
u   [u] Morph: us. Variant: us 1; s 1. variant of us eye before -ɬt transitive.

lxAfx. kʷu nluʕ̓ʷúɬtp iʔ cúɬmən. Do what I'm telling you. [RnTrp 030] nckʷúɬtən. I pulled (the reins). [RHorse 151]

uc   [uc] Morph: uc. interrogative dubitative particle.

pcl. Category: dubit. uɬ axáʔ iʔ p sqilxʷ, uɬ uc p kɬənxʷúytn iʔ t ƛ̓ax̌t c̓x̌iɬ axáʔ iʔ ʕapnáʔ iʔ t səck̓ʷúl̕tt, axáʔ iʔ kʷu sámaʔ. You Indians, do you have a means of transportation that is fast like the one we white folks made? [su7q̓im 177b] axáʔ k̓ʷin̓nt uc x̌ast. Taste it, is it good? [misc 023] uc caʔkʷ t ksíc̓əms. Could he have a blanket? [newles 179] aˑˑ, cúntəm way̓ caʔkʷ uc iʔ kxəntsín. Ah, he said, "Can I go with you?" [GDd1 214] uɬ uc kʷ ʔayx̌ʷt. Are you tired? [GDd2 183] uc ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ anx̌mínk. Is this what you wanted? [dict] uc ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ kɬmút axáʔ antkɬmílxʷ, uc ixíʔ axáʔ iʔ sk̓əɬq̓y̓əncúts, uɬ ixíʔ háʔ cƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔstíxʷ? Is the one sitting here your wife? Is this her picture, and is this the one you've been looking for? [dict]

ucklípm   [ucklípm] Morph: wcklíp+m. Variant: wckl̕ipm. Etym: √wckl. one runs downhill.

Mstem. See: wckl̕ípm.

ulalá   [ulalá] Morph: ulalá. a vocalization.

pcl. Category: Onom. xʷuˑˑy, ixíʔ scuts uˑˑlalá t inqaqíˑˑc kʷu qalutáˑˑnkɬts iʔ t xəmáʕmləxqən. He went, he said (singing) oh my brothers the crickets stepped on my belly. [msqdd 034]

uláx   [uláx] Morph: wlax. Etym: √wlx. a post or a tree that has tipped over.

Istem. See: wlax̌. Category: Conf.

úlaʔxʷ   [úlaʔxʷ] Morph: úlaʔxʷ. Variant: laʔxʷ; áʕlaʔxʷ. earth; ground.

