
wa   [wa] wa.

pcl. Category: Onom. ilíˑˑʔ ʔakswíx sənk̓l̕íp waˑˑ wa wa wa nc̓əlc̓əlxʔúˑˑpsən səmx̌íkən. Coyote is standing there, waˑˑ, wa, wa, wa I scratched Grizzly's ass. [cogrzd 076]

wack   [wack] Morph: wack. Etym: √wc. to straddle.

Istem. Category: Conf.

wáhah   [wáhah] Morph: wáh•ah. Etym: √wh. to holler.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. uɬ way̓ cwáhah səmx̌íkən. Grizzly started hollering. [CoGrSy 452] See: wha; wah.

wahám   [wahám] Morph: wahá+m. Etym: √wh. to holler.

Mstem. Category: +am. aˑˑ məɬ atláʔ wahám səmx̌íkən. The Grizzly hollered. [CoGrSy 481] See: wah.

wahnt   Morph: wah+nt. Etym: √wh. to bark at s.t. or s.o.; to holler.

Tstem. Sp √weh; Cm wahm; Cr wih; wiʔ announced, annunciated, cry out, shout, shouted (he...); Sh wew-m to call, holler to sb.; Li wəʔaw to shout, holler. Category: +nt. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ cəm̓ iʔ t kəkawˑápaʔ wəhantsís. The dogs will start barking at you. [nb1236.6] uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ cəm̓ ixíʔ wahəntsís iʔ t kkəwˑápaʔ. Then the dogs will bark at you. [dict] kʷu cwahəntím iʔ t kəkəw̓ˑápaʔ. The dogs are going to bark at us. [dict] cəm̓ kʷu wahəntím iʔ t kəkew̓wápaʔ. The dogs might bark at us. [nb1262.7] See: wah.

wahú   [wahú] Morph: wahú. Etym: √wh. Hawaii, Hawaiian. From: ? English Oahu.

Istem. Category: Borr. wahú. Hawaii. [nb5.21a]

wahwáhm   [wahwáhm] Morph: wah•wáh+m. Etym: √wh. to call out; to proclaim; to holler.

Mstem. way̓ t̓əqʷcín, wáhwahm ṇc̓íʔcən. Wolf hollered, he was proclaiming. [BJSeym 144] uɬ ixíʔ swahwáhms axáʔ yaʔ ylmíxʷəm təl sənyálmən. And then the boss from Montana hollered. [dict] See: wah.

wahwahúst   [wahwahúst] Morph: wah•wah+úst. Etym: √wh. to howl, as coyote.

Istem. Sp √mhuw̓ (mhom̓) howl, mhúw̓ (mhóm̓) he howled; Cm wḥw̓‑m to howl; Th ʔəmˑ/ʔúms-m ... howl with special sad noise. wahwahúst. Howl. [dict] See: wah.

walmscút   [walmscút] Morph: wal+mscút. Etym: √wl. to do magic; to play tricks.

Istem. Category: +mscut. ta kway̓ əxʷ walmscút əxʷ sənk̓líp. Coyote did something magic again. [CoGrSy 649] way̓ ixíʔ əxʷ sənk̓líp iʔ walməscút. That's Coyote playing tricks again. [CoGrSy 772] See: wl1.

wálnaʔnt   Morph: wálnaʔ+nt. Etym: √wl. to talk smart or offensively to s.o.

Tstem. Sp n-w̓w̓il̕w̓l̕cn̓ he talked foolishly; Cm w‑wil̕‑wil̕‑t to have a foolish or gross manner (person); Sh wl-cmiʔ laughing all the time. Category: +nt. kswálnaʔntxʷ nx̌ax̌ʔítkʷ. Talk smart to the whale! [Whal 213] See: wl1.

walúksm   [walúksəm] Morph: walúks+m. Etym: √wlks. to play cards.

Mstem. Sp welukʷs traditional card game; see ? č-s-wílqn I beat (or cheated) him at gambling. yʕalwísəlx, c̓lálqʷməlx, walúksməlx, t̓əmk̓ʕáməlx. They gather, they play stick game, they play cards, they bet on cards. [rdgs 053]

wal̕   [wal̕] Morph: wal̕. Etym: √wl. to be burning.

Istem. Sp wir (wil) to burn; Cr gʷel blaze, burn, light (kindle); Li √wəl fire. kn kscwal̕. I have some that's already burned. [feb94 012] axáʔ iʔ kʷílstən ak̓láʔ əcwál̕. There were sweat houses here. [Green.28] See: war; war̓.

wal̕cnmíst   [wal̕cənm̓íst] Morph: wal̕cn+míst. Etym: √wl. to talk funny.

Istem. Category: +mist. way̓ lut nixʷ itlíʔ akswal̕cənm̓íst. Now don't you get talking funny again. [Whal 493] See: wl1.

wal̕íkstmnt   Morph: wal̕íkst+m+nt. Etym: √wl̕. to play a trick on s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓, way̓ wal̕əmscút, wal̕íkstməntəm. Something queer is going on, she played a trick on him. [GDd1 446] See: wl1.

wal̕mscút   [wal̕mscút] Morph: wal̕+mscút. Etym: √wl̕. to be puzzled.

Istem. Category: +scut. way̓, way̓ wal̕əmscút, wal̕íkstməntəm. Something queer is going on, she played a trick on him. [GDd1 446] See: wl1.

wam̓   [wam̓] Morph: wam̓. Variant: wim̓. to no avail; unsuccessfully.

pcl. lut stim̓ wam̓. To no avail, nothing. [su7q̓im 135] nak̓ʷəm axáʔ t̓iʔ wam̓ iʔ sqilxʷ. The people got tired of waiting... [FrGov.22]

wanx   [wanx] Morph: wanx. Etym: √wnx. Variant: wan̓x. to war dance; to war sing.

Istem. Sp wenš to dance, to wardance; Cm wanx, swanx dance; Cr winš wardance; Th wénx sing and dance. way̓ wíknəlx k̓əl iʔ cwánxəlx iʔ k̓əl siyáʕ̓. I saw them at the war dance at the gathering. [gl48] mat k̓əl k̓ʷənxásq̓ət way̓ sp̓ams swanxs. I guess several days he drummed, danced. [lpn31]

wan̓xm   [wán̓xəm] Morph: wan̓x+m. Etym: √wn̓x. Variant: wanxm. war dance.

Mstem. nkʷníməlx, wán̓xməlx, ləmtmənwíxʷəlx, məɬ ʔaɬʔíɬnəlx. They sing, they dance, they enjoy each other, and they feast. [rdgs 054] kʷu k̓ʷul̕ɬtxʷ ispuʔús nkʷancínəm. kʷu k̓ʷul̕ɬtxʷ isc̓uʔc̓uʔxán wánxəm. You make my heart sing. You make my feet wardance. [E80.15] See: wanx.

wapwpxn   [wápupxən] Morph: wap•wpxn. Etym: √wp. 1 • lynx. Lit: hair on his feet

Istem. Category: Faun. uɬ náx̌əmɬ wápupxən uɬ spəpl̕ínaʔ uɬ way̓ cmistísəlx ixíʔ st̓aʔk̓míx ɬə silíʔs. But Lynx and Rabbit knew that the girl was there. [lnxbdga 154]

2 • Istem. wapwpxn.

Cm wəpwpxn lynx.Istem. See: wp.

waq̓wq̓t   [wáq̓əwq̓t] Morph: waq̓•wq̓+t. Etym: √wq̓. wild animals.

Istem. Sp w̓áq̓uʔq̓-t they're wild; Th wáq̓wəq̓t Sasquatch. Category: +t. wáq̓əwq̓t. Wild animals. [dict]

war   [war] Morph: war. Variant: war̓. Etym: √wr. to burn.

Istem. Sp wir (wil) to burn; Sh wl-em to burn. mət púti əcwár̓ asur̓íslp̓tn, kcqúsənt iʔ lkapí. Maybe your fire is still burning, put the coffee on! [misc 235] See: wr.

war̓   [war̓] Morph: war̓. Variant: war. Etym: √wr. to burn.

Istem. a cwar̓. A fire. [pd] uɬ wíksəlx iʔ lkʷuˑˑt k̓a yxʷut, ka cwar̓, a cwər̓w̓ár̓. They saw long ways down some fires, campfires. [su7q̓im 127] mət púti əcwár̓ asur̓íslp̓tən, kcqúsənt iʔ lkapí. Maybe your fire is still burning, put the coffee on! [misc 235] kmix iʔ swr̓ísəlp̓ la nq̓aʔq̓əʔíw̓s kiʔ cwar̓. There's only the fire that burns between them. [dict] See: wr.

wásaʔ   [wásaʔ] Morph: wásaʔ. Etym: √wsʔ. aunt.

Istem. Cm ɬwasn aunt or uncle when connecting parent is dead. Category: Kin. axáʔ isk̓ʷúy iʔ sxʔitx uɬ axáʔ inwásaʔ ixíʔ iʔ stʔiwtx. My mother is the oldest and my aunt is the youngest. [AutPS 162]

wawílpm   [wawílpəm] Morph: wa•wíl+p+m. Etym: √wl. to wiggle.

Mstem. Cm wal̕‑l̕ to tilt, tip over; Cr gʷel̕ slant, tilt. wawílpəm. Wiggle. [pd04] See: wawíl̕.

wawíl̕   [wawíl̕] Morph: wa•wíl̕. Etym: √wl. to weave from side to side.

Istem. Sp hi wél̕ wél̕ wél̕ he goes from side to side as he walks. He waddles. sənwaʔwaʔsxənmíx, uɬ wawíl̕. He left the ground, and weaved from side to side. [dict] See: wl.

wawnx   [wawnx] Morph: wa•w•nx. Etym: √wnx. to be singing a war song.

Istem. Category: Dim. múˑˑt scwáwnxs. He was sitting there singing a war song. [dict] See: wanx.

way̓   [way̓] Morph: way̓. Etym: √wy̓. a verb to finish, to end}.

Istem. Sp wiy̓ to finish; Cm ʔac‑wy̓ be finished, s‑wy̓‑num‑t‑əxʷ be handsome, beautiful; Cr gʷey̓ finish; Sh weyt-k hello (to one). lútiʔ sway̓s. He hasn’t finished yet. [nb21.181a] way̓ aɬíʔ kən swayx iʔ t sk̓iwlx. I’m just done in from old age. [nb1233.6] way̓ ixíʔ sway̓s iʔ t sk̓iwlx. He’s just about done with old age. [nb1260.2] iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕tət iʔ scwáy̓tət. The work we have completed. [EnLet.22] haʔ kʷ ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ k̓l library kʷ ɬə way̓ iʔ tl̕ snq̓əy̓mín. Will you go to the library when you are finished with classes? [newles 287] pən̓kín̓ ki kʷ cway̓ iʔ tl sʔaʔúms iʔ sc̓kam. When will you finish your arithmetic (lit. words of counting)? [newles 288] kswáy̓aʔx. He's going to end it. [dict] See: wy̓.

way̓   [way̓] Morph: way̓. Etym: √wy̓. 1 • a general greeting.

pcl. way̓, axáʔ John a cqʷəlqʷílt. Hello, this is John speaking. [newles 208]

2 • pcl. a form that introduces a proposition.

Sp wiy̓ to finish; Cm ʔac‑wy̓ be finished, s‑wy̓‑num‑t‑əxʷ be handsome, beautiful; Cr gʷey̓ finish; Sh weyt-k hello (to one).pcl. way̓ kʷu ksnt̓qmíxaʔx ixíʔ uɬ iʔ snman̓xʷtn. We're going to fill the pipe, the smoking implement. [su7q̓im 209] uɬ way̓ ilíʔ ask̓ʷíƛ̓təm. There are your brothers. [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ xƛ̓ap xƛ̓pəlscút. He had everything he wanted. [dict] way̓ mat way̓ yəʕ̓ʷpyáwt axáʔ iɬsísəncaʔ. Our little brother must be powerful. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ. That's all. [su7q̓im 281] way̓ kʷu cuntxʷ. You already told me. [misc 058] ƛ̓əm way̓ cúɬtsən. I told you before. [nb26-29 003] See: wy̓.

way̓áʔ   [way̓áʔ] Morph: way̓+áʔ. Etym: √wy̓. indeed not.

pcl. ɬíʔ way̓ pnicíʔ uɬ wayáʔ aɬíʔ kɬundertaker. Because at that time they didn't have any undertaker. [dict] See: way̓.

way̓m   [way̓m] Morph: way̓+m. Etym: √wy̓. to stop s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. akswáy̓m kʷu ɬaʔ cmúsəlxtxʷ. Stop hoping for me! [nb18205.2] See: way̓.

way̓st   [way̓st] Morph: way̓+st. Etym: √wy̓. to stop, finish s.t.; to quit s.t.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. ixiʔ way̓sts iʔ siwɬkʷ. He quit drinking booze. [jan93nb 012] way̓ wáy̓stən kən ɬaʔ cmúsəls. I quit hoping. [nb18205.1] uɬ way̓sts st̓it̓imúɬc. He just quit being lazy. [fatboy 115] uɬ ixíʔ wáy̓stsəlx iʔ sənk̓ʕámən, ixíʔ lkʷílxəlx, uɬ ixíʔ iʔ k̓əl Jehovaʼs Witnesses kaʔ ɬ əcnwnxʷínaʔlx. And so they quit the church, they left, and they believed in Jehovaʼs Witnesses. [Cona41] way̓sts iʔ sq̓ʷaʕylqsc uɬ ixíʔ səcmríms. He quit his black robes, and got married. [Cona83]

wáʕmist   [wáʕmist] Morph: wáʕ+mist. Etym: √wʕ. shattered.

Istem. Ques: Because see Sp wám-ist he hurried, he sped away Category: +mist. wáʕmist. Shatter. [nb22.4a] Category: Conf.

waʕ̓múlaʔxʷ   [waʕ̓múlaʔxʷ] Morph: waʕ̓+múlaʔxʷ. Etym: √wʕ̓. Variant: waʕ̓ʷmúlaʔxʷ. the earth thaws.

Istem. way̓ kstaʔmínaʔlx ixíʔ uɬ c̓sap iʔ smík̓ʷət uɬ axáʔ iʔ súl̕laʔxʷ ixíʔ waʕ̓múlaʔxʷ. Spring came, and the snow was gone, and the frozen earth thawed. [Dvl 010] way̓ kstaʔmínaʔlx, a uɬ waʕ̓múlaʔxʷ. The snow came off the ground, the frost is out of the ground. [Dvl 019]

waʕʷnɬp   [wáʕʷnəɬp] Morph: waʕʷnɬp. Etym: √wʕʷn. juniper (tea made from this plant is considered by some to be unhealthy for the kidneys).

Istem. Sp wáw-nɬp buckbrush. Category: Bot. waʕʷnɬp. Juniper. [nb1824.6]

waʕ̓ʷmúlaʔxʷ   [waʕ̓ʷmúlaʔxʷ] Morph: waʕ̓ʷ+múlaʔxʷ. Etym: √wʕ̓ʷ. Variant: waʕ̓múlaʔxʷ. the earth thaws.

Istem. axáʔ iʔ súllaʔxʷ ixíʔ way̓ waʕ̓ʷmúlaʔxʷ. The frost thawed out. [dict]

waʔq̓   [waʔq̓] Morph: waʔq̓. Etym: √w̓q̓. to stay away.

Istem. kən səcwaʔq̓míx. I'm staying clear, away. [nb26-31 003]

waʔsmncút   [waʔsməncút] Morph: waʔs+mncút. Etym: √ws. to rise off the ground.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ ixíʔ swaʔsməncúts axáʔ iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. Then the horse (that could fly) started rising. [nb1261.10]

waʔsnúxʷ   [waʔsnúxʷ] Morph: waʔs+núxʷ. Etym: √ws. to get late.


waʔwáʔm   [waʔwáʔm] Morph: waʔ•wáʔ+m. Etym: √wʔ. to announce.

Mstem. Sp weʔ call, shout, holler; Cr wiʔ announced ... (Lit. town crier in Indian village); Sh wew-m to call, holler to sb. ixíʔ uɬ waʔwáʔm uɬ ixíʔ scuts... He hollered and said... [Whal 072] Category: nMstem. sw̓aw̓áʔms axáʔ ilmíxʷəm, iʔ l sənyálmən axáʔ ilmíxʷəm. The boss from Montana, the chief, hollered. [Whal 071]

waʔxútyaʔ   [waʔxútyaʔ] Morph: waʔxútyaʔ. Etym: √wx. a small or makeshift dwelling.

Istem. uɬ sc̓x̌ilx uɬ waʔxútyaʔ uɬ səp̓ʔíɬxʷəlx, cxʷúl̕ɬxʷ. That's why they have tipis, buckskin tipis, and tipis. [LynxS 028]

waɣt   [waɣt] Morph: waɣ+t. Etym: √wɣ. s.t. shedding, falling off.

Istem. Category: +t. waɣt. Falling off. [pd]

wccklpmnunt   Morph: wc•c+klp+m+nu+nt. Etym: √wc. to manage to run downhill.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ʔucəckəlpmnún. I got going downhill (couldn't stop). [nb26-64 0] ʔucəckəlpmnús inkəwáp. He got my horse going down the hill (and couldn't stop). [nb26-64 002]

wcklipm   [ucklípəm] Morph: wcklíp+m. Variant: wckl̕ipm; wckl̕apm. Etym: √wckl̕. to run down the hill.

Mstem. Ques: is √wckl better than √ʔckl?

wckl̕ápm   [uckl̕ápəm] Morph: wckl̕ap+m. Etym: √wckl̕. Variant: wckl̕ípm. to run downhill; to run down a canyon.

Mstem. p cwckl̕ápəm, uɬ cəm̓ taʔlíʔ p ṇƛ̓əx̌cín. You run downstairs, you'll be too noisy. [dict] See: wckl̕ípm.

wckl̕ípm   [uckl̕ípəm] Morph: wckl̕ip+m. Etym: √wckl̕. Variant: wckl̕apm. to run downhill; to run down a canyon.

Mstem. Gram: I have recorded this form as ʔuckl̕ípm but cannot find conclusive comparative evidence that helps me decide on the correct analysis atláʔ kʷ uckl̕ípəm məɬ iʔ k̓la ntx̌ʷitkʷ. You can run from here plum down to the river."\. [fatboy 038] uɬ uckl̕ípəm iʔ k̓əl cwix. And he ran down the hill to the river. [fatboy 091] məɬ ʔax̌əlməncút məɬ ɬcuckl̕ípəm. And he turns around and runs down. [lnxbdga 345] iʔ ta cksq̓iw̓s kən ucklípəm. I'll run down the canyon. [lnx2 372] uɬ ʔuckl̕ípəm iʔ ta cksq̓íw̓s. He went down the canyon. [lnxbdga 343] nt̓a xiʔ sɬəx̌ʷp̓áms kiʔ sʔuckl̕ípəms. Gee, he ran out of there and ran down the hill. [msqdd 051] ixíʔ scʔuckl̕ípəms, cxʷuˑˑy̓ iʔ k̓əl stáɬəms. He ran down the hill, he went to his boat. [CoGrSy 522] way̓ qʷásqiʔ txrúˑˑtəm, qíltˑ, way̓ ʔuckl̕ípəm. Blue Jay ran up the hill, got to the top, he ran down the hill. [dict] ṇwísəlxsts iʔ syupsc, ixíʔ sʔuckl̕ípəms iʔ q̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕy iʔ st̓əmáʕlt. She raised her tail, and the Black Cow ran down the hill. [dict] See: wckl̕ápm.

wcknt   Morph: wck+nt. Etym: √wc. to straddle s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. wəckəntíxʷ. You straddled it. [nb22.3a] See: confirm?.

wcwcklipm   [ucucklípəm] Morph: wc•wcklíp+m. Etym: √wckl. s.o. runs down.

