k̓c̓   woodtick.

k̓c̓ilxkn   Morph: k̓c̓ilxkn. unbloated woodtick.

k̓k̓c̓ilxkn   Morph: k̓•k̓c̓ilxkn. woodtick.

kk̓c̓ilxkn̓   Morph: k+k̓c̓ilxkn̓. unbloated woodtick.

tk̓c̓ilxkn̓   Morph: k̓+k̓c̓ilxkn̓. unbloated woodtick. Sp č̕č̕c̓él̕ščn̓ (č̕čc̓él̕šcn̓) woodtick; Th /k̓ec̓éyn̓ Rocky Mountain wood tick.

k̓h   raise.

k̓ahnt   Morph: k̓ah+nt. to raise s.t. (open).


nk̓ahcínt   Morph: n+k̓ahcí+nt. to raise s.t. (open).

Tstem. Sp √č̕ek̓ʷ (č̕ehxʷk̓ʷ) (č̕eh) uncovered; see ? Cr č̕ih approach, near.

k̓hk̓ʷ   open.

k̓ahk̓ʷqí(n)   Morph: k̓ahk̓ʷqí(n). to open s.t.

k̓ɬk̓ahk̓ʷíp   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓ahk̓ʷíp. to open the door.

k̓ɬnk̓ahk̓ʷípɬt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓ahk̓ʷíp+ɬt. to pry s.t. open; to open s.t. that is shut; to open a door.


k̓ɬnk̓ahhk̓ʷíp   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓ah•h•k̓ʷip. to open a door; to get a door open.

k̓ɬnk̓ahxʷk̓ʷípnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓ahxʷk̓ʷíp+nt. open the door.


k̓ɬnk̓ahk̓ʷpnúnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓ahk̓ʷp+nú+nt. to manage to open a door.


nk̓ɬk̓ahk̓ʷípm   Morph: n+k̓ɬ+k̓ahk̓ʷíp+m. to open the door.

Mstem. Sp √č̕ek̓ʷ (č̕ehxʷk̓ʷ) (č̕eh) uncovered; č̕ahxʷk̓ʷqí-s he opened a can (a jar or a bottle); č̕ɬ-n-č̕ehxʷk̓ʷép-i-s he opened the door; Cm kɬ-n-k̓ah-ap-nt-xʷ you open s.t. [door].

k̓l1   Coyote.

snk̓lip   Morph: s+nk̓lip. Coyote, coyote.

snk̓l̕ip   Morph: s+n+k̓l̕ip. Coyote; coyote. Sp s-n-č̕léʔ coyote; Cr hn+č̕el̕eʔ coyote... (Kalispel); Sh s-k̓lep coyote; Th s-n/k̓y̓ép coyote; Li n.k̓yap coyote.

nk̓lipp   Morph: n+k̓lip•p. ro be a buffoon, an imitator.

nk̓llipp   Morph: n+k̓l•lip•p. ro be a buffoon, an imitator; to make a fool of oneself.

nk̓l̕kl̕ipp   Morph: n+k̓l̕•k̓l̕ip•p. to imitate; to be a buffoon.

qaʔɬsnk̓líp   Morph: qɬ+s+n+k̓lip. Coyoteʼs children.

knk̓lpik   Morph: k+n+k̓l+pík. to play Coyote-style tricks.

xlksnkl̕ap   Morph: xlk+s+n+k̓l̕ap ? xlksnkl̕ap (man's name).

snk̓l̕íp iʔ sp̓íc̓ns   Morph: s+n+k̓l̕꞊íp iʔ s+p̓íc̓n-s. milkweed. Lit: Coyote’s Indian hemp

snk̓l̕ip q̓aʔxáns   Morph: s+n+k̓l̕꞊ip q̓aʔ꞊xán-s. mountain ladyslipper.

swpcin snk̓l̕ip   Morph: s+wup꞊cín s+n+k̓l̕꞊íp. three-flowered avens. Lit: coyote’s beard

k̓l2   this way.

ck̓laʔ   Morph: c+k̓laʔ. more recently; (move s.t.) this way; later.

ck̓l̕álaʔ   Morph: c+k̓l̕á•laʔ. this way.

k̓lnaʔ   Morph: k̓lnaʔ. the other side; on that side; on the other side.

k̓lnaʔm   Morph: k̓lnaʔ+m. on this side of the river.

ck̓lnixʔílp   Morph: c+k̓l+n+ixʔílp. on this side of the room.

ck̓liʔxʔálqʷ   Morph: c+k̓liʔ+xʔálqʷ. this side of the border.

ck̓liʔxʔíp(s)   Morph: c+k̓liʔ+xʔíp. on this side of.

ck̓liʔxʔípm   Morph: c+k̓liʔ+xʔíp+m. on this side of.

ck̓lnaʔ(m)   Morph: c+k̓lnaʔ(+m). this side of the river or lake.

ck̓liʔxʔús   Morph: c+k̓liʔ+xʔús. this side of the mountain.

ck̓lnixáʔ   Morph: c+k̓l+n+ixáʔ. this side.

k̓l3   hide.

ɬk̓l̕l̕ilx   Morph: ɬ+k̓l̕•l̕ilx. to hide again. Sp √č̕ilxʷ hidden.

k̓l4   chokecherry.

sk̓lw̓saɬq, sk̓luʔsáɬq   Morph: s+k̓lw̓saɬq. chokecherry.

k̓l5   wait, expect.

tk̓lnt   Morph: t+k̓l+nt. to expect s.o.; to wait for s.o.


ctk̓lst   Morph: c+t+k̓l+st. to wait for.


tk̓lk̓lnt   Morph: t+k̓l•k̓l+nt. to expect s.o.; to wait for s.o.


ctk̓lk̓lst   Morph: c+t+k̓l•k̓l+st. to expect to see s.o.


tk̓lk̓lam   Morph: t+k̓l•k̓la+m. to search for.


ctk̓lk̓lam   Morph: c+t+k̓l•k̓la+m. expecting s.o.


stk̓lk̓lam   Morph: s+t+k̓l•k̓lá+m. expecting s.o.


stk̓lk̓lmist   Morph: s+t+k̓l•k̓l+mist. waiting for s.o. or s.t.

k̓l6   tk̓lwsip (place name).

tk̓lwsip   Morph: t+k̓lw̓sip. tk̓lwsip: unidentified place.

k̓l ?   tree bark.

k̓ilílxʷ   Morph: k̓ilílxʷ ? tree bark. Sp √č̕iʔlélxʷ; Cr č̕él+eʔ cradleboard, bark (of a tree).

k̓lk̓ʷ   fire poker.

k̓alk̓ʷsislp̓tn   Morph: k̓alk̓ʷ+sislp̓+tn. fire poker; log roller.

k̓lw̓x   t̓qt̓qɬk̓áluʔxkn (man's name).

t̓qt̓qɬk̓áluʔxkn   Morph: t̓q•t̓q+ɬ+k̓áluʔxkn ? t̓qt̓qɬk̓áluʔxkn (man's name).

k̓lxʷ1   evening, dark.

k̓laxʷ   Morph: k̓laxʷ. to be evening; to be late; to be dark.

sk̓laxʷ   Morph: s+k̓laxʷ. evening; until night.

ɬk̓laxʷ   Morph: ɬ+k̓laxʷ. to be dark again; to be evening again; to be late again.

k̓laxʷxʷ   Morph: k̓laxʷ•xʷ. to be evening.

sk̓k̓laxʷ   Morph: s+k̓•k̓laxʷ. late afternoon, after sunset; sundown; last evening.

k̓laxʷm   Morph: k̓laxʷ+m. to spend the night; to overnight.


k̓lxʷmst   Morph: k̓lxʷ+m+st. to take a whole day.


ksk̓laxʷ   Morph: k+s+k̓laxʷ. to be late; all day.

sk̓lxʷtan   Morph: s+k̓lxʷ+tan. west; sunset. Sp s-n-č̕l̕xʷ-tín the west (where sun sets).

snk̓lxʷcin   Morph: s+n+k̓lxʷ꞊cin. dusk.

k̓lxʷínaʔ   Morph: k̓lxʷínaʔ. evening comes.

sk̓lxʷínaʔ   Morph: s+k̓lxʷínaʔ. evening.

k̓lxʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓lxʷúlaʔxʷ. to get out of sight, disappear; the sun sets.

k̓lxʷmúlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓lxʷ+múlaʔxʷ. to be or get out of sight.

k̓lxʷnuxʷ   Morph: k̓lxʷnuxʷ. to be doing s.t. late; to be a whole day doing s.t.; to be getting late; to be overtaken by darkness.

k̓lxʷusmnt   Morph: k̓lxʷus+m+nt. to get out of sight of s.t.


k̓ɬk̓laxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓laxʷ. to get out of sight; to disappear.

ɬk̓ɬk̓laxʷ   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+k̓laxʷ. to be out of sight again.

k̓ɬk̓lxʷant   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓lxʷa+nt. to get s.t. out of sight; to hide s.t.


k̓ɬk̓k̓laxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓•k̓laxʷ. to be out of sight.

k̓ɬk̓illxʷt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓il•l•xʷ+t. to be out of sight.

k̓ɬk̓lxʷusmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓lxʷus+m+nt. be out of one’s sight.


ck̓ɬk̓lxʷusmst   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+k̓lxʷus+m+st. to get s.t. out of sight; to hide s.t.; to make s.t. disappear.


k̓ɬk̓lxʷmúlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓lxʷ+múlaʔxʷ. a hidden place; a secret place.

k̓ɬk̓llxʷínaʔ   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓l•l•xʷínaʔ. to be overtaken by dark.


k̓ɬk̓llxʷnuxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓l•l•xʷnuxʷ. to be overtaken by dark.


k̓ɬk̓lxʷusmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓lxʷus+m+nt. to disappear; to get out of sight.


nk̓lxʷitkʷ   Morph: nk̓lxʷitkʷ. to disappear in the water.


tk̓lxʷínaʔ   Morph: t+k̓lxʷínaʔ. to be late; dark is upon one.


ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ   Morph: ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ. this evening. Sp č̕lúxʷ the sun disappeared, it became evening; Sh k̓əluxʷ sunset; west.

k̓lxʷ2   egg shell.

snk̓lxʷmip   Morph: sn+k̓lxʷ+mip. egg shell. Sp s-n-č̕lxʷ-m̓ép egg shell; Cm s-n-k̓l-m-ɬc-áp eggshell; Cr t+člxʷíc̓eʔ+n eggshell ... lit. the hard (but brittle) outside covering (as on an egg).

snk̓lmxʷmip   Morph: s+n+k̓lmxʷm꞊ip ? egg shell.

k̓lxʷk̓ʷ   strip bark.

ck̓lxʷk̓ʷalqʷst   Morph: c+k̓lxʷk̓ʷ꞊alqʷ+st. to strip bark off a tree.


k̓lʔ   here.

ak̓láʔ   Morph: ak̓láʔ. (to) here.

k̓laʔ   Morph: k̓laʔ. variant of (i)k̓líʔ before resonants; before (a)k(ɬ)-.

ak̓lálaʔ   Morph: ak̓lá•laʔ. close; near.

k̓laʔm   Morph: k̓laʔ+m. on the other side.

k̓laʔx   Morph: k̓laʔ+x. to slide (s.t. in a direction).

k̓liʔ   Morph: k̓liʔ. (to) there.

k̓líliʔ   Morph: k̓lí•li•ʔ. a short way over there.

ik̓líʔ   Morph: ik̓líʔ. (to) there; be there.

ik̓líliʔ   Morph: ik̓lí•liʔ. over there.

