c̓k1   count.

c̓knt   Morph: c̓k+nt. count s.t.


c̓kɬt   Morph: c̓k+ɬt. count for s.o.


c̓kxit   Morph: c̓k+xit. count for s.o.


c̓kam   Morph: c̓ka+m. count.


c̓kak   Morph: c̓k•ak. to be counted.

scc̓ak   Morph: sc+c̓ak. s.t. counted.

sc̓kak   Morph: s+c̓k•ak. the cost of s.t.; an amount.

sc̓kam   Morph: s+c̓ka+m. numbers; counting.

sc̓c̓kasq̓t   Morph: s+c̓•c̓kasq̓t. calendar. Lit: count days

k̓ɬc̓knt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓k+nt. to name an amount; to name a price; to charge s.t.


ck̓ɬc̓kst   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+c̓k+st. name the price.


sk̓ɬc̓kak   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+c̓k•ak. budget.

c̓k2   count (k+c̓k).

kc̓knt   Morph: k+c̓k+nt. to count (people).


skc̓kaqs   Morph: s+k+c̓kaqs. number.

kc̓aknt   Morph: k+c̓ak+nt. to count people.


kc̓kncut   Morph: k+c̓k+ncut. to count oneself.

c̓k3   count (n+c̓k).

nc̓kmusnt   Morph: n+c̓k+mus+nt. to figure an amount.


cnc̓kmust   Morph: c+n+c̓k+mu+st. to figure an amount.


nc̓kmuɬt   Morph: n+c̓k+mu+ɬt. to figure an amount.


nc̓kmusm   Morph: n+c̓k+mus+m. to figure an amount.


c̓k4   stink bag.

snc̓kipɬxn   Morph: s+n+c̓kipɬxn. stink bag on the leg.

c̓k5   c̓k in place names.

sc̓kc̓iksxn̓   Morph: s+c̓k•c̓iksxn̓. sc̓kc̓iksxn̓: place name. Lit: granite (?) rocks

c̓k6   c̓ik.

c̓ik   Morph: c̓ik (woman's name).

c̓k7   c̓kc̓kap (place name).

c̓kc̓kap   Morph: c̓k•c̓ka+p. c̓kc̓kap: place name.

c̓k̓1   set fire.

c̓ik̓nt   Morph: c̓ik̓+nt. set fire to.


c̓ik̓k̓   Morph: c̓ik̓•k̓. to be burned.

c̓ík̓laʔxʷ   Morph: c̓ík̓laʔxʷ. to set the ground on fire.

c̓ík̓laʔxʷnt   Morph: c̓ík̓laʔxʷ+nt. set the ground on fire.


sc̓ík̓k̓laʔxʷ   Morph: s+c̓ík̓•k̓laʔxʷ. forest fire, burned land.

mlkc̓ík̓naʔm   Morph: mlk+c̓ík̓naʔ+m. to burn together. Cm kɬ‑c̓ik̓‑nt ‑xʷ you set fire to s.t.; Sh cik̓-m to cause to shine, illuminate; Li √c̓ik to burn all up. See: c̓k̓ʷ1.

c̓k̓2   burn (k+ c̓k̓).

kc̓ik̓nt   Morph: k+c̓ik̓+nt. light s.t.


kc̓ík̓naʔnt   Morph: kc̓ík̓naʔnt. burn s.t.


kc̓ík̓naʔm   Morph: k+c̓ík̓naʔ+m. burn s.t.


kc̓ík̓k̓naʔ   Morph: k+c̓ík̓•k̓naʔ. to be burned all over; a surface is burned all over.

kc̓ik̓snt   Morph: k+c̓ik̓s+nt. light a lamp.


kc̓ik̓ʷsxn   Morph: k+c̓ik̓ʷsxn. to light (a lamp).

c̓k̓3   burn (k̓ɬ+c̓k̓).

k̓ɬc̓ik̓nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓ik̓+nt. to start a fire.


k̓ɬc̓ik̓m   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓ik̓+m. to start a fire; to light under.


k̓ɬc̓ik̓snt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓ik̓s+nt. to start a fire.


c̓k̓4   rib (of body).

c̓k̓iɬp   Morph: c̓k̓iɬp. rib (of body).

c̓k̓c̓k̓iɬp   Morph: c̓k̓•c̓k̓iɬp. ribs (of body). Cm ck̓‑aɬp rib pl ck̓ck̓aɬp.

c̓k̓ʔ   pine cones.

scc̓ák̓aʔ   Morph: sc+c̓ák̓a. pine cones (used for the final smoking of hides). Sp s-c̓c̓íčeʔ (s-č'číc̓eʔ) (s-čč'íc̓eʔ) pine cone (gen.); Cm c̓ək̓l̕ pine cone; Th s/c̓ək̓qín̓keʔ cone (of conifer) (specifically whitebark pine); Li s.c̓ək̓ pine cone (with nuts).

c̓kʷ   (elder)berry.

c̓kʷikʷ   Morph: c̓kʷ•ikʷ. blue elderberry berries.

c̓c̓kʷikʷ   Morph: c̓•c̓kʷ•ikʷ. mountain ash berries.

c̓kʷkʷiɬml̕x   Morph: c̓kʷ•kʷiɬml̕x. blue elderberry.

c̓kʷkʷiɬp   Morph: c̓kʷ•kʷiɬp. blue elderberry.

c̓c̓kʷkʷíɬaʔp   Morph: c̓•c̓kʷ•kʷíɬaʔp. mountain ash.

tkʷrkʷriʔs   Morph: t+kʷr•kʷriʔs. fairy bells; orange.

tkʷrkʷriʔs iʔ c̓c̓kʷkʷíɬaʔp   Morph: t+kʷr•kʷriʔ-s iʔ c̓•c̓kʷ•kʷíɬaʔp. yellow berried mountain ash. Sp c̓kʷíkʷ blue elderberry; Cm c̓kʷikʷáɬp blue elderberry bush; Cr c̓ákʷ+kʷalqʷ elderberry bush.

c̓kʷʔ   left hand.

kc̓íkʷaʔ   Morph: k+c̓íkʷaʔ. left hand.

skc̓íkʷaʔ   Morph: s+k+c̓íkʷaʔ. left hand.

skc̓íkʷaʔkst   Morph: s+k+c̓íkʷaʔkst. left hand side.

kc̓kʷaʔíkst   Morph: k+c̓kʷaʔíkst. left hand.

skc̓kʷʔikstm   Morph: s+k+c̓kʷʔikst+m. left hand side.

kc̓aʔc̓ákʷaʔ   Morph: k+c̓aʔ•c̓ákʷaʔ. kc̓aʔc̓ákʷaʔ (man's name).

kc̓aʔc̓íkʷaʔ   Morph: k+c̓aʔ•c̓íkʷaʔ. Lit: left hands kc̓aʔc̓íkʷaʔ (man's name).

kc̓uʔc̓íkʷaʔ   Morph: k+c̓uʔ•c̓íkʷaʔ. kc̓uʔc̓íkʷaʔ (man's name).

haɬkc̓aʔc̓ákʷaʔ   Morph: haɬk+c̓aʔ•c̓ákʷaʔ. the Lefty group. Sp č-c̓íkʷeʔ the left side, left-handed, left hand; Cm kc̓íkʷaʔ be left-handed, the left side; Cr c̓ikʷeʔ left-handed; Sh s-(tk-)c̓əkʷʔékeʔ left side; Th (s)c̓əkʷʔéɬc̓iʔ left side; Li √c̓ikʷʔ.

c̓k̓ʷ1   light.

c̓ik̓ʷnt   Morph: c̓ik̓ʷ+nt. put light on s.t.


c̓ik̓ʷm   Morph: c̓ik̓ʷ+m. put light on s.t.


c̓ik̓ʷsxnt   Morph: c̓ik̓ʷsx+nt. shine light on s.t.; to light s.t. up.


c̓ic̓k̓ʷsxn̓   Morph: c̓i•c̓k̓ʷsxn̓. a flashlight; a small lamp.

kc̓ik̓ʷsxnt   Morph: k+c̓ik̓ʷsx+nt. to light a lamp.


snc̓ik̓ʷsxntn   Morph: sn+c̓ik̓ʷsxn+tn. a lamp.

kɬc̓ik̓ʷsxn   Morph: kɬ+c̓ik̓ʷsxn. to turn on a lamp.

kʷnɬc̓ik̓ʷsxn   Morph: kʷn+ɬ+c̓ik̓ʷsxn. to hold a lamp.

txʷɬc̓ík̓ʷsxnm   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+c̓ík̓ʷsxn+m. to obtain lamps. Sp √c̓ek̓ʷ shiny, bright; c̓ék̓ʷsšn̓ a lamp, flashlight (in the old way it was a torch light fashioned from pitchy branches bound tightly together and used for night fishing); Sh √cek̓ʷ bright; Th √c̓ék̓ʷ shine; Li c̓ák̓ʷ-əm to illuminate s.t. See: c̓k̓.

c̓k̓ʷ2   stiff.

c̓uk̓ʷ   Morph: c̓uk̓ʷ. to be rigid, not flexible, stiff.

c̓ak̓ʷt   Morph: c̓ak̓ʷ+t. to be stiff.

c̓k̓ʷap   Morph: c̓k̓ʷa+p. stiff (as when sitting down too long); unable to bend; thick (fluid).

c̓uk̓ʷlxʷ   Morph: c̓uk̓ʷlxʷ. stiff material.

nc̓k̓ʷpikn   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ+pikn. a stiff back.

nc̓k̓ʷpilps   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ+pilps. a crick in the neck.

nc̓k̓ʷpiw̓s   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ+piw̓s. a stiff back.

nc̓k̓ʷpxan   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ+pxan. a stiff leg.

nc̓k̓ʷpax̌n   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ+pax̌n. a stiff arm. Sp √c̓uk̓ʷ(ú) stiff, rigid; Cm c̓uk̓ʷ be stiff; see also c̓ik̓ be stiff (fabric or hide); Cr c̓ek̓ʷ stiff (ref. to body), to be stiff (as bones); Sh √cuk̓ʷ stiff, tight; see Th ʔes/k̓ʷə́c; k̓ʷəc-ə́p get dry and stiff; see Li √k̓ʷəc stiff.

c̓k̓ʷ3   support.

nc̓k̓ʷc̓k̓ʷax̌n   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ•c̓k̓ʷax̌n. crutch(es); arm support.

nc̓k̓ʷc̓k̓ʷaʕx̌n   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ•c̓k̓ʷaʕx̌n. crutches.

nc̓k̓ʷc̓k̓ʷax̌nm   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ•c̓k̓ʷax̌n+m. to use crutch(es); to use arm support.


nc̓k̓ʷc̓k̓ʷaʕx̌nm   Morph: n+c̓k̓ʷ•c̓k̓ʷaʕx̌n+m. to walk on crutches.

Mstem. Sp hec-n-c̓k̓ʷ–áx̌n he's walking with the aid of a crutch; Cr hn-c̓ok̓ʷ-c̓ok̓ʷ–áx̌n crutches (lit. means of supporting the armpits).

c̓k̓ʷ4   flower.

sc̓c̓ʔak̓ʷ   Morph: s+c̓•c̓ʔak̓ʷ. little flower.

sc̓aʔk̓ʷáɬq   Morph: s+c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬq. blossoms.

sc̓c̓aʔk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+c̓•c̓aʔk̓ʷúlaʔxʷ. Hoelboel’s rock cress; catchfly; fringe cup. Lit: flowers on the ground

c̓l1   stand.

c̓al   Morph: c̓al. trees, posts; woods; timber; s.t. stands straight.

c̓l̕al̕   Morph: c̓l̕•al̕. to land on one's feet; to come to a (sudden) halt; to run and stop suddenly; to have landed after a jump.

c̓lc̓al, c̓l̕c̓al̕   Morph: c̓l•c̓al. trees, posts; woods; timber; s.t. stands straight.

sc̓lc̓al   Morph: s+c̓l•c̓al. trees.

sc̓l̕c̓al̕   Morph: s+c̓l̕•c̓al̕. trees.

c̓lc̓lalqʷ   Morph: c̓l•c̓lalqʷ. posts in the ground.

c̓lalqʷ   Morph: c̓lalqʷ. to play stick game. Lit: a post in the ground

c̓lalqʷm   Morph: c̓lalqʷ+m. to play stick game.


sc̓lalqʷm   Morph: s+c̓lalqʷ+m. stick game; slahal game. Lit: place the sticks

sc̓lalqʷ   Morph: s+c̓lalqʷ. to play stick game. Sp s-c̓lálqʷ stickgame; Cm s-c̓l-alqʷ-m to play stick game; Cr c̓elálqʷ to play with the stick game (lit. setting up sticks against a board).

c̓lc̓lqinxnm   Morph: c̓l•c̓lqinxn+m. sticking one's legs up.


c̓llúlaʔxʷ, c̓l̕l̕úlaʔxʷ   Morph: c̓l•lúlaʔxʷ. to land or light upright; to hit the ground.

c̓lxnmint   Morph: c̓lxn+mi+nt. stand before s.o. or s.t.


k̓ɬc̓lnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓l+nt. stand things.


k̓ɬc̓lnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓l+nt. to stand things on or around s.t.


k̓ɬc̓lus   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓lus. things stand on top (of s.t.)

