a1 [a] Morph: a. unclear semantic import.
pcl. Category: intj. stim̓ anx̌mínk a ntxʷus ha. What do you like, cousin? [chipdd 049]
a-2 [a] Morph: a-. nasalless allomorph of a- second singular of the i- set of person markers "your" before s, ɬ.
1 • in ks- future forms.
afx. Category: inflAfx, prsMkr. aksknxítəm. You will help... [newles 202] aksk̓ʷúl̕əm. You will fix... [nb26-54 027] aksƛ̓lˑnúnəm. You will kill... [nb26-82 004] akspəlstnúnəm. You'll kill... [nb26-81 005] aksʔamnám. You will feed... [nb26-51 030]
2 • afx. in other forms. ascq̓áy̓. What you wrote. [nb26-65 002] akcx̌əlˑwís. Wherever you are. [su7q̓im 264d]
a-3 [a] Morph: a-. Variant: an-. nasalless allomorph of an- second singular of the in- set of person markers "your" before s, ɬ.
afx. Category: inflAfx, prsMkr. aspuʔús. Your heart. aɬqáqcaʔ. Your older brother.
+a+4 [a] Morph: +a+. infix (added after the first root consonant) that marks plural or repetitive action.
afx. Category: dvAfx. k̓ərk̓arám (√k̓r). To swim about. [lnx2 423] sxʷaxʷúy (√xʷy). To go back and forth. [AutPS 195] ɬaɬax̌ʷúlaʔxʷəm (√ɬx̌ʷ). To dig (several) post holes. [AutPS 255] sənpapúlxtən (√pl). A place to overnight. [Hrvst 123] səxʷc̓al̕ám (√c̓l̕). One who stands things up (e.g. bundles of hay). [Hrvst 194] ɬat̓pməncút. To hop around. nq̓ʷaɬtsqáx̌aʔtən (√q̓ʷɬ). Horse packing. [Hrvst 223] q̓ʷaq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnəm (√q̓ʷƛ̓). To be racing (until dark). [RHorse 048] nanáʔx̌ʷtst (√nx̌ʷ). To lope (horses) around. [RHorse 137] ʔaʔúkʷəm (√ʔkʷ). To haul things over and over. [Dvl 103] takʷʔút. To walk around. [misc 251] nwapáqs (√wp). Where all kinds of things grow. [Dvl 328] takʷʔút (√tkʷ). To walk around. [misc 251] ɬat̓pməncút (√ɬt̓). To hop around. kcaʔxísxn (√cx). To glow. kc̓almt̕íc̓aʔ (√c̓lmt̕). To have the chills. kc̓axqín (√c̓x). To be ashamed. nc̓arínk (√c̓r). Diarrhea. nc̓axʷíɬc̓aʔm (√c̓xʷ). To make hot cakes. nkaxmútyaʔ (√kx). To go on foot.
+a5 [a] Morph: +a. suffix that apparently derives negative counterparts of several particles and one stem.
afx. Category: dvAfx. aɬiá Because not, so not. kma Or not. lutá (√lt). Not. nixʷá Also not. uɬá And not.
ac- [ac] Morph: ac-. Variant: c- 2. actual prefix. Probably analyzable as a (article) + c- actual prefix.
afx. Category: inflAfx, asp. ack̓ʷúl̕əm. One who is working. [mychildr 175] act̓áɬ. It's glued, stuck. [nb26-30 001] ackwál̕. It's covered (with canvas). [nb26-30 006]
ác̓aʔ [ác̓aʔ] Morph: ác̓aʔ. Variant: ic̓aʔ; c̓aʔ; ic̓; áʕc̓aʔ. surface; hide; (body) cover, outer cover.
afx. Category: lxSfx. nəqsác̓aʔ. A(nother) blanket. [dict] npapaʕlác̓aʔ. Moose, stag, elk. [nb10a 164] sq̓əq̓ay̓ác̓aʔ. Pieces of cloth. 09/May/2019. [grlhd 147]
ah unclear semantic import.
pcl. Category: intj. ah, ixíʔ itíʔ stqcəlxálqʷs, pútiʔ tm̓iw̓s ki x̌ʷc̓ap ixíʔ. He ran on the log, he was in the middle of the log and it broke. [grlsdd 255]
ahá [ahá] unclear semantic import.
pcl. Category: intj. aháˑ kəm̓ ha kʷ scənsl̕ípx. Or are you lost? [GDd1 239] ahá ixíʔ uɬ c̓əspílt sənk̓líp. Coyote had no more children. [CoGrSy 320]
akát [akát] Morph: akát. Etym: √kt. From: French Agathe. Agate.
Istem. Category: wName, borr. akát. Agate. [dict]
ákaʔst [ákaʔst] Morph: ákaʔst. Variant: ikst; akst; aks; kst; ks 7; ik(s); íkaʔst; aʕkst. hand.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. txmnw̓sákaʔst. To have something in each hand. [dict]
aklás [aklás] Morph: aklás. From: English Hercules. Etym: √kls. Hercules.
Istem. Category: mName, borr. aklás. Hercules. [nb18232.7]
aks [aks] Morph: aks. Variant: ikst; akst; kst; ks 7; ik(s); íkaʔst; ákaʔst; aʕkst. hand.
afx. Category: lxSfx. ckʷáksəm. To drag s.t. [nb24-04 003]
akss [áksəs] Morph: akss. Etym: √kss. From: English ox. oxen.
Istem. Category: borr, faun. [s]t̓əlt̓úlc̓aʔ, kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ áksəs a nt̓lúlaʔxʷtən. Mules, or oxen that they use for plowing. [Dvl 038]
akst [akst] Morph: akst. Variant: ikst; akst; aks; kst; ks 7; ik(s); íkaʔst; ákaʔst; aʕkst. hand; arm; fingers; leaves.
afx. Category: lxSfx. skalw̓ákstm. Cat's cradle. [dict] stqʷaʕyáksts. Green leaves. [mychildr 146] sq̓aʔpákstəm. To snitch something away. [nb26-06 005] nuslxákstəm. To lift at one end, tilt. [dict]
akstim̓tn [akstim̓tṇ] Morph: a+ks+tim̓+tn. Etym: √tm. semantic import "the heck with them!"
Istem. Category: idiom.
aktáp [aktáp] Morph: aktáp. Etym: √ktp ?. aktáp.
Istem. Category: mName. aktáp. aktáp. [dict]
ak̓lálaʔ [ak̓lálaʔ] Morph: ak̓lá•laʔ. Etym: √k̓lʔ. close; near.
Istem. Category: loc. ak̓lálaʔ axáʔ iʔ təl isnilíʔtn kiʔ saʔtítkʷ, uknaqín ixíʔ iɁ skʷists. Close to where I live there is a river, its name is Okanagan River. [su7q̓im 033]
ak̓láʔ [ak̓láʔ] Morph: ak̓láʔ. Etym: √k̓lʔ. Variant: k̓laʔ. (to) here.
Istem. Category: loc. cp̓əlák̓x ak̓láʔ. Turn around here! [misc 220] ak̓láʔ iʔ k̓əl nʔax̌ʷtús ʕapnáʔ iʔ sámaʔ ilíʔ ɬp̓úlaʔxʷs iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷtət. Over here downriver now the white people have put a line in our land. [su7q̓im 064] ak̓láʔ cqant. Set it here! [nb26-36 013] cxʷuyx, cxʷuyx ak̓láʔ kʷ isɬəɬw̓ílt. Come here, come over here, my little nephew! [chipdd 012] húmaʔ ʕác̓əx̌x ak̓láʔ iʔ k̓l askənwístəm. Look above you!
alapísps [alapíspəs] Morph: ala+pís•ps ? Etym: √ps. Indian parsnip (cymopteris terebinthinus var terebinthinus). Category: bot.
Istem. Category: bot. alapíspəs. Parsnip. [TBK60]
alapúl [alapúl] Morph: alapúl. Variant: ʔalapúl; ʔarpúl. Etym: √ʔlpl. Gopher; in Ok and Cv mythology, Coyote’s wife.
Istem. Category: myth, wName. kɬtkɬmílxʷ, ixíʔ cusəlx púl̕, púl̕laʔxʷ, uɬ aɬíʔ cniɬc scusts alapúl. He had a wife, they call her Goph, Gopher, and he calls her Gophie. [dict]
aláʔ [aláʔ] Morph: aláʔ. Etym: √lʔ. to be here; to stay here.
Istem. Category: loc. uɬ axáʔ iʔ təl təmxʷúlaʔxʷ pnicíʔ axáʔ lut t̓ aksntumístən axáʔ aláʔ. At that time here in this country there was no store. [su7q̓im 168] səc̓x̌ílx ʕapnáʔ kiʔ kʷu niʔʕ̓áʔ aláʔ. That's why we are gathered here. [nb26-49 011] aláʔ yaʕyáʕt iʔ stim̓ inx̌mínk. Everything I want is here. [nb26-67 021] ha aláʔ. Right here? [newles 024] aɬíʔ aláʔ la ncaʔlím kiʔ ilíʔlx axáʔ inwásaʔ. My aunt was here in Inchelium. [AutPS 165] uɬ axáʔ asqʷəsqʷasíʔa way̓ ilíʔlx aláʔ saláʔxəlx. Your children will stay here. [Whal 598] way̓ incá aláʔ kən saláʔx, way̓ lut k̓əl stim̓ kən t̓ x̌ast k̓im ʕapnáʔ. I'll stay here, I'm not good for anything anymore. [su7q̓im 098] lut aksaláʔ t tk̓ík̓aʔt. Don’t stay too close to here. [nb22.103a] way̓ aláʔ p saláʔx. You are staying here. [lnx2 421] q̓sápiʔ lut saláʔs. It's been a long time since she was here. [nb18157.11] kʷu yayáʕt kʷu aláʔ. We all are here. [dict] ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ cítxʷəmp, aláʔ p aláʔ, ilíʔ t̓i p taʔkʷʔút. This is your home, you can stay here, you can walk around here. [dict] haʔ way̓ yayáʕt p aláʔ. Are all of you here? [dict] taʔkín iʔ ksq̓sápiʔs iʔ kscaláʔmp ɬ x̌stmíntp iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕əmp. How long are you going to stay if you like your jobs? [dict] cənk̓ʷúl̕stp aláʔ iʔ scaláʔṃp. You are working for your (board and) room. [dict] lut ksluts, ksaláʔs. There is no no about it, he has to be here. [dict]
aláʔm [aláʔm] Morph: aláʔ+m. Etym: √lʔ. to be here; to stay here.
Mstem. Category: loc. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷaʔ stim̓ aláʔ iksalaʔm. And why would I stay here? [dict]
aláʔmst Morph: aláʔ+m+st. Etym: √lʔ. to be here; to stay here with s.o.
