c̓ácqaʔ   [c̓ácqaʔ] Morph: c+ʔácqaʔ. Etym: √ʔcqʔ. to come out.

Istem. Category: Cisl. See: cʔácqaʔ.

c̓ácqaʔst   [c̓ácqaʔst] Morph: c+ʔácqaʔ+st. Etym: √ʔcqʔ. to bring s.t. out.

Tstem. Category: Cisl, Caus, +st. See: cʔácqaʔst.

c̓ac̓aɬíkst   [c̓ac̓aɬíkst] Morph: c̓a•c̓aɬíkst. Etym: √c̓ɬ. cold hands.

Istem. kən c̓aʔc̓aʔɬíkst. My hands are cold. [nb1864.11]

c̓akʷncút   [c̓əkʷəncút] Morph: c+ʔakʷ+ncút. Etym: √ʔkʷ. to bring s.t. along.

Istem. Ques: vowel Category: Cisl, +ncut. See: cʔakʷncút. Category: Conf.

c̓ak̓ʷt   [c̓ak̓ʷt] Morph: c̓ak̓ʷ+t. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. to be stiff.

Istem. Sp √c̓uk̓ʷ(ú) stiff, rigid; Cm c̓uk̓ʷ be stiff; see also c̓ik̓ be stiff (fabric or hide); Cr c̓ek̓ʷ stiff (ref. to body), to be stiff (as bones); Sh √cuk̓ʷ stiff, tight; see Th ʔes/k̓ʷə́c; see Li √k̓ʷəc stiff. Category: +t. c̓ak̓ʷt. Stiff. [nb08 761]

c̓al   [c̓al] Morph: c̓al. Etym: √c̓l. root with the sense "trees, posts; woods; timber; s.t. stands straight" on which several stems are based. Category: Rt. Sp c̓il; Cm √c̓l; Cr c̓el; Sh √c̓l to stand (up).

c̓alcínxn   [c̓alcínxən] Morph: c̓alcínxn. Etym: √c̓l. c̓alcínxn. Lit: slim ankle

Istem. Category: mName. c̓alcínxən. Man's name. [nb1817a.1]

c̓alx̌ʷ   [c̓alx̌ʷ] Morph: c̓alx̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓lx̌ʷ. points extend; to be on all fours; scratch, claw; prongs.

Istem. Sp calx̌ʷ(ú) clustered, propped up like a tripod; Cm c̓lx̌‑nt‑xʷ you scratch s.o. with nails; Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw; see Sh c̓lxʷ-il̕əp chair; see Th √c̓əl̕əxʷ squat; see Li √c̓əlxʷ-íkn̓-an to saddle a horse. ilíʔ cc̓alx̌ʷ. It's standing there. [nb1819.13]

c̓aɬ   [c̓aɬ] Morph: c̓aɬ. Etym: √c̓ɬ. to be cold.

Istem. Sp √c̓eɬ cool down, cool off; Cm c̓aɬ to cool down; Cr c̓iɬ cool (weather); Sh c̓eɬ-t cold; Th √c̓əɬ cold; Li √c̓aɬ chill(ed). way̓ ixíʔ ist̓xítkʷ əcc̓áɬ. My soup was made cold. [E70.17] See: c̓iɬ.

c̓aɬáyaʔqn   [c̓aɬáyaʔqən] Morph: c̓aɬáyaʔqn. Etym: √c̓ɬ. cold head.

Istem. c̓aɬáyaʔqən. Cold head. [E10] See: c̓aɬ.

c̓aɬɬ   [sc̓áɬəɬ] Morph: c̓aɬ•ɬ. Etym: √c̓ɬ. to get cold.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. c̓áɬəɬ ist̓xítkʷ. My soup got cold. [E70.16] See: c̓aɬ.

c̓aɬɬt   [sc̓áɬəɬt] Morph: c̓aɬ•ɬ+t. Etym: √c̓ɬ. to be(come) cold, freezing cold (as after falling in a river).

Istem. Category: C2Inch, +t. way̓ t̓i kʷ ksc̓áɬəɬt, kʷ xʔkínəm mi kʷ wr̓ísəlp̓əm. You will freeze. What can you do to make fire? [BJSeym 295] aláʔ ṇʔúɬxʷstmən uɬ way̓ lut aksksc̓áɬəɬt. I will put you in here and you won't freeze to death. [dict] See: c̓aɬ.

c̓aɬt   [c̓aɬt] Morph: c̓aɬ+t. Etym: √c̓ɬ. to be cold.

Istem. Category: +t. myaɬ c̓aɬt. It's too cold. [dict] nt̓aʔ, ʕác̓ənt kʷaʔ itíʔ, kiyc̓ásq̓ət, talíʔ c̓aɬt. Well, look how clear it is, it's very cold. [BJSeym 294] kiyic̓ásq̓ət, taʔlíʔ c̓aɬt. It is clear, it̓s very cold. [dict] See: c̓aɬ.

c̓amút   [c̓amút] Morph: c+ʔamút. Etym: √ʔm. to sit facing s.t. or s.o. Category: Cisl.

Istem. Category: Cisl. c̓amút. [nb22.8a] See: cʔamút.

c̓apɬx̌nt   Morph: c̓apɬx̌+nt. Etym: √c̓pɬ ?. to hit s.o. with one's wing.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu c̓ápɬx̌əns. He whacked me with its wing. [nb1816.12]

c̓áp̓aʔx̌   [c̓áp̓aʔx̌] Morph: c̓áp̓aʔx̌. Etym: √c̓p̓x̌. western red cedar (thuja plicata). Gram: presumably a Columbian word for cedar root.

Istem. Cm c̓ápaʔ cedar root. Category: Bot. c̓áp̓aʔx̌. Western red cedar. [TBK200]

c̓ap̓q̓   [c̓ap̓q̓] Morph: c̓ap̓q̓. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. to stick or glue.

Istem. Sp √c̓ap̓aq̓ sticky, gooey, syrupy; Cm kc̓əq̓p to stick to s.t.; Cr c̓ap̓q adhere, stick to (as glue); Sh cpeq̓ (get) stuck. ixíʔ uɬ cəm̓ t̓i c̓ap̓q̓, uɬ itíʔ iʔ t asxʷúytən. They'll be just thick, right on your tracks. [CoGrSy 701]

c̓aq   [c̓aq] Morph: c̓aq. Etym: √c̓q. a clicking sound.

pcl. c̓aq. A clicking sound. [nb21.29]

c̓aqt   [c̓aqt] Morph: c̓aq+t. Etym: √c̓q. to be sour.

Istem. Sp √c̓aq sour, dried sweat; hi c̓áq it's sour, it smells of dried sweat; Cm c̓aʔq be sour; Th [ʔ]áq get sour, sour-smelling [e.g. stale urine]. Category: +t. c̓aqt. It's sour. [jan93nb 048]

c̓aqxnmínt   Morph: c̓aqxn+mí+nt. Etym: √c̓q. to trample s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +mi+nt. ilíʔ uɬ t̓əxʷ c̓aqxənmísəlx. They trampled him. [nb2534.8]

c̓aq̓lnútyaʔ   [c̓aq̓əlnútyaʔ] Morph: c̓aq̓lnútyaʔ. Etym: √c̓q̓. bow and arrow.

Istem. lútəm t c̓aq̓əlnútyaʔ, way̓ ixíʔ ɬ ctaʔxʷɬənt̓aʕpmútyaʔlx. Not a bow and arrow, they already had gun loaders. [AutPS 071] way̓ uɬ ha p kɬc̓aq̓əlnútyaʔ. Have you got a bow and arrow? [HnTrp 187] uɬ kʷaʔ t c̓q̓ílənsəlx iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ t c̓aq̓əlnútyaʔ way̓ t̓i ksƛ̓lnúyʔsəlx. The People are going to kill him with their arrows. [su7q̓im 151] See: c̓q̓iln.

c̓aq̓ʷc̓q̓ʷɬp   [c̓áq̓ʷc̓əq̓ʷɬp] Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ•c̓q̓ʷɬp. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. wire bush or brush.

Istem. Category: Bot. uɬ axáʔ iʔ c̓áq̓ʷc̓əq̓ʷɬp uɬ ixíʔ taʔlíʔ kʷa ɬ ilyúlt. The wire bushes, they are big around. [Hrvst 088]

c̓áq̓ʷlaʔxʷm   [c̓áq̓ʷl̕aʔxʷəm] Morph: c̓áq̓ʷlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to point the way; to point to a place.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. ixíʔ məɬ px̌ʷməncútəlx, c̓áq̓ʷl̕aʔxʷəm nc̓íʔcən. Then they scatter. Wolf'll point to where to go. [BJSeym 168] See: c̓q̓ʷ.

c̓aq̓ʷm   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ+m. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to point to s.t.

Mstem. Sp c̓oq̓ʷ; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m; see Cr c̓uq̓ʷn pronounce ... Category: Mstem. aˑ kʷa tanm̓ús, nt̓a wiˑˑm sənk̓líp sc̓áq̓ʷəms way̓ lut. Ah, that's nothing, Coyote pointed for nothing, heck no. [Nams 232] See: c̓q̓ʷ.

c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ   [c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ] Morph: c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ. Variant: c̓aq̓ʷmn. Etym: √cq̓ʷ. index finger; pointing finger.

Istem. Sp s-c̓óq̓ʷ-mn first finger; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m to point; Th √c̓əq̓ʷ mark, draw, write. Category: Anat. way̓ uɬ ixíʔ nc̓aq̓ʷs iʔ t c̓úq̓ʷmaʔs. He sticks his index finger out. [LynxS 133] uɬ c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ kʷulsts. And he sent Pointer (pointing finger). [crea25] See: c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ; c̓aq̓ʷmn.

c̓aq̓ʷmn   [c̓aq̓ʷmən] Morph: c̓áq̓ʷmn. Variant: c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ. Etym: √cq̓ʷ. index finger; pointing finger.

Istem. Sp s-c̓óq̓ʷ-mn first finger; Cm c̓uq̓ʷmn index finger; Th √c̓əq̓ʷ mark, draw, write. Category: Anat, +mn. anc̓aq̓ʷmən. Your index finger. [nb1824.15] See: c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ; c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ.

c̓aq̓ʷnt   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to point to s.t.

Tstem. Sp c̓oq̓ʷ; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m; see Cr c̓uq̓ʷn pronounce ... Category: +nt. c̓áq̓ʷəntxʷ. You pointed to it. [nb26-20 015] c̓aq̓ʷənt a nk̓mən̓kíɬxʷ. Point to the ceiling! [nb26-34 004] ak̓láʔ c̓aq̓ʷs sənk̓líp. Coyote pointed to it over here. [Nams 226] See: c̓q̓ʷ.

c̓aq̓ʷq̓ʷ   [c̓aq̓ʷəq̓ʷ] Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ•q̓ʷ. Variant: caq̓ʷq̓ʷ. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. s.t. pointed at.

Istem. Sp √c̓oq̓ʷ to point at; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m to point; Th √c̓əq̓ʷ mark, draw, write. Category: C2Inch. c̓aq̓ʷəq̓ʷ. Pointed at. [pd] See: c̓q̓ʷ.

c̓aq̓ʷsnt   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷs+nt. Variant: c̓aq̓ʷ. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to point to s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp √c̓oq̓ʷ to point at; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m to point; Th √c̓əq̓ʷ mark, draw, write. Category: +nt. cəm̓ ixíʔ xʷíc̓əɬt iʔ laklí məɬ c̓áq̓ʷsənts iʔ k̓əl sənt̓əwscqáx̌aʔtən. Then she’ll give you the key and she’ll point to the barn. [nb1263.5] See: c̓q̓ʷ.

c̓aq̓ʷst   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ+st. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to point to s.t.

Tstem. Sp c̓oq̓ʷ; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m; see Cr c̓uq̓ʷn pronounce ... Category: +st, cust. iʔ piq sk̓ʷənk̓ʷán a cc̓áq̓ʷəstxʷ, lut a cɬp̓iw̓s. You must point to the white bone, not to the marked bone. [rdgs 060] See: c̓q̓ʷ.

c̓aq̓ʷstúɬt   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ+stuɬt. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to point to s.t.

Tstem. Sp c̓oq̓ʷ; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m; see Cr c̓uq̓ʷn pronounce ... c̓aq̓ʷstúɬtxʷ. You point it out for somebody. [nb26-28 011] See: c̓q̓ʷ.

c̓ar1   [c̓ar] Morph: c̓ar. Etym: √c̓r. root with meaning "to ache; to hurt" that participates in several stems. Category: Rt. Sp c̓er (c̓al); hec-n-c̓eʔrénč-i he has a stomach ache; Cm c̓ər, c̓aʔar ache, hurt; c̓or salt, sour; Cr s+niʔ+c̓áʔ+c̓ar̓enč pains (intestinal...) Sh c̓ʔal to hurt, smart, throb; Th √c̓úḷ̕ sour; Li √c̓ụḷ̕ sour, bitter.

c̓ar2   [c̓ar] Morph: c̓ar. Etym: √c̓r. a vocalization. Category: Onom.

pcl. t̓iʔ c̓arˑˑ uɬ nɬət̓pmítkʷ. He went c'arrrrr, he jumped in the water. [cnebdd 036]

c̓art   [c̓art] Morph: c̓ar+t. Etym: √c̓r. to be salty.

Istem. Sp √c̓ur (c̓ol) salty, sour, tart; Cm c̓ər be sour (food); salty; Cr √c̓r c̓or salt, sour; Sh c̓al-t bitter, saour, salty; Th √c̓áḷ salt; Li √c̓ụḷ̕ sour, bitter (esp. berries). Category: +t. c̓art. Salty. [pd]

c̓as   Morph: c̓as. Etym: √c̓s. to glean, cull; to pick up things as birds do; to salvage stuff; to pick up old junk. Category: Rep.

Istem. Sp sxʷ-c̓s-ím one who picks up discarded items; Cm c̓əsnt‑xʷ you pick things up; Cr c̓es collect (by picking), salvage; Th √c̓əs cull. Ques: x̌aʔp̓íliʔsəm kʷu ksc̓aʔsmíxaʔx. We are going to pick up old things. [nb18103.7] kən ksc̓aʔsmíxaʔx. I'm going to pick leftovers. [nb26-73 010] Category: Conf.

c̓asám   [c̓asám] Morph: c̓[a]sá+m. Etym: √c̓s. to glean, cull; to pick up things as birds do; to salvage stuff; to pick up old junk.

Mstem. Sp sxʷ-c̓s-ím one who picks up discarded items; Cm c̓əsnt‑xʷ you pick things up; Cr c̓es collect (by picking), salvage; Th √c̓əs cull. Ques: x̌aʔp̓íliʔsəm Category: +am. way̓ ixíʔ itlíʔ c̓asám̓ uɬ x̌aʔp̓íliʔsəm iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. The old lady gathered and patched them together. [lpb261] Category: nMstem. lut aksc̓asám̓. Don’t gather it! [nb20.91a] lut aksc̓aʔsám. Don't pick from the cull barrel. [nb26-73 012] Category: Conf.

c̓asnt   Morph: c̓as+nt. Etym: √c̓s. to glean, cull; to pick up things as birds do; to salvage stuff; to pick up old junk.

Tstem. Sp sxʷ-c̓s-ím one who picks up discarded items; Cm c̓əsnt‑xʷ you pick things up; Cr c̓es collect (by picking), salvage; Th √c̓əs cull. Ques: x̌aʔp̓íliʔsəm Category: +nt, Rep. c̓aʔsəntíxʷ. You pick a leftover. [nb26-73 011] Category: Conf.

c̓asyqn   [c̓ásyqən] Morph: c̓asyqn. Variant: c̓asy̓qn. Etym: √c̓sy. a head.

Istem. Category: Anat. ixíʔ náx̌əmɬ iʔ c̓ásyqəns k̓əɬq̓aʔáx̌nəms. He had her head stuck under his arm. [cogrzd 052] kən kɬc̓áʔsiqən. I have a head. [nb08 454] ɬt̓ap iʔ c̓ásiʔqəns. His (decapitated) head came off. [dict]

c̓awlxíltm   Morph: c̓awlxílt+m. Etym: √c̓wlx. to wash a baby.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kən c̓awlxíltəm t syɬkʷkʷáʕst. I washed the baby this morning. [notes] Category: Conf.

c̓awlxíltnt   Morph: c̓awlxílt+nt. Etym: √c̓wlx. to wash a baby.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓awlxíltən supíʔ iʔ ʔux̌tílaʔts. I bathed Sophie's baby. [Notes] Category: Conf.

c̓awsƛ̓xʷ   [c̓awsƛ̓əxʷ] Morph: c+ʔaw+s+ƛ̓xʷ. Etym: √ʔw, √ƛ̓xʷ. to come kill many.

?. Category: Compd. See: cʔawsƛ̓xʷ.

c̓awt   [c̓awt] Morph: c̓aw+t. Etym: √c̓w. to be extinguished (a fire).

Istem. Category: +t. uɬ c̓awt ixíʔ a cuʔr̓ísəlp̓. And the fire went out. [grlsdd 043]

c̓ax̌ʷ   [c̓ax̌ʷ] Morph: c̓ax̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. a promise.

Istem. Sp √c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷm to promise; Cr s+c̓ax̌ʷ+m betrothal, bond, commitment, obligation, promising; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). ixíʔ inc̓áx̌ʷ. That's my promise. [nb1829.11] way̓ x̌láp iʔ c̓áx̌ʷtət mi kʷu ɬyáʕp. Tomorrow is is when we promised (our promise) to be back. [dict]

c̓áyx̌aʔ   [c̓áyx̌aʔ] Morph: c̓áyx̌aʔ. Variant: c̓áy̓x̌aʔ. Etym: √c̓yx̌ʔ. crayfish, crawfish. Category: Faun.

Istem. Sp c̓óy̓x̌eʔ crab, crayfish; Cm c̓uy̓x̌ crawfish; Cr ay̓x̌ crab, oyster, bluepoint (a type of oyster); Th ʔéy̓x̌. Category: Faun. x̌áq̓səlx iʔ sapm̓átkʷ uɬ itíʔ sxʷyalqʷ, iʔ c̓áyx̌aʔ. They paid the little wiggle worms, the wood worms, the crawfish. [grlsdd 247] ixíʔ wíks c̓áyx̌aʔ, itíˑˑʔ cxʷuy cənwaʔpm̓ús ɬa cxʷúy. He saw crawfish, there he was going he was going backwards as it moved. [race3] ixíʔ nixʷítkʷ, nt̓a ki kəm̓km̓áx̌səlx iʔ t c̓áyx̌aʔ. He fell in the water and the crawfish grabbed him. [grlsdd 257]

c̓ay̓q̓íw̓s   [c̓ay̓q̓íw̓s] Morph: c̓ay̓q̓íw̓s. Etym: √c̓y̓q̓. 1 • to be crossed in the middle.