Mstem. Ques: is √wckl better than √ʔckl? ucucklípəm(əlx). They ran down the hill. [pd09] See: confirm.

wham   Morph: wha+m. Etym: √wh. to bark at s.t. or s.o.; to holler.

Mstem. Sp √weh; Cm wahm; Cr wih; wiʔ announced, annunciated, cry out, shout, shouted (he...); Sh wew-m to call, holler to sb.; Li wəʔaw to shout, holler. uháməlx iʔ kkəwwáp. Dogs bark. [nb21.61a] tiɬx məɬ uwhám ank̓əɬqəxʷəncútən. Your guardian stands up and barks. [mychildr 239] cuhám, uhám, uʔuhám. Dog barks. [nb10a 138] iʔ kəkw̓áp a cwham lut t̓a ck̓ʷʔam. The dog that barks doesn’t bite. [#89.3] k̓əɬwáʔm. Repeat what Indian doctors say. [nb10a 168] See: wah.

wick   [wick] Morph: wick. Etym: √wck. fish spear.

Istem. wick. Spear. [rdgs 041] iʔ wick k̓ʷúl̕məns iʔ sqilxʷ ɬaʔ ckɬqáqxʷəlxəlx. The spear is the tool of the Indians when they fish. [rdgs 042]

wic̓c̓   [wíc̓əc̓] Morph: wic̓•c̓. Etym: √wc̓. s.t. gets dug up.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. wíc̓əc̓. Dug up. [pd]

wic̓ɬt   Morph: wic̓+ɬt. Etym: √wc̓. to dig (e.g. with a pick); to pull out a sliver.

Tstem. Sp √wec̓ pick out, pry out; čn wéc̓-m I picked at it (in an effort to pry it out); Cr hn+gʷíc̓ens+n toothpick (lit. means of picking the teeth); Sh x-wec̓-m to extract marrow; Li √wac̓ (?) n.waˑwc̓-anáʔ-əm to clean oune's ear out (scrape out earwax). kʷu wíc̓əɬt iʔ sɬuʔwíkst. Dig the sliver out for me! [nb1827.5]

wic̓m   Morph: wic̓+m. Etym: √wc̓. to dig (e.g. with a pick); to pull out a sliver.

Mstem. Sp √wec̓ pick out, pry out; čn wéc̓-m I picked at it (in an effort to pry it out); Cr hn+gʷíc̓ens+n toothpick (lit. means of picking the teeth); Sh x-wec̓-m to extract marrow; Li √wac̓ (?) n.waˑwc̓-anáʔ-əm to clean oune's ear out (scrape out earwax). cpíx̌əm iʔ sqəlqəltmíxʷ, uɬ iʔ smaʔmʔím əctíxʷəm t̓əxʷ ixíʔ t stim̓, kəm̓ cwíc̓məlx iʔ l scʔaqʷ. The men hunted and the women gathered things, or in the summer dig roots. [nb2529.3-4] Category: nMstem. kʕacəntín inqʷəqʷʔípaʔ uɬ kʷin inpícaʔ, ixíʔ iswíc̓əm. I tie my pouch, I take my digging stick, then I go digging. [rdgs 121] lut akswíc̓əm. Don’t pull it out! [nb1827.3]

wic̓nt   Morph: wic̓+nt. Etym: √wc̓. to dig (e.g. with a pick); to pull out a sliver.

Tstem. Sp √wec̓ pick out, pry out; čn wéc̓-m I picked at it (in an effort to pry it out); Cr hn+gʷíc̓ens+n toothpick (lit. means of picking the teeth); Sh x-wec̓-m to extract marrow; Li √wac̓ (?) n.waˑwc̓-anáʔ-əm to clean oune's ear out (scrape out earwax). Category: +nt. wíc̓əntxʷ. You dig it. [nb24-29 004]

wik   [wik] Morph: wik. Etym: √wk. 1 • to see s.t. or s.o.; to eyeball s.o.

Istem. Sp wič to see; Cm wik‑ɬ‑nt‑xʷ you see s.o.; Cr gʷič he saw; Sh wik-m to see; Th √wík see. mat xʷəxʷ kscwik. I suppose she saw someone she liked. [E81.5] Category: nIstem. k̓əɬx̌ʷíl iʔ sqilxʷ iscwík. I saw lots of Indians. [nb25-27 005] way̓ t̓i cx̌iɬ t tawn iʔ scwíksəlx. What they saw is like a town. [dict] aˑˑ stim̓ iʔ kscwíks k̓laʔ nyxʷtítkʷ. Ah, what is it that he saw down in the water? [dict] yaʕpqín sqilxʷ iʔ scwíks. He saw lots of people. [dict]

wíkaʔnt   Morph: wíkaʔ+nt. Etym: √wkʔ. to play tricks on s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. lut iʔ t incáwt. way̓ kʷu wíkaʔs. My things are going wrong. Somebody is playing tricks on me. [nb2553.8] See: confirm.

wikk   [wíkək] Morph: wik•k. Etym: √wk. to be or get found out.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. kən wíkək. I am being found out. [E64.5]

wíkkaʔ   [wíkkaʔ] Morph: wík•k•aʔ. Etym: √wkʔ. s.t. goes wrong.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. kən wíkkaʔ. Something went wrong with me. [nb25-53 001]

wíklaʔxʷ   [wíklaʔxʷ] Morph: wíklaʔxʷ. Etym: √wk. to see a place or country; to sightsee.

Istem. caʔkʷ iksxʷstəlwísəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, kən kswíklaʔxʷaʔx. I should be travelling around the world, I want to see places. [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ kən kswíklaʔxʷaʔx axáʔ iʔ t təmxʷúlaʔxʷ I want to see the country." [GDd2 033]

wíklaʔxʷm   Morph: wíklaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √wk. to see a place or country; to sightsee.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. ín̓w̓iʔ kaláʔməntsən uɬ lut t̓ ikswíklaʔxʷəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. If I keep staying here I'll never get to see the world. [dict] t̓i iscxʷstlwísəm axáʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, ikswíklaʔxʷəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. I'm just travelling the earth over, I want to see the world. [dict]

wíklaʔxʷnt   Morph: wíklaʔxʷ+nt. Etym: √wk. to see a place or country; to sightsee.

Tstem. Category: +nt. lut t̓ wíklaʔxʷən. I never saw the country. [nb18197.13] uɬ way̓ cwíklaʔxʷəntp. You saw the country. [2gts 145] kswíklaʔxʷiʔs He's going to see the country. [nb9a 081]

wíklaʔxʷst   Morph: wíklaʔxʷ+st. Etym: √wk. to see a place or country; to sightsee.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. cwíklaʔxʷstn ixíʔ. I have seen it. [2gts 181]

wiklt   [wíkəlt] Morph: wiklt. Etym: √wk. to see a child.

Istem. way̓ taʔxʷsqʷəsqʷasíʔa, ixíʔ p kswíkltaʔx. He has children and you are going to get acquainted with them. [GDd2 726] See: wik.

wíkɬc̓aʔ   [wikɬc̓aʔ] Morph: wíkɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √wk. to see game.

Istenm. lut kʷu swíkɬc̓aʔs, way̓ kʷu ɬkcənwíxʷ way̓ t̓iʔ kʷu tkaʔkaʔɬís. We didn't see a deer, and we got back all together, the three of us. [HnTrp 232]

wikɬt   Morph: wik+ɬt. Etym: √wk. 1 • to see s.t. or s.o.; to eyeball s.o.

Tstem. Sp wič to see; Cm wik‑ɬ‑nt‑xʷ you see s.o.; Cr gʷič he saw; Sh wik-m to see; Th √wík see. lut ƛ̓lal, lut t̓ə wíkɬtəm iʔ sqilt ɬ ksƛ̓lals, way̓ kmix iʔ sttəm̓tím̓s. She isn't dead, we didn't see the body that she's dead, only her clothes. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ wikɬts iʔ ṇsp̓ustṇ yaʔ ckʷískʷəsts. He'll see that she is holding a sword. [dict] ixíʔ wíkɬtsəlx iʔ sttəm̓tím̓s ilíʔ iʔ l yaʕcín st̓əqcnítkʷ. They saw her clothes close laying on the shore. [dict]

wikm   Morph: wik+m. Etym: √wk. 1 • to see s.t. or s.o.; to eyeball s.o.

Mstem. Sp wič to see; Cm wik‑ɬ‑nt‑xʷ you see s.o.; Cr gʷič he saw; Sh wik-m to see; Th √wík see. lut swit t̓ə cwíkəm. Nobody has seen it. [dict] way̓ xʷəxʷ wíkəm. He saw (was interested in) someone else. [E81.6] kiʔ kən cwíkəm yaʔx̌ís iʔ k̓əl naʔɬáʔ, cwíkstən iʔ stim̓. That's how it is that I can see on the other side, I can see things. [mychildr 170] way̓ wíkməlx iʔ t citxʷ. And they saw a house. [GDd1 270] Category: nMstem. stxtəstúmən, uɬ lut kʷu akswíkəm. I'll take care of you, but you won't see me. [dict] lut t̓ə cwíkɬmən, sic p ɬ ikswíkəm. I haven't seen you before, this is the first time that I see you. [dict] axáʔ incá kən lut t̓ ikswíkəm. I can't see where they are. [dict] kən limt ikswíkəm isənɬəx̌mtán. I am glad I'm going to see my law relations. [dict] km̓a incá ixíʔ iswíkəm. I haven't seen it myself. [su7q̓im 202] inx̌mínk ikswíkm iʔ səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm ɬə ksx̌an iʔ sntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. I would like to see the counsellor when it's past noon. [newles 285] uɬ lut nixʷ t̓ swíkmsəlx kəm̓ t̓a ck̓əɬníxləms[ts] ta ksqilxʷ. And they didn't see or hear any people. [GDd1 345]

wiknt   Morph: wik+nt. Etym: √wk. 1 • to see s.t. or s.o.; to eyeball s.o.

Tstem. Sp wič to see; Cm wik‑ɬ‑nt‑xʷ you see s.o.; Cr gʷič he saw; Sh wik-m to see; Th √wík see. Category: +nt. wíkən. I saw it. [pd] wíkəntsən. I saw you. [pd] wíkəntxʷ iʔ ƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp, qʷəlqʷílstms... [If] you see the old man, and he talks to you... [su7q̓im 228a] lut t̓ cwíkən. I haven’t seen him (in my lifetime); I didn’t get to see him. [E5] kʷúməntxʷ, lut ksɬíq̓ʷts, lut kswíkiʔs axáʔ a ilmíxʷmtət. Put it away, don't let it show, don't let our boss see it. [GDd2 366] uɬ aɬíʔ nixʷ kswíkiʔsəlx axáʔ iʔ sənʔamʔímaʔtsəlx. And I want them to see their grandchildren. [GDd2 665] k̓aʔkin kən ʕác̓əm məɬ way̓ ik̓líʔ wíkən k̓əl tk̓əmkn̓íɬxʷ. Whereever I look I can see the outside. [dict] way̓ wíkəntəm axáʔ iʔ sxʷúytṇs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, sícxən. We saw deer tracks, fresh tracks. [dict] kanwí aláʔ kʷ st̓əlsqílxʷ aláʔ ɬ wíkəntst. You are the only people that we've seen here. [dict] ṇt̓aʔ wíksəlx iʔ tətwít t̓ə cxʷuy. They saw the boy coming. [dict]

wikst   Morph: wik+st. Etym: √wk. 1 • to see s.t. or s.o.; to eyeball s.o.

Tstem. Sp wič to see; Cm wik‑ɬ‑nt‑xʷ you see s.o.; Cr gʷič he saw; Sh wik-m to see; Th √wík see. Category: c+^+st. iʔ l sənk̓áʕmən way̓ cwíkstən, məɬ iʔ q̓ʷʕáylqs yayʕát iʔ stim̓ xkínəm. In the church I have seen how the priests do things. I haven’t see him yet.uɬ q̓sápiʔ uɬ lut t̓ə cwíkstəmsəlx. It's been a long time since they have seen you. [dict] ixíʔ x̌minks iwá lut cwiksts ixíʔ iʔ st̓aʔk̓míx. He liked her even if he never had seen the girl. [dict]

wik̓   [wik̓] Morph: wik̓. Etym: √wk̓. a shiny object.

Istem. Cm wək̓ be shiny, bright; Cr gʷič̕ ignite, kindle, light. wik̓. A shiny object. [pd]

wikʷcnm   [wíkʷcnəm] Morph: wikʷcn+m. Etym: √wkʷ. to backbite s.o.

Mstem. Sp wékʷcn-m-n I gossiped about him; Cm wakʷ‑cn‑m(n)‑nt‑xʷ you gossip about s.o.; see Cr nukʷ+ʕípcn+m-nt-s confide (lit. He put a secret into his trust). [Possibly n+wkʷ...]. Category: nMstem. way̓ ikswíkʷcnəm. I’m going to backbite him. [nb1818.14]

wikʷcnmnt   Morph: wikʷcn+m+nt. Etym: √wkʷ. to backbite s.o.

Tstem. Sp wékʷcn-m-n I gossiped about him; Cm wakʷ‑cn‑m(n)‑nt‑xʷ you gossip about s.o.; see Cr nukʷ+ʕípcn+m-nt-s confide (lit. He put a secret into his trust). [Possibly n+wkʷ...]. Category: +nt. wím̓ cx̌aʔəncístsəlx axáʔ iwáʔ iʔ sxaʔtmíxəltsəlx ɬaʔ ckim̓sts iʔ saʔstáms, wíkʷcnəms. They tried to stop their oldest daughter when she hates her brother-in-law, she backbites him. [BJSeym 089] kswíkʷcənməntəm. We'll backbite him. [dict]

wikʷkʷ   [wíkʷəkʷ] Morph: wikʷ•kʷ. Etym: √wkʷ. to be hidden.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. kən wíkʷəkʷ. I am being hidden. [E64.4]

wikʷɬt   Morph: wikʷ+ɬt. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. Sp wekʷ; Cm wakʷ; see Li wákʷ-an̓ to put s.t. under one's clothes. cwíkʷɬtsən. I hid your ... [nb21.108a]

wikʷm   Morph: wikʷ+m. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Mstem. Sp wekʷ; Cm wakʷ; see Li wákʷ-an̓ to put s.t. under one's clothes. ixíʔ la cwíkʷəm ixíʔ ck̓əɬk̓ʷƛ̓álqsm iʔ sk̓əɬq̓y̓əncút. He took out the picture he had hidden under his clothes. [GDd2 222]

wíkʷmist   [wíkʷmist] Morph: wíkʷ+mist. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide; to do s.t. surreptitiously. Variant: wíkʷmiʔst.

Istem. Category: +mist. See: wíkʷmiʔst.

wíkʷmiʔst   [wíkʷmiʔst] Variant: wíkʷmist; wkmist. Morph: wíkʷ+miʔst. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide; to do s.t. surreptitiously; to want s.t. for oneself.

Istem. Lit: I come out surreptitiously. Category: +mist. nt̓ək̓ʷt̓k̓ʷəncút ilíʔ uɬ swíkʷmistx. He lowered himself into the water there and hid. [su7q̓im 104] uɬ axáʔ iʔ sqəltmíxʷ ilíʔ acwíkʷmist, nt̓ək̓ʷt̓k̓ʷəncút iʔ l siwɬkʷ. This man was hiding there, lying in the water. [su7q̓im 107] nák̓ʷəm iʔ l tk̓əmkn̓íɬxʷ ilíʔ cwíkʷmiʔst cər̓túps. Mink was hiding outside the door. [sknkf 036] way̓ ixíʔ əxʷ kləl̕lkʷákʷ sənk̓líp, ilíʔ uɬ cwíkʷmiʔst. Coyote went a little farther, he hid there. [CoGrSy 766] lut uɬ t̓i ascwíkʷmiʔst. Don't hide there! [grlsdd 150] lut aláʔ akscwíkʷmiʔst. You didn't hide around. [CoGrSy 267] way̓ t̓i kən swíkʷmist ki kən c̓ácqaʔ. I sneaked out. [lpb202] kʷ swíkʷmiʔsts. You want it for yourself. [dict] q̓íx̌əx̌məntxʷ axáʔ y asqʷsíʔ, uɬ t̓i kʷ swíkʷmiʔstx. You are stingy of your son, and you want to keep him. [dict] lut akswikʷmiʔst. Don't keep it a secret. [dict] way̓ lut t̓ə kswikʷmiʔsts sənk̓l̕íp. Coyote didn't deny it. [dict] See: wikʷ.

wikʷnt   Morph: wikʷ+nt. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. Sp wekʷ; Cm wakʷ; see Li wákʷ-an̓ to put s.t. under one's clothes. Category: +nt. ilíʔ wíkʷəntəm iʔ t stəmtímaʔs. Her grandmother hid her there. [chip29]

wikʷst   Morph: wikʷ+st. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. Sp wekʷ; Cm wakʷ; see Li wákʷ-an̓ to put s.t. under one's clothes. Category: c+^+st. uɬ t̓i kmix incá cmistín, əcwíkʷstən. Only I know about it, I've been hiding it. [dict]

+wilaʔx   [wílaʔx] Morph: +wílaʔx. Variant: wilx. diminutive form of +wilx suffix (marks a development).

dafx. px̌px̌twílaʔx. To become smart. [dict]

wilqn   [wílqən] Morph: wilqn. Etym: √wl. to have a chance; to have value.

Istem. Sp č-s-wílqn I beat (or cheated) him at gambling. iʔ x̌mínksəlx yaʔ ckswílqən. Those they like are those useful to them. [dict]

wilqnt   Morph: wilq+nt. Etym: √wl. to have a chance; to have value.

Tstem. Sp č-s-wílqn I beat (or cheated) him at gambling. Category: +nt. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬ kswílqəntxʷ ɬ pulstxʷ a nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən. If you get a chance to kill the man-eater... [Whal 276]

wilwlt   [wílwəlt] Morph: wil•wl+t. Etym: √wl. to be powerful.