ɬtaʔck̓líʔ   Morph: ɬ+taʔ+c+k̓líʔ. that way again.

k̓l̕   dried.

k̓l̕al̕   Morph: k̓l̕•al̕. s.t. dried up.

k̓ɬm1   goodbye.

k̓ɬmnt   Morph: k̓ɬm+nt. to say good bye.


k̓ɬm2   agree.

k̓ɬmcin   Morph: k̓ɬmcin. to have a say in s.t.; to agree.


k̓ɬmcinm   Morph: k̓ɬmcin+m. to have a say in s.t.; to agree.


k̓ɬnqʷx̌ʷʔ   Paul Creek.

k̓ɬaʕnqʷx̌ʷúʔ   Morph: k̓ɬaʕnqʷx̌ʷúʔ. Paul Creek. Category: Conf.

k̓ɬq̓ʷ   look.

k̓ɬqʷnt   Morph: k̓ɬqʷ+nt. to look for s.t.; to look both ways; to look around.


k̓ɬqʷam   Morph: k̓ɬqʷa+m. to look around.


k̓ɬw   give the away.

k̓ɬwint   Morph: k̓ɬwi+nt. to give s.o. the way.


k̓ɬʔ1   arrive.

k̓ɬʔa   Morph: k̓ɬʔa. to arrive at a point.

k̓aɬáʔ   Morph: k̓aɬáʔ. over there; the other way; on the other side; a little ways; to move over; since; a while back.

sk̓ɬʔa   Morph: s+k̓ɬʔa. to come to a point. Lit: to reach the end

k̓aɬáʔ t̓x̌iwt   Morph: k̓aɬáʔ t̓x̌iwt. year before last.

ck̓aɬáʔ   Morph: c+k̓aɬáʔ. besides, beyond that; this way.

k̓aɬáɬaʔ   Morph: k̓aɬá•ɬaʔ. to be or move a little; to be nearby.

k̓aɬáɬaʔm   Morph: k̓aɬá•ɬaʔ+m. on the other side.

k̓ɬiʔa   Morph: k̓ɬiʔá. to arrive at a point; end of the week; foot of the hill.

k̓ɬɬʔaʔ   Morph: k̓ɬ•ɬʔ꞊aʔ. the end of the week; the foot of the hill.

k̓aɬáʔx   Morph: k̓aɬáʔ+x. to move s.t. away.

k̓aɬáɬxaʔ   Morph: k̓aɬá•ɬxaʔ ? to move a little ways.

sk̓aɬʔásq̓t   Morph: s+k̓aɬʔásq̓t. yesterday.

k̓aɬʔálqʷ   Morph: k̓aɬʔálqʷ. over the line; on the other side.

k̓aɬʔalʔálqʷ   Morph: k̓aɬʔ+alʔálqʷ ? from one border to another.

sk̓ɬʔállqʷaʔ   Morph: s+k̓ɬʔál•l•qʷaʔ. sk̓ɬʔállqʷaʔ: place name. Lit: reach the river

k̓aɬʔíkn̓   Morph: k̓aɬʔíkn̓. on the other side of the mountain or ridge.

k̓aɬʔíp   Morph: k̓aɬʔip. past a place; on the other side (of a place, e.g. a mountain, a building, a boat, a table...)

k̓aɬʔípm   Morph: k̓aɬʔíp+m. on the other side of s.t.last, past (in time).

k̓aɬʔús   Morph: k̓a+ɬʔús. next to the mountain; on a side of the mountain or hill. Sp √č̕ʔe over this way. See: ɬʔ1.

k̓ɬʔ2   maggot.

k̓ík̓ɬuʔ   Morph: k̓í•k̓ɬuʔ. maggot when turning to insect; worms found in old dry food. Sp √č̕eɬ. č̕éč̕ɬuʔ maggot.

k̓ɬʔ3   want.

ɬk̓ɬʔils   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬʔils. to want s.t. back. Category: Conf.

k̓ƛ̓   brown horse.

k̓aƛ̓lxʷ   Morph: k̓aƛ̓lxʷ. brown or bay horse.

k̓k̓aƛ̓lxʷ   Morph: k̓•k̓aƛ̓lxʷ. brown or bay horse.

kɬk̓aƛ̓lxʷ   Morph: kɬ+k̓aƛ̓꞊lxʷ. a brown horse.

kɬk̓ƛ̓k̓aƛ̓lxʷ   Morph: kɬ+k̓ƛ̓•k̓aƛ̓lxʷ. to be brown skinned. Sp čɬ-č̕éƛ̓lxʷ brown horse; Cm kɬk̓aƛ̓lxʷ dark bay horse; Cr √č̕t̓ brown; Th k̓əƛ̓ˑ/k̓eƛ̓-éytxʷ dark grey horse; Li √k̓əƛ̓:k̓əƛ̓ dirty, not cleaned well.

k̓m1   position.

sk̓mcnitkʷ   Morph: s+k̓mcnitkʷ. shore line. Cm k̓m‑cn‑atkʷ bay; bank, shore.

k̓mikn̓   Morph: k̓mikn̓. outside.

k̓mmikn̓   Morph: k̓m•mikn̓. to be left out; to be crowded out; to arrive late.

sk̓mikn   Morph: s+k̓mikn. edge. Sp č-č̕míčn̓ top of a mountain.

k̓mqin   Morph: k̓m꞊qin. the head of a river.

k̓mɬníwtnt   Morph: k̓m+ɬníwt+nt. to go to s.o.'s side.


sk̓max̌n   Morph: s+k̓max̌n. the end of a place.

k̓m2   position (t + √k̓m).

stk̓maqs   Morph: s+t+k̓maqs. the end of s.t.

stk̓masq̓t   Morph: s+t+k̓masq̓t. sky. Sp s-č-č̕másq̓t sky, heaven; Cm stk̓masq̓t sky, along the sky; Cr t+č̕másq̓it atmosphere, heaven, firmamanet, sky.

stk̓máx̌n   Morph: s+t+k̓máx̌n. side; wing; the outside.

stk̓mikst   Morph: s+t+k̓mikst. a branch.

tk̓k̓mqsíɬaʔxʷ   Morph: t+k̓•k̓mqsíɬaʔxʷ. a small house by itself.

tk̓maqs   Morph: t+k̓maqs. tk̓maqs: Mitchell Point. Lit: point of land

tk̓maqsm   Morph: t+k̓maqs+m. tk̓maqsm: place name. Lit: comes to a point

tk̓mip   Morph: t+k̓mip. tk̓mip: place name. Lit: comes to an end

tk̓míplaʔ   Morph: t+k̓míplaʔ. handle; place where one hods s.t.

tk̓míplaʔtn   Morph: t+k̓míplaʔ+tn. a handle.

tk̓mkniɬxʷ   Morph: t+k̓mkniɬxʷ. outside (the house).

tk̓mkn̓iɬxʷ   Morph: t+k̓mkn̓iɬxʷ. outside (the house).

tk̓max̌n   Morph: t+k̓max̌n. to be on the outside; to go outside.

tk̓mk̓max̌n   Morph: t+k̓m•k̓max̌n. several are on the outside, go outside.

tk̓míc̓aʔ   Morph: tk̓míc̓aʔ. the rind.

tk̓mɬniwt   Morph: t+k̓mɬniwt. alongside.

tk̓mutm   Morph: t+k̓mut+m. to be or sit with s.o.

k̓m3   position (n + √k̓m).

snk̓mink   Morph: s+n+k̓mink. a wall. Sp s-n-č̕ménč the back wall of the tepee furthest from the entrance; Cm n‑k̓m‑ank wall; Cr n+č̕émenč wall (lit. the surface of the inside); Sh x-k̓m-enk hillside.

snk̓mikn̓   Morph: s+n+k̓mikn̓. s.t.'s or s.o.'s back; behind; in back of. Sp s-n-č̕míčn̓ back; Cm n-k̓m-ikn back of the body; Cr s+n+č̕míčn̓ back, derriere; Sh x-k̓m-ikn̓ back side; Th n/k̓míkn̓ back[longitudinally], spine.

snk̓amqn   Morph: s+n+k̓amqn. the tip; the end. Sp s-n-č̕ámqn the top of a tree; Cr s+n+č̕ámqn apex (lit. top of the head); Sh t-k̓m-qin̓ roof; Th n/k̓mqín [of tree or mountain] top; s/k̓əmqín top of s.t., far end, head of lake; Li k̓əm̓-qin̓ top, summit.

snk̓maqs   Morph: s+n+k̓maqs. point.

nk̓amqn   Morph: n+k̓amqn. the top of s.t. Sp s-n-č̕ámqn the top of a tree; Cm s‑n‑k̓m‑qin roof.

nk̓mɬniw̓t   Morph: n+k̓mɬniw̓t. beside; the side of s.t.

nk̓mɬniwt   Morph: n+k̓mɬniwt. the side (of s.t.); beside.

nk̓mk̓mɬniwt   Morph: n+k̓m•k̓mɬniwt. sides.

nk̓maqs   Morph: n+k̓maqs. a point.

nk̓mink   Morph: n+k̓mink. wall; inside of s.t. (e.g. a hide).

nk̓mk̓amqn   Morph: n+k̓m•k̓amqn. (tree) tops.

nk̓mnkiɬxʷ   Morph: n+k̓mnkiɬxʷ. ceiling; wall(s).

nk̓mqniɬxʷ   Morph: n+k̓m꞊qn꞊iɬxʷ. ceiling; roof; top of the house. Sp n-č̕mqnéɬxʷ smokehole of a tepee, chimney, top of a tepee or house, roof. Sp s-n-č̕mɬníw̓t side of the body, underarm to hip; Cm nk̓maɬníw̓t side of the body; Sh x-k̓m-ɬniw̓t side of body; Th n/k̓əmɬníw̓t side of body. Sp s-n-č̕mséw̓sčšn hock, back of the knee.

k̓m4   position (k̓ɬ + √k̓m).

k̓ɬk̓mcnitkʷ   Morph: k̓ɬk̓mcnitkʷ. the outer edge of the water.

k̓ɬnk̓mip   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓míp. a door; an opening to the house.

k̓ɬnk̓mmip   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓m•mip. doors. Sp č̕ɬ-n-č̕mép door; Cm kɬ‑n‑k̓m‑ap door, gate; Cr e+čs+n+číy̓ep ... the door, gate is open.

sk̓ɬk̓am   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+k̓am. edge.

