Place names | |
entry | gloss |
iʔ aʔkɬm̓l̕m̓l̕tíɬp | place name |
iʔ aʔksml̕áʕlaʔxʷ | place name |
iʔ aʔkst̓qíʔstn | place name |
ncaʔlím cwix | Hall Creek |
ntixʷcks nc̓iʔcn | Oliver |
nx̌aʔx̌aʔítkʷ citxʷs | place name |
sntk̓iwlxtns wapwpxn | place name |
stqlw̓tisxntns nnylus | place name |
k̓ʷímaɬ ncaʔlíʔm | place name |
aʔ cmáʕʷlaʔxʷ | place name |
iʔ aʔkɬm̓l̕m̓l̕tíɬp | place name |
iʔ aʔksnmán̓xʷtn | place name |
iʔ aʔkst̓qíʔstn | place name |
Botanical terms | |
entry | gloss |
kʷkʷr̓kʷriʔ k̓l sk̓ʷlk̓ʷalt | violet |
kʷkʷuykʷy sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqst | shooting star |
q̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔs snínaʔ | white clematis |
qʷqʷyqʷaʕy sl̕ax̌ts | blue-eyed Mary |
sc̓wanáytm q̓aʔxnílts | ladyslipper |
skʷuykʷy sptkʷaqsc | shooting star |
sl̕ax̌ts iʔ x̌asx̌s | western sweet cicely |
sl̕ax̌ts iʔ x̌ʷx̌ʷƛ̓m̓iɬp | false Labrador tea |
sɬk̓ʷáɬq̓ʷlts sxʷxʷl̕am̓ | blue harebell |
snk̓l̕íp iʔ sp̓íc̓ns | milkweed |
snk̓l̕ip q̓aʔxáns | mountain ladyslipper |
snʕacínas x̌áʕx̌aʕ | mertensia |
swpcin snk̓l̕ip | avens |
sw̓ar̓íps snkstíya | catnip |
sw̓ar̓íps snkstíya | catnip |
tmtmniʔ ɬaʔ ksp̓aqʷstn | puffball |
tq̓c̓q̓c̓pínas iʔ snína | orange honeysuckle |
wist tkakaʔɬl̕íkst | mountain valerian |
wist q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ | unidentified nut |
x̌áx̌aʕ sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqsc | larkspur |
x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ ksp̓aqʷstn | puffball |
x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ kstul̕mn | puffball |
x̌áʕx̌aʕ sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqsc | larkspur |
x̌áʕx̌aʕ ssptkʷaqsc | larkspur |
x̌w̓aw̓ t síyaʔ | raisins |
sust q̓íq̓p̓xʷaʔ | unidentified nut |
Examples of other phrasal entries | |
entry | gloss |
kʷil t̓ix̌ | the ace of diamonds |
q̓ʷaʕy milk̓ʷ | spades (playing cards) |
q̓ʷaʕy sílxʷaʔ | ace of spades |
q̓ʷaʕy t̓ix̌ | clubs (playing cards) |
sxʷq̓y̓am iʔ xaʔtús | principal |
sʔitwn paʕpáʕ | gray Canada goose |
tx̌ʷiw̓s snkʷkʷʔác | midnight; the middle of the night |
yaʕyáʕt k̓aʔkín̓ | to everywhere |
yaʕyáʕt stim̓ | everything |
yaʕyáʕt swit | everyone |
yaʕyáʕt taʔkín̓ | everywhere |
ʕapnáʔ k̓laxʷ | this evening |
ʕapnáʔ sx̌lx̌aʕlt | today; this day |
yayáʕt swit | all; everyone |
Entries consisting of one particle and one stem | ||
entry | gloss | variant |
aɬíʔ swit | in fact, because | swit aɬíʔ |
anwí‿kʷ | you | |
incá‿kn | I | |
iʔ t cu- | as one said | |
tla ck̓anʔíƛ̓ltk | from the north | |
kma stim | nothing | |
kma swit | not anyone | |
kmix swít | anybody | |
k̓a nwist | up high | |
k̓a nʔax̌ʷt | downstream | |
k̓a nʔíƛ̓ltk | to the north | |
k̓aɬáʔ t̓x̌iwt | year before | |
k̓l sk̓laxʷ | toward evening | |
k̓la nixʷút | inside | |
k̓ʷul̕l̕ t | turn into | |
l k̓ʷinx | what time is it? | |
la cxʔít | first; at first | la cxʔítiʔ |
la cʔiwt | the last time; the previous time | la c̓iwt |
la nyxʷut | inside | |
laʔkín̓ cʔkinm | how s.t. is | laʔkín̓ c̓kinm |
