p̓c̓1   squeeze.

p̓ic̓   Morph: p̓ic̓+m. to press or squeeze (e.g. in one's hand).

p̓c̓p̓ic̓   Morph: p̓c̓•p̓ic̓. Gram: the inverse skeleton of √c̓p̓, q.v. to pinch more than once.

p̓c̓(a)nt   Morph: p̓c̓(a)+nt. to squirt or spray s.t.; to spray (as a skunk); to poop.


p̓c̓mnt   Morph: p̓c̓+m+nt. to squirt s.t. out.


p̓ic̓m   Morph: p̓ic̓+m. to squeeze (e.g. in one's hand).


p̓aʔp̓íc̓   Morph: p̓aʔ•p̓íc̓. Gram: the inverse skeleton of √c̓p̓, q.v. to pinch repeatedly.

p̓c̓mnwixʷ   Morph: p̓c̓+mnwixʷ. to squeeze or press together. Sp √p̓ac̓(á) loose bowels; p̓c̓-ám (p̓c̓-m-á) he emptied his loose bowels; √p̓ic̓ to the extreme, beyond limitations; Cm p̓əəc̓-nt-xʷ you spray s.o. with feces or foul substance (e.g. skunk spray); Cr p̓ac̓ defecate, squirt; p̓ic̓ push; Sh pic̓-n-s to squeeze, press down; Th √p̓íc̓ press / push; Li p̓íc̓-xal to press s.t. down. See: p̓ʕc̓.

p̓c̓2   sunflower.

p̓íc̓lqʷnaʔ   Morph: p̓íc̓lqʷnaʔ. sunflower after the blossoms have fallen off; balsamroot.

p̓c̓n   rope.

sp̓ic̓n   Morph: s+p̓ic̓n. Indian hemp; rope, hemp.

sp̓c̓niɬxʷ   Morph: s+p̓c̓niɬxʷ. tipi; tent; tipi cover; canvas house.

sqlxʷsp̓ic̓n   Morph: s+qlxʷ+s+p̓ic̓n. Indian hemp.

sp̓ip̓c̓n   Morph: s+p̓i•p̓c̓n. spreading dogbane.

sp̓c̓p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷɬ   Morph: s+p̓c̓•p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷɬ ? sp̓c̓p̓ac̓nw̓ákʷɬ: spreading dogbane.

aʔksp̓íp̓c̓n   Morph: aʔk+s+p̓•íp̓c̓n. aʔksp̓íp̓c̓n: place name. Lit: place of Indian hemp plant

snk̓l̕íp iʔ sp̓íc̓ns   Morph: s+n+k̓l̕꞊íp iʔ s+p̓íc̓n-s. milkweed. Lit: Coyote’s Indian hemp. Sp s-p̓éc̓-n canvas, Inidan hemp rope; Cm s-p̓ac̓-al̕qs strong fabric such as denim, canvas.

p̓c̓q̓ʷ   spit.

p̓c̓iq̓ʷm   Morph: p̓c̓iq̓ʷ+m. to spit. Sp p̓ac̓q̓ʷ(ú) stripped off (like the meat off a bone).

p̓hk̓ʷ   apart.

p̓ahk̓ʷmncút   Morph: p̓ahk̓ʷ+m+ncút. to fall apart. Sp √p̓haq̓ʷ fly into a rage; p̓háq̓ʷ he fell completely apart, he lost control, he flew into a rage; Sh √puq̓ʷ - ʔs-t-puq̓ʷ to fall down senseless (e.g. of a sudden fright).

p̓k   spank.

np̓kaʕps   Morph: n+p̓kaʕps. to spank.

np̓p̓káʕpaʔs   Morph: n+p̓•p̓káʕpaʔs. a speeder car (a hand car on railroad tracks). Lit: little slapping sound on the butt

p̓k̓1   shiny.

p̓ik̓   Morph: p̓ik̓. to be shiny (as metal).

p̓k̓p̓ik̓   Morph: p̓k̓•p̓ik̓. s.t. flashes on and off.

p̓ik̓st   Morph: p̓ik̓+st. to shine s.t. up; to make s.t. shine.


p̓ík̓mist   Morph: p̓ík̓+mist. to reflect; to shine. Sp √p̓ič̕ shiny, gleaming; Cm p̓ik̓ be bright, shiny, sparkling; Cr √p̓č̕ p̓[e]č̕ glitter; Th √p̓ək̓ glitter.

p̓k̓2   bobcat.

p̓k̓am   Morph: p̓k̓a+m. bobcat.

p̓k̓p̓k̓am   Morph: p̓k̓•p̓k̓a+m. bobcats. Sp p̓č̕-n̓ bobcat; Cm p̓ək̓m̓ bobcat, wildcat; Cr p̓éč̕n̓ bob-cat, lynx. See: pk̓.

p̓kʷ   soft.

p̓ʔukʷ   Morph: p̓[ʔ]ukʷ. to get softened (of hides, bark ... ).

p̓aʔkʷnúnt   Morph: p̓aʔkʷ+nú+nt. to manage to rub s.t. soft.


p̓aʔkʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: p̓aʔkʷíc̓aʔ. a soft hide.

p̓kʷlʔ   ball.

p̓úkʷlaʔ   Morph: p̓úkʷlaʔ. a ball.

p̓úklaʔ   Morph: p̓úklaʔ. ball.

p̓úkʷlaʔm   Morph: p̓úkʷlaʔ+m. to play ball.

npxʷɬp̓úkʷlaʔ   Morph: npxʷɬp̓úkʷlaʔ. an inflated ball. Sp p̓kʷleʔ-m he played ball (refers to the old game played with curved, spoon-like sticks like those used in lacrosse); Cm p̓úkʷlaʔ ball; Cr p̓ekʷleʔ ball, baseball, basketball; Th /p̓úkʷleʔ ball, play a game involving a ball, play ball.

p̓kʷm   fireweed; sage.

p̓kʷp̓kʷam̓íɬp   Morph: p̓kʷ•p̓kʷam̓íɬp. fireweed.

sp̓kʷp̓kʷam̓íɬp   Morph: s+p̓kʷ•p̓kʷam̓íɬp. western sage.

p̓k̓ʷ   crumble.

p̓k̓ʷmncut   Morph: p̓k̓ʷ+mncut. to crumble.

p̓lk̓   turn around.

p̓lak̓   Morph: p̓lak̓. to turn.

ɬp̓lak̓   Morph: ɬ+p̓lak̓. to turn around or back.

cp̓lak̓   Morph: c+p̓lak̓. to turn around to(ward) here; to turn back.