k̓ɬtk̓max̌n   Morph: k̓ɬ+t+k̓max̌n. to be or go on the outside. Sp k̓ɬ‑k̓m‑apaš chin, side of jaw; Cm k̓ɬ‑k̓m‑apas chin, side of jaw; Cr s+č̕mípens chin; Sh t-k̓m-épeʔs-qn chin. Sp qt:s-č̕ɬ-č̕m̓m̓ús cheeks; s-č̕ɬ-č̕mús cheek; Cm k̓ɬk̓musn cheek; Cr s+cen+č̕émus cheek. Sp s-č̕ɬ-č̕mcín part of neck under chin; s-č̕ɬ-č̕mápqn back of the head; s-čɬ-č̕mésšn̓ forehead; s-n-č̕máx̌n armpit; s-n-č̕mmáx̌n armpits; Cm katk̓mál̕s forehead; kat‑k̓m-akst back side of the hand; Cr s+četč̕míl̕us forehead; s+can+č̕m̓ apqn̓ head (back of...); s+can+č̕máx̌n armpit; Sh s-k̓m-ep-qn back of head; t-k̓m-cin̓ lip, edge; x-k̓m-ex̌n armpit. Cr √č̕m, s+t+č̕ámalqšn calf (lit. surface of the leg); Sh s-k̓m-eqst-xn̓ shins.Sp s-čɬ-č̕mcín̓šn ankle; s-čɬ-č̕m̓cnéčst wrist; Cm kɬ‑k̓m‑cn‑akst wrist; Cm kɬ‑k̓m‑cin‑xn ankle; Cr s+cen+č̕mcínšn ankle; s+cen+č̕mcínčt carpus, wrist; Sh k̓ʷəɬ-k̓m-cən̓-ekst wrist; Sh k̓ʷəɬ-k̓m-cin̓-xn ankle. 28/Nov/2022.

k̓m5   √k̓m in body parts.

sk̓mcinxn   Morph: s+k̓mcinxn. ankle.

sk̓mmcinxn   Morph: s+k̓m•mcinxn. ankles. Sp s-čɬ-č̕mcín̓šn ankle; Cm kɬ‑k̓m‑cin‑xn ankle; Cr s+cen+č̕mcínšn ankle; Sh k̓ʷəɬ-k̓m-cin̓-xn ankle.

sk̓miltn   Morph: s+k̓m꞊iltn. throat; gullet.

sk̓maqs   nose; the end (of a line); side; wing. Cr s+niʔ+č̕ám–iʔqs nose (surface of the).

sk̓mipɬxn   Morph: s+k̓m꞊ipɬ꞊xn. the heel (of a foot). Sp s-č̕mépšn heel of foot.

sk̓mlqsikst   Morph: s+k̓mlqsikst. elbow. Cm s‑n‑k̓m‑lqs‑akst point of elbow.

sk̓msimxʷ   Morph: s+k̓msimxʷ. nipple; teat.

sk̓miw̓s   Morph: s+k̓miw̓s. one's back (of the body); one's waist.

sk̓mmiw̓s   Morph: s+k̓m•miw̓s. backs. Sp s-n-č̕méw̓s the waist, the narrow, middle part of the body; Cm s‑k̓m‑aw̓s waist; Sh s-k̓m-ew̓s waist.

sk̓mw̓sikst   Morph: s+k̓mw̓sikst. the lower arm; the back side of the forearm.

sk̓mw̓saqs   Morph: s+k̓m꞊w̓s꞊aqs. the bridge of the nose.

sk̓mw̓sax̌n   Morph: s+k̓m꞊w̓s꞊ax̌n. the upper arm.

sk̓mw̓sus   Morph: s+k̓mw̓sus. the front of the face.

snk̓mustxn   Morph: sn+k̓mus+txn. leg. Sp s-č-č̕máqsčšn leg.

snk̓max̌n   Morph: s+n+k̓max̌n. underarm, armpit. Sp s-n-č̕máx̌n armpit.

sk̓maw̓sqn   Morph: s+k̓maw̓sqn. the front of the mouth; the lip. Sp s-n-č̕mmáx̌n armpits; Cr s+č̕máx̌n edge; Sh x-k̓m-ex̌n armpit.

k̓milps   Morph: k̓milps. neck.

k̓mlqsikst   Morph: k̓mlqsikst. elbow.

k̓mmlqsikst   Morph: k̓m•mlqsikst. elbows.

k̓maqstxn   Morph: k̓maqstxn. a leg.

k̓mmaqstxn   Morph: k̓m̓•maqstxn. legs.

stk̓mmaqstxn   Morph: s+t+k̓m•maqstxn. legs.

k̓ɬk̓mcin   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓mcin. the front of the neck.

k̓ɬk̓mcinxn   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓mcinxn. ankle.

k̓ɬk̓mcnikst   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓mcnikst. wrist.

sk̓ɬk̓mils   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+k̓mils. front (of body); chest. Sp s-čɬ-č̕méls chest; Sh t-k̓m-eləs chest, breast.

sk̓ɬk̓miw̓s   Morph: s-k̓ɬ-k̓m꞊iw̓s. chest.

kɬk̓mil̕sxn   Morph: kɬ+k̓mil̕sxn. forehead.

k̓ɬk̓milsxn   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓m꞊ilsxn. forehead.

k̓ɬk̓mípaʔst   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓mípaʔst. chin.

ktk̓m̓maqstxn   Morph: k+t+k̓m̓•maqstxn. legs.

k̓ɬk̓mapqn   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓mapqn. the back of the neck, above the nape; the back of the neck or head.

k̓ɬk̓mus   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓mus. cheek.

k̓ɬk̓mmus   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓m•mus. cheeks.

k̓ɬnk̓msax̌n   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓msax̌n. underarm, armpit.

k̓mmiw̓s   Morph: k̓m•miw̓s. to have back spasms.

k̓msiw̓stxn   Morph: k̓m+siw̓s+txn. the back of one's leg.

k̓mmsiw̓stxn   Morph: k̓m•m+siw̓s+txn. the backs of one's legs.

nk̓mm̓íkiʔxn   Morph: n+k̓m•m̓íkiʔxn. the sole of the foot.

nk̓milps   Morph: n+k̓milps. the front part of the neck.

nk̓mmilps   Morph: n+k̓m•milps. necks.

nk̓mlqsikst   Morph: n+k̓mlqsikst. (inside the) elbow.

nk̓maqstxn   Morph: n+k̓maqstxn. hip.

nk̓max̌n   Morph: n+k̓max̌n. armpit.

nk̓maw̓sqn   Morph: n+k̓maw̓sqn. top or crown of the head.

nk̓mmaqstxn   Morph: n+k̓m•maqstxn. hips.

nk̓mn̓kikst   Morph: n+k̓mn̓kikst. palm of the hand.

nk̓mnkikst   Morph: n+k̓mnkikst. palm, front of the hand.

nk̓mmn̓kikst   Morph: n+k̓m•mn̓kikst. palms (of the hand).

nk̓mups   Morph: n+k̓mups. bottom; arse.

nk̓mqnups   Morph: n+k̓mqnups. tailbone.

nk̓mustxn   Morph: n+k̓m꞊ust꞊xn. thigh; upper leg; lap.

nk̓msiw̓stxn   Morph: n+k̓m+siw̓stxn. the area behind the knee.

stk̓milpstxn   Morph: s+t+k̓milpstxn. (a person's) lap.

tk̓maqstxn   Morph: t+k̓maqstxn. lower leg; shin. Sh s-k̓m-eqst-xn̓ shins.

tk̓max̌ʷck   Morph: t+k̓max̌ʷck. chest. Sp s-č-č̕máx̣ʷcč chest to throat area.

tk̓milps   Morph: t+k̓milps. the area below the back of the neck.

tk̓miw̓s   Morph: t+k̓m꞊iw̓s. lower legs; shins. Morph: t+k̓m•k̓maqstxn.

tk̓mm̓aqstxn   Morph: t+k̓m•m̓aqstxn. legs.

tk̓mqniɬ   Morph: t+k̓m꞊qniɬ. shoulder. Morph: t+k̓msax̌n. See: k̓m1.

k̓m6   √k̓m in place names.

sk̓k̓m̓aqs   Morph: s+k̓•k̓m̓aqs. sk̓k̓m̓aqs: place name. Lit: little point (of land)

nk̓mcin   Morph: n+k̓mcin. nk̓mcin: place name. Lit: mouth of river or creek

nk̓k̓m̓cin̓   Morph: n+k̓•k̓m̓cín̓. nk̓k̓m̓cin̓: place name; nk̓k̓m̓cin̓: name given to the former mouth of the Sanpoil River. Lit: mouth of creek (diminutive)

nk̓mip   Morph: n+k̓mip. Inkameep.

nk̓maplqs   Morph: nk̓maplqs. nk̓maplqs: Head of the Lakes.

nk̓k̓maplqs   Morph: n+k̓•k̓maplqs. Kalmalka. Lit: little head of the lake

snk̓mcínaʔx   Morph: sn+k̓mcín+aʔx. Lytton.

stk̓mmaqs   Morph: s+t+k̓m•maqs. stk̓mmaqs: place name. Lit: end of point

k̓m7   dark.

k̓im   Morph: k̓im. to be dark.

k̓im̓   Morph: k̓im̓. to be (pitch) dark.

k̓map   Morph: k̓ma+p. to be dark.

k̓mpus   Morph: k̓m+pus. to get dark on s.o.

k̓ím̓laʔxʷ   Morph: k̓ím̓laʔxʷ. to be dark on the land.

nk̓im   Morph: n+k̓im. a dark place.

nk̓mk̓mpus   Morph: n+k̓m•k̓m+pus. the eyes are blinded; to be unable to see. Sp hi č̕im̓ it's dark, it's hard to see; č̕m-íp it suddenly got dark; Cm k̓əm̓ be dark (i.e. nighttime); Cr č̕em̓ dark, dark (to be...), e.g. night.

k̓m8   womanize.

sk̓ɬk̓mam   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+k̓ma+m. womanizing.

k̓ɬk̓mk̓muɬ   Morph: k̓ɬk̓mk̓muɬ. to be a womanizer; to wish for women.

k̓m9   only; except.

k̓m   Morph: k̓m. except; only.

k̓im   Morph: k̓im. but; only; left; no longer; except; alone.

k̓ik̓m   Morph: k̓i•k̓m. close to; nearly; almost; pretty soon.

sk̓maqs   Morph: s+k̓maqs. leftovers; detritus.

sk̓am̓qs   Morph: s+k̓am̓qs. leftovers.

sncixɬk̓ámqstn   Morph: sn+cix+ɬ+k̓ámqs+tn. microwave oven; leftovers warmer. Lit: Left-overs warmer.

lut k̓im   Morph: lut k̓im. no more.

lut k̓m   Morph: lut k̓m. not at all. Cr č̕am̓ left (...over, ...out)... left, remaining; Sh k̓éməɬ but, only; Th k̓ém̓rɬ but, and on the other hand.

k̓ml   Kamloops.

k̓mlups   Morph: k̓mlups. Kamloops.

tk̓mlups   Morph: t+k̓mlups. tk̓mlups: Kamloops. Lit: on a mountain, just above the middle

k̓msqʷlxn   k̓msqʷlxin m(man's name).

k̓msqʷlxin   Morph: k̓msqʷlxin ? k̓msqʷlxin m(man's name).

k̓mʔ   pine needle.

k̓ámaʔ   Morph: k̓ámaʔ. pine needle. Sp č̕émeʔ dead, dry, pine tree needles (on ground); Cm k̓mámaʔ dry pine needles; Cr č̕imul pine needle; Sh k̓éme covering of pine-needles on ground; Th √k̓ém̓ conifer needles; Li k̓ámaʔ needles of tree (pine, fir, etc.)

k̓m̓   sk̓ám̓acn (man's name).

sk̓ám̓acn   sk̓ám̓acn (man's name). Morph: s+k̓ám̓a꞊cn ?

k̓n1   fear.