sk̓ɬc̓lal   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+c̓l•al. boundaries. Lit: poles

kɬc̓lus, kɬc̓l̕us   Morph: kɬ+c̓lus. to stand on a bank.

kɬc̓llus   Morph: kɬ+c̓l•lus. to stand on the (water) bank.

sxʷc̓lam   Morph: sxʷc̓la+m. one who stands things up.

sxʷc̓al̕ám   Morph: sxʷc̓al̕á+m. one who stands s.t. up. Sp c̓il stand plural, stick out plural; c̓íl tree; Cm √c̓l c̓l‑ilx to stand up [sg]; ʔac‑c̓l‑c̓l trees, timber; s-c̓l-alqʷ-m to play stick game; Cr c̓el c̓el stand (ref. to a person); c̓elálqʷ to play with the stick game (lit. setting up sticks against a board); Sh √c̓l to stand (up); Li s.c̓l-alqʷ stick used in lahal game.

c̓l2   stand (k+c̓l).

kc̓lnt   Morph: k+c̓l+nt. to stick s.t.


kc̓llmint   Morph: kc̓l•l+mi+nt. get close to s.t.


kc̓lalqʷ   Morph: k+c̓lalqʷ. bundling scythe; cradle scythe; a grain cutter with prongs; a hand mower; a peg; a spoke; pronged as a scythe, the prongs of which hold what's been cut. Lit: s.t. stuck on a pole

kc̓lmint   Morph: k+c̓l+mi+nt. run up to s.t.


kc̓llmin   Morph: k+c̓l•l+mi(n). to stand close to s.t. or s.o.; to stand next to s.o. or s.t. after running.

kc̓lqin   Morph: k+c̓lqin. a headdress.

kc̓l̕l̕al̕qʷ   Morph: k+c̓l̕•l̕al̕qʷ. to land on a log.

c̓l3   stand (n+c̓l).

nc̓lúlaʔxʷnt   Morph: n+c̓lúlaʔxʷ+nt. to stick s.t. upright in the ground; to install something that stands in the ground (as a pole).


nc̓lúlaʔxʷm   Morph: n+c̓lúlaʔxʷ+m. stick in the ground.


snc̓lúlaʔxʷ   Morph: sn+c̓lúlaʔxʷ. fruit trees, orchard.

nc̓lúlaʔxʷtn, nc̓l̕úlaʔxʷtn   Morph: n+c̓lúlaʔxʷ+tn. a fence post.

nc̓lusnt   Morph: n+c̓lus+nt. to stake s.t.; to stick s.t. in upright.


nc̓lusm   Morph: n+c̓lus+m. to stake s.t.


nc̓lxn̓ip   Morph: n+c̓lxn̓ip. to squat against a door or a wall; nc̓lxn̓ip (man's name).

nc̓lxn̓ipm   Morph: n+c̓lxn̓ip+m. to squat.

c̓l4   fierce.

c̓lal   Morph: c̓l•al. to be stormy.

c̓lc̓alpt   Morph: c̓l•c̓alp+t. to be fierce, awesome.

c̓lpmint, c̓l̕pmint   Morph: c̓l+p+mi+nt. to scare or spook s.o.; to be fierce.


c̓lpcnmist   Morph: c̓l+pcn+mist. to holler fiercely.

c̓il̕   Morph: c̓il̕. to be frightening, mean looking.

sc̓il̕c̓lt   Morph: s+c̓il̕•c̓l+t. ugliness; frightening looks; mean looks.

c̓l̕ap   Morph: c̓l̕a+p. fearful, scared.

c̓l̕pmint   Morph: c̓l̕+p+mi+nt. s.t. makes one fearful, gives s.o. the creeps.


kc̓l̕píc̓aʔ   Morph: k+c̓l̕+píc̓aʔ. to be apprehensive; to have the jeebees.

nc̓il̕c̓l̕cn   Morph: n+c̓il•c̓lcn. to sound frightening, mean; scary sounding.

nc̓lc̓lpcin   Morph: n+c̓l•c̓l+pcin. eerie, fearsome sound. Sp √c̓il̕ ghostly, spooky; čn c̓l̕-íp a sudden fear came over me, I got the creeps; hec-c̓l̕-p-míʔs-c it gives them the creeps; č-c̓l̕-píc̓eʔ he was so frightened that the hair on his back stood straight up; Cr c̓él̕+p he became frightened; c̓el+l to fear a fierce one.

c̓l5   shade.

c̓il̕l̕   Morph: c̓il̕•l̕. to be shaded.

c̓ilstn, c̓il̕stn   Morph: c̓ils+tn. umbrella; awning.

c̓íllaʔxʷ, c̓íl̕laʔxʷ   Morph: c̓íllaʔxʷ. shade; a shady place.

nc̓l̕c̓il̕sm   Morph: n+c̓l̕•c̓il̕s+m. to shade one's face.

Mstem. Cm c̓al̕‑n I shaded s.t.; Cr c̓il̕ outline, shadow. See: c̓l̕2.

c̓l6   spur.

c̓lc̓lipɬxn   Morph: c̓l•c̓lipɬxn. spurs. Lit: sound of bells

c̓lmxan   Morph: c̓l+mxan. a small stem or spur (e.g. on a bush). Sp √c̓al̕ sound made by falling sticks or spurs; Th c̓əl•/c̓lípsxn spurs; Li c̓l-áp-l̕a-xən spur. See: c̓ʕl̕.

c̓l7   c̓l in men's names.

c̓alcínxn   Morph: c̓alcínxn. c̓alcínxn (man's name). Lit: slim ankle See: 13/Oct/2020.

c̓l8   c̓l in place names.

kc̓lc̓lus   Morph: k+c̓l•c̓lus. kc̓lc̓lus: unidentified place north of Omak.

kc̓lqin̓   Morph: k+c̓lqin̓. kc̓lqin̓: place name.

k̓ɬc̓lcin   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓lcin. k̓ɬc̓lcin: place name.

nc̓lc̓litkʷ   Morph: n+c̓l•c̓litkʷ. nc̓lc̓litkʷ: place name.

snc̓liʔtn   Morph: s+n+c̓liʔ+tn. snc̓liʔtn: place name. Lit: J-shaped basketry trap place

c̓l9   seeds.

sc̓alqn   Morph: s+c̓alqn. seed(s).

c̓l10   head dress.

skc̓lqin   Morph: s+k+c̓lqin. feather head dress. Sp c̓lqín-tn feathered war bonnet; Cr c̓lqín+n bonnet, war-bonnet.

c̓lmt̓   spooky.

kc̓aʔlmt̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: k+c̓aʔlmt̓íc̓aʔ ? to get the chills. See Sp c̓il̕ ghostly, spooky.

c̓lpʔ   c̓lúpaʔ (man's name).

c̓lúpaʔ   Morph: c̓lúpaʔ. c̓lúpaʔ (man's name).

c̓lqʷ   stoneseed.

kɬc̓alqʷtn   Morph: kɬ+c̓alqʷ+tn. stoneseed.

c̓lt   nc̓ltw̓scin (man’s name).

nc̓ltw̓scin   Morph: n+c̓ltw̓scin. nc̓ltw̓scin (George Quintasket).

c̓lxkʷʔ   end of mourning.

nc̓líxkʷaʔ   Morph: n+c̓líxkʷaʔ ? a widow is out of mourning; nc̓líxkʷaʔ (woman's name). Lit: sharp back side widow ? c̓lx̌

nc̓líxkʷʔam   Morph: n+c̓líxkʷʔa+m. to end the mourning for the spouse’s death.

Mstem. Sp n-c̓líškʷeʔ-m the widow found herself a new man.

c̓lx̌1   hook; grab; scratch.

c̓lx̌nt   Morph: c̓lx̌+nt. to grab s.o.


c̓lx̌ɬt   Morph: c̓lx̌+ɬt. grab from s.o.


c̓lc̓lx̌nwixʷ   Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌+nwixʷ. to grab one another.

c̓lx̌iw̓nt   Morph: c̓lx̌iw̓+nt. scratch s.o.


c̓lx̌iw̓m   Morph: c̓lx̌iw̓+m. scratch.


c̓lc̓lx̌iw̓nt   Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌iw̓+nt. scratch s.t. all over.


c̓lc̓lx̌w̓aqstxn   Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌w̓aqstxn. to scratch one's thigh.

c̓lc̓lx̌úlaʔxʷm   Morph: c̓l•c̓lx̌úlaʔxʷ+m. to scratch the earth or ground.

k̓ɬnc̓lx̌ipnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+c̓lx̌ip+nt. grab the door.

Tstem. Sp c̓l√x̌íw̓-m she scratched using her fingernails, it scratched or snatched at something using its claws or talons; c̓l√x̌iw̓-n-t-m he was scratched by a cat or a bear; Cm c̓lx̌‑nt‑xʷ you scratch s.o. with nails; yapc̓élx̌ʷ‑s claws s.o. as he goes by; Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw ... scratch with claws; Sh c̓liʕʷ-m to scratch; Th √c̓əyəx grab/grasp (with fingers/claws/beak.

c̓lx̌2   grab (k+c̓l).

kc̓lx̌ax̌nt   Morph: k+c̓lx̌ax̌+nt. to grab by the arm.


kc̓lx̌iksnt   Morph: k+c̓lx̌iks+nt. to grab by the arm.


kc̓lx̌ikstmnt   Morph: k+c̓lx̌ikst+m+nt. to grab by the wrist.


c̓lx̌3   grab (n+c̓lx̌).

nc̓lx̌alpsnt   Morph: n+c̓lx̌alps+nt. to grab by the neck.


nc̓lx̌alpsmnt   Morph: n+c̓lx̌alps+m+nt. to grab by the neck.


scnc̓lx̌alpsm   Morph: s+c+n+c̓lx̌alps+m. grabbing by the neck.


nc̓lc̓lx̌upsnt   Morph: n+c̓l•c̓lx̌ups+nt. to scratch all over one’s behind.


c̓lx̌ʷ   claw.

c̓alx̌ʷ   Morph: c̓alx̌ʷ. points extend; to be on all fours; scratch, claw; prongs.

c̓lx̌ʷnt   Morph: c̓lx̌ʷ+nt. place a chair for s.o.


c̓llax̌ʷx̌ʷ   Morph: c̓l•l•ax̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. points extend, protrude, stick out.

c̓lx̌ʷmncut   Morph: c̓lx̌ʷ+mncut. to crawl on all fours.

c̓lx̌ʷqin   Morph: c̓lx̌ʷqin. king; one with a crown.

kɬc̓lx̌ʷnt   Morph: kɬ+c̓lx̌ʷ+nt. to put a chair down.


kɬc̓lx̌ʷxit   Morph: kɬ+c̓lx̌ʷ+xit. to put a chair down for s.o.


kɬc̓lx̌ʷ   Morph: kɬ+c̓lx̌ʷ. to put down s.t. that has extensions (table, chair ...)

nc̓lx̌ʷtkʷncut   Morph: nc̓lx̌ʷtkʷ+ncut. to position oneself in the water.

skc̓lx̌ʷinkm   Morph: s+k+c̓lx̌ʷink+m. guitar. Lit: claw at s.t. In the myth of sp̓əyqáɬwəlx (Little Bird), sp̓əyqáɬwəlx acts as a fish trap, propping himself in the stream. Sp calx̌ʷ(ú) clustered, propped up like a tripod; Cm c̓lx̌‑nt‑xʷ you scratch s.o. with nails; Cr c̓alx̌ʷ claw; c̓álx̌ʷ-nt-s fingernails (he scratched it with his...), scratched (he...it with his fingernails); see Sh c̓lxʷ-il̕əp chair; see Th √c̓əl̕əxʷ squat; see Li √c̓əlxʷ-íkn̓-an to saddle a horse; see also c̓ḷák̓ʷ-xal to scratch s.o., s.t. (like a cat).

c̓lʔ   trap.

c̓liʔ   Morph: c̓liʔ. a trap; a J-shaped basketry trap (used to catch steelhead).

c̓l̕1   hail.

c̓c̓l̕usnt   Morph: c̓•c̓l̕us+nt. be hailed on; to hail (precipitation) on s.o.


c̓c̓l̕usm   Morph: c̓•c̓l̕us+m. to hail (precipitation).

sc̓c̓lusnt   Morph: s+c̓•c̓lus+nt. hail.

sc̓lusnt   Morph: s+c̓lus+nt. hail.

sc̓c̓l̕usnt   Morph: s+c̓•c̓l̕usnt. hail; hailstone(s). Sp c̓s-l̕úseʔ hail stones; Cm c̓sll̕úusaʔ hail; Cr s+c̓sl̕úseʔ hail; Sh s-cəs-c̓əs-lól̕se hail (small stones). See: c̓l3.

c̓l̕2   shade.

sc̓il̕   Morph: s+c̓il̕. shade.

kc̓il̕st   Morph: k+c̓il̕+st. to make shade; to shade s.t. or s.o.


k̓ɬc̓il̕   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓il̕. to be in the shade; to sleep in the shade.

k̓ɬc̓l̕al̕   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓l̕•al̕. to be in the shade.

k̓ɬc̓íl̕mist   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓íl̕+mist. to go in the shade.

k̓ɬc̓íl̕laʔxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓íl̕laʔxʷ. to be in the shade. Cm c̓al̕-n I shaded s.t.; Cr c̓il̕ outline, shadow.

c̓l̕3   c̓l̕ in place names.