ɬcp̓lak̓   Morph: ɬ+c+p̓lak̓. to turn around again (to come back); to turn back again (to come back).

p̓llak̓k̓   Morph: p̓l•l•ak̓•k̓. to roll over.

cp̓lk̓mi   Morph: c+p̓lk̓+mi. to turn and come back.

p̓lk̓mncut   Morph: p̓lk̓+mncut. to turn around or over.

ɬplk̓mncut, ɬp̓lk̓mncut   Morph: ɬ+p̓lk̓+mncut. to turn again or back.

p̓lk̓mst   Morph: p̓lk̓+m+st. to make s.t. turn or roll over. Cm p̓lk̓mstu‑xʷ you rotate s.t.

p̓lk̓cin   Morph: p̓lk̓cin. answer; retort.

p̓lp̓lk̓ilx   Morph: p̓l•p̓lk̓ilx. to toss and turn.

p̓lk̓usm   Morph: p̓lk̓us+m. to turn back (and go back). Li p̓əlk̓-ús-əm to turn around (oneself).

ɬplk̓usm, ɬp̓lk̓usm   Morph: ɬ+plk̓us+m. to turn back; to turn and go back.


cp̓lk̓usm   Morph: c+p̓lk̓us+m. to turn around to(wards) here; to turn around and come back.


ɬcp̓lk̓usm   Morph: ɬ+c+p̓lk̓us+m. to turn around and come back.


kp̓lp̓lk̓us   Morph: k+p̓l•p̓lk̓us. to be cross-eyed.

np̓lp̓llk̓us   Morph: n+p̓l•p̓l•l•k̓us. one's eyes are rolled back. Sp n-p̓lp̓lč̕ús crosseyed, his eyes rolled back; Cr p̓ilč̕ turn (to ... round objects), to turn eyes inward with pain.

p̓lk̓máyaʔqn   Morph: p̓lk̓+máyaʔqn. p̓lk̓máyaʔqn (man's name). Lit: turns his head (crazy after girls, staring at them) Sp √p̓ilč̕ turned around, turned over; n-p̓lč̕ús he's crosseyed; Cm l‑c‑p̓lk̓‑us‑m to turn around and come back; Cr p̓elč̕ turn (a flat object), to turn flat thing over; p̓ulk̓ʷ fold; Sh plk̓-em to roll stg. over, to roll st. a distance; Th √p̓əyək̓ roll; Li p̓clk̓-aṇ to turn s.t. over.

p̓lk̓ʷ   wrap; roll.

kp̓lp̓lk̓ʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+p̓l•p̓lk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. cigarettes. Lit: s.t. rolled

sp̓lp̓lk̓ʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: s+p̓l•p̓lk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. cigarette. Lit: s.t. rolled Sp √p̓ulk̓ʷ rolled up, folded; č-p̓lkʷic̓eʔ-i-s she wrapped it; č-p̓lp̓lkʷíc̓eʔ cigarettes; čn p̓p̓l̕p̓úlk̓ʷ-m I rolled cigarettes; č-p̓lk̓ʷíc̓eʔ-m he rolled a cigarette; Cm p̓lk̓mstu‑xʷ you rotate s.t.; Cr p̓ulk̓ʷ fold; et+p̓+p̓úl̕+p̓ul̕k̓ʷeceʔ cigarettes; Sh plk̓-em to roll stg. over, to roll st. a distance; Th √p̓əyək̓ roll; Li p̓clk̓-aṇ to turn s.t. over.

p̓lw   balsamroot.

p̓líwa   Morph: p̓líwa ? Hooker's balsamroot.

p̓ɬ   scattered.

p̓ɬiwt   Morph: p̓ɬiwt. scattered, all over. Sp √p̓eɬ lie down in an orderly row (pl.); p̓ɬéw̓t they're lying around (as on the grass); Cr p̓iɬ sit (persons).

p̓ɬq   pile.

p̓ɬqnt   Morph: p̓ɬq+nt. to pile things.


p̓ɬɬqipnt   Morph: p̓ɬ•ɬ•qip+nt. to stop the flow of the water.


kp̓ɬqínaʔnt   Morph: k+p̓ɬqínaʔ+nt. to pile things on top of s.t. as cover.


skp̓ɬɬqip   Morph: s+k+p̓ɬ•ɬ•qip. a log jam. See Sp √p̓eɬ lie down in an orderly row (pl.); Cr p̓aɬq pack, put away; See Sh c-p̓eɬ lying (state); See Li n.p̓aɬ to lie around (when lazy or sick).

p̓ƛ̓1   end.

p̓ƛ̓aƛ̓   Morph: p̓ƛ̓•aƛ̓. s.t. fallen apart or collapsed (e.g. a fence).

p̓uƛ̓mnt   Morph: p̓uƛ̓+m+nt. to finish s.t.

Tstem. the end of s.t.all the way; completely; all of s.t.to get to the end of s.t.; to finish s.t.

p̓uƛ̓mst   Morph: p̓uƛ̓+m+st. to finish s.t.


spuƛ̓mstm   Morph: s+puƛ̓+m+st+m. finishing s.t.


p̓up̓ƛ̓m   Morph: p̓u•p̓ƛ̓+m. near the end. Sp s-n-p̓ƛ̓-mús the end; Cr p̓ut̓ end.

p̓ƛ̓iɬxʷ   Morph: p̓ƛ̓iɬxʷ. to take down a lodge.

p̓ƛ̓mcinmnt   Morph: p̓ƛ̓+mcin+m+nt. to come out of.

Tstem. to finish talking; to come out of a valley.

p̓ƛ̓mínaʔ   Morph: p̓ƛ̓+mínaʔ. to get to the end of s.t.

p̓ƛ̓mqnusxn   Morph: p̓ƛ̓+mqnusxn. to be at the end of s.t.; to be exhausted.

sp̓aƛ̓mqn   Morph: s+p̓aƛ̓+mqn. head of the river; head of the lake.

sp̓ƛ̓mqin   Morph: s+p̓ƛ̓+mqin. the head or end of s.t.; the mouth of the river.

sp̓ap̓ƛ̓mqn   Morph: s+p̓a•p̓ƛ̓mqn. the head of a gulch.

p̓ƛ̓maqs   Morph: p̓ƛ̓+maqs. the end of the road.

p̓ƛ̓masq̓t   Morph: p̓ƛ̓+masq̓t. the day is finished; one is finished with the day; the celebration is over.

kp̓ƛ̓maqs   Morph: k+p̓ƛ̓+maqs. the end of a mountain.

kɬp̓uƛ̓m   Morph: kɬ+p̓uƛ̓+m. to complete s.t.; to be completely ...; to arrive.

skɬp̓up̓ƛ̓m   Morph: s+kɬ+p̓u•p̓ƛ̓+m. skɬp̓up̓ƛ̓m: place name.skɬp̓up̓ƛ̓m: Meyers Falls.

kp̓ƛ̓malqʷ   Morph: k+p̓ƛ̓+malqʷ. the end of a body; the end of a log.

sk̓ɬp̓uƛ̓m   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+p̓uƛ̓+m. the length of s.t.

np̓aƛ̓mqn   Morph: n+p̓aƛ̓+mqn. to get or be on top of s.t.

snp̓aƛ̓mqn   Morph: sn+p̓aƛ̓+mqn. the top of s.t.

np̓ƛ̓musnt   Morph: n+p̓ƛ̓+mus+nt. to end or finish s.t.; to come out of s.t.

