
ʕc1   tie.

ʕacánt   Morph: ʕacá+nt. to lace s.t.; to tie s.t.


ʕacɬt   Morph: ʕac+ɬt. to tie s.t.


ʕacxít   Morph: ʕac+xít. tie s.t.


ʕacám   Morph: ʕacá+m. to tie s.t.


ʕacʕacnt   Morph: ʕac•ʕac+nt. to harness (horses).


ʕacc   Morph: ʕac•c. to be tied.

ʕacʕacác   Morph: ʕac•ʕac•ác. to be tangled in knots.

ʕacmín   Morph: ʕac+mín. a tying place.

ʕacpnúnt   Morph: ʕac+p+nú+nt. to get s.t. tied.


ʕaʕaccnítkʷ   Morph: ʕa•ʕaccnítkʷ. to get s.t. tied on the shore.

ʕacálqʷnt   Morph: ʕacálqʷ+nt. to tie logs.


ʕacálqʷm   Morph: ʕacálqʷ+m. to tie things, logs.


ʕaccmútyaʔ   Morph: ʕac•c+mútyaʔ. to be tied haphazardly.

ʕacʕacmútyaʔst   Morph: ʕac•ʕac+mútyaʔ+st. to tie s.t. in knots.

ʕaccnítkʷ   Morph: ʕaccnítkʷ. s.t. tied at the shore.

ʕacíw̓stn   Morph: ʕacíw̓s+tn. s.t. to tie s.t. with.

ʕaclaʔxʷsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: ʕaclaʔxʷsqáx̌aʔ+m. to stake a horse.

ʕacpíyn   Morph: ʕac+píyn. to catch in a trap; one's catch.

ʕacʕacpíyn   Morph: ʕac•ʕac+píyn. to catch an animal in a trap.

ʕacsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: ʕacsqáx̌aʔ+tn. reins. Sp č̕ɬ-ʕac-paʔsqáx̌eʔ-tn reins. guiding lines.

ʕacʕaccníwɬ   Morph: ʕac•ʕaccníwɬ. to tie a boat.

ʕacʕacxnt   Morph: ʕac•ʕacx+nt. to tie up one's feet.


ʕaccqnmnwíxʷ   Morph: ʕac•cqn+mnwíxʷ. to go head to head in a fight.

sʕacílkst   Morph: s+ʕacílkst. a cape.

sk̓ɬʕaccín   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+ʕaccín. a necktie.

k̓ɬʕacníksnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕacníks+nt. to tie s.t. around the wrist.


k̓ɬʕacmín   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕac+mín. fishing line; trolling line.

kɬʕaccínt   Morph: kɬ+ʕaccí+nt. to tie s.t. around the neck.


cʔawsʕacánt   Morph: c+ʔaw+s+ʕacá+nt. to go tie up a horse.


ʕc2   tie (k+ √ʕc).

kʕacnt   Morph: k+ʕac+nt. to tie s.t.; to pack s.t.; to pack a horse; horse packing.


kʕacʕacnt   Morph: k+ʕac•ʕac+nt. tie up.


ɬckʕacnt   Morph: ɬ+c+k+ʕac+nt. to tie s.t. again.


ckʕacacst   Morph: c+k+ʕac•ac+st. to tie up.


kʕacám   Morph: k+ʕacá+m. to pack s.t.


skʕacám   Morph: s+k+ʕacá+m. packing.

skʕacíw̓s   Morph: s+k+ʕacíw̓s. Sunday; flag; week. Sp s-č-ʕacéw̓s Sunday; Cm stḥacáw̓s Sunday; Cr t+ʕec–íw̓es Sunday (lit. flag day).

kʕacíw̓snt   Morph: k+ʕacíw̓s+nt. to tie s.t. around the neck; to hang s.o. or s.t. up.


sxʷkʕacíw̓sm   Morph: sxʷk+ʕacíw̓s+m. a hangman.

kʕacʕac   Morph: k+ʕac•ʕac. to tie s.t.

kʕacc̓aʔnt   Morph: k+ʕacc̓aʔ+nt. to tie bundles.


kʕacíc̓aʔnt   Morph: k+ʕacíc̓aʔ+nt. to tie bundles.


kʕacʕacíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʕac•ʕacíc̓aʔ. to tie s.t. in a bundle.


kʕacíc̓aʔtn   Morph: k+ʕacíc̓aʔ+tn. tied bunches or bundles.

kʕacíkn̓nt   Morph: k+ʕacíkn̓+nt. to bundle, bale, pack; to tie a bundle.


kʕacʕacíkn̓nt   Morph: k+ʕac•ʕacík+nt. to bundle.


kʕackn̓lscút   Morph: k+ʕackn̓lscút. to tie s.t. in bundles.

kʕacʕaccíplaʔnt   Morph: k+ʕac•ʕac•cíplaʔ+nt. to tie s.t. to a post or stick.


kʕacqáx̌aʔm   Morph: k+ʕacqáx̌aʔ+m. to tie s.t. to a horse; to harness a horse.

skʕacqáx̌aʔ   Morph: s+k+ʕacqáx̌aʔ. s.t. tied onto a horse.

sxʷkʕacqáx̌aʔm   Morph: sxʷk+ʕacqáx̌aʔ+m. a packer.

sxʷkʕacsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: sxʷk+ʕacsqáx̌aʔ+m. horse packer.

skʕacʕacqínxn   Morph: s+k+ʕac•ʕacqínxn. loin cloth; leggings.

kʕacálqʷnt   Morph: k+ʕacálqʷ+nt. to tie to a log.


kʕacʕacmnálqʷmnt   Morph: k+ʕac•ʕac+mnálqʷ+m+nt. to tie s.t. or s.o. onto a pole.

