot for her. [nb20.77a]

lpoʕt   [ḷpoʕt] Morph: lpoʕt. Variant: lpot. From: French le pot. Variant: lpat. Etym: √lpt. pot; trophy; trophy.

Istem. inlpóʕt. My cup. [nb18200.7] ixíʔ incákən ɬaʔ kɬlpoʕt. This is my cup. [nb18200.6]

lps   [lps] Morph: lps. Variant: ilps; alps; lps; alp; ílaʔps. neck.

lxAfx. Lit: to tug at one another's neck. Category: lxSfx. ncəkʷcəkʷəlpsənwíxʷ. To have a heated discussion. [nb26-17 009] nc̓iwlps. To wash one's neck. [nb26-37 022] kpíqəlps. Palomino horse (with white mane and tail). [nb9a 018] nixyáxəlps. White turkey. [nb10a 122] nt̓ít̓məlps. Wild gooseberry. [dict]

lp̓   [lp̓] Morph: lp̓. (fire)wood.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. kɬqáqəlwəlp̓. Driftwood. [dict]

lp̓axʷ   [lp̓axʷ] Morph: lp̓axʷ. Etym: √lp̓xʷ. worn through.

Istem. Sp √lep̓éxʷ sound of a foot accidentally falling into a hole; Cr hn+lép̓xʷep punctured ... (lit. it (bucket) was punctured on the bottom). lp̓axʷ. Worn. [nb21.29]

lp̓lap̓qn   [ləp̓laʕp̓qən] Morph: lp̓•lap̓qn. Variant: lp̓laʕp̓qn. Etym: √lp̓. (fallen) branches.

Istem. Sh lep̓-n-s to bend down (esp. branches). aɬíʔ ppiw̓ məɬ tqəcqəclxíw̓s iʔ la cəlp̓láp̓qən. He's light and he runs around the brush. [lnxbdga 351] kən tqəcqclxíw̓s iʔ ta cləp̓laʕp̓qən. I'll run around on the fallen branches. [lnx2 375]

lp̓laʕp̓qn   [ləp̓láʕp̓qnn] Morph: lp̓•laʕp̓qn. Variant: lp̓lap̓qn. Etym: √lʕp̓. fallen branches.


lqalát   [ḷqalát] Morph: lqalát. Variant: lkalát. From: French la galette. Etym: √lqlt. bread; biscuits.

Istem. Ka lqelét bread. k̓im kən kɬlqalát. I have some bread left. [nb08 705]

lqam   Morph: lqa+m. Etym: √lq. to pluck s.t. clean; to pull out (the roots).

Mstem. Sp liq pull loose, pull out; Cm k-lq-ic̓aʔ-nt-xʷ you pluck s.t. [feathers]; Cr laq pull (out plants), weed. Category: +am. cəlqáməlx mat t̓əxʷ iʔ t púnɬp, uɬ ixíʔ wr̓əntísəlx. They pulled up maybe some juniper, and they made a fire. [HnLk28]

lqíɬc̓aʔɬt   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+ɬt. Etym: √lq. to pluck feathers.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. kʷu ləqíɬc̓aʔɬt. Pluck this (chicken) for me! [nb18120.5] See: lq(a).

lqíɬc̓aʔm   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √lq. to pluck feathers.

Mstem. kən ləqíɬc̓aʔm. I plucked (the chicken). [nb18120.7] See: lq(a).

lqíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+nt. Etym: √lq. to pluck feathers.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ḷqíɬc̓aʔṇ. I plucked feathers. [dict] See: lq(a).

lqíɬc̓aʔxt   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+xt. Etym: √lq. to pluck feathers.

Tstem. Category: +xt. kʷu ləqíɬc̓aʔxt. Pluck this (chicken) for me! [nb18120.6] See: lq(a).

lqip   [ḷqip] Morph: lqip. Etym: √lq. a dam; partly dammed running water; to dam s.t.

Istem. ilíʔ lqip iʔ t məlk̓ʷálqʷ lut cmay. There was a jam in the water of logs and all kinds of other thing. [nb20.6] See: lq(a).

lqipm   Morph: lqip+m. Etym: √lq. a dam; partly dammed running water; to dam s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut iksəlqípəm. I won’t pull roots. [nb20.6] See: lq(a).

lqipnt   Morph: lqip+nt. Etym: √lq. a dam; partly dammed running water; to dam s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. lqípənt. Stop the water! [nb20.6] See: lq(a).

lqɬt   Morph: lq+ɬt. Etym: √lq. to pluck s.t. clean; to pull out (the roots).

Tstem. Sp liq pull loose, pull out; Cm k-lq-ic̓aʔ-nt-xʷ you pluck s.t. [feathers]; Cr laq pull (out plants), weed. Category: +ɬt. kʷu ləqɬtíkʷ iʔ suwpcín. Pull my whiskers off! [nb18120.3]

lqnt   Morph: lq+nt. Etym: √lq. to pluck s.t. clean; to pull out (the roots).

Tstem. Sp liq pull loose, pull out; Cm k-lq-ic̓aʔ-nt-xʷ you pluck s.t. [feathers]; Cr laq pull (out plants), weed. Category: +nt. ləqəntísəlx iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. They cleaned the bird. [lnxbdga 308] xʷuyx lqípənt ixíʔ. Go and pull the roots out! [nb20.6]

lqpaʔsncút   [ləqpaʔsəncút] Morph: lqpaʔs+ncút. Etym: √lq. to pull whiskers off one's chin.

Istem. Category: +ncut. uɬ axáʔ incá t̓i kmix kən muˑˑt, kən səcqínk, kən sləqpaʔsəncút. And here I was only sitting around, lying on my back, pulling my whiskers with tweezers. [Seym 507] lut aksəlqpaʔsəncút. Don’t pull whiskers off your chin! [nb18120.2] See: lq(a).

lqs   [lqs] Morph: lqs. Variant: alqs; al̕qs; aʕlqs. clothes, dress (referring primarily to women’s clothes).

lxAfx. Lit: black robe Category: lxSfx. (s)k̓əməlqsíkst. Elbow. [nb27-08 003] tk̓ʷáxʷəxʷəlqs. Bundled. [nb10a 081] q̓ʷʕáylqs. Priest. [su7q̓im 283] sx̌ásəlqs. Moose, stag, elk. [nb10a 164]

lqsikst   [lqsikst] Morph: lqsikst. elbow.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. ncaʔlqsíkstəm. To elbow s.o. [nb1832.13] ink̓əməlqsíkst. My elbow. [nb27-08 003] ncaʔlqsíkstm. To elbow s.o. [dict] (s)k̓əməlqsíkst. Elbow. [nb27-08 003] nsp̓p̓lqsikst. To get hit on the elbow. [dict] See: lqs; ikst.

lqúlaʔxʷ   [ḷqúlaʔxʷ] Morph: lqúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √lq. to pull s.t. from the ground.

Istem. way̓ uɬ t̓iʔ t̓əxʷ səlqúlaʔxʷs, ixíʔ uɬ uʔíksts. He pulled them by hand, then he got done. [Dvl 177] See: lq(a).

lqúlaʔxʷm   Morph: lqúlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √lq. to pull s.t. from the ground.

Mstem. uɬ ixíʔ iʔ kəlk̓əlk̓íc̓aʔxtəm a lqúlaʔxʷəm t st̓ʔíʔ. And he wrapped it up, he pulled it from the grass. [Whal 004] See: lq(a).

lq̓liq̓nt   Morph: lq•liq̓+nt. Etym: √lq̓. to bury s.t. or s.o. with dirt.

Tstem. Category: +nt. axáʔ nɬíˑˑx̌ʷlaʔxʷən, uɬ ilíʔ mi ləq̓líq̓əɬmən. I will dig holes, and I will bury you there. [race38] See: liq̓.

lq̓mncut   [ləq̓məncút] Morph: lq̓+mncut. Etym: √lq̓. to go strong.

Istem. Category: +ncut. uɬ aɬíʔ niʕ̓íp scəlq̓məncútx scʕimtx. She is still going strong, angry. [CoGrSy 733]

lqʷ   [alqʷ] Morph: alqʷ. Variant: al̕qʷ; aʕlqʷ; álaʔqʷ; lalqʷ; laʔqʷ. 1 • cylindrical object.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. knáq̓ʷəlqʷ. Poacher. [nb23 007] kpíqəlqʷ. White round and long object (e.g. tree trunk). [nb25-22 018] səntq̓ay̓álqʷtən. Writing board. [misc 223] ktiqʷlqʷ. To burn or make shine a cylindrical object. [dict] st̕íkʷləqʷ. Subalpine fir. [dict] t̓íq̓ʷəlqʷ. Tall person. [nb26-71 012] q̓aʔlqʷsísəlp̓tən. Stick to stir the fire with. [cogrzd 066]

2 • lxAfx. of unclear meaning in the construction sisclqʷm honeymoon.

lqʷaw̓stxn   [lqʷáw̓stxən] Morph: lqʷaw̓stxn. Variant: lqʷaʕw̓stxn. down the leg.

lxAfx. Lit: streaks of excrement down the leg Category: lxSfx. p̓aʕc̓əlqʷáw̓stxən. Name of one of Coyote's sons. [nb27-12 010] See: lqʷaʕw̓stxn.

lqʷaʕw̓stxn   [lqʷáʕw̓stxən] Morph: lqʷaʕw̓stxn. Variant: lqʷaw̓stxn. down the leg.

lxAfx. Lit: streaks of excrement down the leg Category: lxSfx, PhM. kp̓ac̓əlqʷáʕw̓stxən. Name of one of Coyote's sons. [nb27-12 010] See: lqʷaʕw̓stxn.

lqʷiks(t)   [lqʷikst] Morph: lqʷiks(t). wrist; arm.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. tk̓ʷəmlqʷíksəm. To bite on the wrist. [CoGrSy 805] skəwpwəplqʷíkst. Hair on arms. [OkB] See: lqʷ; ikst.

lqʷpqn   [lqʷəpqən] Morph: lqʷpqn. ?