kɬc̓ltkʷn̓cut   Morph: kɬ+c̓l̕tkʷ+n̓cut. kɬc̓ltkʷn̓cut: place name. Lit: standing spouts of water

c̓l̕y   graveyard.

sc̓l̕yalqʷ   Morph: s+c̓l̕yalqʷ ? graveyard.

c̓ɬ   cold.

c̓aɬ   Morph: c̓aɬ. to be cold.

c̓iɬ   Morph: c̓iɬ. a surface is cold.

c̓aɬt   Morph: c̓aɬ+t. to be cold.

c̓aɬɬ   Morph: c̓aɬ•ɬ. to get cold.

c̓aɬɬt   Morph: c̓aɬ•ɬ+t. to be(come) cold, freezing cold (as after falling in a river).

sc̓aɬt   Morph: s+c̓aɬ+t. the cold (weather).

sc̓aɬɬt   Morph: s+c̓aɬ•ɬ+t. to freeze; to get frozen.

c̓ʔaɬ   Morph: c̓[ʔ]aɬ. it gets cold; it's getting cold.

c̓ʔiɬ   Morph: c̓[ʔ]iɬ. to get cold.

c̓c̓ɬíʔast   Morph: c̓•c̓ɬíʔast. a cool spot or area.

c̓ac̓aɬíkst   Morph: c̓a•c̓aɬíkst. cold hands.

c̓ɬitkʷ   Morph: c̓ɬitkʷ. a cool wind.

sc̓ɬitkʷ   Morph: s+c̓ɬitkʷ. cold water.

c̓aɬáyaʔqn   Morph: c̓aɬáyaʔqn. cold head.

c̓iɬpw̓sqn   Morph: c̓iɬ+pw̓sqn. cold lips.

c̓ɬiys   Morph: c̓ɬiys. cold weather.

kc̓aʔc̓aʔɬtán   Morph: k+c̓aʔ•c̓aʔɬ+tán. February.

nc̓ʔaɬ   Morph: nc̓[ʔ]aɬ. a liquid gets cold.

nc̓aɬt   Morph: nc̓aɬ-t. cold water; cold inside; cold wind.

nc̓aʔɬítkʷ   Morph: nc̓a[ʔ]ɬítkʷ. cold soup; cold liquid. Sp √c̓eɬ cool down, cool off; Cm c̓aɬ to cool down; Cr c̓iɬ cool (weather); Sh c̓eɬ-t cold; Th √c̓əɬ cold; Li √c̓aɬ chill(ed).

c̓ɬt   yesterday.

piʔsc̓íɬt, py̓sc̓íɬt   Morph: piʔs+c̓íɬt. yesterday.

nk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt, nk̓ʷpy̓sc̓iɬt   Morph: nk̓ʷpy̓+s+c̓iɬt. the other day.

nk̓ʷspiʔsc̓iɬt, nk̓ʷspy̓sc̓iɬt   Morph: nk̓ʷ+s+py̓s+c̓íɬt. day before yesterday.

snk̓ʷpy̓sc̓íɬt, snk̓ʷpiʔsc̓íɬt   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+py̓+s+c̓íɬt. the other day.

snk̓ʷspy̓sc̓iɬt   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+s+py̓s+c̓íɬt. day before yesterday.

c̓m1   suck.

c̓um̓nt   Morph: c̓um̓+nt. to suck on s.t.; to kiss; to make sucking or smacking noises.


ɬc̓um̓nt   Morph: ɬ+c̓um̓ nt. to suck or kiss s.o. again.


c̓m̓c̓um̓nt   Morph: c̓m̓•c̓um̓+nt. to suck on s.t. (e.g. the head of a fish, or to eat the meat off a bone).


c̓um̓xn   Morph: c̓um̓xn. c̓um̓xn: place name. Lit: sucking or squeaking sound under foot Sp c̓amóseʔ toy doll; hec-c̓amósʔe-y she is playing with dolls; she's playing "kissy face"; Cm c̓əm̓‑m to suck; Cr c̓o[m̓] suck (on a solid object); Sh c̓m-em to bite and suck blood (of mosquito, sandfly, etc.); Th √c̓úm̓ suck; Li n.c̓úm̓-qs-an̓ to kiss s.o. See: c̓ʕm̓.

c̓m2   narrow.

c̓c̓ʔum   Morph: c̓•c̓[ʔ]um. to be narrow.

scc̓c̓ʔum   Morph: sc+c̓•c̓[ʔ]um. s.t. narrows.

c̓mc̓mípaʔɬxn   Morph: c̓m•c̓mípaʔɬxn. sharp-heeled shoes.

sc̓c̓m̓íw̓aʔs   Morph: s+c̓•c̓m̓íw̓aʔs. a narrow place. Sp hec c̓m-ím a point is being made on it; n-c̓m̓m̓ʔáqs they have pointy ends, they have pointy noses; he-n-c̓ʔ-ílš a canyon, a ravine through which a stream or river flows; Cm c̓m̓‑aw̓s be slim waisted; Cr c̓am pointed (almost..., as a football); Sh cm-c̓m-eqs sharp (of point); Th √c̓əm sharp point; Li √c̓əm sharp, pointed.

c̓m3   bone.

sc̓im   Morph: s+c̓im. bone.

sc̓im̓   Morph: s+c̓im̓. Variant: sc̓im. bone.

sc̓imqn   Morph: s+c̓imqn. bonehead.

sc̓m̓qin   Morph: s+c̓m̓qin. brain.

sc̓mqin   Morph: s+c̓mqin. brain; brains. Sp s-c̓mqín the brain, intelligence; Cm c̓m̓qnalxʷ brain; Cr s+c̓ám̓ qn brain, cerebellum, cerebrum; Sh s-c̓m-qin brain; Th s/c̓əmqin brain; Li s.c̓əm-qín brains.

sc̓m̓c̓m̓qin   Morph: s+c̓m̓•c̓m̓qin. brain.

sc̓ámyaʔqn   Morph: s+c̓ámyaʔqn. skull.

nc̓im̓c̓m̓   Morph: n+c̓im̓•c̓m̓. spleen.

caʔxʷsc̓ím   Morph: caʔxʷ+s+c̓ím. to be tired in the bones.

caʔcaʔxʷsc̓ím   Morph: caʔ•caʔxʷ+s+c̓ím. to be tired in the bones.

sncaʔcaʔxʷsc̓ím   Morph: s+n+caʔ•caʔxʷ+s+c̓ím. to be weak boned.

nyaʕyaʕsc̓ím   Morph: n+yaʕ•yaʕ+s+c̓ím. tired bones.

x̌ʷyx̌ʷysc̓im   Morph: x̌ʷy•x̌ʷy+s+c̓im. x̌ʷyx̌ʷysc̓im (man's name). Lit: sharp bones

q̓lq̓lsc̓im   Morph: q̓l•q̓l+s+c̓im. arthritis.

sqlxʷsc̓im   Morph: s+qlxʷ+s+c̓im. skeleton.

xʷaʔsc̓ím   Morph: xʷaʔ+s+c̓ím. many bones; lots of bones.

xʷaʔɬc̓ám   Morph: xʷaʔ+ɬ+c̓ám. xʷaʔɬc̓ám: place name. Lit: many bones

xʷaʔsc̓ám̓   Morph: xʷaʔ+s+c̓ám̓. xʷaʔsc̓ám̓: place name. Lit: many bones

xʷaʔsc̓úm̓   Morph: xʷaʔ+s+c̓úm̓. xʷaʔsc̓úm̓: place name. Lit: many bones Sp s-qlixʷs-c̓óm̓ human skeleton.

x̌ax̌aʕpsc̓ím   Morph: x̌a•x̌aʕ+p+s+c̓ím. one's bones are chilled. Sp s-c̓om̓ bone; Cr s+c̓am bone; Sh s-c̓em fishbone; Th s/c̓ém̓ (small) bone (of human or animal), fish-bone; Li s.c̓am̓ fish bone.

ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓sc̓ím   Morph: ʕaƛ̓•ʕaƛ̓+s+c̓ím. to chew s.t. up.

c̓m4   sing.

c̓úmmist   Morph: c̓úm+mist. to sing while cutting a bear's tongue.

c̓m5   doll.

sc̓c̓milt   Morph: s+c̓•c̓milt. a doll.

sc̓c̓m̓il̕t   Morph: s+c̓•c̓m̓il̕t. a doll. Sp c̓amóseʔ toy doll.

c̓m6   twinberry.

c̓c̓míliʔs   Morph: c̓•c̓míliʔs. red twinberry berries.

kc̓amliʔsíɬmlx   Morph: k+c̓amliʔsíɬmlx. red twinberry.

kc̓amliʔsús   Morph: k+c̓amliʔsús. red twinberry (berries).

c̓m7   tamarack sap.

sc̓imc̓m   Morph: s+c̓im•c̓m. syrup that accumulates in tamarack trees that have been hit by lightening and split. Sp s-nc̓émc̓m tamarack sap or syrup (a delicacy which is eaten by the spoonful and is especially good for whooping cough).

c̓m8   ewe.

sc̓míɬcaʔ   Morph: s+c̓míɬc̓aʔ. mountain sheep; ewe.

c̓m9   c̓um (man's name).

c̓um   Morph: c̓um. c̓um (man's name).

c̓mt   sturgeon.

c̓mtus   Morph: c̓mtus. sturgeon.

c̓m̓1   spleen.

sc̓im̓c̓m̓   Morph: s+c̓im̓•c̓m̓. spleen.

c̓m̓2   snc̓m̓tustn (place name).

snc̓m̓tustn   Morph: s+n+c̓əm̓+túst+n. Place name.

c̓m̓xʷ   phlox.

c̓c̓m̓íxʷyaʔ   Morph: c̓•c̓m̓íxʷyaʔ. phlox. Lit: B’s etym: narrowing to a point.

c̓n1   say what. Morph: c̓in+t+st.


c̓n2   bothered.

nac̓ntíls   Morph: na+c̓n+tíls ? to be preoccupied, worried, bothered.

naʔc̓ntíls   Morph: naʔ+c̓ntíls. to think (ill of); to be offended; to have hard feelings. See ? Cm na‑c̓əən‑p to fill up, become crowded with people; see ? Sh *c̓int - s-cn-c̓ínt-ye (also snc̓íntye) stupid.

c̓nk̓   dip.

c̓nk̓nt   Morph: c̓nk̓+nt. to dip or stick one's finger in a fluid.


c̓nk̓am   Morph: c̓nk̓a+m. to stick a finger into s.t.


c̓nq̓   gouge.

nc̓nc̓nq̓us   Morph: n+c̓n•c̓nq̓us. to gouge one's eyes. Category: Conf.

c̓nw   handicapped.

sc̓anwáʕyaʔ   Morph: s+c̓anwáʕyaʔ. handicapped.

c̓p   salmon gravy.

nc̓upkʷnt   Morph: n+c̓upkʷ+nt. to make (salmon) gravy; to make dumplings.


snc̓ac̓úpkʷ   Morph: s+nc̓a•c̓upkʷ. salmon gravy.

c̓pɬ   hit.

c̓apɬx̌nt   Morph: c̓apɬx̌+nt. to hit s.o. with one's wing.


c̓p̓   pinch.

c̓ip̓nt   Morph: c̓ip̓+nt. to pinch or bite (as an ant would).


c̓ip̓m   Morph: c̓ip̓+m. to pinch s.o.


c̓p̓c̓ip̓   Morph: c̓p̓•c̓ip̓.

kcpcpsaʕm   Morph: k+cp•cps+áʕm. to bat one's eyes.


nc̓ip̓pnt   Morph: n+c̓ip̓p+nt. to pinch s.o.'s behind.


nc̓ip̓psm   Morph: n+c̓ip̓ps+m. pinch the behind.


nc̓ip̓c̓p̓s   Morph: n+c̓ip̓•c̓p̓s. to close one's eyes.


nc̓ip̓c̓p̓sm   Morph: n+c̓ip̓•c̓p̓s+m. to close one's eyes tight; to blink.


ɬnc̓ip̓c̓p̓sm   Morph: ɬ+n+c̓ip̓•c̓p̓s+m. to close one's eyes tight again.


nc̓p̓c̓ips   Morph: n+c̓p̓•c̓ips. to have or keep one's eyes; to close one's eyes tight.

nc̓p̓sncaʕt   Morph: n+c̓p̓s+ncaʕt. to wink.

nc̓p̓snwaʕxʷ   Morph: n+c̓p̓s+nwaʕxʷ. to wink at each other. Sp c̓ap̓ snap shut, c̓ip̓ pinch, nip in a vise; n-c̓áp̓s-m he snapped his eyes; Cm c̓ip̓‑nt‑xʷ you pinch s.t.; na‑c̓ip̓‑c̓ip̓‑s‑m to close one’s eyes; Cr c̓ep airtight, c̓ip̓ pinch; uˑ cápus blink; hn+c̓ap̓-s she "snapped" her eyes (a sign of contempt); Sh √cip̓ to squeeze one's eyes shut, shut eyes tightly; Th √c̓íp̓ blink; Li √c̓ip̓ to close (?); n.c̓ip̓-az̓-ús-əm to close one's eyes. See: c̓ʕp̓.

c̓p̓q̓1   splice; glue.

c̓p̓aq̓   Morph: c̓p̓aq̓. to be glued.

c̓ap̓q̓   Morph: c̓ap̓q̓. to stick or glue.

c̓p̓q̓nt   Morph: c̓p̓q̓+nt. to glue, paste, or splice s.t.


c̓p̓q̓am   Morph: c̓p̓q̓a+m. glue s.t.


c̓p̓q̓mnwixʷ   Morph: c̓p̓q̓+mnwixʷ. to glue things to each other; to splice two things.

c̓p̓q̓siw̓sm   Morph: c̓p̓q̓siw̓s+m. to splice or glue s.t.