lxAfx. Morph: phonetics of the next two forms uncertain. Sp √-úleʔxʷ (-úleʔ) ground; √-úlixʷ (-ul) land; Cr -ul̕umxʷ ground; Sh -ul̕əxʷ land, soil; Th úyeʔxʷ land. səncaʔx̌úlaʔxʷ. A red hot weather. [dict] c̓aʔknúl̕axʷ. To be a little better off. [BJSeym 255] nc̓əlúlaʔxʷm. To put up a post or pole. [dict] nc̓lúlaʔxʷtn. Fence posts. [misc 212] c̓əlc̓əlx̌úlaʔxʷəm. To scratch. [dict] ṇc̓əspúlaʔxʷ. To go to nothing; to annihilate. [dict] ṇc̓əwqúlaʔxʷəm. To pull s.t. out of the ground; to uproot s.t. [dict] kipúlaʔxʷ. Dark. [dict] k̓əɬk̓əlxʷmúlaʔxʷ. To go to a secret place. [dict] kʷəl̕úlaʔxʷ. A warm place, a sunny place. [nb08 806] skʷəstúlaʔxʷ. The name of the country. [2gts 002] ləkʷtúlaʔxʷ. Distance(s). [dict] ɬq̓úlaʔxʷ. Wide area. [dict] naɬʔúlaʔxʷ. The other side (of the mountain). [nb08 132] nƛ̓əqúˑˑlaʔxʷ. To dig. [bjmd 019] məlk̓ʷmúlaʔxʷ. All over (the world), the entire world. [dict] ṇmɬəɬúlaʔxʷ. To cave in. [dict] miʔúlaʔxʷ. To point to the ground. [nb08 729] miyúlaʔxʷ. To point to the ground. [nb08 729] spkʷúlaʔxʷ. Montane puffball. [OkB] spəlmúlaʔxʷ. Bald hill. [dict] spaʕʔúlaʔxʷ. Ghost. [nb26-73 008] ɬp̓úlaʔxʷ. A line through land. [su7q̓im 063] k̓ɬaʔmúlaʔxʷ. Next to the hill. [nb27-20 001] k̓əɬɬaʔm̓úlaʔxʷ. Next to the little hill. [nb27-19 002] nƛ̓ək̓ʷpúlaʔxʷ. To stick s.t. in the ground. [nb26-59 002] miw̓súlaʔxʷ. Half way. [dict] miyúlaʔxʷ. To indicate a place. [dict] ql̕wtúlaʔxʷ. To step on dry land. [dict] qʷyˑúlaʔxʷ. Rich or industrious. [newles 328] qʷəyúlaʔxʷ. Riches. [nb08 562] nqʷʔúlaʔxʷ. A big pocket (land). [HnTrp 097] səlxʷaʔúlaʔxʷ. A big place. [dict] súl̕laʔxʷ. Frozen earth. [Dvl 010] sxəlxúlaʔxʷ. To change country. [dict] nsaʔx̌ʷx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ. The earth is drying (it's early fall). [nb26-73 003] stəqʷtəqʷniʔúlaʔxʷ. Ghost. [nb25-67 003] st̓əkʷt̓əkʷniʔúlaʔxʷ. Ghost. tanm̓súlaʔxʷ. (To go) aimlessly. [nb24-02 011] tmxʷúlaʔxʷ. World; country; place. [dict] ntx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ. The center (of a place). [HnTrp 117] taʔmúlaʔxʷ. The snow cleared away. [HnTrp 080] st̓lúlaʔxʷəm. Plowing. [dict] ṇt̓əl̕púlaʔxʷ. Torn land. [dict] st̓iʔúlaʔxʷ. Man's name (Sandy Lezard). [nb26-65 020] sxʷmʔúlaʔxʷ. Map. [newles 105] nutənúlaʔxʷ. To put s.t. in the ground. [dict] wupúlaʔxʷm. To hay. [dict] supúlaʔxʷ. Hay; any grass or goatsbeard. [nb26-84 009] waʕ̓múlaʔxʷ. Thawed earth. [dict] sənxəlkúlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [mychildr 280] xƛ̓púlaʔxʷ. Daylight. [dict] xƛ̓ƛ̓úlaʔxʷ. Daybreak. [dict] nx̌əw̓w̓úlaʔxʷ. Dried up pond. [nb25-20 012] cʔáx̌ʷlaʔxʷ. Cleared space. [dict] nx̌əƛ̓múlaʔxʷ. To go up the hill. [HnTrp 131] nƛ̓ək̓ʷpúlaʔxʷ. To stick s.t. in the pond. [nb26-59 002]

ulmxʷ   [ulmxʷ] Morph: ulmxʷ. people.

lxAfx. sqlaʔúlmxʷ. State prison for Indians at Conconully. [nb08 721]

1   [uɬ] Morph: . 1 • conjunctive particle "and".

pcl. kʷu ɬə cus isx̌áx̌paʔ uɬ inqáqnaʔ, istəmtímaʔ uɬ ink̓ík̓waʔ, kʷu cuslx. When I was told by my grandparents, my paternal grandmother and grandfather, my maternal grandmother and grandfather, they told me. [mychildr 178] ixíʔ uɬ way̓ taʔlíʔ xʷaʔspíntk itlíʔ k̓aɬáʔ. And it's been too many years since then. [su7q̓im 265c] way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ ʕapnáʔ way̓ uɬ kɬəncəkʷmnáqs kʷa uɬ kɬtqəcəlxálqʷ. Now there are wagon roads and railroads. [Hrvst 221] caʔkʷ p ɬ tr̓íwyaʔm iʔ k̓ isnəqsílxʷ uɬ p x̌ast. If you take after my folks, you'll be good people. [nb25-44 005] huy uɬ ṇppílxəlx, uɬ aɬíʔ kɬk̓ʷɬənk̓ʷmíp, uɬ niʕ̓íp yayáʕt ṇxənsíɬxʷtṇ uɬ xlˑákək. Then they went in, it has a door, and windows all around. [dict] kʷm̓iɬ uɬ xʷist ik̓líʔ a cəncahchús uɬ tack̓líʔ ɬ xʷuy. He started walking and where he was facing, he just went. [GDd1 042]