Istem. Category: +t. taʔlíʔ wílwəlt iʔ sniw̓t, nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul cəm̓ ɬ laʔkín. The wind is powerful, you don't know what it'll do. [nb26-64 018]

+wilx   [wilx] Morph: +wilx. Variant: +wílaʔx. suffix that marks a development.

dafx. Morph: in personal names. kəw̓twílx. To lose weight. [dict] nk̓əstwílx. The water becomes spoiled. [gregory 088] k̓əstwílx. To become bad; to spoil. [gregory 084] px̌px̌twilx. To come to one's senses. [dict] ṇx̌səlswílx. To get in a good humor. [dict] x̌əstwílx. To become well; to heal; to sober up. [su7q̓im 113] ɬx̌əstwílx. Feel well again. [su7q̓im 263] x̌ʷptwilx. To grow worthless. [dict] wipwílx. To turn (into a) white man. [MarryPS 011] t̓aʔk̓əmxəwílx. To enter puberty. [LynxS 004] t̓x̌iw̓twílx. Next year. [mychildr 199] qəlqəlwílx. Man's name (Narcisse Baptiste). [nb25-34 001]

wil̕   [wil̕] Morph: wil̕. Etym: √wl̕. to tip over, to lean; to tilt.

Istem. Sp √wel̕ tipped, tilted; Cm wal̕-l̕ to tilt, tip over; Cr gʷel̕ slant, tilt; Sh c-wel tilted; Th √wéy̓ turn on side; Li wal̕-án to tilt s.t. cwil̕. It's tilted. [dict] See: wl̕.

wil̕cn   [wíl̕cən] Morph: wil̕cn. Etym: √wl̕. to banter; to joke; to talk crazy.

Istem. Sp n-w̓w̓il̕w̓l̕cn̓ he talked foolishly. wíl̕cən uɬ háʕ̓təlx. They talk and laugh. [misc 233] səcwíl̕cənx. He's joking. [nb26-67 004] aɬíʔ kmix əcwíl̕cən əcháht cqəcqícəlx. He just jokes, laughs, runs around. [bjmd 128] way̓ kən wílcən. I say crazy things, talk nonsense. [nb18118.6] kʷu scwílcnaʔx. We are talking crazy. [nb18191.13]

wil̕cnm   [wíl̕cnəm] Morph: wil̕cn+m. Etym: √wl̕. to banter; to joke (about s.t.)

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut akswíl̕cnəm. Don't joke. [nb26-66 013] lut akscwíl̕cnəm iʔ kʷilstn, nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul iʔ sx̌aʔx̌áʔ. Don't ever joke about the Sweat House, you don't know how powerful it is. [nb26-66 014] See: wil̕cn.

wil̕l̕   [wil̕l̕] Morph: wil̕•l̕. Etym: √wl̕. to be or get tipped over, to be leaning.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. wil̕l̕. Tipped over. [nb21.140] See: wil̕.

wiɬ   [wiɬ] Morph: wiɬ. Variant: iwɬ; iwl. conveyance.

lxAfx. ɬəq̓wíɬ. Sail; ferry; go by boat. [nb18147.8]

wiɬn   [wíɬən] Morph: wiɬn. unclear suffix in the following form.

lxAfx. ƛ̓əx̌pmstwíɬn. To bring up a child. [OkB]

wiɬtxnt   Morph: wiɬtx+nt. Etym: √wɬt. to sneak up on s.o.

Tstem. Cm ʔaw̓áɬt to sneak up on, stalk. Category: +nt. ʕanməncút inlʔíw, uɬ wiɬtxs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. My dad crouched and sneaked up on the deer. [misc 083]

wim̓   [wim̓] Morph: wim̓. Variant: wam̓. particle with semantic import "in vain; to no avail".

pcl. wiˑˑm̓ sənqʷən̓qʷən̓cnaʔmísts wápupxən. Lynx kept a-proposing. [lnxbdga 158] lut t̓ kaʔkíciʔsəlx, wiˑˑm̓. They couldn't find him. [grlsdd 220] wim̓ sƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔúsəms sənk̓líp. She looked around for Coyote. [CoGrSy 768] wim̓ scpíx̌əms. They tried to hunt. [LynxS 394] uɬ ixíʔ wim̓ k̓əɬʔímsəlx, uɬ ixíʔ ɬəɬxʷúysəlx. For nothing they waited for her, then they went back. [HnLk12] isəxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm, isəxʷənt̓áqʷəm wim̓ cx̌lítən. My worker, my plate licker, I coaxed him for nothing. [dict] ckəm̓km̓áx̌səlx, wiˑˑm̓ scəncq̓laʔxʷmísts, way̓ xʷstúsəlx. They grabbed him by the arms, he tried to squirm around, they walked off with him. [dict]

wísiʔst   Morph: wísiʔ+st. praise.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. taʔlíʔ cwísiʔstm. We praise him very much. [E6] ƛ̓əm̓ cwísiʔstm kʷu ɬa ck̓ʕám, nax̌əmɬ lut ʕapnáʔ. We used to praise him when we prayed, but not any more. [E6]

wisnm   [wísnəm] Morph: wis+n+m ? brag on, brag.

Mstem. kən wísn̓əm. I brag. [dict]

wisnt   Morph: wis+nt. Variant: w̓is. Etym: √ws. to praise s.o.; to brag on s.o.

Tstem. Sp n-wis-t it's up high; Cm wisʔ‑nt‑xʷ you brag about s.o.; Cr gʷis high (be...); Sh ws-ws-n-cut to act proud, boast; Th √wís high. Category: +nt. uɬ náx̌əmɬ ixíʔ x̌əlscútəlx uɬ cəm̓ w̓ísəntməlx, cəm̓ kʷu w̓ísiʔsəlx. But if they have good clothes they’ll brag on them, and also on me. [nb1288.6]

wist   [wist] Morph: wis+t. Etym: √ws. high; mountains.

Istem. Sp n-wis-t it's up high; Cm ws‑xn‑alqʷ be tall; Cr gʷis high (be...); Sh wis-t high; Th √wís high. Category: +t. kən ɬaʔ cpíx̌əm lsap iʔ wist. When I was hunting it was misty in the mountains. [nb25-38 009] kʷis ya lʔiws uɬ kcq̓mníw̓səs iʔ k̓əl wist. He took his father and threw him on the mountain ridges. [lnxbdga 392] ixíʔ akɬtəmxʷúlaʔxʷ k̓əl wist, lut k̓əl sqilxʷ kɬəɬcənxíʔṃp. Your home will be up high, you won't be mixed up with humans. [dict]

wist q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ   [wist q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ] Morph: wis+t q̓í•q̓p̓xʷaʔ. Etym: √ws, √q̓p̓xʷʔ. wist q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ: unidentified nut.

phrasal. Category: Bot. wist q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ. Nut. [TBK145]

wist tkakaʔɬl̕íkst   [wist tkakaʔɬl̕íkst] Morph: wis+t t+ka•kaʔɬl̕꞊íkst. Etym: √ws; √kaʔɬs. mountain valerian (valeriana sitchensis). Lit: high elevation prince’s pine

phrasal. Category: Bot. wist tkakaʔɬl̕íkst. Valerian. [TBK142]

wisxn   [wísxən] Morph: wisxn. Etym: √ws. to be long.

Istem. Sp wisšn it's long; Cm wis‑xn be long; Cr gʷis high (be...); Sh wis-t high; wíˑsxən iʔ sp̓saqsc, səlxʷaʔáyaʔqən, kp̓əsƛ̓ʔús, kɬəq̓əɬq̓íˑnaʔ, səlxʷaʔsqíˑlt, ilyúlxən, p̓ísƛ̓aʔxən, uɬ sic nʕaˑst, uɬ sic kəkʔúpaʔs, ixíʔ ɬaʔ elephant. Long nose, big head, big eyes, wide ears, big body, big legs, big feet, and heavy, and a little tail, that's an elephant. [misc 122] incá iksƛ̓xʷúpṃ iʔ cxʔit, iʔ cq̓ílən iʔ wísxən. I am going to win first prize, the longest arrow. [dict] See: wist.

wisx̌m   [wísx̌əm] Morph: wisx̌m. Etym: √wsx̌m. Coast Indians.

Istem. wisx̌m. Coast Indians. [nb7.33a]

wit   [wit] Morph: wit. Variant: wt. step.

lxAfx. qəlqaʔlwít. Footsteps. [mychildr 149] sqəlwítəmtn. Feet. [su7q̓im 141] qəlqəlwít. To step. [jan93nb 018]

witk̓x   [witk̓x] Morph: witk̓x. Etym: √wtk̓x. to vomit.

Istem. Cm na‑watk̓‑lx to vomit; Sh wetk̓x to vomit; Th wéƛ̓k̓ vomit; Li waƛ̓k̓ to throw up, to vomit. ilíʔ witk̓x, uɬ itlíʔ xʷuy. Then he threw up, and then he went on. [coyeyes 070]

wítmist   [wítmist] Morph: wit+mist. Etym: √wt. to do oneʼs best.

Istem. Sp √weyt to try hard; č-s-w̓iʔt-m̓íst he did his level best. Category: +mist. kswítmistəlx. They'll do their best. [nb23 098]

wix   Morph: wix. Etym: √wx. to live; to dwell; to build; a building.

Istem. Sp ʔeč√s-wíš there he stands; Cm wáxəx to live together; Cr wiš build, raise poles; Sh x-wx-ten̓ usual abode; wʔex to be there. cwíxəlx həɬspəpl̕ínaʔ uɬ iʔ sənʔímats q̓ʷəq̓ʷc̓w̓íyaʔ. There lived Rabbit and her grandson Chipmunk. [chipdd 001] ilíʔ iʔ sqilxʷ way̓ cwix, cuxwíx. There are people there, several. [grlsdd 277] kiˑˑ uɬ kicx iʔ l scwíxəx, t̓əxʷ iʔ l tawn, sílxʷaʔ tawn. She went, and she got to where there are people living, it's a town, a big town. [blkpg 030] ik̓líʔ k̓a cwix ki mut tarás. Theresa lives in that house over there. [nb08 109] iʔ k̓əl tk̓əmkn̓íɬxʷ ilíʔ cwix k̓ʷək̓ʷy̓úmaʔ iʔ citxʷ. Just outside there was a small building there. [GDd2 212] mat aɬíʔ mat scənk̓əwpílsx, kʷaʔ t̓i ckmáxəlx kaʔ cwíxəlx. Because they lived by themselves he must have got lonesome. [su7q̓im 224] kícsəlx aʔ cwíx. They arrived at s.o.'s place. [nb25-80 004] cwix iʔ sqilxʷ, uɬ iʔ stəmtímaʔ uɬ iʔ səsíʔsəlx, uɬ tk̓asʔasíl iʔ xəxíw̓xuʔtəm. There lived some people, a grandmother, their uncle, and two little girls. [grlsdd 001] uɬ ilíʔ cwix sənk̓líp. Coyote lived there. [2gts 053] way̓ kʷu ksƛ̓lpmíxaʔx iʔ la cwix. We'll stop at that house. [GDd2 176] way̓ k̓laʔ kstxʷúyməntəm axáʔ aʔ cwix. We are going to go over to this house. [GDd2 190]

wixɬt   Morph: wix+ɬt. Etym: √wx. to live; to dwell; to build; a building.

Tstem. Sp ʔeč√s-wíš there he stands; Cm wáxəx to live together; Cr wiš build, raise poles; Sh x-wx-ten̓ usual abode; wʔex to be there. kʷu wíxəɬtxʷ ikɬcítxʷ. You built me my house. [E65.8]

wixnt   Morph: wix+nt. Etym: √wx. to live; to dwell; to build; a building.

Tstem. Sp ʔeč√s-wíš there he stands; Cm wáxəx to live together; Cr wiš build, raise poles; Sh x-wx-ten̓ usual abode; wʔex to be there. Category: +nt. wíxən iʔ cítxʷ. I built the house. [E65.7] məɬ wíxəntxʷ. Build it! [lnx2 233]

wixx   [wíxəx] Morph: wix•x. Etym: √wx. to live with s.o.; to be shacked up with s.o.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. kən wíxəx. I decided to live with someone. [E65.5] kʷu wíxəx. We decided to live together. [E65.6] way̓ ik̓líʔ wíxəx. She went to stay with him. [nb18226.14]

wixxt   Morph: wix+xt. Etym: √wx. to live; to dwell; to build; a building.

Tstem. Sp ʔeč√s-wíš there he stands; Cm wáxəx to live together; Cr wiš build, raise poles; Sh x-wx-ten̓ usual abode; wʔex to be there. Category: +xt. kʷu wixˑt t ikɬcítxʷ. Build me a house! [E65.9]

wixʷ1   [wixʷ] Morph: wixʷ. Etym: √wxʷ. to hang.

Istem. Sp wuxʷ hung up; Cr gʷéxʷ objects (...hang). t̓iʔ wixʷ iʔ kʷutún. The eels are hanging there (e.g. in those water falls). [nb18226.11]

+wixʷ2   [wixʷ] Morph: +wixʷ. suffix that derives forms with reciprocal import (with) one another.


1 • after a plain stem. nqʷlqʷlcnwixʷ. To have an argument. [dict] nkckn̓wixʷ. To overtake one another; to meet. [dict] nʔawqənwíxʷ. To challenge one another. [RnTrp 051]

2 • after +st. pəlstwíxʷ. To kill one another. [dict] qʷʔalstwíxʷ. To argue. [dict]

3 • after +x(i)t. kʷənxtwíxʷəm. To grab s.t. from one another. [dict] k̓ɬcnəmaʔxtwíxʷ. To try to talk sign language. [nb26-55 004] sc̓əx̌ʷxtwíxʷ. A bargain, s.t. agreed on. [dict] sk̓ʷəlsplstwíxʷm. To make war. [dict] m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ. To tell each other stories. [mychildr 164] snk̓ʷɬm̓ay̓xtwíxʷ. Someone to tell stories with. [su7q̓im 225] Sh -wéxʷ reciprocal. See: +nwixʷ; +nwaxʷ; +twixʷ.

wiʔ+   [wiʔ] Morph: wiʔ+. Etym: √wy̓. to finish (doing s.t.) See: wy̓.

wiʔásq̓t   [wiʔásq̓ət] Morph: wy̓ásq̓t. Etym: √wy̓. to stop raining.

Istem. See: wy̓asq̓t.

wiʔay̓   [wiʔáy̓, uy̓áy̓] Morph: wy̓•ay̓. Etym: √wy̓. to be finished.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. See: wy̓ay̓.

wiʔcín   [wiʔcín] Morph: wy̓cin. Etym: √wy̓. to finish eating.

Istem. See: wy̓cin.

wiʔnúmt   [wiʔnúmt] Morph: wy̓+numt. Etym: √wy̓. to be ready.

Istem. Category: +numt. See: wy̓numt.

wiʔsc̓íqʷ   [wiʔsc̓íqʷ] Morph: wy̓+s+c̓iqʷ. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓qʷ. to finish skinning.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: wy̓sc̓iqʷ.

wiʔsmrím   [wiʔsmrím] Morph: wy̓+s+mrim. Etym: √mrm. to get done marrying; to get done marrying.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: wy̓smrim.

wiʔsnk̓ʷƛ̓ínk   [wiʔsnk̓ʷƛ̓ínk] Morph: wy̓+s+n+k̓ʷƛ̓ínk. Etym: √wy̓, √kʷƛ̓. to finish bleaching.

Istem. Category: Compd.

wiʔsʔíq̓   [wiʔsʔíq̓] Morph: wy̓+s+ʔiq̓. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔq̓. to finish scraping.

Istem. Category: Compd. See: wy̓sʔiq̓.

wiʔwiʔcín   [wiʔwiʔcín] Morph: wy̓•wy̓cin. Etym: √wy̓. several finish eating.

Istem. See: wy̓wy̓cin.

wknaqín   [uknaʔqín] Morph: wknaqin. Etym: √wkn. wknaqín: Okanagan.

Istem. Sp sʔučnaʔqíni Okanagan Indians. axáʔ iʔ uknaqín lut t̓ə cq̓íx̌x̌əmstsəlx, aɬíʔ lut t̓ə cƛ̓əxʷxʷnústəlx axáʔ iʔ uknaqín. The Okanagan are not stingy of them, because they canʼt kill them [the buffalo], the Okanagan. [dc6]

wknaqínx   [uknaʔqínx] Morph: wknaqinx. Etym: √wkn. wknaqínx: the Okanagan people.

Istem. Sp sʔučnaʔqíni. uknaʔqínx. Okanagan. [dict]

wksqilxʷ   [uksqílxʷ] Morph: wk+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √wk, √qlxʷ. to see s.t. or a person; to see.

Istem. Category: Compd. lut kən t̓a cuksqílxʷ. I can't see. [nb08 619] way̓ kən kicx, way̓ itíʔ iʔ sxʷúyʔytəns uɬ lut isuksqílxʷ. When I got back they are already gone, and I saw nothing. [HnTrp 0064] way̓ uɬ lut t̓a cuksqílxʷ uɬ aɬíʔ tx̌əw̓x̌əw̓ús. He can't see, because his eyes are dried out. [Nams 095] əck̓ʷəlk̓ʷəlkílx, wim̓ sckswítmiʔst kswksqílxʷaʔx, uɬ aɬíʔ tx̌əw̓x̌w̓ús. He’s rolling around, he’s trying his best to see, because his eyes are dry. [dict] ixíʔ sic ɬ ikswksqílxʷ uɬ kən kswksqílxʷaʔx. This is the first time that I have seen people and I am going to get acquainted. [dict] staʔ way̓ ixíʔ ikstxʷúyṃ, kən kswksqílxʷaʔx. I'm going to go there and see people. [dict] See: wik; sqilxʷ.

wktwixʷ   [uktwíxʷ] Morph: wk+twixʷ. Etym: √wk. to see each other.

Istem. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ k̓əl səntumístən ilíʔ mi kʷu uktwíxʷ. We will see each other at the store. [nb18109.8] kʷu cəwktwíxʷ iʔ l sk̓laxʷ. We’ll see one another in the evening. [nb1229.1]

wkwksqilxʷ   [ukuksqílxʷ] Morph: wk•wk+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √wk, √qlxʷ. to see people; to see. aláʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kaláʔməntsən uɬ lut t̓ ikswíklaʔxʷəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, kəm̓ nixʷ lut t̓ ikswkwksqílxʷ, iʔ t kʷúkʷaʔ. If I keep staying here I'll never get to see the world, other countries, neither will I see other people, strangers. [dict] Category: Compd.

wk̓pitkʷ   [uk̓pítkʷ] Morph: wk̓pitkʷ. Etym: √wkp̓. wk̓pitkʷ (Rosalie Seymour). Category: wName. uk̓pítkʷ. Rosalie Seymour. [Nb 4, p. 109]

wkʷcnmnwixʷ   [ukʷcənmənwíxʷ] Morph: wkʷcn+m+nwixʷ. Etym: √wkʷ. to talk behind one another's back; to backbite each other.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ lut t̓a cukʷcənmənwíxʷəlx. They didn’t talk behind each other's back. [Green.94]

wkʷɬt   Morph: wkʷ+ɬt. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. wíkʷɬtsən anlkapú. I hid your coat. [nb21.108a]

wkʷmist   [ukʷmíst] Morph: wkʷ+mist. Etym: √wkʷ. to keep s.t. secret; to deny having done s.t.