ɬnc̓p̓q̓siw̓sm   Morph: ɬ+n+c̓p̓q̓siw̓s+m. to splice s.t. again.


kc̓p̓q̓nt   Morph: k+c̓p̓q̓+nt. to stick s.t. on.


nc̓p̓q̓min   Morph: n+c̓p̓q̓+min. glue.

nc̓p̓q̓siw̓sm   Morph: n+c̓p̓q̓siw̓s+m. to splice together; to add on; to continue.


snc̓p̓q̓q̓núsxn   Morph: sn+c̓p̓q̓•q̓+núsxn. the welding of the front cork on a horseshoe (equine corks (or caulks or studs) are cleat-like pegs attached to a horseshoe). Sp √c̓ap̓aq̓ sticky, gooey, syrupy; Cm kc̓əq̓p to stick to s.t.; Cr c̓ap̓q̓, c̓ap̓q adhere, stick to (as glue); Sh cpeq̓ (get) stuck.

c̓p̓q̓2   burweed.

c̓p̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ   Morph: c̓p̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ. burweed.

c̓p̓c̓ap̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ   Morph: c̓p̓•c̓ap̓q̓w̓ícyaʔ. burweed; bedstraw.

c̓p̓x̌   cedar.

c̓áp̓aʔx̌   Morph: c̓áp̓aʔx̌. western red cedar. Gram: presumably a Columbian word for cedar root. See: 09/Jan/2020.

c̓p̓x̌ʷ   hole.

nc̓p̓x̌ʷups   Morph: n+c̓p̓x̌ʷups. a hole in the bottom. Cr √c̓p̓x̌ʷ c+c̓p̓x̌ʷíl̕us hole (tiny...).

c̓q1   sour.

c̓ʔaq   Morph: c̓[ʔ]aq. to sour, to get sour.

c̓aqt   Morph: c̓aq+t. to be sour.

nc̓aqkʷ   Morph: n+c̓aqkʷ. sour dough bread; yeast.

nc̓aqkʷtn   Morph: n+c̓aqkʷ+tn. yeast.

nc̓aq̓q̓   Morph: n+c̓aq̓•q̓. s.t. gets curdled; cottage cheese.

nc̓aʔqítkʷst   Morph: nc̓aʔqítkʷ+st. to cause s.t. to go sour. Sp √c̓aq sour, dried sweat; hi c̓áq it's sour, it smells of dried sweat; Cm c̓aʔq be sour; Th [ʔ]áq get sour, sour-smelling [e.g. stale urine].

c̓q2   squeak.

c̓aq   Morph: c̓aq. a clicking sound.

nc̓iqc̓qcn   Morph: n+c̓iq•c̓qcn. a squeaky voice.

c̓q3   trample.

c̓aqxnmínt   Morph: c̓aqxn+mí+nt. to trample s.t. or s.o.


c̓q4   spruce.

c̓iqc̓qt   Morph: c̓iq•c̓q+t. Engelmann spruce and white spruce.

cc̓iqc̓qt   Morph: c+c̓iq•c̓qt. Engelmann spruce and white spruce.

cc̓iqc̓qɬml̕x   Morph: c+c̓iq•c̓qɬml̕x. Engelmann spruce and white spruce.

snc̓íc̓qpnaʔ   Morph: s+n+c̓í•c̓qpnaʔ. stonecrop. Lit: prickly, referring to the rough inner part of the upper lip of a deer Sp c̓qc̓íq-nɬp Englemann spruce.

c̓qs   fairy bells.

nc̓qsíltn   Morph: n+c̓qsílt+n. fairy bells.

c̓qʷ1   butcher.

c̓iqʷnt   Morph: c̓iqʷ+nt. to skin s.t.; to butcher.


c̓iqʷst   Morph: c̓iqʷ+st. skin s.t.


snc̓iqʷmn   Morph: s+n+c̓iqʷ+mn. butchering place; skinning place.

wiʔsc̓íqʷ   Morph: wy̓+s+c̓iqʷ. to finish skinning. Cm c̓iq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you skin s.t. with a knife [animal]; Cr c̓eqʷ butcher. See: c̓q̓ʷ1.

c̓qʷ2   cry.

c̓qʷqʷ   Morph: c̓qʷ•qʷ. to cry.

c̓qʷaqʷ   Morph: c̓qʷ•aqʷ. to cry.

c̓c̓qʷaqʷ   Morph: c̓•c̓qʷ•aqʷ. cry a little; whimper.

c̓qʷc̓qʷaqʷ   Morph: c̓qʷ•c̓qʷ•aqʷ. several cry.

c̓qʷqʷlwis   Morph: c̓qʷ•qʷ+lwis. to be crying.

c̓qʷqʷst   Morph: c̓qʷ•qʷ+st. to make s.o. cry.


kc̓qʷaqʷmnt   Morph: k+c̓qʷ•aqʷ+m+nt. to cry over s.t.; to cry (in mourning); to mourn (the dead).


nc̓qʷaqʷtn   Morph: n+c̓qʷ•aqʷ+tn. a sorrowful lament. Sp c̓qʷáqʷ cry.

c̓qʷskʷ   frost.

snc̓aʔqʷúskʷ   Morph: sn+c̓aʔqʷúskʷ ? frost on the window.

c̓q̓1   hit.

c̓q̓nt   Morph: c̓q̓+nt. to hit s.t. or s.o. with a solid object; to hammer.


cc̓q̓st   Morph: c+c̓q̓+st. to hit s.t.


c̓q̓am   Morph: cq̓a+m. to hit s.t.


c̓q̓aq̓   Morph: c̓q̓•aq̓. to be hit with a solid object.

c̓q̓q̓nunt   Morph: c̓q̓•q̓+nu+nt. to manage to hit s.t.; hit s.o. or s.t. accidentally.


c̓q̓mint   Morph: c̓q̓+mi(+nt). to throw s.t. at s.t.


ɬc̓q̓mint   Morph: ɬ+c̓q̓+mi+nt. to throw s.t. back.


c̓q̓miɬt   Morph: c̓q̓+mi+ɬt. to throw s.t. at s.t.


c̓q̓mntuɬt   Morph: c̓q̓+m+ntuɬt. to throw s.t. at s.t.


ɬc̓q̓mint   Morph: ɬ+c̓q̓+mi+nt. to throw s.t. back.


c̓aʔq̓minm   Morph: c̓aʔq̓+min+m. to play catch; to play horseshoe. Lit: to throw


c̓q̓nwixʷ   Morph: cq̓+nwixʷ. to hit each other.

c̓q̓q̓mnwixʷ   Morph: c̓q̓•q̓mn+wixʷ. to throw hits at one another.

c̓q̓ikstmnt   Morph: c̓q̓ikst+m+nt. to throw rock-like things at s.o.


c̓q̓c̓aʔq̓íkstm   Morph: c̓q̓•c̓aʔq̓íkst+m. to throw such things as rocks.


c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: c̓q̓íɬc̓aʔ+nt. to throw s.t. at s.o.; to hit s.o. on the body.


c̓q̓mnkin̓xt   Morph: c̓q̓+mnkin̓+xt. to throw a pack down.


c̓q̓mnkin̓m   Morph: c̓q̓+mnkin̓+m. to throw a pack down.


c̓q̓apqnt   Morph: c̓q̓a+pq(+nt). to hit s.o. on the head.


c̓q̓iln   Morph: c̓q̓iln. arrow; bow and arrow; cartridge; bullet.

c̓q̓il̕n   Morph: c̓q̓il̕n. an arrow.

c̓aq̓lnútyaʔ   Morph: c̓aq̓lnútyaʔ. bow and arrow.

sc̓q̓islp̓   Morph: s+c̓q̓islp̓. a tree that has been hit by lightning.

kcq̓mníw̓snt   Morph: k+cq̓+mníw̓s+nt. to throw s.t. in the middle of s.t.


kc̓q̓mnkn̓iɬxʷnt   Morph: k+c̓q̓+mnkn̓iɬxʷ+nt. to throw s.t. or s.o. out of the house.


ɬkc̓q̓mnkn̓iɬxʷnt   Morph: ɬ+k+c̓q̓+mnkn̓iɬxʷ+nt. to throw s.t. back out.


ɬkc̓q̓mnkn̓iɬxʷ   Morph: ɬ+k+c̓q̓+mnkn̓iɬxʷ. to throw s.t. outside again.

k̓ɬc̓q̓mint   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓q̓+mi+nt. to throw s.t.


k̓ɬc̓q̓ax̌nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓q̓ax̌+nt. to hit s.o. under the arm.


k̓ɬcq̓cq̓ax̌nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+cq̓•cq̓ax̌+nt. to hit s.o. under the arm.


k̓ɬc̓q̓c̓q̓ax̌nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+cq̓•cq̓ax̌+nt. to hit s.o. under the arm.


k̓ɬnc̓q̓mnipnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+c̓q̓+mnip+nt. to rip out the door.


nc̓q̓q̓   Morph: n+cq̓•q̓. to hit s.t.

nc̓aʔq̓ikst   Morph: n+c̓a[ʔ]q̓ikst. to throw an object.

nc̓aʔq̓ítkʷ   Morph: nc̓aʔq̓ítkʷ. to throw s.t. in the water.

nc̓c̓q̓ipm   Morph: n+c̓•c̓q̓ipm. to crack nuts.


nc̓q̓aqsnt   Morph: n+c̓q̓aqs+nt. to hit the tip of s.t.; to hit s.t. on the head; hammer s.t.


nc̓c̓q̓qin   Morph: n+c̓•c̓q̓qin. a hammer.

nc̓q̓qintn   Morph: n+c̓q̓qin+tn. sledge hammer.

nc̓c̓q̓qintn   Morph: n+c̓•c̓q̓qin+tn. a hammer.

nc̓q̓aw̓sqnt   Morph: n+c̓q̓aw̓sq+nt. to hit s.o. on top of the head.


nc̓q̓laʔxʷmíst   Morph: n+c̓q̓laʔxʷ+míst. to hit the ground with force; to jump forcefully; to dig in hard; to squirm around; to flail.

nc̓q̓q̓úlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+c̓q̓•q̓úlaʔxʷ. s.t. hits the ground hard; s.t. falls on the ground with a thud.

nc̓q̓úlaʔxʷmnt   Morph: n+c̓q̓úlaʔxʷ+m+nt. to hit s.t. or s.o. to the ground.


nc̓q̓q̓itkʷ   Morph: nc̓q̓•q̓itkʷ. to (fall and) hit the water.

nc̓q̓mint   Morph: n+c̓q̓+mi+nt. to throw s.t. or s.o. into s.t.


nc̓q̓mniɬxʷ   Morph: n+c̓q̓+mniɬxʷ. to throw s.t. out of the house.

nc̓q̓mnitkʷnt   Morph: nc̓q̓+mnitkʷ+nt. to throw s.t. in the water.


nc̓q̓mnilsnt   Morph: n+c̓q̓+mnils+nt. to throw thoughts; to do s.t. by wishing; a thought of s.o. comes to one; to give s.o. a good thought.


snc̓q̓mnilsm   Morph: s+n+c̓q̓+mnils+m. throwing thoughts.


txʷɬc̓q̓iln   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+c̓q̓iln. to obtain arrows.

taʔxʷɬc̓q̓íln   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+c̓q̓íln. to get arrow(s), to obtain arrow(s).

k̓ʷl̕ɬc̓q̓iln   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+c̓qiln. to make arrow(s). Sp c̓aq̓ throw, strike, struck by lightening; Cm c̓q̓al̕n arrow, bullet; Sh cq̓-em to throw, to hit; Th √c̓əq̓ throw-hit; Li c̓aq̓ to throw ... to hit s.o. with s.t. thrown. See: cq̓1.

c̓q̓2   flail.

c̓aʔq̓mnúsm   Morph: c̓aʔq̓+mnus+m. to shake one's head.


c̓q̓mist   Morph: c̓q̓+mist. to jerk away; to have a start; to recoil; to start back (said of the apparent movement of the sun after the solstice); half moon.

nc̓q̓c̓q̓mist   Morph: n+cq̓•cq̓+mist. to squirm around; to flail.

c̓q̓3   fir.

c̓q̓iɬp   Morph: c̓q̓iɬp. fir tree; Douglas fir. Sp c̓q̓éɬp; Cm c̓q̓‑aɬp; Sh cq̓-eɬp fir, tree; Th c̓q̓áɬp Douglas fir; Li c̓q̓-aɬp Douglas fir.

c̓q̓4   excuse.

kc̓q̓místn   Morph: k+c̓q̓+míst+n. an excuse.

snkcq̓mistn   Morph: s+n+k+cq̓+mist+n. an excuse.

snkc̓q̓mistn   Morph: s+n+k+c̓q̓+mist+n. an excuse.

c̓q̓5   c̓q̓lnasq̓t (man's name).

