
ʔc1   follow; track.

nʔucxnt   Morph: n+ʔucx+nt. to track or follow s.o. or s.t. (at a distance).


ɬnʔucxnt   Morph: ɬ+n+ʔucx+nt. to follow s.o.


cnʔucxst   Morph: c+n+ʔucx+st. to track s.o.


nʔucxnmnt   Morph: n+ʔucxn+m+nt. to follow or track s.o. or s.t.


snʔucxnm   Morph: sn+ʔucxn+m. being tracked.

ɬnʔucxn   Morph: ɬ+n+ʔucxn. to follow s.o. again.

nʔaʔúcxnt   Morph: n+ʔa•ʔúcx+nt. to follow tracks.


nʔacxnlwísnt   Morph: n+ʔacxn+lwís+nt. to follow s.o. around.


nʔacxncút   Morph: n+ʔacxn+cút. to follow one's own tracks.

ɬcnʔacxncút   Morph: ɬ+c+n+ʔacxn+cút. to follow one's own tracks again.

t̓cnʔucxnm   Morph: t̓c+n+ʔucxn+m. to be following tracks. Sp √ʔuc follow the tracks of.

ʔc2   somersault.

nʔucqsayúpaʔ   Morph: n+ʔucqsayúpaʔ. to turn a somersault.

nʔucxsaʔyúpaʔ   Morph: n+ʔucx+saʔyúpaʔ. to flip over, to fall ass over teakettle.

nʔuccxsaʔyúpaʔ   Morph: n+ʔuc•cx+saʔyúpaʔ ? to flip over.

ʔckl   loop, sling.

ʔuckl̕áx̌nmnt   Morph: ʔuckl̕áx̌n+m+nt. to loop s.t. over the shoulder.


snʔuckláx̌n   Morph: s+n+ʔuckláx̌n. s.t. looped on the arm.

nʔuckláx̌nmnt   Morph: n+ʔuckláx̌n+m+nt. to loop / sling s.t. over one's arm.


nʔucʔuckláx̌nm   Morph: n+ʔuc•ʔuckláx̌n+m. to pack s.t. on one's arms.

ʔckn   play.

ʔick   Morph: ʔick. to play with s.t. or s.o.

ʔickn   Morph: ʔíckn. to play.

ʔickst   Morph: ʔick+st. to play with s.o.


sʔickn   Morph: s+ʔickn. playing; play.

ʔíccknt   Morph: ʔíc•ck+nt. several play; to play with s.t.


ʔackníkstm   Morph: ʔackníkst+m. to play with s.t.

ʔacʔackn̓íkstmnt   Morph: ʔac•ʔackn̓íkst+m+nt. to play with s.t.; to play tricks on s.o.


ʔackncíntn   Morph: ʔackncín+tn. music machine; record player; juke box.

nʔickntn   Morph: n+ʔickn+tn. a game.

snʔickntn   Morph: sn+ʔickn+tn. playground; place where one can play.

nʔacknítkʷ   Morph: nʔacknítkʷ. to play in the water.

nʔaccknítkʷ   Morph: nʔac•c•knítkʷ. to play in the water.

nʔackncíntn   Morph: n+ʔackncín+tn. music machine; record player; juke box; phonograph.

puʔackiʔscút.   Morph: puʔackiʔ+scút. To play with one's wife.

sxʷʔickn   Morph: sxʷʔíckn. trapeze artist; carnival artist. Cr ʔicč play.

ʔckʷ   ʔuckʷumáwckn (man's name).

ʔuckʷumáwckn   Morph: ʔuckʷumáwckn ? ʔuckʷumáwckn (Charlie Seymour).

ʔcl   paddle, oar.

ʔuclm   Morph: ʔucl+m. to paddle. See Sp č-hi-yeʔclʕapmí I paddled the canoe... I’m floating downriver.

ʔuclxtn   Morph: ʔucl+x+tn. oar, paddle.

kɬʔucl   Morph: kɬ+ʔucl. to travel by canoe.

kɬʔuclm   Morph: kɬ+ʔucl+m. to travel by canoe.

sxʷkɬʔuclm   Morph: sxʷkɬ+ʔucl+m. an oarsman. See: ʔcɬ.

ʔcɬ   oar, paddle.

ʔucɬ   Morph: ʔucɬ. oar, paddle.

ʔucɬtn   Morph: ʔucɬ+tn. oar, paddle. See: ʔcl.

ʔcn   slow.

nʔiccwn   Morph: n+ʔiccwn ? to be slow.

ʔcqʔ   go out.

ʔácqaʔ   to go out. Sp ʔócqeʔ go out; Cr ʔácqeʔ exit, go out, he went out.; Sh (ʔə)ʔúcqe to go out (to the toilet); See Th √ʔéyc̓qeʔ outside; Li ʔúc̓qaʔ to go outside.

ʔáccqaʔ   Morph: ʔác•c•qaʔ. several go out.

c̓ácqaʔ, cʔácqaʔ   Morph: c+ʔácqaʔ. to come out.

cʔáccqaʔ   Morph: c+ʔác•c•qaʔ. to come out.

ɬʔácqaʔ   Morph: ɬ+ʔácqaʔ. to go back out; to exit again.

ɬcʔácqaʔ   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔácqaʔ. to come out again.

ɬc̓ácqaʔ   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔácqaʔ. to come out again.

ʔaccqaʔíʔst   Morph: ʔac•c•qaʔíʔst. to struggle to exit; to finally manage to get out.

ʔáccqaʔst   Morph: ʔác•c•qaʔ+st. to drive or take several out.

ʔacqaʔlwís   Morph: ʔacqaʔ+lwís. to go relieve oneself; to go to the outhouse.

ʔácqaʔst   Morph: ʔácqaʔ+st. to make or let s.o. go out.

ʔacqʔíkn̓   Morph: ʔacqʔikn̓. to exit the body; to go through the body.

ʔacʔacqʔáqs   Morph: ʔac•ʔacqʔáqs. to have a nosebleed.

c̓ácqaʔst, cʔácqaʔst   Morph: c+ʔácqaʔ+st. to bring s.t. out.

cʔáccqaʔst   Morph: c+ʔác•c•qaʔ+st. to drive or bring several out.

sʔacqʔítkʷ   Morph: s+ʔacqʔítkʷ. a spring of water.

k̓áccqaʔmnt, kʔáccqaʔmnt   Morph: k+ʔác•c•qaʔ+m+nt. to go out with s.o.


ckʔácqaʔmnt   Morph: c+k+ʔácqaʔ+m+nt. to come out to meet s.o.


kʔacqʔíc̓aʔ, k̓acqʔíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʔacqʔíc̓aʔ. to have smallpox.

skʔacqʔíc̓aʔ, sk̓acqʔíc̓aʔ   Morph: s+k+ʔacqʔíc̓aʔ. smallpox. Sp čɬ-ʔócqeʔ smallpox, pox, it's visible on the outside.

cnʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ   Morph: c+n+ʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ. to come crawling out of the ground.

snʔácqaʔtn   Morph: s+n+ʔácqaʔ+tn. bathroom, toilet; anus, back side. Sp s-n-ʔóʔcqeʔ-tn̓ outhouse, backhouse; Cm snʔúcqaʔtn; Cr n+ʔácqéʔ+n place for going out, lavatory, etc.

ksnʔácqaʔtn   Morph: k+s+n+ʔácqaʔ+tn. to have a bathroom; there is a bathroom.

nʔacqʷúlaʔxʷm   Morph: n+ʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ+m. to bake s.t. in the ground.

snʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+n+ʔacqʔúlaʔxʷ. one who came out of the ground (said of a dark-skinned individual).

nʔacqʔíw̓s   Morph: n+ʔacqʔíw̓s. to go out of the brush.

k̓ɬʔáccqaʔ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔác•c•qaʔ. to exit from under s.t.

ck̓ɬʔácqaʔ   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+ʔácqaʔ. to come out from under.

kɬʔacqʔús   Morph: kɬ+ʔacqʔús. to rise to the surface. Sp čɬʔócqeʔ smallpox, pox; it's visible on the outside.

ʔcqʷ   bake, roast.

ʔácqʷnt   Morph: ʔácqʷ+nt. to roast s.t.; to bake s.t.


sʔacqʷ   Morph: s+ʔacqʷ. roasted; baked (as a potato).

nʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+ʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ. bannock baked in dirt.

snʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: sn+ʔacqʷúlaʔxʷ. bread roasted in ashes. Sh ʔecqʷ-m to bake; Th √écqʷ bake; n-ʔecqʷuym̓xʷ bake bread ... in ashes ...; Li ʔácaqʷ anything baked as a whole.

ʔctw   long snowshoes.

ʔictw̓   long snowshoes. Morph: ʔictw̓.

ʔcwx   reside.

snʔacwíxtn   Morph: sn+ʔacwíx+tn. a village; a place where people live.

snʔacʔacwíxtn   Morph: sn+ʔac•ʔacwíx+tn. a residence; a place where to stay; a village; a place where people live. See: wx1.

ʔcʔ   ignore.

ʔácaʔmnt   Morph: ʔácaʔ+m+nt. to ignore s.o.


ʔcʔst   sʔaʔácaʔst (place name).

sʔaʔácaʔst   Morph: s+ʔa•ʔácaʔst ? sʔaʔácaʔst: place name.

ʔh   sʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ (place name).

sʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ   Morph: s+ʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ. sʔahan̓kíɬaʔxʷ: place name.

ʔkn   how.

ʔkin̓   Morph: ʔkin̓. what; how; where; when; to do s.t. in some way; the matter with s.o. or s.t.; what happens.

aʔkín   Morph: a+ʔkín. how.

cʔkin, cʔkin̓, c̓kin̓   Morph: c+ʔkin. how; how much; somehow; an indeterminate amount; a certain kind.

xʔkin   Morph: x+ʔkin. to do what?

xʔkinm   Morph: x+ʔkin+m. to do what?

xʔknmscut   Morph: x+ʔkn+m+scut. to do in some way.

sxʔkin   Morph: s+x+ʔkin. do what.

sc̓kinx, scʔkinx   Morph: s+c+ʔkin+x. why is it; how is it; to be the matter with s.t. or s.o.

cʔkinm   Morph: c+ʔkin+m. how it is.

cʔknútyaʔ   Morph: c+ʔknútyaʔ. in what (bad) state.

c̓aʔknílxʷ   Morph: c̓aʔknílxʷ. of some color, of whatever color.

ʔknúlaʔxʷ   Morph: ʔknúlaʔxʷ. how to be fixed, ready, prepared for s.t.

ʔaknúlaʔxʷ   Morph: ʔaknúlaʔxʷ. to be better off.

c̓aʔxkín   Morph: c̓aʔxkín. to do what?; what the matter is.

c̓aʔknúlaʔxʷ   Morph: c̓aʔknúlaʔxʷ. to be better off.

c̓aʔknálaʔk   Morph: c̓aʔknálaʔk. to be the matter.

c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓   Morph: c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓. to do what.

k̓aʔkín   Morph: k̓a+ʔkín̓. to (go or be) where, to where; wherever; somewhere.

k̓aʔkín̓   Morph: k̓a+ʔkín̓. to where.

k̓aʔknúlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓a+ʔknúlaʔxʷ. some place, somewhere.

laʔkín̓   Morph: laʔ+kín̓. where; when, whenever; sometimes; from time to time; once in a while; where, wherever; somewhere; how; somehow.

mat laʔkín   Morph: mat laʔkín. somehow. Sp leʔ čén̓ where is it?; Cm laʔkáʔ where.

laʔkín̓ scʔkinx   Morph: la+ʔkín sc+ʔkin+x. how come; what is the matter with ...; something must be the matter. Sp leʔ-čén̓ exactly where is it?

lut k̓aʔkín   Morph: lut k̓a+ʔkín. not anywhere; nowhere.

pn̓kin   Morph: pn+ʔkin. ever; when; sometime; at that time. See Sh pn-hen ever.

pnʔkin   Morph: pn+ʔkin. ever; when; sometime; at that time.

pn̓kin̓   Morph: pn+ʔkin̓. when. See Sh pn-hen ever.

taʔkín   Morph: ta+ʔkín. where.

t̓ack̓aʔkín   Morph: t̓a+c+k̓a•ʔkín. how.

lut pn̓kin̓   Morph: lut pn+ʔkin̓. never; not ever.

lut xʷuy pnkin̓   Morph: lut xʷuy pn+kin̓. never. Sh táʔ pnhén never, by no means, definitely not.

laʔkín̓ cʔkinm   Morph: la ʔkín c+ʔkin+m. how s.t. is.

laʔkín̓ sc̓kinx   Morph: la+ʔkín sc+ʔkin+x. how come; what is the matter with ...; something must be the matter.

ɬlaʔkín̓   Morph: ɬ+la+ʔkín̓. sometime again.

k̓laʔkín   Morph: k̓la+ʔkín. (to) where?

tlaʔkín   Morph: tla+ʔkín. from there; from where; a little ways.

lut xkinm   Morph: lut xkin+m. one is not able to; one can't.

yaʕyáʕt k̓aʔkín̓   Morph: yaʕyáʕt k̓aʔkín̓. to everywhere; to all sorts of places.

yaʕyáʕt taʔkín̓   Morph: yaʕ•yáʕ+t ta+ʔkín̓. everywhere; all sorts of places. Sp √čen̓ where, which; č̕-čén̓ ɬuʔ kʷ xʷúy where did you go to?; č̕ečn̓úl̕eʔxʷ to what place?; Cm ʔac‑ʔkan‑m how are (you)?; Cr e+čín+m happen (lit. what happened to h/h?); Sh √ken to do, to be where; Th /kén-m ~ /ʔkén-m ... how come; √ʔkén what happen? (first element appears only after vowel, with some variation; or in combination with px. c- yielding ...); Li √kan what, whether, how? See: xkn.

ʔknm   Vietnam.

ʔiknám   Morph: ʔiknám. From: English Viet Nam. See: 10/Nov/2020.

ʔks   stand.

ʔakswxlwís   Morph: ʔaks+wx+lwís. to stand around; to wander around.

ʔawsʔakswxlwís   Morph: ʔaw+s+ʔaks+wx+lwís. to go stand around.

ʔakswxínk   Morph: ʔaks+wxínk. to stand on a hillside.

ʔakswxus   Morph: ʔaks+wxus. to stand on top of s.t.

kʔakswíx   Morph: k+ʔaks+wix. to stand.

kʔakswíxm   Morph: k+ʔaks+wíx+m. to stand next to s.t. or s.o.


kʔakswíxmnt   Morph: k+ʔaks+wíx+m+nt. to stand next to.


kʔakswxálqʷ   Morph: k+ʔaks+wx+álqʷ. to stand on a log.

snʔakswíxtn   Morph: s+n+ʔaks+wíx+tn. a place to stand things in.

k̓ɬʔakswxálqʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaks+wxálqʷ. to stand under a tree.

k̓ɬʔakswxínk   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaks+wxínk. to stand or dwell on a side hill.

kɬʔakswxínk   Morph: kɬ+ʔaks+wxínk. to stand on a side hill.

kɬʔakswxús   Morph: kɬ+ʔakswxús. one stands on the bank or on top of s.t.

kɬnʔakswxús   Morph: kɬ+n+ʔakswxús. to stand in the middle of the fire.

ʔkʷ1   take, bring, haul.

ʔakʷ   Morph: ʔakʷ. to haul.

ʔukʷnt   Morph: ʔukʷ+nt. to take s.o. or s.t. around; to transport, carry s.t.


ɬʔukʷnt   Morph: ɬ+ʔukʷ+nt. to take s.t. back.



cʔukʷnt   Morph: c+ʔukʷ+nt. to bring s.t.


cʔukʷst   Morph: c+ʔukʷ+st. to bring s.t.


ʔukʷɬt   Morph: ʔukʷ+ɬt. to take s.t. to.


cʔukʷɬt   Morph: c+ʔukʷ+ɬt. to bring s.t.


cʔukʷxt   Morph: c+ʔukʷ+xt. to bring s.t.Tstem.

sʔukʷm   Morph: s+ʔukʷ+m. taking s.t. to.


ʔaʔúkʷnt   Morph: ʔa•ʔúkʷ+nt. to take several things.


cʔaʔúkʷnt   Morph: c+ʔa•ʔúkʷ+nt. to bring s.t. in.


cʔaʔúkʷɬt   Morph: c+ʔa•ʔúkʷ+ɬt. to bring s.t. in.


