
   water flows.

tɣnt   Morph: tɣ+nt. to make water flow.


tɣap   Morph: tɣa+p. water flows; a running brook.

ttɣap   Morph: t•tɣa+p. a little water flows.

ktɣalqʷ   Morph: k+tɣalqʷ. sap running down a tree; tears running down.

ktɣalqʷm   Morph: k+tɣalqʷ+m. tears running down (a face).

ktɣpalqʷ   Morph: k+tɣ+palqʷ. s.t. runs down a tree or pole.

ktɣɣpalqʷ   Morph: k+tɣ•ɣ+palqʷ. sap running down a tree.

ktɣtɣpus   Morph: k+tɣ•tɣ+pus. to have tears streaming down. Cm k-tiy̓-tiy̓-us to shed tears, cry. See: ty1.

th   benefit.

thim   Morph: thi+m ? to benefit. Category: Conf.

thln   isthilíntn (place name).

isthilíntn   Morph: isthilín+tn ? isthilíntn: a creek near Oliver.

tḥt̓n   tḥat̓ín: Olalla.

tḥat̓ín   Morph: tḥat̓ín ? tḥat̓ín: Olalla.

tk   squirrel.

sttak   Morph: s+t•tak. rock squirrel (similar to a chipmunk, striped. In legends stəták is Chipmunk’s sister). See: tq3.

tkcxʷ   willow; dogwood.

stikcxʷ   Morph: s+tikcxʷ. red willow berry; red-osier dogwood (berries).

stkcxʷiɬp   Morph: s+tkcxʷiɬp. red-osier dogwood; red willow.

stktkcxʷiɬp   Morph: s+tk•tkcxʷiɬp. red-osier dogwood. Sp s-téčcxʷ red-osier dogwood, red willow; s-tčxʷ-nálqʷ dogwood bush; Cr s+tičcxʷélp red willow; s+tíčcxʷ snow berries.

tkɬ   down, downward.

ɬcntikɬ   Morph: ɬ+c+n+tikɬ. to come back down.

ɬntkɬlʔílx   Morph: ɬ+n+tkɬ+lʔílx. to go back to the bottom.

tkɬm   Morph: tkɬ+m. to lay s.t. down.

tkɬmikst   Morph: tkɬ+mikst. to pull s.t. downward.

ntikɬ   Morph: n+tikɬ. to arrive at the bottom; to get to the bottom. Th √tékɬ descend from top.

ntikɬm   Morph: n+tikɬ+m. to get to the bottom; to arrive at the bottom.

ntkɬilx   Morph: n+tkɬilx. to get to the bottom.

ntktikɬ   Morph: n+tk•tikɬ. several get to the bottom.

ntkɬikstm   Morph: n+tkɬikst+m. to bring s.t. down.

ntkɬlilx   Morph: n+tkɬlilx. several get to the bottom.

ntkɬlilxst   Morph: n+tkɬlilx+st. to take s.t. down or to the bottom.

tkɬm   woman.

tkɬmilxʷ   Morph: tkɬmilxʷ. woman, wife.

tkɬkɬmilxʷ   Morph: t+kɬ•kɬ+milxʷ. women.

tkɬɬmillxʷ   Morph: tkɬ•ɬ+mil•l•xʷ. one grows into a woman.

tktkɬmilxʷ   Morph: tk•tkɬ+milxʷ. Gram: Douglas Lake variant of qr:təkəɬkəɬmílxʷ. The geographic distribution of this form is not clear. women.

tkkɬmílaʔxʷ   Morph: tk•k•ɬmílaʔxʷ. woman, wife (slightly derisive term).

smyɬtkɬmilxʷ   Morph: s+my+ɬ+tkɬmilxʷ. an important woman.

k̓ʷl̕ɬtkɬmilxʷ   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+tkɬmilxʷ. to get a wife.

ɬk̓ʷl̕ɬtkɬmilxʷm   Morph: ɬ+k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+tkɬmilxʷ+m. to take a second wife.

sk̓sɬtkɬmilxʷ   Morph: s+k̓s+ɬ+tkɬ+milxʷ. sk̓sɬtkɬmilxʷ (woman's name).

taʔxʷɬtkɬmílxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+tkɬmílxʷ. to obtain a wife; to get married.

taʔxʷstkɬmílxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+tkɬmílxʷ. to get or obtain a wife.

staʔxʷɬtkɬmílxʷ   Morph: s+taʔxʷ+ɬ+tkɬmílxʷ. an acquired wife. See: tkɬ.

tkp   steam cook.

tkipnt   Morph: t+kip+nt. to steam cook s.t.

Tstem. See: lkp1.

tky̓   urine, pee.

tky̓nt   Morph: tky̓+nt. to pee on s.o.


ktky̓alqʷnt, ktkiʔálqʷnt   Morph: k+tky̓álqʷ+nt. to pee on a pole.


tky̓ilpm, tkiʔílpm   Morph: tky̓ilp+m. to wet the bed.

ntky̓mn, ntkiʔmn   Morph: n+tky̓+mn. urethra.

sntkiy̓mn   Morph: s+n+tkiy̓+mn. urinal; place where one urinates.

sntakíy̓mn   Morph: s+n+takíy̓+mn. urinal.

stkiy̓st, stkiʔst   Morph: s+tkiy̓+st. stkiy̓st: place name. Lit: cause urination Sp s-n-tčéy-tn, s-n-tečéy̓+tn bladder, urinal, toilet; Cm tkay̓-m to urinate, pee; Cr √tčy̓ i+čs+tččíy̓+ey̓ diuretic (lit. H/s is disturbed with too much urine); Sh tkey urine; Th tkey̓ urine.

tk̓1   gun.

sttk̓ánaʔt   Morph: s+t•tk̓ánaʔt. hand gun.

ktk̓ustn   Morph: k+tk̓us+tn. gun sights.

tk̓2   cane.

tk̓ikstn   Morph: tk̓ikst+n. a cane.

k̓ɬtk̓cint   Morph: k̓ɬ+tk̓ci+nt. prop s.t. up.

Tstem. See: t̓k1.

tkʷ1   hot.

ntaʔkʷ   Morph: ntaʔkʷ. to be hot.

ntaʔkʷítkʷ   Morph: ntaʔkʷítkʷ. very warm liquid; hot liquid.

ntaʔkʷtwílx   Morph: ntaʔkʷ+t+wílx. to get warm.

ntaʔkʷtkʷwílx   Morph: ntaʔkʷ•tkʷ+wílx. water or a liquid is getting hot.

tkʷ2   choke.

tkʷap   Morph: tkʷa+p. to be choked.

stkʷap   Morph: s+tkʷap. choking.

stkʷcin   Morph: s+tkʷcin. one who doesn't talk much in public. Sp tkʷ-úp he ran out of breath; Cm təkʷp to choke, smother, suffocate; Cr tek̓ʷ choke, smother ... (also written as √tkʷ); Sh ʔs-tukʷ fall silent; √tukʷ stopped up (deaf, silent, etc.); Th təkʷ-páqs smother, suffocate; /təkʷ-pcín become dumb, mute, unable to speak, lose one's speech; Li √təkʷ deaf, mute, still(ed).

tkʷ3   company.

tkʷkʷílaʔs   Morph: tkʷ•kʷílaʔs. a small companion.

ttkʷílaʔs   Morph: t•tkʷílaʔs. a little companion, a dear companion.

ntkʷilsnt   Morph: n+tkʷils+nt. to keep company with.


sntkʷilsm   Morph: s+n+tkʷils+m. keeping company with.


ntkʷlsnwixʷ   Morph: n+tkʷls+nwixʷ. to live with one another; to keep each other company.

ntkʷtkʷilaʔs   Morph: n+tkʷ•tkʷílaʔs. little companions, dear companions. Sp n-tékʷls. a walking companion (human or animal).

taʔxʷɬntkʷíls   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+n+tkʷils. to have company. Sp n-tékʷls. a walking companion (human or animal).

tkʷ4   spark.

tʔikʷ   Morph: t[ʔ]ikʷ. to spark.

tʔikʷm   Morph: tʔikʷ+m. smoldering coals.

stʔikʷ   Morph: s+t[ʔ]ikʷ. to spark; to glow (of embers).

staʔtʔíkʷ   Morph: s+taʔ•t[ʔ]íkʷ. to spark; to glow (of embers). Cm s‑tiʔkʷ spark, tiny ember; Sh tʔikʷ fire.

tkʷ5   birch fungus.

ktikʷmn   Morph: k+tikʷ+mn. birch fungus.

tkʷ6   tule.

tkʷtan   Morph: tkʷtan. tules; reeds. see Sp t̓k̓ʷ-tín bullrush.

tkʷtniɬxʷ   Morph: tkʷ+tniɬxʷ. a tule-covered house.

stkʷtniɬxʷ   Morph: s+tkʷ+tniɬxʷ. tule house.

stkʷtkʷtniɬxʷ   Morph: s+tkʷ•tkʷ+tniɬxʷ. tule houses.

tkʷm   tkʷm in place names.

tkʷmaqs   Morph: tkʷmaqs. tkʷmaqs: place name; tkʷmaqs: place name. Lit: long point

tkʷumáqsm   Morph: tkʷumáqs+m (?) tkʷumáqsm: place name. Lit: having a long point

tkʷp   rush.

tkʷupxnnt   Morph: tkʷupxn+nt. to rush to s.t. or s.o.


tkʷupxnm   Morph: tkʷupxn+m. to run toward s.o., to rush to s.o.

ɬtkʷupxn   Morph: ɬ+tkʷupxn. to rush back, again.

ɬctkʷupxn   Morph: ɬ+c+tkʷupxn. to rush back here.

ɬtkʷupxnm   Morph: ɬ+t+kʷupxn+m. to rush to s.o. again. Cm tkʷupxnt‑xʷ you rush toward s.t.

tkʷy   stak̓ʷúyxn (man's name).

stak̓ʷúyxn   Morph: s+tak̓ʷúyxn. stak̓ʷúyxn (man's name).

tkʷʔ1   walk.

tkʷʔut   Morph: tkʷʔut. to walk (away); to leave.

tkʷaʔt   Morph: tkʷaʔ+t. several walk.

ttkʷʔut   Morph: t•tkʷʔut. to walk slowly.

tkʷtkʷʔut   Morph: tkʷ•tkʷʔut. several walk (away) or travel around.

tkʷtkʷʔutm   Morph: tkʷ•tkʷʔut+m. several walk or travel around.

takʷʔút   Morph: takʷʔút. to walk around.

taʔkʷʔút   Morph: t[aʔ]kʷʔút. several walk around. Sp tkʷʔú-t they walked.

tkʷkʷaʔtíʔst   Morph: tkʷ•kʷ[aʔ]tíʔst. to get started walking.

tkʷtkʷʔutn   Morph: tkʷ•tkʷʔut+n. one's way of traveling; tracks; itinerary.

kɬtkʷʔut   Morph: kɬ+tkʷʔ+ut. to walk on; to continue walking.

kɬtaʔkʷʔut   Morph: kɬ+t[aʔ]kʷʔút. several walk back and forth.

tkʷʔutn   Morph: tkʷʔut+n. one's way of traveling.

stkʷtkʷʔut   Morph: s+tkʷ•tkʷʔut. walking; traveling.

stkʷtkʷʔutn   Morph: s+tkʷ•tkʷʔut+n. tracks.

haɬtkʷtkʷʔút   Morph: haɬtkʷ•tkʷʔút. the quadrupeds.

tkʷʔínaʔnt   Morph: tkʷʔínaʔ+nt. to run into s.t. or s.o.


ktkʷtkʷʔutm   Morph: k+tkʷ•tkʷʔut+m. to travel around.

ktkʷaʔtálqʷ   Morph: k+tkʷaʔtálqʷ. to walk on a log or rail.

ntkʷtkʷʔutn   Morph: n+tkʷ•tkʷʔut+n. means of travel, transportation.

k̓ɬtkʷaʔtínk   Morph: k̓ɬ+tkʷaʔtínk. to walk on a side hill. Sp tkʷʔú-t they walked, they traveled; Cr tukʷ chug (e.g. a motor).

tkʷʔ2   father's sister.

statákʷaʔ   Morph: s+ta•tákʷaʔ. father's sister.

tkʷʔ3   stkʷaʔtn (place name).

stkʷaʔtn   Morph: s+tkʷaʔt+n. stkʷaʔtn: locality near Brewster.

tk̓ʷ1   knot.

stk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt   Morph: s+tk̓ʷaɬq̓ʷlt. bow tie.

tk̓ʷ2   step. Category: Inv.

tk̓ʷaʔtk̓ʷítpstxn   Morph: tk̓ʷaʔ•tk̓ʷítpstxn. to skip steps. See: k̓ʷt̓1.

tk̓ʷlx   clematis.

ntk̓ʷlxmnip   Morph: n+tk̓ʷlx+mnip ? blue clematis.

tk̓ʷnp̓   cover.

tk̓ʷnp̓áyaʔqnm   Morph: tk̓ʷnp̓áyaʔqn+m ? to cover one's head.

tl1   break (off). Category: iaAbl.

tlnt   Morph: tl+nt. to break s.t.


tilnt   Morph: til+nt. to shread a cotton-like substance.