2 • pcl. (up) to; until. way̓ xərxárt, ilíʔ t̓i c̓x̌iɬ t tiɬ uɬ qilt. It's steep, it's straight up and down to the top. [nb2552.10] xʷʔit iscənq̓aʔíls, lut kən t̓ə ʔatətxíʔst uɬ x̌lap. I had lots of worries and couldn't sleep til morning. [misc 115] uɬ lut t̓ sʔatxílxsəlx uɬ x̌lap. And they didn't sleep until daylight. [LynxS 410] acəncq̓q̓íʔstn iʔ ululím uɬ pn̓ap. I hit the nail until it bent. [nb26-61 016] iʔ sc̓əl̕c̓ál̕ uɬ k̓əɬʔálˑqʷaʔ. There are trees up to the shore. [nb26-80 006]

3 • pcl. but. lut swit t̓ə ksxʷíc̓xəms iʔ sqʷəsqʷsíʔs t̓ iksənsq̓íw̓ɬ[təm], uɬ anwí. Nobody'd give away his son to have him split in two, but you (did). [GDd2 641-642] See: clause connector; but see above 20/Apr/99.

uɬ2   [uɬ] Morph: uɬ. added to reduplicated stems this suffix confers a habitual notion: one who likes to ..., one who does s.t. often; given to.

lxAfx. Sp √-uɬ to the extreme; Sh -úɬ having a habit; Th -úɬ habitual; Li -úɬ always. c̓aʔc̓əʔxúɬ. Bashful. [dict] kaʕ̓kaʕ̓xʷmúɬ, kaʕ̓ʷkaʕ̓ʷxʷmúɬ. Hollers a lot. [nb27-19 009] k̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷl̕úɬ. A good worker. [AutPS 290] k̓ʷəl̕k̓ʷəl̕muɬ. Industrious people. [newles 328] nk̓ʷəsəsk̓aʔmúɬ. Easily ghosted. [nb18109.7] nɬəpɬəptúɬ. Forgetful. [nb18144.6] k̓əɬƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔmúɬ. \ Jealous. [dict] m̓iʔm̓iʔúɬ, m̓im̓imúɬ. Tattle tale. [nb18159.2] nəq̓ʷnəq̓ʷmúɬ. Thief. [dict] qʷəlqʷəltúɬ. One who talks all the time. [dict] təxʷtəxʷcnúɬ. Like to hunt for things to eat. [CoGrSy 403] t̓iʔt̓imúɬ. Lazy. [dict] xʷəsxʷəstúɬ. One who walks all the time. [dict] x̌əc̓x̌əc̓múɬ. Gambler. [dict] nx̌əl̕x̌l̕úɬ. Easily scared. [nb18109.7]

uɬ iʔ   [uɬ iʔ] Morph: uɬ iʔ. and then.

phrasal. i kʷu kʕʷəyncútəms uɬ i kʷu cus. He laughed at me, and he said to me... [2gts 039]

uɬá   [uɬá] Morph: uɬ+á. Etym: . conjunctive particle "and not".

pcl. uɬ aɬíʔ kʷa iʔ uʔx̌tílaʔt uɬá cmistís iʔ cawts. Because a baby doesn't know what he does. [AutPS 005] aɬíʔ uɬ nak̓ʷá pnicíʔ uɬa way̓ kɬkəlk̓íc̓aʔtən. Because at that time they didn't have balers. [Hrvst 154] See: .

úɬiʔ   [úɬiʔ] Morph: úɬ+iʔ. conjunctive particle "and then; and that's when; that's why".

pcl. ixíʔ tanm̓súlaʔxʷ úɬiʔ tkícən. I was walking aimlessly and ran across him. [nb24-02 011] sc̓x̌ilx úɬiʔ xaʔtústsəlx. That's why he was their leader. [BJSeym 069] sc̓x̌ilx úɬiʔ kákʔəms axáʔ iʔ ɬcəcʔúpsc. That's why she was making fun of her younger sister. [dict] mat stim̓ kʷ nac̓əntíls úɬiʔ kʷu aksxʷístaʔx úɬiʔ kʷu aksɬwínəm. Maybe something is bothering you that you are going away from us and you are leaving us. [dict] lut t̓ə cúntst ɬ akscənʔúɬxʷ, úɬiʔ kʷ cənʔúɬxʷ. We didn’t tell you to come here, and yet you came here. [dict] way̓ ixíʔ úɬiʔ wíkəm, lut t̓ə kmymypúsəms stim̓ axáʔ. It was then that he saw something, he didn’t make out what it was. [dict] ʔáˑˑcəcqaʔḷx, uɬ ixíʔ úɬiʔ ʔíwt kəkc̓ílxkən. They were all going out, and that̓s when Wood Tick got behind. [dict] See: .