k̓int   Morph: k̓in+t. to be afraid; to be cautious.

sk̓intm   Morph: s+k̓in+t+m. fearing s.t.

nMstem. Cm k̓in̓‑k̓in̓‑t be dangerous; Cr č̕in dangerous.

k̓n2   k̓níc̓aʔ (woman's name).

k̓níc̓aʔ   Morph: k̓n꞊íc̓aʔ. k̓níc̓aʔ (woman's name).

k̓aʔníc̓aʔ   Morph: k̓aʔníc̓aʔ. k̓aʔníc̓aʔ (woman's name).

k̓n3   push (?)

k̓ɬk̓ncint   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓nci+nt. to push s.t. or s.o.


k̓ɬk̓ncinm   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓ncin+m. to push s.o.


k̓n4   run.

k̓nuss   Morph: k̓nus•s. four-footed runners.

k̓nnuss   Morph: k̓n•nus•s ? four-footed runner.

k̓k̓nnuss   Morph: k̓•k̓n+nus•s. creatures running aimlessly.

k̓np̓   gird.

k̓np̓qin   Morph: k̓np̓qin. a ring.

k̓np̓qinkst   Morph: k̓np̓qinkst. a ring.

k̓np̓qinkstn   Morph: k̓np̓qinkst+n. a ring.

k̓nk̓np̓qinkstn   Morph: k̓n•k̓np̓qinkst+n. rings.

k̓k̓np̓qinkstn   Morph: k̓•k̓np̓qinks+tn. a small ring.

k̓np̓íw̓snt   Morph: k̓np̓íw̓s+nt. to put s.t. around s.t. or s.o.


k̓np̓w̓scut   Morph: k̓np̓w̓s+cut. to put a belt on; to put s.t. around oneself.


k̓np̓iw̓stn   Morph: k̓np̓iw̓s+tn. a strap; a belt; a stiff round band.

k̓ɬk̓np̓cnikstn   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓np̓꞊cn꞊iks+tn. bracelet.

sk̓ɬnk̓nk̓np̓ax̌n   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+n+k̓n•k̓np̓ax̌n. a vest. Sp č̕ɬ-č̕nč̕np̓áx̌n a vest; Cr s+can+č̕n̓+č̕np̓áx̌n̓ vest, corset. Sp č̕np̓qín̓čs-tn̓ a ring; Cm s‑kɬ‑k̓np̓–cn–akst bracelet; sk̓n̓p̓qn̓uskst ring for a finger; Cr č̕enp̓ clasp, encircle; u+x̌ʷal̕+a č̕n̓p̓qín̓čt ... lit. it is like a ring; s+č̕np̓áx̌n armlet, bracelet; Sh knp̓-ekst fingerring; c-x-knip̓-w̓s narrow road.

k̓ns   trap; deadfall.

k̓ans   Morph: k̓ans. log trap; deadfall.

sk̓nsam   Morph: s+k̓nsa+m. trapping; deadfall trapping; trapping by having s.t. fall on the animal.


k̓nsmix   Morph: k̓nsmix. a trapper.

k̓wsk̓nss   Morph: k̓w+s+k̓ns. to go trapping (with a log trap). Sp č̕néyn a pole trap.

k̓nyʔ   listen.

k̓níyaʔ   Morph: k̓níyaʔ. to listen; to hear.

k̓níyaʔmst   Morph: k̓níyaʔ+m+st. listen to.


k̓níyaʔmnt   Morph: k̓níyaʔ+m+nt. to listen; to take s.o.'s advice.


k̓nníyaʔ   Morph: k̓n•n•íyaʔ. to have listened.

k̓níyaʔtn   Morph: k̓níyaʔ+tn. a listening device; a listening tool.

k̓k̓níyaʔmnt   Morph: k̓•k̓níyaʔ+m+nt. to listen; to eavesdrop.


ck̓k̓níyaʔmst   Morph: c+k̓•k̓níyaʔ+m+st. to listen.


k̓k̓níyaʔmnt   Morph: k̓+k̓níyaʔ+m+nt. to listen.


sck̓k̓níyaʔm   Morph: sc+k̓•k̓níyaʔ+m. the one or ones being eavesdropped on.

k̓náyaʔqn   Morph: k̓náyaʔqn. to try to listen; to eavesdrop.


k̓náʔyaqnmnt   Morph: k̓náʔyaqn+m+nt. to listen to.


k̓ɬk̓níyaʔnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓níyaʔ+nt. to listen to s.o.; to hear s.o.


ck̓ɬk̓níyaʔmst   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+k̓níyaʔ+m+st. to listen for s.t. or s.o.


k̓ɬk̓nníyaʔnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓n•níyaʔ+nt. to have heard s.o.


ʔawsk̓k̓níyaʔ   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓•k̓níyaʔ. to go hear s.t. or s.o.


kʔawsk̓níyaʔ, k̓awsk̓níyaʔ   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓níyaʔ. to go listen.


ckʔawsk̓níyaʔ, ck̓awsk̓níyaʔ   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+k̓níyaʔ. to come to listen.


k̓py   k̓y̓pyawt (man's name).

k̓y̓pyawt   Morph: k̓y̓pyawt. k̓y̓pyawt (man's name).

k̓p̓   pinch.

k̓ip̓nt   Morph: k̓ip̓+nt. to pinch s.t.


k̓ip̓p̓   Morph: k̓ip̓•p̓. to get pinched; to be pinched.

k̓ip̓w̓snt   Morph: k̓ip̓w̓s+nt. to pinch s.t. in the middle.


tk̓p̓k̓ip̓m   Morph: t+k̓p̓•k̓ip̓+m. to pinch (oneself) onto s.t.

Mstem. Cm k̓ip̓-nt-xʷ you pinch s.t., k̓ip̓-mn tongs, see also k̓-a-k̓ip̓-mn scissors; Cr č̕ip̓ pinch; Sh kip̓-m to pinch together; Th √k̓ip̓ jam/pinch; Li k̓íp̓-in̓ to hold s.t. with tweezers or tongs.

k̓r1   swim.

k̓k̓ra   Morph: k̓•k̓ra. to swim.

k̓ram   Morph: k̓ra+m. to swim (across).

ɬk̓ram   Morph: ɬ+k̓ra+m. to swim again.

k̓rk̓arám   Morph: k̓r•k̓ará+m. to swim about.

sk̓ram   Morph: s+k̓ra+m. to swim; swimming.

sxʷk̓ram   Morph: sxʷ+k̓ra+m. one who swims for s.t.

k̓ɬk̓aʔrmínt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓aʔr+mí+nt. to swim to.


k̓ɬk̓rk̓aʔrmínt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓r•k̓aʔr+mí+nt. to swim around s.t.

Tstem. Cm na‑k̓r‑m to swim; Cr č̕ar swim; č̕ar+p animal swims.

k̓r2   cut, saw.

k̓rnt   Morph: k̓r+nt. to cut or carve a strip.


k̓ar̓   Morph: k̓ar̓. to be cut.

k̓irr   Morph: k̓ir•r. to be cut in strips.

k̓rk̓ram   Morph: k̓r•k̓ra+m. to cut or carve strips (e.g. of meat).


sk̓ram   Morph: s+k̓ra+m. cutting with a saw.


k̓irm   Morph: k̓ir+m. to cut s.t. in strips.

k̓rmin   Morph: k̓r+min. scissors.

k̓rk̓rmin   Morph: k̓r•k̓r+min. cutter.

k̓ɬk̓rnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓r+nt. to cut off s.t.


nk̓riw̓snt   Morph: n+k̓riw̓s+nt. cut in two; to cut s.t.


kɬk̓r̓miw̓s   Morph: kɬ+k̓r+míw̓s. Whitestone Creek; kɬk̓r̓miw̓s: place name. Lit: cut through middle

kɬk̓rm̓íwaʔs   Morph: kɬ+k̓r+m̓꞊íwaʔs. Whitestone Creek. Lit: cut through middle of small area

kɬk̓k̓rm̓íwaʔs   Morph: kɬ+k̓•k̓r+m̓íwaʔs. kɬk̓k̓rm̓íwaʔs: place name. Lit: small cut through middle of small area Sp √č̕er(í) (čal) (čayl) cut; Cm kr̓‑(nt)‑n I cut s.t.; Cr č̕ar; Sh k̓l-am to cut strips of skin, cut anything with shears, swaw, etc.; Th √k̓əḷ cut sheet; Li k̓ə̣ḷ-xál to make a mark by scratching s.t., by cutting into it. See: k̓ar̓.

k̓r3   slanted, squint.

stk̓rk̓rus   Morph: s+t+k̓r•k̓rus. one with slanted eyes.

tk̓rk̓rus   Morph: t+k̓r•k̓rus. to squint.

k̓r4   stk̓rmstwixʷtn (place name).

stk̓rmstwixʷtn   Morph: s+t+k̓r+m+st+wixʷ+tn. stk̓rmstwixʷtn: unidentified location.

k̓s1   bad.

k̓as   Morph: k̓as. to be bad; to have a problem.

k̓ass   Morph: k̓as•s. to quarrel; to argue; to disagree.

k̓ʔas   Morph: k̓[ʔ]as. to get to feel bad.

k̓ast   Morph: k̓as+t. (to be) bad.

k̓asst   Morph: k̓as•s+t. to quarrel.

sk̓asstm   Morph: s+k̓as•st+m. quarreling with.


k̓sk̓asst   Morph: k̓s•k̓as+st. to quarrel with s.o.


k̓sk̓ass   Morph: k̓s•k̓as•s. to quarrel; to disagree.

k̓sk̓ast   Morph: k̓s•k̓ast. several are bad.

k̓k̓ásaʔt   Morph: k̓•k̓ásaʔt. to be ugly, homely.

k̓k̓sk̓ásaʔt   Morph: k̓•k̓s•k̓ás+aʔt. several bad (things).

ksk̓k̓ásaʔt   Morph: k+s+k̓•k̓ásaʔ+t. ugliness.

k̓scnmist   Morph: k̓scn+mist. to swear; to use bad language; to curse.