Tstem. Sp ʕac(í) to tie; Cm ḥac‑ɬt‑xʷ you tie s.t. of s.o.’s, nḥcusm trap animals; Cr hec; Sh ʕec to tie up, knit (nets); Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́c-ən to tie s.t.

ʕc3   tie (n + √ʕc).

nʕacʕacnt   Morph: n+ʕac•ʕac+nt. to tie things inside.


snʕaccíw̓s   Morph: sn+ʕac•cíw̓s. a bone with joints.

snʕaccsíliʔs   Morph: sn+ʕac•csíliʔs. joints.

snʕacínas x̌áʕx̌aʕ   Morph: s+n+ʕacínaʔ-s x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ. long flowered mertensia.

nʕacínknt   Morph: n+ʕacínk+nt. to tie s.t.


nʕacqínt   Morph: n+ʕacqí+nt. to tie s.t. at an end.


nʕacqíɬt   Morph: n+ʕacqí+ɬt. to tie the end of.


nʕacqníɬxʷm   Morph: n+ʕacqníɬxʷ+m. to tie s.t. to the top of the house.

snʕacqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: s+n+ʕacqáx̌aʔ+tn. corral.

snʕacsíw̓s   Morph: sn+ʕacsíw̓s. joint.

snʕacʕacsíliʔs   Morph: sn+ʕac•ʕacsíliʔs. joints.

nʕacúsnt   Morph: n+ʕacús+nt. to set a trap for s.o.


snʕacús   Morph: s+n+ʕacús. a trap; a snare. Sp s-n-ʕacús a large trap for large animals; Cm nḥcusm trap animals; Sh ʕec to tie up; Th √ʕac tangle; Li ʕə́ˑʕ̓c-ep to get caught in a trap.

nʕacúsmnt   Morph: n+ʕacús+m+nt. to lay a trap.


snʕacúsm   Morph: s+n+ʕacús+m. to trap; trapping.

nʕacústn   Morph: n+ʕacús+tn. a trap.

snʕacʕacínaʔ   Morph: s+n+ʕac•ʕacínaʔ. earrings. Sp s-n-ʕacʕacéneʔ earrings; Cm s‑n‑ḥc‑anaʔ earring; Cr hn+ʕac+ʕacineʔ earrings.

nʕacʕacínaʔmnt   Morph: n+ʕac•ʕacínaʔ+m+nt. to make earrings.


nʕ̓aʔcm̓ín̓   Morph: n+ʕ̓aʔc+m̓ín̓. nʕ̓aʔcm̓ín̓: Deadman Creek. Lit: place for tying things up

ʕc4   Lakes, Dolly Varden.

ʕickst   Morph: ʕickst. ʕickst: salmon; Dolly Varden.

snʕickstx   Morph: s+n+ʕickstx. Lakes country; Lakes Indians; people from the North Half.

ʕc5   Geyer's lomatium.

nʕ̓aʔcáqs   Morph: n+ʕ̓aʔcáqs ? Geyer's lomatium.

ʕc̓1   look.

ʕac̓nt   Morph: ʕac̓+nt. to look at s.t.


ɬʕ̓ac̓nt   Morph: ɬ+ʕ̓ac̓+nt. to look again at.


ʕac̓ʕác̓nt   Morph: ʕac̓•ʕác̓+nt. to look at.


cʕac̓st, cʕ̓ac̓st   Morph: c+ʕac̓+st. to look at.


ʕac̓m   Morph: ʕac̓+m. to look at.


sʕac̓m   Morph: s+ʕac̓+m. looking at.


ʕ̓ac̓   Morph: ʕ̓ac̓c̓. to look at s.t. or s.o.

scʕ̓ac̓   Morph: sc+ʕ̓ac̓. looks.

ʕac̓ʕác̓   Morph: ʕac̓•ʕác̓. to look at s.t.

scʕaʕác̓   Morph: sc+ʕa•ʕác̓. a book.

scʕ̓aʕ̓ác̓   Morph: sc+ʕ̓a•ʕ̓ác̓. books.

scʕ̓aʔʕ̓ac̓   Morph: s+c+ʕ̓aʔ•ʕ̓ac̓. books.

ɬʕac̓   Morph: ɬ+ʕac̓. to look at s.t. or s.o. again.

ɬʕ̓ac̓   Morph: ɬ+ʕ̓ac̓. to look again at s.t.

sʕac̓   Morph: s+ʕac̓. how s.t. looks; the looks of s.t.

sʕ̓ac̓   Morph: s+ʕ̓ac̓. one's looks.

sʕac̓c̓   Morph: s+ʕac̓•c̓. how s.t. looks; the looks of s.t.

sʕ̓ac̓c̓   Morph: s+ʕ̓ac̓•c̓. looks.

ʕ̓ac̓m   Morph: ʕ̓ac̓+m. to look.

ʕac̓mn   Morph: ʕac̓+mn. binoculars.

ʕ̓ac̓mn   Morph: ʕ̓ac̓+mn. binoculars.

kʕac̓   Morph: k+ʕac̓. to stare at s.t. or s.o.; to keep looking at s.t. or s.o.

snʕ̓ac̓ʕ̓ác̓mn   Morph: s+n+ʕ̓ac̓•ʕ̓ác̓+mn. library.

nʕac̓   Morph: n+ʕac̓. to look inside.

k̓ɬʕác̓xnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕác̓x+nt. to look or check for tracks.


sxʷʕ̓ac̓m   Morph: sxʷʕ̓ac̓+m. a lookout. Sp ʔác̓x̌-m; Cm ʔac̓x̌‑nt‑xʷ you look at, watch s.t.; Cr ʔac̓x̌. See: ʕc̓x̌.