Tstem. Category: +st. ixíʔ t cúntsən way̓ kən t̓saq̓ʷ aláʔ ɬaʔ ckaláʔṃstmən. I told you I am tired of staying here with you. [dict]
álaʔqʷ [álaʔqʷ] Morph: álaʔqʷ. Variant: alqʷ; al̕qʷ; lqʷ; álaʔqʷ; lalqʷ; laʔqʷ. cylindrical object.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. kəkɣ̓álaʔqʷ. Thin tree. [dict] ɬɬkálaʔqʷ. Place name. [dict] smálaʔqʷ. Woman's name. [nb9a 189] sp̓əp̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ. New shoots. [dict] t̓ət̓q̓álaʔqʷ. Short person. [nb26-71 011]
áliʔs [áliʔs] Morph: áliʔs. Variant: íliʔs. relative; relation (plural of aw̓s).
afx. Category: lxSfx. stm̓áliʔs. (Distant) relation. [E62.15] sx̌əmənkáliʔs. Lovers. [nb1882.5] See: aw̓s; iw̓s.
alp [alp] Morph: alp. Variant: ilps; alps; lps; ílaʔps. neck.
afx. Category: lxSfx. nc̓əlxálp. To grab by the neck. [nb1889.2]
alps [alps] Morph: alps. Variant: ilps; lps; alp; ílaʔps. neck.
afx. Category: lxSfx.
alqs [alqs] Morph: alqs. Variant: al̕qs; aʕlqs; lqs. 1 • clothes, dress (referring primarily to women’s clothes).
afx. Category: lxSfx. skʷl̕al̕qs. Coat. [dict] k̓ʷƛ̓álqsəm. To take someone’s clothes off. [dict] ck̓əɬk̓ʷƛ̓alqsəm. To pull s.t. out from under one's clothes. [dict] ɬq̓əlxálqs. Night shirt. [dict] nɬxʷal̕qstn. Shirt. [dict] k̓əɬq̓ʔálqsəm. To stick s.t. under one's clothes. [coyeyes 065] suxʷmʔál̕qsəm. To fit a coat. [dict] t̓ɬɬalqs. Dirty clothes. [nb26-60 012] wstpálqsəm. To raise one's dress up. [dict] ycəcál̕qs. Wrinkled clothes. [nb25-18 012] yixʷtpál̕qs, yxʷtpalqs. Skirt. [dict]
2 • afx. in women's names. səmxʷʔálqs. Woman's name. [dict] skyalqs. Woman's name. [dict] sx̌mtal̕qs. Woman's name. [dict] Sp -alqs clothing, shirt, dress; Sh -el̕qs clothing; Th el̕qs torso; clothes covering torso; Li -al̕qs clothing.
alqʷ [alqʷ] Morph: alqʷ. Variant: al̕qʷ; lqʷ; aʕlqʷ; álaʔqʷ; lalqʷ; laʔqʷ; lalqʷ. 1 • cylindrical object; body; tree.
Lit: one's name is slapped on the poleafx. Category: lxSfx. c̓lalqʷ. A post stuck in the ground. [nb26-30 019] c̓əlc̓lálqʷ. Posts stuck in the ground. [nb26-30 020] sc̓lálqʷəm. To play stick game. [nb26-30 021] kc̓lalqʷ. Bundling scythe. [dict] ck̓liʔxʔálqʷ. On this side of the border. [su7q̓im 065] k̓aɬʔálqʷ. Across the border. [su7q̓im 065] tk̓ʷtxəlxálqʷ. To step over the log. [lnx2 145] ƛ̓iʔáləqʷ. White pine. [OkB] smcnalqʷ. desert parsley. [OkB] k̓əɬq̓əlxálqʷ. Under the log. [lnx2 142] səntq̓ay̓álqʷtən. (Black)board. [nb26-56 05] tqʷsqʷspalqʷ. Moss on wood. [OkB] ksəsp̓álqʷtən. Telegraph, telephone. ksp̓álqʷmən. To have credit. [nb26-40 006] ksərálqʷ. Trunk stripped of bark. [nb25-39 002] ktɣálqʷəm. Tears running down. [misc 075] ktəɣˑpálqʷ. (Sap) running down the tree. [nb26-30 009] ktɬxalqʷ. To stand on a pole or rail; parole. [lnx2 155] ktr̓qálqʷəm. To kick a log. [jan93nb 067] sk̓aɬʔalqʷx. One from across the border. [nb26-80 002] ck̓əɬʔalʔálˑqʷ. Border to border. [nb26-80 005] k̓aɬʔálˑqʷ. Across the border. [newles 308] ʔaslálqʷ. Two cylindrical objects. [RHorse 052]
2 • afx. story. nk̓ʷəxʷsalqʷəm. To untie a story. [dict] n̩lək̓sálqʷəm. To tie the story together. [dict] Sp √-alqʷ (-a) long cylindrical object, tree, post; Sp -elqʷ long object; Th alqʷ tree, wood, stick; zaʕˑ/zaʕ-péyqʷ all the poles are set up; Li -alqʷ cylindrical object(tree, log, stick, etc.; -alqʷ hulk, mass.
álqʷaʔ [álqʷaʔ] Morph: álqʷaʔ. up to the shore; shore of a river; across a line.
afx. Category: lxSfx. k̓əɬʔálˑqʷaʔ. Trees up to the shore. [nb26-80 006] ɬk̓əɬʔálˑqʷaʔ. Across the line. [mychildr 030] sk̓ɬʔálˑqʷaʔ. Marcus. [BK375]
als [als] Morph: als. Variant: +ils; ls; ílaʔs; lils. feelings.
afx. Category: lxSfx. cnk̓ʷʔalsəncút. One's heart is heavy with anger. [su7q̓im 279d]
alxʷ [alxʷ] Morph: alxʷ. Variant: ilxʷ; lxʷ. coat, body covering.
afx. Category: lxSfx. kʷəl̕kʷl̕álxʷ. Calf, the young of domestic cattle. [AutPS 021] sɬiʔyálxʷ. Spotted, speckled roan and white horse. [nb9a 041] kɬtmalxʷst. To strip s.o. [lnx2 217] tm̓alxʷst. To strip s.o. [nb9a 137]
alx̌qn [álx̌qən] Morph: alx̌qn. head (?)
afx. Category: lxSfx. ɬəq̓ɬq̓álx̌qən. Moose. [pd1] See: qn.
al̕qs variant of alqs.
1 • clothes, dress (referring primarily to women’s clothes).
2 • in women's names.
afx. Category: lxSfx. See: alqs.
al̕qʷ [al̕qʷ] Morph: al̕qʷ. Variant: alqʷ; lqʷ; aʕlqʷ; álaʔqʷ; lalqʷ; laʔqʷ. cylindrical object.
afx. Morph: recorded by Bouchard with glottalization but without rounding in the following. Category: lxSfx, dim. kc̓əl̕l̕álqʷ. Something small lands on a log (e.g. a chipmunk). [nb26-30 018] ksəsp̓ál̕qtn̓. Stick for beating rythm. [OkB] nɬq̓al̕qʷ. Place name. [dict] kɬɬt̕mn̓ál̕qʷtn̓. Fishing rod. [OkB]
áɬaʔq [áɬaʔq] Morph: áɬaʔq. Variant: aɬq; ɬq. bushes; crop, fruit, harvest.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. sk̓k̓sáɬaʔq. Saskatoon, serviceberry. [TBK] sq̓iʔxnáɬaʔq. False Solomon's seal. [TBK] sq̓ʷcq̓ʷc̓wiʔáɬaʔq. Saskatoon, serviceberry. [TBK] stəmtəmniʔáɬaʔq. Buckberry bushes. [nb18103.14]
áɬaʔxʷ [áɬaʔxʷ] Morph: áɬaʔxʷ. Variant: aɬxʷ; iɬxʷ; íɬaʔxʷ; aʕɬxʷ; ɬxʷ 2. house.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. saʕn̓áɬaʔxʷ. Oroville (place name). [nb25-40 001]
áɬc̓aʔ [áɬc̓aʔ] Morph: áɬc̓aʔ. Variant: íɬc̓aʔ; ɬc̓aʔ; áʕɬc̓aʔ. single enclosure; body; inside.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. x̌əx̌sáɬc̓aʔ. Meat tastes good. [dict]
aɬíʔ Morph: aɬíʔ. 1 • because; that's why.
pcl. Category: conj. axáʔ ṇc̓ícən iʔ xaʔtúsc aɬíʔ wnixʷ sisyús iʔ l stəxʷcəncúts. Wolf is their leader because he sure is smart in getting things to eat. uɬ axáʔ náx̌əmɬ iʔ síncaʔsəlx uɬ niʕ̓íp k̓aw, aɬíʔ scənc̓íw̓x uɬ səckaʔmísəlpaʔx. Their little brother is still gone, because he’s still washing dishes and packing wood. mat aɬíʔ sƛ̓ləlmíx, lut kʷu t̓ə ɬkícəntəm. He must have died, and that's why he never got to us. way̓ t̓i mʔaɬ iʔ spuʔúsc aɬíʔ. Because his heart was healed. [su7q̓im 279g]
2 • pcl. so, therefore. kc̓ík̓naʔsəlx uɬ aɬíʔ pʔul. They set fire to it and it started smoking. [nb2555.2] uɬ aɬíʔ iʔ sámaʔ way̓ yaʕyáʕt k̓əɬpaʔx̌əntís. And the white people have everything figured out. [nb26-49 009]
3 • pcl. not easily translated into English. səcm̓ám̓ay̓aʔx ɬaʔ cx̌əstwílx, aɬíʔ kmix scqʕawx. When he’s OK he goes to school, but he’s always drunk. aɬíʔ yayʕát iʔ stim̓, lut t̓ xʷaʔcíˑˑn. Everything in not many words. [su7q̓im 282]
aɬíʔ swit Variant: swit aɬíʔ. Etym: √swt. in fact.
phrasal. uɬ aɬíʔ swit axáʔ cmuʔmáʕ̓ʷ iʔ snululmúsaʔstəns. And the hard points are broken. [CoGrSy 107] uɬ aɬíʔ swit kʷa iʔ sx̌əw̓x̌əw̓úscəlx iʔ sqilxʷ pnicíʔ. At that time the people were always looking for an excuse to gather. [GDd2 727] way̓ ixíʔ cplál, aɬíʔ swit ṇx̌súlaʔxʷ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. They grew because it̓s good land. [dict] See: swit aɬíʔ.
aɬiʔá Morph: aɬiʔá. indeed not.
amalg. Category: conj. way̓, uɬ aɬiʔá ɬ ikɬəɬlútəm. Yes, I am not going to change my mind. [Dvl 063] uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa nak̓ʷá úɬiʔ pnicíʔ uɬ aɬíʔa cənʔáx̌ʷqstsəlx iʔ xəwíɬ. Because at that time they didn't plow the roads. [Hrvst 218] aɬiʔá cmiɬtín axáʔ iʔ sʔíɬəns iʔ səmx̌íkən. I don't know what grizzlies eat. [CoGrSy 100]
aɬíʔm Morph: aɬíʔ+m. Etym: aɬíʔ. so; because.
amalg. Category: conj. uɬ aɬím ʕapnáʔ iʔ t suyápix ixíʔ uɬ Ellisford. And now in English they call it Ellisford. [2gts 179]
aɬmlx [aɬməlx] Morph: aɬmlx. Variant: iɬmlx. tree, bush.
afx. Category: lxSfx. ɬáʕlaɬmlx. Raspberry bush. [dict]
aɬp [ɬp] Morph: aɬp. Variant: iɬp; aɬp; iʔɬp; íɬaʔp. bush, plant.
afx. Category: lxSfx. təptupəlmáɬp. Chaenactis. [TBK82]
aɬq [aɬq] Morph: aɬq. Variant: áɬaʔq; ɬq. 1 • fruit; crop; harvest.
afx. Category: lxSfx. sc̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqs. Blossoms. [dict] sk̓ʷlk̓ʷltaɬq. Wild strawberry. [TBK125] ƛ̓əqáɬqəm. To dig a crop. [dict] spəl̕l̕áɬq. Bushes that bear fruit. [nb27-23 003] sp̓iʔqáɬq. Fruits. [mychildr 197] q̓ʷəlw̓áɬqəm. To pick berries. [dict] stmtmniʔáɬq. Waxberry, snowberry. [TBK] stkm̓xstaɬq. Black twinberry berry. [TBK] x̌saɬq. Wild gooseberry. [TBK]
2 • afx. person. caʕcaʕpmáɬq. Make a person cry. [nb26-25 002] ksulqnáɬq. Get the best of s.o. [2gts 212] nkəckn̓áɬq. Catching up with s.o. [nb10a 174] xəƛ̓páɬq. To win [friends]. [RHorse 082] nmipáɬq. To tell or squeal on a person. [nb18197..2] nxʷaʔsáɬq. To grab a person. [lpb111] ʔawtpáɬq. To follow s.o. [dict] Sp √-aɬq fruit, berry, race, game; Sh -eɬq berries; Th áɬq crop.