ɬʔukʷ   Morph: ɬ+ʔukʷ. to take s.o. or s.t. back or again.

c̓ukʷ, cʔukʷ   Morph: c+ʔukʷ. to bring (here) s.o. or s.t.; to transport s.t. here.

ɬcʔukʷ   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔukʷ. to have brought s.t. back.

c̓akʷncút, cʔakʷncút   Morph: c+ʔakʷ+ncút. to bring s.t. along.

cʔaʔúkʷ   Morph: c+ʔa•ʔúkʷ. to bring things.

ʔakʷʔakʷíɬc̓aʔm   Morph: ʔakʷ•ʔakʷíɬc̓aʔ+m. to pack meat.

ckʔukʷ   Morph: c+k+ʔukʷ. to walk here.

naʔúkʷmn   Morph: naʔ+ʔukʷ+mn. trucks.

snʔukʷmn   Morph: sn+ʔukʷ+mn. conveyance; van.

nʔaʔúkʷmn   Morph: n+ʔa•ʔúkʷ+mn. trucks; delivery.

nʔukʷmn   Morph: n+ʔukʷ+mn. truck; carriage; wagon; ambulance.

nʔakʷcínt   Morph: n+ʔakʷcí+nt. to bring food over to.


ɬnʔakʷcínt   Morph: ɬ+n+ʔakʷcí+nt. to take food back.


cnʔakʷcíst   Morph: c+n+ʔakʷcí+st. to bring food over to.


nʔakʷcín   Morph: n+ʔakʷcín. to take or bring food.

nʔakʷmaʔscín   Morph: n+ʔakʷmaʔscín. to hoard food.

ck̓ɬʔukʷnt   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+ʔukʷ+nt. to come after s.t. or s.o.


ck̓ɬʔukʷ   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+ʔukʷ. to come after s.o.

kɬʔukʷɬtm   Morph: kɬ+ʔukʷ+ɬt+m. taking s.t. back to.


sxʷk̓ɬʔakʷɬtíɬn   Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+ʔakʷɬtíɬn. taxi cab driver.

cʔawsʔúkʷmaʔm   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+ʔúkʷ+maʔ+m. to come and bid good bye to s.o.

ʔakʷɬtmníʔm   Morph: ʔakʷ+ɬ+tmníʔ+m. to haul or carry a corpse.

snʔakʷɬq̓y̓mín   Morph: sn+ʔakʷ+ɬ+q̓y̓+mín. stagecoach.

ʔakʷɬq̓y̓mínm   Morph: ʔakʷ+ɬ+q̓y̓+mín+m. to be a mail-carrier; to deliver a letter.

sʔakʷɬq̓y̓mínm   Morph: s+ʔakʷ+ɬ+q̓y̓+min+m. mail carrier. Sp ʔúkʷuʔ bring, take; Cm s‑n‑ʔukʷ‑mn truck; Cr y+ʔúkʷ+m to move something yonder; Sh (c-)ʔukʷ-m to take, bring, carry, haul; Th √ʔúkʷəwə ? deliver. See: ʔkʷt.

ʔkʷ2   bid goodbye.

ʔukʷmn   Morph: ʔukʷ+mn. to leave s.o.; to bid good bye to s.o.

ʔúkʷmaʔm   Morph: ʔúkʷ+maʔ+m ? to bid s.o. good bye. See Sp ʔukʷm̓eʔcín-m he recollected the kindness of someone who had said something nice to him shortly before he or she died.

ʔkʷt   crawl.

ʔukʷt   Morph: ʔukʷt. to crawl on one's belly. Cr ʔukʷ+t crawled (He...); see Cm kʷuwmínct crawl on one’s belly.

ʔakʷtílx   Morph: ʔakʷt+ílx. to crawl out.

ʔakʷtlílx   Morph: ʔakʷt+lí•l•x. several crawl.

ʔakʷʔakʷtílx   Morph: ʔakʷ•ʔakʷt+ílx. several crawl (out).

ʔakʷʔakʷtlílx   Morph: ʔakʷ•ʔakʷt+lí•l•x. to crawl around.

ʔakʷtlwís   Morph: ʔakʷt+lwis. to crawl around.

k̓kʷtínaʔ   Morph: k+ʔkʷtínaʔ. to crawl.

kʔakʷtínaʔnt   Morph: k+ʔakʷtínaʔ+nt. to crawl on s.t. or s.o.


nʔakʷtáqs   Morph: n+ʔakʷtáqs. a car.

nʔakʷtísxn   Morph: n+ʔakʷtísxn. to crawl up a cliff or bluff or rock.

nʔakʷʔakʷtísxn   Morph: n+ʔakʷ•ʔakʷtísxn. field bindweed.

kɬnʔakʷtáqs   Morph: kɬ+n+ʔakʷtáqs. car. Lit: crawl on the road See: ʔkʷ.

ʔk̓ʷ   nʔak̓ʷ (place name).

nʔak̓ʷ   Morph: nʔak̓ʷ. nʔak̓ʷ: place name. Gram: from niʔák̓ʷ crossing (?)

ʔk̓ʷn   fish eggs.

ʔik̓ʷn   Morph: ʔik̓ʷn. salmon eggs; fish eggs. Sp x̌ʷel̕ék̓ʷl dried salmon eggs; Cm ʔak̓ʷl̕ salmon roe; ʔak̓ʷn fish eggs; Cr ʔík̓ʷl salmon eggs; Sh ʔek̓ʷn fish roe; Th √ʔék̓ʷən ? salmon roe.

ʔl1   gather.

ʔulw̓s   Morph: ʔulw̓s. to gather; to gather things.

ʔulw̓snt   Morph: ʔulw̓s+nt. gather s.t.

Tstem. several people are gathered; to be gathered; to be together.

ʔulw̓sɬt   Morph: ʔulw̓s+ɬt. gather s.t.


ʔúluʔs   Morph: ʔulw̓s. to gather s.t. Sp ʔul meet, n-ʔúluʔs-m they’re united, they’re joined, they’re merged...; Li √ʔul̕us to get together, to have a meeting.

ʔalw̓scút   Morph: ʔalw̓s+cút. people gather; a crowd.

ʔalʔalw̓scút   Morph: ʔal•ʔalw̓s+cút. people gather.

ʔalw̓síkstm   Morph: ʔalw̓síkst+m. to take a collection.

ʔalw̓síslp̓m   Morph: ʔalw̓síslp̓+m. to gather wood.

ʔalw̓sqílxʷ   Morph: ʔalw̓+s+qílxʷ. people gather.

ʔaʔúlw̓sm   Morph: ʔa•ʔúlw̓s+m. to gather and gather.

ʔaʔúlw̓stn   Morph: ʔa•ʔúlw̓s+tn. rake for hay.

ɬʔullw̓s   Morph: ɬ+ʔul•lw̓s. to be gathered again.

ɬcʔulw̓s   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔulw̓s. to mix with s.o. again.

skʔlw̓sip, sk̓lusíp   Morph: s+k+ʔlusíp. skʔlw̓sip (place name). Lit: where waters meet

nʔúlw̓stn   Morph: n+ʔúlw̓s+tn. a place where to gather; a gathering place. Sp n-ʔúluʔs-m they're united, they're joined, they're merged, they are no longer considered separate.

ʔl2   sʔallwsápuʔsqn (man's name).

sʔallwsápuʔsqn   Morph: s+ʔal•lw̓sapw̓sqn. sʔallwsápuʔsqn (man's name).

ʔlh   shoot straight.

ʔalhíkst   Morph: ʔalhíkst ? to shoot straight, not miss.

ʔlk̓ʷ   sharpen.

ʔalk̓ʷúsnt   Morph: ʔalk̓ʷús+nt. to sharpen s.t.


ʔalk̓ʷúsm   Morph: ʔalk̓ʷús+m. to sharpen a blade.

sʔalk̓ʷúsm   Morph: s+ʔalk̓ʷús+m. sharpening s.t.


ʔalk̓ʷústn   Morph: ʔalk̓ʷús+tn. sharpening stone.

ʔalk̓ʷsíʔstmnt   Morph: ʔalk̓ʷsíʔst+m+nt. to sharpen s.t.


nʔalk̓ʷáqsm   Morph: n+ʔalk̓ʷáqs+m. to sharpen a point.

wy̓sʔalk̓ʷúsnt   Morph: wy̓+s+ʔalk̓ʷús+nt. get done sharpening s.t.


ʔlp1   get even.

nʔulpnt   Morph: n+ʔulp+nt. to get even with s.o.


nʔulpm   Morph: n+ʔulp+m. to get even with.


snʔulpm   Morph: s+n+ʔulp+m. getting even with.


ʔlp2   repeat.

ɬʔulpnt   Morph: ɬ+ʔulp+nt. to spit back s.t.; to repeat.

Tstem. See: yl10.

ʔlpl   gopher.

alapúl   Morph: alapúl ? Gopher; in Ok and Cv mythology, Coyote’s wife.

ʔlq   fight over.

nʔalqsnwíxʷmnt ?   Morph: n+ʔalqs+nwíxʷ+m+nt ? to fight over s.t.


nʔalksnwíxʷmnt ?   Morph: n+ʔalks+nwíxʷ+m+nt ? to fight over s.t.

Tstem. See Cr ʔél+m-s-n to move, stir, rouse. See also Sp ʔel̕ try, test, experiment with.

ʔlqʷʔ   go across.

ʔálqʷaʔ   Morph: ʔálqʷaʔ. to cross a distance on logs; to get close to the edge.

ʔállqʷaʔ   Morph: ʔál•l•qʷaʔ. to have crossed a distance on logs; to get close to the edge. Sp √ʔólqʷeʔ go down toward the water, go down toward the river.

ʔlxʷ   hungry.

ʔilxʷ   Morph: ʔilxʷ. to fast; to eat no food.

ʔilxʷxʷ   Morph: ʔilxʷ•xʷ. to be starved.

ʔilxʷt   Morph: ʔilxʷ+t. to be hungry.

sʔilxʷt   Morph: s+ʔilxʷ+t. hunger.

ʔalʔílxʷt   Morph: ʔal•ʔílxʷ+t. several are hungry.

ɬʔilxʷt   Morph: ɬ+ʔilxʷ+t. to be hungry again.

ʔilxʷtm   Morph: ʔilxʷ+t+m. to be hungry for s.t.; to crave s.t.

ʔilxʷtst   Morph: ʔilxʷ+t+st. to make s.o. hungry.

ʔɬn   eat.

ʔiɬn   Morph: ʔiɬn. to eat; to feast.

ʔiɬnt   Morph: ʔiɬ+nt. to eat s.t.


ʔiɬt   Morph: ʔi+ɬt. to eat s.t.


sʔiɬnt   Morph: s+ʔiɬ+nt. to eat s.t.


cʔiɬst   Morph: c+ʔiɬ+st. eat s.t.


scʔiɬst   Morph: sc+ʔiɬ+st. to eat s.t.


ʔiɬnm   Morph: ʔiɬn+m. to eat s.t.


sʔiɬn   Morph: s+ʔiɬn. food.

ʔiʔɬn   Morph: ʔi•ʔ•ɬn. to eat a little.

ʔiɬɬn   Morph: ʔiɬ•ɬ•n. to have eaten s.t.

scʔiɬn, sc̓iɬn   Morph: sc+ʔiɬn. food; groceries.

ʔaɬʔíɬnt   Morph: ʔaɬ•ʔíɬ+nt. to eat up; several eat.


cʔaɬʔíɬst   Morph: c+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬ+st. to eat s.t.


sʔaɬʔíɬn   Morph: s+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. what one eats.

scʔaɬʔíɬn   Morph: sc+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. food; what one eats.

ʔíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: ʔíɬc̓aʔ. a plate.

ʔíʔɬc̓aʔ   Morph: ʔí•ʔɬc̓aʔ. a kitchen utensil.

ʔaɬɬníʔst   Morph: ʔaɬ•ɬ•níʔst. to have gotten food.

ʔaɬʔaɬníʔst   Morph: ʔaɬ•ʔaɬníʔst. to manage to eat.

ʔaɬʔíɬniʔst   Morph: ʔaɬ+ʔíɬniʔst. to manage to eat.

ʔaɬʔaɬnímn   Morph: ʔaɬ•ʔaɬn+ímn. to like to eat; to eat often.

ʔaɬʔaɬnúnt   Morph: ʔaɬ•ʔaɬ+nú+nt. to get to eat; to manage to eat; to learn how to eat.


sʔaɬɬnúnt   Morph: s+ʔaɬ•ɬ+nú+nt. to get to eat s.t.


ʔaɬɬnú   Morph: ʔaɬ•ɬ•n+(n)u. to be able to eat.

ʔaɬnútm   Morph: ʔaɬnút+m. to be able to eat s.t.

ʔaɬɬnútm   Morph: ʔaɬ•ɬ•n+út+m. to be edible.

ʔaɬncút   Morph: ʔaɬn+cút. to eat oneself.

ʔaɬníls   Morph: ʔaɬníls. to want to ea.

ʔaɬcín   Morph: ʔaɬcín. to eat together.

ʔaɬnímn   Morph: ʔaɬn+ímn. to like to eat; to eat often.

ʔaɬnmsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: ʔaɬn+msqáx̌aʔ+m. to feed s.t. to s.o.

kʔiɬntn, k̓iɬntn   Morph: k+ʔiɬn+tn. s.t. with which to procure food, e.g. money; one's food needs.

sk̓iɬntn   Morph: s+k+ʔiɬn+tn. food.

nʔiɬntn   Morph: n+ʔiɬn+tn. a dish or plate.

snʔiɬntn   Morph: s+n+ʔiɬn+tn. restaurant; table; feeding place.

snʔiʔɬntn   Morph: s+n+ʔi•ʔ•ɬn+tn. a small restaurant. Sp s-n-ʔíɬn-tn eating utensils, plates, dining room, cafe; Cr n+ʔíɬn+n cafe, dining room, eating place, restaurant; Sh x-ʔiɬn-tn 1. stomach, 2. dish.

nʔaɬníls   Morph: n+ʔaɬníls. to want to eat.

nʔaɬcín   Morph: n+ʔaɬcín. to eat together.

nʔaɬncín   Morph: n+ʔaɬncín. to sponge food; to eat off of people.

snʔaɬncín   Morph: s+n+ʔaɬncín. to share food.

mlʔiɬnt   Morph: mlʔiɬ+nt. to eat s.t. along with s.t.


ml̕ʔiɬn   Morph: ml̕+ʔiɬn. to eat s.t. along with s.t.

snk̓ʷɬʔaɬʔíɬn   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. eating partner. Sp s-nk̓ʷ-ɬ√íɬn one who eats with me.

miscʔíɬn, misc̓íɬn   Morph: my+sc+ʔiɬn. prime food.

smyaʔsʔíɬn   Morph: s+my+aʔ+s+ʔíɬn. a delicacy.

kʔawsʔíɬn, k̓awsʔíɬn   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+ʔíɬn. to go eat.

ɬcʔawsʔíɬn   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔaw+s+ʔíɬn. to come back to eat.

myscʔiɬn   Morph: my+sc+ʔiɬn. prime food.

smysʔiɬn   Morph: s+my+s+ʔiɬn. more food.

miyasʔíɬn   Morph: miya+s+ʔíɬn. sacred food. Gram: variant (?) of my+s+ that may come from captíkʷɬ

skʔiɬntn   Morph: s+k+ʔiɬn+tn. food.

