kʷc   bush.

nkʷict   Morph: n+kʷic+t. to be in the woods; in the bush; up the creek.

nkʷíkʷaʔct   Morph: nkʷí•kʷaʔc+t. in the woods; in the bush; up the creek. Sp n-kʷéc-t it's deep (and so dark) inside, it's deep in the woods.

kʷcmy   kʷckʷcámya (man's name).

kʷckʷcámya   Morph: kʷc•kʷcámya ? kʷckʷcámya (man's name).

kʷk   coax.

tixʷkʷúkst   Morph: tixʷ+kʷúk+st. to repeat, to tell the same thing.


tixʷkʷúkstmnt   Morph: tixʷ+kʷúk+st+m+nt. to repeat; to tell the same thing.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxkʷúkst   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔax+kʷúk+st. to coax s.o.


ɬk̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúkst   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷʔ•axʷ+kʷúk+st. to coax s.o. again.

Tstem. See: kʷn.

kʷkʷ1   thankful.

kʷukʷst   Morph: kʷukʷ+st. do a great deal for; to do service; to please; to be thankful.


skʷukʷstm   Morph: s+kʷukʷ+st+m. doing a great deal for.


kʷkscut   Morph: kʷk+scut. to be lucky, happy, thankful.

kʷukʷscút   Morph: kʷukʷ+scút. to be lucky; to be grateful.

k̓ɬkʷukʷm   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷukʷ+m. to ge the best of. Sh kʷəkʷ-st-es to save sb.; kʷəkʷ-s[t]-cut to be well off, in easy circumstances.

kʷkʷ2   reportedly.

kʷukʷ   Morph: kʷukʷ. semantic import "reportedly; it is said that..."

kʷl1   ride, perched on, sit.

kʷill   Morph: kʷil•l. several sit, are seated.

ɬkʷill   Morph: ɬ+kʷíl•l. to live or stay somewhere again.

kɬkʷil   Morph: kɬ+kʷil. persons sit (in a conveyance, in a place).

kɬkʷill   Morph: kɬ+kʷil•l. several sit.

kɬkʷaʔkʷíll   Morph: kɬ+kʷaʔ•kʷíl•l. several ride around.

kɬkʷillst   Morph: kɬ+kʷil•l+st. to cause persons to sit (in a conveyance, in a place).

kʷliwt   Morph: kʷliwt. to live, dwell; to be at home; to meet; to sit together.

sckʷliwt   Morph: s+c+kʷl+iwt. one's way of living.

ɬkʷliwt   Morph: ɬ+kʷliwt. to be back home.

kʷlkʷliwt   Morph: kʷl•kʷliwt. several live.

kʷkʷl̕íwaʔt   Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕íwaʔt. to be sitting around.

kʷlwtlwis   Morph: kʷlwt+lwis. to sit around.

kʷliwtn   Morph: kʷlíwt+n. a place to set things down.

snkʷliwtn   Morph: sn+kʷliwt+n. place where people stay or live together.

kɬkʷliwt   Morph: kɬ+kʷliwt. several sit on s.t.; to give s.o. a ride.

kʷllqsiw̓s   Morph: kʷl•lqsiw̓s. to sit facing one another.

kɬkʷliwtst   Morph: kɬ+kʷliwt+st. to give s.o. a ride to somewhere.

kɬkʷliwtnt   Morph: kɬ+kʷliwt+nt. give s.o. a ride.


k̓ɬkʷlwtus   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷlwtus. several sit waiting on a little hill.

k̓ɬkʷlwtusxnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷlwtusx+nt. several sit around waiting for s.o.


kʷlwtqsiw̓s   Morph: kʷlwtqsiw̓s. to sit facing one another.

kʷlwtɬcitxʷ   Morph: kʷlwt+ɬ+citxʷ. to house sit. See Sp √q̓ʷléwt seated; q̓ʷléwt they're all sitting around.

kʷl2   sit (t + √kʷl).

tkʷaʔliw̓s   Morph: t+kʷaʔliw̓s. to ride around.

tkʷil•lmnt   Morph: t+kʷil•l+m+nt. several sit around, stay with or live with s.o.


ɬtkʷlliw̓s   Morph: t+kʷl•liw̓. to get back on a horse.

tkʷliwmnt   Morph: t+kʷliw+m+nt. to stay with s.o.


tkʷliwtm   Morph: t+kʷliwt+m. several sit by s.o.

tkʷlkʷaʔlliw̓s   Morph: t+kʷl•kʷaʔl•liw̓s. several ride.

tkʷllalqʷ   Morph: t+kʷl•lalqʷ. to sit (and drink). Cr s+t+kʷel̕+tem+nelwís he is going about visiting people.

tkʷllínaʔ   Morph: t+kʷl•línaʔ. several sit on s.t.

tkʷlliw̓s   Morph: t+kʷl•liw̓s. to ride (a horse); horse riders; several perched on s.t.

tkʷlwtalqʷ   Morph: t+kʷlwtalqʷ. to sit on a log.

tkʷlwtisxn   Morph: t+kʷlwtisxn. to sit on a rock.

tkʷlkʷlwtálaʔqʷ   Morph: t+kʷl•kʷlwtálaʔqʷ. cottonwood mushroom.

kʷl3   sit (n + √kʷl).

nkʷil   Morph: n+kʷil. to sit in s.t.; to sit inside.

snkʷilltn   Morph: s+n+kʷil•l+tn. a sitting place.

snkɬkʷiltn   Morph: s+n+kɬ+kʷil+tn. seats.

snkɬkʷilltn   Morph: sn+kɬ+kʷil•l+tn. place where several can sit; bench; chairs.

snkɬkʷaʔkʷílltn   Morph: s+n+kɬ+kʷaʔ•kʷíl•l+tn. a sit-and-ride; a carnival ride; a sleigh.

snkɬkʷliwtn   Morph: sn+kɬ+kʷliwt+n. chairs; sitting place; sofa.

nkʷlwtitkʷ   Morph: nkʷl+wtitkʷ. to live in the water.

sntkʷlwtiw̓stn   Morph: sn+t+kʷlwtiw̓s+tn. horses to ride on.

nk̓ʷkʷliwtn   Morph: nk̓ʷ+kʷliw+tn. one household.

nkʷlkʷílɬc̓aʔ   Morph: n+kʷl•kʷílɬc̓aʔ. red columbine.

nkʷlkʷlwtitkʷ   Morph: n+kʷl•kʷlwt꞊itkʷ. water hemlock. Lit: a bunch sitting down in the water

sntkʷl̕kʷall̕íw̓stn̓   Morph: s+n+t+kʷl̕•kʷal•l̕꞊íw̓s+tn̓. thistles. Lit: B’s etym: place where they sit down, land in the middle

nkʷlwtɬcitxʷ   Morph: n+kʷlwt+ɬ+citxʷ. to house-sit.

kʷl4   red.

kʷil   Morph: kʷil. (dark) red; bay color; a bay horse.

kʷilnt   Morph: kʷil+nt. paint s.t. red.


kʷkʷil̕   Morph: kʷ•kʷil̕. s.t. red and small; little red horse.

kʷill   Morph: kʷil•l. s.t. turns red.

kʷlkʷil   Morph: kʷl•kʷil. red; beets.

skʷílc̓aʔ   Morph: s+kʷílc̓aʔ. a red blanket.

skʷílpaʔst   Morph: s+kʷíl+paʔst. red beard.

kʷillxʷ   Morph: kʷillxʷ. a body is or turns red; a surface or cover is red.

kʷl̕alxʷ   Morph: kʷl̕꞊alxʷ. calf. Lit: red-coated

kɬkʷillxʷ   Morph: kɬ+kʷillxʷ. dark sorrel horse; bay horse; red horse.

kʷilsnt   Morph: kʷils+nt. to paint one's face red.


kʷl̕kʷil̕s   Morph: kʷl̕•kʷil̕s. red berries; red small round objects.

kʷltpis   Morph: kʷl+tpis. strawberry roan horse.

nkʷkʷil̕   Morph: n+kʷ•kʷil̕. little bay horse.

kʷil t̓ix̌   Morph: kʷil t̓ix̌. the ace of diamonds.

tkʷll̕kʷil̕s   Morph: t+kʷl•l̕•kʷil̕s. red garden currants.

tkʷl̕l̕kʷil̕s   Morph: t+kʷl̕•l̕•kʷil̕꞊s. red garden currants. Lit: red berries

tkʷkʷl̕kʷil̕s   Morph: t+kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷil̕꞊s. red garden currants.

tkʷkʷl̕kʷíllaʔqʷ   Morph: t+kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷíllaʔqʷ. flat-topped spiraea. Lit: B’s etym: a bunch of little red sticks (term refers to non-blooming plants) Cm kʷil dark red; kʷa‑kʷil‑aʔ bay horse; Cr kʷil red; Sh c-kʷl-eʔ sorrel horse.

kʷl5   send.

kʷulst   Morph: kʷul+st. to send s.o. some place; to send s.o. on an errand; to send s.o. off for s.t.