Tstem. Sp n-p̓ƛ̓-mús-n I ended it.

np̓ƛ̓maqsnt   Morph: n+p̓ƛ̓+maqs+nt. to go to the end of the road, as far as one can.


snp̓ƛ̓miɬxʷ   Morph: sn+p̓ƛ̓+miɬxʷ. the end of (a row of) houses.

np̓ƛ̓mqsiɬxʷ   Morph: n+p̓ƛ̓mqsiɬxʷ. the top of a tipi; the end of a row of houses.

snp̓uƛ̓m   Morph: s+n+p̓uƛ̓+m. snp̓uƛ̓m: place name. Lit: B's etym "emerge from brush" Sp √p̓uƛ̓, p̓úp̓ƛ̓-m̓ he went out (of the woods); p̓íƛ̓-n I took it apart; s-n-p̓ƛ̓-mús the end; Cm pƛ̓‑nt‑xʷ you dismantle, take s.t. apart; Cr p̓ut̓ end ... (as river, road, woods); Sh put̓-m to emerge from the wood, come out of the bush.

p̓ƛ̓2   mushroom.

p̓ƛ̓qin   Morph: p̓ƛ̓qin. mushroom.

p̓ƛ̓qin̓   Morph: p̓ƛ̓qin̓. mushroom. Sp p̓aƛ̓qín (p̓aƛ̓qán) mushroom; Cm p̓ƛ̓‑qin mushroom.

p̓ƛ̓3   lubricate.

p̓uƛ̓nt   Morph: p̓uƛ̓+nt. to grease or oil s.t.


p̓aʔƛ̓ús   Morph: p̓aʔƛ̓ús. oily face.

np̓aʔƛ̓ús   Morph: n+p̓aʔƛ̓ús. s.t. lubricated. Sp √p̓uƛ̓ oily, greasy; p̓ʔúƛ̓ it got oily; hi p̓úƛ̓s his face is shiny with grease; Cr s+p̓uʔt̓ becoming greasy; p̓at̓ dream, [mushy stuff...]; p̓t̓ [also recorded as √p̓t and √pt̓] p̓uʔt greasy.

p̓ƛ̓4   bitterrot.

p̓iƛ̓nt   Morph: p̓iƛ̓+nt. to dig (bitterroot).


sp̓iƛ̓m   Morph: s+p̓iƛ̓+m. bitterrot.

haɬsp̓íƛ̓m   Morph: haɬs+p̓íƛ̓+m. the Bitterroot group.

p̓iƛ̓m   Morph: p̓iƛ̓+m. to clean bitterroot.

snp̓iƛ̓mn   Morph: s+n+p̓iƛ̓+mn. place of bitterroot.

sp̓ip̓ƛ̓m   Morph: s+p̓í•p̓ƛ̓+m. sp̓íp̓ƛ̓m: unidentified plant.

ksp̓ip̓ƛ̓m   Morph: k+s+p̓i•p̓ƛ̓+m. Lynx Creek lookout. Sp p̓eƛ̓ bitterroot plant; Cm s-p̓aƛ̓-m bitterroot; Cr s+p̓ít̓em bitterroot, rockrose.

p̓ƛ̓nt   fog.

sp̓uƛ̓nt   Morph: s+p̓uƛ̓nt. fog. Sh spʔut̓ fog, steam; Th s/p̓úƛ̓-t fog; Li s.p̓uƛ̓-t cloud.

p̓m1   first food.

kp̓umcn   Morph: k+p̓úmcn. the first eating of roots; the first food gathered and eaten.

ksp̓umcnm   Morph: k+s+p̓úmcn+m. the first eating of roots; the first food gathered and eaten. Cm kɬp̓um̓cnm to pray over first foods of the season.

p̓m2   brown; smoke.

p̓um   Morph: p̓um. smoke; buckskin color; tan.

sp̓úmc̓aʔ   Morph: s+p̓umc̓aʔ. a brown blanket.

kp̓úmc̓aʔ   Morph: k+p̓úmc̓aʔ. a brown blanket.

kɬp̓umlxʷ   Morph: kɬ+p̓umlxʷ. buckskin horse.

snp̓úmɬc̓aʔtn   Morph: s+n+p̓úmɬc̓aʔ+tn. smoking shed. Sp √p̓um tan (color); Cm p̓aʔ‑p̓um‑aʔ buckskin horse; Cr p̓em mouse-colored; Sh √p̓um̓, p̓um to smoke, smoke-color; Th √p̓úm smudge; Li p̓úm-xal to smoke skins, fish.

p̓n1   lay across.

p̓an   Morph: p̓ann. to pile or rest long objects.

p̓nɬt   Morph: p̓n+ɬt. to lay s.t. long across; to pile wood.


p̓np̓an   Morph: p̓n•p̓an. logs lie; log dead fall.

kp̓nt   Morph: kp̓+nt. to put s.t. on s.t.


kp̓nnt   Morph: k+p̓n+nt. to put s.t. on s.t.


kp̓nɬt   Morph: k+p̓n+ɬt. put s.t. on.


sp̓nam   Morph: s+p̓na+m. piling wood.


kp̓nunt   Morph: k+p̓nu+nt. to lay s.t. across the fire.


kp̓nínaʔnt   Morph: k+p̓nínaʔ+nt. to put s.t. on s.t.


kp̓nus   Morph: k+p̓nus. to put long objects across the fire.

kp̓niw̓snt   Morph: k+p̓niw̓s+nt. to lay s.t. across.


kp̓nxniw̓s   Morph: k+p̓nxniw̓s. a scaffold.

kp̓nxniw̓sm   Morph: k+p̓nxniw̓s+m. to have one's feet on s.t.

k̓ɬp̓nnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+p̓n+nt. to put s.t. under.