2 • the symbol barred-l.

Istem. c̓ay̓q̓íw̓s. Crossed in the middle. [nb26-79 006]

c̓áy̓x̌aʔ   [c̓áy̓x̌aʔ] Morph: c̓áy̓x̌aʔ. Etym: √c̓yx̌. crayfish.

Istem. Category: Faun. c̓áy̓x̌aʔ Crayfish. [dict] See: c̓áyx̌aʔ.

c̓aʕcínxn   [c̓aʕcínxən] Morph: c̓aʕcínxn. Etym: √c̓ʕ. c̓aʕcínxn: the name of Coyoteʼs youngest son. Lit: slim ankle (offered by MD) Socio: Coyote's sons have multiple names, and different names in different stories.

Istem. Category: mName. c̓aʕcínxən. Man's name. [nb08 252; nb1830a.1]

c̓aʕl   [c̓aʕl] Morph: c̓sʕl. Etym: √c̓ʕl. the sound of a rattle.

pcl. See Sp s-cósleʔ deer hoof rattle. Category: Onom. t̓i c̓aʕˑˑl iʔ c̓aʕ̓táns cc̓əlncáʕt. It's making the sound of a rattle, its rattle is rattling. [nb26-66 015] t̓i c̓aʕˑˑl, ntərqpəncút. She went c̓aʕˑˑl, she ran. [chip23] See: c̓aʕs1; c̓aʕ.

c̓aʕlípaʔ   [c̓aʕlípaʔ] Morph: c̓aʕlípaʔ. Variant: c̓aʕ̓lípaʔ. Etym: √c̓ʕlpʔ (?). exposed root of an uprooted tree.

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓aʕlípaʔ. Exposed root. [nb21.151] Category: Conf.

c̓aʕm̓   [c̓aʕm̓] Morph: c̓aʕm̓. Etym: √c̓ʕm̓. to suck in.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓aʕm̓. Suck in. [nb1821ba.4] See: c̓um̓.

c̓aʕn   [c̓aʕn] Morph: c̓aʕn. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to be tight, solid.

Istem. Sp √c̓an(á) tight, on tight, stuck. c̓aʕn. Tight. [nb1821b.6]

c̓aʕnm   [c̓áʕnəm] Morph: c̓aʕn+m. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to tighten (e.g. a bolt, a wheel...)

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓áʕnəm. Tighten. [nb1821b.6]

c̓aʕnmst   [c̓áʕnməst] Morph: c̓aʕn+m+st. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to make s.t. tight; to tighten.

Tstem. Sp c̓n-m-s-t-án I put it on tight, I tightened it; c̓án-m-s-t-n I screwed the lid on tight. Category: Caus, +st. uɬ aɬíʔ c̓áʕnməsts ya lʔiws. His father tied it tight. [fatboy 070]

c̓aʕsm   Morph: c̓aʕs+m. Etym: √c̓ʕs. to throw s.t. Morph: c̓aʕs+m.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓aʕsm. He threw it. [dict]

c̓aʕsnt   Morph: c̓aʕs+nt. Etym: √c̓ʕs. to throw s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ilíʔ mi c̓áʕsəntxʷ. You put / threw them there. [nb1811.17]

c̓aʕtán   [c̓aʕtán] Morph: c̓aʕ+tán. Variant: c̓aʕ̓tán. Etym: √c̓ʕ. the rattle (of a snake).

Istem. Sh c̓ʕtin rattlesnake; Th s/c̓aʕ̓-tm̓-úpeʔ rattlesnake tail. Category: +tan. c̓aʕtán. Snake rattle. [dict] See: c̓aʕ1.

c̓aʕw̓   [c̓aʕw̓] Morph: c̓aʕw̓. Etym: √c̓w̓. to be clean.

Istem. Sp c̓ew̓ wash; Cm c̓aw̓-m to wash; Cr c̓aw̓ boring, dry, soaked, washed out; Sh c̓ew-m to wash (body); Th √c̓éw̓ wash; Li c̓áw̓-xal to wash s.t. t̓i c̓aʕw̓ iʔ cítxʷsəlx. Their houses were clean. [Green.87] See: c̓iw̓.

c̓aʕx̌m   Morph: c̓aʕx̌+m. Etym: √c̓ʕx̌. to spray, squirt (as from a cow's teat, a water hose, or a can of insecticide).

Mstem. See Sp hi c-c̓ax̌x̌x̌x̌ it comes streaming and steming out (said of warm blood). Category: nMstem. lut kʷu aksc̓áʕcx̌əm. Don’t turn the water hose on me! [nb1830.8]

c̓aʕx̌nt   Morph: c̓aʕx̌+nt. Etym: √c̓ʕx̌. to spray, squirt (as from a cow's teat, a water hose, or a can of insecticide).

Tstem. See Sp hi c-c̓ax̌x̌x̌x̌ it comes streaming and steming out (said of warm blood). Category: +nt. kʷu c̓áʕx̌əntxʷ. You squirted me with s.t. liquid (lots of it). [nb08 725; nb1830.7]

c̓aʕ̓lípaʔ   [c̓aʕ̓lípaʔ] Morph: c̓aʕ̓lípaʔ. Variant: c̓aʕlípaʔ. Etym: √c̓ʕlpʔ (?). a fallen tree.

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓aʕ̓lípaʔ. A fallen tree. [nb21.12a]

c̓aʕ̓n̓   [c̓aʕ̓n̓] Morph: c̓aʕ̓n̓. Etym: √c̓ʕ̓n̓. grasshopper.

Istem. See Sp t̓at̓aʔc̓á-n̓-m̓ it made the sound of a grasshopper; Cm c̓áan̓c̓aan̓; Th c̓énc̓ən̓; Li c̓án:c̓ən̓. Category: Faun. c̓aʕ̓n̓. Grasshopper. [dict]

c̓aʕ̓tán   [c̓aʕ̓tán] Morph: c̓aʕ̓+tán. Variant: c̓aʕtán. Etym: √c̓ʕ. rattle.

Istem. Category: +tan. t̓i c̓ʕaˑˑl iʔ c̓aʕ̓táns cc̓əlncáʕt. It's making the sound of rattle, its rattle is rattling. [nb26-66 015]

c̓aʕʷpúps   [c̓aʕʷpúps] Morph: c̓aʕʷ+púps. Etym: √c̓ʕw. to be constipated.

Istem. Sp c̓oʕ, n-c̓oʕ-púps bowels bound up (cannot eliminate and so painful). kən c̓aʕʷpúps. I'm constipated. [nb9a 241] See: nc̓aʕʷpúps; c̓ʕʷap.

c̓aʔ   [c̓aʔ] Morph: c̓aʔ. Variant: íc̓aʔ; ác̓aʔ; áʕc̓aʔ. surface; hide; (body) cover, outer cover. Category: LxAfx. kcəqʷcíʕqʷc̓aʔ. Raw, featherless, naked body. [dict] ɣíyc̓a. Weave blankets. [(OkB)] tk̓ʷíxʷc̓aʔ. Unwrap clothes. [dict] kmúsc̓aʔ. Four things wrapped up; four wrapped bundles; four pieces of clothing. [dict] sk̓ɬpúl̕sc̓aʔam. Smoke meat. [(OkB)] kpíqc̓aʔ. Something white / white covering. [misc 285] kp̓úmc̓aʔ. Brown blanket. [dict] tq̓iq̓áʕy̓c̓aʔ. Canteloupe and watermelon. [dict] súyc̓aʔ Chill out (chill your body). [nb26-18 013] ktíwc̓aʔ. Buy clothes. [dict] ktuc̓aʔncútən. S.t. to buy clothes with. [GDd1 035] xʷíkʷc̓aʔm. Tan hides. [(OkB)] kʕacəc̓aʔ. Tie a bundle. [dict] ʔíq̓c̓aʔm. Hide Scraping. [rdgs 068]

c̓aʔc̓aʔx   [c̓aʔc̓aʔx] Morph: c̓aʔ•c̓aʔx. Etym: √c̓x. several are bashful.

Istem. kəm̓ pna p sc̓aʔc̓aʔxmíx, mat lut smisʔíɬnəmp. Maybe you are bashful, maybe you didn't eat enough. [GDd1 351]

c̓aʔc̓aʔxúɬ   [c̓aʔc̓aʔxúɬ] Morph: c̓aʔ•c̓aʔx+úɬ. Etym: √c̓x. to be shy or easily embarrassed.

Istem. kən c̓aʔc̓aʔxúɬ. I'm bashful all the time. [11.6a]

c̓aʔknálaʔk   [c̓aʔknálaʔk] Morph: c̓aʔknálaʔk. Variant: c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓. Etym: √ʔkn. to be the matter.

Istem. Socio: Raven's stylized speech Category: Onom. qʷaʕ kʷ c̓aʔknálaʔk. What's the matter with you? [grlsdd 125] See: c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓.

c̓aʔknílxʷ   [c̓aʔknílxʷ] Morph: c̓aʔknílxʷ. Etym: √ʔkn. Gram: form based on the root √ʔkn. of some color, of whatever color.

Istem. uɬ c̓aʔknílxʷ c̓kin iʔ sənk̓ʷúl̕cnəm uɬ ixíʔ kʷíntxʷ iʔ sq̓líps, məɬ xʷpcnítkʷəntxʷ. Whatever color the weather in the sky is, take a handkerchief of the same color, and spread it right on the shore. [dict]

c̓aʔknúlaʔxʷ   [c̓aʔknúlaʔxʷ] Morph: c̓aʔknúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √ʔkn. Gram: form based on the root √ʔkn. to be better off.

Istem. anwí pnaʔ kʷ c̓aʔknúlaʔxʷ. You are probably a little better off. [dict]

c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqs   [c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqs] Morph: c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqs. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. flower garden.

Istem. c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqs. Flower garden. [nb1817a.8]

c̓aʔk̓ʷám   [c̓aʔk̓ʷám] Morph: c̓aʔk̓ʷá+m. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. to celebrate Corpus Christi.

Mstem. Category: +am. c̓aʔk̓ʷám. Corpus Christi. [nb26-25 018]

c̓aʔq̓minm   [c̓aʔq̓mínəm] Morph: c̓aʔq̓+min+m. Etym: √c̓q̓. to play catch; to play horseshoe. Lit: to throw

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kʷu c̓aʔq̓mínəm. We played catch; we played horseshoe. [nb22.22]

c̓aʔq̓mnúsm   [c̓áʔq̓mnúsəm] Morph: c̓aʔq̓+mnus+m. Etym: √c̓q̓. to shake one's head.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. lut t̓ ʔamˑnúɬtsn asqʷsíʔ t síyaʔ, maɬ ɬa cc̓aʔq̓mnúsm. I was unable to feed sasktoons to your boy because he was shaking his head too much. [jan93nb 120]

c̓aʔscín̓   [c̓aʔscín̓] Morph: c̓aʔscín̓. Etym: √c̓s. to glean (a crop, food).

Istem. Ques: or c̓ascin̓ kən c̓aʔscín̓, kən mqink. I picked around and got a full belly. [nb25-41 008] See: c̓asám. Category: Conf.

c̓aʔsúlaʔxʷm   [c̓aʔsúlaʔxʷəm] Morph: c̓aʔsúlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √c̓s. to clear the land.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓aʔsúlaʔxʷməlx. They cleared the land. [nb18227.15]

c̓aʔxkín   [c̓aʔxkín] Morph: c̓aʔxkín. Etym: √ʔkn. to do what?; what the matter is.

Istem. c̓axknáʕlaʔk̓ p sc̓aʔxkínx. What are you doing, what's the matter with you? [grlsdd 174] p sc̓aʔxkínx uɬ p ck̓əsəsmílx. What's the matter with you folks that you can’t get along? [nb1855.7] See: xkin.

c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓   [c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓] Morph: c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓. Variant: c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk. Etym: √ʔkn. to do what.

?. Category: Onom. cus, c̓aʔxknáʕlaʔk̓ p sc̓aʔxkínx. She said, "What are you doing, what's the matter with you?" [grlsdd 174] See: sc̓kin̓; c̓aʔknálaʔk.

c̓aʔxmínm   Morph: c̓aʔx+mín+m. Etym: √c̓x. to be ashamed of s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. lut aksc̓aʔxmínəm, aɬíʔ akscmiynám, aksmipnúnəm. Don't be ashamed, because you should know, you want to find out about it. [mychildr 268] lut aksc̓aʔxmínəm lut ɬ ascənsúxʷnaʔ t sqilxʷ, lut. Do not be ashamed if you don't understand the Indian language, no. [mychildr 276] uɬ lut haʔ kʷu aksc̓aʔxmínəm. Aren't you going to be ashamed of me? [blkpg 012] lut aksc̓aʔxmínəm anƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. Don't be ashamed of your elders. [mychildr 261] lut akcc̓aʔxmínəm iʔ sqílxʷtət. You won't be ashamed of our language. [nb26-36 0] kʷu cus way̓, way̓skʷ ɬ aksíwm ank̓ík̓əwaʔ, səsc̓aʔxmínəms. She told me, "Stop asking your grandfather, he is ashamed of it." [AutPS 149] See: c̓x.

c̓aʔxmínt   Morph: c̓aʔx+mín+nt. Etym: √c̓x. to be ashamed of s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uc kʷu c̓aʔxmíntxʷ. Are you ashamed of me? [nb1827.17] kʷu c̓aʔxmís. He’s ashamed of me. [dict] See: c̓x.

c̓aʔxmíst   [c̓aʔxmíst] Morph: c̓aʔx+míst. Etym: √c̓x. to be ashamed of s.t.

Tstem. Category: +mi+st, cust. əcc̓aʔxmístsəlx ixíʔ aɬíʔ skəm̓lscút. They were ashamed about it because they were handouts. [Green.48] ixiʔ cc̓aʔxmístslx iʔ stqʷəyqʷáy. They were embarrased about [wearing] blue jeans. [E45.34] See: c̓aʔxmí(n).

c̓aʔxstím   [c̓aʔxstím] Morph: c̓aʔx+st+ím. Etym: √c̓x. to emabarrass s.o.

Mstem. Category: +im. lut kʷu aksc̓aʔxstím. Don’t embarrass me. [nb19.348a] See: c̓aʔxmí(n).

c̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ   [c̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ] Morph: c̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ. Etym: √c̓xʷ. a quilt.

Istem. c̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ iʔ sk̓ʷul̕s. The quilt (?) she made. [nb21.160a]

c̓c̓kʷikʷ   [c̓c̓kʷikʷ] Morph: c̓•c̓kʷ•ikʷ. Etym: √c̓kʷ. mountain ash berries (sorbus sitchensis and sorbus scopulina). Gram: diminutive of c̓kʷikʷ

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓c̓kʷikʷ. Mountain ash berries. [TBK133]

c̓c̓kʷkʷíɬaʔp   [c̓əc̓kʷəkʷíɬaʔp] Morph: c̓•c̓kʷ•kʷíɬaʔp. Etym: √c̓kʷ. mountain ash (sorbus sitchensis and s. scopulina).

Istem. Category: Dim, Bot. c̓əc̓kʷəkʷíɬaʔp. Mountain ash. [TBK133]

c̓c̓l̕usm   [c̓əc̓sl̕úsəm] Morph: c̓•c̓l̕us+m. Etym: √c̓l̕. to hail (precipitation).

Mstem. Category: Mstem. way̓ c̓əc̓sl̕úsəm̓. It's hailing. [nb1821.6] See: c̓c̓l̕us.

c̓c̓l̕usnt   Morph: c̓•c̓l̕us+nt. Etym: √c̓l̕. to hail (precipitation) on s.o.

Tstem. Sp c̓s-lúseʔ hail stones; Cm c̓ṣ‑ll̕‑usaʔ; Cr s+c̓sl̕úseʔ hail. Category: +nt. cc̓əsl̕úsəntəm uɬ kp̓əsƛ̓ʔús. We got hailed on big time. [nb1887.5] See: sc̓lusnt.

c̓c̓ɬíʔast   [c̓əc̓ɬíʔast] Morph: c̓•c̓ɬíʔast. Etym: √c̓ɬ. a cool spot or area. Category: Dim.

Istem. Category: Dim. c̓c̓ɬíʔast. Cool spot. [nb18170.12] See: confirm.

c̓c̓míliʔs   [c̓əc̓míliʔs] Morph: c̓•c̓míliʔs. Etym: √c̓m. red twinberry berries (lonicera utahensis).

Istem. Category: Dim, Bot. c̓əc̓míliʔs. Red twinberry berries. [TBK94]

c̓c̓m̓íxʷyaʔ   [c̓əc̓m̓íxʷiyaʔ] Morph: c̓•c̓m̓íxʷyaʔ. Etym: √c̓m̓xʷ. phlox (phlox longifolia). Lit: B’s etym: narrowing to a point.

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓əc̓m̓íxʷiyaʔ. Phlox. [TBK112]

c̓c̓qʷaqʷ   [c̓əc̓qʷáqʷ] Morph: c̓•c̓qʷ•aqʷ. Etym: √c̓qʷ. cry a little; whimper.

Istem. Category: Dim. sc̓əc̓qʷáqʷ, cc̓əc̓qʷáqʷ. One whimpers. [nb25-64 003] way̓ kən c̓c̓qʷaqʷ uníxʷ náˑˑkxnaʔ. I sure cried a little, goodness! [nb21.187a]

c̓c̓r̓imqn   [c̓əc̓r̓ímqən] Morph: c̓•c̓r̓imqn. Etym: √c̓r̓m. c̓c̓r̓imqn.

Istem. Category: mName. c̓c̓r̓imqn. Man's name. [dict]

c̓c̓x̌iɬ   [c̓əc̓x̌íɬ] Morph: c̓•c̓x̌iɬ. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. to be visible.

Istem. Category: Dim. iʔ təl xwiɬ t̓i c̓əc̓x̌íɬ ixíʔ ixíʔ t̓ít̓aʔk̓ʷt. The little lake is visible from the road. [su7q̓im 075]

c̓c̓ʔum   [c̓əc̓ʔúm] Morph: c̓•c̓[ʔ]um. Etym: √c̓m̓. to be narrow. Category: Dim.

Istem. Sp he-n-c̓ʔ-ílš a canyon. a ravine through which a stream or river flows; Cm c̓m̓‑aw̓s be slim waisted; Cr c̓am pointed (almost..., as a football); Sh cm-c̓m-eqs sharp (of point); Th √c̓əm sharp point; Li √c̓əm sharp, pointed. Ques: analysis Category: Dim. uɬ way̓ ɬcwiks t̓i ɬcəc̓c̓ʔúˑˑm, t̓i ck̓aʔítət uɬ ƛ̓lap. She saw something narrow-like again, it comes near, then it stops. [nb2569.7] Category: Conf.

c̓ic̓k̓ʷsxn̓   [c̓íc̓k̓ʷsxən] Morph: c̓i•c̓k̓ʷsxn̓. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. a flashlight; a small lamp.