laʔkín̓ scʔkinx | how come; what is the matter with ...; | laʔkín̓ sc̓kinx |
lut iʔ myiw̓s | not halfway | |
lut kmʔikxtm | all sorts | |
lut ksluts | absolutely (not) | |
lut nmyiw̓s | of all kinds | |
lut slkʷuts | not far | |
lut sq̓sápiʔs | not long after | |
lut sqʷays | not often | |
lut stim̓ | nothing | |
lut swit | nobody; not anybody | lutm swit |
lut t̓ xʷuy | never | |
lut xkinm | not able | |
lut xʷus | no hurry | |
lut xʷuy | it's never that | |
lut xʷuy pnkin̓ | never | |
mat stim̓ | it must be that ... | |
min̓á tanm̓ús | there must be a reason | |
put xʷʔit | enough | |
t ancáwt | how are you? | |
t sk̓k̓laxʷ | yesterday evening | |
t sk̓aɬʔásq̓t | yesterday | |
t spy̓sc̓iɬt | yesterday | |
t st̓x̌iwt | last year | |
t sʔiwt | behind | |
t tanm̓ús | any which way | |
ta nwist | up high | |
ta nyxʷut | below, under | |
ta ʔkín̓ sq̓sápiʔs | how long (a time)? | |
taɬt uɬ | my goodness!; indeed! | |
tl tanm̓ús | for nothing | |
tla ck̓anʔíƛ̓ltk | from the north | |
t̓a wnixʷ | for sure | ta wnixʷ |
t̓iʔ x̌ast | as well | |
xiʔmíx stim̓ | anything | |
xiʔmíx swit | anybody; anyone | xy̓míx swit |
Entries consisting of two particles | ||
entry | gloss | variant | kiʔ sic | and then |
caʔkʷ ɬ | if | |
c̓x̌iɬ t | like to be (just) like; to be just as | cʔx̌iɬ t |
c̓x̌iɬ itíʔ | it's how it is; it's the same as | |
i lútiʔ | not yet | iʔ lútiʔ |
ixíʔ uɬ | that's when | |
kmax k̓m | only, all but; except | kmix k̓am, kmix k̓im, kmix k̓m, k̓am kmix, k̓im kmix, k̓m kmax |
km̓a stim̓ | nothing | |
k̓a naɬáʔ | on the other side; across | k̓l naɬáʔ |
lut cmay | of all kinds; | lut iʔ cmay |
lut itíʔ | not quite | |
lut itxíʔ | positively, without question | |
lut k̓aʔkín | not anywhere | |
lut k̓im | no more | |
lut k̓m | not at all | |
lut nixʷ | no more | |
lut pn̓kin̓ | never; not ever | |
lut t̓a | not | |
mat laʔkín | somehow | |
mi put | until | |
mi sic | and then | |
mɬ iʔ | until | |
pnaʔ cmay | maybe | |
p̓s k̓ʷƛ̓up | Coyote's call for his four powers | |
sic ʕapnáʔ | just now | |
sicm put | especially | |
st̓i put | just enough | st̓iʔ put |
t nyʕ̓ip | continuously; for good; always | |
t spn̓icíʔ | at that time | |
t sq̓sápiʔ | from a long time past | |
t stim̓ | how | |
ta cck̓láʔ | on this side | |
ta ck̓aʔkín | how; which way | |
ta ck̓l | in the direction of | |
ta ck̓laʔ | from there | |
ta ck̓liʔ | the way or manner | |
ta ck̓(a) | in the direction of; towards | |
ta cʔx̌il | to do s.t. so | ta c̓x̌il |
ta cʔx̌iɬt | to do s.t. so | ta c̓x̌iɬt |
ta niʕ̓íp | continuously; all the time | |
ta uyáʔ | it's not true | |
ta ʔkin̓ | from where; how far | |
t̓i ixíxiʔ | in a little while | |
t̓i kmix | just; only | |
t̓i lut | in no time | t̓iʔ lut |
t̓i sic | as soon as | |
t̓iʔ kmix | only | |
t̓iʔ kʷm̓iɬ | at once | |
t̓iʔ niʕ̓íp | always, continuously | t̓iʔ nyʕ̓ip |
t̓iʔ put | just enough | |
t̓iʔ wim̓ | powerless | |
t̓iʔ ʔayxáxaʔ | in just a little while | |
t̓xʷ mat | maybe | |
uɬ iʔ | and then | |
xʷm t̓i | looks like | xʷm̓ t̓i |
x̌l ʕapnáʔ | for now |