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. tətíɬəlqʷpqn. Coyote's son's name. [nb08 583] See: lqʷ; qn.

lq̓ʷam   Morph: lq̓ʷa+m. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. to break s.t. off or in pieces.

Mstem. Sp loq̓ʷ torn loose from; Cm lq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; Cr hn+loq̓ʷíw̓es divorced, split; Li √laq̓ʷ to tear open, pry open. Category: +am. kən lq̓ʷam. I broke it off. [11.74a]

lq̓ʷap   [ḷq̓ʷáp] Morph: lq̓ʷa+p. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. s.t. has broken off; s.t. is chipped.

Istem. Category: +ap. cc̓q̓stín uɬ ləq̓ʷáp. I was hitting it and it broke off. [nb27-29 005] See: lq̓ʷ(a).

lq̓ʷlaq̓ʷ   [ləq̓ʷláq̓ʷ] Morph: lq̓ʷ•laq̓ʷ. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. s.t. is broken off.

Istem. ləq̓ʷláq̓ʷ. Broken off. [nb21.29] See: lq̓ʷ(a).

lq̓ʷlq̓ʷiw̓s   [lq̓ʷəlq̓ʷíw̓s] Morph: lq̓ʷ•lq̓ʷiw̓s. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. to break in two; to break in the center.

Istem. way̓ t̓i lut uɬ lq̓ʷəlq̓ʷíw̓s iʔ n̓ín̓k̓mən. Before long the knife broke in two. [Whal 250] way̓ t̓i cxʷuy iʔ scník̓əs uɬ ixíʔ nixʷ lq̓ʷəlq̓ʷíw̓s. He kept cutting and that (knife) broke too. [dict] See: lq̓ʷ(a).

lq̓ʷnt   Morph: lq̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √lq̓ʷ. to break s.t. off or in pieces.

Tstem. Sp loq̓ʷ torn loose from; Cm lq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; Cr hn+loq̓ʷíw̓es divorced, split; Li √laq̓ʷ to tear open, pry open. Category: +nt. t anwí kiʔ ləq̓ʷəntíxʷ. You broke it in two. [nb18123.6] l̩q̓ʷəntís. He breaks it in pieces. [dict]

ls   [ls] Morph: ls. Variant: +ils; als; ílaʔs; lils. 1 • feeling.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. ṇk̓ʷaʔlsəncút. To be angry. [dict] nk̓əwpəlsúlaʔxʷ. To be lonesome for one's country. [dict] músəls. To have hopes. [nb26-58 011] miylscút. To be sure of s.t. [nb25-63 004] miylsmíst. To be sure of s.t. [nb25-63 003] npútəls. To be satisfied. [misc 064] npətʔíls. To respect one's feelings. [dict] scənq̓aʔíls. Worries. [misc 115] ck̓əɬtunəlsmíst. To feel not good enough, to fall short of the mark. [nb10a 040] nx̌əstəlsm̓íst To get satisfaction for s.t. [2gts 136] nyəʕ̓ʷlscút. To control one's temper. [dict]

2 • lxAfx. throat; chest; stomach. st̓ík̓əls. Food. [su7q̓im 027] kt̓íləls. Stomach busts. [dict] tx̌ʕayls. Cool throat, chest. [mb23 254]

lsap   [ḷsap] Morph: lsa+p. Etym: √ls. to be misty (rain).

Istem. Category: +ap. way̓ lsap. It's misty rain. [nb25-38 008] kən ɬaʔ cpíx̌əm lsap iʔ wist. When I was hunting it was misty in the mountains. [nb25-38 009]

lscaʕt   [lscaʕt] Morph: lscaʕt. Variant: lscut. appurtenances, clothes, belongings.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx, PhM. q̓ʷəylscáʕt. Dirty clothes. [dict]

lscut   [lscut] Morph: lscut. Variant: lscaʕt. appurtenances, clothes, belongings.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. kʷməlscút. To put clothes away; to store things. [nb26-09 008] ɬqʷəlscút. To hang clothes. [nb26-09 005] kɬxʷpəlscút To hang clothes. [nb26-09 004] cqəlxʷlscút. To be in in Indian dress. [su7q̓im 257c] q̓ʷəɬtəlscút. To pack one’s baggage. [dict] nq̓ʷaʔtkʷəlscút. To wash clothes. [misc 278] stməlscút. Stock. [mychildr 233] stəxʷlscút. Possessions. [mychildr 175] xƛ̓pəlscút. A complete outfit. [dict] xʷtəlscút. To remove clothes. [dict] kɬk̓ɬixʷtəlscút. Underwear. [GDd1 141] cyaʕḷscút. Goods arrive. [dict]

lsipík   [ḷsipík] Morph: lsipík. From: French archevêque. Etym: √lspk. (arch)bishop.

Istem. Cr li·béč bishop; Li lísapik bishop. yaʔx̌ís iʔ q̓ʷaʕylqs uɬ iʔ lsipík. That priest was the bishop. [Cona64]

lsitrú   [ḷsitrú] Morph: lsitrú. From: French le citron. Etym: √lstr. squash.

Istem. way̓ k̓ʷánɬqməlx iʔ patáq, iʔ stim̓, iʔ sƛ̓úk̓ʷəm, iʔ lsitrú. They planted potatoes and things, carrots, squash. [Green.82-83]

lt   [lt] Morph: lt. Variant: ilt; ílaʔt. 1 • child(ren).

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. skʷinlt. Adopted child. [dict] sqʷsaʔltíw̓s. Siblings. [nb26-43 009] wíkəlt. To get acquainted with a child. [dict] sxaʔtmíxəlt. First born child. [dict] nyúsəlt. A child wrapped (e.g. in the cradle board). [nb26-15 00]

2 • lxAfx. food; berry. kɬpíɬəltm. To spread berries to dry.

3 • lxAfx. ? st̓mʕált. Cows. [mychildr 233] spaʔqʷəltált. Sun. [nb26-09 014] st̓íqʷəlt. Moon. [nb26-09 015]

lti   [ḷti] Morph: lti. Variant: lití. Etym: √lt. tea.

Istem. Sp lití tea; Sh lti tea. uɬ ilíʔ mat ncixm ta lti, kcqúsəs. He heated up some tea, he put it on the fire. [mychildr 040]

ltílaʔt   [ltílaʔt] Morph: ltílaʔt. reduplicated diminutive form of ilt offspring.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx, dim. knəqsəltílaʔt. Only child. [nb9a 086] See: ilt.

ltkʷu   [lətkʷú, ḷtkʷu] Morph: ltkʷu. Etym: √ltkʷ. brown otter.

Istem. Sp l-tkʷúkʷ otter; Cm ltkʷú otter; Cr ltkʷú otter. ḷtkʷu. Otter. [nb1892.14]

ltlutst   Morph: lt•lut+st. Etym: √lt. to refuse s.o.; to turn s.o. down.

Tstem. Category: +st. way̓ kʷu lətlútstəm. They refused us. [nb16126.3] See: lut.

ltn   [ltṇ] Morph: ltn. food; eat; stomach.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. t̓i put q̓ʷíc̓əltən. It was just full (of berries). [chip 010]

lu   [lu] Morph: lu. Etym: l. a vocalization.

pcl. Category: Onom. t̓iʔ lu lu lu lu uɬ nis. Roll, roll, roll, roll, he's gone. [sknkf 031]

luk̓ʷt   [luk̓ʷt] Morph: luk̓ʷ+t. Etym: √lk̓ʷ. to fall through ice.

Istem. Cf Sp lék̓ʷ-n-t-m he was swept downriver on a swift current. Category: +t. luk̓ʷt. Fall through the ice. [nb21.85a]

lup   [lup] Morph: lup. place.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. nəqslúp. One spot. [misc 101] kaʔɬlúp. Three piles. [nb1227.2] nk̓ʷəlúp. One pile. [nb1227.3]

lut1   [lut] Morph: lut. Etym: √lt. not.