Tstem. Cr tel break off (ref. to a soft object).

tilt   Morph: til+t. a cotton-like substance is shredded, broken.

tlap   Morph: tla+p. to break in two; to break off; to be an offshoot.

tl̕iw̓snt   Morph: tl̕iw̓s+nt. to break in two; to break in half.


tltliw̓s   Morph: tl•tliw̓s. s.t. breaks in two.

tl̕tl̕iw̓s   Morph: tl̕•tl̕iw̓s. to break in two.

ktlap   Morph: k+tla+p. to be an offshoot.

ktlupsnt   Morph: k+tlups+nt. to break off s.o.'s tail.


ntlncut   Morph: n+tl+ncut. s.t. breaks off.

ntlpqin   Morph: n+tl+pqin. s.t. with its top broken off.

ntlpusnt   Morph: n+tl+pus+nt. to break one’s neck.


ntlusm   Morph: n+tlus+m. to break one's neck (off).

ntlkʷíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: n+tlkʷíɬc̓aʔ+nt. to disembowel.


k̓ɬtl   Morph: k̓ɬ+tl. to break s.t. off.

k̓ɬtlap   Morph: k̓ɬ+tla+p. s.t. is broken in two.

wy̓sntlkʷíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+tlkʷíɬc̓aʔ+nt. to get done taking the guts out.


wy̓sntltlkʷíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+n+tl•tlkʷíɬc̓aʔ+nt. to get done taking the guts out.

Tstem. Sp √til torn; tlíp it tore; tltíl-n-t-xʷ you broke it into pieces; Cr tel break off (ref. to a soft object).

tl2   entrust.

tilm   Morph: til+m. to charge s.o. with the care of s.t. Sp √tel to leave something in a safe place.

ktilmnt   Morph: k+til+m+nt. to entrust s.o. with s.t.


ktlmntuɬt   Morph: k+tl+m+ntuɬt. to put s.t. in the custody or care of s.o.


ktlmntuɬtm   Morph: k+tl+m+ntuɬt+m. putting s.t. in the care of.


ktlmnikstmnt   Morph: k+tl+m+nikst+m+nt. to send s.t. to s.o. to be cared for.


k̓ɬtilmníkst   Morph: k̓ɬ+til+mníkst. to send a message; to entrust s.o. with s.t. Sp tel to leave something in a safe place; Cm k‑talm‑nt‑xʷ you leave s.t. with s.o. for a while.

tl3   stagger.

tl̕ap   Morph: tl̕a+p. to stagger.

tl̕tal̕áp   Morph: tl̕•t[a]l̕á+p. to stagger.

tlplwis   Morph: tl+p+lwis. to stagger. Cm tl-p-alwis to stagger.

tl4   paint.

tul̕mn   Morph: tul̕+mn. paint rock (from which to derive) paint powder; tul̕mn: Mount Tolman. Sp túl̕-mn red paint; rouge; war paint.

tutlm̓n   Morph: tu•tl+m̓n. tutlm̓n: place name. Lit: little ochre paint

kɬtulmn   Morph: kɬ+tul+mn. Princeton; Tulameen.

kɬtul̕mn   Morph: kɬ+tul̕+mn. Princeton. Lit: It has the paint

aʔkɬtúl̕mn   Morph: aʔkɬ+túl̕+mn. aʔkɬtúl̕mn: Mount Tolman.

x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ kstul̕mn   Morph: x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ ɬaʔ ks+tul̕+mn. puffball.

tlkn   waterleaf.

tlakán   Morph: tlakán ? waterleaf.

tlkʷ   torn.

ntlkʷip   Morph: n+tlkʷip. to be uprooted, pulled from the ground.

ntlkʷíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: n+tlkʷíɬc̓aʔ+nt. to disembowel; to gut.


tlms   send word.

ktlmscinmst   Morph: k+tlmscin+m+st. to let one know about s.t.; to send a message; to send word to s.o.


tlxʷ   difficult.

tilxʷnt   Morph: tilxʷ+nt. to be difficult; to have a hard time; to fall short; to fail at s.t.; to be unable to do s.t.


ctil̕xʷst   Morph: c+til̕xʷ+st. to fall short of.


tiltlxʷt   Morph: til•tlxʷ+t. to be difficult.

til̕tl̕xʷt   Morph: til̕•tl̕xʷt. to be difficult.

stilxʷm   Morph: stilxʷm. to fail.

tlxʷmist   Morph: tlxʷ+mist. to be unable to do s.t.

tl̕xʷmist   Morph: tl̕xʷ+mist. to be unable to do s.t.

tlxʷncut   Morph: tlxʷ+ncut. to be in a difficult position; to have a hard time; to fall short.

tl̕xʷncut   Morph: tl̕xʷ+ncut. to be in dire straights. Sp √til̕uxʷ difficult; hec-tl̕xʷ-n-cút he limps; Cm tíl̕til̕xʷt be difficult.

tlxʷkin   Morph: tlxʷkin. to be difficult.

mystiltlxʷt   Morph: my+s+til•tlxʷ+t. to be more difficult. Sp √til̕xʷ difficult, tíl̕tl̕xʷ-t it's very difficult; Cm til̕‑til̕xʷ‑t be difficult; Sh tlxʷ-eləs to lose courage; Th √tələxʷ struggle unsuccessfully.

tlʔ1   from here, from there.

atláʔ   Morph: atláʔ. from here; then; of.

itlíʔ   Morph: itlíʔ. Variant: itl̕íʔ. from there; from that time; then; for that reason; from that source.

itl̕íʔ   Morph: itl̕íʔ. from there.

tlʔ2   much.

talí   Morph: talíʔ. very much.

talíʔ   Morph: talíʔ. very much.

taʔlí   Morph: taʔlíʔ. much.

taʔlíʔ   very much.

tlʔkn   from there.

tlaʔkín   Morph: tla+ʔkín. from there; from where; a little ways.

1   upright, straight. Category: iaAbl.

tɬnt   Morph: tɬ+nt. to straighten s.t.


tiɬ   Morph: tiɬ. s.t. stands, is straight.

tiɬx   Morph: tiɬ+x. one person or one animal stands. Cm təɬ be straight. See also Cm ka(t)‑tɬ be level on top; Cr teɬ straight; Th √téɬ extend straight; Li √taɬ upright ?

taɬ   Morph: taɬ. Gram: truncated form of taɬt indeed, surely.

taɬt   Morph: taɬ+t. surely; right on; truly. Sp hec-téɬ he lies face-down, he lies on his stomach; Cm təɬ be straight; Cr teɬ straight; Sh s-tɬeʔ leaning; Th √téɬ extend-straight; Li √taɬ upright (?).

taɬt uɬ   Morph: taɬ+t uɬ. my goodness!; indeed!

tɬaɬ   Morph: tɬ•aɬ. to get straightened, right.

tɬtaɬt   Morph: taɬt. to be right; to be honest; a right, rights; (to go) straight.

stɬtaɬt   Morph: s+tɬ•taɬ+t. rights.

ɬtɬtɬmst   Morph: ɬ+tɬ•tɬ+m+st. to straighten s.t. out again.


tatíɬaʔx   Morph: ta•tíɬ+aʔx. to rear up (of horses).

tɬɬnu   Morph: tɬ•ɬ+nu. to manage to get s.t. straight.

tɬmst   Morph: tɬ+m+st. to straighten s.t.


ɬtɬtɬmst   Morph: ɬ+tɬ•tɬ+m+st. to straighten s.t. out again.


tɬmncut   Morph: tɬ+mncut. to rise straight up; to go in the right direction (also figuratively); genuine.

tɬipm   Morph: tɬip+m. to stretch out (as rope).

tɬmiptn   Morph: tɬ+mip+tn. rudder.

tɬúlaʔxʷ   Morph: tɬúlaʔxʷ. to take a shortcut.

tɬax̌n   Morph: tɬax̌n. stiff arm.

tɬtiɬxn   Morph: tɬ•tiɬxn. to straighten one's legs; to stretch one's legs.

tɬcinm   Morph: tɬcin+m. the truth.

tɬɬxúlaʔxʷ   Morph: tɬ•ɬ+xúlaʔxʷ. to come to a standing stop; to stand still, straight; tɬɬxúlaʔxʷ (man's name).

tɬxsqáx̌aʔ   Morph: tɬ+xsqáx̌aʔ. a horse stops, comes to a stop.

kɬtiɬxst   Morph: kɬ+tiɬ+x+st. to stand s.o. in front of s.o.; to make s.o. stand up.

kɬtɬxitkʷ   Morph: kɬ+tɬ+xitkʷ. to stand up in the water.

kɬtɬxus   Morph: kɬ+tɬ+xus. to stand on the bank.

k̓ɬtɬilsm   Morph: k̓ɬ+tɬils+m. to go straight for s.t.

sk̓ɬtɬilsm   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+tɬils+m. a shortcut.

k̓ɬntɬxip   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+tɬ+xip. to stand at the door.

k̓ɬtɬxalqʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+tɬxalqʷ. to stand next to a tree.

k̓ɬtataɬalqʷxn   Morph: k̓ɬ+ta•taɬalqʷxn. Lit: little straight legs k̓ɬtataɬalqʷxn (Coyote's son's name).

ptaɬ   Morph: p+taɬ. straight across.

ttiɬálqʷ   Morph: t•tiɬálqʷ. ttiɬálqʷ (man's name).

ttiɬlqʷpqn   Morph: t•tiɬlqʷ+pqn. ttiɬlqʷpqn (the name of one of Coyote's sons).

ttiɬtáɬqʷxn   Morph: t•tiɬ•táɬ+qʷxn. ttiɬtáɬqʷxn (the name of one of Coyote's sons). Lit: Straight Legs

ttíɬʔalqʷxn̓   Morph: t•tíɬʔalqʷxn̓. ttíɬʔalqʷxn̓ (the name of one of Coyote's sons). Lit: straight legs Cm təɬ be straight. See also Cm ka(t)‑tɬ be level on top; Cr teɬ straight; Li √taɬ upright ?

2   straight (k + √tɬ}.

ktɬaɬ   Morph: k+tɬ•aɬ. to go straight for s.t.

ktaɬɬ   Morph: k+taɬ•ɬ. to be in front of s.t.; to be opposite s.t.

ktiɬm   Morph: k+tiɬ+m. s.t. stands; s.t. is straight.

ktiɬmínaʔmnt   Morph: k+tiɬ+mínaʔ+m+nt. to stand on s.t.


ktɬxknupsnt   Morph: k+tɬxknups+nt. to be or stand at s.o.'s back.


ktiɬxmnt   Morph: k+tiɬx+m+nt. to stand by s.o. or s.t.


ktɬxiw̓snt   Morph: k+tɬxiw̓s+nt. to stand on / over / on top of s.t. or s.o.


ktɬxniw̓tnt   Morph: k+tɬxniw̓t+nt. to stand beside s.t. or s.o.


ktɬxkniɬxʷnt   Morph: k+tɬxkniɬxʷ+nt. to be or stand at s.o.'s door.


ktɬtɬpínaʔ   Morph: k+tɬ•tɬpínaʔ. to have braids.

kɬtiɬx   Morph: kɬ+tiɬ+x. to stand in place.

kɬtiɬɬx   Morph: kɬ+tiɬ•ɬ+x. to be standing on s.t.

ktɬɬxniɬxʷ   Morph: k+tɬ•ɬxniɬxʷ. to go straight to the door.

ktiɬxínaʔnt   Morph: k+tiɬxínaʔ+nt. to stand on s.t.


ktiɬxínaʔmnt   Morph: k+tiɬxínaʔ+m+nt. tostand over s.t.


ktɬxalqʷ   Morph: k+tɬ+xalqʷ. to stand on a pole or rail; parole.

ktɬmncutmnt   Morph: k+tɬ+mncut+m+nt. to go straight to a place or to s.o.


cktɬmncutm   Morph: c+k+tɬ+mncut+m. to come straight to a place or to s.o.

3   straight (n + √tɬ).

ntiɬxst   Morph: n+tiɬ+x+st. to stand s.t. or s.o. up(right); to put s.t. upright.

ntɬxiknt   Morph: n+tɬ+xik+nt. to stand at s.o.'s back; to stand behind s.o.


ntɬxikn   Morph: n+tɬ+xikn. to stand behind s.o.

ntɬɬqint   Morph: n+tɬ•ɬqi+nt. to straighten out one's song; to sober up.


ntɬxsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: n+tɬ+xsqáx̌aʔ+m. to park a horse.

ntɬxsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: n+tɬ+xsqáx̌aʔ+tn. a stall for a horse; a place for a horse to stand.

sntɬxsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: s+n+tɬ+xsqáx̌aʔ+tn. barn.

4   boat.

staɬm   Morph: s+taɬm. a boat.

stɬtaɬm   Morph: s+tɬ•taɬ+m. boats. Sp s-tíɬ-m a boat; Cm s-təɬ-m boat, canoe; Cr s+téɬm boat, skiff, ship, vessel..

