
ʕʷ   fleabane.

nʕʷaʕʷaqín   Morph: n+ʕʷa•ʕʷaqín ? fleabane (No. 3).

nʕ̓ʷaʕ̓ʷaqín   Morph: n+ʕ̓ʷa•ʕ̓ʷaqín. cinquefoil (No. 1); yellow Indian paintbrush.

ʕʷc̓   shrink.

ʕʷc̓ap   Morph: ʕʷc̓a+p. to waste; to go to waste.

ʕʷl1   inside convex surfaces.

nʕʷlqnmnwixʷ   Morph: n+ʕʷl•ʕʷl꞊qn+mnwixʷ. s.t. is inside or between convex surfaces. Sp n-ʕʷoléw̓s a span across something, a net-like span.

ʕʷl2   moth.

kʕʷlʕʷlínaʔ   Morph: k+ʕʷl•ʕʷlínaʔ. a moth; kʕ̓ʷəl̕ʕ̓ʷl̕ínaʔ (woman's name).

ʕʷm1   rushed.

ʕʷimst   Morph: ʕʷim+st. to do s.t. fast. Cr √ʕʷm hurried, rushed (He...).

ʕʷm2   nʕ̓ʷumcn (place name).

nʕ̓ʷumcn   Morph: n+ʕ̓ʷumcn. nʕ̓ʷumcn: Harvey Creek; nʕ̓ʷumcn:place name.

ʕʷn   snowbrush.

ʕʷanɬp   Morph: ʕʷanɬp. snowbrush.

ʕʷiʕʷnɬp   Morph: ʕʷi•ʕʷnɬp. snowbrush.

ʕʷs   grouse, pheasant.

sʕʷsʕʷas   Morph: s+ʕʷs•ʕʷas. willow grouse.

swswaʕs   Morph: sw•swaʕs. pheasant.

sw̓sw̓aʕs   Morph: s+w̓s•ʕ̓ʷas. pheasant.

ssw̓sw̓aʕs   Morph: s•s•ʕ̓ʷs•ʕ̓ʷas. pheasant.

haɬsw̓sʕ̓ʷás   Morph: haɬs+w̓s•ʕ̓ʷás. the Grouse group. Cm sʕ̓ʷəʕ̓ʷsʕ̓ʷs ruffed grouse. See: ʕs.

ʕʷsx̌   robin.

ʕʷsʕʷásx̌aʔ   Morph: ʕʷs•ʕʷáʕsx̌aʔ ? Robin; robin. Cm x̌ax̌w̓is-x̌ax̌w̓is robin; also sx̌ax̌w̓ísx̌aʔ; Cr wésx̌+ax̌ robin; Sh ws-wísx̌e robin.

ʕʷsʕʷísx̌aʔ   Morph: ʕʷs•ʕʷísx̌aʔ ? Robin; robin. Cr wésx̌+ax̌.

ʕʷtp   ʕʷatpíc̓aʔ (woman's name).

ʕʷatpíc̓aʔ   Morph: ʕʷatp꞊íc̓aʔ ? ʕʷatpíc̓aʔ (woman's name).

ʕʷx̌ʷ1   drag.

nʕʷx̌ʷiw̓snt   Morph: n+ʕʷx̌ʷiw̓s+nt. to drag s.t. across.

Tstem. Sp √ʕʷox̌ʷ, hec-ʕʷóx̌ʷ it̓s strung up (as is telephone line...).

ʕʷx̌ʷ2   roots.

saʕʷx̌ʷíp   Morph: s+aʕʷx̌ʷíp. roots.

saʕ̓ʷx̌ʷíp   Morph: s+aʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip. plant root; tuber. Sp s-ox̌ʷép a plant root; s-ʕʷóx̌ʷép plant root; Cm sx̌ʷ–ap plant root(s). See: ʕx̌ʷ2.

ʕʷy   smile, laugh.

ʕʷyncut   Morph: ʕʷy+ncut. to laugh.

ʕ̓ʷyncut   Morph: ʕ̓ʷy+ncut. to laugh.

ʕ̓ʷy̓ncut   Morph: ʕ̓ʷy̓+ncut. to laugh.

sʕʷyʕʷyncut   Morph: s+ʕʷy•ʕʷy+ncut. to laugh.

ɬʕ̓ʷy̓ncut   Morph: ɬ+ʕ̓ʷy̓+ncut. to laugh back.

ʕʷyʕʷyncut   Morph: ʕʷy•ʕʷy+ncut. to laugh.

kʕ̓ʷyncutmnt   Morph: k+ʕ̓ʷy+ncut+m+nt. to laugh at s.o. or s.t.


ckʕʷyncutmst   Morph: c+k+ʕʷy+ncut+m+st. to laugh at s.o.


kʕ̓ʷy̓mncutmnt   Morph: k+ʕ̓ʷy̓+mncut+m+nt. to laugh about s.o. or s.t.


nʕʷuy   Morph: n+ʕʷuy. to smile.

ɬnʕʷuy   Morph: ɬ+n+ʕʷuy. to smile back.

nʕ̓ʷyusnt   Morph: n+ʕ̓ʷyus+nt. to smile at s.o.


nʕ̓ʷyus   Morph: n+ʕ̓ʷyus. to smile. Sp hoy̓-ncút he laughed; Sh c-ʕʷəy-miʔ joking all the time. See: ʕy3.