Istem. Cm lut no, not; Cr lut mischievous, negative, no, not; lustus (lit. He rejected it, he refused it). way̓ iwá cx̌əlítən uɬ lut. I asked him to come and he wouldn’t. [nb1220.5] lut naqs aʔ nqʷəlqʷíltən t̓a clut axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. There is not one thing on this earth doesn't have a language. [mychildr 274] mat knaqs lut. It must be that one person is not here.

lut2   [lut] Morph: lut. partner, co-.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. sənk̓ʷɬɬəq̓ʷlút. Bed partner. [dict] sənk̓ʷɬɬəq̓ʷɬəq̓ʷlút. Bed partners. [dict]

lut2   [lut] Morph: lut. Etym: √lt. 1 • negative particle "not".

pcl. Category: neg. lut ixíʔ ilíʔ wíksəlx, uɬ kɬnyaʕ̓ kiʔ ilíʔ c̓l̕al̕. They didn't see him, and he had a spear when he landed there on his feet. [su7q̓im 153] caʔkʷ lut aksəntíls, axáʔ iksq̓əy̓ám məɬ ixíʔ ikstumístm. But don't be thinking: "This that I am writing, I'll sell it." [su7q̓im 290] lut km̓a incá ism̓aʔm̓áy̓, ixíʔ inxaxʔít, itlíʔ kiʔ iscmipnwíɬən. These are not my stories, they are my ancestors' that's who I learned them from. [su7q̓im 293] lut istk̓ík̓aʔt iʔ k̓əl q̓əy̓mín. I couldn't keep up with the books. [dict] itlíʔ ʕapnáʔ uɬ xʷʔit lut əcnəqílxʷcən. And now many don't talk Indian. [nb26-49 007] lut ksənɬíptməntəm iʔ sqílxʷtət. Don't let our People be forgotten. [nb26-70 007] lut ksíwənts. Don't let him ask you. [nb26-71 003] lut kʷu aksíwm. Don't ask me. [nb26-71 001] suswít lut iʔ kxan Who did not go? [newles 018] lut t̓a ckaʔkícsts He didn't find anything. [coyeyes 010] uɬ lut iksknáqscən. I'm not going to eat it alone. [LynxS 389] way̓ lut ixíʔ asck̓əɬpáx̌. What you're thinking is not right. [dict] iʔ t xƛ̓ut miys sənt̓əpt̓páqsəs lut iʔ t sniw̓t ksníw̓əntəm. He put rocks on the corners so the wind won't blow it away. [dict] lut kɬkicx, məɬ x̌lap məɬ ixíʔ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔntísəlx. If nobody shows up, then the next day they go looking for them. [dictkɬkícx] lut txíxiʔ axáʔ iʔ kɬcq̓íləns. His arrows are not good enough. [dict] way̓ uɬ lut iksnwnxʷínaʔ. I'm not going to believe it. [dict] uɬ way̓ cúntsən lut k̓im kʷu ksl̕əx̌tíw̓səms. And I told you, there is no way we can be friends. [dict] lut, way̓ cúntsən lut. No, I told you no. [dict]

2 • pcl. nothing. naqs miɬx̌ást kiʔ təl̕ lut. One is better than nothing. [nb9a 202]

3 • pcl. to refuse, to not do, to not have, to not be. Cm lut no, not; Cr lut mischievous, negative, no, not; lustus (lit. He rejected it, he refused it).

lut cmay   [lut cmay] Morph: lut cmay ? Variant: lut iʔ cmay. Etym: √lt. of all kinds; everywhere; every which way.

phrasal. uɬ ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ t kʷər̓kʷr̓íʔ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ t q̓ʷʕay t̓iʔ t̓əxʷ lut cmay. There were yellow, and some were black, [pants] of all colors. [Green.62] t̓i lut cmay iʔ ksxʷúytəns. His tracks are all over. [lnxbdga 348] lut cmaylx ilíʔ ʔícəcknəlx. They played in all kinds of ways with them. [grlsdd 020] t̓əxʷ lut cmaylx x̌əcnwíxʷəlx məɬ ixíʔ t sənk̓líp cúntməlx. They do anything and they bet, and Coyote tells them. [2gts 069] See: lut; cmay.

lut itíʔ   [lut itíʔ] Morph: lut itíʔ. Etym: √lt, √tʔ. not quite.

phrasal. kʷ lut itíʔ You're ahead ("kind of like 'perfect, but not quite"); there's lots good about you. [nb10a 061] ilmíxʷəm uɬ lut itíʔ x̌əw̓áp iʔ smaʔmʔím He was a good chief, and the women are just about dry mouthed. [blkpg 004] way̓ uɬ lut itíʔ, sqiʔáxʷs iʔ sqəltmíxʷs. Her husband really stank. [BJSeym 526]

lut itxíʔ   [lut itxíʔ] Morph: lut itxíʔ ? Etym: √lt; √txʔ ?. positively, without question.

phrasal. way̓ lut itxíʔ sənc̓əlc̓əlpcíns. His cry was positively fearsome. [lpb286] way̓ lut itxíʔ xʷəm t̓i scənpkʷíɬc̓aʔx ɬə caʕcaʕcáʕ ilíʔ ʔaxʷkʷúˑˑnəm iʔ scúɬəm. When the bull cried out his cry was like a gravelly voice (lit. something poured into something). [lpb286] See: lut.

lut iʔ cmay   [lut iʔ cmay] Morph: lut iʔ cmay ? Variant: lut cmay. Etym: √lt. of all kinds.

phrasal. axáʔ t̓əxʷ mat iʔ x̌ʷaʕylxʷ, iʔ sənk̓líp, nc̓íʔcən, iʔ swaʕ̓, iʔ kiʔláwnaʔ, lut iʔ cmay, iʔ məlqnúps itíʔ x̌áʕx̌aʕ, iʔ ʕ̓an̓n̓, yaʕyáʕt stim̓, iʔ qʷáʕsqiʔ, t̓əxʷ iʔ xƛ̓ap sysyáʕlxəlx. I guess Fox, Coyote, Wolf, Cougar, Grizzly Bear. All of them, Eagle, Crow, Magpie, everyone, Blue Jay, you see, they all clamored. [lpb275] lut iʔ cmay mat t̓əxʷ k̓im ixíʔ nk̓əsk̓síls k̓im ilíʔ a cʔax̌lwísəs. All kinds, you see, except for the mean ones that still carried on. [lpb289]

lut iʔ myiw̓s   [lut iʔ miw̓s] Morph: lut iʔ myiw̓s. Etym: √lt, √my. every which way; it doesn't matter how. Lit: not halfway ?

phrasal. t̓kʷpəncút syməncáʕt lut iʔ miw̓s iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. The animals holler, clamor, it doesn’t matter how. [lpb274] See: lut.

lut kmʔikxtm   [kəmʔíkxtəm] Morph: lut kmʔikxt+m. Etym: √lt, √kmʔ. to do all sorts of things.

phrasal. lut kəmʔíkxtəm axáʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ iʔ səmx̌íkən. He did all kinds of things to the old lady, the Grizzly. [CoGrSy 788]

lut ksluts   [lut ksluts] Morph: lut k+s+lut+s. Etym: √lt. with no exceptions; there is no no about it; without failure.

phrasal. uɬ way̓ incá lut ksluts nixʷ kʷu kspulsts, kʷu ksənʔúcxiʔs. There is no doubt, he'll kill me too, he'll track me. [AutPS 110] uɬ aɬíʔ kən lkʷakʷ uɬ aɬíʔ lut ksluts. And so I went far, and there is no two things about it. [AutPS 379] yaʕyáʕt iʔ p sqilxʷ, lut ksluts. All of you people, there is no no about it. [LynxS 105] axáʔ yaʕyáʕt lut ksluts. All of it, don't leave anything. [LynxS 236] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ iwá t̓iyám uɬ ɬcq̓ʷíɬtməntp lut ksluts aláʔ kscənxíʔs. Even if he gets lazy, pack him! There is no no about it, he has to be here. [Nams 089] lut ksluts, ksaláʔs, ksckicxs. There is no no about it, he has to be here. [dict] See: lut.

lut k̓aʔkín   [lut k̓aʔkín] Morph: lut k̓a+ʔkín. Etym: √lt, √ʔkn. not anywhere; nowhere.

phrasal. lut k̓aʔkín t̓ iksənxʷúytṇ, kmix aláʔ l anwí. I don't have anywhere to go, only here with you. [dict] lut mat k̓aʔkín. Not anywhere far. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ xʷʔit iʔ smík̓ʷət məɬ lut k̓aʔkín ksxʷuys. When there is really lots of snow he won't try to go anyplace. [fatboy 044] uɬ lut k̓aʔkín̓ t̓a ksxʷuys. He can’t go any place. [nb1256.9] See: lut; k̓aʔkín.

lut k̓im   [lut k̓im] Morph: lut k̓im. Variant: lut k̓m. Etym: √lt, √k̓m. no more.

phrasal. uɬ lut k̓im kʷu isl̕ax̌t. You won't be my partner any more. [Dvl 269]

lut k̓m   [lut k̓əm] Morph: lut k̓m. Variant: lut k̓im. Etym: √lt. not at all.

phrasal. lut k̓əm ṇk̓ʷúl̕mən iʔ l stim̓, uɬ aɬíʔ sk̓iwḷx. The one (horse) that̓s not good for anything, the old one. [dict] way̓ lut, lut k̓əm kʷu t̓ə sl̕ax̌t. No, we're not partners. [dict] See: lut; k̓m.