5   face down.

tiɬm   Morph: tiɬ+m. to lie flat on the ground; (to hide by) lying flat on the ground.

tíɬmist   Morph: tíɬ+mist. to lie face flat to the ground. Sp teɬ to lie face down; Th √téɬ extend-straight-aug. See: 02/Sep/2021.

6   new moon.

tiɬx   Morph: tiɬx. new moon. Sp c-téšlš new moon.

7   k̓ɬttiʔɬálqʷpxn (man's name).

k̓ɬttiʔɬálqʷpxn   Morph: k̓ɬ+t+tiʔɬ+álqʷpxn. k̓ɬttiʔɬálqʷpxn: the name of one of Coyoteʼs sons.

tm1   bare, nothing. Category: iaAbl.

tim̓tn   Morph: tim̓+tn. to disregard s.t.

tmalxʷst   Morph: tm̓álxʷ+st. to strip s.o.

taʔmúlaʔxʷ   Morph: taʔmúlaʔxʷ. the snow melts; spring (comes).

staʔmúlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+taʔmúlaʔxʷ. spring time. Sp tiʔmúleʔxʷ spring season, the snow melted away off the ground; Cm tam‑wil̕x s.t. disappears; Cr tim̓ ground is clear of snow; Th √tem lack; Li tí˅əm̓ snow melts everywhere.

ktm̓alxʷst   Morph: k+tm̓alxʷ+st. to strip s.o.


ktmlxʷncut   Morph: k+tmlxʷ+ncut. to strip.

kɬtmlxʷncut   Morph: kɬ+tmlxʷ+ncut. to strip.

kɬtm̓malxʷ   Morph: kɬ+tm̓•malxʷ. to be stripped, naked.

kstaʔmínaʔ   Morph: k+s+t[aʔ]mínaʔ. there is no snow (on the ground); to make it through winter; spring arrives; winter is over.

ktmáʕplaʔ   Morph: k+tmáʕplaʔ ? a person is no relation to another, too far apart to know.

ntmusm   Morph: n+tmus+m. to accrue nothing; to get nothing.

tmtmxʷikn   Morph: tm•tmxʷikn. worn out tires, rubber.

tmtmxʷqinxn   Morph: tm•tmxʷqinxn. worn out knees (as in trousers).

stm̓sc̓x̌ʷax̌ʷ   Morph: s+tm̓+s+c̓x̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. one who has not been disciplined.

tmsyups   Morph: tm+syups. to be without tail.

tmskʷast   Morph: tm+s+kʷas+t. the no-name finger; fourth finger; ring finger.

tmsc̓wc̓wxan   Morph: tm+s+c̓w•c̓wxan. to have no feet.

tmsplip   Morph: tm+s+plip. to have a flat hind end.

tmsqixʷxʷ   Morph: tm+s+qixʷ•xʷ. to be unconquered.

tmsqʷacqn   Morph: tm+s+qʷacqn. to be without a cap or hat.

tmsʔiɬn   Morph: tm+s+ʔiɬn. to be without food. Sp √tam (ta) not; Cm √tm tamwíl̕x s.t. disappears; Cr √tm eč+tmílxʷ bare (to be...); Th √tem lack; Li təm:tím snow is all gone. See: tmxʷ.

tm2   suspect.

ktimnt   Morph: k+tim+nt. to suspect s.o. or s.t.


ktimm   Morph: k+tim•m. to be suspected of s.t.

kttimm   Morph: k+t•tim•m. to be suspected.

ktmɬtiɬn   Morph: k+tmɬtiɬn. to suspect s.o. Sp hec-č-tém-i he's accusing, he's suspecting; hec-č-témm-i he is suspect; Cm k‑tam‑nt‑xʷ you blame s.o.

tm3   relatives, in-laws.

timtn   Morph: tim+tn. the reciprocal relationship between the parent of a child married to one of one's children and oneself.

titmtn   Morph: ti•tm+tn. oneʼs daughter's mother-in-law.

titm̓tn   Morph: ti•tm̓+tn. oneʼs daughter's mother-in-law; parent of a child married to one's child. Sp tétm̓-tn̓ one's children's in-laws; √tem, tétm̓-tn̓ one’s children’s relatives; Cm natámtn son‑ or daughter‑in‑law’s parents; s‑k‑tam–qn kin, relative; Sh qtˑs-tm-tem̓ət-n in-laws.

tmiw̓s   Morph: tmiw̓s. to be relatives.

stmáliʔs   Morph: s+tmáliʔs. relatives; relations.

ntimtn   Morph: n+tim+tn. the in-laws with whom one's son is staying.

tmtimtn   Morph: tm•tim+tn. the reciprocal relationship between the parent of a child married to one of one's children and oneself.

ntmtniw̓s   Morph: n+tm+tniw̓s. the relationship of two parties whose offspring is married to one another.

tm4   deer.

stmíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: s+tmíɬc̓aʔ. deer of any species.

tm5   beads.

stmlscut   Morph: s+tmlscut. possessions; wealth; stock; good luck charm; amulet; beads. Sp s-tém-s it's his possessions; Cm s‑tm̓‑luscut seed beads.

sttmlscut   Morph: s+t•t•m+lscut. beads.

tm6   digit.

stumxn   Morph: s+tumxn. big toe.

stum̓xn   Morph: s+tum̓xn. big toe. Sp stúm̓šn big toe, best friend; Cm stum̓sxn big toe.

stum̓kst   Morph: s+tum̓kst. thumb. Sp s-túm̓čst thumb; Cm s-tum̓-kst thumb; Th s/túm̓kst thumb.

tm̓káʕ̓kaʔst   girl's pet name; little thumb.

tm7   suck.

tum   Morph: tum. to suck. Sp tum (tum̓) mother, suck; Cr tum pump, suck.

tum̓kst   Morph: tum̓kst. tum̓kst. Lit: thumb (a girl's pet name)

t̓mt̓m   Morph: t̓m•t̓m. to suck.

t̓maw̓sqn   Morph: t̓maw̓sqn. to kiss on the lips. See: t̓ʕm1.

tm8   navel, belly button.

timw̓s, tímuʔs   Morph: timw̓s. navel, belly button. Sp témuʔ navel, umbilical cord; Cr tígʷem̓ belly button, navel; Cm tawm̓ navel; Th /téwm̓k navel, umbilical cord, belly button.

tm9   nttm̓aʕykʷm (place name).

nttm̓aʕykʷm   Morph: n+t•tm̓aʕykʷ+m ? nttm̓aʕykʷm: place name. Lit: having a good beach

tm10   stmilxʷ (man's name).

stmilxʷ   Morph: s+tmilxʷ ? stmilxʷ (man's name).

tm11   Tim.

tim   Morph: tim. From: English Tim.

titm   Morph: ti•t•m. From: English Tim. Timmy.

tm12   Tom.

tátmi   Morph: tátmi. From: English Tommy. Tommy.

tmk   break in pieces.

tm̓kam   Morph: tm̓ka+m ? to break in pieces.

ktm̓kam   Morph: k+tm̓ka+m ? to break in pieces.

tmkʷ   group, tribe.

timkʷ   Morph: timkʷ. group, tribe.

tmlʔ   tmlaʔáʔ (man's name).

tmlaʔáʔ   Morph: tmlaʔáʔ. tmlaʔáʔ.

tmɬ   eight.

timɬ   Morph: timɬ. eight.

tmɬʔupnkst   Morph: tmɬ+ʔupnkst. eighty.

ktimtmɬ   Morph: k+tim•tmɬ. eight persons.

tmɬaxn   Morph: tmɬaxn. eight sheets.

tmɬisxn   Morph: tmɬisxn. eight rocks.

tmɬus   Morph: tmɬus. eight berries.

tmnpl   Dominique Paul.

tamnipól   Morph: tamní pól. From: French Dominique Paul. Dominic Paul.

tmnʔ   corpse.

tmtmniʔ   Morph: tm•tmniʔ. corpse. Sp tmtm-néy̓ a corpse; Cm tm‑tmn‑ay̓ corpse; Cr tm+tmníʔ body, cadaver, carcass, corpse, defunct; Sh tumn to get a dream-vision.

sntmtmniʔtn   Morph: s+n+tm•tmniʔ+tn. graveyard. Sp s-n-tmtm-néy̓-tn graveyard; Cm n-tm-tmnay̓‑tn cemetery, graveyard; Cr hn+tm+tmníʔ+n mausoleum, cemetery, tomb.

ʔakʷɬtmníʔm   Morph: ʔakʷ+ɬ+tmníʔ+m. to haul or carry a corpse.

stmtmniʔáɬq   Morph: s+tm•tmniʔáɬq. waxberry (berries); buckberry; snowberry.

stmtmniʔáɬaʔq   Morph: s+tm•tmniʔáɬaʔq. waxberry (berries); buckberry bushes. Sp s-tmtm-niʔáɬq snowberry, waxberry.

stmtmniʔíɬp   Morph: s+tm•tmniʔíɬp. waxberry; buckberry bush. Cm tm-tmnay̓-aɬp snowberry bush.

stmtmniʔíɬaʔp   Morph: s+tm•tmniʔíɬaʔp. waxberry.

tmtmniʔ ɬaʔ ksp̓aqʷstn   Morph: tm•tmniʔ ɬaʔ k+s+p̓aqʷs+tn. puffball.

ʔawslq̓ɬtmníɁ   Morph: ʔw+s+lq̓+ɬ+tmníɁ. to go to a funeral.

tmpl   automobile.

tmupíl   Morph: tmupíl. From: English, French automobile. automobile.

atmupíl   Morph: atmupíl. automobile.

aʔtm̓upíl̕   Morph: aʔtm̓uʔpíl̕l. automobile; little car; little automobile.

tmqʷ   hawthorn.

stm̓uqʷ   Morph: s+tm̓uqʷ. red hawthorn. Sp s-tm̓óqʷ red thornberry; Sh s-tmuqʷ thornberry.

tmslʷl   tamskʷlxán (man's name).

tamskʷlxán   Morph: tamskʷlxán. tamskʷlxán (man's name).

tmw̓   skunk cabbage.

stámuʔqn   Morph: s+támuʔqn. skunk cabbage. Sp tímuʔ skunk cabbage.

tmxʷ1   land, earth.

tmxʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: tmxʷúlaʔxʷ. country; land; ground; world.

k̓ʷl̕ɬtmxʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+tmxʷúlaʔxʷ. to make a ranch. Cr tmíxʷul̕mxʷ country, earth, soil, territory; Sh tmixʷ land, country, world; Th tmixʷ; Li tmixʷ earth, land, soil; weather.

tmxʷ2   wear out.

tmxʷ   Morph: tmxʷ. s.t. wears out.

tmaxʷ   Morph: tmaxʷ. to be worn out (as a coat).

stmaxʷ   Morph: s+tmaxʷ. wear (and tear).

tmxʷnu   Morph: tmxʷ+nu. to manage to wear s.t. out.

ktmxʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+tmxʷíc̓aʔ. clothes wear out.

tmxʷlscut   Morph: tmxʷlscut. clothes wear out. See: tm1.

tmxʷ3   creature, animal.

tmixʷ   Morph: tmixʷ. creature; animal. Cr t+tm̓íxʷ animal, beast, bird, cattle.

tmy   dirt.

tmay   Morph: tmay. dirt.

tmʔ1   grandmother, grandchild.

tmtímaʔ   Morph: tm•tímaʔ. grandmother; grandchild.

stmtímaʔ   Morph: s+tm•tímaʔ. grandmother; grandchild (term also used to address any elderly woman). Sp tétm̓-tn̓ one's children's in-laws; Cm natámtn son‑ or daughter‑in‑law’s parents; Cr tem+tem+n+úl sociable; Sh s-tm-tem̓ət-n in-laws; Th /tiʔmet- distant-relative; Li təmit-áqs friendly.

sttmtímaʔ   Morph: s+t•tm•tímaʔ. grandmother; grandchild.

támaʔ   Morph: támaʔ. hypochoristic form of stmtímaʔ; appellative: male or female addressing mother's mother or an elderly woman.

tatámaʔ   Morph: ta•támaʔ. grandmother.

kstmtímaʔ   Morph: ks+tm•tímaʔ. to have a grandmother; to have a grandchild.

tmʔ2   luggage.

sntm̓aʔstímaʔtn   Morph: s+n+tm̓aʔ+s+tímaʔ+tn. Gram: an apparent compound, albeit irregular purse, luggage.

tmʔ3   staʔtím̓aʔs (man's name).

staʔtím̓aʔs   Morph: s+taʔ•tím̓aʔs (?) staʔtím̓aʔs (man's name).

tmʔ4   strange place, new place.

tatím̓aʔ   Morph: ta•tím̓aʔ ? to go to a strange place.

taʔtʔímkʷ   Morph: taʔ•tʔímkʷ ? new places.

tattʔímaʔkʷ   Morph: ta•t•tʔímaʔkʷ ? to stay new places.

tm̓1   something.

stim   Morph: s+tim. Variant: stim̓. what?, what thing?thing; something; anything; maybe; indefinite; how; in phrasal amalgams.

stim̓   Morph: s+tim̓. what?, what thing?thing; something; anything; maybe; indefinite; how; in phrasal amalgams. Sp tem̓ thing; Cm stam̓ what; something; Cr s+tim̓ device; Sh s-tem, s-tem̓y what, something; Th √tém̓ what; Li s.tam̓ what?