Istem. Category: +mist. lut aksukʷmíst. Don't keep it secret! [nb9a 229] uɬ t̓iʔ kʷ sukʷmístx. You are keeping it to yourself. [GDd2 609] kən ukʷmíst. I deny having done it (but I did it). [E42,8]

wkʷnt   Morph: wkʷ+nt. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. wíkʷən. I hid it. [nb21.108a]

wkʷst   Morph: wkʷ+st. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. cwíkʷstmən iʔ tl anƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. I hid you from your parents. [nb21.108a]

wkʷtuɬt   Morph: wkʷ+tuɬt. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. Sp wekʷ; Cm wakʷ; see Li wákʷ-an̓ to put s.t. under one's clothes. uɬ lut kʷu cuɬts, kʷu ukʷtúɬts. He never told me, he hid it from me. [AutPS 147] cukʷtúɬtsən iscwík. I am keeping from you what I saw. [nb21.108a] iʔ scqʷəlqʷílt niʕ̓íp ixíʔ cukʷtúɬtsəlx. They always hid the agreement from them. [gl53] wkʷtúɬts. He hid it from them. [dict]

wkʷwíkʷmist   [ukʷwíkʷmist] Morph: wkʷ•wíkʷ+mist. Variant: wkʷwíkʷmiʔst. Etym: √wkʷ. several hide.

Istem. Category: +mist. xʷət̓lílxwi, kʷu sukʷwíkʷmistx way̓ xmin atáʔ. Get up, letʼs go hide, there are enemies here! [bfp8] way̓ ik̓líʔ qíl̕l̕təlx ilíʔ mat wkʷwíkʷmistəlx. They got to the top, they hid there. [dc20] See: wíkʷmiʔst.

wkʷwíkʷmiʔst   [ukʷwíkʷmiʔst] Morph: wkʷ•wíkʷ+miʔst. Variant: wkʷwíkʷmist. Etym: √wkʷ. several hide (themselves).

Istem. Category: +mist. k̓aɬáʔ liʔ mi p wkʷwíkʷmiʔst. You can hide a little ways from there. [grlsdd 231] ilíʔ uɬ ukʷwíkʷmiʔstəlx. That's where they hid. [nb2545.11]

wkʷwikʷnt   Morph: wkʷ•wikʷ+nt. Etym: √wkʷ. to hide s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ ʕapnáʔ lut stim̓ t kskʷintp ixíʔ iʔ stməlscút iʔ ukʷwíkʷəntp. And now it won't be anything of the beads you hid. [lnxbdga 062]

wl1   [wəl] Morph: wl. Etym: √wl. root with meaning "funny, trick(y)" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: walmscút; wal̕mscút; wálnaʔ; wal̕cnmíst; wal̕íkstm. Sp wil̕ strange, silly, foolish; Cm n‑wl̕–ɬc̓aʔ‑nčut to fantasize, imagine; Cr w̓el̕ clownish, silly, unnatural.

wl2   [wəl] Morph: wl. Variant: iwl; iwɬ. boat.

lxAfx. snɬáq̓wəl. Sail. [OkB] k̓ʷúl̕wləm. To build a canoe. [dict] músuɬ. Four boats. snɣípuɬ. Mast. [dict]

wlal   [ulál] Morph: wl•al. Etym: √wl. to catch fire; get burned.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. ulál. It burned; it caught fire. [nb26-61 013]

wlalqʷnt   Morph: wlalqʷ+nt. Etym: √wl. to treat, torch, scorch, or oil wood.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ulálqʷsəlx. They torched it [the wood]. [pd10]

wlam   Morph: wla+m. Etym: √wl. to burn s.t.; to set s.t. on fire.

Mstem. Sp √wir (wil); Cr gʷel blaze; Sh wl-em to burn; Li √wəl fire. Category: +am. wulám To burn, scorch. [OkB]

wlant   Morph: wla+nt. Etym: √wl. to burn s.t.; to set s.t. on fire.

Tstem. Sp √wir (wil); Cr gʷel blaze; Sh wl-em to burn; Li √wəl fire. Category: +ant. ulánt ixíʔ iʔ q̓əy̓mín. Burn this book! [nb18226.6]

wlap   [uláp] Morph: wla+p. Etym: √wl. to burn.

Istem. Sp s-ʔul-ip. Category: +ap. uɬ lut t̓a uláp iʔ sc̓im̓, ilíʔ cənp̓nús. The bones wouldn't burn, they were [still] lying in the fireplace. [HnTrp 338] uɬ kc̓ík̓naʔs iʔ t spəpl̕ínaʔ uɬ uláp. Rabbit set it on fire and started to burn. [chipdd 091] náˑˑnənənənənə, way̓ kən uláp, náˑˑnənənə way̓ kən uláp ntxʷus a. náˑˑnənənənənə, I am burning, náˑˑnənənə I am burning, friend. [chipdd 100] uɬ culáp ispuʔús iʔ t sq̓əlspuʔús, uɬ iʔ t sʕimt. And my heart was burning with sickness, and anger. [su7q̓im 249] k̓əm kmax ilíʔ a nʔamtús i la culáp. Just her sitting by the fire. [grlsdd 031] ɬʕ̓ác̓əm nt̓a i suláps. He looked, and gee the fire! [sknkf 047] uɬ xiʔ t sútən iʔ t sƛ̓ƛ̓úkʷaʔ kp̓əntís úɬiʔ suláps. He put something, pitch, on the fire, and started to burn. [cogrzd 058] See: wl(a).

wlax   [uláx] Morph: wlax. Etym: √wlx. a post or a tree that has tipped over.

Istem. uláx. A post or a tree has tipped over. [nb25-56 002] mat uláx uɬ nmaʕmáʕyuʔs. It must have fallen down and lay across. [nb2556.3]

wllst   [ulˑst] Morph: wl•l+st. Etym: √wl. to manage to get s.t. burned.

Tstem. Category: Caus, C2Inch, +st. ullstín inlkalát. I burned by bread (while baking it). [nb26-61 010] See: wl(a).

wlmscut   [wəlməscút] Morph: wl+m+scut. Etym: √wl. to do s.t. magic to oneself.

Istem. Category: +scut. t̓əxʷ wəlməscút sənk̓l̕íp. Coyote did something magic to himself. [dict]

wlnt   Morph: wl+nt. Etym: √wl. to burn s.t.; to set s.t. on fire.

Tstem. Sp √wir (wil); Cr gʷel blaze; Sh wl-em to burn; Li √wəl fire. Category: +nt. uləntín. I set it on fire. [E67.13] uləntís uɬ kt̓k̓ʷiw̓s ilíʔ, uɬ k̓əɬc̓ík̓əs. They burned it; they piled it there and they set fire to it. [dc60]

wlpst   [ulpst] Morph: wl+p+st. Etym: √wl. to cause s.t. to burn.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. ulpstín. I made it burn. [nb26-61 009] mat incá iʔ ulpstín iʔ lkalát, km̓a anwí Maybe I burned the bread, or maybe you did. [nb26-61 011] See: wlap.

wlqint   Morph: wlqi+nt. Etym: √wl. to cover s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ixíʔ ɬlaklís uɬ t̓əxʷ ixíʔ ulqís uɬ laklís. She covered it and locked it. [GDd1 511]

wlqintn   [ulqíntən] Morph: wlqin+tn. Etym: √wl. lighter.

Istem. Category: +tn. kʷu kʷɬəntúɬt anulqíntən. Lend me your lighter! [newles 114] See: wl(a).

wlqnaɬq   [ulqnáɬq] Morph: wlqnaɬq. Etym: √wl. to get the best of s.o.

Istem. pna kʷu ksulqnáɬq. We might get the best of them. [2gts 212]

wlqncut   [wəlqəncút] Morph: wlqn+cut. Etym: √wl. to recover; to have an opportunity.

Istem. Category: +ncut. way̓ kʷ kswəlqəncút. You will recover. [11.74a]

wlwlim   [ululím] Morph: wl•wlim. Etym: √wl. iron, metal; nail.

Istem. Sp ʔulul-ím iron, metal, money, silver; Cm s‑wlm-ink gun; Cr wl+wlím aluminum, argent, capital, coin, metal, money, silver; Sh s-wl-wlilm iron; Th wəlˑ/wlím metal; Li s.waláləm iron. kən nxʷútəm iʔ k̓əl xƛ̓ut c̓x̌iɬ, kʷaʔ t̓i yayʕát ululím uɬ xƛ̓ut incítxʷ. I was sideways to a rock, like, my cell was all iron and rock. [su7q̓im 251] acəncq̓q̓íʔstn iʔ ululím uɬ pn̓ap. I hit the nail until it bent. [nb26-61 016] k̓ɬənpn̓ípən iʔ ululím. I bent the nail. [nb26-61 017]

wlwlpxan   [wlwlpxan] Morph: wl•wl+pxan. Etym: √wl. to burn one's own feet.

Istem. uɬ cus k̓aɬáʔ asc̓uʔc̓uʔxán cəm̓ kʷ ululpxán̓. He told her, "Move your feet over, you might burn your feet." [bjmd 029]

wlwlqin   [ululqín] Morph: wl•wlqin. Variant: wl̕wl̕qin. Etym: √wl. canned goods.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ kɬululqín iʔ t sp̓iʔqáɬq. Because she had canned fruit. [GDd2 583]

wlx̌   [ulx̌] Morph: wlx̌. Etym: √wlx̌. a tree or pole topples, falls over; to fell a tree;

Istem. cíˑˑqplaʔntəm. ksuləx̌míxaʔx məɬ ixíʔ sk̓ʷul̕s. He dug. It was going to topple over, and then he fixed it. [cobuf23] cíˑˑqplaʔntəm. ksuləx̌míxaʔx məɬ ixíʔ sk̓ʷul̕s. He dug. It was going to topple over, and then he fixed it. [cobuf23] Category: nIstem. swulx̌míx. A fallen tree. [dict] Category: Conf. See: wlax̌ ? wl̕l̕ √wl̕.

wlx̌nt   Morph: wlx̌+nt. Etym: √wlx̌. a tree or pole topples, falls over; to fell a tree;

Tstem. Category: +nt. ulx̌əntíxʷ. You fell (a tree). [nb21.140] Category: Conf. See: wlax̌ ? wl̕l̕ √wl̕.

wl̕   [wl̕] Morph: wl̕. Etym: √wl. root with meaning "tilt" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: wil̕; wawíl̕; wl̕al̕; wl̕mi. Sp √wel̕ tipped, tilted; hi wél̕ wél̕ wél̕ he goes from side to side as he walks. He waddles; Cm wál̕əl̕ to tilt, tip over; Cr √gʷl̕ gʷel̕ slant, tilt; Sh c-wel tilted; Th wey̓ turn on side; Li wal̕-án to tilt s.t. See: wl.

wl̕al̕   [ul̕ál̕] Morph: wl̕•al̕. Variant: w̓l̕al̕. Etym: √wl̕. to be or get tipped over.

Istem. Sp √wel̕ tipped, tilted; Cm wal̕-l̕ to tilt, tip over; Cr gʷel̕ slant, tilt; Sh c-wel tilted; Li wal̕-án to tilt s.t. Category: C2Inch. ul̕ál̕. It tipped over. [nb26-61 012] See: wl̕.

wl̕cnmist   [wəl̕cənmíst] Morph: wl̕cn+mist. Etym: √wl̕. to talk foolishly.

Istem. Sp n-w̓w̓il̕w̓l̕cn̓ he talked foolishly, he flirted; Cm w‑wil̕‑wil̕‑t to have a foolish or gross manner (person). Category: +mist. way̓ lut nixʷ itlíʔ akswəl̕cənmíst. And don't you get talking funny again. [dict]

wl̕mint   Morph: wl̕+mi+nt. Etym: √wl̕. to tip s.t. over.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ul̕mís iʔ sənp̓k̓ʷitkʷ, uɬ p̓t̓aʕt̓. He tipped over the porridge and it got spilled. [Oct92 020] See: wl̕.

wl̕wal̕cnmíst   [wəl̕wal̕cənmíst] Morph: wl̕•wal̕cn+míst. Etym: √wl̕. to talk foolishly a lot.

Istem. Category: +mist. lut itlíʔ nixʷ akswəl̕wal̕cənmíst. Don't you get talking funny again. [dict] See: wl̕cnmist.

wl̕wl̕qin   [ul̕ul̕qín] Morph: wl̕•wl̕qin. Variant: wlwlqin. Etym: √wl̕. canned goods.

Istem. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ kɬululqín iʔ t sp̓iʔqáɬq. Because she had canned fruit. [GDd2 583]

wɬ2   [uɬ] Morph: wɬ. Variant: wiɬ. boat, conveyance. músuɬ. Four boats. [nb08 395] snɣípuɬ. Mast. [dict] See: iwɬ; wiɬ.

wɬmánc̓aʔ   [uɬmánc̓aʔ] Morph: wɬmánc̓aʔ. Etym: √wɬmn. wɬmánc̓aʔ (Grace GreyEyes).

Istem. Category: wName. iʔ təl sámaʔ swít wɬmánc̓aʔs iʔ skʷists. In English, what is wɬmánc̓aʔsʼs name? [gl26] uɬmánc̓aʔ. Grace GreyEyes. [nb26-48 008]

wɬt   Morph: w+ɬt. Etym: √wɬ. to leave or abandon s.t.

Tstem. Ques: analysis not clear kʷu uɬtíxʷ. Leave it there for me. [nb20.15a]

wɬtim   Morph: w+ɬt+im. Etym: √wɬ. to leave or abandon s.t.

nTstem. Ques: analysis not clear lut aksuɬtíməlx. Don’t leave it there. [nb20.15a]

wɬxníc̓aʔ   [wəɬxníc̓aʔ] Morph: wɬxníc̓aʔ. Etym: √wɬ. wɬxníc̓aʔ.

Istem. wɬxníc̓aʔ. Woman's name. [OkB]

wmixmst   Morph: wmix+m+st. Etym: √wmx. to give spiritual powers to s.o.

Tstem. Sh wmex to live. Category: +st. q̓sápiʔ ixíʔ əcwmíxəmsts iʔ sqílxʷ, q̓sápiʔ ixíʔ sqílxʷəlx. Long ago these were the powers of the Indians, long ago they were Indians. [dc104] See: swmix.

wnaxʷ   [unáxʷ] Morph: wnaxʷ. Variant: wnixʷ. Etym: √wnxʷ. to be true.

Istem. Sp winxʷ plainly visible; Cm wnaxʷ right, exactly, truly; Cr gʷníxʷ acknowledgable ... true; Li wənáxʷ true. unáxʷ x̌əx̌sáɬc̓aʔ. It's really good meat. [chipdd 026]

wnínaʔxʷ   [unínaʔxʷ] Morph: wn•ín•aʔxʷ. Variant: w̓nínaʔxʷ. Etym: √wnxʷ. it's true; it's probably so.

Istem. Category: Dim. way̓ t̓əxʷ t̓aʔ w̓nínaʔxʷ kən x̌əstwílx. Well, I am a little bit better. [E78.12] uɬ ixíʔ t̓əxʷ t̓a wnínaʔxʷ k̓ast. It's just a little bad. [nb2530.5] uɬ way̓ t̓i unínaʔxʷ a chaʔstísəlx iʔ uknaqín iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. And certainly the Okanagans respect this place. [cre74] See: wnixʷ.

wnixʷ   [uníxʷ] Morph: wnixʷ. Variant: wnaxʷ. Etym: √wnxʷ. to be true; to do s.t. right; sure; truly; really.

Istem. Sp winxʷ plainly visible; Cm wnaxʷ right, exactly, truly; Cr gʷníxʷ acknowledgable ... true; see Th √xʷən believe; Li wənáxʷ true. nák̓ʷəm aʔ nqʷəlqʷíltəns inxaʔxʔít, way̓ uníxʷ aʔ nqʷəlqʷíltəns. The language of my elders, their language is true. [mychildr 163] kʷ ksuníxʷaʔx. You are going to do it right. [nb08 370] way̓ wnixʷ, scuníxʷəxʷ iɬkíkxaʔ. That's true, my older sister is telling the truth. [BJSeym 087] ṇt̓aʔ uɬ iʔ sc̓əʔák̓ʷ, uníˑˑxʷ qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sc̓əʔák̓ʷ. My the blooms, the blooms are truly beautiful. [dict] t̓a wnixʷ kən paʔpaʔsínk. Gee, I sure felt bad. [dict] way̓ wnixʷ ṇuʔásəlx iʔ təl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. Sure enough they were high off the ground. [dict] uɬ haʔ uníxʷ haʔ ixíʔ ascqʷəlqʷílt iʔ l ascq̓áy̓. Is what you said in your letter true? [dict] kway̓, swníxʷəxʷ. Yes, he's telling the truth. [dict] way̓ uníxʷ, way̓ scwníxʷəxʷ iɬkíkxaʔ. That's true, my older sister is telling the truth. [dict] kʷ kswníxʷaʔx. You are going to do it right. [dict]

wp   back up, back away. Category: Rt. See: nwiwp; nwiwpm; nw̓iw̓p; nw̓aʔpmús. Sp √wew to back up, to go in reverse; n-wéw-p-m he backed up, he went backwards...; Cm nawáwpm to back up; Cr gʷigʷep step (...back).

wp   [wp] Morph: wp. Etym: √wp. root with meaning "growth (as in hair growth)" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: wpus; wpcin; swpcin; wpwpqin; nwapáqs; skwpax̌ʷck; skwpwplqʷikst; skwpwpaqstxn; snwpaqs; snwpups; snwpwpax̌n; snwpwpínaʔ; swpúlaʔxʷ; wapwpxn. Sp wup hairy, fuzzy; Cm wəp be hairy, to have fur; Cr gʷep grassy (be...), hairy (be...); Sh √wup hair, fur, weeds; Th √wəp hairy; Li √wəp hair.

wpcin   [upcín] Morph: wpcin. Etym: √wp. 1 • beard.

2 • Istem. wpcin.

Sp s-ʔupcínbeard; goatee; Cm s‑wp‑cin beard; Cr s+gʷépcn beard, mustache, whiskers; Sh swp-cin beard; Th s/upcín; Li s.wəp-c beard...Istem. upcín. Man's name. [dict] See: swpcin.

wpúlaʔxʷm   [wupúlaʔxʷm] Morph: wpúlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √wp. to hay, to harvest hay.

Mstem. kswəpúlaʔxʷməlx. They put up hay. [dict] See: swpúlaʔxʷ.

wpus   [upús] Morph: wpus. Etym: √wp. to be hairy faced; to have a hairy face.

Istem. Sp wup hairy, fuzzy; Cm wəp be hairy, to have fur; Cr gʷep grassy (be...), hairy (be...); Sh √wup hair, fur, weeds; Th √wəp hairy; Li √wəp hair. t̓i piq iʔ sqiltks iʔ sqilxʷ, uɬ cəwpús. These people's bodies are white, and they have hair on their faces. [mychildr 039] See: wp.

wpwpqin   [wupwupqín] Morph: wp•wpqin. Etym: √wp. giant hyssop (agastache urticifolia).

