
ʕac   [ʕac] Morph: ʕac. Etym: √ʕc. to be tied; to tie s.t.

Istem. Sp ʕac(í) to tie; Cm ḥac‑ɬt‑xʷ you tie s.t. of s.o.’s, nḥcusm trap animals; Cr hec; Sh ʕec to tie up, knit (nets); Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́c-ən to tie s.t. cʕac. It's tied. [nb21.148]

ʕacálqʷm   Morph: ʕacálqʷ+m. Etym: √ʕc. to tie logs.

Mstem. ʕacálqʷəm. To tie logs. [dict] See: ʕac.

ʕacálqʷnt   Morph: ʕacálqʷ+nt. Etym: √ʕc. to tie logs.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʕacálqʷən. I tied them up. [dict] See: ʕac.

ʕacám   Morph: ʕacá+m. Etym: √ʕc. to be tied; to tie s.t.

Mstem. Sp ʕac(í) to tie; Cm ḥac‑ɬt‑xʷ you tie s.t. of s.o.’s, nḥcusm trap animals; Cr hec; Sh ʕec to tie up, knit (nets); Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́c-ən to tie s.t. Category: +am. ʕacám. To tie a knot. [dict]

ʕacc   [ʕacc] Morph: ʕac•c. Etym: √ʕc. to be tied.

Isten. See: ʕac.

ʕaccmútyaʔ   [ʕacəcmútyaʔ] Morph: ʕac•c+mútyaʔ. Etym: √ʕc. to be tied haphazardly.

Istem. ʕaccmútyaʔ iɬəɬt̓mín̓. My fishing line is all tangled. [misc 073] See: ʕac.

ʕaccnítkʷ   [ʕacəcnítkʷ] Morph: ʕaccnítkʷ. Etym: √ʕc. s.t. tied at the shore.

Istem. cʕacəcnítkʷ. A boat is tied. [nb08 392] See: ʕacc.

ʕaccqnmnwíxʷ   [ʕacəcqənmənwíxʷ] Morph: ʕac•cqn+mnwíxʷ. Etym: √ʕc. to go head to head in a fight.

Istem. Category: +nwixʷ. way̓ kən sʕacəcqənmənwíxʷxʷ iʔ k̓la nx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. I am going head to head with the sea-monster. [Whal 191] See: ʕacc.

ʕacíw̓stn   [ʕacíw̓stṇ] Morph: ʕacíw̓s+tn. Etym: √ʕc. s.t. to tie s.t. with.

Istem. Category: +tn. ʕacíw̓stn. S.t. to tie s.t. with. [dict] See: ʕac.

ʕaclaʔxʷsqáx̌aʔm   [ʕaclaʔxʷsqáx̌aʔṃ] Morph: ʕaclaʔxʷsqáx̌aʔ+m. Etym: √ʕc. to stake a horse.

Mstem. ʕaclaʔxʷsqáx̌aʔm. [dict] See: ʕac.

ʕacɬt   Morph: ʕac+ɬt. Etym: √ʕc. to be tied; to tie s.t.

Tstem. Sp ʕac(í) to tie; Cm ḥac‑ɬt‑xʷ you tie s.t. of s.o.’s, nḥcusm trap animals; Cr hec; Sh ʕec to tie up, knit (nets); Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́c-ən to tie s.t. Category: +ɬt. ʕacəɬtís iʔ tətw̓ít iʔ kəwáps. She tied the boy’s horse. [E50.8] ixíʔ mi cʕacɬtísəlx, ṇt̓k̓ʷíkiʔɬtsəlx. Tie that one up for him, saddle it up for him. [dict] ixíʔ mi cʕacɬtíp ṇt̓k̓ʷíkiʔɬtp. Tie up and saddle up that one. [dict]

ʕacmín   [ʕacmín] Morph: ʕac+mín. Etym: √ʕc. a tying place.

Istem. Category: +min. t̓i kyrəntís ilíʔ i l ʕacmíns. He looped it at his tying place. [CoGrSy 529] See: ʕac.

ʕacnt   Morph: ʕac+nt. Etym: √ʕc. to be tied; to tie s.t.

Tstem. Sp ʕac(í) to tie; Cm ḥac‑ɬt‑xʷ you tie s.t. of s.o.’s, nḥcusm trap animals; Cr hec; Sh ʕec to tie up, knit (nets); Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́c-ən to tie s.t. Category: +nt. ʕacánt anq̓aʔxán. Lace your shoes! [Oct92 046] ʕacánt iʔ kəkw̓ápaʔ. Tie the dog up! [Oct92 047] ʕacntíkʷ anq̓aʔxán. Tie your shoe! [Oct92 048] way̓ cʕacəntís ixíʔ iʔ sck̓iwlx ixíʔ iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. So he tied the old horse. [nb1257.12] way̓ t̓i kmix kʷu ʕacəntíxʷ ilíʔ. Just tie me up there (said by a talking horse). [nb1265.3] lut t̓a cmistís ɬ ksʕacəntís iʔ sc̓wxáns. He doesn't even know how to tie his shoes. [dict]

ʕacpíyn   [ʕacpíyn] Morph: ʕac+píyn. Etym: √ʕc. to catch in a trap; one's catch.

Istem. ʕacpíyn. One's catch. [dict]

ʕacpnúnt   Morph: ʕac+p+nu+nt. Etym: √ʕc. to manage to tie s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu ʕacpnús. He tied me. [nb21.72] See: ʕac.

ʕacsqáx̌aʔtn   [ʕacqáx̌aʔtən] Morph: ʕacsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Etym: √ʕc. reins.

Istem. Sp č̕ɬ-ʕac-paʔsqáx̌eʔ-tn reins. guiding lines. Category: +tn. way̓ t̓i ilíʔ kʷu ʕ̓aw̓mɬtxʷ y ʕacsqáx̌aʔtən. Let my reins loose! [nb1835.4] anʕacsqáx̌aʔtn. Your reins and bridle. [nb21.148]

ʕacxít   Morph: ʕac+xít. Etym: √ʕc. to be tied; to tie s.t.

Tstem. Sp ʕac(í) to tie; Cm ḥac‑ɬt‑xʷ you tie s.t. of s.o.’s, nḥcusm trap animals; Cr hec; Sh ʕec to tie up, knit (nets); Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́c-ən to tie s.t. Category: +xit. ʕacxíts iʔ tətw̓ít t kɬkəwáps. She tied a horse for the boy. [E50.10] kʷ xʷuy tkʷəlstíplaʔntxʷ mi cʕacxítsəlx axáʔ iʔ t k̓iwḷx iʔ t sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. Go send somebody to tie the old horse for him. [dict]

ʕacʕacác   [ʕacʕacác] Morph: ʕac•ʕac•ác. Etym: √ʕc. to be tangled in knots.

Istem. ʕacʕacác. [nb21.147] See: ʕacʕac; ʕacc.

ʕacʕaccníwɬ   [ʕacʕacəcníwɬ] Morph: ʕac•ʕaccníwɬ. Etym: √ʕc. to tie a boat.