ʕc̓2   look √ʕc̓ in compounds.

ʕac̓q̓y̓mínm   Morph: ʕac̓+q̓y̓+mín+m. to read books.

ʕac̓ɬq̓y̓mínm   Morph: ʕac̓+ɬ+q̓y̓+mín+m. to read (a book).

kʔawsʕác̓, k̓awsʕác̓   Morph: k+ʔaw+s+ʕác̓. to go see s.t.

ck̓awsʕác̓m, ckʔawsʕác̓m   Morph: c+k+ʔaw+s+ʕác̓+m. to come to see.

ɬk̓wsʕ̓ac̓nt   Morph: ɬ+k̓w+s+ʕ̓ac̓+nt. to go back to look.


k̓ssʕac̓c̓   Morph: k̓s•s+ʕac̓•c̓. to look ugly.

sk̓sʕac̓c̓   Morph: s+k̓s+ʕac̓•c̓. one's ugliness; one's bad looks.

k̓ssʕ̓ac̓c̓   Morph: k̓s•s+ʕ̓ac̓•c̓. bad looking; ugly looking.

x̌sʕac̓c̓   Morph: x̌s+ʕac̓•c̓. good to look at; good looking.

x̌ssʕ̓ac̓c̓   Morph: x̌s•s+ʕ̓ac̓•c̓. beautiful looking.

ʔawsʕ̓ác̓nt   Morph: ʔaw+s+ʕ̓ác̓+nt. to go look.


ʕc̓3   argue.

nʕic̓pm   Morph: n+ʕic̓+p+m. to argue over s.t. Cr ʕic̓ persistent, tenacious; Sh ʕec̓-t tough (of hide).

ʕc̓x̌   look at.

ʕac̓x̌   Morph: ʕac̓x̌. look (at).

ʕac̓x̌ncútn   Morph: ʕac̓x̌+ncút+n. a mirror.

ʕ̓ac̓x̌ncútn   Morph: ʕ̓ac̓x̌+ncut+n. looking glass.

ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ   Morph: ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ. ʕac̓x̌úlaʔxʷ (man's name). Lit: look at the ground

nʕac̓x̌kncút   Morph: n+ʕac̓x̌kn+cút. to look behind oneself.

nʕac̓x̌kn̓cút   Morph: n+ʕac̓x̌kn̓+cút. to look behind onself. Cm ʔac̓x̌‑nt‑xʷ you look at, watch s.t.

ʕac̓x̌ɬq̓y̓mínm   Morph: ʕac̓x̌+ɬ+q̓y̓+mín+m. to read books; to look at books.

sxʷk̓ɬʕ̓ac̓xnm   Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+ʕ̓ac̓xn+m. a tracker. Sp s-ʔac̓x̌s-n̓-cút-n mirror; Cm ʔac̓x̌n̓cútn̓ mirror; Cr ʔac̓x̌us+n̓cút+n̓ mirror. See: ʕc̓1.

ʕhʔ1   cold.

ʕahúʔ   Morph: ʕahúʔ. to catch a cold; to have a cold. Sp s-ʔahó a cold, a cough.

sʔáhaʔ   Morph: s+ʔáhaʔ. a cold.

hahúʔ   Morph: hahúʔ. to catch a cold; to have a cold.

sʕáhaʔ   Morph: s+ʕáhaʔ. the common cold; a cold. Sp s-ʔahó a cold, a cough; √hoʔ a cough from a cold (baby talk); Cm sʔéʕʷḥaʔ chest cold, cough; ʔéʕʷḥaʔ to cough, have a chest cold; also sʔéʕʷḥʷaʔ; Cr ʔohiʔ+t cold (to have a...).

ʕahúʔm   Morph: ʕahúʔ+m. to have a cold. Sp s-ʔahóʔ a cold. a cough; Cm ʔéʕʷḥaʔ to cough, have a chest cold; Cr ʔohiʔ+t cold (to have a...). See: hʕʷ.

ʕhʔ2   relaxed.

ʕahúʔ   Morph: ʕahúʔ ? to be relaxed.

ʕl1   lose.

ʕalp   Morph: ʕal+p. to lose.

ʕaláp   Morph: ʕalá+p. to lose at gambling; to lose in a contest; to lose control. Sp ʔal-íp he lost it all; Cm ḥəlp lose, be defeated, be broke; Cr s+ʕel+p demerit, ʕel+p+mí-nt-s confiscate (lit. he forfeited it (to public use)); Sh ʕʔiʔl to lose (a contest, lawcase, etc.); Th √ʕal lose.

sʕaláp   Morph: s+ʕalá+p. loss in a contest.

ʕalpmínt   Morph: ʕal+p+mí+nt. to lose s.t. or s.o.


ʕalpncút   Morph: ʕal+p+ncút. to be a loser.

ɬʕalpncút   Morph: ɬ+ʕal+p+ncút. to lose again.

kʕalpúps   Morph: k+ʕal+púps. to lose one's tail.

ʕl2   sink.

nʕalt   Morph: nʕal+t. to sink to the bottom (of water).

nʕ̓alt   Morph: nʕal+t. to sink to the bottom (of water).

ʕl3   cover, fence.

ʕal   Morph: ʕal. cover.