aɬqʷ [aɬqʷ] Morph: aɬqʷ. breeze.
afx. Lit: bad breeze Category: lxSfx. k̓saɬqʷ (place name). [BK260]
aɬq̓ʷl [aɬq̓ʷl] Morph: aɬq̓ʷl. Variant: aɬq̓ʷlt. mouth, throat, neck.
afx. Category: lxSfx. sp̓áɬq̓ʷləm. To hit s.o. on the mouth. [nb10a 156] nq̓ʔáɬq̓ʷləm. To put s.t. in one's mouth. [nb10a 166]
aɬq̓ʷlt [áɬq̓ʷəlt] Morph: aɬq̓ʷlt. Variant: aɬq̓ʷl. throat; neck; jaw; mouth.
afx. Lit: borrowed teeth Sp √-asq̓ʷlt (-asq̓lt) throat; Sh eɬqʷl̕t front of neck. Category: lxSfx. nccən̓páɬq̓ʷəlt. To hum. [misc 020, 021] ṇc̓əwqáɬq̓ʷəlt. To pull s.t. of the mouth. [dict] sɬiʔɬiʔáɬq̓ʷəlt. Splashy, freckled horse. [nb9a 020] sənkʷɬnáɬq̓ʷəlt. Dentures. [nb6.3] xt̓áɬq̓ʷəlt. To hit in the soft spot on a shoulder, on the neck. [nb1733a.6] maʔáɬq̓ʷəltəm. To feel oppressive; to be yearning for s.t. [nb18205.12]
aɬxn [áɬxən] Morph: aɬxn. Variant: asxn. wheel; tire.
afx. Category: lxSfx. k̓ʷƛ̓páɬxən. A tire came off. [nb26-60 018] nəqsáɬxən. One wheel. [nb26-61 001] ƛ̓xʷpáɬxən. Flat tire. [nb7.31] See: xn.
aɬxʷ [aɬxʷ] Morph: aɬxʷ. Variant: iɬxʷ; íɬaʔxʷ; aʕɬxʷ; ɬxʷ 2; áɬaʔxʷ. house.
afx. Lit: fall hunting house. Category: lxSfx. nkəm̓áɬxʷm. To rob somebody. [OkB] sənk̓ak̓aʔyáɬxʷtṇ. Coyote’s second son’s name. [dict]
aɬčíwʔamn [aɬčíwʔamn] Morph: aɬčíwʔamn. place name. Category: geog.
Istem. aɬčíwʔamn: a Spokane word that refers to Sand Creek, situated midway between Blue Creek and Ferguson (Orazada) Creek. Category: geog. Lit: a type of small fish aɬčíwʔamn. Sand Creek. [BK119]
aɬ‿ [aɬ] Morph: aɬ‿. complementizer.
pcl. Category: comp. kʷ sc̓kinx uɬ iʔ kʷ aɬ c̓x̌íləm. Why is it you are acting like that? [lnx2 109] uɬ kʷa sc̓kinx kiʔ kʷ aɬ txət̓t̓íʔst. Well, how is it that you are carrying (a child)? [LynxS 087] axáʔ iʔ sxʔimɬt̓ət̓áq̓aʔt c̓q̓ílən uɬ aɬ kʷin. This is the shortest arrow and I took it. [Nams 111]
aɬ‿ [aɬ] Morph: aɬ‿. complementizer.
pcl. Category: comp. kʷ sc̓kinx uɬ iʔ kʷ aɬ c̓x̌íləm. Why is it you are acting like that? [lnx2 109] uɬ kʷa sc̓kinx kiʔ kʷ aɬ txət̓t̓íʔst. Well, how is it that you are carrying (a child)? [LynxS 087] axáʔ iʔ sxʔimɬt̓ət̓áq̓aʔt c̓q̓ílən uɬ aɬ kʷin. This is the shortest arrow and I took it. [Nams 111]
-am [am] Morph: -am. suffix with unclear function in the following form.
?. lut ksənstílsəmp cəm̓ q̓ʷaʕyɬtám aɬíʔ way̓ p wiʔscáʕʷlx. Don't think that you'll get them dirty, because you've already bathed. [GDd1 384] Category: conf.
ámaʔ1 [ámaʔ] Morph: ámaʔ. unclear semantic import. Category: intj.
pcl. Category: intj. ámaʔ isíwm isíncaʔ, pnaʔ cniɬc cmistís. Well, I am going to ask my little brother, maybe he knows. [GDd1 469]
ámaʔ2 [ámaʔ] Morph: ámaʔ. with meaning "it's bed time". Category: intj. Etym: √hmʔ.
?. Category: ?. ámaʔ. It's bed time. [nb25-89 008]
+amn [amən] Morph: +amn. Variant: +imn; +aʕmn. derivational suffix with habitual import: to do s.t. often; to be in a state often; to like to do s.t. in the following construction.
afx. Category: dvAfx. x̌əx̌əstmámən. Talks funny; is interesting, entertaining.
an- [an] Morph: an-. Variant: a- 3. second singular of the in- set of person markers "you(r)".
afx. Category: prsMkr, inflAfx. ank̓ʷúl̕tən. Your birthday. [nb25-77 001] way̓ x̌ast ank̓ʷúl̕tən asál. Happy birthday Angela. [nb25-77 001]
aná [aná] semantic import "gosh!"
pcl. Category: intj.
ánaʔ [ánaʔ] Morph: ánaʔ. Variant: ína; ina; naʔ; áʕnaʔ. ear.
afx. Category: lxSfx. ncunánaʔ. To talk to s.o. [nb23 168] ntəqtqánaʔ. Deaf. [dict]
ánaʔqn [ánaʔqən] Morph: ánaʔqn. the corner of the eye.
afx. Category: lxSfx. nwkpánaʔqnəm. To see with the corner of the eye. [dict] See: ánaʔ; qn.
aní1 Morph: aní. From: probably English Annie. Annie.
Istem. Category: wName, borr. uɬ axáʔ ixíʔ k̓əl aní. And this one to Annie. [fatboy 173]
aní2 [aní] unclear semantic import. Category: intj.
pcl. Category: intj. xʷuy kicx uɬ aní way̓ x̌səlscút. He went, got there, gee, he is well dressed. [bjmd 114]
anwí [anwí] Morph: anwí. Etym: √nw. you (singular).
Istem. Sp √hanwí (ʔanwí) you singular. Category: prsMkr. t̓əxʷ t̓i anwí akspuʔús. Whatever you think. [su7q̓im 289c] cm̓ay t̓i kʷ ɬ x̌íləm itíʔ, cm̓ay lut ksx̌əstmíxaʔx k̓ anwí. If you do that, no good will come to you. [su7q̓im 292] mat incá iʔ ulpstín iʔ lkalát, km̓a anwí. Maybe I burned the bread, or maybe you did. [nb26-61 011] ƛ̓áx̌təm anwí. For heaven's sake, you're overdoing it! [nb26-83 002] anwí aksckʷám iʔ slip̓. You're going to haul wood. [nb24-04 002] x̌ast k̓l anwí. Good for you! [newles 066] məɬ cus, kʷ stim̓ anwí. And he asked him, "What are you?" [coyeyes 012] nak̓ʷáʔ kʷ smaʔmínəm, anwí aspuʔús. We didn't send you away, it was your wish. incá kən wiʔstáxʷɬqəm, huy ɬ t anwí. I am done harvesting, now it's your turn. way̓ t̓i kpaʔsəntíxʷ anwí. Whatever you think. lut k̓aʔkín t̓ iksənxʷúytṇ, kmix aláʔ l anwí. I don't have anywhere to go, except here with you. uɬ anwí, stim̓ uɬ ascənq̓aʔíls. You, what is your business? anwí kʷ sxəxʔítaʔx, way̓ anwí ṇk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷíntxʷ stim̓ y akɬx̌mínk. You are the oldest, you pick out what you want.
anwím [anwím] Morph: anwí+m. Etym: √nw. variant of anwí "you" with unclear distribution.
Istem. Category: prsMkr. anwím cminúlaʔxʷstxʷ, way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ yx̌íʔsəntst. You know the country well, we'll drive the deer to you. [HnTrp 103]
anwí‿kʷ [anwíkʷ] Morph: anwí‿kʷ. Etym: √nw. you.
phrasal. Category: prsMkr. anwí kʷ ɬaʔ kɬlʔiw. That's your father. [nb22.21]
an̓k [an̓k] Morph: an̓k. Variant: ink; ínaʔk; nk; n̓k. belly.
afx. Category: lxSfx. sy̓al̕wán̓k. Cricket (lit. big belly). [nb24-02 003]
ap [ap] Morph: ap. Variant: ip; p. base; bottom end.
afx. Category: lxSfx. ɬəɬʔáp. To be near the end, dying. ʔuckl̕ápəm. To run downstairs. [dict]
ápaʔ [ápaʔ] Morph: ápaʔ. Variant: ápaʔst. 1 • testicles.
afx. Category: lxSfx. nmlk̓ʷápaʔ. Stallion. [dict]
2 • afx. ? t̓xayápaʔ. False Solomon's seal and star-flowered Solomon's seal. [dict] Sp qmépeʔ treated and dried beaver testicles (used as a perfume and a moth repellent).
ápaʔɬxn [ápaʔɬxən] Morph: ápaʔɬxn. Variant: ipɬxn. hoof; heel.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. See: ápaʔ; xn.
ápaʔst [ápaʔst] Morph: ápaʔst. Variant: ápaʔ. testicles.
afx. Category: lxSfx. mlmlk̓ʷápaʔst. Testicles. [dict] nmlk̓ʷápaʔst. Stallion. [dict] nqʷəqʷʔápaʔst. Castrated animals. [nb08 577]
ápaʔxn [ápaʔxən] Morph: ápaʔxn. hoof.
afx. Category: lxSfx. xʷəxʷl̕ápaʔxən. A rattle made with (deer) hoof (bone). [misc 019] See: ápaʔ; xn; ipɬxn; ápaʔɬxn.
aplqs [ápəlqs] Morph: aplqs. Variant: apl̕qs. bottom, tail end; story, fairy tale.
afx. Sp hec-n-myáplq-s-t-xʷ you know the story; Cm n‑k̓ʷuʔɬ‑ap‑lqs end of the story; Cr s+n+y̓óqʷ+pal̕qs canard t. telling a false or unfound story. Category: lxSfx. ṇsəmʔápəlqs. A French (European) story. [nb08 578] ṇxyápəlqs. To be in a hurry to go to the bathroom. [dict]
apl̕qs [ápəl̕qs] Morph: apl̕qs. Variant: aplqs. afx. bottom, tail end; story, fairy tale. Category: lxSfx. nsp̓p̓apl̕qs. To spank; to hit on the bottom. [dict]
apɬx̌n [ápɬx̌ən] Morph: apɬx̌n. wing.
afx. Category: lxSfx. c̓ápɬx̌nəm. To whack s.o. on the head with the wing. [coyeyes 076b] See: x̌n.
apq [apq] Morph: apq. Variant: apqn. head.
afx. Category: lxSfx. c̓q̓apq. To hit s.o. on the head. [jan93nb 056] k̓ʷʔápq. To bite s.o. on the head. [cogrzd 013] See: qn.
apqn [ápqən] Morph: apqn. Variant: apq. the top of the head.
afx. Category: lxSfx. k̓əɬk̓mápqn. Back of the head. [OkB] k̓ʷʔápqən. To bite one's head. [cogrzd 134] ɬc̓ápqəntən. Fly swatter. [nb26-62 004] sk̓əɬməlk̓ʷápqən. Hair tied in a bun. [dict] k̓əɬqc̓ápqən. Braid on the back of one's head. [nb26-60 007] sp̓ápqnəm. To hit on the head. [nb10a 148] k̓ɬsəp̓əpápqn. Get hit on the back of the head. [OkB] taʔpápqən. Dirty head. [nb23 144]
ap̓qnúsaʔstn [ap̓qənúsaʔstn] Morph: ap̓qnúsaʔs+tn ? Etym: √ʔp̓ ?. Coyote mint (monardella odoratissima). Category: bot.