lut nixʷ   [lut nixʷ] Morph: lut nixʷ. Etym: √lt, nxʷ. no more; no further, not again.

phrasal. lut nixʷ akɬəɬq̓ʷl̕íw̓m. Don't pick berries any more! [chipdd 075] lut nixʷ aláʔ akɬckícx. Donʼt come back here again! [gl77] See: lut; nixʷ.

lut nmyiw̓s   [lut nmyiw̓s] Morph: lut n+myiw̓s. Etym: √lt, √my. of all kinds.

phrasal. lut nmiyíw̓s iʔ ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ. All kinds of dirt. [crea59] See: lut.

lut pn̓kin̓   [lut pən̓kín̓] Morph: lut pn+ʔkin̓. Etym: √lt; √pn, √ʔkn̓. never; not ever.

phrasal. Sh táʔ pnhén never, by no means, definitely not. ixíʔ mi sic kʷ qʷən̓qʷán̓t, ixíʔ mi lut pənkín̓ t̓ ksp̓uƛ̓əms aksqʷən̓qʷán̓t. You will be sorry, your sorrow will never end. [su7q̓im 259] lut pən̓kín̓ aksnɬíptmnəm iʔ cúɬtsən. Don't ever forget about what I told you! [E83.22] lut pənʔkín t̓a cwikstxʷ axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ, uɬ t̓i kmix wíkəntxʷ iʔ sk̓əɬq̓y̓ncút. You have never seen this woman, you had only seen the picture. [dict] kʷaʔ lut pənʔkín iʔ skəkʕáka t̓ə cm̓ay̓xtwíxʷəlx, t̓ə cqʷaʔqʷʔálx. Birds never do talk to one another, or just talk. [dict] lut pənʔkín aɬíʔ t swit t̓ə ɬəɬckʷíɬtəm. Never has anyone taken it back from her. [dict] uɬ lut pən̓kín̓ ik̓líʔ t̓ə ksk̓əɬkícxəs swit. Nobody will ever get there. [lnxbdga 070] ʕapnáʔ lut nixʷ pən̓kín. Now or never. [E2] See: lut; pn̓kin̓.

lut slkʷuts   [lut səlkʷúts] Morph: lut s+lkʷut-s. Etym: √lt, √lkʷ. not far.

phrasal. way̓ t̓iʔ lut səlkʷúts lut sənpúƛ̓əms nkcníkiʔsəlx iʔ səmx̌íkən. Not far, he never got out of the brush, and they overtook the grizzly. [AutPS 140] xʷúystməlx ik̓líʔ iʔ k̓əl l̕kʷut, t̓əxʷ lut səlkʷúts. She took them a way away, not too far. [GDd2 211] See: lut; lkʷut.

lut sq̓sápiʔs   [lut sq̓sápiʔs] Morph: lut s+q̓sápiʔ-s. Etym: √lt, √q̓sp. not long after.

phrasal. lut sq̓sápiʔs way̓ uɬ ixíʔ səlxʷaʔtwílxs. Not long after that she started to get big. [LynxS 074] way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ captíkʷɬ uɬ t̓iʔ k̓ʷul̕l̕ lut sq̓sápiʔs uɬ ƛ̓x̌ap. And because it's a fairy tale, he was born and it wasn't long after that, he grew up. [GDd2 569-570] See: lut; q̓sápiʔ.

lut sqʷays   [lut sqʷays] Morph: lut s+qʷay-s. Etym: √qʷy. not often.

phrasal. lut sqʷays kʷu t̓a ckícstsəlx t sqilxʷ. It isn't often that people get here. [2gts 091] See: lut; qʷay1.

lut stim̓   [lut stim̓] Morph: lut s+tim̓. Etym: √lt; √tm̓. nothing.

phrasal. Cm lut stam̓ nothing; Cr lut s+tim̓ cipher, nothing, zero. cəm̓ ɬaʔ ɬkícəntp iʔ stməlscút, uɬ lut stim̓. When you get to the beads, they won't be anything. [lnxbdga 063] lut stim̓ ksk̓ʷúl̕əntp mi p iyáʕp. Don't do anything until you get there. [lnx2 084] uɬ iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət lut stim̓. And the others nothing. [grlsdd 139] sƛ̓aʔkʷílxəx, lut stim̓ t̓a ck̓əɬtəqmísts. He is quite the medicine man, nothing slips by him. [feb94 027] lut stim̓ t̓a cxik̓stxʷ. You don't miss much. [newles 065] lut stím̓əlx. None of those things. [dict] lut stim̓ t̓ q̓íltəms. Nothing hurts anymore. [su7q̓im 112] See: lut; stim̓.

lut swit   [lut swit] Morph: lut swit. Variant: lutm swit. Etym: √lt, √swt. nobody; not anybody.

phrasal. Gram: without intervening material Gram: with material intervening Cm lut swat no one. lut swit kʷu t̓ə ck̓əɬxaʔtxtís. Nobody can best me. [dict] lut swit t̓ə cənppílx aláʔ, kmix iʔ x̌ast. It's not anybody can get in here, only the good. [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ lut swit. Nobody. [fatboy 077] uɬ k̓aw, lut swit t̓ə qʷəlqʷílt. It was quiet, nobody spoke. [lnx2 330] lut səwít t̓a ct̓aʕpám t sƛ̓aʔcínəm. Nobody can kill deer, no. [grlsdd 137] lut mat swit ksk̓ʷl̕ɬtaʔnmúsmiʔs. Nobody should treat it lightly. [su7q̓im 295] lutəm t swit k̓ʷúl̕xtəm. He's the one that fixed that, nobody fixed it for him. [dict] See: lut; swit.

lut t̓   [lut̓] Morph: lut t̓. Etym: √lt. emphatic negative particle.

plc. Gram: with no intervening material Gram: with intervening material t̓i kən atáˑˑʔ uɬ lut̓ qəɬnún a ctxʷúymstən. I tried but I didn't reach what I was going for. [nb23 258] uɬ lut t̓ sílxʷaʔ iʔ t̓ík̓ʷət. It's not a big lake. [su7q̓im 102] way̓ xʷʔásq̓ət lut t̓ə c̓aɬʔíɬənsəlx. It had been many days since they had eaten. [dict] way̓ lut t̓ə ct̓lúlaʔxʷstsəlx. They didn't have to plow. [dict] uɬ lut t̓ə cɬáʕtəlx, uɬ kʷáˑˑl̕t. They don't get wet, and it's warm. [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ lut t̓ iksənʔayxʷíw̓səm, lut t̓ iksənx̌ʷílcnəm. And I'm not going to trade it off, I'm not going to throw away my word. [dict] lut taɬt laʔkín t̓a cx̌ast t sqilxʷ. He's not always a good person. [su7q̓im 055] way̓ lut k̓əl stim̓ kən t̓ x̌ast k̓im ʕapnáʔ. I'm not good for anything anymore. [su7q̓im 098] lut kʷ t̓ ikstiʔxʷkʷúnəm. I wouldn't say that to you. [su7q̓im 182] way̓ lut kʷ t̓ iksm̓ay̓ɬtím, cəm̓ kʷu q̓ilɬtxʷ ispuʔús. Well, no, I'm not going to tell you. You might sadden my heart. [su7q̓im 183] lut kʷ t̓ ikstiʔxʷkʷúnəm. I will not say that to you. [su7q̓im 186] náx̌əmɬ kʷaʔ mat inxaʔxʔít lut kʷu t̓ ksmálx̌aʔysəlx. But my ancestors wouldn't lie to me. [su7q̓im 206] kʷaʔ iʔ l snlk̓min, lut taɬt niʕ̓íp t̓ c̓uy la nixʷút. In the jail, inside there is never completely dark. [su7q̓im 247] lut incá kʷ t̓ ikskc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm. I'm not going to judge you. [su7q̓im 296] lut kʷu t̓ aksíwm. You won't ask me. [nb26-71 001] lut kʷ t̓ iksmálx̌aʔm. I won't like to you. [nb26-84 011] lut kʷu t̓ aksmálx̌aʔm You won't lie to me. [nb26-84 012] lut kən t̓a kɬmíƛ̓mən I don't have any paint. [nb27-37 005] lut kən t̓a kɬnxʷuytn. I have no way to travel. [newles 060] See: lut.

lut t̓ xʷuy   [lut̓ xʷuy] Morph: lut t̓ xʷuy. Variant: lut xʷuy. Etym: √lt, √xʷy. never.

phrasal. lut̓ xʷuˑˑy, kʷaʔ swit kʷu t̓a ɬctxət̓t̓núɬts inlaklí. It never happened that anybody could take care of my key. [GDd2 314]

lut t̓a   [lut̓a] Morph: lut t̓. Etym: √lt. variant of lut t̓ emphatic negative particle with paragogic a before c-, k(ɬ)-.

pcl. lut t̓a cmistím iʔ l stim̓ sisyús. We don't know in what things he is smart. [dict] lut kən t̓a ksyríwaxən kəm̓ lut kən t̓ə kɬcq̓ílən. I haven't any snow shoes, or bow and arrow. [dict] ut p t̓a cmynúlaʔxʷəm. You don't know the country. [dict] uɬ lut t̓a cmistísəlx k̓a ʔkin ɬxʷuy. They didn't know where she had gone. [dict] lut t̓a cmistís ɬ ksʕacəntís iʔ sc̓wxáns. He doesn't even know how to tie his shoes. [dict] See: lut t̓.