Istem. Category: Dim. c̓ic̓k̓ʷsxn̓. Lamp. [nb26-37 013]

c̓ic̓x̌ʷsm   [c̓íc̓x̌ʷsəm] Morph: c̓i•c̓x̌ʷs+m. Variant: kc̓ic̓x̌ʷsm. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to peek (as through a hole). Category: Dim.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓íc̓x̌ʷsəm. Peek. [dict] See: kc̓ic̓x̌ʷsm.

c̓ik   [c̓ik] Morph: c̓ik. Etym: √c̓k. c̓ik.

Istem. Category: wName. c̓ik. Gloria Adams. [nb26-48 010]

c̓ik̓k̓   [c̓ík̓ək̓] Morph: c̓ik̓•k̓. Etym: √c̓k̓. to be burned. Morph: c̓ik̓•k̓.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. uɬ ixíʔ yaʔx̌ís uɬ c̓ík̓ək̓, uɬ kcík̓ək̓naʔ. And she got burned, and she burned all over. [chip51] way̓ k̓ɬt̓ək̓ʷt̓ək̓ʷípc̓aʔsəlx yaʔx̌ís a ck̓is iʔ slip̓. way̓ c̓ík̓ək̓. They put fire to that pile of wood. It burned. [lpb498]

c̓ík̓k̓laʔxʷ   [c̓ík̓ək̓laʔxʷ] Morph: c̓ík̓•k̓laʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓k̓. forest fire.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. c̓ík̓k̓laʔxʷ. Forest fire. [nb1810.12]

c̓ík̓laʔxʷnt   Morph: c̓ík̓laʔxʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓k̓. to set the ground on fire.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓ík̓laʔxʷənt. Set the ground on fire! [nb1817.8] See: c̓ik̓.

c̓ik̓nt   Morph: c̓ik̓+nt. Etym: √c̓k̓. to light s.t.; to set fire to s.t.

Tstem. Cm kɬ‑c̓ik̓‑nt ‑xʷ you set fire to s.t.; Sh cik̓-m to cause to shine, illuminate; Li √c̓ik to burn all up. Category: +nt. uɬ ksc̓ík̓əntəm axáʔ iʔ citxʷ. We are going to set fire to his house. [nb2554.4] uɬ kaʔkícsəlx iʔ cítxʷs, uɬ ixíʔ c̓ík̓səlx. They found his house, and set fire to it. [HnLk33] See: c̓ik̓ʷ.

c̓ik̓ʷm   Morph: c̓ik̓ʷ+m. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. to put a light on s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Sp √c̓ek̓ʷ shiny, bright; Sh √cek̓ʷ bright; Th √c̓ék̓ʷ shine; Li c̓ák̓ʷ-əm to illuminate s.t.. Category: nMstem. lut skpáx̌əmsəlx iʔ t swr̓ísəlp̓ sc̓ík̓ʷəmsəlx. They didn't have to strike matches to make things light. [dict] See: c̓ik̓.

c̓ik̓ʷnt   Morph: c̓ik̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. to put a light on s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp √c̓ek̓ʷ shiny, bright; Sh √cek̓ʷ bright; Th √c̓ék̓ʷ shine; Li c̓ák̓ʷ-əm to illuminate s.t.. Category: +nt. c̓ík̓ʷəntəm axáʔ iʔ sxʔítx. She’ll put the light over the oldest one. [dict] way̓ c̓ík̓ʷəntməlx uɬ aɬíʔ ckc̓íc̓əxʷsəm. She put the light on them and she was peeking. [nb1245.1] See: c̓ik̓.

c̓ik̓ʷsxn   [c̓ik̓ʷsxən] Morph: c̓ik̓ʷsxn. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. a lamp (coal, oil ...); a lantern; a light; to light s.t. up.

Istem. Sp c̓ék̓ʷsšn̓ a lamp, flashlight (in the old way it was a torch light fashioned from pitchy branches bound tightly together and used for night fishing). txríkst(t)ṇ iʔ c̓ík̓ʷəsxən. A dangling lantern. [dict] mat way̓ ƛ̓ʔʕay iʔ c̓ik̓ʷsxən, uɬ lut niʕ̓íp t̓a c̓uy. Maybe they dim the lamps, it's never completely dark. [su7q̓im 248] way̓ ƛ̓əw̓əntís iʔ c̓ík̓ʷəsxən. She put the light out. [nb1245.9] cƛ̓əw̓ƛ̓áw̓ iʔ c̓ik̓ʷəsxən, ṇk̓im. The lights are all out, it's dark. [dict] uɬ kywywúsəlx, uɬ kʷaʔ la ṇk̓im̓, uɬ aɬíʔ put sc̓x̌iɬ t c̓ík̓ʷəsxnəlx. And they have good eyes, in the dark just as well as in the light. [dict]

c̓ik̓ʷsxnt   Morph: c̓ik̓ʷsx+nt. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. a lamp (coal, oil ...); a lantern; a light; to light s.t. up.

Tstem. Lit: they lit it up Sp c̓ék̓ʷsšn̓ a lamp, flashlight (in the old way it was a torch light fashioned from pitchy branches bound tightly together and used for night fishing). Category: +nt. ixíʔ c̓ík̓ʷəsxənsəlx úɬiʔ xʷúsxʷstəlx, úɬiʔ m̓im̓áyʔtəlx. It's bright and that's why they could hurry, and they did things right. [dict]

c̓íllaʔxʷ   [c̓íl̕laʔxʷ] Morph: c̓íllaʔxʷ. Variant: c̓íl̕laʔxʷ; c̓il̕laʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓l. shade; a shady place.


c̓ilstn   [c̓ílstən] Morph: c̓il+st+n. Etym: √c̓l. umbrella; awning.

Istem. Category: +tn. See: c̓il̕stn.

c̓il̕   [c̓il̕] Morph: c̓il̕. Etym: √c̓l̕. to be frightening, mean looking.

Istem. Sp √c̓il̕ ghostly, spooky; čn c̓l̕-íp a sudden fear came over me, I got the creeps; Cr c̓él̕+p he became frightened. c̓il̕. He looks mean, frightening. [nb20.3]

c̓íl̕laʔxʷ   [c̓íl̕laʔxʷ] Morph: c̓íl̕laʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓l̕. a shady place; to be in the shade.

Istem. kən ksxʷúyaʔx k̓a cc̓íl̕laʔxʷ. I’m going in the shade. [nb1873.7] ixíʔ la cc̓íl̕aʔxʷ aɬíʔ, uɬ ixíʔ m̓ay̓xítən. There in a shady spot I told them stories. [nb2577.8] məɬ ɬəxʷəntísəlx iʔ la cc̓íllaʔxʷ. They hang it in the shade. [drymd 016] See: sc̓il̕.

c̓il̕l̕   Morph: c̓il̕•l̕. Etym: √c̓l̕. to be shaded.

Istem. Cm c̓al̕‑l̕ become shady as sun sets. Category: C2Inch. c̓il̕l̕. Shady. [dict]

c̓il̕stn   [c̓il̕stṇ] Morph: c̓il̕s+tn. Etym: √c̓l̕. umbrella; awning.

Istem. Cm c̓al̕‑n I shaded s.t.; Cr c̓il̕ outline, shadow. Category: +tn. iʔ sc̓əlc̓ál iʔ c̓íl̕stəntət. The trees are our awnings. [nb22.39a]

c̓iɬ   [c̓iɬ] Morph: c̓iɬ. Etym: √c̓ɬ. a surface is cold.

Istem. t̓i c̓iɬ. This surface is cold. [nb26-21 009] See: c̓aɬ.

c̓iɬpw̓sqn   [c̓íɬpuʔsqən] Morph: c̓iɬ+pw̓sqn. Etym: √c̓ɬ. cold lips.

Istem. c̓íɬpuʔsqən. Cold lips. [nb26-01A 001]

c̓imx   [c̓imx] Morph: c+ʔimx. Etym: √ʔmx. to move here.

Istem. Category: Cisl. See: cʔimx.

c̓inm   Morph: c̓in+m. Etym: √c̓n. to say what? to say s.t. indefinite.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. uɬ kʷ səsc̓ínəms axáʔ t sənk̓líp. What is Coyote saying to you? [Nams 134] iksc̓ínəm ɬaʔ ɬckicx. What should I tell her when she gets back? [newles 216] lut t̓a cmistín isəc̓ínməlx. I don't know what I said to them. [E44.17]

c̓inst   Morph: c̓in+st. Etym: √c̓n. to say what? to say s.t. indefinite.

Tstem. Lit: They were never told. Category: +st. lut t̓əxʷ t̓aʔ c̓ínstsəlx pnicíʔ. Nobody said anything then. [lpb368] uɬ lut t̓a c̓ínstməlx. He never said anything to them. [grlhd 011] uɬ kən ntils c̓ínstəm iʔ t k̓ʷəl̕əncútən. And I think about what the Creator told him. [su7q̓im 268] iʔ l stim̓ c̓íntstnəlx isqʷsqʷaʔsíyaʔ uɬ ixíʔ x̌ást iʔ spuʔúscəlx. Whatever I say to my children, their hearts are content. [dict]

c̓int   [c̓int] Morph: c̓i+nt. Etym: √c̓n. to say what; to say anything; to say s.t. indefinite.

Istem. Sp √hec̓ín̓t What did he say? lut nixʷ kʷu t̓ə ɬc̓ints. After that he didnʼt say anything to me again. [pgl36]

c̓int   Morph: c̓in+t. Etym: √c̓n. to say what; to say anything; to say s.t. indefinite.

Istem. Sp √hec̓ín̓t What did he say? ha cmistíxʷ kən səc̓íntx. Do you know what I am saying? [newles 071] uɬ ha p sc̓intx ha. What are you saying? [LynxS 424] uɬ axáʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp lut t̓a cc̓íntəlx. The parents never say anything. [BJSeym 088] ha cmistíxʷ kən səc̓íntx. Do you know what I am saying? [E44/16] kʷ sc̓intx. What did you say? [nb1821b.15] kən ksc̓íntaʔx. What could I say? [dict]

c̓ip̓m   Morph: c̓ip̓+m. Etym: √c̓p̓. to pinch or bite (as an ant would).

Mstem. Sp c̓ap̓ snap shut, c̓ip̓ pinch, nip in a vise; Cm c̓ip̓‑nt‑xʷ you pinch s.t.; Cr c̓ep airtight, c̓ip̓ pinch; Sh √cip̓ to squeeze one's eyes shut, shut eyes tightly; Th √c̓íp̓ blink; Li √c̓ip̓ to close (?). Category: Mstem. c̓ip̓m. He pinched. [dict]

c̓ip̓nt   Morph: c̓ip̓+nt. Etym: √c̓p̓. to pinch or bite (as an ant would).

Tstem. Sp c̓ap̓ snap shut, c̓ip̓ pinch, nip in a vise; Cm c̓ip̓‑nt‑xʷ you pinch s.t.; Cr c̓ep airtight, c̓ip̓ pinch; Sh √cip̓ to squeeze one's eyes shut, shut eyes tightly; Th √c̓íp̓ blink; Li √c̓ip̓ to close (?). Category: +nt. kʷu c̓ip̓s. (The ant) pinched me. [nb1823.2]

c̓iqc̓qt   [c̓íqc̓əqt] Morph: c̓iq•c̓q+t. Etym: √c̓q. Engelmann spruce and white spruce (picea engelmannii and picea glauca). Lit: ? rough needles

Istem. Sp c̓qc̓íq-nɬp Englemann spruce. Category: Bot. cc̓íqc̓əqt. Spruce. [TBK27] ixiʔ iʔ cc̓íqc̓əqt. This is a spruce. [nb22.39a]

c̓iqʷ   [c̓iqʷ] Morph: c̓iqʷ. Etym: √c̓qʷ. to skin; to butcher. Gram: I have also recorded this root as √c̓q̓ʷ Cm c̓iq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you skin s.t. with a knife [animal]; Cr c̓eqʷ butcher. See: c̓iq̓ʷ.

c̓iq̓ʷ   Morph: c̓iq̓ʷ. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to skin; to butcher. Gram: I have also recorded this root as √c̓qʷ

Istem. Cm c̓iq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you skin s.t. with a knife [animal]; Cr c̓eqʷ butcher. muˑˑt axáʔ ink̓ík̓əwaʔ uɬ iʔ sqiltks way̓ uɬ xʷəm t̓i scc̓iq̓ʷ. My grandfather was sitting there, his body is like it's been butchered. [AutPS 118] haʔ kʷu ksc̓íqʷaʔx. Are we going to butcher? [dict] See: c̓iqʷ.

c̓iq̓ʷnt   Morph: c̓iq̓ʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to skin; to butcher. Gram: I have also recorded this root as √c̓qʷ

Tstem. Cm c̓iq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you skin s.t. with a knife [animal]; Cr c̓eqʷ butcher. Category: +nt. uɬ ilíʔ way̓ c̓íqʷən uɬ ilíʔ ɬwin. I already skinned it, and I left it there. [HnTrp 252] iwá ksc̓íqʷiʔs. She’s going to try to skin it. [dict] See: c̓iqʷ.

c̓iq̓ʷst   Morph: c̓iq̓ʷ+st. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to skin; to butcher. Gram: I have also recorded this root as √c̓qʷ

Tstem. Cm c̓iq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you skin s.t. with a knife [animal]; Cr c̓eqʷ butcher. Category: +st, cust. ixíʔ mat ilíʔ ɬaʔ cc̓íqʷstsəlx iʔ sɬiqʷ. When they butcher the meat they do it there. [grlsdd 009] See: c̓iqʷ.

c̓islín   [c̓islín] Morph: c̓islín. Etym: √c̓sln (?). c̓islín: unidentified place name.

Istem. c̓islín iʔ sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált. c̓islín Mountain. [nb1896.7]

c̓iw   [c̓iw] Morph: c̓iw. Variant: c̓iw̓. Etym: √c̓w. to wash. See: c̓iw̓.

c̓iwt   [c̓iwt] Morph: c+ʔiw+t. Etym: √ʔw. to be last, behind, late.

Istem. Category: +t. See: cʔiwt.

c̓iw̓m   Morph: c̓iw̓+m. Variant: c̓iw. Etym: √c̓w̓. to wash; to bathe.

Mstem. Sp c̓ew̓; Cm c̓aw̓‑m; Cr c̓aw̓ boring, dry, soaked, washed out; Sh c̓ew-m to wash (body); Th √c̓éw̓ wash; Li c̓aw̓-án to wash s.t.. Category: Mstem. c̓iw̓m. He washed. [dict]

c̓iw̓nt   Morph: c̓iw̓+nt. Variant: c̓iw. Etym: √c̓w̓. to wash; to bathe.

Tstem. Sp c̓ew̓; Cm c̓aw̓‑m; Cr c̓aw̓ boring, dry, soaked, washed out; Sh c̓ew-m to wash (body); Th √c̓éw̓ wash; Li c̓aw̓-án to wash s.t.. Category: +nt. c̓íw̓ənt. Wash it! [nb26-37 020] ixíʔ c̓íw̓əntəm iʔ t ɬkíkxaʔs. His sister bathes him. [grlhd 013] way̓ axáʔ c̓iw̓s axáʔ iʔ səsp̓qín axáʔ iʔ q̓ʷəyʕás. The Black face washed the wheat. [Dvl 184] c̓íw̓əs iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm. She washed the deer. [dict]

c̓iw̓st   [c̓iw̓st] Morph: c̓iw̓+st. Etym: √c̓w̓. to wash oneself.

Istem. Category: +st i. kən c̓iw̓st. I washed myself. [nb20.82a] xʷuy uɬ iʔ k̓əl siwɬkʷ uɬ ixíʔ scaʕlxs, c̓iw̓st. He went to water and then he bathed, washed himself. [lpb134] See: c̓iw̓.

c̓ixc̓xt   [c̓íxc̓əxt] Morph: c̓ix•c̓x+t. Etym: √c̓x. to be ashamed.

Istem. Sp √c̓eš bashful, shy, embarrassed; Cm c̓aʔx be bashful, shy, ashamed; Sh √c̓ex ashamed; Th √c̓éx(ʔ) shame; Li √c̓ax shame. Category: +t. c̓íxc̓əxt. Ashamed. [nb19.348a]

c̓ixt   [c̓ixt] Morph: c̓ixt. Etym: √c̓xt. man's sister's husband.

Istem. Category: Kin. c̓ixt. Man's sister's husband. [nb5.36a] See: sc̓ixt.

c̓ixʷcxʷ   [c̓íxʷcəxʷ] Morph: c̓ixʷ•cxʷ. Etym: √c̓xʷ. osprey; fishhawk.

Istem. Sp c̓íxʷc̓xʷ; Cm c̓íxʷc̓ixʷ. Category: Faun. kway̓ ixíʔ c̓íxʷc̓əxʷ iʔ sumíxs. Osprey was his power. [feed36]

c̓íxʷiʔ   [c̓íxʷiʔ] Morph: c̓íxʷiʔ. Etym: √c̓xʷʔ. tree sap; a substance that covers s.t.

Istem. Lit: It covers your bone. Sp s-c̓éxʷ-iʔ pine tree cambium (the substance between the bark and the tree, once considered a delicacy). c̓íxʷiʔ. Sap from a tree. [nb9a 227] c̓íxʷiʔs asc̓ím. The membrane that covers your bone. [nb18164.4]

c̓ix̌ɬt   Morph: c̓ix̌+ɬt. Etym: √c̓x̌. to fry s.t.

Tstem. Sp √c̓ax̌; Cm na-c̓ix̌-nt-xʷ you fry s.t.; Cr qr:c̓ax̌; Th √c̓íx̌ sear. axáʔ cíx̌əɬtsən. I fried this for you. [nb1814.6]

c̓ix̌nt   Morph: c̓ix̌+nt. Etym: √c̓x̌. to fry s.t.

Tstem. Sp √c̓ax̌; Cm na-c̓ix̌-nt-xʷ you fry s.t.; Cr qr:c̓ax̌; Th √c̓íx̌ sear. Category: +nt. c̓íx̌ənt. Fry it! [nb1814.7]

c̓ix̌ʷ   [c̓ix̌ʷ] Morph: c̓ix̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. a spark; to be bright.

Istem. Sp c̓íx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷ-t glowing embers, red hot coals; Cr c̓ex̌ʷ spark. nt̓a uɬ t̓i c̓ix̌ʷ iʔ skʷkʷúsənt. Gee, the stars are bright. [BJSeym 463]

c̓ix̌ʷc̓x̌ʷt   [c̓íx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷt] Morph: c̓ix̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+t. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. burned coals; charcoal bright.