Istem. Category: bot, +tn. ap̓qənúsaʔstn. Mint. [TBK109]
aq [aq] Morph: aq. Variant: aqs 3. variant of aqs before ɬ.
afx. Category: lxSfx. q̓əy̓áqɬt. To pay s.o.'s wages. [nb26-41 003]
áqaʔs1 [áqaʔs] Morph: áqaʔs. Variant: aqs 2; qs 2. road, trail.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. sənk̓ək̓táʔqaʔs. Opposite to or close to a road. [GDd1 273] nqəqəlxʷáqaʔs. A little trail. [HnTrp 311] nx̌əx̌sáqaʔs. Good trails. [mychildr 155]
áqaʔs2 [áqaʔs] Morph: áqaʔs. Variant: áqs 3. wages, money.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. nk̓ʷək̓ʷiymáqaʔs. Cheap, inexpensive. [nb18111.12]
aqs1 [aqs] Morph: aqs. Variant: qs 1. nose, smell.
afx. Category: lxSfx. ṇcq̓áqs. The nose is hit. [dict] ṇc̓əwqáqs. To pull s.t. out of the nose. [dict] sp̓saqs. Nose. [plur 009] nt̓k̓ʷk̓ʷáqsəm. To fall on one's nose (smell). [mychildr 238] nt̓ɬt̓ɬaqs. Stuffed nostrils. [nb23 134] susupáqs. Itchy nose. [nb23 032] nsysiyáqs. Good smell. [mychildr 237]
2 • afx. (end) point. ṇkaʔkaʔɬəláqs. Three-pointed plow. [dict] tk̓máqsm. A point of land. [OkB] kəlq̓ʷáqs. Broken off mountain (place near Seylor Valley). [dict] nƛ̓əmƛ̓máqs. Whittled to a sharp end. [msqdd 042] sək̓ʷtáqs. The other end. [lnx2 152] nsq̓aqs. To hammer the (blunt) end. [dict] nt̓əpt̓páqs. To put them on the corners (or ends). [dict] nt̓əxʷt̓əxʷlaqs. Crayons. [nb23 150] sənx̌ʷix̌ʷyáqs. The sharp end. [rdgs 043] Sp √-aqs (-aqst) nose, road, point, end; Cr see aqs breast; spool, thread; Sh -eqs nose, point; given to doing stg.; Th áqs, eqs nose; Li -qs nose, point, protruding part.
aqs2 [aqs] Morph: aqs. Variant: qs 2; áqaʔs 2. road.
afx. Sp √-aqs (-aqst) ... road... Category: lxSfx. ncháqsəm. Go in the direction one is facing. [nb24-02 004] ncəkʷmnáqs. Wagon road. [AutPS 205] skc̓kaqs. Street numbers. [newles 105] ṇk̓saqs. A bad road. [dict] ṇɬxʷmáqs. A mark in the road. [dict] ṇɬx̌ʷmáqs. To cross the road. [dict] nɬaʔmáqs. Close to the road. [nb27-32 001] nqəclxáqs. S.t. that runs on the road. [mychildr 083] cənututnáqs. Obstacles along the way. [mychildr 152] txəlkáqs. To go around a bend. [dict] txəlxaˑlkáqs. To go around curves. [Whal 350] nxƛ̓taqs. Gravel road. [nb9a 236] nx̌sáqs. A good road. [dict] nʔakʷtáqs. Vehicle that travels. [mychildr 079]
aqs3 [aqs] Morph: aqs. Variant: aq. wages, pay.
afx. Category: lxSfx. q̓əy̓áqs. To write a check. [nb26-41 001] nsəlxʷaʔáqsəm. Expensive. [newles 243] nk̓ʷək̓ʷim̓áqsəm. Cheap, inexpensive. [Hrvst 236]
aqs4 [aqs] Morph: aqs. Variant: qs 3. food.
afx. Category: lxSfx. sləq̓ʷtáqs. Portion of game. [dict] skəmʕ̓ʷaw̓áqs. Left overs. [dict] sx̌ʷálqs. Garbage; discarded food. [dict]
aqs5 [aqs] Morph: aqs. Variant: qs 4. affix with unclear meaning in the following forms.
afx. Category: lxSfx. uɬckʷáˑˑqs. To drag back s.t. [bjmd 0200] skʷúykʷi spətkʷáqsc. Shooting star. [OkB] x̌áʕx̌aʕ sƛ̓ək̓ʷpáqsc. Larkspur. [OkB]
aqstxn [áqstxən] Morph: aqstxn. hip, leg.
afx. Lit: striped leg Sp s-č-č̕máqsčšn leg; Cm ka-c̓l̕-aqst-xn-m to cross one’s legs at the knees; Sh -eqs-xn̓ lower hip. Category: lxSfx. skcəwcəwáʕqstxən. Fringed wing chaps. [dict] c̓əlc̓əlxw̓áqstxən. To scratch the thighs. [cogrzd 074] kc̓əwqáqstxən. To burn oneself in the (upper) leg. k̓lk̓láqstxn. Rag wound around the legs. [OkB] (t)k̓máqstxən. Leg; lower leg; shin. [nb27-08 0] tk̓əmm̓áqstxən. Legs. [bjmd 073] kʷər̓kʷər̓áqstxən. Yellow Legs (Coyote's son's name). [nb24-05 016] kɬəp̓ɬp̓aqstxən. RCMP. [nb25-33 002] nqəqpáqstxən. Mat for lying down on. [nb08 361] səp̓sp̓áqstxəntəm. Hit on the legs. [bjmd 032] nsəp̓əp̓áqstxn. To get hit on the leg. [dict] stəqqtuʔsáqstxən. Crossing one's legs, one knee on the other. [dict] kupupáqstxən, skəwpwpáqstxən. Wooly or fur chaps; hairy legs. [nb26-66 009] nx̌sáqstxən. Good hip. [nb08 232] See: xn.
aryát [aryát] Morph: aryat. From: French Henriette. Henriette.
Istem. Category: wName, borr. uɬ k̓əl aryát haʔ p yʔʕap. And did you get to Harriet's? [dict]
ar̓síkʷm [ar̓síkʷəm] Morph: ʔar̓síkʷ+m. Etym: √ʔrskʷ. ar̓síkʷm: McCoy Lake, about a mile north of the present north shore of the Spokane River, and about two and one half miles northwest of the former Detillion bridge. Lit: having turtles
Mstem. Category: geog. ar̓síkʷm. Place name. [BK121] See: ʔar̓síkʷm.
asál [asál] Morph: asál. Etym: √sl. From: French Angela. Angela.
Istem. Category: wName, borr. way̓ x̌ast ank̓ʷúl̕tən asál. Happy birthday Angela. [nb25-77 001]
aslʔupnkstɬnáqs [asəlʔupənkstɬnáqs] Morph: asl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+náqs. Etym: √sl, √ʔpn, √nqs. twenty-one.
Istem. Category: num, compd. aslʔupnkstɬnáqs. Twenty-one. [dict]
asq̓l̕s [ásq̓əl̕s] Morph: asq̓l̕s ? affix of unclear semantic import in this form.
afx. see Sp √-asq̓ʷlt (-asq̓lt) throat; s-xʷmásq̓lt greasewood. Category: lxSfx. c̓q̓ʷasq̓əl̕stn. Greasewood. [TBK128]
asq̓t [ásq̓ət] Morph: asq̓t. Variant: assq̓t; aʕsq̓t. sky; rain; day.
afx. Sp √-asq̓t day, heaven; Cr asq̓it, sq̓it day, sky, atmosphere; Sh -esq̓t day; Th ásq̓t, esq̓t sky; Li s.q̓it day; -asq̓ət day. Category: lxSfx. c̓x̌ʷásq̓ət. The appointed date. [dict] stk̓másq̓ət. Sky. [dict] sk̓sásq̓t. Stormy weather. [dict] k̓aʔtásq̓ət. The appointed day is near. [dict] k̓ʷnxásq̓ət. A few days. [dict] kɬaʔmásq̓t. To be or get close or next to the sky. [dict] kt̓əl̕pásq̓ət. Cloud burst. [misc 035] wiʔásq̓ət. To stop raining. [RnTrp 048] xʷʔásq̓ət. Many days. [dict] nx̌ʷt̓ásq̓ət. Man's name (Augie Armstrong). [mychildr 072] ʔapənkstásq̓ət. Ten days. [dict]
assq̓t [ásəsq̓ət] Morph: as•s•q̓t. Variant: asq̓t. day.
afx. Category: lxSfx. xʷʔásəsq̓ət. Many days. [dict]
astqʷ [astqʷ] Morph: astqʷ. Etym: √ʔstqʷ. western red cedar (thuja plicata).
Istem. Category: bot. astqʷ Cedar. [TBK20] See: ʔastqʷ.
asxn [ásxən] Morph: asxn. 1 • ply board; sheet; page.
afx. Category: lxSfx. kaʔɬlasxn. Three sheets. [nb26-61 003] ʔaslásxn. Two sheets. [nb26-61 002]
2 • afx. ? c̓q̓ʷmnasxn. Eagle Rock. [BK43] snkʷnpasxnm. Rape. [nb21.118a] See: axn; isxn.
atána [atána] Morph: atána. Variant: atánaʔ. Etym: √tn. Yakama, Yakima.
Istem. Category: geog. atána. Yakima. [nb08 609] See: atánaʔ.
atána(ʔ) [atána] Morph: atána(ʔ). Variant: atána. Etym: √tnʔ. Yakima.
Istem. Category: geog. atánaʔ. Yakima. [dict] See: atána.
atátaʔ [atátaʔ] Morph: atá•taʔ. Etym: √tʔ. this.
Istem. Category: deictic. atátaʔ. This. [dict] See: atáʔ.
atáʔ [atáʔ] Morph: atáʔ. 1 • as uninflected stem "this; here".
