
lc̓   Wood Lake.

cluc̓w̓s   Morph: c+luc̓w̓s. Wood Lake.

1   sting; prick.

lɣnt   Morph: lɣ+nt. to sting, prick, poke s.o. or s.t.; to shoot s.t.


lɣaɣ   Morph: lɣ•aɣ. to be shot with a bullet, an arrow.

lɣpnt   Morph: lɣ+p+nt. to shoot with an arrow or spear.


lɣap   Morph: lɣa+p. to be hit, wounded.

lɣpnunt   Morph: lɣ+p+nu+nt. to manage to shoot with an arrow or spear.


lɣɣpnuɬt   Morph: lɣ•ɣ+p+nu+ɬt. get s.t. hit.


lɣɣpnunt   Morph: lɣ•ɣ+p+nu+nt. to manage to get s.t. or s.o. hit with a shot.


lɣmin   Morph: lɣ+min. a spear.

laɣmín   Morph: laɣ+mín. button.

lɣaqsnt   Morph: lɣaqs+nt. to sting, poke s.o. on the nose.


lɣsqilxʷ   Morph: lɣ+s+qilxʷ. to poke s.t. or s.o.

nlɣiw̓snt   Morph: n+lɣiw̓s+nt. to poke s.t., to hit s.t.

Tstem. Cr leǰ stab, sting; Sh lɣ-em to put, stick into; Th √yəɣ insert-tight; Li ? √ləɣ to stopper ... to cork s.t. (a bottle).

2   confluence.

klɣap   Morph: k+lɣa+p. to run into (of a river); a confluence. See: .

lk1   thin.

l̕ik   Morph: l̕ik. thin.

l̕l'ik   Morph: l̕•l'ik. to be thin, threadbare. Sp √leč (laq) thin l̕l̕éč (l̕l̕áq) it's thin and gauze-like, it's threadbare; Cm l̕‑l̕ak be thin (fabric); Cr l̕+l̕ič thin (like cloth).

lk2   lily.

laklk   Morph: lak•lk. yellow pond lily; 2.

lkk   rooster.

likók   Morph: likók. From: French le coq. rooster. Sp √likók rooster; Sh lqʷuqʷ chicken.

lkl   key.

laklí   Morph: laklí. From: French la clé. lock; key; to lock.

laklínt   Morph: laklí+nt. to lock.


lklaklínt   Morph: lk•laklí+nt. to lock.


ɬlaklínt   Morph: ɬ+laklí+nt. to lock s.t. again.


ɬclaklí   Morph: ɬ+c+laklí. to have s.t. locked again.

claklíst   Morph: c+laklí+st. to lock.


clklaklíst   Morph: c+lk•laklí+st. to lock.


lklaklí   Morph: lk•laklí. things are locked; to lock several things.

laklíʔst   Morph: laklíʔst. to be locked in. Ka lékeli; Cm laklíy key; Th n/klí key; Li ləklí key.

lklt   bread; biscuit.

lkalát   Morph: lkalát. From: French la galette.

lkalátm   Morph: lkalát+m. From: French la galette. to make bread.

k̓ʷl̕ɬlkalátm   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+lkalát+m. to make bread or bisquits. Sp lqelét. Form borrowed after the *k > č phonetic change had taken place in Spokane; Sh lkəlet bread; lkəlet-m to bake bread. See: lqlt.

lknt   candy.

likantí   Morph: li+kantí. candy. From: English candy (the li- patterns with French borrowings).

lkp1   pit cooking.

lkip   Morph: lkip. to pit cook (moss); to barbeque; to bake underground.


lkipm   Morph: lkip+m. to pit cook.


slkipm   Morph: s+lkip+m. pit cooking.


lkipmn   Morph: lkip+mn. container used to cook in the ground.

snlkiptn   Morph: s+n+lkip+tn. snlkiptn: place name. Lit: pit-cooking place

snlklkiptn   Morph: sn+lk•lkip+tn. snlklkiptn: place near Inchelium. Lit: place where to cook camas, barbeque See: tkp.

lkp2   coffee.

lkapí   Morph: lkapí. From: French le café. coffee.

snlkapítn   Morph: s+n+lkapí+tn. coffee pot.

k̓ʷl̕ɬlkapím   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+lkapí+m. to make coffee. Cr lkaˑpí coffee.

lkp3   coat.

lkapú   Morph: lkapú. From: French le capot. overcoat; coat.

lkapúm   Morph: lkapú+m. to put on a coat. Sp lkepú coat; Cm lkapú coat.

lkrs   grace.

lakrás   Morph: lakrás. From: French la grâce. grace.

lks   pig.

lkosó   Morph: lkosó. From: French le cochon. pig. Sp lkʷosó pig, pork, bacon, ham, sausage; Cm ḷkʷụsụ́ pig; Cr lokʷo·só pig.

lkst   box.

lkasát   Morph: lkasát. From: French la cassette. box.

nk̓ʷlkasát   Morph: nk̓ʷ+lkasát. one trunk or box.

lk̓1   tie.

lk̓lk̓nt   Morph: lk̓•lk̓+nt. tie up.

Tstem. to tie s.t. or s.o.to prohibit; to arrest s.o.; to put s.o. in jail.

lk̓lk̓   Morph: lk̓•lk̓. to tie s.t. or s.o.

lak̓   Morph: lak̓. to be tied; to be in jail.

sclak̓   Morph: sc+lak̓. prisoner.

lk̓ak̓   Morph: lk̓•ak̓. to be jailed.

lk̓lak̓   Morph: lk̓•lak̓. to be kept in jail, to be kept prisoner.

lk̓lak̓t   Morph: lk̓•lak̓+t. to have a one-track mind.

lk̓mst   Morph: lk̓+m+st. to force s.o.


lk̓ikn   Morph: lk̓ikn. packing rope; a rope for tying a bundle or a pack; pack strap.

slk̓us   Morph: s+lk̓us. a pitch bundle; a raft.

slk̓usm   Morph: s+lk̓us+m. making a raft.

lk̓iw̓s   Morph: lk̓iw̓s. a bundle; s.t. in a bundle.

lk̓iw̓smnt   Morph: lk̓iw̓s+m+nt. to bundle s.t.; to tie s.t. in bundles.


lk̓iw̓stn   Morph: lk̓iw̓s+tn. baler.

slk̓iw̓sm   Morph: s+lk̓iw̓s+m. to tie bundles.

lk̓k̓iʔst   Morph: lk̓•k̓iʔst. to be able to catch a prisoner.

slk̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: s+lk̓íc̓aʔ. a bundle.

sxʷlk̓am   Morph: sxʷlk̓a+m. a police officer; a policeman; a sheriff.

sxʷlk̓lk̓am   Morph: sxʷlk̓•lk̓+am. sheriffs.

ɬklk̓am   Morph: ɬ+k+lk̓a+m. to take another round.

lk̓mst   Morph: lk̓+m+st. to force s.o.

lk̓mncut   Morph: lk̓+mncut. to force oneself; be forceful; to have a one-track mind.

snlk̓min   Morph: s+n+lk̓+min. jail house; jail.

snlk̓qin   Morph: s+n+lk̓qin. tied ends; ends that are tied.

snpxʷɬslk̓us   Morph: sn+pxʷ+ɬ+s+lk̓us. rubber raft.

k̓ɬlk̓ɬt   Morph: k̓ɬ+lk̓+ɬt. to tie s.t.


k̓ɬlak̓   Morph: k̓ɬ+lak̓. s.t. is tied up.

tklk̓íc̓aʔnt   Morph: t+k+lk̓íc̓aʔ+nt. to tie s.t. in bundles.

Tstem. Sp √lič̕(í) to tie; Cm lək̓k̓ get arrested; k‑lk̓–ic̓aʔ‑m to tie a bundle; Cr leč̕ tied, bound, handcuffed, jailed, manacled; Sh lk̓-em to wind (sdtring) around ...; Th √yək̓ wind around. See: slk̓.

lk̓2   tie (k + √lk̓.

klk̓lk̓   Morph: k+lk̓•lk̓. to tie s.t. or s.o. (onto s.t.)

klk̓am   Morph: k+lk̓a+m. to tie or wind around s.t.

klk̓ak̓   Morph: k+lk̓•ak̓. to be wrapped around.

klk̓lak̓   Morph: k+lk̓•lak̓. tape recorder (reel type).

klk̓lak̓ám   Morph: k+lk̓•lak̓á+m. to wind around, to wander.

klk̓min   Morph: k+lk̓+min. (fishing) reel.

klk̓alqʷ   Morph: k+lk̓alqʷ. to tie around a cylindrical object; to wrap s.t.

klk̓alqʷm   Morph: k+lk̓alqʷ+m. to tie s.t. to a log or cylindrical object.

klk̓mnalqʷ   Morph: k+lk̓+mnalqʷ. to tie s.t. to a log, tree ...