ɬckʷulst   Morph: ɬ+c+kʷul+st. send s.o. back here.


ɬkʷul   Morph: ɬ+kʷul. to send s.t. or s.o. back or again.

ɬkʷulst   Morph: ɬ+kʷul+st. send s.o. again.


kʷulstm   Morph: kʷul+st+m. send after.


ckʷul   Morph: c+kʷul. to send s.o. here on an errand.

ɬckʷul   Morph: ɬ+c+kʷul. to send s.o. back here.

kʷlstiɬn   Morph: kʷl+stiɬn. to send s.o. on an errand.

ctkʷlstíplaʔst   Morph: c+t+kʷls+típlaʔ+st. to send s.o. for s.o. or s.t.


tkʷlstíplaʔnt   Morph: t+kʷls+típlaʔ+nt. to send s.o. for s.o. or s.t.

Tstem. Sp kʷ y-eʔc-kʷúl-s-t-m I'm sending you, I'm asking a favor of you; Cm kʷuls‑(s)t‑xʷ you send s.t.; s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand; Cr kʷlsét-s help (ask for...), ask me for or seek assistance; s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand; hi-s+kʷúlset H/S is one I asked to do an errand for me; Sh (c-)k̓ʷlm-et-n-s to send a person.

kʷl6   flicker; woodpecker.

kʷlkʷaʕqn   Morph: kʷl+kʷaʕ꞊qn ? flicker; small woodpecker.

kʷlkʷllaqn   Morph: kʷl•kʷl•laqn. woodpecker.

kʷlkʷlaʕkn̓   Morph: kʷl•kʷlaʕkn̓. a flicker's tail feathers (a bad omen is associated with a sighting of this bird).

kʷlkʷlaʕqn   Morph: kʷl•kʷlaʕ꞊qn. red Indian paintbrush. Lit: red headed (pileated) woodpecker (applied to a specimen of C. miniata). Sp:kʷlkʷléčeʔ flicker (bird); Cm:kʷəl̕kʷl̕qn̓ kʷəl̕-kʷl̕-qn flicker {bird}. Category: Conf.

kʷl7   kʷl in men's names.

kʷllax̌n   Morph: kʷl•l꞊ax̌n. kʷllax̌n (man's name).

tkʷl̕kʷl̕tasq̓t   Morph: t+kʷl̕•kʷl̕+tasq̓t. tkʷl̕kʷl̕tasq̓t (man's name).

kʷl8   kʷl in place names.

tkʷkʷl̕ilxkn̓   Morph: t+kʷ•kʷl̕ílxkn̓. tkʷkʷl̕ilxkn̓: Halverson Canyon. Lit: deer warm their antlers

kʷlmt   brother-in-law.

nkʷl̕mut   Morph: n+kʷl̕mut. brother-in-law; wife’s brother’s wife or wife’s sister’s husband.

nkʷl̕mutn   Morph: n+kʷl̕mu+tn. brother-in-law.

nkʷl̕mtiw̓s   Morph: n+kʷl̕+mtiw̓s. to be brother-in-law with s.o. Sp n-kʷel̕mút they are brothers-in-law because they married sisters.

kʷls1   sweathouse.

kʷilstn   Morph: kʷils+tn. sweat house.

kʷilstnm   Morph: kʷils+tn+m. to sweat bathe.

skʷilstnm   Morph: s+kʷils+tn+m. the ways of the sweat house.

kʷil̕kʷl̕stnm   Morph: kʷil̕•kʷl̕s+tn+m. to sweat bathe more than once.

kʷlstnimn   Morph: kʷls+tn+imn. to sweat bathe often; to like to sweat bathe.

nkʷal̕stn   Morph: n+kʷal̕s+tn. heating stove.

kʷls2   kinnickinnick.

skʷlis   Morph: s+kʷlis. kinnickinnick berry.

skʷlsiɬmlx   Morph: s+kʷlsiɬm+lx. kinniknnick. Sp s-kʷlís kinnickinnick berry, bearberry.

skʷkʷl̕siɬml̕x   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕s꞊iɬml̕x. false box. Lit: little kinnikinnick bush

skʷkʷl̕kʷl̕siɬml̕x   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷl̕s꞊iɬml̕x. false box. Lit: little kinnikinnick bush

kʷlt   kʷltasq̓t (man's name).

kʷltasq̓t   Morph: kʷlt꞊asq̓t. kʷltasq̓t (man's name).

kʷlx   leave.

kʷlxúlaʔxʷ   Morph: kʷlxúlaʔxʷ. to leave the country.

nkʷlxúlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+kʷlxúlaʔxʷ. to leave the country.

tkʷilx   Morph: t+kʷilx. to leave; to get away.

kʷlx̌   drop.

kʷlx̌ínaʔm   Morph: kʷlx̌ínaʔ+m. to drop s.t. on top of s.o. or s.t. Category: Conf.

kʷl̕1   warm; sunny.

kʷʔal   Morph: kʷ[ʔ]al. to get warm.

kʷʔal̕   Morph: kʷ[ʔ]a. to get warm.

skʷʔal̕   Morph: s+kʷʔal̕. warmth.

kʷl̕al̕   Morph: kʷl̕•al̕. to be lighted; to have sunshine; to have warmth.

skʷl̕al̕   Morph: s+kʷl̕•al̕. a sunbeam.

kʷkʷl̕al̕   Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕•al̕. the sun is shining; it's bright; it's sunny; it's hot.

kʷaʔkʷʔál̕   Morph: kʷaʔ•kʷʔál̕. to warm up.

kʷaʔkʷʔál̕x   Morph: kʷaʔ•kʷ[ʔ]ál̕+x ? to get warm.

kʷalt   Morph: kʷal+t. to be warm.

kʷal̕t   Morph: kʷal̕+t. to be warm; to sweat.

skʷalt   Morph: s+kʷal+t. the heat of the sun; the light of the sun.

skʷal̕t   Morph: s+kʷal̕+t. the heat of the sun; the light of the sun.

skʷkʷl̕al̕   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕•al̕. sunshine.

kʷal̕st   Morph: kʷal̕+st. to keep oneself warm.

kʷlíc̓aʔ   Morph: kʷlíc̓aʔ. to be dressed warm.

kʷl̕alqsm   Morph: kʷl̕alqs+m. (to wear) a warm dress.

skʷl̕al̕qs   Morph: s+kʷl̕al̕qs. a coat.

kʷaʔkʷaʔlxán   Morph: kʷaʔ•kʷaʔlxán. to warm one's feet.

kskʷl̕t   Morph: ks+kʷl̕-t. to sweat; to be sweating.

kskʷal̕t   Morph: ks+kʷal̕+t. to sweat; to be sweaty; to perspire.

k̓ɬkʷl̕ink   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷl̕꞊ink. the sunny side of the mountain; a sunny hillside.

k̓ɬkʷl̕l̕ink   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷl̕•l̕ink. the sunny side of a mountain.

kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ   Morph: kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ. a (normally) warm place; kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ: place name. Lit: warm land

nkʷkʷl̕al̕   Morph: n+kʷ•kʷl̕•al̕. to be light.

snkʷal̕stn   Morph: sn+kʷal̕+st+n. heater.

nkʷkʷliknm   Morph: n+kʷ•kʷliknm. to sun one's back.

nkʷl̕úlaʔxʷ   Morph: n+kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ. warm places.

tkʷl̕ínaʔnt   Morph: t+kʷl̕ínaʔ+nt. to keep s.t. warm.


stkʷl̕ínaʔm   Morph: s+t+kʷl̕ínaʔ+m. keep s.t. warm.


saʔt̓skʷál̕t   Morph: saʔt̓+s+kʷál̕+t. the sweat dries off.

skʷkʷl̕itkʷ   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷl̕itkʷ. skʷkʷl̕itkʷ: place name. Lit: little warm water

ʔap̓skʷáltm   to wipe one's sweat. Cm kʷaʔl, kʷəlt be warm; Cr kʷel̕ hot, sunny, warm; Sh c-kʷel warmed up (food, body); Th √kʷél lukewarm, √kʷéy warm; Li s.kʷəl̕ sunshine.

kʷl̕2   calf.

kʷl̕kʷl̕alxʷ   Morph: kʷl̕•kʷl̕alxʷ. a calf; calves; young cow or moose.

kʷkʷl̕kʷl̕alxʷ   Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷl̕alxʷ. a calf; calves. Lit: red-coated

kʷkʷl̕kʷl̕álaʔxʷ   Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷl̕álaʔxʷ. calves.

piʔskʷəl̕l̕kʷəl̕ál̕xʷ, py̓skʷl̕l̕kʷl̕ál̕xʷ   Morph: piʔs+kʷəl̕•l̕•kʷəl̕•ál̕xʷ. calving time. Cr t+kʷl̕+kʷl̕íl̕xʷ calf lit. red red hide.

kʷl̕3   wild potato.

skʷl̕kʷil̕m   Morph: s+kʷl̕•kʷil̕+m. wild potato. See: kʷn̓.

kʷɬ   reddish.

kʷiɬ   Morph: kʷiɬ. reddish; orange-red.

kʷaʔɬús   Morph: kʷaʔɬús. to blush; to have a red face. Sp kʷeʔls-cút he blushed. See: kʷl.

kʷɬn   lend, borrow.

kʷuɬnt   Morph: kʷuɬ+nt. to lend s.t. to s.o.; to borrow s.t.; to take advantage of s.o. (sexually).


ckʷuɬst   Morph: c+kʷuɬ+st. to lend ...


kʷɬntuɬt   Morph: kʷɬn+tuɬt. lend s.t. out.


kʷuɬnm   Morph: kʷuɬn+m. lend.


kʷɬntuɬtm   Morph: kʷɬn+tuɬt+m. lend.


skʷukʷɬn   Morph: s+kʷu•kʷ•ɬn. a live-in mate. Lit: little borrowing

ɬkʷuɬn   Morph: ɬ+kʷuɬn. to borrow again.

kʷáɬnxix   Morph: kʷáɬn+xix ? to lend s.t. out.

kʷɬnxixmst   Morph: kʷɬn+xix+m+st. to lend or rent s.t. out to s.o.


kʷɬnink   Morph: kʷɬnink. a borrowed gun.

kʷɬnúlaʔxʷ   Morph: kʷɬnúlaʔxʷ. to rent a place.

nkʷɬkʷiɬncn   Morph: n+kʷɬ•kʷiɬncn. to use borrowed words.

nkʷɬnaɬq̓ʷlt   Morph: n+kʷɬnaɬq̓ʷlt. false teeth. Lit: borrowed teeth

snkʷl̕naɬq̓ʷlt   Morph: sn+kʷl̕ɬnaɬq̓ʷlt. dentures. Lit: borrowed teeth

nkʷúɬniys   Morph: n+kʷúɬniys. false teeth. Lit: borrowed teeth

tkʷuɬnm   Morph: t+kʷuɬn+m. to borrow for s.t. Sp √kʷuɬn borrow, lend; Cm kʷuɬ-nt-xʷ you lend s.t. to s.o.; you borrow s.t. from s.o.; Cr kʷuɬ borrow, lend; Sh kʷəɬen to borrow; Li kʷúɬən to borrow s.t.

kʷƛ̓1   Coyote’s call.

kʷƛ̓up   Morph: kʷƛ̓up. kʷƛ̓up (call for Coyote's helpers).

kʷƛ̓2   hide bleaching.

nkʷƛ̓ink   Morph: n+kʷƛ̓ink. bleaching (of hide).

nk̓ʷƛ̓ink   Morph: n+k̓ʷƛ̓ink. bleaching.

wiʔsnk̓ʷƛ̓ínk   Morph: wy̓+s+n+k̓ʷƛ̓ínk. to finish bleaching. Ques: kʷ or k̓ʷ

kʷm1   store.

kʷumnt   Morph: kʷum+nt. to store s.t., to put away s.t.


kʷumɬt   Morph: kʷum+ɬt. to store s.t.


kʷumɬtm   Morph: kʷum+ɬt+m. to store s.t.; to keep s.t. for s.o.


ɬkʷumnt   Morph: ɬ+kʷum+nt. to put s.t. back.


ɬckʷumst   Morph: ɬ+c+kʷum+st. to have s.t. stored again.


kʷumm   Morph: kʷum•m. s.t. put aside, saved.

snkʷumn   Morph: s+n+kʷum+mn. storage place.

kʷmkʷum   Morph: kʷm•kʷum. to be stored (of food).

ɬkʷmkʷum   Morph: ɬ+kʷm•kʷum. to put back (food).

skʷmɬtiɬn   Morph: s+kʷmɬtiɬn. s.t. for s.o. to store.

kʷmxixmnt   Morph: kʷm+xix+m+nt. to have s.o. store s.t.


kʷumcn   Morph: kʷumcn. to save for food; to put aside food.


kʷmlscut   Morph: kʷmlscut. to store clothes; to put away clothes.


miskʷúm, myskʷum   Morph: my+s+kʷum. to store s.t. well.

snkʷummn   Morph: s+n+kʷum+mn. storage; storage place.

snkʷumntn   Morph: sn+kʷum+n+tn. storage place.

snkʷumcn   Morph: s+n+kʷumcn. storage.

snkʷumcntn   Morph: s+n+kʷumcn+tn. storage place for food. Sp kʷum save, hide away...; Cm na‑kʷum large bowl; Th n/kʷúm-mn bag, sack; Li kʷm-aɬməx watertight basket...

kʷm2   durable.

kʷkʷimn   Morph: kʷ•kʷim+n. to be resistant, durable.

kʷm̓iwt   Morph: kʷm̓iwt. a long time.

kʷm3   rainbow.

skʷimcxn   Morph: s+kʷimcxn ? a rainbow. Sp s-kʷmkʷmíw̓cšn rainbow; Cm s‑kʷm‑kʷim‑mc‑xn rainbow; Cr s+kʷm+kʷmíw+tšn rainbow.

skʷmkʷimcxn   Morph: s+kʷm•kʷimcxn. rainbow.

skʷmkʷmiwcxn   Morph: s+kʷm•kʷmiwcxn. rainbow; Falls (Fall) Creek.

kʷimcxn   Morph: kʷimcxn ? kʷimcxn (man's name).

skʷkʷm̓kʷm̓iwcxn̓   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷm̓•kʷm̓iwcxn̓. skʷkʷm̓kʷm̓iwcxn̓: Falls (Fall) Creek. Lit: many little rainbows

skʷm̓kʷm̓awcxn̓   Morph: s+kʷm̓•kʷm̓awcxn̓. skʷm̓kʷm̓awcxn̓: Falls (Fall) Creek. Lit: many rainbows

kʷm̓ɬ   suddenly.

kʷm̓iɬ   Morph: kʷm̓iɬ. then, suddenly, at once, right away, unexpectedly.

kʷm̓aɬ   Morph: kʷm̓aɬ. then, suddenly, at once, right away, unexpectedly.

kʷn1   take.

ckʷi   Morph: c+kʷi. to take s.t.; to obtain s.t.

kʷint   Morph: kʷi+nt. to take, hold, grab, accept.


ckʷint   Morph: c+kʷi+nt. take s.t.