Istem. Category: deictic. uɬ way̓ atáʔ xiʔwílx iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. To this day. [mychildr 141] uɬ k̓laʔ mi p xʷuy, cəm̓ atáʔ iʔ kʷu k̓ʷiƛ̓t. You go over there, and we stay here. [nb2573.2] təl̕ yaʕyáʕt iskʷíst ɬʔíq̓ʷ, uɬ way̓ atáʔ kən xiʔwílx. In all these areas my name has been prominent, and now here I am. [mychildr 162] way̓ axáʔ iʔ c̓ásiqən atáʔ kiʔ ənc̓əspúlaʔxʷɬts asqʷəsqʷasíʔa sənk̓líp, t̓əxʷ isk̓ʷíƛ̓təm. This is the head that wiped out your children, Coyote, my brothers. [CoGrSy 588] məɬ wíkən axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, nt̓a yaʕ̓pqín atáʔ iʔ xítmiʔst. And I saw the deer, a whole bunch, running. [HnTrp 051] yaʕyáʕt stim̓ cwíkstən uɬ way̓ ta kən xiʔwílx. I can see everything up to this point in time. [mychildr 172] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ṇk̓ʷəspíntk put ʔx̌íləm atáʔ mi kən ɬckicx. Next year about this time I'll be back. [dict]
2 • Istem. as a verb with meaning to do s.t. a certain way. t̓i kən atáˑˑʔ uɬ lut̓ qəɬnún a ctxʷúymstən. I tried but I didn't reach what I was going for. [nb23 258] lut t̓i aksatáʔ. Don't fall short of your goal! [nb23 257]
atkʷ [atkʷ] Morph: atkʷ. Variant: itkʷ; tkʷ; ítaʔkʷ; aʕtkʷ; ikʷ; kʷ. water.
afx. Category: lxSfx. skɬkəwkəwmátkʷ. Coast Indians. [dict] nqʷəyátkʷ. Okanagan River. [nb25-40 003] nsaʕpmátkʷ or nsaʔp̓mnátkʷ. Water bugs; unspecified larva that wiggles its tail and lives in still water, such as a swamp. [nb25-56 005] nx̌astátkʷa. Watercress. [dict]
atláʔ [atláʔ] Morph: atláʔ. Etym: √tlʔ. from here; then; of.
Istem. Category: deictic. atláʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp məɬ kʷulstslx iʔ ttw̓it. From here the elders would send a boy. [su7q̓im 191] kən ntils n̓ín̓w̓iʔs atláʔ kən ɬʔácqaʔ. I thought, when I get out of here... [su7q̓im 245b] stim̓ aspuʔús kʷ səxkínaʔx atláʔ kʷ ɬʔácqaʔ. What you are thinking of doing when you get back out? [su7q̓im 257f] way̓ atláʔ məɬ kʷu px̌ʷməncút. We are going to scatter (from here). [HnTrp 099] axáʔ tx̌ʷiw̓s atláʔ isqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa, ixíʔ intxʷmín. What I offer is half of my children. [dict] See: tl̕.
atmupíl [atmupíl] Morph: atmupíl. Variant: tmupíl. Etym: √tmpl. From: English, French automobile. car; automobile.
Istem. Category: borr. ƛ̓ləlstíkʷ ixiʔ anatmupíl. Kill [the engine of] your car! [nb26-60 003] ʕant, q̓sápiʔ lut t̓a kɬatmupíl. See, long time ago there were no cars. [WA1.81]
atwán [atwán] Morph: atwán. From: French Antoine. Etym: √twn. Antoine.
Istem. Category: mName, borr. atwán ixíʔ iʔ l inqʷəlqʷíltən askʷíst. atwan is your name in my language. [su7q̓im 286] iʔ skʷists atwán náx̌əmɬ ac̓umstxʷ t pit. His name is atwán but you always call him Pete. [E45.3]
atxílxqn [atxíləxqn] Morph: atxílxqn ? Etym: √ʔtx ?. dandelion (taraxacum officinale). Category: bot.
Istem. Sp s-ʔitš puff ball. Category: bot. atxíləxqn. Dandelion. [TBK85]
awá(ʕ) [awá] Morph: awá(ʕ). Etym: √wʕ ?. onomatopoeic form. Category: onom.
pcl. See Sp hi waaaa imitation of a baby's cry. Category: onom. uɬ t̓iʔ awáʕ, awáʕ iʔ sqʷəsqʷsíʔs, taʔxʷsqʷəsqʷsíʔ. Her baby went awáʕ, awáʕ; she got a baby. [grlsdd 068] t̓i awá, awá, awá ixíʔ iʔ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt. The baby goes awá, awá, awá. [grlsdd 098]
áwaʔs [áwaʔs] Morph: áw̓aʔs. Variant: aw̓s; iw̓s; w̓s; w̓. middle; center; across.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. sx̌əmənkáw̓aʔs. Lover. [GDd2 519]
aw̓l [aw̓l] Morph: aw̓l. suffix of unclear meaning found in the following form:
afx. Category: lxSfx. sp̓aʔxʷáw̓l. Northern Lights. [dict]
aw̓s [aw̓s] Morph: aw̓s. Variant: iw̓s; w̓s; aʕw̓s. suffix with unclear meaning in the following form.
afx. Category: lxSfx. kpəpqáws. Seed beads. [nb23 232]
aw̓sqn1 [áw̓sqən] Morph: aw̓sqn. Variant: aʕw̓sqn. the top of the head.
afx. Sp oʔsqn; Cm áw̓asqn; Cr aw̓asqn; Sh -w̓s-qn; Th usqn. Category: lxSfx. nc̓q̓áw̓sqnəm. To hit on top of the head. [jan93nb 068] nk̓maw̓sqn. Crown of head. [OkB] nɬaʔq̓ʷáw̓sqən. The top of the head appears; bald-headed. [nb25-69 002] nsəp̓əp̓áw̓sqn. To get hit on top of the head. [dict] nxl̕áw̓sqən. To hit s.o. on the head; to chop one's head off. [GDd2 615] xəmxəmnáw̓sqən. Snake. [dict] See: aw̓s; qn.
aw̓sqn2 [áw̓sqən] Morph: aw̓sqn. the mouth.
afx. Category: lxSfx. ɬq̓áw̓sqən. Wide-mouth jar. [nb18147.16] sp̓áwsqən. To hit on the mouth. [dict] tqltkaw̓sqn. Upper lip. [OkB] k̓ɬyxʷtáw̓sqn. Lower lip. [OkB] See: aw̓s; qn.
aw̓stxn [áw̓stxən] Morph: aw̓stxn ? suffix sequence with unclear meaning in the following form.
afx. Category: lxSfx. p̓aʕc̓əlqʷáw̓stxən. The name of the 3rd of Coyote's sons. [nb27-12 010] See: iw̓s; xn.
axáʔ [axáʔ] Morph: axáʔ. Etym: √xʔ. Variant: axáʔm. this; now; here.
Istem. Cm l‑xaʔ here, ʔi‑xaʔ this one here. Category: deictic. axáʔ kən k̓əɬk̓laxʷ, kʷ tiɬx məɬ kʷ xʷist. When I get out of sight from here, stand up and walk! [mychildr 225] uɬ axáʔ kən kɬtəmxʷúlaʔxʷ, k̓ʷik̓ʷnx inkuʔuwáp. And I have land, a few horses. [su7q̓im 234] kʷu knxtuɬt axáʔ, məɬ xʷəs wiʔstím. Help me with this, we'll be done faster! [newles 133] axáʔ cmistíxʷ axáʔ. Do you know this one? [dict] way̓ kʷu ksƛ̓əxʷtmíxaʔx, ṇʔəɬnaʔsqílxʷtṇ axáʔ. We are going to die, this one is a man-eater. [dict] lut t̓ə kmymypúsəms stim̓ axáʔ. He didn't make out what it was. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ axáʔ ascqʷəlqʷílt. That's what you said. [dict] way̓ axáʔ y ascənq̓əmscín. This is what you've been wishing for. [dict] See: axáʔm.
axáʔm [axáʔm] Morph: axáʔ+m. Etym: √xʔ. Variant: axáʔ. this; now; here.
Istem. Category: deictic. uɬ axáʔm iʔ ta nqílxʷcən ɬ spíləm, axáʔ iʔ x̌íƛ̓laʔxʷ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. In Indian that's spíləm, that level ground country. [2gts 042] uɬ axáʔm inqíck uɬ aɬíʔ t̓i k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ uɬ náx̌əmɬ way̓ pəx̌páx̌t. And my brother was small, but already smart. [Hrvst 072] ixíʔ nixʷ pyarís iʔ skʷists, axáʔm iʔ sxʔitx inkɬʔám ixíʔ inqíck. His name is Peter Pichette, and the oldest one is my close older brother. [RHorse 008] uɬ axáʔm iʔ knaqs caʔkʷ cus a nuyápixcən in- first cousin. And the other one is, as they say in English, my first cousin. [RHorse 009] uɬ axáʔm iʔ t sqilxʷ uɬ aɬíʔ way̓ k̓ɬir̓cín. And in Indian k̓ɬir̓cín. [GDd1 112] uɬ axáʔm aɬíʔ iʔ xƛ̓aƛ̓ xʷúsxʷəst ɬaʔ ṇt̓ək̓ʷkiʔsqáx̌aʔməlx. Big boys can go fast when they put saddles on. [dict] uɬ axáʔm itlíʔ inwírhaws mi km̓əntísəlx. They'll take things from my warehouse. [dict] See: axáʔ.
axn [áxən] Morph: axn. ply board; sheet; page.
afx. Category: lxSfx. nəqsáxən. One sheet. [misc 157] ʔasláxən. Two sheets. [misc 160] kaʔɬláxən. Three sheets. [misc 163] msáxən. Four sheets. [misc 166] clkstáxən. Five sheets. [misc 169] t̓q̓mkstáxən. Six sheets. [misc 172] tmɬáxən. Eight sheets. [misc 178] x̌əx̌n̓ɬáxən. Nine ply boards. [misc 181] ʔapənkstáxən. Ten sheets. [misc 184] See: asxn.
ax̌ [ax̌] Morph: ax̌. Variant: ax̌n; x̌n; aʕx̌n. allomorph of ax̌n before s.
afx. Category: lxSfx. ṇɬəxʷpáx̌s. He looped it over the shoulder. [dict] ckəm̓km̓áx̌səlx. They grabbed him by the arms. [dict]
ax̌n [áx̌ən] Morph: ax̌n. Variant: x̌n; ax̌; aʕx̌n. arm, wing.
afx. Lit: fringe on the arms Sp √-ax̌n arm, wing; Cr ax̌n, ax̌n̓, áʔx̌n arm, limb (body); Sh -ex̌n armpit, wing; Th áx̌n, áx̌n̓, áx̌a, áx̌e, éx̌ən upper arm; Li -ax̌an (upper) arm. Category: lxSfx. ṇcik̓ck̓áx̌ən. Smell under the arms. [dict] cucwʕáx̌ən. Pharyngeal symbol. [nb26-79 004] ckʷckʷáx̌ən. To grab s.o. by arm; to kidnap s.o. [nb24-05 007] ṇcəkʷcək̓ʷáx̌ən. Crutches. [dict] kəm̓km̓áx̌ən. To grab by both arms. [dict] tk̓msax̌n. Shoulder. [dict] k̓ʷəck̓ʷcáx̌ən. One with strong arms. [CoGrSy 066] nɬəxʷpáx̌nəm. To hook s.t. over the shoulder. [nb08 068] k̓əɬxʷaʔxʷʔáx̌ən. To lift s.o. under the arms. [bjmd 037] nəqsáx̌ən. One ply sheet; one arm. [nb26-64 014] ksəp̓əp̓sáx̌n. To get hit on the shoulder. [dict] nq̓əlq̓əlxʷáx̌nəm. To hook arms. [dict] snwupwupáx̌n. Hair under the arms. [dict] xəxráx̌nəm. To hold s.t. under one's arm. [nb26-42 016] sənxráx̌ən. Pack carried over a shoulder and under the other arm. [nb27-03 001] k̓əɬxʷaʔxʷʔáx̌ən. To lift s.o. under the arms. [bjmd 037] tk̓máx̌ən. To go outside (?). [nb08 739]
ax̌ʷck [ax̌ʷck] Morph: ax̌ʷck. chest.
afx. Sp √-ax̌ʷcč (-ax̌ʷčst) breast, chest, chest area; Th ax̌ʷck chest; Li -ax̌ʷac chest. Category: lxSfx. tk̓max̌ʷck. Chest. [pd03] skwupáx̌ʷck. Hair on the chest. [dict]
áyaʔ [áyaʔ] Morph: áyaʔ. 1 • pretend; makeshift; not serious.