uɬm   [úɬəm] Morph: uɬ+m. conjunctive particle "and".

pcl. úɬəm lut t̓a ksql̕awlx uɬ a claklístəlx k̓ʷna náq̓ʷq̓ʷəlx. They don't have any money for them to lock that might be stolen. [GDd1 454] See: .

uɬmánc̓aʔ   [uɬmánc̓aʔ] Morph: wɬmánc̓aʔ. Etym: √wɬmn. uɬmánc̓aʔ (Grace Greyeyes).

Istem. Category: wName. uɬmánc̓aʔ. Woman's name. See: wɬmánc̓aʔ.

+uɬt   [uɬt] Morph: +uɬt. transitivizer with a redirecting function.

dafx. náx̌əmɬ ɬ qəclxúɬtxʷ asl̕ax̌t iʔ tkɬmílxʷs ... But if you do run off with your friend's wife ... [misc 113] nxʷc̓úɬtsən. I'll pay for what I owe you. [nb26-40 008] kʷu nq̓əy̓úɬt askʷíst. Copy your name for me. [nb26-71 016] cənc̓kmúɬtəm axáʔ iʔ xʷəlxʷílts. We are figuring his debts. [GDd1 080]

-um   [um] Morph: -um. second person singular object of the +st and +x(i)t paradigms (weak stems).

isfx. Ques: there seems to be an extra -st in this form cc̓əx̌ʷstúmstsəlx They discipline you. [newles 069] ctk̓əlk̓əlstúms. They have been expecting you. [nb08 425]

úmaʔ   [úmaʔ] Morph: úmaʔ. suffix of unclear meaning in the following form.

lxAfx. k̓ʷk̓ʷyúmaʔ. Small. [dict]

uníxʷ   [uníxʷ] Morph: wnixʷ. Variant: wnaxʷ. Etym: √wnxʷ. true.

Istem. See: wnixʷ.

úpaʔ   [úpaʔ] Morph: úpaʔ. back end.

lxAfx. iʔ sxʷm̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔm ka nʔucxsaʔyúpaʔ The teacher fell ass over teakettle. [nb26-82 011] See: ups.

úpaʔs   [úpaʔs] Morph: úpaʔs. Variant: ups; ps; áʕpaʔs. diminutive form of ups tail.

lxAfx. Sp √-ups (-u) tail, rump. kəkʔúpaʔs. Small tail. [misc 122] q̓ʷəcq̓ʷəc̓əiʔhúpaʔs. Yarrow; sagebrush plantain. [dict] kəw̓lúpaʔs, kuʔlúpaʔs. One's bottom is covered; ass cover. [nb26-30 007]

ups   [ups] Morph: ups. Variant: ps; áʕpaʔs; úpaʔs; s 11. tail; bottom.

lxAfx. Lit: stinking end səncnúpstəns. Place name (where the moose roll to get the flies off them). [nb25-59 012] ṇc̓əlc̓əlx̌ʔúps. To scratch one's rear. [dict] cr̓tups. Fisher. [dict] ṇc̓əwqúps. To pull s.t. out of the rear. [dict] (n)c̓aʕʷpúps. Constipated. [nb9a 241] ṇk̓mups. Bottom. [dict] tk̓ʷək̓ʷxʷnʔúps. Sagebrush plantain. [dict] ɬqʷupstṇ. Loin cloth. [dict] nƛ̓qʷups To spank. [dict] ṇqiʔqy̓xʷúps. Car. [dict] kɬqʷupstn. Croup strap. [DICT] q̓ʷəcq̓ʷəc̓wiʔhúps, q̓ʷəcq̓ʷəc̓wiy̓aʔhúps. Yarrow. [OkB] siyúps. Tail. [dict] ṇtər̓qúps. To kick one's rear. [dict] kt̓cpups. To jar one's butt. [jan93nb 069] nt̓ɬúps. Dirty bottom. [nb23 132] knustúps. High tail. [nb23 081] kususxnúps. Long tail pheasant. [nb24-07 006] sx̌ʷnups. Fish tails. [nb23-18A] cnʕaɬúps. To have the balls to do X (rocks fitted together). [nb25-27 012]

úru   [úru] Morph: úru. Etym: √rw. Oroville.