ɬk̓scnmist   Morph: ɬ+k̓scn+mist. to swear again; to use bad language again; to curse again.

sk̓sámaʔ   Morph: s+k̓sámaʔ ? cancer.

k̓sk̓sikst   Morph: k̓s•k̓sikst. a horse or horses that buck; rough stock.

k̓sk̓skstusnt   Morph: k̓s•k̓skstus+nt. to balk; to be recalcitrant.


k̓salqs   Morph: k̓salqs. bad (women's) clothes.

k̓sk̓salqʷ   Morph: k̓s•k̓salqʷ. bad round objects (e.g. snow shoes).

k̓sils   Morph: k̓sils. to be sick.

k̓slscut   Morph: k̓slscut. an ugly outfit; a bad outfit (men's).

k̓saɬqʷ   Morph: k̓saɬqʷ. k̓saɬqʷ: place name. Lit: bad breeze

k̓sasq̓t   Morph: k̓s꞊asq̓t. storm, bad weather.

k̓sitkʷ   Morph: k̓s꞊itkʷ. bad, rough water.

k̓stan   Morph: k̓s+tan. a sin.

k̓ssmilx   Morph: k̓s•s+milx. to have problems; to not get along.

k̓stmnt   Morph: k̓s+t+m+nt. to blame.


k̓stminm   Morph: k̓s+t+min+m. to blame s.o. or s.t.


k̓sstiʔst   Morph: k̓s•s+tiʔst. to have bad luck; to run into bad luck.

k̓stwilx   Morph: k̓s+t+wilx. to spoil, to become bad; to break down.

k̓sstwilx   Morph: k̓s•s+t+wilx. to have spoiled; to have gone bad.

k̓súlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓súlaʔxʷ. bad country; underbrush.

sk̓súlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+k̓súlaʔxʷ. bad land; sk̓súlaʔxʷ (man's name).

k̓sus   Morph: k̓sus. to be ugly.

k̓ssʕac̓c̓   Morph: k̓s•s+ʕac̓•c̓. to look ugly.

k̓ssʕ̓ac̓c̓   Morph: k̓s•s+ʕ̓ac̓•c̓. bad looking; ugly looking.

k̓saw̓s   Morph: k̓saw̓s. k̓saw̓s (man's name).

k̓sasqílxʷ   Morph: k̓s•as+qílxʷ. rascal; k̓sasqílxʷ (man's name).

k̓ɬk̓sus   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓sus. to be ugly.

sxʔimɬk̓ást   Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+k̓ás+t. the worst.

snk̓ʷɬnk̓sils   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+k̓sils. a fellow ill-tempered person.

qaʔɬk̓ást   Morph: qaʔɬk̓ás+t. to be from bad stock.

k̓ssk̓ʷk̓ʷyúmaʔ   Morph: k̓s•s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷyúmaʔ. to be a little brat.

k̓sq̓ilt   Morph: k̓s+q̓il+t. tuberculosis; TB.

myɬk̓ast   Morph: my+ɬ+k̓as+t. worse.

puʔk̓sús   Morph: puʔk̓sús. an ugly spouse.

sk̓sɬtkɬmilxʷ   Morph: s+k̓s+ɬ+tkɬ+milxʷ. sk̓sɬtkɬmilxʷ (woman's name).

sk̓sʕac̓c̓   Morph: s+k̓s+ʕac̓•c̓. one's ugliness; one's bad looks.

snk̓ʷɬk̓ast   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+k̓ast. a partner in mischief. Sp √č̕es bad, evil, wrong, amiss; č̕éss they quarreled; Cm k̓əst, √t:k̓as‑s‑(nt)‑n I argue, quarrel with s.o.; Cr č̕es bad; Sh k̓is-t bad; Th √k̓ə̣s bad; Li √k̓s (?) n.k̓s-an̓k mean (spirited).

k̓s2   bad (t + √k̓s).

stk̓síc̓aʔ   Morph: s+t+k̓síc̓aʔ. bad appearance; bad clothes. Sp č̕síc̓eʔ ugly blanket.

tk̓sils   Morph: t+k̓sils. bad stomach; to be sick at the stomach; to have indigestion. Sp hec-č-č̕ésls-i he feels queasy.

stk̓sils   Morph: s+t+k̓sils. indigestion. Sp hec-č-č̕ésls-i he feels queasy.

k̓s3   bad (n + √k̓s).

nk̓slscut   Morph: n+k̓slscut. to be ornery; to have a bad temper.

nk̓stan   Morph: n+k̓s+tan. a sin; badness.

nk̓stmint   Morph: n+k̓s+t+mi+nt. to harm; to dislike s.t. or s.o.; s.t. does not agree with s.o.; to fall ill; bad comes to s.o.


snk̓stminm   Morph: s+n+k̓s+t+min+m. being bad for.


nk̓stwilx   Morph: nk̓s+t+wilx. water spoils.

nk̓stkʷwilxst   Morph: nk̓stkʷ+wilx+st. to ruin or pollute the water.


nk̓aʔsíls   Morph: n+k̓a[ʔ]síls. to feel offended; to be angry about s.t.

nk̓sínaʔ   Morph: n+k̓sínaʔ. to not like what one hears (and be angry).

nk̓sils   Morph: n+k̓sils. to be mean, ill tempered; to be mad about s.t. Sh x-k̓əs-áləs mean at heart.

nk̓sk̓sils   Morph: n+k̓s•k̓sils. several are mean, ill tempered; several are mad about s.t.

nk̓sínaʔmnt   Morph: n+k̓sínaʔ+m+nt. to be angry at s.o.


nk̓súlaɁxʷ   Morph: nk̓súlaɁxʷ. a swamp.

nk̓sqin   Morph: n+k̓s꞊qin. to have an ugly laugh.

nk̓smákaʔ   Morph: n+k̓s+mákaʔ. to be sloppy.

nk̓sk̓susnt   Morph: n+k̓s•k̓sus+nt. to spoil a view.


cnk̓sk̓sust   Morph: c+n+k̓s•k̓su+st. to spoil s.o.'s view; to spoil what s.o. sees.


nk̓sitkʷ   Morph: nk̓sitkʷ. bad water; bad tasting liquid.

nk̓saqs   Morph: n+k̓saqs. a bad road.

k̓s4   pile.

k̓isnt   Morph: k̓is+nt. to pile brush or twigs.


sck̓is   Morph: sc+k̓is. brush or twigs that have been piled.

nk̓isnt   Morph: n+k̓is+nt. to pile twigs on s.t.


nk̓isw̓sxn   Morph: n+k̓isw̓sxn. s.t. piled.

k̓s5   louse eggs.

k̓k̓stánaʔ   Morph: k̓•k̓s+tánaʔ. louse egg; nits. See Cm k̓əsn̓ louse; Sh k̓əsten̓ nits; Th /k̓əs-tə́n̓ nit(s), louse egg(s); Li k̓ə́stən nits.

k̓s6   k̓s in men's names.

k̓swilx   Morph: k̓s+wilx. k̓swilx (man's name).

nk̓sw̓sus, nk̓suʔsús   Morph: n+k̓s꞊w̓s꞊us. nk̓suʔsús (man's name).

k̓k̓sáyaqn   Morph: k̓•k̓s꞊áya꞊qn. k̓k̓sáyaqn (man's name).

k̓k̓sáyaʔqn   Morph: k̓•k̓s꞊áyaʔ꞊qn. k̓k̓sáyaʔqn (man's name).

k̓k̓sáɬaʔq   Morph: k̓•k̓sáɬaʔq. ?

sk̓ísslaʔxʷ   Morph: s+k̓ís•s꞊laʔxʷ. sk̓ísslaʔxʷ (man's name).

k̓asnú   Morph: k̓as+nú ? k̓asnú (man's name).

k̓s7   saskatoon.

sk̓k̓sáɬaʔq   Morph: s+k̓•k̓s꞊áɬaʔq. saskatoon, or serviceberry.

k̓sm   king (?) bird.

k̓ísmk̓ism   Morph: k̓ísm•k̓ism. small gray bird with white chest and black head that molests bigger birds.

k̓sm̓k̓ism̓   Morph: k̓sm̓•k̓ísm̓. king bird.

k̓spn   nape.

k̓span   Morph: k̓span. nape of the neck. Cm k̓əspn neck.

k̓t1   near.

k̓aʔt   Morph: k̓aʔt. s.t. gets or is near.

k̓aʔítt   Morph: k̓aʔít•t. to have got near; to be near.

k̓aʔk̓aʔítt   Morph: k̓aʔ•k̓aʔít•t. to get close.

ck̓aʔítt   Morph: c+k̓aʔít•t. to come near.

k̓ik̓t   Morph: k̓i•k̓t. to be in the vicinity, near.

k̓ik̓tm   Morph: k̓i•k̓t+m. in the vicinity; near.

k̓ík̓aʔt   Morph: k̓i•k̓aʔt. near; a short distance; around here; to get near; to stay close; to be near; to be next.

ck̓ítlxmnt   Morph: c+k̓ítlx+m+nt. to come near; to get close.


k̓aʔtmint   Morph: k̓aʔt+mi+nt. to get close to s.t. or s.o.


k̓tminm   Morph: k̓t+min+m. to get close to s.t. or s.o.

ck̓aʔtmínt   Morph: c+k̓aʔt+mí+nt. to come close, near.

k̓aʔtmínt   Morph: k̓aʔt+mí+nt. to get close to.


k̓aʔtmíst   Morph: k̓aʔt+míst. to get near to s.o. or s.t.

k̓k̓tils   Morph: k̓•k̓tils. to come close to the mind.

k̓aʔcnítkʷ   Morph: k̓aʔcnítkʷ. to be close to shore.

k̓aʔtcnítkʷ   Morph: k̓aʔt꞊cn꞊ítkʷ. to get close to the shore.

k̓aʔtúlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓aʔtúlaʔxʷ. to get close to a place, close to home.

k̓k̓t̓úlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓•k̓t̓úlaʔxʷ. low to the ground.

k̓atásq̓t   Morph: k̓at꞊ásq̓t. close to the day.

k̓ɬk̓ík̓aʔt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓í•k̓aʔt. to be closer to s.t.

k̓ɬk̓aʔtús   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓[aʔ]tús. to be near sunset.

kɬk̓k̓aʔtús   Morph: kɬ+k̓•k̓aʔtús. the time of day just before sunset. Lit: the sun is nearly on the horizon

k̓ɬk̓k̓aʔtús   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓•k̓aʔtús. the sun is low on the horizon.

k̓k̓tusxn   Morph: k̓•k̓t꞊us꞊xn. to go on a short trip.

k̓k̓tiw̓s   Morph: k̓•k̓tiw̓s. to be too close together.

wy̓snk̓tusnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+k̓tus+nt. get done cutting off the head.


wy̓snk̓tusnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+k̓tus+nt. get done cutting a head off.

Tstem. Sp √č̕it to get close; hi č̕íč̕eʔt it's nearby; he's very near; č̕ʔít he's almost here; Cm k̓i(t)‑l̕x be close, be near; Cr č̕íteʔ near; č‿y̓c+č̕iʔt()ci·níɬ the sound of talking is coming nearer; Sh *k̓iʔt close, near; kik̓ʔet, kik̓ət close second in race; Th √k̓ít near; Li √k̓it close (by).

k̓t2   near (t + √k̓t).

tk̓it   Morph: t+k̓it. to be close.

tk̓ik̓t   Morph: t+k̓i•k̓t. to be near.

tk̓ík̓aʔt   Morph: t+k̓í•k̓aʔt. to get near.

tk̓ik̓tmnt   Morph: t+k̓i•k̓t+m+nt. to be near or next to s.t. or s.o.


tk̓aʔtmínt   Morph: t+k̓aʔt+mí+nt. to go close to s.t. or s.o.


tk̓tk̓itlxmnt   Morph: t+k̓t•k̓itlx+m+nt. to get close to s.t.


tk̓aʔtúsmnt   Morph: t+k̓aʔtús+m+nt. to get close to s.t.


tk̓k̓tmncutm   Morph: t+k̓•k̓t+mncut+m. to get oneself close to s.o. or s.t.

k̓t3   near (n + √k̓t).

nk̓aʔtík(n)   Morph: n+k̓a[ʔ]tík. to come right behind s.o.

nk̓aʔtíkn̓t   Morph: n+k̓aʔtíkn̓+t. to catch up to; to be close to catching up with s.t. or s.o.; to get close to one's back.


snk̓k̓taɬq   Morph: sn+k̓•k̓taɬq. to be close behind.

nk̓aʔtqín   Morph: n+k̓a[ʔ]tqín. to be close to noon; to be nearly noon.