ɬkʷi(n)   Morph: ɬ+kʷi. to take s.t. again or back.

ckʷin   Morph: c+kʷin. to come and take s.t. or s.o.

ɬckʷi(n)   Morph: ɬ+c+kʷi. to take something back again.

ɬckʷiɬt   Morph: ɬ+c+kʷi+ɬt. take s.t. back.


kʷnnunt   Morph: kʷn+nu+nt. to be able to take or catch s.t.; to manage to take s.t.


kʷnnuɬt   Morph: kʷn+nu+ɬt. get to catch s.t.


kʷnnunm   Morph: kʷn+nun+m. get to catch s.t.


ɬkʷnnunt   Morph: ɬ+kʷn+nu+nt. to be able to take or catch s.t. back; to manage to take s.t. again.


kɬkʷnnunt   Morph: kɬ+kʷn+nu+nt. get hold of.


ɬckʷnnu   Morph: ɬ+c+kʷn+nu. to manage to take s.t. back.

kʷni   Morph: kʷni. to take or buy s.t.

kʷnim   Morph: kʷni+m. to take s.t.; to buy s.t.

skʷnim   Morph: s+kʷni+m. one's taking s.t.

ɬkʷnim   Morph: ɬ+kʷni+m. to take s.t. back.

ckʷnim   Morph: c+kʷni+m. to take or get s.t.

ɬckʷnim   Morph: ɬ+c+kʷni+m. to take s.t. again.

kʷnmin   Morph: kʷni+min. to grab s.t. or s.o.

kʷnxix   Morph: kʷn+xix. to take s.t. for s.o.

kʷnxtwixʷm   Morph: kʷn+x+twixʷ+m. to take s.t. from one another; to pass s.t. back and forth.

skʷinlt   Morph: s+kʷinlt. an adopted child.

kʷnmútyaʔ   Morph: kʷn+mútyaʔ. to try to grab s.t. or s.o.

kʷinksnt   Morph: kʷinks+nt. to shake hands with.


ɬkʷinksnt   Morph: ɬ+kʷinks+nt. to shake hands again.


kʷnkʷank(st)   Morph: kʷn•kʷank. to hold s.t.

kʷnkʷinksnt   Morph: kʷn•kʷinks+nt. hold hands.


ckʷnkʷinkst   Morph: c+kʷn•kʷink+st. to shake hands with s.o.; to hold hands.


kʷnikstm   Morph: kʷnikst+m. to abuse s.t.

kskʷanqnm   Morph: k+s+kʷanqn+m. to drive a car.

kʷniútyaʔ   Morph: kʷniútyaʔ. to grab hold of s.t. or s.o.

kʷniútyaʔst   Morph: kʷniútyaʔ+st. to grab s.o. or s.t.


kʷnmútyaʔst   Morph: kʷn+m+útyaʔ+st. grab s.o.


snkʷniʔútyaʔtn   Morph: sn+kʷniʔútyaʔ+tn. snkʷniʔútyaʔtn: unidentified place. Lit: place where they grabbed

kʷniʔst   Morph: kʷn+iʔst. to manage to take s.t.

kʷkʷinnst   Morph: kʷ•kʷin•n+st ? to catch a disease.

kʷnksnwixʷ   Morph: kʷnks+nwixʷ. to shake hands; to be holding hands.

kʷnkʷnksnwixʷ   Morph: kʷn•kʷnks+nwixʷ. to hold hands; to join hands; to hold s.o. on both sides.

kʷnkʷnksnwixʷm   Morph: kʷn•kʷnks+nwixʷ+m. to hold s.t. with both arms; to shake hands about s.t.

kʷnkʷntwixʷst   Morph: kʷn•kʷn+twixʷ+st. to grab one another; to grapple with s.o.


kʷanx̌nt   Morph: kʷanx̌+nt. to take s.o. (singular) prisoner, slave; to kidnap s.o. (singular).


kʷanx̌ɬt   Morph: kʷanx̌+ɬt. to kidnap.


kʷanx̌nm   Morph: kʷanx̌n+m. to kidnap.


skʷanx̌n   Morph: s+kʷanx̌n. prisoner, slave, a kidnapped one.

sckʷanx̌n   Morph: sc+kʷanx̌n. kidnapped.

sntkʷnkʷnimtn   Morph: s+n+t+kʷn•kʷni+m+tn. handle; s.t. to hold on to.

sxʷk̓ɬkʷincnm   Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+kʷincn+m. one who repeats a song; a catcher.

snkʷnpasxnm   Morph: s+n+kʷn+pasxn+m. to rape.

puʔkʷínt   Morph: puʔkʷí+nt. to take s.o.'s wife.


cpuʔkʷíst   Morph: c+puʔkʷí+st. take s.o.’s wife.


puʔkʷncútn   Morph: puʔkʷn+cút+n. wife stealer, wife snatcher.

kʷnɬc̓ik̓ʷsxn   Morph: kʷn+ɬ+c̓ik̓ʷsxn. to hold a lamp.

kʷnɬƛ̓áqnaʔm   Morph: kʷn+ɬ+ƛ̓áqnaʔ+m. to grab or take a sack.

kʷnsqilxʷ   Morph: kʷn+s+qilxʷ. to grab a body.

kʷnɬnq̓aʔiw̓s   Morph: kʷn+ɬ+n+q̓aʔiw̓s. to hold a fork.

kʷnɬq̓y̓minm   Morph: kʷn+ɬ+q̓y̓+min+m. to take papers.

ɬkʷinɬsƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔm   Morph: ɬ+kʷin+ɬ+s+ƛ̓x̌ʷíc̓aʔ+m. to pick up a drum again.

wy̓skʷint   Morph: wy̓+s+kʷi+nt. get done grabbing s.t.

Tstem. Sp kʷánx̌n-t-m he was kidnapped; Cm c‑kʷn‑am to get s.t.; Cr s+kʷánax̌n bondage, captive, hostage, prisoner; kʷin grasp (a small object), hold (a small object); Sh √kʷen to go and get, take (hold of), take (bring) a thing or person; Th √kʷén grasp; Li kʷan to take, catch, grab s.t.

kʷn2   take (t + √kʷn).

stkʷni   Morph: s+t+kʷni. holder; one who holds s.t.

tkʷinksnt   Morph: t+kʷinks+nt. to take by the hand; to shake hands.


tkʷinksm   Morph: t+kʷinks+m. to take s.t. with one's hand; to take s.o.'s hand; to take a finger-like object.

tkʷinkst   Morph: t+kʷinkst. shake hands.

tkʷínplaʔnt   Morph: t+kʷínplaʔ+nt. to take the lead; to lead s.t. or s.o.; to lead on a leash.


ctkʷínplaʔst   Morph: c+t+kʷínplaʔ+st. to take the lead.


tkʷins   Morph: t+kʷins. to take s.t. from the fire.

tkʷinxnt   Morph: t+kʷinx+nt. to take by the leg.


tkʷnim   Morph: t+kʷni+m. to grab (at) s.t. or s.o.

tkʷnkʷni   Morph: t+kʷn•kʷni. to hold on.

tkʷnkʷnim   Morph: t+kʷn•kʷnim. to hold on; to pull on s.t.

tkʷnkʷinksnt   Morph: t+kʷn•kʷinks+nt. to shake hands with.


tkʷnkʷínplaʔ   Morph: t+kʷn•kʷínplaʔ. to decide s.t.; to take the lead.

tkʷnksnwaxʷ   Morph: t+kʷnks+nwaxʷ. to hold hands; to take one another's hands.

tkʷnksnwixʷ   Morph: t+kʷnks+nwixʷ. to shake hands; to join hands.

tkʷnkʷnksnwixʷmnt   Morph: t+kʷn•kʷnks+nwixʷ+m+nt. to shake hands on s.t.