Istem. Category: Bot. wupwupqín. Giant hyssop. [TBK109]

wrak̓   [urák̓] Morph: wrak̓. Etym: √wrk̓. the sound frogs make; the sound frogs make.

pcl. Category: Onom. xʷəxʷ aláʔ kaʔ ct̓aʔc̓kʷúnəm iʔ sw̓ar̓ák̓xən wərák̓, wərák̓. There they go again the frogs making their croaking sound. [feb94 041]

wram   Morph: wra+m. Etym: √wr. to light a fire.

Mstem. Sp wir (wil) to burn; Cr gʷel blaze (stem), burn, light (kindle); Sh wl-em to burn; Li √wəl fire. wur̓ám. He built a fire. [dict]

wríc̓aʔnt   Morph: wríc̓aʔ+nt. Variant: wr̓íc̓aʔ. Etym: √wr. to start a fire around s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu wríc̓aʔsəlx. They started the fire around me. [dict] See: wr.

wrnt   Morph: wr+nt. Etym: √wr. to light a fire.

Tstem. Sp wir (wil) to burn; Cr gʷel blaze (stem), burn, light (kindle); Sh wl-em to burn; Li √wəl fire. Category: +nt. urəntíxʷ. You lit the fire. [ntverbs 019] urəntís itlíʔ pəl̕l̕úl̕. She made a fresh fire, and it smoked. [nb2558.11] ixíʔ wrəntísəlx uɬ ixíʔ púl̕səlx iʔ sl̕áx̌tsəlx. They made a fire and they smoked their friend (medicinal smoke). [dict]

wrpax̌n   [wərpáx̌n] Morph: wrpax̌n. Etym: √wrp ?. wrpax̌n (Sanpoil chief, circa 1870).

Istem. wərpáx̌n. Sanpoil chief, circa 1870. [OkB]

wr̓islp̓   [ur̓ísəlp̓] Morph: wr̓islp̓. Etym: √wr. fire.

Istem. uɬ c̓awt ixíʔ a cur̓ísəlp̓. And the fire went out. [grlsdd 043] See: wr.

wr̓islp̓m   [ur̓íslp̓əm] Morph: wr̓islp̓+m. Etym: √wr̓. to build a fire.

Mstem. kən ur̓ísəlp̓əm, kən wiʔsur̓ísəlp̓əm məɬ kən ʔawsʔamənsqáx̌aʔm. I build the fire, and after I got done making fire I went fed the horses. [AutPS 029] See: wr̓islp̓.

wr̓min   [ur̓mín] Morph: wr̓+min. Etym: √wr̓. kindling.

Istem. Category: +min. ur̓mín. Kindling. [dict] See: wr.

wr̓r̓iʔst   [ur̓r̓íʔst] Morph: wr̓•r̓iʔst. Etym: √wr. to make a fire.

Istem. uɬ laʔkín kʷ xʔkínəm mi kʷ ur̓r̓íʔst. And what can you do to make fire? [BJSeym 465] caʔkʷ iwá kʷ ɬ wrr̓iʔst, uɬ laʔkín kʷ xʔkínəm mi kʷ kslip̓ axáʔ iʔ l sənkʷəkʷʔác. Even if you did make fire, what can you do to get wood in this dark night? [dict] See: wr.

wr̓usm   [urúsəm] Morph: wr̓us+m. Etym: √wr̓. Variant: wrusm. to fish with a torch, pit lamping.

Mstem. urúsəm. Pit lamping. [dict] See: wr.

wr̓war̓   [ur̓wár̓] Morph: wr̓•war̓. Etym: √wr̓. to burn.


wr̓wr̓islp̓m   [ur̓ur̓ísəlp̓əm] Morph: wr̓•wr̓islp̓+m. Etym: √wr̓. to light a fire.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. cxʷuy sx̌lap way̓ uɬ ixíʔ sur̓ur̓ísəlp̓msəlx uɬ ixíʔ ncíxəmsəlx mat t kóko. Daylight came, and maybe they warmed up some cocoa. [LynxS 411] See: wr̓islp̓m.

wr̓wr̓íxm   [ur̓ur̓íxəm] Morph: wr̓•wr̓íx+m. Etym: √wr̓x (?). to ruin s.t., to render s.t. irreplaceably lost. Category: Mstem. wr̓wr̓íxm. Irreplaceable. [nb21.38a] See: wr̓wr̓íx.

wr̓wr̓ixst   Morph: wr̓•wr̓ix+st. Etym: √wr̓. to waste.

Tstem. Category: +st. ur̓ur̓íxsts. He wasted it. [nb23 028] Category: c+^+st. ixíʔ cur̓ur̓íxsts. He always wastes it. [nb23 029]

wr̓wr̓ixstm   Morph: wr̓•wr̓ix+st+m. Etym: √wr̓. to waste.

nTstem. Category: +st+m. lut aksur̓ur̓íxstəm. Don't waste it. [nb23 030]

wslxak̓ʷúsm̓   [wəsəlxak̓ʷúsm̓] Morph: wslx+ak̓ʷúsm̓. Etym: √ws, √k̓ʷsm ?. wslxak̓ʷúsm̓.

Istem. wəsəlxak̓ʷúsm̓. Man's name. [OkB]

wsncut   [usəncút] Morph: ws+ncut. Etym: √ws. to be proud of s.t.; to brag about s.t.

Istem. Category: +ncut. i aɬíʔ usəncút uɬ sx̌ʷílmən, qʷámqʷəmt iʔ staʔxʷɬcítxʷs. The Devil is bragging how beautiful the house he got is. [Dvl 278] See: wis.

wstpalqsm   [ustpálqsəm] Morph: ws+t+palqs+m. Etym: √ws. to lift one's dress up.

Mstem. kən ustpálqsəm. I raised my dress up. [nb08 467] See: wist.

wswasxnqn   [wəswásxnqn] Morph: ws•wasxnqn. Etym: √ws. lupines (lupinus spp.)

Istem. Category: Bot. wəswásxnqn. Lupines. [TBK105]

wswisxn   [uswísxən] Morph: ws•wisxn. Etym: √ws. things are long.

Istem. iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t t̓i yir̓ uɬ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t uswísxən. Some are round, others long. [rdgs 048] See: wisxn.

wsxnalqʷ   [wusxnálqʷ] Morph: wsxnalqʷ. Etym: √ws. a tall tree.

Istem. wusxnálqʷ. Tall tree. [OkB] See: wisxn.

wsxnikst   [usxníkst] Morph: wsxnikst. Etym: √ws. long arm; long branch.

Istem. wsxnikst. Long branch. [pd03] See: wisxn.

wsxniɬml̕x   [usxníɬəməlx] Morph: wsxn-iɬmlx. Etym: √ws. 1 • tall bushes.

Istem. ʔaslúsəm iʔ siʔíɬp, iʔ naqs t̓ət̓q̓íɬməlx, uɬ iʔ naqs usxníɬməlx. There are two kinds of síyaʔ bushes, one short, and one tall. [E92.12]

2 • Istem. saskatoon or serviceberry (amelanchier alnifolia).

Istem. Category: Bot. wusxəníɬəmlx. Saskatoon. [TBK120]

wsxnus   [usxnús] Morph: wsxnus. Etym: √ws. a long face.

Istem. wsxnus. A long face. [pd03] See: wisxn.

wt   [ut] Morph: wt. Variant: iwt; íwaʔt. place; step.

lxAfx. cqʷutmíst. To be in a level wooded land. [dict] k̓əɬkʷləwtúsxn. To sit around. [dict] nkʷlwtɬcítxʷ. To house-sit. [dict] tqəlqalutínaʔ. Bicycle. [nb26-66 010] ql̕wtúlaʔxʷ. To step on dry land. [dict] qlutúlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [Oct92 098]

wtan   [után] Morph: wtan. Etym: √wtn. Category: Istem.

1 • to go some place.

Istem. k̓liʔ után, uɬ ixíʔ scuts. She went over there and said... [frogdd 021] ixíʔ uɬ xʷuˑˑy nmúləm uɬ ilíʔ után. And he went and dipped the water, and went. [msqdd 009] way̓ axáʔ xmin̓. way̓ t̓i atláʔ p wtan, uɬ p ƛ̓əxʷtmíxaʔx p xʷuyˑ. This is the enemy. If you try [escaping] from here now, you are dead if you go. [bfp.27-28] után iʔ l xƛ̓út. He got on a rock. [dict] lut aksután. Don't come in sight! [dict]

2 • Istem. to lie in some place; to be put in some place; to be left in some place. ixíʔ után, k̓ɬənk̓ahk̓ʷíps ixíʔ iʔ skʷəkʷr̓ínaʔ. There it lay, he opened that clam shell. [chipdd 046] ixíʔ ckʷis ilíʔ aʔ cutáns iʔ skʷəkʷr̓ínaʔ. chipdd 032 She picked up a clam shell that was lying there. aɬíʔ iʔ stim̓ cyaʕ̓ ilíʔ cután. Everything is laying there. [grlhd 153] ilíʔ iscután. I put it there, that̓s my stash. [nb1813.17] ixíʔ k̓ík̓əm c̓x̌iɬ t ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ a cután, k̓a nwist. It's just about like dirt, perched there, high. [su7q̓im 045] uɬ ilíʔ náx̌əmɬ iʔ t̓ic̓s ilíʔ cután. His pitch was left there. [CoGrSy 374] nák̓ʷəm ixíʔ pútiʔ iʔ l siwɬkʷ cwtan. That's still in the water. kaʔɬlúp iʔ scutáns. He counted three piles.

3 • Istem. to get or take s.t. itlíʔ mi kʷu után, məɬ t xʷʔít iʔ kscutántət. Then we will get some, we will get lots. [HnLk6] kʷ után. You went to bed with my partner. [nb23 035] Gram: euphemism Lit: you took some Cm wtn‑mi(n)‑(nt)‑n I used s.t.; Th s-utˑ/utə́n put aside or reserve several things for oneself. See: wt.

wtant   Morph: wta+nt. Etym: √wtn. to lie in some place; to be put in some place; to be left in some place.

Tstem. Cm wtn‑mi(n)‑(nt)‑n I used s.t.; Th s-utˑ/utə́n put aside or reserve several things for oneself. Category: +ant. ilíʔ utánt iʔ l citxʷ. Leave it at the house! [grlhd 085] See: wt.

wtimtk   [utímtk] Morph: wtimtk. Etym: √wtm. to go downstream.

Istem. Sp √ʔutémtč away from bank of river. č̕-ʔutémtč it's located away from bank of river; Sh wtem-tk downstream area; Th s/wtémtk-s downriver from him. utímtk. Go downstream. [dict]

wtmtkus   [utəmtkús] Morph: wtmtkus. Etym: √wtm. southward.

Istem. uɬ itlíʔ xʷuˑˑy ta cutəmtkús. From there it goes southward. [2gts 019] See: wtimtk.

wtnt   Morph: wt+nt. Etym: √wt. to put s.t. down; arrange for s.t.; do s.t.

Tstem. Cm swətn thing; place; See Th √wətən do / take. Category: +nt. utəntíxʷ. You did it. [nb1726.4] laʔkín kiʔ a utəntíxʷ, uɬ mat ilíʔ cután. Wherever you put it, it must still be there. [GDd1 604] ilíʔ utəntísəlx məɬ nk̓ʷsʔistk, ixíʔ kst̓ík̓əls iʔ sqilxʷ. That's where they store it over the winter, that will be the Peopleʼs grub. [mychildr 220] uɬ nixʷ iʔ k̓əl k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ səncətcítxʷtənsəlx nixʷ ik̓líʔ utəntísəlx. They put them also where the others' houses were. [lnxbdga 232] uɬ axáʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp ixíʔ utəntísəlx. The parents arranged it. [grlsdd 246] utəntís iʔ kstqpíʔsṇ axáʔ iʔ l cq̓ílən. He put the feathers on the arrows. [dict] utəntíxʷ iʔ t ankílx. Scoop it up with your hand. [dict]

wtxit   Morph: wt+xit. Etym: √wt. to put s.t. down; arrange for s.t.; do s.t.

Tstem. Cm swətn thing; place; See Th √wətən do / take. Category: +xit. yaʕyáˑˑt ixíʔ iʔ tx̌əlíw̓scəlx ixíʔ utxítxʷəlx ilíʔ. Put it in all those caches for them. [LynxS 319] way̓ yaʕyáʕt iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ tx̌líw̓scəlx utxítnəlx t ksc̓íɬənsəlx. Well, I have filled all the people's caches with grub. [LynxS 329] way̓ wtxítməlx iʔ tkɬənʔíɬəntṇsəlx. She went to get the dishes for them. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ utxítəm t ksqlaw̓s. He gave him some money. [dict] way̓ utxítəməlx iʔ t ksənkɬmútənsəlx. They got some chairs for them. [nb1251.8]

wxlsiqn   [wuxəlsíqn] Morph: wxlsiqn. Etym: √wxls ?. wxlsiqn.

Istem. wuxəlsíqn. Man's name. [OkB]

wxwix   [cuxwíx] Morph: wx•wix. Etym: √wx. several live.

Istem. ilíʔ iʔ sqilxʷ way̓ cwix, cuxwíx. There are people there, several. [grlsdd 277] ilíʔ cwəxwíxəlx, uɬ xʷʔítəlx. They lived there, lots of them. [nb2528.13] ilíʔ la nk̓mip xʷʔit iʔ sqilxʷ əcuwxwíx. uɬ ixíʔ əcpíx̌məlx. Over at Inkameep there lived lots of Indians. And they hunt. [nb2585.8] See: wix.

wxwixɬxʷm   [wəxwíxɬxʷəm] Morph: wx•wixɬxʷ+m. Etym: √wx. to build a house.

Mstem. uɬ wəxwíxɬxʷməlx iʔ t cətcítxʷsəlx And they started building their tents. [lnx2 316] See: wix.

wxʷap   [uxʷáˑˑp] Morph: wxʷa+p. Etym: √wxʷ. to burn.

Istem. Sp hi wuxʷ the sound of paper or tinder-dry grass suddently bursting into flame. Category: +ap. way̓ uɬ yaʔx̌í kʷa iʔ sƛ̓əƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ talí cq̓ʷuʔɬ ɬaʔ cuxʷáp. And you know how pitchwood gets black when it blazes. [CoGrSy 600] wxʷáˑˑp, uɬ k̓im iʔ sc̓ims. The [corpse] burned, except for the bones. [dc61]

wxʷusmst   Morph: wxʷus+m+st. Etym: √wxʷ. to stare at s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: c+^+st. nt̓a t̓i cəwxʷúsəmstsəlx iʔ t suyápix. Gee, all the white people were looking. [nb1250.5]

wxʷwixʷ   [uxʷwíxʷ] Morph: wxʷ•wixʷ. Etym: √wxʷ. to hang.

Istem. cuxʷwíxʷ. They are hanging there. [nb18226.15] See: wixʷ.

wx̌ncaʕt   [ux̌əncáʕt] Morph: wx̌+ncaʕt. Etym: √wx̌. rattler.

Istem. Category: Faun, PhM. ux̌əncáʕt ya x̌ax̌ʔúlaʔxʷ. Rattlesnake. [nb1820,19] Category: Conf.

wx̌tílaʔt   [ux̌tílaʔt] Morph: wx̌tílaʔt. Variant: w̓x̌tílaʔt. Etym: √wx̌t. newborn; baby.

Istem. Gram: Diminutive form shows [u] is /w/ Category: Dim. iʔ uʔx̌tílaʔtət xíxʷuʔtəm iʔ stətʔíwtaʔx. Our youngest baby is a girl. [nb6.3] way̓ uɬ kʷu kɬux̌tílaʔt, ixíʔ q̓ilt uɬ xʷyúsəntəm k̓əl px̌ʷpəx̌ʷx̌ʷíls. And we had a baby and then it got sick and we took him to Hunters. [AutPS 357] ixíʔ uɬ k̓ʷul̕l̕ axáʔ iʔ uʔx̌tílaʔt. Then the baby was born. [LynxS 098] uɬ ixíʔ iʔ uʔx̌tílaʔt, way̓ t̓i ƛ̓ax̌t iʔ sƛ̓ax̌ps. way̓ t̓i uɬ captíkʷɬ. And the baby grew fast, it's a legend. [nb2539.7] See: wx̌tilt.

wx̌tilt   [ux̌tílt] Morph: wx̌tilt. Etym: √wx̌t. a baby.

Istem. Cm wx̌t–alt infant, Cr gʷáx̌-t-elt a young offspring, a young person. inux̌tílt. My baby. [nb23 106] wx̌tilt. The youngest, a baby. [nb26-31 018]

wx̌wáx̌iɬp   [wəx̌wáx̌iɬp] Morph: wx•̌wáx̌iɬp. Etym: √wx̌. Variant: w̓x̌w̓áx̌iɬp; wx̌wáx̌iʔɬp. 1 • wx̌wáx̌iɬp: Dick Creek (named after "Whiskey Dick," a Sanpoil Indian). Lit: mock-orange bush

Istem. Category: Geog.

2 • Istem. wx̌wáx̌iɬp: the area on both sides of the former creek mouth where mock-orange bushes were plentiful.

Istem. Category: Geog. wx̌wáx̌iɬp. Place name. [BK40]

wx̌wáx̌iʔɬp   [wəx̌wáx̌iʔɬp] Morph: wx̌•wáx̌iʔɬp. Variant: wx̌wáx̌iɬp. Etym: √wx̌ʔ. 1 • wx̌wáx̌iʔɬp: mock orange (philadelphus lewisii).

Istem. Category: Bot. wəx̌wáx̌iʔɬp. Mock orange. [TBK108]

2 • Istem. wx̌wáx̌iʔɬp: dogwood.

Sp wáx̌iɬp dogwood, syringa, mock orange, Philadelphus lewisti; Cr wáx̌iʔɬp dog-wood, wild maple.Istem. Category: Bot.

-wy   [wi] Morph: -wy. intransitive imperative plural.

isfx. Category: mood. kʷílˑwi. Sit (pl)! [nb26-19 006] px̌ʷməncútwi. Scatter! [Nams 098] cp̓əlák̓wi. Turn around! [misc 219] xʷt̓lílxʷwi. Get up! [BJSeym 141] xʷúywi. You all go! [su7q̓im 096a] yər̓məncútwi. Form a circle! [nb26-58 008]

wyapqn   [wuyápqn] Morph: wyapqn. Etym: √wyp. wyapqn.

Istem. wuyápqn. Man's name. [OkB]

wyaʔ   [wyaʔ] Morph: wyaʔ. ?

lxAfx. sxəxát̓wyaʔx. (Coyote) is playing tricks. [su7q̓im 053] xəxʔát̓wyaʔ. He's real joker. [nb26-17 00] cíqwyaʔ. Buzzard, digger, snake eater. [dict]

wyiʔstn   [wəyíʔstn] Morph: wyiʔstn. Etym: √wy ?. wyiʔstn: name of a bay and also a back eddy (before F.D.R. Lake was created) in this bay, located on the west side of the Columbia, immediately below the former falls. Lit: fallen-vegetation place

Istem. Category: Geog. wəyíʔstn. Place name. [BK359]

wynumt   [winúmt] Morph: wy+numt. Variant: wy̓numt. Etym: √wy̓. handsome.