ɬklk̓mnalqʷmnt   Morph: ɬ+k+lk̓+mnalqʷ+m+nt. to tie s.t. to a tree, log...


klk̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: k+lk̓íc̓aʔ. to be wrapped; to wrap or package s.t.; to bale.

klk̓íc̓aʔnt   Morph: k+lk̓íc̓aʔ+nt. wrap s.t.


klk̓lkíc̓aʔɬt   Morph: k+lk̓•lkíc̓aʔ+ɬt. wrap s.t.Tstem.

klk̓lkíc̓aʔxt   Morph: k+lk̓•lkíc̓aʔ+xt. wrap s.t.


klk̓íc̓aʔm   Morph: k+lk̓íc̓aʔ+m. bale s.t.


kllk̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: k+l•lk̓íc̓aʔ. to be wrapped; to wrap or package s.t.; to bale.

klk̓lk̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: k+lk̓•lk̓íc̓aʔ. to bundle things.

sklk̓lk̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: s+k+lk̓•lk̓íc̓aʔ. bundles (of hay); baled hay.

sklk̓íc̓aʔm   Morph: s+k+lk̓íc̓aʔ+m. baling (hay).

klk̓íc̓aʔtn   Morph: k+lk̓íc̓aʔ+tn. a baler.

klk̓lk̓aqstxn   Morph: k+lk̓•lk̓aqstxn. rags wound around the legs, used when the snow is deep.

klk̓w̓sislp̓tn   Morph: k+lk̓w̓sislp̓+tn. a poker for wood.

kɬlk̓iknt   Morph: kɬ+lk̓ik+nt. to tie s.t. on one's back.


lk̓3   tie (n + √lk̓).

nlk̓ikn̓   Morph: n+lk̓ikn̓. a strap.

nlk̓ipnt   Morph: n+lk̓ip+nt. to tie s.t. around.


nlk̓iw̓stn   Morph: n+lk̓꞊iw̓s+tn. a cinch.

nlk̓mniksnt   Morph: n+lk̓+mniks+nt. to physically force s.o.


snlk̓mniksm   Morph: s+n+lk̓+mniks+m. forcing s.o.


nlk̓k̓mnikst   Morph: n+lk̓•k̓+mnikst. to be forced.

nlik̓k̓mníkst   Morph: n+lik̓•k̓+mníkst ? to be forced.

nlk̓salqʷm   Morph: n+lk̓+salqʷ+m. to tie a story.

nlk̓silt   Morph: n+lk̓+sil+t ? to be bandaged.

nlk̓siltn   Morph: n+lk̓+sil+tn. a bandage.

nlk̓siltnm   Morph: n+lk̓sil+tn+m. to bandage.

nlk̓w̓susnt   Morph: n+lk̓w̓sus+nt. tie in the middle.


cnlk̓w̓sust   Morph: c+n+lk̓w̓su+st. to tie s.t. in the middle.


lk̓4   lk̓ in place names.

k̓ɬlk̓mink   Morph: k̓ɬ+lk̓+mink. k̓ɬlk̓mink: Chalk Grade. Lit: steep area

kɬlk̓mus   Morph: kɬ+lk̓+mus. kɬlk̓mus: place name. Lit: B's etym: trail along the top edge place

nlk̓mink   Morph: n+lk̓+mink. nlk̓mink: Manahan Grade. Lit: trail across sidehill

lk̓5   bear grass.

slk̓íst̓yaʔ   Morph: s+lk̓íst̓yaʔ. bear grass.

slk̓íst̓iyaʔ   Morph: s+lk̓꞊íst̓yaʔ. bear grass. Lit: B’s etym: tie-up (weave) grass

lk̓p   female fish.

lk̓ip   Morph: lk̓ip. a female fish.

lkʷ   far.

lkʷakʷ   Morph: lkʷ•akʷ. to go far.

lkʷkʷ   Morph: lkʷ•kʷ. to go far away.

lkʷkʷst   Morph: lkʷ•kʷ+st. to take s.t. far away.

lkʷcin   Morph: lkʷcin. a long story; a distant sound; a far away place or shore.

lkʷkʷcin   Morph: lkʷ•kʷcin. a distant sound.

lkʷlkʷcin   Morph: lkʷ•lkʷcin. a noise is gone or distant.

lkʷilx   Morph: lkʷilx. to leave; to go away; to move away. Cm lkʷ‑il̕x to leave, go away.

slkʷilx   Morph: s+lkʷilx. a departure.

lkʷkʷilx   Morph: lkʷ•kʷ+ilx. to be kept away.

lkʷilxst   Morph: lkʷilx+st. to take s.t. or s.o. away; to remove s.t. or s.o.

lkʷut   Morph: lkʷut. to be far. Sp lkʷu-t; Cm k̓lkʷut further away; Cr lekʷ.

slkʷut   Morph: s+lkʷut. a place away, a place distant; distance.

l̕kʷut   Morph: l̕kʷ+ut. a little ways.

l̕l̕kʷut   Morph: l̕•l̕kʷut. a little ways from.

snlkʷtiw̓s   Morph: s+n+lkʷtiw̓s. width.

lkʷtúlaʔxʷ   Morph: lkʷtúlaʔxʷ. a distance.

laʔkʷtípuʔstxnm   Morph: laʔkʷtípuʔstxn+m. to stride.

klkʷakʷ   Morph: k+lkʷ•akʷ. to be far from s.t. or s.o.

kllkʷakʷ   Morph: k+l•lkʷ•akʷ. to go a little way.

kl̕l̕kʷakʷ   Morph: k+l̕•l̕kʷ•akʷ. to go a short distance, a little ways.

cklaʔkʷákʷ   Morph: c+k+laʔkʷ•ákʷ. to come a little way.

klkʷakʷst   Morph: k+lkʷ•akʷ+st. to take s.t. away from s.t.

sklkʷtilt   Morph: s+k+lkʷtilt. a man's distant child; a child fathered by a man married to another woman.

klkʷilx   Morph: k+lkʷilx. to move a short distance away.

klkʷilxmnt   Morph: k+lkʷilx+m+nt. to move away from s.t. or s.o.


kl̕l̕kʷílaʔx   Morph: k+l̕•l̕kʷílaʔx. to go a little ways away.

klkʷkʷmint   Morph: k+lkʷ•kʷ+mi+nt. to remove s.t.


klkʷínaʔ   Morph: k+lkʷínaʔ. to step back; to go a little distance.

klkʷkʷínaʔ   Morph: k+lkʷ•kʷínaʔ. to remove a layer.

klkʷkʷtkn̓iɬxʷ   Morph: k+lkʷ•kʷtkn̓iɬxʷ. some distance from the house (outside).

klkʷkʷxnmint   Morph: k+lkʷ•kʷxn+mi+nt. to travel far for s.t.


klkʷut   Morph: k+lkʷut. to be (in a place) far.

kllkʷut   Morph: k+l•lkʷut. to be in a place a little away.

kl̕l̕kʷut   Morph: k+l̕•l̕kʷut. a little ways away.

k̓ɬlkʷut   Morph: k̓ɬ+lkʷ+ut. as far as.

nlkʷkʷlxikn̓   Morph: n+lkʷ•kʷlxikn̓. to be behind.

nlkʷtink   Morph: n+lkʷ+tink. to be away from the cliff.

nlkʷutm   Morph: n+lkʷut+m. the end of the prairie.

lut slkʷuts   Morph: lut s+lkʷut-s. not far. Sp lkʷúkʷ he went far; Cm lkʷkʷalwís to travel a long ways; Cr lekʷ.

lk̓ʷ1   break through.

lik̓ʷt   Morph: lik̓ʷ+t. to break through (e.g. the ice).

luk̓ʷt   Morph: luk̓ʷ+t. to fall through ice.

k̓ɬlik̓ʷt   Morph: k̓ɬ+lik̓ʷ+t. to peel off and drop.

klk̓ʷaqs   Morph: k+lk̓ʷaqs. klk̓ʷaqs: the open hills located west from Seylor Valley. Lit: B's etym: open point of land Sp lék̓ʷ-n-t-m he was swept downriver on a swift current; Cr luk̓ʷ pick off (fuzz, lint, etc.); Sh (t-)lk̓ʷ-nt-es to rub off dirt; Th √lúk̓ʷ ? fall through ice.

lk̓ʷ2   stew.

lk̓ʷist   Morph: lk̓ʷist. to stew or boil (fish).

nlak̓ʷtátkʷ   Morph: nlak̓ʷ+tátkʷ. McGees (Magee) Creek at Daisy on the east side of the Columbia. Lit: B's etym: a type of shellfish Sp √lk̓ʷes dried fish; s-lk̓ʷés-t boiled, dried.

lk̓ʷ3   nlk̓ʷutm (place name).

nlk̓ʷutm   Morph: n+lk̓ʷut+m. nlk̓ʷutm: place name. Lit: go around area

llt   bed.

lilít   Morph: lilít. From: French le lit. bed.


klɬap   Morph: k+lɬa+p ? the joining or confluence of creeks. Ques: Could this be klɣap ? See: 2.

lm1   glad.

limt   Morph: lim+t. to be glad; to be thankful.

slimt   Morph: s+limt. (one's) gladness.

slmlimt   Morph: s+lm•lim+t. gladness (of several).

limlmt   Morph: lim•lm+t. thank you, hello.

lmlimt   Morph: lm•lim+t. to be glad.

limlmtx   Morph: lim•lm+t+x. thank you.

lmtmnwixʷ   Morph: lm+t+mnwixʷ. to enjoy each other.

limtmnt   Morph: lim+t+m+nt. be glad or thankful for s.t.; to thank s.o.; to like s.o.


climtmst   Morph: c+lim+t+m+st. make s.o. glad.