afx. Category: lxSfx. k̓ʷəl̕máyaʔ. To do unimportant work. [newles 295] nɬaʔptáyaʔm. To make believe one has forgotten. [nb18144.7] q̓y̓q̓y̓máyaʔ. To write unimportant things; to play at writing. [nb1736.11] pəlxáyaʔ. To pretend to be asleep. [nb18235.5] ʔatʔatxáyaʔ. To pretend to be asleep. [nb1275.3]
2 • afx. ? k̓əɬpsʕáyaʔməntəm. To have become unable to ... [nb23 027] sc̓anwʕáyaʔ. A mentally and physically afflicted person. [nb26-21 00] Sp √‑eyeʔ pretend; Sh -ey̓e not real, for children, small; Th áze(h) pretense; Li -áz̓ playingly, for fun.
ayáʔ [ayáʔ] unclear semantic import. Category: intj.
pcl. Category: intj. ayáʔ kən nstils nak̓ʷaʔ kʷu x̌mínksəlx, məɬ kən ckswílqən. Heck, I thought they don't care for me, I am not valuable to them. [dict]
áyaʔqn [áyaʔqən] Morph: áyaʔqn. top of the head.
afx. Category: lxSfx. c̓əwqáyaʔqən. To pull s.t. out of the hair. [dict] kaʔɬəláyaʔqən. Three heads. [nb08 401] tk̓ʷnp̓áyaʔqnm. To cover one's head up. [lpb282] ɬq̓lxáyaʔqən. Sleeping hat. [nb1241.8] k̓nayáqən. To try to listen. [nb08 620] səlxʷaʔáyaʔqən. Big head. [misc 122] ksər̓áyaʔqnntm. To scalp s.o. [OkB] ʔapənkstáyaʔqən. Ten heads. [nb08 402] ʔasláyaʔqən. Two heads. [nb08 400] See: áyaʔ; qn.
+ayn [ayn] Morph: +ayn. a variant (?) of +tan, itself related to +tn instrumental, in the following form.
afx. Category: dvAfx. sʔayx̌ʷtáyn (√ʔyx̌ʷ). Tiredeness. See: +tan.
ayníxʷ [ayníxʷ] Morph: ay+níxʷ ? Etym: √nxʷ. water hemlock (cicuta douglasii).
Istem. Sp hi níxʷ It's poisonous; water hemlock; poison-hemlock. Category: bot. ayníxʷ. Hemlock. [TBK60]
áysa [áysa] Morph: áysa. From: English ice saw. Etym: √ys. ice saw. Category: borr.
Istem. Category: borr. way̓ ixíʔ ʔalk̓ʷsíʔstəms axáʔ iʔ q̓ʷəyʕás axáʔ iʔ sas iʔ áysˑas. The Black Face started sharpening the ice saw. [Dvl 241]
aywístn [aywístṇ] Morph: ay+wís+tn ? Etym: √ws ?. death camas (zygadeus venenosus).
Istem. Sp hi w̓estn̓ death camas. Category: bot. aywístn. Camas. [TBK50]
ayxáxaʔ [ayxáxaʔ] Morph: ayxáxaʔ. Variant: ixíxiʔ. Etym: √xʔ. in a little while.
Istem. Category: deictic. cəm̓ ayxáxaʔ təl aksx̌ʷáq̓ʷəlqsəm mi ck̓əɬníxəlməntxʷ iʔ pəptwínaxʷ. A little while after you snore you'll hear the old lady. [dict] ayxáxaʔ təl sqáqsəsc. A little after dark. [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ayxáxaʔ ksaʔxíc̓aʔ mi ksíwstəmstən, məɬ ʔamtín t lawán. In a little while when he cools off I will water him, and I'll feed him some oats. [dict] ayxáxaʔ, cənwís. Time went by, the sun was high. [dict]
ay̓ [ay̓] unclear semantic import. Category: intj.
pcl. Category: intj. ay̓ ixíʔ scənʔax̌lílsc. That's what he was thinking. [GDd1 281]
áʕc̓aʔ [áʕc̓aʔ] Morph: áʕc̓aʔ. Variant: íc̓aʔ; ác̓aʔ; c̓aʔ; ic̓. surface; hide; (body) cover, outer cover.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. nqʷiqʷiyáʕc̓aʔ. Kamloops trout. [(OkB)] paʔpaʔláʕc̓aʔ. Moose. stq̓ʷəyáʕc̓aʔ. One's being dirty. [dict]
aʕkst [akst] Morph: aʕkst. Variant: ikst; akst; kst; ks 7; íkaʔst; ákaʔst. rattle.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. c̓l̕ʕakstṇ. Rattle. [dict]
áʕlaʔqʷ [áʕlaʔqʷ] Morph: áʕlaʔqʷ. Variant: alqʷ; al̕qʷ; lqʷ; ʕalqʷ. cylindrical object.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. sənpəptáʕlaʔqʷ. Little dumplings, macaroni. [dict] sp̓p̓ac̓áʕlaʔqʷ. A long slender shoot. [Oct92 013]
áʕlaʔxʷ [áʕlaʔxʷ] Morph: áʕlaʔxʷ. Variant: úlaʔxʷ; laʔxʷ. earth, land.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. sƛ̓uk̓áʕlaʔxʷ. Mud. [dict] səml̕áʕlaʔxʷ. Clay. [dict] sx̌əlpáʕlaʔxʷ. Early morning. [lpb46]
aʕlqs [aʕlqs] Morph: aʕlqs. Variant: alqs; lqs; al̕qs. clothes, dress (referring primarily to women’s clothes).
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. cm̓aʕlqs. A coat made out of a blanket. [dict]
aʕlqʷ [aʕlqʷ] Morph: aʕlqʷ. Variant: alqʷ; al̕qʷ; lqʷ; álaʔqʷ; lalqʷ; laʔqʷ. cylindrical object.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. nplaʕlqʷ. Nothing but dead timber. [dict]
aʕlqʷxn [áʕlqʷxən] Morph: aʕlqʷxn. cylindrical object.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. k̓əɬtataɬáʕlqʷxən. Little straight legs (the name of one of Coyote's sons). [nb27-12 009] See: alqʷ; xn.
aʕlx [aʕlx] Morph: aʕlx. Variant: ilx; lx; ílaʔx; ilx 1; lílaʔx. noise; motion.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. p̓c̓p̓c̓ʕalx. A horse is butt snorting. [Oct92 016] siʔsy̓ʕálx. Make talking noises. [misc 003] səncʕacʕálxtn. Bath tub, place where one swims. [nb26-08 016]
aʕlxʷ [aʕlxʷ] Morph: aʕlxʷ. Variant: ilxʷ; alxʷ; lxʷ. body.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. sɬiʔáʕlx. Splashy, freckled horse. [nb9a 027]
áʕɬc̓aʔ [áɬc̓aʔ] Morph: áɬc̓aʔ. Variant: íɬc̓aʔ; ɬc̓aʔ; íɬc̓aʔ. single enclosure; body; inside.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. ṇx̌əlsáʕɬc̓aʔtṇ. An all-window room. [dict]
aʕɬml̕x [aʕɬml̕x] Morph: aɬml̕x. Variant: iɬmlx; ɬmlx. bush, vine.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. ɬəláʕ̓ɬml̕x. Raspberry bush. [OkB]
aʕɬxʷ [aʕɬxʷ] Morph: aʕɬxʷ. Variant: iɬxʷ; ɬxʷ 2; íɬaʔxʷ. house.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. nx̌əlsáʕɬxʷtn. Windows. [nb26-08 011]
-aʕm [aʕm] Morph: -aʕm. Variant: -m 1. variant of the suffix +m with pharyngeal movement.
afx. Category: inflAfx, prsMkr, phM. p̓əc̓əntáʕm. It squirted out. [sknkf 119]
+aʕmn [áʕmən] Morph: +aʕmn. Variant: +imn; +amn. derivational suffix with habitual import: to do s.t. often; to be in a state often; to like to do s.t.
afx. Category: dvAfx. kʷəctáʕmən. Early riser. [AutPS 039]
-aʕn [aʕn] Morph: -ʕan. Variant: -in; -n. variant of the first singular transitive subject of the -in set of person markers.
afx. Category: inflAfx, prsMkr, phM. mələntáʕn. I put mud, butter ... on it. [nb24-06 009]
áʕnaʔ [áʕnaʔ] Morph: aʕnaʔ. Variant: ínaʔ; naʔ. Etym: nʔ. surface, ear.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. kpt̓ʕánaʔm. To cover s.t. with mud. [nb26-59 003] nt̓láʕnaʔ. Wolf pack leader. [nb9a 152]
+aʕnt [aʕnt] Morph: +aʕnt. Variant: +nt. variant of the transitivizer +nt with pharyngeal movement.
afx. Lit: Coyote was squirted out Category: dvAfx, phM. km̓aʕnt. Take it! [nb9a 002] way̓ sta iˑˑ pc̓máʕntəm sənk̓líp. He squirted out Coyote. [Whal 139]
+aʕp [aʕp] Morph: +aʕp. Variant: +p. allomorph of p inchoative or mutative suffix that signals a natural change.
afx. Category: dvAfx, phM. ɬcaʕp. Soaked. [dict]
áʕpaʔs [aʕps] Morph: aʕps. Variant: ups; úpaʔs; ʕápaʔs; -ps. Etym: ps. tail.
afx. Lit: little slapping sound on the butt Category: lxSfx, phM. np̓əp̓kʕápaʔs. Speeder (a hand car on railroad tracks). [nb26-22 008] nt̓t̓kʷáʕpaʔs Motorcycle. [WA1.82]
áʕplaʔ [áʕplaʔ] Morph: áʕplaʔ. Variant: íplaʔ; plaʔ. handle.
afx. Variant: íplaʔ. Category: lxSfx, phM. ktmáʕplaʔ. One who is no relation to another, too far apart to know. [E62.14]
aʕps [aʕps] Morph: aʕps. Variant: ups; úpaʔs; ʕápaʔs; -ps. Etym: ps. tail.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. qʷəyqʷəytʕáps. Blue-tailed lizard. [nb23 092] cənp̓káʕps. Spank, slap on butt. [nb26-22 009]
aʕqs [aʕqs] Morph: aʕqs. Variant: aqs 2; qs 2; áqaʔs 2. 1 • road.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. nt̓əst̓sáʕqs iʔ xəwíɬ Hard paved road. [nb27-26 001]
2 • afx. ? x̌ʷətx̌ʷtáʕqs. Dragonfly. [dict]
aʕqstxn [áʕqstxən] Morph: aʕqstxn. Variant: aqstxn. hip, leg.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. skcəwcəwáʕqstxən. Fringed wing chaps. [dict]
aʕs1 [aʕs] Morph: aʕs. Variant: us 1; s 12. 1 • eye; face; head; neck; small round object.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. nc̓ənc̓ənmáʕsəm. Shut eyes tight. [nb9a 129] q̓ʷəyáʕs. Black face, person. [nb26-12 00] siwswáʕs. Pheasant (So Colville). [nb24-07 003] nt̓kʷʕásənt. To hit s.o. in the eye. [nb23 228] k̓əɬx̌əx̌lásəm. To peek. [nb9a 223] nx̌ʷx̌ʷax̌ʷáʕs. Crybaby, cry eyes. [nb24-29 002]
2 • afx. ? ƛ̓wk̓ntaʕs. A heap of mud. [dict] nməláʕsən. I filled it with something like clay or dough. [nb08 383]
-aʕs2 [aʕs] Morph: -aʕs. Variant: -is. variant of the third person transitive subject marker -is with pharyngeal movement.
afx. Category: inflAfx, prsMkr, phM. kʷu ɬʕat̓əntáʕs. He got me wet. [nb25-18 017] p̓əc̓ntáʕs. He sprayed them. [sknkf 059] np̓ət̓əntáʕs. He poured it in. [chipdd 087]
aʕsq̓t [áʕsq̓ət] Morph: aʕsq̓t. Variant: asq̓t; sq̓t. day, sky.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. stx̌láʕsq̓ət. Very bright. [dict]
aʕst [aʕst] Morph: aʕst. ?
afx. Category: lxSfx. siɬkʷkʷʕást. Morning. [newles 315]
áʕsxn [ásxən] Morph: áʕsxn. Variant: isxn; sxn; sxn̓; isx; sx; ísaʔxn. rock; small round object.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. scʕásxən. Shale rock or rock slide. [nb25-51 004] tx̌lʕásxən. It became red hot. [dict]
aʕtkʷ [aʕtkʷ] Morph: aʕtkʷ. Variant: itkʷ; atkʷ; tkʷ; ítaʔkʷ; ikʷ; kʷ. water.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. nt̓əpxʷáʕtkʷ. To fall in the water. [nb25-22 004]
aʕw̓s [aʕw̓s] Morph: aʕw̓s. Variant: iw̓s; w̓s; aw̓s. middle (?)