c̓q̓lnasq̓t   Morph: c̓q̓lnásq̓t. c̓q̓lnasq̓t (man's name).

c̓q̓6   rabies.

skc̓aʔq̓q̓mán̓qn   Morph: s+k+c̓aʔq̓•q̓+mán̓qn ? rabies.

c̓q̓7   rip.

k̓ɬnc̓q̓mnipnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+c̓q̓+mnip+nt. to rip out a door.


c̓q̓ʷ1   skin; butcher.

c̓iq̓ʷ   Morph: c̓iq̓ʷ. to skin; to butcher. Cm c̓iq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you skin s.t. with a knife [animal]; Cr c̓eqʷ butcher. See: c̓qʷ1.

c̓q̓ʷ2   point.

c̓aq̓ʷnt   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ+nt. to point s.t. out.


cc̓aq̓ʷst   Morph: c+c̓aq̓ʷ+st. point to s.t.


c̓aq̓ʷstúɬt   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ+stúɬt. to point s.t. out for s.o.


c̓aq̓ʷm   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ+m. point at s.t.; point to s.t.


caq̓ʷq̓ʷ   Morph: caq̓ʷ•q̓ʷ. s.t. pointed at.

c̓aq̓ʷmn   Morph: c̓áq̓ʷmn. index finger; pointing finger.

c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ   Morph: c̓áq̓ʷmaʔ. index finger; pointing finger.

c̓aq̓ʷsnt   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷs+nt. to point to s.t. or s.o.


c̓áq̓ʷlaʔxʷm   Morph: c̓áq̓ʷlaʔxʷ+m. to point the way; to point to a place.

c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ   Morph: c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ. index finger; pointing finger. Sp c̓oq̓ʷ to point at; s-c̓óq̓ʷ-mn first finger; Cm c̓uq̓ʷ‑m to point at; c̓uq̓ʷmn index finger; also c̓úq̓ʷmaʔ; see Cr c̓uq̓ʷn pronounce ...; Th √c̓əq̓ʷ mark, draw, write.

c̓q̓ʷ3   wire brush.

c̓aq̓ʷc̓q̓ʷɬp   Morph: c̓aq̓ʷ•c̓q̓ʷɬp. wire bush or brush.

c̓q̓ʷ4   greasewood.

c̓q̓ʷasq̓l̕stn   Morph: c̓q̓ʷasq̓l̕s+tn. greasewood.

c̓q̓ʷ5   c̓q̓ʷmnasxn (place name).

c̓q̓ʷmnasxn   Morph: c̓q̓ʷ+mnasxn. c̓q̓ʷmnasxn: Eagle Rock.

c̓q̓ʷ6   stick in.

nc̓aq̓ʷnt   Morph: n+c̓aq̓ʷ+nt. to stick s.t. in.


c̓q̓ʷ7   ?

snx̌ʷc̓c̓q̓ʷínaʔ   Morph: s+n+x̌ʷc̓+c̓q̓ʷínaʔ. inside cover. Ques: unclear form and analysis

c̓q̓ʷy̓   customer.

sc̓uq̓ʷy̓   Morph: s+c̓uq̓ʷy̓. a customer; an acquaintance.

ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔsc̓úq̓ʷy̓   Morph: ƛ̓aʔ•ƛ̓aʔ+s+c̓úq̓ʷy̓. to look for customers.

taʔxʷsc̓úq̓ʷiʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+c̓úq̓ʷy̓. to have a dealer, a trading partner.

c̓r1   ache.

c̓ar   Morph: c̓ar. ache, hurt; painful.

nc̓aʔrínk   Morph: n+c̓aʔrínk. to have a stomach ache; to have diarrhea.

nc̓aʔc̓aʔrínk   Morph: n+c̓aʔ•c̓aʔrínk. to have a stomach ache; to have diarrhea.

snc̓aʔrínk   Morph: s+n+c̓aʔrínk. diarrhea; stomach ache.

nc̓aʔrínaʔ   Morph: n+c̓aʔrínaʔ. to have an ear ache.

nc̓aʔrqín   Morph: n+c̓aʔrqín. to have a headache. Sp √c̓er (c̓al) ache, hurt;; hec-n-c̓eʔrénč-i he has a stomach ache; Cm c̓ər, c̓aʔar ache, hurt; c̓or salt, sour; Cr s+niʔ+c̓áʔ+c̓ar̓enč pains (intestinal...); a+n+c̓órkʷeʔ salt water; Sh c̓ʔal to hurt, smart, throb; Th √c̓úḷ̕ sour; Li √c̓ụḷ̕ sour, bitter.

c̓r2   sour.

c̓ar   Morph: c̓ar. sour, salty.

c̓art   Morph: c̓ar+t. to be salty.

kc̓rc̓rus   Morph: k+c̓r•c̓rus. tomato; pie cherries.

kc̓r̓c̓r̓ikst   Morph: k+c̓r̓•c̓r̓ikst. sourgrass.

kc̓r̓c̓r̓íkaʔst   Morph: k+c̓r̓•c̓r̓íkaʔst. sourgrass. Lit: sour-tasting little leaves

nc̓ritkʷ   Morph: nc̓ritkʷ. sour liquid; salt water. See Sp √c̓er (c̓al) ache, hurt; Cr a+n+c̓órkʷeʔ salt water.

nc̓rc̓rítaʔkʷ   Morph: nc̓r•c̓rítaʔkʷ. soda pop.

nc̓c̓rc̓rítaʔkʷ   Morph: nc̓•c̓r•c̓rítaʔkʷ. a sour drink; soda pop.

nc̓urkʷ   Morph: nc̓urkʷ. a liquid sours. Sp √c̓ur (c̓ol) salty, sour, tart; s-c̓írus golden currant; c̓rc̓úr they are salty, they are sour; Cm c̓ər be sour (food); salty; Cr √c̓r c̓or salt, sour; Sh c̓al-t bitter, saour, salty; Th √c̓áḷ salt; Li √c̓ụḷ̕ sour, bitter (esp. berries).

c̓r3   squeaky.

nc̓irqn   Morph: n+c̓irqn. a squeaky voice.

nc̓irc̓rcn   Morph: n+c̓ir•c̓rcn. a squeaky or screechy voice.

c̓r4   currant.

sc̓írus   Morph: s+c̓írus. golden currant. Sp √c̓ir (c̓al) s-c̓írus golden currant. See: sc̓irws.

c̓r5   Kingfisher’s sound. Morph: c̓r.

c̓ar   Morph: c̓ar. a vocalization (the sound made by Kingfisher). See: c̓rs.

c̓rm   sc̓c̓aʔrímqn (man’s name).

sc̓c̓aʔrímqn   Morph: s+c̓+c̓aʔrímqn. sc̓c̓aʔrímqn (Bill Qualtier).

c̓rs1   kingfisher.

c̓ris   Morph: c̓ris. Kingfisher; c̓ris: Ward Mission. Lit: kingfisher

sc̓rsíɬaʔxʷ   Morph: s+c̓rsíɬaʔx. Fisher's little house; sc̓rsíɬaʔxʷ: Oroville.

sc̓r̓síɬaʔxʷ   Morph: s+c̓r̓síɬaʔxʷ. Fisher's little house.

nc̓c̓r̓ism   Morph: n+c̓•c̓r̓is+m. nc̓c̓r̓ism: place name. Sp c̓rís (c̓alís) kingfisher (bird); Cm c̓rís kingfisher; Cr c̓alus kingfish, kingfisher (bird); Sh c̓las kingfisher; Th c̓lə̣́s belted kingfisher; Li c̓ə̣ḷs kingfisher. See: c̓r3.

c̓rs2   Oregon grape.

sc̓ars   Morph: s+c̓ars. tall Oregon grape berrie.

sc̓ris   Morph: s+c̓ris. tall Oregon grape berries.

sc̓rsiɬmlx   Morph: s+c̓rsiɬmlx. tall Oregon grape.

sc̓rsiɬp   Morph: s+c̓rsiɬp. tall Oregon grape. Sp s-c̓áls (Ka) oregon grape; Cm c̓rsaɬp gooseberry bush; Sh sc̓al̕s Oregon grape (the fruit); Th s/c̓ol̕seʔ tall Oregon grape berries...

sc̓arsíɬml̕x   Morph: s+c̓rsiɬml̕x. Oregon grape bush.

c̓r̓   tease.

c̓rc̓ir̓kstm   Morph: c̓r•c̓ir̓kst+m. to tease s.o.


c̓r̓c̓ír̓kstmnt   Morph: c̓r̓•c̓ír̓kst+m+nt. to tease s.o.


c̓r̓m   c̓c̓r̓imqn (man's name).

c̓c̓r̓imqn   Morph: c̓•c̓r̓imqn. c̓c̓r̓imqn (man's name).

c̓s1   glean; cull.

c̓asnt   Morph: c̓as+nt. to pick s.t.


c̓aʔsnt   Morph: c̓aʔs+nt. to pick s.t.


c̓asám, c̓asám̓   Morph: c̓asá+m̓. to glean, cull; to pick up things as birds do; to salvage stuff; to pick up old junk.


c̓sap   Morph: c̓sa+p. to be gone; to be finished.

scc̓ac̓ás   Morph: sc+c̓[a]•c̓ás. s.t. of little value picked up or gleaned.

c̓scin   Morph: c̓scin. what is left after the harvest.

c̓aʔscín̓   Morph: c̓aʔscín̓. to glean (a crop, food).

sc̓aʔscin̓   Morph: s+c̓aʔscin̓. gleaning.

c̓aʔsúlaʔxʷm   Morph: c̓aʔsúlaʔxʷ+m. to clear the land.

scc̓asúlaʔxʷ   Morph: sc+c̓asúlaʔxʷ. s.t. picked off the ground.

ɬc̓sap   Morph: ɬ+c̓sa+p. to be gone again.

c̓spnunt   Morph: c̓s+p+nu+nt. to rid of s.t.; to manage to finish (off) s.t.; to manage to obliterate s.t.


c̓spcin   Morph: c̓s+pcin. to run out of food.

c̓slxʷncut   Morph: c̓slxʷ+ncut. to strip;to take one's clothes off.

c̓spilt   Morph: c̓s+pilt. (to have) no more children.

c̓spísk̓it   Morph: c̓s+písk̓it. to be breathless; to be out of breath.

c̓spqniʔ   Morph: c̓s+pqn+iʔ. to use up one's bullets.

c̓spsqáx̌aʔ   Morph: c̓s+psqáx̌aʔ. an animal dies; the stock is gone (dies).

c̓spɬkʷukʷús   Morph: c̓s+p+ɬ+kʷu•kʷús. to run out of bacon; to have no more bacon.

c̓spsɬíqʷ   Morph: c̓s+p+s+ɬiqʷ. to run out of meat.

c̓spsqlaw   Morph: c̓s+p+s+qlaw. to run out of money; to have no money.

c̓spst̓ík̓l   Morph: c̓s+p+s+t̓ík̓l. to run out of grub.

k̓ɬc̓sap   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓sa+p. s.t. is finished, no longer available or wanted; to miss out on s.t.

k̓ɬc̓spst   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓s+p+st. to finish s.t., to destroy s.t. or s.o.


c̓spɬkʷukʷús   Morph: c̓s+p+ɬ+kʷu•kʷús. to run out of bacon; to have no more bacon.

kc̓salxʷnt   Morph: k+c̓salxʷ+nt. to strip (of clothes).


kc̓spus   Morph: k+c̓s+pus. the fire dies down. Sp c̓s-íp it's all gone; č-c̓slxʷ-n-cút he took his clothes off; Cr c̓es+p gone (It is all...).

snc̓aʔsmín   Morph: sn+c̓aʔs+mín. a place to gather things from; a city dump.

nc̓sap   Morph: nc̓sa+p. a container is empty; liquid has finished.

nc̓spcin   Morph: n+c̓s+pcin. to be out of food.

nc̓spinknt   Morph: n+c̓s+pink+nt. to clean the insides of s.t.


nc̓spitkʷ   Morph: nc̓s+pitkʷ. a liquid is gone; to disappear in the water.

nc̓spnun   Morph: n+c̓s+p+nun. to manage to finish s.t.

nc̓spúlaʔxʷnt   Morph: n+c̓s+púlaʔxʷ+nt. to die, to go to nothing; to perish; to kill.


nc̓spúlaʔxʷst   Morph: n+c̓s+púlaʔxʷ+st. to finish off.


nc̓spúlaʔxʷɬt   Morph: n+c̓s+púlaʔxʷ+ɬt. to finish off.