tkʷnxikxt   Morph: t+kʷn+xik+xt. to give s.o. a handful of s.t.


kʷn3   take (n + √kʷn).

nkʷinkstnt   Morph: n+kʷinkst+nt. to grab s.o.


nkʷinkʷnt   Morph: n+kʷinkʷ+nt. to be grabbed by s.t. in the water.


nkʷnksncut   Morph: n+kʷnksncut. to grab one's own hands.

nkʷnkʷnksncut   Morph: n+kʷn•kʷnks+ncut. to grab one's own hands.

nkʷnmils   Morph: n+kʷn+mils. to want to pull s.t. out.

nkʷnpax̌nt   Morph: n+kʷn+pax̌+nt. to grab s.o. by the arm.


nkʷnpasx̌nt   Morph: n+kʷn+pasx̌+nt. to grab s.o. by the arm.


nkʷanpúʔsknt   Morph: n+kʷan+púʔsk+nt. take away the voice.


kʷn4   take (k̓ɬ + √kʷn).

k̓ɬkʷi   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷi. to catch s.t.

k̓ɬkʷincnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷinc+nt. manage to catch s.t.


k̓ɬkʷincnm   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷincn+m. manage to catch s.t.

Mstem. to catch or grab s.t.to repeat a song.

kʷn5   sing.

nkʷi   Morph: n+kʷi. to sing.

snkʷin   Morph: s+n+kʷin. a song.

nkʷni   Morph: n+kʷni. to sing.

nkʷaní   Morph: n+kʷ[a]ní. to sing and sing; to sing repeatedly.

nkʷnim   Morph: n+kʷni+m. to sing; to chant.

nkʷn̓im   Morph: n+kʷn̓i+m. to sing.

nkʷnkʷnim   Morph: n+kʷn•kʷni+m. to sing; to chant; to dance.

nkʷincnt   Morph: n+kʷinc+nt. sing along.


nkʷancínt   Morph: n+kʷancí+nt. to sing to.


scnkʷancínm   Morph: sc+n+kʷancín+m. singing to.


nkʷncan   Morph: n+kʷncan. to sing.

nkʷncantn   Morph: n+kʷn꞊can+tn. a song.

kʷaʔncánmnt   Morph: kʷaʔncán+m+nt. sing about.


nkʷncut   Morph: n+kʷn+cut. to sing.

nkʷancántn   Morph: n+kʷancán+tn. a song.

cnkʷincst   Morph: c+n+kʷinc+st. to sing along; to prompt s.o. with a songsing along.


nkʷínplaʔnt   Morph: n+kʷínplaʔ+nt. to sing a song.


kʷnmist   Morph: kʷn+mist. to make a sound; to make noise; to sing.

nkʷakʷíntn   Morph: n+kʷa•kʷín+tn. songs.

nkʷaʔn̓cánmnt   Morph: n+kʷaʔn̓cán+m+nt. to sing about.


nkʷancánmɬt   Morph: n+kʷancán+m+ɬt. to make a song about s.o. or s.t.


nkʷancánmxt   Morph: n+kʷancán+m+xt. sing about.


nkʷancánmi   Morph: n+kʷancán+mi. to sing about s.o.

nkʷancínmst   Morph: n+kʷancín+m+st. to make s.o. sing.

knkʷínplaʔ   Morph: k+n+kʷínplaʔ. to have a song.

scmkʷin   Morph: sc+m+kʷin ? a song.

nkʷanpúʔsk   Morph: n+kʷan+púʔ+sk ? to take one's voice or breath away.

snkʷanpúʔskm   Morph: s+n+kʷan+púʔsk+m. taking away the voice.

nMstem. ? Sp puʔ empty, void.

sxʷnkʷnim   Morph: sxʷn+kʷnim. a singer. Cr sye+n+kʷín+m bard, cantor, chorister.

sxʷnkʷíncnm   Morph: sxʷn+kʷíncn+m. one who sings along.

sxʷk̓ɬkʷincnm   Morph: sxʷk̓ɬ+kʷincn+m. one who repeats a song; a catcher.

ɬwy̓snkʷnim   Morph: ɬ+wy̓+s+n+kʷni+m. to finish singing again. Sp n-kʷn-ém ... he sang; n-kʷé-y-s he sang that song; n-kʷn-ém he took it out, he sang; n-kʷé-y-s he sang that song; qʷu s-n-kʷé-ɬ-c he sang the song for me; č̕ɬ-n-kʷn-cút suddenly she broke into a medicine song; hec n-kʷen-m̓éy̓eʔe-y he's singing (or humming) to himself; Cm n-kʷn-am to sing; n‑kʷan–cin‑tn song, hymn; s.t. used to play music; Cr kʷin sing; hn+kʷín+m ... he sang, he chanted; Th kʷey̓-m [of Indian doctor] sing, chant. See: kʷn3.

kʷn6   coax.

ʔaxʷkʷúnm   Morph: ʔaxʷ+kʷun+m. to talk, discuss; to make noise.

ʔaxʷkʷnmíst   Morph: ʔaxʷ+kʷn+míst. to discuss; to make noise.

k̓aʔxʷkʷúnm   Morph: k+ʔaxʷ+kʷun+m. to coax s.o.

kʔaxʷkʷúnm, k̓axʷkʷúnm   Morph: k+ʔaxʷ+kʷun+m. to nag a.o.; to coax s.o.

nkʔxʷkʷunm   Morph: n+k+ʔxʷ+kʷun+m. to advise; to give advice; to coax.

nʔaxʷkʷúntn   Morph: n+ʔaxʷ+kʷún+tn. one's song.

k̓ɬʔaxʷkʷúnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ+kʷú+nt. to beg, to entice.


k̓ɬʔaxʷkʷúnm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ+kʷún+m. beg s.o.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷú+nt. to beg, to entice.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúnm   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷún+m. to coax s.o.

k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúnmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷún+m+nt. to coax s.o.


k̓ɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷncútn   Morph: k̓ɬ+ʔaxʷ•ʔaxʷ+kʷn+cút+n. coaxer.

tiʔxʷkʷúnm   Morph: tiʔxʷ+kʷún+m. to say; to talk; to repeat a sound; to utter in a certain way; to pass the word along.

nk̓xʷkʷunm   Morph: n+k+ʔxʷ+kʷun+m. to advise; to give advice; to coax. Sp ʔexʷ-kʷún-m he said it, he talks in this manner; qʷu č̕-xʷ-kʷún-m-i-s he coaxed me, he tried to persuade me; see Cm k̓ɬ‑kʷan̓–c(n)‑nt‑xʷ you interpret, translate s.t. See: kʷn2.

kʷn7   repeat.

taʔxʷkʷúnm   Morph: taʔxʷ+kʷún+m. to repeat a sound over and over.

tixʷkʷúnm   Morph: tixʷ+kʷún+m. to repeat a sound over and over.

t̓aʔc̓kʷúnm   Morph: t̓aʔc̓+kʷún+m. to repeat a sound over and over (said of frogs).

t̓ic̓kʷúnm   Morph: t̓ic̓+kʷún+m. to make noise, to make a sound. Sp √t̓ac̓ sound of grasshopper.

kʷn8   sternum.

snkʷnpasx̌nm   Morph: s+n+kʷn+pasx̌n+m. sternum.

kʷn9   club.

skʷínaʔst   Morph: s+kʷínaʔst. a club.

kʷnc   kʷincxn (man's name).

kʷincxn   Morph: kʷinc꞊xn. kʷincxn (man's name).

haɬkʷíncxn   Morph: haɬkʷinc꞊xn. the kʷincxn family.

kʷnsk   kʷnswíkɬc̓a (man's name).

kʷnswíkɬc̓a   Morph: kʷnswík꞊ɬc̓a ? kʷnswíkɬc̓a (man's name).

kʷnt   waterfall; Omak.

skʷant   Morph: s+kʷant. Omak, Omak Lake, Omak Indians.

skʷkʷan̓t   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷan̓t. Lit: little waterfall skʷkʷan̓t: place name; skʷkʷan̓t: Meyers Falls; skʷkʷan̓t: place name.

kʷnxʷ1   answer.

k̓ɬkʷinxʷcnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷinxʷc+nt. to answer; to give an answer.


ck̓ɬkʷinxʷcnt   Morph: c+k̓ɬ+kʷinxʷ꞊c+nt. to receive an answer.