Istem. Lit: the boat was tied cʕacʕacəcníwɬ. They tied the boat. [nb08 391] See: ʕacʕac.

ʕacʕacmútyaʔstm   Morph: ʕac•ʕac+mútyaʔ+st+m. Etym: √ʕc. to tie s.t. in knots.

nTstem. Category: +st+m. lut aksʕacʕacmútyaʔstəm anq̓aʔx̌án, t x̌ast mi ʕacəntíxʷ. Don't tie your shoes in knots, tie them correctly! [E43.2] See: ʕaccmútyaʔ.

ʕacʕacnt   Morph: ʕac•ʕac+nt. Etym: √ʕc. to tie s.t. (pl).

Tstem. Category: +nt. way p xʷuy, mi cʕacʕacəntíp iʔ sxʔimɬx̌ást i təl inkəw̓wáp, nk̓amtíw̓stən. Go and harness the best horses I’ve got, saddle horses. [nb1225.6] xʷuyx iʔ sxʔimɬx̌ást yaʔ ṇk̓amtíw̓stṇ, ixíʔ mi cʕacʕacəntíxʷ kaʔɬís. Go get the very best saddle horses, tie them, three of them. [dict] See: ʕac.

ʕacʕacpíyn   [ʕacʕacpíyn] Morph: ʕac•ʕac+píyn. Etym: √ʕc. to catch an animal in a trap.

Istem. kʷu ʕacʕacpíyn. We caught it. [dict] See: ʕacʕac.

ʕacʕacxnt   Morph: ʕac•ʕacx+nt. Etym: √ʕc. to tie one's feet.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ way̓ ixíʔ cʕacʕacxəntís, uɬ axáʔ ckəɬʕacəcís. He tied up his feet and he tied around the neck. [HnTrp 298]

ʕac̓ɬq̓y̓mínm   [ʕac̓ɬq̓əy̓mínəm] Morph: ʕac̓+ɬ+q̓y̓+mín+m. Etym: √ʕc̓, √q̓y̓. to read (a book).

Mstem. ʕac̓ɬq̓əy̓mínəm. Read a book. [nb20.102] See: ʕac̓x̌ɬq̓y̓mínm; ʕac̓q̓y̓mínm; ʕac̓; q̓y̓min.

ʕac̓m   Morph: ʕac̓+m. Variant: ʕ̓ac̓. Etym: √ʕc̓. to look at s.t.

Mstem. Sp ʔác̓x̌-m; Cm ʔac̓x̌‑nt‑xʷ you look at, watch s.t.; Cr ʔac̓x̌. uɬ ik̓líʔ kən ʕác̓əm. I looked at him. [su7q̓im 255] uɬ sqilxʷ, ʕác̓əm k̓əl sk̓ʷut, uɬ nixʷ sqilxʷ. There are people, he looked to the other side, and there are also people. [dict] k̓aʔkin kən ʕác̓əm məɬ way̓ ik̓líʔ wíkən k̓əl tk̓əmkn̓íɬxʷ. Whereever I look I see the outside. [dict] c̓áʕc̓əm. Stare at somebody. [OkB] Category: nMstem. iksʕác̓əm yaʔx̌íʔ iʔ sk̓əɬq̓əyncút. I'm going to look at that picture. [dict] way̓ ck̓ək̓níyaʔmstmən, kmix ikscʕ̓ác̓əm iʔ sk̓əɬq̓əyncút. I'm listening to you, I'm only looking at these pictures. [dict] See: ʕac̓x̌.

ʕac̓mn   [ʕác̓mən] Morph: ʕac̓+mn. Etym: √ʕc̓. binoculars.

Istem. Category: +mn. uɬ scutxəlx uɬ axáʔ iʔ t suyápix iʔ t ʕác̓mən uɬ cwíkstəm ilíʔ sənk̓líp cxʷaʔxʷíst iʔ l island. They say that with the white people's binoculars one can see Coyote walk around there on the island. [Nams 257-25-8] See: ʕac̓.

ʕac̓nt   Morph: ʕac̓+nt. Variant: ʕ̓ac̓. Etym: √ʕc̓. to look at s.t.

Tstem. Sp ʔác̓x̌-m; Cm ʔac̓x̌‑nt‑xʷ you look at, watch s.t.; Cr ʔac̓x̌. Category: +nt. mʕ̓an ʕác̓ənt axáʔ t asaʔstám. Just look at your sister-in-law. [dict] ṇt̓aʔ, ʕác̓ənt kʷaʔ itíʔ kiyíc̓ásq̓ət, taʔlíʔ c̓aɬt. Well, look how clear it is, it's very cold. [dict] way̓ ʕác̓əntməlx sənk̓l̕íp. Coyote looked them over. [dict] uɬ t̓i ʕác̓əntxʷ iʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt, t̓əxʷ iʔ l sk̓laxʷ məɬ ṇk̓ʷúl̕cnəm. Look at the day, in the evening when the weather is fixing the day. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ʕác̓əntxʷ kʷ ṇpútəls, uɬ way̓ sic kʷu x̌áq̓əntxʷ. Go look at it and if you are satisfied, then you can pay me. uɬ axáʔ ʕác̓əs iʔ k̓əl sk̓ʷut. He looked to one side. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ʕác̓əs, uɬ way̓ mypnús t incá kʷ iskʷúlstəm. He'll look at it, and he'll know I sent you. [dict] See: ʕac̓x̌.

ʕac̓q̓y̓mínm   [ʕac̓q̓əy̓mínəm] Morph: ʕac̓+q̓y̓+mín+m. Etym: √ʕc̓, √q̓y̓. to read books.

Mstem. cʕac̓q̓əy̓mínəm. He was reading books. [dict] See: ʕac̓x̌ɬq̓y̓mínm; ʕac̓ɬq̓y̓mínm; ʕac̓; q̓y̓min.

ʕac̓st   Morph: ʕac̓+st. Variant: ʕ̓ac̓. Etym: √ʕc̓. to look at s.t.

Tstem. Sp ʔác̓x̌-m; Cm ʔac̓x̌‑nt‑xʷ you look at, watch s.t.; Cr ʔac̓x̌. Category: c+^+st. kʷu cʕác̓stəm. He is looking at us; we are being watched. [E16] n̓ín̓w̓iʔs kʷu cʕác̓əstp mi kən k̓əɬk̓láxʷ. You will watch me disappear. [cre44] uɬ cʕác̓əstsəlx uɬ k̓əɬk̓əlxʷúsəmsəlx iʔ k̓əl stk̓másq̓ət. They were looking at him and he got out of their sight in the sky. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ xʷt̓t̓əpnúmt, uɬ aɬíʔ cʕác̓əstsəlx axáʔ iʔ sənk̓ʷɬəq̓ʷlútsəlx yaʔ ṇxəlxlúsəntməlx. They jumped up, because they were seeing their bed partners get beheaded. [dict] See: ʕac̓x̌.