nk̓k̓tiknt   Morph: n+k̓•k̓tik+nt. to be right behind s.o. or s.t.


nk̓aʔtíknmnt   Morph: n+k̓aʔtíkn+m+nt. to be close behind.


nk̓k̓tipnt   Morph: n+k̓•k̓tip+nt. to catch up with s.o.


nk̓aʔtípmnt   Morph: n+k̓aʔtíp+m+nt. to be right at s.o.'s door.


nk̓tpmist   Morph: n+k̓t+p+mist. there is still time.

nk̓k̓táqaʔs   Morph: n+k̓•k̓táqaʔs. close to the road.

k̓ɬnk̓aʔtípnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+k̓aʔtíp+nt. to be close to the door; to get close to the door.


k̓t4   softly.

k̓aʔk̓ít   Morph: k̓aʔ•k̓ít. softly.

k̓aʔk̓ítxnm   Morph: k̓aʔ+k̓ítxn+m. to step lightly.

k̓t5   gnat.

k̓k̓atlqs   Morph: k̓•k̓atlqs. horse fly. Sp č̕č̕át̓-n̓ɬq horsefly; Cm k̓ət̓lqs horse fly.

sk̓k̓atlqs   Morph: s+k̓•k̓atlqs. a gnat.

k̓t̓1   cut.

k̓t̓ant   Morph: k̓t̓a+nt. to cut or chop s.t.


k̓t̓at̓   Morph: k̓t̓•at̓. s.t. got cut (the result of one's cutting).

k̓t̓ap   Morph: k̓t̓a+p. s.t. got cut (without reference to the way it got cut).

k̓t̓ipnt   Morph: k̓t̓ip+nt. to cut s.t. low; to chop s.t. close to the ground.


k̓t̓ipɬt   Morph: k̓t̓ip+ɬt. cut close to the ground.


k̓t̓ipm   Morph: k̓t̓ip+m. cut close to the ground.


k̓t̓t̓íplaʔ   Morph: k̓t̓•t̓íplaʔ. s.t. is cut loose.

k̓t̓iw̓snt   Morph: k̓t̓iw̓s+nt. cut in two.

Tstem. to cut s.t. in two.

k̓t̓piys   Morph: k̓t̓+piys. to stop snowing; stop raining; rain or snow lets up.

k̓t̓piʔst   Morph: k̓t̓piʔst. to finally cut s.t. off.

k̓ɬkt̓at̓   Morph: k̓ɬ+kt̓•at̓. s.t. is cut off.

k̓ɬk̓t̓at̓   Morph: k̓ɬ+kt̓•at̓. s.t. is cut off.

k̓ɬk̓t̓ap   Morph: k̓ɬ+kt̓a+p. s.t. is cut off.

k̓ɬk̓t̓pnu   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓t̓+p+nu. to manage to cut s.t.

k̓ɬkt̓t̓nu   Morph: k̓ɬ+kt̓•t̓+nu. to manage to cut off s.t.

k̓ɬk̓t̓t̓nu   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓t̓•t̓+nu. to manage to cut off s.t.

k̓ɬkt̓ap   Morph: k̓ɬ+kt̓a+p. s.t. is cut off.

k̓ɬkt̓pnu   Morph: k̓ɬ+kt̓+p+nu. to manage to get s.t. cut.

k̓ɬk̓tpnu   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓t̓+p+nu. to manage to cut s.t.

k̓ɬkt̓am   Morph: k̓ɬ+kt̓a+m. to cut s.t. off; to cut s.t. off figuratively.

k̓ɬk̓t̓am   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓t̓a+m. to cut s.t. off; to cut s.t. off figuratively.

kʔawsk̓t̓, k̓awsk̓t̓   Morph: s+k̓aw+s+k̓t̓. to go and cut s.t.

nk̓t̓ips   Morph: n+kt̓ips. s.t. cut low.

nk̓t̓usnt   Morph: n+k̓t̓us+nt. to cut off the head.


snk̓t̓us   Morph: s+n+k̓t̓us. decapitated.

nk̓t̓kt̓usnt   Morph: n+k̓t̓•kt̓us+nt. to cut one's head off.


nk̓t̓pus   Morph: n+k̓t̓+pus. the head is cut off.

nk̓at̓qnt   Morph: n+k̓at̓q+nt. to cut the top of the tree.


nk̓t̓ustxn   Morph: n+k̓t̓us+txn ? a leg is cut off.

nk̓t̓k̓at̓lpqsm   Morph: n+kt̓•kat̓lpqs+m ? to cut the top of a tree off.

sxʷk̓t̓ipm   Morph: sxʷk̓t̓ip+m. logger, feller, (tree) feller.

tk̓it̓ks   Morph: t+k̓it̓ks. to cut. Cm kɬ‑k̓t̓‑p to break off, k̓ɬ‑k̓t̓‑nt‑xʷ you trim s.t. off [branches or threads]; Cr č̕et̓ chop (off), cut (off completely)...; Sh kit̓-m to tear off with force.

k̓t̓2   raise.

k̓at̓qnm   Morph: k̓at̓qn+m. to raise one's head.

nk̓at̓lpsm   Morph: n+k̓at̓lps+m. to lift one's head.

nk̓it̓lpsm   Morph: n+k̓it̓lps+m. to lift up one's head (and look up).

nk̓t̓it̓lpsm   Morph: n+k̓t̓•it̓lps+m. to raise one's head.

nk̓at̓lpqsm   Morph: n+k̓at̓lpqs+m. to lift up one's head. Sp √č̕et̓ prop up, č̕et̓-míʔst he raised himself up on his elbows; Sh ket̓-m to lift up.

k̓w1   gone.

k̓aw   Morph: k̓aw. to be gone, not there.

ɬk̓aw   Morph: ɬ+k̓aw. to be gone again.

k̓wk̓aw   Morph: k̓w•k̓aw. several are gone, not there.

k̓wap   Morph: k̓wa+p. be quiet; stop talking or making noise.

k̓wp   Morph: k̓w+p. to stop talking.

k̓w̓up   Morph: k̓w̓u+p. be quiet; stop talking.

k̓wpst   Morph: k̓w+p+st. to make s.o. stop talking.


k̓wpmint   Morph: k̓w+p+mi+nt. to stop talking to s.o.; to stop talking about s.t.


k̓wk̓wap   Morph: k̓w•k̓wa+p. to stop making sounds or noise.

k̓wk̓awáp   Morph: k̓w•k̓awá+p. to stop again and again making sounds or noise.

k̓k̓wap   Morph: k̓•k̓wa+p. several are gone.

k̓wk̓wpnumt   Morph: k̓w•k̓w+p+numt. to feel bad; to be lonesome.

k̓awst   Morph: k̓aw+st. to wipe off or finish off s.t. or s.b.

k̓awcn   Morph: k̓awcn. to stop talking; to not talk; to be silent or quiet.

k̓wpcin   Morph: k̓w+pcin. to take one's last breath; to stop breathing; to be dead.

k̓wpínaʔmnt   Morph: k̓w+pínaʔ+m+nt. the sound is gone.


k̓wpusmnt   Morph: k̓w+pus+m+nt. to lose sight of s.o. ot s.t.


k̓awxnm   Morph: k̓awxn+m. to destroy s.t. or s.o. with one's feet.

tk̓iwlx   Morph: t+k̓iw+lx. to climb; to go upstais.

tk̓iwlxm   Morph: t+k̓iw+lx+m. to climb.

tk̓iwlxst   Morph: t+k̓iw+lx+st. to make s.o. climb; to take s.o. upstairs. Sp č̕úwlexʷ a deserted place; n-č̕úwleʔxʷ there are no more people from that family; Cm na-k̓uw-lx be gone away; Cr č̕uw+č̕uwúl̕umxʷ eerie, weird (lit. it is a territory that is usually without people...).

tk̓wlxusnt   Morph: t+k̓wlxus+nt. take s.t. up(stairs).


nk̓wk̓wpnumt   Morph: n+k̓w•k̓w+p+numt. to be unhappy, unfulfilled.

nk̓wpils   Morph: n+k+ʔw+pils. to be lonesome.

nk̓awpíls   Morph: n+k̓aw+píls. to be lonesome.

nk̓wwpils   Morph: n+k̓w•w+pils. to get lonesome.

nk̓awawpíls   Morph: n+k̓aw•aw+píls. several are lonesome.

nk̓awpílsmnt   Morph: n+k̓aw+píls+m+nt. be lonesome for s.o. or s.t.


nk̓wpilsmnt   Morph: n+k̓w+pils+m+nt. to miss s.t. or s.o.; to be lonesome for s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Sp č̕u-péls (n-č̕u-péls) he feels lonesome; Cm n‑k̓w‑p‑lwaš be lonesome; Cr hn+č̕uw+pílgʷes lit. he was lonely.

nk̓wplsiltm   Morph: n+k̓w+plsilt+m. to miss a child; to be lonesome for a child.

nk̓wplsúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+k̓w+p+lsúlaʔxʷ. to miss a place; to be lonesome for one's country.

nk̓áwlaʔxʷst   Morph: n+k̓áwlaʔxʷ+st. to be wiped out, massacred; obliterated; wiped off the earth.


k̓wsk̓aʕm   Morph: k̓w+s+k̓aʕ+m. to go to church.

k̓wsk̓ʷul̕m   Morph: k̓w+s+k̓ʷul̕+m. to go to work.

ɬk̓wsk̓ʷul̕m   Morph: ɬ+k̓ws+k̓ʷul̕+m. to go back to work.

k̓wsm̓am̓áyaʔm   Morph: k̓w+s+m̓a•m̓áyaʔ+m. to go to school.

k̓wsnpkʷmnitkʷ   Morph: k̓w+s+n+pkʷmnitkʷ. to go throw s.t. in the water.

k̓wspix̌m   Morph: k̓w+s+pix̌+m. to go hunting.

k̓wskɬqaqxʷlxm   Morph: k̓w+s+kɬ+qa•qxʷ+lx+m. to go fishing; to go get fish.

k̓wstwnwíxʷ   Morph: k̓w+s+tw+nwíxʷ. go trading; go to do some trading.

ɬk̓wsʕ̓ac̓nt   Morph: ɬ+k̓w+s+ʕ̓ac̓+nt. to go back to look.


k̓wsnpkʷmnitkʷnt   Morph: k̓w+s+n+pkʷ+mnitkʷ+nt. go throw s.t. in the water.

Tstem. Sp √č̕uw(ú) empty, quiet, gone; Cm k̓uw be gone, absent; Cr č̕ew nostalgic, č̕u absent, away ...

k̓w2   climb.

k̓wilx   Morph: k̓wilx. to go upstream; to swim in the water; fish spawning.

stk̓iwlx   Morph: s+t+k̓iw+lx. climbing.

k̓iwlx   Morph: k̓iw+lx. to be old; to get old; k̓iwlx (man's name).

sk̓iwlx   Morph: s+k̓iw+lx. old age.

k̓wwilx   Morph: k̓w•wilx. to live in the water.

k̓wiwlx   Morph: k̓w•iw+lx. to climb (a hill); to be old; to get old.

myɬk̓iwlx   Morph: my+ɬ+k̓iw+lx. to be older.