ɬk̓ɬkʷinxʷcnt   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+kʷinxʷc+nt. to answer back.


k̓ɬkʷinxʷcnm   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷinxʷcn+m. answer s.o.


k̓ɬkʷaʔnxʷcnwíxʷ   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷaʔnxʷcn+wíxʷ. to communicate back and forth with noises. Sp č̕ɬ-kʷénxʷc-n I answered him; č̕ɬ-kʷénxʷc-n-t-m she agreed to become his wife; Cr cen+kʷínxʷcn answer, reply, respond.

kʷnxʷ2   appearance.

stkʷnxʷaʔcút   Morph: s+t+kʷnxʷaʔ+cút. appearance; dress.

kʷn̓   wild potato.

skʷkʷn̓kʷin̓m   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷn̓•kʷin̓+m. little wild potatoes.

skʷn̓kʷín̓m   Morph: s+kʷn̓•kʷín̓+m. spring beauty. Sp s-kʷn̓kʷin̓-m̓ Indian potato, spring beauty; Cm s‑kʷn̓‑kʷin̓‑m wild potato; Sh s-kʷn-kʷinm wild potato; Li s.kʷən:kʷín wild potato. See: kʷl̕3.

kʷp1   pass.

tkʷpxixmnt   Morph: t+kʷp+xix+m+nt. to pass s.t. along.


tkʷupxnmnt   Morph: t+kʷupxn+m+nt. rush toward.


kʷp2   foot rags.

snkʷupxn   Morph: sn+kʷupxn. stockings, foot wraps. Sh x-kʷup-xn̓ rags around legs; stockings, socks.

kʷp̓   cramp.

kʷup̓p̓   Morph: kʷup̓•p̓. to be cramped.

kʷr1   yellow.

skʷr̓kʷr̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: s+kʷr̓•kʷr̓꞊íc̓aʔ. tomato. Lit: B’s etym: yellow/green

kʷkʷr̓kʷr̓isxn   Morph: kʷ•kʷr̓•kʷr̓꞊isxn. golden coins; small round objects; pennies.

kʷrkʷáru   Morph: kʷr•kʷáru. Variant: kʷrkʷaru. kʷrkʷáru: place name. Lit: yellowish-colored a little bit

kʷrkʷarw̓s   Morph: kʷr•kʷarw̓s. kʷrkʷarw̓s: place name. Lit: yellowish-colored a little bit on face

tkʷaʔríkst   Morph: t+kʷaʔríkst. yellow fronds.

tkʷr̓kʷr̓akstxn   Morph: t+kʷr̓•kʷr̓akstxn. tkʷr̓kʷr̓akstxn (man's name). Lit: yellow leg See: kʷrʔ.

kʷr2   crane.

kʷrxan   Morph: kʷrxan. Crane; crane.

skʷrxan   Morph: s+kʷrxan. sandhill crane; Crane; blue heron; skʷrxan (Joe Abel). Sp s-kʷér–šn (s-kʷál–šn) sandhill crane, long-necked, blue crane; gray water birds with long legs; Cm s‑kʷər‑xn blue heron; Cr s+kʷaršn yellow foot, crane.

kʷr3   frog sound.

kʷára   Morph: kʷára. kʷára (sound made by a frog).

kʷrʔ   yellow, sorrel, gold.

kʷriʔ   Morph: kʷriʔ. yellow; sorrel; gold; yellow horse.

kʷr̓iʔ   Morph: kʷr̓iʔ. yellow.

kʷrayʔ   Morph: kʷrayʔ. yellow.

kʷkʷr̓iʔt   Morph: kʷ•kʷr̓iʔ+t. yellow; gold.

kʷrriʔ   Morph: kʷr•r•iʔ. s.t. turns yellow.

kʷr̓r̓iʔ   Morph: kʷr̓•r̓•iʔ. to turn yellow.

kʷr̓íc̓aʔ   Morph: kʷr̓íc̓aʔ. a yellow blanket.

kʷr̓ilxʷ   Morph: kʷr̓ilxʷ. golden surface; yellow coat.

skʷraʔkán   Morph: s+kʷraʔkán ? copper. Cm s‑kʷraʔ‑kan gold; copper.

skʷraʔqín   Morph: s+kʷraʔqín. a strawberry roan horse.

kʷr̓iʔs   Morph: kʷr̓iʔs. to be yellow in the face; yellow face.

kʷriʔxn   Morph: kʷriʔxn. yellow pages.

kʷrkʷríc̓aʔ   Morph: kʷr•kʷríc̓aʔ. pumpkin.

kʷr̓kʷaʔr̓ús   Morph: kʷr̓•kʷaʔr̓ús. kʷr̓kʷaʔr̓ús: Little Gold.

kʷr̓kʷr̓aqstxn   Morph: kʷr̓•kʷr̓aqstxn. kʷr̓kʷr̓aqstxn: the name of one of Coyote's sons. Lit: yellow legs

kʷr̓kʷr̓aʔtíɬp   Morph: kʷr•kʷr̓aʔ+tíɬp. Sitka willow.

kʷrkʷr̓aʔtíɬaʔp   Morph: kʷr•kʷr̓aʔ+tíɬaʔp. Sitka willow.

kʷr̓kʷr̓aʔtíɬaʔp   Morph: kʷr•kʷr̓aʔ+tíɬaʔp. Sitka willow.

kʷr̓kʷr̓iʔɬml̕x   Morph: kʷr̓•kʷr̓íʔ꞊ɬml̕x. stonecrop. Lit: B’s etym: "little yellow/green plant"

kʷkʷr̓kʷriʔ k̓l sk̓ʷlk̓ʷalt   Morph: kʷ•kʷr̓•kʷriʔ k̓l s+k̓ʷl•k̓ʷal+t. yellow violet.

nkʷriʔítkʷ   Morph: nkʷriʔítkʷ. Yellow Lake.

skʷraʔɬpíw̓s   Morph: s+kʷraʔɬpíw̓s. skʷraʔɬpíw̓s (place name). Lit: many yellow flowers

skʷr̓aʔɬpíw̓s   Morph: s+kʷr̓aʔɬp꞊íw̓s. skʷr̓aʔɬpíw̓s: Meteor Valley.

snkʷraʔɬpíw̓s   Morph: sn+kʷraʔɬpíw̓s. snkʷraʔɬpíw̓s: locality near Stranger Creek.

nkʷrkʷriʔs   Morph: n+kʷr•kʷriʔs. leafy aster.

tkʷr̓iʔqn   Morph: t+kʷr̓iʔqn. yellow haired. Lit: yellow head

tkʷr̓kʷr̓iʔs   Morph: t+kʷr̓•kʷr̓iʔs. oranges.

tkʷkʷr̓kʷriʔs   Morph: t+kʷ•kʷr̓•kʷriʔs. apricots.

tkʷrkʷriʔs   Morph: t+kʷr•kʷriʔs. fairy bells; orange.

tkʷrkʷriʔs iʔ c̓c̓kʷkʷíɬaʔp   Morph: t+kʷr•kʷriʔ-s iʔ c̓•c̓kʷ•kʷíɬaʔp. yellow berried mountain ash. Sp √kʷriʔ (kʷalíʔ) yellow, brass, rusty, golden; Cm kʷ‑kʷr̓iʔ ‑t gold, copper; skʷraʔkán gold; copper; kʷarn I apply yellow paint; Cr kʷar yellow; qʷ+qʷár̓eʔ+t gold; Sh kʷal-t yellow, green; Th √kʷəḷ yellow / green; Li √kʷə̣ḷ : kʷḷ-iʔ green, yellow. See: kʷr1.

