The Coeur d'Alene language materials collected by Gladys A. Reichard.
In the mid-1980s Dr. Florence Voegelin entrusted me, Anthony Mattina, with a box
containing original Coeur d'Alene language data, collected by Dr. Gladys A. Reichard.
I was to do with the materials what I thought best.
Over the years I gave various assignments to students enrolled in my classes,
term papers, and a number of MA theses. A number of these students went on to do more advanced studies, and some ended up writing PhD theses on Coeur d'Alene. I allowed some of these students to make copies of significant parts of the GAR collection in my possession. Materials from the collection have worked their way to various web sites. I have not been involved with any of these.
Over the years, as time has allowed, I have scanned many of the materials in the collection, and this page gives access to some of them. I have never sought funds to support this work.
Please acknowledge the source of these materials as you use them for your purposes. Contact the Coeur d'Alene Tribe for appropriate permissions.