np̓n   Morph: n+p̓n. to put one's foot down.

np̓nus   Morph: n+p̓nus. fireplace.

np̓p̓nílaʔk̓   Morph: n+p̓•p̓nílaʔk̓. wood sticks. Sp √p̓in long, cylindrical object lying on the ground; č-p̓nús-m he put wood on the fire; Cm p̓n‑nt‑xʷ you lay s.t. down [long objects]; Cr p̓en lie (long objects).

p̓n2   squeeze.

p̓nip   Morph: p̓nip. cylindrical trap used at Kettle Falls.

p̓nmncut   Morph: p̓n+mncut. to squeeze one's cheeks (as when trying not break wind).

np̓np̓nɬn̓iw̓t   Morph: n+p̓n•p̓nɬn̓iw̓t. buggy. Lit: sit side by side

p̓núlaʔxʷ   Morph: p̓núlaʔxʷ. p̓núlaʔxʷ: place name. Lit: pinched land See: p̓nmncut; p̓nip; p̓núlaʔxʷ. Sp √p̓iʔ(í) pinch; Th √p̓ən grasp press bend;

p̓n3   ringing sound.

p̓in   Morph: p̓in. a high-pitched ringing sound.

p̓nʔ   basket.

p̓ínaʔ   Morph: p̓ínaʔ. birch bark basket; paper birch and western birch.

k̓ʷl̕ɬp̓ínaʔm   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+p̓ínaʔ+m. to make a birch bark basket. Th s/p̓én̓eq berry basket.

p̓n̓   p̓an̓ústn (plant name).

p̓an̓ústn   Morph: p̓an̓ús+tn. unidentified plant.

p̓q   weasel.

p̓ip̓q̓s   Morph: p̓i•p̓q̓s. weasel; marten.

spápqɬc̓aʔ   Morph: s+pá•pqɬc̓aʔ. weasel (in winter).

sp̓áp̓qɬc̓aʔ   Morph: s+p̓á•p̓qɬc̓aʔ. weasel in wintertime, white weasel. See Sh spépqllc̓e weasel; see Th /pi[ˑp]q- weasel (in winter phase).

p̓qɬ   flap.

p̓qp̓qaɬx̌nm   Morph: p̓q•p̓qaɬx̌n+m. to flap one's wings.

p̓qʷs   puffball.

p̓aqʷstn   Morph: p̓aqʷs+tn. puffball; Indian paint fungus.

tmtmniʔ ɬaʔ ksp̓aqʷstn   Morph: tm•tmniʔ ɬaʔ k+s+p̓aqʷs+tn. puffball.

x̌áʕx̌aʕ ɬaʔ ksp̓aqʷstn   Morph: x̌áʕ•x̌aʕ ɬaʔ k+s+p̓aqʷs+tn. puffball.

p̓qʷʔ   silverberry.

p̓úqʷaʔ   Morph: p̓úqʷaʔ. silverberry berries.

p̓úqʷiʔ   Morph: p̓úqʷiʔ. silverberry berries.

p̓qʷaʔíɬp   Morph: p̓qʷaʔíɬp. silverberry.

p̓qʷiʔíɬp   Morph: p̓qʷiʔíɬp. silverberry.

p̓q̓y̓   rosy pussytoes.

sp̓q̓p̓q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+p̓q̓•p̓q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ. rosy pussytoes (dryland form).

p̓q̓ʷ1   spill powdery substance.

p̓q̓ʷmi   Morph: p̓q̓ʷ+mi. to spill a powdery substance.

snp̓q̓ʷitkʷ   Morph: s+np̓q̓ʷitkʷ. a mushy substance (e.g. porridge, oatmeal, mush, gravy). Sp p̓oq̓ʷ powdered, powdery; s-n-p̓q̓ʷétkʷ gravy, pudding, sauce; Cm √pq̓ʷ napúq̓ʷm to fill with powder or granular substance; Cr p̓aq̓ʷ powder; s+n+p̓uq̓ʷítkʷeʔ cornmeal ... (lit. any coarsely ground edible grain that is put into water); Sh √puq̓ʷ to load (a gun); Th √p̓əq̓ʷ pulverize; Li √p̓əq̓ʷmin black powde (maybe "gundpowder"). See: pq̓ʷ1.

p̓q̓ʷ2   itch.

p̓aq̓ʷt   Morph: p̓aq̓ʷ+t. to itch.

sp̓aq̓ʷt   Morph: s+p̓aq̓ʷ+t. itching, impetigo. Cr s+p̓aq̓ʷ+t leprosy; s+p̓+p̓áq̓ʷ+t leprosy, small pox.

p̓q̓ʷ3   chewing tobacco.

skp̓q̓ʷcinm   Morph: s+k+p̓q̓ʷcin+m. chewing tobacco.

p̓r1   overflown.

p̓irt   Morph: p̓ir+t. s.t. overflown (from a bucket, a creek ...) Sp hec-p̓ér̓ it's flooded; p̓ér̓-t it's completely covered with water; Cm p̓ir̓‑t high water; Cr √p̓r, p̓er excess, flood, overflow; Sh p̓el-t overflowing; Th √p̓əl water spring up.

p̓r2   limber.

p̓ip̓ír̓   Morph: p̓i•p̓ír̓. to be limber or springy.

p̓p̓ir̓p̓r̓t   Morph: p̓•p̓ir̓•p̓r̓t. to be limber.

p̓rp̓   crooked.

p̓irp̓w̓sqn   Morph: p̓irp̓w̓sqn ? to have a crooked mouth.

p̓rq̓   inside-out.

p̓rq̓us   Morph: p̓rq̓us. to be turned inside-out.

kp̓rq̓us   Morph: k+p̓rq̓us. s.t. is inside out.

kp̓rp̓rq̓uɬtm   Morph: k+p̓r•p̓rq̓u+ɬt+m. to turn s.t. inside out.


ɬkp̓rp̓rq̓us   Morph: ɬ+k+p̓r•p̓rq̓us. to turn s.t. wrong side out again.

kp̓rq̓usmst   Morph: k+p̓rq̓us+m+st. to turn s.t. inside out.


kp̓rq̓q̓usmst   Morph: k+p̓rq̓•q̓us+m+st. to get s.t. turned inside-out.

Tstem. Sp n-p̓rq̓-s-m-álqs-m she put he dress on inside out; √p̓raq̓ (p̓raq̓ʷ) pushed back, turned back, bent back; č-s-p̓rq̓ʷús it's inside out; Cm k-p̓rq̓-nt-xʷ you turn s.t. inside out; Cr hn+p̓ar+arq̓–ús+m inside out (to turn...(lit. It e.g. the jacket was turned inside out); Sh √pleq̓ to return stg.; c-x-pleq̓ inside out; Th √p̓éyəq̓ turn opposite.

p̓s1   fast, starve.

p̓sink   Morph: p̓sink. to fast.

p̓sinkm   Morph: p̓sink+m. to fast; to starve oneself.