ʕ̓al   Morph: ʕal̕. fence; cover.

ʕalqínt   Morph: ʕalqí+nt. to close the cover; to cover s.t.


ʕalʕaláq   Morph: ʕal•ʕaláq ? to cover.

nʕ̓alíw̓s   Morph: n+ʕ̓alíw̓s. to be partitioned.

ɬnʕal̕qínt   Morph: ɬ+n+ʕal̕qí+nt. to cover s.t. again.


k̓ɬʕalnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕal+nt. to fence s.t.; to fence (a place).


k̓ɬʕalám   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕalá+m. to fence s.t.


sxʷk̓ɬʕalám   Morph: sxʷk̓ɬʕalám. one who builds fences.

k̓ɬʕal̕mín, k̓ɬʕ̓almin   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕal̕+mín. a fence.

k̓ɬnʕ̓alípnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+ʕ̓alíp+nt. to shut, close s.t. (a gate, a door, a letter ...)


k̓ɬʕalɬt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕal+ɬt. fence s.t.

Tstem. Sp √ʕal̕ to be fenced in, to be hemmed in; č̕ɬ-n-ʕal̕ép-m he closed the gate; Cr ʕel̕ block, obstruct, fence, curtain; an+ʕ̓elíw̓es divided, partitioned; a+čs+n+ʕél̕ep ... (lit. the door, gate is closed).

ʕlpl   Gopher, gopher.

ʕalapúl   Morph: ʕalapúl. Gopher, gopher.

ʔalapúl   Morph: ʔalapúl. ʔalapúl: Gopher. Sp púl̕yeʔ Mrs. Coyote; Cm pul̕–yaʔ gopher, mole.

ʔarpúl   Morph: ʔarpúl. ʔarpúl (woman's name). See: pl̕2; plyʔ1.

ʕɬ1   matched, regular.

ʕaɬ   Morph: ʕaɬ. to be even matched, regular (as the sections of a fence).

ʕɬ2   cook.

nʕaɬítkʷnt   Morph: n+ʕaɬítkʷ+nt. to cook with hot rocks.


ʕɬ3   dome-shaped house, Oroville.

sʕaɬíɬxʷ   Morph: s+ʕaɬíɬxʷ. dome-shaped house; sʕaɬíɬxʷ (Oroville).

sahɬíɬxʷ   Morph: sahɬíɬxʷ ? dome-shaped house; sahɬíɬxʷ (Oroville).

ʕɬ4   gumption.

nʕaɬúps   Morph: n+ʕaɬúps. to have gumption.

ʕɬ5   kʕ̓aɬʕaɬqín (place name).

kʕ̓aɬʕaɬqín   Morph: k+ʕ̓aɬ•ʕaɬqín. kʕ̓aɬʕaɬqín (place name). Lit: rock piles on top

ʕƛ̓   gnaw.

ʕ̓aƛ̓   Morph: ʕ̓aƛ̓. to gnaw; to chew. Sp √x̌ƛ̓(í) to chew, to eat; Cm ʔač‑ḥaƛ̓‑st‑us s.o. gnaws on s.t.; Li ʕíƛ̓-xal to take a bite (of s.t.).

ʕaƛ̓nt   Morph: ʕaƛ̓+nt. to gnaw s.t.


ʕaƛ̓ám   Morph: ʕaƛ̓á+m. to gnaw s.t.


ʕaƛ̓íp   Morph: ʕaƛ̓íp. to gnaw on wood.

ʕ̓aƛ̓íp   Morph: ʕ̓aƛ̓íp. to chew a tree.

ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓áqs   Morph: ʕaƛ̓•ʕaƛ̓áqs. beetle-like bug that chews at both ends.

ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓cínmnt   Morph: ʕaƛ̓•ʕaƛ̓cín+m+nt. to chew up s.o.


kʕaƛ̓qínt   Morph: k+ʕaƛ̓qí+nt. to chew the tops; to gnaw.


swy̓skʕaƛ̓ikst   Morph: s+wy̓+s+k+ʕaƛ̓ikst. shavings.

ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓sc̓ím   Morph: ʕaƛ̓•ʕaƛ̓+s+c̓ím. to chew s.t. up. Sp √x̌ƛ̓(í) to chew, to eat; Cm s‑ḥ‑ḥƛ̓‑mix to be gnawing; Cr x̌et̓ to gnaw, graze; Sh x̌t̓-us-m to eat of the deer head; Th x̌ƛ̓-ə́m chew, gnaw (on s.t.); Li √x̌əƛ̓ to chew on s.t. (mainly grass).

ʕm1   melt.

ʕamnt, ʕam̓nt   Morph: ʕam+nt. to melt, thaw, liquefy.


sʕam̓ám   Morph: s+ʕam̓á+m. thawing s.t. out.


ʕamáp   Morph: ʕamá+p. to melt, thaw (ice, lard ...)

ʕam̓áp   Morph: ʕamá+p. to melt, thaw (ice, lard ...)

ɬʕamáp   Morph: ɬ+ʕamá+p. to thaw again.

nʕamnt   Morph: n+ʕam+nt. to melt, thaw, liquefy.


nʕam̓pítkʷ   Morph: nʕam̓+pítkʷ. s.t. thaws in water.

nʕam̓úsnt   Morph: n+ʕam̓ús+nt. to thaw s.t. by the fire.


nʕam̓st   Morph: n+ʕam̓+st. to melt s.t.; to make s.t. thaw. Cm ḥəmp become damp, dissolve, melt. Sp ham-íp it began to melt.; Cm ḥəm‑p become damp, dissolve, melt; Cr ʕem dissolve, melt, waste away.