stitm̓   Morph: s+ti•tm̓. a little something.

stattím   Morph: s+ta•t•tím. something might happen.

kstim̓   Morph: k+s+tim̓. to do what?

kstim̓tn   Morph: k+s+tim̓+tn. to be one's nothing.

ktim̓   Morph: k+tim̓. to get s.t. out of s.t.

lut stim̓   Morph: lut s+tim̓. nothing. Cm lut stam̓ nothing; Cr lut s+tim̓ cipher, nothing, zero.

mat stim̓   Morph: mat stim̓. it must be that ...

haɬstím̓   Morph: haɬs+tím̓. a group of whatever.

akstim̓tn   Morph: a+ks+tim̓+tn. semantic import "the heck with them!"

xiʔmíx stim̓   Morph: xiʔ+míx stim̓. anything.

yaʕyáʕt stim̓   Morph: yaʕ•yáʕ+t s+tim̓. everything.

tm̓3   cloud.

ktm̓ap   Morph: k+tm̓a+p. to be cloudy, threatening rain.

sktm̓tam̓t   Morph: s+k+tm̓•tam̓+t. clouds. Sp s-č-tm̓-íp a cloud; hi č-tím̓ it's a cloudy sky; Cr s+č+tem̓+p cloud; Sh tk-tm-tem(-t) cloudy.

tm̓4   woman's mother.

tum̓   Morph: tum̓. woman's mother.

tum̓tm̓   Morph: tum̓•tm̓. mother; mothers; animal's mothers.

tm̓tum̓   Morph: tm̓•tum̓. womanʼs mothers, their sisters, cousins.

sk̓ʷl̕ɬtum̓   Morph: s+k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+tum̓. step-mother. Sp tum (tum̓) mother, suck; Cm tum̓ female’s mother; Sh túm̓e, tətum aunt, mother's sister; Th tum̓ [loan word].

tm̓5   trap.

t̓musm   Morph: t̓mus+m. to trap (fish).

tm̓usm   Morph: tm̓us+m. to trap fish.

stm̓us   Morph: s+tm̓us. a (fish) trap; a wier.

stm̓usm   Morph: s+tm̓us+m. fish trapping.

sntm̓ustn   Morph: sn+tm̓us+tn. a place where to trap fish.

tm̓7   clothes.

ttm̓tim̓   Morph: t+tm̓•tim̓. clothes.

ttm̓tim̓tn   Morph: t+tm̓+tim̓+tn. clothes.

tmtmutn   Morph: tm•tmu+tn. clothes; outfits; regalia.

sttmtim   Morph: s+t•tm•tim. clothes.

sttm̓tim̓   Morph: s+t•tm̓•tim̓. clothes.

kstim̓   Morph: k+stim̓. clothes.

sntim̓tn   Morph: s+n+tim̓+tn. storage.


snttm̓tim̓tn   Morph: s+n+t+tm̓•tim̓+tn. wardrobe; clothing store; place to store clothes. Cm tm̓‑tm̓‑ut‑(t)n clothes, belongings; snttám̓tam̓tn trunk, suitcase; Sh s-tem stuff, belongings; Li s.təm̓:tə́ˑtəm̓ clothing, stuff, belongings.

tn1   tightly strung.

tntant   Morph: tn•tan+t. tightly strung.

tn2   Tony.

tóni   Morph: tóni. From: English Tony. Tony.

tnm̓   nothing, insignificant.

tanm̓ús   Morph: tanm̓ús. to be insignificant; to do s.t. for nothing; to do nothing. Sp tnm̓ús nothing; see Cr uw̓+em̓n̓–ús he s+míʔyem worthless (a woman who is...).

tan̓mús   Morph: tanm̓ús. nothing; to care nothing about.

tanm̓usmnt   Morph: tanm̓us+m+nt. not to understand s.t. or s.o.


tanm̓úss   Morph: tanm̓ús•s. to have gone crazy; to have gone to pieces.

tanm̓scín   Morph: tanm̓scín. idle talk; talk for nothing.

tanm̓scínm   Morph: tanm̓scín+m. to talk nonsense.

tanm̓súlaʔxʷ   Morph: tanm̓súlaʔxʷ. to walk aimlessly; to be or go anywhere.

tan̓msúlaʔxʷ   Morph: tan̓msúlaʔxʷ. anywhere; any old place.

stanm̓ús   Morph: s+tanm̓ús. an insignificant person, good for nothing.

min̓á tanm̓ús   Morph: min̓+á tanm̓ús. there must be a reason; it can't be for no reason; there must be something to it.

k̓ʷl̕ɬtaʔnmúsmnt   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+taʔnmús+m+nt. treat lightly; to underestimate s.t. or s.o.; not to appreciate s.t.; to discount s.t. or s.o.; to belittle s.o.; to hold s.t. or s.o. in contempt.

ck̓ʷlɬtaʔnmúsmstm   Morph: c+k̓ʷl+ɬ+taʔnmús+m+st+m. treating lightly.


tnps   turnips.

tanáps   Morph: tanáps. From: English turnips. turnip.

tntl   goofy.

tntalqn   Morph: tntalqn ? to be goofy.

tnx1   sinew.

tinx   Morph: tinx. sinew (primarily the sinew from a deer's backbone).

ttinx   Morph: t+tinx. muscle. Sp tínš sinew, muscle; Cm tinx sinew; Sh titn̓x sinew; Th tínx sinew, tendon.

tnx2   beaver.

stunx   Morph: s+tunx. beaver; close friend, cousin. See Sp stúm̓šn big toe, best friend.

stnxíc̓aʔ   Morph: s+tnxíc̓aʔ. beaver hide.

kstutnx   Morph: k+s+tu•tnx. kstútnəx (place name).

tnʔ   tíniʔ (woman's name).

tíniʔ   Morph: tíniʔ. tíniʔ (Selina Timoyakin).

tn(ʔ)   Yakama.

atána   Morph: atána. Yakama, Yakima.

atána(ʔ)   Morph: atána(ʔ). Yakima.

tp1   cover.

tap   Morph: tap. to be covered.

tpam   Morph: tpa+m. to cover, to drape over.

tpap   Morph: tpa•p. to be covered.

tpmin   Morph: tp+min. a cover, something draped over (e.g. a tipi, a sweathouse).

tpcint   Morph: tpci+nt. to cover s.t.


stpcinm   Morph: s+tpcin+m. covering s.t.


tpcintn   Morph: tpcin+tn. a cover.

stpiɬxʷ   Morph: s+tpiɬxʷ. house cover.

ktpínaʔ   Morph: k+tpínaʔ. to cover s.t.

ktpínaʔtn   Morph: k+tpínaʔ+tn. sheet-like cover; blanket.

ktpnaʔncútn   Morph: k+tpnaʔ+ncút+n. what s.t. is covered with; a cover.

ktpiɬxʷmnt   Morph: k+tpiɬxʷ+m+nt. to build a house.


ktqaʔpúsks   Morph: k+tq+aʔ+púsks ? to put a hand over s.o.'s mouth.

ntpcintn   Morph: n+tpcin+tn. a cover.

ntpsiɬxʷtn   Morph: n+tp+siɬxʷ+tn. a curtain.

ntpip   Morph: n+tpip. door cover.

ntpusnt   Morph: n+tpus+nt. to cover the windows.


stpɬx̌yáɬnx̌ʷ   Morph: s+tp+ɬ+x̌yáɬnx̌ʷ. chokecherry (dark variety). Lit: covered away from the sun

k̓ɬtap   Morph: k̓ɬ+tap. to be behind a curtain; to be covered.

k̓ɬntpiptn   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+tpip+tn. curtain; door flap. Cm k‑tp-anaʔ‑tn comforter, coverlet, n‑tp–s–aɬxʷ‑tn curtain; Cr taq cover (wand), deceive, fool, touch.

tp2   dirty.

tapnt   Morph: tap+nt. to dirty s.t.


tapɬt   Morph: tap+ɬt. to dirty s.t.


taʔpnt   Morph: taʔp+nt. to get s.t. dirty.


tʔap   Morph: t[ʔ]ap. to get dirty, grimy.

tatápt   Morph: ta•táp+t. to be dirty.

tatáʔpt   Morph: ta•tá[ʔ]p+t. to get dirty or grimy. see Th /tép-əp turn black.

taʔp   Morph: ta[ʔ]p. to dirty or soil s.t. or s.o.

taʔtaʔpíkst   Morph: taʔ•taʔpíkst. dirty hands.

taʔpápqn   Morph: taʔp•ápqn. dirty head.

taʔpáyaʔqn   Morph: taʔpáyaʔqn. dirty head; dirty hair.

ntaʔtáʔp   Morph: n+taʔ•taʔp. to be dirty.

ntaʔtaʔpínaʔ   Morph: n+taʔ•taʔpínaʔ. dirty ears; five o'clock shadow.

kɬtap   Morph: kɬ+tap. to dirty s.t.; to get s.t. dirty.

kɬtaʔpílsxn   Morph: kɬ+taʔpílsxn. dirty hair.

tp3   string.

statáp   Morph: s+ta•táp. a string.

tp4   ?

stptpiɬmlx   Morph: s+tp•tp꞊iɬmlx. ?

tp5   bumblebee.

tptpqin   Morph: tp•tpqin. bumblebee.

tpl   spider.

tupl̕   Morph: tupl̕. spider.

tptupl̕   Morph: tp•tupl̕. spiders.

tptplmaɬp   Morph: tp•tpl+maɬp. spider plant.

tptuplmáɬp   Morph: tp•tupl+máɬp. chaenactis. Sp túpl; Cm qyt:túplaʔ; Cr tupen̓ black widow, daddy longlegs, spider.

tps   cascara.

stptpsálu   Morph: s+tp•tps꞊álu. cascara.

ktptpsalqʷ   Morph: k+tp•tpsalqʷ. cascara.

ktptpsiɬml̕x, ktptpsiɬm̓lx   Morph: k+tp•tpsiɬml̕x. cascara.

tpʔ   great-grampa.

túpaʔ   Morph: túpaʔ. hypocoristic form of t̓at̓úpaʔ; a great-grandparent addressing a great-grandchild, or viceversa. See: t̓pʔ.

tq1   touch, stack.

tqnt   Morph: tq+nt. to stack s.t.; to touch s.t.


tqa   Morph: tqa. to touch s.t.; to put one's hand on s.t.to sign s.t.

tqa   Morph: tqa. to stack things.

tqaq   Morph: tq•aq. to be touched.

ttqnt   Morph: t•tq+nt. to put s.t. there easy.


tqam   Morph: tqa+m. to touch s.t.

tqmint   Morph: tq+mi+nt. to put s.t. down; to stack things.


stqam   Morph: s+tqa+m. stacking s.t.


tqqnu(n)   Morph: tq•q+nu. to fool s.o.; to cheat s.o.; to be underhanded with s.o.to accidentally touch s.t.

tqtqncut   Morph: tq•tq+ncut. to cross oneself.

tqtqw̓sncut   Morph: tq•tqw̓s+ncut. to place one's hands on the hips.

tqmniw̓snt   Morph: tq+mniw̓s+nt. toput s.t. down on.


tqqmnwixʷst   Morph: tq•q+mnwixʷ+st. to stack things up.


tqipnt   Morph: tqip+nt. to put in a dam; to dam s.t.

Tstem. Sp s-tqép a dam; Cm s‑tq‑ap be dammed up; Cr taqil̕p-nt-m clog (lit. it (stream) was clogged (dammed up); Sh təq-qin-m to make a dam; Th s/tqép dam; Li tq-áp-əm to make a dam.

stqipm   Morph: s+tqip+m. damming s.t.


stqip   Morph: s+tqip. log dam; log jam. Sp s-tqép a dam.

stqqip   Morph: s+tq•qip. stqqip: place name. Lit: dammed up

tqanxʷ   Morph: tqanxʷ. to be close.

taʔqíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: taʔqíɬc̓aʔ. meat settles (after hanging to cure).

stqqtw̓saqstxn   Morph: s+tq•q•tw̓saqstxn. to cross one's legs.

tqaʔmúsm   Morph: t+qaʔmús+m. to gather wood.

tqaʔpínaʔnt   Morph: tqaʔ+pínaʔ+nt. to cover s.t. with a sheet-lie object.


tqaʔpínm   Morph: tqaʔ+pín+m. to cover with a sheet-like object.


tqapúsqnt   Morph: tqa+púsqn. to cover s.o.'s mouth; to hush s.o.


tqaʔpusqnm   Morph: tqaʔ+pusqn+m. to cover s.o.'s mouth; to hush s.o.

kɬttqus   Morph: kɬ+t•tqus. kɬttqus: place name. Lit: B's etym: "just touching the edge"

wy̓sktqúsnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k+tqús+nt. get done putting s.t. on the fire.


wy̓stqmint   Morph: wy̓+s+tq+mi+nt. get done stacking things.


wy̓stqnt   Morph: wy̓+s+tq+nt. to get done stacking; to get done signing.