Istem. Category: +numt. swinúˑˑmtx iʔ st̓əmkʔílts uɬ ixíʔ iʔ mílaʔs sənk̓líp. His daughter is good looking, and she is Coyote's bait. [2gts 063]

wyp   [uyáp] Morph: wyap. Etym: √wyp. root with meaning "white person" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: swyapyx; swyapmx; swyapxcn; swypsqáx̌aʔ; swypsʔiɬn; swpcin snk̓l̕ip; nwyapxcn; nwyapyxcn; nwypmxcin.

wypáyam   [wəypáyam] Morph: wypáya+m. Etym: √wyp. to play white man; to act like a white person.

Mstem. Sp suyépi whiteman, Cr s+wiyép+mšmš acculturation, civilization. way̓ k̓ɬənɬaʔíp, way̓ kcaʔcaʔálqʷəm, wəypáyam. He got right to the door, he knocked on it, he played white man. [Dvl 313] way̓ náx̌əmɬ aɬíʔ wəypáyəm, uɬ ckʷənkʷínksts axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. Then he played white man, and he was holding the woman's hands. [dict] ilíʔ ctkʷənksnwáxʷəlx, wəypáyməlx. They're holding hands like white people. [dict]

wypwilx   [wipwílx] Morph: wyp+wilx. Etym: √wyp. to become white.

Istem. Category: +wilx. uɬ ʕapnáʔ uɬ aɬíʔ iʔ suyápix, náx̌əmɬ iʔ kʷu wipwílx. But now we are all turning white. [MarryPS 011]

wywyalqs   [wiwiyálqs] Morph: wy•wyalqs. Etym: √wy. wywyalqs.

Istem. Category: wName. wiwiyálqs. Woman's name. [nb08 857]

wy̓   [wiʔ] Morph: wy̓. Etym: √wy̓. to finish (s.t.); to quit (s.t.)

Istem. Sp √wiy̓ to finish; Cm wy̓-stu-xʷ you finish s.t.; Cr gʷey̓ finish; Sh wiʔ to be finished, ready; to be exhausted. mat swiʔmíx iʔ səxʷq̓y̓ám. The teacher quit working. [gl59]

wy̓asq̓t   [wiʔásq̓ət] Morph: wy̓ásq̓t. Etym: √wy̓. to stop raining.

Istem. Cm wy̓‑asq̓t to stop raining, storming. way̓ t̓əxʷ wiʔásq̓ət, uɬ ixíʔ iʔ l səncaʔx̌úlaʔxʷ yaʔ ɬ ṇk̓ʷúl̕cnəm. It quit raining, and the sky painted a red hot weather. [dict] pna cmiscút i l sx̌aʔnúxʷəm i l ksuy̓ásq̓əts. Maybe somebody knows how to stop the weather, to end the rain. [RnTrp 020]

wy̓ay̓   [wiʔáy̓, uy̓áy̓] Morph: wy̓•ay̓. Etym: √wy̓. to be finished.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. xiʔmíx kʷ wiʔáy̓. Whenever you’re done. [nb21.172a] sp̓aˑˑm uɬ way̓ uy̓áy̓ way̓ ixíʔ sxʷuys. He drummed and when he finished then he went. [lpb35] Category: C2Inch.

wy̓cin   [wiʔcín] Morph: wy̓cin. Etym: √wy̓. to finish eating.

Istem. Sh wcin to finish eating, to have eaten. kʷ wiʔcín. You got done eating. [mychildr 093] kən wiʔcín. I got done eating. [nb08 889] ixíʔ kʷ wiʔcín uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬ aspuʔús ɬ akscáʕʷḷx, kʷ caʕʷḷx. When you get done eating if you want to bathe, you can bathe. [dict] t̓i ʔayxáxaʔ təl swiʔcíns way̓ ṇkcnínkəntəm iʔ t sənc̓aʔrínk. In a while after he was done eating he started to ache with diarrhea. [dict]

wy̓cist   [wiʔcíst] Morph: wy̓c+st. Etym: √wy̓. to finish feeding s.o.

Tstem. Sh wcin to finish eating, to have eaten. Category: +st. kʷu wiʔcístsəlx. They finished feeding me. [dict]

wy̓cwncut   [wiʔscuʔncút] Morph: wy̓+cw+ncut. Etym: √wy̓, √cw. to finish preparing for a sacred experience.

Istem. Category: +ncut, Compd. ha way̓ kʷ wiʔscuʔncút. Did you finish preparing? [nb26-52 018]

wy̓ikst   [wuʔíkst, uʔíkst] Morph: wy̓꞊ikst. Etym: √wy̓. to finish working; to finish doing something.

Istem. way̓ uɬ t̓i tx̌ʷsəlqúlaʔxʷs ixíʔ uɬ wʔikst. He just pulled by hand until he got done. [dict] uɬ ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ yayáʕt axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ ƛ̓xʷəxʷnúntxʷ axáʔ iʔ ṇʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ, ixíʔ mi kʷ wʔikst. When you will have killed all the man-eaters in this world, that's when you are done. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ wiʔsənc̓íwm iʔ l sk̓láxʷ, ixíʔ mi wʔikst. When he's done washing dishes in the evening, that's when his job is over. [dict] sxiʔmíx p wʔikst, p ksxʷúyaʔx kəm̓ p kɬəɬxʷúyaʔx, ixíʔ uɬ ɬkm̓əntip iʔ kəwʔápəmp. Anytime you are done working, if you want to go away or back to where you came from, you can pick up your horses. [dict] ixíʔ məɬ kməqʷqʷíˑˑnaʔ mqʷaqʷ ixíʔ məɬ wiʔíkst axáʔ inlʔíw. They they got snowed in, it's winter, and my father quit working. [Hrvst 217] məɬ put i l Christmas xiˑˑʔ mi kʷu uʔíkst. Christmas is when we finish. [Hrvst 253]

wy̓ipwn   [uʔípunlx] Morph: wy̓+ipwn. Etym: √wy̓, √pwn. to finish burying.

Istem. Category: Compd. xiʔ way̓ axáʔ uʔípunlx, itlíʔ kən nc̓p̓q̓síw̓s[m] They got done with the funeral, and now I'm going to continue. [GDd1 177]

wy̓lscut   [wiʔlscút] Morph: wy̓lscut. Etym: √wy̓. to be ready; to finish clothes.

Istem. ixíʔ məɬ way̓ kʷu wiʔlscút ɬ qəɬnúntp ɬə ksʔasəlspíntk saláʔmp. way̓ axáʔ xmin̓. We will be ready if you can make it for two years staying here. This is the enemy. [bfp27] t̓iʔ ixíxiʔ məɬ wiʔlscútəlx wiʔskʕacíknməlx. In a little while things are ready tied with strings around. [LynxS 204]

wy̓ɬaʔcmúslxt   Morph: wy̓+ɬaʔ+c+músl+xt. Etym: √wy̓, √ms. to give up hoping for s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +xt. way̓ wiʔɬaʔcmúsləxtən. I gave up hope for him. [nb18204.16] See: confirm.

wy̓ɬt   Morph: wy̓+ɬt. Etym: √wy̓. to finish (s.t.); to quit (s.t.)

Tstem. Sp √wiy̓ to finish; Cm wy̓-stu-xʷ you finish s.t.; Cr gʷey̓ finish; Sh wiʔ to be finished, ready; to be exhausted. way̓ wiʔɬtsín akɬcítxʷ. Well, I finished your house. [dict]

wy̓numt   [wiʔnúmt] Morph: wy̓+numt. Etym: √wy̓. to be ready.

Istem. Category: +numt. way̓ uɬ ʔíɬnəlx way̓ ɬʕápməlx, way̓ ixíʔ uɬ wiʔnúmtəlx. They ate, they drank, they were all ready. [BJSeym 143] way̓ cúsəlx way̓, way̓ kʷu wiʔnúmt. They said: "We are all ready." [BJSeym 485]

wy̓scaʕlx   [wiʔscáʕlx] Morph: wy̓+s+caʕ+lx. Etym: √wy̓, √cʕ. to finish bathing.

Istem. Category: Compd, +lx. kʷ wiʔscáʕlx məɬ kʷ píx̌əm. When you get done bathing you go hunt. [nb2546.2]

wy̓scaʕʷlx   [wiʔscáʕʷlx] Morph: wy̓+s+caʕʷ+lx. Etym: √wy̓, √cʕʷ. to finish bathing; to have finished bathing.

Istem. Category: Compd, +lx. wiʔscáʕʷlx uɬ ilíʔ cután iʔ ksɬəq̓əlxálqsəmp. When you are done bathing, your night clothes are there. [GDd1 375] a, cáʕʷlxəlx, wiʔscáʕʷlxəlx way̓ púlxəlx. Ah, they took a bath, finished, went to bed. [GDd2 275] kʷ wiʔscáʕʷlx mi xʷíc̓əxtmən t aksənɬq̓ʷútṇ. When you finish bathing I'll give you a bed. [dict]

wy̓sck̓ʷl̕scq̓iln   [wiʔsck̓ʷəl̕scq̓ílən] Morph: wy̓+sc+k̓ʷl̕+s+cq̓iln. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕, √cq̓. to finish arrow work.

Istem. Category: Compd. ta k̓ʷənxáˑˑsq̓ət mi uʔyúsxən kəm̓ wiʔsck̓ʷəl̕scq̓ílən. Several days to finish shoe work or arrow work. [BJSeym 125]

wy̓scunt   Morph: wy̓+s+cu+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √cn. to have finished telling s.t.; to have already told s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt, Compd. yaʕyáʕt wiʔscún, cúɬtən iʔ kɬcəwcáwtət mi kʷ ɬckicx. I have already told them all. I told them what we would do before you came back. [lpb352]

wy̓scwncut   [wiʔscuncút] Morph: wy̓+s+cuʔ+ncút. Etym: √wy̓, √cw. finish one's spiritual training.

Istem. Category: Compd, +ncut. ha way̓ kʷ wiʔscuʔncút. Did you get ready? [nb26-52 018]

wy̓sc̓al̕ám   [wiʔsc̓al̕ám] Morph: wy̓+s+c̓al̕á+m. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓l. to finish standing s.t. up.

Mstem. Category: Compd. məɬ axáʔ isk̓ʷúy nixʷ wiʔsc̓al̕ám. And my mother gets done standing them up. [Hrvst 197]

wy̓sc̓iqʷ   [wiʔsc̓íqʷ] Morph: wiʔ+s+c̓iqʷ. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓qʷ. to finish skinning.

Istem. Category: Compd. wiʔsc̓íqʷ. [tanmd 005]

wy̓sc̓iw̓st   [wiʔsc̓íw̓st] Morph: wy̓+s+c̓iw̓+st. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓w̓. to finish washing oneself.

Istem. Category: Compd, +st i. c̓iw̓st uɬ wiʔsc̓íw̓st ixíʔ ɬəɬcxʷuys. Washed himself, finished and came back. [lpb135]

wy̓sc̓llax̌ʷx̌ʷ   [wiʔsc̓əlláx̌ʷəx̌ʷ] Morph: wy̓+s+c̓l•l•ax̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓lx̌ʷ. to finish (making) racks. Lit: to finish extending points

Istem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ wiʔsc̓əlláx̌ʷəx̌ʷ, uɬ ilíʔ mɣaɣ iʔ qáqxʷəlx. He finished the (drying) racks, and the fish was stuck there. [lb19]

wy̓sc̓lx̌ʷtkʷncut   [wiʔsc̓əlx̌ʷtəkʷəncút] Morph: wy̓+s+c̓lx̌ʷtkʷ+ncut. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓lx̌ʷ. to finish positioning oneself in the water.

Istem. Gram: In the myth of sp̓əyqáɬwəlx (Little Bird), sp̓əyqáɬwəlx acts as a fish trap, propping himself in the stream. Category: Compd, +ncut. ixíʔ way̓ wiʔsc̓əlx̌ʷtkʷəncút, uɬ nt̓ək̓ʷtkʷəncút. He finished sticking himself in the water, and he lay in the water. [lb14] Category: Conf.

wy̓sc̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+c̓x̌ʷ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓x̌ʷ. to finish telling or instructing s.o.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔsc̓x̌ʷəntísəlx, way̓ k̓ɬəmcín. They got done telling him what to do, he agreed. [dict]

wy̓siwst   [wiʔsíwst] Morph: wy̓+siwst. Etym: √wy̓, √swst. to finish drinking.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓səməlx, wiʔsíwstəlx. They washed, they drank. [GDd1 325]

wy̓skáʔkaʔmnt   Morph: wy̓+s+káʔ•kaʔ+m+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √kʔ. to finish making fun of s.o.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ ixíʔ wiʔskáʔkaʔməntəm, way̓ sic ixíʔ nsp̓úsəs. When he got done humiliating her, he hit her in the eye. [CoGrSy 790]

wy̓skcmínaʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k+cmínaʔ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √cm. to finish covering s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ axáʔ nc̓íʔcən axáʔ ixíʔ wiʔskcmínaʔs ixíʔ uɬ kʷʔal̕ axáʔ. After he got snow on top of him, Wolf got warmed up. [BJSeym 310]

wy̓skc̓awíw̓sm   [wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓səm] Morph: wy̓+s+k+c̓awíw̓s+m. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓w. to finish washing oneself.

Mstem. Category: Compd, Mstem. way̓ wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓səməlx, wiʔsíwstəlx. They washed, they drank. [GDd1 325] ha way̓ p wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓səm. Have you washed? [GDd1 333] axáʔ mnímɬcəlx t̓i wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓səm úɬiʔ t̓i cx̌lítntməlx. They had just finished washing when they were called. [GDd1 340] wiʔskc̓əw̓íw̓sməlx, wiʔstxtxáməlx. They were all washed and they were combed. [dict]

wy̓skc̓aw̓íw̓s   [wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓s] Morph: wy̓+s+k+c̓aw̓íw̓s. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓w̓. to finish washing.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ ʔácqaʔ, cúntməlx ha way̓ p wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓s. She stepped outside, she asked them, "Are you freshened up?" [GDd1 528]

wy̓skc̓aw̓íw̓sm   [wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓s] Morph: wy̓+s+k+c̓aw̓íw̓s+m. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓w̓. to finish washing.

Mstem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ uɬ wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓sməlx k̓ɬyaʔwáməlx they got done washing, and they are waiting. [GDd1 451]

wy̓skc̓slxʷncut   [wiʔskc̓səlxʷəncút] Morph: wy̓+s+k+c̓slxʷ+ncut. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓s. to finish stripping.

Istem. Category: Compd, +ncut. way̓ wiʔskc̓səlxʷəncút. He already had his clothes off. [RnTrp 056]

wy̓skc̓x̌ʷíplaʔ   [wiʔskc̓x̌ʷíplaʔ] Morph: wy̓+s+k+c̓x̌ʷíplaʔ. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓x̌ʷ. to finish ordering or settling s.t.

Istem. Category: Compd. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ ixíʔ iscwiʔskc̓x̌ʷíplaʔ. I have already settled all that. [Nams 186]

wy̓sklíq̓naʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k+líq̓naʔ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √lq̓. to finish hilling (the ground).

Tstem. Category: +nt, Compd. wiʔsklíq̓naʔsəlx. They got done hilling. [dict]

wy̓sklk̓íc̓aʔ   [wiʔskəlk̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: wy̓+s+k+lk̓íc̓aʔ. Etym: √wy̓, √lk̓. s.t. is already bundled or baled.

Istem. Category: Compd. t̓iʔ x̌ʷíc̓əlx axáʔ məɬ k̓ax̌íʔ t̓k̓ʷak̓ʷ məɬ way̓ cwiʔskəlk̓íc̓aʔ. They cut, and it falls there, and it's already baled. [Hrvst 159]

wy̓skɬsal   [wiʔskɬsál] Morph: wy̓+s+kɬ+sal. Etym: √wy̓, √sl. to finish setting the table; to have the table already set.

Istem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ cwiʔskɬsál, way̓ kʷu ʔíɬən. The table is already set, let's eat. [dict] cəm̓ kʷ ɬkicx uɬ way̓ cwiʔskɬsál y aksc̓íɬən. When you get back there there’ll be food setting there for you. [nb1269.4]

wy̓skɬslam   [wiʔskɬslám] Morph: wy̓+s+kɬ+sla+m. Etym: √wy, √sl. to have the table already set; to finish setting the table.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ put wiʔskɬslám, ixíʔ uɬ axáʔ iʔ x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ luˑwíw̓s la ntəx̌ʷəx̌ʷqín. She just got done setting the table, and the clock rang twelve o'clock. [GDd2 584]

wy̓skɬslxit   Morph: wy̓+s+kɬ+sl+xit. Etym: √wy̓, √sl. to have finished setting the table; to have the table set.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +xit. way̓ wiʔskəɬsəlxítəms iʔ t pəptwínaʔxʷ iʔ t aksc̓íɬən. The table has already been set by the old lady for you to eat. [nb1238.9] way̓ cəm̓ wiʔskɬsəlxítəmən t aksc̓íɬən. I’ll have the table ready for you to eat. [nb1263.10]

wy̓skɬwtɬt   Morph: wy̓+s+kɬ+wt+ɬt. Etym: √wy̓, √wt. to finsh setting s.t.; to have put down s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔskəɬutɬtsís iʔ st̓ík̓əls aksc̓íɬən. She has already served the grub for you. [nb1238.10]

wy̓skmár̓naʔnt   Etym: wy̓+s+k+már̓naʔ+nt. √wy̓, √mr. Gram: fill

Tstem. Category: +nt, Compd.

wy̓sksrqint   Morph: wy̓+s+k+srqi+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √sr. to finish scalping s.o.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔsksərqíntəm. When he got done scalping her. [CoGrSy 810]

wy̓skswlqncut   [wiʔskswəlqəncút] Morph: wy̓+s+ks+wlqn+cut. Etym: √wy̓, √wl. to have already recovered.

Istem. Category: +ncut, Compd. kən wiʔskswəlqəncút. I've recovered. [11.74a]

wy̓skswpúlaʔxʷm   [wiʔsksupúlaʔxʷm] Morph: wy̓+s+ks+wpúlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √wp. to finish haying.

Mstem. Category: Compd. uɬ axáʔ aɬíʔ axáʔ q̓sapiʔ a ixíʔ, ixíʔ wiʔsksupúlaʔxʷməlx. Long ago they got done haying. [Hrvst 248]

wy̓sksxt̓nt   Morph: wy̓+s+k+sxt̓+nt. Etym: √sxt̓. to finish aiming.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. ixíʔ ksxət̓əntís way̓ wiʔsksxət̓əntís way̓ cúcm̓iʔs t xʷiws He started to aim, after he aimed he whistled at it. [CoGrSy 311]

wy̓sktmlxʷncut   [wiʔsktməlxʷəncút] Morph: wy̓+s+k+tmlxʷ+ncut. Etym: √wy̓, √tm. to finish stripping.