ɬlimtm   Morph: ɬ+lim+t+m. to be glad again.

limkstm   Morph: limkst+m. to make s.o. glad; to do s.t. good for s.o.

limkstmnt   Morph: limkst+m+nt. to do something good; make s.o. glad.


klmílsmist   Morph: k+lmíls+mist ? to think highly of oneself.

lmncutm   Morph: lm+ncut+m. to be glad to see s.o.

lmscut   Morph: lm+scut. to be glad.

lmmscut   Morph: lm•m+scut. to be glad, thankful.

lmsqilxʷ   Morph: lm+s+qilxʷ. to be glad to see people; to greet people.

lmlmtsqilxʷ   Morph: lm•lmt+s+qilxʷ. to greet people.

nlimtn   Morph: n+lim+tn. one's thanks. Sp lem; Cm lam‑t be glad; Cr lim; Sh lem-n-s to comfort, console; Th √yém feel affection; Li lám-ən to pacify a crying child...

lm2   different.

lmilxʷ   Morph: lmilxʷ. a different group.

lm3   hollow.

nlumm   Morph: n+lum•m. to hollow s.t. out.

lmn   watermelon.

limnó   Morph: limnó. From: French le melon. watermelon. Cm limnúˑ watermelon; see Cr laˑmná honey, syrup.

lmns   syrup.

lamnás   Morph: lamnás. From: French la mélasse. syrup. Sp lam-nás syrup, molasses; Cr la·mná honey, syrup.

lms   mass.

lamásm   Morph: lamás+m. From: French la messe. to say or celebrate mass.

snlamástn   Morph: sn+lamás+tn. the steps to the altar.

lmt   sheep.

lmotó   Morph: lmotó. sheep.

lmoʕtó   Morph: lmoʕtó. sheep. Sp lmóto domestic sheep; Cm ḷmụtụ́ sheep.

lmx   love song.

klmxqint   Morph: k+lmxqi+nt. to sing a love song; to sing a lonely song; to sing out of loneliness.


klmxqinm   Morph: k+lmxqin+m. sing to s.o.


klmlmxqin   Morph: k+lm•lmxqin. several sing a love song; several sing a lonely song; they sing out of loneliness.

Istem. Sp č-lm-šqín-tn a mournful love song.

ln   Ellen.

ilín   Morph: ilín. Ellen. From: French Hélène.

lp   lípc̓aʔ (woman's name).

lípc̓aʔ   Morph: lípc̓aʔ. lípc̓aʔ (woman's name).

lpl1   corn.

liplí   Morph: liplí. From: French le blé. corn. Sp liplí corn, popcorn.

lpl2   shovel.

lapál   Morph: lapál. From: French la pelle. shovel. Sh lpelt shovel; Th /lpél, /nəpél shovel; Li lapál shovel.

lpl3   hen.

lipúl   Morph: lipúl. From: French la poule. hen. Cm lapúl hen.

lpm   apple.

lipám   Morph: lipám. From: French la pomme. apple.

lipóm   Morph: lipom. From: French la pomme. apple.

lipómlqʷ   Morph: lipómlqʷ. apple tree.

lpnt   elephant.

ilpnt   Morph: ilpnt. elephant.

lpr   butter.

lpir   Morph: lpir. From: French le beurre. butter.

lprn   flower.

laparín   Morph: laparín. From: French la farine. flour.

lparín   Morph: lparín. From: French la farine. flour. Cm saplíl, ṣạpḷíḷ flour; Th /səplíl wheat flour; Li saplíl, saplín flour.


lpt   pot; trophy.

lpot   Morph: lpot. From: French le pot. pot; trophy.

lpoʕt   Morph: lpoʕt. From: French le pot. pot, trophy. Sp lpót (l̕pót) cup; Cr l̕+l̕pót chalice, cup, dipper, glass; Li ḷạpạ́t cup.

lpty   bottle.

laputáy   Morph: laputáy. From: French la bouteille. bottle.

l̕l̕aputáy̓   Morph: l̕•l̕aputáy̓. a small bottle. Sp leputén bottle; Cm laputáy BW bottle; Sh lpwtey bottle; Th /putéy bottle; Li ləputáy bottle.

lpw   peas.

lipwá   Morph: lipwá. From: French les pois. peas. Cm lipwáˑ green peas.

lpwl   skillet.

lapwál   Morph: lapwál. skillet. From: French la poêle.

lp̓1   wood.

slip̓   Morph: s+lip̓. wood; firewood.

slp̓lip̓xn   Morph: s+lp̓•lip̓xn. a shoe.

snlip̓tn   Morph: sn+lip̓+tn. woodshed.

klp̓lip̓xn   Morph: k+lp̓•lip̓xn. wooden footed; stumbler.

kwrpsislp̓tn   Morph: k+wr+p+si•s+lp̓+tn. stick with which to fix a fire; poker.

k̓ʷl̕slip̓m   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+s+lip̓+m. to make firewood.

stx̌ʷslip̓   Morph: s+tx̌ʷ+s+lip̓. plain wood.

txʷslip̓   Morph: txʷ+s+lip̓. to get wood.

t̓k̓ʷslip̓   Morph: t̓k̓ʷ+s+lip̓. to put down wood.

ʔamtslíp̓   Morph: ʔam+t+s+líp̓. sit by the fire. Sp lúk̓ʷ stick of wood, made of wood; Cm kas‑lap̓ to gather firewood; Cr slip̓ woody; slip̓+t wood; Sh -esl̕p̓ house- or campfire; Th úsyep̓ wood.

lp̓2   fallen branches.

lp̓lap̓qn   Morph: lp̓•lap̓qn. (fallen) branches.

lp̓laʕp̓qn   Morph: lp̓•laʕp̓qn. fallen branches. Sh lep̓-n-s to bend down (esp. branches).

lp̓3   yard.

slip̓   Morph: s+lip̓. yard (a measure of length).

lp̓xʷ1   worn.

lp̓axʷ   Morph: lp̓axʷ. worn through. Sp √lep̓éxʷ sound of a foot accidentally falling into a hole; Cr hn+lép̓xʷep punctured ... (lit. it (bucket) was punctured on the bottom).

lp̓x̌ʷ2   slip.

lip̓x̌ʷx̌ʷ   Morph: lip̓x̌ʷ•x̌ʷ. to slip in.

ɬcnlip̓x̌ʷm   Morph: ɬ+c+n+lip̓x̌ʷ+m. to reenter, to come back in.

nlip̓x̌ʷ   Morph: n+lip̓x̌ʷ. a hole; to slip into a hole; to fit s.t. into a hole.

nlp̓lp̓x̌ʷ   Morph: n+lp̓•lp̓x̌ʷ. to slip s.t. in (a hole).

nlp̓lp̓x̌ʷnt   Morph: n+lp•lpx̌ʷ+nt. to stick s.t. in a hole; to thread (a needle); to load a gun.


nlp̓x̌ʷɬt   Morph: n+lp̓x̌ʷ+ɬt. to slip s.t. in.


nlp̓x̌ʷuɬt   Morph: n+lp̓x̌ʷ+uɬt. to slip s.t. in.


nlip̓x̌ʷm   Morph: n+lip̓x̌ʷ+m. to slip s.t. into a hole.


nlp̓x̌ʷups   Morph: n+lp̓x̌ʷups. to be stuck in the anus. Sp √lep̓éxʷ sound of a foot accidentally falling into a hole; lp̓xʷúsšn when spílyeʔ accidentally stepped into a hole, he discovered a completely new world; lp̓líp̓x̌ʷx̌ʷ It rolls or spins in the air when tossed up; Cr lep̓x̌ʷ fit into; see √lp̓xʷ lup̓xʷúsšn slang for making fun of a person (lit. a hole resulted in front of his feet).

lq1   tear; pull out.

liq   Morph: liq. to tear, pull out s.t.

lqnt   Morph: lq+nt. to pluck.


liqnt   Morph: liq+nt. to pull off.


lqɬt   Morph: lq+ɬt. to pluck.