lut xkinm   [lut xkínəm] Morph: lut xkin+m. Etym: √lt, √ʔkn. one is not able to; one can't.

phrasal. uɬ lut xkínəm mi ʔácqaʔ. They can’t do anything to get out. [nb20.29a] lut ksəxkínəm axáʔ inkəwáp. That won't be of any harm to my horse. [nb1270.7] uɬ aɬíʔ lut xkínməlx mi píx̌məlx. They can't do anything about hunting. [RnTrp 015] lut xkínəm mi siws iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. She couldn't ask the old lady. [nb2558.7] See: lut; xkin.

lut xʷus   [lut xʷus] Morph: lut xʷus. Etym: √lt, √xʷs. to be in no hurry; to do s.t. without hurry.

phrasal. Cm xʷus‑s be in a hurry; Sh xʷʔus to be eager. aɬíʔ kʷaʔ iʔ sqílxʷ iʔ splal lut xʷus t̓a c̓atxílxəlx. Because the people, the young people, don't go to bed early. [LynxS 049] uɬ lut xʷus t̓ə ksúxʷiʔsəlx i t xaʔxʔítsəlx. Their grandparents won't get to know them in a hurry. [Whal 591] pnaʔ cmay p kicx laʔkín iʔ l tawn uɬ lut xʷus p taʔxʷsck̓ʷúl̕. You might get to town, and not get a job in a hurry. [dict] ixíʔ uɬ əcsisyús cxík̓xək̓t, lut xʷus t̓a ck̓iwlx And they are smart and spry, they don't get old in a hurry. [AutPS 040] See: lut; xʷus.

lut xʷuy   [lut xʷuy] Morph: lut xʷuy. Variant: lut t̓ xʷuy. Etym: √lt; √xʷy. it's never that...; it never happens.

phrasal. lut xʷuy swit lut kʷu t̓ə ctxtət-núɬts inlaklí, uɬ cniɬc... It never failed that somebody did't take care of my key, and he... [dict] See: lut; xʷuy.

lut xʷuy pnkin̓   [lut xʷuy pənkín̓] Morph: lut xʷuy pn+kin̓. Etym: √lt, √xʷy, √pn. never.

phrasal. t̓a lut xʷuy pənkín̓ iʔ t sqilxʷ ilíʔ t̓a c̓x̌ílstəm, way̓ lut. Nobody ever had done that to her, no. [GDd2 296] See: lut; xʷuy; pnkin̓.

lúta   [lúta] Morph: lut+a. Etym: √lt. not.

pcl. Category: neg. cúntəm uɬ aɬíʔa lúta aksksql̕áw. He said, "Because you can't go without money." [GDd1 032]

lúti   [lúti] Morph: lút+iʔ. Variant: lútiʔ. Etym: √lt. before; not yet; not quite.

pcl. Category: neg. See: lut.

lútiʔ   [lútiʔ] Morph: lút+iʔ. Variant: lúti. Etym: √lt. 1 • not yet; not quite.

pcl. Category: neg. lútiʔ isʔítx. I haven't slept yet. [dict] k̓aʔkín aʔ cxʷuy iʔ siwɬkʷ, iʔ lútiʔ sq̓ʷic̓ts. Wherever the water flows it has not filled yet, to this day. [mychildr 142] lútiʔ akstəpcínəm. Don't cover it yet. [nb25-37 010] lútiʔ k̓əɬpx̌əntín. I haven't thought of it yet. [dict] lútiʔ kən t̓a cənstíls caʔkʷ way̓ kən cmrim. I haven't thought yet about marrying. [LynxS 015] uɬ aɬíʔ luti ɬ cyaʕp iʔ swyapyx uɬ taʔlíʔ iʔ sqilxʷ aláʔ xʷʔit. Before the white people got here there were many Indians. [gregory 006] ixíʔ kiʔ lúti ƛ̓lal ixíʔ. That one hadn't died yet. [su7q̓im 138] t̓əxʷ iʔ lútiʔ ksənk̓ʷəspíntk. Not quite one full year. [dict] lútiʔ səntkɬlílxs. They hadn't quite got to the bottom. [dict]

2 • pcl. before. lútiʔ ksntəx̌ʷx̌ʷqíns mi wiʔstíxʷ ascq̓iʔxtwíxʷ. You will finish your letter before noon. [newles 300] uɬ púti, púti kəɬx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ, lútiʔ sk̓laxʷs. It wasn't sun down yet [there was still sun], it was before evening. [GDd2 171] t̓i lútiʔ sk̓láʔxʷs, lútiʔ skipúlaʔxʷs uɬ yʔáʕ̓ iʔ sqilxʷ. Before it got late, before it got dark, the people started to gather. [dict] See: lut.

lutɬt   Morph: lut+ɬt. Etym: √lt. refuse, refuse.

Tstem. Cm lut no, not; Cr lut mischievous, negative, no, not; lustus (lit. He rejected it, he refused it). Category: +ɬt. lútɬtsən anlkantí. I refused your candy. [nb21.33a]

lutm   [lútəm] Morph: lut+m. Etym: √lt. middle form of lut "not".

Mstem. uɬ way̓ mipnús aɬíʔ scúnmiʔs lútəm iʔ tətw̓ít. She knows the boy is turning her down. [fatboy 190] kʷu lútəm. We refused. [dict] lútəm axáʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬp axáʔ t̓qíɬəmlx. Not these thorn bushes, the short ones. [CoGrSy 698] lútəm t swit k̓ʷúl̕xtəm. lútəm iʔ txíxiʔ. [dict] It wasn't any good. lútəm ksmiys. [dict] It's not for sure. lútəm t səp̓iʔíɬxʷəlx. [dict] They don't have buckskin tipis. Category: nMstem. lut akslútəm, n̓in̓w̓iʔ kʷ lútəm, mi kʷ ƛ̓lál. Don't refuse. If you refuse, you will die. [BJSeym 299] aɬíʔaʔ ixíʔ ikɬəɬlútəm. I am not going to change my mind. [dict] See: lut1.

lutm swit   [lútəm swit] Morph: lut+m swit. Variant: lut swit. Etym: √lt, √swt. not anybody.

phrasal. lútəm swit a cm̓aʔm̓áyaʔstən. The one I am teaching is not anybody (important). [CoGrSy 817]

lutst   Morph: lut+st. Etym: √lt. to refuse; to turn s.o. down. Category: +st.

Tstem. Cm lut no, not; Cr lut mischievous, negative, no, not; lustus (lit. He rejected it, he refused it). n̓ín̓w̓iʔ t̓əxʷ kʷu lútstəm, ixíʔ uɬ x̌ast iʔ spuʔústət. If she turns us down, we're not going to feel bad. [2gts 081] náx̌əmɬ t̓i niʕ̓íp tx̌ʷmut lutstxʷ, uɬ pnaʔ cmay ṇq̓əltúsəs. But if you keep telling him a straight no, he might get sick. niʕ̓íp lutsts. He keeps saying no. ṇyʕ̓əpəncút lutstxʷ. You refuse him for good (permanently). way̓ kʷu lútstəm. He / they refused us. [nb08 789]

lutstm   Morph: lut+st+m. Etym: √lt. refuse.

nTstem. Cm lut no, not; Cr lut mischievous, negative, no, not; lustus (lit. He rejected it, he refused it). Category: +st+m. lut kʷu akslútstəm. Don’t refuse me! [nb18126.2]

lux̌ʷkstm   [lúx̌ʷkstəm] Morph: lx̌ʷkst+m. Etym: √lx̌ʷ. to make noise banging things around.

nTstem. Sp lx̌ʷlx̌ʷ-ilš he's sure banging and clattering around as he does his work. Category: +st+m. lut akslúx̌ʷkstəm. Don’t rattle them. [nb18128.3] See: slux̌ʷkstm.

lux̌ʷkstmnt   Morph: lx̌ʷkst+m+nt. Etym: √lx̌ʷ. to make noise banging things around.

Tstem. Sp lx̌ʷlx̌ʷ-ilš he's sure banging and clattering around as he does his work. Category: +nt. lúx̌ʷkstməntxʷ. You rattled them and made noise. [nb18128.2] See: slux̌ʷkstm.

lwakín   [ḷwakín] Morph: lwakín. From: French le wagon. Etym: √lwkn. wagon.