ʔaɬnmsqáx̌aʔmnt   Morph: ʔaɬn+msqáx̌aʔ+m+nt. to feed s.o. to.


nk̓ʷʔiɬnt   Morph: nk̓ʷ+ʔiɬ+nt. to eat s.t. in one meal.


nk̓ʷɬʔiɬnm   Morph: nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ʔiɬn+m. an eating table mate or partner.

nk̓ʷɬʔaɬʔíɬnmnt   Morph: nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn+m+nt. to eat with s.o.


nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtn   Morph: n+ʔaɬn+aʔ+s+qílxʷ+tn. man eater; cannibal; nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtn (man's name). Sp n-ʔaɬi√s-qélixʷ-tn cannibal, man eating monster, giant.

snʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtn   Morph: s+n+ʔaɬn+aʔ+s+qílxʷ+tn. one's being or becoming a man-eater.

spx̌ʷmsʔiɬn   Morph: s+px̌ʷ+m+s+ʔiɬn. giving out all the food.

swypsʔiɬn   Morph: s+wyp+s+ʔiɬn. white people's food.

x̌sʔiɬn   Morph: x̌s+ʔiɬn. good eating.

taʔxʷscʔíɬn, taʔxʷsc̓íɬn   Morph: taʔxʷ+sc+ʔíɬn. to obtain food.

tmsʔiɬn   Morph: tm+s+ʔiɬn. to be without food.

xʔalsʔaɬʔíɬn   Morph: xʔal+s+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. to be about to eat.

xaʔlsʔaɬʔíɬn   Morph: xaʔl+s+ʔaɬ•ʔíɬn. be near meal time.

ʔawsʔíɬn   Morph: ʔaws+ʔíɬn. to go eat. Sp ʔiɬn eat; c-k̓ʷʔi√síɬn he came here to eat; Cm ʔiɬn to eat; Cr ʔiɬn eat; Sh ʔiɬn to eat, sg.; Th √ʔíɬən animal-eat; Li ʔíɬən to eat, intr. See: ʔs2.

ʔɬxʷ   enter.

ʔuɬxʷst   Morph: ʔuɬxʷ+st. to cause s.o. to enter; to put s.o. inside.

k̓ɬʔuɬxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔuɬxʷ. to enter going under s.t.

ck̓ɬʔuɬxʷ   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+ʔuɬxʷ. to come under.

k̓ɬʔuɬxʷst   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔuɬxʷ+st. to stick s.t. or s.o. under s.t.; to make s.t. or s.o. go under s.t.

k̓ɬnʔaɬxʷípnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+ʔaɬxʷíp+nt. to go through a door; to manage to get inside; to go in (after s.t. or s.o.)


k̓ɬʔaɬxʷíc̓aʔnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaɬxʷíc̓aʔ+nt. to crawl under a blanket; to go in under a blanket.


nʔuɬxʷ   Morph: n+ʔuɬxʷ. to enter; to take s.t. in.

nʔuɬxʷst   Morph: n+ʔuɬxʷ+st. to bring in s.t.


cnʔuɬxʷst   Morph: c+n+ʔuɬxʷ+st. to bring s.o. in.


nʔuɬxʷmnt   Morph: n+ʔuɬxʷ+m+nt. to enter into s.o.'s house.


nʔuɬxʷst   Morph: n+ʔuɬxʷ+st. to take s.t. or s.o. inside.

nʔuɬxʷɬt   Morph: n+ʔuɬxʷ+ɬt. to bring in s.t.


ɬnʔuɬxʷ   Morph: ɬ+n+ʔuɬxʷ. to enter, go in again.

cnʔuɬxʷ   Morph: c+n+ʔuɬxʷ. to come in; to bring s.t. in; to enter.

ɬcnʔuɬxʷ   Morph: ɬ+c+n+ʔuɬxʷ. to come back in.

cnʔuɬxʷm   Morph: c+n+ʔuɬxʷ+m. to come toward s.o. or s.t.

ɬnʔuɬxʷst   Morph: ɬ+n+ʔuɬxʷ+st. to take s.t. back inside; to take s.t. inside again.

cnʔuɬxʷst   Morph: c+n+ʔuɬxʷ+st. to bring s.t. inside.

nʔaɬxʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+ʔaɬxʷúlaʔxʷ. to go into the ground.

nʔaɬxʷíɬxʷ   Morph: n+ʔaɬxʷíɬxʷ. to enter a house.

nʔaɬxʷípnt   Morph: n+ʔaɬxʷíp+nt. to go inside s.o.'s house.


nʔaɬxʷáqsnt   Morph: n+ʔaɬxʷáqs+nt. s.t. gets in one's nose.


nʔaɬxʷsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: n+ʔaɬxʷsqáx̌aʔ+m. to put a horse in(side).

nʔaɬxʷítkʷ   Morph: nʔaɬxʷítkʷ. to dive (in the water).

naʔɬxʷítkʷ   Morph: na+ʔɬxʷitkʷ. to go underwater.

ɬnʔaɬxʷítkʷ   Morph: ɬ+nʔaɬxʷítkʷ. to dive (in the water) again.

nʔaɬxʷíw̓s   Morph: n+ʔaɬxʷíw̓s. one enters; one gets back in; one gets in the middle of.

knʔuɬxʷmnt   Morph: k+n+ʔuɬxʷ+m+nt. to take s.o. or s.t. in.

Tstem. Sp ʔuɬxʷ enter, go in; n-ʔúɬxʷ he went in; Cr n+ʔuɬxʷ; Sh (c-)ʔuɬxʷ to enter; Th /ʔuɬxʷ enter, go inside (esp. house); Li ʔuɬxʷ to enter, go in.

ʔɬʔxʷ   ?

snʔáɬaʔxʷ   Morph: sn+ʔáɬaʔxʷ ? ?

ʔƛ̓l   north.

nʔiƛ̓tk   Morph: n+ʔiƛ̓tk. north.

nʔiƛ̓ltk   Morph: n+ʔiƛ̓ltk. north.

snʔiƛ̓ltx   Morph: s+n+ʔiƛ̓l+tx. snʔiƛ̓ltx: subgroup of Lakes people in the area from Northport to Revelstoke.

nʔaƛ̓tkús   Morph: n+ʔaƛ̓tkús. to go north.

tack̓anʔíƛ̓ltk   Morph: ta c+k̓a+n+ʔíƛ̓ltk. towards the north.

t̓ck̓aʔnʔíƛ̓ltk   Morph: t̓c+k̓aʔ+n+ʔíƛ̓ltk. towards the north.

ʔm1   feed.

ʔam   Morph: ʔam. to feed s.o.

ɬʔamt   Morph: ɬ+ʔam+t. to feed again.


ɬʔamʔamt   Morph: ɬ+ʔam•ʔam+t. to feed pl.


ʔamʔam   Morph: ʔam•ʔam. to feed s.o.

ʔamnánt   Morph: ʔamná+nt. to feed s.o.


sʔamnám   Morph: s+ʔamná+m. feeding s.o.


ɬʔam   Morph: ɬ+ʔam. to feed again.

ɬʔamʔam   Morph: ɬ+ʔam•ʔam. to feed s.o. again.

scʔamnám   Morph: sc+ʔam+ná+m ? the one who has been fed; the ones who have been fed.

sʔammán   Morph: s+ʔam•má+n. what one is given to eat; a portion of food.

ʔammán   Morph: ʔam•m•án. to be fed; to be given to eat.

ʔammnú   Morph: ʔam•m+nu. to manage to get s.o. fed.

ʔamnwíxʷ   Morph: ʔamn+wíxʷ. to feed one another.

ʔamnílt   Morph: ʔamnílt. to feed a child or children; to give a potlatch.

ʔamníltm   Morph: ʔamnílt+m. to feed children.

ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ   Morph: ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ. feed for stock.

sʔamnsqáx̌aʔ   Morph: s+ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ. animals one has fed.

cʔamnsqáx̌aʔmst   Morph: c+ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ+m+st. to feed the stock.


haɬʔám   Morph: haɬʔám. a group that feeds others.

snʔamnsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: s+n+ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ+tn. a manger; a place for feed.

k̓ɬʔamt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔam+t. to feed s.t. to s.o.


txʷsʔamnsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: txʷ+s+ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ+m. to have stock feed.

ʔamnsqílxʷ   Morph: ʔamn+s+qilxʷ. s.o.'s feeding a person or persons.

ʔawsʔamnsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: ʔaw+s+ʔam+nsqáx̌aʔ+m. to go feed horses. Sp ʔem̓, ʔam-isqáx̌ʔe he fed his animals; Cm ʔəm‑t‑xʷ you feed s.o.; Cr ʔem-t-s feed; Sh mt-es to feed; Li ʔam to feed.

ʔm2   name, say.

ʔumnt   Morph: ʔum+nt. to call; to name; to say; to ask.


ɬʔumnt   Morph: ɬ+ʔum+nt. to say again.


cʔumnt   Morph: c+ʔum+nt. to call s.o.


cʔumst   Morph: c+ʔum+st. to call s.t.


ccʔumst   Morph: c+c+ʔum+st ? to call s.t.


ʔumɬt   Morph: ʔum+ɬt. to call s.t.


ʔumxt   Morph: ʔum+xt. to call s.t.


ʔaʔúmnt   Morph: ʔa•ʔúm+nt. to read a book.


ɬʔaʔúmnt   Morph: ɬ+ʔa•ʔúm+nt. to repeat.


ʔumm   Morph: ʔum•m. to be named; to be called.

ʔumncút   Morph: ʔum+ncút. to call oneself s.t.

sʔum   Morph: s+ʔum. name; meaning.

sʔumm   Morph: s+ʔum•m. to get to be named.

ɬʔum   Morph: ɬ+ʔum. to repeat s.t.

ʔamʔúm   Morph: ʔam•ʔúm. to announce s.t.

ʔaʔúmm   Morph: ʔa•ʔúm•m. to call the square dance.

ʔaʔúm   Morph: ʔa•ʔúm. to read; to say; to compose; to utter; to name.

sʔaʔúm   Morph: s+ʔa•ʔúm. name.

ɬʔaʔúm   Morph: ɬ+ʔa•ʔúm. to repeat.

cʔum   Morph: c+ʔum. to name s.t. or s.o.; to make a calling sound.

scʔaʔúm   Morph: sc+ʔa•ʔúm. words.

ʔamnún   Morph: ʔam+nun. to be able to name s.t.; to be able to say a word.

ʔammnún   Morph: ʔam•m+nún. to name s.t.; to remember the name of s.t.

ʔamncút   Morph: ʔam+ncút. to call oneself s.t.; to identify s.o.; to tell s.o. about names.

ʔúmlaʔxʷnt   Morph: ʔúmlaʔxʷ+nt. to name a place.


cʔúmlaʔxʷst   Morph: c+ʔúmlaʔxʷ+st. to call a place such and such; to name a place.


ʔúmlaʔxʷm   Morph: ʔúmlaʔxʷ+m. to name a place.


ʔamʔúmlaʔxʷnt   Morph: ʔam•ʔúmlaʔxʷ+nt. to name a place.


sʔúmmlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+ʔúm•mlaʔxʷ. the name of a place.

k̓ɬʔamnú(n)   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔam+nu. to succeed in naming or guessing s.t. correctly.

k̓ɬʔamcínt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔamcí+nt. to agree; to give an answer.


k̓ɬʔamcíntn   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔamcín+tn. an answer.

sxʷʔaʔúmm   Morph: sxʷʔa•ʔúm+m. a square dance caller.

sʔammsíyaʔ   Morph: s+ʔam•m+síyaʔ ? a nickname. Sp √ʔaw name, say aloud, read, count; √ʕaw (aw ʔaw) to name, to read; hec-ʔáw-s-t-m he was (customarily) named, called by them; Sh ʔəm(e)t to call, name, mention; Th ʔúm name.

ʔm3   name (k + √ʔm).

skʔúmplaʔ, sk̓úmplaʔ   Morph: s+k+ʔúmplaʔ. to call or name s.t.; the meaning of s.t.

skʔúmmplaʔ   Morph: s+k+ʔúm•mplaʔ. the answer or meaning given.

kʔamplaʔncútmnt   Morph: k+ʔamplaʔ+ncút+m+nt. to name s.o. s.t.; to call by a name; to claim s.o. as a relative.


ckʔamplaʔncútmst   Morph: c+k+ʔamplaʔ+ncút+m+st. claim as relative.


kʔamplaʔncútm, k̓amplaʔncútm   Morph: k+ʔamplaʔ+ncút+m. to claim s.o. as a relative; to go over a lineage.

ʔm4   wait.

k̓ɬʔimnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔim+nt. to waste time; to wait for s.o.


k̓ɬʔimst   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔim+st. to waste time.


ɬk̓ɬʔim   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+ʔim. to wait again.

k̓ɬʔimm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔim•m. to be waited for.

k̓ɬʔamnwíxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔam+nwíxʷ. to wait for one another. Sp hec-n-ʔemtéw̓s-i he is waiting; see Cm k̓ɬʔam; Cr ce·n+ʔím-nt-s ... he waited for him; Sh x-ʔəmə[t]-cin to lie in wait for game; Th /ʔém-e-s go to a place to stay and look after s.o. there; Li ʔám̓stəxʷ to be left in s.o.'s care.

ʔm5   force.

ʔim̓kstmnt   Morph: ʔim̓kst+m+nt. to crowd s.o.; to force s.o.


ʔm6   ʔm in personal names.

ʔamntwáxʷmntm   Morph: ʔam+ntwáxʷ+mn+t+m. ʔamntwáxʷmntm (man's name).

ʔaʔamtúlaʔxʷ   Morph: ʔa•ʔam+túlaʔxʷ. ʔaʔamtúlaʔxʷ (woman's name).

ʔmk̓ʷ   skinned, peeled.

ʔamk̓ʷ   Morph: ʔamk̓ʷ. skinned, peeled.

skɬʔamk̓ʷílsxn   Morph: s+kɬ+ʔamk̓ʷílsxn. a skinned forehead. Sp √ʔemúk̓ʷ skinned, peeled; čn čɬ-ʔemk̓ʷésšn̓ I skinned my forehead.

ʔms1   almost, nearly.

ʔámas   Morph: ʔámas. to come close to.

ʔamaʔsq̓ílt   Morph: ʔamaʔ+s+q̓íl+t. to be almost sick.

ɬʔamasnsp̓íliʔs   Morph: ɬ+ʔamaʔ+s+n+sp̓íliʔs. to come close to clubbing s.o.

ʔamasnsp̓íliʔs   Morph: ʔamas+n+sp̓íliʔs. to threaten to beat s.o.

ʔamaʔsnsp̓íliʔs   Morph: ʔamaʔsn+sp̓íliʔs ? to threaten to club s.o.

ʔamaʔsƛ̓lál   Morph: ʔamaʔs+ƛ̓l•ál. to be nearly dead.

ʔamaʔsƛ̓mípm   Morph: ʔamaʔs+ƛ̓míp+m. to be nearly late.

ʔamaʔspúl   Morph: ʔamaʔs+pul. nearly kill s.o.

ʔamaʔst̓k̓ʷák̓ʷ   Morph: ʔamaʔs+t̓k̓ʷ•ák̓ʷ. to almost fall (to the ground).

ʔms2   howl.

ʔum̓sm   Morph: ʔum̓s ? to howl. See: ʔm2.

ʔmsm   poor thing.

ʔamsm̓   Morph: ʔamsm̓. poor thing; pitiable one; unfortunate one. Sp ʔémsm̓ poor thing!; Cm maʔúsm poor thing, pitiful person; See Th ʔəmˑ/ʔúms-m ... howl with special sad noise.

ʔmt1   sit, settle.

ʔmut   Morph: ʔmut. to get s.o. settled.

ʔamút   Morph: ʔamút. to sit; to be sitting.

ʔa•ʔmút   Morph: ʔaʔmút. to sit.

c̓amút   Morph: c+ʔamút. to sit facing s.t. or s.o.

ʔammútt   Morph: ʔam•mút•t. to sit down helplessly; to fall back in a sitting position; to have to sit down; to be unable to resist sitting down.

ʔamtíls   Morph: ʔamtíls. to want to sit down.

ʔamtlwís   Morph: ʔamt+lwís. to sit around. Sp ʔemút, n-ʔem̓tíčn̓ he rode bareback; Cr ʔém+iš sit down; Sh ʔəmut to sit down, sg.

ʔamʔamcínt   Morph: ʔam•ʔamcí+nt. to sit watching for s.t.


ʔamʔamcínm   Morph: ʔam•ʔamcín+m. to watch for s.t.

Mstem. Sh x-ʔəmə[t]-cin to lie in wait for game.

ʔamútqn   Morph: ʔamútqn. president.

ʔamcnítkʷ   Morph: ʔamcnítkʷ. to sit by the shore.

ʔamtcnítkʷ   Morph: ʔamtcnítkʷ. s.t. sits next to the shore.

ʔammcnítaʔkʷ   Morph: ʔam•mcnítaʔkʷ. sit by the shore.

scʔamtílt   Morph: sc+ʔamtílt. young unmarried woman. Lit: sits here

ɬʔammútt   Morph: ɬ+ʔam•mút•t. to be seated again.