ʔawsp̓sínkm   Morph: ʔaw+s+p̓sínk+m. to go on a fast.

p̓s2   rye grass.

p̓ustn   Morph: p̓us+tn. rye grass (?); unidentified grass. Sp p̓ús-tn an unidentified bush.

p̓up̓stn   Morph: p̓u•p̓•s+tn. p̓up̓stn: place name. Lit: small p̓ustn [an unidentified grass possibly related to rye grass

kɬp̓sp̓ustn   Morph: kɬ+p̓s•p̓us+tn. kɬp̓sp̓ustn: place name. Lit: p̓ustn [an unidentified grass possibly related to rye grass]

kɬp̓stn̓íwaʔs   Morph: kɬ+p̓s+tn̓íwaʔs. kɬp̓stn̓íwaʔs: place name. Lit: p̓ustn [an unidentified grass possiblv related to rye grass]

p̓s3   nose.

sp̓saqs   Morph: s+p̓saqs. nose.

sp̓sp̓saqs   Morph: s+p̓s•p̓saqs. noses.

p̓sp̓saqstn   Morph: p̓s•p̓saqs+tn. nostrils. Sp s-n-p̓sáqs-tn nostril; Sh x-p̓s-eqs-tn nostril.

snp̓saqstn   Morph: s+n+p̓saqs+tn. Gram: form prevalent in spáx̌mən. nose. Sp s-p̓s-áqs nose; Sh s-p̓s-eqs nose; Th s-p̓sáqs nose; Li s.p̓.ə̣ṣ-qs nose.

p̓s4   Coyote's call.

p̓s k̓ʷƛ̓up   Morph: p̓s k̓ʷƛ̓up. Coyote's call for his four powers. Sp √p̓is struggle, the guiding spirit of spílyeʔ. p̓iseʔ p̓íseʔ k̓ʷeƛ̓ép what Coyote said as each son fell out and was born.

p̓s5   fish heart.

p̓úp̓saʔ   Morph: p̓ú•p̓saʔ. fish heart.

p̓up̓smn̓   Morph: p̓u•p̓•s+mn̓. salmon heart. Sh p̓us-mn heart.

p̓sƛ̓ʔ   large (pl).

p̓ísƛ̓aʔ   Morph: p̓ísƛ̓aʔ. large or big things. Sp √p̓ísƛ̓eʔ big (pl).

p̓ísƛ̓aʔt   Morph: p̓ísƛ̓aʔ+t. large (of plural objects). Sp p̓ísƛ̓eʔ-t they're big; Cm p̓isƛ̓aʔ‑t be big (pl); Cr s+pist̓ey̓t (of things).

sp̓isƛ̓aʔt   Morph: s+p̓isƛ̓aʔ+t. size.

p̓íp̓sƛ̓aʔt   Morph: p̓í•p̓sƛ̓aʔ+t. things a little larger.

p̓sƛ̓aʔíkst   Morph: p̓sƛ̓aʔíkst. large hands.

p̓sƛ̓ʔípaʔst   Morph: p̓sƛ̓ʔípaʔst. big balls; p̓sƛ̓ʔípaʔst (man's name).

p̓sƛ̓aʔísxn   Morph: p̓sƛ̓aʔísxn. large spherical objects.

p̓ísƛ̓aʔxn   Morph: p̓ísƛ̓aʔxn. large feet, big feet. Sp p̓ísƛ̓eʔšn his feet are big; Cm p̓isƛ̓aʔ‑xn big feet.

p̓sƛ̓aʔsímxʷ   Morph: p̓sƛ̓aʔsímxʷ. to have big breasts. Sp p̓sƛ̓sémxʷ [she has] big breasts.

kp̓sƛ̓ʔus   Morph: k+p̓sƛ̓ʔus. large or big round things; large or big eyes. Sp č-p̓sƛ̓ʔús his eyes are big; big, round objects of any kind.

p̓t̓   hat.

p̓t̓qin   Morph: p̓t̓qin. a cornhusk hat (not to be worn after dark).

p̓t̓k̓   burst.

p̓t̓ak̓   Morph: p̓t̓ak̓. a burst boil.

p̓it̓kt   Morph: p̓it̓k+t ? open sore.

np̓t̓kínaʔ   Morph: n+p̓t̓kínaʔ. ear that is discharging matter; runny ear.

np̓t̓p̓t̓kínaʔ   Morph: n+p̓t•p̓t̓kínaʔ. ears that are discharging matter; runny ears. Sp p̓p̓t̓íč̕ little spring of water, festering sore, abscess, or boil which comes to a head and breaks; Cm p̓aat̓‑t̓ be gooey, mushy; Cr t+p̓at̓+t̓+t̓ a sticky substance clinging to something. Sp p̓t̓íč̕ water bubbling at the ground in a spring or artesian well; Cm p̓itk̓‑lqs to hatch. See: p̓t̓k; p̓ʕt̓.

p̓w1   echo.

p̓wap   Morph: p̓wa+p. to echo.

sp̓iwcn   Morph: s+p̓íwcn. echo. Sp p̓w-úp it echoed; Cm s-pʔiw-cn echo; Cr p̓ugʷ–ílmxʷ echo; Sh p̓ewt echo; Th qtL√p̓éw echo; Li √p̓aw to echo.

p̓w2   beetle, bug.

xʷaʔɬnp̓wp̓awíkn   Morph: xʷaʔ+n+p̓u•p̓awíkn. many black beetle(s); many black bug(s).

p̓w̓   fart.

p̓w̓am   Morph: p̓w̓a+m. to fart.


sp̓aw   Morph: s+p̓aw. a fart.

p̓w̓ncut   Morph: p̓w̓+ncut. to fart.

p̓w̓p̓w̓ncut   Morph: p̓w̓•p̓w̓+ncut. to fart repeatedly.

p̓w̓p̓w̓múɬ   Morph: p̓w̓•p̓w̓+m+uɬ. one who farts often.

kp̓w̓qint   Morph: k+p̓w̓qi+nt. to shit or fart on s.t. or s.o.


np̓aʔwíkn   Morph: n+p̓aʔwíkn. unidentified black bugs.

np̓ap̓aw̓íkn   Morph: n+p̓a•p̓aw̓íkn. black stink bugs.