kʷr(n)   lichen.

kʷrikʷ   Morph: kʷrikʷ ? wolf lichen, or wolf "moss".

kʷrnikʷ   Morph: kʷrníkʷ ? wolf lichen, or wolf "moss".

kʷr̓1   clam shell.

skʷkʷr̓ínaʔ   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷr̓ínaʔ. clam shell.

sk̓ʷk̓ʷr̓ínaʔ   Morph: s+k̓ʷ•k̓ʷr̓ínaʔ. clam, clam shell; fresh water clam; mussel unionidae anodonta. Sp s-kʷk̓ʷréneʔ (sk̓ʷk̓ʷláneʔ) oyster; Cm s‑k̓ʷr̓‑anaʔ oyster, fresh water clam; Cr s+k̓ʷar̓íneʔ bivalve, clam, oyster.

kʷr̓2   Rogers Bar.

tkʷkʷar̓kʷr̓xn   Morph: t+kʷ•kʷar̓•kʷr̓xn. tkʷkʷar̓kʷr̓xn: Roger's Bar.

tkʷkʷar̓kʷr̓xnm   Morph: t+kʷ•kʷar̓•kʷr̓xn+m. tkʷkʷar̓kʷr̓xnm: place name. Lit: yellowish-green plant growth

stkʷrkʷár̓kʷr̓xnaʔx   Morph: s+t+kʷr•kʷár̓•kʷr̓꞊xnaʔx. stkʷrkʷár̓kʷr̓xnaʔx: Sanpoil subgroup of Colvilles from the Rogers Bar area on the Columbia.

kʷs1   jealous.

k̓ɬkʷisst   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷis•s+t. to be jealous.

k̓ɬkʷisstmnt   Morph: k̓ɬ+kʷis•s+t+m+nt. to be jealous, envious of.


kʷs2   hold.

ckʷist   Morph: c+kʷi+st. to grab s.t. or s.o.

ckʷiskʷst   Morph: c+kʷis•kʷ+st. to hold on to s.t. or s.o.


sckʷiskʷst   Morph: sc+kʷis•kʷs+t. what one holds.

kʷskscut   Morph: kʷsks+cut. to be satisfied.

x̌skʷist   Morph: x̌s+kʷis+t. to get a good hold on s.o. or s.t.

t̓ckʷiskʷst   Morph: t̓c+kʷis•kʷ+st. to be holding s.t.


kʷs3   puckered.

kʷus   Morph: kʷus. puckered, gathered.

kʷʔus   Morph: kʷʔ꞊us. to be all smiles.

kʷsimt   Morph: kʷs+imt ? to be curled.

kʷskʷus   Morph: kʷs•kʷus. puckered up.

kʷúsmiʔst   Morph: kʷús+miʔst. to be puckered up.

kʷusxn   Morph: kʷusxn. puckered foot.

tkʷaʔkʷaʔsús   Morph: t+kʷaʔ•kʷaʔsús. to be smiling; to be all smiles.

stkʷúsyaʔqn   Morph: st+kʷúsyaʔqn. curly hair. Sp √kʷus curly, bunched up, gathered together; hi kʷús it's curly; Cm kúsyaʔqn curly hair; Cr kʷus+s curly, it became curly; ec+kʷús corrugated, crimped, curled.

kʷs4   joke.

kʷskʷscut   Morph: kʷs•kʷs+cut. to act silly, playful.

kʷsscin   Morph: kʷs•scin. to joke.

skʷsscin   Morph: s+kʷs•scin. a joke.

nkʷsscin   Morph: n+kʷs•scin. to like to joke.

nkʷskʷscin   Morph: n+kʷs•kʷs꞊cin. to tell jokes. See Sp n-kʷséltčn-m-i-s he (verbally) abused her, he teased her unmercifully; Cm kʷs‑s–cin‑m to joke, tease; kʷast‑xʷ kʷa(n)‑st ‑xʷ you hold s.t.

tkʷskʷscutm   Morph: t+kʷs•kʷs+cut+m. to act silly, playful; to play tricks on s.o.

tkʷskʷsncutmnt   Morph: t+kʷs•kʷs+ncut+m+nt. to play tricks on.


tkʷskʷscútmint   Morph: t+kʷs•kʷs+cút+mi+nt. play tricks on.


tkʷsscinm   Morph: t+kʷs+scin+m. to joke; to fool s.o.

tkʷsscinmnm   Morph: t+kʷs•scin+mn+m. to joke with s.o.; to tease s.o.

kʷs5   frisky.

kʷuskʷst   Morph: kʷus•kʷs+t. a frisky, wild horse. Cr kʷus+kʷus+t he is a frisky (scarey) horse.

kʷs6   pig.

kʷukʷús   Morph: kʷu•kʷús. From: French cochon. pig.

kʷusú   Morph: kʷusú. pig. From: French cochon.

c̓spɬkʷukʷús   Morph: c̓s+p+ɬ+kʷu•kʷús. to run out of bacon; to have no more bacon. Sp lkʷosó pig, pork, bacon, ham, sausage; Cm ḷkʷụsụ́; Cr lokʷo·só pig; Sh kʷúso pig; Th /kʷáṣu live domestic pig; kʷəṣó domestic pig, hog; Li kʷasú, kʷụṣụ́ pig.

kʷsl   mistreat.

nkʷsalt   Morph: n+kʷsal+t ? one who mistreats people.

nkʷsaltk   Morph: n+kʷsaltk. to mistreat people.

nkʷsaltkmnt   Morph: n+kʷsaltk+m+nt. to treat s.o. badly.


cnkʷsaltkmst   Morph: c+n+kʷsaltk+m+st. to abuse s.o.; to punish s.o.; to work s.o. hard; to take advantage of s.o.


nkʷkʷsaltktn   Morph: n+kʷ•kʷsaltk+tn. one's overworking s.o.

kʷsnt   star.

skʷkʷusnt   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷusnt. stars.

k̓ʷmltskʷkʷusnt   Morph: k̓ʷmlt+s+kʷ•kʷusnt ? k̓ʷmltskʷkʷusnt (man's name). Sp kʷkʷús-m̓ star.

kʷst   name.

skʷist   Morph: s+kʷist. a name.

skʷskʷist   Morph: s+kʷs•kʷist. names.

kʷistmnt   Morph: kʷist+m+nt. to give a name to s.o.


ɬskʷist   Morph: ɬ+s+kʷist. s.o.'s new name.

kskʷist   Morph: k+s+kʷist. to have a name.

skʷstilt   Morph: s+kʷstilt. a childʼs name.

nkʷistxnt   Morph: n+kʷistx+nt. to name after one.


nkʷistxt   Morph: n+kʷist+xt. to be named after s.o.


nkʷistxnm   Morph: n+kʷistxn+m. to be named after s.o.

snkʷistxnm   Morph: sn+kʷistxn+m. the one s.o. is named after.

nqlxʷskʷist   Morph: n+qlxʷ+s+kʷist. Indian name.

snqlxʷskʷist   Morph: sn+qlxʷ+s+kʷist. Indian name.

nx̌skʷist   Morph: n+x̌s+kʷist. to be named well, to have a good name.

skʷstúlaʔxʷ   Morph: s+kʷstúlaʔxʷ. the name of a place.

tmskʷast   Morph: tm+s+kʷas+t. the no-name finger; fourth finger; ring finger.

snsmaʔskʷíst   Morph: sn+smaʔ+s+kʷíst. English name; white person's name.

k̓ʷl̕skʷist   Morph: k̓ʷl̕+s+kʷist. to name s.o. Sp √kʷes name; Cr kʷis name; Sh s-kʷest name; Th √kʷést name.

kʷsw̓   kʷsiw̓ (man's name).

kʷsiw̓   Morph: kʷsiw̓ ? kʷsiw̓ (man's name).

kʷt1   go over a pass.

kʷitt   Morph: kʷit•t. to go over a pass.

kʷt2   eel.

kʷutwn   Morph: kʷut+wn. eel. Sp kʷútʔul eel; Cr kʷútgʷl eel; Sh kʷutwn, kʷútwe eel; Li kʷútwan eel.

kʷt3   goddam.

kʷatá   Morph: kʷatá. goddam.

kʷtxʷl   stride.

kʷtxʷlíʔpustxn   Morph: kʷtxʷlíʔpustxn ? an irregular stride.

nkʷtxʷlíʔpustxn   Morph: n+kʷtxʷlíʔpustxn ? to be midstride.

kʷw1   spherical.

kʷiw   Morph: kʷiw. spherical.

skʷkʷiw̓   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷiw̓. tomato; pine cone; a roundish object; rosebud; roseberry; wild rose fruit and tomato.

skʷkʷw̓iɬp   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷw̓íɬp. wild rose. Sh səkʷéw̓ rosebud; Th √kʷéw̓ ? rose.

kʷw2   answer.