ʕm2   angry.

ʕimt   Morph: ʕim+t. to be angry.

ʕaʕímaʔt   Morph: ʕa•ʕím+aʔt. to be angry.

ʕ̓áʕ̓amt   Morph: ʕ̓á•ʕ̓am+t. to be mad.

sʕimt   Morph: s+ʕim+t. anger.

scʕimt   Morph: sc+ʕim+t. anger; one's being angry.

ɬʕimt   Morph: ɬ+ʕim+t. to be angry again.

ʕimtmnt   Morph: ʕim+t+m+nt. to be angry at s.o.


sʕaymtmnm   Morph: s+ʕaym+t+mn+m. being mad at.


ʕimtnúnt   Morph: ʕim+t+nú+nt. to manage to make s.o. angryʕimtst.


ʕimtst   Morph: ʕim+t+st. to anger s.o.; to make s.o. mad.


cʕimtmst   Morph: c+ʕim+t+m+st. to be mad at.

Tstem. Sp ʕaymt; hayím-t (ʔayím-t) he got growling mad; č-ʔáym-t-i-s that's his reason for being mad; Cm ḥímt ḥim‑t.

ʕm3   saʕámɬq (place name).

saʕámɬq   Morph: s+ʕámɬq ? the lower north face (part of which is still above water) of the area on the south side of the Columbia now known as Camel Bluff.

ʕm4   sʕamtíc̓aʔ (woman's name).

sʕamtíc̓aʔ   Morph: s+ʕam+tíc̓aʔ. sʕamtíc̓aʔ (Sarah Peterson).

ʕn1   jackrabbit.

ʕanʕaník   Morph: ʕan•ʕaník. jackrabbit.

ʕananíkn   Morph: ʕan•aníkn. jackrabbit. Sp wananíčeʔ (wananí, wananíč) brown summer jackrabbit; Cm ḥannaník jackrabbit.

ʕn2   crouch, curl.

ʕanmncút   Morph: ʕan+mncút. to crouch; to curl up in a ball.

ʕanʕanmncút   Morph: ʕan•ʕan+mncút. to crouch; to curl up in a ball.

ʕn3   magpie.

ʕan̓   Morph: ʕan̓. Magpie; magpie. Sp ʔán̓n̓ magpie; Cm ʕ̓ʷn̓‑ʕ̓ʷn̓‑ps, ʕ̓ʷən̓ʕ̓ʷan̓ps magpie.

ʕ̓an̓   Morph: ʕ̓an̓. Magpie; magpie.

ʕann   Morph: ʕan•n. magpie.

ʕ̓an̓n̓   Morph: ʕ̓an̓•n̓. Magpie; magpie.

haɬʕán̓   Morph: haɬs+ʕ̓an̓. the Magpie family or group.

haɬsʕ̓án̓   Morph: haɬs+ʕ̓án̓. the Magpie family or group.

nʕ̓ann̓m   Morph: n+ʕ̓an•n̓+m. nʕ̓ann̓m: place name. Lit: having magpies

ʕn4   Oroville.

sʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ   Morph: s+ʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ. sʕán̓aɬaʔxʷ: Oroville.

ʕn5   snowbrush.

ʕanɬp   Morph: ʕanɬp. snowbrush.

ʕn6   satisfied.

ʕanáp   Morph: ʕaná+p. to be satisfied, sated. See: ʕnq.

ʕnq   satisfied.

ʕanqíls   Morph: ʕanqíls. to be satisfied.

nʕanqíls   Morph: n+ʕanqíls. to be full, sated, satisfied.

snʕanqíls   Morph: s+n+ʕanqíls. satisfaction. Sp n-ʕanqcín he finally got enough to eat.

nʕanqcín   Morph: n+ʕanqcín. to be satisfied, sated, filled up.

nʕanaʕnqcín   Morph: n+ʕan•ʕanqcín. to be filled up; satiated. Sp naq the water has reached the marker along the river’s edge; √ʕanq, n-ʕanqcín he finally got enough to eat; Cr naq satiated (with food). See: ʕn6.

ʕnxʷ   muskrat.

sʕ̓aníxʷ   Morph: s+ʕ̓aníxʷ. Muskrat; muskrat; sʕ̓aníxʷ (man's name). Cm ḥan̓áxʷ muskrat.

sʕ̓an̓íxʷ   Morph: s+ʕ̓an̓íxʷ. little muskrat.

sʕ̓aʔn̓íxʷ   Morph: s+ʕ̓aʔn̓íxʷ. little muskrat.

ʕny   male (salmon).

tányaʔ   Morph: t+ányaʔ ? late sockeye (when they turn red, around September).

sʕányasʕ̓ányaʔ   Morph: s+ʕánya ? male fish.

sʕ̓ányaʔ   Morph: s+ʕ̓ányaʔ. male salmon.

saʕánya   Morph: saʕánya ? saʕánya (man's name). See: tʕny.

ʕp   Nez Perces.

sʕaptnx   Morph: s+ʕap+tnx. sʕaptnx: Nez Percez. Sp √saʕáptni Nez Perce Indians; Cm s‑ḥáp‑tn‑əxʷ Nez Perces.

nʕaptnítkʷ   Morph: nʕap+tnítkʷ. nʕaptnítkʷ: Nez Perce Creek.

nʕaptnxítkʷ   Morph: n+ʕap+tnxítkʷ. nʕaptnxítkʷ: Nez Perce Creek. Lit: Nez Perce water (stream)

nʕaptn̓xítkʷ   Morph: n+ʕap+tn̓xítkʷ. nʕaptn̓xítkʷˑ Nez Perce Creek. Lit: Nez Perce water (stream)

ʕpnʔ   now.