lqam   Morph: lqa+m. to pluck s.t. clean; to pull out (the roots).

clqam   Morph: c+lqa+m. to pull toward oneself. e. g. branches off a tree.


lqíɬc̓aʔnt   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+nt. to pluck feathers.


lqíɬc̓aʔɬt   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+ɬt. pluck feathers.


lqíɬc̓aʔm   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+m. to pluck feathers.


lqíɬc̓aʔxt   Morph: lqíɬc̓aʔ+xt. to pluck feathers.


lqipnt   Morph: lqip+nt. to pull the roots out.


slqipm   Morph: s+lqip+m. pulling s.t. up.


lqpaʔsncút   Morph: lqpaʔs+ncút. to pull whiskers off one's chin.

lqúlaʔxʷ   Morph: lqúlaʔxʷ. to pull s.t. from the ground.

klqisxnnt   Morph: k+lqisxn+nt. to pull one's hair.


klqáyaʔqnt   Morph: k+lqáyaʔq+nt. to tear, pull out one's hair.


klqáyaʔqnm   Morph: k+lqáyaʔqn+m. pull out hair.


nlqiw̓(s)   Morph: n+lqiw̓(s). to weed (a garden); to pull out (weeds).

nlqsnwixʷ   Morph: n+lqs+nwixʷ. to pull s.t. away from each other.

snlqíɬc̓aʔtn   Morph: s+n+lqíɬc̓aʔ+tn. place where feathers were plucked.

snlqus   Morph: s+n+lq꞊us. yellow agoseris. Lit: pulled out from the face or eye

k̓ɬlqlqnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+lq•lq+nt. to peel off s.t.


k̓ɬlqlqam   Morph: k̓ɬ+lq•lqa+m. to peel off s.t.


ck̓ɬlqlqst   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+lq•lq+st. to peel s.t. off.

Tstem. Sp liq pull loose, pull out; líq-t; it's pulled out by the threads (or the roots); Cm liq‑(nt)‑n I break s.t. [string]; k‑lq–ic̓aʔ‑nt‑xʷ you pluck s.t. [feathers]; Cr laq pull (out plants) ... pluck. See: lq̓2.

lq2   dam.

lqipnt   Morph: lqip+nt. to dam s.t.


slqipm   Morph: s+lqip+m. damming s.t.


lqlt   bread; biscuit.

lqalát   Morph: lqalát. From: French la galette. bread, biscuits. Ka lqelét bread. See: lklt.

lqʷ1   shed.

laqʷt   Morph: laqʷ+t. hair that has been shed.

láqʷnaʔ   Morph: láqʷ꞊naʔ. to shed one's hair.


láqʷmiʔst   Morph: láqʷ+miʔst. to lay about; to be scattered about; to be old or matted.


ntl̕qʷaʕw̓sqn   Morph: n+t+l̕qʷaʕw̓sqn ? bald head. Sp lqʷ-míʔst the fur scatters about on the ground; √loqʷ unkempt, uncared for; s-lóqʷnʔe-m shedded hair, shredded hair; Cm n‑lq̓ʷ‑aw̓as‑qn have a bald spot on the head; Sh luqʷ-m to pull out (e.g. feather), to pluck (a bird).

lqʷ2   kɬlqʷus: modern day Cawston.

kɬlqʷus   Morph: k+ɬlqʷus. kɬlqʷus: modern day Cawston.

lqʷʔ   pick roots.

laʔláʔqʷaʔ   Morph: laʔ•láʔqʷaʔ ? to pick roots without cleaning them.

lq̓1   bury.

liq̓nt   Morph: liq̓+nt. to bury s.t. with dirt.


lq̓liq̓nt   Morph: lq̓•liq̓+nt. to bury s.t. or s.o. with dirt.


liq̓m   Morph: liq̓+m. to bury.


sliq̓m   Morph: s+liq̓+m. burying.


ɬliq̓   Morph: ɬ+liq̓. to bury s.t. again.

liq̓q̓   Morph: liq̓•q̓. s.t. buried.

kliq̓nt   Morph: k+liq̓+nt. to cover with s.t.; to bury.


klíq̓naʔnt   Morph: k+líq̓naʔ+nt. to bury s.t.; to hill the ground.


ɬklíq̓naʔnt   Morph: ɬ+k+líq̓naʔ+nt. to bury s.t. again.


klq̓q̓naʔnúnt   Morph: k+lq̓•q̓naʔ+nú+nt. to manage to get s.t. buried (by dirt).


kliq̓q̓naʔ   Morph: k+liq̓•q̓naʔ. to get buried (by dirt).

kliq̓q̓naʔst   Morph: k+liq̓•q̓naʔ+st. to cause s.t. to be buried (by dirt).

klq̓naʔncút   Morph: k+lq̓naʔ+ncút. to cover s.t. up.

skliq̓mn   Morph: s+k+liq̓+mn. bulldozer; shovel; earth mover; Indian hellebore.

k̓ɬliq̓ɬxʷm   Morph: k̓ɬ+liq̓꞊ɬxʷ+m. to bank dirt around the house.

snliq̓tn   Morph: sn+liq̓+tn. grave, burial place. Cm s‑na‑liq̓‑l̕əxʷ‑tn cemetery, grave.

nliq̓ptn   Morph: n+liq̓꞊p+tn. hoe.

nliq̓w̓s   Morph: nliq̓w̓s. bridge over a dam.

sxʷliq̓m   Morph: sxʷliq̓+m. one who buries (corpses).

wy̓sklíq̓naʔnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k+líq̓naʔ+nt. get done hilling the ground.


ʔawslq̓ɬtmníɁ   Morph: ʔw+s+lq̓+ɬ+tmníɁ. go to a funeral. Sp laq̓; Cm ka(t)‑liq̓–naʔ‑nt‑xʷ you bury s.o. with dirt; Cr leq̓; Sh liq̓-m to bury; Th yíq̓-m bury (s.t.).

lq̓2   peel.

klq̓   Morph: k+lq̓. to peel s.t.

klq̓am   Morph: k+lq̓a+m. to peel off; to slice off.


klq̓íc̓aʔnt   Morph: k+lq̓íc̓aʔ+nt. to peel s.t.


klq̓isxnt   Morph: k+lq̓isx+nt. to peel off round objects (tubers, potatoes...)


klq̓ísxiʔnt   Morph: k+lq̓ísxiʔ+nt. peel s.t. roundish.


klq̓usnt   Morph: k+lq̓us+nt. to peel off round objects (potatoes, apples...)


k̓ɬlq̓am   Morph: k̓ɬ+lq̓a+m. to cut s.t. off.

Mstem. Sp √laq̓(é) to slice, to peel; č-lq̓ésšn I peeled the skin off potatoes (or fruit, etc.); Cm lq̓aʔsnt‑xʷ you peel s.t.; Cr laq̓ pare, peel. See: lq.

lq̓3   strong.

lq̓mncut   Morph: lq̓+mncut. to go strong.

lq̓ʷ1   sprinkle.

liq̓ʷnt   Morph: liq̓ʷ+nt. to throw water on.

Tstem. Sh liq̓ʷ-m to sprinkle, spill; c-x-liq̓ʷ-st-s [spill] (water on rocks in sweathouse).; Th /lq̓ʷ-ə́p gurgle, slosh, sound of liquid moving inside a container; Li líq̓ʷ-xal to splash (on s.t.).

lq̓ʷ2   break off.

lq̓ʷnt   Morph: lq̓ʷ+nt. to break in pieces.


lq̓ʷam   Morph: lq̓ʷa+m. to break s.t. off or in pieces.


lq̓ʷlaq̓ʷ   Morph: lq̓ʷ•laq̓ʷ. s.t. is broken off.

liq̓ʷt   Morph: liq̓ʷ+t. splinterd off.

lq̓ʷap   Morph: lq̓ʷa+p. s.t. has broken off; s.t. is chipped.

lq̓ʷlq̓ʷiw̓s   Morph: lq̓ʷ•lq̓ʷiw̓s. to break in two; to break in the center.

slq̓ʷtaqs   Morph: s+lq̓ʷ+taqs. a portion of game or food.

nlaʔq̓ʷsíw̓s   Morph: n+la[ʔ]q̓ʷsíw̓s. to be broken in two; to be broken off; to have come apart.

nlq̓ʷus   Morph: n+lq̓ʷus. a bluff or high rock; a sharp cliff; broken land; steep or broken shore.

nlq̓ʷlq̓ʷus   Morph: n+lq̓ʷ•lq̓ʷus. sharp edges on a cliff.

nlq̓ʷink   Morph: n+lq̓ʷink. cliff side.

nlq̓ʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+lq̓ʷúlaʔxʷ. a rut (formed by running water); a wash-out.

nlq̓ʷiw̓snt   Morph: n+lq̓ʷiw̓s+nt. to break s.t. in two.


nlq̓ʷlq̓ʷiw̓snt   Morph: n+lq̓ʷ•lq̓ʷiw̓s+nt. to break s.t. in two.