Istem. Th /wéykn. iʔ lwakín, iʔ l̕w̓akín̓. Wagons and buggies. [su7q̓im 189]

+lwis   [lwis] Morph: +lwis. here and there; all over.

dafx. Cr elwis about to indefinite places. Category: dsfx. kəkriʔmlwís. To glance all around. [nb26-17 006] k̓ʷəlk̓lwís. To roll around (in the dirt, on the floor...). [grlsdd 267] k̓əɬk̓ʷəlk̓əlwís. To roll around (in the dirt, on the floor...). [dict] ɬəxʷtəlwís. To go all over in the brush. [nb08 389] sq̓əltlwís. To be sickly. [dict] təlpəlwís. To stagger. [dict] st̓əxʷtlwís. Airplane. [mychildr 093] xʷstəlwís. To travel around. [dict] kɬxʷəstlwís. To walk around inside. [nb26-34 017] nxʷstlwístn. [The deer's] feet (lit. means of walking all over). [mychildr 223] nxʷilwístn. (Vehicle) that travels; (means of) transportation. [mychildr 079] cxʷilwís. To get around, go places. [mychildr 158] sənxʷylwístṇ. Traveling outfit. [dict] cxʷilwíst. To show s.o. around. [mychildr 10606] x̌əlˑwís. To arrive. [mychildr 165] kcx̌əlˑwís. Where one may be. [su7q̓im 264d] x̌əlˑwís. To fool around. [nb25-63 007] ʔakswxəlwís. To wander around. [dict] ʔax̌əlˑwís. To fool around. [nb25-63 006] c̓x̌əlwís. To fool around. [nb08 178]

lwit   [ḷwit] Morph: lwi+t ? Etym: √lw. dirty, unwashed, rolled skin.

Istem. Sp liw chapped, scaley. Category: +t. ḷwit. Unwashed. [nb22.75a]

lwiw̓s   [luˑwíw̓s] Morph: lwiw̓s. Etym: √lw. to ring or sound.

Istem. way̓ put wiʔskɬclám, ixíʔ uɬ axáʔ iʔ x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ luˑwíw̓s la ntəx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín She just got done setting the table, and the clock rang twelve o'clock. [GDd2 584] See: liw.

+lwixʷ   [lwixʷ] Morph: +lwixʷ. Variant: +nwixʷ. people; with one another.

dafx. Category: dsfx. yayʕát kʷu nəqsəlwíxʷ. We are one People. [VLet 045]

lwliwlx   [lulíwləx] Morph: lw•liw+lx. Etym: √lw. a ringing sound; the ringing of a bell.

Istem. Category: +lx. lulíwləx. Bell. [misc 015] See: liw.

lwlwakínm   [lulwakínəm] Morph: lw•lwakín+m. Etym: √lwkn. several go by wagon.

Mstem. məɬ ixíʔ sxʷuys iʔ sqilxʷ lulwakínməlx məɬ ik̓líʔ kaʔɬís skaʕcíw̓s ik̓líʔ ksik̓líʔslx. The people go by wagon and they stay there for three weeks. [Green.77] See: lwakín.

lwlwilx   [lulwílx] Morph: lw•lw+ilx. Etym: √lw. the sound of animals running.

Istem. Ques: səcp̓xəncútx Category: +ilx. iʔ səcluwəncútx iʔ səcp̓xəncútx iʔ səclulwílxəx. He was making the noise of thundering hoofs, flapping its wings, making noise. [lpb294] See: luwncút.

lwncut   [luəncút] Morph: lw+ncut. Etym: √lw. the sound of animals running.

Istem. See Sp √luʔ thumping sound, sound made by a wardancer when his feet hit the ground; Cr luʔ thump (on ground); Li ? √ləw : ka.lə́w‿a to fall, to land with a thud. Category: +ncut. luˑˑwəncút. Thundering hoof (muffled sound of animals running). [nb20.97a] xʷəm t̓i kstiyáqʷtaʔx iʔ scúɬəm, iʔ səcluwəncútx. It was as if the bull was going to fight, he was making the noise of thundering hoofs. [lpb294] See: lwlwilx.

lw̓liʕ̓ʷxnm   [luʔlíʕ̓ʷxnəm] Morph: lw̓•liʕ̓ʷxn+m. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to put one's shoes on.

Mstem. kʷu luʔlíʕ̓ʷxnəm. We put our shoes on. [nb18131.1] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lw̓lʕ̓ʷɬt   Morph: lw̓•lʕ̓ʷ+ɬt. Etym: √lʕʷ. to put things on.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. kʷu luʔlíʕ̓ʷɬts inq̓aʔxán. She put my shoes on me. [nb18131.2] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lw̓lʕ̓ʷnt   Morph: lw̓•lʕ̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √lʕʷ. to put things on.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ ixíʔ ckʷis luʔləʕ̓ʷəntís nt̓a t̓iʔ puˑˑt. He took them and put them on, they fit perfectly. [GDd1 409] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lw̓w̓aw̓   [luʔw̓áw̓] Morph: lw̓•w̓•aw̓. Etym: √lw. rumbling.

Istem. lw̓w̓aw̓. Rumble. [pd]

lx1   [lx] Morph: lx. Variant: ilx 1; ílaʔx; aʕlx. motion; progress toward s.t.

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. caʕʷḷx. To bathe. [dict] ck̓ítəlxəm. To come close to s.t. or s.o. [dict] k̓iwlx. Old. [nb23 019] ṇk̓əwḷxíls. To be getting old. [dict] tk̓iwlx. To climb (a tree). [nb26-64 012] tk̓əwlxús. To take s.t. up(stairs). [dict] səntk̓íwḷxtṇ. Stairs, ladder. [dict] qaʔcəlxútyaʔ. To run. [nb25-59 001] qícəlx. To elope, to run; to go in a forward rolling motion. [nb08 349] qcqícəlx. To run all over. [dict] nqəclxáqs. To run on the road. [mychildr 083] q̓ʷq̓ʷʕ̓áylx. To go down there. [nb27-24 001] súxʷləx. To jump (of fish). [dict] síx̌əlx. To move s.t. [nb25-48 005] ct̓íxəlx. To go on dry land. [dict] nwísəlx. To pick s.t. up. [nb26-37 0] nwísəl̕xm. To hoist up. [dict] kɬnwísəlx. To jump over s.t. [nb26-64 004] ʔúcəlxtṇ. Oars, paddles. [dict]

lx2   [lx] Morph: lx. Variant: ilx 1; ílaʔx; aʕlx. ?

lxAfx. Category: lxSfx. lulíwlx. Bell. [misc 015] yínwəlx. Man's name. [nb26-68 002] caylx. Man's name (Richard Armstrong). [nb26-68 001]

-lx3   [lx] Morph: -lx. plural suffix.

isfx. Category: number.

1 • plural of transitive subject. kʷu cm̓ay̓ɬtísəlx. They told me about it. [su7q̓im 203] nxlípsəlx. They chop it close to the ground. [nb27-22 003]

2 • plural of possessive forms. iʔ cáwtsəlx. Their ways. [su7q̓im 207]

3 • plural of nominalized middles. iksʔamnáməlx. I going to feed them. [nb26-51 032]

4 • plural of transitive object. way̓ kc̓kəntínəlx. I've counted them. [nb27-24 003] xʷíc̓xtəlx t kɬəlkalátsəlx. Give them some bread for each / all of them (eg for the ducks). [newles 167]

lxʷ   [lxʷ] Morph: lxʷ. Variant: ilxʷ; alxʷ; aʕlxʷ. cover.

lxAfx. Gram: analysis not clear Category: lxSfx. c̓səlxʷəncút. To take one's clothes off. [RnTrp 054] kɬk̓aƛ̓lxʷ. Dark brown horse. [nb9a 015] kʷilḷxʷ. Red cloth. [dict] kɬkʷillxʷ. Darker than sorrel horse. [nb9a 022] kʷr̓iʔlxʷ. Yellow cloth. [dict] nqsəlxʷíw̓s. To be closely related. [nb23 061] kɬpaʕlxʷ. Cream colored, lighter than buckskin. [nb9a 016] kɬp̓umlxʷ. Buckskin horse. [nb9a 017] kɬp̓ixʷlxʷ. Bright horse. [nb9a 045] kɬqʷinlxʷ. Green / blue (of horses). [nb08 583] kɬqʷaylxʷ. Blue-gray horse. [nb9a 031] ktməlxʷəncút. To take one's clothes off. [RnTrp 041] ktmalxʷ. Naked. [RnTrp 044] kɬt̓íc̓əlxʷ. To stroke (an animal’s back). [dict] kɬyaʕyáʕylxʷ. A complete outfit. [dict]

lxʷap   [lxʷap] Morph: lxʷa+p. Etym: √lxʷ. to get hurt.

Istem. Sp √lxʷ(ú) to feel pain, to ache, hurt. lxʷ-úp he got hurt; Cm ləxʷp be injured; Cr lexʷ hurt; s+lexʷ+p casualty, detriment; čn léxʷ+p hurt (I got...). Category: +ap. uc kʷ lxʷap. Are you hurt? [nb18127.13] kən cqəqínk uɬ lxʷap isk̓míw̓s uɬ səl̕mín inxəxn̓ústən. I fell flat and hurt my back and lost my glasses. [nb6.188a] way̓ məɬ mat kən lxʷap məɬ ixíʔ kən c̓qʷaqʷ. Sometimes I'd get hurt, and I'd cry. [RHorse 018] See: lxʷp(a).

lxʷlxʷap   [lxʷəlxʷáp] Morph: lxʷ•lxʷa+p. Etym: √lxʷ. several get hurt.

Istem. Category: +p. ha p əlxʷəlxʷáp. Did you get hurt? [nb18162.6] See: lxʷap.

lxʷpam   Morph: lxʷ+p+am. Etym: √lxʷ. to hurt s.o.