Istem. Category: Geog.

us1   [us] Morph: us. Variant: s 12; aʕs 1. 1 • eye; face; head; neck; small round object; fire.

Lit: lit written on the facelxAfx. ncahəhús. To do an about face; to be facing s.t. [nb26-28 015] ncəqcqús. Ranunculus spp. [dict] ncʔúsəntəm. To punch s.o. in the eye. [nb26-54 036] kc̓amliʔsús. Red twinberry. [OkB] kc̓ərc̓ərús. Tomato. [dict] skc̓unús. Phlox. [dict] c̓aʔq̓mnúsm To shake one's head. [jan93nb 120] stkm̓km̓xstus. black twinberry (berries). [dict] sənkr̓ús. Eyes drying up. [nb10a 051] kʷaʔɬús. To blush. [nb23 129] sk̓ʷƛ̓us. Face. [su7q̓im 123] sənk̓ʷƛ̓ústn. Eye. [nb26-18 006] k̓ʷƛ̓pus. To slip out of a halter. [nb25-67 004] tk̓ʷk̓ʷxʷnʔus. Fleabane. [dict] kəlq̓úsəntəm. To break one's neck. [dict] snlqʷus. Yellow agoseris. [dict] ləxʷús. Saskatoon, or serviceberry. [dict] ƛ̓aʔƛ̓ʔúsm. To look around. [dict] kmymypúsəm. To recognize s.t. or s.o. [dict] ɬnusxtəm. To look mean at s.o. [nb25-77 004] spuʔús. Heart, feeling, wish. p̓aʔƛ̓ús. To get hit on the face. [dict] kp̓sƛ̓ʔús. Big eyes. [misc 122] ṇp̓aʔp̓aʔxʷús. Shiny eyes. [dict] p̓əyús. Wrinkled face. [dict] sp̓úsəm. To hit s.o. on the eye. [nb10a 154] nsəp̓əp̓ús. To get hit on the eye. [dict] sqəlxʷús. Indian Face. [su7q̓im 121] sənq̓əy̓ús. An exact copy; a written number. [nb26-10 017] q̓ʷəyús. Black face, black person. [nb26-12 002] ṇtəlpús. One's neck breaks. [dict] ct̓əcpús. Cheeks jar or bounce. [jan93nb 065] t̓aʔkús. To have the look of one who has had a rough night. [nb25-50 001] caʔwpús. Fuzzy face. [dict] nxn̓xn̓us. Eye glasses. [jan93nb 043] nʕ̓ayúsəntəm. To give a pretty smile to s.o. [2gts 262]

2 • lxAfx. fire. kcqúsəm. To put s.t. on the fire; to warm s.t. up. [mychilder 040] ṇc̓əwqúsəm. To pull s.t. out of the fire. [dict] k̓ʷəƛ̓pús. To boil water. [dict] npkʷúsəm. To put small things on the fire. [coyeyes 046] cənp̓nús. S.t. is in the fire. [bjmd 027] wurúsm. To fish with torch; pit lamping. [OkB]

