
hls   angry.

nhahls   Morph: n+ha•hls. to be angry.

hm1   wet; damp.

hamp   Morph: ham+p. to be wet.

hamhámt   Morph: ham•hám+t. to be wet, damp.

hampúlaʔxʷ   Morph: ham+púlaʔxʷ. dew; wet on the ground. Sp √ham(í) (ʕam((í)) (haʕ(ú)) melt, ham-íp it began to melt. See: ḥm.

hm2   share.

nhmilsnt   Morph: n+hmils+nt. to please s.o. with sharing s.t.


cnhmilst   Morph: c+n+hmil+st. to please s.o.


snhmilsm   Morph: s+n+hmils+m. pleasing s.o.

nMstem. See Sp č-héʔm̓m̓ they also got their share of the fruits (even though they were unsuccessful in their own attempts); ta s-č-hém̓m̓ he cannot be depended upon to lend a hand or to share his game or berries.

hms   mourning dove.

hamísms   Morph: hamís•ms. mourning dove.

hamishamís   Morph: hamis•hamís. mourning dove. Sp hem̓is hem̓is morning dove; Cm ham̓ísham̓is mourning dove.

hmʔ   boogie man.

hámaʔ   Morph: hámaʔ. night monster; boogie man; high monster; large man.

hámaʔ   Morph: hámaʔ. with semantic import "Owl is there".

hn   pink.

han   Morph: han. light pink. Sp √hen pink.

hnk   gray bird.

hihnk   Morph: hi•hnk. unidentified gray bird.

hpw   cottonwood mushroom.

hápu   Morph: hapw ? cottonwood mushroom.

hr̓   soak; dampen.

har̓nt   Morph: har̓+nt. to soak s.t.; to dampen s.t.


har̓ám   Morph: har̓á+m. to soak s.t.

Tstem. Sp √her̓ dampen; her̓-n-t-éxʷ you moistened it a little (as an envelope so that it will seal).

hsptl   hospital.

háspitl   From: English hospital. Morph: háspitl. hospital.

ht1   laugh.

haht   Morph: ha•ht. to laugh.

haḥt   Morph: há•ht. to laugh.

ɬhaḥt   Morph: ɬ+ha•ḥt. to laugh again.

thahtmnt   Morph: t+ha•ht+m+nt. to laugh at.


ɬthatmnt   Morph: ɬ+t+hat+m+nt. to laugh at s.t. or s.o. again or more.


ɬcthahtmnt   Morph: ɬ+c+t+ha•ht+m+nt. to laugh at s.o. or s.t. again.

Tstem. Cr ha laugh (...loudly). See: ḥt.

ht2   annoy.

hatnt   Morph: hat+nt. to bother or annoy s.o.


hatám   Morph: hatá+m. to bother s.o.


ʔawshatnt   Morph: ʔaw+s+hat+nt. to go bug s.o.

Tstem. Sp √hetíʔ tease.

htw   bird-like mythical creature.

nhíthitwlx   Morph: n+hít•hitw+lx. bird-like mythical being. See Sp√hátʔat peregrine falcon; hithit-mnéɬp alumroot.

ht̓s   sneeze.

hat̓ísx   Morph: hat̓ís+x. to sneeze. Sp √tsóʔ (t̓šóʔ) a sneeze; ʕat̓šóʔ the sound of a sneeze; √ʔat̓šóʔ sneeze; Cm t̓ésxʷaʔ to sneeze; sneeze; Cr t̓išsoʔ sneeze; Th ʔə̣́sxe- sneeze.

hw   yawn.

hawhíwiʔst   Morph: haw•híwiʔst. to yawn.

haw̓híw̓iʔst   Morph: haw̓•híw̓iʔst. to yawn. Sp hew yawn; Cm hw̓-haw̓-nct to yawn; Sh hehw to yawn.

hwt   rat.

hiwt   Morph: hiwt. rat.

hiw̓t   Morph: hiw̓t. rat. Sp héw̓-t rat; Cr šiw̓t rat; Sh hewnt flying squirrel; Th héw̓t rat; Li jáwint rat (packrat, bushtail rat).

hwʔ   weeping willow.

hawíʔɬp   Morph: hawíʔɬp. wild weeping willow.

hy1   done in.

hoyst   Morph: hoy+st. to be at the end of the rope; to be spent, finished; to be lazy tired; to leave s.o. alone.

Tstem. Sp √hoy finished, all done, completed; č-hóyčst he's lying in a heap, exhausted; Cr ul s+hoycn conclusive (lit. pertaining to a decisive end).

hy2   ok.

hohóy   Morph: ho•hóy. semantic import "ok".

hahúy   Morph: ha•húy. semantic import "Ok, well".

huhúy   Morph: hu•húy. ok.

hy3   respect.

nhyhyilsnt   Morph: n+hy•hyils+nt. to respect one’s feelings.


cnhyhyilst   Morph: c+n+hy•hyil+st. to respect one’s s.t.


nhyhyilɬt   Morph: n+hy•hyil+ɬt. to respect one’s s.t.


snhyhyilsm   Morph: s+n+hy•hyils+m. respecting one’s s.t.

nMstem. Sp n-hʔéls-i-s he respected her feelings; heʔ honor, respect, awe. See: .

hʕk̓ʷ   onion.

shaʕ̓ík̓ʷ   Morph: s+haʕ̓ík̓ʷ. nodding onion. See Sp séhč pink flowered wild onions.

hʕ̓t   laugh.

haʕ̓t   Morph: haʕ̓t. to laugh.

hʕʷ   cold.

sʕ̓áhaʕ̓ʷ   Morph: s+ʕ̓á•haʕ̓ʷ. a cold. See: ʕhʔ.

hʕ̓ʷ   loose.

haʕ̓ʷ   Morph: haʕ̓ʷ. to come loose; to let loose.

haʕ̓ʷw̓   Morph: haʕ̓ʷ•w̓. to come loose.

haʕ̓ʷkstmnt   Morph: haʕ̓ʷkst+m+nt. to let s.o. or s.t. loose.


haʕ̓ʷmíst   Morph: haʕ̓ʷ+míst. to loosen up.


haháʕ̓ʷmist   Morph: ha•háʕ̓ʷ+mist. to loosen up; to take a break.



chaʔst   Morph: c+haʔ+st. to respect.


haʔhʔanwíxʷ   Morph: haʔ•hʔa+nwixʷ. to respect one another.

haʔlst   Morph: haʔl+st. to respect s.t.


haʔcín   Morph: haʔcín. one is kept from some food; one observes a food taboo.


haʔcínm   Morph: haʔcín+m. one is kept from some food; one observes a food taboo.

Mstem. Sp n-hʔéls-i-s he respected her feelings; heʔ honor, respect, awe. See: hy3.