ʕac̓x̌   [ʕac̓x̌] Morph: ʕac̓x̌. Etym: √ʕc̓x̣. root with meaning "look at" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. See: ʕac̓; ʕac̓x̌ɬq̓y̓mínm; ʕac̓x̌ncútn; ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ; nʕac̓x̌kn̓cút; ʕac̓.

ʕac̓x̌ɬq̓y̓mínm   [ʕac̓x̌ɬq̓y̓əmínəm] Morph: ʕac̓x̌+ɬ+q̓y̓+mín+m. Etym: √ʕc̓x̌, √q̓y̓. to read books; to look at books.

Mstem. axáʔ ɬaʔ cʕac̓x̌ɬq̓əy̓mínəm axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít púti ɬ mut iʔ l ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps. When the boy was reading books, when he was at his parents. [GDd1 158] See: ʕac̓ɬq̓y̓mínm; ʕac̓x̌; q̓y̓min.

ʕac̓x̌ncútn   [ʕac̓x̌əncútṇ] Morph: ʕac̓x̌+ncút+n. Etym: √ʕc̓x̌. a mirror.

Istem. Sp s-ʔac̓x̌s-n̓-cút-n mirror; Cm ʔac̓x̌n̓cútn̓ mirror; Cr ʔac̓x̌us+n̓cút+n̓ mirror. Category: +tn. ʕac̓x̌ncútn. Mirror. [dict] See: ʕac̓x̌.

ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ   [ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ] Morph: ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ʕc̓x̣. 1 • scout. Lit: look at the ground

2 • Istem. ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ.

Istem. ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [dict] See: ʕac̓x̌.

ʕac̓ʕác̓nt   Morph: ʕac̓•ʕác̓+nt. Etym: √ʕc̓. to look at s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. cus axáʔ ʕac̓ʕác̓əntxʷ axáʔ mi mipnúntxʷ stim̓ axáʔ, sc̓kinx axáʔ. He said, "Look at this. Then you'll know what this is, you'll wonder what it is." [BJSeym 392] See: ʕac̓.

ʕahúʔ1   [ʕahúʔ] Morph: ʕahúʔ. Variant: hahúʔ. Etym: √ʕhʔ. to catch a cold; to have a cold.

Istem. Sp s-ʔahó a cold, a cough.

ʕahúʔ2   [ʕahúʔ] Morph: ʕahúʔ ? Etym: √ʕhʔ ?. Istem. to be relaxed.

Istem. kən sʕahúʔ I am loose. [nb08 608]

ʕahúʔm   [ʕahúʔṃ] Morph: ʕahúʔ+m. Etym: √ʕhʔ. to catch a cold.

Mstem. Sp s-ʔahóʔ a cold. a cough; Cm ʔéʕʷḥaʔ to cough, have a chest cold; Cr ʔohiʔ+t cold (to have a...). mat kʷ ʕahúʔm. You must be catching cold. [nb18149.14] See: sʕáhaʔ; ʕahúʔ1.

ʕal   [ʕal] Morph: ʕal. Etym: √ʕl. root with meaning "to cover" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. See: ʕalqí(n); ʕ̓al.

ʕaláp   [ʕaláp] Morph: ʕalá+p. Etym: √ʕl. to lose at gambling; to lose in a contest; to lose control.

Istem. Sp ʔal-íp he lost it all; Cm ḥəlp lose, be defeated, be broke; Cr s+ʕel+p demerit, ʕel+p+mí-nt-s confiscate (lit. he forfeited it (to public use)); Sh ʕʔiʔl to lose (a contest, lawcase, etc.); Th √ʕal lose. Category: +ap. kən ʕaláp. I lost what I gambled. [nb08 712] way̓ aɬíʔ mi kʷu ʔaxkínəm? way̓ kʷu ʕaláp. Now what can we do? We've lost. [nb2563.10] ʕapnáʔ lut iksʕaláp. I'm not going to be loser now. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ uɬ ʕaláp iʔ tkɬmilxʷ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷá t̓ul iʔ swiʔnúmtxs axáʔ iʔ sqəl̕tmixʷ. That poor woman lost control, because, you see, the man was very handsome. [lpb89] See: ʕalp.

ʕalapúl   [ʕalapúl] Morph: ʕalapúl. Etym: √ʕlpl. Gopher, gopher.

Istem. ixíʔ sənk̓l̕íp uɬ ʕalapúl uɬ iʔ sqʷəsqʷasíʔasəlx. Coyote and Gopher and their children. [cnebdd 002] See: púl̕laʔxʷ.

ʕalpmínt   Morph: ʕal+p+mí+nt. Etym: √ʕl. to lose s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʕalpmín. I lost it. [nb23 093] aláʔ uɬ ʕalpmíntəm nixʷ aʔ nqʷəlqʷíltəntət. Here we also lost our language. [WA1.76] kʷlíˑˑwtəlx iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps, uɬ pícxʷtəlx. way̓ ʕalpmísəlx. His parents sat there, they got disgusted. They lost him. [nb2563.8-9] See: ʕalp.

ʕalpncút   [ʕalpəncút] Morph: ʕal+p+ncút. Etym: √ʕl. to be a loser.

Istem. Category: +ncut. kʷa talíˑˑ kiʔ kən kstaʔmínaʔ, way̓ uɬ kən ʕalpəncút. Sure enough I had a hard time to pull through winter, I was the loser all the way. [Dvl 144] uɬ anwí kʷ cxʔit, anwí kʷ əcʕalpəncút. You are the one who goes first, you are the one who makes yourself lose. [dict] lut ikɬʕalpəncút ʕapnáʔ. I am not going to be the loser this time. [dict] See: ʕalp.

ʕalpst   Morph: ʕal+p+st. Etym: √ʕl. to lose.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. lut pən̓kín t̓a cʕalpstín smyaw. Not ever have I lost, (I) Coyote. [CoBrk18] See: ʕaláp.

ʕalqínt   Morph: ʕalqí+nt. Etym: √ʕl. to cover s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ ʕalqísəlx, way ixíʔ sʔakʷɬtmníʔmsəlx. They closed the cover [of the casket], they were having a funeral now. [GDd1 148] See: ʕ̓al; ʕal.

ʕalʕaláq   [ʕalʕaláq] Morph: ʕal•ʕaláq ? Etym: √ʕl. to cover.

Istem. ʕalaláqs iʔ sip̓iʔ ixíʔ iʔ sílxʷaʔ iʔ l latáp ckəɬxʷíp. The hide was as wide as to cover the big table. [nb21.171a] See: ʕalqí(n). ʕal.

ʕaɬ   [ʕaɬ] Morph: ʕaɬ. Etym: √ʕɬ. to be even matched, regular (as the sections of a fence).

Istem. ʕaɬ. Regular. [nb19.324]

ʕaƛ̓ám   Morph: ʕaƛ̓á+m. Etym: √ʕƛ̓. to gnaw.