ɬʔamtwís   Morph: ɬ+ʔamt+wís. to go back to sitting around.

ɬʔamtlwís   Morph: ɬ+ʔamt+lwís. to sit around again.

ʔamtslíp̓   Morph: ʔam+t+s+líp̓. sit by the fire.

sxʷk̓amtíltm   Morph: sxʷk+ʔamtílt+m. baby sitter.

sxʷkʔamtíw̓s, sxʷk̓amtíw̓s   Morph: sxʷk+ʔamtíw̓s. a jockey; a rider.

aʔkɬʔamtíw̓s   Morph: aʔkɬ+ʔamtíw̓s. Addy (place name).

kɬʔamtús   Morph: kɬ+ʔamtús. to sit on a bluff.

kɬʔamtíw̓s   Morph: kɬ+ʔamtíw̓s. Addy. Lit: a little mountain all by itself, a little butte right in the center

kɬʔammtíkn   Morph: kɬ+ʔam•m+tíkn. to fall to a sitting position.

kɬʔamút   Morph: kɬ+ʔa+mút. one person sits on s.t.

k̓wk̓amtíltm   Morph: k̓w+k+ʔamtilt+m. to go babysit.

kʔawskʔamtíltm, k̓awsk̓amtíltm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k+ʔamtílt+m. to go babysitting.

snʔamʔamcíntn   Morph: s+n+ʔam•ʔamcín+tn. snʔamʔamcíntn: place name. Lit: sitting around and waiting for game place

tkʔamútmnt   Morph: t+k+ʔamút+m+nt. to sit with s.o.; to stay with s.o.


tkʔmutmnt   Morph: t+k+ʔmut+m+nt. to sit with.


tkʔamtíw̓stn   Morph: t+k+ʔamtíw̓s+tn. a horse.

k̓wkʔamtíltm   Morph: k̓w+k+ʔamtílt+m. to go babysitting. Sp č̕m-t-éw̓s he rode a horse, he sat in a tree, he sat astride; s-n-č̕m-téw̓s-tn a saddle horse; Cr sye+t+č+ʔm+íšew̓es chevalier... (lit. One who rides (horseback); t+č+ʔmútew̓es horseback (on...); Sh t-ʔəm(ə)t-ew̓s to ride, sg.; x-t-ʔmt-ew̓s-tn a mount. See: mt.

ʔmt2   sit (k + √ʔmt).

kʔamútm   Morph: k+ʔamút+m. to stay with s.o.; to sit by s.o.

kʔammútt, k̓ammútt   Morph: k+ʔam•mut•t. to light and sit; to land.

kʔamtlwís, k̓amtlwís   Morph: k+ʔamt+lwís. to sit around.

kʔamtíkn̓   Morph: k+ʔamtíkn̓. to be or sit on top of the hill.

kʔammtílt   Morph: k+ʔam•m•tílt. to baby-sit.

kʔamtíltnt   Morph: k+ʔamtílt+nt. to babysit.


kʔamtíltɬt   Morph: k+ʔamtílt+ɬt. to babysit.


kʔamtálqʷ, k̓amtálqʷ   Morph: k+ʔamtálqʷ. to sit on a log; tree fungus.

kʔamátqn, k̓amátqn   Morph: k+ʔamátqn. to sit on top of s.t.

kʔamtqínm, k̓amtqínm   Morph: k+ʔamtqín+m. lookout tower. Lit: sits on top

kʔamtíw̓   Morph: k+ʔamtíw̓. to ride.

kʔamtíw̓st   Morph: k+ʔamtíw̓+st. to mount and ride a horse; to travel on horseback; to sit astride s.t.; to place a person on a horse.


sk̓amtíw̓s   Morph: s+kʔamtíw̓s. horseback riding.

k̓amtíw̓stn   Morph: k+ʔamtíw̓s+tn. a horse.

k̓amtíw̓aʔs   Morph: k+ʔamtíw̓aʔs. to ride horseback.

kʔamʔamtíw̓s   Morph: k+ʔam•ʔamtíw̓s. to ride around.

kʔamtíw̓aʔs   Morph: k+ʔamtíw̓aʔs. to sit on s.t.; s.t. small sits on s.t. or rides on horseback.

kʔamtw̓símn   Morph: k+ʔamtw̓s+ímn. one who rides often, or likes to ride horseback; to like to ride horseback; to ride horseback all the time.

skʔamtíw̓s   Morph: s+kʔamtíw̓s. horseback riding.

ɬkʔamtíw̓s   Morph: ɬ+k+ʔamtíw̓s. to ride again.

kʔamtkn̓úpsm, k̓amtkn̓úpsm   Morph: kʔ+amtkn̓úps+m. to have s.o. ride double; to have s.o. ride behind.

kʔammtiw̓s   Morph: k+ʔam+m+tiw̓s. to be perched; to land (from flying).

kʔamtíw̓stn   Morph: k+ʔamtíw̓s+tn. a horse (to ride).

kʔamɬníwtnt, k̓amɬníwtnt   Morph: k+ʔamɬníwt+nt. to sit beside s.t. or s.o.


k̓amtɬníwt, kʔamtɬníwt   Morph: k̓amtɬníwt. to sit alongside s.o.; to sit next to s.o.; to sit by s.o.'s side.

kʔamtwílm, k̓amtwílm   Morph: k+ʔamt+wíl+m. to sit to do s.t.

kʔamxíkn̓, k̓amxíkn̓   Morph: k+ʔam+xíkn̓. to be atop a ridge.

ɬkʔamtísxn, ɬk̓amtísxn   Morph: ɬ+k+ʔamtísxn. to sit again on a rock; to perch again on a rock.

ʔmt3   sit (n + √ʔmt).

ɬcnʔamtíkn   Morph: ɬ+nʔamtíkn. to ride on s.t.

nʔamút   Morph: n+ʔamút. to sit inside s.t.

nʔamtíknt   Morph: n+ʔamtík+nt. to ride; to sit on s.o.'s back.


nʔamtíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: n+ʔamtíɬc̓aʔ. one person sits in the house.

nʔamtáqs   Morph: n+ʔamtáqs. to sit on the road.

nʔaʔmtítaʔkʷ   Morph: n+ʔa•ʔmtítaʔkʷ. nʔaʔmtítaʔkʷ: place name. Lit: small object sitting in a little bit of water

nʔamtús   Morph: n+ʔamtús. to sit by the fire.

nʔamtítkʷ   Morph: nʔamtítkʷ. to sit in the water.

nʔamtíwsnt   Morph: n+ʔamtíws+nt. to sit amongst people; to sit with others.


nʔamɬcítxʷ   Morph: n+ʔam+ɬ+cítxʷ. to house s.t.

nʔamtscítxʷ   Morph: n+ʔamt+s+cítxʷ. to house sit.

nkʔamtíw̓smnt   Morph: n+k+ʔamtíw̓s+m+nt. to ride a horse; to climb on s.o.'s back.


nk̓amtíw̓stn, nkʔamtíw̓stn   Morph: n+k+ʔamtiw̓s+tn. a saddle horse; a riding horse.

ʔmt4   sit (k̓ɬ + √ʔmt).

k̓ɬʔamút   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔamút. to sit in a conveyance.

k̓ɬʔamtíp   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔamtíp. to sit by a door.

k̓ɬnʔamtíp   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+ʔamtíp. to sit under s.t.

k̓ɬʔamcnítkʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔamcnítkʷ. to sit by the shore.

k̓ɬʔamlwís   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔam+lwís. to sit around waiting for s.o.

k̓ɬʔamtílst   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔamtíls+st. to seat or set s.t. or s.o. before s.o.

ʔmt5   grandchild.

nʔímaʔt   Morph: n+ʔímaʔt. grandchild. Cm ʔa-ʔim̓ac grandchild; Sh ʔimc (great-)grandchild; Th √ʔímec grandchild.

snʔímaʔt   Morph: s+n+ʔímaʔt. grandchild; brother, sister, or cousin's grandchild.

snʔamʔímaʔt   Morph: sn+ʔam•ʔímaʔt. grandchildren; brother(s), sister(s), cousin(s)' grandchild.

snʔamʔímˑaʔt   Morph: s+n+ʔam•ʔímˑaʔt. grandchildren.

ʔmt6   ʔamtpíc̓aʔ (woman's name).

ʔamtpíc̓aʔ   Morph: ʔamt+píc̓aʔ. ʔamtpíc̓aʔ (woman's name).

ʔmx   move.

ʔimx   Morph: ʔimx. to move; to change residence.

ʔim̓x   Morph: ʔim̓+x. to move (residence); to move camp.

ɬʔimx   Morph: ɬ+ʔimx. to move back.

c̓imx, cʔimx   Morph: c+ʔimx. to move here.

ʔamʔímx   Morph: ʔam•ʔímx. several move.

ɬʔamʔímx   Morph: ɬ+ʔam•ʔímx. several move back.

ɬcʔimx   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔimx. to have moved back.

ʔamxlwís   Morph: ʔam+x+lwís. one's whereabouts; where one moves to.

sʔamxlwístn   Morph: s+ʔamx+lwís+tn. one's whereabouts; where one moves to.

snʔimxtn   Morph: s+n+ʔimx+tn. a place where to move; a residence.

snʔamʔímxtn   Morph: sn+ʔam•ʔímx+tn. place where people go. Sp ʔim̓š move; Cm ʔím̓x to move, vacate, relocate.


ʔnk   ʔiʔínk (a bird).

ʔiʔínk   Morph: ʔi•ʔínk. ʔiʔínk: unidentified small bird.

ʔnw   feel.

ʔanwínt   Morph: ʔanwí+nt. to feel or sense s.t.

Tstem. Sp ʔenwén feel, sense.

cʔanwíst   Morph: c+ʔanwí+st. to feel s.t.


kʔanwnúsm   Morph: k+ʔanwnús+m ? to feel s.t.

k̓ɬʔanwínt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔanwí+nt. to get to hear; to manage to hear s.t.


ʔpn   ten.

ʔupnkst   ten. Sp ʔupn ten; Cr ʔúpen ten; Sh ʔup-əkst ten (objects); Th ʔúpnekst ten; ten times.

ʔapnkst   Morph: ʔapnkst. ten.

ʔupnkstásq̓t   Morph: ʔupnkstásq̓t. ten days.

ʔapnkstásq̓t   Morph: ʔapnkstásq̓t. ten days.

ʔapnkstús   Morph: ʔapnkstus. ten berries.

ʔapnkstíwɬ   Morph: ʔapnkstíwɬ. ten boats.

ʔapnkstísxn   Morph: ʔapnkstísxn. ten stones.

ʔapnkstáyaʔqn   Morph: ʔapnkstáyaʔqn. ten heads.

ʔupnkstɬ+   Morph: ʔupnkst+ɬ+. stem on which numbers 11-19 are formed.

ʔupnkstɬnáqs   Morph: ʔupnkst+ɬ+mús. eleven.

ʔupnkstɬnqsálqʷ   Morph: ʔupn+kst+ɬ+nqs+álqʷ. eleven sticks.

ʔupnkstɬmús   Variant: ʔapn+kst+ɬ+mús. fourteen.

ʔupnkstɬmúslp   Morph: ʔupnkst+ɬ+múslp. fourteen items.

ʔapnkstɬmúslp   Morph: ʔapnkst+ɬ+muslp. fourteen items.

ʔupnkstɬcílkst   Morph: ʔupnkst+ɬ+cílkst. fifteen.

ʔupnkstɬt̓áq̓mkst   Morph: ʔupn+kst+ɬ+t̓áq̓mkst. sixteen.

tkʔupnkst   Morph: t+k+ʔupnkst. ten persons.

ʔapnkspíntk   Morph: ʔapnks+píntk. ten years; ten year old(s). Cr ʔupen+čs+píntč decade.

sʔapnkspíntk   Morph: s+ʔapnks+píntk. to be ten years old.

+ʔupnkstɬ+   Morph: +ʔupnkst+ɬ+. stem on which numbers 21-99 are formed, except for decade numbers.

aslʔupnkstɬnáqs   Morph: asl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+náqs. twenty-one.

ʔaslʔupnkstɬnáqs   Morph: ʔasl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+náqs. twenty-one.

ʔaslʔúpnkstɬʔasíl   Morph: ʔasl+ʔúpnkst+ɬ+ʔasíl. twenty-two.

ʔaslʔúpnkstɬcílkst   Morph: ʔasl+ʔúpnkst-ɬ+cílkst. twenty-five.

ʔaslʔúpnkst   Morph: ʔasl+ʔúpnkst. twenty.

kaʔɬlʔúpnkst   Morph: kaʔɬl+ʔúpnkst. thirty.

kaʔɬlʔupnksɬcílkst   Morph: kaʔɬl+ʔupnks+ɬ+cílkst. thirty-five.

kaʔɬlʔupnkstɬcilkst   Morph: kaʔɬl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+cilkst. thirty-five.

kaʔɬlʔupnkstɬsísp̓lk̓   Morph: kaʔɬl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+si•sp̓lk̓. thirty-seven.

kaʔɬlʔupnksɬsísp̓lk̓   Morph: kaʔɬl+ʔupnks+ɬ+sí•sp̓lk̓. thirty-seven.

msɬʔupnkst   Morph: ms+ɬ+ʔupnkst. forty.

clkɬʔupnkst   Morph: clk+ɬ+ʔupnkst. fifty.

t̓aq̓mkɬʔúpnkst   Morph: t̓aq̓+mk+ɬ+ʔúpnkst. sixty.

x̌ccíkstɬt̓áq̓mkɬʔúpnkstɬmús   Morph: x̌c•cíkst+ɬ+t̓áq̓+mk+ɬ+ʔúpnkst+ɬ+mús. one hundred and sixty four.

ssp̓lk̓ɬʔupnkst   Morph: s•sp̓lk̓+ɬ+ʔupnkst. seventy.

tmɬʔupnkst   Morph: tmɬ+ʔupnkst. eighty.

t̓aq̓mkɬʔapnkspíntk   Morph: t̓aq̓mk+ɬ+ʔapnks+píntk. sixty years.

t̓aq̓mkstʔapnkspíntk   Morph: t̓aq̓+mkst+ʔapnks+píntk. sixty years.

kʔupnkst   Morph: kʔupnkst. ten persons.

kʔupnksɬknáqs   Morph: kʔupnks+ɬ+knáqs. eleven persons.

kʔúpnkstɬnaqs   Morph: kʔúpnkst+ɬ+naqs. eleven persons.

kʔupnkstɬknáqs   Morph: kʔupnkst+ɬ+knáqs. eleven persons.

kʔupnkstɬkʔasʔasíl   Morph: kʔupnkst+ɬ+kʔas•ʔasíl. twelve persons.

kʔapnkstíc̓aʔ, k̓apnkstíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʔapnkstíc̓aʔ. ten packages or bundles.

kaʔɬʔapnkspíntk   Morph: kaʔɬ+ʔapnks+píntk. thirty years.

kaʔɬʔupnkspíntk   Morph: kaʔɬ+ʔupnks+píntk. thirty years.

kaʔɬlʔupnkspíntk   Morph: kaʔɬl+ʔupnks+píntk. thirty years.

kaʔɬlʔapnkspíntk   Morph: kaʔɬl+ʔapnks+píntk. thirty years.

k̓upnkst   Morph: kʔupnkst. ten persons.

k̓ʷinxɬʔúpnkst   Morph: k̓ʷinx+ɬ+ʔúpn꞊kst. an indeterminate number of tens.

k̓ʷnxɬʔupnkst   Morph: k̓ʷn+x+ɬ+ʔupnkst. several tens.

ʔaslʔapnkspíntk   Morph: ʔasl+ʔapnks+píntk. twenty years.

ʔaslʔupnksɬnk̓ʷspíntk   Morph: ʔasl+ʔupnks+ɬ+nk̓ʷ+s+píntk. twenty-one years.

ʔpʔ   sister.

ʔúpaʔ   Morph: ʔúpaʔ. younger sister, hypocoristic form of ɬccʔups; appellative form: a female addressing a younger female. See: cʔps.

ʔp̓   wipe.

ʔip̓nt   Morph: ʔip̓+nt. to wipe s.t. (dry).


ʔip̓s   Morph: ʔip̓s. to wipe one's face.