Istem. Sp c̓íx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷ-t glowing embers, red hot coals; Cr c̓éx̌ʷ+c̓ex̌ʷ+t ember, coal, spark. Category: +t. c̓íx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷt. Coals. [nb1829.9] See: c̓ix̌ʷ.

c̓ix̌ʷt   [c̓ix̌ʷt] Morph: c̓ix̌ʷ+t. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. ember; a spark.

Istem. Category: +t. c̓ix̌ʷt. A spark. [WOD38] See: c̓ix̌ʷ.

c̓iʔc̓iʔx̌íɬp   [c̓iʔc̓iʔx̌íɬp] Morph: c̓y̓•c̓y̓x̌íɬp. Etym: √c̓y̓x̌. wormwood (artemisia dracunculus).

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓iʔc̓iʔx̌íɬp. Wormwood. [TBK76] See: c̓y̓c̓y̓x̌íɬp.

c̓iʔstn   [c̓íʔstən] Morph: c̓iʔs+tn. Etym: √c̓ʔs. an unidetified kind of weed.

Istem. Category: Bot, +tn. ixíʔ sxʷuys iʔ k̓əl t̓ík̓ʷət uɬ ilíʔ iʔ c̓íʔstən. He went to the lake, and there there were those jointed weeds. [msqdd 029]

c̓k   [c̓ək] Morph: c̓k. Etym: √c̓k. root with meaning "count" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: c̓k(a); kc̓ak; kc̓k; kc̓kncut. Cm c̓k‑nt‑xʷ you count s.t.; Cr c̓eč count, number.

c̓kak   [c̓kak] Morph: c̓k•ak. Etym: √c̓k. to be counted.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. t̓it̓ím iʔ l sc̓káks. It will be easy to count. [dict] See: c̓k(a).

c̓kam   Morph: c̓ka+m. Etym: √c̓k. to count; to do math; counting.

Mstem. Lit: Do you like when you count? Cm c̓k‑nt‑xʷ you count s.t.; Cr c̓eč count, number. Category: +am. haʔ cx̌əstmístxʷ kʷ ɬaʔ c̓kam. Do you like doing math? [newles 280] See: c̓k.

c̓kant   Morph: c̓ka+nt. Etym: √c̓k. to count; to do math; counting.

Tstem. Cm c̓k‑nt‑xʷ you count s.t.; Cr c̓eč count, number. Category: +nt. c̓kant. Count it! [nb19.325] kʷ ɬaʔ cpaʔpaʔsílx, uɬ lut kʷ ɬaʔ nʔatxíls, c̓kant an̓k̓áʕmən, lut iʔ lmoʕtó. When you are worried and cannot sleep, count your blessings, and not sheep. [misc 121] See: c̓k.

c̓kc̓kap   [c̓əkc̓káp] Morph: c̓k•c̓ka+p. Etym: √c̓k. c̓kc̓kap: place, now under water, formerly situated on the north side of the Spokane River about one mile down-river from il̕y̓ál̕qn̓. Lit: granite

Istem. c̓əkc̓káp. Place name. [BK126]

c̓kin   [c̓kin] Morph: c+ʔkin. Variant: c̓kin̓. Etym: √ʔk. an indeterminate amount; a certain kind.

Istem. See: c+ʔkin.

c̓kin̓   [c̓kin̓] Morph: c+ʔkin. Variant: c̓kin. Etym: √ʔkn. an indeterminate amount; a certain kind.

Istem. See: c̓kin.

c̓kɬt   Morph: c̓k+ɬt. Etym: √c̓k. to count; to do math; counting.

Tstem. Cm c̓k‑nt‑xʷ you count s.t.; Cr c̓eč count, number. kʷu c̓kəɬtíkʷ. Count it for me! [nb1817.3] See: c̓k.

c̓knt   Morph: c̓k+nt. Etym: √c̓k. to count; to do math; counting.

Tstem. Cm c̓k‑nt‑xʷ you count s.t.; Cr c̓eč count, number. Category: +nt. c̓kəntíkʷ. Count it! [nb19.325] ʔasíl naʔɬ cilkst ɬa c̓əkəntíxʷ uɬ sísp̓əlk̓. Two and five, when you count it's seven. [NU] See: c̓k.

c̓kxit   Morph: c̓k+xit. Etym: √c̓k. to count; to do math; counting.

Tstem. Cm c̓k‑nt‑xʷ you count s.t.; Cr c̓eč count, number. Category: +xit. ixíʔ c̓ácqaʔsts iʔ sqláw̓s uɬ ixíʔ c̓əkxíts iʔ t ksqláw̓s axáʔ iʔ tkaʔkaʔɬís. He took out his money and started counting the money for the three of them. [dict] See: c̓k.

c̓k̓c̓k̓iɬp   [c̓k̓c̓k̓iɬp] Morph: c̓k̓•c̓k̓iɬp. Etym: √c̓k̓. ribs (of body).

Istem. Cm ck̓‑aɬp rib pl ck̓ck̓aɬp. Category: Anat. c̓k̓c̓k̓iɬp. Ribs. [pd03]

c̓k̓iɬp   [ck̓iɬp] Morph: c̓k̓iɬp. Variant: ck̓iɬp. Etym: √c̓k̓. rib (of body).

Istem. Cm ck̓–aɬp. Category: Anat. c̓k̓iɬp. Rib. [nb24-02 013] See: ck̓iɬp.

c̓kʷikʷ   [c̓kʷikʷ] Morph: c̓kʷ•ikʷ. Etym: √c̓kʷ. blue elderberry berries (sambucus cerulea).

Istem. Sp c̓kʷíkʷ blue elderberry; Cm c̓kʷikʷáɬp blue elderberry bush; Cr c̓ákʷ+kʷalqʷ elderberry bush. Category: Bot. c̓kʷikʷ. Blue elderberry berries. [TBK94]

c̓kʷkʷiɬml̕x   [c̓kʷəkʷiɬml̕x] Morph: c̓kʷ•kʷiɬml̕x. Etym: √c̓kʷ. blue elderberry (sambucus cerulea).

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓kʷəkʷiɬml̕x. Blue elderberry. [TBK94]

c̓kʷkʷiɬp   [c̓kʷəkʷíɬp] Morph: c̓kʷ•kʷiɬp. Etym: √c̓kʷ. blue elderberry (sambucus cerulea).

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓kʷəkʷíɬp. Blue elderberry. [TBK94]

c̓k̓ʷap   [c̓k̓ʷap, ck̓ʷap] Morph: c̓k̓ʷa+p. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. 1 • stiff (as when sitting down too long); unable to bend.

Istem. Category: +p. c̓k̓ʷap. It got stiff, straightened. [nb25-20 016] kən mut uɬ kən c̓k̓ʷap. I sat down and got stiff. [nb08 726]

2 • Istem. thick (fluid). m̓ár̓wiʔntxʷ iʔ t t̓axt, uɬ nixʷ nʔax̌líkstməntxʷ put taʔlí c̓k̓ʷap mi sic ʔíɬəntxʷ. Add sugar, mix until it's thick, and eat it. [rdgs 133] Sp c̓úk̓ʷ; Cm c̓uk̓ʷ be stiff; see also c̓ik̓ be stiff (fabric or hide); Cr c̓ek̓ʷ; Sh √cuk̓ʷ stiff, tight.

c̓lal   [c̓lal] Morph: c̓l•al. Etym: √c̓l. to be stormy.

Istem. Cr c̓el+l to fear a fierce one. Category: C2Inch. c̓əlál iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. It storms. [nb21.67a] See: c̓il̕.

c̓lalqʷ   [c̓lalqʷ] Morph: c̓lalqʷ. Etym: √c̓l. to play stick game. Lit: a post in the ground

Istem. Li s.c̓l-alqʷ stick used in lahal game. c̓lalqʷ. A post stuck in the ground. [nb26-30 019] tl q̓sápiʔ ki səcc̓lálqʷ iʔ sqilxʷ. The People have been playing stick game a long time. [rdgs 051] inx̌mínk kən ksc̓lálqʷaʔx. I'd like to play stick game. [nb7.18a]

c̓lalqʷm   [c̓lálqʷəm] Morph: c̓lalqʷ+m. Etym: √c̓l. to play stick game.

Mstem. Sp s-c̓lálqʷ; Cm s-c̓l-alqʷ-m to play stick game; Cr c̓elálqʷ to play with the stick game (lit. setting up sticks against a board). Category: Mstem. uc kʷ c̓lálqʷəm. Did you play stick game? [nb1820.4] yʕalwísəlx, c̓lálqʷməlx, walúksməlx, t̓əmk̓ʕáməlx. They gather, they play stick game, they play cards, they bet on cards. [rdgs 053]

c̓lc̓al   [c̓əlc̓ál] Morph: c̓l•c̓al. Variant: c̓l̕c̓al̕. Etym: √c̓l. trees, posts; woods; timber; s.t. stands straight.

Istem. Sp c̓il stand plural, stick out plural; Cm √c̓l; ʔac‑c̓l‑c̓l trees, timber; Cr c̓el stand (ref. to a person); Sh √c̓l to stand (up). axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ wíkəntxʷ aʔ cplal, ixíʔ iʔ smik̓ʷt, ixíʔ iʔ c̓əlc̓ál, ixíʔ aʔ mkʷəmkʷíwt, yaʕyáʕt cníxəl. If you see growing things here on earth, snow, trees, mountains, they all can understand. [mychildr 273] tiɬx uɬ c̓x̌iɬ iʔ ta cc̓əlc̓ál. When he stood up, he stood like a tree. [su7q̓im 111] təkʷʔút iʔ ta cc̓əlc̓ál. They were walking in the woods. [NU] cititákʷ a cc̓əl̕c̓ál̕. A lot of posts are rotten. [nb27-22 006]

c̓lc̓alpt   [c̓əlc̓álpt] Morph: c̓l•c̓alp+t. Etym: √c̓lp. to be fierce, awesome.

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ myaɬ c̓əlc̓álpt iʔ sqt̓am. The scars are fierce looking. [AutPS 064] way̓ nx̌ílmən way̓ myaɬ c̓əlc̓álpt. I am scared, he's too fierce. [AutPS 081] See: c̓il̕.

c̓lc̓lalqʷ   [c̓əlc̓lálqʷ] Morph: c̓l•c̓lalqʷ. Etym: √c̓l. posts in the ground.

Istem. c̓əlc̓lálqʷ. Posts stuck in the ground. [nb26-30 020] See: c̓lc̓al.

c̓lc̓lipɬxn   [c̓əlc̓lípɬxən] Morph: c̓l•c̓lipɬxn. Etym: √c̓l. spurs. Lit: sound of bells

Istem. Sp √c̓al̕ sound made by falling sticks or spurs; Th c̓əl•/c̓lípsxn spurs; Li c̓l-áp-l̕a-xən spur. k̓aʔkín̓ anc̓əlc̓lípɬxən. Where are your spurs? (bells ring). [nb1819.19] kɬc̓əlc̓lípɬxən. He has spurs. [dict]

c̓lc̓lqinxnm   [c̓əl̕c̓əl̕qínxnəm] Morph: c̓l•c̓lqinxn+m. Etym: √c̓l. to stick one's legs up.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. ixíʔ sc̓əl̕c̓əl̕qínxnəms kəm̓ x̌əsx̌əsqínxən. He put their legs up just like he had good knees. [sknkf 022]

c̓lc̓lx̌iw̓nt   Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌iw̓+nt. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to scratch s.t. all over.

Tstem. Cm c̓lx̌‑nt‑xʷ you scratch s.o. with nails; yapc̓élx̌ʷ‑s claws s.o. as he goes by; Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw; see Th √c̓əyəx grab/grasp (with fingers/claws/beak). Category: +nt. c̓əlc̓əlx̌íw̓ən. I scratched it all over. [nb1819.8]

c̓lc̓lx̌nwixʷ   [c̓əlc̓əlx̌ənwíxʷ] Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌n+wixʷ. Etym: √c̓lx. to grab one another.

Istem. kʷu c̓əlc̓əlx̌ənwíxʷ. We grabbed one another. [nb08 090]

c̓lc̓lx̌úlaʔxʷm   [c̓əlc̓əlx̌ʷúlaʔxʷəm] Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌úlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to scratch the earth or ground.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. iwá mi t kilxs iwá sc̓əlc̓əlx̌ʷúlaʔxʷəms. He even scratched it with his hand. [Nams 233]

c̓lc̓lx̌w̓aqstxnt   Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌w̓aqstx+nt. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to scratch one's thigh.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ itíʔ cxʷət̓pəncút, ixíʔ c̓əlc̓əlx̌w̓áqstxəntəm ixíʔ t sxʷaʔxʷaʔnkíɬp. She came running, the thorn bush scratched her thighs. [cogrzd 074]

c̓liʔ   [c̓əlíʔ] Morph: c̓liʔ. Etym: √c̓lʔ. a trap; a J-shaped basketry trap (used to catch steelhead).

Istem. c̓əlíʔ. Trap. [dict]

c̓llax̌ʷx̌ʷ   [c̓əlláx̌ʷəx̌ʷ] Morph: c̓l•l•ax̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓lx̌ʷ. points extend, protrude, stick out.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. ilíʔ c̓əlláx̌ʷəx̌ʷ iʔ ksənx̌əw̓mínsəlx iʔ l qáqxʷəlx. The drying racks for the fish were protruding there. [lb18]

c̓llúlaʔxʷ   [c̓llúlaʔxʷ] Morph: c̓l•lúlaʔxʷ. Variant: c̓l̕l̕úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓l. to land or light upright.

Istem. Category: C2Inch.

c̓lmxan   [c̓əlmxán] Morph: c̓l+mxan. Etym: √c̓l. a small stem or spur (e.g. on a bush).

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓əlmxán. A small stem. [dict]

c̓lncaʕt   [c̓əlncáʕt] Morph: c̓l+ncaʕt. Etym: √c̓ʕl. to rattle.

Istem. Sp √c̓al̕ sound made by falling sticks or spurs. Category: PhM. t̓i c̓ʕaˑˑl iʔ c̓aʕ̓táns cc̓əlncáʕt. It's making the sound of rattle, its rattle is rattling. [nb26-66 015] See: c̓aʕl.

c̓lpcnmist   [c̓əlpcənmíst] Morph: c̓l+pcn+mist. Etym: √c̓l. to holler fiercely.

Istem. Category: +mist. uɬ i c̓əlpcənmíst axáʔ iʔ səmx̌íkən. And then the bear howled fierce. [AutPS 106]

c̓lpmint   Morph: c̓l+p+mi+nt. Etym: √c̓l. to spook s.o.; to be fierce.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ náx̌əmɬ lut kʷu ksc̓əl̕pmíntp. But don't let me spook you. [RnTrp 027]

c̓lúpaʔ   [c̓lúpaʔ] Morph: c̓lúpaʔ. Etym: √c̓lpʔ. c̓lúpaʔ.

Istem. Category: mName. c̓lúpaʔ. Man's name. [jan93nb 035]

c̓lxnmint   Morph: c̓lxn+mi+nt. Etym: √c̓l. to stand before s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. ki ɬc̓ácqaʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ uɬ c̓əlxənmíntəm c̓x̌iɬ t ksəsk̓ʷútəm. That's when the woman came back out and stood before him, came to him half-way. [lpb170]

c̓lx̌iw̓m   Morph: c̓lx̌iw̓+m. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to scratch.

Mstem. Sp c̓l√x̌íw̓-m she scratched using her fingernails, it scratched or snatched at something using its claws or talons; c̓l√x̌iw̓-n-t-m he was scratched by a cat or a bear; See Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw ... scratch with claws. c̓lx̌iw̓m. Scratch (it). Category: nMstem. lut kʷu aksc̓əlx̌íw̓m. Don’t scratch me! [nb1809.12] See: c̓lx̌; c̓lx̌ʷ; c̓lx̌iw̓s.

c̓lx̌iw̓nt   Morph: c̓lx̌iw̓+nt. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to scratch.

Tstem. Sp c̓l√x̌íw̓-m she scratched using her fingernails, it scratched or snatched at something using its claws or talons; c̓l√x̌iw̓-n-t-m he was scratched by a cat or a bear; See Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw ... scratch with claws. Category: +nt. c̓əlx̌íw̓ən. I scratched it. [nb1818.8] way̓ kʷu c̓əlx̌íw̓əntxʷ. You scratched me. [nb1818.11] See: c̓lx̌; c̓lx̌ʷ; c̓lx̌iw̓s.

c̓lx̌iw̓snt   Morph: c̓lx̌iw̓s+nt. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to scratch s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Sp c̓l√x̌íw̓-m she scratched using her fingernails; it scratched or snatced at something using its claws or talons; See Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw ... scratch with claws. Category: +nt. aláʔ kʷu c̓əlx̌íw̓s iʔ t st̓aʔq̓ám. The puppy scratched me here. [nb1809.10] See: c̓lx̌iw̓.

c̓lx̌ɬt   Morph: c̓lx̌+ɬt. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to hook, grab, scratch.

Tstem. Cm c̓lx̌‑nt‑xʷ you scratch s.o. with nails; Th √c̓əyəx grab/grasp (with fingers/claws/beak); see Sh c̓liʕʷ-m to scratch. kʷu c̓əlx̌ɬtís. He grabbed it from me. [nb1888.1] See: c̓lx̌iw̓; c̓lx̌ʷ.

c̓lx̌nt   Morph: c̓lx̌+nt. Etym: √c̓lx̌. to hook, grab, scratch.

Tstem. Cm c̓lx̌‑nt‑xʷ you scratch s.o. with nails; Th √c̓əyəx grab/grasp (with fingers/claws/beak); see Sh c̓liʕʷ-m to scratch. Category: +nt. kiʔ c̓əlx̌əntím tə spəpʕáɬaʔ. That's when he got scratched by Giant. [chipdd 023] c̓əlx̌əntsín. I grabbed you. [nb08 088] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬə wíkəntxʷ Frankie mi c̓əlx̌əntíxʷ. If you see Frankie you'll grab her. [nb08 0092] See: c̓lx̌iw̓; c̓lx̌ʷ.

c̓lx̌ʷmncut   [c̓əlx̌ʷməncút] Morph: c̓lx̌ʷ+mncut. Etym: √c̓lx̌ʷ. to crawl on all fours.

Istem. Category: +ncut. tíɬxəx lut aksc̓əlx̌ʷməncút. Stand up, don’t crawl! [nb1819.11]

c̓lx̌ʷnt   Morph: c̓lx̌ʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓lx̌ʷ. to put down s.t. that has extensions (a chair, a table ...)