Istem. Category: Compd, +ncut. uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ axáʔ kən wiʔsktməlxʷəncút. And I take all my clothes off. [RnTrp 041]

wy̓sktqusnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k+tqus+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √tq. to have already put s.t. on the fire.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. uɬ axáʔ iʔ təkɬmílxʷ way̓ wiʔsktqúsəs axáʔ. And the woman had already put it on the fire. [RnTrp 057]

wy̓skʕacíknm   [wiʔskʕacíknəm] Morph: wy̓+s+k+ʕacíkn+m. Etym: √wy̓, √ʕc. to finish tying s.t.

Mstem. Category: Compd. t̓iʔ ixíxiʔ məɬ wiʔlscútəlx wiʔskʕacíknməlx. In a little while things are ready tied with strings around. [LynxS 204]

wy̓sk̓aʕm   [wiʔsk̓áʕm] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓aʕ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʕ. to finish a service; to finish praying, saying Mass.

Mstem. Category: Compd. wiʔsk̓áʕm, məɬ ɬcxʷuy k̓laʔ iʔ l talí kaʔ cəntx̌ʷx̌ʷqínəm. He gets done churching, and he comes back here at Dolly's when itʼs noon (and eat lunch). [gl43]

wy̓sk̓ɬciqm   [wiʔsk̓əɬcíqəm] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+ciq+m. Etym: √wy̓, √cq. to finish digging s.t.

Mstem. Category: Compd. lut kʷu t̓a cƛ̓lap, t̓iʔ ixíxiʔ məɬ kʷu wiʔsk̓əɬcíqəm. We never stop, in just a little while we have our grave dug. [GDd1 123]

wy̓sk̓ɬlak̓k̓   [wiʔsk̓əɬlák̓ək̓] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+lak̓•k̓. Etym: √wy̓, √lk̓. to have s.t. already tied.

Istem. Category: Compd, C2Inch. məɬ way̓ k̓aʔx̌í saʕsáʕt way̓ cwiʔsk̓əɬlák̓ək̓ kəm̓ ck̓əɬt̓áq̓ʷ. It falls the other way, and it's already tied or sewen. [Hrvst 163]

wy̓sk̓ɬlxʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+lxʷ+nt. Etym: √lxʷ. to have finished informing or notifying s.o.; to have finished telling s.o. about s.t.; to have finished telling s.o. what to do.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. uɬ ixíʔm n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬwiʔsk̓əɬləxʷəntíxʷ ask̓ʷíƛ̓təm. [Do that] after you tell your brothers what to do. [nb2242.3]

wy̓sk̓ɬpaʔx̌nt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+paʔx̌+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √px̌. to have s.t. figured out; to finish deliberating.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ wiʔsk̓əɬpáʔx̌s qʷásqiʔ. BlueJay had already figured out what to do. [BJSeym 285]

wy̓sk̓ɬqax̌   [wiʔsk̓əɬqáx̌] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+qax̌. Etym: √wy̓, √qx̌. to finish clearing s.t.

Istem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ uɬ cyx̌əntísəlx uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa qʷámqʷəmt way̓ iʔ scwiʔsk̓əɬqáx̌səlx. They drove them out because they already had cleared a good road. [Hrvst 100]

wy̓sk̓ɬq̓y̓ncut   [wiʔsk̓ɬq̓əy̓ncút] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+q̓y̓+ncut. Etym: √q̓y̓. to finish drawing a picture.

Istem. Category: Compd, +ncut. wiʔsk̓ɬq̓əy̓ncút ki lkʷilx axáʔ iʔ təl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. After he drew it, he left the country. [gregory 104] See: k̓ɬq̓y̓(a).

wy̓sk̓ɬx̌qnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+x̌q+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √x̌q. to finish clearing a place; to have a place already made.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ wiʔsk̓əɬx̌əqəntísəlx. They already have a place for him. [Whal 513] wiʔsk̓əɬx̌qəntísəlx, wiʔsk̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílpsəlx. They already have a place for him, they have already fixed his bed. [dict]

wy̓sk̓ɬyrk̓ʷipnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+yrk̓ʷip+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √yrk̓ʷ. to finish putting a hoop around s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. uɬ axáʔ sənk̓líp way̓ wiʔsk̓ɬirk̓ʷíps iʔ k̓əl sʔawtíɬc̓aʔs axáʔ a nx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. And Coyote already put a hoop around the whale's back-end. [Whal 299]

wy̓sk̓ɬʔayslscút   [wiʔsk̓əɬʔaysəlscút] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+ʔayslscút. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔys. to finish changing.

Istem. Category: Compd. ixíʔ sic p cənppílx k̓laʔ uɬ p wiʔscáʕʷlx p wiʔsk̓əɬʔaysəlscút. Then go in there when you are done bathing and changing your clothes. [GDd1 382]

wy̓sk̓ɬʔiysnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+ʔiys+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔys. to have finished changing s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Gram: refers to an exchange of places Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ wiʔsk̓əɬʔísəs axáʔ iʔ ɬqáqcaʔs itlíʔ xʷuy k̓əl knaqs. After he got done changing his brother around, then he went to the next one. [nb1242.11]

wy̓skʷint   Morph: wy̓+s+kʷi+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √kʷn. to be done grabbing or holding s.t.; after one grabs s.t. or s.o.; to have already taken s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔskʷín, n̓ín̓w̓is aláʔ p wiʔáy̓ naʔɬ asl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t. After I grab him, then here you and your friends will be done. [lpb196] t̓qʷcin hoy way̓ wiʔskʷín axáʔ. She yelled “Okay I got hold of him.” [lpb208] way̓ wiʔskʷís iʔ sq̓lips. She had already taken the handkerchief. [dict]

wy̓sk̓ʷanɬqm   [wiʔsk̓ʷánɬqəm] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷanɬq+m. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷn. to finish planting a crop.

Mstem. ixíʔ kən ɬ wiʔsk̓ʷánɬqəm k̓ʷúl̕ən iʔ k̓əɬʕal̕mín. I got done putting the crops in, and I fenced it. [AutPS 254]

wy̓sk̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílp   [wiʔsk̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílp] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷl̕+aʔxʷílp. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. to already have a spot or place made up for a bed.

Istem. Category: Compd. wiʔsk̓əɬx̌qəntísəlx, wiʔsk̓ʷl̕aʔxʷílpsəlx aɬíʔ axáʔ ylmíxʷəm sənk̓l̕íp. They already have a place for him, they have even already fixed his bed, because he is Coyote. [dict]

wy̓sk̓ʷl̕cncut   [wiʔsk̓ʷəl̕cncút] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷl̕cn+cut. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. to finish cooking; to have something cooked.

Istem. Category: Compd, +ncut. way̓ wiʔsk̓ʷəl̕cncút isqəltmíxʷ, qʷámqʷəmt iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ sq̓ʷlams. My husband has already cooked a beautiful deer roast. [newles 319]

wy̓sk̓ʷl̕k̓ʷul̕ɬxʷm   [wiʔsk̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷl̕+k̓ʷul̕ɬxʷ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. to finish fixing a house.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔsk̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷməlx, wiʔsxʷúɬxʷməlx. They got done fixing their houses, their tipis. [RnTrp 012]

wy̓sk̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílpnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷl̕laʔxʷílp+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. to finish fixing a bed.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔsk̓ʷlaʔxʷílpsəlx axáʔ a ilmíxʷəm, sənk̓líp, myaw. They had fixed a bed because Coyote is a boss, a great man. [Whal 514]

wy̓sk̓ʷul̕cnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷul̕c+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. to finish cooking; to have things cooked.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. aláʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ wiʔsk̓ʷúl̕cəntsən. I'll have everything cooked for you. [dict] way̓ ckənʔúɬxʷməntməlx, cúntməlx way̓ way̓ wiʔsk̓ʷúl̕cɬmən, cxʷúywi. She came in to them, and told them, "I'm done with cooking for you, come in." [GDd1 332]

wy̓sk̓ʷúl̕l̕   [wiʔsk̓ʷúl̕l̕] Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷú•l̕. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. after one is born; having just been born.

Istem. Category: Compd, C2Inch. way̓ wiʔsk̓ʷúl̕l̕ iʔ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt uɬ c̓qʷaqʷ uɬ c̓qʷaqʷ. After the child was born then he cried and cried. [lnx2 185]

wy̓sk̓ʷul̕m   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷul̕+m. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. to finish work; to finish fixing s.t.

Mstem. Category: Compd. iʔ l cilkst x̌əx̌yáɬnəxʷ kən wiʔsk̓ʷúl̕əm uɬ kən ɬxʷuy k̓l incítxʷ. At five o'clock I finish work and go back home. [newles 318]

wy̓sk̓ʷul̕nt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ʷul̕+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷl̕. to finish work; to finish fixing s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔsk̓ʷúl̕əntxʷ y ankəwáp kʷ ɬcxʷuy. When you get done fixing your horse come back. [nb1263.9]

wy̓sláqʷnaʔm   [wiʔsláqʷnaʔm] Morph: wy̓+s+láqʷnaʔ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √lqʷ. to already have shed hair.

Mstem. Sp loqʷ. Cf. Cr laq pull out plants; Sh luqʷ. See also Ok √lq. Category: Compd. way̓ t̓i pəllúlaʔxʷ t̓əxʷ wiʔsláqʷnaʔm iʔ sənkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. When the grass starts to sprout, the horses get done shedding hair. [RHorse 045]

wy̓slimtm   [wiʔslímtəm] Morph: wy̓+s+lim+t+m. Etym: √wy̓, √lmt. to already be glad.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔslímtməlx. They were glad. [GDd2 717]

wy̓sliq̓   [wiʔslíq̓] Morph: wy̓+s+liq̓. Etym: √wy̓, √lq̓. to finish burying.

Istem. Category: Compd. iˑˑ uɬ c̓əspsql̕áw a[xáʔ] iʔ tətw̓ít, xiʔ náx̌əmɬ put cwiʔslíq̓. And the boy is flat broke when they are done with the burying. [GDd1 131]

wy̓slíq̓naʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+líq̓naʔ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √lq̓. to finish hilling or burying s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ uɬ ixíʔ klíq̓naʔsəlx, wiʔsklíq̓naʔsəlx, hoy cplal. They hilled the garden, after they got done hilling the garden it started to grow. [Dvl 041]

wy̓slk̓iw̓sm   [wiʔslk̓iw̓səm] Morph: wy̓+s+lk̓iw̓s+m. Etym: √wy̓, √lk̓. to finish bundling or tying s.t.

Mstem. Category: Compd. məɬ axáʔ wiʔsəlk̓íw̓səm t̓i ilíʔ c̓awtípstəm axáʔ inqáqnaʔ. And my grandmother gets done tying right behind him. [Hrvst 196]

wy̓slyncut   [wiʔslyncút] Morph: wy̓+s+ly+ncut. Etym: √wy̓, √ly. to finish weaving s.t.

Istem. Category: Compd, +ncut. lyncúˑˑt uɬ wiʔslyncút. He wove, and got done weaving. [lb10-12]

wy̓sɬáʔxʷsk̓itm   [wiʔsɬaʔxʷsk̓ítəm] Morph: wy̓+s+ɬáʔxʷsk̓it+m. Etym: √wy̓, √ɬxʷ. to have already taken a rest.

Mstem. way̓ kʷu wiʔsɬaʔxʷsk̓ítəm. We're done taking a rest. [nb08 359]

wy̓sɬɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔ   [wiʔsɬəɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔ] Morph: wy̓+s+ɬ•ɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔ. Etym: √ɬx̌ʷ. to have finished going through puberty.

Istem. Category: Compd. wiʔsɬəɬx̌ʷúmaʔ. He / she has already gone through puberty. [E89.2]

wy̓sƛ̓qaɬqmnt   Morph: wy̓+s+ƛ̓qaɬq+m+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √ƛ̓q. to finish digging s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. ixíʔ uɬ wiʔsƛ̓qáɬqəms. He finished digging. [Dvl 090]

wy̓sƛ̓qnt   Morph: wy̓+s+ƛ̓q+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √ƛ̓q. to finish digging s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt.

wy̓sman̓xʷ   [wiʔsmánxʷ] Morph: wy̓+s+man̓xʷ. Etym: √wy̓, √mn̓xʷ. to finish smoking.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔsmán̓xʷəlx way̓ cúntməlx i ta ilmíxʷəm. They finished smoking, and the chief said to them... [LynxS 117] ixíʔ kən swiʔsmánxʷəxʷ, uɬ itlíʔ kən nc̓əp̓q̓síw̓səm. I just got done smoking, and now I'll splice. [GDd1 197]

wy̓smrímnt   Morph: wiʔsmrím. Etym: wy̓+s+mrim+nt. √mrm. Category: marry.

Tstem. Gram: Compd, +nt way̓ wiʔsmríməntməlx. They finished marrying them.

wy̓sm̓áy̓aʔɬt   Morph: wy̓+s+m̓áy̓aʔ+ɬt. Etym: √wy̓, √m̓y̓ʔ. to finish to tell or show s.o. s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd. wiʔsm̓áyaʔɬtsən. I'm done showing you. [dict]

wy̓sm̓ay̓ncút   [wiʔsm̓ay̓ncút] Morph: wy̓+s+m̓ay̓+ncút. Etym: √wy̓, √m̓y̓. to finish telling one's story. Morph: wy̓+s+m̓ay̓+ncút.

Istem. Category: Compd, +ncut. wiʔsm̓ay̓ncút way̓ uɬ ilíʔ ɬkʷlíwtəlx. He finished telling his story and they sat there. [lpb369] ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ wiʔsm̓ay̓ncút, ixíʔ məɬ cmríməlx. When they're done telling their story, that's when they'll get married. [dict]

wy̓snc̓iwnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+c̓iw+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓w. to finish washing s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ məɬ ixíʔ már̓wiʔs t kʷukʷús məɬ ixíʔ wiʔsənc̓íws nt̓a məɬ ʔíɬən. Then he mixes it with bacon, he finishes washing it, then he eats. [Dvl 185]

wy̓snc̓íw̓m   [wiʔsənc̓íw̓əm] Morph: wy̓+s+n+c̓íw̓+m. Etym: √wy̓, √c̓w̓. to finish washing dishes.

Mstem. Category: Compd. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ wiʔsənc̓íwm iʔ l sk̓láxʷ, ixíʔ mi wʔíkst. When he’s done washing dishes in the evening, that̓s when his job is over. [dict] k̓laxʷ wiʔsənc̓íw̓ṃ ɬckicx axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít. In the evening when he finished washing dishes the little boy came back. [dict]

wy̓snkt̓kt̓usnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+kt̓•kt̓us+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √kt̓. to finish cutting s.o.'s heads off; to have cut s.o.'s heads off.

Tstem. Category: +nt, Compd. wiʔsənkət̓kt̓úsəs. She cut their heads off. [dict]

wy̓snk̓tusnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+k̓tus+nt. Variant: wy̓snk̓t̓us. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓t. to finish cutting off a head.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. ixíʔ wiʔsənk̓túsəs ixíʔ wiʔspúlsts, ƛ̓əlnús. He got done cutting her head off, fighting her, killed her dead. [CoGrSy 792]

wy̓snk̓t̓usnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+k̓t̓us+nt. Variant: wy̓snk̓tus. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓t̓. to finish cutting off one's head.

Tstem. Category: +nt, Compd. nk̓ət̓pús, i wiʔsənk̓t̓úsəs. He cut off her head, got done cutting it off. [CoGrSy 515]

wy̓snkʷƛ̓ink   [wiʔsənkʷƛ̓ínk] Morph: wy̓+s+n+kʷƛ̓ink. Etym: √wy̓, √kʷƛ̓. to finish bleaching a hide.

Istem ?. Category: Cmpd.

wy̓snkʷnim   [wiʔsənkʷním] Morph: wy̓+s+n+kʷni+m. Etym: √wy̓, √kʷn. to finish singing.

Mstem. Category: Compd. uɬ ixíʔ ɬ wiʔsənkʷním ixíʔ a ɬ cqʷəlqʷəltuʔscəncút. He got done singing, that's what he is saying he is going to do. [CoGrSy 673] See: wy̓; nkʷnim.

wy̓snmypmist   [wiʔsənmypmíst] Morph: wy̓+s+n+my+p+mist. Etym: √wy̓, √my. to have finished to confess. Category: Compd, +mist. way̓ ixíʔ kən wiʔsənmypmíst, məɬ kʷu ɬxʷuy k̓əl cítxʷ. I had finished confessing, and we went back to the house. [Cona34]

wy̓snpkʷmnitkʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+pkʷ+mnitkʷ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √pkʷ. to finish throwing water in s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. ɬ wiʔsənpəkʷmnítkʷsəlx iʔ sc̓im kiʔ wíksəlx. After they threw the bones in the water they saw. [lnxbdga 024]

wy̓sntlkʷíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+tlkʷíɬc̓aʔ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √tlkʷ. to finish gutting or disemboweling game.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ axáʔ ʔax̌əx̌lílx, ixíʔ uɬ ya cʔíwt uɬ wiʔsəntəlkʷíɬc̓aʔs qʷásqiʔ. Well, he was busy doing something. That was the last. And BlueJay got done taking the guts out. [BJSeym 268]

wy̓sntltlkʷíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+tl•tlkʷíɬc̓aʔ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √tlkʷ. to be done gutting s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. uɬ put wiʔsəntəltəlkʷíɬc̓aʔn kiʔ kʷu ṇkcníkiʔs axáʔ inkʷəl̕mút. I just had got done gutting them when my brother-in-law overtook me. (PS) uɬ wiʔsəntəlkʷíɬc̓aʔs qʷásqiʔ. Blue Jay got done taking the guts out. [dict] uɬ wiʔsəntəlkʷíɬc̓aʔs qʷásqiʔ. Blue Jay got done taking the guts out. [dict]

wy̓sntx̌ʷx̌ʷqinm   [wiʔsəntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqínəm] Morph: wy̓+s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin+m. Etym: √wy̓, √tx̌ʷ. to finish lunch; to finish the noon meal.

Mstem. Category: Compd. kʷu wiʔsəntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqínəm. When we finish our noon meal. [dict] uɬ way̓ t̓əxʷ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu wiʔwiʔcín kʷu wiʔsəntx̌ʷəx̌ʷqínəm. When we get done eating our lunch. [2gts 106]

wy̓snt̓k̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔtn   [wiʔsənt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌atṇ] Morph: wy̓+s+n+t̓k̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔ+tn. Etym: √wy̓, √t̓k̓ʷ. to be saddled up.