ʔip̓p̓   Morph: ʔip̓•p̓. to have gotten wiped.

ʔip̓mn   Morph: ʔip̓+mn. wiping imstrument, dish cloth.

ʔip̓stn   Morph: ʔip̓s+tn. face wiper, face cloth; towel.

ʔap̓ʔíp̓xnmnt   Morph: ʔap̓•ʔíp̓xn+m+nt. to rub s.t. with the feet.


ap̓qnúsaʔstn   Morph: ap̓qnúsaʔs+tn ? Coyote mint.

aʔp̓nw̓íxʷtn̓   Morph: ʔap̓nw̓íxʷ+tn̓ ? wild buckwheat.

ʔap̓skʷáltm   Morph: ʔap̓s+kʷált+m. to wipe one's sweat.

kʔap̓c̓aʔncút   Morph: k+ʔap̓c̓aʔ+ncút. to dry one's body.

nʔap̓qs   Morph: n+ʔap̓qs. to wipe one's own nose.

nʔip̓pstn   Morph: n+ʔip̓ps+tn. toilet tissue.

snʔip̓pstn   Morph: s+n+ʔip̓ps+tn. toilet paper.

snʔap̓p̓qstn   Morph: s+n+ʔap̓•p̓qs+tn. tissue; wiper.

nʔap̓nkíc̓aʔtn   Morph: n+ʔap̓nkíc̓aʔ+tn. nʔap̓nkíc̓aʔtn: locoweed. Sp √ʔep̓ wipe dry; Cm ʔap̓‑nt‑xʷ you wipe s.t.; Cr ʔip̓ wipe; Sh ʔep̓-m to wipe; Th √ʔép̓ wipe; Li ʔáp̓-an̓ to wipe s.t.

ʔqʷ   ear wax.

snʔúqnaʔ   Morph: s+n+ʔúqnaʔ. earwax; wax in one ear. Sp s-n-ʔóqʷneʔ earwax in one ear.

snʔúqʷnaʔ   Morph: s+n+ʔuqʷnaʔ. ear wax. Sp s-n-ʔóqʷneʔ earwax.

snʔuqʔúqnaʔ   Morph: s+n+ʔuq•ʔúqnaʔ. earwax; wax in both ear. Sp s-n-ʔoqʷʔóqʷneʔ earwax in both ears.

ʔq̓   scrape.

ʔiq̓nt   Morph: ʔiq̓+nt. to scrape s.t.


cʔiq̓st   Morph: c+ʔiq̓+st. to scrape s.t.


ʔiq̓q̓   Morph: ʔiq̓•q̓. (a hide) is scraped. Cm ʔiq̓-q̓ become scraped.

ʔiq̓mn   Morph: ʔiq̓+mn. scraper; scraping tool for tanning hides.

ʔíq̓c̓aʔm   Morph: ʔíq̓c̓aʔ+m. to scrape hides.

snʔíq̓c̓aʔtn   Morph: s+n+ʔíq̓c̓aʔ+tn. a scraping post (for hides).

nʔiq̓nk   Morph: n+ʔiq̓nk. to scrape the insides.

sxʷʔiq̓m   Morph: sxʷʔiq̓+m. one who scrapes hides.

wiʔsʔíq̓   Morph: wy̓+s+ʔiq̓. to finish scraping. Sp √ʔaq̓ scrape; Cm ʔiq̓-q̓ become scraped; Sh ʔiq̓-m to scrape the hairs off a skin; Th ʔíq̓ scrape skin; Li √ʔiq̓ to scrape a hide (scrape the hair off). See: ʔq̓ʷ1.

ʔq̓ʷ1   scrape, shave.

ʔaq̓ʷnt   Morph: ʔaq̓ʷ+nt. to scrape s.t.

Tstem. Cm ʔaq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you scrape s.t., Sh ʔiq̓ʷ to scrape, to drag stg. over stg.; Th ʔíq̓ʷ; ʔiq̓ʷ; Li √ʔiq̓ʷ to scrape (?) ... to shave.

ʔaq̓ʷsnt   Morph: ʔaq̓ʷs+nt. Tstem. to shave s.o.; to shave. Cm ʔaq̓ʷ–s‑m to shave oneself.

ʔaq̓ʷsm   Morph: ʔaq̓ʷs+m. to shave s.o.


ʔaq̓ʷsncut   Morph: ʔaq̓ʷs+ncut. to shave.

ʔaq̓ʷsnwixʷ   Morph: ʔaq̓ʷ+s+nwixʷ. to shave one another. See: ʔq̓.

ʔq̓ʷ2   appear.

ck̓ɬʔiq̓ʷ   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+ʔiq̓ʷ. to come in sight.

ʔq̓ʷ3   soft.

nʔiq̓ʷ   Morph: n+ʔiq̓ʷ. soft.

ʔq̓ʷ4   lose footing.

k̓ɬʔaq̓ʷxán   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaq̓ʷxán. to lose one's footing.

ʔrskʷ   turtle.

ʔarsíkʷ   Morph: ʔarsíkʷ. turtle, Turtle. Sp ʔer̓síkʷ turtle; Cm ʔarasíkʷ turtle; Th /ʔə̣l̕ṣíkʷ western painted turtle.

ʔar̓síkʷm   Morph: ʔar̓síkʷ+m. ʔar̓síkʷm: McCoy Lake. Lit: having turtles

haɬʔarsíkʷ   Morph: həɬʔarsíkʷ. the Turtle group.

nʔarskʷítkʷ   Morph: nʔarskʷítkʷ. nʔarskʷítkʷ: Oliver. Lit: turtle in the water

ar̓síkʷm   Morph: ʔar̓síkʷ+m. ar̓síkʷm: McCoy Lake.

nʔar̓síkʷm   Morph: nʔar̓síkʷ+m. nʔar̓síkʷm: McCoy Lake. Lit: having turtles

ʔs1   winter.

sʔistk   Morph: s+ʔistk. winter.

ʔasʔístk   Morph: ʔas•ʔístk. winters.

ʔistkm   Morph: ʔistk+m. to be winter; to winter. Sp s-ʔístč winter season; Cm s‑ʔistkʷ December (early winter); Sh s-ʔistk winter; Th s/ʔístk winter; Li s.ʔístkən winter dwelling.

ʔastkínaʔ   Morph: ʔastkínaʔ. winter time comes.

sʔastkínaʔ   Morph: s+ʔastkínaʔ. winter time.

sc̓asʔístk   Morph: sc+ʔas•ʔístk. a wintering place.

ɬʔistkm   Morph: ɬ+ʔistk+m. to be winter again.

kʔastkínaʔ, k̓astkínaʔ   Morph: k+ʔastkínaʔ. to reach winter.

ɬk̓astkínaʔ   Morph: ɬ+k+ʔastkínaʔ. to reach winter again.

ɬkʔastkínaʔ   Morph: ɬ+k+ʔastkínaʔ. to reach winter again.

snʔistktn   Morph: s+n+ʔistk+tn. wintering place.

snʔasʔístktn   Morph: sn+ʔas•ʔístk+tn. wintering places.

nk̓ʷsʔistk   Morph: nk̓ʷ+s+ʔistk. one winter.

nk̓ʷsʔistkm   Morph: nk̓ʷ+s+ʔistk+m. one winter.

ʔs2   eat.

ʔi   Morph: ʔi. to eat s.t.

ʔasʔís   Morph: ʔas•ʔís. to eat. See: ʔɬn.

ʔsck̓   squirrel.

ʔaʔísck̓   Morph: ʔa•ʔísck. ground squirrel; pine squirrel.

ʔaʔísck̓aʔ   Morph: ʔa•ʔísck̓+aʔ. a squirrel. Sp ʔístč̕ tree squirrel; ʔisč̕ tree squirrel; sísč̕ ground squirrel; Cr sič squirrel... v. 1 has √sč̕; Sh escék̓.

ʔsk̓ʷl   pitch, throw.

ʔisk̓ʷlnt   Morph: ʔisk̓ʷl+nt. to throw away s.t.; to pitch s.t.; to throw s.t.


ʔisk̓ʷlmnt   Morph: ʔisk̓ʷl+m+nt. to pitch s.t.; to throw s.t.; to chuck s.t.


cʔisk̓ʷlmɬt   Morph: c+ʔisk̓ʷl+m+ɬt. to throw s.t. down.


ʔasʔísk̓ʷlm   Morph: ʔas•ʔísk̓ʷl+m. to throw things about.

kʔask̓ʷlkn̓íɬxʷnt, k̓ask̓ʷlkn̓íɬxʷnt   Morph: k+ʔask̓ʷlkn̓íɬxʷ+nt. to throw s.t. outside, out of the house.


kʔask̓ʷlkn̓íɬxʷm   Morph: k+ʔask̓ʷlkn̓íɬxʷ+m. to throw s.t. out of the house.


nʔask̓ʷlítkʷnt   Morph: n+ʔask̓ʷlítkʷ+nt. to throw s.t. in the water.

Tstem. Sp √isk̓ʷl throw, scatter, strew about; Cm ʔisk̓ʷl‑nt‑xʷ you throw s.t. [pl].

ʔsl   two.

ʔasíl   Morph: ʔasíl. two; second; two o'clock.

sʔasíl   Morph: s+ʔasíl. two; second.

ʔasílm   Morph: ʔasíl+m. to do both.

tkʔasíl   Morph: tk+ʔasíl. two persons; twins.

tkʔsʔasíl   Morph: tk+ʔs•ʔasíl. two persons.

tkʔasʔasíl   Morph: tk+ʔas•ʔasíl. two persons.

tkʔslmist   Morph: tk+ʔsl+mist. two people.

tkʔaslmíst   Morph: tk+ʔasl+míst. two persons.

tkʔaslús   Morph: t+k+ʔaslús. two berries.

ʔaslʔúpnkst   Morph: ʔasl+ʔúpnkst. twenty.

ʔaslspíntk   Morph: ʔasl+s+píntk. two years. Cr ʔax̌el+ɬ ʔese+s+pintč biennial, biyearly.

sʔaʔaslspíntk   Morph: s+ʔa•ʔasl+s+píntk. two year old(s).

sʔasʔaslspíntk   Morph: s+ʔas•ʔasl+s+pintk. two year olds.

ʔasláyaʔqn   Morph: ʔasláyaʔqn. two heads.

ʔasláxn   Morph: ʔaslaxn. two sheets.

ʔaslínk   Morph: ʔaslínk. two guns.

ʔaslíɬxʷ   Morph: ʔaslíɬxʷ. two houses.

ʔaslásxn   Morph: ʔaslasxn. two wheels.

ʔaslálqʷ   Morph: ʔaslálqʷ. two cylindrical objexts.

ʔaslíp   Morph: ʔaslip. two lines.

ʔaslípuʔstxn   Morph: ʔaslípuʔstxn. two steps.

ʔaslísxn   Morph: ʔaslísxn. two stones.

ʔaslíwɬ   Morph: ʔaslíwɬ. two boats.

ʔaslíʔst   Morph: ʔaslíʔst. two bullets; two arrows.

ʔaslqín   Morph: ʔaslqín. two head (horses, cows, sheep...)

ʔaslsqáx̌aʔ   Morph: ʔaslsqáx̌aʔ. two horses.

ʔaslús   Morph: ʔaslús. two eggs.

ʔaslúsm   Morph: ʔaslús+m. two times; twice; two kinds.

ʔaslásq̓t   Morph: ʔaslásq̓t. two days.

snʔassíl   Morph: s+n+ʔas•s•íl. (two) twins.

snʔaslkn̓íɬxʷ   Morph: sn+ʔaslkn̓íɬxʷ. storage house. Lit: two roofs

snʔaʔslmílt   Morph: s+n+ʔa•ʔsl+mílt. twins. Cm naʔassál̕, nʔassál̕ twins.

snʔaʔslm̓íl̕t   Morph: s+n+ʔa•ʔsl+m̓íl̕t. twins.

ʔaslʔupnkstɬnáqs   Morph: ʔasl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+náqs. twenty-one.

kʔasʔasíl, k̓asʔasíl   Morph: kʔas•ʔasíl. two persons.

kʔasílm, k̓asílm   Morph: kʔasíl+m. two persons.

kʔaslmíst, k̓aslmíst   Morph: k+ʔasl+míst. two persons (together).

kʔaslíc̓aʔ, k̓aslíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʔaslíc̓aʔ. two bundles.

kʔaslíkstmnt, k̓aslíkstmnt   Morph: k+ʔaslíkst+m+nt. use two hands.


sk̓asl̕íps   Morph: s+kʔasl̕íps. two individuals.

kʔaslús, k̓aslús   Morph: k+ʔaslús. two berries.

k̓ɬnʔaslmíp   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+ʔasl+míp. two doors.

nʔasál̕qn̓   Morph: n+ʔasál̕qn̓. double tipi.

nʔasálqn   Morph: n+ʔasálqn. two tipis joined.

nʔaslílt   Morph: n+ʔaslílt. twins (not human); twins of non-human litter.

nʔaʔssíl   Morph: n+ʔa•ʔs•s•íl. twins.

nʔaslmílt   Morph: n+ʔasl+mílt. human twins.

nʔaslmíw̓s   Morph: n+ʔasl+míw̓s. two items put together; two layers; a double thickness.

nʔasʔasláqs   Morph: n+ʔas•ʔasláqs. two headed; two-pointed plow.

ʔaslʔupnkstɬnáqs   Morph: ʔasl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+náqs. twenty-one.

ʔaslʔúpnkstɬʔasíl   Morph: ʔasl+ʔúpnkst+ɬ+ʔasíl. twenty-two.

ʔaslʔupnksɬnk̓ʷspíntk   Morph: ʔasl+ʔupnks+ɬ+nk̓ʷ+s+píntk. twenty-one years.

ʔaslwxwíxtn   Morph: ʔasl+wx•wíx+tn. two households.

ʔaslʔapnkspíntk   Morph: ʔasl+ʔapnks+píntk. twenty years.

ʔaslʔúpnkstɬcílkst   Morph: ʔasl+ʔúpnkst-ɬ+cílkst. twenty-five.

ʔaslʔupnkstɬnáqs   Morph: ʔasl+ʔupnkst+ɬ+náqs. twenty-one.

ʔaslʔúpnkstɬʔasíl   Morph: ʔasl+ʔúpnkst+ɬ+ʔasíl. twenty-two.

kʔupnkstɬkʔasʔasíl   Morph: kʔupnkst+ɬ+kʔas•ʔasíl. twelve persons. Sp ʔesél two; Cr ʔésel two; Sh səséle two; Th séye two.

ʔaslɬsk̓ʷút   Morph: ʔasl+ɬ+s+k̓ʷút. two and a half.

ʔaslpúlst   Morph: ʔasl+púl+st. to kill s.o. twice.


ʔsɬ   naʔsíɬtn (place name).

naʔsíɬtn   Morph: na+ʔsíɬ+tn ? naʔsíɬtn: place name. Lit: set-line weight (?)

ʔstk   pregnant.

nʔastkílt   Morph: n+ʔastkílt. to get pregnant.

ʔstqʷ   cedar.

astqʷ   Morph: astqʷ. western red cedar.

ʔastqʷ   Morph: ʔastqʷ. cedar wood; western red cedar. Sp s-ʔástqʷ ponderosa pine; Cr yʔátqʷeɬp conifer, pine tree; Sh ʔestqʷ; Th s/ʔetqʷɬp ponderosa pine....

ʔstyʔ   dry matter.

scʔístyaʔ   Morph: scʔístyaʔ ? dried matter.

ʔswɬ   loon.

ʔaʔsíw̓ɬ   Morph: ʔa•ʔsíwɬ. loon; Loon.

ʔaʔsúɬ   Morph: ʔa•ʔsúɬ. loon; Loon. Sp w̓súʔɬ, w̓síw̓ɬ a loon (bird); Cm ʔiswl, ʔíswal loon; Sh ʔiswɬ; Th ʔísweɬ; Li ʔíswaɬ.

ʔsx̌m   spine, backbone.

ʔasx̌m   spine; back(bone). Sp ʔásx̌-m̓ spine, backbone.

ʔsʔ   egg.

aʔúsaʔ   Morph: aʔúsaʔ. egg.

ʔaʔúsaʔ   Morph: ʔa•ʔúsaʔ. egg(s); to lay eggs.