ʔawsntqqín   Morph: ʔw+s+n+tqqin. to go vote. Sp taq(é) touch, chase, pursue; s-tqép a dam; n-tqítkʷ-n-t-m he was held underwater; čɬ-tqéneʔ-tn piano, organ, typewriter, calculator; Cm tq‑nt‑xʷ you touch s.t., n‑tq–aw̓s dam, tq–anaʔ to press down; Cr taq cover (with hand), deceive, fool, touch; Sh tq-em to touch with the hand, to hold in place with the hand; Th √təqtouch / cover gap; Li tə́q-ən to touch s.t.

tq2   stack (k + √tq).

ktqaʔpúsksnt   Morph: k+tqaʔ+púsks+nt. to cover the mouth with a hand.


ktqqnaʔnúnt   Morph: k+tq•qnaʔ+nú+nt. to manage to put one's hand on s.t.; to put the hand on s.t. accidentally.


ktaqkst   Morph: k+taqkst. to put out the hand.

ktqínaʔnt   Morph: k+tqínaʔ+nt. to hold, press, or push s.t. down.


ktqqínaʔ   Morph: k+tq•qínaʔ. to hold s.t. down.

ktqsncut   Morph: k+tqs+ncut. to press on the eye.

tq3   stack (n + √tq).

ntqnt   Morph: n+tq+nt. to put one's own hand on s.t.; to touch s.t.


ntqusnt   Morph: n+tqus+nt. to put on the fire.


ntquɬt   Morph: n+tqu+ɬt. to put the hand on.


ntqínaʔ   Morph: n+tqínaʔ. an ear is covered.

ntqtqánaʔ   Morph: n+tq•tqánaʔ. deaf. Lit: closed ears

ntqtqínaʔ   Morph: n+tq•tqínaʔ. to be deaf. Sp he-n-tqtqéneʔ he's deaf; Cr an+taq+taqíneʔ deaf (to be...).

ntqqint   Morph: n+tqqi+nt. to vote for s.o. Lit: to touch on the head


ntqus   Morph: n+tqus. to put one's own hand on the fire.

ntqaw̓sqnt   Morph: n+tqaw̓sq+nt. to touch s.o.'s head; to touch s.o. on the head.


ntqiw̓s   Morph: n+tqiw̓s. a dam.

ntqpiw̓s   Morph: n+tq+piw̓s. a log jam in the river.

ntqmnwixʷst   Morph: n+tq+m+nwixʷ+st. s.t. is doubled; to make two things touch.


ntqmnúlaʔxʷnt   Morph: n+tq+mnúlaʔxʷ+nt. to hold s.t. or s.o. down or to the ground.


ntqpaqs   Morph: n+tq+paqs. one nostril is obstructed.

ntqtqpaqs   Morph: n+tq•tq+paqs. both nostrils are obstructed.

ntqtqsncut   Morph: n+tq•tqs+ncut. to cover one's own eyes.

sntqqinm   Morph: sn+tqqin+m. to vote. Lit: putting a thumb print

tq4   stack (k̓ɬ + √tq).

k̓ɬtqncutm   Morph: k̓ɬ+tq+ncut+m. to protect oneself by holding out the hand.

k̓ɬtqqip   Morph: k̓ɬ+tq•qip. s.t. is dammed up.

k̓ɬntqqip   Morph: k̓ɬ+n+tq•qip. s.t. is dammed or jammed.

k̓ɬtqncutmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+tq+ncut+m+nt. to shield with the hands.


tq5   surprise.

tqqnunt   Morph: tq•q+nu+nt. to fool s.o.; to cheat s.o.; to be underhanded with s.o.; to accidentally touch s.t.


stqqnunm   Morph: s+tq•q+nun+m. deceiving s.o.


k̓ɬtqáp   Morph: k̓ɬ+tqá+p. to fear s.t. will happen.

k̓ɬtqmi   Morph: k̓ɬ+tq+mi. s.t. slips by s.o.; s.t. fools s.o.

k̓ɬtqpilsmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+tq+pils+m+nt. to worry about s.t.

Tstem. Sp n-tqtqcín he promises but never keeps his promises; qʷu tqq-nú-y-s he caught me by surprise, he lied to me, he fooled me; tqq-nu-n-c he caught you off guard; Cm tq-nt-xʷ you touch s.t.; Cr ; taq cover (with hand), deceive, fool, touch; taqaqnúnn I fooled him; Sh teq-təq-t unbelievable, surprising in the extreme. Sp √taq to catch unaware taqáq he was caught by surprise; he was surprised to find out; tq-p-min-s to wonder at stg.; Cr teq cheat, outwit ... té+teq+t cagey (He is...) téq+teq+t artful, crafty, cagey, calculating, coy, crafty, deceitful, sly, wily, shrewd (He is...); Sh teq-təq-t unbelievable, surprising in the extreme.

tq6   wave hand.

taqnt   Morph: taq+nt. to wave a hand; to motion s.o. to come; to go by.


ctaqst   Morph: c+taq+st. to wave to.


taqm   Morph: taq+m. to wave to.


taqqm   Morph: taq•q+m. to be waving a hand.

tatqm   Morph: ta•t•q+m. to make a small wave with the hand. Sp √taq to wave. to beckon; Cm tq‑nt‑xʷ you touch s.t.; Cr taq cover (with hand), deceive, fool, touch; Sh tq-em to touch with the hand; Th √təq touch/cover; Li tə́q-ən to touch s.t.

tq7   squirrel.

sttaq   Morph: s+t•taq. squirrel; Squirrel. See: tk.

tqmɬwl   ?

sntqmɬwiltn   Morph: sn+tqmɬwil+tn ? ?

tqp   feather.

tqpiʔstn   Morph: tqpiʔst+n. a feather.

stqpiʔstn   Morph: s+tqpiʔstn. tail or wing feather.

stqtqpíʔstn   Morph: s+tq•tqpíʔst+n. wings.

kstqtqpiʔstn   Morph: k+s+tq•tqpiʔst+n. to have wings; to have feathers.

stqpax̌n   Morph: s+tqpax̌n. a bird's wing. Sp s-qpúsl̕ a feather; Cm s-tqp–aʔs-(t)-(t)n feather.

tqxn   midwife.

sxʷk̓ɬtqxniltm   Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+tqxnilt+m ? midwife.

tqy̓   wool blanket.

staqy̓, stáqiʔ   Morph: s+taqy̓. white wool blanket. Sp √stáqey̓ Hudson Bay blanket.

tqʷ   shine.

ktiqʷlqʷst   Morph: k+tiqʷlqʷ+st. to make s.t. shine.

tqʷʔ   wild geranium.

táqʷaʔ   Morph: táqʷaʔ. wild geranium (white or pink); sticky geranium; cinquefoil (No. 1); cotton of cottonwood trees. Sp tóqʷeʔ sticky geranium.

tq̓   valley, ridge.

tq̓w̓sikn   Morph: tq̓w̓sikn. a valley.

tq̓aw̓síkn̓   Morph: tq̓aw̓síkn̓. tq̓aw̓síkn̓: place name. Lit: middle ridge

tq̓aʔaw̓síkn̓   Morph: tq̓aʔaw̓síkn̓. tq̓aʔaw̓síkn̓: place name. Lit: center ridge See: q̓ʔ1.

tq̓l   woman.

t̓aq̓ltáʕn   Morph: t̓aq̓l+táʕn. woman.

ntaq̓ltáʕn   Morph: n+taq̓l+táʕn. woman.

tq̓m   strawberry. Category: Redup.

tq̓imtq̓m   Morph: tq̓im•tq̓m. wild strawberry (berries). Sp q̓ít̓q̓-m̓ wild strawberry.

stq̓m̓iɬp   Morph: s+tq̓m̓iɬp. wild strawberry.

tq̓mtq̓miɬp   Morph: tq̓m•tq̓miɬp. wild strawberry.

kttq̓m̓ikst   Morph: k+t•tq̓m̓ikst. cinquefoil (No. 2).

sttq̓m̓iɬml̕x   Morph: s+t•tq̓m̓iɬml̕x. wild strawberry.

tq̓ʷny̓   ghost.

stq̓ʷtq̓ʷny̓úlaʔxʷ, stq̓ʷtq̓ʷniʔúlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+tq̓ʷ•tq̓ʷny̓úlaʔxʷ. ghost.

tr1   unravel, descend, string.

trnt   Morph: tr+nt. to unravel s.t.


tr̓tr̓nt   Morph: tr̓•tr̓+nt. to unravel s.t.


tram   Morph: tra+m. to unravel s.t.


tarr   Morph: tar•r. to be stretched out; to come one after another in a line.

trar   Morph: tr•ar. to come unraveled (by itself); to come to pass.

trr   Morph: tr•rr. to get s.t. unraveled.

tr̓tr̓   Morph: tr̓•tr̓. to unravel s.t.

trram   Morph: tr•r•a+m. to be lined up; to be in a row.

str̓tr̓ʔam   Morph: s+tr̓•tr̓ʔa+m. ancestor.

trap   Morph: tra+p. to unravel; to come unwound (as a braid).

statár̓   Morph: s+ta•tár̓. string, twine.

tármiʔst   to be stretched out. Sp túr-miʔst he stretched himself to reach something; Cr tar loosen, stretch out, extend, untie; Th ʔes/tə̣́lqs a lot of people strung out in a long line.

tr̓mncut   Morph: tr̓+mncut. to form a line.

ktriw̓snt   Morph: k+triw̓s+nt. to unstitch s.t.


tríwyaʔnt   Morph: tríwyaʔ+nt. to take after s.o.


tr̓íwyaʔm   Morph: tr̓íwyaʔ+m. to take after s.o.


ktr̓típlaʔ   Morph: k+tr̓+típlaʔ. to have descended from.

k̓ɬtrnt, k̓ɬtr̓nt   Morph: k̓ɬ+tr+nt. to neutralize; to defeat; where one descends from.


k̓ɬtram   Morph: k̓ɬ+tra+m. to predict; to neutralize.

nk̓ɬtrnt   Morph: n+k̓ɬ+tr+nt. to forecast or predict s.t.


nk̓ɬtr̓am   Morph: n+k̓ɬ+tr̓a+m. to predict s.t.


ntripst   Morph: n+trip+st. to follow the prediction; to descend from s.o.


ntarqn   Morph: n+tarqn. to come unglued; to go batty; to lose one's mind.

ntr̓tar̓r̓qn   Morph: n+tr̓•tar̓•r̓qn. to be in a stupor.

sntr̓r̓us   Morph: s+n+tr̓•r̓us. background. Sp √ter come untied, freed, loosened; Cm tərp to unravel; be ripped; Cr tar loosen, stretch out, extend, untie; Sh tal-m to stretch, extend; Th √təl unwind/stretch; Li tə̣́l-ən to spin string from a ball.

tr2   duck.

str̓iqxn   Morph: s+tr̓iqxn. little brown ducks.

trq1   kick, run, dance.

tar̓q   Morph: tar̓q. to be or get kicked.

tr̓qnt   Morph: tr̓q+nt. to kick s.t.


ɬtr̓qnt   Morph: ɬ+tr̓q+nt. to kick s.t. or s.o. again.


ctr̓qst   Morph: c+tr̓q+st. to kick s.t.


tr̓qam   Morph: tr̓qa+m. to kick; to dance Indian dance.

str̓qam   Morph: s+tr̓qa+m. Indian dance.

tr̓qqaq   Morph: tr̓q•q•aq. to do a medicine dance hop; to jump up and down.

trrqaq   Morph: tr•rq•aq. to dance.

trqncut   Morph: trq+ncut. to kick oneself; to run away.

trqp   Morph: trq+p. to jump.

trqpncut   Morph: trq+p+ncut. to run.

tr̓qlwisnt   Morph: tr̓q+lwis+nt. to kick s.t. or s.o. around.


str̓qikst   Morph: s+tr̓qikst. a dancer.

tr̓qmiltm   Morph: tr̓q+milt+m. to bounce a baby or child.

tr̓qxnmí   Morph: tr̓qxn+mí. to trample s.t.

ctrqxnmist   Morph: c+trqxn+mi+st. to kick s.t. around.


kstar̓qpncút   Morph: k+s+tar̓q+p+ncút. to kick around, to give signs of life.

kɬtar̓qxnám   Morph: kɬ+tar̓qxná+m. to kick s.t. around.

kɬtr̓qíkiʔnt   Morph: kɬ+tr̓qíkiʔ+nt. to kick the ice.


tr̓qsqilxʷ   Morph: tr̓q+s+qilxʷ. to kick a person.

trqaʔmílaʔ   Morph: trq+aʔmílaʔ ? trqaʔmílaʔ: Little Jim Creek.

sxʷtr̓qam   Morph: sxʷtr̓qá+m. tr̓q. Sp √taraq (talaq); hec-trq-mí he's medicine dancing, he's jump dancing; Cm √tr̓q; s-tr̓q-m winter dance; Cr tal̕q touch with foot, kick, step on, tread; i·+tál̕q+m-s he is square dancing, round dancing.

trq2   jump (k + √trq).

ktrqmalqʷ   Morph: k+trq+malqʷ. to jump on a log.

ktr̓qalqʷm   Morph: k+tr̓qalqʷ+m. to kick a log; to bump into a log.

ktr̓tar̓qmalqʷm   Morph: k+tr̓•tar̓q+malqʷ+m. to jump repeatedly on a log.

ktr̓qíc̓aʔnt   Morph: k+tr̓qíc̓aʔ+nt. to kick a body.