Mstem. Sp √x̌ƛ̓(í) to chew, to eat; Cm s‑ḥ‑ḥƛ̓‑mix to be gnawing; Cr x̌et̓ to gnaw, graze; Sh x̌t̓-us-m to eat of the deer head; Th x̌ƛ̓-ə́m chew, gnaw (on s.t.); Li √x̌əƛ̓ to chew on s.t. (mainly grass). Category: +am. ʕaƛ̓ám. Gnaw (as an animal). [dict] See: ʕ̓aƛ̓.

ʕaƛ̓ípst   Morph: ʕaƛ̓íp+st. Etym: ʕƛ̓. to gnaw on wood.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. əc̓ʕác̓stən iʔ stunx ɬa cʕaƛ̓ípsts iʔ mulx. I saw a beaver gnaw on cottonwood. [E45.8] See: ʕaƛ̓(a).

ʕaƛ̓nt   Morph: ʕaƛ̓+nt. Etym: √ʕƛ̓. to gnaw.

Tstem. Sp √x̌ƛ̓(í) to chew, to eat; Cm s‑ḥ‑ḥƛ̓‑mix to be gnawing; Cr x̌et̓ to gnaw, graze; Sh x̌t̓-us-m to eat of the deer head; Th x̌ƛ̓-ə́m chew, gnaw (on s.t.); Li √x̌əƛ̓ to chew on s.t. (mainly grass). Category: +nt. ʕaƛ̓ntíxʷ. You gnawed it. [nb26-42 009] See: ʕ̓aƛ̓.

ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓áqs   [ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓áqs] Morph: ʕaƛ̓•ʕaƛ̓áqs. Etym: √ʕƛ̓. beetle-like bug that chews at both ends.

Istem. ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓áqs. Beetle-like bug that chews at both ends. [nb6.179a] See: ʕaƛ̓(a).

ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓cínmnt   Morph: ʕaƛ̓•ʕaƛ̓cín+m+nt. Etym: √ʕƛ̓. to chew s.o. up with words.

Tstem. Category: +nt. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓cíˑˑnməntsən. I am going to chew you up. [CoGrSy 659] See: ʕaƛ̓(a).

ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓sc̓ím   [ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓sc̓ím] Morph: ʕaƛ̓•ʕaƛ̓+s+c̓ím. Etym: √ʕƛ̓, √c̓m. to chew s.t. up.

Istem. cmay iksʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓sc̓íˑˑm caʔkʷ iwá ɬaʔ ck̓ʷul̕l̕ t stim̓. I am going to chew him up, whatever he turns into. [CoGrSy 721] See: ʕaƛ̓(a); sc̓im.

ʕamám   Morph: ʕamá+m. Variant: ʕam̓. Etym: √ʕm. to melt, thaw, liquefy.

Mstem. Sp ham-íp; Cm ḥəm‑p become damp, dissolve, melt; Cr ʕem dissolve, melt, waste away. Category: +am. iksʕam̓ám iʔ sɬiqʷ. I’m going to thaw the meat. [nb19.322]

ʕamáp   [ʕamáp] Morph: ʕamá+p. Variant: ḥamáp; ʕam̓áp. Etym: √ʕm. to melt, thaw (ice, lard ...)

Istem. Cm ḥəmp become damp, dissolve, melt. Category: +ap. lut t̓a cʕamáp ixíʔ iʔ sxʷúyənt. Ice that did not melt. [mychildr 042] uɬ lut stim̓, c̓sap, mat ʕam̓áp xkínəm. Nothing, no more, melted, maybe. [lnx2 087] t̓i kʷm̓iɬ kiʔ ciʔíx iʔ skʷal̕t, uɬ aɬíʔ ʕamáp iʔ smík̓ʷət uɬ axáʔ iʔ sxʷúyənt. At once it got warm (from) the sun, and the snow and the ice melted. [dict]

ʕamnt   Morph: ʕam+nt. Etym: √ʕm. to melt, thaw, liquefy.

Tstem. Sp ham-íp; Cm ḥəm‑p become damp, dissolve, melt; Cr ʕem dissolve, melt, waste away. Category: +nt. məɬ iʔ t t̓ic̓ ʕaməntís. Then he melts it with pitch. [CoGrSy 060] ʕam̓ntín iʔ sɬiqʷ. I thawed the meat out. [nb19.322]

ʕam̓áp   [ʕam̓áp] Morph: ʕamá+p. Variant: ʕamáp; ḥamáp. Etym: √ʕm. to melt, thaw (ice, lard ...)

Istem. Category: +ap.

ʕan   [ʕan] Morph: n+ʕanq. Etym: √ʕn. root with meaning "to be full, sated, satisfied" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. See: ʕanáp; ʕanqíls; nʕanqíls; nʕanqcín.

ʕananíkn   [ʕananíkən] Morph: ʕan•aníkn. Variant: ʕanʕaník. Etym: √ʕn. jackrabbit.

Istem. Sp wananíčeʔ (wananí, wananíč) brown summer jackrabbit; Cm ḥannaník jackrabbit. ʕananíkn. Jackrabbit. [nb21.150a]

ʕanáp   [ʕanáp] Morph: ʕanáp. Etym: √ʕnp. to be satisfied, sated.

Istem. kʷu ʕanáp. We are satisfied. [nb18228.12] See: ʕan.

ʕanɬp   [ʕanɬp] Morph: ʕanɬp. Etym: √ʕn. snowbrush (ceanothus velutinus).

Istem. ʕanɬp. Snowbrush. [TBK120] See: ʕʷawnɬp.

ʕanmncút   [ʕanməncút] Morph: ʕan+mncút. Etym: √ʕn. to crouch; to curl up in a ball.

Istem. Category: +ncut. ʕanməncút. He's crouched down. [misc 082] t̓i ilíʔ ʕanməncút, ixíʔ uɬ ʔitx. He curled up in a ball and went to sleep. [nb2533.11]

ʕann   [ʕann] Morph: ʕan•n. Variant: ʕan̓; ʕ̓an̓ 1; ʕ̓an̓n̓. Etym: √ʕn. magpie.


ʕanqíls   [ʕanqíls] Morph: ʕanq+íls. Etym: √ʕnq. to be satisfied.

Istem. Sp √ʕanq, n-ʕanqcín he finally got enough to eat. Category: +ils. way̓ kən ʕanqíls. I am satisfied. [nb08 474] uɬ lut sʕanqílsc səmx̌íkən. Grizzly wasn't satisfied. [CoGrSy 580] See: ʕan.

ʕant   [ʕant] semantic import "look; you see".

pcl. Gram: contraction of ʕ̓ac̓nt Category: intj. ʕant ixíʔ iʔ sm̓ay̓áy̓s ixíʔ. And you see, this is how the story has been told. [su7q̓im 163]

ʕanʕaník   [ʕanʕaník] Morph: ʕan•ʕaník. Variant: ʕananíkn. Etym: √ʕn. jackrabbit.

Istem. ʕanʕaník. Jackrabbit. [nb21.150a] See: ʕananíkn.