ɬk̓ɬkʷiw   Morph: ɬ+k̓ɬ+kʷiw. to answer again. Category: Conf.

kʷw3   kʷawtúlaʔxʷ (man's name).

kʷawtúlaʔxʷ   Morph: kʷaw+túlaʔx. kʷawtúlaʔxʷ (man's name).

kʷwʔkʷ   barn owl.

kʷawʔíkʷ   Morph: kʷawʔíkʷ ? barn owl; a small owl. Sp n-ččw̓éʔ burrowing owl.

kʷx1   open.

kʷʔax   Morph: kʷ[ʔ]ax ? to have eyes wide open; to be wide awake.

kʷkʷxusm   Morph: kʷ•kʷxus+m. to be awake; to keep oneself awake.

kʷx2   skʷixmn (place name).

skʷixmn   Morph: s+kʷix+mn. Lit: B's etym: from kwix ‘sting or shock’ skʷixmn: place name.

kʷxstm   kʷxstm in men's names.

kʷuxstmínaʔ   Morph: kʷuxstmínaʔ. kʷuxstmínaʔ (Ed Seymour).

kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ   Morph: kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ. kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ (Victor Antoine).

kʷxʷ1   Rocky Mountains.

kʷixʷ   Morph: kʷixʷ. the Rocky Mountains.

kʷxʷ2   many.

kʷixʷ   Morph: kʷixʷ. many, lots.

kʷy1   mating call of blue grouse.

kʷykʷyutm   Morph: kʷikʷiyútəm. the mating call of blue grouse.

kʷy2   kʷy in men's names.

kʷykʷytas, kʷikʷitás   Morph: kʷy•kʷy+tas. kʷykʷytas (Pete Seymour).

kʷykʷytasq̓t   Morph: kʷy•kʷy+tasq̓t. kʷykʷytasq̓t (man's name).

kʷy3   turkey; mallard.

nkʷitílps, nkʷytilps   Morph: n+kʷy+tilps. turkey; mallard.

kʷy4   squirrel.

skʷkʷyáwtaʔx   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷyáwt+aʔx. ground squirrel. Cm s-kʷiyú squirrel.

kʷy5   kʷíkʷi (place name).

kʷíkʷi   Morph: kʷí•kʷi ? kʷíkʷi: Qui-Qui Creek.

kʷkʷuykʷy   Morph: kʷ•kʷuy•kʷy. Curlew.

kʷiʔkʷáy̓t, kʷy̓kʷáy̓t   Morph: kʷy̓•kʷay̓t. kʷiʔkʷáy̓t: Lynx Creek.

skʷkʷʔiʔst   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷy̓iʔst. skʷkʷʔiʔst: Rice; Daisy.

skʷkʷy̓iʔst   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷy̓iʔst. skʷkʷy̓iʔst: Rice. Lit: a type of rock

skʷy̓kʷy̓iʔst   Morph: s+kʷy̓•kʷy̓iʔst. skʷy̓kʷy̓iʔst: place name. Lit: B's etym: from kʷiy 'greasy, slippery’

kʷkʷuykʷy sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqst   Morph: kʷ•kʷuy•kʷy s+ƛ̓k̓ʷ+paqst. shooting star.

skʷuykʷy sptkʷaqsc   Morph: s+kʷuy•kʷy s+ptkʷaqs-c. shooting star. Lit: curlew's beak

kʷy6   bracelet.

skʷykʷyilxkn   Morph: s+kʷy•kʷyilxkn. a bracelet.

kʷy6   marmot.

skʷuykʷy   Morph: s+kʷuy•kʷy. whistling marmot.

kʷy̓t   sxʷkʷiʔíta (man's name).

sxʷkʷiʔíta   Morph: sxʷ꞊kʷiʔíta ? sxʷkʷiʔíta (man's name).

kʷʕ1   slide.

kʷaʕp   Morph: kʷaʕ+p. to slide. Sp √q̓ʷaʕ(á) to slide, to glide čn q̓ʷʕ-áp I slipped, I slid slowly.; Cm cqəʕʷp, c-qʕʷ‑p slide; Cr k̓ʷaʕ skid, slide, slip.; q̓ʷeʕ+p he slid involuntarily; Sh kʷw-ep-m to slide down (of person); ; Th √kʷiw skid; Li kʷíw:kʷw-ət slippery. See: qʷaqʷaʕílp.

kʷʕ2   flicker; woodpecker.

kʷlkʷaʕqn   Morph: kʷl+kʷaʕ꞊qn ? flicker; small woodpecker. Sp kʷlkʷléčeʔ flicker (bird). Category: Conf.

kʷʕc   early morning.

kʷaʕct   Morph: kʷaʕc+t. to get up in the early morning; early morning reaches s.o.

kʷctaʕmn   Morph: kʷct+aʕmn. to rise early often; to like to rise early. See: kʷʕst.

kʷʕst   early morning.

skʷaʕst   Morph: s+kʷaʕst. early morning.

kʷkʷaʕst   Morph: kʷ•kʷaʕst. early morning.

skʷkʷaʕst   Morph: s+kʷ•kʷaʕst. early morning.

ɬkʷkʷaʕst   Morph: ɬ+kʷ•kʷaʕst. early morning.

syɬkʷkʷaʕst   Morph: s+yɬ+kʷ•kʷáʕs+t. early morning. Sp s-kʷékʷs-t morning, breakfast; Cm ʔikʷ‑kʷaast early morning (aa confirms an earlier pharyngeal). Ok siɬ+ is not understood. See: kʷʕc.

kʷʕt   quarter.

kʷaʕtá   Morph: kʷaʕtá. a quarter; twenty-five cents.

kʷʔ1   stranger.

kʷúkʷaʔ   Morph: kʷú•kʷaʔ. s.o. different; an outsider; a stranger.

kʷʔ2   insomnia.

kʷʔalx   Morph: kʷʔalx. insomnia.

kʷʔc   dark. late.

ɬnkʷkʷʔac   Morph: ɬ+n+kʷ•kʷʔac. to be dark again; to be nighttime again.

tkʷaʔcínaʔ   Morph: t+kʷa[ʔ]cínaʔ. to get dark (on one).


nkʷkʷʔac   Morph: n+kʷ•kʷʔac. it's dark; it's nighttime; it's late.

snkʷkʷʔac   Morph: s+n+kʷ•kʷʔác. it's early night; it's dark.

nkʷaʔcnúxʷ   Morph: n+kʷaʔcnúxʷ. to get dark (on one); to be late in the day; to arrive when it's dark.

snkʷaʔcnúxʷ   Morph: sn+kʷaʔcnúxʷ. being late in the day; arriving when it's dark.


nkʷaʔcínaʔ   Morph: n+kʷaʔc꞊ínaʔ. dark overtakes one; to be overtaken by dark.


tx̌ʷiw̓s snkʷkʷʔác   Morph: tx̌ʷiw̓s s+n+kʷ•kʷʔác. midnight; the middle of the night. Sp √kʷec night. dark; kʷkʷʔéc it became dark (night); Cr kʷiʔc dusk, evening, nightfall.

kʷʔkʷ   pair.

tkʷuʔkʷiw̓s   Morph: t+kʷuʔkʷiw̓s ? a pair.