The Clara Jack collection

These interlinearized Okanagan texts are part of a collection based on a series of tape recordings in Clara Jack's possession. In the 1980's Clara and I annotated these texts planning to publish them. But with Clara's passing the project stalled. Now I have finally returned to it, and I will be posting each interlinearization as I ready it. The provenance of each text is documented in these interlinearizations.

Each text is divided into utterances organized in tables as follows:

Encounter with the priest (George Lezard)

The four chiefs (Martin Louie)

Coyote and Bark (Martin Louie)

How Chipmunk got her stripes (Selina Temoiken)

Coyote goes to the races (Martin Louie)

More interlinearizations are forthcoming. MELTR home page.