cnlq̓ʷlq̓ʷíw̓st   Morph: c+n+lq̓ʷ•lq̓ʷíw̓+st. to break s.t. in two.


nlq̓ʷiw̓ɬt   Morph: n+lq̓ʷiw̓+ɬt. to break s.t. in two.


snlq̓ʷiw̓sm   Morph: s+n+lq̓ʷiw̓s+m. breaking s.t. in two.

nMstem. Sp √loq̓ʷ torn loose from; hi líq̓ʷq̓ʷq̓ʷq̓ʷ an avalanche of huge rocks as they tumble down, bouncing and breaking off each other; čɬ-lq̓ʷéw̓s a big meadow at the foot of a big mountain; lq̓ʷ-úp it broke up into pieces; loq̓ʷ torn loose from; Cm lq̓ʷ‑nt‑xʷ you break s.t.; n‑lq̓ʷ‑us steep bank; c‑lq̓ʷ‑ul̕əxʷ crack or divide in the ground from an earthquake lq̓ʷúl̕əxʷ meadow, a flat area, clearing in timber; see Cr s+n+luʔq̓ʷíw̓es breach ... lit. splitting up; hn+loq̓ʷíw̓es divorced, split; Th /yiq̓ʷ decorticate; Li √laq̓ʷ to tear open, pry open; √luq̓ʷ to peel, strip.

lq̓ʷ3   lq̓ʷ in place names.

klq̓ʷaqs   Morph: k+lq̓ʷaqs. klq̓ʷaqs: a mountain near Seylor Valley.

kɬll̕q̓ʷus   Morph: kɬ+l•lq̓ʷus. kɬll̕q̓ʷus: a draw northwest from nt̓uʔkʷúlaʔxʷ. Lit: B's etym: "open area"

kɬlq̓ʷiw̓s   Morph: kɬ+lq̓ʷiw̓s. kɬlq̓ʷiw̓s: Bissell Flats. Lit: B's etym: "clear area"

kɬl̕l̕aq̓ʷ   Morph: kɬ+l̕•l̕aq̓ʷ. kɬl̕l̕aq̓ʷ: place name. Lit: open area

lq̓ʷ4   follow instructions.

nlq̓ʷuɬt   Morph: n+lq̓ʷu+ɬt. to follow s.o.'s instruction.


lq̓ʷ5   tallow.

snlaq̓ʷ   Morph: s+n+laq̓ʷ. tallow (fat after cooking). Sp s-n-loq̓ʷ rendered tallow from cow fat (this was put in pails and stored in cellars; it was used in frying and cooking); Cm snaléq̓ʷ tallow; Cr s+n+láqʷ tallow.

ls   misty rain.

lsap   Morph: lsa+p. to be misty (rain).

lskʷr   sugar.

lisíkʷr   Morph: lisíkʷr. From: French le sucre. sugar.

slisíkʷrtn   Morph: s+lisíkʷr+tn. sugar bowl.

lsl1   salt.

lisál   Morph: lisál. From: French le sel. salt. Sh lsel salt; Li lasál salt.


lsms(t)   shirt.

lasmís   Morph: lasmís. From: French la chemise. shirt.

lasmíst   Morph: lasmíst. shirt.

lspk   bishop.

lsipík   Morph: lsipík. From: French archevêque. (arch)bishop. Cr li·béč bishop; Li lísapik bishop.

lss1   scissors.

lesisó, lisisú   Morph: lesisó. From: French les ciseaux. scissors.

lss2   angel.

lisás   Morph: lisás. From: French les anges. angel. Li ḷịṣạ́ṣ angel.

lstr   squash.

lsitrú   Morph: lsitrú. From: French le citron. squash.

lsw   silk.

laswá   Morph: laswá. From: French la soie. silk.

slaswám   Morph: s+laswá+m. embroidering.

lswp   Jew.

liswíp   Morph: liswíp. From: French le juif. the Jew.

lsyt   plate; dishes.

lasyát   Morph: lasyát. plate; dishes.

lt1   no; not.

lut   Morph: lut. negative particle "not"; nothing; verb: "to refuse, to not do, to not have, to not be".

ltlutst   Morph: lt•lut+st. to refuse s.o.; to turn s.o. down.


ktllutt   Morph: k+t+l•lut•t. to do something with no results; to be ineffective; to strike out.

ktlluttqn   Morph: k+t+l•lut•tqn. thin or unremarkable hair.

tllutt   Morph: t+l•lut•t. to fail; to not succeed.

tltutm   Morph: t+l•t•ut+m ? to be worthless, weak.

ktltíplaʔ, ktl̕típlaʔ   Morph: k+t+ltíplaʔ. to be an orphan.

tltilsmnt   Morph: t+ltils+m+nt. to think little of s.o.

Tstem. Cm tl‑t‑lwas to doubt, be uncertain; Cr cen+t+lu·tíl̕š ... he became an orphan.

iʔ lútiʔ, i lútiʔ   Morph: iʔ lút+iʔ. not yet.

lúta   Morph: lut+a. not.

lúti   Morph: lút+iʔ. before; not yet; not quite.

lútiʔ   Morph: lút+iʔ. not yet; not quite; before.

lutm   Morph: lut+m. middle form of lut "not".

ɬlutm   Morph: ɬ+lut+m. to refuse again.

lutm swit   Morph: lut+m swit. not anybody.

lut cmay   Morph: lut cmay ? of all kinds; everywhere; every which way.

lut iʔ cmay   Morph: lut iʔ cmay ? of all kinds.

lut itíʔ   Morph: lut itíʔ. not quite.

lut itxíʔ   Morph: lut itxíʔ ? positively, without question.

lut iʔ miw̓s   Morph: lut iʔ miw̓s. every which way; it doesn't matter how.

lut ksluts   Morph: lut k+s+lut+s. with no exceptions; there is no no about it; without failure.

lut kmʔikxtm   Morph: lut kmʔikxt+m. to do all sorts of things.

lut k̓aʔkín   Morph: lut k̓a+ʔkín. not anywhere; nowhere.

lut k̓im   Morph: lut k̓im. no more.

lut k̓m   Morph: lut k̓m. not at all.

lut nixʷ   Morph: lut nixʷ. no more; no further, not again.

lut nmyiw̓s   Morph: lut n+myiw̓s. of all kinds.

lut pn̓kin̓   Morph: lut pn+ʔkin̓. never; not ever. Sh táʔ pnhén never, by no means, definitely not.

lut slkʷuts   Morph: lut s+lkʷut-s. not far.

lut sq̓sápiʔs   Morph: lut s+q̓sápiʔ-s. not long after.

lut sqʷays   Morph: lut s+qʷay-s. not often.

lut stim̓   Morph: lut s+tim̓. nothing. Cm lut stam̓ nothing; Cr lut s+tim̓ cipher, nothing, zero.

lut swit   Morph: lut swit. nobody; not anybody. Cm lut swat no one.

lut t̓   Morph: lut t̓. emphatic negative particle.

lut t̓a   Morph: lut t̓. variant of lut t̓ emphatic negative particle with paragogic a before c-, k(ɬ)-.

lut t̓ xʷuy   Morph: lut t̓ xʷuy. never.

lut xkinm   Morph: lut xkin+m. one is not able to; one can't.

lut xʷus   Morph: lut xʷus. to be in no hurry; to do s.t. without hurry. Cm xʷus‑s be in a hurry; Sh xʷʔus to be eager.

lut xʷuy   Morph: lut xʷuy. it's never that...; it never happens.

lut xʷuy pnkin̓   Morph: lut xʷuy pn+kin̓. never. Cm lut; Cr lut mischievous, negative, no, not; lustus (lit. He rejected it, he refused it).

lt2   tea.

lití   Morph: lití. From: French le thé. tea.

lti   Morph: lti. tea. Sp lití tea; Sh lti tea.

ltkʷ   otter.

ltkʷu   Morph: ltkʷu. brown otter. Sp l-tkʷúkʷ otter; Cm ltkʷú otter; Cr ltkʷú otter.

ltp   table.

latáp   Morph: latáp. From: French la table. table.

l̕aʔtáp   Morph: l̕aʔtáp. a small table.

snlatáp   Morph: s+n+latáp. table. Sh ltep table.

lw1   ring; ringing.

liw   Morph: liw. to ring; to make a ringing sound.

lw̓w̓aw̓   Morph: lw̓•w̓•aw̓. rumbling.

lwliwlx   Morph: lw•liw+lx. a ringing sound; the ringing of a bell.

l̕w̓l̕iwlx   Morph: l̕w̓•l̕iw̓+lx. a little bell.

lwlwilx   Morph: lw•lw+ilx. the sound of animals running.

lwiw̓s   Morph: lwiw̓s. to ring or sound.

lwncut   Morph: lw+ncut. the sound of animals running.

liwmst   Morph: liw+m+st. to make a bell or s.t. ring.

liwkstmnt   Morph: liwkst+m+nt. to ring a bell; to make a bell ring.