ʕanʕanmncút   [ʕanʕanməncút] Morph: ʕan•ʕan+mncút. Etym: √ʕn. to crouch; to curl up in a ball.

Istem. Category: +ncut. ixíʔ spáʕɬaʔ, nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən, uɬ ixíʔ taʔx̌íˑˑləm, tər̓qám, məɬ ixíʔ ʕanʕanməncút, məɬ k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ uɬ iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sʕác̓əs. That's spáʕɬaʔ, a man-eater,and he does like that, he dances, and lowers himself, and gets small, and looks like a person. [nb2537.9-10]

ʕan̓   [ʕan̓] Morph: ʕan̓. Variant: ʕann; ʕ̓an̓ 1. Etym: √ʕn̓. Magpie; magpie.

Istem. Sp ʔán̓n̓ magpie; Cm ʕ̓ʷn̓‑ʕ̓ʷn̓‑ps, ʕ̓ʷən̓ʕ̓ʷan̓ps magpie.

ʕapnánaʔ   [ʕapnánaʔ] Morph: ʕapnánaʔ. Etym: √ʕpnʔ. just now.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷá ʕapnánaʔ. And it was already some time. [lnx2 360]

ʕapnáʔ   [ʕapnáʔ] Morph: ʕapnáʔ. Etym: √ʕpnʔ. now; nowadays.

pcl. Sh wl ʕép until dusk; Th ʕáp dusk. Cf. Li ʕap (late) evening sets in (part of the night before), ɬ‿ʕáp-as tonight. Category: time. k̓im t̓i knaqs púti acxʷəlxʷált ʕapnáʔ. Only one is still alive. [su7q̓im 271b] ʕapnáʔ mi kʷu m̓ay̓ɬtíxʷ ixíʔ. Now you tell me that story. [su7q̓im 275] way̓ ixíʔ kʷ ikɬm̓ay̓ɬtím ʕapnáʔ. Now I'll tell you again. [su7q̓im 280] uɬ ʕapnáʔ aɬíʔ uɬ náx̌əmɬ way̓ uɬ axáʔ iʔ kʷu ʔawtmaʔsqílxʷ. But now we are the now people. [MarryPS 032] taʔlíʔ sisyús iʔ sqilxʷ kaʔ ck̓ʷəl̕ɬtkəɬmílxʷəm ʕapnáʔ. It takes a good smart man to get a woman nowadays. [AutPS 229] uɬ ilíʔ kən cx̌ʷlúlaʔxʷəm məɬ ʕapnáʔ aláʔ kən ɬ k̓ʷəl̕ɬtəmxʷúlaʔxʷəm. Then I left that country and now I have made my home here. [dict] way̓ itlíʔ kʷu ɬk̓ʷánɬqəm, náx̌əmɬ ʕapnáʔ k̓əɬʔíysəntəm iʔ ksck̓ʷánɬqtət. We will put in a garden again, but this time we'll change what we're going to plant. [dict] ʕapnáʔ t̓x̌iwtwílx. Today next year (i.e. a year from today). [dict] sic ʕapnáʔ ɬə ksxʷuys k̓əl sənm̓am̓áy̓aʔtṇ. Just now he went to school. [dict]

ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ   [ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ] Morph: ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ. Etym: √ʕpnʔ; √k̓lxʷ. this evening.

phrasal. ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ. This evening. [dict]

ʕapnáʔ sx̌lx̌aʕlt   [ʕapnáʔ sx̌lx̌aʕlt] Morph: ʕapnáʔ s+x̌l•x̌aʕl+t. Etym: √ʕpnʔ; √x̌ʕl. today; this day.

phrasal. kən limt aláʔ p ʔúlˑuʔs ʕapnáʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. I am happy that you are gathered here today. [rdgs 104] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ put ṇk̓ʷəspíntk put ʕapnáʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt mi kʷu ɬcyaʕp. It'll be exactly one year today when we will come back. [dict]

ʕatál   [ʕatál] Morph: ʕatál ? Etym: √ʕtl ?. ʕatál. Category: wName.

Istem. ʕatál. Woman's name. [dict]

ʕatmn   [ʕátmən] Morph: ʕat+mn. Etym: √ʕt. yellow bell.

Istem. Category: +mn.

ʕátʕat   [ʕátʕat] Morph: ʕát•ʕat. Etym: √ʕt. the sound a duck makes.


ʕat̓ísm   [ʕat̓ísəm] Morph: ʕat̓ís+m. Variant: ʕat̓ísxaʔ. Etym: √(ʕ)t̓s. to sneeze.

Mstem. Sp √t̓sóʔ (t̓šóʔ), at̓šoʔ; Cm t̓éšxʷaʔ; Cr t̓išsoʔ. uc kʷ ʕat̓ísəm. Did you sneeze? [nb1836.3]

ʕat̓ísx   [ʕat̓isx] Morph: ʕat̓ís+x. Variant: hat̓isx. Etym: √ʕt̓s. to sneeze.

Istem. Category: +x. See: Sp at̓šóʔ; Cm t̓ésxʷaʔ; Cr t̓išsoʔ; Th ʔə̣́sxe..

ʕat̓ísxaʔ   [ʕat̓ísxaʔ] Morph: ʕat̓ís+xaʔ. Variant: ʕat̓ísm. Etym: √(ʕ)t̓s. to sneeze.

Istem. Sp √t̓sóʔ (t̓šóʔ), at̓šoʔ; Cm t̓éšxʷaʔ; Cr t̓išsoʔ.

ʕawáp   [ʕawáp] Morph: ʕawá+p. Etym: √ʕw. 1 • to drool; to drip; to leak.

Gram: unclear syntaxIstem. Category: +p. cʕawáp. It leaked. [nb25-30 002; nb1828.12] a put iʔ t məlk̓ʷút itíʔ t k caʕwáp. The drop dropped right down the pole. [BK384]

2 • Istem. ʕawáp: the eastern portion of a broken peninsula which itself extends westward along the east side of the Kettle River, about half a mile north of Napoleon. Lit: dripping

Sp √ʕaw drip; ʕaw-úp it melted, it dripped; Cr ʕaw, ʕ̓ew+p dripped; see Th /c̓ʕʷ-ə́p to leak, start slow dripping.Istem. Category: +p, Geog.

ʕawc   [ʕawc] Morph: ʕawc. Etym: √ʕwc ?. to have no reflexes.

Istem. t̓i ʕawc t̓i xaʕk̓ iʔ sqəl̕tmíxʷ. The man had no reflexes. Couldn't do anything. [lpb95] See: confirm.

ʕawítmnm   Morph: ʕawít+m+n+m. Etym: √ʕwt ?. to get annoyed with s.t. or s.o.

nTstem. Category: +n+m. lut kʷu aksʕawítmnəm. Don't get annoyed with me! [E72.12] See: confirm.

ʕawítmnt   Morph: ʕawít+m+nt. Etym: √ʕwt ?. to get annoyed with s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʕawítməntəm. He got annoyed with it. [E72.10] taʔlí way̓ ʕawítməntsən. I’m getting very annoyed with you. [E72.11] See: confirm.