ʔaʔúsaʔm   Morph: ʔa+ʔúsaʔ. to lay eggs.

nʔaʔúsaʔtn   Morph: n+ʔa•ʔúsaʔtn. roost, spot to lay eggs on.

snʔaʔúsaʔtn   Morph: s+n+ʔa•ʔúsaʔ+tn. bird's nest. Sp ʔuʔúseʔ egg; Cm ʔaʔúsaʔ egg; Cr ul paq ha ʔúseʔ egg (Easter...); Sh ʔúʔse egg; Th ʔeˑ/ʔúseʔ egg (of bird)' Li ʔúˑʔsaʔ egg.

ʔtqʷ   pine.

ʔatqʷ   Morph: ʔatqʷ. pine.

sʔatqʷɬp   Morph: sʔatqʷɬp. ponderosa pine.

ssaʔtqʷɬp   Morph: s•saʔtqʷɬp ? ponderosa pine (young tree).

nsʔatqʷɬp   Morph: n+s+ʔatqʷɬp. nsʔatqʷɬp: place name. Lit: having ponderosa pine

nsaʔsáʔtqʷɬp   Morph: n+saʔ•sáʔtqʷɬp ? a small pine tree on level ground. Sp √ʔatqʷ (ʔastqʷ) (sʔatqʷ) ponderosa pine, yellow pine...; s-ʔástqʷ ponderosa pine; s-ʔatqʷɬp fully grown, mature, ponderosa pine, bull pine; ssʔáʔtqʷɬp small, immature ponderosa pine (up to Jack Pine size); Cr yʔátqʷeɬp conifer, pine tree; Sh sʔetqʷ-ɬp Ponderosa pine; Th q/ʔetʷɬp ponderosa pine.

ʔtwn   crane, goose.

sʔitwn   Morph: s+ʔitwn. condor; (sandhill) crane; Canada goose.

sʔitwn paʕpáʕ   Morph: s+ʔitwn paʕ•páʕ. gray Canada goose.

haɬsʔítwn   Morph: haɬs+ʔítwn. a flock of cranes. Cm s-atwál swan; Sh sʔetwn sandhill crane; Th √ʔétwən ? crane ?.

ʔtx1   sleep.

ʔitx   Morph: ʔitx. to sleep. Sp ʔitš sleep, asleep; Cr ʔitš he slept; Cm ʔitx to sleep; Sh ʔitx/ʔətix to sleep, sg.

sʔitx   Morph: s+ʔitx. sleep; sleepiness.

ʔatxaʔínt   Morph: ʔatxaʔí+nt. to catch s.o. asleep.


ʔatxímn   Morph: ʔatx+ímn. a sleepy head; one who likes to sleep; one who sleeps a lot.

ʔatʔatxáyaʔ   Morph: ʔat•ʔatxáyaʔ. to play sleep; to pretend to be asleep.

ʔitxst   Morph: ʔitx+st. to make s.o. sleepy.

ʔattxíʔst   Morph: ʔat•t•xíʔst. to be able to sleep.

ʔattxnúmt   Morph: ʔat•t•x+númt. to manage to fall asleep.

ʔatxílx   Morph: ʔatx+ílx. several go to sleep.

kʔitxtn, k̓itxtn   Morph: k+ʔitx+tn. one's sleeping needs.

nʔatxíls   Morph: n+ʔatxíls. to be sleepy.

snʔatxíltn   Morph: s+n+ʔatxílt+n. cradle basket.

k̓ɬʔitxmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔitx+m+nt. to be sleeping away.


k̓ɬʔattxnúmt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔat•t•x+númt. to fall asleep; to oversleep.

sk̓ɬʔattxnúmt   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ʔat•t•x+númt. oversleeping.

ksʔitx   Morph: ks+ʔitx. to be sleepy.

ksʔatxílx   Morph: ks+ʔatx+ílx. to be sleepy.

q̓x̌x̌sʔitx   Morph: q̓x̌•x̌+s+ʔitx. to want to sleep; to hate to give up sleeping.

k̓ʷmɬʔitx   Morph: k̓ʷm+ɬ+ʔitx ? to fall asleep.

ʔtx2   puff ball.

sʔitx   Morph: s+ʔitx. puffball; toadstool. Sp s-ʔitš puff ball.

atxílxqn   Morph: atxílxqn ? dandelion. Sp s-ʔitš puff ball.

ʔtx̌ʷʔ   camas.

ítx̌ʷaʔ   Morph: ʔítx̌ʷaʔ. black camas.

ʔítx̌ʷaʔ   Morph: ʔítx̌ʷaʔ. camas; black camas.

haɬʔítx̌ʷaʔ   Morph: haɬʔítx̌ʷaʔ. the camas group.

aʔkɬʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ   Morph: aʔkɬ+ʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ. aʔkɬʔíʔtx̌ʷaʔ (place name). Lit: small place with ʔítx̌ʷaʔ

kɬʔíʔitx̌ʷaʔ   Morph: kɬ+ʔí•ʔitx̌ʷaʔ. Meadow Creek; kɬʔíʔitx̌ʷaʔ: place name. Lit: black camas place

sx̌ʷal̕ítx̌ʷaʔ   Morph: s+x̌ʷal̕+ítx̌ʷaʔ. black camas. Sp s-x̌ʷəʔl√ítx̌ʷeʔ (s-x̌ʷaʔl√ítx̌ʷeʔ) uncooked black or brown camas, June. Sp ʔítx̌ʷeʔ camas (black, blue, or brown in color); Cr ʔétx̌ʷeʔ camas (baked...); Cm ʔitx̌ʷáʔ black camas; Th ʔítx̌ʷeʔ ~ ʔítx̌ʷaʔ blue camas.

ʔw1   go.

ck̓aw, ckʔaw   Morph: c+k+ʔaw. to come over.

ʔw2   ʔw in compounds.

ʔawsk̓ɬcah   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓ɬ+cah. to go wait for s.o.; to waylay or stalk s.o.

ʔawsk̓ɬchám   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓ɬ+chá+m. to go set watch.

ʔawsculáy   Morph: ʔaw+culáy. to go to a celebration.

ʔawscxʷílt   Morph: ʔaw+s+cxʷílt. to go hold a baby.

ʔawscáʕʷlx   Morph: ʔaw+s+cáʕʷ+lx. to go bathe.

ʔawskc̓awíw̓sm   Morph: ʔaw+s+k+c̓awíw̓s+m. to go wash.

ʔawstkícnt   Morph: ʔaw+s+t+kíc+nt. to go meet s.o.


ʔawsk̓áʕʷ   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓áʕʷ. to go pray; to go to church.

ʔawsk̓aʕʷmíst   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓aʕʷ+míst. to go hire s.o.

ʔawsk̓k̓níyaʔ   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓•k̓níyaʔ. to go hear s.t. or s.o.

ʔawskyáʕm   Morph: ʔaw+s+kyáʕm. to go crawl in bed with s.o.

ʔawsk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷʔíst̓y   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓ʷaʔ•k̓ʷʔíst̓y. to go get a bite to eat. Lit: a bite of grass

ʔawspíx̌m   Morph: ʔaws+píx̌+m. to go hunting.

ʔawsíwstmst   Morph: ʔaw+síws+t+m+st. to take (a horse) to water.


ʔawsncánmncn   Morph: ʔaw+s+n+cánmncn. to go eat Chinese food.

ʔawsmúskst   Morph: ʔaw+s+múskst. to go and take a chance.

ʔawsmaʔmáyaʔm   Morph: ʔaw+s+maʔ•máyaʔ+m. to go to school.

ʔawspúlx   Morph: ʔaw+s+púlx. to go to bed; to retire.

ʔawsnswcnmíst   Morph: ʔaw+s+n+swn+míst. to go and propose.

ʔawsntqqín   Morph: ʔw+s+n+tqqin. to go vote.

ʔawsʔíɬn   Morph: ʔaws+ʔíɬn. to go eat.

ʔawsk̓ʷúl̕nt   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓ʷúl̕+nt. to go tend to s.t. or s.o.


ʔawsk̓ʷúl̕cnt   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓ʷúl̕c+nt. to go cook (for s.o.)


ɬʔawsk̓ʷúl̕cnt   Morph: ɬ+ʔaw+s+k̓ʷúl̕c+nt. to go back to cook.


ʔawslq̓ɬtmníɁ   Morph: ʔw+s+lq̓+ɬ+tmníɁ. go to a funeral.

ʔawsɬq̓ílx   Morph: ʔaw+s+ɬq̓ilx. to go to bed.

ʔawsƛ̓w   Morph: ʔaw+s+ƛ̓w. to go fight fires.

ʔawsƛ̓xʷ   Morph: ʔaw+s+ƛ̓xʷ. to go kill many.

ʔawsxmynaʔncút   Morph: ʔaw+s+x+mynaʔ+ncút ? to go get straightened out.

ʔawsp̓sínkm   Morph: ʔaw+s+p̓sínk+m. to go on a fastʔw.

ʔawsq̓ʷymncút   Morph: ʔaw+s+q̓ʷy+mncút. to go and dance.

ʔawstxʷcncút   Morph: ʔaw+s+txʷcn+cut. to go get food.

ʔawsyáʕ̓   Morph: ʔaw+s+yáʕ̓. to go to a gathering.

ʔawsʕ̓ác̓nt   Morph: ʔaw+s+ʕ̓ác̓+nt. to go look.


ʔawsʔamnsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: ʔaw+s+ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ+m. to go feed horses.

ʔawsíw   Morph: ʔaw+síw. to go ask s.o.

cʔawsíwnt   Morph: c+ʔaw+síw+nt. to go ask s.o.


ʔawswíklt   Morph: ʔaw+s+wíklt. to go see.

ʔawshatnt   Morph: ʔaw+s+hat+nt. to go bug s.o.; to go annoy s.o.


c̓awsƛ̓xʷ, cʔawsƛ̓xʷ   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+ƛ̓xʷ. to come kill many.

cʔawsmúskst   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+múskst. to come and take a chance.

ɬcʔawsʔíɬn   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔaw+s+ʔíɬn. to come back to eat.

cʔawsq̓ʷymncút   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+q̓ʷy+mncút. to come to dance.

cʔawsksíw   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+k+síw. to come to ask.

cʔawsnswcnmist   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+n+swcn+mist. to come to propose.

cʔawsʔúkʷmaʔm   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+ʔúkʷ+maʔ+m. to come and bid good bye to s.o.

ɬʔawsnc̓íw̓m   Morph: ɬ+ʔaw+s+n+c̓íw̓+m. to go back to wash dishes.

ʔawsnt̓aqʷm   Morph: ʔaw+s+n+t̓aqʷ+m. to go lick plates.

ʔawsʔakswxlwís   Morph: ʔaw+s+ʔaks+wx+lwís. to go stand around.

ɬʔawsnt̓aqʷm   Morph: ɬ+ʔaw+s+n+t̓aqʷ+m. to go back to licking (plates).

ɬcʔawsntx̌ʷx̌ʷqínm   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔaw+s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqín+m. to come back home for lunch.

ɬc̓awsntx̌ʷx̌ʷqínm   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔaw+s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin+m. to come back and have lunch.

ɬʔawsk̓ʷul̕c(n)   Morph: ɬ+ʔaw+s+k̓ʷul̕c. to go back to cook for s.o.

cʔawsʕacánt   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+ʕacá+nt. to go tie up a horse.


ʔw3   go √ʔw in compounds (k + √ʔw).

ckʔawscúnm, ck̓awscúnm   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+cún+m. to come tell s.o.

kʔawskxnt, k̓awskxnt   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+kx+nt. to go along with s.o.; to go follow s.o.


ck̓awsk̓níyaʔ, ckʔawsk̓níyaʔ   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+k̓níyaʔ. come to listen.

ck̓awsk̓áʕm, ckʔawsk̓áʕm   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+k̓áʕ+m. to come to church.

ckʔawsqílxʷ   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+qílxʷ. to come to the Indians.

ck̓awsʕác̓m, ckʔawsʕác̓m   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+ʕác̓+m. to come to see.

kʔawscúnm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+cún+m. to go tell s.t.

kʔawscáʕʷlx, k̓awscáʕʷlx   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+cáʕʷ+lx. to go swimming, to go bathing.

kʔawsíwst, k̓awsíwst   Morph: k+ʔaw+síws+t. to go drink.

kʔawsp̓ám   Morph: k+ʔaw+sp̓á+m. to go beat (a drum).

kʔawswík   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+wík. to go see something.

kʔawsʕác̓   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+ʕác̓. to go see s.t.

kʔawsʔíɬn   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+ʔíɬn. to go eat.

kʔawsyayáx̌aʔm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+ya•yáx̌aʔ+m. to go watch s.t.

kʔawsyaʔyáʔx̌aʔm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+yaʔ•yáʔx̌aʔ+m. to go watch s.t.

kʔawsnáq̓ʷ   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+náq̓ʷ. to go steal.

kʔawsnpkʷmnítkʷ   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+npkʷ+mnítkʷ. to go throw s.t. in the water.

kʔawsnsíwcn   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+n+síwcn. to go ask.

ck̓wsnswcnmist   Morph: c+k+ʔw+s+n+swcn+mist. to come to propose.

kʔawsnswcn̓místmnt   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+n+swcn̓+míst+m+nt. to go to propose.


kʔawsk̓ɬcah   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓ɬ+cah. to go set watch.

kʔawsk̓níyaʔ   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓níyaʔ. to go listen.

kʔawsk̓áʕm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓áʕ+m. to go pray.

kʔawsk̓t̓   Morph: s+k̓aw+s+k̓t̓. to go and cut s.t.

kʔawsm̓aʔm̓áyaʔm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+m. to go to school.

k̓wk̓amtíltm   Morph: k+ʔw+k+ʔamtílt+m. to go babysit.

kʔawskʔamtíltm, k̓awsk̓amtíltm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k+ʔamtílt+m. to go babysitting.

k̓awsp̓ám   Morph: k+ʔaw+sp̓á+m. to go beat (a drum).

k̓awsnsíwcn   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+n+síwcn. to go ask.

k̓awswík   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+wík. to go see s.t. or s.o.

k̓awsk̓t   Morph: k̓aw+s+k̓t. to go and cut.

k̓awsʔíɬn   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+ʔíɬn. to go eat. Sp c-k̓ʷʔi√síɬn he came here to eat.

k̓awsk̓ɬcah   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓ɬ+cah. to go set watch.

k̓awsk̓áʕm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓áʕ+m. to go pray.

k̓awsm̓aʔm̓áyaʔm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+m. to go to school.

k̓awsnpkʷmnítkʷ   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+npkʷ+mnítkʷ. to go throw s.t. in the water.

k̓awsnswcnmístm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+n+swcn+míst+m. to go to propose.

k̓awsk̓níyaʔ   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓níyaʔ. to go listen.

k̓awsnáq̓ʷ   Morph: k̓awsnáq̓ʷ. to go steal.

k̓awsʕác̓   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+ʕác̓. to go see s.t.

k̓wkʔamtíltm   Morph: k̓w+k+ʔamtílt+m. to go babysitting.

k̓awsyaʔyáʔx̌aʔm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+yaʔ•yáʔx̌aʔ+m. to go watch s.t.

ʔw4   mistake.

k̓ɬʔawcníʔstm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔawcníʔst+m. do by mistake.


k̓ɬʔawcníʔstmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔawcníʔst+m+nt. to do by mistake.


sk̓ɬʔawcníʔstm   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ʔawcníʔst+m. doing by mistake.


ʔw5   upstream.

nʔawcín   Morph: nʔawcín. to go upstream; to go up the creek.

nʔawcínm   Morph: nʔawcín+m. to go upstream along a creek.

cnʔawcínm   Morph: c+nʔawcín+m. to come upstream along a creek.

ɬnʔawcínm   Morph: ɬ+nʔawcín+m. to go back upstream along a creek.

nʔawcnmús   Morph: n+ʔawcn+mús. to go or travel along s.t.

k̓ɬʔawcníʔstm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔawcníʔst+m. to make a mistake; to do s.t. by mistake; to sneak.

ʔw6   wait, sneak.

ʔawʔawcínt   Morph: ʔaw•ʔawcí+nt. to be watching (and ready to hit) for s.t.; to be watchful of s.t.


ʔaw̓íɬtxnnt   Morph: ʔaw̓íɬtxn+nt. to sneak up on s.o.