ɬtk̓iwlx   Morph: ɬ+t+k̓iw+lx. to climb back.

k̓awíwlx   Morph: k̓aw•íw+lx. several are old.

k̓iwlxst   Morph: k̓iwlx+st. to make s.o. climb; to take s.o. upstairs.

k̓ɬk̓wilx   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓wilx. to swim under s.t.to go out a ways.

k̓ɬk̓awílx   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓aw+ílx. to go out on the prairie.

nk̓iwlx   Morph: n+k̓iwlx. old age.

nk̓wlxils   Morph: n+k̓w+lxils. to feel old; to grow old.

snk̓ʷɬk̓iwlx   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+k̓iw+lx. a fellow old one.

nk̓wilx   Morph: nk̓wilx. to go upstream; to swim.

ɬnk̓wilx   Morph: ɬ+n+k̓wilx. to go back upriver.

nk̓wlxink   Morph: n+k̓w+lxink. to climb up a steep cliff.

ntk̓lwxils   Morph: n+t+k̓lwxils. to want to climb.

sntk̓iwlxtn   Morph: s+n+t+k̓iw+lx+tn. ladder; steps; stairs.

sntk̓wiwlxtn   Morph: sn+t+k̓w•iwlx+tn. a place where s.o. has climbed.

tk̓wlxus   Morph: t+k̓wlxus. to take s.t. upstairs, above.

sxʔimɬk̓íwlx   Morph: s+xʔim+ɬ+k̓íwlx. the oldest.

sntk̓iwlxtns wapwpxn   Morph: s+n+t+k̓iwlx+tn-s wap•wpxn. sntk̓iwlxtns wapwpxn: place name. Lit: lynx's climbing place

ntk̓wlxisxn   Morph: nt+k̓wlx꞊isxn. field bindweed. Lit: climbing up along rock

sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ   Morph: s+k̓•k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ. rush.

sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓iyaʔ   Morph: s+k̓•k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ. rush.

sk̓k̓wl̕xíst̓yaʔ   Morph: s+k̓•k̓wl̕x꞊íst̓yaʔ. rush. Lit: old grass

tk̓awíwlx   Morph: t+k̓aw•íw+lx. several climb. Cm t‑k̓iw‑lx to climb up; Cr t+č̕igʷl lit he climbed; Sh (c-)k̓ew-lx old (of person).

k̓w3   menstruation.

k̓wqncút   Morph: k̓wqn+cút. menstruation.

sk̓wqncut   Morph: s+k̓wqn+cut. menstruation; one menstruating.

k̓w4   garden snake.

sk̓wílaʔxʷ   Morph: s+k̓wílaʔxʷ. snake; water snake. Sp s-č̕ew̓íl̕eʔ watersnake; gartersnake; Chewelah; s-č̕ewíl̕eʔ s-wénš snake dance.

sk̓awílaʔx   Morph: s+k̓awílaʔx ? sk̓awílaʔx: Addy.

sk̓wk̓wílaʔxʷ   Morph: s+k̓w•k̓wílaʔxʷ. water snake.

sk̓wk̓wílxaʔx   Morph: s+k̓w•k̓wílx+aʔx. (garden) snakes.

sk̓wk̓awílxaʔx   Morph: s+k̓w•k̓awílx+aʔx. (water) snakes.

sk̓k̓wk̓awílxaʔx   Morph: s+k̓•k̓w•k̓awílx+aʔx. snakes.

sk̓aʔwílxaʔx   Morph: s+k̓aʔwílx+aʔx. garden snake.

k̓w5   nk̓wpatkʷ (man's name).

nk̓wpatkʷ   Morph: nk̓w+patkʷ. nk̓wpatkʷ (man's name).

k̓w6   pine.

sk̓w̓k̓w̓íʔɬp   Morph: s+k̓w̓•k̓w̓íʔɬp. white bark pine; spruce.

k̓w7   k̓w in place names.

sk̓ʔwílaʔ   Morph: s+k̓ʔwílaʔ. sk̓ʔwílaʔ: Chewelah.

snk̓wiltn   Morph: s+n+k̓wil+tn. snk̓wiltn: place name. Lit: portage place

k̓wʔ   maternal grandfather.

k̓ík̓waʔ   Morph: k̓í•k̓waʔ. mother's father, brother, cousin; maternal grandfather.

ɬɬk̓ík̓waʔ   Morph: ɬɬ+k̓í•k̓waʔ. mother's fathers, brothers, cousins; maternal grandfathers.

káwaʔ   Morph: káwaʔ. hypocoristic form of k̓ík̓waʔ; appellative: male or female addressing mother's father or an elderly man.

k̓ʷl̕k̓ík̓waʔ   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+k̓í•k̓waʔ. a step grandfather.

sk̓ʷl̕k̓ík̓waʔ   Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+k̓í•k̓waʔ. step grandfather. Cm k̓‑k̓aw̓‑aʔ great grandfather; great grandson; Cr č̕íweʔ father (... of deceased mother).

k̓x1   tears.

sk̓xus   Morph: s+k̓x꞊us. tears; tear drops.

nk̓xk̓xxus   Morph: n+k̓x•k̓x•xus. to have tears in both eyes. Cm sk̓xus tears.

k̓x2   surprise.

k̓ixt   Morph: k̓ix+t. to be surprised. Sp √č̕is not up to par; feeling bad tempered; sense of impending danger; sense of trouble brewing.

k̓x3   k̓x in place names.

sk̓ix   Morph: s+k̓ix. Gifford. Lit: deer fence

snk̓xk̓ixmn   Morph: s+n+k̓x•k̓ix+mn. snk̓xk̓ixmn: place name. Lit: deer fence place

k̓x4   dry.

sk̓xus   Morph: s+k̓xus. dry eyes.

k̓xʷ1   get up.

k̓íxʷmiʔst   Morph: k̓íxʷ+miʔs. to get up; to get out of bed.

nk̓xʷsalqʷm   Morph: n+k̓xʷ+salqʷ+m. to untie or continue a story.

k̓xʷ2   lightweight.

k̓k̓ixʷ   Morph: k̓•k̓ixʷ. to be lightweight. Cm k̓‑k̓axʷ be light in weight.

k̓xʷ3   snake.

k̓xʷk̓xʷap   Morph: k̓xʷ•k̓xʷa+p. snakes. See Sp √k̓ʷuxʷ puckered, gathered, pinched together; Cm k̓ʷxʷ‑y̓‑ups snake, s.t. that crawls on its belly.

k̓xʷ4   tear, hole.

tk̓axʷ   Morph: t+k̓axʷ. a hole or tear.

k̓xʷ5   sk̓xʷiɬxʷ (place name).

sk̓xʷiɬxʷ   Morph: s+k̓xʷiɬxʷ. sk̓xʷiɬxʷ: place name. Lit: crevice-dwelling

k̓xʷ6   k̓axʷqs (man's name).

k̓axʷqs   Morph: k̓axʷ꞊qs. k̓axʷqs (man's name). Lit: gap nose

k̓xʷm1   consumption.

k̓xʷxʷumm   Morph: k̓xʷ•xʷ•um•m. to have consumption, tuberculosis.

sk̓xʷxʷum   Morph: s+k̓xʷ•xʷum. consumption, tuberculosis. Sp s-č̕xʷ-úm consumption, tuberculosis; hec-c̓xʷxʷ-mí he's drying up with consumption; Cr s+č̕éxʷ+xʷ asthma, consumption; see Sh k̓eʔxéyəxkn consumption, tuberculosis ... Sh -eyəxkn may be a borrowed y-form of the suff. -el̕xkn.

k̓xʷm2   ball; roll.

stk̓k̓xʷum   Morph: s+t+k̓•k̓xʷum. a ball.

stk̓k̓xʷum̓   Morph: s+t+k̓•k̓xʷum̓. Variant: stk̓k̓xʷum. ball; baseball. Sp qeʔ s-č̕č̕xʷ-úm̓ our homemade, rawhide lacrosse ball.

k̓ʷl̕tk̓k̓xʷum   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+t+k̓•k̓xʷum. to roll s.t. into a ball; to make a ball. Sh k̓ʷuxʷ - k̓ʷxʷ-um to make a basket; Th √k̓ʷuxʷ coil weave baskets.

k̓x̌1   shove.

k̓ax̌nt   Morph: k̓ax̌+nt. to get s.t. out of the way.

Tstem. Cr č̕ax̌ push, shove (lit. move to one side).

k̓x̌2   weave.

k̓x̌nt   Morph: k̓x̌+nt. to weave snow shoes.

Tstem. See ? Sp č-x̌ép̓ it's laced, woven, or sewn on.

k̓x̌ʷ   hit.

k̓x̌ʷapqnt   Morph: k̓x̌ʷa+pq+nt. to hit on the head.


k̓x̌ʷapqnm   Morph: k̓x̌ʷa+pqn+m. to hit s.t. on the head with s.t. hard.

Mstem. Cr č̕axʷ clack, clang, clop ... lit. sound of hard object striking another.

k̓y1   dead tree.

k̓íyaʔ   Morph: k̓íy+aʔ. a dry log; a dead tree.

k̓yalqʷ   Morph: k̓yalqʷ. a dry log; a dead tree.

snk̓áyaʔqn   Morph: sn+k̓áyaʔqn. the dead top of a tree. Sp č̕éyeʔ dead tree; Sh s-k̓y-ʔelqʷ dry, dead tree. See: k̓ʔ4.

k̓y2   k̓y in men's names.

snk̓ak̓aʔyáɬxʷtn   Morph: s+n+k̓a•k̓aʔyáɬxʷ+tn. snk̓ak̓aʔyáɬxʷtn: Coyoteʼs second son's name.

snk̓ak̓ʔyáɬxʷtn   Morph: s+n+k̓a•k̓ʔyá꞊ɬxʷ+tn. snk̓ak̓ʔyáɬxʷtn: the name of Coyote’s second son. Lit: fall hunting house

k̓yl   tree bark.

k̓ylilxʷ   Morph: k̓ylilxʷ. tree bark.

k̓y̓lilxʷ   Morph: k̓y̓lilxʷ. tree bark. Sp √č̕iʔlélxʷ tree bark; Cr č̕él+eʔ cradleboard, bark (of a tree); Th s/k̓eʔyéyqʷ dry, dead bark on tree, log, stick; Li k̓íʔ-əm̓ to peel off bark from Indian Hemp.

k̓ytn   cover.

nk̓ytnusm   Morph: n+k̓ytnus+m ? to cover or shield one's eyes.

k̓ytn   alder; birch.

k̓k̓itníɬp   Morph: k̓y•k̓ytniɬp. alder wood.

k̓ik̓itníɬp   Morph: k̓y•k̓ytniɬp. alder wood.

k̓yk̓ytniɬp   Morph: k̓y•k̓ytniɬp. alder wood.

k̓y̓k̓y̓tníɬp, k̓iʔk̓iʔtníɬp   Morph: k̓iʔ•k̓iʔtníɬp. greenalder and mountain alder; birch; alder wood.

k̓y̓k̓y̓tn̓iɬp   Morph: k̓y̓•k̓y̓tniɬp. greenalder and mountain alder; birch; alder wood. Sp č̕ič̕i-t-néɬp (č̕ič̕i-t-néy̓ɬp) mountain alder. Alnus incana.

k̓yʔlx   k̓iyuʔálxqn (man's name).

k̓iyuʔálxqn   Morph: k̓iyuʔálxqn ? k̓iyuʔálxqn (man's name).

k̓y̓1   fall hunt; cold.

k̓ay̓   Morph: k̓ay̓. to be or turn cold; to fall hunt.

k̓ay̓ám   Morph: k̓ay̓á+m. to fall hunt.

k̓ʔaym   Morph: k̓ʔay+m. fall time comes.

sk̓ʔay   Morph: s+k̓[ʔ]ay. autumn comes; fall comes; cold comes.

sk̓ʔaym   Morph: s+k̓ʔay+m. getting to be fall.

sk̓y̓ilx   Morph: s+k̓y̓ilx. autumn, fall.

sk̓aʔyám   Morph: s+k̓aʔyá+m. fall hunting.

snk̓aʔytán   Morph: s+n+k̓aʔy+tán. fall hunting place.

k̓iyt   Morph: k̓iy+t. to be cold.

k̓iy̓t   Morph: k̓iy̓+t. to be cold.

k̓y̓iy̓t   Morph: k̓y̓•iy̓+t. to be chilled, cold.

k̓ay̓yt   Morph: k̓ay̓•y+t. to get cold.

k̓y̓ilx   Morph: k̓y̓ilx. fall comes.