ɬktr̓qíc̓aʔnt   Morph: ɬ+k+tr̓qíc̓aʔ+nt. to kick a body again.

cktr̓qíc̓aʔst   Morph: c+k+tr̓qíc̓aʔ+st. kick s.t.


ktr̓qiksnt   Morph: k+tr̓qiks+nt. to kick a branch; to kick trees.


ktr̓qikst   Morph: k+tr̓qikst. a dancer; to dance a winter medicine dance.

ktr̓qqnilnt   Morph: k+tr̓q•qnil+nt. to kick s.o. in the groin.


trq3   kick (n + √trq).

ntr̓qmin   Morph: n+tr̓q+min. to dance in a place.

sntr̓qmin   Morph: s+n+tr̓q+min. dance house; dance hall.

ntrqpncut, ntr̓qpncut   Morph: n+tr̓q+p+ncut. to run fast; to run; to jump up.

ntr̓qupsnt   Morph: n+tr̓qups+nt. to kick s.o. in the reat.


trq4   jump (k̓ɬ + √trq).

k̓ɬtraqspuʔús   Morph: k̓ɬ+traq+s+puʔús. to kick one's heart.

k̓ɬtr̓tr̓qncut   Morph: k̓ɬ+tr̓•tr̓qn+cut. to back down.

k̓ɬtraqspuʔúsnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+traq+s+puʔús+nt. to kick the heart.


trq5   snipe.

str̓r̓iqxn   Morph: s+tr̓•r̓•iqxn. snipe.

trs   Theresa.

tarás   From: French Therese.

trw1   react.

tr̓íwyaʔm, tríw̓yaʔm   Morph: tr̓íwyaʔ+m. to react to s.t. (e.g. a curse).

trw2   resemble.

tr̓íw̓yaʔ, tr̓íwyaʔ   Morph: tr̓íw̓yaʔ. to take after s.o.; to resemble s.o.; to inherit a trait.

trwy   strway (woman's name).

strway   Morph: s+trway. strway (woman's name).

tst   toast.

tost   Morph: tost. From: English toast. toast.

k̓ʷl̕stostm   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+s+tost+m. to make toast.

tsʔ   eye.

túsaʔ   Morph: túsaʔ. eye. Gram: hypocoristic form; baby talk See: k̓ʷƛ̓4.

tw1   buy, sell, obtain. Category: iaAbl.

tiw   Morph: tiw. to acquire s.t.; to buy s.t. Sp √tew to buy, to transact business; Cm taw‑nt‑xʷ you buy s.t.; taw‑ɬt‑n I buy s.t. from s.o.; Cr tagʷ buy tegʷ buy, sell; Sh tew-m to buy; Th √téw sell to; Li táw-əm to sell.

tiwm   Morph: tiw+m. to buy, acquire s.t.

tiwmn   Morph: tiw+mn. the means of bargaining.

twmxíxmnt   Morph: tw+m+xíx+m+nt. to sell s.t. away, to s.o. indefinite.


tiwɬxʷ   Morph: tiwɬxʷ. to buy a house.

taw   Morph: taw. to obtain s.t.

taws   Morph: taw+s. to have or obtain.

tiwcn   Morph: tiwcn. to buy or obtain groceries.

twmi(s)   Morph: tw+mi(s). to buy; to sell.

twmistɬt   Morph: tw+mist+ɬt. to buy; to sell.


stwmist   Morph: s+tw+mist. merchandise.

twmstnunt   Morph: tw+mst+nu+nt. to manage to sell s.t.


ctwmistmst   Morph: c+tw+mist+m+st. to sell s.t.


twmisst   Morph: tw+mis•s+t. to be taken in a sale.

twmistn   Morph: tw+mist+n. s.t. for sale.

stiwcn   Morph: s+tiwcn. groceries. Sp s-téwcn groceries; Sh tew-cn to buy food.

ktíwc̓aʔnt   Morph: k+tíwc̓aʔ+nt. to buy clothes.


ktwc̓aʔncút   Morph: k+twc̓aʔ+ncút. to buy clothes.

ktwc̓aʔncútn   Morph: k+twc̓aʔ+ncút+n. the means to buy clothes.

ntw   Morph: n+tw. buy, sell.

sntwmistn   Morph: s+n+tw+mist+n. a store.

k̓wstwnwíxʷ   Morph: k̓w+s+tw+nwíxʷ. go trading; go to do some trading.

tawskícc   Morph: taw+s+kíc•c. to have company; to be visited by s.o.

wy̓stwmístmnt   Morph: wy̓+s+tw+míst+m+nt. to finish selling s.t.; to have already sold s.t.

Tstem. See: txʷ1.

tw2   doe.

tíwɬc̓aʔ   Morph: tíwɬc̓aʔ. doe; elk doe.

twtíwɬc̓aʔ   Morph: tw•tíwɬc̓aʔ. does (deer). Cr tíwnɬc̓eʔ doe; Cm táwnɬc̓aʔ doe {deer}.

twk   numb, sore.

tw̓ak   Morph: tw̓ak. to be numb, sore. Sp tw̓ič to become tired from holding one position for so long.

twn1   fall short.

stawnqínkst   Morph: s+tawnqínkst. little finger.

stawnqínaʔkst   Morph: s+tawnqínaʔkst. little finger.

stawn̓qínaʔkst   Morph: s+tawn̓qínaʔkst. little finger. Cm s‑taʔaw̓‑qn‑us‑kst little finger.

stawnqínaʔxn   Morph: s+tawnqínaʔxn. little toe. Cm s‑taʔaw̓‑qn‑us‑xn little toe.

k̓ɬtwinnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+twin+nt. to fall short; to fail to reach.


k̓ɬtwist   Morph: k̓ɬ+twi+st. to fail to make s.t. reach its goal; to miss.


ck̓ɬtwist   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+twi+st. fall short.


k̓ɬtwin̓m   Morph: k̓ɬ+twin̓+m. to fall short.


k̓ɬtwnlsmist   Morph: k̓ɬ+twn+ls+mist. to not feel up to s.t.; to think that one would fall short.

k̓ɬtwnilxtm   Morph: k̓ɬ+twn+ilx+t+m. to think that s.o. will fall short.

k̓ɬtwy̓scút   Morph: k̓ɬ+tw+y̓+scút ? to be unable to reach s.t. See: k̓ɬtwnilxtm; k̓ɬtwin; k̓ɬtwnlsmist; stawnqínkst; stawnqínaʔkst; stawnqínaʔxn. Sp tw̓ín̓ to fall short; č̕ɬ-tw̓ín̓ it didn't quite reach, there wasn't enough to go around; Cr tegʷ fail (to reach).

twn2   Antoine.

atwán   Morph: atwán. From: French Antoine. Antoine.

twn3   town.

tawn   Morph: tawn. From: English town. town; to stay in town.

tawnm   Morph: tawn+m. to go to town.

statw̓n   Morph: s+ta•tw̓n. a small town.

twn4   Tonasket.

twnasq̓t   Morph: twnasq̓t. twnasq̓t: Tonasket, town of Eastern Washington State; twnasq̓t (man's name).

twʔ   wild tea. Category: Redup.

twaʔtíwaʔ   Morph: twaʔ•tíwaʔ. wild tea.

tw(t)   boy.

ttwit   Morph: t•twit. boy.

ttw̓it   Morph: t•twit. boy.

w̓ítaʔ   Morph: w̓ítaʔ. the youngest boy in the family (hypocoristic form of ttwit).

twtwit   Morph: tw•twit. boys.

tw̓tw̓it   Morph: tw̓•tw̓it. boys.

ttw̓tw̓it   Morph: t•tw̓•tw̓it. little boys.

sttw̓it   Morph: s+t•tw̓it. boyhood; the years of a (young) boy.

tw̓tíwaʔnt   Morph: tw̓•tíwaʔ+nt. to baby along s.o.


ctw̓tíwaʔst   Morph: c+tw̓•tíwaʔ+st. to baby along s.o.; to indulge s.o.


tw̓tíw̓aʔm   Morph: tw̓•tíw̓aʔ+m. to baby s.o.

tw̓tiw̓nt   Morph: tw̓•tiw̓+nt. baby along s.o.


tw̓tíw̓aʔst   Morph: tw̓•tíw̓aʔ+st. to baby s.o.; to spoil s.o. Sp √téw̓eʔ to be spoiled; Cr tiweʔ indulge.

tw̓tw̓aʔncút   Morph: tw̓•tw̓aʔˑncút. to baby oneself; to throw a tantrum.

twtwaʔncútm   Morph: tw•twaʔ+ncútm. to baby oneself.

miɬttwít, myɬttwit   Morph: my+ɬ+t•twit. to be an outstanding boy.

myɬttw̓it   Morph: my+ɬ+t•tw̓it. to be more of a boy; to be an outstanding boy.

smyɬttwit   Morph: s+my+ɬ+t•twit. an outstanding boy.

smyɬttw̓it   Morph: s+my+ɬ+t•tw̓ít. a special boy; a dependable boy.

snk̓ʷɬtw̓tw̓it   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+tw̓•tw̓it. fellow boys. Sp tew little, tʔew younger, following, ttw̓-ít; Cm tw̓it; Cr ttw̓ít, tíweʔ indulge; Sh twit to grow up; twiwt young boy.

tw̓   herd, many.

tw̓, tuʔ   a herd; many; lots.

tw̓aw̓   Morph: tw̓•aw̓. a herd; many; lots.

ntw̓mncút, ntuʔmncút   Morph: n+tw̓+mncút. to crowd in. Sp tuʔ stuffed, crowded.

tw̓ckʷ   tuʔckʷúlaʔxʷ: Loomis.

tuʔckʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: tuʔckʷúlaʔxʷ ? tuʔckʷúlaʔxʷ: Loomis.

tx1   comb.

txnt   Morph: tx+nt. to comb one's hair.


ctxst   Morph: c+tx+st. to comb one's hair.


txam   Morph: txa+m. to comb one's hair.

txtxam   Morph: tx•txa+m. several comb their hair.

stxmin   Morph: s+tx+min. a comb.

kɬtxilxʷnt   Morph: kɬ+txilxʷ+nt. to curry (a horse).


kɬtxilxʷtn   Morph: kɬ+txilxʷ+tn. curry comb.

txilxʷtn   Morph: txilxʷ+tn. a brush.

txilxʷsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: txilxʷsqáx̌aʔ+tn. horse brush; something to comb an animal with.

txlxʷsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: txlxʷsqáx̌aʔ+tn. a curry comb. Sh tx-n-cut to comb one's hair; Th √təx comb/brush.

tx2   insert.

txm   Morph: t+xm. to stick s.t. on; to insert s.t.

txam   Morph: txa+m. to insert s.t. Sp c-n-šm-ɬ-t-ém she poked long articles into a bag for him to tote; Cr šam between (to be...); hn+šem-nt-s H/s put it (a long thing) between (in a bag); Sh xm-em, xm-nt-es, cxm-st-es to put in (between); Th ? √xəm chink / plug;

tx3   stumble.

tixxmnáqs   Morph: tix•x+mnáqs. to stumble.

txmn   two sides.

stxmniw̓s   Morph: s+txmniw̓s. both sides.

txmniw̓s   Morph: t+xmniw̓s. to be on each side of s.t.

txmnw̓sákaʔst   Morph: t+xmn꞊w̓s꞊ákaʔst. to have something in each hand.

txmnw̓sɬniwt   Morph: t+xmniw̓s+ɬniwt. to be on each side of s.t.

txnnw̓sliwt   Morph: t+xmnw̓sliwt ? to do s.t. on two sides.

txʔ   positively.

lut itxíʔ   Morph: lut itxíʔ ? positively, without question.

txʷ1   obtain.

tixʷnt   Morph: tixʷ+nt. to obtain s.t.; to gather s.t.

Tstem. Sp tixʷ to get, to obtain, tuxʷ(ú) to add; Cr tíxʷ+m obtain; Sh s-təxʷ-st-es to add to; Th √təxʷ increase; Li təxʷ to add, give more.

ctixʷst   Morph: c+tixʷ+st. to gather s.t.


tixʷm   Morph: tixʷ+m. to gather s.t.


stixʷm   Morph: s+tixʷ+m. gathering s.t.


wy̓stixʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+tixʷ+nt. get done gathering things.


taʔxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ. to get or obtain s.t.

taxʷɬq   Morph: taxʷɬq. a crop; a harvest; to harvest.

taxʷɬqm   Morph: taxʷ+ɬq+m. to harvest a crop.

taʔxʷɬqm   Morph: taʔxʷɬq+m. to get a crop.

txʷcncut   Morph: txʷcn+cut. to get food; to procure food.

txʷtxʷcnuɬ   Morph: txʷ•txʷcn+uɬ. one who regularly procures food; a provisions seeker.

txʷlscut   Morph: txʷlscut. to get ready; to get outfitted; to get dressed.

stxʷlscut   Morph: s+txʷ+lscut. possessions.

stxʷcncut   Morph: s+txʷcn+cut. food gathered or obtained.

sntxʷcncutn   Morph: sn+txʷcn+cut+n. place of food-gathering.

ktaxʷ   Morph: k+taxʷ. an addition; a bonus.

ktxʷmin   Morph: k+txʷ+min. a contribution; a bonus.

ktixʷxʷtn   Morph: k+tixʷ•xʷ+tn. place where one gathers food.

wy̓staxʷɬqm   Morph: wy̓+s+taxʷɬq+m. get done harvesting.