Tstem. Cm ʔaw̓áɬt to sneak up on.

ʔaw•ʔawtíw̓snt   Morph: ʔaw•ʔawtíw̓s+nt. to sneak up on s.o.

Tstem. Sp čn ʔew̓étm I sneaked up, ʔew̓ét-n I sneaked up on it.

ʔawíɬtxn   Morph: ʔaw꞊íɬt꞊xn. to sneak up to, stalk a person; to sneak along.

k̓ɬʔaw̓   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaw̓. to wait for s.t. or s.o.

ʔw7   challenge.

nʔawqnt   Morph: n+ʔawq+nt. to challenge.


ɬnʔawʔáwqnt   Morph: ɬ+n+ʔaw•ʔáwq+nt. challenge s.o.


nʔawqn   Morph: n+ʔawqn. the En'owkin Centre.

nʔawqnwíxʷ   Morph: n+ʔawqn+wíxʷ. to challenge one another; to follow one another. Sp n-ʔawq-n I encouraged her, I urged her.

ʔw8   repeat.

ʔawcínt   Morph: ʔawcí+nt. to repeat after.


nʔawcínt   Morph: n+ʔawcí+nt. to repeat what was said.

Tstem. Sp √ʔaw name, say aloud, read, count.

ʔw9   tip over.

nʔaw̓yáqn   Morph: n+ʔaw̓yáqn. to tip over.

nʔáwyaʔqnm   Morph: n+ʔáwyaʔqn+m. to turn s.t. upside down.

nʔawʔáwyaqn   Morph: n+ʔaw•ʔáwyaqn. nʔawʔáwyaqn: place name. Lit: hanging upside down

ʔwl   wave.

nʔiwlm̓   Morph: nʔiwlm̓. there are waves; nʔiwlm̓: place name. Lit: having waves

snʔiwlm   Morph: s+n+ʔiwl+m. wave (of water).

snʔiwlx   Morph: sn+ʔiw+lx. to walk with a waddle. Sp s-n-ʔíw-l-m rapids, high waves caused by strong wind; Sh t-ʔiwl-tk upstream area.

ʔwɬ   ?

ʔaʔwíɬwɬ   Morph: ʔaʔwíɬ•wɬ. ?

ʔws   death camas.

ʔiʔw̓ístn   Morph: ʔi•ʔw̓ís+tn. death camas.

ʔwt1   opponent.

ʔawtús   Morph: ʔaw+tús. an opponent.

ʔawʔawtús   Morph: ʔaw•ʔawtús. opponents.

ʔawwtús   Morph: ʔaw•w+tús. to become opponents.

ʔawtsiw̓s   Morph: ʔawt+siw̓s. to compete.

ɬnʔawʔáwqn   Morph: ɬ+n+ʔaw•ʔáwqn. to challenge s.o. back.

k̓ɬʔawtús   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔawtús. an antagonist; an opponent. Sp ʔewtús, ʔew̓tús enemy, rival, opponent, challenger; Cm q:ʔaw‑t–us opponent; Cr ʔew+tús ... contestant.

ʔwt2   below, south.

ʔawtímtk   Morph: ʔawtímtk ? south.

ʔawtímaʔtk   Morph: ʔawtímaʔtk ? to the South, below. Sp ʔutémtč away from bank of river; Sh wtem-tk downstream area; Th √wətémtk ? downriver; /utemtk a short way downriver.

sʔwtimtk   Morph: s+ʔwtimtk. south.

sʔwtmtkus   Morph: s+ʔwtmtkus. southward.

kʔawtímaʔtk   Morph: k+ʔwtímaʔtk. below.

ckʔawtímaʔtk   Morph: c+k+ʔwtímaʔtk. below; south.

nstʔawtímaʔtk   Morph: n+s+t+ʔawtímaʔtk. below.

ʔwt3   follow, behind, last.

c̓iwt   Morph: c+ʔiwt. to be last, behind, late.

ʔiwt   Morph: ʔiwt. to be or get behind; to be late; to be last.

sʔiwt   Morph: s+ʔiwt. to be behind.

ʔiwwt   Morph: ʔiw•w+t. to be or get left behind. Sp ʔewét-n-t follow him (sg.)! go Follow him (sg.)!; Cm ʔac‑ʔaw‑t be last, behind; Cr √ʔgʷ set out for; Sh ʔəwit the lat, behind; Th /weʔwit behind; Li ʔaw̓-t to get behind...

ʔiwwtst   Morph: ʔiw•w•t+st. to cause s.o. to be last.

ʔíwtmiʔst   Morph: ʔíwt+miʔst. to stay behind.

sʔawtíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: s+ʔawtíɬc̓aʔ. the back side; the hind part.

sʔawtúsuɬ   Morph: s+ʔawtúsuɬ. the stern of a boat.

la cʔiwt, la c̓iwt   Morph: c+ʔiwt. the last time; the previous time.

scʔawtílt   Morph: sc+ʔawtílt. last child.

staʔtʔíwtx   Morph: s+taʔ•t•ʔíw+t+x ? the youngest ones.

snʔiwt   Morph: s+n+ʔiwt. in the end; at last.

snk̓ʷstʔiwtx   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+tʔiw+tx. a fellow youngest one.

ʔawtípnt   Morph: ʔawtíp+nt. to follow s.o.


cʔawtípst   Morph: c+ʔawtíp+st. follow s.o.

Tstem. Cm ʔaw̓‑t–ap‑nt‑xʷ you follow s.o.; Sh ʔəwit the last, behind; Li ʔaw̓-t to get behind...

ɬʔawtíp   Morph: ɬ+ʔawtíp. to follow again one's instructions.

ʔawtpáɬq   Morph: ʔawtpáɬq. to follow. Sp ʔaw̓tpáɬq he followed in the footsteps of someone; Cm ʔac‑ʔaw‑t be last, behind.

ʔawtpíw̓s   Morph: ʔawtpíw̓s. two individuals walk single file.

ʔawtpɬtíɬn   Morph: ʔawtpɬtíɬn. animals follow s.o.

ʔawtmaʔsqílxʷ   Morph: ʔawtmaʔ+s+qílxʷ. the people that followed the st̓əlsqílxʷ and the xatmaʔsqílxʷ generations; the contemporaries; modern people; inhabitants. Sp ʔawt-ma√s-qélixʷ Indian in name only. "Apple Indian" (red on the outside and white on the inside, describing one who is visibly Indian but does not care to practice the Indian customs or chooses not to learn the Indian ways.

ʔwt4   ways.

ʔawt   Morph: ʔawt ? ways.

ʔwt5   snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn (place name).

snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn   Morph: s+n+ʔawˑtiɬxʷ+tn. snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn: the snʔawˑtíɬxʷtn River.

ʔxkn   how.

ʔaxkíst   Morph: ʔaxkí+st. to do something (to accomplish a goal); to do whatever it takes.


ʔaʔxkín   Morph: ʔa•ʔxkín. to do s.t. in some way; to do what?

aʔxkínm   Morph: aʔxkín+m. to do s.t. in some way; to do what?

ʔaxkínm   Morph: ʔaxkín+m. to do s.t. how?

ʔaxknmscút   Morph: ʔaxkn+m+scút. to do s.t. See: xkn; ʔkn.

ʔxʷ1   talk, entice.

ʔaxʷkʷúnm   Morph: ʔaxʷ+kʷun+m. to talk, discuss; to make noise.

ʔaxʷkʷnmíst   Morph: ʔaxʷ+kʷn+míst. to discuss; to make noise. Sp ʔexʷ-kʷún-m he said it, He talks in this manner, qʷu č̕-xʷ-kʷún-m-i-s he coaxed me, He tried to persuade me (where the prefix č has coalesced with the initial glottal stop of ʔəxʷ.

k̓axʷkʷúnm   Morph: k+ʔaxʷ+kʷún+m. to discuss, talk about s.t.; to coax s.o.

kʔaxʷkʷúnm, k̓aʔxʷkʷúnm   Morph: k+ʔaxʷ+kʷun+m. to coax s.o.; to nag s.o.

nkʔxʷkʷunm, nk̓xʷkʷunm   Morph: n+k+ʔxʷ+kʷun+m. to advise; to give advice; to coax.

nʔaxʷkʷúntn   Morph: n+ʔaxʷ+kʷún+tn. one's song.

k̓ɬʔaxʷkʷúnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ+kʷú+nt. to beg, to entice.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷú+nt. to beg s.o.


k̓ɬʔaxʷkʷúnm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ+kʷún+m. to beg s.o.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷú   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷú. to beg, to entice.

k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúnmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷún+m+nt. to coax s.o.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxkʷúkst   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔax+kʷúk+st. to coax s.o.


ɬk̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúkst   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷʔ•axʷ+kʷúk+st. to coax s.o. again.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷncútn   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷn+cút+n. coaxer. Sp ʔexʷ-kʷún-m he said it, he talks in this manner; qʷu č̕-xʷ-kʷún-m-i-s he coaxed me, he tried to persuade me; see Cm k̓ɬ‑kʷan̓–c(n)‑nt‑xʷ you interpret, translate s.t.

ʔxʷ2   frozen.

ʔuxʷt   Morph: ʔuxʷ+t. a frozen human. Sp ʔuxʷ, ʔuxʷ-t it's frozen; Sh √uxʷ to freeze; Th √úxʷ freeze; Li ʔúxʷən frozen, frostbitten.

ʔxʷlm   pup.

ʔuʔxʷúlm   Morph: ʔu•ʔxʷúlm ? a little dog, a pup that might appear while one is camping, and is hard to catch.

ʔx̌l1   turn.

ʔax̌lmncút   Morph: ʔax̌l+m+ncút. to turn around; to move aside. Sp čn ʔax̌l-m-n-cút I turned myself around.

ʔax̌ʔax̌lmncút   Morph: ʔax̌•ʔax̌l+mncút. to move aside.

ʔax̌ltmsqáx̌aʔ   Morph: ʔax̌l+t+msqáx̌aʔ. to turn a horse around.

kʔax̌lmncútm, k̓ax̌lmncútm   Morph: k+ʔax̌l+mncút+m. to turn against s.o. or s.t.

ɬʔax̌líkstm   Morph: ɬ+ʔax̌líkst+m. to turn s.t. again.

kʔax̌x̌líkstm, k̓ax̌x̌líkstm   Morph: k+ʔax̌•x̌•líkst+m. to turn back on s.o.

nʔax̌líkstm   Morph: n+ʔax̌líkst+m. to stir s.t.

nʔax̌líkstn   Morph: n+ʔax̌líkst+n. wooden spoon.

nʔaʔx̌líkstn   Morph: n+ʔa•ʔx̌líks+tn. stirring spoon; tea spoon. Sp n-ʔax̌léčst-m-i-s she stirred up the cooking in the pot; Cr ʔax̌ílčt+m h/s did thus with h/h hand.

ʔx̌l2   some way.

ʔx̌il   Morph: ʔx̌il. to do s.t. a certain way; to do s.t. the same way.

ɬx̌il   Morph: ɬ+ʔx̌il. to do s.t. to s.o. or s.t. again or in return.

ʔx̌ilst   Morph: ʔx̌il+st. to do the same thing to.


ʔax̌ílst   Morph: ʔax̌íl+st. to treat one so.


ɬʔx̌ilst   Morph: ɬ+ʔx̌il+st. to do as one wishes again.


sʔx̌ilm   Morph: s+ʔx̌il+m. doing the same.


ʔax̌ílm   Morph: ʔax̌íl+m. to fix things.


cʔx̌ilx, c̓x̌ilx   Morph: c+ʔx̌il+x. how s.t. is; the reason why; the way one does s.t. Gram: The make-up of the form is c+ʔx̌il-x, but c̓x̌ilx has full lexical status.

sc̓x̌ilx, scʔx̌ilx   Morph: sc+ʔx̌il+x. that's the reason why.

sx̌ilm   Morph: s+ʔx̌il+m. the way to do s.t.; one's actions.

sʔx̌ilm   Morph: s+ʔx̌il+m. the way to do s.t.; one's actions.

kʔx̌ilm, k̓x̌ilm   Morph: k+ʔx̌il+m. to do s.t. in some way (to s.o.)

k̓aʔx̌ílmnt   Morph: k+ʔaʔx̌íl+m+nt. to be busy doing s.t.


k̓laʔx̌ís   Morph: k̓la+ʔx̌ís. to a certain place.

k̓ɬʔax̌líls   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔax̌líls. to have the same front (of the body); to have a similar front.

ʔax̌lwís   Morph: ʔax̌l+wís. to fool around; to play around; to mill about; to be busy with; to populate; to walk around.

ʔax̌llwis   Morph: ʔax̌llwís. to do s.t.; to fool around; to try s.t.

ʔax̌llwís   Morph: ʔx̌l•l+wis. to fool around.

ʔax̌llwíss   Morph: ʔax̌l•l+wís•s. to move about.

ʔax̌íl   Morph: ʔax̌íl. to treat s.o. or s.t. a certain way; to do things; to be engaged in some activity. Sp ʔax̌íl be a certain way, do a certain way; Cm ʔac‑ʔx̌il be the same, similar; to resemble; to do like; Cr ʔax̌el thus (to do...); Sh x̌il-m act thus.

ʔax̌l   Morph: ʔax̌l. to turn s.t. over to s.o.

ʔax̌lílx   Morph: ʔax̌lílx. to do s.t.

ʔax̌x̌lílx   Morph: ʔax̌•x̌lílx. to be busy with.

ʔax̌ʔax̌lílx   Morph: ʔax̌•ʔax̌l+ílx. to be busy doing s.t.

ʔax̌láqsmnt   Morph: ʔax̌láqs+m+nt. to push s.t. or s.o. aside.


ʔax̌lásq̓t   Morph: ʔax̌lásq̓t. every day. Sp ʔax̌lásq̓t every day, daily.

ʔax̌x̌líkst   Morph: ʔax̌•x̌•líkst. to turn toward s.t.

ʔax̌líkstmnt   Morph: ʔax̌líkst+m+nt. to turn toward s.t.; to guide or direct s.o.; to do s.t. to s.o.


sʔax̌líkstm   Morph: s+ʔax̌líkst+m. doing like that.


ʔax̌ʔax̌lálqʷ   Morph: ʔax̌•ʔax̌lálqʷ. to be the same height, stature.

ʔax̌lús   Morph: ʔax̌lús. to have the same face; to have a similar face.

ʔax̌ʔax̌lús   Morph: ʔax̌•ʔax̌lús. the same face; matching faces.

ʔax̌lúsm   Morph: ʔax̌lús+m. to turn one's face.

ʔax̌líw̓s   Morph: ʔax̌líw̓s. to resemble one another; to be the same or similar.

ʔax̌x̌lw̓sílxʷ   Morph: ʔax̌•x̌•lw̓sílxʷ. to be well matched; to have a similar body.

ʔax̌lspíntk   Morph: ʔax̌l+s+píntk. every year. Sp ʔax̌l√s-péntč every year; Cr ʔáx̌al+s+pintč yearly.

ʔax̌lxitíʔ   Morph: ʔax̌l+x+itíʔ. to do s.t. over and over.

nʔax̌líkstmnt   Morph: n+ʔax̌líkst+m+nt. to stir.


nʔax̌lmíw̓s   Morph: n+ʔax̌l+míw̓s. doubled; one on top of another.

nʔax̌líls   Morph: n+ʔax̌líls. to be thinking of (doing) s.t.; to feel a certain way.

snʔax̌líls   Morph: s+n+ʔax̌líls. to want to do; to think like.

nʔax̌líkn̓   Morph: n+ʔax̌líkn̓. to have the same back; to have a similar back.

taʔx̌ílst   Morph: taʔ+x̌íl+st. to do s.t. a certain way (often accompanied by a motion).


taʔx̌íɬt   Morph: taʔ+x̌í+ɬt. todo thus.


taʔx̌ílm   Morph: ta+ʔx̌íl+m. to do thus.


taʔx̌lx̌íl   Morph: taʔ+x̌l•x̌íl. to do s.t. a certain way.

taʔx̌x̌íl   Morph: ta+ʔx̌•x̌•íl. to fall short; to be discouraged.

tiʔx̌íl   Morph: ti+ʔx̌íl. to do s.t. a certain way.

tiʔx̌ílm   Morph: tiʔx̌íl+m. do s.t. a certain way.

tiʔx̌lx̌ílm   Morph: tiʔx̌l•x̌íl+m. do s.t. a certain way.

t̓aʔc̓x̌íl   Morph: t̓aʔ+c+ʔx̌íl. to do s.t. a certain way.

t̓iʔc̓x̌íl   Morph: t̓iʔ+c+ʔx̌íl. to be similar; to look like; to do the same thing.

t̓iʔx̌il   Morph: t̓iʔ+x̌il. to act so.

t̓iʔc̓x̌ílm   Morph: t̓iʔ+c+ʔx̌íl+m. to do the same thing. See: x̌l5. Sp √ʔax̌íl be a certain way, do a certain way; he-c̓x̌íl-i it seems like that, it̓s the same; ʔax̌lásq̓t every day, daily; Cm taʔ ʔax̌il‑m taʔ Do that! Go ahead!; Cr a·c+ʔax̌al amen lit. would that it be so; naʔ+x̌íɬ maybe, possibly; Sh x̌il-m act thus.; Th x̌iy act, behave (a particular way); Li x̌íl-əm to do s.t. in a certain way.