3 • lxAfx. ? nc̓əkmús. To figure or count. [dict] kɬc̓lús. To face (the bank). [nb08 469] ck̓əɬc̓lús. To stand on top. [nb24-06 001] c̓əmtús. Sturgeon. [nb10a 048] sənkm̓ús. Stuff one gives away. [nb26-23 007] kaʔkʔúsəm. To fail in a purpose. [nb24-01] ck̓lixʔús. On this side of a hill. [nb25-73 003] k̓aɬʔús. To go over the mountain; the other side (of the hill). [mychildr 068] səlk̓ús. Pitch bundle (used for night fishing). [nb26-19 013] cnlq̓ʷús. A steep shore. [dict] ṇləʕ̓ʷpús. Exactly. [dict] kɬəx̌ʷp̓nús. To come to the top (of water). [nb25-65 002] m̓əsm̓ús. To feel around. [nb25-20 006] cp̓əlk̓úsəm. To turn back. [dict] np̓ƛ̓mús. S.t. is finished. [nb23 073] kɬqəltús. The top of a hill. [nb25-65 001] ṇqəltús. Top of the mountain. [dict] tqaʔmúsəm. To gather wood. [mychildr 069] nq̓y̓us. Writing. [VLet 065] qʷəm̓pús. S.t. long. [nb25-25 001] səx̌ʷstúsəm. To go downhill. [feb94 031] sysyús. Intelligent. [mychildr 116] kɬtəɬxús. To stand on the bank. [nb08 468] səntər̓r̓ús. Background; development. [nb26-70 009] səntxʷús. Partner, cousin. [nb26-33 021] t̓ət̓pús. To lie on the stomach. [nb26-10 006] kt̓at̓pús. Finger-long fish. [nb23 004] nwapmúsəm. To go backwards. [nb27-41 006] cutəmtkús. Southward. [2gts 019] nəxƛ̓ús. Each. [nb08 261] nxaʔcnús. At some time. [nb23 175] xaʔtús. Leader. [su7q̓im 152] nxʷəc̓xús. To give the equivalent of s.t. [nb26-40 010] cənxʷr̓ús. A hollow place. [dict] cənxʷəxʷrús. A low pass. [BJSeym 188] xʷət̓pús. to run away with s.t. or s.o.; to take s.o. somewhere. [dict] kylus. Coil. [nb26-77 001] x̌əw̓x̌əw̓ús. To get together. [dict] Gram: confirm nyaʕ̓sús. To be settled. [mychildr 109] kɬʔaksuxús. To stand on top. [nb24-06 003] ʔawtús. Opponent. [mychildr 069] nʔax̌ʷtús. Downriver. [su7q̓im 064]

4 • lxAfx. in men's personal names. qʷəyɬk̓úsəm.q̓ʷəyq̓ʷəyús. Man's name. Clara Jack's father's name. [nb26-12 006] Sp √-us (-u) eye, face, fire; Cr us eye, face, orifice through which light shines, fire; Sh -us face; fire; sort; Th //us//} face (ós, .os, s, ṣ) face, jaw, head, neck, facing, forward, front part of s.t.; shoot or sprout; eye, look, glance, window, mirror, sky; person; run away; wound, cut, sore, small hole or opening, crack seam, part(ing) (of hair), strip, line; fire, s.t. heated, sun, light, lamp, star; sharp edge, sharp or pointed end; breech of gun; price, debt; surface, flat object, flag, cloth; appearance, cause, reason, evidence, track, foorprint; berry; cliff, face of mountain, higher elevation, flat area.

us2   [us] Morph: us. unexpected unstressed variant (?) of us "small round object".

lxAfx. sc̓írus. Golden currant. [dict]

úsaʔ   [úsaʔ] Morph: úsaʔ. circular; spherical ?

lxAfx. Cr úseʔ s+c̓sl̕úseʔ hail; Sh -useʔ small round object; Th useʔ, óseʔ, óṣeʔ, seʔ, ṣeʔ, úseʔ berry, fruit ... egg...; Li -usaʔ round object, fruit, money; shape (in general). c̓əx̌ʷl̕úsaʔ. White camas. [dict] ɬəx̌ʷmúsaʔ. To get through (a hole). [dict] sqaʔnúsaʔm. To deliver a dowry. [nb26-73 013] nx̌ʷəx̌ʷc̓úsaʔ. Stump. [sknkf 063]

usqn   [úsqən] Morph: usqn. mouth.

lxAfx. tqapúsqən. To hush (by covering one's mouth). [nb1871.1] ɬq̓aq̓púsqən. Wide mouth. [nb18233.3] See: us; qn.

usxn   [úsxən] Morph: usxn. 1 • leg; foot; shoe.

lxAfx. k̓ək̓túsxən. To go on a short trip. [dict] p̓ƛ̓mqnusxn. To be or go to the end of s.t.; to go to one's toes; to be exhausted. [dict] uʔyúsxən. To finish shoe work. [dict] nyryrk̓ʷúsxən. Bow legs. [nb25-59 010]

2 • lxAfx. ? ṇpax̌aʔúsxən. Person's name. [dict] xaʔxaʔlúsxən. Pre-pubescent. [nb23 066] Cm lk̓lk̓usxn leggings.

ut   [ut] Morph: ut. Variant: t 2. 1 • place.