np̓wp̓awíkn   Morph: n+p̓u•p̓awíkn. unidentified black beetle(s); black bug(s).

p̓wp̓awíkn   Morph: p̓u•p̓awíkn. unidentified black insects; stink bug(s). See Sp p̓uʔp̓uʔ-múɬ ... stink bug.

np̓wp̓aʔwíkn   Morph: n+p̓w•p̓aʔwíkn. stink bugs.

snp̓uwtn   Morph: s+n+p̓uw+tn. anus.

snp̓w̓nɬpatkʷ   Morph: s+n+p̓w̓+nɬpátkʷ ? snp̓w̓nɬpatkʷ: place name. Lit: fart water

k̓ɬp̓w̓p̓w̓ncut   Morph: k̓ɬ+p̓w̓•p̓w̓+ncut. to fart repeatedly. Sp p̓ʔ-úm he farted; p̓uʔp̓uʔ-múɬ he likes to fart, he farts a lot, stink bug; Cm p̓uw̓‑m to fart; Sh s-p̓uʔ to fart; Th p̓úʔ flatulate, break wind, fart; Li ka.p̓úʔ‿a to fart audibly.

p̓x   tules.

p̓axɬp   Morph: p̓axɬp. tules, cattails. Sp p̓íšɬp cattail leaves, tule.

p̓xʷ1   bright.

p̓ixʷ   Morph: p̓ixʷ.

p̓p̓ixʷ   Morph: p̓•p̓ixʷ. bright; sorrel horse. Sp hi p̓éxʷ it's bright, it's a sorrel horse; p̓p̓éxʷ it's a light colored animal.

p̓ʔaxʷ   Morph: p̓[ʔ]axʷ. to shine.

sp̓ʔaxʷ   Morph: s+p̓[ʔ]axʷ. (a) shining.

p̓ixʷm   Morph: p̓ixʷ+m. to shine, illuminate.


p̓xʷxʷixʷ   Morph: p̓xʷ•xʷ•ixʷ. a light shines; a light is on.

p̓p̓ap̓ʔáxʷ   Morph: p̓•p̓a•p̓[ʔ]áxʷ. several small lights.

p̓p̓aʔp̓ʔáxʷ   Morph: p̓•p̓aʔ•p̓[ʔ]áxʷ. many scattered small bright or shiny spots (as fires).

sp̓ixʷp̓xʷt   Morph: s+p̓ixʷ•p̓xʷ+t. shining, splendor.

p̓ip̓xʷmn   Morph: p̓i•p̓xʷ+mn. a beam of light; flashlight.

p̓ap̓íxʷmn   Morph: p̓a•p̓ixʷ+mn. beams of light.

kp̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: k+p̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ. a shiny surface.

skp̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ   Morph: s+k+p̓aʔxʷíc̓aʔ. the shining of a body.

kɬp̓ixʷlxʷ   Morph: kɬ+p̓ixʷlxʷ. sorrel horse; horse of a bright color.

np̓ʔaxʷ   Morph: n+p̓[ʔ]axʷ. a place is lit up.

np̓aʔp̓aʔxʷús   Morph: n+p̓aʔ•p̓aʔxʷús. s.t. is bright; s.t. shines in one's eyes.

sp̓aʔxʷáw̓l   Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷáw̓l. the northern lights.

sp̓aʔxʷáwlm   Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷáwl+m. the northern lights. Sp . s-č-p̓aʔxʷásq̓t dawn's early light, the northern lights; Cm s‑p̓aʔxʷ‑aw(t)‑l̕əxʷ northern lights; Cr s+t+p̓aʔxʷásq̓it aurora borealis (lit. light in the sky (on high).

sp̓aʔxʷnkilt   Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷ+nkilt. sun child.

sp̓aʔxʷának   Morph: s+p̓aʔxʷának. sp̓aʔxʷának: goatsbeard. Sp √p̓exʷ bright, shining, sorrel horse; p̓ʔexʷ it got light, light is spreading; čn n-p̓eʔp̓eʔxʷus the bright light blinded me, I am sunblind; Cm p̓aʔxʷnt‑xʷ you light s.t.; p̓aʔxʷ be bright, shiny, k‑p̓aʔxʷ–anaʔ be covered in light, shined on; Cr p̓ixʷ agleam, flashed, glow, glowed (it...), radiate; s+p̓íʔxʷ brilliance, light; hn+p̓íʔ+p̓eʔxʷus ... lit. light got in his eyes.

p̓xʷ2   explosion.

p̓axʷʷ   Morph: p̓axʷ. gun report; the sound of a gun going off.

p̓x̌   brand; sear.

p̓ix̌nt   Morph: p̓ix̌+nt. to brand (livestock); to scorch s.t.; to burn s.t. (as with a hot iron).


p̓ix̌m   Morph: p̓ix̌+m. to burn s.t.


p̓ix̌x̌   Morph: p̓ix̌•x̌. to get burned (as by a hot iron). Sp p̓íx̌x̌ he accidentally got a burn.

p̓ʔax̌   Morph: p̓[ʔ]ax̌. to heal (a wound or scar). Sp √p̓ax̌ healed, well; p̓ʔáx̌ he got well; Cr √p̓x̌, p̓aʔx̌ to heal, become well; Sh p̓ex̌-t healed over.

p̓p̓ʔax̌   Morph: p̓•p̓[ʔ]ax̌. wounds or scars heal.

p̓ix̌mn   Morph: p̓ix̌+mn. branding iron.

sxʷp̓ix̌m   Morph: sxʷp̓ix̌+m. one who brands (for s.o.) Sp √p̓ix̌ to sting, to sear; Cm p̓ix̌ stinging, burning sensation; be hot; Sh p̓ix̌-m to fry; to brand (cattle); Th √p̓íx̌ sear; Li p̓íx̌-xal to brand an animal.

p̓x̌ʷ   old man.

np̓x̌ʷp̓x̌ʷu   Morph: n+p̓x̌ʷ•p̓x̌ʷu. very old man. Sp p̓x̌ʷp̓x̌ʷút he is old, aged parent, ancestor, grandparent.

p̓y   wrinkled.

p̓uy   Morph: p̓uy. wrinkle, frown.

p̓ap̓ayút   Morph: p̓a•p̓ayút. wrinkled up.

p̓ap̓aʔyús   Morph: p̓a•p̓aʔyús. crow's feet.

p̓yp̓ayúsm   Morph: p̓y•p̓ayús+m. to frown a lot.

p̓yus   Morph: p̓yus. wrinkled face.