Tstem. Sp sxʷ-c̓s-ím one who picks up discarded items; Cm c̓əsnt‑xʷ you pick things up; Cr c̓es collect (by picking), salvage; Th √c̓əs cull.

c̓s2   cigarette butt.

nc̓spípnaʔ   Morph: n+c̓s+pípnaʔ. cigarette butt.

c̓s3   insult.

c̓skstmaɬq   Morph: c̓skst+maɬq. to insult s.o. Category: Conf.

c̓s4   seek a mate.

nc̓sc̓slaʔxʷsxíst   Morph: n+c̓s•c̓slaʔxʷ+sxíst. to seek a mate.

c̓sk   chickadee.

c̓skáʕknaʔ   Morph: c̓sk•áʕknaʔ ? chickadee. See: c̓sq.

c̓sln   c̓islín (place name).

c̓islín   Morph: c̓islín. c̓islín: unidentified place name; :c̓islín Mountain.

c̓sq   chickadee.

c̓sqáʕqnaʔ   Morph: c̓sq•áʕqnaʔ. chickadee.

haɬc̓sqáqnaʔ   Morph: haɬc̓sq•áqnaʔ. the Chickadee group. Sp c̓sqáqneʔ chickadee; Cm c̓asqánanaʔ. See: c̓sk.

c̓sy   head.

c̓asyqn   Morph: c̓asyqn. a head.

c̓sc̓asy̓qn   Morph: c̓s•c̓asy̓qn. √c̓sy̓; heads.

c̓w1   clean, wash.

c̓aʕw̓   Morph: c̓aʕw̓. to be clean.

c̓iw̓st   Morph: c̓iw̓+st. to wash oneself.


c̓w̓c̓iwxnt   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓iwx+nt. to wash feet.


c̓awlxíltnt   Morph: c̓aw+lxílt+nt. to wash or bathe a baby.


c̓awlxíltm   Morph: c̓aw+lxílt+m. to wash a baby.


nc̓iw̓ɬt   Morph: nc̓iw̓+ɬt. to wash the dishes.


nc̓iwmn, nc̓iw̓mn   Morph: nc̓iw+mn. dish pan. Sp s-n-c̓éw̓-mn sink for dishes, pan for washing, dishwsher; Cm c̓aw̓-mn-tn dishpan.

nc̓ic̓w̓mn   Morph: n+c̓i•c̓w+mn. a dish pan; a dish cloth.

nc̓iwlps   Morph: nc̓iwlps. to wash one's neck.

nc̓iwɬxʷm   Morph: n+c̓íwɬxʷ+m. to have a house-warming party.


nc̓iw̓ɬxʷsm   Morph: nc̓iw̓ɬxʷs+m. to wash windows.


nc̓iwps   Morph: nc̓iwps. to wash one's bottom.

nc̓awqnm   Morph: nc̓awqn+m. to wash one's head.


ʔawskc̓awíw̓sm   Morph: ʔaw+s+k+c̓awíw̓s+m. to go wash. Sp c̓ew̓ wash; Cm c̓aw̓-m to wash; Cr c̓aw̓ boring, dry, soaked, washed out; Sh c̓ew-m to wash (body); Th √c̓éw̓ wash; Li c̓áw̓-xal to wash s.t. See: c̓w̓1; c̓ʕw.

c̓w2   put out.

c̓awt   Morph: c̓aw+t. to be extinguished (a fire).

c̓w3   foot.

sc̓wxan   Morph: s+c̓wxan. foot, feet, leg; shoe.

sc̓w̓xan, sc̓uʔxán   Morph: s+c̓w̓xan. hind leg (of an animal); foot; leg.

sc̓w̓c̓w̓xan   Morph: s+c̓w̓•c̓w̓xán. feet.

sc̓wc̓wxan   Morph: s+c̓w•c̓wxan. feet, legs.

sc̓w̓c̓w̓xan   Morph: s+c̓w̓•c̓w̓xan. feet; legs.

sc̓c̓w̓xan̓   Morph: s+c̓wxan. a little shoe, foot, leg.

tmsc̓wc̓wxan   Morph: tm+s+c̓w•c̓wxan. to have no feet. Sp s-c̓uʔšín foot; Cm s‑c̓uʔ-xn foot, lower leg.

c̓w4   mane.

skc̓iwlps   Morph: s+k+c̓iwlps. a mane. Sp s-č-c̓íwlps the horse's mane.

c̓wk   scald.

c̓wak   Morph: c̓wak. to get burned; to get scalded.

c̓wʔak   Morph: c̓w[ʔ]ak. to get burned, scalded.

c̓wc̓wak   Morph: c̓w•c̓wak. several burn.

c̓wkam   Morph: c̓wka+m. to scald.

c̓wkikst   Morph: c̓wkikst. to burn or scald one's hand.


c̓wkxan   Morph: c̓wkxan. to burn or scald one's foot.


kc̓wkaqstxn   Morph: k-c̓wkaqstxn. to burn one's (own) upper leg.


kc̓wkusnt   Morph: k+c̓wkus+nt. to burn s.o.'s eye.


kc̓wkusm   Morph: k+c̓wkus+m. burn s.o.'s eye.


c̓wn1   sockeye.

sc̓win   Morph: s+c̓win. early sockeye salmon; dried ntytyíx. Cm sc̓uw̓án̓ blue back sockeye; Th c̓əwén dried salmon; Li cáʔwin coho salmon.

c̓wn2   phlox.

skc̓wnus   Morph: s+k+c̓wnus. phlox.

c̓wnyt   Bigfoot.

sc̓wanáytm   Morph: s+c̓wanáyt+m. mythical monster that hypnotizes or immobilizes people, similar to slalqʷm; Bigfoot; Sasquatch. Sp s-c̓we-néy̓t-i giant, Big Foot, Sasqwatch; Cm sc̓wanáy̓təxʷ, sc̓w̓anáytəxʷ Stick Indian; Sh sc̓wney̓t-mx giant.

sc̓wanáytx   Morph: s-c̓wanáyt-x. sc̓wanáytx (man's name).

sc̓wanáytm q̓aʔxnílts   Morph: s+c̓wanáyt+m q̓aʔxnílts. mountain ladyslipper.

c̓wq   Morph: c̓wq. pull out; extract.

c̓w̓qnt   Morph: c̓w̓q+nt. to pull s.t. out.


c̓w̓qɬt   Morph: c̓w̓q+ɬt. to pull s.t. out.


c̓w̓aq   Morph: c̓w̓aq. to bore a hole.

c̓wqmst   Morph: c̓wq+m+st. to fall behind; to be left behind.


c̓w̓qam   Morph: c̓w̓qa+m. to fall behind.


c̓wqx̌nt   Morph: c̓wqax̌+nt. to pull something out of the arm.


c̓w̓qáyaʔqnt   Morph: c̓w̓qáyaʔq+nt. to pull something out of the top of the head.


c̓wqíc̓aʔnt   Morph: c̓wqíc̓aʔ+nt. to pull something out of a flat cover (as a blanket).


c̓wqinknt   Morph: c̓wqink+nt. to pull something out of the stomach.


c̓w̓qqinxnt   Morph: c̓w̓qqinx+nt. to pull s.t. out of the knee.


c̓wqiw̓snt   Morph: c̓wqiw̓s+nt. to cut (playing) cards.


c̓wqiw̓sm   Morph: c̓wqiw̓s+m. to cut the cards.


kc̓w̓qnt   Morph: k+c̓w̓q+nt. to pull s.t. out.


kc̓w̓qalqʷnt   Morph: k+c̓w̓qalqʷ+nt. to pull s.t. out of a cylindrical object.


kc̓w̓qisxnt   Morph: k+c̓w̓qisx+nt. to pull s.t. out of the forehead or hair.


kc̓wqusnt   Morph: k+c̓wqus+nt. to pull s.t. out of the eye(s).


kɬc̓wqilxʷnt   Morph: kɬ+c̓wqilxʷ+nt. to pull s.t. out of the fur or outer body layer.

Tstem. Sp √c̓w̓áq pull out; Cr c̓aw̓q extract, pull out (a solid object); Th /c̓iwq̓ tear small.

nc̓wqaɬq̓ʷltnt   Morph: n+c̓wqaɬq̓ʷlt+nt. to pull out of the mouth.


nc̓wqúlaʔxʷm   Morph: n+c̓wqúlaʔxʷ+m. to pull s.t. out of the ground.


nc̓wqínaʔnt   Morph: n+c̓wqínaʔ+nt. to pull s.t. out of the ear.


nc̓wqipnt   Morph: n+c̓wqip+nt. to uproot s.t.; to pull s.t. at the base.


nc̓wqupsnt   Morph: n+c̓wqups+nt. to pull s.t. out of the rear.


nc̓wqaqsnt   Morph: n+c̓wqaqs+nt. to pull s.t. out of the nose.


nc̓wqusnt   Morph: n+c̓wqus+nt. to pull s.t. out of the fire.


nc̓wqitkʷnt   Morph: n+c̓wqitkʷ+nt. to pull s.t. out of the water.


nc̓wqiysnt   Morph: n+c̓wqiys+nt. to extract a tooth.


nc̓wqiysm   Morph: n+c̓wqiys+m. extract a tooth.


nc̓aw̓qc̓áw̓q   Morph: nc̓aw̓q•c̓áw̓q. Place name. Lit: water going back and forth See: nc̓wqaɬq̓ʷlt; nc̓wqaqs; nc̓wqínaʔ; nc̓wqip; nc̓wqitkʷ; nc̓wqiys; nc̓wqúlaʔxʷm; nc̓wqups. Sp c̓w̓áq pull out ... nc̓oʔwép-iš take the cork out of the bottle (sg)!; Cr c̓aw̓q extract, pull out (a solid object) ... to extract a solid object (as nail out of board).

c̓w̓1   wash.

c̓iw̓nt   Morph: c̓iw̓+nt. to wash s.t.


c̓iw̓m   Morph: c̓iw̓+m. to wash.


snc̓iw̓m   Morph: s+nc̓iw̓+m. dish washing.

c̓w̓c̓iw̓xn   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓iw̓xn. to wash one's feet.


c̓w̓c̓iw̓xnt   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓iw̓x+nt. to wash one's feet.


c̓w̓c̓iw̓xnm   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓iw̓xn+m. to wash feet.


sc̓w̓iw̓stn   Morph: s+c̓w̓iw̓s+tn. towel.

kc̓aw̓íw̓snt   Morph: k+c̓aw̓íw̓s+nt. to wash one's face.


kc̓aw̓íw̓sm   Morph: k+c̓aw̓íw̓s+m. to wash one’s face.


kc̓aw̓íw̓snúnt   Morph: k+c̓aw̓íw̓s+nú+nt. to manage to wash s.o.; to wash s.o. accidentally.


kc̓w̓iw̓stn   Morph: k+c̓w̓iw̓s+tn. soap.

kc̓aw̓íw̓stn   Morph: k+c̓aw̓íw̓s+tn. (face) soap.

kc̓íw̓c̓aʔnt   Morph: k+c̓íw̓c̓aʔ+nt. to wash a body.


kc̓iw̓kst   Morph: k+c̓iw̓kst. to wash one's hands.


kc̓iw̓qn   Morph: k+c̓iw̓qn. to wash one's head.


kc̓iw̓sxnt   Morph: k+c̓iw̓sx+nt. to wash small round objects (e.g. potatoes).


kc̓w̓c̓iw̓kst   Morph: k+c̓w̓•c̓iw̓kst. to wash s.o.'s hands.


kc̓w̓c̓iw̓qn   Morph: k+c̓w̓•c̓iw̓qn. to wash one's head.


kc̓w̓iw̓s   Morph: k+c̓w̓•iw̓s. too wash one's eye(s).


skc̓w̓c̓iw̓sm   Morph: s+k+c̓w̓•c̓iw̓s+m. washing one's eyes.


kɬc̓iw̓nt   Morph: kɬ+c̓iw̓+nt. to wash, scrub s.t.


ckɬc̓iw̓st   Morph: kɬ+c̓iw̓+st. to wash, scrub s.t.


kɬc̓iw̓lp   Morph: kɬ+c̓iw̓lp. to wash, scrub the floor.


kɬc̓iw̓lpm   Morph: kɬ+c̓iw̓lp+m. to wash, scrub the floor.


scnc̓iw̓m   Morph: s+c+n+c̓iw̓+m. a bowl.

snkc̓w̓iw̓stn   Morph: s+n+k+c̓w̓iw̓s+tn. wash basin.

snkc̓awíw̓stn   Morph: s+n+k+c̓awíw̓s+tn. wash basin.

nc̓w̓c̓iw̓snt   Morph: n+c̓w̓•c̓iw̓s+nt. to wash s.t.


nc̓w̓siɬxʷtn   Morph: nc̓w̓siɬxʷ+tn. a wash rag.

sxʷnc̓iw̓m   Morph: sxʷn+c̓iw̓+m. dishwasher; one who washes dishes.

snc̓ic̓w̓ksn   Morph: s+n+c̓i•c̓w̓ks+n ? snc̓ic̓w̓ksn: place name. Lit: little hand-washing basin

ɬʔawsnc̓íw̓m   Morph: ɬ+ʔaw+s+n+c̓íw̓+m. to go back to wash dishes. Sp c̓éw̓s-m he washed his face; c̓ew̓s-tn face soap; Cm c̓aw̓‑s‑m to wash one’s face; Cr c̓áw̓s+m washed (He...his face); Sh c̓ew-m to wash (body); Th c̓éw̓ wash; Li c̓áw̓-xal to wash s.t. See: c̓w1; c̓ʕw.

c̓w̓2   bear song.

c̓w̓mist   Morph: c̓w̓+mist. to sing the bear song (upon killing one).

c̓w̓3   underbrush.

nsc̓ic̓w̓, nsc̓íc̓uʔ   Morph: n+s+c̓í•c̓w̓. brush; underbrush.

c̓x   shame.

c̓ixc̓xt   Morph: c̓ix•c̓xt. to be ashamed.

c̓ʔax   Morph: c̓[ʔ]ax. to get ashamed.

sc̓ʔax   Morph: s+c̓[ʔ]ax. one's shame.

c̓aʔxmínt   Morph: c̓aʔx+mí+nt. to be ashamed of s.t. or s.o.


c̓aʔxmínm   Morph: c̓aʔx+mín+m. ashamed of s.t.


cc̓aʔxmíst   Morph: c+c̓aʔx+mí+st. to be ashamed of s.t.


cc̓aʔxstím   Morph: c+c̓aʔx+st+ím. emabarrassing s.o.


c̓aʔc̓aʔx   Morph: c̓aʔ•c̓aʔx. several are bashful.

c̓aʔc̓aʔxúɬ   Morph: c̓aʔ•c̓aʔx+úɬ. to be shy or easily embarrassed. See: c̓aʔxmí(n); c̓ʔax; c̓xmscut; sc̓ʔax; nc̓xc̓ix.

c̓xmscut   Morph: c̓x+mscut. to be embarrassed, ashamed.


kc̓aʔxqín   Morph: k+c̓a[ʔ]xqín. to become ashamed.


nc̓ixc̓xls   Morph: n+c̓ix•c̓xls. to be shameful.


nc̓xc̓ixnt   Morph: n+c̓x•c̓ix+nt. to get s.o. embarassed.