Istem. Category: Compd. ʔayxáxaʔ cyaʕpstís, way̓ cwiʔsənt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌atṇ. In a little while he got everything, they're all saddled up. [dict]

wy̓snt̓k̓ʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+t̓k̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √t̓k̓ʷ. to finish putting s.t. in s.t. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ wiʔsənt̓ək̓ʷəntísəlx i la nt̓ək̓ʷmín. They finished putting him in the coffin. [GDd1 146]

wy̓snt̓pinkm   [wiʔsənt̓pínkəm] Morph: wy̓+s+n+t̓pink+m. Etym: √wy̓, √t̓ʕp. to finish loading s.t.

Mstem. Category: Compd. uɬ t ispícxʷt t̓i kən aɬ wiʔsənt̓pínkəm ik̓líʔ kən ɬ ʔakswíx. I got disgusted, after I got done loading I just stood there. [HnTrp 166]

wy̓snx̌ʷaqʷqʷ   [wyiʔsnx̌ʷaqʷəqʷ] Morph: wy̓+s+n+x̌ʷaqʷ•qʷ. Etym: √wy̓, √x̌ʷqʷ. finish work in ?

Istem. Category: Conf, Compd.

wy̓spulst   Morph: wy̓+s+pul+st. Etym: √wy̓, √pl. to finish fighting s.o.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +st. ixíʔ wiʔsənk̓túsəs ixíʔ wiʔspúlsts, ƛ̓əlnús He got done cutting her head off, fighting her, killed her dead. [CoGrSy 792]

wy̓spx̌ʷmst   Morph: wy̓+s+px̌ʷ+m+st. Etym: √wy̓, √px̌ʷ. to finish distributing s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +st. t̓i ilíʔ muˑˑt, uɬ wiʔspx̌ʷəmstísəlx, əɬxʷáyʔilx naʔɬ sl̕ax̌ts. There he sat. They finished distributing [the fish], then he and his friend went back. [feed23]

wy̓sp̓aʕmínt   Morph: wy̓+s+p̓aʕ+mí+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √p̓ʕ. Gram: the root √p̓ʕ has a (regional) variant with rounded pharyngeal ʕʷ to be tired of s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔsp̓aʕmíntəm iʔ scəcm̓álaʔ. I’m tired of children. [nb21.163a]

wy̓sp̓nislp̓m   [wiʔsp̓nísəlp̓əm] Morph: p̓nislp̓+m. Etym: √p̓n. to finish piling wood.

Mstem. Category: Compd. wiʔsp̓nísəlp̓əm. He finished piling his firewood. [mychildr 070] wiʔsp̓nísəlp̓əm mi ckicx iʔ ʔawtús. He'd done piling his wood before his opponent arrived. [mychildr 070] wiʔsp̓nísəlp̓əm. He finished piling his firewood. [mychildr 070]

wy̓sqiwm   [wiʔsqíwm] Morph: wy̓+s+qiw+m. Etym: √qw. to get done fishing; to finish fishing.

Mstem. wiʔsqíwməlx, uɬ px̌ʷəmstísəlx iʔ qáqxʷəlx ixíʔ a ctm̓úsəm. They got done fishing and those who had fished passed around the fish. [feed18]

wy̓sq̓y̓nt   Morph: wy̓+s+q̓y̓+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √q̓y̓. to finish writing s.t.; to have written s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔsq̓y̓əntís. He got done writing it. [dict]

wy̓sqʷcqʷacqnm   [wiʔsqʷəcqʷácqənm] Morph: wy̓+s+qʷc•qʷacqn+m. Etym: √wy̓, √qʷc. to already have a hat on.

Mstem. Category: Compd. wiʔsqʷəcqʷácqənməlx. They have their caps on. [dict]

wy̓sq̓ʷliwnt   Morph: wy̓+s+q̓ʷliw+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √q̓ʷl. to finish picking berries.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔsq̓ʷlíwsəlx, kɬpíɬsəlx, x̌əw̓ntísəlx, məɬ kʷúmsəlx. After they pick them they spread them, they dry them, and they store them. [rdgs 026]

wy̓ssp̓qin   [wiʔsəsp̓qín] Morph: wy̓+s+sp̓qin. Etym: √wy̓, √sp̓. to be finished with wheat.

Istem. Category: Compd. məɬ ixíʔ qəlwátqsəlx axáʔ a cəlk̓íw̓s iʔ t wiʔsəsp̓qín kəm̓ i t lawán. And they thrash what's bundled, the wheat or the oats. [Hrvst 034]

wy̓st   Morph: wy̓+st. Etym: √wy̓. to finish (s.t.); to quit (s.t.)

Tstem. Sp √wiy̓ to finish; Cm wy̓-stu-xʷ you finish s.t.; Cr gʷey̓ finish; Sh wiʔ to be finished, ready; to be exhausted. Category: +st. wiʔstín. I finished it. [pd] wiʔstíkʷ. Finish it! [E71.7] kʷu knxit axáʔ, mi xʷəs wiʔstím. Help me with this, we'll be done faster. [newles 132] cwiʔstísəlx iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ iʔ k̓ʷl̕əncútən naʔɬ sənk̓líp. The Creator and Coyote had finished the earth. [gregory 042] ikskswyítm ikswiʔstím iʔ púpaʔkʷtət. I'm going to do my best to finish our book. [newles 291] lútiʔ ksntəx̌ʷx̌ʷqíns mi wiʔstíxʷ ascq̓iʔxtwíxʷ. You will finish your letter before noon. [newles 300] t̓i iʔ l ksk̓laxʷ uɬ way̓ wiʔstís iʔ kɬcq̓íləns iʔ ksyríwaxəns. In one day he had already finished his arrows (and) his snow shoes. [dict]

wy̓staxʷɬqm   [wiʔstáxʷɬqəm] Morph: wy̓+s+taxʷɬq+m. Etym: √wy̓, √txʷ. to finish harvesting; to have already harvested.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ məɬ ixíʔ kən ɬ wiʔstáxʷɬqəm wiʔstumístmən. And when I get done harvesting, and get done selling it... [AutPS 300] incá kən wiʔstáxʷɬqəm, huy ɬ t anwí. I am done harvesting, now it's your turn. [dict]

wy̓stixʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+tixʷ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √txʷ. to finish gathering s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. cúntəm axáʔ iʔ t síncaʔs, n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ixíʔ wiʔstíxʷəntəm. His little brother told him, "When we finish getting them." [GDd1 652]

wy̓stkʷlliw̓s   [wiʔstkʷəllíw̓s] Morph: wy̓+s+t+kʷl•liw̓s. Etym: √wy̓, √kʷl. to have gotten on a horse; to be on a horse already.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔstkʷəllíw̓səlx ixíʔ ki ɬəx̌ʷp̓ám axáʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. After they were on the horses, that's when the old lady ran out. [nb1248.3] put wiks way̓ wiʔstkʷlˑíw̓səlx uɬ c̓ácəcqaʔḷx iʔ təl sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtṇ. She saw that they were already on horses coming out of the barn. [dict]

wy̓stk̓ʷaxʷlqʷnt   Etym: wy̓+s+t+k̓ʷaxʷ+lqʷ+nt. √wy̓, √k̓ʷxʷ. Category: tie.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt.

wy̓stk̓ʷixʷc̓aʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+t+k̓ʷixʷc̓aʔ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷxʷ. to finish unwrapping s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. utəntís wiʔst̓k̓ʷíxʷc̓aʔs. He put it down, he got done unwrapping it. [2gts 231]

wy̓stk̓ʷíxʷknt   Morph: wy̓+s+t+k̓ʷíxʷk+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √k̓ʷxʷ. to finish untying s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓, way̓ wiʔstk̓ʷíxʷkiʔs axáʔ iʔ nəqsíkən̓. He untied a bundle. [LynxS 395]

wy̓stqmint   Morph: wy̓+s+tq+mi+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √tq. to finish stacking things; to finish putting or throwing s.t. down.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. a wiʔstəqmís ixíʔ uɬ k̓laxʷ. It was late when he finished putting it down. [Hrvst 114]

wy̓stqnt1   Morph: wy̓+s+tq+nt. Etym: √tq. to finish placing s.t., stacking things.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. uɬ aɬíʔ way ilíʔ wiʔstqəntís axáʔ iʔ sc̓ərsíɬməlx She already had put the oregon grape there. [RnTrp 055] wiʔstqəntíˑˑsəlx iʔ supúlaʔxʷ. They got done stacking the hay. [Hrvst 249] uɬ ixíʔ tqəntíˑˑsəlx məɬ wiʔstqəntísəlx iʔ supúlaʔxʷ. They stack and get done stacking the hay. [Hrvst 199]

wy̓stqnt2   Morph: wy̓+s+tq+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √tq. to finish signing s.t.; to have signed s.t.

Tstem. Sp sxʷ-tq-ém one who touches, one who signs, esp. with a thumb print. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ xʷíc̓ɬtəm, wiʔstqəntís. After he signed it he gave it to him. [nb1289.12]

wy̓stwmistmnt   Morph: wy̓+s+tw+mist+m+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √tw. to finish selling s.t.; to have already sold s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ məɬ ixíʔ kən ɬ wiʔstáxʷɬqəm wiʔstumístmən. And when I get done harvesting, and get done selling it. [AutPS 300]

wy̓stxtxam   [wiʔstxtxám] Morph: wy̓+s+tx•txa+m. Etym: √wy̓, √tx. to finish combing oneself.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ ixíʔ wiʔskc̓aw̓íw̓sməlx wiʔstxtxáməlx. They got done washing and combing. [GDd1 459] wiʔskc̓əw̓íw̓sməlx, wiʔstxtxáməlx. They were all washed and they were combed. [dict]

wy̓stx̌ʷyx̌ʷayqnt   Morph: wy̓+s+t+x̌ʷy•x̌ʷayq+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √x̌ʷy. to finish piling s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. wiʔstx̌ʷix̌ʷáyqs uɬ axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aqs. He got done piling what he dug. [Dvl 088]

wy̓st̓k̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔm   [wiʔsət̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔm] Morph: wy̓+s+t̓k̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √t̓k̓ʷ. to already have saddled.

Mstem. Category: Compd. incá way̓ kən wiʔsət̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔm, ilíʔ claprít inkəwáp. I already have my saddle on, and the bridle is on my horse. [nb1282.]

wy̓st̓k̓ʷk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ   [wiʔst̓ək̓ʷək̓ʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: wy̓+s+t̓k̓ʷ•k̓ʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √wy̓, √t̓k̓ʷ. to complete landing (to the ground).

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔst̓ək̓ʷək̓ʷúlaʔxʷəlx cúntəm iʔ t kəwáps. They hit the ground and his horse said to him... [nb1262.2]

wy̓st̓lúlaʔxʷm   [wiʔ-s-√t̓l꞊úlaʔxʷ-m] Morph: wy̓+s+t̓lúlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √t̓l. to finish plowing.

Mstem. Category: Compd. uɬ ixíʔ put ɬ ikswiʔst̓lúlaʔxʷəm mi way̓ aksk̓ʷánɬq. And just when I'll be done plowing you will be ready for planting. [Dvl 035]

wy̓swic̓nt   Morph: wy̓+s+wic̓+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √wc̓. to finish digging roots.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. ncíqlaʔxʷs, wiʔswíc̓əs iʔ ʔítx̌ʷaʔ məɬ ncíqlaʔxʷs. they dig a hole, they finish digging the camas and dig a hole. [drymd 024]

wy̓swr̓islp̓m   [wiʔsur̓ísəlp̓əm] Morph: wy̓+s+wr̓islp̓+m. Etym: √wy̓, √wr̓. to finish building a fire; to have already build a fire.

Mstem. Category: Compd. kən ur̓ísəlp̓əm, kən wiʔsur̓ísəlp̓əm məɬ kən ʔawsʔamənsqáx̌aʔm I build the fire, and after I got done making fire I went fed the horses. [AutPS 029]

wy̓sxʷk̓ʷiɬxʷm   [wiʔsxʷk̓ʷíɬxʷəm] Morph: wy̓+s+xʷk̓ʷiɬxʷ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √xʷk̓ʷ. to finish cleaning the house.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ xʷk̓ʷíˑˑɬxʷəm, wiʔsxʷk̓ʷíɬxʷəm. She cleaned house and got done cleaning house. [GDd2 581]

wy̓sxʷɬxʷm   [wiʔsxʷúɬxʷm] Morph: wy̓+sxʷɬxʷ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √sxʷ. to finish setting a tipi.

Mstem. Category: Compd. way̓ wiʔsk̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷməlx, wiʔsxʷúɬxʷməlx. They got done fixing their houses, their tipis. [RnTrp 012]

wy̓sx̌cmncut   [wiʔsx̌əcməncút] Morph: wy̓+s+x̌c+mncut. Etym: √wy̓, √x̌c. to finish getting dressed or ready.

Istem. Category: Compd, +mn+cut. way̓ ha way̓ kʷ wiʔsx̌əcməncút ha. Are you done dressing? [LynxS 233] way̓ wiʔsx̌əcməncútəlx, way̓ uɬ k̓ʷəƛ̓qínməlx. They all got dressed and they took their caps off. [nb1246.2]

wy̓sx̌cmst   Morph: wy̓+s+x̌c+m+st. Etym: √wy̓, √x̌c. to finish getting ready.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +st. məɬ ixíʔ wiʔsx̌əcmstísəlx ta nt̓k̓ʷmin naʔɬcəcám, uɬ nt̓k̓ʷəntísəlx. And they get a coffin ready, I forgot, they put him there. [GDd2 117] mat t̓əxʷ ksəntəmtəmníʔtṇ, məɬ wiʔsx̌cəmstísəlx way̓ líq̓əsəlx. There's a graveyard, and when they got him ready they buried him. [dict]

wy̓sx̌ʷaq̓ʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+x̌ʷaq̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √x̌ʷq̓ʷ. to finish grinding s.t.; to have ground s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. ixíʔ wiʔsx̌ʷáq̓ʷəs məɬ ixíʔ sk̓ʷəl̕ɬlkalátəms. He gets it ground and then makes biscuits. [Dvl 187]

wy̓sx̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷm   [wiʔsx̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷəm] Morph: wy̓+s+x̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷ+m. Etym: √wy̓, √x̌ʷc̓. to finish mowing or cutting s.t.

Mstem. Category: Compd. iˑˑ məɬ wiʔsx̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷəm axáʔ isx̌áx̌paʔ. My grandfather gets done cutting (the grain). [Hrvst 195] way̓ x̌ʷíˑˑclaʔxʷəm, uɬ wiʔsx̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷəm, uɬ ixíʔ ɬ ḷkiw̓səms. He cut it, got done cutting, then he tied bundles. [dict]

wy̓sʕac̓m   [wiʔsʕác̓əm] Morph: wy̓+s+ʕac̓+m. Etym: √wy̓, √ʕc̓. to have finished looking at s.t.

Mstem. Category: Compd. aʔ ilíʔxəx, n̓ín̓w̓iʔ k̓ʷaʔ iswiʔsʕác̓əm axáʔ iʔ q̓əy̓mín. Just a minute, until I get done looking at this letter. [dict]

wy̓sʔalk̓ʷúsnt   Morph: wy̓+s+ʔalk̓ʷús+nt. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔlk̓ʷ. to finish sharpening s.t.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +nt. way̓ ixíʔ wiʔsʔalk̓ʷúsəs, way̓ nis ník̓əmsts t sxʷúyənt. He got done sharpening it, he went, he cut the ice. [Dvl 243]

wy̓sʔamt   Morph: wy̓+s+ʔam+t. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔm. to finish feeding s.o.

Tstem. Category: Compd, +(n)t. wiʔsʔamtíxʷ. After you feed her. [dict] wiʔsʔamtíxʷ ankəwáp, kʷ ɬckicx. After you feed your horse you can come back. [dict]

wy̓sʔcqaʔlwís   [wiʔsʔəcqaʔlwís] Morph: wy̓+s+ʔcqaʔ+lwís. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔcqʔ. to finish relieving onself.

Istem. Category: Compd, +lwis.

wy̓sʔicckn   [wiʔsʔícəckən] Morph: wy̓+s+ʔic•c•kn. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔckn. to finish playing.

Istem. Category: Compd. uɬ ixíʔ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu ʔícəckən kʷu wiʔsʔícəckən. When we play, we get done playing. [2gts 125]

wy̓sʔip̓sm   [wiʔsʔíp̓sm] Morph: wy̓s+ʔip̓s+m. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔp̓. to finish wiping one's face.

Mstem. Category: Compd. wiʔsʔíp̓sməlx iʔ t stxmin txáməlx. They wiped their face, they combed with a comb. [GDd1 326]

wy̓sʔiq̓   [wiʔsʔíq̓] Morph: wy̓+s+ʔiq̓. Etym: √wy̓, √ʔq̓. to finish scraping.

Istem ?. Category: Compd.

wy̓usxn   [uʔyúsxən] Morph: w[ʔ]y̓usxn. Etym: √wy̓. to finish shoe work.

Istem. ta k̓ʷənxáˑˑsq̓ət mi uʔyúsxən kəm̓ wiʔsck̓ʷəl̕scq̓ílən. In several days they finish shoe work or arrow work. [BJSeym 125]

wy̓way̓   [wiʔwáy̓] Morph: wy̓•way̓. Etym: √wy̓. several finish; several end.

Istem. ntəx̌ʷx̌ʷqín ki kʷu cwiʔwáy̓. Noon we are finished. [newles 301] way̓ kʷu wiʔwáy̓ x̌əl ʕapnáʔ. We are done for now. [nb08 436] wiʔwáy̓ləx siyáʕ. They are finished with the celebration. [nb21.143]

wy̓wy̓cin   [wiʔwiʔcín] Morph: wy̓•wy̓cin. Etym: √wy̓. several finish eating.

Istem. ixíʔ wiʔwiʔcínəlx, uɬ ixíʔ cúntəm t c̓ris. They got done eating and Fisher said... [cnebdd 043] way̓ ʔíɬənəlx, wiʔwiʔcínəlx. They ate, they got done eating. [dict] way̓ uɬ kcwílsəlx, way̓ sʔíɬənsəlx, ʔíˑɬnəlx, uɬ wiʔwiʔcínəlx. They gave them something to eat, they ate, they ate and got done eating. [dict]

wʕikstm   [wʕíkstəm] Morph: wʕikst+m. Etym: √wʕ. to do something hard or fast.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. wʕíkstəms səp̓əntís. He hit him hard. [dict] Category: Conf.

wʕimst   [uʕímst] Morph: wʕi+m+st. Etym: √wʕ. to do something hard or fast.

Istem. Sp wám-ist he hurried, he sped away. Category: +st i. skskʷəl̕tmíx inkəwáp, kən cəwʕímst úɬiʔ kskʷal̕t. My horse was sweating, I came fast and he got warm. [dict]

wʔham   [uʔhám] Morph: w[ʔ]ha+m. Etym: √wh. to bark.

Mstem. uɬ iʔ kəkəw̓ápaʔ uʔhám. And the dogs started to bark. [cogrzd 114] cuhám.

wʔwham   [uʔuhám] Morph: wʔ•wha+m. Etym: √wh. (dogs) bark.

Mstem. Category: +am. uʔuhám. Dogs bark. [nb10a 138]