Tstem. Sp liw sound of a bell; Sp √luʔ thumping sound, sound made by a wardancer when his feet hit the ground; Cm liw‑kst‑mn‑(n)t‑xʷ you ring s.t. [a bell]; Cr liw chime, chink, sound of a bell, a short metallic sound; luʔ thump (on ground); Sh ? lʕʷ-lelʕʷ-t bell; Th /li[ˑl]u- ... √liw rumble; Li ? √ləw : ka.lə́w‿a to fall, to land with a thud.

lw2   dirty.

lwit   Morph: lwi+t ? dirty, unwashed, rolled skin.

nlwilps   Morph: n+lwilps. dirty neck.

nlwyups   Morph: n+lw+yups. dead rear-end skin. Sp √liw chapped, scaley.

lwkn   wagon.

lwakín   Morph: lwakín. From: French le wagon. wagon.

lwlwakínm   Morph: lw•lwakín+m. several go by wagon.

l̕w̓aʔkín̓   Morph: l̕w̓aʔkín̓. buggy; little wagon.

l̕w̓l̕w̓akínm   Morph: l̕w̓•l̕w̓akín+m. to travel by wagon. Th /wéykn.

lwn   oat.

lawán   Morph: lawán. From: French l'avoine. oats.

slawántn   Morph: s+lawán+tn. granary.

l̕l̕aw̓án̓   Morph: l̕•l̕aw̓án̓. brome grass. Sp lewén oats; Cm lawán oats; Sh lwen oats.

lw̓   cat's cradle.

skalw̓ákstm   Morph: s+k+alw̓꞊ákst+m ? cat's cradle (string game).

lx1   slime.

laxt   Morph: lax+t. fishy smell.

llaxt   Morph: l•lax+t. (fish) slime.

llxúlaʔxʷ   Morph: l•lxúlaʔxʷ. slime on the ground.

snlxíc̓aʔ   Morph: sn+lxíc̓aʔ. (fish) slime.

nlxímc̓aʔ   Morph: n+lx+ímc̓aʔ. fish slime.

snllxímc̓aʔ   Morph: s+n+l•lxímc̓aʔ. slime; fish scales. Sp √liš fish smell; Th √ləx slimy.

snl̕xíc̓aʔ   Morph: s+n+l̕x꞊íc̓aʔ. scale (of fish). Sp s-n-l-šímc̓eʔ fish with large scales that have to be removed before cooking. See: lx2.

lx2   slobber.

nlxpcin   Morph: n+lx+pcin. runny mouth (as when cutting teeth).

snlxímc̓aʔ   Morph: sn+lxímc̓aʔ. the slobber of a child cutting teeth. See: lx1.

lxʷ1   hurt.

lxʷap   Morph: lxʷa+p. to get hurt.

lxʷlxʷap   Morph: lxʷ•lxʷa+p. several get hurt.

lxʷpnt   Morph: lxʷ+p+nt. to hurt s.o.


slxʷpam   Morph: s+lxʷpa+m. hurting s.o.


slxʷap   Morph: s+lxʷa+p. ache, hurt, wound.

lxʷpnunt   Morph: lxʷ+p+nu+nt. to get s.o. hurt.


klxʷpxn   Morph: k+lxʷ+pxn. to hurt one's foot. Sp √lxʷ(ú) to feel pain, to ache, hurt; lxʷ-úp he got hurt; Cm ləxʷp be injured; Cr lexʷ hurt; s+lexʷ+p casualty, detriment; čn léxʷ+p hurt (I got...). See: lxʷp(a).

lxʷ2   watch.

lxʷus   Morph: lxʷus. to watch; to be on watch.

slxʷus   Morph: s+lxʷus. to go and set watch.

k̓ɬlxʷnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+lxʷ+nt. to notify...


k̓ɬlxʷam   Morph: k̓ɬ+lxʷa+m. to inform or notify s.o.; to tell s.o. about s.t.; to tell s.o. what to do; to warn s.o.


k̓ɬlxʷap   Morph: k̓ɬ+lxʷa+p. s.t. heard about; informed about s.t.

k̓ɬlxʷncut   Morph: k̓ɬ+lxʷ+ncut. to inform or notify s.o.; tell s.o. about s.t.

k̓ɬlxʷncutn   Morph: k̓ɬ+lxʷ+ncut+n. warning signs or signals.

sxʷk̓ɬlxʷncut   Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+lxʷ+ncut. messenger.

k̓ɬlxʷɬtiɬn   Morph: k̓ɬ+lxʷɬtiɬn. to inform or forewarn people.

k̓ɬlxʷsqilxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+lxʷ+s+qilxʷ. to tell; to inform the people.

wy̓sk̓ɬlxʷnt   Morph: wy̓+s+k̓ɬ+lxʷ+nt. get done telling.


lxʷ3   ?

lxʷus   Morph: lxʷus. saskatoon, or serviceberry. Lit: B's etym: face of basin

nlaxʷ   Morph: n+laxʷ. nlaxʷ: place name. Lit: basin area

kɬl̕l̕xʷl̕xʷus   Morph: kɬ+l̕•l̕xʷ•l̕xʷus. kɬl̕l̕xʷl̕xʷus: place name. Lit: many little basins (of land) place ?

nlxʷils   Morph: n+lxʷils. nlxʷils: place name. Lit: hollow in chest

nlxʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+lxʷúlaʔxʷ. nlxʷúlaʔxʷ: place name. Lit: basin land

cnlxʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: c+n+lxʷúlaʔxʷ. Round Lake.

nl̕l̕xʷisxn   Morph: n+l̕•l̕xʷisxn. nl̕l̕xʷisxn: place name. Lit: little basins in rock

sklxʷxʷqín   Morph: s+k+lxʷ•xʷqin. sklxʷuxʷqín: place name. Lit: B's etym: dip on top

lx̌1   friend.

sl̕ax̌t   Morph: s+l̕ax̌+t. friend; partner.

slx̌lax̌t, sl̕x̌l̕ax̌t   Morph: s+lx̌•lax̌+t. friends.

lax̌tmnt   Morph: lax̌+t+m+nt. to be friends with s.o.; to befriend s.o.


l̕x̌tiw̓s   Morph: l̕x̌tiw̓s. to be partners; to go partners, to become friends.

l̕aʔx̌tíw̓s   Morph: l̕aʔx̌+tíw̓s. to be friends (with one another).

k̓ʷl̕ɬsl̕x̌l̕ax̌t   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+s+l̕x̌•l̕ax̌t. to make friends.

lax̌tm   Morph: lax̌+t+m. to befriend s.o.friends.

slx̌tiw̓s   Morph: s+lx̌+tiw̓s. to be friends with one another; two individuals of the same sex are friends (obsolescent).

sl̕x̌cin   Morph: s+l̕x̌cin. one who steals a friend's mate.

taʔxʷl̕x̌l̕áx̌t   Morph: taʔxʷ+l̕x̌•l̕áx̌t. to have friends.

taʔxʷsl̕áx̌tm   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+l̕áx̌t+m. to get or acquire a friend.

taʔxʷsl̕x̌l̕áx̌t   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+l̕x̌•l̕áx̌+t. to get or acquire friends.

sl̕ax̌ts iʔ x̌asx̌s   Morph: s+l̕ax̌t+s iʔ x̌asx̌s. western sweet cicely. Lit: lovage's partner

sl̕ax̌ts iʔ x̌ʷx̌ʷƛ̓m̓iɬp   Morph: s+l̕ax̌t+s iʔ x̌ʷx̌ʷƛ̓m̓iɬp. false Labrador tea.

qʷqʷyqʷaʕy sl̕ax̌ts   Morph: qʷ•qʷy•qʷaʕy s+l̕ax̌+t-s. blue-eyed Mary. Sp s-l̕áx̌-t friend; Cm sl̕ax̌t male’s male friend; Cr s+l̕ax̌+t buddy, comrade, friend.

lx̌2   lax̌lx̌tkʷ (woman's name).

lax̌lx̌tkʷ   Morph: lax̌•lx̌tkʷ. lax̌lx̌tkʷ (Jeannette Armstrong).

lx̌mt   k̓ɬlx̌imtxn (man's name).

k̓ɬlx̌imtxn   Morph: k̓ɬ+lx̌imt꞊xn ? k̓ɬlx̌imtxn (man's name).

lx̌y   slx̌y̓alqs (woman's name).

slx̌y̓alqs   Morph: s+lx̌y̓alqs ? slx̌y̓alqs (woman's name).

lx̌ʷ   fuss.

lx̌ʷlx̌ʷilx   Morph: lx̌ʷ•lx̌ʷilx. to make a banging or knocking noise; to fuss; to make a fuss.

lx̌ʷncut   Morph: lx̌ʷ+ncut. to make noise.

lux̌ʷkstmnt   Morph: lux̌ʷkst+m+nt. to make noise banging things around.


slux̌ʷkstm   Morph: s+lux̌ʷkst+m. making a banging noise.


nlx̌ʷuʔscín, nlx̌ʷw̓scin   Morph: nlx̌ʷw̓scin. nlx̌ʷuʔscín: place name. Lit: noisy water at the mouth Sp lx̌ʷlx̌ʷ-ilš he's sure banging and clattering around as he does his work; √lox̌ʷ sound of a heavy object hitting a wooden floor; Cm lx̌ʷ‑lx̌ʷ‑il̕x to make noise.

lyn   wool; cloth.

layán   Morph: layán. From: French la laine. clothing material; wool; calico.

lyncut   Morph: ly+ncut. to weave s.t. Sp √leyén material, yardgoods; Sh lyen cloth, calico.