ʔawstxʷcncút   Morph: ʔaw+s+txʷcn+cut. to go get food. See: tw.

txʷ2   obtain in compounds (taʔxʷ + stem).

ɬtaʔxʷɬqlíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: ɬ+taʔxʷ+ɬ+qlíɬc̓aʔ. to get fresh meat again.

ɬtaʔxʷɬsɬíqʷ   Morph: ɬ+taʔxʷ+ɬ+sɬíqʷ. to regain one's flesh.

taʔxʷspuʔús   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+puʔús. to gain feelings; to come to.

staʔxʷspx̌páx̌t   Morph: s+taʔxʷ+s+px̌•páx̌+t. one's becoming conscious.

staʔxʷsqltmíxʷ   Morph: s+taʔxʷ+s+qltmíxʷ. a new husband; a newly obtained husband.

staʔxʷsípn   Morph: s+taʔxʷ+sípn. a newly acquired daughter-in-law.

staʔxʷsaʔstám   Morph: s+taʔxʷ+saʔ•stám. the brother- or sister-in-law one has gained.

staʔxʷɬtkɬmílxʷ   Morph: s+taʔxʷ+ɬ+tkɬmílxʷ. an acquired wife.

taʔxʷl̕x̌l̕áx̌t   Morph: taʔxʷ+l̕x̌•l̕áx̌t. to have friends.

taʔxʷɬcítxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+cítxʷ. to get a house.

taʔxʷɬc̓q̓íln   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+c̓q̓íln. to get arrow(s), to obtain arrow(s).

taʔxʷk̓ɬxʷípmn   Morph: taʔxʷ+k̓ɬ+xʷíp+mn. to obtain s.t. to spread (as a mat).

taʔxʷɬk̓ɬxʷípmn   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+k̓ɬ+xʷíp+mn. to get a liner.

taʔxʷɬlʔíw   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+lʔíw. to get a father.

taʔxʷknxcútn   Morph: taʔxʷ+kn+x+cút+n. to get some help.

taʔxʷɬnínk̓mn   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+ní+nk̓+mn. to have knives.

taʔxʷɬnq̓ʷíc̓tn   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+n+q̓ʷíc̓+tn. to get a replacement husband.

taʔxʷɬntkʷíls   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+n+tkʷils. to have company.

taʔxʷɬnt̓aʕpmútyaʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+n+t̓aʕp+mútyaʔ. to have or get gun loaders.

taʔxʷɬnwnxʷínaʔtn   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+n+wnxʷínaʔ+tn. to get beliefs.

taʔxʷɬtkɬmílxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+tkɬmílxʷ. to obtain a wife; to get married.

taʔxʷɬt̓xʷtlwís   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+t̓xʷ+t+lwís. to get or obtain airplanes.

taʔxʷɬxwíɬ   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+xwíɬ. to have roads; there are roads.

taʔxʷɬx̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷtn   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+x̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷ+tn. to get mowers.

taʔxʷsaʔstám   Morph: taʔxʷ+saʔ•stám. to get a brother- or sister-in-law.

taʔxʷsck̓ʷúl̕   Morph: taʔxʷ+sc+k̓ʷúl̕. to obtain work, a job.

taʔxʷscmrmmrím   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+c+mrm•mrím. to have a mate.

taʔxʷscmrmrím   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+c+mr•mrím. several have spouses.

taʔxʷscʔíɬn, taʔxʷsc̓íɬn   Morph: taʔxʷ+sc+ʔíɬn. to obtain food.

taʔxʷsc̓úq̓ʷiʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+c̓úq̓ʷ+iʔ. to have a dealer, a trading partner.

taʔxʷsl̕áx̌tm   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+l̕áx̌t+m. to get or acquire a friend.

taʔxʷsl̕x̌l̕áx̌t   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+l̕x̌•l̕áx̌+t. to get or acquire friends.

taʔxʷsɬíqʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+ɬíqʷ. to get meat; to obtain meat.

taʔxʷsƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+ƛ̓x̌•ƛ̓x̌sqáx̌aʔ. to get race horses.

taʔxʷsmaʔmʔím   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+maʔ+mʔím. to get wives.

taʔxʷsmík̓ʷt   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+mík̓ʷt. to get snow.

taʔxʷsník̓ɬxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+ník̓ɬxʷ. an acquired son-in-law.

taʔxʷsnik̓ɬxʷm   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+nik̓ɬxʷ+m. to get or gain a son-in-law.

taʔxʷsnilíʔtn   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+n+ilíʔ+tn. to get a home or place.

taʔxʷsnɬx̌mtán   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+n+ɬx̌m+tán. to get in-laws.

taʔxʷsnq̓ʷíctn   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+n+q̓ʷíc+tn. to get a replacement husband.

taʔxʷspx̌páx̌t   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+px̌•pax̌+t. to acquire knowledge or smarts.

taʔxʷsp̓qíntn   Morph: taʔxʷ+sp̓qín+tn. to get threshers.

taʔxʷsqláw   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qláw. to get money.

taʔxʷsqláw̓   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qláw̓. to get or obtain money.

taʔxʷsqlíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qlíɬc̓aʔ. to get fresh meat.

taʔxʷsqlqltmíxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+ql•qlt+mixʷ. several get husbands.

taʔxʷsqltmíxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+ql+tmixʷ. to get a husband.

taʔxʷsq̓lípsm   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+q̓líps+m. to get or obtain a kerchief.

taʔxʷsqʷíylpm   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qʷíylp+m. to get bed matting; to get a bed of boughs.

taʔxʷsqʷqʷsqʷsíʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qʷ•qʷs•qʷsíʔ. to get a son.

taʔxʷsqʷsíʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qʷsíʔ. to get a son.

taʔxʷsqʷsqʷasíʔa   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qʷs•qʷasíʔa. to get children; to acquire children.

taʔxʷsqʷsqʷsíʔ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+qʷs•qʷsíʔ. to get or have a baby.

taʔxʷssp̓qín   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+sp̓qín. to get or obtain wheat.

taʔxʷstkɬmílxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+tkɬmílxʷ. to get or obtain a wife.

taʔxʷst̓lsqílxʷ   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+t̓l+s+qílxʷ. to get or gain people.

taʔxʷswyápix   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+wyápix. to get white people.

taʔxʷsxʷq̓y̓ám   Morph: taʔxʷ+sxʷq̓y̓á+m. to obtain or get a teacher.

txʷ3   obtain in compounds (txʷ + stem).

txʷɬckʷinkm   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+ckʷink+m. to obtain or get a bow.

txʷɬc̓ík̓ʷsxnm   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+c̓ík̓ʷsxn+m. to obtain lamps.

txʷɬc̓q̓iln   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+c̓q̓iln. to obtain arrows.

txʷɬmrim   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+mrim. to get or obtain medicine.

txʷɬsp̓qintn   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+sp̓qin+tn. to obtain or get threshing machines.

stxʷst̓ik̓l   Morph: s+txʷ+s+t̓ik̓l. gathered food.

txʷɬqxʷsqáx̌aʔtn   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+qxʷsqáx̌aʔ+tn. to get a whip.

txʷst̓ik̓lm   Morph: txʷ+s+t̓ik̓l+m. to get grub; to get food.

txʷsʔamnsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: txʷ+s+ʔamnsqáx̌aʔ+m. to have stock feed.

txʷɬqəxʷsqáx̌aʔtnm   Morph: txʷ+ɬ+qəxʷsqáx̌aʔ+tn+m. to get a whip.

txʷslip̓   Morph: txʷ+s+lip̓. to get wood.

txʷsqʷiylpm   Morph: txʷ+s+qʷiylp+m. to gather boughs.

txʷ4   repeat.

tixʷkʷúnm   Morph: tixʷ+kʷun+m. to talk; to repeat a sound; to utter in a certain way; to pass the word along.

tiʔxʷkʷúnm   Morph: tiʔxʷ+kʷún+m. to say; to talk; to repeat a sound; to utter in a certain way; to pass the word along.

taʔxʷkʷúnm   Morph: taʔxʷ+kʷún+m. to repeat a sound over and over.

tixʷkʷúkst   Morph: tixʷ+kʷúk+st. to repeat, to tell the same thing.


tixʷkʷúkstmnt   Morph: tixʷ+kʷúk+st+m+nt. to repeat; to tell the same thing.

Tstem. Sp ʔexʷ-kʷún-m he said it, he talks in this manner.

txʷ5   cousin.

ntxʷus   Morph: n+txʷus. cousin.

sntxʷus   Morph: s+n+txʷus. Gram: also appellative form: female addressing coeval female or coeval addressing a member of the opposite sex. This usage is becoming obsolete. sibling; cousin; partner. Sp s-n-txʷús adult sister, adult female cousin; Cm sntxʷús brother; male cousin; close male to male friend.

sntxʷtxʷus   Morph: s+n+txʷ•txʷus. cousins.

sntxʷsiw̓s   Morph: s+n+txʷsiw̓s. to be in a reciprocal relationship with a sntxʷus. Sp s-n-txʷús adult sister, adult female cousin.

ntxʷsnwixʷ   Morph: n+txʷs+nwixʷ. to be related to one another; to become related by marriage.

ntxʷsncut   Morph: n+txʷs+ncut. to get a partner.

ntxʷlsncut   Morph: n+txʷls+ncut. a companion.

ntxʷsiw̓s   Morph: n+txʷsiw̓s. to be brother and sister (with one another) where at least one is a woman.

ntxʷsílʔis   Morph: n+txʷsílʔis. to be brothers and sisters. See Sp s-n-txʷuʔs-n-cúʔt fiancee, spouse-to-be.

txʷ6   pear.

txʷxʷíw̓s   Morph: txʷ•xʷíw̓s. pears.

txʷck   tongue.

tixʷck   Morph: tixʷck. tongue.

txʷtixʷck   Morph: txʷ•tixʷ+ck. tongues.

nwlpɬtixʷck   Morph: n+wl+p+ɬ+tixʷck. to burn one's tongue.

ntixʷcks nc̓iʔcn   Morph: n+tixʷck+s n+c̓iʔcn. ntixʷcks nc̓iʔcn: Oliver, B.C. Lit: wolf's tongue Sp √tíxʷcč tongue; Cr tíxʷcč tongue; Sh tíxʷeʔck tongue; Li təxʷc̣ạ́ɬ tongue.

txʷʔ   camas.

túxʷaʔ   Morph: túxʷaʔ. little white camas.

tx̌1   bitter, sour.

tax̌t   Morph: tax̌+t. pepper; bitter. Sp √tax̌ bitter, sour, pepper; Cm təx̌ be bitter; Cr tax̌ bitter (taste); Th təx̌ bitter; Li təx̌ bitter.

stx̌cin   Morph: s+tx̌cin. tiger lily; rhubarb. Cm s‑tx̌‑cin tiger lily; Sh təx̌cin̓ tigerlily.

ktx̌tx̌ikst   Morph: k+tx̌•tx̌ikst. sourgrass.

tx̌2   gray.

tx̌ilp   Morph: tx̌ilp. color.

tx̌ilps   Morph: tx̌ilps. a gray horse.

tx̌l   act so.

tyx̌il   Morph: ty+x̌il ? to act so.

taʔx̌lx̌ílst   Morph: taʔ+x̌l•x̌íl+st. to do thus.


taʔx̌lx̌ílm   Morph: taʔ+x̌l•x̌íl+m. to do thus.

Mstem. See: ʔx̌l2.

tx̌ʷ1   straight, center.

tax̌ʷnt   Morph: tax̌ʷ+nt. to dangle s.t. down (towards s.t. or s.o. below).