ɬk̓y̓ilx   Morph: ɬ+k̓y̓ilx. fall comes again.

k̓ay̓ylx   Morph: k̓ay̓•ylx. fall comes.

ɬk̓ayylx   Morph: ɬ+k̓ay•y+lx. to be autumn again.

k̓yikst   Morph: k̓yikst. cold hands.

k̓yic̓ásq̓t   Morph: k̓yic̓ásq̓t. a cold (day).

k̓iyqn   Morph: k̓iyqn. to have a cold head.

k̓yk̓iyxn   Morph: k̓y•k̓iyxn. cold feet. Cm s-k̓aʔ-iʔ November (fall).

k̓y̓ikst   Morph: k̓y̓ikst. cold hands.

k̓ay̓yks   Morph: k̓ay̓•yks. one's hands get cold.

k̓y̓y̓ikst   Morph: k̓y̓•y̓ikst. one's hands get cold.

k̓yk̓yikst   Morph: k̓y•k̓yikst. hands are cold.

k̓y̓k̓iy̓xn   Morph: k̓y̓•k̓iy̓xn. cold feet.

py̓sk̓ay   Morph: py̓s+k̓ay. fall; the duration of fall. Sp s-č̕ʔéy autumn, October; Cm s‑k̓aʔ‑iʔ November (fall); Cr s+č̕eʔd verge of winter; Sh s-k̓yey winter weather; √k̓iy, k̓ey cold.

k̓y̓2   pouch.

snk̓k̓y̓sámaʔtn   Morph: sn+k̓•k̓y̓+sámaʔ+tn ? Lit: white person's pouch tobacco pouch.

snk̓y̓sámntn   Morph: sn+k̓y̓s+ámn+tn ? smoking pipe with a rock bowl. Sp s-n-č̕iʔs-émn-tn buckskin, drawstring pouch for tobacco; hi-s-nč̕iʔs-émn my tobacco mixture..

k̓ʕ   pray.

k̓aʕnt   Morph: k̓aʕ+nt. pray.

Tstem. Gram: nothern variant of √k̓ʕʷ

k̓áʕxt   Morph: k̓áʕ+xt. pray.


k̓aʕk̓áʕ   Morph: k̓aʕ•k̓áʕ. to pray.

sk̓aʕm   Morph: s+k̓aʕ+m. a (church) prayer.

sxʷk̓aʕm   Morph: sxʷk̓aʕ+m. prayer leader.

k̓aʕncút   Morph: k̓aʕ+ncút. to pray (for oneself).

sk̓aʕncút   Morph: s+k̓aʕ+ncút. a spiritual prayer.

sk̓aʕ̓ncút   Morph: s+k̓aʕ̓+ncút. prayer.

k̓aʕncútn   Morph: k̓aʕ+ncut+tn. a prayer.

k̓aʕncútmstn   Morph: k̓aʕ+ncut+m+s+tn. the things one prays to.

k̓aʕmíst   Morph: k̓aʕ+míst. to hire, do the hiring; what one hires or rents.

k̓aʕmístmnt   Morph: k̓aʕ+míst+m+nt. to hire s.o., to do the hiring.

Tstem. Morph: k̓aʕmístmnm. Morph: k̓aʕ+míst+mn+m. hire s.o.


sxʷk̓aʕmíst   Morph: sxʷk̓aʕ+míst. one who does the hiring.

nk̓aʕmn   Morph: n̓+k̓aʕ+mn. blessings.

snk̓aʕmn   Morph: s+n+k̓aʕ+mn. a church; praying.

tk̓aʕplaʔmíst   Morph: t+k̓aʕplaʔ+míst. to pray for oneself.

k̓wsk̓aʕm   Morph: k̓w+s+k̓aʕ+m. to go to church.

ck̓awsk̓áʕm, ckʔawsk̓áʕm   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+k̓áʕ+m. to come to church.

kʔawsk̓áʕm, k̓awsk̓áʕm   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+k̓áʕ+m. to go pray.

x̌ʷlɬnk̓aʕmn   Morph: x̌ʷl+ɬ+n+k̓aʕ+mn. to renounce one's church. See: k̓ʕʷ.

k̓ʕʷ   pray, ask, hire.

k̓aʕʷ   Morph: k̓aʕʷ. to pray.

k̓aʕʷst   Morph: k̓aʕʷ+st. to pray to s.o. or s.t.

k̓aʕʷmn   Morph: k̓aʕʷ+mn. prayers.

sxʷk̓aʕʷm   Morph: sxʷ꞊k̓aʕʷ+m. prayer leader.

k̓aʕʷmíst   Morph: k̓aʕʷ+míst. to hire, do the hiring; what one hires or rents.

k̓aʕʷmístm   Morph: k̓aʕʷ+míst+m. to engage s.o.; to hire s.o.


k̓aʕʷmístmnt   Morph: k̓aʕʷ+míst+m+nt. to engage s.o.; to hire s.o.


k̓aʕʷqnmístm   Morph: k̓aʕʷqn+míst+m. to propose s.t.; to coax.

nk̓aʕʷmn   Morph: n+k̓aʕʷ+mn. prayer; blessings.

snk̓aʕʷmn   Morph: s+n+k̓aʕʷ+mn. a church; praying.

tk̓aʕʷqnmístmnt   Morph: t+k̓aʕʷqn+míst+m+nt. to propose to.


ʔawsk̓áʕʷ   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓áʕʷ. to go pray; to go to church.

ʔawsk̓aʕʷmíst   Morph: ʔaw+s+k̓aʕʷ+míst. to go hire s.o. Sp √č̕aw pray, ask for help; s-n-č̕áw-mn a church; Cm k̓iʕʷm pray; snk̓iʕʷmn church:č̕eʕʷ pray, s+t+č̕érw+um pray, prayer; s+n+t+č̕éʕʷ+emn chapel, church. See: k̓ʕ.

k̓ʔ1   hard; lumpy.

k̓aʔk̓áʔt   Morph: k̓aʔ•k̓áʔ+t. to be hard or lumpy.

k̓ɬk̓aʔk̓aʔ   Morph: k̓ɬˑk̓aʔ•k̓aʔ. to have lumps under s.t. or s.o.

k̓ɬk̓aʔk̓ʔáʔ   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓aʔ+k̓ʔáʔ. to be lumpy.

k̓ɬk̓aʔk̓áʔt   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓aʔ•k̓áʔ+t. to have a lump under oneself. Sp č̕ɬč̕éʔ round onject lying under something; n-č̕eʔɬníw̓t a lump on the side, a ledge, a little mound on the side of a hill; Sh c-k̓eʔ put down (state), lying there (of one roundish object); Li s-k̓aʔ rock or anything that just lies there (also used to refer to lazy people).

k̓ʔ2   knee.

k̓aʔqínxn   Morph: k̓aʔqín̓xn. knee, knee cap.

k̓aʔk̓aʔqínxn   Morph: k̓aʔ•k̓aʔqínxn. knees. See Sp q̓aʔqínšn knee; see Cm q̓aʔqín̓xn knee, knee cap; Cr s+č̕aʔqin̓šn̓ knee cap, knee joint, knee.

k̓ʔ3   happen to be (?)

nk̓aʔmw̓scút   Morph: n+k̓aʔ+mw̓s+cút. to be or get in the middle of.

k̓ʔ4   dead tree.

nk̓ʔlálqʷ   Morph: n+k̓ʔlálqʷ. a place with dead trees. See: k̓y.

k̓ʔ5   spouse of deceased child.

sk̓ʔilp   Morph: s+k̓ʔilp. spouse of deceased child.

sk̓ʔilt   Morph: s+k̓iʔ꞊ílt. spouse of deceased son or daughter.

sk̓k̓ʔílaʔp   Morph: s+k̓•k̓ʔílaʔp. spouse of deceased child; what a woman would call a daughter-in-law after her son dies.

sk̓k̓ʔílaʔt   Morph: s+k̓•k̓ʔílaʔt. spouse of deceased son or daughter (daughter-in-law after the death of a son, or son-in-law after the death of a daughter). Sp s-č̕ʔélp son's widow; see Cm k̓‑aʔ‑álp stepfather; Sh sk̓elp wife of man's deceased brother; Li s.k̓álpaʔ wife of man's deceased brother.

k̓ʔ6   nuts.

snk̓k̓ʔip   Morph: sn+k̓•k̓ʔip. nuts; peanuts; walnuts ...

k̓ʔ7   pillow.

snk̓ʔínaʔ   Morph: s+n+k̓ʔínaʔ. a pillow. Sp s-n-č̕ʔéneʔ pillow.

k̓ʔ8   tuck.

tk̓ak̓aʔnt   Morph: t+k̓a•k̓aʔ+nt. to tuck s.t. in.


k̓ɬk̓ʔalqsmɬtm   Morph: k̓ɬ+k̓ʔalqs+m+ɬt+m. put under clothes.


k̓ʔ9   to(ward).

tack̓anʔíƛ̓ltk   Morph: ta c+k̓a+n+ʔíƛ̓ltk. towards the north.

t̓ck̓aʔnʔíƛ̓ltk   Morph: t̓c+k̓aʔ+n+ʔíƛ̓ltk. towards the north.

k̓ʔl   easy and slow.

k̓aʔlíʔ   Morph: k̓aʔlíʔ. to go easy and slow.

k̓k̓aʔlíʔ   Morph: k̓•k̓aʔlíʔ. to go slow; to do s.t. slowly; to move slowly (and sneak up on s.o. or s.t.); to do s.t. soft(ly).

k̓k̓aʔlíʔst   Morph: k̓•k̓aʔlíʔ+st. to go slowly; to sneak; to slack up.

snk̓k̓aʔlíʔtn   Morph: sn+k̓•k̓aʔlíʔ+tn. a place where one slows down.

k̓k̓aʔlícnaʔ   Morph: n+k̓•k̓aʔlícn+aʔ. to talk slow; to talk softly.

nk̓k̓aʔlícn   Morph: n+k̓•k̓aʔlícn. to talk slowly or softly.

nk̓k̓aʔlíscn   Morph: n+k̓•k̓aʔlíʔ+scn. to speak softly. Cm k̓al̕áʔ be slow.