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. nyaʕw̓s. Edge. [nb27-13 001]
aʕw̓sqn [áʕw̓sqən] Morph: aʕw̓sqn. Variant: aw̓sqn 1. the top of the head.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. ṇcqʷáʕw̓sqən. Bald head. [dict] ntl̕qʷaʕw̓sqn. Bald-headed. [dict] sənpəpt̓ʕáw̓sqən. Cap with a beak. [nb26-42 013] nt̓əl̕qʷáʕw̓sqn. Bald head. [dict] See: aʕw̓s; qn.
aʕw̓stxn [áʕw̓stxən] Morph: aʕw̓stxn. middle (?)
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. p̓ʕac̓əlqʷʕáw̓stxən. The name of Coyote's son from Gopher. [nb24-05 015] See: iw̓s; aw̓s; xn.
-aʕxʷ [aʕxʷ] Morph: -aʕxʷ. second person singular subject of the -in set of person markers with pharyngeal movement.
afx. Category: inflAfx, phM. c̓ənmstáʕxʷ. Tighten it! [nb18176.7] mələntáʕxʷ. You spread something gooey on it, you buttered it. [nb24-06 008] t̓əmk̓əntáʕxʷ. You snap a finger at it. [E55.7]
aʕx̌n [áʕx̌ən] Morph: aʕx̌n. Variant: ax̌n; x̌n. arm, wing.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. kcəw̓cəw̓áʕx̌ən. Fringe on clothes. [dict] nc̓k̓ʷc̓k̓ʷáʕx̌ən. Crutches. [nb24-05 009]
aʕ̓ɬml̕x [áʕ̓ɬməl̕x] Morph: aɬmlx. Variant: iɬmlx. bush, vine.
afx. Category: lxSfx, phM. ɬəláʕ̓ɬml̕x. Raspberry bush. [OkB]
aʔ1 [aʔ] semantic import "oh" (realization).
pcl. Category: intj. aʔ, naɬccám, kən ksənʔímaʔt. Oh, I forgot, I have a grandchild. [blkpg 089]
a(ʔ)2 [a] Morph: aʔ. Variant: iʔ. article.
pcl. Category: deictic.
1 • as article. ixíʔ scústsəlx ta m̓kʷál aʔ mkʷiwt. They called that little mountain m̓kʷal. [mychildr 063] nák̓ʷəm aʔ nqʷəlqʷíltəns inxaʔxʔít. The language of my elders. [mychildr 163] ʕapnáʔ way̓ k̓ík̓əm mi ɬʔiq̓ʷ aʔ ilmíxʷm. Now soon the chiefs will appear. [mychildr 186] aʔ ntityíx límtəmsəlx. They respected salmon. [mychildr 202] axáʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ ɬa ksct̓ak̓ʷ aʔ nqʷəlqʷíltən. It was the earth that put the language here. [mychildr 27ʔ7] kícsəlx aʔ cwíx. They arrived at someone's place. [nb25-80 004] k̓əɬníxəlmən a nxʷúytən. I heard a car. [nb24-09 002]
2 • as relative pronoun. kaʔ ʕapnáʔ axáʔ iʔ kn aʔ cqʷəlqʷílt. That's why now I can speak about it. [mychildr 054] Lit: I am the one who can ... uɬ ʕapnáʔ súxʷxʷəlx aʔ ck̓ʷúl̕stsəlx ixíʔ. And now the ones that worked here are all gone. [Green.13] uɬ axáʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp aʔ cmistís iʔ stəxʷcəncút c̓sápəlx. The elders who know the foods are gone. [WA1.70] ʕapnáʔ pútiʔ kʷ aʔ səccútx kʷ sqilxʷ, caʔkʷ ʔasílmstxʷ. You who say you are Indian, you should work with both. [mychildr 119] ixíʔ itlíʔ kiʔ kn aʔ ksk̓ʷúy ʕapnáʔ, uɬ ixíʔ stər̓tər̓ʔámtət.variant of iʔ before n, l, y, əc-, ɬ And that's from there that I have a mother now, and that's where we originate from. [mychildr 058] uɬ aksənqʷən̓n̓mínəm astməlscút iʔ kʷ aʔ kɬkəwáp, iʔ kʷ aʔ kst̓mʕált. Show consideration for your stock, you who have horses or cows. [mychildr 233] uɬ iʔ kʷ aʔ ksqʷsqʷaʔsíʔa, ixíʔ aksqʷəlqʷəltúɬtəm asqʷəsqʷaʔsíʔa. And those of you who have children, you want to teach your children about it. [mychildr 269] uɬ ixíʔ la cxʔítiʔ mnímɬcəlx aʔ ksƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓əx̌sqáx̌aʔlx. And they were the first ones to own race horses. [Green.14] isnəqsílxʷ a kɬcítxʷəlx. My people that have the house (i.e., the people that live there). [nb23 177] a cxʷuy. He’s going by. [nb21.190a] See: ixíʔ iʔ cxʷuy. He's the one who came.. taɬt ixiʔ ptmiˑsts a ctqʷəlqʷíltəmsts. He really knows what he's talking about. [nb23 221] uɬ ixíʔ tiɬx iʔ sqəltmíxʷ, ixíʔ a cq̓əlq̓əlsc̓ím. Then the man stood up, the one with sick bones. [su7q̓im 110] a cqəlxʷlscút yayʕát a cqəlxʷlscút. The one who was in Indian dress, in full Indian dress. [su7q̓im 257c] yaʕyáʕt way̓ ƛ̓axʷt ixíʔ a cmistín. And now all the ones I knew are dead. [Green.96] a c̓asʔístsəlx. What they usually eat. [nb26-84 016] a c̓ístsəlx. What they eat. [nb26-84 017] way̓, axáʔ John a cqʷəlqʷílt. Hello, this is John speaking. [newles 208] ixíʔ a nk̓ʷúl̕məntət q̓sápiʔ iʔ kʷu suknaqínx. That was the way we Okanagans used to do it long ago. [newles 327] a ɬcxʷuystn iksck̓ʷúl̕ k̓l isnɬq̓ʷútn mi k̓ʷul̕n. The work I brought back, I'll do it in my bedroom. [newles 244]
+aʔ+3 [aʔ] Morph: +aʔ+. diminutive infix.
afx. Category: dvAfx.
1 • after the first post-tonic consonant of a reduplicated diminutive stem. w̓íw̓aʔst (√ws). A little high. w̓íw̓aʔx (√wx). Live (diminutive). k̓ík̓aʔt (√k̓t). Near. n̓ín̓aʔxʷ (nixʷ). Also.
2 • after the first post-tonic consonant of a lexical affix. áqaʔs (áqs). Road.
3 • before the first consonant of an affix. aʔtk (tk) as in nk̓ʷnk̓ʷspínaʔtk. Yearlings. nk̓k̓aʔlícnaʔx. Talk slower. [misc 266] nk̓ək̓aʔlíʔscnaʔx. Speak softly. [nb26-03 002]
4 • after the first stem consonant. waʔxútyaʔ (√wx). A small dwelling.
+aʔ4 [aʔ] Morph: +aʔ. suffix of unclear import in the following forms:
afx. Category: dvAfx. k̓əɬʔálqʷaʔ. To get close to the river. [dict] skɬʔaʔ. Saturday (end of the week). [dict] ṇc̓əlíxʷkʷaʔ. Woman's name. [dict] cp̓əyp̓əyáqaʔ. The berry is ripe. [dict] cpəpsáʕyaʔ. Senseless. [dict] ɬqáqcaʔ. Older brother. [dict] qáqnaʔ. Man's grandmother. [dict] kkəw̓ápaʔ. Dog. [dict] psáʕyaʔ. Senseless. [dict] sƛ̓əƛ̓úk̓ʷaʔ. Wood turning to pitch. [dict] k̓íyaʔ. Dead tree. [nb27-32 002] ʕaʕímaʔ (√ʕm). Hate. ʔíckn+aʔ (√ʔckn). Play. ɬɬkápaʔ (√ɬkp). Bucket. npútaʔtn (√pt) Respected. q̓ʷq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnm (√q̓ʷƛ̓). Race. nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtn (√ʔɬn). Man-eater.
aʔ cmáʕʷlaʔxʷ [aʔcmáʕ̓ʷlaʔxʷ] Morph: aʔ c+máʕʷlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mʕʷ. aʔ cmáʕʷlaʔxʷ: area on the west side of F.D.R. Lake, across from and slightly south of the present mouth of the Colville River. Category: geog. Lit: place of landslides
phrasal. Category: geog. aʔcmáʕ̓ʷlaʔxʷ. Place name. [BK309]
aʔk+ [aʔk] Morph: aʔk+. Variant: aʔkɬ+. variant of aʔkɬ+ before s "there is; there are; have".
afx. Category: dvAfx. lkʷut kiʔ aʔksnx̌ʷáq̓ʷmən. It's that they have a mill. [AutPS 273] iʔ p kmúsxən, lut iʔ p aʔkstqtqpíʔstən. You that stand on four legs, you that don't have wings. [Nams 014]
aʔkín [aʔkín] Morph: a+ʔkín. Etym: √ʔkn̓. how.
pcl. Category: dubt. aʔkín. How? [nb26-08 020]
aʔkɬ+ [aʔkɬ] Morph: aʔkɬ+. Variant: aʔks+. prefix that probably is analyzable aʔ+kɬ+ article + have stem; common in place names (here listed with their literal translation).
afx. Category: dvAfx.
1 • there is, there are. aʔkɬtəmtəmníʔ. There is a corpse. [bjmd 018] aʔkɬxəwíɬ. There is a road. [BJSeym 154]
2 • in placenames. aʔkɬq̓p̓xʷíɬp. Place of hazelnut bush. aʔkɬtúl̕mn. Mount Tolman (place of paint). aʔkɬxʷúlkʷp. Place of fire drill. aʔkɬx̌ʷc̓íʔ. Place of pithouses. aʔkɬʕayúʔ. Place of chocolate tip plants. aʔkɬʔamtíw̓s. Addy. aʔkɬʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ. Small place with ʔítx̌ʷaʔ. See: kɬ+2.
aʔkɬq̓p̓xʷíɬp [aʔkɬq̓əp̓xʷíɬp] Morph: aʔkɬ+q̓p̓xʷíɬp. Etym: √q̓p̓xʷ. aʔkɬq̓p̓xʷíɬp: place of hazelnut bush. Category: geog.