Tstem. Th √téx̌ʷ dangle; Li √tax̌ʷ to hang down.

táx̌ʷmiʔst   Morph: táx̌ʷ+miʔst. to stretch or reach over to hang s.t.

taʔx̌ʷmíst   Morph: ta[ʔ]x̌ʷ+míst. to dangle; to lower oneself.

tx̌ʷiwt   Morph: tx̌ʷiwt. s.t. hangs straight down.

tx̌ʷmncut   Morph: tx̌ʷ+mncut. to go straight to s.t. or s.o.

stx̌ʷiw̓snt   Morph: s+tx̌ʷiw̓s+nt. to divide s.t.Tstem.

ctx̌ʷiw̓st   Morph: c+tx̌ʷiw̓+st. to share, divide; Tstem. Sp tox̌ʷ straight; tx̌ʷéw̓s. half, middle; Sh √tux̌ʷ straight, right; Th √təx̌ʷ straight; Li √təx̌ʷ straight, right, correct.

tx̌ʷw̓súlaʔxʷ   Morph: tx̌ʷw̓súlaʔxʷ. half (way).

tx̌ʷmst   Morph: tx̌ʷ+m+st. to straighten or shorten s.t.; to single out s.t. Sp √tox̌ʷ straight; Cm ? tax̌ʷm‑st‑xʷ you stop doing s.t.; Cr ? tax̌ʷ stop (to...); Sh tx̌ʷ-um ... to straighten; Th √təx̌ʷ straight; Li √təx̌ʷ straight, right, correct.

tx̌ʷmut   Morph: tx̌ʷm+ut. straight; normal; real.

tx̌ʷtáx̌ʷm̓ist   Morph: tx̌ʷ•táx̌ʷ+m̓ist. to dangle down.

ktx̌ʷikn   Morph: k+tx̌ʷikn. the top or ridge of a mountain.

kɬtx̌ʷiw̓s   Morph: kɬ+tx̌ʷiw̓s. half way.

kɬtx̌ʷx̌ʷspintk   Morph: kɬ+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷ+s+pintk. half year.

ntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin   Morph: n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin. noon; the noon meal.

sntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin   Morph: s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin. noon.

sntx̌ʷaw̓sqn   Morph: s+n+tx̌ʷaw̓sqn. the crown of the head.

ntx̌ʷx̌ʷqinm   Morph: n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin+m. to have lunch.

ntx̌ʷilps   Morph: n+tx̌ʷ+ilps. the center of the neck.

ntx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+tx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ. center.

ntx̌ʷaqsm   Morph: n+tx̌ʷaqs+m. to go straight.

ntx̌ʷiw̓s   Morph: n+tx̌ʷiw̓s. the center.

stx̌ʷslip̓   Morph: s+tx̌ʷ+s+lip̓. plain wood.

stx̌ʷsqilxʷ   Morph: s+tx̌ʷ+s+qilxʷ. common people.

stx̌ʷtx̌ʷsámaʔ   Morph: s+tx̌ʷ•tx̌ʷ+sámaʔ. Frenchman; straight French.

kttx̌ʷw̓taqs   Morph: k+t•tx̌ʷw̓taqs. kttx̌ʷw̓taqs: place name. Lit: hanging-over point

ɬcʔawsntx̌ʷx̌ʷqínm   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔaw+s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqín+m. to come back home for lunch.

ɬc̓awsntx̌ʷx̌ʷqínm   Morph: ɬ+c+ʔaw+s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin+m. to come back and have lunch.

stx̌ʷtx̌ʷsx̌lilp   Morph: s+tx̌ʷ•tx̌ʷ+s+x̌lilp. floor boards.

swy̓sntx̌ʷx̌ʷqin   Morph: s+wy̓+s+n+tx̌ʷ•x̌ʷqin. the afternoon; past noon.

tx̌ʷiw̓s snkʷkʷʔác   Morph: tx̌ʷiw̓s s+n+kʷ•kʷʔác. midnight; the middle of the night.

tx̌ʷtx̌ʷsámaʔ   Morph: tx̌ʷ•tx̌ʷ+sámaʔ. fur traders; Frenchmen. Lit: straight Frenchman Sp tox̌ʷ straight; tx̌ʷéw̓s. half, middle; č-tx̌ʷíčn̓ right in the center of the top of a hill; Sh √tux̌ʷ straight, right; Th √təx̌ʷ straight; Li √təx̌ʷ straight, right, correct.

tx̌ʷ2   lower.

ntax̌ʷx̌ʷ   Morph: n+tax̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. s.t. has been lowered into s.t.

ntx̌ʷax̌ʷ   Morph: n+tx̌ʷ•ax̌ʷ. to be lowered in.

tx̌ʷ3   river.

ntx̌ʷitkʷ   Morph: ntx̌ʷitkʷ. a (large) river; ntx̌ʷitkʷ: the Columbia River.

ktx̌ʷʕ̓ʷtiw̓s   Morph: k+tx̌ʷʕ̓ʷtiw̓s. Colville.

kɬtx̌ʷʕ̓ʷtiw̓s   Morph: kɬ+tx̌ʷʕ̓ʷtiw̓s. Colville River; Colville town. Lit: s.t. in the center of the flat; s.t. hanging over

tx̌ʷ4   add.

tx̌ʷcin   Morph: tx̌ʷcin. food additive.

ty1   water flows.

typ   Morph: ty+p. water flows.

tyap   Morph: tya+p. water runs; there is a stream.

tty̓ap   Morph: t•ty̓a+p. some water runs; a small stream.

t̓styáp   Morph: t̓s+tya+p. to flow (water).

ktypisxn   Morph: k+ty+pisxn. ktypisxn: place name. Lit: water flows over rock

snktyxisxntn   Morph: s+n+k+ty+xisxn+tn. snktyxisxntn: place name. Lit: swim-over-rock place Cm tiyáx to swim (fish). See: .

ty2   elk, caribou, moose.

styíɬc̓aʔ   Morph: s+tyíɬc̓aʔ. elk; stag; caribou; moose. Sp s-ty̓áʔ (s-tyéʔ) caribou; Cm s-tiyal̕-ɬc̓aʔ caribou. See: t̓y2.

tycyx̌   ticáyx̌ (woman's name).

ticáyx̌   Morph: tycayx̌ ? ticáyx̌ (woman's name).

tyɬ   k̓ɬtiyɬʔálqʷxn (man's name).

k̓ɬtiyɬʔálqʷxn   Morph: k̓ɬ+tiyɬʔálqʷxn. k̓ɬtiyɬʔálqʷxn: one of the names of Coyote's third son.

tynm   tynmxʷaʔɬp̓úsmn (man's name).

tynmxʷaʔɬp̓úsmn   Morph: tynm+xʷaʔ+ɬp̓ús+mn ? tynmxʷaʔɬp̓úsmn (man's name).

tyqʷ   fight.

tyaqʷ   Morph: tyaqʷ. to fight.

tyaqʷt   Morph: tyaqʷ+t. to fight. Sp √tyaqʷ to battle, to fight; Cm t‑qʷtn‑lwas warrior; Cr tiy̓eqʷ fight.

sxʷtyaqʷt   Morph: sxʷtyaqʷ+t. a fighter; a warrior.

sxʷtyáqʷtm   Morph: sxʷtyáqʷ+t+m. warrior, fighter.

ty̓ty̓aqʷt   Morph: ty̓•ty̓aqʷ+t. to fight.

tytyqʷtuɬ   Morph: ty•tyqʷ+t+uɬ. a fighter; one who likes to fight.

sntyaqʷtn   Morph: sn+tyaqʷ+tn. battle ground; place of fight.

nk̓ʷɬtyaqʷtmnt   Morph: nk̓ʷ+ɬ+tyaqʷ+t+m+nt. to fight with s.o.

Tstem. Sp tyaqʷ to battle, to fight; Cr tiy̓eqʷ fight.

tyx1   water flow.

tyix   Morph: tyix. water flows. Morph: tyx+p.

ntytyix   Morph: nty•tyix. spring salmon. Cm n‑ty‑ty‑ax salmon; tiyáx to swim (fish).

tyx2   tyx in plant names.

ntytyxus   Morph: n+ty•tyxus. fleabane (No. 1). Lit: mouse’s eyes

nty̓tay̓xáyaʔ   Morph: n+ty̓•tay̓xáyaʔ. milkweed.

tyxʷn   not enough time.

tayxʷn̓ípnt   Morph: tayxʷn̓íp+nt. not enough time ?


ty̓n   killdeer.

stiʔníxn   Morph: s+tiʔníxn. killdeer. Sp s-ttʔí-tšn killdeer, sandpiper.


taʕ̓   Morph: taʕ̓. a toy.

tʕc   jar, bounce.

taʕc   Morph: taʕc. to jump; to move with a jarring motion.

taʕctct   Morph: taʕc•tc+t. a jarring motion, a bouncing (e.g. a buggy); rough, bouncy.

tcʕap   Morph: tcʕa+p. to vibrate or bounce.

tctaʕcpt   Morph: tc•taʕc+p+t. rough riding.

mystctaʕcpt   Morph: my+s+tc•taʕc+p+t. rougher riding. Sp √tc(á) to jar, to shake; tc-áp it shook, it's all shook up; ... tc-pós her face shook, her face quivered (ós confirms the pharyngeal). See: t̓ʕc; t̓c1.

tʕn   fur hat.

staʕánqn   Morph: s+taʕánqn. fur hat.

tʕny   salmon.

taʕánya   Morph: taʕánya. sockeye salmon.

tʕánya(ʔ)   Morph: tʕánya. salmon, fish that used to come up the Okanagan River (skinny salmon before spawning); late sockeye (when they turn red, around September).

sntʕatʕaníɬxʷtn   Morph: s+n+taʕ•taʕníɬxʷ+tn. salmon spawning place. See: ʕny.

tʕp   penis.

taʕtáʕp   Morph: taʕ•táʕp. penis.

taʕpqn   Morph: taʕpqn. taʕpqn: head of the penis (one of the names of Coyote's fourth son).

tʕʷ   chilled.

taʕ̓ʷpíkn   Morph: taʕ̓ʷ+píkn. one's back gets chilled.

tʕʷʔ   mint.

tʕ̓ʷaʔtíʕ̓ʷaʔ   Morph: tʕ̓ʷaʔ•tíʕ̓ʷaʔ. Canada mint.

1   pound.

taʔnt   Morph: taʔ+nt. to press down on s.t.; to pound.


tʔam   Morph: tʔa+m. to pound; to crush.

taʔtaʔmíx   Morph: taʔ•taʔ+míx. one who hammers.

taʔtaʔm̓ín̓   Morph: taʔ•taʔ+m̓ín̓. a hammer. Sp teteʔ-mín a hammer; Cm taʔ-min-tn pestle for pounding food.

taʔɬwlwlím   Morph: taʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím. to do blacksmithing; to pound on iron.

sxʷtaɬwlwlím   Morph: sxʷtaɬ+wl•wlím. blacksmith.

sxʷtaʔɬwlwlím   Morph: sxʷtaʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím. blacksmith.

staɬwlwlím   Morph: s+taɬ+wl•wlím. blacksmith.

staʔɬwlwlím   Morph: s+taʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím. blacksmithing; pounding on iron. Cr sye+teʔ+eɬ+wl+wlím blacksmith, coppersmith. (lit. One who shapes metals by hammering); Sh s-wl-wlilm iron.

sntaʔɬwlwlímtn   Morph: s+n+taʔ+ɬ+wl•wlím+tn. a forge.

taʔqínaʔ   Morph: taʔqínaʔ. to type (e.g. a document). Lit: to press down on s.t.

sxʷktaʔqínaʔm   Morph: sxʷk+taʔqínaʔ+m. a typist.

sntaʔkíntn   Morph: s+n+taʔkín+tn. sntaʔkíntn: place name. Lit: pounding place Sp teʔ(é) to hit, to pound; Cm taʔ‑nt‑xʷ you pound food; Cr tiʔ hit, pound; Sh tʔ-em to pound.

2   that.

itíʔ   Morph: itíʔ. that; from that; that's when.

lut itíʔ   Morph: lut itíʔ. not quite.

ʔax̌lxitíʔ   Morph: ʔax̌l+x+itíʔ. to do s.t. over and over.

cʔx̌ɬitíʔ, c̓x̌iɬitíʔ   Morph: c+ʔx̌iɬ+itíʔ. to be like s.t. Gram: This example shows a morphologization of the phrase c+ʔx̌iɬ itíʔ.

3   this.

atáʔ   Morph: atáʔ. this; here.

atátaʔ   Morph: atá•taʔ. this.

4   near.

tʔiwltk   Morph: tʔiwltk. to be a some distance from shore in the water; to be some distance from the water on dry land; place name; tʔiwltk (unidentified location).

ttʔiwltk   Morph: t•tʔiwltk. to be a little way from the water (either in water or on land).

5   nttʔíc̓aʔ (a creature).

nttʔíc̓aʔ   Morph: n+t•tʔíc̓aʔ. a creature believed to have lived in a small lake at the former mouth of Barnaby Creek, about the size of a muskrat, with long fur.

tʔkn   where.

taʔkín   Morph: ta+ʔkín. where. See: ʔkn.

tʔn   taʔt̓ín (place name).

taʔt̓ín   Morph: taʔ•t̓ín ? taʔt̓ín: Olalla.

tʔw   last; youngest.

stʔiwtx   Morph: s+tʔiwt+x. the young(est) one.

stʔawtílt   Morph: s+t+ʔawtílt. the youngest child.

sttʔíwtaʔx   Morph: s+t•tʔíw+t+aʔx. the youngest one. Sp s-tʔéw-t-i he is the youngest; Cm s‑taʔaw‑t be youngest; Cr tíweʔ-nt-s coddle... lit. She babied h/h; Sh twwiwt child; Th s/céwtmx the youngest child; Li twə́ˑwˑw̓ət (young) boy.

spuʔstʔíwtx   Morph: s+puʔs+tʔíw+t+x. one's latest spouse.

tʔx̌l   fail.

staʔx̌ílm   Morph: s+taʔx̌íl+m. to fail.