ʕapnáʔ   Morph: ʕapnáʔ. now; nowadays.

ʕapnánaʔ   Morph: ʕapnánaʔ. just now.

ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ   Morph: ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ. this evening.

ʕapnáʔ sx̌lx̌aʕlt   Morph: ʕapnáʔ s+x̌l•x̌aʕl+t. today; this day.

sic ʕapnáʔ   Morph: sic ʕapnáʔ. just now. Sh wl ʕép until dusk; Th ʕáp dusk. Cf. Li ʕap (late) evening sets in (part of the night before), ɬ‿ʕáp-as tonight.

ʕs   willow grouse, pheasant.

sasʕás   Morph: s+ʕas•ʕás. willow grouse.

sʕasʕás   Morph: s+ʕas•ʕás. pheasant; willow grouse. See: ʕʷs.

ʕt1   tooth.

ʕitmn   Morph: ʕit+mn. tooth.

ʕaytmn   Morph: ʕit+mn. tooth.

ʕtʕitmn   Morph: ʕat•ʕit+mn. teeth.

ʕtʕitmn   Morph: ʕt+ʕit+mn. teeth.

ʕt2   yellow bell.

ʕatmn   Morph: ʕat+mn. yellow bell.

ʕ̓aʔtmn̓   Morph: ʕ̓aʔt+mn̓. yellowbell.

ʕt3   sound of duck.

ʕátʕat   Morph: ʕát•ʕat. the sound a duck makes.

ʕt4   raptor spp.

sʕátʕat   Morph: s+ʕát•ʕat. eagle.

sʕat̓ʕát̓   Morph: s+ʕat̓•ʕát̓. unidentified raptor that feeds on fish.

ʕtl   ʕatál (woman's name).

ʕatál   Morph: ʕatál ? ʕatál (woman's name).

ʕt̓s   sneeze.

ʕat̓ísm   Morph: ʕat̓ís+m. to sneeze.

ʕat̓ísx   Morph: ʕat̓ís+x. to sneeze.

ʕat̓ísxaʔ   Morph: ʕat̓ís+xaʔ. to sneeze. Sp √t̓sóʔ (t̓šóʔ), at̓šoʔ a sneeze; Cm t̓éšxʷaʔ to sneeze; sneeze; Cr t̓išsoʔ sneeze.

ʕw1   drip, drool.

ʕawáp   Morph: ʕawá+p. to drool; to drip; to leak; ʕawáp: place name. Lit: dripping Sp √ʕaw drip; ʕaw-úp it melted, it dripped; Cr ʕaw, ʕ̓ew+p dripped; see Th /c̓ʕʷ-ə́p to leak, start slow dripping.

ʕawʕawáp   Morph: ʕaw•ʕawá+p. to drool; to drip.

sʕawáp   Morph: s+ʕawá+p. a leak; a drop of water.

kʕawálqʷ   Morph: k+ʕawá+p. s.t. drips down a pole.

nʕawáp   Morph: n+ʕawá+pnaʕʷáp. to drip into s.t.

naʕʷáp   Morph: naʕʷá+p ? to leak (as roof).

nʕawpcín   Morph: n+ʕaw+pcín. s.t. dribbles in the moutn; drool.

nʕawpáɬq̓ʷlt   Morph: n+ʕawpáɬq̓ʷlt. to drip in the mouth.

nʕawʕawpcín   Morph: n+ʕaw•ʕaw+pcín. to drool. Sp n-ʔaw-pcín saliva slip off his chin. Sp ʕaw-úp it melted, it dripped; See Cm √hmp həmp to fall off; Cr saʕʷ flow, pour, leak; saʕʷ+p dripped, overflowed.

ʕw2   skin.

snʕawípm   Morph: s+n+ʕawíp+m. to skin small furry animals.

ʕw3   relax.

ʕ̓aw̓mɬt   Morph: ʕ̓aw̓+m+ɬt. to let s.t. or s.o. loose.


ʕaw̓míst   Morph: ʕáw̓+miʔst. relax.

ʕ̓awʕ̓awmíst   Morph: ʕ̓aw•ʕ̓aw+míst. to take a break.

ʕaw̓kstmnt   Morph: ʕaw̓kst+m+nt. to let s.o. loose.


ʕaw̓mw̓scút   Morph: ʕaw̓+mw̓s+cút. to relax.

nʕaw̓ʕáw̓miʔst   Morph: n+ʕaw̓•ʕáw̓+miʔst. to relax.

ʕw4   rough wallflower.

nʕ̓awʕ̓awqín   Morph: n+ʕ̓aw•ʕ̓awqín. rough wallflower.

ʕwc   have no reflexes.

ʕawc   Morph: ʕawc ? to have no reflexes.

ʕwt   annoyed.

ʕawítmnt   Morph: ʕawít+m+nt. to get annoyed with s.t. or s.o.


ʕxʷ   holler.

kʕaxʷnt   Morph: k+ʕaxʷ+nt. to holler at s.o.


ʕx̌1   harrow, stripe, scrape.

ʕaʕáx̌nt   Morph: ʕa•ʕáx̌+nt. to rake s.t.

Tstem. Sp hec-ʕáx̌ it's striped material, it's been scratched; č̕ɬ-ʕax̌ép the opening is laced shut; Cr ʕax̌ wind... to wrap string evenly; √ʕx̌ t+ʕa+ʕá.c̓eʔ cantaloupe (lit. a melon ribbed around; Sh ʕx̌-em to string up (a hide).