ʕawʕawáp   [ʕawʕawáp] Morph: ʕaw•ʕawá+p. Etym: √ʕw. to drool; to drip.

Istem. Category: +p. ʕawʕawáp iʔ sk̓əxʷúsc. His tears are streaking down. [nb1828.14]

ʕaw̓kstmnt   Morph: ʕaw̓kst+m+nt. Etym: √ʕw̓. to let s.o. loose.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu ʕáw̓kstmənt. Let me loose! [nb1832.11]

ʕaw̓míst   [ʕaw̓míst, ʕáwmiʔst] Morph: ʕáw̓+miʔst. Etym: √ʕw̓. relax.

Istem. Category: +miʔst. ʕawmístx. Relax! (HE). [E73.4] iʔ l ʔúpənkst x̌əx̌yáɬnəxʷ ki kən cʕáw̓miʔst, kən siw̓st t lkapí. At ten o'clock I relax and drink coffee. [newles 316] kən ksʕawmístaʔx. I’m going to rest, get loose. [nb1832.12]

ʕaw̓mɬt   Morph: ʕaw̓+m+ɬt. Etym: √ʕw̓. to let s.t. or s.o. loose.

Tstem. Category: +ɬt. way̓ t̓i ilíʔ kʷu ʕ̓aw̓mɬtxʷ y ʕacqáx̌aʔtən. Let my reins loose! [nb1835.4]

ʕaw̓mw̓scút   [ʕaw̓muʔscút] Morph: ʕaw̓+mw̓s+cút. Etym: √ʕw̓. to relax.

Istem. Category: +cut. ʕaw̓muʔscútx. Relax! [E73.5] See: ʕaw̓míst.

ʕax̌   [ʕax̌] Morph: ʕax̌. Etym: √ʕx̌. to lace s.t.; to string up s.t.; to scratch s.t.

Istem. Sp hec-ʕáx̌ it's striped material, it's been scratched; č̕ɬ-ʕax̌ép the opening is laced shut; Cr ʕax̌ wind... to wrap string evenly; Sh ʕx̌-em to string up (a hide). ʕímtməntəm ixíʔ, ɬmaʕʷs ixíʔ a cʕax̌. She was mad at her, she tore down the lacing. [grlsdd 095] c-ʕax̌. It's laced. [dict] See: ʕax̌ʷ.

ʕax̌ám   Morph: ʕax̌á+m. Etym: √ʕx̌. to lace s.t.; to string up s.t.; to scratch s.t.

Mstem. Sp hec-ʕáx̌ it's striped material, it's been scratched; č̕ɬ-ʕax̌ép the opening is laced shut; Cr ʕax̌ wind... to wrap string evenly; Sh ʕx̌-em to string up (a hide). Category: +am. ʕax̌ám. To tie a hide to the tanning frame. [nb27-31 003] See: ʕax̌ʷ.

ʕax̌íc̓aʔ   [ʕax̌íc̓aʔ] Morph: ʕax̌íc̓aʔ. Etym: √ʕx̌. a rope (to string) deer hides.

Istem. Sp čn ʕax̌íc̓eʔ-m I stretched the hides. səck̓ʷúl̕x t ksútəns, t kɬʕax̌íc̓aʔs, nak̓ʷəm ixíʔ mat əck̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷúl̕sts, əckililúsəm. She was making something for herself, a rope to string deer hides, I guess that's what she was making, she was coiling it. [EJEp.3]

ʕax̌íc̓aʔm   [ʕax̌íc̓aʔm] Morph: ʕax̌íc̓aʔ+m. Etym: √ʕx̌. to tie a hide to a frame.

Mstem. ʕax̌íc̓aʔm. To tie the skin to the tanning frame. [nb27-31 002]

ʕáx̌laʔxʷnt   Morph: ʕáx̌laʔxʷ+nt. Etym: √ʕx̌. to harrow; to rake.

Tstem. Sp ʕax̌leʔxʷ-m he harrowed and raked the field for seeding; Cm ʔix̌–l̕əxʷ‑tn harrow. Category: +nt. ʕáx̌laʔxʷən. I raked (the ground). [nb1818.16] xʷúk̓ʷlaʔxʷ, náx̌əmɬ t̓i cʕáˑˑx̌laʔxʷsəlx uɬ way̓ pkʷúlaʔxʷməlx. It's clean soil, so they just harrowed it, and they sowed the wheat. [Dvl 131] See: ʕx̌.

ʕáx̌laʔxʷtn   [ʕáx̌laʔxʷtṇ] Morph: ʕáx̌laʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √ʕx̌. garden rake; hay rake.

Istem. ʕáx̌laʔxʷtn. Hay rake. [nb18103.1] See: ʕx̌.

ʕax̌nt   Morph: ʕax̌+nt. Etym: √ʕx̌. to lace s.t.; to string up s.t.; to scratch s.t.

Tstem. Sp hec-ʕáx̌ it's striped material, it's been scratched; č̕ɬ-ʕax̌ép the opening is laced shut; Cr ʕax̌ wind... to wrap string evenly; Sh ʕx̌-em to string up (a hide). Category: +nt. ixíʔ uɬ ʕax̌əntíˑˑs iʔ sp̓əc̓níɬxʷ. She laced up the tipi. [grlsdd 091] ʕáx̌ənt. Scratch it! [dict] See: ʕax̌ʷ.

ʕax̌x̌   [ʕáx̌əx̌] Morph: ʕax̌•x̌. Etym: √ʕx̌. to be or get slit, furrowed, striped.

Istem. cʕáx̌əx̌. It's furrowed. [nb21.138]

ʕáx̌ʕax̌x̌   [ʕáx̌ʕax̌əx̌] Morph: ʕáx̌•ʕax̌•x̌. Etym: √ʕx̌. to get scratched.

Istem. kən ʕáx̌ʕax̌x̌ iʔ t skəkwíɬp. I got scratched by a branch or brush. [dict]

ʕax̌ʷ   [ʕax̌ʷ] Morph: ʕax̌ʷ. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. s.t. stretched or strung.

Istem. Sp hi ʕax̌ it's striped; ʕax̌íc̓eʔ-tn hide stretcher; Cr √ʕx̌ wind, to wrap string evenly; hn+ʕux̌ʷ+ʕux̌ʷeɬníw̓+n harness. nák̓ʷəm aláʔ cʕax̌ʷ. There is a stretched rope or string; there is the line. [nb18148.11] See: ʕax̌.

ʕax̌ʷám   [ʕax̌ʷám] Morph: ʕax̌ʷá+m. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. to make line or rope.

Mstem. Category: +am. ʕax̌ʷám. Make a line with string, rope. [nb27-31 001] See: confirm Is this an error for ʕax̌ám ?.

ʕax̌ʷcínxn   [ʕax̌ʷcínxən] Morph: ʕax̌ʷcínxn. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. moccasin lace.