1   poke.

nlaʕkstúpsnt   Morph: n+laʕkstúps+nt. to stick a hand in the anus.


laʕsqílxʷ   Morph: laʕ+s+qílxʷ. to poke a person. See: lʕ̓ʷ.

2   fastener; lid.

laʕqíntn   Morph: laʕ꞊qín+tn. lid, cover.

snklalaʕtán   Morph: sn+k+la•laʕ+tán. a fastener; s.t. to attach s.t. with.

3   fit.

lʕap   Morph: lʕa+p. to fit; to fall off (e.g. the tip off an arrow).

lplaʕp   Morph: lp•laʕ+p. to fall off, s.t. falls off.

nlalaʕáp   Morph: nla•laʕá+p. to fall in the water.

lalaʔáʕp   Morph: la•laʔáʕ+p ? knife. Sp č-loʔloʔ-pálqʷ pocket knife.

nlaʔáʕp   Morph: n+laʔáʕ+p. to fit into a crack.

nlalaʔáʕp   Morph: nla•laʔáʕ+p. pocket knife. Lit: it goes in a crack

nlaʕkstúps   Morph: n+laʕkstúps. to fit or stick one's hand into the anus. Sp lʕáp he traveled by floating down river; it floats; emerge, come out, float. See Cm liʕ̓‑iʔ to become loose.

4   hemorrhoids.

laʕpsɬx̌ʷíp   Morph: laʕ+p+s+ɬx̌ʷíp. hemorrhoids. Sp lʕap√s-ɬx̌ʷép hemorrhoids.

5   turkey.

nlaʕlaʕpáqs   Morph: n+laʕ•laʕ+páqs. turkey.

lʕm   lʕm in men’s names.

nlaláʕm   Morph: n+la•láʕm. nlaláʕm (Tony DeSautel; also Madeline DeSautel's father's name).

nlaláʕ̓m   Morph: n+la•láʕ̓m. nlaláʕ̓m (man's name).

nlaʔáʕm   Morph: n+laʕ̓ám. nlaʔáʕm (Madeline DeSautel's father's name; Tony DeSautel's name). Lit: it fits in

lʕ̓1   slip on.

laʕ̓nt   Morph: laʕ̓+nt. to slip or put s.t. on; to wear.


laʕ̓láʕ̓   Morph: laʕ̓•láʕ̓. several things are worn fastened.

laʕ̓mín   Morph: laʕ̓+mín. a button.

laʕ̓mnwíxʷ   Morph: laʕ̓+mn+wíxʷ. a trailer.

klaʕ̓ánt   Morph: k+laʕ̓á+nt. to latch s.t.

Tstem. to latch or hook s.t.to turn s.t. on (radio, lamp, tape ...)

klaʕ̓mín   Morph: k+laʕ̓+mín. a button.

klaʕ̓ʷlaʕ̓ʷscutn   Morph: k+laʕ̓ʷ•laʕ̓ʷ+scut+n. fasteners; buttons.

klaʕ̓ʷscútn   Morph: k+laʕ̓ʷs+cút+n. a button; a fastener.

klaʕ̓ʷsncút   Morph: k+laʕ̓ʷs+ncút. button. Sp č-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-ús a button; Cm k‑l̕aʕ̓ʷ‑nk‑s‑us‑(t)n̓ button; Sh lʕeʕ dragging.

lʕ̓2   valley.

laʕtíw̓s   Morph: laʕ꞊t꞊íw̓s. valley.

laʕ̓tíw̓s   Morph: laʕ̓+tíw̓s. a (little) valley; Little Valley.

laʕ̓tíw̓aʔs   Morph: laʕ̓+tíw̓aʔs. a little valley; a dip.

k̓ɬll̕aʕ̓tíwaʔs   Morph: k̓ɬ+l•l̕aʕ̓꞊t꞊íwaʔs. k̓ɬll̕aʕ̓tíwaʔs: place name. Lit: little valley in middle of small area See: lʕ̓ʷ2.

lʕ̓3   stuck.

nlʕ̓áqs   Morph: n+lʕ̓áqs. s.t. is stuck on a point.

lʕ̓4   ?

laʕ̓cín   Morph: laʕ̓cín. ? Category: Conf.

lʕʷ1   fasten, fit.

lʕ̓ʷnt   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+nt. to fit into.


ɬloʕ̓ʷnt   Morph: ɬ+loʕ̓ʷ+nt. to put s.t. back on.


lʕ̓ʷɬt   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+ɬt. to fit into.


ɬlʕʷ   Morph: ɬ+lʕʷ. to fit or wear s.t. again.

lw̓lʕ̓ʷnt   Morph: lw̓•lʕ̓ʷ+nt. to put things on.


lʕʷup   Morph: lʕ̓ʷu+p. s.t fits.

laʕʷstn   Morph: laʕʷs+tn. halter. Sp lʕʷós-tn a halter; Cm n-lʕ̓ʷ-alqʷp-tn horse bridle, bit.

ɬclaʕ̓ʷqínkst   Morph: ɬ+c+laʕ̓ʷqínkst. to have s.t. fit back on the finger.

lʕʷutm   Morph: lʕʷut+m. valley.

lʕ̓ʷmin   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+min. fastener.

lʕ̓ʷmnwixʷ   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+m+nwixʷ. to fasten two things together.

lʕ̓ʷ   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ. to fit (into) s.t.; to put on (clothes).

laʕ̓ʷ   Morph: laʕ̓ʷ. to slip or put s.t. on; to wear.

liʕ̓ʷ   Morph: liʕ̓ʷ. to fit (into) s.t.; to put on (clothes).

lʕ̓ʷup   Morph: lʕ̓ʷu+p. s.t. fits.

lw̓liʕ̓ʷxnm   Morph: lw̓•liʕ̓ʷxn+m. to put one's shoes on.

ɬcnlʕ̓ʷus   Morph: ɬ+c+n+lʕ̓ʷus. s.t. fits again.

lʕ̓ʷpnu   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ+p+nu. to make s.t. fit.

clʕ̓ʷutm   Morph: c+lʕ̓ʷut+m. a valley or gulch.

laʕ̓ʷsqínkstn   Morph: laʕ̓ʷsqínkst+n. a thimble; a ring. Sp lʕʷáčst-n thimble.

slaʕ̓ʷsqínkst   Morph: s+laʕ̓ʷsqínkst. finger ring.

slalaʕ̓ʷsqínkst   Morph: s+la•laʕ̓ʷsqínkst. finger ring.

lʕ̓ʷikstn   Morph: lʕ̓ʷiks+tn. thimble.

lʕ̓ʷqint   Morph: lʕ̓ʷqi+nt. to fit s.o. on top (e.g. a lid or a hat).


slʕ̓ʷqinm   Morph: s+lʕ̓ʷqin+m. putting s.t. on top.


lʕ̓ʷqintn   Morph: lʕ̓ʷqin+tn. lid. Lit: it fits on top

lʕ̓ʷqinkst   Morph: lʕ̓ʷ꞊qin꞊kst. s.t. fits on a finger.

ɬclʕ̓ʷqinkst   Morph: ɬ+c+lʕ̓ʷ꞊qin꞊kst. s.t. came back to fit on a finger.

laʕ̓ʷstn   Morph: laʕ̓ʷs+tn. face mask.

kɬlaʕʷútm   Morph: kɬ+laʕʷút+m. Place name. Lit: valley place

k̓ɬlʕʷcnikstmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+lʕʷcnikst+m+nt. to put s.t. around the wrist.