Tstem. Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw; c̓álx̌ʷ-nt-s fingernails (he scratched it with his...), scratched (he...it with his fingernails); see Li √c̓əlxʷ (meaning unclear, found only in combination with -ikən̓ back): c̓əlxʷ-íkn̓-am to saddle a horse; see also c̓ḷák̓ʷ-xal to scratch s.o., s.t. (like a cat). Category: +nt. ilíʔ mi c̓əlx̌ʷəntíxʷ. Put (the chair) here for me! [nb1819.18] See: c̓lx̌.

c̓lx̌ʷqin   [cc̓əlx̌ʷqín] Morph: c̓lx̌ʷqin. Etym: √c̓lx̌ʷ. king; one with a crown.

Istem. cc̓əlx̌ʷqín. He is a king, has a crown. [nb22.80a]

c̓l̕   [c̓l̕] Morph: c̓l̕. Etym: √c̓l̕. root with meaning shade on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: sc̓il̕; c̓íl̕laʔxʷ; kc̓il̕st; k̓ɬc̓íl̕mist; k̓ɬc̓íl̕laʔxʷ; k̓ɬc̓l̕al̕; nc̓l̕c̓il̕sm. Cm c̓al̕-n I shaded s.t.; Cr c̓il̕ outline, shadow.

c̓l̕al̕   [c̓l̕al̕] Morph: c̓l̕•al̕. Etym: √c̓l. to land on one's feet; to come to a (sudden) halt; to run and stop suddenly; to have landed after a jump.

Istem. Lit: run and stop suddenly Category: C2Inch. uɬ ixíʔ ɬət̓pməncút ixíʔ iʔ sixʷápməx, uɬ k̓a naɬáˑˑʔ kiʔ c̓l̕al̕. And then the Shuswap jumped way across, he landed on his feet. [su7q̓im 148] uɬ t̓i ilíʔ c̓l̕al̕, uɬ way̓ t̓i ilíʔ t̓k̓ʷak̓ʷ ixíʔ t sʔayx̌ʷts. He landed there, and then he lay down from exhaustion. [su7q̓im 149]

c̓l̕ap   [c̓l̕ap] Morph: c̓l̕a+p. Etym: √c̓l̕. fearful, scared.

Istem. Category: +p. c̓l̕ap. He was fearful, very scared. [nb21.81a] See: c̓il̕.

c̓l̕aʕkstn   [c̓l̕aʕkstn] Morph: c̓l̕꞊ʕakst+n. Variant: c̓l̕aʕktn. Etym: √c̓ʕl̕. a rattle.

Istem. Category: +tn. c̓l̕aʕkstn. Rattle. [dict] See: c̓aʕl.

c̓l̕aʕktn   [c̓əl̕áʕktən] Morph: c̓l̕aʕk+tn. Variant: c̓l̕aʕkstn. Etym: √c̓ʕl. rattle used in dancing. Socio: made from deer feet. The hoof is boiled, the skin removed, and the bones assembled into a rattle.

Istem. Category: +tn. c̓əl̕áʕktən. Rattle. [nb1821.2] See: c̓aʕl.

c̓l̕c̓al̕   [c̓əl̕c̓ál̕] Morph: c̓l̕•c̓al̕. Variant: c̓lc̓al. Etym: √c̓l. trees, posts; woods; timber.

Istem. Sp c̓il; Cm √c̓l; Cr c̓el; Sh √c̓l to stand (up). See: c̓lc̓al.

c̓l̕l̕úlaʔxʷ   [c̓əl̕l̕úlaʔxʷ] Morph: c̓l̕•l̕úlaʔxʷ. Variant: c̓llúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓l̕. to hit the ground; to land.

Istem. t̓i lut t̓ə lkʷakʷ uɬ way̓ c̓əl̕l̕úlaʔxʷ. She didn't land very far. [nb2559.9] [s]c̓əllúlaʔxʷs. He landed on the ground. [dict]

c̓l̕pmint   Morph: c̓l̕+p+mi+nt. Etym: √c̓l̕. s.t. makes one fearful, gives s.o. the creeps.

Tstem. Sp hec-c̓l̕-p-míʔs-c it gives them the creeps. Category: +nt. c̓əlpmíntəm. It scared him. [nb21.81a] See: c̓il̕.

c̓ɬitkʷ   [c̓əɬítkʷ] Morph: c̓ɬitkʷ. Etym: √c̓ɬ. a cool wind.

Istem. c̓əɬítkʷ. Cool wind. [WOD25]

c̓ɬiys   [c̓ɬiys] Morph: c̓ɬiys. Etym: √c̓ɬ. cold weather.

Istem. way̓ c̓ɬiys. The weather is getting cold (e.g. after sunset). [nb1876.13]

c̓mc̓mípaʔɬxn   [c̓əmc̓mípaʔɬxən] Morph: c̓m•c̓mípaʔɬxn. Etym: √c̓m. sharp-heeled shoes.

Istem. Sp hec c̓m-ím a point is being made on it; n-c̓m̓m̓ʔáqs they have pointy ends, they have pointy noses. min̓á lut kɬpútsəlx ksx̌ƛ̓x̌íƛ̓xənməlx iʔ q̓aʔxánsəlx, ixìʔ aɬíʔ iʔ l sk̓amtíw̓s, ya cc̓əmc̓mípaʔɬxən, iʔ kɬususxəncínxən, lut t̓a kɬkɬʕaʔx̌íkən̓təm, ixìʔ ta nqʷəlqʷíltəntət yəʔ c̓úmstəm iʔ t nusustípɬxən t q̓aʔxán, uɬ axáʔ iʔ t swyápix ixìʔ boots. They probably have boots, leg-high boots, that's what they use on horseback, the ones that have sharp heels, that have a high top, that don't have lace, that's what in our language we call high heeled shoes, and in English boots. [nb1280.6]

c̓mc̓um   [c̓əmc̓úm] Morph: c̓m•c̓um. Etym: √c̓m. to suck; to kiss.

Istem. c̓əmc̓úm. Suck. [nb1821ba.1] See: c̓um̓.

c̓mtus   [c̓əmtús] Morph: c̓mtus. Etym: √c̓mt. sturgeon. Category: Faun. Variant: c̓m̓tus.

Istem. Category: Faun. c̓əmtús. Sturgeon. [nb10a 048]

c̓mut   [c̓mut] Morph: c+ʔ+mut. Etym: √mt. to sit facing s.o.

Istem. kʷ c̓mut. You sit facing him. [nb22/6a] See: cʔmut.

c̓m̓c̓aʕm̓   [c̓əm̓c̓áʕm̓] Morph: c̓m•c̓aʕm. Etym: √c̓m̓. to suck on s.t. (e.g. a bone).

Istem. c̓əm̓c̓áʕm̓. Suck. [nb1821b.3] See: c̓um̓.

c̓m̓c̓m̓nt   Morph: c̓m•c̓m+nt. Etym: √c̓ʕm̓. to suck on s.t. (e.g. the head of a fish, or to eat the meat off a bone).

Tstem. Category: +m+nt. məɬ ixíʔ c̓əm̓c̓m̓əntʕás iʔ kəlkílxs t̓i k̓əy̓íkst. He started sucking his fingers because they are cold. [BJSeym 161] See: c̓aʕm̓.

c̓m̓c̓um̓   [c̓əm̓c̓úm̓] Morph: c̓m̓•c̓um̓. Etym: √c̓m̓. to suck; to make sucking or smacking noises.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ k̓láʔ ixíʔ c̓əm̓c̓úm̓s iʔ kəl̕kíl̕lxs. Then he sucked on his hands. [chipdd 025] məɬ ixíʔ c̓əm̓c̓m̓əntʕás iʔ kəlkílxs təl k̓iy̓íkst. He started sucking his fingers because they are cold. [dict] See: c̓um̓.

c̓naʕkst   [c̓ənáʕkst] Morph: c̓naʕkst. Etym: √c̓ʕn. hold tightly; firm grip.

Istem. c̓naʕkst. Hold tightly. [WOD31] See: c̓nc̓aʕn.

c̓naʕp   [c̓naʕp] Morph: c̓naʕ+p. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to become tight; to be hard to loosen.

Istem. Sp c̓n-áp. It became stuck tight. Category: +p. c̓naʕp. Tight. [dict] See: c̓nc̓aʕn.

c̓nc̓aʕnt   Morph: c̓n•c̓aʕn+t. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to tighten s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓ənc̓áʕnt. Tighten it (in a knot)! [nb1821b.12]

c̓nc̓aʕnt   [c̓ənc̓áʕnt] Morph: c̓n•c̓aʕn+t. Etym: c̓ʕn. to be tight.

Istem. Category: +t. c̓nc̓aʕnt. It's tight. [dict] See: c̓nc̓aʕn.

c̓nc̓naʕm   [c̓ənc̓náʕm] Morph: c̓n•c̓naʕ+m. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to tighten s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sc̓ənc̓náʕms iʔ qácəc. He tightened the wheel. [nb1821b.8] See: kc̓nc̓naʕm; c̓aʕn.

c̓nc̓nmʕasm   [c̓ənc̓ənmáʕsəm] Morph: c̓n•c̓n+mʕas+m. Etym: √c̓n. one's eyes are closed.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kən c̓ənc̓ənmáʕsəm iʔ púlstən. I'm going to kill him with my eyes shut tight. [CoGrSy 723]

c̓nc̓npaʕkst   [c̓ənc̓ənpáʕkst] Morph: c̓n•c̓n+paʕkst. Etym: √c̓ʕn. s.t. tight gripped with both hands.


c̓nk̓am   Morph: c̓nk̓a+m. Etym: √c̓nk̓. to dip or stick one's finger in a fluid.

Mstem. Category: +am. kən c̓ənk̓ám. I stuck my finger in. [nb9a 131] Category: nMstem. lut aksc̓ənk̓ám. Don’t stick your finger there! [nb1821b.14]

c̓nk̓ant   Morph: c̓nk̓a+nt. Etym: √c̓nk̓. to dip or stick one's finger in a fluid.

Tstem. Category: +ant. c̓ənk̓ant. Stick your finger in it! [nb1821ba.9] nc̓ənk̓əntín iʔ pie. I stuck my finger in the pie. [nb1821b.13]

c̓nk̓nt   Morph: c̓nk̓+nt. Etym: √c̓nk̓. to dip one's finger into s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ kmax ixíʔ iʔ stʔiwtx itlíʔ c̓ənk̓əntís. Just the young one dipped her finger in it. [grlsdd 059]

c̓nmst   [c̓ənmst] Morph: c̓n+m+st. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to tighten s.t.; to make s.t. tight.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. ləʕ̓ʷəntíxʷ uɬ c̓ənmstáʕxʷ. Put it in the groove and tighten it! [nb18176.7]

c̓nmstaʕm   Morph: c̓n+m+st+aʕm. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to tighten s.t.; to make s.t. tight.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. aksəllám uɬ aksc̓ənmstáʕm. Put it in the groove and tighten it! [nb18176.6]

c̓npaʕkst   [c̓ənpáʕkst] Morph: c̓n+paʕkst. Etym: √c̓ʕn. s.t. tight gripped.


c̓npnaʕnt   Morph: c̓n+p+naʕ+nt. Morph: underlyingly c̓ʕn+p+nu. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to hold tight onto s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ c̓ənpnáʕn iʔ səmx̌íkən ixíʔ t̓qʷcínməntsən. Whenever I get hold of the bear tight, I'll holler for you. [AutPS 078] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ c̓ənpnáʕn, mi t̓qʷcínməntsən, ixíʔ məɬ kʷ cxʷuy. When I get hold of him I'll holler for you, then you'll come. [AutPS 103] c̓ənpnáʕntxʷ, mi kʷ t̓əqʷcín, mi kʷu ɬíx̌ʷp̓ət mi lək̓əntím. Hold on to him tight, holler, and we will run out and tie him. [dc51] kʷniʔútyaʔsts iʔ sx̌ílwiʔs, nkəm̓km̓ínaʔs c̓ənpnáʕs kiʔ t̓əqʷcín. She grabbed her husband, she held him on both sides of the head, she held onto him tight, then she hollered. [dc52]

c̓npqin   [c̓ənpqín] Morph: c̓npqin. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to close the top; cover s.t.


c̓nqint   Morph: c̓nqi+nt. Etym: √c̓ʕn. to tighten the top.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓ənqíntxʷ. You tightened it. [WOD33]

c̓n̓c̓aʕn̓   [c̓ən̓c̓ʕán̓] Morph: c̓n̓•c̓aʕn̓. Etym: √c̓ʕn̓. grasshopper(s).

Istem. Category: Faun.

c̓n̓int   [c̓ən̓ínt] Morph: c̓n̓•in+t. Etym: √c̓n. to say what?

Istem. Category: +t. way̓ lut c̓ən̓ínt iʔ splal. The boys did not say anything. [lp470]

c̓p̓aq̓   [c̓p̓aq̓] Morph: c̓p̓aq̓. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. to be glued.

Istem. məɬ ixíʔ kmíƛ̓c̓aʔs məɬ yaʔx̌í x̌əw̓áw̓ uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ ki cp̓aq̓. Then he smears it around, and when it dries it's glued strong. [CoGrSy 061] See: c̓ap̓q̓.

c̓p̓c̓ap̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ   [c̓əp̓c̓ap̓q̓əw̓ícyaʔ] Morph: c̓p̓•c̓ap̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. 1 • burweed (lappula redowski). Lit: sticky

2 • bedstraw (galium aparine).

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓əp̓c̓ap̓q̓əw̓ícyaʔ. Bedstraw. [TBK90, 134] See: c̓p̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ.

c̓p̓c̓ip̓nt   Morph: c̓p̓•c̓ip̓+nt. Etym: √c̓p̓. to pinch or bite (as an ant would).

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu c̓əp̓c̓íps iʔ t sxʷúxʷyaʔ. (The ant) pinched me. [nb1823.4] See: c̓ip̓.

c̓p̓q̓am   Morph: c̓p̓q̓a+m. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. to glue, paste, or splice s.t.

Mstem. Sp c̓ap̓aq̓ sticky, gooey, syrupy; Cm k‑c̓q̓‑p to stick to s.t.; Cr c̓ap̓q̓, c̓ap̓q. Category: +am, nMstem. uɬ ixíʔ ikɬəɬk̓ʷúl̕əm iksc̓əpq̓ám. That's what I am going to fix, to glue back. [CoGrSy 436] See: c̓ap̓q̓.

c̓p̓q̓mnwixʷ   [c̓əp̓q̓əmənwíxʷ] Morph: c̓p̓q̓+mn+wixʷ. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. to glue things to each other; to splice two things.

Istem. Lit: They are glued with pitch. iʔ t t̓ic̓ mi cc̓əp̓q̓əmənwíxʷ. He'll glue it with pitch. [misc 040] See: c̓ap̓q̓.

c̓p̓q̓mnwixʷst   Morph: c̓p̓q̓+mnwixʷ+st. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. to glue things to each other; to splice two things. Morph: c̓p̓q̓+m+nwixʷ+st.

Tstem. Category: +st. c̓əp̓q̓əmnwíxʷstsəlx. They glued it together. [dict] See: c̓ap̓q̓.

c̓p̓q̓nt   Morph: c̓p̓q̓+nt. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. to glue, paste, or splice s.t.

Tstem. Sp c̓ap̓aq̓ sticky, gooey, syrupy; Cm k‑c̓q̓‑p to stick to s.t.; Cr c̓ap̓q̓, c̓ap̓q. Category: +nt. uɬ c̓əp̓q̓əntíxʷ laʔkín mi kcahcəhmstíkʷ. Paste them where they match! [nb26-39 007a] See: c̓ap̓q̓.

c̓p̓q̓siw̓sm   [c̓əp̓q̓síwsəm] Morph: c̓p̓q̓siw̓s+m. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. to splice or glue s.t.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. way̓ kən c̓əp̓q̓síwsəm i l incaptíkʷɬ axáʔ iʔ l sənk̓líp. I am continuing with my Coyote story. [Whal 001] kən c̓əp̓q̓síw̓səm iʔ t incaptíkʷɬ. I splice my fairy tale. [nb26-24 00] See: c̓ap̓q̓.

c̓p̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ   [c̓əp̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ] Morph: c̓p̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ. Etym: √c̓p̓q̓. burweed (lappula redowski). Lit: sticky

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓p̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ. Burweed. [TBK90] See: c̓p̓c̓ap̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ.

c̓q̓am   Morph: c̓q̓a+m. Etym: √c̓q̓. to hit s.t. or s.o. with a solid object; to hammer.

Mstem. Sp c̓aq̓; Cm c̓q̓al̕n arrow, bullet; Sh cq̓-em to throw, to hit; Th √c̓əq̓ throw-hit; Li c̓aq̓ to throw ... to hit s.o. with s.t. thrown. Category: +am. kən cq̓am. I hit it. [dict] kən c̓q̓am t xƛ̓ut. I hit a rock. [E64.12]

c̓q̓ant   Morph: c̓q̓a+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to hit s.t. or s.o. with a solid object; to hammer.

Tstem. Sp c̓aq̓; Cm c̓q̓al̕n arrow, bullet; Sh cq̓-em to throw, to hit; Th √c̓əq̓ throw-hit; Li c̓aq̓ to throw ... to hit s.o. with s.t. thrown. Category: +ant. cq̓ant iʔ t xəl̕mín. Hit it with the axe! [Oct92 050] cq̓ant iʔ ta nc̓c̓q̓qín. Hit it with the hammer. [Oct92 052]

c̓q̓apqnt   Morph: c̓q̓a+pq+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to hit s.o. on the head.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu c̓q̓apqs iʔ t p̓úkʷlaʔ, uɬ kən nt̓əcpqín. He hit me on the head with the ball, and my head rang. [jan93nb 056] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓aq̓   [c̓q̓aq̓] Morph: c̓q̓•aq̓. Etym: √c̓q̓. to be hit with a solid object.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓c̓aʔq̓íkstm   [c̓əq̓c̓aʔq̓íkstəm] Morph: c̓q̓•c̓aʔq̓íkst+m. Etym: √c̓q̓. to throw such things as rocks.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓əq̓c̓aʔq̓íkstəm. Throw (rocks). [nb18208.7] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓ikstmnt   Morph: c̓q̓ikst+m+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to throw rock-like things at s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu c̓əqíkstməntxʷ. You threw it at me. [nb18208.8] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓iln   [c̓q̓ílən] Morph: c̓q̓iln. Variant: c̓q̓il̕n. Etym: √c̓q̓. arrow; bow and arrow; cartridge; bullet.