Tstem. Sp √c̓eš bashful, shy, embarrassed; Cm c̓aʔx be bashful, shy, ashamed; c̓a‑c̓aʔx‑t be ashamed; Sh √c̓ex ashamed; Th √c̓éx(ʔ) shame; Li √c̓ax shame.

c̓xt   brother-in-law.

c̓ixt   Morph: c̓ixt. man's sister's husband.

sc̓ixt   Morph: s+c̓ixt. man's sister's husband; brother-in-law.

ɬɬsc̓ixt   Morph: ɬɬ+s+c̓ixt. brothers-in-law.

c̓xtiw̓s   Morph: c̓xtiw̓s. to be sisters- and brothers-in-law; two men, one of whom is married to the other's sister.

haɬsc̓íxt   Morph: haɬs+c̓íxt. two or more brothers-in-law (two or more brothers of a man's wife). Sp s-c̓éšt brother-in-law (man's); Cm sc̓axt male’s sister’s husband; wife’s brother; Cr s+c̓išt brother-in-law; Sh s-c̓ext wife's brother; man's sister's husband; Li s.c̓axt man's brother-in-law.

c̓xʷ1   pour a liquid.

c̓xʷnt   Morph: c̓xʷ+nt. to pour, spill a liquid.


c̓xʷaxʷ   Morph: c̓xʷ•axʷ. spilled, poured, drained liquid.


c̓xʷintn   Morph: c̓xʷi+n+tn. a container (to pour liquid in).

c̓xʷmint   Morph: c̓xʷ+mi+nt. to pour or spill a liquid.


c̓xʷminm   Morph: c̓xʷ+min+m. spill s.t.


c̓xʷxʷasq̓t   Morph: c̓xʷ•xʷasq̓t. rain pours.

c̓xʷlaʔxʷáw̓s   Morph: c̓xʷlaʔxʷáw̓s. Place name.

kc̓xʷínaʔnt   Morph: k+c̓xʷínaʔ+nt. to pour s.t. on s.t.


kc̓xʷínaʔɬt   Morph: k+c̓xʷínaʔ+ɬt. to pour s.t. on s.t.


nc̓xʷnt   Morph: n+c̓xʷ+nt. to fill s.t. with a liquid; to pour a liquid into s.t.


nc̓xʷxit   Morph: n+c̓xʷ+xit. pour in.


snc̓xʷam   Morph: s+n+c̓xʷa+m. pouring in.


nc̓xʷaxʷ   Morph: nc̓xʷ•axʷ. to leak.

nc̓xʷilsxn   Morph: nc̓xʷilsxn. to baptize.

nc̓xʷintn   Morph: nc̓xʷi+n+tn. enema.

nc̓xʷiwl   Morph: nc̓xʷiwl. to fill a car (with gasoline).

nc̓xʷxʷiwl   Morph: nc̓xʷ•xʷiwl. a canoe leaks.

nc̓xʷiwltn   Morph: nc̓xʷiwl+tn. gasoline.

snc̓xʷiwltn   Morph: sn+c̓xʷiwl+tn. a gas station.

nc̓xʷxʷaɬq̓ʷlt   Morph: nc̓xʷ•xʷaɬq̓ʷlt. to spill or pour s.t. in the mouth.

nc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔm   Morph: n+c̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ+m. to make hot cakes or pancakes.

snc̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: s+n+c̓aʔxʷíɬc̓aʔ. hot cakes or pancakes.

k̓ɬc̓aʔxʷám   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓aʔxʷá+m. to make pancakes.


k̓ɬc̓xʷipnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓xʷip+nt. to pour s.t. on s.t.

Tstem. Cm c̓xʷ‑nt‑xʷ you pour s.t. out [liquid]; c̓xʷ‑xʷ to become spilled. See Cr hn+c̓éxʷ+t channel, creek, stream. See: c̓xʷʔ.

c̓xʷ2   quilt.

c̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: c̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ. a quilt.

c̓xʷ3   osprey.

c̓ixʷcxʷ   Morph: c̓ixʷ•cxʷ. osprey; fishhawk. Sp c̓íxʷc̓xʷ fish hawk, osprey; Cm c̓íxʷc̓ixʷ osprey.

c̓xʷ4   ?

kc̓xʷilsm   Morph: k+c̓xʷils+m. ?

c̓xʷʔ   sap.

c̓íxʷiʔ   Morph: c̓íxʷiʔ. tree sap; a substance that covers s.t. Sp s-c̓éxʷ-iʔ pine tree cambium (the substance between the bark and the tree, once considered a delicacy). See: c̓xʷ1.

c̓x̌   fry.

c̓ix̌   Morph: c̓ix̌. to fry s.t.

c̓ix̌nt   Morph: c̓ix̌+nt. to fry s.t.


cix̌ɬt   Morph: cix̌+ɬt. to fry for s.o.


nc̓ix̌   Morph: nc̓ix̌. to fry s.t.


nc̓ix̌nt   Morph: n+c̓ix̌+nt. to fry s.t.


nc̓ix̌ɬt   Morph: n+c̓ix̌+ɬt. to fry s.t.


sncix̌m   Morph: s+n+cix̌+m. frying s.t.


snc̓aʔc̓íx̌laʔxʷ   Morph: s+n+c̓aʔ•c̓íx̌laʔxʷ. fried bread. Sp √c̓ax̌ fried; Cm na-c̓ix̌-nt-xʷ you fry s.t.; Cr qr:c̓ax̌ fry; Th √c̓íx̌ sear.

c̓x̌l   mink.

c̓x̌licn, c̓x̌l̕icn̓   Morph: c̓x̌licn. mink. Sp c̓x̌lécn mink; Cr c̓ax̌yúʔc̓ən mink (Reichard Stem-list); Sh c̓əx̌lecn mink.

c̓x̌ʕ   squirt.

c̓x̌aʕm   Morph: c̓x̌aʕ+m. to squirt. Category: Conf.

c̓x̌ʔl   c̓x̌íʔla (woman's name).

c̓x̌íʔla   Morph: c̓x̌íʔla. c̓x̌íʔla (woman's name).

c̓x̌ʷ1   promise.

c̓ax̌ʷ   Morph: c̓ax̌ʷ. a promise.

c̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+nt. promise s.t.


cc̓x̌ʷst   Morph: c+c̓x̌ʷ+st. discipline s.o.


c̓x̌ʷɬt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+ɬt. promise s.t.


c̓x̌ʷxit   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+xit. promised s.o.


c̓x̌ʷam   Morph: c̓x̌ʷa+m. promise s.t.


sc̓x̌ʷam   Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷa+m. instructing s.o.


c̓x̌ʷxitm   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+xit+m. promise.


ɬc̓x̌ʷ   Morph: ɬ+c̓x̌ʷ. to instruct again.

c̓x̌ʷ(a)   Morph: cx̌ʷ. to promise; to preach; to correct; to instruct; to lecture.

c̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. teachings; what one is taught; scolding; one is scolded, disciplined.

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+nt. to instruct; to discipline; to preach.


cc̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷst   Morph: c+c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+st. discipline s.o.


c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷɬt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+ɬt. discipline s.o.


c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷam   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷa+m. instruct s.o.


c̓x̌ʷxixmnt   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+xix+m+nt. promise to s.o.


c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. s.o. has been lectured, disciplined.

sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. teachings.

sc̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷam   Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷá+m. instruction.

c̓x̌ʷnwixʷ   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+nwixʷ. to agree.

sc̓x̌ʷxtwixʷ   Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ+xt+wixʷ. arrangement; bargain.

sc̓x̌ʷx̌ʷikst   Morph: s+c̓x̌ʷ•x̌ʷikst. instructions; preachings.

snc̓x̌ʷx̌ʷikst   Morph: s+n+c̓x̌ʷ•x̌ʷikst. what was promised.

c̓x̌ʷtwixʷ   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+twixʷ. to have an appointment; to have a date; to tell one another.

c̓x̌ʷxixm   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ+xix+m. to promise s.t. away.

c̓x̌ʷasq̓t   Morph: c̓x̌ʷasq̓t. the appointed day.

c̓x̌ʷasq̓tm   Morph: c̓x̌ʷasq̓t+m. to appoint or set a day.

c̓x̌ʷiltm   Morph: cx̌ʷilt+m. to instruct a child; to discipline a child; to lecture a child.

c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷiltm   Morph: c̓x̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷilt+m. to lecture a child; to instruct a child.

c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷ. to show the country; to give directions.

kc̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: k+c̓x̌ʷ+nt. to make it a point to talk to s.o.; to intend to talk to s.o.


kc̓ax̌ʷ   Morph: k+c̓ax̌ʷ. to do s.t. willfully; to do s.t. on purpose.

skc̓ax̌ʷ   Morph: s+k+c̓ax̌ʷ. to be one's fault. Sp s-č-c̓óx̌ʷ-s he did it purposely.

kc̓x̌ʷíplaʔnt   Morph: k+c̓x̌ʷíplaʔ+nt. to judge; to sentence s.o.; to determine; to order.


kc̓x̌ʷíplaʔɬt   Morph: k+c̓x̌ʷíplaʔ+ɬt. intend s.t. for s.o.


kc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm   Morph: k+c̓x̌ʷíplaʔ+m. judge s.o.


kc̓x̌ʷx̌ʷíplaʔ   Morph: k+c̓x̌ʷ•x̌ʷíplaʔ. to be sentenced.

nc̓x̌ʷiltn   Morph: n+c̓x̌ʷilt+n. child training.

nkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔtn   Morph: n+k+c̓x̌ʷíplaʔ+tn. laws; teachings.

stm̓sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   Morph: s+tm̓+s+c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. one who has not been disciplined.

sxʷkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔm   Morph: sxʷk+c̓x̌ʷíplaʔ+m. a judge.

k̓ɬc̓x̌ʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓x̌ʷ. to promise s.t. to s.o.

sxʷc̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷm   Morph: sxʷ+c̓x̌ʷúlaʔxʷ+m. a guide.

wy̓sc̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+c̓x̌ʷ+nt. get done telling.

Tstem. Sp √c̓ox̌ʷ intend, mean to; Cm c̓əx̌ʷm to promise; c̓əx̌ʷ‑c̓x̌ʷ‑m to advise, lecture; Cr s+c̓ax̌ʷ+m betrothal, bond, commitment, obligation, promising; c̓ax̌ʷ+c̓ux̌ʷn admonish, advise, counsel; Sh c̓x̌ʷ-nt-es to have evil designs against; Li √c̓əx̌ʷ to force, coax s.o. (into doing s.t.).

c̓x̌ʷ2   spark.

c̓ix̌ʷ   Morph: c̓ix̌ʷ. a spark; to be bright.


c̓ix̌ʷt   Morph: c̓ix̌ʷ+t. ember; a spark.


c̓ix̌ʷc̓x̌ʷt   Morph: c̓ix̌ʷ•c̓x̌ʷ+t. burned coals; charcoal bright.

sc̓ix̌ʷt   Morph: s+c̓ix̌ʷ+t. a spark; s.t. bright. Sp c̓íx̌ʷc̓x̌ʷ-t glowing embers, red hot coals; Cr c̓éx̌ʷ+c̓ex̌ʷ+t ember, coal, spark. See: c̓ix̌ʷ.

c̓x̌ʷ3   peek.

c̓ic̓x̌ʷsm   Morph: c̓i•c̓x̌ʷs+m. to peek (as through a hole).

kc̓ix̌ʷsm   Morph: k+c̓ix̌ʷs+m. to squint.


kc̓ic̓x̌ʷsm   Morph: k+c̓i•c̓x̌ʷs+m. to peek (as through a hole).


kc̓x̌ʷc̓ix̌ʷs   Morph: k+c̓x̌ʷ•c̓ix̌ʷs. to peek.


c̓x̌ʷl   camas.

c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ, c̓x̌ʷl̕úsaʔ   Morph: c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ. white camas.

haɬc̓x̌ʷl̕úsaʔ   Morph: haɬc̓x̌ʷl̕úsaʔ. the Camas group. Cm c̓x̌ʷ‑l̕‑usaʔ white camas.

c̓y1   dark.

c̓uy   Morph: c̓uy. to be dark (darker than k̓im̓).