Tstem. Sp laʕ̓ʷ hec-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-én̓ I keep on fitting it together; liʕ̓ʷ fit loosely; loʕʷ(ó) to fit together; Cm ka(t)-l̕aʕʷ-ikn-xn button-hook; Cr hn+láʕʷ-nt-m he was ... inserted into a sheath, leʕʷ adjust, fit; loʔ+loʔ+ótm valley; Th √yéʕ̓ʷ develop space; Li √laʕ̓ʷ space ... room, spaces in between things. Sp √loʕʷ(ó) to fit together, to fit inside of; hec-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n-t-én̓ I keep on fitting it together; č-l̕aʕ̓ʷ-n̓-t-ús a button; Cm k‑l̕aʕ̓ʷ‑nk‑s‑us‑(t)n̓ button; Cr leʕʷ adjust, fit; Sh √liʕʷ draw on.

lʕʷ2   fasten, fit (k + √lʕ̓ʷ).

klʕ̓ʷsncutmnt   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷs+ncut+m+nt. to button s.t.


klʕ̓ʷsncutxt   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷs+ncut+xt. to button s.t.


klʕ̓ʷnt   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷ+nt. to fasten s.t.; to fit together.


klʕʷlʕʷnt   Morph: k+lʕʷ•lʕʷ+nt. to fasten s.t.


klwlʕʷsax̌nm   Morph: k+lw•lʕʷsax̌n+m. to strap s.t. to the shoulder.

klʕ̓ʷsncutmnt   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷs+ncut+m+nt. to button s.t.


klʕ̓ʷsqáx̌aʔnt   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷsqáx̌aʔ+nt. to hitch a team of horses.


klʕ̓ʷsqáx̌aʔm   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷsqáx̌aʔ+m. to hook up a team of horses.


lʕʷ3   fasten, fit (n + √lʕʷ).

nlʕ̓ʷnt   Morph: n+lʕ̓ʷ+nt. to put s.t. inside s.t.; to fit s.t.; to do what s.o. instructs.


nlʕ̓ʷuɬt   Morph: n+lʕ̓ʷu+ɬt. to do as told; follow instruction.


nlʕʷluʕʷ   Morph: n+lʕʷ•luʕʷ. to match or copy s.t.

nlʕ̓ʷus   Morph: n+lʕ̓ʷus. to fit; to come true; to do as instructed.

nlʕʷpus   Morph: n+lʕʷ+pus. the time fits; it's time to; to be punctual.

nlʕ̓ʷpus   Morph: n+lʕ̓ʷ+pus. the time fits; it's the appropriate time; to be punctual.

snlʕ̓ʷpus   Morph: sn+lʕ̓ʷ+pus. the appointed time.

nlʕ̓ʷikstm   Morph: n+lʕʷikst+m. to stick one's hand in s.t.

nlʕʷlʕʷikstm   Morph: n+lʕʷ•lʕʷikst+m. to insert the hands; to stick the hands in.

nlw̓lʕʷikstm   Morph: n+lw̓•lʕʷikst+m. to stick one's hands in s.t.

nlʕ̓ʷúlaʔxʷnt   Morph: n+lʕ̓ʷúlaʔxʷ+nt. to stick s.t. in the ground.


snlʕ̓ʷúlaʔxʷm   Morph: s+n+lʕ̓ʷúlaʔxʷ+m. sticking s.t. in the ground.


snlʕ̓ʷúlaʔxʷm   Morph: s+n+lʕ̓ʷúlaʔxʷ+m. sticking s.t. in the ground.


lʕʷ4   valley.

laʕʷtmíp   Morph: laʕʷt+míp. laʕʷtmíp: the area where the West End Center is today. Lit: bottom end valley

lʕ̓ʷut   Morph: lʕ̓ʷut. valley.

ɬlʕ̓ʷutm   Morph: ɬ+lʕ̓ʷut+m. to go through a valley again.

cnlaʕ̓ʷtm   Morph: c+n+láʕ̓ʷt+m. a deep valley.

nlʕ̓awtm̓   Morph: n+laʕ̓ʷ+t+m̓ (?) a gully.

nlʕ̓ʷutm   Morph: n+lʕ̓ʷut+m. a valley or gully; a hollow in the ground; Oroville.

nlwlʕ̓ʷutm   Morph: n+lw•lʕ̓ʷut+m. gulches.

nlaʕʷtmúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+laʕʷt+múlaʔxʷ. nlaʕʷtmúlaʔxʷ: place name. Lit: valley in land

kɬlaʕ̓ʷtm   Morph: kɬ+láʕ̓ʷt+m. kɬlaʕ̓ʷtm: unidentified place name.

laʕʷtíw̓s   Morph: laʕʷtíw̓s. laʕʷtíw̓s: the entire Colville Valley. Lit: valley in middle

slaʕʷtíw̓sx   Morph: s+laʕʷtíw̓sx. Colvilles. Marginal subgroup of sx̌ʷʔíɬp, in the Colville Valley, along Colville River. Sp lʕʷót-m; Cr loʔ+loʔ+ótm valley (lo'lo'otm (a Spokane word)); luʕʷ+luʕʷ+útm valley, dell. See: lʕ̓2.

lʕʷ5   turnip.

laʕʷúlaʔxʷ   Morph: laʕʷúlaʔxʷ. turnip.

lʕ̓ʷ   poke.

klʕ̓ʷusnt   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷus+nt. to poke one's eye.


klʕ̓ʷusm   Morph: k+lʕ̓ʷus+m. poke an eye.

Mstem. See: 1.

1   here.

aláʔ   Morph: aláʔ. to be here; to stay here.

kaláʔmnt   Morph: k+aláʔ+m+nt. to be here; to stay here.


kaláʔmst   Morph: k+aláʔ+m+st. stay with s.o.


ckaláʔmst   Morph: c+k+aláʔ+m+st. stay with s.o.


slaʔ   Morph: s+laʔ. a short time ago.

sl̕álaʔ   Morph: s+l̕á•laʔ ? a short time ago.

saláʔm   Morph: s+aláʔ+m. the place where one is.

aláʔmst   Morph: aláʔ+m+st. to stay here with s.o.

ɬaláʔ   Morph: ɬ+aláʔ. to be here again.

kaláʔm   Morph: k+aláʔ+m. to stay with s.o.

skaláʔm   Morph: s+k+aláʔ+m. to be closely related to s.o.

ck̓laláʔ   Morph: c+k̓l+aláʔ. on this side of some place.

laʔkín̓   Morph: laʔ+kín̓. where; when, whenever; sometimes; from time to time; once in a while; where, wherever; somewhere; how; somehow.

laʔkín̓ cʔkinm, laʔkín̓ c̓kinm   Morph: la ʔkín c+ʔkin+m. how s.t. is.

laʔkín̓ scʔkinx   Morph: la+ʔkín sc+ʔkin+x. how come; what is the matter with ...; something must be the matter.

laʔkín̓ sc̓kinx   Morph: la+ʔkín sc+ʔkin+x. how come; what is the matter with ...; something must be the matter. Sp leʔ-čén̓ exactly where is it?; leʔ čén̓ where is it?; Cm laʔkáʔ where. See: 2.

2   there.

ilíʔst   Morph: ilíʔ+st. stay put; leave s.o. be.


ilíʔmnt   Morph: ilíʔ+m+nt. to stay with s.o.


ksnilíʔtn   Morph: k+s+n+ilíʔ+tn. to have a place to stay.

kilíʔmnt   Morph: k+ilíʔ+m+nt. to live with; to stay with; to stay around.


nilíʔ   Morph: n+ilíʔ. to be there.

snilíʔtn   Morph: s+n+ilíʔ+tn. dwelling place, home; residence, house; allotment.

snk̓ʷɬilíʔ   Morph: s+nk̓ʷ+ɬ+ilíʔ. ones there with s.o.

taʔxʷsnilíʔtn   Morph: taʔxʷ+s+n+ilíʔ+tn. to get a home or place. Sp √lʔe here, right here lʔé-s-t-n I left it here; see Cm √lʔkʔ laʔkáʔ where; Sh ʔəlaʔ to get out of the way. See: 1.

3   sting.

laʔnt   Morph: laʔ+nt. to peck s.t.


laʔɬt   Morph: laʔ+ɬt. to peck s.t.


laʔmínt   Morph: laʔ+mí+nt. to sting, to prick s.t.; to throw a dart.


laʔlaʔmínt   Morph: laʔ•laʔ+mí+nt. to sting, to prick s.t.; to throw a dart.


laʔúsm   Morph: laʔús+m. to play the spear-the-hoop game. Cr hn+leʔúl̕mxʷ+n dibble ... (lit. hole in the ground poker or piercer).

lʔw   man's father.

lʔiw   Morph: lʔiw. man's father; father.

laʔlʔíw   Morph: laʔ•lʔíw. man's fathers.

k̓ʷl̕ɬlʔiwmnt   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+lʔiw+m+nt. to be a man's adopted father.


ck̓ʷl̕ɬlʔiwmst   Morph: c+k̓ʷl̕+ɬ+lʔiw+m+st. be adopted father.


taʔxʷɬlʔíw   Morph: taʔxʷ+ɬ+lʔíw. to get a father.

t̓iʔɬlʔíw   Morph: t̓iʔɬ+lʔíw. a man's late father. Sp lʔéw; Cm ləʔáw; Sh lew̓e uncle (man's father's brother.