Istem. Cm c̓q̓al̕n arrow, bullet. xəxráx̌nməntxʷ anc̓q̓ílən. You hold your arrow under your arm. [nb26-42 016] kən iláp iʔ t c̓q̓ílən. I got hit with an arrow. [nb08 128] way̓ incá kən ʔasəlínk uɬ xʷʔit inc̓q̓ílən. I have two guns and lots of cartridges. [HnTrp 015] uɬ k̓ʷul̕xts iʔ t kɬc̓q̓íləns. He made a bow and arrow for him. [nb2542.6] uɬ kʷíɬtəm iʔ ckʷin̓ks uɬ iʔ c̓q̓íl̕əns i ta lʔiws. His father took his bow and arrow. [fatboy 054]

c̓q̓il̕n   [c̓q̓il̕n] Morph: c̓q̓il̕n. Variant: c̓q̓iln. Etym: √c̓q̓. an arrow.

Istem. See: c̓q̓iln.

c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔ   Morph: c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔ. Etym: √c̓q̓. 1 • to throw s.t. at s.o.

Istem. c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔ. Throw. [dict]

2 • Istem. to hit s.o. on the body. See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔ+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓. 1 • to throw s.t. at s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔ. Throw. [dict]

2 • Tstem. to hit s.o. on the body. ixíʔ mat sc̓əq̓íɬcaʔs. Maybe he hit him. [nb1808.6] c̓əq̓íɬc̓aʔn. I hit him (e.g. with a car, or a shot...). [nb1808.7] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓iɬp   [c̓q̓iɬp] Morph: c̓q̓iɬp. Variant: cq̓iɬp. Etym: √cq̓. fir tree; (Douglas fir. Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca).

Istem. Sp c̓q̓éɬp Douglas fir tree; Cm c̓q̓‑aɬp Douglas fir; Sh cq̓-eɬp fir, tree; Th c̓q̓áɬp Douglas fir; Li c̓q̓-aɬp Douglas fir. Category: Bot. cq̓iɬp. Fir. [TBK34] See: cq̓iɬp.

c̓q̓lnasq̓t   [c̓q̓lnasq̓t] Morph: c̓q̓lnásq̓t. Etym: √c̓q̓. c̓q̓lnasq̓t.

Istem. Category: mName. c̓q̓lnasq̓t. Man's name. [dict]

c̓q̓miɬt   Morph: c̓q̓+mi+ɬt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to throw s.t. (away).

Tstem. kʷu c̓əq̓míɬts iʔ p̓úkʷlaʔ, uɬ kn t̓əcpíkst. He threw the ball to me, and it stung my hand. [jan93nb 055] kʷu cc̓əq̓míɬt isəp̓síp̓iʔxən. Throw me my moccasins! [newles 126] iʔ t sl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t c̓əq̓míɬtsəlx iʔ sp̓ic̓ən. His friends threw a rope to him. [nb2566.12] See: c̓q̓(a)2.

c̓q̓mint   Morph: c̓q̓+mi+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to throw s.t. (away).

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓q̓mis iʔ sk̓ʷuys iʔ k̓la ct̓əqʷt̓aqʷ. He threw his mother on the branch. [lnx2 434] inxaʔcín, isx̌áx̌paʔ, inqáqnaʔ, istəmtímaʔ, ink̓ík̓waʔ, kʷu c̓q̓mísəlx. My ancestors, my paternal grandfather and grandmother, my maternal grandfather and grandmother, they threw me (out of bed). [mychildr 125] caʔkʷ way̓ t̓i k̓aɬáʔ c̓əq̓mínt. Throw it away! [nb25-38 011] lut iʔ stim̓ kʷintxʷ k̓ʷaʔntíxʷ, məɬ k̓aʔx̌íʔ c̓əq̓míntxʷ. Don't just take anything and bite it, and throw it away. [mychildr 231] c̓əq̓mís iʔ spíksts k̓a nyxʷút. He threw his glove in there. [dict] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓mist   [c̓əq̓míst] Morph: c̓q̓+mist. Etym: √c̓q̓. 1 • to jerk away; to have a start; to recoil.

Istem. Category: +mist. kʷu qʷim̓m̓stxʷ uɬ kən c̓əq̓míst. You startled me and I jerked backed. [jan93nb 102] kʷu qʷim̓m̓ɬtxʷ inkwáp uɬ c̓əq̓míst. You startled my horse and it had a start. [jan93nb 103]

2 • Istem. to start back (said of the apparent movement of the sun after the solstice); half moon.

Istem. Category: +mist. way̓ c̓q̓mist iʔ x̌yáɬnəxʷ. The sun comes back (after the solstice). [nb1865.4] c̓q̓əmíst iʔ x̌iyáɬnx̌ʷ. Half moon. [dict]

c̓q̓mnkin̓m   Morph: c̓q̓+mnkin̓+m. Etym: √c̓q̓. to throw a pack down.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kən c̓q̓mənkín̓əm. I threw my pack down. [dict] c̓əq̓mənkín̓əm iʔ tla nyrip iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm t qlíɬc̓aʔ. He threw his pack in the back, with deer, fresh meat. [LynxS 433] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓mnkin̓xt   Morph: c̓q̓+mnkin̓+xt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to throw a pack down.

Tstem. Category: +xt. kʷu c̓əq̓mənkín̓xtxʷ. You threw my pack down. [nb9a 214] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓mntuɬt   Morph: c̓q̓+mn+tuɬt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to throw s.t. (away).

Tstem. ixíʔ c̓q̓məntúɬts iʔ sx̌áʔx̌aʔs. He threw it at his father-in-law. [dict] c̓əq̓məntúɬtxʷ. You threw it at him. [nb08 885] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓nt   Morph: c̓q̓+nt. Etym: √c̓q̓. to hit s.t. or s.o. with a solid object; to hammer.

Tstem. Sp c̓aq̓; Cm c̓q̓al̕n arrow, bullet; Sh cq̓-em to throw, to hit; Th √c̓əq̓ throw-hit; Li c̓aq̓ to throw ... to hit s.o. with s.t. thrown. Category: +nt. c̓əq̓ntíkʷ iʔ t xƛ̓ut. Hit it with the rock! [Oct92 051]

c̓q̓nwixʷ   [c̓əq̓nwíxʷ] Morph: cq̓+nwixʷ. Etym: √c̓q̓. Variant: cq̓nwixʷ. to hit each other.

Istem. kʷu c̓əq̓nwíxʷ. We hit each other (e.g. cars). [nb1808a.18] See: cq̓nwixʷ; c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓q̓mnwixʷ   [c̓əq̓əq̓mnwíxʷ] Morph: c̓q̓•q̓mn+wixʷ. Etym: √c̓q̓mn. to throw hits at one another.

Istem. sc̓q̓əq̓mənwíxʷəlx. They hit one another. [dict] See: c̓q̓(a).

c̓q̓q̓nunt   Morph: c̓q̓•q̓+nu+nt. Etym: √cq̓. Variant: cq̓q̓nu. to manage to hit s.t.; hit s.o. or s.t. accidentally.

Tstem. Category: +nt. cq̓əq̓nún. I managed to hit it. [nb21.146] c̓əq̓əq̓núnts. I hit you. [nb1808a.20] c̓əq̓əq̓núntsən. I hit you accidentally. [dict] See: cq̓q̓nu.

c̓q̓st   Morph: c̓q̓+st. Etym: √c̓q̓. to hit s.t. or s.o. with a solid object; to hammer.

Tstem. Sp c̓aq̓; Cm c̓q̓al̕n arrow, bullet; Sh cq̓-em to throw, to hit; Th √c̓əq̓ throw-hit; Li c̓aq̓ to throw ... to hit s.o. with s.t. thrown. Category: +st, cust. cc̓əq̓stín uɬ ləq̓ʷáp. I was hitting it and it broke off. [nb27-29 005]

c̓qʷaqʷ   [c̓qʷaqʷ] Morph: c̓qʷ•aqʷ. Etym: √c̓qʷ. to cry.

Istem. Sp c̓qʷáqʷ. Category: C2Inch. uɬ c̓qʷaqʷ iʔ tkəɬmílxʷs. And his wife cried. [fatboy 013] c̓qʷaqʷ ṇɬik̓ɬik̓tám. He cried and sobbed. [dict] uɬ ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít cəcʕáypəm, məɬ xʷət̓pəncút, uɬ c̓qʷaqʷ. And the boy started crying, and he ran away, and he cried. [coyeyes 032] c̓qʷaqʷ, uɬ nixʷ c̓qʷaqʷ ixíʔ iʔ xíxuʔtəm. She cried, and the girl cried too. [grlhd 114] c̓qʷaqʷ uɬ t̓i xʷstlwís. He cried and he walked around. [dict] ʕimt laʔɬ scc̓əqʷáqʷs axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít uɬ ixíʔ ʔack̓x̌íləmsts. He was angry and crying while he’s fooling around like that. [nb1259.7] uɬ aɬíʔ laʔɬ sc̓qʷaqʷs úɬiʔ ck̓x̌íləmsts. And at the same time he was crying he kept doing the same thing to him. [dict] ixíʔ ɬacqs uɬ txəntís uɬ laʔɬ səcc̓qʷáqʷs. He patted and combed him and at the same time he was crying. [dict] Category: C2Inch.

c̓qʷc̓qʷaqʷ   [c̓əqʷc̓qʷáqʷ] Morph: c̓qʷ•c̓qʷ•aqʷ. Etym: √c̓qʷ. several cry.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. ixíʔ sc̓əqʷc̓qʷáqʷs uɬ cúsəlx lut aksxʷúy, tkəm̓km̓áməlx. They cried, they told her "Don't go," and they grabbed her. [grlsdd 035] See: c̓qʷaqʷ.

c̓qʷqʷ   [c̓əqʷəqʷ] Morph: c̓qʷ•qʷ. Etym: √c̓qʷ. to cry.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. [s]c̓əqʷəqʷmíx. He’s crying. [nb21.148] niʕ̓íp kʷ ksc̓əqʷəqʷmíxaʔx məɬ t̓əsxʷuys. You'll be crying for ever with no ending. [lnxbdga 391] See: c̓qʷaqʷ.

c̓qʷqʷlwis   [c̓əqʷəqʷəlwís] Morph: c̓qʷ•qʷ+lwis. Etym: √c̓qʷ. to be crying.

Istem. Category: C2Inch, +lwis. way̓ sc̓əqʷəqʷəlwísc axá iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. The old lady was crying. [lpb252] See: c̓qʷaqʷ.

c̓qʷqʷst   [c̓əqʷqʷst] Morph: c̓qʷ•qʷ+st. Etym: √c̓qʷ. to make s.o. cry.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. c̓əqʷqʷstín. I made her cry. [E65.11] See: c̓qʷaqʷ.

c̓q̓ʷasq̓l̕stn   [c̓q̓ʷasq̓əl̕stn] Morph: c̓q̓ʷasq̓l̕s+tn. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. greasewood (purshia tridentata).

Istem. Category: Bot. c̓q̓ʷasq̓əl̕stn. Greasewood. [TBK128]

c̓q̓ʷmnasxn   [c̓əq̓ʷmnásxən] Morph: c̓q̓ʷ+mnasxn. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. c̓q̓ʷmnasxn: distinctive mountain peak known locally as Eagle Rock.

Istem. c̓əq̓ʷmnásxən. Place name. [BK43]

c̓q̓ʷstuɬt   Morph: c̓q̓ʷ+stuɬt. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. to point s.t. out.

Tstem. Sp √c̓oq̓ʷ to point at; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m to point; Th √c̓əq̓ʷ mark, draw, write. ixíʔ mi c̓əq̓ʷstúɬtxʷ asqʷəsqʷsíʔ iʔ k̓əl siwɬkʷ mi k̓ʷúl̕əntxʷ. That's why you will point out the water to your children when you train them. [mychildr 148] kʷu c̓əq̓ʷstúɬt iʔ sútən. Point the thing out for me! [nb26-72 007] See: c̓aq̓ʷ.

c̓r1   [c̓r] Morph: c̓r. Etym: √c̓r. root with meaning "sour, painful" on which several stems are based. Category: Rt. See: nc̓ritkʷ; nc̓rc̓rítaʔkʷ; nc̓urkʷ. See Sp √c̓er (c̓al) ache, hurt; Cr a+n+c̓órkʷeʔ salt water.

c̓r2   [c̓ər] Morph: c̓r. Etym: √c̓r. the sound made by Kingfisher. Category: Onom.

pcl. tk̓iwlx uɬ c̓ərˑˑ. He climbed and went c'ərˑˑ. [cnebdd 079]

c̓rc̓ir̓kstmnt   Morph: c̓r•c̓ir̓kst+m+nt. Etym: √c̓r. to tease s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓ər̓c̓ír̓kstmn̓txʷ. You teased him. [dict]

c̓ris   [c̓ərís] Morph: c̓ris. Variant: c̓r̓is. Etym: √c̓rs. 1 • Kingfisher (megaceryls alcyon).

Istem. Fisher. Category: Faun. kən ksxʷúyaʔx k̓ iɬqáqcaʔ k̓əl c̓ərís. I'm going over to my brother Fisher. [cnebdd 030]

2 • Istem. c̓ris: area known locally as "Ward Mission," about a mile east from the present town of Kettle Falls. Lit: kingfisher Category: Geog. c̓ərís. [BK314] Sp c̓rís (c̓alís) kingfisher (bird); Cm c̓rís kingfisher; Cr c̓alus kingfish, kingfisher (bird); Sh c̓las kingfisher; Th c̓lə̣́s belted kingfisher; Li c̓ə̣ḷs kingfisher.

c̓sap   [c̓sap] Morph: c̓sa+p. Etym: √c̓s. to be gone; to be finished.

Istem. Sp c̓s-íp it̓s all gone; Cr c̓es+p gone (It is all...). Category: +p. way̓ kstaʔmínaʔḷx, uɬ t̓əxʷ ixíʔ c̓sap iʔ smík̓ʷət. Then spring came, and the snow was all gone. [dict] uɬ lut stim̓, c̓sap, mat ʕamáp xkínəm. And nothing, no more, melted or something. [lnx2 087] ixíʔ uɬ c̓sap axáʔ iʔ nəqsíkən̓. The first bundle was all gone. [LynxS 398] ʔimx axáʔ iʔ stq̓ʷáʕyxənx, way̓ c̓sápəlx wáy̓, uɬ k̓im iʔ pəptwínaxʷ ilíʔ. The Blackfeet moved, they were gone, except for the old lady there. [dc62-63] way̓ qʷum way̓ c̓sap. Itʼs been a long time. [CoBrk14] See: c̓asam.

c̓scin   [c̓əscín] Morph: c̓scin. Etym: √c̓s. what is left after the harvest.

Istem. Sp sxʷ-c̓s-ím one who picks up discarded items; Cm c̓əsnt‑xʷ you pick things up; Cr c̓es collect (by picking), salvage; Th √c̓əs cull. c̓əscín. Cull. [nb21.178a] See: c̓sap.

c̓sc̓asy̓qn   [c̓əsc̓ásiʔqn] Morph: c̓s•c̓asy̓qn. Etym: √c̓sy̓. heads.

Istem. Category: Anat. c̓əsc̓ásiʔqn. Heads. [plur 004] See: c̓asyqn.

c̓skáʕknaʔ   [c̓əskáʕknaʔ] Morph: c̓skáʕknaʔ ? Etym: √c̓skʕk ?. chickadee.

Istem. Category: Faun. c̓skáʕknaʔ. Chickadee. [pd]

c̓skstmaɬq   [c̓əskstmáɬq] Morph: c̓skst+maɬq. Etym: √c̓s. to insult s.o.

Istem. c̓skstmaɬq. Insult. [dict] Category: Conf.

c̓slxʷncut   [c̓səlxʷəncút] Morph: c̓slxʷ+ncut. Etym: √c̓s. strip; to take one's clothes off.

Istem. Sp č-c̓slxʷ-n-cút he took his clothes off. Category: +ncut. way̓ c̓səlxʷəncúts axáʔ q̓iʔpyáwt. q̓iʔpyáwt took his clothes off. [RnTrp 054] See: c̓sap.

c̓spcin   [c̓əspcín] Morph: c̓s+pcin. Etym: √c̓s. to run out of food.

Istem. xiʔmíx kən c̓əspcín məɬ kən píx̌əm məɬ ixíʔ kən ɬtaʔxʷɬqlíɬc̓aʔ. Anytime I run out of food I hunt and I get fresh meat again. [Prov 020] See: c̓sap.

c̓spilt   [c̓əspílt] Morph: c̓s+pilt. Etym: √c̓s. (to have) no more children.

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ c̓əspílt sənk̓líp. Coyote had no more children. [CoGrSy 320] See: c̓sap.

c̓spísk̓it   [c̓əspísk̓it] Morph: c̓s+písk̓it. Variant: c̓spísk̓iʔt. Etym: √c̓s. to be breathless; to be out of breath.

Istem. way̓ knaqs c̓əspísk̓iʔt məɬ itlíʔ knaqs nxt̓síw̓səm. When one is out of breath, then another joins in. [GDd1 120] ixíˑˑʔ uɬ kən c̓əspísk̓it iʔ t sʔayx̌ʷt. I have no more breath from fatigue. [BJSeym 282] See: c̓sap.

c̓spɬkʷukʷús   [c̓əspɬkʷukús] Morph: c̓s+p+ɬ+kʷu•kʷús. Etym: √c̓s, √kʷs. to run out of bacon; to have no more bacon.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ uɬ iʔ sɬíqʷtət kʷu ksc̓əspɬkʷukúsaʔx. We are running out of bacon. [HnTrp 277] See: c̓sap.

c̓spnunt   Morph: c̓s+p+nu+nt. Etym: √c̓s. rid; to manage to finish (off) s.t.; to manage to obliterate s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ way̓ yaʕyáʕt c̓əspnúntxʷ. You have killed them all. [Nams 240] xʷuˑˑy uɬ c̓əspnús. Time went by, and he finished them. [cobuf23] c̓əspnún isqláw̓. I spent all my money. [dict] See: c̓sap.

c̓spqniʔ   [c̓əspqníʔ] Morph: c̓s+pqn+iʔ. Etym: √c̓s. to use up one's bullets.

Istem. way̓ incá uɬ t̓əxʷ kən c̓əspqníʔ way̓ kən c̓əxəmscút. I used every bit of my shells, I am embarrassed. [HnTrp 066] See: c̓sap.

c̓spsɬíqʷ   [c̓əspsɬíqʷ] Morph: c̓s+p+sɬiqʷ. Etym: √c̓s, √sɬqʷ. to run out of meat.

Istem. Category: Compd. way̓ uɬ iʔ sɬíqʷtət kʷu ksc̓əspsɬíqʷaʔx t kʷukʷús. We are running out of bacon meat. [HnTrp 277] See: c̓sap.

c̓spsqáx̌aʔ   [c̓əspsqáx̌aʔ] Morph: c̓s+psqáx̌aʔ. Etym: √c̓s. an animal dies; the stock is gone (dies).