ʕax̌x̌   Morph: ʕax̌•x̌. to be or get slit, furrowed, striped.

ʕaʕáx̌   Morph: ʕa•ʕáx̌. to rake s.t.

ʕáx̌laʔxʷnt   Morph: ʕáx̌laʔxʷ+nt. to rake the ground; to harrow.

Tstem. Sp ʕax̌leʔxʷ-m he harrowed and raked the field for seeding; Cm ʔix̌–l̕əxʷ‑tn harrow.

ʕ̓áx̌laʔxʷm   Morph: ʕ̓áx̌laʔxʷ+m. a rake.

ʕáx̌laʔxʷtn   Morph: ʕáx̌laʔxʷ+tn. garden rake; hay rake.

ʕaʕáx̌laʔxʷtn   Morph: ʕa•ʕáx̌laʔxʷ+tn. garden rake.

ʕáx̌ʕax̌x̌   Morph: ʕáx̌•ʕax̌•x̌. to get scratched.

kʕáx̌c̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʕáx̌c̓aʔ. musk melon. Lit: striped

kʕax̌ʕáx̌c̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʕax̌•ʕáx̌c̓aʔ. cantaloupe. Lit: striped

nʕ̓ax̌nt   Morph: n+ʕ̓ax̌+nt. to scratch; to claw.


nʕax̌x̌kn   Morph: n+ʕax̌•x̌kn. scraped or striped back.

nʔipʕáx̌nt   Morph: n+ʔipʕáx̌+nt. to scratch s.t. or s.o. on the way (as s.t. or s.o. moves).


kɬʕax̌nt   Morph: kɬ+ʕax̌+nt. to make slits, stripes or furrows; to scrape.

Tstem. Sp ʕax̌leʔxʷ-m he harrowed and raked the field for seeding; see s-čɬ-x̌eʔp̓ícn̓šn-tn shoestring, shoelace; Sp č-ʕaʕáx̌c̓eʔ cantaloupe; Cm ʔix̌–l̕əxʷ‑tn harrow.

ʕx̌2   lace, tie.

ʕax̌nt   Morph: ʕax̌+nt. to lace s.t.; to string up s.t.


ʕax̌ámnt   Morph: ʕax̌á+m+nt. to tie a hide to the tanning frame.


ʕax̌íc̓aʔ   Morph: ʕax̌íc̓aʔ. a rope (to string) deer hides.

ʕax̌íc̓aʔm   Morph: ʕax̌íc̓aʔ+m. to tie a hide to a frame. Sp čn ʕax̌íc̓eʔ-m I stretched the hides.

kʕax̌nt   Morph: k+ʕax̌+nt. to lace up s.t.; to string up s.t.


kʕax̌ác̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʕax̌ác̓aʔ. s.t is laced, tied (into a bundle).

kʕax̌íc̓aʔm   Morph: k+ʕax̌íc̓aʔ+m. to package s.t.


kʕax̌ic̓aʔmnt   Morph: k+ʕax̌ic̓aʔ+m+nt. to package s.t.


k̓ɬʕax̌nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕax̌+nt. to lace s.t.


kɬʕax̌íknxnt   Morph: kɬ+ʕax̌íknx+nt. to lace up (a shoe).


kɬʕax̌íknxn   Morph: kɬ+ʕax̌íknxn. shoelace; to lace up a shoe.

kɬʕax̌íkn̓tn   Morph: kɬ+ʕax̌íkn̓+tn. (shoe) lace.

ʕx̌3   sʕax̌x̌álqs (woman's name).

sʕax̌x̌álqs   Morph: s+ʕax̌•x̌álqs. sʕax̌x̌álqs (woman's name).

ʕx̌ʷ1   stretch, string.

ʕax̌ʷnt   Morph: ʕax̌ʷ+nt. to mark s.t. with a string; to stretch or string. Sp hi ʕax̌ it's striped; ʕax̌íc̓eʔ-tn hide stretcher; Cr √ʕx̌ wind, to wrap string evenly; hn+ʕux̌ʷ+ʕux̌ʷeɬníw̓+n harness.

ʕax̌ʷám   Morph: ʕax̌ʷá+m. to make line or rope.

ʕax̌ʷmín   Morph: ʕax̌ʷ+mín. clothes line, line to hang clothes on.

ʕax̌ʷcínxn   Morph: ʕax̌ʷcínxn. moccasin lace.

ʕax̌ʷʕax̌ʷcínxn   Morph: ʕax̌ʷ•ʕax̌ʷcínxn. moccasin laces.

kʕax̌ʷʕaxʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+ʕax̌ʷ•ʕaxʷíc̓aʔ. things dangle; dangling things.

skʕax̌ʷx̌ʷíplaʔ   Morph: s+k+ʕax̌ʷ•x̌ʷíplaʔ. (fishing) line; rope.

nʕax̌ʷt   Morph: n+ʕax̌ʷ+t. slough.

k̓ɬʕax̌ʷáx̌ʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕax̌ʷ•áx̌ʷ. s.t. is roped around.

k̓ɬʕax̌ʷám   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʕax̌ʷá+m. to string a line.

ʕx̌ʷ2   roots.

saʕx̌ʷíp   Morph: s+aʕx̌ʷíp. roots.

sʕax̌ʷíp   Morph: s+ʕax̌ʷíp. root; tuber; bulb. Sp s-ʕʷox̌ʷép plant root; Cm sx̌ʷap plant root(s). See: ʕʷx̌ʷ2.