Istem. ʕax̌ʷcínxn. Moccasin lace. [nb18165.4] See: confirm; possible error for ʕax̌cínxən.

ʕax̌ʷmín   [ʕax̌ʷmín] Morph: ʕax̌ʷ+mín. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. 1 • clothes line, line to hang clothes on.

Istem. Category: +min. ʕax̌ʷmín. Clothes line. [dict]

2 • Istem. fence.

Istem. Category: +min. iʔ k̓əɬʕalmín iʔ ʕax̌ʷmíns. Barbed wire fence, wire fence. [nb18148.13]

3 • Istem. binder.

Istem. Category: +min. ʕax̌ʷmín iʔ l sq̓ʷiɬt. A binder for packing. [dict]

ʕax̌ʷnt   Morph: ʕax̌ʷ+nt. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. to mark with a string.

Tstem. Sp hi ʕax̌ it's striped; ʕax̌íc̓eʔ-tn hide stretcher; Cr √ʕx̌ wind, to wrap string evenly; hn+ʕux̌ʷ+ʕux̌ʷeɬníw̓+n harness. Category: +nt. ʕax̌ʷəntíxʷ. You marked it with a string. [nb27-41 002] ʕax̌ʷəntíxʷ iʔ sp̓íc̓ən. String along the rope! [dict] See: ʕax̌.

ʕax̌ʷʕax̌ʷcínxn   [ʕax̌ʷʕax̌ʷcínxən] Morph: ʕax̌ʷ•ʕax̌ʷcínxn. Etym: √ʕx̌ʷ. moccasin laces.

Istem. ʕax̌ʷʕax̌ʷcínxn. Moccasin laces. [nb18165.5] See: confirm; possible error for ʕax̌ʕax̌cínxən.

ʕay   [ʕay] Morph: ʕay. Etym: √ʕy. root with meaning "tired" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. See: ʕayt; kʕayíkst; kʕayxán; kʕyikst; kʕayʕayxán; ṇʕayílps; nʕayíkn̓; nʕayús2; .

ʕayám   [ʕayám] Morph: ʕayá+m. Etym: √ʕy. to growl; to scold.

Mstem. Sh √ʕey stinging, hot; angry. Category: +am. ʕayám. Scold. [nb19.324]

ʕayáp   [ʕayáp] Morph: ʕayá+p. Etym: √ʕy. to bawl s.o. out.

Istem. Sh ʕy-ep angry. Category: +ap. ʕayáp. Bawl. [nb21.38a]

ʕayíw   [ʕayíw, ʕayú(ʔ)] Morph: ʕayíw. Etym: √ʕyw. ʕayíw: Indian parsnip, first root of spring.

Istem. ʕayíw. Parsnip. [nb21.87]

ʕayncút   [ʕayncút] Morph: ʕay+ncút. Variant: ʕʷyncut; ʕ̓ayncút. Etym: √ʕy. to laugh.

Istem. Category: +ncut. ʕayncút. Laugh. [dict] See: ʕʷyncut.

ʕaynst   Morph: ʕayn+st. Variant: ʕ̓ayn. Etym: √ʕyn. to make s.o. laugh.

Tstem. Category: +st. ʕaynstíxʷ. You made him laugh. [nb26-54 035]

ʕayplwísnt   Morph: ʕay+p+lwís+nt. Etym: √ʕy. to bawl s.o. out; to get after s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ixíʔ síwəntəm iʔ t tum̓s, uɬ ʕayplwíssəlx. Her mother asked her, and they got after her. [nb2531.10]

ʕaypmínt   Morph: ʕay+p+mí+nt. Etym: √ʕy. to scold s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu ʕaypmínt. Scold me! [EJEp.9] way̓ ʕaypmíntəm, ixíʔ ɬəɬxʷúys iʔ sqəltmíxʷ. So he scolded her, then the man went home. [cre6]

ʕayt   [ʕayt] Morph: ʕay+t. Variant: ʕiyt. Etym: √ʕy. to be tired.

Istem. Cm ḥu‑ʔ‑y‑t be bored; See Cr ʕid glowing, redhot; ʕey embittered; see Sh √ʕey singing, hot; angry; see Th √ʕáy inadequate. Category: +t. mat ʕayt t saq̓ʷ. He must be tired from doing nothing. [dict] See: ʕay.

ʕaytmn   [ʕítmən, ʕáytmən] Morph: ʕit+mn. Etym: √ʕt. tooth.

Istem. Category: +mn. ʕáytmən. Tooth. [pd03] See: ʕitmn.

ʕayú   [ʕayú] Morph: ʕayú. Variant: ʕayúʔ. Etym: √ʕy. ʕayú: wild parsnip; edible tuber, usually eaten baked or brewed as tea. When pounded and pulverized it is spread on sores and bruises.

Istem. ʕayú Parsnip. [nb21.95a]

ʕayúʔ   [ʕayúʔ] Morph: ʕayúʔ. Variant: ʕayú. Etym: √ʕyʔ. 1 • Indian parsnip, first root of spring.

Istem. yayáʕt ixíʔ əcwíc̓əstsəlx iʔ ʕayúʔ t̓əxʷiʔ stím̓, t̓i yayʕát stím̓. They dig everything, wild parsnip, things, everything. [TBK66]

2 • Istem. chocolate tips (lomatium dissectum).

Istem. ʕayúʔ.

ʕayʕaycín   [ʕayʕaycín] Morph: ʕay•ʕaycín. Etym: √ʕy (√ʕʷy). to laugh about s.t. or s.o.

Istem. Gram: northern form way̓ kʷ ʕayʕaycín. You laughed about them. [nb1847.11]

ʕayʕayncút   [ʕayʕayncút] Morph: ʕay•ʕay+ncút. Variant: ʕ̓ayʕ̓ayncút; ʕʷyʕʷyncut. Etym: √ʕy (√ʕʷy). to laugh.

Istem. Category: +ncut. ʕayʕayncútəlx. They laughed. [nb9a 007]

ʕayʕáynknt   Morph: ʕay•ʕáynk+nt. Etym: √ʕy. to tickle s.o.'s belly.

Tstem. See Sh x̌-ʕʷuy̓-ʕʷuy̓-nk to laugh until one's insides get weak. Category: +nt. ixíʔ uɬ ʕəyʕáynksəlx. And they tickled him. [sknkf 018] uɬ aɬíʔ cəm̓ ʕayʕáynkənts uɬ xpúsənts, lut kskəmʔíkxtəms. She’ll tickle you and chew your face, she’ll do everything. [nb1273.3] huˑˑy məɬ t̓i kʷ ɬq̓ilx məɬ ixíʔ ʕayʕáynkənts. As soon as you go to bed she'll start tickling you. [dict]

ʕayʕaypmínt   Morph: ʕay•ʕay+p+mí+nt. Etym: √ʕy. to scold s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu cʕayʕaypmíntəm niʕ̓íp int̓at̓úpaʔ. My grandmother scolded us. [EJEp.9]

ʕay̓áp   [ʕay̓áp] Morph: ʕay̓á+p. Etym: √ʕy. to fall out.