Mstem. Category: +am. lut kʷu aksləxʷpám. Don’t hurt me! [nb18127.16] See: lxʷap.

lxʷpnt   Morph: lxʷ+p+nt. Etym: √lxʷ. to hurt s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt, +nt. kʷu ləxʷpəntís. He hurt me. [nb18127.15] See: lxʷap.

lxʷpnunt   Morph: lxʷ+p+nu+nt. Etym: √lxʷ. to manage to hurt s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ iʔ sámaʔ taʔlíʔ kʷu ləxʷpnúntəm. The white people sure have hurt us. [nb26-49 013] cəm̓ ləxʷpnúnts t̓əxʷ wíkənts aɬíʔ. He might hurt you if he sees you. [CoGrSy 089] lkʷílxəx cəm̓ ləxʷpnúntsən. Go farther away, I might hurt you. [nb18156.15] See: lxʷp(a).

lxʷus1   [ḷxʷus] Morph: lxʷus. Etym: √lxʷ. to watch; to be on watch.

Istem. t̓a kʷu səlxʷúsx a uɬ ɬ ck̓əɬʔamlwístən. We are here to watch for deer, and I'm waiting for him. [HnTrp 198] way̓ ṇkʷəl̕mút iʔ ksəlxʷúsaʔx. The brother-in-law is the one who’s going to watch. [dict]

lxʷus2   [lxʷus] Morph: lxʷus. Etym: √lxʷ. saskatoon, or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia). Lit: B's etym: face of basin

Istem. lxʷus. Serviceberry. [TBK120]

lxʷusm   Morph: lxʷus+m. Etym: √lxʷ. to watch; to be on watch.

Mstem. caʔkʷ cus a nqílxʷcən, anwí kʷ lxʷúsəm. As they say in Indian, you be the one to sit and watch. [HnTrp 038] iʔ sisyús səlxʷúsəm. The smart ones, those who watch. [dict]

lx̌ʷlx̌ʷilx   [ləxʷləxʷílx] Morph: lx̌ʷ•lx̌ʷilx. Etym: √lx̌ʷ. to make a banging or knocking noise; to fuss; to make a fuss.

Istem. Sp √lox̌ʷ sound of a heavy object hitting a wooden floor; Cm lx̌ʷ‑lx̌ʷ‑il̕x to make noise. Category: +ilx. t̓iʔ kʷm̓iɬ iʔ l car k̓əɬixʷúts kaʔ cmaʔmscúts aʔ cləxʷləxʷílx. All of a sudden something under the car was moving around, making a knocking noise, [Ppine.25] t̓í kʷ knaqs kiʔ kʷ cləx̌ʷləx̌ʷilx. You're alone, and still make noise banging things around. [misc 007]

lx̌ʷncut   [ləx̌ʷncút] Morph: lx̌ʷ+ncut. Etym: √lx̌ʷ. to make noise.

Istem. Category: +ncut. ləx̌ʷncút. Make noise. [dict] Category: +cut. See: lx̌ʷlx̌ʷilx.

lyncut   [liyncút] Morph: ly+ncut. Etym: √ly. to weave s.t.

Istem. Category: +ncut. uɬ cníɬc c̓əkʷəncút iʔ sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ iʔ st̓mus. c̓əkʷəncút, uɬ lyncut. He brought along sticks (for) a trap. He brought it along, and he wove them. [lb10-11] See: .

lʕap   [lʕap] Morph: lʕap. Gram: northern form Variant: lʕʷup; lʕ̓ʷup. Etym: √lʕ. 1 • to fit.

Istem. lʕap. It fits. [nb21.149]

2 • Istem. to fall off (e.g. the tip off an arrow).

lʕʷ   [ləʕ̓ʷ] Morph: lʕʷ. Variant: lʕ̓ʷ. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fit (into) s.t.; to put on (clothes).


lʕʷup   [ləʕʷúp] Morph: lʕ̓ʷu+p. Variant: lʕ̓ʷup; lʕa+p. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. s.t fits.

Istem. Category: +p. See: lʕʷ.

lʕʷutm   [ḷʕʷútəm] Morph: lʕʷut+m. Variant: lʕ̓ʷutm. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. valley.

Istem. See: lʕʷ.

lʕ̓ʷam   Morph: lʕ̓ʷa+m. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fit (into) s.t.; to put on (clothes).

Mstem. Sp hec-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-én̓ I keep on fitting it together; liʕ̓ʷ fit loosely; loʕʷ(ó) to fit together; Cm ka(t)‑l̕aʕʷ–ikn–xn button‑hook; Cr hn+láʕʷ-nt-m he was ... inserted into a sheath, leʕʷ adjust, fit; Th √yéʕ̓ʷ develop space; Li √laʕ̓ʷ space ... room, spaces in between things. Category: nMstem. aksləʕ̓ʷám iʔ qácəc. You’ll put the wheel on. [nb18130.15]

lʕ̓ʷikstn   [ləʕ̓ʷíkstṇ] Morph: lʕ̓ʷiks+tn. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. thimble.

Istem. Lit: cap on finger Category: +tn. ləʕ̓ʷíkstṇ. Thimble. [nb5.29a] Category: +tn. See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lʕ̓ʷɬt   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+ɬt. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fit (into) s.t.; to put on (clothes).

Tstem. Sp hec-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-én̓ I keep on fitting it together; liʕ̓ʷ fit loosely; loʕʷ(ó) to fit together; Cm ka(t)‑l̕aʕʷ–ikn–xn button‑hook; Cr hn+láʕʷ-nt-m he was ... inserted into a sheath, leʕʷ adjust, fit; Th √yéʕ̓ʷ develop space; Li √laʕ̓ʷ space ... room, spaces in between things. Category: +ɬt. way̓ x̌əcmstísəlx axáʔ iʔ ksx̌íƛ̓xəns ləʕ̓ʷɬtísəlx. They got him ready, they put pants on him. [GDd1 141]

lʕ̓ʷmin   [ləʕ̓ʷmín] Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+min. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. fastener.

Istem. Category: +min. ləʕ̓ʷmín. Fastener. [dict] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lʕ̓ʷmnwixʷst   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+m+nwixʷ+st. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fasten two things together.

Tstem. Category: +st. ləʕ̓ʷmənwíxʷstsəlx. They fastened them together. [dict] See: lʕ̓ʷmin.

lʕ̓ʷnt   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fit (into) s.t.; to put on (clothes).

Tstem. Sp hec-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-én̓ I keep on fitting it together; liʕ̓ʷ fit loosely; loʕʷ(ó) to fit together; Cm ka(t)‑l̕aʕʷ–ikn–xn button‑hook; Cr hn+láʕʷ-nt-m he was ... inserted into a sheath, leʕʷ adjust, fit; Th √yéʕ̓ʷ develop space; Li √laʕ̓ʷ space ... room, spaces in between things. Category: +nt. ixíʔ uɬ ləʕ̓ʷəntíp iʔ ksɬəq̓əlxálqsəmp. Put your sleeping clothes on! [GDd1 380] way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ swit mi ləʕ̓ʷəntís axáʔ iʔ q̓aʔxán, ləʕ̓ʷpnús... Whomever it fits, whoever can put this shoe on... [blkpg 076]

lʕ̓ʷpnunt   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+p+nu+nt. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. s.t. fits.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ swit mi ləʕ̓ʷəntís axáʔ iʔ q̓aʔxán, ləʕ̓ʷpnús... Whoever fits it, whoever can put this shoe on... [blkpg 076] See: lʕ̓ʷup.

lʕ̓ʷqinkst   [ləʕ̓ʷqínkst] Morph: lʕ̓ʷ꞊qin꞊kst. Etym: √lʕʷ. s.t. fits on a finger.

Istem. ɬcəlʕ̓ʷqínkst. It (the ring) went back on her finger. [dict] See: lʕ̓ʷqin.

lʕ̓ʷqinm   Morph: lʕ̓ʷqin+m. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fit s.o. on top (e.g. a lid or a hat).

Mstem. kən ləʕ̓ʷqínəm. I put my hat on. [nb18129.12] Category: nMstem. lut aksləʕ̓ʷqínəm. Don’t put the lid on! [nb18129.10] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lʕ̓ʷqint   Morph: lʕ̓ʷqi+nt. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. to fit s.o. on top (e.g. a lid or a hat).

Tstem. Category: +nt. ləʕ̓ʷqíntxʷ. You put it on. [nb18129.7] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lʕ̓ʷqintn   [ləʕ̓ʷqíntən] Morph: lʕ̓ʷqin+tn. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. lid. Lit: it fits on top

Istem. Category: +tn. isckaʔkíc put ləʕ̓ʷqíntən. I found the lid that fits. [nb18129.11] Category: +tn. See: lʕ̓ʷqin.

lʕ̓ʷup   [ləʕ̓ʷúp] Morph: lʕ̓ʷu+p. Variant: lʕʷup; lʕap. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. s.t. fits.