p̓ayúsm   Morph: p̓ayús+m. to frown a lot. Sp hi p̓úys he has a wrinkled face; Cm p̓uy be soft, flaccid, wrinkled, √p̓y; Cr uˑ p̓úyus he has a wrinkled face; Sh p̓y-us-m to frown, make a face.

p̓uyxn   Morph: p̓uyxn. car; automobile.

p̓yp̓uyxn   Morph: p̓y•p̓uyxn. cars; automobiles. Lit: wrinkled feet Sp p̓ip̓úyšn car, automobile; Cm p̓uy be soft, flaccid, wrinkled, √p̓y; k‑p̓i‑p̓uy‑xn automobile; Cr p̓uy crinkled, wrinkled; p̓uy+p̓uyšn automobile, car; Sh p̓y-us-m to frown, make a face; to become overcast; Th /p̓iʔ - √p̓əy̓ wring; n-p̓iʔˑ/p̓i[ʔ]sén̓i have wrinkled ears; Li p̓iʔ-xál to squeeze juice out of a piece of fruit, to squeeze s.t. out of a tube.

p̓yqlw   sp̓yqaɬwlx (mythical bird).

sp̓yqaɬwlx   Morph: p̓yqaɬw+lx. sp̓əyqáɬwəlx: a mythical bird. See: p̓yqɬw.

p̓yqɬw   p̓yqɬw (mythical bird).

ɬɬsp̓yqaɬwlx   Morph: ɬɬ+p̓yqaɬw+lx ? a mythical bird. See: p̓yqlw.

p̓y̓   soft.

p̓ʔuy̓   Morph: p̓[ʔ]uy̓. to get soft; to go flat.

p̓p̓uy̓   Morph: p̓•p̓uy̓. a little soft.

p̓p̓y̓p̓uy̓   Morph: p̓•p̓y̓•p̓uy̓. to be soft.

p̓p̓ʔuy̓   Morph: p̓•p̓[ʔ]uy̓. to get a little soft; to soften a little.

p̓y̓q   ripe.

p̓y̓q   Morph: p̓y̓q. to ripen s.t.

p̓y̓aq   Morph: p̓y̓aq. to be ready to eat, cooked, ripe.

p̓ay̓q   Morph: p̓ay̓q. to be ready to eat, cooked, ripe.

scp̓ayq   Morph: sc+p̓ayq. cooked food.

p̓y̓p̓y̓aq   Morph: p̓y̓•p̓y̓aq. to be cooked.

p̓y̓p̓ay̓áqaʔ   Morph: p̓y̓•p̓ay̓áqaʔ. to be ripe.

p̓y̓qiltn   Morph: p̓y̓qiltn. to have s.t. cooked, ready to eat.

kp̓y̓qus   Morph: k+p̓y̓qus. berries ripen; berries are ripe.

np̓y̓qip   Morph: n+p̓y̓qip. a cooked egg.

snp̓y̓qcncutn   Morph: s+n+p̓y̓qcn+cut+n. cooking pot; pot for cooking.

sp̓y̓qaɬq   Morph: s+p̓y̓qaɬq. ripe fruit; any berry. Sp s-p̓iʔqáɬq fruit, berry; Cm s‑p̓y̓q‑aɬqʷ fruit. Sp hec-p̓ay̓q it's ripe, it's baked; Cm p̓iʔq be cooked, ripe.

p̓ʕ   tired; bored.

p̓aʕnt   Morph: p̓aʕ+nt. to get tired of s.o. or s.t.; to be bored with s.o. or s.t.


p̓ʔaʕ   Morph: p̓[ʔ]aʕ. to get tired or bored.

p̓aʕp   Morph: p̓aʕ+p. to be hurt (as when one of your relatives has died and you can’t do many things for one year).

p̓aʕp̓áʕs   Morph: p̓aʕ•p̓áʕs. to be tired of looking at s.t.

p̓aʕmínt   Morph: p̓aʕ+mí+nt. to get tired of s.o. or s.t.; be bored with s.o. or s.t.


wy̓sp̓aʕmínt   Morph: wy̓+s+p̓aʕ+mí+nt. to get tired of.

Tstem. See: p̓ʕʷ.

p̓ʕc̓   squirt.

p̓c̓nt   Morph: p̓c̓+nt. spray s.t.


p̓c̓aʕm   Morph: p̓c̓aʕ+m. to poop.


p̓c̓maʕnt   Morph: p̓c̓+maʕ+nt. to squirt s.t. out.


p̓aʕc̓   Morph: p̓aʕc̓. to squirt; to squish.

sp̓aʕc̓   Morph: s+p̓aʕc̓. one's excreted loose feces; soft excrement; squirted (excrement); diarrhea.

p̓aʕc̓t   Morph: p̓aʕc̓+t. to be squirted or smeared.

p̓c̓p̓c̓aʕlx   Morph: p̓c̓•p̓c̓aʕ+lx. the butt snort of a horse.

p̓c̓qaʕn   Morph: p̓c̓qaʕn. to be a greasy head.

p̓p̓aʕc̓álqʷm   Morph: p̓•p̓aʕc̓álqʷ+m. plant shoots.

sp̓p̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ   Morph: s+p̓•p̓aʕc̓álaʔqʷ. a new shoot; a long, slender shoot; saskatoon or serviceberry.

sp̓ac̓lqʷaʕʷstxn   Morph: s+p̓ac̓lqʷaʕʷstxn. sp̓ac̓lqʷaʕʷstxn: one of the names of Coyote's oldest son.

p̓aʕc̓lqʷáw̓stxn   Variant: p̓aʕc̓lqʷáʕw̓stxn. p̓aʕc̓lqʷáw̓stxn: the name of one of Coyote's sons. Lit: squirted leg

p̓aʕc̓lqʷáʕw̓stxn   Morph: p̓aʕc̓lqʷaʕw̓s+txn. p̓aʕc̓lqʷáʕw̓stxn: the name of one of Coyoteʼs sons. Lit: squirted legs


kp̓c̓p̓c̓aʕsnt   Morph: k+p̓c̓•p̓c̓aʕs+nt. to give s.o. pussy eyes.


kp̓ac̓lqʷáʕw̓stxn   Morph: k+p̓ac̓lqʷʕáw̓stxn. kp̓ac̓lqʷáʕw̓stxn: the name of Coyoteʼs oldest son.

np̓c̓nt   Morph: n+p̓c̓+nt. to squirt or defecate in s.t.


np̓c̓aʕtkʷnt   Morph: n+p̓c̓aʕtkʷ+nt. to squirt in the water; to defecate in the water.


np̓c̓aʕw̓snt   Morph: n+p̓c̓aʕw̓s+nt. to squirt (excrement) on s.t.