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkɬq̓p̓xʷíɬp. Place name. [dict]
aʔkɬtúl̕mn [aʔkɬtúl̕mən] Morph: aʔkɬ+túl̕+mn. Etym: √tl̕. aʔkɬtúl̕mn: Mount Tolman. Lit: place of ochre paint
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkɬtúl̕mn. Mount Tolman. [BK30]
aʔkɬxʷúlkʷp [aʔkɬxʷúlkʷp] Morph: aʔkɬ+xʷúlkʷp. Etym: √xʷlkʷp. aʔkɬxʷúlkʷp: a narrow valley extending all the way from the western side of F. D.R. Lake and northwest up to kɬlaʕʷútm. Category: geog. Lit: place of fire drill
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkɬxʷúlkʷp. Place name. [BK196]
aʔkɬx̌ʷc̓íʔ [aʔkɬx̌ʷc̓íʔ] Morph: aʔkɬ+x̌ʷc̓íʔ. Etym: √x̌ʷc̓ʔ. aʔkɬx̌ʷc̓íʔ: area (now inundated) located just south of the former mouth of (West) Stranger Creek and just north from spəpəlmúlaʔxʷ. Category: geog. Lit: place of pithouses
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkɬx̌ʷc̓íʔ. Place name. [BK215]
aʔkɬʕayúʔ [aʔkɬʕayúʔ] Morph: aʔkɬ+ʕayúʔ. Etym: √ʕyʔ. aʔkɬʕayúʔ: area along the former east side of the Sanpoil River, south from Dick Creek. Category: geog. Lit: place of chocolate tip plants
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkɬʕayúʔ. Place name. [BK41]
aʔkɬʔamtíw̓s [aʔkɬʔamtíw̓s] Morph: aʔkɬ+ʔam+tíw̓s. Etym: √ʔm. Addy (place name). Category: geog.
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkɬʔamtíw̓s. Addy. [CSCo20]
aʔkɬʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ [aʔkɬʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ] Morph: aʔkɬ+ʔí•ʔtx̌ʷaʔ. Etym: √ʔtx̌ʷʔ. aʔkɬʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ (place name). Lit: small place with ʔítx̌ʷaʔ
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkɬʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ. Place name. [dict]
aʔks+ [aʔks] Morph: aʔk+s+. Variant: aʔkɬ+. prefix that probably is analyzable aʔ+k+s+ article + have stem; common in place names (here listed with their literal translation).
afx. Category: dvAfx. aʔksp̓íp̓c̓n. Place of Indian hemp plant. aʔksq̓apínaʔx. Sandbar. aʔkssw̓síwaʔɬkʷ. Place of springs of water. aʔkst̓qíʔstn. Piled up brush. aʔksxʷxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬaʔp. Small place of black hawthorn bushes. aʔksx̌ʷúsm. Place of soapberries. See: kɬ+2.
aʔksp̓íp̓c̓n [aʔksp̓íp̓cən] Morph: aʔk+s+p̓•íp̓c̓n. Etym: √p̓c̓n. aʔksp̓íp̓c̓n: area in the general vicinity of what now is called Haag Cove on the west side of F.D.R. Lake, formerly a well-known place for gathering Indian hemp plant (from which a strong "twine" was made). Lit: place of Indian hemp plant
Istem. Category: geog. aʔksp̓íp̓c̓n. Place name. [BK307]
aʔksq̓apínaʔx [aʔksq̓apínaʔx] Morph: aʔk+s+q̓apínaʔ+x. Etym: √q̓p. aʔksq̓apínaʔx: a former sandbar, now inundated, which extended from just north of nmʕaytkʷ to ksunkʷ.
Istem. Category: geog. aʔksq̓apínaʔx. Place name. [BK286]
aʔkssw̓síwaʔɬkʷ [aʔksəsuʔsíwaʔɬkʷ] Morph: aʔk+s•sw̓•síw̓aʔɬkʷ. Etym: √swɬ. aʔkssw̓síwaʔɬkʷ: springs situated east from the present-day Silver Creek road and northeast from the Rogers Bar church. Lit: place of springs of water
Istem. Category: geog, dim. aʔkssw̓síwaʔɬkʷ. Place name. [BK163]
aʔkst̓qíʔstn [aʔkst̓qíʔstṇ] Morph: aʔk+s+t̓qíʔst+n. Etym: √t̓q. aʔkst̓qíʔstn: area where Rogers Bar church now stands. Lit: piled up brush
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkst̓qíʔstn. Place name. [dict]
aʔkswíx [aʔkswíxʷ] Morph: aʔks+wíx. Etym: √wx. to stand; to be standing.
Istem. Category: geog. aʔkswíx. Stand. [OkB] See: ʔakswíx.
aʔksxʷxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬaʔp [aʔksxʷəxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬaʔp] Morph: aʔk+s+xʷ•xʷaʔ•xʷʔan̓kíɬaʔp. Etym: √xʷʔ. aʔksxʷxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬaʔp: area extending northwest from the east end of the present-day Kettle Falls railway bridge. Lit: small place of black hawthorn bushes
Istem. Category: geog, have stem. aʔksxʷəxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬaʔp. Place name. [BK343]
aʔksx̌ʷúsm [aʔksx̌ʷúsəm] Morph: aʔk+s+x̌ʷús+m. Etym: √x̌ʷs. aʔksx̌ʷúsm: an area, some of which is still above water, along both sides of the former Rickey Rapids; the west side of the former rapids. Category: geog.
Mstem. Lit: place of soapberries Category: geog. aʔksx̌ʷúsm. Place name. [BK303]
áʔpust [áʔpust] Morph: áʔpust. Variant: íʔpust. crotch.
afx. Category: lxSfx. nɬqʷáʔpustṇ. Loin cloth. [dict]
aʔp̓nw̓íxʷtn̓ [aʔp̓ənw̓íxʷtn̓] Morph: ʔap̓nw̓íxʷ+tn̓ ? Etym: √ʔp̓ ?. wild buckwheat (eriogonum spp.)
Istem. Category: bot. aʔp̓nw̓íxʷtn̓. Buckwheat. [TBK112]
aʔst [aʔst] Morph: aʔst. Variant: iʔst. arrow; bullet; weapon.
afx. See Cr iʔst surface of round object, rock (Reichard 513). Category: lxSfx. sck̓ʷúl̕aʔst. The bow and arrow one makes. [BJSeym 122] nululmúsaʔst. Spear(head). [pd10] ṇməlməlk̓ʷápaʔst. Stallion. [dict] xíkaʔst. To miss a shot. [OkB] náʔx̌ʷaʔst. Wounded game gets away. [?] sx̌ʷəƛ̓x̌ʷíƛ̓aʔst. Saskatoon, or serviceberry. [OkB]
+aʔt [aʔt] Morph: +aʔt. diminutive form of +t stative suffix.
afx. Category: dvAfx, dim. ɬílaʔt. Rain sprinkle. [dict] ccám̓aʔt. Small. [dict]
aʔtk [aʔtk] Morph: aʔtk. Variant: tk 2. time.
afx. Category: lxSfx, dim. sənk̓ʷənk̓ʷəspínaʔtk. Yearlings. [dict]
aʔtm̓upíl̕ [atmupíl] Morph: aʔtm̓uʔpíl̕. Etym: √tmpl. From: English automobile. little car; little automobile. Category: borr, dim.
Istem. Category: borr, dim. aʔtm̓upíl̕. Little car. [Omak] See: atmupíl.
aʔúsaʔ [aʔúsaʔ] Morph: aʔúsaʔ. Etym: √ʔs. egg.
Istem. Sp ʔuʔúseʔ egg; Cm ʔaʔúsaʔ egg; Cr ul paq ha ʔúseʔ egg (Easter...); Sh ʔúʔse egg; Th ʔeˑ/ʔúseʔ egg (of bird)' Li ʔúˑʔsaʔ egg. kaʔɬlíp iskəkʕákaʔ iʔ aʔúsaʔ. My hen lay three eggs. [nb26-55 002]
-aʔx1 [aʔx] Morph: -aʔx. Variant: -x 8. diminutive form of the intransitive singular imperative -x.
afx. Category: inflAfx, asp. may̓ncútaʔx. Tell about yourself! [HnTrp 203] ɬat̓pməncútaʔx. Jump around! [nb26-35 009] nk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷínaʔx. Pick one out! [nb26-72 012]
^-aʔx2 [aʔx] Morph: -aʔx. Variant: ^-x 5. diminutive suffixal component of the imperfective circumfix s-...-x.
InflAfx. Category: dim. sknánaqsaʔx. She has been single; he is the only one. [CoGrSy 395] sk̓aʔwílxaʔx. Garden snake. [nb27-19 004] sk̓əwk̓awílxaʔx. Snakes (spáx̌mən). [nb27-23 005] ɬəɬx̌ʷúm̓aʔx. [nb23 068] (S)he's pubescent. sənqʷəwqʷáʕʷqnaʔx. Insane. [nb10a 126] uɬ iʔ k̓əl síwstaʔx. To the drinking water. [coyeyes 009] kən sənsáw̓suʔcnaʔx. I was always asking questions. [AutPS 143] kən stətʔíwtaʔx. I am the little one. [GDd1 401] See: ^-x5.
^-aʔx3 [aʔx] Morph: -aʔx. suffixal component of the inceptive circumfix ks-...-aʔx. These forms are conjugated with the kn set of person markers.
afx. Category: inflAfx. way̓ kən ksk̓ʷaʔmútyaʔx. I'll have a bite to eat. [nb23 216] kən ksəxkínaʔx. What am I going to do? [nb23 077] stim̓ aspuʔús kʷ səxkínaʔx (a)tláʔ kʷ ɬʔácqaʔ." what you are thinking of doing when you get back out, [su7q̓im 257f] aɬíʔ lut kʷ ɬaʔ cnxn̓xn̓us kʷ sknmpqínaʔx. Without your glasses you will go blind. [jan93nb 043] xʷəm̓ t̓i ksq̓ítaʔx looks like it'll rain. [nb26-29 001] ksq̓ítaʔx Going to rain. [nb27-30 006] kən ksʕ̓awʕ̓awmístaʔx I'm going to take a break. [nb9a 217] See: ks-^1; ^-x7.
^-aʔx4 [aʔx] Morph: -aʔx. suffixal component of the imperfective with present relevance circumfix sc-...-aʔx. These forms are conjugated with the kn set of person markers.
afx. Category: inflAfx. mat sc̓íccknaʔxəlx. They are playing. [GDd2 053] səcm̓aʔm̓áyaʔx. They are in a group. [nb26-35 009] scyaʕ̓pqínaʔxəlx. Lots of people. [nb9a 076] See: sc-^5.
^-aʔx5 [aʔx] Morph: -aʔx. suffixal component of the future perfect circumfix ksc-...-aʔx; conjugated with kn.
afx. Category: inflAfx. way̓ mat aspuʔús kʷu kscm̓rímaʔx. Well, I guess it's your wish that we marry. [blkpg 009]
^-aʔx6 [aʔx] Morph: -aʔx. diminutive suffixal component of the imperfective circumfix s-...-x; conjugated with kn.
afx. Category: inflAfx, dim. See: -x.
aʔxkínm [aʔxkínəm] Morph: aʔxkín+m. Etym: √ʔxkn. to do s.t. in some way; to do what?
Istem. kəkáwxən, p aʔxkínəm kiʔ p t̓íxəlx atáʔ. kəkáwxən, how did you all cross? [nb2559.13]
aʔxʷ [aʔxʷ] semantic import "again". Category: intj.
pcl. Category: intj. stim̓ aʔxʷ askʷíst. What was your name? [E5]