Istem. Category: +ap. ʕay̓áp. Fall out. [OkB]

ʕaʕaccnítkʷ   [ʕaʕaccnítkʷ] Morph: ʕa•ʕaccnítkʷ. Etym: √ʕc. to get s.t. tied on the shore.

Istem. way̓ ilíʔ yayáʕt cʕaʕaccnítkʷ músuʔɬ. They are all tied there, four boats. [CoGrSy 462]

ʕaʕáx̌laʔxʷtn   [ʕaʕáx̌laʔxʷtən] Morph: ʕa•ʕáx̌laʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √ʕx̌. garden rake.

Istem. Category: +tn. ʕaʕáx̌laʔxʷtən. A rake for the yard; a harrow for plowing, to break the sod and smooth it out. [nb20.94] See: ʕx̌.

ʕaʕáx̌nt   Morph: ʕa•ʕáx̌+nt. Etym: √ʕx̌. to rake s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʕaʕáx̌səlx. They rake it (e.g. hay after it’s cut). [nb18102.16] See: ʕx̌.

ʕaʕímaʔt   [ʕaʕímaʔt] Morph: ʕa•ʕím+aʔt. Etym: √ʕm. to be angry.

Istem. Category: +aʔt, dim. ƛ̓əm axáʔ sʕaʕímaʔt iʔ t saʔstáms təl sx̌ʷupts. His sister-in-law used to hate him because he was good for nothing. [dict] Category: dim.

ʕaʔíc   [ʕaʔíc] Morph: ʕaʔíc. Etym: √ʕʔc. to clot.

Istem. Ques: confirm taɬt iʔ sk̓əɬx̌ʷíls iʔ məɬk̓íyaʔ mʕan̓ tl inp̓əsp̓sáqstən, uɬ ʕaʔíc aláʔ. I had a real bad nose bleed, real lots of blood from both my nostrils, and it clotted. [EJEp.83]

ʕaʔíckʷalaʔ   [ʕaʔíckʷalaʔ] Morph: ʕaʔíckʷalaʔ. Variant: ʕ̓aʔíckʷalaʔ. Etym: √ʕʔckʷlʔ ?. meadowlark; Meadowlark.

Istem. Sp w̓aw̓íckʷl̕eʔ (w̓ew̓íckʷl̕eʔ); see Cr xʷéleʔ lark, meadowlark; ixíʔ uɬ axáʔ iʔ ʕaʔíckʷalaʔ ck̓amˑtíw̓s. Then Meadowlark landed there. [chipdd 037]

ʕaʔíltm   [ʕaʔíltm] Morph: ʕaʔílt+m. Etym: √ʕʔ ?. to slide (as children playing).

Mstem. ʕaʔíltm. Slide. [OkB]

ʕaʔtmn   [ʕáʔtmvn] Morph: ʕaʔt+mn. Variant: ʕ̓aʔtmn̓. Etym: √ʕʔt. 1 • yellowbell.

Istem. Category: +mn.

2 • Istem. lambda (the phonetic symbol).

Istem. Category: +mn. ʕáʔtmən. Lambda. [nb26-65 004] See: ʕ̓aʔtmn̓.

ʕickst   [ʕickst] Morph: ʕickst. Etym: √ʕc. ʕickst: salmon; Dolly Varden.

Istem. ʕickst. Salmon. [OkB]

ʕimt   [ʕaymt] Morph: ʕim+t. Etym: √ʕm. to be angry.

Istem. Sp ʕaymt; hayím-t (ʔayím-t) he got growling mad; č-ʔáym-t-i-s that's his reason for being mad; Cm ḥímt ḥim‑t. Category: +t. uɬ kən cʕimt. I was mad. [su7q̓im 244] lut aksʕímt. Don't get mad! [misc 112] níˑˑkxnaʔ way̓ ʕimt iʔ t sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔs. Goodness, her aunt got mad. [grlsdd 094] uɬ kʷa mat taʔlíʔ ʕimt ixíʔ iʔ pəptwínaxʷ. I bet the old lady is very angry. [dict]

ʕimtmnm   Morph: ʕim+t+m+n+m. Etym: √ʕm. to be angry at s.o.

nTstem. Category: +n+m. lut kʷu aksʕáymtmnəm. Don't get mad at me! [feb94 071]

ʕimtmnt   Morph: ʕim+t+m+nt. Etym: √ʕm. to be angry at s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʕímtməntəm ixíʔ, ɬmaʕʷs ixíʔ a cʕax̌. She was mad at her, she tore down the lacing. [grlsdd 095] kʷu ʕáymtəms. He is mad at me. [feb94 070] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬə ʕímtməntsən mi cənɬək̓ʷɬək̓ʷtmístxʷ i l q̓sápiʔ. If I ever get mad at you you will remember it for a long time. [nb08 599]

ʕimtmst   Morph: ʕim+t+m+st. Etym: √ʕm. to be angry at s.o.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. əcʕímtmstən pit. I am mad at Pete. [E42.21] kʷu əcʕímtəmsts pit. Pete is mad at me. [E42.24]

ʕimtnúnt   Morph: ʕim+t+nu+nt. Etym: √ʕm. to manage to make s.o. angry.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʕimtnún. I made him mad accidentally; I managed to make him mad. [E43.4]

ʕimtst   [ʕáymtəst] Morph: ʕimt+st. Etym: √ʕmt. to anger s.o.; to make s.o. mad.

Tstem. Category: +st. taʔlíʔ kʷu ʕáymtəsts. He made me very mad. [feb94 072]

ʕitmn   [ʕítmən, ʕáytmən] Morph: ʕit+mn. Etym: √ʕt. tooth.

Istem. Category: +mn. ʕáytmən. Tooth. [pd03]

ʕiyt   [ʕiyt] Morph: √ʕy+t. Variant: ʕayt. Etym: √ʕy. to be tired.

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ ʕiyt inkílx. My hand is tired. [nb18239.16] mat way̓ cʕiyt ankílx ɬaʔ cq̓əy̓ám. Maybe your arm gets tired when you write. [nb18239.17]

ʕtʕitmn   [ʕatʕítmən] Morph: ʕt+ʕit+mn. Etym: √ʕt. teeth.

Istem. Category: +mn. ʕatʕítmn. Teeth. [plur 014]

ʕx̌   [ʕx̌] Morph: ʕx̌. Etym: √ʕx̌. root with meaning "rake, harrow" on which several stems are formed.

Rt. Sp ʕax̌leʔxʷ-m he harrowed and raked the field for seeding; Cm ʔix̌–l̕əxʷ‑tn harrow. See: ʕáx̌laʔxʷ; ʕáx̌laʔxʷ; ʕ̓áx̌laʔxʷm; ʕáx̌laʔxʷtn; ʕaʕáx̌; ʕaʕáx̌laʔxʷtn.