Tstem. Sp s-p̓ʕac̓ diarrhea, excrement, feces; p̓ac̓(á) loose bowels; Cm s‑p̓əəc̓ soft excrement; Cr p̓ac̓ defecate, squirt; Sh pic̓-n-s to squeeze, press down; Th /p̓ic̓- press, push; Li p̓íc̓-xal to press s,t, down. See: p̓c̓1.

p̓ʕs1   nighthawk.

p̓aʕs   Morph: p̓aʕs. nighthawk. Sp s-p̓ʕás nighthawk; Cm p̓iiṣ nighthawk; Cr p̓ésta magpie, nighthawk.

p̓ʕs2   depression.

p̓p̓sáʕwaʔs   Morph: p̓•p̓sáʕwaʔs. a low place, a depression. Sp p̓s crushed, dented, bent; hec-p̓s-ám it's crushed, it's dented.

p̓ʕt   bruised.

p̓aʕt   Morph: p̓aʕ+t. to be bruised. See: p̓aʕp.

p̓ʕt̓1   splatter.

p̓t̓nt   Morph: p̓t̓+nt. to make s.t. into dough.


sp̓t̓aʕm   Morph: s+p̓t̓aʕ+m. pouring s.t. in.


p̓aʕt̓   Morph: p̓aʕt̓. to be listless, lethargic. Sp y̓e pn̓ kʷ p̓at̓qán̓ you're a dummy, your head is like squishy tree moss gravy, you're a "puddin-head"; Cm p̓aat̓t̓ p̓aat̓‑t̓ be gooey, mushy; Cr p̓át̓+t̓ debilitate, weaken; Sh √pat̓ overflow, boil over, hang down around edges; Li p̓ə̣́ƛ̓-ən to flop down (esp. s.t. soft, like a child losing its diaper, or a glob of mud plopping down).

p̓t̓aʕ   Morph: p̓t̓aʕ. to pour or dump a slushy substance.

p̓t̓aʕt̓   Morph: p̓t̓aʕ•t̓. a mush- or mud-like substance spills on a lower surface.

p̓tp̓t̓aʕt̓   Morph: p̓t̓•p̓t̓aʕ•t̓ ? spilled fluid.

p̓t̓maʕnt   Morph: p̓t̓+maʕ+nt. to throw down a mush-like substance (mud, dough...); to pour or dump a mushy substance.


p̓t̓aʕm   Morph: p̓t̓aʕ+m. to pour or dump a slushy substance.


p̓t̓p̓t̓aʕt̓   Morph: p̓t̓•p̓t̓aʕ•t̓. blobs of spilled fluid.

kp̓t̓áʕnaʔ   Morph: k+p̓t̓áʕnaʔ. to cover s.t. with mud.

np̓t̓nt   Morph: n+p̓t̓+nt. to pour s.t. in.


np̓t̓(a)   Morph: n+p̓t̓. to pour a fluid; to pour a slushy substance into s.t.

np̓t̓caʕnmnt   Morph: n+p̓t̓caʕn+m+nt. to put s.t. mushy in the mouth.


np̓t̓áʕlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+p̓t̓áʕlaʔxʷ. throw s.t. slushy on the ground.

np̓t̓aʕsxn   Morph: n+p̓t̓aʕsxn. s.t. splatters on a rock.

np̓t̓t̓sq̓maʕltn   Morph: n+p̓t̓•t̓+s+q̓maʕltn ? phlegm. Sp √p̓at(á) substance in gravy-like form. shapeless mass, worthless clump; p̓t̓-m-cot she became limp; n-p̓t̓-n-t-ás he poured a gravy-like substance into that container; p̓p̓tóseʔ large, slushy drops of a rain and snow mixture; Cm p̓aat̓t̓ be gooey, mushy; p̓ét̓ət̓ be overflowing; p̓t̓‑(nt)‑s he dumped s.t.; Cr √p̓t̓ [also recorded as √p̓t and √ptp̓uʔt greasy (It got...); poʔt̓ápaw̓asqn greasy (h/h chin got...) confirms the pharyngeal; t+p̓at̓+t̓ a sticky substance clinging to something; p̓át̓-nt-s he put down soft yielding stuff, like mush; Sh √pat̓ overflow, boil over, hang down around edges; Li ka.p̓ə̣́ƛ̓‿a to flop down ... a glob of mud plopping down.

p̓ʕt̓2   fall.

ɬp̓t̓aʕt̓   Morph: ɬ+p̓t̓•aʕt̓. to fall flat again.

p̓ʕʷ   tire.

p̓aʕʷnt   Morph: p̓aʕʷ+nt. to tire of.


sp̓áʕʷm   Morph: s+p̓áʕʷ+m. having tired of.


p̓aʕʷmínt   Morph: p̓aʕʷ+mí+nt. to tire of s.o. or s.t.


p̓aʕʷmnwíxʷ   Morph: p̓aʕʷ+m+nwíxʷ. to tire of one another; to be bored with one another.

p̓ap̓aʕʷmnwíxʷ   Morph: p̓a•p̓aʕʷ+mn+wíxʷ. to tire of one another. Sp p̓aw bored, unconcerned, uncaring; Cr s+p̓aʕʷ apathy. See: p̓ʕ.

p̓ʔ   squeeze.

kp̓aʔp̓ʔáqstxn   Morph: k+p̓aʔ•p̓ʔáqstxn. Englishman; English knickers; leather leggings.

k̓ɬp̓aʔp̓ʔánt   Morph: k̓ɬ+p̓aʔ•p̓ʔá+nt. to milk a cow.


sk̓ɬp̓aʔp̓áʔ   Morph: s+k̓ɬ+p̓aʔ•p̓áʔ. a milking cow.

sck̓ɬp̓ap̓áʕʔ   Morph: sc+k̓ɬ+p̓a•p̓áʕʔ. milking a cow.

k̓ɬp̓aʔp̓ʔʕám   Morph: k̓ɬ+p̓aʔ•p̓ʔʕá+m. to milk a cow.

Mstem. Sp √p̓eʔ(é) squeeze; n-p̓iʔqsčš-n-cút he pinched himself on the leg; č̕ɬ-p̓eʔp̓-ém he milked the cow; Cm p̓iy̓‑nt‑xʷ you squeeze s.t.; see Cr p̓eʔ to squeeze in orgasm; Sh x-p̓ʔem̓xʷ-m to milk; Th /p̓y̓émxʷ-m to milk a cow; Li p̓ʔ-álmixʷ to milk (a cow, etc.); p̓iʔ-iʔ-áɬməx to have one's guts squeezed (by tight pants or a tight belt).