ʕx̌ʷ3   swamp, slough.

nʕ̓ax̌ʷt   Morph: n+ʕ̓ax̌ʷ+t. swamp; slough.

ʕy1   angry, scold.

ʕayám   Morph: ʕayá+m. to growl; to scold. Sh √ʕey stinging, hot; angry.

ʕayáp   Morph: ʕayá+p. to bawl s.o. out. Sh ʕy-ep angry.

ʕaypmínt   Morph: ʕay+p+mí+nt. to scold s.o.


ʕayʕaypmínt   Morph: ʕay•ʕay+p+mí+nt. to scold s.o.


sʕaypmínm   Morph: sʕay+p+mín+m. to scold s.o.

ʕayplwís   Morph: ʕay+p+lwís. to bawl s.o. out; to get after s.o.

sʕaypmínm   Morph: s+ʕay+p+mín+m. getting angry with s.o.; scolding s.o.


sʕaypíltm   Morph: sʕay+pílt+m. to scold a child.

ksʕayp   Morph: k+s+ʕay+p. to get angry with s.o.; to scold s.o. Sp √ʕaymt (ʔaymt) (haymt) to get angry; Cm ḥáʔi be hot (an object); Cr ʕey embittered; ʕey̓ angry; Sh √ʕey stinging, hot; angry; Th √ʕəz angry; Li √ʕaz̓ to quarrel (like a couple).

ʕy2   tired.

ʕay   Morph: ʕay. tired.

ʕiyt   Morph: ʕiy+t. to be tired.

ʕayt   Morph: ʕay+t. Variant: ʕiyt. to be tired. Cm ḥu‑ʔ‑y‑t be bored; See Cr ʕid glowing, redhot; ʕey embittered; see Sh √ʕey singing, hot; angry; see Th √ʕáy inadequate.

kʕayíkst   Morph: k+ʕayíkst. the hand or arm gets tired.

kʕayxán   Morph: k+ʕayxán. one's leg is tired.

kʕayʕayxán   Morph: k+ʕay•ʕayxán. tired legs.

nʕayíkn̓   Morph: n+ʕayíkn̓. one's back is tired.

nʕayílps   Morph: n+ʕayílps. one's neck is tired.

nʕayús   Morph: n+ʕayús. one's neck is tired.

ʕy3   smile, laugh.

ʕaynst   Morph: ʕayn+st. to make one laugh.


ʕ̓ayn   Morph: ʕ̓ayn. to make s.o. laugh.

ʕayncút   Morph: ʕay+ncút. to laugh.

ʕ̓ayncút   Morph: ʕ̓ay+ncút. to laugh.

ʕayʕayncút   Morph: ʕay•ʕay+ncút. to laugh.

ʕ̓ayʕ̓ayncút   Variant: ʕayʕayncút. several laugh.

sʕayncút   Morph: s+ʕay+ncút. laughter.

sʕayʕayncút   Morph: s+ʕay•ʕay+ncút. a laugh.

ʕayʕaycín   Morph: ʕay•ʕaycín. to laugh about s.t. or s.o.

ʕayʕáynk   Morph: ʕay•ʕáynk. to tickle s.o.'s belly. See Sh x̌-ʕʷuy̓-ʕʷuy̓-nk to laugh until one's insides get weak.

nʕ̓ayúsnt, nʕ̓ay̓úsnt   Morph: n+ʕ̓ayús+nt. to smile at s.o.

Tstem. Sp n-oy̓ús-m̓ he smiled.

nʕ̓ay̓ús   Morph: n+ʕ̓ay̓ús. to smile at s.t. or s.o.

nʕ̓ay̓snwíxʷ   Morph: n+ʕ̓ay̓s+nwíxʷ. to smile at each other. See: ʕʷy.

ʕy4   remainder.

snʕáyu   Morph: s+n+ʕáyu ? remainder.

ʕy5   fall out.

ʕay̓áp   Morph: ʕay̓á+p. to fall out.

ʕyʔ   ʕyʔ in plant names.

ʕayú   Morph: ʕayú. ʕayú: wild parsnip.

ʕayúʔ   Morph: ʕayúʔ. Indian parsnip, first root of spring; chocolate tips.

ʕayíw   Morph: ʕayíw. ʕayíw: Indian parsnip.

aʔkɬʕayúʔ   Morph: aʔkɬ+ʕayúʔ. aʔkɬʕayúʔ: place name. Lit: place of chocolate tip plants

kɬʕ̓ay̓ʕ̓ayúm̓   Morph: kɬ+ʕ̓ay̓•ʕ̓ayú+m̓. kɬʕ̓ay̓ʕ̓ayúm̓: place name. Lit: chocolate tip plant place

ʕʔ1   slide.

ʕaʔíltm   Morph: ʕaʔílt+m. to slide (as children playing).

ʕʔ2   snow goose.

sʕ̓áʕ̓aʔ   Morph: s+ʕ̓á•ʕ̓aʔ. snow goose. Sp w̓uʔw̓úʔ snow goose; Cr (?) s+ʕíhn+t goose. Gram: The Spokane form suggests an earlier *ʕ̓ʷaʔʕ̓ʷáʔ, and subsequent unrounding of the pharyngeal in the northern Okanagan dialects.

ʕʔc   clot.

ʕaʔíc   Morph: ʕaʔíc. to clot.


ʕʔt   yellowbell.

ʕaʔtmn   Morph: ʕaʔt+mn. yellowbell; lambda (the phonetic symbol).