lxAfx. ṇcqʷut. Wooded area. [OkB] ɬəq̓ʷlút. What lies there. [HnTrp 132] snɬq̓ʷútn. Bedroom. [newles 241] ƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓əx̌pútəm Middle aged person. [nb26-23 009] nxʷutm. Sideways. [su7q̓im 251] stkʷtkʷʔút. Travelling. [mychildr 052] təkʷʔút. Walk (pl). [misc 250] txrútəm. To run up the hill. [dict] xƛ̓ut. Rock. [su7q̓im 251] snixʷút. Depth. [su7q̓im 141] nixʷút. Inside. [su7q̓im 247] ixʷút. Down. [misc 077]

2 • lxAfx. with the approximate meaning doable, capable of being done. təltútəm. Runt, left out, weakling. ḷtútəm. Insignificant, worthless. sqʷəqʷʕawqʷút. Crazy behavior. sənləʕ̓ʷút. To come true. tx̌ʷmut. Straight. Cr ut -ut possibility, be in position, state of.

után   [után] Morph: wtán. Etym: √wtn. to take some; to be in a place.

Istem. See: wtan.

útyaʔ   [útyaʔ] Morph: útyaʔ. makeshift; approximate; hand-made.

lxAfx. Gram: Doulas Lake form Sp √-útyeʔ around, on the ground; Cr utyeʔ q̓ey̓+mutyeʔ bill (five dollar...). c̓aq̓əlnútyaʔ. Bow and arrow. [nb23 075] nkaxmútiyaʔ. To travel on foot. [dict] k̓ʷaʔmútyaʔ. A bite to eat. [nb23 216] k̓ʷaʔmútyaʔm. To eat in a hurry. [nb23 217] myútyaʔ. All mixed up, not unified. [nb10a 102] qaʔcəlxútyaʔ. To run. [nb25-59 001] q̓aʔxnútyaʔ. Moccasin. [nb26-43 001] nt̓aʕpmútyaʔ. Gun loader. [AutPS 070] nxənmútyaʔ. Bullets are stuck in the barrel. [nb08 084] xʷstútyaʔ. To barely walk. [dict] cx̌ʔútyaʔ. To be feeble. [nb27-28 005] ʕacʕacmútyaʔst. To tie laces poorly. [misc 069] ʕaccmútyaʔ. To be all tangled. [misc 073] c̓knútyaʔ. One's being in a certain state. [AutPS 121] kʷniʔútyaʔ. To grab s.t. [dict]

uxʷ   [uxʷ] Morph: uxʷ. Variant: nuxʷ. variant of nuxʷ weather after n.

lxAfx. x̌aʔnúxʷəm. To stop the weather. [RnTrp 019]

uxʷáp   [uxʷáp] Morph: wxʷa+p. Etym: √wxʷ. to burn.

Istem. Category: +ap. See: wxʷap.

ux̌tílt   [ux̌tílt] Morph: ux̌tilt. Etym: √x̌t. baby.

Istem. See: wx̌tilt.

úyaʔ   [úyaʔ] Morph: úyaʔ. ?

lxAfx. yar̓úyaʔ. Great-great-grand children's [qʷúpsaʔ] children. [nb24-06 011] mhúyaʔ. Raccoon. [22.3a]

uyá(ʔ)   [uyá] Morph: uyá. often translatable as "listen!"

pcl. kʷu cúsəlx way̓ uyá kʷ qʷən̓cənmíst. They said to me, "You poor pitiful thing." [AutPS 228] way̓ ixíʔ cus iʔ qʷásqiʔs way̓ uyáʔ. She said to her BlueJay: "Listen here!" [BJSeym 090] way̓ uyáʔ kʷu cqʷən̓míkstəmstxʷ. Have pity on me! [nb1258.17] way̓ uyáʔ, k̓əɬpx̌áx iʔ la kstəxʷcəncút. Listen, think about getting something to eat. [dict] way̓ uyáʔ, k̓əwpmínt asaʔstám. Listen, leave alone your brother-in-law. [dict]

uy̓áy̓   [wiʔáy̓, uy̓áy̓] Morph: wy̓•ay̓. Etym: √wy̓. to be finished.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. See: wy̓ay̓.

uʔíkst   [wuʔíkst, uʔíkst] Morph: wy̓꞊ikst. Etym: √wy̓. to finish working; to finish doing something.

Istem. See: wy̓ikst.