c̓ʔuy   Morph: c̓[ʔ]uy. to get dark.

c̓úylaʔxʷ   Morph: c̓úylaʔxʷ. to be dark.

nc̓yc̓uys   Morph: n-c̓y-c̓uys. to black out. Cm c̓úw̓iy̓ dark, night.

c̓y2   grease; polish.

c̓ynt   Morph: c̓y+nt. to grease s.t.; to polish s.t.


c̓yɬt   Morph: c̓y+ɬt. to grease s.t.


c̓yam   Morph: c̓ya+m. to grease s.t.


kc̓yíc̓aʔm   Morph: k+c̓yíc̓aʔ+m. to grease s.t.

c̓y3   c̓y in place and personal names.

naʔɬc̓íc̓yaʔ   Morph: naʔɬ+c̓í•c̓yaʔ ? naʔɬc̓íc̓yaʔ (Smith Creek).

nanc̓íc̓yaʔ   Morph: na+n+c̓í•c̓yaʔ ? nanc̓ícyaʔ (man's name).

c̓yp   c̓ypatkʷ (woman's name).

c̓ypatkʷ   Morph: c̓ypatkʷ. c̓ypatkʷ (woman's name). See: 31/May/2019.

c̓ysln   c̓yslin (place name).

c̓yslin   Morph: c̓yslin. c̓yslin Mountain.

c̓yxʷ   end.

nc̓ayxʷáplqs   Morph: n+c̓ayxʷáplqs. it's the end of the story (closing formula used in narratives).

nc̓ayxʷáʕplqs   Morph: n+c̓ayxʷáʕplqs. it's the end of the story; to end a story (closing formula used in narratives).

nc̓yc̓ayxʷáplqs   Morph: n+c̓y•c̓ayxʷáplqs. the end of the story. Sp nc̓ay̓xʷápl̕qs he finished his story; he has no more stories to tell.

c̓yx̌ʔ   crayfish; crawfish.

c̓áyx̌aʔ   Morph: c̓áyx̌aʔ. crayfish, crawfish.

c̓áy̓x̌aʔ   Morph: c̓áy̓x̌aʔ. crayfish. Sp c̓óy̓x̌eʔ crab, crayfish; Cm c̓uy̓x̌ crawfish; Cr ay̓x̌ crab, oyster, bluepoint (a type of oyster); Th ʔéy̓x̌.

c̓y̓   naʔc̓iʔscútən (place name).

naʔc̓y̓scútn   Morph: naʔ+c̓y̓+scút+n. naʔc̓iʔscútən (Naramata). See: 24/Oct/2020.

c̓y̓q̓   crossed.

c̓ay̓q̓íw̓s   Morph: c̓ay̓q̓íw̓s. to be crossed in the middle; the symbol barred-l.

c̓y̓x̌   wormwood.

c̓y̓c̓y̓x̌iɬp, c̓iʔc̓iʔx̌íɬp   Morph: c̓y̓•c̓y̓x̌íɬp. wormwoo. Lit: B’s etym: repellent odor c̓ic̓áyx̌t.

c̓ʕ1   rattle.

c̓aʕtán, c̓aʕ̓tán   Morph: c̓aʕ+tán. the rattle (of a snake). Sh c̓ʕtin rattlesnake; Th s/c̓aʕ̓-tm̓-úpeʔ rattlesnake tail.

c̓ʕ2   c̓aʕcínxn (man’s name).

c̓aʕcínxn   Morph: c̓aʕcínxn. c̓aʕcínxn: the name of Coyoteʼs youngest son. Lit: slim ankle (offered by MD)

c̓ʕl   rattle.

c̓aʕl   Morph: c̓aʕl. the sound of a rattle.

c̓lncaʕt   Morph: c̓l+ncaʕt. to rattle.


c̓l̕aʕktn   Morph: c̓l̕aʕk+tn. rattle used in dancing. Sp √c̓al̕ sound made by falling sticks or spurs; s-cósleʔ deer hoof rattle. See: c̓ʕl̕.

c̓ʕlpʔ   uprooted tree.

c̓aʕlípaʔ, c̓aʕ̓lípaʔ   Morph: c̓aʕlípaʔ. a fallen tree; the exposed root of an uprooted tree. Category: Conf.

c̓ʕl̕   rattle.

c̓l̕aʕkstn   Morph: c̓l̕꞊ʕakst+n. a rattle. See: c̓ʕl; c̓l4.

c̓ʕm   boil; carbuncle.

sc̓aʕm̓c̓m̓   Morph: s+c̓aʕm̓•c̓m̓. a boil.

sc̓aʕmc̓m   Morph: s+c̓aʕm•c̓m. boil, carbuncle. Sp s-c̓óm̓c̓m carbuncle; Cm qy:s-c̓uum̓-c̓uum̓ boil, blister; Cr s+c̓óm̓+c̓om̓ɬ+t abscess, boil, carbuncle.

c̓ʕm̓   suck.

c̓aʕm̓   Morph: c̓aʕm̓. to suck in.

c̓m̓c̓aʕm̓   Morph: c̓m•c̓aʕm. to suck on s.t. (e.g. a bone). See: c̓m1.

c̓ʕn   tight.

c̓aʕn   Morph: c̓aʕn. to be tight, solid.

c̓nc̓aʕnt   Morph: c̓n•c̓aʕ+nt. to tighten s.t.


c̓nc̓aʕnt   Morph: c̓n•c̓aʕn+t. to be tight.

c̓naʕp   Morph: c̓naʕ+p. to become tight; to be hard to loosen.

c̓aʕnm   Morph: c̓aʕn+m. to tighten (e.g. a bolt, a wheel...)


c̓nc̓naʕm   Morph: c̓n•c̓naʕ+m. to tighten s.t.

c̓nmst   Morph: c̓n+m+st. to tighten s.t.; to make s.t. tight.


c̓aʕnmst   Morph: c̓aʕn+m+st. to make s.t. tight; to tighten.


c̓naʕkst   Morph: c̓naʕkst. hold tightly; firm grip.

c̓npnaʕnt   Morph: c̓n+p+naʕ+nt. to hold tight onto s.t.


c̓npaʕkst   Morph: c̓n+paʕkst. s.t. tight gripped.

c̓nc̓npaʕkst   Morph: c̓n•c̓n+paʕkst. s.t. tight gripped with both hands.

c̓nqint   Morph: c̓nqi+nt. to tighten the top.


c̓npqint   Morph: c̓n+pqi+nt. to close the top; cover s.t.


c̓nc̓nmʕasm   Morph: c̓n•c̓n+mʕas+m. one's eyes are closed.

kc̓nnaʕm   Morph: k+c̓n•naʕ+m. to hold on tight.


kc̓nc̓naʕm   Morph: k+c̓n•c̓naʕ+m. to hold on tight.


kc̓nc̓npaʕkst   Morph: k+c̓n•c̓n+paʕkst. to hang on tight to s.t. or s.o.

kɬc̓aʕnmst   Morph: kɬ+c̓aʕn+m+st. to make s.t. tight.


nc̓nc̓n   Morph: n+c̓n•c̓n. to shut s.o.'s eyes tight.

nc̓nc̓nmaʕsm   Morph: n+c̓n•c̓n+maʕs+m. to tighten one's eyes; to shut the eyes tight. Sp √c̓an(á) tight, on tight, stuck; c̓n-m-s-t-án I put it on tight, I tightened it; c̓án-m-s-t-n I screwed the lid on tight; c̓n-áp it became stuck tight.

c̓ʕn̓   grasshopper.

c̓n̓c̓aʕn̓   Morph: c̓n̓•c̓aʕn̓. grasshopper(s). See: c̓ʕ̓n̓.

c̓ʕp̓   wink.

nc̓aʕp̓snt   Morph: n+c̓aʕp̓s+nt. to wink at.


nc̓aʕpsm   Morph: n+c̓aʕps+m. to wink at.


snc̓aʕp̓sm   Morph: s+n+c̓aʕp̓s+m. winking at.

nMstem. to wink.

nc̓aʕp̓sncút   Morph: n+c̓aʕp̓s+ncút. to wink.

nc̓aʕp̓snwíxʷ   Morph: n+c̓aʕp̓s+nwixʷ. to wink at each other.

Istem. Sp c̓ap̓ snap shut; n-c̓áp̓s-m he snapped his eyes; Cm na‑c̓ip̓‑c̓ip̓‑s‑m to close one’s eyes; Cr hn+c̓ap̓-s she "snapped" her eyes (a sign of contempt); Sh x-cəpcip̓-s-m to squeeze one's eyes shut, shut eyes tightly; Th √c̓íp̓ blink; Li n.c̓ip̓-az̓-ús-əm to close oone's eyes. See: c̓p̓.

c̓ʕs   throw.

c̓aʕsm   Morph: c̓aʕs+m. to throw/put s.t.


k̓ɬc̓aʕsnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓aʕs+nt. to throw s.t.


c̓ʕw   wash.

c̓ʔaʕw̓   Morph: c̓[ʔ]aʕw̓. to wash (off).

c̓ʔaʕʷ   Morph: c̓[ʔ]aʕʷ. to get clean or washed.


c̓w̓c̓aʕw̓t   Morph: c̓w̓•c̓aʕw̓+t. several are clean. See: c̓w1; c̓w̓1.

c̓ʕx̌   spray.

c̓aʕx̌nt   Morph: c̓aʕx̌+nt. to spray, squirt (as from a cow's teat, a water hose, or a can of insecticide).


c̓aʕcx̌m   Morph: c̓aʕ•c•x̌+m. to spray s.t.

Mstem. See Sp hi c-c̓ax̌x̌x̌x̌ it comes streaming and steming out (said of warm blood).

c̓ʕ̓n̓   grasshopper.

c̓aʕ̓n̓   Morph: c̓aʕ̓n̓. grasshopper. See Sp t̓at̓aʔc̓á-n̓-m̓ it made the sound of a grasshopper; Cm c̓áan̓c̓aan̓; Th c̓énc̓ən̓; Li c̓án:c̓ən̓. See: c̓ʕn̓.

c̓ʕʷ1   bound up.

c̓ʕʷap   Morph: c̓ʕʷa+p. to be bound up, constipated.

c̓wc̓aʕʷt   Morph: c̓w•c̓aʕʷ+t. to be tight (e.g. as a rope hard to untie); hard to peel.

c̓aʕʷpúps   Morph: c̓aʕʷ+púps. to be constipated.

nc̓aʕʷpúps   Morph: n+c̓aʕʷ+púps. to be constipated. Sp c̓oʕ, n-c̓oʕ-púps bowels bound up (cannot eliminate and so painful).

c̓ʕʷ2   cover.

k̓ɬc̓aʕʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓aʕʷ. to be under a shed; to be covered.

k̓ɬc̓ʕʷmin   Morph: k̓ɬ+c̓ʕʷ+min. shed cover.

c̓ʕʷ3   chokecherry.

nc̓w̓c̓aʕ̓ʷísxn   Morph: n+c̓w̓•c̓aʕ̓ʷísxn. chokecherry.

nc̓w̓c̓aʕ̓ʷwísxn   Morph: n+c̓w̓•c̓aʕ̓ʷwísxn. chokecherry.

c̓ʔ1   wolf.

nc̓iʔcn   Morph: n+c̓iʔcn. Wolf, wolf. Sp n-c̓iʔcn wolf.

ntixʷcks nc̓iʔcn   Morph: n+tixʷck+s n+c̓iʔcn. ntixʷcks nc̓iʔcn: Oliver, B.C. Lit: wolf's tongue

c̓ʔ2   dry.

sc̓áyaʔ   Morph: s+c̓áyaʔ ? dried matter.

c̓ʔ3   front quarter.

sc̓ʔikst   Morph: s+c̓ʔikst. the front quarter or shoulder of a deer. Sp s-c̓ʔéčst shoulder; Cr s+c̓íʔ+c̓eʔečt hands. See: 6.

c̓ʔ4   horse.

snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ   Morph: s+n+kɬ+c̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. a horse. Sp s-n-čɬ-c̓aʔsqáx̌eʔ horse.

snkɬc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: s+n+kɬ+c̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ+tn. a saddle.

c̓ʔk̓ʷ   flower.

sc̓ʔak̓ʷ   Morph: s+c̓ʔak̓ʷ. flower; to flower; Corpus Christi (a movable feast that can fall between May 21 and June 24).

c̓ʔak̓ʷm   Morph: c̓[ʔ]ak̓ʷ+m. to flower, to bloom.

c̓aʔk̓ʷám   Morph: c̓aʔk̓ʷá+m. to celebrate Corpus Christi.

c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqs   Morph: c̓aʔk̓ʷáɬqs. a flower garden.

nk̓ʷsc̓ʔak̓ʷm   Morph: nk̓ʷ+s+c̓ʔak̓ʷ+m. all summer, all summer long. Sp c̓aʔák̓ʷ to bloom; s-c̓ʔek̓ʷ flower in full bloom; s-c̓eʔc̓ʔékʷ flowers; Cm c̓aʔák̓ʷ to bloom.

c̓ʔl   cast iron pot.

nc̓aʔlúpaʔ   Morph: n+c̓aʔlúpaʔ. a cast iron pot.

c̓ʔs   weed.

c̓iʔstn   Morph: c̓iʔs+tn. an unidentified kind of weed.