ʔx̌ɬ   be like.

cʔx̌iɬ, c̓x̌iɬ   Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ. to be like; to be plain; amen. Gram: The make-up of the form is c+ʔx̌iɬ, but c̓x̌iɬ has full lexical status.

c̓c̓x̌iɬ   Morph: c̓•c̓x̌iɬ. to be visible.

cʔx̌iɬt, c̓x̌iɬt   Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ+t. to be like.

cʔx̌iɬ t   Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ t. to be like s.t. or s.o.

cʔx̌ɬitíʔ, c̓x̌iɬitíʔ, cʔx̌iɬitíʔ   Morph: c+ʔx̌ɬ+itíʔ. to be like s.t.; the way it will be; the same kind; s.t. like that. Gram: This example shows a morphologization of the phrase c+ʔx̌iɬ itíʔ.

scʔx̌iɬ   Morph: sc+ʔx̌iɬ. to be like ...

ʔx̌iɬ   Morph: ʔx̌iɬ. to be like; to do s.t. a certain way.

t̓iʔx̌íɬ   Morph: t̓i+ʔx̌íɬ. the same thing happens; do the same thing.

t̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ   Morph: t̓aʔ+c+ʔx̌íɬ. to do s.t. a certain way.

t̓acʔx̌íɬ   Morph: t̓a+c+ʔx̌íɬ. to do s.t. a certain way.

st̓aʔc̓x̌íɬ   Morph: s+t̓aʔ+c+ʔx̌íɬ. a certain way to do things.

t̓iʔc̓x̌íɬ   Morph: t̓iʔ+c+ʔx̌íɬ. to do the same thing; to do s.t. a certain way; to be a certain way; to be similar; to look like. Sp ta c̓x̌íɬ it's not like that at all; Cr √ʔx̌ɬ na+ʔx̌íɬ maybe, possibly ... na+ʔx̌íɬ šiɬ circa, about, maybe or just about; Sh x̌iɬ-t-s to do stg. thus.

snk̓ʷɬc̓x̌iɬt   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+c+ʔx̌iɬt. one like another. See: x̌ɬ2.

ʔx̌s   there, that.

yaʔx̌íʔ   Morph: ya+ʔx̌íʔ. over there; yonder; that one; those ones.

yaʔx̌ís   Morph: ya+ʔx̌ís. that one; back then; over there.

k̓aʔx̌ís   Morph: k̓a+ʔx̌ís. over there.

k̓aʔx̌íʔ   Morph: k̓a+ʔx̌íʔ. over there.

k̓aʔx̌áx̌aʔs   Morph: k̓a+ʔx̌á•x̌aʔs. a little ways away.

taʔx̌ís   Morph: ta+ʔx̌ís. in a certain way; through a certain way or place.

tlaʔx̌íʔ   Morph: tlaʔx̌iʔ. from there.

tlaʔx̌ís   Morph: tla+ʔx̌ís. from there.

ʔx̌ʷ1   downstream.

ʔax̌ʷt   Morph: ʔax̌ʷ+t. to go downstream; go downstream along the shore; to go far into the water. Sp čn n-ʔáx̌ʷ-t I paddled downriver, I went downstream; Cr n+ʔax̌ʷ downstream.

ʔax̌ʷʔáx̌ʷt   Morph: ʔax̌ʷ•ʔax̌ʷ+t. several go downstream; go downstream along the shore; go far into the water.

ɬʔax̌ʷʔax̌ʷt   Morph: ɬ+ʔax̌ʷ•ʔax̌ʷ+t. several go back downstream; go back downstream along the shore; go back far into the water.

nʔax̌ʷt   Morph: nʔax̌ʷ+t. (to go) downriver, downstream.

nʔax̌ʷʔáx̌ʷt   Morph: nʔax̌ʷ•ʔáx̌ʷ+t. to go downstream.

cnʔax̌ʷt   Morph: c+n+ʔax̌ʷ+t. to come downriver, downstream.

ɬcnʔax̌ʷt   Morph: ɬ+c+nʔax̌ʷ+t. to come downstream again.

cnʔax̌ʷʔáx̌ʷt   Morph: c+n+ʔax̌ʷ•ʔáx̌ʷ+t. several come downriver, downstream.

nʔax̌ʷtús   Morph: nʔax̌ʷtús. downriver.

ʔx̌ʷ2   sweep, scrape.

ʔax̌ʷ   Morph: ʔax̌ʷ. to sweep. Sp √ʔax̌ʷ scooping motion, scraping motion; č hi yeʔc-čɬ-ʔax̌ʷlp-i (Ka) I am sweeping the floor; Sh ʔix̌ʷ-m to sweep; Th ʔax̌ʷ sweep.

ʔaʔáx̌ʷx̌ʷ   Morph: ʔa•ʔáx̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. a wrapper.

ʔax̌ʷmn   Morph: ʔax̌ʷ+mn. a brush.

ʔáx̌ʷlaʔxʷ   Morph: ʔáx̌ʷlaʔxʷ. cleared land.

ʔax̌ʷlp   Morph: ʔax̌ʷlp. a broom. Sp čy eʔc-čɬ-ʔáx̌ʷlp-i (Ka) I am sweeping the floor; Sh ʔix̌ʷ-leʔp broom; Th /ʔax̌ʷyep sweep floor; Li ʔáx̌ʷ-lap to sweep the floor.

ʔax̌ʷlpm   Morph: ʔax̌ʷlp+m. to sweep the floor.

nʔax̌ʷqsnt   Morph: n+ʔax̌ʷqs+nt. to sweep a trail; to plow a road; to scrape one's own nose.


cnʔax̌ʷqst   Morph: c+n+ʔax̌ʷq+st. to plow the road.


k̓ɬʔax̌ʷx̌ʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔax̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. s.t. has been swept under. Sh ʔix̌ʷ-leʔp broom; Th /ʔax̌ʷyep sweep floor; Li ʔáx̌ʷ-lap to sweep the floor.

ʔx̌ʷ3   salmon.

sʔax̌ʷlx   Morph: s+ʔax̌ʷ+lx. salmon (after spawning).

ʔx̌ʷ4   fishing net.

ʔax̌ʷyn   Morph: ʔax̌ʷ+yn ? fishing net. See Sh ʔəx̌ʷ-mn-etkʷ-n-s to throw into the water.

ʔx̌ʷ5   nʔax̌ʷtúlaʔxʷ (place name).

nʔax̌ʷtúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+ʔax̌ʷ+túlaʔxʷ. nʔax̌ʷtúlaʔxʷ: place name. Lit: "inlet ground (?)" (RB)

ʔy1   fight.

ʔiyksnt   Morph: ʔiyks+nt. to fight back; to get even.


sʔiyksm   Morph: s+ʔiyks+m. fighting back.


ɬʔiyksm   Morph: ɬ+ʔiyks+m. to pay s.o. back.


ʔiykstmnt   Morph: ʔiykst+m+nt. to fight back; to get even with s.o.


ʔaykstnúnt   Morph: ʔaykst+nú+nt. to manage to fight s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Sp ›éyčs-n I got even with him; Cr y̓idčt to avenge; Sh ʔry-qs-m to take revenge; Th ʔez revenge; see Li ʔazuqʷ to get even.

ʔy2   lace, tie.

nʔiyxn   Morph: n+ʔiyxn. shoelace.

nʔiyxnm   Morph: n+ʔiyxn+m. to lace shoes.

nʔiyxntn   Morph: n+ʔiyxn+tn. shoe lacing; s.t. with which to lace shoes. See: ʔy3.

ʔy3   cross.

ʔaymíw̓s   Morph: ʔay+míw̓s. a cross; to bless s.o.

ʔaymíw̓snt   Morph: ʔay+míw̓s+nt. to bless s.o.


ʔaymw̓sálq   Morph: ʔay+mw̓sálq. to wear a cross in one's clothing.

sʔaymw̓sálqs   Morph: s+ʔay+mw̓sálqs. vestments with (the sign of) a cross. Sp ʔey-méw̓s a cross, crossways, the crucifix; Cm ʔiy̓máw̓s y̓‑y̓m‑aw̓s cross, crucifix; Cr ec+ʔe+dxʷíw̓es cross, crucifix. See: ʔy2.

ʔyl   force.

ʔiylnt   Morph: ʔiyl+nt. to force s.t.


k̓ɬʔyil̕nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔyil̕+nt. to try hard.


k̓ɬʔyil̕m   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔyil̕+m. try hard.

Mstem. Sp ʔél̕-m he tried and tried; Cr ʔél+m-st-m bestir, rouse, stir; Sh t-ʔel-kst-əʔuy to work hard; Th /ʔíl̕-e-s entice s.o. ... esp of woman enticing man; Li ʔal-kst to work.

ʔyq̓   tie.

ʔayq̓   Morph: ʔayq̓. tie.

kʔayq̓íc̓aʔ, k̓ayq̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʔayq̓íc̓aʔ. to tie s.t.

kʔayq̓álqʷ, k̓ayq̓álqʷ   Morph: k+ʔayq̓álqʷ. to be tied to a pole.

kʔyq̓mnálqʷm, k̓yq̓mnálqʷm   Morph: k+ʔyq̓+mnálqʷ+m. to tie s.t. or s.o. to a post.

k̓ɬʔayq̓   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayq̓. a bundle; a knot; to tie s.t. in a bundle.

k̓ɬʔayʔáyq̓nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔay•ʔáyq̓+nt. to tie s.t. into a bundle.


k̓ɬʔaʔayʔáyaʔq̓   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔa•ʔay•ʔáyaʔq̓. medicine bundles; ties.

k̓ɬʔayq̓cníkst   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayq̓cníkst. to tie s.t. around the wrist.

k̓ɬʔayq̓ápqn   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayq̓ápqn. to tie s.t. on top of one's head.

nk̓ɬʔayq̓ápqn   Morph: n+k̓ɬ+ʔayq̓ápqn. to have a bundle on the back of the head.

ʔys   exchange, trade.

ʔiys   Morph: ʔiys. change.

nʔayys   Morph: n+ʔay•y•s. sell, trade.

nʔiy(s)   Morph: n+ʔiys. to trade, barter; to pay for s.t.

nʔiyys   Morph: n+ʔiy•y+s. to trade.

snʔiys   Morph: s+n+ʔiys. a price; saleability; value.

scnʔiys   Morph: s+c+n+ʔiys. to purchase.

k̓ɬʔiysnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔiys+nt. to change s.t. or s.o.


ɬk̓ɬʔiysnt   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+ʔiys+nt. to change one’s mind again.


sk̓ɬʔiys   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ʔiys. to change.

ɬk̓ɬʔiys   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+ʔiys. to change one's mind again.

k̓ɬʔiysm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔiys+m. to change s.t.


k̓ɬʔaysncút   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔays+ncút. to change; to have changed.

k̓ɬʔaysnwíxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔays+nwíxʷ. to change place; to take turns.

k̓ɬʔayslscút   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayslscút. to change clothes.

k̓ɬʔayslscútn   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayslscút+n. a change of clothes.

k̓ɬʔaysáqsm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaysáqs+m. to change grub.

xʷaʔsnʔíys   Morph: xʷaʔ+s+n+ʔíys. to be valuable, expensive.

wy̓sk̓ɬʔysnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+ʔys+nt. to get done changing s.t.

Tstem. Sp ʔey to buy, to exchange money, to cross; n-ʔéys-n I bought it; Cm kɬ‑ʔays to change s.t. into s.t.; Cr n+ʔid exchange; Sh ʔey exchange, give in return, meet; Th ʔaz buy, trade for s.t.; Li ʔaz̓ to buy s.t.; n.ʔáˑʔz̓-əm to trade.

ʔyxʷ1   swap, trade.

ʔayxʷmnwiw̓s   Morph: ʔayxʷ+mnwiw̓s. things swapped.

ʔayxʷmnwixʷ   Morph: ʔayxʷ+mnwixʷ. to disagree.

nʔayxʷíw̓(s)   Morph: n+ʔayxʷíw̓s. to trade for s.t.; to exchange things; to barter.

scnʔayxʷiw̓s   Morph: s+c+n+ʔayxʷiw̓s. to trade.

nʔayxʷscínm   Morph: n+ʔayxʷ+scín+m. to exchange food.

nʔayxʷmscínm   Morph: n+ʔayxʷ+mscín+m ? to trade for groceries.

nʔayxʷw̓scinm   Morph: n+ʔayxʷw̓scin+m. to trade for groceries.

nʔayxʷw̓sqáx̌aʔ   Morph: nʔayxʷw̓sqáx̌aʔ. a horse traded for.

nʔayxʷw̓sús   Morph: n+ʔayxʷw̓sús. to be cross-eyed.

k̓ɬʔayxʷíw̓snt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayxʷíw̓s+nt. exchange.

Tstem. to exchange, trade, or change s.t. around; to mix things up.

k̓ɬʔayxʷíw̓st   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayxʷíw̓+st. to mix up things.

Tstem. Sp ʔey̓xʷ trade.

ʔyxʷ2   sʔayxʷálqs (woman's name).

sʔayxʷálqs   Morph: s+ʔayxʷálqs. sʔayxʷálqs (woman's name).

ʔyx̌ʷ   tired.

ʔayx̌ʷ   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷ. to make s.o. tired.

ʔayx̌ʷt   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷt. to be tired.

ʔayx̌ʷtmnt   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷ+t+m+nt. to tire of.


cʔayx̌ʷtmst   Morph: c+ʔayx̌ʷ+t+m+st. to tire of.


ʔayx̌ʷx̌ʷ   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. to get tired.

ʔayʔáyx̌ʷt   Morph: ʔay•ʔáyx̌ʷ+t. several are tired.

ʔayx̌ʷtm   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷt+m. be tired of s.o.

ʔayx̌ʷtíls   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷt+íls. to feel tired.

ʔayx̌ʷst   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷ+st. to make s.o. tired.

ʔayx̌ʷtst   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷt+st. to make s.o. tired.

ʔayx̌ʷtmst   Morph: ʔayx̌ʷ+t+m+st. to make s.o. tired.

sʔayx̌ʷt   Morph: s+ʔayx̌ʷ+t. exhaustion, tiredness, fatigue.

sʔayx̌ʷtáyn   Morph: s+ʔayx̌ʷ+táyn. tiredeness; fatigue.

ksʔayx̌ʷtáyn   Morph: k+s+ʔayx̌ʷ+t+áyn. to be tired; to have tiredness.

kɬkʔayx̌ʷtn   Morph: kɬ+k+ʔayx̌ʷ+tn. to have done the hard work.

kʔayx̌ʷtíw̓s   Morph: k+ʔayx̌ʷ+tíw̓s. to be saddle-weary.

k̓ɬʔayx̌ʷtínk   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔayx̌ʷ+tínk. one's back is tired.

nʔayx̌ʷtíls   Morph: n+ʔayx̌ʷ+tíls. to get tired. Sp √ʔayx̌ʷ tired, čn ʔáyx̌ʷ-t I'm tired; Cm ʔayx̌ʷt be tired; Cr ʔayx̌ʷ fatigued, tired.

ʔʔ   crest.

kɬʔiʔáʕw̓s   Morph: kɬ+ʔiʔáʕw̓s ? the crest of a hill.