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ pnicíʔ uɬ c̓əspsqáx̌aʔ iʔ sqilxʷ. That time the people lost their stock. [Hrvst 027] ixíʔ uɬ yaʕyáʕt swit pnicíʔ c̓əspsqáx̌aʔ. Everybody at that time lost horses. [Hrvst 153] See: c̓sap.

c̓spsqlaw   [c̓əspsql̕áw] Morph: c̓s+p+s+qlaw. Variant: c̓spsqlaw̓. Etym: √c̓sp, √qlw. to run out of money; to have no money.

Istem. Category: Compd. iˑˑ uɬ c̓əspsql̕áw axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít, xiʔ náx̌əmɬ put cwiʔslíq̓. And the boy is flat broke when they are done with the burying. [GDd1 131] uɬ lut t̓a kst̓ík̓əl uɬ axáʔ c̓əspsqláw. He didn't have any lunch, and he's got no money. [GDd2 174] See: c̓sap.

c̓spst̓ík̓l   [c̓əspəst̓ík̓əl] Morph: c̓s+p+s+t̓ík̓l. Etym: √c̓s, √t̓k̓l. to run out of grub.

Istem. Category: Compd. t̓i kʷu ksx̌əlpínaʔ uɬ c̓əspəst̓ík̓əllx. It got daylight and they ran out of grub. [HnTrp 092] See: c̓sap.

c̓sqáʕqnaʔ   [c̓əsqáʕqnaʔ] Morph: c̓sqáʕqnaʔ. Variant: c̓sqáqnaʔ; c̓skáʕqnaʔ. Etym: √c̓sqʕq. chickadee.

Istem. Sp c̓sqáqneʔ chickadee; Cm c̓asqánanaʔ. Category: Faun. c̓əsqáʕqnaʔ. Chickadee. [dict]

c̓ukʷ   [c̓ukʷ] Morph: c+ʔukʷ. Etym: √ʔkʷ. to bring (here) s.o. or s.t.; to transport s.t. here. Category: Cisl. c̓ukʷ. [pd0] See: cʔukʷ.

c̓uk̓ʷ   [c̓uk̓ʷ] Morph: c̓uk̓ʷ. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. to be rigid, not flexible, stiff.

Istem. Sp hi c̓úk̓ʷ it's stiff, it's rigid; Cm c̓uk̓ʷ be stiff; Cr c̓ek̓ʷ stiff (ref. to body), to be stiff (as bones); see Th k̓ʷəc-ə́p get dry and stiff. t̓i c̓uk̓ʷ. It's rigid, not flexible. [nb20.101a] kən c̓uk̓ʷ. I am stiff. [dict]

c̓uk̓ʷlxʷ   [c̓úk̓ʷəlxʷ] Morph: c̓uk̓ʷlxʷ. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. stiff material.

Istem. c̓úk̓ʷəlxʷ. Stiff material. [dict] See: c̓uk̓ʷ.

c̓um   [c̓um] Morph: c̓um. Etym: √ʔm. c̓um.

Istem. Category: mName. c̓um. Man's name. [dict] See: ʔum.

c̓úmmist   [c̓úmˑíst] Morph: c̓úm+mist. Etym: √c̓m. to sing while cutting a bear's tongue.

Istem. Category: +mist. n̓ín̓w̓íʔs iʔ st̓əlsqílxʷ ɬktíɬxmənts məɬ c̓úmmist ilíʔ mi tixʷkʷúnəm. ixíʔ sk̓ítm̓ists skəmxíst, cut way̓. Whenever the earth people stand next to you and sing thatʼs what they have to sing. So Bear started to get up, he said: "Yes." [4c33-34]

c̓um̓nt   Morph: c̓um̓+nt. Etym: √c̓m̓. to suck on s.t.; to kiss; to make sucking or smacking noises.

Tstem. Sp c̓amóseʔ toy doll; hec-c̓amósʔe-y she is playing with dolls; she's playing "kissy face"; Cm c̓əm̓‑m to suck; Cr c̓o[m̓] suck (on a solid object); Sh c̓m-em to bite and suck blood (of mosquito, sandfly, etc.); Th √c̓úm̓ suck; Li n.c̓úm̓-qs-an̓ to kiss s.o. Category: +nt. taʔx̌ílsts aláʔ ttəqəntís uɬ xiʔ c̓um̓s. He put his finger there easy and sucked. [cnebdd 023] kʷu c̓um̓s. He kissed me. [nb1821b.2] way’ txwílsəlx uɬ c̓úm̓ntməlx. They walked right past. He smacked at them. [lpb423]

c̓um̓xn   [c̓úm̓xən] Morph: c̓um̓xn. Etym: √c̓m̓. c̓um̓xn: former spawning bed located towards the former east side of the Columbia, approximately midway between Gifford and Daisy and directly opposite sntkíwlxtns wápupxn. Lit: sucking or squeaking sound under foot

Istem. c̓úm̓xən. Place name. [BK226]

c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ   [c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ] Morph: c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ. Etym: √c̓q̓ʷ. index finger; pointing finger.

Istem. Sp √c̓oq̓ʷ to point at; Cm c̓uq̓ʷmn index finger; also c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ; Th √c̓əq̓ʷ mark, draw, write. Category: Anat. way̓ uɬ ixíʔ nc̓aq̓ʷs iʔ t c̓úq̓ʷmaʔs. He sticks his index finger out. [LynxS 133] See: c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ; c̓aq̓ʷmn.

c̓uy   [c̓uy] Morph: c̓uy. Etym: √c̓y. to be dark (darker than k̓im̓).

Istem. Cm c̓úw̓iy̓ dark, night. way̓ c̓uy, táɬt kiʔ c̓ʔúy iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ. It's sure a gloomy day. [dict] kʷaʔ iʔ l sənlk̓mín, lut taɬt niʕ̓íp t̓a c̓uy la nixʷút. In the jail, inside there is never completely dark. [su7q̓im 247]

c̓úylaʔxʷ   [c̓úylaʔxʷ] Morph: c̓úylaʔxʷ. Etym: √c̓y. to be dark.

Istem. pútiʔ c̓úylaʔxʷ. When it's still dark. [dict] See: c̓uy.

c̓wak   [c̓wak] Morph: c̓wak. Variant: c̓w̓ak. Etym: √c̓wk. to get burned; to get scalded.

Istem. nənənə, cəm̓ kən c̓w̓ak, nənənə. nənənə, I might burn, nənənə. [chipdd 094] ƛ̓lapx, cəm̓ kʷ c̓wak. Stop it, or you might get burned! [nb1826.4] c̓wak iʔ ta cənptáʕp. Burned with boiling water. [nb1826.5]

c̓wc̓aʕʷt   [c̓uc̓áʕʷt] Morph: c̓w•c̓aʕʷ+t. Etym: √c̓ʕʷ. to be tight (e.g. as a rope hard to untie); hard to peel.

Istem. Sp c̓oʕ, n-c̓oʕ-púps bowels bound up (cannot eliminate and so painful). Category: +t. c̓uc̓áʕʷt Tight. [dict]

c̓wc̓wak   [c̓uc̓wák] Morph: c̓w•c̓wak. Etym: √c̓wk. several burn.

Istem. kʷu c̓əwc̓wák. We burned (ourselves). [dict] See: c̓wak.

c̓wkam   [c̓əwkám] Morph: c̓wka+m. Etym: √c̓wk. to scald.

Mstem. Category: +am. c̓əwkám. Scald. [dict] See: c̓wak.

c̓wkikst   [c̓əwkíkst] Morph: c̓wkikst. Etym: √c̓wk. to burn or scald one's hand.

Istem. kən c̓əwkíkst. I burned my hand. [nb1826.12] See: c̓wak.

c̓wkxan   [c̓əwkxán] Morph: c̓wkxan. Etym: √c̓wk. to burn or scald one's foot.

Istem. kən c̓əwkxán. I burned my foot. [nb1826.13] See: c̓wak.

c̓wq   [c̓əwq] Morph: c̓wq. Etym: √c̓wq. root with meaning to pull out; to extract on which several stems are based. Category: Rt. See: nc̓wqaɬq̓ʷlt; nc̓wqaqs; nc̓wqínaʔ; nc̓wqip; nc̓wqitkʷ; nc̓wqiys; nc̓wqúlaʔxʷm; nc̓wqups.

c̓wqiw̓sm   Morph: c̓wqiw̓s+m. Variant: c̓w̓qiw̓s. Etym: √c̓qw. to cut (playing) cards. Category: Mstem, nMstem. iksc̓əwqíw̓səm. I'm cutting the cards. [dict] See: c̓w̓aq.

c̓wqiw̓snt   Morph: c̓wqiw̓s+nt. Variant: c̓w̓qiw̓s. Etym: √c̓qw. to cut (playing) cards.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓əwqíw̓sən. I cut the cards. [dict] ksc̓əwqíw̓siʔs. He’s cutting the cards. [dict] See: c̓w̓aq.

c̓wqmst   Morph: c̓wq+m+st. Etym: √c̓wq. to be left behind.

Tstem. Category: +st. way̓ ṇʔəyx̌ʷtíls, way̓ c̓wqəmstím sənk̓l̕íp. He’s getting tired, Coyote is getting behind. [dict]

c̓wʔak   [c̓əwʔák, c̓uʔwák] Morph: c̓w[ʔ]ak. Variant: c̓w̓ak. Etym: √c̓wk. to get burned, scalded. Category: Inch.

Istem. ixíʔ iʔ ta cəntaʔkʷítkʷ c̓uʔwák. He got burned with hot water. [nb1826.11] kən c̓əwʔák iʔ ta cənptáʕp. I got scalded by hot water. [nb1826.9] uc kʷ c̓əwʔák iʔ ta cənptáʕp. Did you get scalded with boiling water? [nb1826.10] See: c̓wak.

c̓w̓aq   [c̓uʔáq] Morph: c̓w̓aq. Variant: c̓waq. Etym: √c̓w̓q. Variant: c̓w̓aq. to bore a hole.

Istem. Sp c̓w̓áq pull out ... nc̓oʔwép-iš take the cork out of the bottle (sg)!; Cr c̓aw̓q extract, pull out (a solid object) ... to extract a solid object (as nail out of board). c̓waq. Bore a hole. [dict] See: c̓w̓q.

c̓w̓c̓aʕw̓t   [c̓əw̓c̓áʕ̓wt] Morph: c̓w̓•c̓aʕw̓+t. Variant: c̓w̓c̓aw̓t. Etym: √c̓w̓. several are clean.

Istem. Category: +t. c̓əw̓c̓áʕ̓wt akɬnutənmín uɬ nixʷ akɬx̌ʷúsmən. Your container and your whisk have to be clean. [rdgs 132] uɬ c̓uc̓áʕwt iʔ sqilxʷ, t̓i xʷuk̓ʷ iʔ cítxʷsəlx. The people were clean, their houses were spotless. [Green.85] See: c̓aʕw̓; c̓iw̓.

c̓w̓c̓iw̓xn   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓iw̓xn. Variant: c̓w•c̓iwxn. Etym: √c̓w̓. to wash one's feet. Category: Istem.

Istem. c̓uʔc̓íw̓xənx. Wash your feet! [jan93nb 132]

c̓w̓c̓iw̓xnm   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓iw̓xn+m. Variant: c̓w•c̓iwxn. Etym: √c̓w̓. to wash one's feet.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓w̓c̓iw̓xnm. He washed his feet. [dict]

c̓w̓c̓iw̓xnt   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓iw̓x+nt. Variant: c̓w•c̓iwxn. Etym: √c̓w̓. to wash one's feet.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓uʔc̓íwxənt. Wash his feet! [jan93nb 131]

c̓w̓mistm   Morph: c̓w̓+mist+m. Etym: √c̓w̓. to sing the bear song.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. scc̓uʔmístəm. To sing a bear song (upon killing one). [nb26-73 014]

c̓w̓qam   Morph: c̓w̓qa+m. Etym: √c̓w̓q. to pull s.t. out.

Mstem. Sp c̓w̓áq pull out ... nc̓oʔwép-iš take the cork out of the bottle (sg)! Cr c̓w̓q extract, pull out (a solid object). Category: +am, nMstem. lut kʷu aksc̓uʔqám. Don’t leave me behind. [nb21.87]

c̓w̓qax̌nt   Morph: c̓w̓qax̌+nt. Variant: c̓wqax̌n. Etym: √c̓wq. to pull something out of the arm.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓əwqáx̌ənˑ. I pulled it out of the arm. [dict] See: c̓w̓q.

c̓w̓qáyaʔqnt   Morph: c̓w̓qáyaʔq+nt. Variant: c̓wqáyaʔqn. Etym: √c̓wq. to pull something out of the top of the head.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓əwqáyaʔqənˑ. I pulled it out of the hair. [dict] See: c̓w̓q.

c̓w̓qícaʔnt   Morph: c̓w̓qícaʔ+nt. Variant: c̓wqíc̓aʔ. Etym: √c̓w̓q. to pull something out of a flat cover (as a blanket).

Tstem. Sp √c̓w̓áq pull out; Cr c̓aw̓q extract, pull out (a solid object); Th /c̓iwq̓ tear small. Category: +nt. c̓əwqíc̓aʔṇ I pulled it out of the blanket. [dict]

c̓w̓qinknt   Morph: c̓w̓qink+nt. Variant: c̓wqink. Etym: √c̓w̓q. to pull something out of the stomach.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓əwqínkən. I pulled it out of the stomach. [dict] See: c̓w̓q.

c̓w̓qɬt   Morph: c̓w̓q+ɬt. Etym: √c̓w̓q. to pull s.t. out.

Tstem. Sp c̓w̓áq pull out ... nc̓oʔwép-iš take the cork out of the bottle (sg)! Cr c̓w̓q extract, pull out (a solid object). kʷu c̓uqɬtíkʷ iʔ sɬuʔwíkst. Pull the sliver out for me! [nb1827.4]

c̓w̓qqinxnt   Morph: c̓w̓qqinx+nt. Variant: c̓wqqinxn. Etym: √c̓w̓q. to pull s.t. out of the knee.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓əwqqínxənˑ. I pulled it out of the knee. [dict] See: c̓w̓q.

c̓x   [c̓əx] Morph: c̓x. Etym: √c̓x. root with meaning "shame" on which several stems are based. Category: Rt. See: c̓aʔxmí(n); c̓ʔax; c̓xmscut; sc̓ʔax; nc̓xc̓ix. Sp c̓eš bahful, shy, embarrassed; Cm c̓a‑c̓aʔx‑t be ashamed. See: c̓aʔxmí(n).

c̓xmscut   [c̓əxəmscút] Morph: c̓x+mscut. Etym: √c̓x. to be embarrassed, ashamed.

Istem. Category: +mscut. way̓ incá uɬ t̓əxʷ kən c̓əspqníʔ way̓ kən c̓əxəmscút. I used every bit of my shells, I am embarrassed. [HnTrp 066] See: c̓aʔxmí(n); c̓ʔax.

c̓xtiw̓s   [c̓əxtíw̓s] Morph: c̓xtiw̓s. Etym: √c̓xt. to be sisters- and brothers-in-law; two men, one of whom is married to the other's sister.

Istem. c̓əxtíw̓s. [E60.25] See: sc̓ixt.

c̓xʷant   Morph: c̓xʷa+nt. Etym: √c̓xʷ. to pour, spill a liquid.

Tstem. Cm c̓xʷ‑nt‑xʷ you pour s.t. out [liquid]; c̓xʷ‑xʷ to become spilled. See Cr hn+c̓éxʷ+t channel, creek, stream. Category: +ant. c̓xʷánt iʔ sqʔim. Spill the milk! [Oct92 022]

c̓xʷaxʷ   [c̓xʷaxʷ] Morph: c̓xʷ•axʷ. Etym: √c̓xʷ. spilled, poured, drained liquid.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. c̓xʷaxʷ iʔ sq̓ít. The rain pours. [dict] uɬ ixíʔ kʷ kəlkʷínaʔ ixíʔ t̓aʕpəntíxʷ kɬəx̌ʷm̓úsaʔ uɬ iʔ siwɬkʷ itíʔ c̓xʷaxʷ. Move back and shoot a hole through it, the water will drain out. [Brth 062] See: c̓xʷ(a).

c̓xʷintn   [c̓xʷíntən] Morph: c̓xʷi+n+tn. Etym: √c̓xʷ. a container (to pour liquid in).

Istem. Category: +tn. inc̓xʷíntən. My container to pour liquid into. [nb1828.16] See: c̓xʷ(a).

c̓xʷlaʔxʷáw̓s   [c̓əxʷlaʔxʷáw̓s] Morph: c̓xʷlaʔxʷáw̓s. Etym: √c̓xʷ. c̓xʷlaʔxʷáw̓s: ridge that is recognized as a "divide" -- Manila Creek runs east from one side of this ridge and a small creek flows southwest from the other side. Category: Geog.

Istem. c̓əxʷlaʔxʷáw̓s. Place name. [BK28]

c̓xʷminm   Morph: c̓xʷ+min+m. Etym: √c̓xʷ. to pour or spill a liquid.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. k̓ík̓əm iksc̓əxʷmínəm. I nearly spilled it. [11.70] lut aksc̓əxʷmínəm. Don’t spill it (a liquid)! [nb1828.6] See: c̓xʷ(a).

c̓xʷmint   Morph: c̓xʷ+mi+nt. Etym: √c̓xʷ. to pour or spill a liquid.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓əxʷmís. He poured it out (a liquid). [nb1828.8] See: c̓xʷ(a).

c̓xʷnt   Morph: c̓xʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓xʷ. to pour, spill a liquid.

Tstem. Cm c̓xʷ‑nt‑xʷ you pour s.t. out [liquid]; c̓xʷ‑xʷ to become spilled. See Cr hn+c̓éxʷ+t channel, creek, stream. Category: +nt. c̓xʷəntíxʷ. You poured a liquid. [ntverbs 006]

c̓xʷxʷasq̓t   [c̓əxʷxʷásq̓ət] Morph: c̓xʷ•xʷasq̓t. Etym: √c̓xʷ. rain pours.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. t̓i ixíxiʔ uɬ cəq̓cq̓ám, c̓əxʷxʷásq̓ət, uɬ cəq̓cq̓ám, iʔ sq̓it xʷʔiys uɬ lut t̓ə kspúƛ̓əm. In a short while it started to thunder, it started to pour and thunder, the rain came down in buckets and there was no end to it. [cre8] See: c̓xʷ(a).

c̓x̌aʕm   [c̓x̌aʕm] Morph: c̓x̌aʕ+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʕ. to squirt.

Mstem. Category: Mstem, +am. c̓x̌aʕm. Squirt. [dict] Category: Conf.

c̓x̌il   [c̓x̌il] Morph: c+ʔx̌il. Etym: √ʔx̌l. the way one does s.t.