Istem. Category: +p. uɬ aɬíʔ iʔ q̓aʔxáns, t̓i ckʷis, ləʕ̓ʷəntís, t̓i ləʕ̓ʷúp. And because it's her shoe, she took it, slipped it on, it fit. [blkpg 095] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lʕ̓ʷut   [ləʕ̓ʷút] Morph: lʕ̓ʷut. Variant: lʕ̓ʷutm. Etym: √lʕʷ. valley.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ nqəltús ixíʔ uɬ xíƛ̓laʔxʷ ixíʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ scələʕ̓ʷútx It goes up to the summit, and then it's level land, a valley. [AutPS 201] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lʕ̓ʷutm   [ləʕ̓ʷútəm] Morph: lʕ̓ʷut+m. Variant: lʕ̓ʷut; lʕʷutm. Etym: √lʕ̓ʷ. valley.

Istem. Sp lʕʷót-m; Cr loʔ+loʔ+ótm valley (lo'lo'otm (a Spokane word)); luʕʷ+luʕʷ+útm valley, dell. way̓ xʷuˑˑylx uɬ axáʔ cləʕ̓ʷútəm. They went there in a big valley. [BJSeym 498] ixíʔ ləʕ̓ʷútəm ṇcahməncútəlx, way̓ səntkɬílxəlx, way̓ uɬ ɬtxírərptəlx uɬ qilt. There’s a valley, they go straight for it, they get to the bottom and back up to the top. [dict] See: lʕ̓ʷ.

lʔiw   [ḷʔiw] Morph: lʔiw. Etym: √lʔw. 1 • man's father.

Istem. Category: kin. way̓ ḷʔíw, kʷ ylmíxʷəm. Father, you are the chief. [dict] kʷu anlʔíw. I am your father. [dict]

2 • Istem. father. kʷ k̓ʕam məɬ siwntxʷ iʔ k̓ʷəl̕əncútn, yaʔ lʔíwtət... If you pray and ask the Creator, our father... [su7q̓im 262a] way̓ t̓i kʷaʔ k̓ʷəl̕əncútn inlʔíw. My father is the Creator. [su7q̓im 278] Sp lʔéw father (man's); Cm ləʔáw male’s father; Sh lew̓e uncle (man's father's brother).

lesisó   [lesisó] Morph: lesisó. From: French les ciseaux. Etym: √lss. scissors.

Istem. lesisó. Scissors. [nb20.101a]

l̕ax̌tm   [l̕ax̌təm] Morph: l̕ax̌+t+m. Variant: lax̌tm. Etym: √lx̌. to be friends with s.o.; to befriend s.o.

Mstem. kʷa pútiʔ kʷ cxʷəlxʷált uɬ iʔ kʷ l̕ax̌təm i k̓əl sx̌ʷílmən. When you were still alive you were partners with the Devil. [Dvl 343] See: sl̕ax̌t.

l̕ax̌tmnt   Morph: l̕ax̌+t+m+nt. Variant: lax̌tm. Etym: √lx̌. to be friends with s.o.; to befriend s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʕác̓ənt anwí pútiʔ kʷ cxʷəlxʷált uɬ l̕áx̌tməntxʷ iʔ sx̌ʷílmən. Look, when you were still alive you were partners with the Devil. [Dvl 339] See: sl̕ax̌t.

l̕aʔtáp   [l̕aʔtáp] Morph: l̕aʔtáp. Etym: √ltp. a small table. Category: dim.

Istem. Category: dim. aˑˑ way̓, ilíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ kɬl̕aʔtáp iʔ l sənɬq̓ʷútən. There is a small table there by the bed. [GDd1 434] See: latáp.

l̕aʔx̌tíw̓s   [l̕aʔx̌tíw̓s] Morph: l̕aʔx̌+tíw̓s. Etym: √lx̌. to be friends (with one another).

Istem. l̕aʔx̌tíw̓s. They are friends. [E60.34]

l̕ik   [l̕ik] Morph: l̕ik. Etym: √l'k. thin.

Istem. Sp √leč (laq) thin l̕l̕éč (l̕l̕áq) it's thin and gauze-like, it's threadbare. l̕ik iʔ síp̓iʔs iʔ kpíqc̓aʔ. White skin is thin. [nb19.254] See: l̕l̕ik.

l̕k̓ip   [l̕kip] Morph: l̕k̓ip. Etym: √l̕k̓p. a female salmon.

Istem. cúntəm mnimɬtt iʔ sʕ̓ányaʔ, uɬ cúntəm yaʔ l̕k̓ip. We call one sʕ'ányaʔ, and we call the other l'k'ip, [mychildr 204]

l̕kʷut   [l̕kʷut] Morph: l̕kʷ+ut. Etym: √lkʷ. a little ways.

Istem. Category: dim. ixíʔ iʔ təl xƛ̓ut, lut t̓ l̕kʷut k̓a naɬáʔ k̓əl sk̓ʷƛ̓ptan, itlíʔ uɬ ixíʔ actɣáp iʔ siwɬkʷ. From that rock, not far across towards the East, there is running water. [su7q̓im 139] t̓i lut səl̕kʷúts uɬ qáqəlt. It's not far to the top. [nb2544.5] See: lkʷut.

l̕l̕aputáy̓   [l̕l̕aputáy̓] Morph: l̕•l̕aputáy̓. Etym: √lpty. a small bottle.

Istem. Category: dim. l̕l̕aputáy̓. Small bottle. [dict] See: laputáy.

l̕l̕aw̓án̓   [l̕l̕aw̓án̓] Morph: l̕•l̕aw̓án̓. Etym: √lwn. brome grass (bromus tectorum).

Istem. Category: dim. l̕l̕aw̓án̓. Brome Grass. [TBK53] See: lawán.

l̕l̕ik   [l̕l̕ik] Morph: l̕•l̕ik. Etym: √l̕k. to be thin, threadbare.

Istem. Sp l̕l̕éč (l̕l̕áq) it's thin and gauze-like, it's threadbare; Cm l̕‑l̕ak be thin (fabric); Cr l̕+l̕ič thin (like cloth). l̕l̕ik Threadbare. [nb21.29] See: l̕ik.

l̕l̕kʷut   [l̕l̕kʷut] Morph: l̕•l̕kʷut. Etym: √lkʷ. a little ways from.

Istem. Category: dim. l̕l̕kʷut. A little ways from. [nb21.86a] See: lkʷut.

l̕w̓aʔkín̓   [l̕w̓aʔkín̓] Morph: l̕w̓aʔkín̓. Etym: √lwkn. buggy; little wagon.

Istem. Category: dim. iʔ l̕w̓aʔkín̓ t̓əct̓ácpt náx̌əmɬ iʔ lwakín táʕctəct. The buggy bounces and the wagon rides rough. [E13] yərmínt anl̕w̓aʔkín̓. Push your buggy! [Oct92 030] See: lwakín.

l̕w̓l̕iwlx   [l̕uʔl̕íwlx] Morph: l̕w̓•l̕iw̓+lx. Etym: √lw. a little bell.

Istem. Category: dim. t̓i caʕn caʕn caʕn iʔ l̕uʔl̕íw̓lx ɬa ctəcr̓qám. The little bells went ring ring ring when he danced. [misc 016] yəyʕát l̕uʔl̕íwlx iʔ sttəm̓tím̓s iʔ tkɬmílxʷs. All of his wifeʼs clothes have little bells. [dc47] See: lwliwlx.

l̕w̓l̕w̓akínm   [l̕uʔl̕w̓akínəm] Morph: l̕w̓•l̕w̓akín+m. Etym: √lwkn. to travel by wagon.

Mstem. Category: dim. t̓əcxʷúy t̓əcl̕uʔl̕w̓akínəm iʔ sqilxʷ ɬaʔ t̓əck̓əwsk̓ʕám ak̓láʔ. They came, the people came by wagon to come to church here. [EJEp.91] See: lwakín.

l̕x̌tiw̓s   [l̕əx̌tíw̓s] Morph: l̕x̌tiw̓s. Etym: √l̕x̌t. to be partners; to go partners, to become friends.

Istem. kʷu l̕əx̌tíw̓s kʷaʔ kʷu səxʷnwíxʷ, kʷu x̌ástəm. We are partners, we are acquaintances, we have done good. [dict] aɬíʔ mat kʷu sl̕əx̌tíw̓sx, uɬ way̓ kʷu kstaʔmínaʔḷx, uɬ way̓ t̓i x̌ast kʷu ɬ k̓ʷánɬqəm. Since we are partners, and the snow is all gone, we might just as well put in a garden. [dict] uɬ sc̓kinx, taʔlíʔ kʷu l̕əx̌tíw̓s, úɬiʔ kʷu aksx̌ʷíləm. What's the matter, we are real partners, and you're going to throw me away? [dict] See: sl̕ax̌t.

l̕x̌tiw̓sm   Morph: l̕x̌tiw̓s+m. Etym: √l̕x̌t. to be partners; to go partners, to become friends.

Mstem. way̓, way̓, uɬ t̓i x̌ast kʷu ɬ l̕əx̌tíw̓səm. We might as well we go partners. [Dvl 002] ʔasíl sʔístk kʷu təl sl̕əx̌tíw̓səms. It’s been two winters since we became partners. [dict] Category: nMstem. way̓ cúntsən lut k̓im kʷu ksl̕əx̌tíw̓səms. I told you, there is no way that we can be friends. [dict] See: sl̕ax̌t.