Istem. See: ʔx̌il.

c̓x̌ilx   [c̓x̌ilx] Morph: c+ʔx̌il+x. Etym: √ʔx̌l. Gram: The make-up of the form is c+ʔx̌il-x, but c̓x̌ilx has full lexical status. how s.t. is; the reason why.

Istem. Category: Amalg. See: cʔx̌ilx.

c̓x̌iɬ   [c̓x̌iɬ] Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ. The make-up of the form is c+ʔx̌iɬ, but c̓x̌iɬ has full lexical status. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. to be like; to be plain; amen. Category: Amalg.

Istem. Category: Amalg. See: cʔx̌iɬ.

c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ   [c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ] Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ itíʔ. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ; √tʔ. it's like that; it's how it is; it's the same as.

phrasal. c̓x̌iɬ axáʔ t sənk̓líp iʔ xƛ̓uts, c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ ixíʔ. It's like Coyote Rock, it's like that. [su7q̓im 060] mnímɬtət iʔ ənk̓ʷul̕mntət lut t̓ c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ. That's how we do everything. [su7q̓im 282b] míƛ̓ənt ixíʔ t̓iʔ c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ. Color the ones that are the same. [nb27-37 004] c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ akscxʷúy. That's the way you should behave. [newles 095] See: cʔx̌iɬ; itíʔ; c̓x̌iɬitíʔ.

c̓x̌iɬ t   [c̓x̌iɬ t] Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ t. Etym: √x̌ɬ. to be (just) like; to be just as.

phrasal. uɬ c̓x̌iɬ ta cmaq̓ʷ. It's just like a mountain. [2gts 048] myaɬ kən paʔpaʔsínk aɬíʔ c̓x̌iɬ t isk̓ʷúy yaʔ nƛ̓l̕lítkʷ. I feel too bad because the one that drowned is just like a mother to me. [lnxbdga 387] kʷ c̓x̌iɬ t isl̕áx̌t lut kʷ t̓ intəkɬmílxʷ t̓ inˑáx̌ʷnəx̌ʷ. You will be like my friend, not my woman, my wife. [dict] t̓i put c̓x̌iɬ t axáʔ iɬəɬqáqcaʔ, way̓ inx̌mínk iʔ sk̓ʷúl̕əm. Just like my brothers, I'd like a job. [dict] ixíʔ k̓ík̓əm c̓x̌iɬ t ɬúkʷlaʔxʷ a cután, k̓a nwist. It's just about like dirt, perched there, high. [su7q̓im 045] c̓x̌iɬ axáʔ t sənk̓líp iʔ xƛ̓uts, c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ ixíʔ. It's like Coyote Rock, it's like it. [su7q̓im 060] tiɬx uɬ c̓x̌iɬ iʔ t a cc̓əlc̓ál. When he stood up, he stood like a tree. [su7q̓im 111] caʔkʷ ɬ ʕác̓əntxʷ, way̓ t̓i c̓x̌iɬ t sqilxʷ iʔ sk̓ʷƛ̓usc. If you look at it, it's just like a person's face. [su7q̓im 123] uɬ ʔitx, ʔitx, uɬ c̓x̌iɬ t sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt ɬaʔ c̓itx. When he slept he slept like a baby sleeps. [su7q̓im 279f] axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ nák̓ʷəm aɬíʔ c̓x̌iɬ ta nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən. This woman is like a cannibal. [GDd1 503] axáʔ ṇp̓əʔáxʷ, c̓x̌iɬ t sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. It was bright like daylight. [dict] uɬ kywywúsəlx, uɬ kʷaʔ l ənk̓im̓, uɬ aɬíʔ put sc̓x̌iɬ t c̓ík̓ʷəsxnəlx. They have good eyes, in the dark just as well as in the light. [dict] See: c̓x̌iɬ.

c̓x̌iɬitíʔ   [c̓əx̌iɬitíʔ] Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ+itíʔ. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ, √tʔ. the way it will be; the same kind; s.t. like that. Gram: a morphologization of the phrase c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ

Istem. ksc̓x̌iɬitíʔaʔx. The way it's going to be. [nb25-64 006] lut ʕapnáʔ kʷu t̓ə kɬc̓x̌iɬitíʔ. We do not have anyone like that today. [lpb515] See: ʔx̌l; c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ.

c̓x̌iɬt   [c̓x̌iɬt] Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ+t. Etym: √ʔx̌ɬ. to be like.

Istem. Category: +t. See: cʔx̌iɬt.

c̓x̌íʔla   [c̓x̌íʔla] Morph: c̓x̌íʔla. Etym: √c̓x̌ʔl ?. c̓x̌íʔla.

Istem. Category: wName. c̓x̌iʔla. Woman's name. [dict]

c̓x̌licn   [c̓x̌lícən] Morph: c̓x̌licn. Variant: c̓x̌l̕icn̓. Etym: √c̓x̌l. mink.

Istem. Sp c̓x̌lécn mink; Cr c̓ax̌yúʔc̓ən mink (Reichard Stem-list); Sh c̓əx̌lecn mink. Category: Faun. c̓x̌lícən. Mink. [dict]

c̓x̌l̕icn̓   [c̓əx̌l̕ícən̓] Morph: c̓x̌l̕icn̓. Etym: √c̓x̌l (?). mink.

Istem. Category: Faun. See: c̓x̌licn.

c̓x̌ʷam   Morph: cx̌ʷa+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

nMstem. Sp c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). Category: +am. p c̓x̌ʷam. Your promised or appointed the time for the next visit. [nb21.192a] Category: nMstem. kʷ iksc̓x̌ʷám. I tell you (and you have to do it). [nb9a 098] uɬ ixíʔ náx̌əmɬ iʔ kʷ iksc̓x̌ʷám. And that's what I'm going to preach to you. [2gts 236] lut aksc̓əxʷám tə tan̓mús. Don't promise falsely! [WOD28]

c̓x̌ʷant   Morph: cx̌ʷa+nt. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

Tstem. Sp c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). Category: +nt. c̓əx̌ʷánt iʔ q̓ʷʕáylqs, way̓ iʔ sqilxʷ way̓ pəx̌páx̌t. Educate the priests, the People are wise already. [Oct92 021] c̓x̌ʷant asqʷsqʷsíʔ. Discipline your child! [Oct92 069]

c̓x̌ʷasq̓t   [c̓x̌ʷásq̓ət] Morph: c̓x̌ʷasq̓t. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. the appointed day.

Istem. k̓laxʷ iʔ c̓x̌ʷásq̓əts. The evening of the date he decided. [dict] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷasq̓tm   [c̓x̌ʷásq̓ətm] Morph: c̓x̌ʷasq̓t+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to appoint or set a day.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓x̌ʷásq̓ətməlx kaʔ ck̓ʷul̕st iʔ ksxʷúyaʔx iʔ ksxʷístaʔx. They set the day to prepare to go, to travel. [lpb384] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   [c̓əx̌ʷáx̌ʷ] Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. 1 • teachings; what one is taught.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. a cxʷúystən isc̓əx̌ʷáx̌ʷ, lut t̓a cənɬíptəmstən. The ways that I have been taught, I don't forget. [E44.29]

2 • Istem. scolding; one is scolded, disciplined. kən c̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ. I have been disciplined. [E64.16] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷam   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷa+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to instruct; to discipline; to preach.

Mstem. Category: +am, nMstem. lut t̓a cmistín kʷ ɬ isc̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷám, kəm̓ ɬ isəxkínəm. I don't know if I'm instructing you, or what I'm doing. [su7q̓im 288] kəm̓ mat kʷ isc̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷám. Maybe I'm instructing you. [su7q̓im 289b] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   [c̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷáx̌ʷ] Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. s.o. has been lectured, disciplined.

Istem. c̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷáx̌ʷ. Lectured. [nb21.192a] Category: C2Inch. See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷiltm   [c̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷíltəm] Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷilt+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to lecture a child; to instruct a child.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. c̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷíltəm. Instruct a child. [nb20.95a; nb22.15a] See: c̓x̌ʷiltm.

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷɬt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+ɬt. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to instruct; to discipline; to preach.

Tstem. kʷu c̓əx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷɬtíkʷ isqʷsqʷsíʔ. Discipline my child! [Oct92 071] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to instruct; to discipline; to preach.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷaʔ kʷu c̓əx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷntís inƛ̓əx̌x̌ƛ̓x̌áp. My folks told me. [su7q̓im 228] uɬ ixíʔ c̓əx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷəntís iʔ ɬcəcʔúpsc. She preached to her younger sister. [lnxbdga 091] way̓ c̓əx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷəntsín. I am going to do some preaching to you. [2gts 206] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷst   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+st. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to instruct; to discipline; to preach.

Tstem. Category: cust. kʷu cc̓əx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷstíxʷ. You always discipline me. [Oct92 072] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷiltm   [c̓x̌ʷíltəm] Morph: cx̌ʷilt+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to instruct a child; to discipline a child; to lecture a child.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kən c̓x̌ʷíltəm. I lecture a child. [nb23 202] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ   [c̓əx̌ʷlúsaʔ] Morph: c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ. Variant: c̓x̌ʷl̕úsaʔ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷl. white camas (lomatium canbyi).

Istem. Cm c̓x̌ʷ‑l̕‑usaʔ white camas. Category: Bot.

c̓x̌ʷl̕úsaʔ   [c̓əx̌ʷl̕úsaʔ] Morph: c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ. Variant: c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷl̕. white camas (lomatium canbyi).

Istem. Cm c̓x̌ʷ‑l̕‑usaʔ white camas. Category: Bot. c̓əx̌ʷlúsaʔ. [TBK0604] uɬ axáʔ iʔ c̓əx̌ʷlúˑˑsaʔ, uɬ ʔíˑˑtx̌ʷaʔ, t̓əxʷ yaʕyáʕt iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sʔíɬəns. White camas, camas, all kinds of things the Indians eat. [2gts 051]

c̓x̌ʷɬt   Morph: cx̌ʷ+ɬt. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

Tstem. Sp c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). way̓ c̓əx̌ʷɬtín. I’ve already promised it. [nb1878.10]

c̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: cx̌ʷ+nt. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

Tstem. Sp c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). Category: +nt. axáʔ iʔ kʷu c̓əx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷəntís inkəwáp iwá, ixíʔ aɬíʔ inksysyústṇ. My horse told me what to do but it didn'work, that̓s my power. [dict] uɬ sc̓x̌ilx kiʔ nqʷən̓míntsən uɬ axáʔ iʔ c̓əx̌ʷəntsín. That's why I feel sorry for you, and I'm telling you. [AutPS 294] ixíʔ c̓x̌ʷəntsín uɬ ixíʔ kʷu ṇləʕ̓ʷúɬtxʷ. What I tell you you follow. [dict]

c̓x̌ʷnwixʷ   [c̓əx̌ʷənwíxʷ] Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+nwixʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to agree.

Istem. c̓əx̌ʷənwíxʷ kʷu ɬa ckʷənksənwíxʷ. We agreed when we shook hands. [WOD27] See: c̓x̌ʷnwixʷ; c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷst   Morph: cx̌ʷ+st. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

Tstem. Sp c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). Category: cust. ɬaʔ cc̓əx̌ʷstúmstsəlx anƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp, cnɬək̓ʷɬək̓ʷtmístxʷ. When your elders discipline you, remember it. [newles 069] ka axáʔ ya sc̓əx̌ʷstúmən. That's why I tell you this. [nb1274.1]

c̓x̌ʷtwixʷ   [c̓əx̌ʷtwíxʷ] Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+twixʷ. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to have an appointment; to have a date; to tell one another.

Istem. caʔkʷ n̓ín̓aʔxʷ uɬ kʷu ƛ̓mípstəp uɬ aɬíʔ kən sc̓əx̌ʷtwíxʷəxʷ. A little bit more and you would have missed me because I have a date. [GDd1 359] ixíʔ ksc̓əx̌ʷətwíxʷtət. That's as much as we’ll tell one another. [nb1323.1] See: c̓x̌ʷnwixʷ; c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷxt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷ+xt. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to show the country; to give directions.

Tstem. Gram: +xt transitive kʷu c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷxtəm axáʔ t inqíck. My brother told us where to go. [HnTrp 031] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓x̌ʷxit   Morph: cx̌ʷ+xit. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

Tstem. Sp c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). Category: +xit. lut t̓ə cənləʕ̓ʷús iʔ c̓əx̌ʷxítən. What I promised him didn't come true. [dict] aɬíʔ c̓əx̌ʷxítəm yaʔ ḷʔíwtət. We promised our father. [dict] ixíʔ iʔ c̓əx̌ʷxítsəlx iʔ sqílxʷ. That's what he told the people. [dict]

c̓x̌ʷxitm   Morph: cx̌ʷ+xit+m. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

nTstem. Sp c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.). Category: +xit+m. ixíʔ kʷ iksc̓x̌ʷxítəm axáʔ iʔ kʷ isx̌aʔx̌áʔ. This is what I telling you, my father-in-law. [Whal 563] way̓ axáʔ iʔ ksc̓əx̌ʷxítəmt. This is what we promise you. [nb1228.6] ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ kʷ iksc̓x̌ʷxítəm. Now I am going to instruct you. [GDd2 537]

c̓x̌ʷxixmnt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+xix+m+nt. Etym: √c̓x̌ʷ. to promise s.t. away.

Tstem. Category: +nt. c̓əx̌ʷxíxmən. I’ve promised it to somebody. [nb1878.13] See: c̓x̌ʷ(a).

c̓yam   Morph: c̓ya+m. Etym: √c̓y. to grease s.t.; to polish s.t.

Mstem. Category: +am, nMstem. lut aksc̓iyám ixíʔ. Don’t grease them! [nb1830.2]

c̓yɬt   Morph: c̓y+ɬt. Etym: √c̓y. to grease s.t.; to polish s.t.

nTstem. axáʔ kʷu aksc̓iyɬtím inq̓axán. Grease my shoes! [nb1830.3]

c̓ynt   Morph: c̓y+nt. Etym: √c̓y. to grease s.t.; to polish s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. aɬíʔ way̓ c̓iyntín iʔ xəlˑákək. I greased the wheel. [nb1872.3]

c̓ypatkʷ   [c̓ipátkʷ] Morph: c̓ypatkʷ. Etym: √c̓yp. c̓ypatkʷ.

Istem. dict Woman's name. See: 31/May/2019.

c̓yslin   [c̓islín] Morph: c̓yslin. Etym: √c̓ysln. c̓yslin Mountain. Category: Geog.

Istem. ixíʔ k̓əl c̓islín ixíʔ k̓liʔ k̓amˑtíw̓s. It lit on c̓yslin Mountain. [chipdd 111]

c̓y̓c̓y̓x̌iɬp   [c̓iʔc̓iʔx̌íɬp] Morph: c̓y̓•c̓y̓x̌íɬp. Etym: √c̓y̓x̌. wormwood (artemisia dracunculus).

Istem. Lit: B’s etym: repellent odor c̓ic̓áyx̌t. Category: Bot. c̓iʔc̓iʔx̌íɬp. Wormwood. [TBK76]

c̓ʕʷap   [c̓ʕʷap] Morph: c̓ʕʷa+p. Etym: √c̓ʕʷ. to be bound up, constipated.

Istem. Sp n-c̓oʕ-p–úps bowels bound up (cannot eliminate and so painful). Category: +ap. uc kʷ c̓ʕʷap. Are you bound up / constipated? [nb1827.8]

c̓ʔak̓ʷm   [c̓ʔák̓ʷəm] Morph: c̓[ʔ]ak̓ʷ+m. Etym: √c̓k̓ʷ. to flower, to bloom. Category: Inch.

Mstem. Sp c̓aʔák̓ʷ to bloom; Cm c̓aʔák̓ʷ to bloom. Category: Mstem. c̓əʔák̓ʷəm axáʔ iʔ patáq. The potatoes flowered. [dict] iʔ smúkʷaʔxən ɬaʔ cc̓ʔák̓ʷəm t̓i kʷraˑˑy̓. When the sunflowers bloom they are yellow. [rdgs 035]

c̓ʔaɬ   [c̓ʔaɬ] Morph: c̓[ʔ]aɬ. Etym: √c̓ɬ. it gets cold; it's getting cold.

Istem. c̓ʔaɬ. It gets cold (outside, weather). [nb26-21 010] kən ksʔíɬnaʔx, uɬ way̓ mat c̓ʔaɬ iksc̓íɬən. I was going to eat, but I guess what I was going to eat got cold. [dict] See: c̓aɬ.

c̓ʔaq   [c̓ʔaq] Morph: c̓[ʔ]aq. Etym: √c̓q. to sour, to get sour. Category: Inch.

Istem. c̓ʔaq. It's getting sour. [jan93nb 047]

c̓ʔax   [c̓aʔáx, c̓əʔáx] Morph: c̓[ʔ]ax. Etym: √c̓x. to get ashamed.

Istem. Sp c̓eš bahful, shy, embarrassed; Cm c̓a‑c̓aʔx‑t be ashamed. uɬ aɬíʔ maɬ kən c̓ʔax. I am too ashamed. [cogrzd 127] cəm̓ uɬ talíˑˑ c̓ʔáxəlx. They might get ashamed. [LynxS 097] uɬ talí nixʷ kʷu c̓ʔax ɬə kstxət̓ntím axáʔ iʔ st̓əmkʔíltət. And also we are very ashamed to take care of our daughter. [LynxS 101] c̓əʔáx, náx̌əmɬ kc̓aʔxqín ɬaʔ ckákʔəms iʔ saʔstáms. She got ashamed, felt cheap that she had made fun of her brother-in-law. [dict] kən sc̓ʔax. I am bashful. [11.6a] See: c̓aʔxmí(n); c̓x.

c̓ʔaʕw̓   [c̓ʔaʕw̓] Morph: c̓[ʔ]aʕw̓. Variant: c̓ʔaʕʷ. Etym: √c̓ʕw̓. to wash (off).

Istem. c̓ʔaʕw̓ iʔ təl kilxs. It washed from her hand. [crea21] See: √c̓w̓.

c̓ʔaʕʷ   [c̓ʔaʕʷ] Morph: c̓[ʔ]aʕʷ. Variant: c̓ʔaʕw̓. Etym: √c̓ʕʷ. to get clean or washed. Category: Inch.

Istem. c̓íw̓əntxʷ ankəlkílx uɬ c̓ʔaʕʷ. You wash your hands and they are clean. [nb20.59a] See: c̓iw̓.

c̓ʔiɬ   [c̓ʔiɬ] Morph: c̓[ʔ]iɬ. Etym: √c̓ɬ. to get cold.

Istem. c̓ʔíɬ. A surface gets cold. [nb26-21 011] See: c̓iɬ.

c̓ʔuy   [c̓ʔuy] Morph: c̓[ʔ]uy. Etym: √c̓y. to get dark.

Istem. Cm c̓úw̓iy̓ dark, night. c̓ʔuy. Dark. [dict] See: c̓uy.